The Ripple Effect of the Power Hour


The Ripple Effect of the Power Hour
The Ripple Effect of the Power Hour
• Schedule a conference call line and online instant message
room or local location
• The first 15 minutes: welcome and training with sample
approaches and how to ask for an appointment, hearing “no” and dealing with objections
• 30 minutes: calling and appointment setting
• The last 15 minutes: report results, celebrate, additional training, and call to action
Get your team together
and commit to doing one
Power Hour meeting each
week. Then let us know
about your results!
Director IV Kathy Gneiting was a
skeptic at first, until she held her first
Power Hour on June 9. After seeing the
results from making those calls, she
became a believer.
“I think the Power Hour is one of the greatest business-building tools
Melaleuca has ever given us,” says Kathy. “This is so simple, but so powerful.”
In only 30 minutes, four Marketing Executives made 24 calls and
scheduled 15 appointments. That’s a ratio of 62%. Those 15 Delivering Wellness
presentations resulted in 12 new customers enrolling with Melaleuca, or an
80% success rate.
One Marketing Executive making calls that day was Stephanie McBride, who
enrolled in April with Kathy. “I was really nervous, but the team approach is
very encouraging to me,” says Stephanie.
In 30 minutes, Stephanie scheduled four Delivering Wellness presentations.
As a result of that Power Hour, Stephanie became a Director in June, and that
also advanced Kathy to Director IV the same month!
Kathy holds Power Hour sessions two times a week. “Picking up the phone
is something everybody can do and the more you do it the easier it gets,” Kathy
says. “It’s empowering!”
The group keeps in contact and gives each other updates on their
appointment setting progress during the calls by texting, emailing, or using
instant messaging programs like “When we’re through making
appointments we get back on the conference call line for about five minutes
and talk about how it went,” Kathy says.
The ripple effect of following Critical Activities 1 and 2 is that Kathy is
a very busy Marketing Executive. “I’m seeing great results. My business is
growing,” she says. “I have two or three appointments a day now. I’m blown
away at how the Power Hour changes your entire business. Focus on Critical
Activities 1 and 2 and you will be packed with appointments!”