Children`s Services


Children`s Services
Children’s Services
Consolidated Municipal Service Manager for
Early Learning and Child Care
January 27, 2015
Director’s Update
The Halton Story
The Relationship Forum
Ministry of Education
 Bill 10 Modernization/Provincial Wage
• Child Care Business Update
• Questions
Annual Rate
Application Report
Quality First
Memorandum of Understanding
Overview- Purchase of Service
Quality Child Care
The Halton Story
The Relationship Forum
• Strong relationships build assets and
prevent bullying
 A community forum hosted jointly by the OKN
Developmental Assets Strategy Table and the
OKN Bullying Prevention Task Force
• Wed., February 25, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
RattleSnake Point Golf Club
5407 Regional Road 25, Milton
 Register:
Relationships Support Young Children’s
Social & Emotional Development
• Relationships have been described as the
“building blocks” for healthy development
Positive Relationships are Important
for Social Emotional Learning
because they Teach Children to:
Care about other people
Understand other’s feelings
Cooperate and share
Express their own opinions
Resolve conflicts
Positive Relationships are Important
for Social Emotional Learning
because they Teach Children to:
• Form their own identity
• Develop self-competence and self-worth
(National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, 2004).
Clyde Hertzman (2012)
• Understood the importance of
environments and the importance of
relationships in developing social and
emotional development in children
• Through warm and nurturing relationships
educators can help children achieve
success now and later in life
Clyde Hertzman (2012) – Cont’d
• Waiting until school age to address social
emotional development is far too late for
many children because it is already
embedded within brain structure
Dalai Lama Center (2012). Heart mind learning with Clyde
Hertzman part one. Retrieved from:
Province of Ontario
• Ministry of Education – Isilda Kucherenko
Bill 10
Licensing update
Provincial Wage Enhancement
Halton website • Jan. 27th CMSM presentation
• Copy of Ministry of Ed – Wage Enhancement Q &
Ministry of Education
Child Care Business Update
• Welcome
• Halton highlights
 Provincial Wage Enhancement
Agreement update
General Operating Grant
Community Funding
Halton Early Learning and Child Care
Plan 2012-2015
• 22,000 Licenced Spaces
• 2800 full time equivalent (FTE) positions
• Wage issue
 General Operating Grant
• $8.8 million – 100% Provincial Funding
 NEW - Provincial Wage Enhancement – 2015
• Licenced Child Care – Centre and Home Based
• $5.3 million provided – 100% Provincial Funding
Halton Next Steps – Provincial Wage
• Review provincial guidelines
• Develop plan
 Agreement
 Manual
 Website
• Council approval – April 2015
Halton Next Steps – Provincial Wage
• Community timelines
May 1, 2015 – post application
June 30, 2015 – application deadline
August 31, 2015 – confirm funding levels
Fall 2015 – distribution backdated to January 2015
• Details
 Service Provider Application
• Funding the position - full and partial payments
Provincial Wage Enhancement Cont’d
 Accountability details
General Ledger for Provincial Wage Enhancement
Letters of hire
Base Pay
General Operating Grant (GOG)
Pay Equity
Provincial Wage Enhancement
• Reconciliation
Child Care Advisory Membership
Monica Diefke - Peekaboo Child Care Centre Inc.
Toni Pedra - Alton Kids Child Care Centre
Sheree Abram-Tilk - Parkview Children’s Centre
Chandra Paul - Halton Day Care Services
Maureen Hall - Today’s Family
Shahid Zahur - Kidlogic
Helen Romary - Milton Community Resource Centre
Nicki Glowacki - YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington/Brantford
Radia Achour - Les Petite Perles Inc
Conny Paton - Halton Hills Day Centre Inc
Andrea Davis - Sheridan College
Halton Highlights
• Council approval
 April 2015
Revised budget approval
Agreement changes for January 2016
Provincial Wage Enhancement
Notify operators of Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) and Quality First (QF) standard
– Confirm intentions
Agreement Update
• Child Care Service Management
 Structure
 Pre-requisites for Agreement
• Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed
• Quality First as a “Member In Good Standing”
• Annual Rate Application Report
Agreement Update Cont’d
 Child Care Licensing System (CCLS)
• No Serious Occurrence reporting
• No submission of licenses
 Required $5 million insurance coverage
 Wage Subsidy = General Operating
Grant (GOG)
• Must be available to receive fee subsidized
• Cannot decline funds on basis of audit costs
Agreement Update Cont’d
 60 days notice for changes
• asset, shares, amalgamation, name change
 Asset sale cannot transfer General Operating
Agreement Update Cont’d
• Revisions to School-Age Recreation
 Minor changes
New Agreement
• Fall 2015
 Letter to highlight changes
 Orientation Session to be planned
 Sign off process
Annual Rate Application Report
• Research completed on
 Financial benchmark
 Quality assurance measures
• Annual Rate Application will continue
Fee Subsidy Rates
• 2015 Additional Provincial Funding
 Goal – decrease gap between market and
approved rate
 Schedule B • Initial Schedule B – matches approved Rate
• Revised Schedule B – shows increase of approved
Halton General Operating Grant
• Halton Early Learning and Child Care Plan
 Low wage issue
• Completed recalculation for JK/SK – minor
• Calculation model confirmed
 Funding based on occupancy
 Point system – supports lower age groups
with higher ratios
Halton General Operating Grant
• Policy decisions
 Non mandatory benefits capped at 25%
 Professional Development claims no longer
 Operator cannot decline funds based on audit
 1 operator and 2 similar programs supporting
General Operating Grant Cont’d
• Next steps with Child Care Advisory
 Consider Provincial Wage Enhancement
 Apply similar approach in GOG
 Define accountability/reconciliation
 Define flexibility with portion of funding
• Up to xxxx% for wages
• Up to xxxx% other use
General Operating Grant
• GOG funding confirmation
Fall 2015
• GOG funding starts
January 2016
Web Based - Special Purpose
Funding Expenses
Special Purpose Submission
• Operator to enter quotes on Ontario Child
Care Management System (OCCMS) Web
Record of Attendance (ROA)
• “Special Purpose Funding” tab
• Freedom to make changes until
• Increased efficiency for reporting to
Special Purpose Payment
• Same process as fee subsidy schedules
 Via OCCMS web ROA
• Payment for approved invoices submitted
• Direct deposit
• Notification of payment detail to operator
Special Purpose Timing
• Begins January 1, 2015
• Training can be provided 2-3 times during
• Operator submits request as per funding
• Approvals and payments processed as per
funding guidelines
Fun…with Valerie!