Framed Prints - Kastner Design Associates


Framed Prints - Kastner Design Associates
Framed Prints
K a s t n e r
D e s i g n
A s s o c i a t e s
Kastner D esign A ssociates - Framed Print s
40LH (50” x 110”) mat print, pewter aluminum frame, stock image.
Jim and Steve Kastner each started their journey into
photography as pre-teens, in the darkroom, making
prints. During the intervening years and the thirty-plus
years of our partnership we have retained a printmaker’s perspective in our photography, refining our craft
and riding waves of new technology. Kastner Design’s
current Framed Print product reflects the sum of over
one hundred years of our combined image and printmaking experience.
Our first, and most universal choice for image display is as framed wall art. Our distinctive glare-free
handmade matted prints are housed in metal, wood
or frequently Hawaiian Koa frames, and accented with
a descriptive label mounted nearby. While the frames
may be wire hung, it’s more common for us to use our
security mounting system for installation, assuring
level orientation while deterring theft and accidental
displacement. Framed prints are a fast, sure method of
Framed Prints:
• image on mat with written title, signature and date, or
• no-mat image with digital signature
• single piece size up to 60” x 120”
• koa or aluminum frame, or
• custom wood or metal framing
• laminated glare free first surface is
easily dusted, cleaned and disinfected
• use alone, or
• use in groupings as PictureWindows
• range of ready imagery
• comissioned imagery available
• practiced design coordination with
your designer or architect
Cover: custom 42” x 90” mat print PictureWindows
style koa framed triptych, stock image.
4’ x 8’ no-mat print, custom white oak frame, stock image.
K a s t n e r
D e s i g n
A s s o c i a t e s
2024B Ohai Lane, Honolulu, HI 96813
s t u d i o : 8 0 8 . 3 8 7.1 0 8 9 - g a l l e r y : 8 0 8 . 5 2 8 . 2 2 6 6
Outstanding photographic prints, bringing Hawai`i’s natural beauty indoors. Thirty-three years of supplying corporate, institutional and private collectors.
30MH (40” x 55”) mat print, white oak frame, stock image.
30LH (40” x 85”) mat print, koa frame, stock image.
raising a facility’s tone with moderate cost.
Over the many years we have produced and installed
the Framed Print product, we have continuously improved the mix of constituent materials and attachment options. We currently use a high-resolution ink jet
printed image, sandwiched between an non-glare lightly suede textured uv-filtering film on the front and a
GatorFoam substrate behind. Over time, we have found
this combination provides the best installed appearance
16MH (24” x 32”) mat print, koa frame, stock image.
K a s t n e r
and protection for the chosen imagery. We offer aluminum and koa veneer framing, both designed to mount
to the wall with either wire and hooks or our SecurityMount hardware. Custom frames and finishes are also
available. Our suggestions on framing favor simple and
minimal designs, allowing the visual emphasis to reside
with the image and surrounding architecture.
The Framed Print product is available in three contrasting styles: mat, no-mat, and no-mat metal, illus-
40MV (50” x 70”) mat print, koa frame, stock image.
D e s i g n
A s s o c i a t e s
2024B Ohai Lane, Honolulu, HI 96813
s t u d i o : 8 0 8 . 3 8 7.1 0 8 9 - g a l l e r y : 8 0 8 . 5 2 8 . 2 2 6 6
Outstanding photographic prints, bringing Hawai`i’s natural beauty indoors. Thirty-three years of supplying corporate, institutional and private collectors.
Kastner D esign A ssociates - Framed Print s
4 ea. 20LH (30” x 60”) mat prints, black aluminum frames, stock images.
trated in the many examples in this brochure. The mat
style is recognizable as an image in a frame hanging on
the wall, the archival ink jet print features the artist’s
written title, signature and date. We use a universal
light grey for our mat color, other colors and added
dedication text may be ordered as an upgrade. The
no-mat ink jet print style with minimal framing can
frequently look like a window through the wall, and
uses an unobtrusive digital signature within the image
16MV (24” x 32”) mat print, aluminum frame, stock image.
K a s t n e r
boundary. These first two styles enjoy Framed Print’s
benefits of lower cost, low reflectivity, light weight
and portability. Because of their panel strength, light
weight and lack of breakable glazing, these Framed
Prints are very convenient to ship.
The third type, metal print, we have begun to use only
recently. These prints are dye-sublimation printed onto
specially prepared aluminum sheets, delivering a product with great brilliance and saturation of color with a
16MV (24” x 32”) mat print, aluminum frame, stock images.
D e s i g n
20LH (30” x 60”) mat print, aluminum frame.
A s s o c i a t e s
2024B Ohai Lane, Honolulu, HI 96813
s t u d i o : 8 0 8 . 3 8 7.1 0 8 9 - g a l l e r y : 8 0 8 . 5 2 8 . 2 2 6 6
Outstanding photographic prints, bringing Hawai`i’s natural beauty indoors. Thirty-three years of supplying corporate, institutional and private collectors.
24MH (24” x 32”) metal print, gloss finish, dark maple custom frame, stock image. The framed metal prints shown below may be seen in the background.
tough surface suitable for use in commercial environments without additional protection. Think silk scarf
married to ceramic tile. The metal prints can be as large
as 48” x 96” in a single piece, and are available in two
finishes, gloss and matte. We find custom frames to be
a good match to the metal print’s higher cost, and offer
a complimentary design and quotation at your request.
The metal print sheets might also be considered for architectural use unframed, as their sharpness and unique
24RH (24” x 28”) metal print, gloss finish, dark maple custom frame, stock image.
K a s t n e r
brilliance plus durability could easily be integrated into
larger designs.
We are pleased with the evolution and current state
of our Framed Print family. As with the composition of
our images, we are as proud for what we have chosen to
exclude from this product as we are for what remains
inside the frame.
48S (48” x 48”) metal print, gloss finish, dark maple custom frame, stock image.
D e s i g n
A s s o c i a t e s
2024B Ohai Lane, Honolulu, HI 96813
s t u d i o : 8 0 8 . 3 8 7.1 0 8 9 - g a l l e r y : 8 0 8 . 5 2 8 . 2 2 6 6
Outstanding photographic prints, bringing Hawai`i’s natural beauty indoors. Thirty-three years of supplying corporate, institutional and private collectors.
4ea. 40MV (40” x 60”) “PictureWindows” style no-mat prints, koa frames, stock image.
Framed Prints:
• image on mat with written title, signature
and date, or
• no-mat image with digital signature
• range of ready imagery
• koa or aluminum frame, or
• comissioned imagery available
• custom wood or metal framing
• laminated glare free first surface is easily
o u r
w e b s i t e :
K a s t n e r
• use alone, or
• use in groupings as PictureWindows
• single piece size up to 60” x 120”
v i s i t
dusted, cleaned and disinfected
• practiced design coordination with your
designer or architect
w w w . k a s t n e r d e s i g n . c o m
D e s i g n
A s s o c i a t e s
2024B Ohai Lane, Honolulu, HI 96813
s t u d i o : 8 0 8 . 3 8 7.1 0 8 9 - g a l l e r y : 8 0 8 . 5 2 8 . 2 2 6 6
Outstanding photographic prints, bringing Hawai`i’s natural beauty indoors. Thirty-three years of supplying corporate, institutional and private collectors.