REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 5, 2015 Create dynamic communities where people thrive. Board of Commissioners Chairman Morris Stribling, DPM Vice Chairman Charles R. Muñoz Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Ramiro Cavazos Karina C. Cantu Yolanda Hotman Commissioner Stella Burciaga Molina Commissioner Lisa Rodriguez President & CEO Lourdes Castro Ramirez San Antonio Housing Authority Regular Board Meeting 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, TX 78204 Thursday, February 5, 2015, 1:00 p.m. The meeting is wheelchair accessible. The accessible entrance and accessible parking spaces are located at 818 S. Flores. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request (interpreters for the deaf must be requested forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting) by calling (210) 477-6288 V/TTY for assistance. 1. Meeting called to order. The Board of Commissioners or its committee may hold a closed meeting pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071-076 for consultation concerning attorney-client matters, real estate, litigation, personnel, and security matters. The Board or committee reserves the right to enter into closed meeting at any time during the course of the meeting. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Minutes: Regular Board meeting held on January 8, 2015. CONSENT ITEMS Operations and Choice Neighborhood Committee held on January 22, 2015 4. Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5460, authorizing the President and CEO to: purchase lots and vacant/abandoned buildings for a cumulative total not to exceed $363,000, within the EastPoint Infill Project Area - defined as Gevers St. to New Braunfels, Gabriel to Hays St. and Blue Bonnet St. to Nolan St. – as part of the EastPoint Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan; and the execution of all documents necessary to accomplish such acquisitions, including all other matters in connection therewith. (Tim Alcott, Interim Development Services Officer; Lori Hall, Assistant Director of Development & Special Projects; Deborah Bell, Real Estate and Homeownership Program Manager). 5. Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5457, authorizing the award of a contract for demolition services for the Blueridge Neighborhood to J.R. Ramon & Sons, Inc. (DBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, VBE, HUB) for an amount not to exceed $260,260.00. (Tim Alcott, Development Services and Neighborhood Revitalization Interim Officer). 6. Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5458, authorizing the award of a contract for fleet services to the City of San Antonio (COSA) through an intergovernmental agreement for an annual amount not to exceed $450,000.00 for a period of one year, with the option to renew for four (4) additional one-year periods. (David Nisivoccia, Chief Operating Officer; Steven Morando, Director of Procurement). 7. Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5459, authorizing the award of a contract for benefits consultant to McGriff, Seibles & Williams of Texas, Inc. for an annual amount not to exceed $65,000.00 for a period of one year, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods. (David Nisivoccia, Chief Operating Officer; Steven Morando, Director of Procurement). 8. Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5461, approving a change order to mowing and grounds maintenance services contracts to A&S Landscaping (HABE, Section 3 Business) in the amount of $63,000.00, and R&C Landscaping, LLC (ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, Section 3 Business) in the amount of $40,000.00, for a period not to exceed three months. (David Nisivoccia, Chief Operating Officer; Steven Morando, Director of Procurement). INDIVIDUAL ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION 9. Update and discussion regarding the January 22, 2015 Resident Services Committee meeting. (Yolanda Hotman, Chair, Resident Services). 10. Update and discussion regarding the January 22, 2015 Operations & Choice Neighborhood Committee meeting. (Dr. Morris Stribling, M.D., Chair, Operations & Choice Neighborhood Committee). 11. Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5462, approving the implementation of the 2015 payment standard schedule for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program on February 9, 2015. (David Nisivoccia, Chief Operating Officer; Deborah A. Flach, Director of Assisted Housing Programs). 12. Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5463, approving the expenditure of $75,000.00 for the finish-out of the BiblioTech space at Gardens at San Juan Square, and the execution of all documents necessary to accomplish such and other matters in connection therewith. (Tim Alcott, Development Services and Neighborhood Revitalization Interim Officer). 13. Update and discussion regarding the Quarterly Ombudsman Report. (David Nisivoccia, Chief Operations Officer; Vanessa B. Chavez, Ombudsman). 14. Presentation regarding fire safety at SAHA properties. (David Nisivoccia, Chief Operating Officer; Ed Hinojosa, Chief Financial Officer, Veronica Guevara, Risk Management Manager). 15. Procurement report. (Steven Morando, Director of Procurement). 16. President’s Report: February 11, 2015 Grand Re-Opening of Lofts at Marie McGuire EastPoint Paint-a-thon and Neighborhood Sweep Gardens at San Juan and BiblioTech Application for HUD safety and security grant NAHRO 2015 Legislative Conference, March 15-18, 2015, Washington DC. Event Calendar for February 2015-March 2015 17. *Closed Session: Real Estate / Consultation with Attorney Deliberate the management, purchase, exchange, lease or value of certain real properties and obtain legal advice regarding related legal issues pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.072 (real property) and Texas Government Code Sec. 551.071 (consultation with attorney). Discussion regarding procurement related to the Wheatley development. Discussion regarding Choice Neighborhood property acquisitions. Personnel Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee and obtain legal advice regarding related legal issues pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.074 (personnel) and Texas Government Code Sec. 551.071 (consultation with attorney). Discussion regarding Leadership Transition Plan. Discussion regarding management of Choice Neighborhood goals and objectives. Discussion regarding legal services related to employee complaint. 18. Citizens to be Heard at 2:00 p.m. (may be heard after this time) Citizens wishing to speak on issues not related to items posted on the agenda should personally sign the Citizens to be Heard roster prior to 2:00 p.m. Citizens will be given three minutes to speak. Only one appearance per speaker will be permitted at any regular Board Meeting. If present, a speaker may cede time to another speaker, but no speaker may have the floor for more than nine (9) minutes. Groups of citizens from the same organization are asked to share nine minutes to address the Board on certain items. Organizations must be represented by an officer or a Board member, and follow the same speaking rules as individuals. The Board thanks you for coming to the meeting. 19. Adjournment. Note: Whenever the Texas Open Meetings Act (Section 551.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code) provides for a closed meeting in matters concerning legal advice, real estate, contracts, personnel matters, or security issues, the Board may find a closed meeting to be necessary. For convenience of the citizens interested in an item preceded by an asterisk, notice is given that a closed meeting is contemplated. However, the Board reserves the right to go into a closed meeting on any other item, whether it has an asterisk or not, when the Board determines there is a need, and a closed meeting is permitted under Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code that permits the closed meeting. Additionally, the Board may take open session action on any item listed in closed session.** Note: If a quorum of the Board of Commissioners attends the Committee Meeting, this meeting becomes a Special Meeting of the Board, but no Board action will be taken other than recommendations to the full board, unless the full Board is present. MINUTES SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR BOARD MEETING January 8, 2015 SCHEDULED: 1:00 p.m. at 818 S. Flores, San Antonio, Texas 78204 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Morris Stribling, DPM, Chair Charles Munoz, Vice Chair Karina C. Cantu, Commissioner Yolanda Hotman, Commissioner Stella Molina, Commissioner Lisa Rodriguez, Commissioner COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Ramiro Cavazos, Commissioner COUNSEL: Doug Poneck, Escamilla, & Poneck, LLP TRANSLATOR: BCC Communications STAFF: Lourdes Castro Ramirez, President & CEO David Nisivoccia, Chief Operating Officer Alejandra Villarreal, Chief Administrative Officer Ed Hinojosa, Chief Financial Officer Tim Alcott, Interim Dev. Services & Neighborhood Revitalization Officer Melanie Villalobos, Policy, Planning & PA Officer Luis Maldonado- Director of Security Adrian Lopez, Dir. of Community Development Initiatives David Clark, Director of Public Housing Diana Fiedler- Dir. of Finance & Accounting Deborah Flach, Director of Assisted Hsg. Programs Steve Morando, Dir. of Procurement Richard Milk, Director of Planning and Policy Hector Martinez, Interim Director of Construction Services Tomas Larralde- Business Opportunity Manager Lorriane Robles, Assist. Dir. of RES David Casso, Development Services Manager Lori Hall, Asst. Dir. RE & Homeownership Muriel Rhoder, Auditing Manager Item 1: Meeting called to order. Chair Stribling called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. Item 2: Pledge of allegiance. Recitation of pledge. Item 3: Presentation Video of Gardens at San Juan Square grand opening and BiblioTech announcement. Item 4: Approval of minutes Special Board meeting held on November 24, 2014.(Resident Services) Board meeting held on December 4, 2014. Motion: Commissioner Hotman moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. Minutes approved. -1- Member Morris Stribling, Chair Charles Munoz, Vice-Chair Karina Cantu, Commissioner Yolanda Hotman, Commissioner Stella Molina, Commissioner Lisa Rodriguez, Commissioner Aye X X X X X X Nay Absent At Time of Vote Abstained Item 5: Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5454, approving the 2015 payment standard schedule at 97%-106% of the 2015 Fair Market Rents (FMRs) for the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Deborah Flach stated that HUD annually establishes FMRs for each area of the United States. HUD requires housing authorities to establish voucher payment standards for each unit size. Staff requests approval to increase the payment standard schedules for the 1, 2 and 3 bedroom-sized units. The current schedule complies with HUD requirements, as all payment standard amounts are within the basic range of the FY 2015 FMRs. The estimated impact on the Housing Assistance Payment contract is 4.26%; however, due to biennial and triennial recertifications, the increase will be phased-in over a period of three years. The recommended payment standards will be effective June 1, 2015 for all Housing Assistance Payments contracts. Motion: Commissioner Cantu moved to approve Resolution 5454. Commissioner Hotman seconded the motion. Approved. Member Morris Stribling, Chair Charles Munoz, Vice-Chair Karina Cantu, Commissioner Yolanda Hotman, Commissioner Stella Molina, Commissioner Lisa Rodriguez, Commissioner Item 6: Motion: Aye X X X X X X Nay Absent At Time of Vote Abstained Consideration and approval regarding Resolutions 5455 and 15SAHOC-01-01, authorizing the President and CEO to purchase the vacant lot located at 1533 Hays Street and the lot and vacant structure located at 1535 Hays Street, for the purpose of developing two new residences as part of the Phase I of the Wheatley Choice Infill Housing Strategy. Tim Alcott stated that staff is recommending purchasing two lots, located at 1533 and 1535 Hays Street, for $30,000, with private funds provided by Citibank. The purchase of the properties will result in the development of new residences as part of Phase I implementation of the Wheatley Choice Infill Strategy for the Choice footprint. Staff has acquired market appraisals to determine the fair market values for each property. The property located at 1535 Hays previously contained a vacant commercial store, which was demolished by the City of San Antonio in Nov. 2014, and a vacant, boarded house (still standing). The remaining structure will be assessed to determine if it should be rehabilitated or demolished to allow for the construction of a primary building/residence. Commissioner Munoz moved to approve Resolution 5455. Commissioner Hotman seconded the motion. Approved. -2- Member Morris Stribling, Chair Charles Munoz, Vice-Chair Karina Cantu, Commissioner Yolanda Hotman, Commissioner Stella Molina, Commissioner Lisa Rodriguez, Commissioner Item 7: Motion: Nay Absent At Time of Vote Abstained Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5456, authorizing the award of a contract for customer satisfaction survey consulting to Performance Enhancement Group, LTD. (PEG) for an amount not to exceed $64,850.00, for a period of one year. Steven Morando stated that on March 21, 2014, SAHA issued a “Request For Proposals” (RFP) #1402-918-12-4162 for Customer Satisfaction Survey Consulting, which closed on May 5, 2014. A total of two (2) proposals were received in response to the RFP: Performance Enhancement Group, LTD (PEG) and University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). Both proposals were evaluated based on the following criteria: relevant experience, personnel, plan, samples, cost and strength of the Section 3 and SWMBE plans. .Additionally, presentations were conducted with both proposers. Based on the above factors, PEG is the highest rated responsive and responsible proposer and is therefore being recommended for a contract award. Several negotiation sessions were conducted with PEG that concluded on December 11, 2014. Representatives from PEG and Minerva Works Solutions (WBE) were present. Commissioner Hotman moved to approve Resolution 5456. Commissioner Cantu seconded the motion. Approved. Member Morris Stribling, Chair Charles Munoz, Vice-Chair Karina Cantu, Commissioner Yolanda Hotman, Commissioner Stella Molina, Commissioner Lisa Rodriguez, Commissioner Item 8: Aye X X X X X X Aye X X X X X X Nay Absent At Time of Vote Abstained Presentation regarding 5-year progress on housing preservation and expansion efforts. Richard Milk reported that from 2009-2014, SAHA has invested over $17,470,000 in 2,384 new housing units and vouchers, in addition to 1,937 households receiving CDI program assistance. Housing choice vouchers made up the largest share of housing resources in 2014 (13,019) and also saw the greatest increase since 2009 (1,076 new vouchers). The second largest housing resource is the Mixed Income/Non Profit portfolio, with 7038 units in 2014, which is 740 more than in 2009. Non-housing resources grew dramatically with the establishment of the CDI Department in 2009, raising the number of FSS participants from 813 in 2009 to 1,164 in 2014. Additionally, new CDI-managed programs, including Jobs-Plus, served 1,586 households during that time period. Commissioners requested a breakdown of the affordability mix of the new construction completed over the past 5 years. It was sent to Commissioners the following day. Item 9: Procurement report. Steven Morando reported two (2) Requests for Proposals (RFP) and one (1) short solicitation currently being advertised. They are Pre-Construction & Construction Manager Services, -3- Apartment Marketing and Water Softener Assessment. There are twelve (12) solicitations that have closed and are currently being evaluated. They include Potable Water Pump Maintenance and Repair, Closed Loop Systems Water Treatment, Benefits Consultant, Natural Gas System Inspections, Patrols and Reporting, Chiller and Boiler Maintenance and Repair, Work Order Request Center and Answering Service for Various Public Housing Properties, Utility Locating Service, Data Broker Services, Back Flow Inspection, Maintenance & Repair, Answering Services for Various Non-Profit Properties, HVAC Repair Services and Demolition Services for the Blueridge Neighborhood. Item 10: Item 11: Presidents Report. 2014 Golden Gala. Inaugural SAHA Open House Discovery Tour. Lofts at Marie McGuire. 2015 SAHA Board meeting and holiday calendar. January 20 Resurgence Committee event. Event Calendar for January 2015-February 2015. *Closed Session: Personnel Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee and obtain legal advice regarding related legal issues pursuant to Texas Government Code Sec. 551.074 (personnel) and Texas Government Code Sec. 551.071 (consultation with attorney). Discussion regarding Leadership Transition Plan. Discussion regarding Human Resources assessment. Discussion regarding management of Choice Neighborhood goals and objectives. Chair Stribling recessed to closed session at 2:52 pm. No further action was required on closed session items. Item 15: Citizens to be Heard at 2:00 pm. Michael Powell Rudy Almaguer Item 16: Victoria Valdez Christina Brasher George Alejos Henry Rodriguez Adjournment. With no objections, Chair Stribling adjourned at 4:40 p.m. ATTEST: LOURDES CASTRO RAMIREZ SAHA PRESIDENT and CEO Morris Stribling, DPM CHAIR DATE -4- DATE Nikakia Kemp San Antonio Housing Authority February 5, 2015 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL REGARDING RESOLUTION 5460, AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT AND CEO TO: PURCHASE LOTS AND VACANT/ABANDONED BUILDINGS FOR A CUMULATIVE TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED $363,000, WITHIN THE EASTPOINT INFILL PROJECT AREA - DEFINED AS GEVERS ST. TO NEW BRAUNFELS, GABRIEL TO HAYS ST. AND BLUE BONNET ST. TO NOLAN ST. – AS PART OF THE EASTPOINT CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLAN; AND THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ACQUISITIONS, INCLUDING ALL OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO Tim Alcott Interim Development Services and Neighborhood Revitalization Officer REQUESTED ACTION: Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5460, authorizing the President and CEO to: purchase lots and vacant/abandoned buildings for a cumulative total not to exceed $363,000, within the EastPoint Infill Project Area - defined as Gevers St. to New Braunfels, Gabriel to Hays St. and Blue Bonnet St. to Nolan St. – as part of the EastPoint Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan; and the execution of all documents necessary to accomplish such acquisitions, including all other matters in connection therewith. PURPOSE: The purchase of these properties will result in the development of new residences as part of the EastPoint Infill Housing Plan and the Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan. SUMMARY: Staff is seeking authorization to purchase lots and vacant/abandoned homes located within the EastPoint Choice Infill Housing area, utilizing approximately $363,000 of Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funds, as part of the EastPoint Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan. Plans include the demolition of abandoned buildings, and the subsequent sale of the lots to builders to construct new homes for income-qualified homebuyers up to 120% of area median income (AMI). Staff is working with the City of San Antonio (CoSA) to finalize a contract for the NSP funds. As part of this process, SAHA is required to secure an Environmental Review Record (ERR) for the target area. CoSA has engaged a vendor to produce the ERR, which is now in the HUD approval process. HUD approval is tentatively scheduled to be completed in February 2015. Once approved, the NSP funds will be available to SAHA for the purchase of these properties. Eight (8) lots and/or vacant houses are pending sale to SAHA, upon Board approval, ranging in price from $8,000 to $18,000, with closings tentatively planned for March 2015. [See Attachment] The purchase prices for the lot and abandoned buildings are based on appraised values (Integra Realty Resource) to determine fair market value. Staff is exploring the option to use CoSA-procured vendors for the new home construction in the Infill area. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The lots and abandoned houses would be purchased with $363,000 of City of San Antonio NSP funds. San Antonio Housing Authority ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 5460 Infill Strategy Target Area Map Preliminary property list February 5, 2015 San Antonio Housing Authority February 5, 2015 SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY Resolution 5460 CONSIDERATION AND APPROPRIATE ACTION REGARDING RESOLUTION 5460, AUTHORIZING THE PRESIDENT AND CEO TO: PURCHASE LOTS AND VACANT/ABANDONED BUILDINGS FOR A CUMULATIVE TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED $363,000, WITHIN THE EASTPOINT INFILL PROJECT AREA - DEFINED AS GEVERS ST. TO NEW BRAUNFELS, GABRIEL TO HAYS ST. AND BLUE BONNET ST. TO NOLAN ST. – AS PART OF THE EASTPOINT CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD TRANSFORMATION PLAN; AND THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ACQUISITIONS, INCLUDING ALL OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, the San Antonio Housing Authority, a Texas public instrumentality (“SAHA”) was created under chapter 392 of the Texas Local Government Code (the “Act”) to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing; WHEREAS, SAHA created and approved a Preservation and Expansion Policy that guides the strategic decision making regarding real estate and other unimproved assets; WHEREAS, SAHA was the recipient of a $30 million HUD Choice Grant Award to transform the area designated as EastPoint; WHEREAS, SAHA anticipates a contract with the City of San Antonio to expend approximately $363,000 of Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds; WHEREAS, staff request the Board of Commissioners authorize the President and CEO to approve the strategic purchase of vacant lots, some of which may contain abandoned structures, within the EastPoint Infill Project Area – defined as Gevers Street to New Braunfels, Gabriel to Hays Street, and Blue Bonnet Street to Nolan Street – as part of the EastPoint Neighborhood Redevelopment and Transformation Plan; and the execution of all documents necessary to accomplish such acquisitions including all other matters in connection therewith. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of hereby: 1) Approves Resolution 5460, 2) Authorizes the President and CEO to execute all necessary documents and extensions. Passed and approved the 5th day of February 2015. Dr. Morris A. Striebling Chair, Board of Commissioners Attested and approved as to form: Lourdes Castro Ramirez SAHA President and CEO SAHA The initial targeted area from February 2014 - February 2015 will include Arthur, Logan, Lamar and Gabriel streets, from Gevers to New Braunfels and Bluebonnet to Nolan (Washington to Nolan (Washington Elementary) and Hays Street - 84 vacant lots, 20 abandoned structures. R fd·- lo+S ye // W _ a h rd o11 ,,))rJac.,,,f 4 J I P "g e Ac 3 0 •• Wheatley:- In-Filled lots/houses under contract Wheatley Courts: New Braunfels Ave to Gevers, Hays north to Gabriel Washington Elementary: New Braunfels to Gevers, Nolan north to Blue Bonnnet Target Appraised Closing Value date Property Type Property ID# BCAD Value 611 Arthur 613 Arthur lot lot 113946 113947 $6,290 $6,310 $9,000 $9,000 1414 Lamar lot 113908 $5,520 $7,000 1439 Lamar lot 113770 $5,430 $10,000 1418 Hays St. lot 114103 $5,520 $7,000 1533 Hays St. lot 113931 $5,430 $8,000.00 1535 Hays St. Vacant commercial store/ & residential house 113932 $47,220 $18,000 lot 113741 $5,680 $8,000 Under Contract 1531 Lamar 3/31/2015 3/31/2015 3/31/2015 3/31/2015 3/31/2015 3/31/2015 3/31/2015 Funding Source Comments/Status NSP NSP NSP NSP NSP Citibank Citibank Property contains 2 bldgs: a vacant house & a store with a CoSA demo order schedule for after 8/21/2014. Store demo. as of 10/2014. Offer letter sent to owner 12/1/2014. SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2015 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION 5457, AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR DEMOLITION SERVICES FOR THE BLUERIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD TO J.R. RAMON & SONS, INC. (DBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, VBE, HUB) FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $260,260.00. Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO Steven Morando Director of Procurement Tim Alcott Development Services and Neighborhood Revitalization Interim Officer REQUESTED ACTION: Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5457, approving a contract for Demolition Services for the Blueridge Neighborhood to J.R. Ramon & Sons, Inc. (DBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, VBE, HUB) for an amount not to exceed $260,260.00. PURPOSE: To provide demolition and associated services to thirty-nine (39) vacant homes and one (1) lot located in the Blueridge Neighborhood, in preparation for the future new construction of forty (40) single family residential units. The Blueridge Neighborhood is part of the Westside Revitalization Initiative for the four former HOPE VI neighborhoods. The Blueridge Neighborhood is the largest of the four (4) neighborhoods and is the first phase of the revitalization of these neighborhoods. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost for the Blueridge demolition services is not expected to exceed an amount of $260,260.00 to include a base bid of $221,000.00, asbestos survey of $15,600.00 and a 10% contingency of $23,660.00, which would only be used as necessary. This project will be funded through Mirasol settlement funds. SUMMARY: On October 10, 2014, SAHA issued a “Request For Proposals” (RFP) #1409-912-40-4261 for Demolition Services for the Blueridge Neighborhood, which closed on November 12, 2014. The RFP was published on the SAHA website, Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), Express News, The Hart Beat, La Prensa, various other venues and direct solicited to 183 contractors (See Advertisement List). A total of six (6) proposals were received in response to the RFP: Alamo Environmental, Inc. dba Alamo 1 (HABE, MBE, SBE); All Pro General Construction, Inc.(DBE, ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, Section 3 Business); Bolero Ventures, LLC (ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, Section 3 Business); Hunter Demolition & Wrecking Corp.(SBE, WBE); J.R. Ramon & Sons, Inc.(DBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, VBE, HUB); and LaSalle Affordable Builders, LLC (DBE, ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, WBE, Section 3 Business). All contractors have been certified by the South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency. Each proposal was evaluated on the following criteria: firm’s relevant experience; capacity/ability to meet timelines; innovation; price; and strength of the Section 3 and SWMBE plans. After evaluation of the submitted proposals, SAHA requested Best and Final Offers (BAFOs) from the three highest rated proposers. Based on the above, J.R. Ramon & Sons, Inc. is the highest rated responsive and responsible proposer, and is therefore being recommended for contract award. SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2015 J.R. Ramon & Sons was incorporated in 1968 and is licensed by the City of San Antonio as a demolition contractor. They have been certified by the South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency as a DBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, VBE and the State of Texas as a HUB. This company handles all phases of the demolition process from hazardous materials abatement to final site restoration. Over the years, they have provided demolition services to companies completing private and governmental projects, to include Franklin Construction Company, Linbeck/Zachry JV, Hensel Phelps Construction Company, US Air Force, City of San Antonio and the Department of the Army. Additionally, SAHA properties included in past demolition projects have included SpringView Apartments, Mirasol Homes, Victoria Courts and Sutton Homes. Their Section 3 Good Faith Effort Plan includes hiring one individual in the operatives (semi-skilled) category and one individual in the laborers (unskilled) category. ATTACHMENTS: Company Profile Resolution 5457 Tabulation Advertisement List Company Profile J.R. Ramon, Inc. is located in San Antonio and was originally started by Joe Ramon, Sr. in 1945. The company incorporated in 1968 as J.R. Ramon & Sons, Inc. and currently employs 65 full time staff members. The company handles all phases of the demolition process from hazardous materials abatement to final site restoration and possess demolition contractor license through the City of San Antonio. The company is a Hispanic, Small, Disabled and Veteran owned company. Over the years they have provided demolition services on projects that include Spring View Apartments, Mirasol Homes, Victoria Courts, Sutton Homes, portions of the Municipal Auditorium, and various buildings at Fort Sam Houston. They have also had contracts for as-needed demolition services at Lackland Air Force Base and the City of San Antonio. They have provided services to companies completing private and governmental projects to include Franklin Construction Company, Linbeck/Zachry JV, Hensel Phelps Construction Company, US Air Force, City of San Antonio and the Department of the Army. SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION 5457 RESOLUTION 5457, AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR DEMOLITION SERVICES FOR THE BLUERIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD TO J.R. RAMON & SONS, INC. (DBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, VBE, HUB) FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $260,260.00. WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of San Antonio, is rehabilitating the property it owns in the area known as the Blueridge Neighborhood and has determined that demolition services are required; and WHEREAS, on October 10, 2014, SAHA issued a “Request For Proposals” (RFP) #1409-91240-4261 for Demolition Services for the Blueridge Neighborhood which closed on November 12, 2014; and WHEREAS, a total of six (6) proposals were received in response to the RFP; and WHEREAS, after evaluation of the submitted bids, J.R. Ramon & Sons, Inc. (DBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, VBE, HUB) is the highest rated responsive and responsible proposer and is therefore being recommended for a contract award; and WHEREAS, the cost for the demolition services of the Blueridge Neighborhood is not expected to exceed an amount of $260,260.00 to include a base bid of $221,000.00, asbestos survey of $15,600.00 and a 10% contingency of $23,660.00 which would only be used as necessary; and WHEREAS, this project will be funded through Mirasol settlement funds; and WHEREAS, staff requests that the Board of Commissioners authorize the President and CEO or her designee to execute all documents to enter into this contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of SAHA hereby: 1) Approves Resolution 5457, authorizing the award of a contract for Demolition Services for the Blueridge Neighborhood to J.R. Ramon & Sons, Inc. (DBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, VBE, HUB) for an amount not to exceed $260,260.00. 2) Authorizes the President and CEO or her designee to execute all necessary documents associated with this contract. Passed and approved the 5th day of February, 2015 Morris A. Stribling, DPM Chair, Board of Commissioners Attested and approved as to form: Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO Scoring Matrix - BAFO Demolition Services in the Blueridge Neighborhood 1409-912-40-4261 Criterion Description Relevant experience: Max Points Weight 1-5 30% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Capacity/Ability to meet timelines: Strength of the Section 3 plan: 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 1.50 5.00 4.00 5.00 14.00 4.67 1.40 4.00 3.00 4.00 11.00 3.67 1.10 5.00 5.00 4.00 14.00 4.67 0.93 5.00 4.00 4.00 13.00 4.33 0.87 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 0.60 4.00 4.00 4.00 12.00 4.00 0.40 3.00 4.00 3.00 10.00 3.33 0.33 3.00 4.00 4.00 11.00 3.67 0.37 5.00 1.00 3.92 0.78 4.00 0.80 5.00 2.00 3.00 10.00 3.33 0.33 3.00 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 0.20 4.00 2.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 0.30 4.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 2.67 0.27 4.00 2.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 0.30 4.00 2.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 0.30 1-5 20% 1-5 10% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Strength of the S/W/MBE plan: LaSalle Affordable Builders 1-5 10% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Price proposal: Total Score Weighted Score Hunter Demo. & Wrecking Co. 1-5 20% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Innovation: JR Ramon & Sons Inc. 1-5 10% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Section 3 Preference: A firm may qualify for Section 3 status for up to an additional 5 points.# Priority 1: As detailed in Attachment D Priority II: As detailed in Attachment D Priority III: As detailed in Attachment D Priority IV: As detailed in Attachment D Tota Weighted Score 5 (.25) 4 (.2) 3 (.15) 2 (.1) 4.43 3.88 0.10 3.57 Scoring Matrix Demolition Services for the Blueridge Neighborhood 1409-912-40-4261 Criterion Description Relevant experience: Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Capacity/Ability to meet timelines: Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Innovation: Max Points Weight 1-5 30% Strength of the Section 3 plan: Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Strength of the S/W/MBE plan: Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Section 3 Preference: A firm may qualify for Section 3 status for up to an additional 5 points.# Category 1: As detailed in Attachment D Category II: As detailed in Attachment D Category III: As detailed in Attachment D Category IV: As detailed in Attachment D Tota Weighted Score All Pro General Construction Bolero Ventures Hunter Demo. & Wrecking Co. JR Ramon & Sons Inc. LaSalle Affordable Builders 4.00 2.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 0.90 4.00 3.00 4.00 11.00 3.67 1.10 4.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 3.33 1.00 5.00 4.00 5.00 14.00 4.67 1.40 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 1.50 4.00 3.00 4.00 11.00 3.67 1.10 4.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 2.67 0.53 4.00 3.00 4.00 11.00 3.67 0.73 4.00 3.00 2.00 9.00 3.00 0.60 5.00 4.00 4.00 13.00 4.33 0.87 5.00 5.00 4.00 14.00 4.67 0.93 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 0.60 0.00 2.00 2.00 4.00 1.33 0.13 4.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 3.33 0.33 5.00 3.00 2.00 10.00 3.33 0.33 3.00 4.00 3.00 10.00 3.33 0.33 4.00 4.00 4.00 12.00 4.00 0.40 3.00 4.00 4.00 11.00 3.67 0.37 3.86 0.77 2.17 0.43 2.68 0.54 3.92 0.78 5.00 1.00 3.90 0.78 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.67 0.07 5.00 2.00 5.00 12.00 4.00 0.40 5.00 2.00 2.00 9.00 3.00 0.30 3.00 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 0.20 5.00 2.00 3.00 10.00 3.33 0.33 4.00 2.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 0.30 3.00 2.00 0.00 5.00 1.67 0.17 4.00 2.00 4.00 10.00 3.33 0.33 4.00 0.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 0.20 4.00 2.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 0.30 4.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 2.67 0.27 4.00 2.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 0.30 1-5 20% 1-5 10% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Price proposal: Total Score Weighted Score Alamo 1 1-5 20% 1-5 10% 1-5 10% 5 (.25) 4 (.2) 3 (.15) 2 (.1) 2.57 0.10 3.43 0.10 3.07 3.88 4.43 0.10 3.55 Advertisement List Solicitation # 1409‐912‐40‐4261 Method of Contact(Specify) E‐MAIL E‐MAIL Entity Contact Name Email ACCION Texas African American Chamber of Commerce of San Antonio Alamo Asian American Chamber of Commerce Alamo City Black Chamber Of Commerce Celina Pena Lou Miller [email protected] [email protected] Elva Adams [email protected] E‐MAIL Christopher Herring E‐MAIL American Council of Engineering Companies ‐ San Antonio (ACEC‐SA) American Institute of Architects American Subcontractors Association Associated Builders and Contractors S. Texas Chapter Builders Exchange CDC News CFMA Anne Whittington [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Laura Smith [email protected] E‐MAIL Elaine Garcia [email protected] E‐MAIL Steve Schultz [email protected] E‐MAIL Jeannette Olguin E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL Chinese Chamber of Commerce Goodwill Industries Jerry Jin Greater San Antonio Builders Association The San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Hispanic Contractors Association de San Antonio I Square Foot Plan Room Becky Oliver [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] Julie Oltersdorf [email protected] E‐MAIL Clarissa Perez E‐MAIL IEC Julie Howard MACB MCA‐SMACNA Maria Monita Bob Pisors Minority Business Council National Alliance of Craftsmen Association Hector Garcia Victor Landa [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] info@macb‐ mca‐smacna@mca‐, bob.pisors@mca‐ [email protected] [email protected] Tommy Wallace Clark Mosely E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL 5/13/2014 Advertisement List Solicitation # 1409‐912‐40‐4261 Method of Contact(Specify) E‐MAIL Entity Contact Name Email National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) NAWBO San Antonio North San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors Association Professional Engineers in Private Practice Real Estate Council of San Antonio SAABE San Antonio Board of Realtors SA Chapter of the Associated General Contractors San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce San Antonio Masonry Contractors Association San Antonio Women's Chamber of Commerce South Central Regional Certification Agency South San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Southwest Minority Supplier Diversity Council Surety Association of South Texas, Inc. Texas Society of Professional Engineers Texas Veteran's Commission TIBH Industries UTSA Minority Business Center UTSA Procurement Technical Assistance Center West San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Women's Business Center Sandee Morgan [email protected], [email protected] Madeline Slay R. C. Garcia [email protected] [email protected] E‐MAIL E‐MAIL Heidi Timble Heidi@phcc‐ E‐MAIL Diane Hoskins [email protected] E‐MAIL Martha Mangum [email protected] E‐MAIL Melodie Suzanne Dana Marsh [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL Ramiro Cavazos E‐MAIL Debbie Mason [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] Cindy Libera [email protected] E‐MAIL Ross Mitchell E‐MAIL Tom Shaw [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] Robert Casas [email protected] E‐MAIL Jim Swindle [email protected] E‐MAIL Laura Campa [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] E‐MAIL [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] E‐MAIL Willie Jackson Robert Olivo Orestes Hubbard Terri Williams Gabe Farias Martha Zurita E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL 5/13/2014 Advertisement List Solicitation # 1409‐912‐40‐4261 Entity Contact Name Email Women's Business Enterprise NAHRO Public Purchase Texas ESBD Avery Smith bids@wbea‐ Web Site Web Site Web Site HUB Vendors TRIPLE E. EXCAVATION, INC. ALAMO 1 ALL PRO GENERAL CONSTRUCTION, INC. ASHER CONTRACTORS LLC CENTRAL TEXAS EXPRESS METALWORK, LLC FOSTER CM GROUP, INC. HPG DESIGN GROUP, LLC KEGLEY, INC. LOZANO TRUCKING COMPANY, INC. SAMS CONTRACTING CONSULTING AND TRAINING TEJAS PREMIER BUILDING CONTRACTOR, INC. VALLA CONSTRUCTION INC. JSR, INC. COBOS CONSTRUCTION MLP VENTURES INC. CARMEN M. ESCAMILLA Joseph Salas [email protected] [email protected] Raul Scott Martha M. Garza [email protected] [email protected] Kara Clayton Paul W Foster Hilda Garcia ANITA M KEGLEY [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Irma Camarillo Aaron Sams [email protected] E‐MAIL Abelardo Juarez Rodney Kelli Oscar maltos Jeff Barrett Kim Herman Jimenez Alex Salas E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL valla@valla‐ E‐MAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Direct Solicited Firms 3 BS CONSTRUCTION ABECO, Inc. Absolute Demolition, inc. Absolute Demolition, inc. Absolute Demolition, inc. Alamo 1 Alamo 1 Alamo City Construction ALAMO CITY CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Alamo Clearing Alamo Environmental, Inc. E‐MAIL E‐MAIL [email protected] Julissa Carielo Michael Rivas CEO ‐ Nancy A. Greaves SAMUEL COBOS Liborio Perez E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL [email protected] Method of Contact(Specify) E‐MAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL 5/13/2014 Advertisement List Solicitation # 1409‐912‐40‐4261 Alamo Environmental, Inc. Aleo ENV A-Level Allen Hauling & Demolition Alex Salas Claude Minor John Harris [email protected] Annastacia Laguna Sequoyah Reginald&& Powell ALS88 Design Build American Abatement LLC AMERICAN DEMOLITION INC. Gus Emilio S. Garza/Marcello Garza [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] American S.C. Demolition APACHE DISPOSAL INC. AR Excavations, LLC Ariva Contracting Ariva Contracting Arize Contracting, LLC Bejarano Construction Services, Inc. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Belfort - Black Fred Belfort Contracting, Inc. Ben Reyna Contracting, brun Inc. Bolado Environmental & Jesse Bolado Construction BOLADO ENVIRONMENTAL & Rose Bolado CONSTRUCTION Bolero Ventures LLC Edward Pape Jerry Bolero Bolero Ventures LLC Bract Construction Tricia Broken Arrow Contracting C B Central Builders, Inc. C.L. BLANKENSHIP, INC. David Blankenship Cleanology Service Betty Welch Crystal Metzger Cleansite Cofield Group ColeBrack Enterprises, Inc. Concrete Renovation, Inc. Patrick Harris CT WALKER LLC Kelly Dickens D & D Contractors, Inc Nettie Carroll D & D Contractors, Inc Don Rainey D & R Contracting, LLC DH Contractors Alex Salas Diamond Demolition, Inc. DK CUBED DECONSTRUCTION LP E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Antonio Rodriguez Adan Silva Adan Silva E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL 5/13/2014 Advertisement List Solicitation # 1409‐912‐40‐4261 EA Contractor EDWARD & LEE CONSTRUCTION Expertise Fazzone Construction Co., Inc. FIRENDA GROUP INC Freire Custom Homes General Contractor LLC Friesenhahn Excavation & Demolition G&G Contracting Co. Gailue Electrical and Construction Garrich Industries Ltd. Gator Inc. dba Dodson House Moving Geofill Material Technologies Get Right City Clean Up GOVERNMENT CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. Greco H&H FORADORY CONSTRUCTION, INC. H. Karp Co. H.R. Brun & Company, Inc. Hansco Henry Perez Contracting Hinojosa Company HLSB Construction HUDSON KRUSS BUILDING SERVICES Hunter Demolition & Wrecking Corp. Hybrid Envelope Innovations, LLC Hyundai General Construction Irun Construction Services Irun Construction Services J.A. Carpenter J.R. Ramon & Sons Jarvis Demolition Jarvis Moore, Inc. JAS Development Corporation DBA Diamante Homes Enrique Rodriguez [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Joseph Fazzone MIGUEL HERNANDEZ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Edgar Dodson [email protected] Mary Karam [email protected] [email protected] Jarvis Moore Benjamin Martinez Dolores Gutierrez [email protected] [email protected] Brian Karp [email protected] [email protected] Rick Brun Shane Hans Henry Perez Armando Hinojosa [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Deborah Hunter [email protected] [email protected] Jay Song [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] jarvisdsd@gmail [email protected] Jaime Anzaldua Gus Flores Jarvis Moore Jarvis Moore Adam Sanchez E‐MAIL E‐MAIL John Janice E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL Robert Freire Malcolm Friesenhahn Julio Gamez E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL [email protected] 5/13/2014 Advertisement List Solicitation # 1409‐912‐40‐4261 JGG Construction Joseph Gonzales JMI Contractors, LLC Michael Jerome Garcia [email protected] info@jmi‐ Ricardo Guajardo, Jr. Josiah Construction, LLC Richard Johnson Kactus Construction John McDaniels Kingdombuilders KMAC Construction Kevin McIntyre Services, Inc. KMAC Construction Services, Inc. La Salle Affordable Maribel Morales Builders, LLC Leon R. Ojeda General Leon Ojeda Construction Lone Star Remediation & Demolition, Inc. Lozano Construction Co. Rosa Lozano Inc. Rose Lozano Lozano Trucking Co. Inc. LYNX CONTRACTORS Kyle Burcham INC Mark V. Cuppetilli M & M Contracting, LTD. Mark V. Cuppetilli M & M Contracting, LTD. Shelley M & M Contracting, LTD. M & M Contracting, Ltd. Madden Material & Trucking, LLC Jack Day Majek Demolition Majek Demolition Man-Tra Solutions, LLC Mike Aleman Michael Padron MAPCO, INC. Mestizo Enterprises MG LIMON CORPORATION MJC & Associates Michael Nichols Nichols Construction Co. Donald O'Haver Ohaver Contracting Olmos Abatement, Inc. Larry Struthoff Olmos Equipment Omega OSO Construction OUTBACK CONSTRUCTION PINPOINT STRATEGIES, INC. PROMETHEUS ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, INC. Reggial Nevels QTM Consultant LLC E‐MAIL E‐MAIL [email protected] Johnmastorto@general [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] mark@m‐ mmtexas@m‐ shelley@m‐ sitework@m‐ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL [email protected] 5/13/2014 Advertisement List Solicitation # 1409‐912‐40‐4261 Queen Bee Construction R. Guajardo Construction, Inc. R3 DEMO & REMOVAL, LLC Ram II General Contractor, Inc. Ram Roc Construction Ram's Weatherization RCD RCO CONSTRUCTION, LLC River City Builders River City Disposal River City Environmental Sharon O'Neal [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Joe Ramirez Ramiro Reyes [email protected] [email protected] Odis Spencer [email protected] Eluterio Tenorio Odis Spenser Juan Olivares Kevin Jones/Cecily Byrom [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] River City Waste, Inc. [email protected] RL Jones LP Jerimiah Jones [email protected] Robles & Sons, Inc. Samuel Robles David Robles [email protected] Robles & Sons, Inc. Robles & Sons, [email protected] Inc./Robles Service Group Samuel Robles Saul Robles [email protected] Robles 1 [email protected] Roxton Development, LLC Royal Demolition Armando Benavides [email protected] Company Ricky Hooker [email protected] SA Trades SALMAC CONSTRUCTION & [email protected] EXCAVATING, LLC [email protected] SANCO CONTRACTING James Rector jim@site‐ Site Control So Tex Construction [email protected] Carmen Groth Specialists Southwest Texas Environmental victor@swtx‐ Victor Ochoa Contractors Scott Stewart [email protected] Stewart Servies LLC [email protected] Straight Line Management Joaquinn Arch Lynn Struthoff Struthoff Company Sandy Johnson [email protected] SWS Environmental T N GS [email protected] CONSTRUCTION, LLC John Trent Russell T R Construction [email protected] T.C. Excavation, Inc. TEX-AM [email protected] CONSTRUCTION LLC Tomahawk Demolition [email protected] LLC [email protected] Total Team Construction E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL 5/13/2014 Advertisement List Solicitation # 1409‐912‐40‐4261 Services, Inc. Trevino Contractor Troy M. Jessee Construction, LP TROY STEEL, INC. UNITED JPG CONSTRUCTION & DESIGN, LLC Valentin, LLC dba Valco Construction Valla Construction, Inc. Victory 3 Excavation & Hauling Vision Construction Company, Inc. Wiking Demolition Corporation Worley General Contractors, LLC Zapata & Associates Arturo Trevino [email protected] Troy Jessee [email protected] [email protected] E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL [email protected] E‐MAIL Michael J. Rivas [email protected] michael@valla‐ Joe Gonzalez [email protected] Noel Flores [email protected] Olaf Landgrebe [email protected] Luke Worley Ramiro Zapata [email protected] [email protected] Nim E. Wasson III Nimwasson@whittaker‐ E‐MAIL E‐MAIL Barry Black [email protected] E‐MAIL Dana Delao [email protected] E‐MAIL Marty Hunter Rick Brun Andrew Brumgard Mark Fowler Joseph Alderete Frank Juarez Jack Gauthier Al Green Edward Pape John Harris II Jarvis Moore Ben Lopez [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] jack@m‐ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] benlopez@m‐ E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL E‐MAIL Additional (Pre‐Bid Attendees) Whittaker‐Lane Contracting Belfort‐Black Contracting, Inc. KMAC Construction Services, Inc. Hunter Demolition H.R. Brun & Company, Inc. Robles1 Demolition Alamo 1 J.R. Ramon & Sons, Inc. Alamo 1 M & M Contracting Marc III Bolero Ventures, LLC A‐Level Industries JMI M & M Contracting ADDITIONAL South Plains Contracting, Inc. Construction Data Bradley W. Boegner Nathan Cranford [email protected] PICK UP AT CENTRAL OFC E‐MAIL 5/13/2014 SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2015 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION 5458, AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR FLEET SERVICES TO THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO (COSA) THROUGH AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT, FOR AN ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $450,000.00, FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR, WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR FOUR (4) ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS. Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO Steven Morando Director of Procurement Roger Garcia General Services Manager REQUESTED ACTION: Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5458, authorizing the award of a contract for fleet services to the City of San Antonio (COSA) through an intergovernmental agreement for an annual amount not to exceed $450,000.00, for a period of one year, with the option to renew for four (4) additional one-year periods. PURPOSE: To provide fleet-related maintenance, repair and fueling services for 180 SAHA-owned vehicles and off-road equipment. Specific services that are provided by COSA under this agreement include preventive maintenance, as-needed unscheduled mechanical repairs, vehicle towing, road calls, yearly vehicle safety inspections, car/truck washes, fuel, and collision damage repair. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost for fleet services is not expected to exceed an annual amount of $450,000.00, or an average of $2,500.00 per vehicle per year for maintenance, fuel, inspections, etc., and will be funded through the departments’ operating budgets. The total amounts paid to COSA for fleet services over the past five years are as follows: 2010 $387,122.00; 2011 - $540,561.00; 2012 - $486,992.00; $2013 - $427,465.00; and 2014 $341,092.00. The increase to $450,000 this year is due to enhanced attention to preventive maintenance to ensure that all services are performed according to the manufacturer's recommended schedules. SUMMARY: The use of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of San Antonio (COSA) is a method available to SAHA to obtain services from a governmental agency without being subject to competitive bidding requirements and is one that is encouraged by HUD for use by Housing Authorities. The City of San Antonio, Building and Equipment Services Department (“BESD”) operates six (6) maintenance shops throughout the city to service its 4,800 vehicle and equipment fleet. Additionally, they have 11 fueling stations that are available for use by SAHA, located at BESD maintenance shops, police substations and other city facilities. Unleaded fuel is available at all locations and propane is available at three of their shop locations. All of the SAHA fleet is assigned and serviced at the BESD Central Shop, which is centrally located on S. Frio Street. The rates and fees that will be charged to SAHA for services provided by BESD are the same that they charge COSA departments. Fuel prices that COSA charges are based on an index of South Texas refinery prices each week and are responsive to weekly market conditions, which are quickly reflected in the prices SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2015 charged to SAHA. The markup over COSA cost is increasing from $.10/gallon in 2014 to $.13/gallon in 2015. The shop labor rate for 2015 will be $81/hour, which compares favorably with the market commercial rates at San Antonio dealerships that were researched and range from $108 to $120 per hour. This labor rate is a reduction from the $84/hour rate charged in 2014. The markup on parts is decreasing from 23% to 22% over COSA cost; car wash fees ($2.00) and sublet markups (10% over COSA cost) will remain the same. The monthly charge for active vehicles registered in the fueling system will go up from $3.00/month/vehicle to $14.00/month/vehicle (an impact of approximately $23,000/year). ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 5458 SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION 5458 RESOLUTION 5458, AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR FLEET SERVICES TO THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO (COSA) THROUGH AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR AN ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $450,000.00 FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR, WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR FOUR (4) ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS. WHEREAS, SAHA requires fleet related maintenance, repair and fueling services for 180 SAHA owned vehicles and off road equipment; and WHEREAS, specific services that are provided by COSA under this agreement include preventive maintenance, as-needed unscheduled mechanical repairs, vehicle towing, road calls, yearly vehicle safety inspections, car/truck washes, fuel, and collision damage; and WHEREAS, the cost for fleet services is not expected to exceed an annual amount of $500,000.00 and will be funded through the Departments’ operating; and WHEREAS, the use of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of San Antonio (COSA) is a method available to SAHA to obtain services from a governmental agency without being subject to competitive bidding requirements and is one that is encouraged by HUD for use by Housing Authorities; and WHEREAS, staff requests that the Board of Commissioners authorize the President and CEO or her designee to execute all documents to enter into this contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of SAHA hereby: 1) Approves Resolution 5458, authorizing the award of a contract for fleet services to the City of San Antonio (COSA) through an intergovernmental agreement for an annual amount not to exceed $450,000.00 for a period of one year, with the option to renew for four (4) additional one-year periods. 2) Authorizes the President and CEO or her designee to execute all necessary documents associated with this contract. Passed and approved the 5th day of February, 2015 Morris A. Stribling, DPM Chair, Board of Commissioners Attested and approved as to form: Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2015 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION 5459, AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR BENEFITS CONSULTANT TO MCGRIFF, SEIBELS & WILLIAMS OF TEXAS, INC., FOR AN ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $65,000.00, FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR, WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS. Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO Steven Morando Director of Procurement David Nisivoccia Chief Operating Officer REQUESTED ACTION: Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5459, approving a contract for Benefits Consultant to McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc., for an annual amount not to exceed $65,000.00 for a period of one year, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods. PURPOSE: SAHA requires the services of a benefit consultant to provide administration and placement of employee benefits, to include but not limited to the design and bidding of medical, dental, life, disability and voluntary benefits, including flexible spending and Employee Assistance Program for SAHA employees. The Agency’s benefits program is currently under a self-insured model that promotes a premium cost savings to the organization while providing our staff with top quality and competitive benefits packages. SAHA provides its employees attractive benefits packages as compared to other similarly sized private and public enterprises. Annual surveys sent to employees indicate high satisfaction with the packages offered. The current benefits carrier is Humana, which insures SAHA after the current individual stop loss threshold of $100,000 per employee, as well as an aggregate stop loss of $5,000,000. As our third-party administrator, Humana handles all of medical and dental claims within the self-insured limits. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost for the Employee Benefits Consultant’s fee is not expected to exceed an annual amount of $65,000.00 and will be funded through the operating budget. SUMMARY: On August 22, 2014, SAHA issued a “Request For Proposals” (RFP) #1406-953-52-4220 for Benefits Consultant, which closed on October 1, 2014. The RFP was published on our website, Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), The Hart Beat, La Prensa, various other venues and we direct solicited to 19 contractors (See Advertisement List). A total of five (5) proposals were received in response to the RFP: Frost HR Consulting; Holmes Murphy; McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc.; Mullen Pension & Benefits Group, LP; and The Granado Group. All proposals were evaluated on the following criteria: experience; technical approach/plan; qualifications; price; and strength of the Section 3 and SWMBE plans. After evaluation of the submitted proposals, presentations were conducted for all proposers. Based on the above, McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc. is the highest rated responsive and responsible proposer, and is therefore being recommended for a contract award. SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2015 McGriff, Siebels & Williams of Texas, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Branch Banking & Trust Corporation (BB&T) of Raleigh, North Carolina, is headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, and has offices in several states including one in San Antonio, Texas. This company specializes in commercial insurance, construction risk, executive risk, energy and marine, employee benefits and surety. They have experience with Housing Authorities, to include the Dallas Housing Authority and with the San Antonio Housing Authority. McGriff, Siebels & Williams of Texas, Inc. has agreed to comply with SAHA’s Section 3 plan and their subcontractor, Barrett Insurance Services has been certified as a Section 3 Business by SAHA. ATTACHMENTS: Company Profile Resolution 5459 Bid Tabulation Advertisement List Company Profile McGriff is a wholly owned subsidiary of Branch Banking & Trust Corporation (BB&T) of Raleigh, North Carolina, is headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama and has offices in several states including in San Antonio, Texas. The company specializes in Commercial Insurance, Construction Risk, Executive Risk, Energy & Marine, Employee Benefits and Surety. They have experience with Housing Authorities to include the Dallas Housing Authority and the San Antonio Housing Authority (as insurance broker of record). They are a non-minority, non-women owned company. The employee benefits consulting/brokerage division has been in operation approximately 24 years. SAHA’s account will be handled by the Addison and San Antonio locations. In addition to providing services to private sector companies, they also provide health and welfare consulting services to over 30 municipal governments representing approximately 40,000 employees, ranging in size from 50 to 5,000 employees. Their clients receiving benefits services and are similar in size to SAHA include Bexar and Tom Green Counties, the Cities of Bryan, College Station, and Denton, and the Port of Houston. SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION 5459 RESOLUTION 5459, AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR BENEFITS CONSULTANT TO MCGRIFF, SEIBELS & WILLIAMS OF TEXAS, INC. FOR AN ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $65,000.00 FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR, WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR TWO (2) ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS. WHEREAS, SAHA requires the services of a benefits consultant to provide administration and placement of employee benefits to include but not limited to design and bidding process of medical, dental, life, disability and voluntary benefits, including flexible spending and Employee Assistance Program for SAHA employees; and WHEREAS, on August 22, 2014, SAHA issued a “Request For Proposals” (RFP) #1406-95352-4220 for Benefits Consultant which closed on October 1, 2014; and WHEREAS, a total of five (5) proposals were received in response to the RFP; and WHEREAS, after evaluation of the submitted proposals, McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc. is the highest rated responsive and responsible proposer and is therefore being recommended for a contract award; and WHEREAS, the cost for the Employee Benefits Consultant’s fee is not expected to exceed an annual amount of $65,000.00 and will be funded through the operating budget; and WHEREAS, staff requests that the Board of Commissioners authorize the President and CEO or her designee to execute all documents to enter into this contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of SAHA hereby: 1) Approves Resolution 5459, authorizing the award of a contract for Benefits Consultant to McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc. for an annual amount not to exceed $65,000.00 for a period of one year, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods. 2) Authorizes the President and CEO or her designee to execute all necessary documents associated with this contract. Passed and approved the 5th day of February, 2015 _______________________________ Morris A. Stribling, DPM Chair, Board of Commissioners Attested and approved as to form: ________________________________ Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO Scoring Matrix (Presentations) Criterion Description Experience: Max Points Weight 1-5 20% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Technical Approach: Strength of the Section 3 plan: Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Strength of the S/W/MBE plan: Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Mullen Pension & Benefits Group Granado Group 4.50 4.00 4.50 13.00 4.33 0.87 5.00 4.50 5.00 14.50 4.83 0.97 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 1.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 12.00 4.00 0.80 4.75 4.50 4.50 13.75 4.58 0.92 4.50 4.00 4.50 13.00 4.33 0.65 4.50 4.00 5.00 13.50 4.50 0.68 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 0.75 3.50 4.00 4.00 11.50 3.83 0.58 4.75 4.50 4.50 13.75 4.58 0.69 4.50 4.50 4.50 13.50 4.50 0.68 4.00 4.50 5.00 13.50 4.50 0.68 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 0.75 4.00 4.00 4.50 12.50 4.17 0.63 4.75 4.00 4.50 13.25 4.42 0.66 4.31 1.29 3.49 1.05 3.22 0.97 1.67 0.50 3.08 0.92 4.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 3.33 0.33 2.00 3.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 0.20 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 0.50 2.00 3.00 2.00 7.00 2.33 0.23 3.50 4.00 4.50 12.00 4.00 0.40 4.00 4.00 5.00 13.00 4.33 0.43 2.00 3.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 0.20 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.10 3.50 4.00 4.50 12.00 4.00 0.40 4.25 3.76 4.47 2.83 3.99 1-5 15% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Price proposal: Total Score Weighted Score McGriff, Siebels & Williams 1-5 15% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Qualifications: Benefits Consultant 1406-953-52-4220 Holmes Murphy Frost HR & Associates Consulting 1-5 30% 1-5 10% 1-5 10% Section 3 Preference: A firm may qualify for Section 3 status for up to an additional 5 points.# Priority 1: As detailed in Attachment D Priority II: As detailed in Attachment D Priority III: As detailed in Attachment D Priority IV: As detailed in Attachment D Tota Weighted Score 5 (.25) 4 (.2) 3 (.15) 2 (.1) Scoring Matrix Criterion Description Experience: Max Points Weight 1-5 20% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Technical Approach: Strength of the Section 3 plan: Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Strength of the S/W/MBE plan: Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Mullen Pension & Benefits Group Granado Group 5.00 4.00 4.00 13.00 4.33 0.87 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 11.00 3.67 0.73 4.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 3.33 0.67 4.00 4.00 4.00 12.00 4.00 0.60 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 0.75 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 0.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 0.45 5.00 4.00 3.00 12.00 4.00 0.60 4.00 4.00 4.00 12.00 4.00 0.60 4.00 4.00 5.00 13.00 4.33 0.65 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 0.75 3.00 4.00 3.00 10.00 3.33 0.50 4.00 4.00 2.00 10.00 3.33 0.50 4.31 1.29 3.49 1.05 3.22 0.97 1.67 0.50 3.08 0.92 2.00 3.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 0.67 0.07 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 0.07 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 0.50 1.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 1.67 0.17 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.33 0.13 4.00 5.00 4.00 13.00 4.33 0.43 2.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 0.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.10 3.73 3.58 3.97 2.45 3.29 1-5 15% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Price proposal: Total Score Weighted Score McGriff, Siebels & Williams 1-5 15% Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Total Score Average Score Weighted Score Qualifications: Benefits Consultant 1406-953-52-4220 Holmes Murphy Frost HR & Associates Consulting 1-5 30% 1-5 10% 1-5 10% Section 3 Preference: A firm may qualify for Section 3 status for up to an additional 5 points.# Priority 1: As detailed in Attachment D Priority II: As detailed in Attachment D Priority III: As detailed in Attachment D Priority IV: As detailed in Attachment D Tota Weighted Score 5 (.25) 4 (.2) 3 (.15) 2 (.1) Advertisement List Solicitation # 1406‐953‐52‐4220 Benefits Consultant Entity CHAMBERS & ASSOCIATIONS: ACCION Texas African American Chamber of Commerce of San Antonio Alamo Asian American Chamber of Commerce Alamo City Black Chamber Of Commerce Contact Name Email Method of Contact(Specify) Celina Pena Lou Miller [email protected] [email protected] e‐mail e‐mail Elva Adams [email protected] e‐mail Christopher Herring e‐mail e‐mail American Council of Engineering Companies ‐ San Antonio (ACEC‐ SA) American Institute of Architects American Subcontractors Association Associated Builders and Contractors S. Texas Chapter Builders Exchange CDC News CFMA Anne Whittington [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Laura Smith Elaine Garcia [email protected] [email protected] e‐mail e‐mail Steve Schultz [email protected] e‐mail Jeannette Olguin e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail Chinese Chamber of Commerce Jerry Jin Goodwill Industries Clark Mosely [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] e‐mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] info@macb‐ mca‐smacna@mca‐, bob.pisors@mca‐ [email protected] [email protected] e‐mail Tommy Wallace Greater San Antonio Builders Becky Oliver Association The San Antonio Chamber of Julie Oltersdorf Commerce Hispanic Contractors Association Clarissa Perez de San Antonio I Square Foot Plan Room IEC Julie Howard MACB MCA‐SMACNA Maria Monita Bob Pisors Minority Business Council National Alliance of Craftsmen Association Hector Garcia Victor Landa e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail 040214 Advertisement List Solicitation # 1406‐953‐52‐4220 Benefits Consultant Method of Contact(Specify) e‐mail Entity Contact Name Email National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) NAWBO San Antonio North San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors Association Professional Engineers in Private Practice Real Estate Council of San Antonio SAABE San Antonio Board of Realtors SA Chapter of the Associated General Contractors San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce San Antonio Masonry Contractors Association San Antonio Women's Chamber of Commerce South Central Regional Certification Agency South San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Sandee Morgan [email protected], [email protected] Madeline Slay RC Garcia [email protected] [email protected] e‐mail e‐mail Heidi Timble Heidi@phcc‐ e‐mail Diane Hoskins [email protected] e‐mail Martha Mangum [email protected] e‐mail Melodie Suzanne Dana Marsh [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail Ramiro Cavazos e‐mail Debbie Mason [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] e‐mail Cindy Libera [email protected] e‐mail Ross Mitchell e‐mail Southwest Minority Supplier Diversity Council Surety Association of South Texas, Inc. Texas Society of Professional Engineers Texas Veteran's Commission TIBH Industries UTSA Minority Business Center UTSA Procurement Technical Assistance Center West San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Robert Casas [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] e‐mail Jim Swindle [email protected] e‐mail Laura Campa e‐mail Women's Business Center Martha Zurita [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] Tom Shaw Willie Jackson Robert Olivo Orestes Hubbard Terri Williams Gabe Farias e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail 040214 Advertisement List Solicitation # 1406‐953‐52‐4220 Benefits Consultant Entity Contact Name Email Women's Business Enterprise Avery Smith bids@wbea‐ Method of Contact(Specify) e‐mail WEBSITES: NAHRO Public Purchase Texas ESBD Website Website Website Post on Website Post on Website Post on Website HUB [email protected] e‐mail HUB [email protected] e‐mail HUB [email protected] e‐mail Website Website Website [email protected] [email protected] evesely@bbc‐ e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail Website Website Website Website Website [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail Website Website Doug Hodo [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail HUBS: Resolution Oversight Corporation Sams Contracting Consulting and Training The Ted Martin Group, LP DIRECT SOLICITS: Mercer Health & Benefits Benefits Consultants Group Benefit Brokers & Consultants Benefit Brokers of WNY Broad Reach Benefits Benefit Advisors Network Frenkel Benefits Associated Benefit Consultants Benefit Mall Benefits Source McGriff, Seibels and Williams of Texas Catto and Catto Website Holmes Murphy & Associates Ethos Benefit Services Granado Group Gallagher Benefit Service Website Website Website Website Frost HR Consulting IMA, Inc. SWBC Website Website Website e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail e‐mail 040214 SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2015 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION 5461, APPROVING A CHANGE ORDER TO MOWING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICE CONTRACTS TO A&S LANDSCAPING (HABE, SECTION 3 BUSINESS) IN THE AMOUNT OF $63,000.00, AND R &C LANDSCAPE, LLC (ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, SECTION 3 BUSINESS), IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,000.00, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THREE MONTHS. Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO Steven Morando Director of Procurement David Nisivoccia Chief Operating Officer REQUESTED ACTION: Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5461, approving a change order to mowing and grounds maintenance service contracts to A&S Landscaping (HABE, Section 3 Business) in the amount of $63,000.00, and R&C Landscape, LLC (ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, Section 3 Business), in the amount of $40,000.00, for a period not to exceed three months. PURPOSE: To provide continued mowing and grounds maintenance services to 39 Public Housing properties for a period not to exceed three months while an award to the new Request For Proposals (RFP) for these services is being finalized. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The change order will result in the following increases to the contractors’ agreements and will be funded through the properties operating budgets: A&S Landscaping - $63,000, or 10.2%, and R&C Landscape, LLC - $40,000, or 15.3%, of their current contracts. SUMMARY: On November 6, 2014, the Board approved contracts for Mowing and Grounds Maintenance Services for Public Housing to include scattered sites and vacant lots to A&S Landscaping (HABE, Section 3 Business) for an amount not to exceed $616,545.60 and R&C Landscape, LLC (ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, Section 3 Business) for an amount not to exceed $258,159.00. A contract with a third vendor, Endeavors Unlimited was also approved. However, on November 17, 2014, SAHA was advised by Endeavors that the prices submitted in their Best and Final Offer (BAFO) contained a significant bid error that required either prices to be increased or the bid to be withdrawn. Since SAHA’s Procurement Policy does not permit the increase of amounts after award, Endeavors was advised that the contract award could not proceed and Endeavors withdrew their bid. This left 39 Public Housing properties without regular service. Therefore, on January 8, 2015, SAHA issued RFP #1412-988-36-4298 for Mowing and Grounds Maintenance Services For Various Public Housing Properties that is scheduled to close on January 29, 2015. Staff anticipates an award recommendation to be presented at the March 2015 Operations and Choice Neighborhood Committee and the April 2015 Board of Commissioners meeting. This change order is required to provide the services needed until the award of the final contract. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 5461 SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY RESOLUTION 5461 RESOLUTION 5461, APPROVING A CHANGE ORDER TO MOWING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICE CONTRACTS TO A&S LANDSCAPING (HABE, SECTION 3 BUSINESS) IN THE AMOUNT OF $63,000.00 AND R&C LANDSCAPE, LLC (ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, SECTION 3 BUSINESS) IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,000.00, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THREE MONTHS. WHEREAS, On November 6, 2014, the Board approved contracts for Mowing and Grounds Maintenance Services for Public Housing to A & S Landscaping (HABE, Section 3 Business) for an amount not to exceed $616,545.60 and R & C Landscape, LLC (ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, Section 3 Business) for an amount not to exceed $258,159.00; and WHEREAS, a contract with a third vendor, Endeavors Unlimited was also approved, however, on November 17, 2014, SAHA was advised by Endeavors that the prices submitted in their Best and Final Offer (BAFO) contained a significant bid error that required either prices to be increased or the bid to be withdrawn; and. WHEREAS, since Procurement Policy does not permit the increase of amounts after award, Endeavors was advised that SAHA would be unable to proceed with the award and Endeavors withdrew their bid; and . WHEREAS, a change order is necessary to provide continued mowing and ground maintenance services to 39 Public Housing properties; and WHEREAS, the change order will result in the following increases to the contractors’ agreements and will be funded through the properties operating budgets: A & S Landscaping $63,000 or 10.2% and R & C Landscape, LLC $40,000 or 15.3% of their current contracts; and WHEREAS, these increases do not violate the statutory limit of 25% however do exceed the authority of the CEO thus requiring Board approval; and WHEREAS, staff requests that the Board of Commissioners authorize the President and CEO or her designee to execute all documents to enter into this contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of SAHA hereby: 1) Approves Resolution 5461, approving a change order to contracts for Mowing and Grounds Maintenance Services to A & S Landscaping (HABE, SECTION 3 BUSINESS) in the amount of $63,000 and R & C Landscape, LLC (ESBE, HABE, MBE, SBE, Section 3 business) in the amount of $40,000 for a period not to exceed three months. 2) Authorizes the President and CEO or her designee to execute all necessary documents associated with this contract. Passed and approved the 5th day of February 2015 Morris Stribling Chair, Board of Commissioners Attested and approved as to form: Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO San Antonio Housing Authority February 5, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Commissioners FROM: Yolanda Hotman, Chair, Resident Services Committee SUBJECT: Resident Services Committee held at The Lofts at Marie McGuire, on January 22, 2015 A Resident Services Committee meeting was held on January 22, 2015, at The Lofts at Marie McGuire Apartments, 211 N. Alamo. Attendees included Chair Yolanda Hotman, Commissioner Lisa Rodriguez, Commissioner Morris Stribling, Commissioner Stella Molina, SAHA President/CEO Lourdes Castro Ramirez, SAHA staff, and approximately 24 residents. The Lofts at Marie McGuire is a community for elderly/disabled residents, built in 1979 and renovated in 2015, consisting of 63 units in a high-rise building. The Resident Services Committee focuses on matters affecting the residents of the agency’s Public Housing properties. The following topics were discussed at the committee meeting: Elderly Admissions Preference pilot program David Clark stated one of the Moving to Work (MTW) initiatives approved by HUD this year is a prorated leasing preference to address concerns regarding the lifestyle conflicts between elderly and non-elderly residents. The pilot program is taking place at two of our properties, W.C. White and Fair Avenue. The program is designed to transition these properties to 80% elderly and 20% non-elderly disabled. Occupancy and wait list administration Mr. Clark stated that in 2014 the occupancy rate was at approximately 94.6%. At that time, the responsibility for processing applications was shifted from Public Housing staff to the Unified Application Center (UAC) in the Assisted Housing program, which now processes both Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher applications. At the same time, SAHA implemented a new Moving to Work initiative, a time-limited preference for 200 working families. Over 7,000 applicants claimed the working preference, but only 28 applicants qualified. As staff processed the applications, they found that very few actually qualified for the preference. Each rejected applicant was returned to a place on the waitlist based on the date and time of their application, after interviewing hundreds of applicants who claimed the working preference. Despite devoting extra staff and overtime to address the problem, occupancy continued to drop, and staff decided to suspend the working preference until occupancy was under control. By the end of July 2014, occupancy reached a low point of 88.8%. For the convenience of applicants and to increase occupancy, as the UAC drew applicants from the waitlist, letters were sent, indicating their preferred development(s) and asking them to contact the development(s) directly. The site staff rather than the UAC completed eligibility interviews, certification, and leasing. This process has worked well. The occupancy percentage began moving upward and as of December 2014, was 96.4%. Almost all sites now have occupancy under control. Staff plans to reintroduce the working preference in January 2015. San Antonio Housing Authority February 5, 2015 Year-end office closures David Clark report that, in response to the 2013 federal sequestration, senior staff proposed a initiative to close SAHA offices at the end of the year to save on cost of physically operating offices and staff salaries. In 2013, the first SAHA year-end closure, the operations staff experienced virtually no problems, and staff morale was noticeably buoyed by the break. SAHA therefore repeated the closure this year, with the last day of work on Tuesday, December 23, 2014 and offices reopened on Friday, January 2, 2015. The closure was communicated to the residents in the Neighbors magazine, and in the December Bulletin and rent statement flyer. Bilingual signs were posted at all sites and the Central Office. Staff also included messages in eblasts, email replies, and discussions with residents, employees, and partners. Public Housing department provides critical, time-sensitive services to its residents; some staff was available for emergencies. Maintenance staff was on-call, just as it always is, at night and on weekends. A small crew of administrative staff worked each weekday, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., at Alazan, available to serve the needs of residents at any community who might have required urgent services, such as an emergency transfer due to a safety or security issue. Volunteer staff from all developments took turns with these duties. They reported very little activity. The Committee asked staff to follow up with a report on how much money was saved. Quarterly Ombudsman report Vanessa Chavez stated the Quarterly Ombudsman Report provides a breakdown of all inquiries regarding resident and program participant requests for assistance during the months of October 2014 through December 2014. There were 88 cases total, with 53 cases closed and 35 cases pending. Of the 88 cases, 65 were Public Housing, 15 were Section 8, 2 were Unified Application Center, 2 were Tax Credit, and 4 were Non-Profit. Ms Chavez provided a list of recommendations to staff, which resulting from the process to resolve the various matters. The Committee asked that property names be added to the next quarterly report. This report will be provided at the February Board meeting. Education Investment Foundation and Community Development Initiatives quarterly report Adrian Lopez stated CDI works on focusing on fulfilling SAHA’s strategic goal to empower and equip families to improve their quality of life and achieve economic stability. He provided a list of target metrics, together with the related accomplishments, progress and status. Business Opportunity Academy Mr. Lopez stated since 2013, 41 participants have attended the Academy. This year, the BOA will be expanded to 50 participants and will include two extra sessions. The next BOA is scheduled for February 2015. The BOA reaches traditionally under-served communities by targeting Small, Minority, and Women Owned Enterprises. The BOA provides 12 hours of instruction presented through workshops, hands-on seminars, and networking functions over the course of four weeks. Participants also receive one-on-one assistance from lenders who consult with each participant on creating a path to greater financial viability. San Antonio Housing Authority February 5, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Commissioners FROM: Dr. Morris Stribling, Chair, Operations and Choice Committee Meeting SUBJECT: Operations & Choice Neighborhood Committee Meeting held at the Lofts at Marie McGuire on January 22, 2015. An Operations and Choice Neighborhood Committee meeting was held on January 22, 2015. Attendees included Chair Morris Stribling, Commissioner Rodriguez, Commissioner Yolanda Hotman, President and CEO Lourdes Castro Ramírez, and SAHA staff. The following topics were discussed at the committee meeting: Choice Neighborhood Dr. Christine Drennon provided a presentation on the work plan for the Neighborhood component of Choice, which includes economic development, housing, safety and security, and health and wellness. Resolution 5460, authorizing the President and CEO to: purchase lots and vacant/abandoned buildings for a cumulative total not to exceed $363,000, within the EastPoint Infill Project Area. Tim Alcott stated staff is seeking authorization to purchase lots and vacant/abandoned homes located within the EastPoint Choice Infill Housing area, utilizing approximately $363,000 of Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funds, as part of the EastPoint Choice Neighborhood Transformation Plan. Plans include the demolition of abandoned buildings, and the subsequent sale of the lots to builders to construct new homes for income-qualified homebuyers up to 120% of area median income (AMI). SAHA is working with the City of San Antonio to finalize a contract for the NSP funds. Eight (8) lots and/or vacant houses are pending sale to SAHA, upon Board approval, ranging in price from $8,000 to $18,000, with closings tentatively planned for March 2015. The purchase prices for the lot and abandoned buildings are based on appraised values (Integra Realty Resource) to determine fair market value. The Committee voted to forward the item to the full Board. Resolution 5457, Authorizing the award of a contract for demolition services for the Blueridge Neighborhood to J.R. Ramon & Sons. Steven Morando and Mr. Alcott stated this action would provide demolition and associated services to thirty-nine (39) vacant homes and one (1) lot located in the Blueridge Neighborhood, in preparation for the future new construction of forty (40) single family residential units. The Blueridge Neighborhood is part of the Westside Revitalization Initiative for the four former HOPE VI neighborhoods. The Blueridge Neighborhood is the largest of the four (4) neighborhoods and is the first phase of the revitalization of these neighborhoods. J.R. Ramon & Sons, Inc. is the highest rated responsive and responsible proposer, and is therefore being recommended for contract award. The Committee voted to forward the item to the full Board. Resolution 5458, authorizing the award of a contract for fleet services to the City of San Antonio (COSA) through an intergovernmental agreement for an annual amount not to exceed $450,000.00 for a period of one year. David Nisivoccia stated the contract will provide fleet-related maintenance, repair and fueling services for 180 SAHA-owned vehicles and off-road equipment. Specific services that are provided by COSA under this agreement include preventive maintenance, as-needed unscheduled mechanical repairs, vehicle towing, road calls, yearly vehicle safety inspections, car/truck washes, fuel, and collision damage repair. The cost for fleet services is not expected to exceed an annual amount of $450,000.00, or an average of $2,500.00 per vehicle per year San Antonio Housing Authority February 5, 2015 for maintenance, fuel, inspections, etc., and will be funded through the departments’ operating budgets. The Committee voted to forward the item to the full Board. Resolution 5459, authorizing the award of a contract for benefits consultant to McGriff, Seibles & Williams of Texas, Inc. for an annual amount not to exceed $65,000.00 for a period of one year, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods. Mr. Nisivoccia stated SAHA requires a benefits consultant to provide administration and placement of employee benefits, to include but not limited to the design and bidding of medical, dental, life, disability and voluntary benefits, including flexible spending and Employee Assistance Program for SAHA employees. The cost for the Employee Benefits Consultant’s fee is not expected to exceed an annual amount of $65,000.00 and will be funded through the operating budget. McGriff, Seibels & Williams of Texas, Inc. was the highest rated responsive and responsible proposer, and is therefore being recommended for a contract award. The Committee voted to forward the item to the full Board. Resolution 5461, authorizing a change order to mowing and grounds maintenance services contracts to A&S Landscaping.(HABE, Section 3 Business) in the amount of $63,000.00 and R&C Landscaping , LLC (ESBE, HABE, SBE, Section 3 Business) in the amount of $40,000.00, for a period not to exceed three months. Mr. Morando stated the change order will provide continued mowing and grounds maintenance services to 39 Public Housing properties for a period not to exceed three months while an award to the new Request For Proposals (RFP) for these services is being finalized. This action will result in the following increases to the contractors’ agreements and will be funded through the properties operating budgets: A&S Landscaping - $63,000, or 10.2%, and R&C Landscape, LLC - $40,000, or 15.3%, of their current contracts. The Committee voted to forward the item to the full Board. 2015 payment standards for the Housing Choice Voucher program. Mr. Nisivoccia reported that in December 2013, Housing Choice Voucher staff began pulling over 12,000 applicants off the wait list over the past year. The department was only able to issue 2,000 new vouchers in 2014, largely due to the existing payment standards being below the current rental market. Staff believes that the approved 2015 Payment Standard Schedule for the Housing Choice Voucher Program, which was approved by the Board of Commissioners at the January 8, 2015 meeting, is consistent with the current market trends and will expand the housing opportunities for our program participants. The 2015 Payment Standard Schedule was set to be effective June 1, 2015 for all Housing Assistance Payment Contracts, based on the current lease up success rate, staff is now recommending the 2015 Payment Standard Schedule will be implemented and made effective February 1, 2015. This will be brought to the Board at the February meeting as an action item. Matt Garcia structural repairs. Hector Martinez reported stated that in December, the Board approved a change order for structural repairs for unforeseen structural deficiencies, demolition and replacement of a section of the exterior stucco system with fiber-cement board siding, select exterior window replacement, and interior drywall and floor system investigative demolition to selected areas. A final cost of $66,050.00 has been agreed upon and finalized after negotiations. The work continues, with Terracon, an approved vendor, having been engaged to write an abatement work and monitoring plan for the community room flooring, which will be disturbed during installation of structural columns. FY2016 MTW Plan Richard Milk stated SAHA is on track to complete the 2015-2016 Agency Plans in time for April submission to HUD. This year, staff is considering a very limited number of new MTW activities. One reason for this is the need to focus resources on the implementation of previously adopted MTW activities (the MDRC Rent Study, in particular). Another reason is the need to take a long- San Antonio Housing Authority February 5, 2015 term view of agency and community goals, and incorporate that understanding into the MTW Plan. The MTW Advisory Board, for example, has chosen to take some time to explore the challenges associated with securing childcare. The MTW Plan will be presented to the Ops Committee in March and to the full Board in April 2015. Public Housing scorecard David Clark stated staff is working to design a new methodology to capture more meaningful, holistic data than that captured by the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS). It does not measure, for example, customer service data in the form of work order turnaround time; or how many residents participate in programs such as Jobs-Plus or Family Self Sufficiency. The new “Scorecard” captures such data, as well as some of the data currently measured under PHAS. Cost savings obtained through IT initiatives. Jo Ana Alvarado stated one of SAHA’s six strategic goals is to “transform core operations to be a high performing and financially strong organization.” In support of this goal, the Information Technology (IT) Director has implemented costs reductions that have integrated new technologies with new management strategies that streamlined the IT staff structure while still providing quality technical support to the SAHA computer user community. The total cost savings from the IT initiatives is estimated to be $1,187,383 Section 3 activities update Adrian Lopez provided an update on the status of the steps undertaken in reviewing the Section 3 Policy. The update included progress on: Surveying Section 3 programs utilizing Section 3 workgroup; Developing a list of “Best Practices;” Surveying existing contracting opportunities and developing a matrix; and Surveying Section 3 participants “residents and businesses” SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2015 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION 5462, APPROVING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 2015 PAYMENT STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR THE HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER (HCV) PROGRAM ON FEBRUARY 9, 2015 Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO Deborah Flach Director of Assisted Housing Programs REQUESTED ACTION: Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5462, approving the implementation of the 2015 payment standard schedule for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program on February 9, 2015. PURPOSE: Beginning in December 2013, HCV program staff began an aggressive lease-up process, pulling over 12,000 applicants off the waiting list over the past year. Despite these efforts, the department was able to issue only 2,000 new vouchers in 2014, largely due to the existing payment standards being below the current rental market. Staff believes that the approved 2015 payment standard schedule, which was approved by the Board of Commissioners at the January 8, 2015 meeting, is consistent the current market trends and will expand housing opportunities for our program participants. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The estimated impact on the Housing Assistance Payment Contract remains 4.26%; however, due to biennial and triennial recertifications, the increase will be phased in over a period of three (3) years. There is an estimated impact to the current budget of $110,000 per month, based on the number of movers and new admissions. SUMMARY: On January 8, 2015, the Board of Commissioners approved the 2015 payment standard schedule for the HCV Program, through Resolution 5454. As approved, the 2015 payment standards are scheduled to take effect on June 1, 2015 or later. However, staff believes the 2014 payment standard schedule, presently effective through April 30, 2015, is negatively impacting lease-up success among program participants, and implementation of the 2015 payment standard schedule, which is more consistent with the current rental market, would improve lease-up success and expand housing opportunities for our participants. Therefore, staff requests approval to implement the 2015 payment standard schedule on February 9, 2015, for the following: Program participants in the moving process; New admissions into the program; and Program participants with a recertification date of June 1, 2015 or later. Staff will also review files for program participants whose calculated rent exceeds their monthly adjusted income by 40%, to determine if an interim recertification is needed to provide optimal housing assistance. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 5462 Resolution 5454 SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2015 SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY Resolution 5462 RESOLUTION 5462, APPROVING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 2015 PAYMENT STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR THE HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER (HCV) PROGRAM ON FEBRUARY 9, 2015 WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners, on January 8, 2015, approved Resolution 5454, approving the 2015 Payment Standard Schedule at 97% - 106% of the FY 2015 Fair Market Rents for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program with an effective date of June 1, 2015 or later, and WHEREAS, Staff has determined that earlier implementation of the 2015 payment standard schedule would improve lease-up success and expand housing opportunities for program participants, and WHEREAS, Staff requests authorization to implement the 2015 payment standards with an effective date of February 9, 2015 for new admissions, participants in the moving process, and participants with a recertification date of June 1, 2015 or later. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of SAHA hereby: 1) Approves Resolution 5462, approving the implementation of the 2015 payment standard schedule for the HCV program on February 9, 2015. 2015 FMR 0 BR 551 1 BR 695 2 BR 872 3 BR 1137 4 BR 1247 5 BR 1434 6 BR 1621 Proposed Payment Standard 582 695 846 1103 1253 1441 1629 Percentage of 2015 FMR 106% 100% 97% 97% 100% 100% 100% 2014 Payment Standard 582 648 800 1032 1253 1441 1629 Passed and approved the 5th day of February 2015. _____________________________________ Ramiro Cavazos Chair, Board of Commissioners Attested and approved as to form: _____________________________________ Lourdes Castro Ramirez SAHA President and CEO SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY January 8, 2015 SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY Resolution 5454 RESOLUTION 5454, APPROVING THE 2015 PAYMENT STANDARD SCHEDULE AT 97%106% OF THE FY 2015 FAIR MARKET RENTS FOR THE HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) establishes fair market rents (FMRs) for each area in the United States, and annually WHEREAS, HUD requires the Public Housing Authority to establish voucher payment standards for each unit size, and WHEREAS, SAHA staff requests authorization to establish the payment standards at amounts between 97% and 106% of the 2015 FMR schedule to maintain the current payment standard schedule consistent with current rental market trends. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of SAHA hereby approves: 1) Resolution 5454, approving the Fiscal Year 2015 payment standard schedule at 97%106% of the 2015 FMRs as provided below for HAP Contracts with an effective date of June 1, 2015 or later. 2015 FMR 0 BR 551 1 BR 695 2 BR 872 3 BR 1137 4 BR 1247 5 BR 1434 6 BR 1621 Proposed Payment Standard 582 695 846 1103 1253 1441 1629 Percentage of 2015 FMR 106% 100% 97% 97% 100% 100% 100% 2014 Payment Standard 582 648 800 1032 1253 1441 1629 t e 81h day of January 2015. ' p Chair, Board of Commissioners L u des Castro Ramirez SAHA President and CEO SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2015 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION 5463, APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF $75,000.00 FOR THE FINISH-OUT OF THE BIBLIOTECH SPACE AT GARDENS AT SAN JUAN SQUARE, AND THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH AND OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO _______________________________ Timothy E. Alcott Interim Development Services & Neighborhood Revitalization Officer REQUESTED ACTION: Consideration and approval regarding Resolution 5463, approving the expenditure of $75,000.00 for the finish-out of the BiblioTech space at Gardens at San Juan Square, and the execution of all documents necessary to accomplish such and other matters in connection therewith. PURPOSE: This action will provide a portion of the cost to finish-out the 2,100-square-foot commercial space at the Gardens at San Juan Square, for the creation of a digital library (BiblioTech), to be operated by Bexar County and used by all residents of the Gardens and the surrounding community. A BiblioTech would support SAHA’s Moving To Work educational goals, and would increase Internet access to the low-income households in the community and the surrounding area. (According to Open Technology Institute, San Antonio’s Westside has only 20% broadband penetration, compared to 80-100% on the Northside). FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total expenditure committed by the project is $189,700.00, to provide a series of interior and exterior improvements in support of the BiblioTech site. The development’s contingency fund that was created for unforeseen expenses will fund $114,700.00 of the cost, with the remaining funds of $75,000.00 to be paid out of the property’s existing reserves, which were realized from the land sale of San Juan Homes for the development. This activity is allowable for existing reserves per Section 18(a)(5) of the Housing Act of 1937; however, an alternative source could be Moving To Work funds. SUMMARY: The Gardens at San Juan Square completes the three-phase, 539-unit mixed-income redevelopment of San Juan, and will be home to more than 1,500 children, adult and senior residents. This location was proposed as a site for BiblioTech because of its close proximity for the 660 school-age youth living at San Juan and its educational and job training resources, as well as its convenient pedestrian-friendly location and easy access to VIA bus routes. On December 9, 2014, a Memorandum of Understanding between SAHA and Bexar County was approved by Commissioners Court, to begin outlining the negotiations of a long-term lease for the 2,100 square foot space. On February 3, 2015, Bexar County Commissioners Court will consider approval of the lease for the space that will occupy the Westside BiblioTech. This will be the nation’s first fully digital library in an affordable housing community. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 5463 CERTIFICATE FOR RESOLUTION The undersigned officer of the Housing Authority of the City of San Antonio, Texas, a Texas housing authority created pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas (“SAHA”), hereby certifies as follows: 1. In accordance with Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, as amended (the “Open Meetings Act”), and the bylaws of SAHA, the Board of Commissioners of SAHA (the “Board”) held a meeting on January 16, 2014, (the “Meeting”) of the duly constituted officers and members of the Board, at which a duly constituted quorum was present. Whereupon among other business transacted at the Meeting, a written RESOLUTION 5463, APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF $75,000 FOR THE FINISH-OUT OF THE BIBLIOTECH SPACE AT GARDENS AT SAN JUAN SQUARE, AND THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH AND OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. (the “Resolution”) was duly introduced for the consideration of the Board and discussed. It was then duly moved and seconded that the Resolution be adopted; and, after due discussion, said motion, carrying with it the adoption of the Resolution, prevailed and carried by a majority vote of the Board. 2. A true, full, and correct copy of the Resolution adopted at the Meeting is attached to and follows this Certificate; the Resolution has been duly recorded in the Board’s minutes of the Meeting; each of the officers and members of the Board was duly and sufficiently notified officially and personally, in advance, of the time, place, and purpose of the Meeting; and the Meeting was held and conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act and the Bylaws of SAHA. SIGNED February 5, 2015. Lourdes Castro Ramirez President and CEO RESOLUTION 5463 RESOLUTION 5463, APPROVING THE EXPENDITURE OF $75,000 FOR THE FINISH-OUT OF THE BIBLIOTECH SPACE AT GARDENS AT SAN JUAN SQUARE, AND THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH AND OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of San Antonio, Texas (“SAHA”) was committed $189,700 of funds for a portion of the cost to finish-out the 2100 square feet commercial space at the Gardens at San Juan Square project and WHEREAS, Bexar County will operate a fully digital library named a BiblioTech for use by all residents of the Gardens along with any other resident of Bexar County and WHEREAS, SAHA will provide $75,000 in additional funds from its existing reserves to complete the renovation. WHEREAS, staff requests that the Board of Commissioners approve the expenditure for the finish-out of BiblioTech. and WHEREAS, staff requests that the Board of Commissioners approve execution of any and all documents necessary to accomplish such and other matters in connection therewith and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners (“Board”) has reviewed the foregoing and determined that the action authorized herein is in furtherance of the public purposes of SAHA, and in the public interest and to the benefit of the citizens and residents of San Antonio; NOW, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, THAT: Section 1. The expenditure of an additional $75,000 for funding for a portion of the cost to finish-out the 2100 square feet of commercial space at the Gardens at San Juan Square for the BiblioTech is hereby approved. The President and CEO, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Administrative Officer, or any of them, of SAHA, as appropriate, on behalf of SAHA, are hereby authorized to expend the cost and to execute and submit all documents and payments necessary. The President and CEO, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Administrative Officer, or any of them, are authorized to approve such changes in, or additions to, the terms of any of the Documents, including amendments, as such officers shall deem necessary or appropriate upon the advice of counsel to SAHA, and approval of the terms of any of the Documents by such officers and this Board shall be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery of such Documents. Section 2. The officers of this Board, or any of them, are authorized to take any and all action necessary to carry out and consummate the transactions described in or contemplated by the documents approved hereby or otherwise to give effect to the actions authorized hereby and the intent hereof. Section 3. If any section, paragraph, clause, or provisions of this Resolution shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause, or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Resolution. Section 4. The recitals contained in the preamble hereof are hereby found to be true, and such recitals are hereby made a part of this Resolution for all purposes and are adopted as a part of the judgment and findings of the Board. Section 5. All resolutions, or parts thereof, which are in conflict or inconsistent with any provision of this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, and the provisions of this Resolution shall be and remain controlling as to the matters resolved herein. Section 6. This Resolution shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and the United States of America. Section 7. This Resolution shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. * * * SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2014 MEMORANDUM To: Board of Commissioners From: Lourdes Castro Ramirez, President and CEO Presented by: David Nisivoccia, Chief Operations Officer Vanessa B. Chavez, Ombudsman RE: Update and discussion regarding the Quarterly Ombudsman Report SUMMARY: This Quarterly Ombudsman Report provides a breakdown of all inquiries regarding resident and program participant requests for assistance during the months of October 2014 through December 2014. There were 88 cases total, with 53 cases closed and 35 cases pending. Of the 88 cases, 65 were Public Housing, 15 were Section 8, 2 were Unified Application Center, 2 were Tax Credit, and 4 were Non-Profit. The top five Public Housing inquiries were: o Inquiries regarding management and staff o Misc. inquiries o Transfer requests o Notice to vacate (NTV) o Follow up on repair/work orders The top three Section 8 inquiries were: o Request for information regarding vouchers o Inquiries regarding SAHA management and staff o Inquiries regarding processes The Ombudsman Report provides management with recommendations for improving processes and customer service. In the last quarter of 2014, the following recommendations were submitted to the Director of Public Housing: o Review the process for evaluating abandoned units o Review the process for setting up an appointment/treatment plan with World Wide Pest Control for bed bug occurrence o Implement Senior Bullying Prevention sessions at all elderly and disabled properties and include policy on bullying in the lease o Implement Youth Bullying Prevention Sessions at all family properties o Implement Safety Meetings to address issues related to security and safety at properties o Provide FSS Case Managers a list of residents set for eviction to provide rental/utility assistance referrals o Review the deposit and refund policy with Property Managers o Look into the Section 8 number 210-477-6115 o Provide customer service training to staff SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2014 Public Housing has implemented the application of real case situations resolved by collaborative work between Public Housing staff and the Ombudsman, to train staff and improve services by: o Discussing cases at the managers’ meetings o Providing updated information on processes and procedures o Sharing best practices PROPOSED ACTION: None FINANCIAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Ombudsperson Case Spreadsheet Ombudsman Report December 2014 Category February March April May June July August Sept. October Nov. Dec. Total Average Public Housing Complaints/Inquiries 8 56 68 89 90 78 57 63 60 57 36 662 63 Section 8 Complaints/Inquiries 2 6 6 9 8 27 12 13 14 7 7 111 10 UAC Wait List Complaints/Inquiries 1 6 3 4 3 2 2 0 1 22 2 Non‐Profit Complaints/Inquiries 3 8 7 8 6 4 8 2 46 4 4 5 0 0 11 1 88 85 72 46 852 81 Tax Credit Property Complaints/Inquiries 1 * Total Inquiries (Totals include new, existing and closed complaints/inquiries) 11 Total # Cases 22 Closed Cases ‐ 8 Open Cases ‐ 14 1 66 88 108 110 106 72 Total Inquiries ‐ 46 PH ‐ 36 Sec 8 ‐ 7 UAC ‐ 1 Non Profit ‐ 2 Tax Credit Property ‐ 0 KEY AD‐ Assistant Director CSS‐ Customer Service SpecialistRA‐Reasonable Accomodation APS‐Adult Protective Services CT‐Criminal Tresspass RC‐Resident Council SAPD‐SAFFE‐SAN Antonio Fear Free Enviornment CHCS‐Center for Health Care ServicesFSS‐Family Self Sufficency CO‐Central Office LV‐ Lease Violation TR‐Transfer Request NTV‐Notice to Vacate UAC‐Unified Application Center CM‐Case Manager CPS‐Child Protective Services PH ‐ Public Housing WL‐Wait List CPS‐City Public Service PHD‐ Public Housing Director WO‐ Work Order Property Alazan Blanco Cassiano Christ the King Fair Ave Francis Furey Frank Hornsby Hermosa Highview LC Rutledge Lewis Chatham Lincoln Heights Linda Lou Madonna Midcrown Mirasol Mission Park Olive Park OP Schnabel Park View Pecan Hill (Non‐Profit) Pin Oak I San Juan Square Scatterd Sites Springhill (Non‐Profit) Springview Tranchese Villa Veremendi Villas de Costa Valencia (Tax‐Credit) William Sinkin Totals October November December Total 2 3 1 2 7 1 1 1 2 5 2 1 1 2 2 7 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 4 2 2 6 2 1 1 71 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 26 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 28 1 17 Category October Nov. Dec. Total Average Public Housing Complaints/Inquiries Appliance Related 1 Deposit not refunded 1 1 1 3 1 Issues with management/staff and customer service 14 18 12 44 14 Issues with neighbors 3 5 1 9 3 Maintenance 3 2 4 9 3 Miscellaneous Complaints/Inquiries 17 12 5 34 11 NTV 9 3 2 14 4 Property In need of Repair Reasonable Accomodation Request 0 1 1 2 1 Rent Calculation 1 1 1 Resident Refusal to complete ReExam 1 1 2 1 2 5 2 4 1 Roach/Pest/vermin Occurrence 2 1 Security 2 2 Transfer Request 5 6 4 15 5 Unit in need of repair 3 4 4 11 3 60 57 36 153 51 * Totals include new, existing and closed complaints/inquiries Category October Nov. Dec. Total Average Public Housing Complaints/Inquiries Appliance Related 1 Deposit not refunded 1 1 1 3 1 Issues with management/staff and customer service 14 18 12 44 14 Issues with neighbors 3 5 1 9 3 Maintenance 3 2 4 9 3 Miscellaneous Complaints/Inquiries 17 12 5 34 11 NTV 9 3 2 14 4 Property In need of Repair Reasonable Accomodation Request 0 1 1 2 1 Rent Calculation 1 1 1 Resident Refusal to complete ReExam 1 1 2 1 2 5 2 4 1 Roach/Pest/vermin Occurrence 2 1 Security 2 2 Transfer Request 5 6 4 15 5 Unit in need of repair 3 4 4 11 3 60 57 36 153 51 * Totals include new, existing and closed complaints/inquiries Category Oct Nov. Dec. Total Average 1 2 1 1 0.3 0 0 3 1 UAC Wait List Inquiries Miscellaneous Inquiries 1 Inquiries regarding UAC Process 1 Inquiries regarding SAHA Management/Staff * Totals include new, existing and closed inquiries 2 0 1 Safety is important at all times. However, some risks are greater during the cool weather months, such as fire. SAHA’s most vulnerable communities are the high rises and these are receiving training first. SAHA makes year-round efforts to raise safety awareness through publications, posters, flyers, and meetings with staff and residents. In addition, the exterior and common areas of properties are inspected throughout the year (quarterly) for safety. Given recent tragic events at the Wedgwood Senior Living Apartments, SAHA has increased its efforts to assure residents and staff alike that safety is a top priority. Risk Management, Property Management and the San Antonio Fire Department (SAFD) are working together to provide this training for residents. Resident volunteers from each floor are trained on how to act and assist in the evacuation of a building in the unlikely event of a fire. To date, several training sessions have been conducted with excellent participation by both residents and staff. Once the fire warden training is complete, a fire drill observation and evaluation will be conducted at scheduled properties. For any safety related comments, questions, or concerns, please contact Veronica Guevara in Risk Management at 477-6110 and/or [email protected] Name Type: Units Storeys Warden Training Fire Drill Blanco Apartments E&D 100 4 1/26/15 2/5/15 Fair Avenue Apartments E&D 216 11 1/23/15 2/3/15 Lewis Chatham Apartments E&D 119 4 1/29/15 2/9/15 Lofts at Marie McGuire E&D 63 6 2/2/15 2/13/15 Parkview Apartments E&D 153 15 1/15/15 1/22/15 San Pedro Arms E&D 16 5 2/10/15 2/18/15 Victoria Plaza E&D 185 9 1/27/15 2/12/15 Villa Hermosa E&D 66 5 2/6/15 2/19/15 Villa Tranchese E&D 201 11 1/29/15 2/17/15 WC White E&D 75 6 2/20/15 2/26/15 DONE SCHEDULED RESCHEDULED In our efforts to assist the displaced residents of Wedgwood, SAHA has formed the Agency's H.E.A.R.T. (Housing Emergency Action Response Team). This would assist interested Wedgwood residents in applying for Non-Profit Housing or Public Housing, utilizing the available preference for persons permanently displaced by a natural disaster. SAHA's point person for this effort is our Ombudsman Vanessa Chavez, who can be reached at [email protected] or 477-6119. Thank you SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY February 5, 2015 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Commissioners FROM: Lourdes Castro Ramirez, President and CEO PRESENTED BY: Alejandra I. Villarreal, Chief Administrative Officer Steven Morando, Director, Procurement & General Services Department SUBJECT: Procurement Activity Report SUMMARY: Current Solicitations: There are three (3) Requests for Proposals (RFP) and two (2) Invitations for Bids (IFB) currently being advertised. They are Mowing and Ground Maintenance Services for Various Public Housing Properties, Pre-Construction and Construction Manager Services, Unit Make Ready Services for Public Housing, Natural Gas Operator Qualifications Training and Rehabilitation at Artisan Park Townhome Unit at 411 Santa Clara. Closed/Pending Solicitations: There are twelve (12) solicitations that have closed and are currently being evaluated. They include Potable Water Pump Maintenance and Repair, Closed Loop Systems Water Treatment, Natural Gas System Inspections, Patrols and Reporting, Chiller and Boiler Maintenance and Repair, Work Order Request Center and Answering Service for Various Public Housing Properties, Utility Locating Service, Data Broker Services, Back Flow Inspection, Maintenance & Repair, Answering Services for Various Non-Profit Properties, Apartment Marketing, Water Softener Assessment, and HVAC Repair Services. Solicitations in Development: Procurement is currently working on a number of solicitations for advertisement. These include Financial Consulting Services, Financial Compliance and Audit Services, Shingle Roof Repairs, Automatic Door Maintenance and Repair, Banking Services, Real Estate Appraisal Services, Residential Real Estate Broker Services, Security Guard & Security Consulting Services, Planning Coordinator Services and IT Department Consulting Services. PROPOSED ACTION: None FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at this time ATTACHMENT: Procurement Report PROCUREMENT ACTIVITY REPORT JANUARY 26, 2015 Solicitations currently being advertised SAHA Department Type Bidders Conference Closes 1/14/2015 1/30/2015 1/15/2015 1/29/2015 Property Management IFB Property Management RFP Solicitation Name Rehabilitation at Artisan Park Townhome Unit at 411 Santa Clara, San Antonio, TX 78210 Mowing & Ground Maintenance Services for Various Public Housing Properties Asset Management RFP Pre-Construction & Construction Manager Services 12/3/2014 1/26/2015 Property Management IFB Natural Gas Operator Qualification Training 1/27/2015 2/6/2015 Property Management RFP Unit Make Ready Services for Public Housing 1/28/2015 2/11/2015 Date Closed Status Regular Board Meeting February 5, 2015 Solicitations Under Evaluation SAHA Department Type Risk Management RFP Benefits Consultant 10/1/2014 DSNR RFP Demolition Services for the Blueridge Neighborhood 11/12/2014 General Services Inter local Fleet Services Property Management Solicitation Name N/A Change Order Mowing & Grounds Maintenance for Public Housing N/A Property Management IFB Closed Loop Systems Water Treatment 9/23/2014 Property Management RFP Natural Gas System Inspections, Patrols and Reporting 10/7/2014 Property Management RFP 10/16/2014 Property Management RFP Chiller and Boiler Maintenance and Repair Work Order Request Center and Answering Service for Various Public Housing Properties Property Management QQ Utility Locating Service 11/4/2014 HCV RFP Data Broker Services 11/4/2014 Property Management QQ HVAC Repair Services 12/15/2014 Property Management QQ Answering Services for Various Non-Profit Properties 12/2/2014 Property Management IFB Back Flow Inspection, Maintenance & Repair 11/18/2014 Property Management IFB Potable Water Pump Maintenance and Repair 12/18/2014 Property Management RFP Apartment Marketing 1/6/2015 Property Management QQ Water Softener Assessment 1/20/2015 Procurement Evaluation Due Diligence Negotiation 10/31/2014 Awards under $50,000.00 SAHA Department Property Management HCV Property Management Property Management Property Management Human Resources Solicitation Name Purchase & Installation of Aluminum Balcony Panels at Villa Hermosa Apartments Purchase & Installation of Office Chairs for Assisted Housing Aluminum Screen Panels Cassiano Homes Install Electric Gates at Blanco Apartments Exterior and Interior Wall Repairs, Castle Point Apartments Human Resources Consulting Services Awarded Contractor Award Amount Pletz Construction $18,938.00 Nolans Office Products TAPCO, Inc. Gate Services & Supply, LLC $6,963.00 $5,580.00 $19,374.87 Geofill Material Technologies Prolinx Services, Inc. $13,627.14 $49,999.00 Future Solicitations SAHA Department DSNR Finance IT Property Management Security Solicitation Name Real Estate Appraisal Services Residential Real Estate Broker Services Planning Coordinator Services Financial Compliance and Audit Services Banking Services Financial Consulting Services IT Department Consulting Services Automatic Door Maintenance and Repair Shingle Roof Repairs Security Guard & Security Consulting Services Projected Release Date February 2015 February 2015 January 2015 February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 January 2015 February 2015 February 2015 February 2015 Presidents Report February 5, 2015 Grand Re-Opening of Lofts at Marie McGuire The Grand Opening celebration for The Lofts at Marie McGuire is scheduled for Wednesday, February 11, 2015 at 10:00 am. Mayor Ivy Taylor and District 1 Councilman Roberto Trevino and have confirmed their participation in the event. The Lofts at Marie McGuire is a six-story, 63-unit public housing community for senior and disabled residents. The building has been undergone a comprehensive modernization, including to Build San Antonio Green (BSAG) Level 2 Energy Retrofit standards, with an Energy Star rater/verifier indicating a 59% improvement in energy performance. As of January 13, 2015, all construction work has been completed. The Lofts at Marie McGuire is enjoying near-capacity occupancy. EastPoint Paint-a-thon and Neighborhood Sweep The Paint-a-thon will be held on Saturday, March 14, 2015. The volunteer data base consists of individuals from churches, businesses, colleges and universities, and the general community who have expressed an interest in participating in activities benefiting the community. SAHA will be coordinating partners and materials, and identifying and prepping the houses. Elderly and/or Disabled Homeowners in the Choice footprint whose homes are in need of painting are being identified. An estimated of 15 plus homes will be painted and based on the number of volunteers, other income eligible homeowners may be eligible. The City of San Antonio Neighborhood Sweep is a multi-department effort to concentrate programs and services in a target area, to resolve issues such as pothole repair, right-ofway moving, graffiti removal, community policing programs, promotion of water saving activities, debris/junk removal, animal care services, and much more. Meetings will be held in February to plan and prepare this event. Application for HUD safety and security grant HUD has issued a Notice of Funding Availability for the 2015 safety and security grants. SAHA will be submitting an application for Cassiano Homes, to reduce and inhibit crime, through a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) approach, installing lighting and fencing between buildings, to create safer backyards. The cost of the proposed project is $454,000. If awarded, SAHA will provide an estimated additional $210,000 from its Capital Fund. Gardens at San Juan and BiblioTech The third and final phase, the 252-unit Gardens of San Juan Square, is presently 99.5% complete and 35% occupied. Occupancy is on target to be fully occupied by May 2015. With the Memorandum of Understanding in place, SAHA and Bexar County staff are presently negotiating the terms and details on the 15-year lease agreement. Approximately 1,500 residents will be living within the San Juan community, including 660 school-age students. 2015 NAHRO Legislative Conference The annual Legislative Conference of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) is scheduled for March 15-18, 2015, in Washington, D.C. The conference will include sessions on fair housing, tax reform, Section 8 administrative fees, and more. Staff is presently working with elected offices to schedule meetings with the San Antonio delegation, and is also preparing SAHA’s legislative agenda, which will be presented at the March Board of Commissioners meeting. SAHA Board of Commissioners Events Calendar February 2015-March 2015 Meeting Time(s)/Day(s)/Date(s) Location Resident Services Committee meeting Operations & Choice Neighborhood Committee Meeting 12:30 pm Tuesday, February 16, 2015 TBD 2:00 pm Thursday, February 19, 2015 SAHA Central Office Board Room 3:30 pm Thursday, February 19, 2015 1:00 pm Thursday, March 5, 2015 Thursday, March 12Friday-March 13, 2015 SAHA Central Office Board Room SAHA Central Office Board Room Washington Court Hotel on Capitol Hill Renaissance Washington, 999 Ninth St. NW Washington, DC 20001 Finance Committee Meeting Regular Board Meeting CLPHA Spring Meeting 2015 NAHRO Washington Conference Sunday, March 15-WednesdayMarch 18, 2015 Resident Services Committee meeting Operations & Choice Neighborhood Committee Meeting 12:30 pm Tuesday, March 16, 2015 2:00 pm Thursday, March , 2015 TBD SAHA Central Office Board Room