Cascade Park - Lorain County Metro Parks
Cascade Park - Lorain County Metro Parks
November - December 2015 Volume 55, Number 6 LORAIN COUNTY METRO PARKS Cascade Park 170 Cascade Park Dr. Elyria, OH 44035 Like Us on Facebook FollowNovember/December us on Twitter 1 Ross Environmental Last Years’s Holiday Lights Winner James E. Ziemnik About the Cover Director, Lorain County Metro Parks Cascade Park has been an icon in Elyria for many, many years. This park is filled with ancient lore and haunting mysteries dating as far back as 1832. We are fortunate to have this green space in the middle of the city. The reinvention of Cascade Park is not only about an improved greenspace, but elevating the community around it. Lorain County Metro Parks entered into a lease agreement with the city of Elyria in 2013 to assume the renovation and restoration of the historical Cascade Park. Since January 1, 2015 park employees started the process by cutting down dead trees, cleaning up debris and sandblasting graffiti off rocks and boulders. Park Rangers and staff are there daily patrolling and working. Park Director Jim Ziemnik and Park Planner Don Kasych began the process of hiring an architectural firm to design the master plan for Cascade Park. In April a public meeting was held asking people how they would like to see the park in the future. The meeting held on Aug. 12 presented a couple different versions of plans for The Cascades, 19 Acres and Elywoods, again asking for public input. Another meeting will be held on Oct. 20 at 131 Court St. in the Elyria Town Hall at 6:00 p.m. to present the master plan for Cascade Park. 2015 Board of Park Commissioners: Fredrick L. Alspach Chairman Sherrill M. “Cookie” McLoda Vice Chairman Joseph E. Hribar Commissioner Did you know The Lorain County Metro Parks is a leader in improving water quality of the Black River and throughout Lorain County? INSIDE Cascade Park 2 Calendars 3&4 Splash Zone 5 Mercy Health 5 Holidays in the Parks 6&7 Honor Roll 8 Friends8 Adopt A Raptor 11 TrueNorth12 2 November/December 2015 Storm water discharges are generated by runoff from land and impervious areas such as paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops during rainfall and snow events. Storm water often contains pollutants in quantities that could adversely affect water quality. Construction projects also effect the level of storm water discharge quantity and quality. To limit the negative impacts of storm water on Ohio’s waters, the Ohio EPA administers a permitting program designed to document construction activity in the state and require practices that keep pollutants out of the streams. The permitting program is mandated in the Clean Water Act and is part of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. The primary method to control storm water discharges is through the use of best management practices (BMPs). During the recent construction of the Black River Bikeway Phase 4B in Elyria, Lorain County Metro Parks was required to implement post-construction BMP’s. Post-construction BMP’s remove pollutants from runoff (water quality treatment) and protect streams by attempting to maintain existing stream conditions or by reducing runoff volumes (water quantity treatment). At High Meadows, the construction of the new bikeway required water quality treatment but not water quantity treatment because there is little increased runoff as a result of the new bikeway pavement. The selected BMP for water quality treatment at High Meadows is a Bioretention Cell that consists of a depressed, low-lying area that treats storm water through evapotranspiration and filtering through a planting soil. As the storm water passes through the soil it is filtered. An underlying perforated storm sewer or underdrain captures the treated storm water and carries it to an outlet. Turf vegetation on the bottom of the cell assists in the filtration of the storm water prior to filtering through the soil. This makes the water that eventually reaches the Black River cleaner and safe for everyone to enjoy. NOVEMBER 2015 WEEKLY PROGRAMS HSP Weekly Walkers 8:30-9:30 am, COL. 11/2, 10, 18 and 26 HSP Woodland Walks 9-10:30 am, KFP-ALPL. Every Wednesday. Lorain County Fitness Walk 5:30-6:30 pm, SZ. Every Monday. Outside, weather permitting. ABC. Every Thursday. Outside, weather permitting, or inside at MHRC. Holiday Lights Carlisle 11/27-12/30. Sunday- Thur. 6-9pm, Fri. & Sat. 6-10pm Metro Parks Locations and Facilities SUNDAY 1 ABCAmherst Beaver Creek Reservation 913 North Lake St., Amherst, Ohio 44001 BRR Black River Reservation BUR Bur Oak 6150 Ford Rd., Elyria, Ohio 44035 DDDays Dam 2720 E. 31st St. Lorain, Ohio 44055 (440) 324-5481 HMHigh Meadows CA Caley Reservation 1750 Ford Rd., Elyria, Ohio 44035 18207 West Rd. Wellington, Ohio 44090 CAR Carlisle Reservation CVC Carlisle Visitor Center 12882 Diagonal Rd. LaGrange, Ohio 44050 (440) 458-5121 DPPA Duck Pond Picnic Area 12550 Diagonal Rd. LaGrange, Ohio 44050 EC Equestrian Center NONielsen Observatory WOA Wildlife Observation Area 13630 Diagonal Rd. LaGrange, Ohio 44050 12882 Diagonal Rd. LaGrange, Ohio 44050 (440) 458-5121 CAS Cascade Park 170 Cascade Park Dr. Elyria, Ohio 44035 (440) 458-5121 CHR Charlemont Reservation 48600 New London Eastern Rd. Wellington, Ohio 44090 COL Columbia Reservation 25145 Royalton Rd. Columbia Station, Ohio 44028 (440) 236-3254 BL Briarwood Lodge 25250 Briarwood Dr. Columbia Station, Ohio 44028 FHGCForest Hills Golf Course 41971 Oberlin-Elyria Rd. Elyria, Ohio 44035 (440) 323-2632 FCRFrench Creek Reservation BH Burrell Homestead 2792 E. River Sheffield Village, Ohio 44054 FCNC French Creek Nature Center PTPA Pine Tree Picnic Area 4530 Colorado Ave. Sheffield Village, Ohio 44054 (440) 949-5200 4951 French Creek Rd. Sheffield Village, Ohio 44054 IHR Indian Hollow Reservation 38744 Parsons Rd. Grafton, Ohio 44044 KFR Kopf Family Reservation ALPL Avon Lake Public Library 32649 Electric Blvd. Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 (440) 387-8107 KR Kipton Reservation State Route 511, Oberlin, Ohio 44074 LVP Lakeview Park 1800 West Erie Ave., Lorain, Ohio 44052 MHRCMercy Health & Recreation Center 47160 Hollstein Dr. Amherst, OH 44001 (440) 984-3470 MNP Miller Nature Preserve 2739 Center Road Avon OH 44011 440-937-0764 NCIT North Coast Inland Trail 6275 Gateway Blvd. Elyria, OH 44035 SRR Sandy Ridge Reservation JWC Perry F. Johnson Wetland Center 6195 Otten Rd. North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039 (440) 327-3626 SG Schoepfle Garden SGVC Schoepfle Garden Visitor Center 11106 Market St. Birmingham, Ohio 44816 (440) 965-7237 SZ Splash Zone 95 W. Hamilton Oberlin, Ohio 44074 (440) 774-5059 VRR Vermilion River Reservation AMP Amphitheater BBM Benjamin Bacon Museum CB Carriage Barn 51211 North Ridge Rd. Vermilion, Ohio 44089 (440) 967-7310 WR Wellington Reservation WVC Wellington Visitor Center 535 Jones Rd. Wellington, Ohio 44090 (440) 647-2509 HIKING LEVELS = Easy Y = Moderate = Strenuous = Live Animals HSP = H iking Stick Program (See Arrowhead) = A Bioblast Program = PR Preregistration is required. Please contact the Park District Office at (440) 458-5121 or 1-800-LCM-PARK (TDD or Voice). November 2015 SUN. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 Calendar of Events Pull-out Section 5 12 19 26 Wellington Tram Ride 12 pm – 1 pm, WR. Come out and watch the colors change on a fall tram ride around the Reservation. JOYCE BOLTE’S STUDENT TEACHER ART SHOW 8 am - 4:30 pm, CAR-CVC. Beautiful watercolors by students of Joyce Bolte will be on display during November and December. SWEET ANNIE SWAG 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, MNP. Decorate Sweet Annie fragrant herb. Bring supplies.PR by 10/27, pay @ door Miller members $3; non $6 CAMPFIRE HIKE 6:30 pm - 8 pm, SRR. Enjoy a brisk hike then warm up by the fire. L.C. SPINNING & WEAVING 6-9pm, CAR-CVC. All welcome. VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION 7 pm - 8 pm, CAR-CVC. Learn about volunteer opportunities with Friends of the Metro Parks, PR by 11/9 WEDNESDAY 11 OUT OF MY GOURD ROADSHOW! 10 am - 11 am, MNP. Join this entertaining program about different types of gourds & their uses. Members free/$5 non. MILLER NATURE PRESERVE CONSERVATORY 10 am - 6 pm, MNP, Celebrate Veterans Day; Veterans get in free with id; regular fee $2 daily ORCHID CAFÉ 11 am - 3 pm, MNP. Celebrate Veterans Day; free lunch with id for vets FIRELANDS FLY FISHERS 6:30 pm - 9 pm, FCNC-Classroom, Learn about fly tying, casting, and conservation by attending a monthly meeting. THURSDAY 12 FRIDAY 20 PRESCHOOL NATURE KIDS: TURKEY’S 10 am - 11 am, KFR. Preschool Nature Kids: learn about turkeys through crafts and stories. Meet in the Gallery. FIRESIDE STORYTELLING: TELL-A-BRATION 7 pm - 8:30 pm, VRR-CB. Enjoy this special storytelling event! Open to all! SATURDAY 21 PAINTING NATURE IN WATERCOLORS 9 am - 1 pm, COL-BL. Joyce Bolte instructs on painting with watercolors! PR by 11/19 , pay $25 at door. NATURE STORIES & MORE: WINTER PREP 10 am - 11 am, FCNC-Classroom. Stories, activities, and crafts for families with preschool and early elementary children. OUTER LIMITS HIKE 10 am - 11:30 am, SRR. Join us as we explore the off trial areas of Sandy Ridge. TROPICAL HOLIDAY/NORTHERN HOLIDAY DISPLAY 10 am - 6 pm, MNP. Go south have fun with how people with palms celebrate the season. $2 conservatory daily fee TURKEY TROT HIKE 11 am - 12 pm, SG. Walk the woods and talk turkey. FAMILY LETTERBOXING CHALLENGE 1:30 pm - 3 pm, FCNC. Outdoor treasure hunt for beginning Letterboxers! Materials provided. PR one family member by 11/16. FALL HABITAT HIKE 2 pm - 3 pm, CA. Come learn about what is going on in various habitats during the fall season. WHAT BIRDS ARE STILL HERE 9 am - 10 am, COL. Head out with us to search for birds that may winter over here! MONDAY 2 GARDEN SPROUTS: CACTUS ART CLASS: DRAWING 10:15 am - 11 am, MNP. Preschoolers with adult will 9 am - 11 am, MNP. Drawing on the Right Side learn about cactus & explore the conservatory. $2 methods focus on nature. PR by 11/1. Pay at door admission. $10 members./$13 non WATERCOLOR: NATURE SCENES TUESDAY 3 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, FCNC- Classroom, Clela LORAIN COUNTY RUG HOOKERS Stelnicki leads 4-class session: 11/12, 11/19, 12/3, 10am-3pm, CAR-CVC. All welcome! 12/10. PR by 11/5; pay $40 at door. FALL HARVEST FIELD SUNDAY 22 PADDLING SPORTS CLUB: NIGHT-TIME 7 pm - 8:30 pm, VRR-CB. Paint a beautiful fall scene. CAMPCOOKING and HIKING NAVIGATION All materials included. Ages 10+. PR by 11/1, pay 1 pm -3 pm, SRR. Take a hike and then back to the 6:30 pm -8 pm, VRR-CB, Also learn more about $30 at the door. fire to sample some food. Bring your own mug and upcoming Club activities. spoon. WEDNESDAY 4 FRIDAY 13 FALL TRAILS BATS TO WOOD DUCKS WHAT’S ON THE MENU?! Y 11 am - 12 pm, COL. Bring your camera to take 2 pm -3 pm, COL. Let’s hike a trail or two to and 10 am - 11 am, CAR-CVC. Learn how & what raptors pictures of the beautiful fall colors in the park! search for our man made items that help wildlife! eat by observing us feed some Raptor Center Reap What You Sow: Fall and SUNDAY STROLL residents. Winter Vegetables 2 pm - 3 pm, MNP-Shelter. Perfect Sunday afternoon FIRESIDE STORYTELLING 12 pm - 1 pm, MNP. Fall and winter vegetable family activity. 7 pm - 8 pm, VRR-CB. Enjoy a warm fire in the gardening? Learn and taste for yourself! FAST-PACED FALL HIKE Carriage Barn while WRAPPS storytellers perform. $3members/ $6no. PR 11/1 2 pm - 3:30 pm, FCNC. Enjoy the crisp fall air with a Open to all! THURSDAY 5 “quick” hike through French Creek. ASTRONOMY: November Skies KIDS TREASURE HIKE MONDAY 23 7 pm - 9 pm, CAR-NO, Co-sponsored by Black River 10 am - 11 am, VRR-CB. Follow clues to treasures ART CLASS: DRAWING Astronomical Society. Clear skies only. Cloud date hidden throughout the park! 9 am - 11 am, MNP. Drawing on the Right Side 11/14 CORNUCOPIA methods focus on nature. PR by 11/22. Pay at door SATURDAY 14 7 pm - 8:30 pm,VRR-CB, Acrylic painting class. For all $10 member./$13 non WATERFOWL HIKE skill levels. All materials included. PR by 11/3, pay HOMESCHOOL NATURE: 9 am - 10:30 am, SRR. Join us as we search for $30 at door. USING SENSES migrant waterfowl. FRIDAY 6 10 am - 11:30 am, FCNC- Classroom, Hands-on WINTER ROSE CARE FIRESIDE STORYTELLING experiments focused on using senses for ages 5 and 10 am - 10:30 am, SG-VC. Learn about prepping up; PR youth participants by 11/16. 7 pm - 8 pm, VRR-CB, Enjoy a warm fire in the roses and the garden for winter. PR requested by Carriage Barn while WRAPPS storytellers perform. TUESDAY 24 11/10. Open to all! TINY TALONS PRESCHOOL: PEREGRINE CRITTER CARE Y FALCON Y SATURDAY 7 10:30 am - 11:30 am, FCNC-Classroom. It’s feeding PAINTING NATURE IN WATERCOLOR 10 am - 11 am, CAR-CVC. Craft and investigation for time! Learn how we care for the animals of the 3-5 year olds and adult. 9 am - 3 pm, CAR-CVC. Enhance your painting skills French Creek Nature Center. with Joyce Bolte. Bring own supplies. PR by 11/4/15 TINY TALONS PRESCHOOL: PEREGRINE HOUSE AND GARDEN TOUR $25 at the door. FALCON Y 2 pm - 3 pm, SG. Tour the gardens and visit the MODEL TRAIN SHOW 2 pm - 3 pm, CAR-CVC. Craft and investigation for home of Otto Schoeplfe. 3-5 year olds and adult. 10 am - 4 pm, CAR-CVC. Display hosted by the WILD GAME DINNER Monroeville Model Railroad Group WEDNESDAY 25 6 pm - 8 pm, MNP. Prepared by chef Mario-wild FALL GARDEN SCAVENGER HUNT Full Moon Hike boar, ostrich, and shark! PR by 11/9; pay @ door 1 pm - 2 pm, SG-VC. Search the garden for fall clues. 5:30-7:30 WR. Join us on this 4 mile hike. Shorter members $20; non $23 hike will return on own. ALL ABOUT WHITE TAILED DEER MONDAY 16 1 pm - 2:30 pm, COL-BL. Join us as we discuss and FRIDAY 27 ART CLASS: DRAWING learn all about one of Ohio’s largest mammal’s! Then HOLIDAY LIGHTS 9 am - 11 am, MNP. Drawing on the Right Side take a short hike! 6 pm - 10 pm, CAR-CVC. Nightly outdoor program methods focus on nature. PR by 11/15. Pay at door focusing on the joy and lights of the winter season SUNDAY 8 $10 member/$13 non Through 12/18. See page calendar insert for event WATERFOWL WALK KIDDIE CRAFT CLUB: WINTER PREP details 10 am to 11:30 am, SRR. Join us as we search for 10 am - 11 am, FCNC-Classroom. Fun nature crafts migrant waterfowl for preschoolers and their parents. Preschool movie SATURDAY 28 MODEL TRAIN SHOW LIGHT UP LORAIN KICKOFF & SANTA following at 11 am. VISIT IN THE ROSE CAFE 10 am - 2 pm, CAR-CVC. Display hosted by the TUESDAY 17 Monroeville Model Railroad Group 5 pm - 7 pm, LVP. Join us for hot chocolate, LORAIN COUNTY RUG HOOKERS cookie decorating, a take home craft and a photo BEDSIDE READING BASKET 10am-3pm, CAR-CVC. All welcome! opportunity with Santa! 11 am - 4 pm, COL-BL. The large 14x10x10 basket YOUNG ARTISTS “GOOFY GOBBLER” is great for everything! PR by 11/5 and pay $32 at SUNDAY 29 6 pm - 7:30 pm, VRR-CB, Step-by-step acrylic class door. SUNDAY SANTA VISIT for little artists. Materials included. PR by 11/15 and Bonsai: Snowrose Serissa 11 am - 1 pm, LVP. Visit Santa, make a craft & enjoy pay $15 at door. a cup of hot chocolate. $10.99 brunch option will 2 pm - 4 pm, MNP. Learn and apply bonsai WEDNESDAY 18 be available. techniques to a snowrose plant. $25 member/$30 BEACH GLASS WORKSHOP non at door PR by 11/1. HOLIDAY FAMILY 2 pm - 4 pm, VRR-CB, Learn about types of beach PHOTO POSTCARDS TEENS AT THE PARK ORIENTATION glass and practice drilling techniques. PR by 11/14 11 am - 4 pm, MNP. Dan Messaros Photography 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, CAR-WOA. Teens ages 13-17 and pay $10 at door. takes family photo in the beach display. PR 11/25; will learn how to get involved volunteering for Lorain EVENING MARSH HIKE members $40/non $43 County Metro Parks 5 pm - 6:30 pm, SRR. Join us as we explore the WINTER STRATEGIES HIKE MONDAY 9 marsh in the evening. 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, CAR-CVC. Hike and learn about ART CLASS: DRAWING FALL SOUPS how animals prepare for the cold winter months. 9 am - 11 am, MNP. Drawing on the Right Side 6 pm - 8 pm, MNP. Learn to make tasty soups from methods focus on nature. PR by 11/8. Pay at door MONDAY 30 your harvest. Bring spoon! PR by 11/16; pay @ door $10 members./$13 non. ART CLASS: DRAWING member $7; non $10 HIKE AND CRAFT: DUCKS 9 am - 11 am, MNP. Drawing on the Right Side WOODCARVERS methods focus on nature. PR by 11/29. Pay at door 10 am - 11 am, ABC-VC. Learn about ducks and 7 pm - 9 pm, VRR-CB. Lorain County Woodcarvers $10 member/$13 non . migration through fun indoor and outdoor activities. open carve night. BALLOON TWISTING AT HOLIDAY LIGHTS TUESDAY 10 THURSDAY 19 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, CAR-CVC. Get a hand-made YOUNG ARTISTS PRESCHOOL IN THE GARDEN: HARVEST balloon creation to take home after walking the “TURKEY SCULPTURE” 10 am - 11 am, SG-VC, Kids learn about fall harvest Holiday Lights trail. FREE 6 pm - 7:30 pm, VRR-CB. Paint and decorate preand foods with crafts, stories and more formed turkey sculpture. All materials included. Ages ‘LIGHT THE NIGHT’ 3+. PR and $20 at door. 6 pm - 7:30 pm, MNP. Miller members will enjoy a VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION sneak peek at the new holiday display. Members 10 am - 11 am, CAR-CVC. Learn about volunteer Only event PR by 11/16 opportunities with Friends of the Metro Parks, PR by 11/9 FRENCH CREEK RUG HOOKERS 10:30 am - 2:30 pm, FCNC-Classroom, Join in the monthly gathering - NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! CAMPFIRE HIKE 6:30 pm - 8 pm, SRR. Take a hike and then hang around the camp-fire. Donation of $1.00 at the door for snacks. V i s i t u s o n lin e f o r m o re p ro g ram s an d re g istrat ion a t www. Met roPa rks. c c 95 West Hamilton St., Oberlin, OH 44074 (440) 774-5059 The Mercy Health & Recreation Center 41760 Hollstein Drive, Amherst, OH 44001 For More Information Contact Us at 440-984-3470 Follow us on Twitter and Instagram LCMP_MercyRec Fitness & Wellness Fest Join us for a fun morning on Saturday November 7th from 9am-12pm! Come learn about our fitness classes and try out some demos! There will be healthy snacks and giveaways throughout the morning! We will end the morning with a FUN dance party suitable for all ages! Cost: $3.50/members $7/nonmembers Harvest Kids Party Bring your 6-11 year old for a day of fun on Wednesday November 25th from 10am-2pm. Children will play games in the gym, swim, eat lunch and do a craft while you can begin preparing for Thanksgiving Day! What to bring: Tennis shoes, swim suit, towel and dry clothes (pizza will be provided for lunch) Cost: $6 Pre-registration is required Flick-n-Float Movie Night Bring the whole family out on Saturday November 21st at 7:00pm for a movie night in the pool! We will be showing a family friendly movie on the big screen while you can float in an inner tube to watch the movie! Popcorn will be served at intermission. Please be aware that the pool will be closing at 6:30pm and during the movie there is no open swim. All children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Cost: $3.50 Christmas Party Join us on Sunday December 13th for our annual Christmas Party! There will be lots of activities for the whole family to enjoy including, swimming, crafts and a visit from Santa so make sure to bring your camera! The party will run from 5:30-8pm and the cost is $3.50 per person. Pickleball has officially come to the Splash Zone with four indoor courts in the Field House! Beginning on October 5, Splash Zone will be offering Pickleball Fall Sessions on the following days and times: Monday: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Wednesday: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Saturday: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM All levels, from beginners to experts, are welcomed to come play. Splash Zone does offer paddles and balls for players to use. Drop-in for non-members to play is a $7.00 daily admission fee. Indoor courts can be reserved for private play for $25/ hour/court. Pickleball is a paddle, limited-mobility sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton and ping pong into one game, played on a badminton-sized court. A pickleball court measures 20-feet by 44feet with a 3-foot high net in the middle. The game is played with a composite paddle and a softball-sized wiffle ball. The ball travels roughly one-third the speed of a tennis ball. The rules are simple. Players serve and volley a wiffle ball while staying out of a zone close to the net called the “kitchen.” Each game is scored to 11, and you have to win by two points. Similar to tennis or ping pong, you receive points by forcing a mistake of your opponent(s). Points can only be scored by the serving team or player. To win a pickleball match, you must defeat your opponent in a best-ofthree series. Pickleball can be played in singles, doubles and mixed doubles. Why Pickleball? Sport for all ages • Easy to learn Great recreational sport • Fun way to exercise Get in shape • Meet great people For more information, please contact Christopher Lewis at the Splash Zone at (440) 774-5059 or [email protected]. Junior Turkey Trot Register your child (ages 12-under) for the Junior Turkey Trot, a 800 meter kids fun run. The course will travel around the Mercy Health & Recreation Center playground. All participants will receive a ribbon and post-race snacks. Sunday, November 15 12:00pm (Registration is at 11:30am) $2.00/participant Burn the Bird “Boot Camp” Get ready to Burn those Thanksgiving Day calories with a 2-hour marathon workout that will feature a total body strength workout from multiple instructors. Friday, November 27 8:30am-10:30am $4 (members) $7 (non-members) Swim with Santa Families can swim with Santa, and enjoy holiday crafts, movies, and more. Saturday, December 12 12:00pm-2:00pm $3.50 (non-members) FREE (members) LORAIN COUNTY FITNESS WALKS FREE INDOOR FITNESS Thursdays at 5:30pm at the Mercy Health & Recreation Center Participants are able to utilize indoor walking track and fitness equipment Sponsored by Lorain County Metro Parks, Lorain County Health District, WOBL, Mercy Regional Hospital Holiday Gift Certificates Available Give the gift of fitness and recreation. *Fitness Classes, Memberships, Day Passes, Swim Lessons, Personal Training. November/December 5 s y a d i Hol e h t in s k Par Burrell Christmas Saturday, December 12, Noon-3:15 pm French Creek Reservation Visit a historic home built by the Burrells, a founding family of Sheffield Village, in the annual celebration of the holidays! Between 1815 and 2001, the 5 generations of Burrell family members welcomed guests to celebrate according to family tradition. In recent years, we’ve aimed to carry on the effort, and share our local historical site with the Burrell’s modern neighbors. This year’s celebration incorporates hands-on activities, games, and historic educational moments, with entertainment and complimentary goodies! Scheduled tours depart from the French Creek Nature and Arts Center by shuttle every 20 minutes, beginning at Noon (last tour begins at 2 pm). Each tour lasts approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, transportation time between sites included. Seating is limited to 25 participants each tour, 7 tours available; preregistration is required by 12/11, online or by calling (440) 458-5121. FREE FUN FOR ALL! For more information, contact Aimee at [email protected] or (440) 949-5200 x 225 Vermilion River Reservation - Carriage Barn • December 5th and 6th Saturday – 3-8pm Sunday – 2-6pm • WALK-INS WELCOME! Join us for an Old Fashioned Holiday celebration! This fun-filled event brings pioneer holiday festivities to life through an engaging re-enactment in the Benjamin Bacon House. Also enjoy the essence of the holidays by taking a horse-drawn carriage ride ($1 per person, 2 years and under FREE)! Many activities will also take place in the Carriage Barn, including hearth-side cooking demos and live holiday music. FRIENDS of the Metro Parks will have refreshments available for a small fee. Jolly Jamboree December 10th, 3-8pm December 11th, 10am-3pm Walk-ins are welcomed to attend and pre-registration also available! Pre-register at or by contacting 1-800-LCM-PARK. Pre-register per onehour time block, groups for the re-enactment depart from the Carriage Barn every 15 minutes. The re-enactment is 30-40 minutes in length. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled re-enactment hour. Contact the Carriage Barn at (440) 967-7310 with any questions. We hope to see you for this local family holiday tradition! Experience a fun and relaxing holiday shopping experience at the Mill Hollow Carriage Barn! Various vendors will be selling a wide variety of handmade arts, crafts, and locally sourced items. Also enjoy the beautiful decorations of the Carriage Barn and warm up by the fireside. Feel free to bring kids along to participate in our FREE make n’ take craft station. In addition, we will have FREE refreshments to enjoy! Contact Jannah at (440) 967-7310 with any questions or if you are interested in participating as a vendor. HOLIDAY LIGHTS: A LORAIN COUNTY TRADITION November 27 – December 30 (Closed December 24 and 25) Sunday-Thursdays 6-9 pm, Fridays and Saturdays 6-10 pm at Carlisle Visitor Center Once again, it is time for us to gather and celebrate with family and friends for the end of year holidays. Holiday Lights at the Carlisle Visitor Center (12882 Diagonal Road, LaGrange) takes place this year from November 27 through December 30 (closed December 24 and 25). Hours are 6–9 pm Sundays through Thursdays, and 6–10 pm Fridays and Saturdays. Admission to all aspects of this program is free, but we are asking everyone to bring one, nonperishable food item that will be donated to Second Harvest Food Bank. By popular demand, the decorated trail stations along the ½ mile paved loop trail will once again be themed to represent various classic holiday movies. These stations are conceived and decorated by many creative Lorain County businesses, organizations and agencies. The Little Green Choo Holiday Express will also be running iday Gift l o H t a e r G rship is a ailable r A Membe ates Now Av e Gift Certificlth & Recreation Ceersntt y Hea , Amh n Drive at Merc i e t s l l o 47160 H More! & g n i m m i w Fitness, S daily; offering rides through another decorated trail display (no walking on this secondary trail). Inside the Carlisle Visitor Center, refreshments will be offered for a small fee, courtesy of Friends of Metro Parks. Children can join us for drop-in craft nights on Saturday evenings, 6-9 pm. Other weekday evenings we will be playing classic holiday movies. Various evening programs will be conducted on Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday evenings (see below). For more information, visit us at or call the Carlisle Visitor Center at 440-458-5121. Visit with Santa Claus Dec 3, 10, 17; 6:30-8:30 pm Craft Nights sponsored by FRIENDS Nov 28, Dec 5, 12 & 19; 6-9 pm Balloon Twisting Creations giveaway Nov 30, Dec 7, 21, 28; 6:30-8:30 pm Oberlin Choristers holiday music concert Dec 9, 14; 7:30-8:15 pm Santa Shop sponsored by FRIENDS Dec 3, 10, 17, 23; 6-8 pm Red Hackle Pipes & Drums Holiday Concert Dec 16; 7:30-8 pm Lights On The Lake Kickoff your holiday season when you drive through Lakeview Park to see this year’s cheerful light display in conjunction with “Light Up Lorain” on November 28th. Then join us in the Rose Café from 5-7pm where there will be a photo opportunity with Santa, hot chocolate, cookie decorating, and crafts for kids. The lights will be on every night through December 31st. Other opportunities to visit with Santa will be on November 29 and December 2, 4, 6, 9 & 12. BRUNCH WITH SANTA AT LAKEVIEW PARK Join us for our annual brunch with Santa at Lakeview Park’s Rose Café on Saturday December 19th. There will be two separate seating times, 9:30am –11:30am and 12:00pm –2:00pm. Cost is $15.00 per person and include a carriage ride around Lakeview Park, a breakfast buffet, one family photo with Santa, and access to the little elves workshop where kids can make a craft to take home. Kids 5 & under are only $10.00. This is a magical trip for the whole family! Space is limited. You must make reservations online or by calling 440-458-5121. Holiday Happenings at Miller Nature Preserve Enjoy the seasonal display accompanied by various programs and events! Display open 10 am – 6 pm daily, $2 conservatory admission applies. TROPICAL HOLIDAY/ NORTHERN HOLIDAY DISPLAY Come join the sunny fun and see how people with palms celebrate the season comparing it to ‘northerners’. Opening on Saturday, November 21. Preview party in the evening on Thursday, November 19 is: LIGHT THE NIGHT for members of Miller Nature Preserve (FREE for members but preregistration required). Get your holiday photo taken by Messaros Photography on the beach 11/29. Participate in sandcastle making, luau, (12/20) a beach party, (12/30) and more to enjoy all of the display. Display open until 7 pm on Tuesdays December 1, 8, & 15. Saturday, December 19 from 11:30 - 1:00 pm at Columbia Reservation $5 per person. Pre-register and Prepay by Dec. 16 at Sundae Funday’s 440-236-FOOD (3663) Come enjoy pizza, a magic show and crafts with Santa! The Columbia Metro Parks and Sundae Funday’s! The Honor Roll is our way of publicly thanking individuals, families, organizations, and corporations for their donations to the Lorain County Metro Parks be it through volunteer services, monetary gifts, or other. If you would like information about making a donation, please contact the Public Information Office at (440) 458-5121. Widow’s Group, Grafton William Ott, Avon Avon United Methodist Church Women’s Circle, Avon Beach Park Tower Residents, Avon Lake Christopher Wachholz, Amherst NTH Consultants, LTD., Northville Arcadis, CO Avon Garden Club, Avon Riverview Plaza Residents, Elyria Oberlin AARP Chapter #395, Oberlin Wesleyan Meadows Residents Assoc., Sheffield Village Lakeview Volleyball, North Olmsted Our Lady Queen of Peace, Grafton Fields United Methodist Church, North Ridgeville The Red Hat Group, Strongsville Herb Guild, Avon Public Employee Retirees Inc Chapter 83, Grafton Steve Balog, Avon Diane & Larry Krall, Sheffield Village Gift was given in HONOR of: James D. Martin, by True North Cultural Arts, Sheffield Village Michael & Theresa Borow, by Michael Borow, North Ridgeville Gift was given in MEMORY of: Joseph “Coke” Huber, by Annette Roll, North Royalton Marie Paul, by Kenneth & Barbara Guzik, Lorain John W. Lowman, by Lynn Lowman, Avon John W. Lowman, by James & Nancy McGinn, IL John W. Lowman, by Jack & Mary Conjalko, LaGrange John W. Lowman, by Douglas & Kathy Petersen, Avon Will Spelbring, by The Potonic Family, Avon Lake Leigha Hostal, by Lorain County 4-H Senior Horse Council, Lorain County Richard Daniel Zullo, by Carole Zullo, Grafton Mark Yakovich, by Joe & Cheryl Hribar, Lorain Dorlores Trenchard, by Barbara Kearney, North Ridgeville Gary R. Earley, by Chris Schumann, Avon Lake Adopt-A-Raptor Faith United Methodist Church, Lorain Victor Delarwelle, Mt. Vernon Michael Scherre, IL (Gift to Ellie Scherre) April D. Majka, MD Grand Opening of Royal Oaks to Indian Hollow Reservation Save the Date! Friends of the Metro Parks Annual Garage Sale January 30, 2016 Donations will be taken on Saturday January 23 and Tuesday January 26 Auditions for the Murder Mystery will be held on Tuesday January 5, at 7pm Carlisle Reservation in LaGrange.. Auditions will consist of a cold reading from the script. For more information call 216-544-3865 ask for Barb. Join the other 450 volunteers and have some fun! Friends Orientation: Tuesday, November 10 from 10am-11am or 7-8pm at Carlisle Call (440) 458-5121 to register Holiday Happenings at Miller Nature Preserve 8 November/December 2015 LCMP board members Joe Hribar, Fred Alspach, Cookie McLoda, Park Director Jim Ziemnik and Health Commissioner David Covell. Royal Oaks went from golf course to fitness trail. Now featuring a 15 station fitness area, 3 fishing ponds and a great place to run or walk your dog. Royal Oaks is located at 1057 Parsons Rd. LaGrange DRIFTWOOD SCULPTURES Calling for help! If you are artistic, like creating, have some driftwood, or just want to try something new, we are looking for driftwood ‘sculptures and creations’ to complement our holiday display. They will be on exhibit in the display beds thru the display. Space is limited. Information and details will be available at Miller Nature Preserve. FOOD = FUN in many holiday traditional events, so join us at any of the following special events (fee and registration). Fall Soups (11/18) SPECIAL EVENT: Wild Game Dinner (11/14), Cooking Cookie Class (12/9), and of course Breakfast with Santa (12/12- 2 seatings). DECEMBER 2015 WEEKLY PROGRAMS HSP Weekly Walkers 8:30-9:30 am, COL. 12/7, 15, 23 and 31 HSP Woodland Walks 9-10:30 am, KFP-ALPL. Every Wednesday. Lorain County Fitness Walk 5:30-6:30 pm, SZ. Every Monday. Outside, weather permitting. ABC. Every Thursday. Outside, weather permitting, or inside at MHRC. Holiday Lights Carlisle 11/27-12/30. Sunday- Thur. 6-9pm, Fri. & Sat. 6-10pm Metro Parks Locations and Facilities ABCAmherst Beaver Creek Reservation 913 North Lake St., Amherst, Ohio 44001 BRR Black River Reservation BUR Bur Oak 6150 Ford Rd., Elyria, Ohio 44035 DDDays Dam 2720 E. 31st St. Lorain, Ohio 44055 (440) 324-5481 HMHigh Meadows CA Caley Reservation 1750 Ford Rd., Elyria, Ohio 44035 18207 West Rd. Wellington, Ohio 44090 CAR Carlisle Reservation CVC Carlisle Visitor Center BIRD FEEDER BUILDING 101 10-noon, WR-VC. Learn to feed the birds all winter with every day household items. SANTA NIGHTS AT LAKEVIEW 5 pm - 7 pm, LVP. Visit Santa and celebrate the holiday season with hot chocolate, cookie decorating, and crafts. DPPA Duck Pond Picnic Area 12550 Diagonal Rd. LaGrange, Ohio 44050 EC Equestrian Center NONielsen Observatory WOA Wildlife Observation Area 13630 Diagonal Rd. LaGrange, Ohio 44050 12882 Diagonal Rd. LaGrange, Ohio 44050 (440) 458-5121 CAS Cascade Park 170 Cascade Park Dr. Elyria, Ohio 44035 (440) 458-5121 CHR Charlemont Reservation 48600 New London Eastern Rd. Wellington, Ohio 44090 Briarwood Lodge 25250 Briarwood Dr. Columbia Station, Ohio 44028 SATURDAY 5 FHGCForest Hills Golf Course 41971 Oberlin-Elyria Rd. Elyria, Ohio 44035 (440) 323-2632 FCRFrench Creek Reservation BH Burrell Homestead 2792 E. River Sheffield Village, Ohio 44054 FCNC French Creek Nature Center PTPA Pine Tree Picnic Area 4530 Colorado Ave. Sheffield Village, Ohio 44054 (440) 949-5200 4951 French Creek Rd. Sheffield Village, Ohio 44054 IHR Indian Hollow Reservation 38744 Parsons Rd. Grafton, Ohio 44044 KFR Kopf Family Reservation ALPL Avon Lake Public Library 32649 Electric Blvd. Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 (440) 387-8107 Kipton Reservation State Route 511, Oberlin, Ohio 44074 1800 West Erie Ave., Lorain, Ohio 44052 MHRCMercy Health & Recreation Center 47160 Hollstein Dr. Amherst, OH 44001 (440) 984-3470 MNP Miller Nature Preserve 2739 Center Road Avon OH 44011 440-937-0764 NCIT North Coast Inland Trail 6275 Gateway Blvd. Elyria, OH 44035 SRR Sandy Ridge Reservation JWC Perry F. Johnson Wetland Center 6195 Otten Rd. North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039 (440) 327-3626 SG Schoepfle Garden SGVC Schoepfle Garden Visitor Center 11106 Market St. Birmingham, Ohio 44816 (440) 965-7237 Splash Zone 95 W. Hamilton Oberlin, Ohio 44074 (440) 774-5059 VRR Vermilion River Reservation AMP Amphitheater BBM Benjamin Bacon Museum CB Carriage Barn WR Wellington Reservation WVC Wellington Visitor Center 535 Jones Rd. Wellington, Ohio 44090 (440) 647-2509 Y = Moderate SUNDAY SANTA VISIT 11 am - 1 pm, LVP. Visit Santa, make a craft & enjoy a cup of hot chocolate. $10.99 brunch option will be available. WATERFOWL WALK 1 pm - 2:30 pm, SRR. Join us as we search for migrant waterfowl OLD FASHIONED HOLIDAY 2 pm to 3 pm, 3pm-4pm, 4pm-5pm, 5pm-6pm, VRRCB. Pre-Register for pioneer holiday re-enactment within the hour time block. PR by 12/5. WALK-INS WELCOME. See center for more event details. BIRDS OF PREY PHOTO OPPORTUNITY Y 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, CAR-CVC. Meet and photograph some of our Raptor Center residents. TEENS AT THE PARK ORIENTATION 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, CAR-WOA. Teens ages 13-17 will learn how to get involved volunteering for Lorain County Metro Parks MAKE A SWEETGUM WREATH 4 pm - 5 pm, MNP. Make a 9” wreath from sweetgum pods. Bring glue gun if have one. PR by 12/2, members free/non $4. MONDAY 7 51211 North Ridge Rd. Vermilion, Ohio 44089 (440) 967-7310 = Easy PAINTING NATURE IN WATERCOLOR 9 am - 12 pm, CAR-CVC. Enhance your painting skills with Joyce Bolte. Bring own supplies PR by 12/1/15 $25 at the door. KIDS GINGERBREAD HOUSES 10 am - 11 am, SG-VC, Construct a simple gingerbread house for the holidays.PR and pay $3 per person/house by 12/2 BEADED CHRISTMAS TWIST 11 am - 3:30 pm, COL-BL. This 10x7x4 X-mas basket has a unique beaded rim! PR by 12/2 and pay $24 at door. CAMPFIRE HIKE 1 pm - 2:30 pm, SRR. Join us for a campfire followed up by a hike. OLD FASHIONED HOLIDAY 3 pm - 4 pm, 4pm-5pm, 5pm-6pm, 6pn-7pm, or 7pm-8pm, VRR-CB. Pre- Register for pioneer holiday re-enactment within the hour time block by 12/4. WALK-INS WELCOME! See center for more event details. SUNDAY 6 LVP Lakeview Park HIKING LEVELS GARDEN SPROUTS: PALMS AND PINES 10:15 am to 11 am, MNP. Preschoolers with adult will learn about palm & pine trees & explore the conservatory. $2 admission. SANTA AT HOLIDAY LIGHTS 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, CAR-CVC. Take your own photos with Santa Clause while taking in the Holiday Lights display. FREE SANTA NIGHTS AT LAKEVIEW 5 pm - 7 pm, LVP. Visit Santa and celebrate the holiday season with hot chocolate, cookie decorating, and crafts. 25145 Royalton Rd. Columbia Station, Ohio 44028 (440) 236-3254 SZ THURSDAY 3 FRIDAY 4 COL Columbia Reservation KR JOYCE BOLTE’S STUDENT TEACHER ART SHOW 8 am - 4:30 pm, CAR-CVC. Beautiful watercolors by the talented students of Joyce Bolte will be on display during December. TROPICAL HOLIDAY/NORTHERN HOLIDAY DISPLAY 10 am - 6 pm, MNP. Go south have fun with how people with palms celebrate the season. $2 conservatory daily fee LC RUG HOOKERS 10am-3pm, CAR-CVC. Join in the monthly gathering NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! WEDNESDAY 2 12882 Diagonal Rd. LaGrange, Ohio 44050 (440) 458-5121 BL TUESDAY 1 = Strenuous = Live Animals HSP = H iking Stick Program (See Arrowhead) = A Bioblast Program = PR Preregistration is required. Please contact the Park District Office at (440) 458-5121 or 1-800-LCM-PARK (TDD or Voice). December 2015 SUN. ART CLASS: DRAWING 9 am - 11 am, MNP: Orchid Room, Use drawing skills to create your own cards. PR by 12/6. Pay at door $10 member./$13 non HOMESCHOOL NATURE: COLD WEATHER ADAPTATIONS 10 am - 11:30 am, FCNC-Classroom, Classroom experiments and field exercises. For ages 5 and up; PR youth participants by 11/30. BALLOON TWISTING AT HOLIDAY LIGHTS 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, CAR-CVC. Get a hand-made balloon creation to take home after walking the Holiday Lights trail. FREE LET IT SNOW 7 pm - 8:30 pm, VRR-CB. Paint vintage sign on reclaimed wood. All materials included. PR by 12/5 and pay $35 at door. TUESDAY 8 FRENCH CREEK RUG HOOKERS 10:30 am - 2:30 pm, FCNC-Classroom. Join in the monthly gathering - NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! EVENING MARSH HIKE 4:30 pm - 6 pm, SRR. Join us as we explore the marsh in the evening. L.C. SPINNING & WEAVERS 6-9pm, WR-VC. Join in the monthly gathering - NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! WEDNESDAY 9 Candle Making 11am-1pm, WR-VC. Learn the process of making soy candles and the benefits over paraffin. $3 at the door. PR by 12/5. SANTA NIGHTS AT LAKEVIEW 5 pm - 7 pm, LVP. Visit Santa and celebrate the holiday season with hot chocolate, cookie decorating, and crafts. COOKIE COOKING CLASS 6 pm - 8 pm, MNP. Make some great holiday stock! Take home 2 doz. PR by 12/2; pay @ door Miller members $15; non $17. FIRELANDS FLY FISHERS 6:30 pm - 9 pm, FCNC-Classroom. Learn about fly tying, casting, and conservation by attending a monthly meeting. OBERLIN CHORISTERS CONCERT 7:30 pm - 8:15 pm, CAR. Listen to the sounds of the season during this Oberlin Choristers youth choir performance THURSDAY 10 PRESCHOOL IN THE GARDEN: SNOW 10 am - 11 am, SG-VC. Kids learn about winter and snow with crafts, stories and more JOLLY JAMBOREE 3 pm to 8 pm, VRR-CB. Shop for unique items from vendors of local and handmade items. Free refreshments and kids crafts! Through 12/11 SANTA AT HOLIDAY LIGHTS 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, CAR. Take your own photos with Santa Clause while taking in the Holiday Lights display. FREE FRIDAY 11 ASTRONOMY: GEMINID METEORS 7 pm - 9 pm, CAR-NO. Co-Sponsored by the Black River Astronomical Society. Clear skies only! Cloud date 12/12 SATURDAY 12 THURSDAY 17 WINTER WILDLIFE 1 pm - 2:30 pm, COL. Let’s hike the trails and what creatures are still here! SANTA AT HOLIDAY LIGHTS 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, CAR-CVC. Take your own photos with Santa Clause while taking in the Holiday Lights display. FREE FRIDAY 18 PRESCHOOL NATURE KIDS: HIBERNATION 10 am - 11 am, KFR. Pre-schoolers will learn about why animals hibernate through crafts and stories. May involve a hike. SANDCASTLE CREATIONS 2 pm - 3 pm, MNP. Sign up to make a sandcastle creation for the display! PR by 12/13. $2 conservatory daily fee SATURDAY 19 BRUNCH WITH SANTA 9:30 am - 11:30 am, OR 12 pm-2pm. LVP. Tickets $15 adults/$10 kids 5 & under. Must reserve online or by calling 440-458-5121. SURVIVAL WORKSHOP: SHELTER BUILDING 10 am - 11:30 am, VRR-CB. Learn various shelter building skills and also construct a shelter. PR by 12/17. LUNCH WITH SANTA 11:30 am - 1 pm, COL-BL. Come out for magic, pizza, crafts and Santa! PR by 12/16 and pay $5/person by calling 440-236-3663 SANDCASTLE CREATIONS 12 pm - 3 pm, MNP. Sign up to make a sandcastle creation for the display! PR by 12/13. $2 conservatory daily fee CAMPFIRE HIKE 1 pm - 2:30 pm, SRR. Join us for a campfire followed up by a hike. HOUSE AND GARDEN TOUR 2 pm - 3 pm, SG. Tour the gardens and visit the home of Otto Schoeplfe. WINTER TREE ID HIKE 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm, IHR. Learn different ways to identify trees without using the leaves. SUNDAY 20 OUTER LIMITS HIKE 10 am - Noon, SRR. Hike some areas normally offlimits to the public. DAMS, LODGES & MORE 1 pm - 2 pm, COL. Visit with us to see various activities of Beavers here at the park! LUAU 5 pm - 7 pm, MNP. Get dressed for the islands & enjoy traditional luau! PR and pay by 12/15. Members $20; non $22 Kids under 10 $9. PAINTING NATURE IN WATERCOLORS 9 am - 1 pm, COL-BL. Joyce Bolte instructs on painting with watercolors! PR by 12/10 and pay $25 at door. Breakfast with Santa 9am OR 11am CAR-CVC. Serving pancakes, sausage and activities galore. A visit with Santa, every child will get a gift. $10 per person, under 2 FREE. MONDAY 21 SANTA BREAKFAST BIRD FEEDER BUILDING 101 10 am - 11 am, OR 11:30am-12:30pm, MNP. 10-noon, WR-VC. Learn to feed the birds all winter Breakfast, Santa, and the holiday display! PR by with every day household items. 12/9; adults $10; kids 10 and under $7. BALLOON TWISTING AT HOLIDAY LIGHTS BURRELL CHRISTMAS 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, CAR-CVC. Get a hand-made 12 pm - 3:15 pm, FCNC- Lobby, Hour-long tours balloon creation to take home after walking the every 20 minutes. PR online or call (440) 458-5121 Holiday Lights trail. FREE by 12/12. See article. TUESDAY 22 SANTA NIGHTS AT LAKEVIEW WORLDWIDE SOLSTICE FESTIVAL 5 pm - 7 pm, LVP. Visit Santa and celebrate 1 pm - 4 pm, SRR-JWC. Celebrate the sun with the the holiday season with hot chocolate, cookie Black River Astronomical Society. Clear skies only. decorating, and crafts. WINTER WALK SUNDAY 13 2 pm - 3 pm, MNP. Meet at shelter. Walk the woods Bonsai: Shimpaku Juniper on this first day of winter. 2 pm - 4 pm, MNP. Apply bonsai techniques to a SATURDAY 26 shimpaku juniper! PR 12/11 Pay @ door members NATURE EXPLORERS: WILDLIFE $25 non $30 Max 6 TRACKERS MONDAY 14 1 pm - 2:30 pm, FCNC-Classroom. For school-aged KIDDIE CRAFT CLUB: HOLIDAY NATURE kids & their parents. PR youth participants by 12/21. GIFTS SUNSET & FULL MOON HIKE 10 am - 11 am, FRNC-Classroom. Nature crafts, 5 pm - 6:30 pm, KFR. Take a guided hike through games, & activities for preschoolers and their Kopf Family Reservation at twilight. parents, followed by a movie at 11 am. Full moon hike OBERLIN CHORISTERS CONCERT 5:30 pm - 7 pm 7:30 pm - 8:15 pm, CAR-CVC. Listen to the sounds of SUNDAY 27 the season during this Oberlin Choristers youth choir WILDLIFE FEEDERS performance 2 pm - 3 pm, SG-VC. Learn about feeding wildlife and TUESDAY 15 make a wildlife ornament feeder PR by 12/23 HIKE AND CRAFT: WILDLIFE TREATS 10 am - 11 am, ABC-VC. Learn about wildlife during MONDAY 28 COCOA HIKE the winter season and make a bird feeder! 2 pm - 3 pm, SG-VC. Walk the woods and return for TINY TALONS PRESCHOOL: OWL PELLETS a hot beverage 10 am - 11 am OR 2-3pm. CAR-CVC. Craft and BALLOON TWISTING AT HOLIDAY LIGHTS investigation for preschoolers and adult. 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm, CAR-CVC. Get a hand-made DRIFTWOOD SCAPES balloon creation to take home after walking the 2 pm - 3 pm, MNP. Bring driftwood, shells, & other Holiday Lights trail. FREE natural objects to make art. PR by 12/10; pay @ TUESDAY 29 door nonmembers $3 KIDS YEAR END CRAFTS BEAD A BRACELET 10 am 12 pm, SG –VC. Help us use up this year’s 6 pm - 9 pm, MNP. Make a beautiful bracelet of extra craft supplies with a variety of different projects crystal and beads. PR by 12/8 & pay at door $45 MAKE A WINTER BIRD FEEDER member/$50 non. 10:30 am - 11:30 am, CAR-WOA. Drop in and make WEDNESDAY 16 an easy bird feeder for your backyard. Children and Pine Cone Ornament adult 11am-1pm, WR-VC. Make a pine cone ornament to WEDNESDAY 30 take home. FREE. BEACH DAY HOMESCHOOL: 1 pm - 2:30 pm, MNP. Enjoy sand activities, crafts, PIONEER TOY MAKING snack and sand castle building. PR by 12/28, 1 pm - 2:30 pm, VRR-CB, Homeschool students learn members free/non $5 all others $2 admission fee. about the holidays during the 1800s and make THURSDAY 31 pioneer toys. PR by 12/14. NEW YEARS PARTY CRAFTS WOODCARVERS 11 am - 12 pm, VRR-CB, Make party hats, noise 7 pm - 9 pm, VRR-CB. Lorain County Woodcarvers makers, count-down crafts, snacks, and more! PR by open carve night. 12/29. RED HACKLE PIPES & DRUMS AT HOLIDAY 7:30 pm -8 pm, CAR-CVC. Listen to a new take on your favorite Holiday tunes Calendar of Events Pull-out Section 6 13 20 27 Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 V i s i t u s o n lin e f o r m o re p ro g ram s an d re g istrat ion a t www. Met roPa rks. c c $3+52',7( 5HG7DLOHG+DZN Bald Eagle 0 2 6 6 6 23$5.6 $ 75 + $GRSWLRQ&HUWLÀFDWH /HWWHUIURP\RXUELUG 3DUHQWV·%RDUG&HUWLÀFDWH $OOWKHSHUNVRI DGRSWLRQOHYHOSOXV 1DWXUDO+LVWRU\&DUG $GRSW$5DSWRU0DJQHW Artemis űFOYËűËQűOYFQ.A$FQ@űY.FA Interested in helping wildlife? Then consider adopting a$GRSWLRQVDUHYDOLGIRUDSHULRGRIRQH\HDU7KHWHUP´DGRSWLRQµGRHV raptor at the Lorain County Metro Parks Raptor Cen$92& 855$< /,9(5 ter! Your3HUHJULQH)DOFRQ tax-deductible donation, designated%DUUHG2ZO to the raptorQRWLPSO\RZQHUVKLSULJKWVWRLQGLYLGXDOVSDUWLFLSDWLQJLQWKH$GRSW$ of your choice, contributes directly to the cost of $PHULFDQ.HVWUHO food, veterinary care, and other needs. In return, you receive detailed information about your adopted bird, the 5DSWRUSURJUDP<RXPD\YLVLW\RXUDGRSWHGELUGDQGWKH5DSWRU&HQWHU WLPH GXULQJ UHJXODU RSHQ KRXUV one DP to WR SP GDLO\ 3OHDVH Raptor Center and corresponding level “Thank You” items. DQ\ To Adopt-A-Raptor, choose sponsor and select UHPHPEHU WKDW WKH UDSWRUV OLNH DOO OLYLQJ FUHDWXUHV 237$5$3 your adoption level from the list below. ' PD\EHFRPHVLFNRUSDVVDZD\GXULQJ\RXUDGRSWLRQ ADOPT-A-RAPTOR INFORMATION SHULRG ,I WKLV VKRXOG KDSSHQownership WKH WHUP RI \RXU Adoptions are valid for a period of one year. The term “adoption” does not imply rights DGRSWLRQZLOOEHWUDQVIHUUHGWRWKHFDUHRIDQRWKHU to individuals participating in the Adopt-ARaptor program. You may visit your adopted bird and ELUGDWWKHIDFLOLW\ the Raptor Center any time during regular open hours, 8 am to 4:30 pm daily. Please remember (1(&$ 7(:$57sick or pass away during your adoption that the raptors, like all living 02.(< creatures, may become %DOG(DJOH (DVWHUQ6FUHHFK2ZO period. If this should happen, the term of your%DUUHG2ZO adoption will be transferred to the care of another bird at the facility. ¢į¸ ¢¸Ň űFOY.FA;d;T ¢÷ŇŇ ¢÷¸Ň $OOWKHSHUNVRI DGRSWLRQOHYHOSOXV µ[µ3KRWRRI%LUG :LQGRZ'HFDO $OOWKHSHUNVRI DGRSWLRQOHYHOSOXV µ[µ3KRWRRI%LUG 6SLUDO1RWHERRNZLWKSHQ 1HZORJRHGLWHPV 2QHRQRQHSKRWRRSSRUWXQLW\ZLWKD5HGWDLOHG+DZNRU2ZOKHOGE\D1DWXUDOLVWLQDQRXWGRRUVHWWLQJ Turkey Vulture îæîĔAoᥠ.·o»Ì·Ħæoá¥î·Ĕ¥ÌÿÌ¥æĦ űĔ¥ęęāĽÇ¥Ĕ¥Ħîę¥æÿo×¥ĦĂ $OOWKHSHUNVRIDGRSWLRQOHYHOSOXV :LQGRZ'HFDO %HKLQGWKH6FHQHV7RXU 3HUVRQDOL]HG3KRWR2SSRUWXQLW\ ¢į¸Ň ¢¸ŇŇ $OOWKHSHUNVRIDGRSWLRQOHYHOSOXV 6SLUDO1RWHERRNZLWKSHQ %HKLQGWKH6FHQHV7RXU 3HUVRQDOL]HG3KRWR2SSRUWXQLW\ )UHH&DUOLVOH5RRPDW&9&UHQWDOIRUIRXUKRXUV 3HUVRQDO%LUGRI3UH\SURJUDPZLWK1DWXUDOLVW 6WDIIIRU\RXUJURXSDWWLPHRIUHQWDO űîÿĦÌîæ;¥ļ¥ÙāęĂ YîĦoÙÇ¥×oáîıæĦ .oáoĔ¥ĦıĔæÌæ»űîÿĦËűËQoÿĦîĔÿoĔ¥æĦoæĽÌęÇĦî·îĔ»îĔ¥¥ÌļÌæ»ĦÇ¥Ìæ·îĔáoĦÌîæ ÿo×¥ĦxÌĦ¥áęo»oÌæĄgîıĽÌÙÙęĦÌÙÙ¥Ĕ¥î»æÌŃ¥îæĦÇ¥űîÿĦËűËQoÿĦîĔOoĔ¥æĦęđîoĔĄ T¥æ·îĔáoæáoץǥ×ęÿoĿoÙ¥Ħî American Kestrel OÇîæ¥Aıá¥Ĕ āĽÇ¥Ĕ¥îæîĔoæ¥Ĕ¥oÇ¥Ă Aoá¥î·QoÿĦîĔāęĂÇîę¥æ ;îĔoÌæîıæĦĿ@¥ĦĔîOoĔ×ę ÷įįÌo»îæoÙQîo ;o%Ĕo滥F*ººŇ¸Ň 37$5$3 '2 FQîæoĦ¥îæÙÌæ¥oĦĽĽĽĄ@¥ĦĔîOoĔ×ęĄ 5$7/25$, 72 Murray 23$5.6 $ 75 Seneca Red-Tailed Hawk Barred Owl Barred Owl 5$7/25$, 72 Havoc Peregrine Falcon Eastern Screech-Owl 5DSWRU at the Lorain County Metro Parks 17<0 &28 ( 1 Red-Tailed Hawk ËűË Adopt-A-Raptor Calli Stewart Oliver Smokey űîÿĦ &$//, 5HG7DLOHG+DZN 17<0 &28 ( 1 Aphrodite $57(0,6 7XUNH\9XOWXUH WRWKHUDSWRURI\RXUFKRLFHFRQWULEXWHV GLUHFWO\WRWKHFRVWRIIRRGYHWHULQDU\ FDUHDQGRWKHUQHHGV,QUHWXUQ\RX UHFHLYH GHWDLOHG LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW \RXUDGRSWHGELUGWKH5DSWRU&HQWHU DQGFRUUHVSRQGLQJOHYHO´7KDQN<RXµ LWHPV7R$GRSW$5DSWRUFKRRVHRQH WR VSRQVRU DQG VHOHFW \RXU DGRSWLRQ OHYHOIURPWKHOLVWEHORZ November/December 11 Celebrate the Holidays with TrueNorth Cultural Arts November 6 - 15, 2015 By William Shakespeare Shakespeare’s comedic masterpiece comes to life for the first time on a TrueNorth stage! The classic tale of reckless romance, mistaken identity and magic spells is one of Shakespeare’s most celebrated works, and this abridged version is the perfect introduction to the Bard! Mischief and hilarity reign supreme when four young lovers get tangled up with disapproving parents, royal fairies and amateur actors! As winter fast approaches, warm up one last time with A Midsummer Night’s Dream! Play – Ages 10+ Saturday, November 14th at 7:30 p.m. A Day on Broadway, a Night at the Opera TrueNorth Chorale and Chamber Orchestra with Great Lakes Light Opera (Bay Presbyterian Church) Come along and listen to … Join the Great Lakes Light Opera, TrueNorth Chorale and Chamber Orchestra as they share these remarkable show and opera standards that have graced our stages throughout the century. Sunday, November 22nd at 3:00 p.m. TrueNorth Big Band Thanksgiving Concert (Elyria High School, Performing Arts Center) Join the TrueNorth Big Band and the music of Frank Sinatra as we celebrate his 100th birthday! Tuesday, December 8th Big Band Holiday Concert, 7:30p.m. The Bop Stop at the Music Settlement BOP STOP is located at 2920 Detroit Ave. in Ohio City BOP STOP at The Music Settlement is Cleveland's premier listening room: an intimate, acoustically pristine performance venue with sweeping views of Lake Erie. Join us as TrueNorth’s 20-piece Big Band swings -setting the holiday season aglow. Christmas favorites come to life with that special, Big Band cabaret feel. You will leave singing a holiday tune and be reminded how special the holidays - and TrueNorth - truly are! Tickets are $ 15 adults and $ 10 for youth (under 18) are available through or by calling 440-949-5200x221. They will also be available for purchase at the door. A Cash Bar and Refreshments will be available for sale. December 4 - 20, 2015 Music & Lyrics by Irving Berlin. Based upon the Paramount Pictures Film written for the screen by Norman Krasna, Norman Panama and Melvin Frank. Book by David Ives and Paul Blake Featuring songs and a story that will warm even the most frigid winter night, White Christmas is a present for all this holiday season! Bob and Phil team up to form a song-and-dance duo following their service in the army, but no training has prepared them for the amorous battle of wits they encounter when they pursue a pair of singing sisters to a picturesque Vermont Inn. Chocked to the brim with classic comedy, sweeping romance and a bevy of Irving Berlin tunes including the standard “White Christmas,” this glowing adaptation of the 1954 film is the coziest way to keep out the cold! Saturday, December 5th at 4:30 p.m. The Nutcracker: A Youth Musical Peter Iloch Tchaikovsky, Ruth Artman; Mary Beall; Bob Lowden; E T A Hoffman. TrueNorth Children’s Choirs (Elyria High School, Performing Arts Center) TrueNorth Cultural Arts is proud to present The Nutcracker, A Youth Musical. This delightful adaptation of the timeless ballet features songs, dances, and a script that are created especially for the young performer. This production provided an opportunity for young people to experience the magical kingdom of the Nutcracker firsthand. Following his defeat of the Mouse King, the Nutcracker escorts Marie on a journey through the Kingdom of Sweets, where they meet many interesting beings. For years, Avon Lake Schools performed this production annually under the leadership of Mrs. Susan Vance-Koch. “Now, having the show through TrueNorth, we have opened doors for the community, enabling children from all area schools to be involved and enjoy what was once an Avon Lake tradition!” Saturday, December 19th & Sunday, December 20th TrueNorth Christmas Concert TrueNorth Chorale and Chamber Orchestra 7:30 p.m. / 3:00 p.m. (Avon Lake United Church of Christ / Lorain St. Peter Parish) Rejoice in the holiday season by attending the annual TrueNorth Christmas Concert. This traditional concert features the TrueNorth Chorale and Chamber Orchestra as they celebrate the Christmas season through this carol fest featuring arrangements of John Rutter, Dale Warland, and Mack Wilberg amongst others. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for youth (under 18) and can be purchased at the TrueNorth Box Office at 440-949-5200 Ext. 221 or TrueNorth 4530 Colorado Ave – St. Rt. 611, Sheffield Village. Call (440-949-5200) for ticket information 12 November/December 2015