UK set to axe expat Winter Fuel Payments
UK set to axe expat Winter Fuel Payments
Anti-government protests against planned eco-tax Violence, protests and revolt have engulfed France in what is becoming a winter of discontent >> Page 8 for President Hollande. Limousin December 2013 Issue #50 UK set to axe expat Winter Fuel Payments The Winter Fuel Payment, received by British pensioners living in France, will be scrapped from 2015. Under a new "temperature test", France is now considered too hot to be eligible for the payment. lier this year, Osborne explained how the government planned to get around paying the allowance to expat pensioners: “We will link the Winter Fuel Payment to a temperature test. People in hot countries will no longer get it; it is after all a payment for winter fuel. Paying out even more money to people from all nationalities who may have worked in this country years ago but no longer live here is not a fair use of the nation’s cash.” Whilst many would agree that those living in tropical climates should possibly not receive the WFP at the British taxpayer's expense, those of us living in France may question whether it really is that “hot” here. After all, as this is being written in mid-November, much of France is covered by a carpet of snow! As details of the chancellor's “temperature test” emerged, it would appear that pensioners living in France NEWS - Baby found living in boot of car Mechanics at a garage discovered a baby apparently living in the boot of a woman's car >> Page 3 NEWS - France reach World Cup Following a dramatic 3-0 win against the Ukraine in the second leg of their play-off, France will be heading to Rio next year >> Page 12 BILINGUAL - White Christmas We take a look at the British obsession with the idea of a perfect white Christmas >> Page 16 © 2006 - cap21photo (Flickr) T he British chancellor, George Osborne, has announced that pensioners living in “hot” countries will no longer receive the Winter Fuel Payment (WFP) from the winter of 2015. Until recently, only those who gained entitlement to the annual payment before they left the UK could claim it from abroad, but an EU ruling last year meant that anyone who is able to prove a “genuine and sufficient link to the UK” now qualifies for the WFP when they reach pension age. As claims flooded in from across Europe, the Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, was irate: “We will fight these ridiculous EU rules. It is ludicrous we could have to pay more pensioners living in hot countries,” he said at the time. In a statement to the Commons ear- INSIDE > > > >> continued on page 7 A couple have won a landmark ruling against a wind farm which must now be taken down >> Page 10 Develop a habit that saves you money! Your indispensible guide to the region's Businesses >> Centre Pages Don’t let the banks cash in! Save time and money by sending your international money transfers the easy way and benefit from: Consistent bank beating exchange rates online or over the phone. Move money, pay people and settle bills within seconds. Make and track payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Norton security used by 97 of the world’s top 100 banks. HiFX Plc is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2009, registration 462444, for the provision of payment services. DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 2 ♦ IN THIS EDITION Welcome to S The Bugle o, this is our fiftieth edition. If I were playing cricket for England I would be raising my bat to the balcony at this point (and I'd also be England's highest scorer, but let's not dwell on The Ashes first Test calamity!!) There have been a few standing 8-counts along the way, if you'll allow me to mix my metaphors, but we've stayed on our feet and I'm very proud of what we have achieved. In fact, I'm already looking forward to edition 100!! The British government chose an unwise time to unveil their “temperature test” which they have used as a reason not to award the Winter Fuel Payment to British pensioners living in France (see pages 1 and 7). As I was reading about how “hot” France was, the snow was falling in mid-November and my kids were in the garden making snowmen. I understand that times are tough and the government is on a spending squeeze, but it does not make sense to tell anyone who has lived through a winter in France, with the possible exception of parts of the south coast, that it is significantly warmer here than 'back home' in January. The savings are not even that significant: tens of millions from an overall WFP budget of a few billion! My politics may be changing as I get older, but I do think it would make more sense to means test the allowance in some way. What is the point of giving two hundred quid a year to Lord Sugar to help him keep Jack Frost from the door? There must be more pensioners living in the UK with sixfigure incomes than there are pensioners living abroad and claiming the WFP...? For me, that would be a more sensible place to start, but then maybe that's why I have a paper round and not a seat in parliament! I was watching my children playing in the snow and pelting each other with snowballs fortunately their aim is not up to much yet! - and it made me nostalgic for my youth. I honestly now can't remember the point at which snow stopped being the most exciting thing in the world and turned into a logistical pain in the proverbial. Snow used to be the perfect present: no school and unlimited fun. I would spend hours outside building, playing, throwing, kicking... nowadays my first thought is about deicing the car! I also have a theory about the temperature of snow: I think snow gets colder as you get older. My eldest came in the other day after a mammoth session outside (she had practically cleared the lawn of snow and built her own mini version of the Terracotta Army). I suddenly realised just how long she had been out there and the bad parent alarm went off in my head - she was only wearing thin woollen gloves. I grabbed her hands to warm them up... and they were hot. Not just not cold, but actually hot! After 5 minutes of clearing the snow off my car my hands are freezing, but now that I think about it, we used to put an old pair of socks over our hands, head down the park and spend all afternoon up to our elbows in snow. I don't recall suffering frostbite at any point... Hmm, I'm worried I might sound like I'm auditioning for Grumpy Old Men. What the hell, I've just thought of another gripe! “I have a good idea, Daddy. Why don't I ask Father Christmas for [insert expensive product from sparkly advert]?” Four years old and my daughter is already a willing victim of the marketing companies. Paint it pink and call it princess and she will want anything. OK, I'll stop complaining now I promise. All that remains is for me to wish all of our readers a very Happy Christmas!! Until next month! Steve Martindale, Editor INSIDE this edition 1 & 3-6 Local News 7-13 National News 14 French Life 15 Practical 16 Bilingual 17 Letters to the Editor 18-19 Classifieds 20 Notice Board 21 Clubs & Associations 22-24 What's On B1-B8 Business Directory CONTACT us Tel: General: [email protected] Advertising (EN): [email protected] Publicité (FR): [email protected] Subscriptions: [email protected] Write to: The Bugle Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 LOCAL NEWS ♦ 3 Godson Travaux Publics All aspects of Fosse Septique Installations incl. Micro-Stations* from concept, planning permission and installation to final inspection 25+ years’ experience Civil/Structural Engineer - Assainissement / Mains Drainage Connection / Demolition / Trouble shooting / Foundations / Concrete Work / Groundworks / Pre-Purchase Property Surveys Chris Godson BSc CEng M.I.C.E web: 05 55 62 61 12 / 06 33 78 24 23 email: [email protected] * Agent for Klargester BioDisc ® Micro-Station - please contact for further details Bénévent-l’Abbaye 23210 siret no. 47930451100021 M echanics at a garage in Terrasson (Dordogne) made a horrific discovery this month when they were alerted to “bizarre noises, like moans” coming from the boot of a car they were working on. They opened it to discover a baby girl, who was naked, lying in her own excrement, dehydrated and feverish. More worryingly, the child's mother, who lives in the nearby village of Brignac-la-Plaine (Corrèze), did not initially see the problem. Guillaume Iguacel, the mechanic who found the girl, told news agency AFP that he was still reeling from the discovery. “We were deeply shocked because she didn't find this abnormal. We told her to remove the little girl [from the boot] and give her something to drink right away. I'm still having trouble sleeping, it was a horrifying sight, seeing this little girl in her own excrement, not able to hold up her head, white as a sheet.” The girl was taken to hospital where doctors said she was suffering from delayed growth and mental problems. The baby's mother and her partner, who are both Portuguese, have been arrested and charged with child abuse and endangering a minor - crimes that could lead to a 10-year prison sentence if they are convicted. As more details of the case became apparent, it is now believed that the baby may have lived its entire life in the boot of the car. The mother allegedly told police that she had given birth in secret and hidden the baby’s existence from everyone, including her partner, the girl’s father. Speaking through his lawyer, the father denied any knowledge of the baby, claiming that until he lost his job as a stonemason, he would regularly leave the house at 6am, not returning until 6pm, and does not hold a driving licence. He therefore claimed not to use the car. During a press conference, state prosecutor JeanPierre Laffite said: “The infant isn't the right size or weight for her age. She © France3 (screenshot) Baby found living in boot of car ple, the couple's neighbours could not believe what had happened. “They are just like everyone else, educated, no dirtier than you and me. At their house, which I have visited several times, it is the same. I can't believe it because we all thought, as did the family apparently, that they had three children, not four. We would have seen her pregnancy!” None of the neighbours ever reported seeing a pram or even hearing a baby's cries. “Thinking about it, is suffering from significant developmental delays. It appears she was hidden from all points of view - family members, neighbours and the authorities - apparently since birth. It's a situation that defies belief.” The couple have 3 other children, aged between four and 10, who despite being described as happy and well looked after, have been taken into care. In Brignac-la-Plaine, a village of around 900 peo- Crave4Goods Serving Expats and British Forces Worldwide We are a family run business bringing those British goods you crave for Our aim is to provide the service you deserve at the price you can afford email: [email protected] Your link with home this summer, she did put covers over the back of the car, as you would to protect a child from the sun,” said one neighbour. “Besides that, I've never seen a baby seat in the car, although I recall that in August the husband thoroughly washed the car with a Kärcher. I've been here three years and I've never seen him do that before.” ■ Hunters find safe If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise... and this was certainly the case for a group of hunters from MonestierMerlines in the Corrèze recently when they stumbled across a safe! After a day's hunting with la chasse, they came across the small safe, measuring 50cm across, in a remote area of forest. They immediately alerted the local gendarmes who found the safe had been forced open, but still contained a number of cheque books and bank cards. Prints were taken from the safe and gendarmes scoured the surrounding area for other discarded items. The investigation finally led them to believe that the safe had been stolen from a house in Aubière in the Puy-de-Dôme a few days previously. The safe and its contents are on their way back to the Puy-de-Dôme, with investigators left scratching their heads as to why the thieves had brought it all the way over to northern Corrèze before abandoning it. ■ Houses on Internet is a marketing service that allows private owners of French property to sell their house without using an estate agent. A method that has proven to be very successful. How does it work? 1. We make a website for your property in English, French and Dutch. The main website is available in Russian too. 2. We connect that website to our main site which gets over 130,000 visitors from 40+ countries per month. 3. We advertise your property on several international French-property websites. This way we reach 1.5 million people a month worldwide. What does it cost? We ask a contribution to the advertising cost up front and after the sale a fee of 2.5%, which is included in the selling price. Houses on Internet operates throughout France with a staff of 7 professionals and 89 local photographers who visit our clients to take photos and gather all information. For more information, call us at 05 55 65 12 19, or visit our website. WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM Plus Vite! Moins Cher! DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 4 ♦ LOCAL NEWS OSTEOPATHY & ACUPUNCTURE UK Registered Cranial & Structural OSTEOPATH PAUL BODIMEADE, BSc (Hons) OST UK Licensed Five Element & Traditional Chinese ACUPUNCTURIST LINDA BODIMEADE, BSc (Hons) MBAaC Do You Suffer from Back, Neck, Joint Pain, Arthritic conditions, Tension headaches or Sports Injuries, Insomnia, Stress, Sinus, Hayfever? Based in Châteauneuf-la-Forêt - Home Visits now available in the Haute-Vienne, Corrèze and Dordogne [email protected] - [email protected] siret: 793 539 826 00016 Welcome en Limousin continues to grow Welcome en Limousin, the association that helps promote tourism and the local economy to the English-speaking community, has held its annual general assembly and the signs are positive. Cyril Boissier, president of the association, congratulated everyone on “very satisfactory results for the year 2012-13”. The focus of Welcome en Limousin remains its presence at Limoges International Airport, where it managed to distribute 15,000 of its members' leaflets and flyers from its selfservice desk in the main terminal. In the last 2 years, the number of businesses signed up with Welcome en Limousin has also been on the rise, from 73 in 2011-12 to 99 in 2012-13, with the number expected to reach 130 for the year 2013-14. Much of the increase has come from businesses established in the Creuse and Corrèze departments. Along with its new mascot, Leafy, a team from Welcome en Limousin attended The France Show again this year, the largest show in the UK dedicated to all things French. The association has had a presence at the event, which attracts 18,000 visitors in London over 3 days, since 2011. ■ Tel: 05 87 41 07 93 or 06 18 74 05 08 siret: 791 847 429 00010 Be Lim card unveiled New ministry for 16 to 20-year-olds for rural T he conseil régional of the Limousin has launched a new “Be Lim” payment card for young people aged 16 to 20 years old. The Be Lim card replaces and builds on the “Cheq'up” where anyone living in the Limousin aged between 16 and 20 received a book of vouchers worth €50 to use for reductions on items such as cinema and theatre tickets, books and CDs as well as sports and leisure activities. These reductions are now automatically loaded onto the Be Lim payment card, giving up to €8 euros off cinema tickets or €12 off sports. The new Be Lim cards are not limited to this, however, and can CENDRILLON IMMOBILIER Bilingual French Estate Agency in Creuse We have over 200 properties ranging from 13,700 EUR for a renovation project, up to 903,000 EUR for a ʻDomaineʼ. development proposed I also be used as virtual wallets: money can be loaded onto them which can then subsequently be used to withdraw cash or make a payment. It can even be possible for those receiving SAS grants to gain access to the €300 monthly entitlement. “This card allows us to simplify a number of processes and we are hoping to agree other partnerships, most nota- bly with shopkeepers,” explained president of the conseil régional, Jean-Paul Denanot. In order to apply for a Be Lim card, visit www. and fill out the online forms. When the necessary paperwork has been sent, your card will arrive in the post, pre-loaded with the €50 of benefits previously distributed under the Cheq'up scheme. ■ Ameublement Décoration Antiquités Mode Cadeaux Accessoires Trouvez des trésors uniques et irrésistibles Ref 1840 – 23,500 euros. Barn with new metal roof, on three levels, including stables on the lower floor. Approximately 100m² on each level. Stunning uninterrupted views. Garden of 1730m² with possibility to buy an additional 20 hectares. Exempt from DPE. Ref 1839 – 28,500 euros. Quaint cottage in need of entire renovation, one large room on each of the three floors. Very large barn, not attached but close by, on two levels. Separate garden of 150m². Possibility to buy an additional 17,500m². Exempt from DPE. Ref 1835- 152,600 euros. Beautiful house sitting in its own private park, in small village. Kitchen, lounge/dining room, three bedrooms, luxury bathroom. Large garage, cellar, workshop, wood store in basement. Mature garden of 3395m². DPE G 531 & D 28. 23 rue Zizim, 23400 BOURGANEUF Email: [email protected] Telephone 05 55 54 95 85 local politicians and residents to be better represented. We want to build and put forward a new vision of rurality, escaping from the parochial views held by many city dwellers,” added Patrice Joly (Nièvre). “We are for a development of rural life which does not sacrifice the importance of the individual departments,” said JeanJacques Lozach (Creuse). “It should be about bringing the departments together with a common and united voice,” continued Jean-Pierre Saulnier (Cher). “It is crazy that we sometimes see decisions taken on a national level that are so catastrophic on a local level.” Much work remains to be done to bring local politicians onside and create the exact framework of a new ministry that would give rural areas a louder voice in government. ■ LE MOULIN DU BREUIL RESTAURANT, BAR, TERRASSE Ref 1830 - 88,000 euros. Farmhouse with attached barn & outbuilding. Kitchen, dining room, lounge with fireplace, three bedrooms & shower room. Large quantity of land, over 5.5 hectares but they are in separate parcels, with 1,294m² attached. Exempt from DPE. Ref 1832 - 109,000 euros. Large detached house in a hamlet between Bourganeuf & Gueret. Kitchen, lounge/dining room, three bedrooms & shower room. Garage/workshop in the basement. Attic. Oil fired central heating. Garden of 978m². DPE F 359 & G 108. n December, the group Nouvelles ruralités, led by the presidents of the conseil général of 4 departments of central France, will submit its report on rural affairs. At the heart of the report will be proposals for the creation of a new Ministry for Rural Development. The group is made up of the heads of the conseil général of the Creuse (23), Allier (03), Cher (18) and Nièvre (58) departments, all at the heart of central France. “This should be done in the same way as has been done for cities,” explained Jean-Paul Dufrègne (Allier). “With a framework that allows us to define axes of development. We don't see why there shouldn't be a ministry for rural development, given that there is already a ministry for towns.” “We want the visions of Christmas at the Moulin du Breuil Mon 9 December - Sun 15 December A vast range of designer home decor to suit all styles Classic – Country – Contemporary New stock arriving continuously brands including: Miss Selfridge, New Look, Next, Monsoon, Marks & Spencer and many more! 3 Ave. Gay Lussac 87200 St Junien T: +33 (0)5 55 79 57 60 Open: Wednesday – Saturday 10am – 7pm Sunday 12 midday – 6pm Closed Monday & Tuesday Come and celebrate Christmas early with friends and family BUY ONE GET ONE FREE MENU * Apéritif * Homemade tomato soup and goat’s cheese croute * Ballantine of Turkey stuffed with apricot, sage and chestnut, mulled spiced red cabbage, potato pavé, cauliflower cheese purée * Breaded camembert, Christmas chutney * Chocolate and Baileys terrine ALL FOR AN AMAZING PRICE OF 30€ (for 2 people) Reserve early to avoid disappointment - lunchtimes and evenings 23140 PIONNAT – Tel 05 55 80 37 70 [email protected] Join us on facebook: and follow us on twitter: @lmdb_pionnat ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 LOCAL NEWS ♦ 5 Health centres the solution to rural healthcare M any parts of rural France have been suffering in recent years from a lack of doctors and other healthcare professionals. Today's ageing population has increased medical needs, but the country's GPs are also getting older and there are not enough young professionals replacing them. Part of the problem is that recent graduates prefer to work in hospitals. Besides the decreasing social status of GPs, hospitals also often have preferable working conditions: fixed hours, better holidays, less time on call, etc. One answer to the problem are mixed discipline multi-doctor health centres – maisons de santé pluridisciplinaires. As the name suggests, these are centres where GPs, dentists and other healthcare professionals all work under one roof. The advantage for the doctors is that there is usually cover, meaning that holidays are easier to take and working hours are less fluid. It has long been predicted that these maisons de santé are the answer for rural areas suffering from a lack of healthcare professionals. If this is indeed the case, then the Limousin will soon be very well served indeed. There are currently 7 such centres in the Limousin according to the regional health authority (ARS), but a further 30 are either under construction or being planned. A good example is the commune of Le Dorat, where plans for a maison de santé pluridisciplinaire date back to 2007. Le Dorat has 3 GPs who have been based in the town since the mid 1980s and in recent times the commune has been thinking about the future - work on the centre is due to start soon with completion planned in 2015. “We have got around Local team of rescuers head to the Philippines F ollowing the carnage caused in the Philippines by Typhoon Haiyan, aid agencies across the world have been sending teams to the region. The Limousin is no different and in midNovember a local team of 16 rescuers from the Pompiers de l'Urgence International (PUI) took off from Limoges. Their destination was the town of Tacloban on the island of Leyte, an area particularly badly hit by the typhoon, which swept through with winds gusting well over 300 kph. “They are reporting a catastrophic situation,” said Pascal Buisson, a member of the PUI based back in Limoges and coordinating with the rescue team. “It is much worse than the 16 person team had imagined.” Part of the team's mission, along with helping to find and care for survivors, is to work alongside the French consulate in Manila to track down French nationals who have been reported missing. Speaking on France Info radio station, Philippe Besson, a pompier from Limoges and a founder of the PUI, said that he was “very surprised by the seriousness of the situation”, adding that the damage was “like a tsunami and an earthquake rolled into one”. And he should know, having worked in Turkey and Indonesia in the aftermath of both types of disaster. “The logistics of it are very difficult,” he continued. “You have to find a vehicle and occasionally we have to syphon fuel from other damaged vehicles to get around. That's just the way it is.” A second PUI team of 13 people have since joined their colleagues to reinforce the rescue efforts. ■ Ivan Petley Handmade 3-D hardwood puzzles Come and see Ivan’s unique 3 dimensional wooden puzzles Wonderful gifts in all price ranges Find us at the following markets in December: 1st - St-Sulpice-Laurière (87370) 1st - Isle (87170), Maison du Temps Libre 8th Néoux (23200) 7/8th - Aubière (63170) 13/14/15th - Cournon (63804) 14/15th - Tulle (19000), Salle Latreille 23rd - Aubusson (23200), Hôtel de ville Tel: Email: [email protected] 5 years before the question of finding replacements becomes a problem,” said Philippe Jardel, GP and also mayor of the town. “But we need to plan these things in advance. We understand that the young do not want to work like we did, sometimes in isolation in remote areas, and that's without mentioning the hours!” Le Dorat is aiming to gather 4 doctors, 6 nurses and 5 dentists under one roof, along with a physiotherapist, podiatrist, speech therapist and dietician. “The most important thing is that everyone works in collaboration with each other,” explained Anthony Ponticaud from the ARS. “We need procedures in place and to make sure that patient care is coordinated.” Local politicians have been the driving force behind the building of these new centres, but it is young healthcare professionals that will run the centres and staff them. “That is absolutely essential for this to work. Otherwise we will be left with walls and an empty shell,” con- cluded Anthony Ponticaud. “A number of key players in the project are also at the heart of training young professionals: GPs offer rotations to many 4th year students, and these students will hopefully then see the benefits of working in tandem with other professionals.” ■ DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 6 ♦ LOCAL NEWS Le Pub Coming soon at Living life in France with the French 58, rue d’Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse ALL OUR ENTERTAINMENT IS 100% FREE!! Fish (best haddock) and Chips, with Mushy Peas or Salad still only €9,95! • Saturday 30th November - Medieval Banquet with 3 hours of food, wine and fun for €20 all inclusive!!!! • Saturday 7th December - Irish Night, with live music. • Saturday 14th December - Channel your inner Tom Jones - it’s Karaoke! • Saturday 21st December - French trio lively music. • Friday 27th December - Local traditional music. • Saturday 28th December Turkey Indian curry for just €9.95. • Wednesday 1st January - New Year’s Day lunch. 3 courses for €20. Le Pub is an English themed bar... not an expat bar!! The majority of our customers are French, so why not come and enjoy yourself with the locals!! We don’t charge for our entertainment, so what have you got to lose?! Christmas & New Year @ Le Pub We are filling up fast for Christmas Day, so BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment !! €30 all inclusive !! Sunday roast dinner and pudding still only €10! Reservation in advance necessary Yes, for just €30, you get an apero, wine, 4 courses and a digestif!!! And not only that, but this year we will also be adding fun games in the afternoon to make your Christmas Day the best ever!! Check out the latest news and download special offers throughout the month: New Year’s Eve Buffet - €15 per person Finger buffet all night long for just €15 as well as party music and all with normal prices at the bar!! Opening hours: Wed 7pm-midnight, Thu 12-2pm & 6pm-midnight, Fri 12-2pm & 6pm-2am, Sat 6pm-2am, Sun 12-11pm 58, rue d’Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse - 02 54 60 02 14 ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 7 Septic tanks Electrics systems designed with permissions & paperwork included and independent approval with certification. diagnostic report and remedial works – consuel approvals - liaison with ERDF for changes. full re-wires, new-build, additions, modifications. Renovation bathrooms & kitchens from design to completion; ceilings; partition walls; drylining. Tel: Email: [email protected] Web: Winter Fuel Payments to be removed FN protests disrupt Remembrance day may be justifiably angry at the decision to label this country “hot”. Under the test, the WFP will be withdrawn from pensioners living in countries where the average winter temperature is considered higher than the warmest area of the UK - the south-west of England. This seems like a fair test, but the government's own data suggests that under this rule, pensioners living in France would qualify. An examination of the raw data used by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), which was provided by the University of East Anglia, shows clearly that the average winter temperature of France and Corsica is 5.08°C, while the south-west of England is 5.6°C. When pressed, the DWP later admitted that it had included France’s overseas departments (départements d'outre-mer - DOMs). These far-flung places, inhabited by roughly 30 UK pensioners, include tropical islands such as Guadeloupe, Martinique and La Réunion as well as French Guyana in South America, where average annual temperatures are in the mid-20s. By adding these locations, the average temperature of “France” nudges above that of Cornwall. Brian Cave, of Pensioners Debout and, said: “It’s clear that the DWP added in the DOMs figures for France, because the university did not include them. I find that scientifically dishonest and a corruption of the figures to © 2006 - Richard Slessor (WikiCommons) >> continued from pg 1 suit their ends. Spain has the largest number of WFP claimants with France next, and they made sure those two countries were removed.” The government defended its use of the data on the grounds that the DOMs are considered part of France - and therefore the EU - and that British pensioners living there can claim the WFP. An e-petition protesting against the new “temperature test” has so far gathered over 14,000 signatures (http:// As the petition has more than 10,000 signatures, it received an official government response: The Government remains committed to protecting key support for older people for the life of this Parliament, in line with Coalition Agreement. Winter Fuel Payments are non-contributory and were originally introduced to give older people in the UK the re- assurance they can keep warm during cold weather. However, following a European Court judgment, Winter Fuel Payments are now also made to eligible people living outside the UK in another European Economic Area (EEA) Member State and Switzerland. To help return to the original policy intention, the Government intends to bring in an eligibility criterion, effective from winter 2015/16, based on country of residence with Winter Fuel Payments going only to eligible people living in EEA countries with colder climates. The latest available statistics show that Britain paid about £3.1 million in Winter Fuel Payments to expats in France in the winter of 201112, the largest amount after Spain where almost £6 million was paid out. Both figures are small when compared to the estimated total cost to the government of £2 billion. 32,000ft² of great products incl. Toiletries, DIY, Housewares, Furniture plus loads more at great prices & we are even open on SUNDAYS!! -XW'LVMWXQEWEX8LI7LIH 'EVHW, CVEGOIVWQMRGITMIWKMJX[VETHIGW PSEHWSJXS]WIXGMRWXSGO +VIEXWIPIGXMSRSJ[MRIWHMVIGXJVSQXLIGLmXIEY\TPYWERMGIWIPIGXMSRSJFIIVW PEKIVW SMOKERS’ CORNER RIZLA green papers ZIGZAG slim & SWAN filters EZEE cigarette papers Plus loads of lighters, gas, lighter fluid, tubes & tube machines... all at discount prices!! 40kg sacks of building sand and gravel in stock - now only €2.50! (ask for a deal on bulk orders) Cement, Thistle multi-finish plaster, Tile adhesive, PVA, Scrim, Tools, Aluminium hawks Great selection of birthday cards from 1€ each! Plywood & other sheet materials + floor boarding, tongue & groove Route de l’Isle Jourdain Opposite the Gendarmerie Just off the RN147 87320 Bussière-Poitevine Tel: 05 55 68 74 73 Open Tue - Sat: 09h00 - 12h00 & 14h00 - 18h00 (closed Mon) Sun: 09h30 - 12h00 & 14h30 - 18h00 GPS: Long: 0° 53’ 33’’ 40 E Lat: 46° 13’ 45’’ 10 N Rubbing salt into the wound, figures have emerged showing that hundreds of MPs have together claimed a total of £200,000 on expenses to pay their energy bills, with some politicians claiming up to £6,000 each for gas and electricity in their second homes. ■ The 11th of November is a day of remembrance in France as in Britain, yet it is a day President Hollande will surely want to forget this year. 70 protestors were arrested as the president made his annual speech in Paris and calls were made for Hollande to resign. Armistice celebrations at the Elysée Palace were brought to a halt as protestors, many of whom were far-right activists, booed the president, citing the eco tax, rising levels of unemployment and the malaise of the French economy as their major concerns. Cries of “socialist dictator” and “we don't want your law” could be heard as the protestors tussled with police. Members of the Front National (FN) were confirmed among the protestors. Later in the day, Marine Le Pen, leader of the FN condemned what she termed the “arbitrary arrests” of many protestors. Le Pen had little support, however. Over 1,300,000 French people lost their lives in the First World War and politicians were quick to condemn the actions of the protestors. “Today on the Champs-Elysées, several dozen individuals linked to the far right ... did not want to respect this moment of contemplation and gathering,” commented Interior Minister Manuel Valls. ■ Amaryllis Barton DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 8 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS T he aptly named place de la Résistance in Quimper, Brittany was this month the centre of public violence, protest and revolt in what is becoming a winter of discontent for President Hollande. Around 15,000 workers from farming and fishing unions bearing red and white Breton flags came together to protest against the newly imposed eco-tax. Minister of Finance JeanMarc Ayrault had predicted a “spiral of violence” when the highly unpopular tax was introduced, but even he could not have predicted the historic response to the measure. The eco-tax is set to be imposed on all HGVs weighing over 3.5 tonnes. Such vehicles will be equipped with an on-board computer which will calculate the amount of ecotax payable to state coffers. The aim is reduce the carbon footprint of freight transport on French roads, specifically on a 15,000km road network identified by transport ministers. Of course, this tax is just one more nail in the coffin for the French economy; France has paid an extra 30 billion euros in taxes this year alone. The government had hoped to take the sting out of the tax by delaying its introduction until January 2014. Once again, however, Hollande, who now has the lowest popularity ratings since records began, misjudged the public response. To make matters worse, even Hollande's ex-partner and mother of his four children, Ségolène Royal, voiced support for the protestors. The promised delay did not deter protestors from launching stones and flowerpots at police, or even from starting fires and setting up barricades at eco-tax boundaries. Police responded with tear gas and water hoses in the latest episodes of protest which are taking a bitter turn against government policies; in October a protestor's hand was torn off by a police tear gas canister. One Breton protestor, a chicken farmer from Rosporden, claimed he was taking part in such violent protests because he had “nothing left to lose”. “It's up to us to take the initiative now,” he said, since increasing travel costs could put him, and others like him, out of a job. “If I fall, I won't be alone,” he concluded. And indeed the violence spread to surrounding areas as other regions became aware of the tax's implications. In Lanrodec (Côtes- Tersannes Timber Products Highest quality, traditionally made ... at affordable prices Gates from just €120 Gates, posts, fencing, animal housing and more ... call us for further information 05 55 60 14 18 © Screenshot - ER_Bretagne (YouTube) Mass protests against planned eco-tax d'Armor), on the road linking Saint-Brieuc to Brest, protestors marked the historical relevance of their anger by wearing red caps, which originally were the symbol of the protests against Louis XIV tax hikes in the 17th century. The protestors set fire to the eco-tax boundaries, setting alight bins and car tyres in an attempt to melt the structures' supports. Further north in Avesnessur-Helpe, a fire at an ecotax boundary put a Route Nationale out of action. In addition, over 45 speed cameras were damaged across the north-west of France. As the violence escalated, the leaders of the protest claimed they were “ready to talk” with Ayrault, who spoke of the need for a “dialogue” with protestors; Ayrault even offered a “future pact with the Breton region”. Significantly, however, this meeting was held with the region's prefect, Patrick Strozda; no member of the government was actually present. Protestors claim the tax will be Hollande's “cem- etery”, while government ministers hastily assured the public the problem is one of communication. Even though the tax has been “suspended for the time being”, with Le Monde saying its application will be postponed until next summer, public discontent is set to stay. ■ Amaryllis Barton Commentary - What does this mean for France? November has been a month of reckoning for France and for French politics. The country has been named the “sick man of Europe” by commentators across the continent in the wake of the downgrading of the French economy from AA+ to AA by Standard and Poor's. In itself, this downgrading is likely to have little effect; two years ago, France was downgraded from AAA rating, as Britain has been. However, France's latest move to AA is a damning indictment of Hollande's leadership: in a statement, the credit ratings agency directly attributed the downgrade to Hollande's taxation reforms. Hollande was elected on a tidal wave of opposition to austerity, but as a result of the demands of the EU deficit reduction commission, Hollande has been forced to re-think. With cabbages blocking roads at the end of October, red-bonneted protestors taking to the street in November, and, to add insult to injury, Hollande's ex-partner coming out against him, the president's political capital couldn't be lower. Thus, with several successive u-turns in a month, Hollande really has nowhere left to turn. Whilst the eco-tax riots are hugely concerning from a political perspective, they represent just one of the poorly conceived taxation measures Hollande has attempted to introduce. At the other end of the spectrum, there is the 75% tax on incomes above 1 million euros. Although receiving popular support (89% of Le Figaro readers were in favour of it), this tax has had little effect other than to infuriate French football clubs. Hollande has essentially found himself introducing either popular but ineffective taxes, or implementing potentially useful taxes which are immensely unpopular. It seems the president can do nothing right. The eco-tax would have brought in approximately €1 billion which will now have to be found elsewhere. In addition, the government wasted around 800 million euros on equipment to implement the eco-tax. French taxpayers will have to dig deep to find this money as taxes are imposed in other less controversial ways. It will be all Hollande can do to stop “revolt turning into revolution”, suggests Marine Le Pen, who is arguably one of the few winners from this turbulent affair. ■ Amaryllis Barton T H E C O D F A T H E R TRADITIONAL FISH AND CHIPS Tue 3rd Fri 6th Sat 7th Fri 13th Wed 18th Thu 19th Fri 20th December Dates La Gourmandière *St-Maurice-la-Souterraine Café des Sports Châteauponsac Las Damas *La Souterraine La Campagnard Fougerolles opp. Café des Sports *Eguzon SNC Le Merle Blanc Argenton-sur-Creuse (TBC) Au Jardin d’Eté La Châtre (TBC) All venues 18:00 - 21:00, except Argenton (17:30 - 20:00) Jardin d’Eté ‘til late * = Takeaway CONFIRMATIONS ON WEBSITE Tel: 05 55 89 57 94 / 07 88 03 83 20 E: [email protected] siret: 793 447 905 00019 ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 9 DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 10 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS Couple in wind farm victory M © 2011 - eldelinux (Flickr) any bored commuters try to put a positive spin on their lengthy journey in and out of work each day by claiming, “I don't mind, it's a bit of me time” or “It's great, I get to read so much more these days”. To those of us who no longer take the 05:53 into Waterloo every morning this often sounds like the kind of statement that would make even a government spin doctor blush! A group of French commuters, however, are signing up to a novel way of filling their time on the rails travelling to and from Paris, with English lessons taking the place of texting, snoozing and snoring in specially created “classrooms” on SNCF carriages. The scheme, which is currently being piloted on two test routes, is aimed at regular commuters travelling to and from the capital who want to make better use of the “dead” time while on the train. “It’s much more constructive than having a weekly twohour lesson,” said businessman Jérôme, who has signed up for 40 lessons at a cost of €690. “Doing it four times a week means I will be learning a lot of new vocabulary that I can put to use as soon as I get to the office,” he told Europe 1 radio. Committed commuters try their best to ignore the passing scenery and their snoring compatriots as they take their classes in small groups of three sat around a table with their teacher. Despite being a practical use of time, public lessons do have one drawback: “Sometimes you get a bit scared of sounding like an idiot in front of all the other travellers,” admitted one student. The courses are run by SpeakWrite English-language school and come in two options: an intensive “Locomotion” course of forty 45-minute classes, and the more relaxed “On Track”, comprised of thirty 60-minute sessions. ■ Email:- [email protected] Tel:- 05 55 80 34 26 Mobile:- 06 47 85 90 92 Dun-le-Palestel (rue de Guéret - by Brocante) Bourganeuf (pl. Martin Nadaud - fountain roundabout) Châtelus-Malvaleix (Auberge de Voyageurs) Sardent (Auberge du Lac) Ste-Sévère-sur-Indre (Place du marché) Marsac (Chez Jacques) St-Vaury (Le Victoria Bar) St-Germain-Beaupré (Chambre d’hôte) Chéniers (Auberge La Chaumière) Boussac (opposite Café des Sports) Tue 3rd December Thu 5th December Fri 6th December Sat 7th December Mon 9th December Fri 13th December Sat 14th December Wed 18th December Fri 20th December Sat 21st December Please try to email your order in advance to avoid disappointment All 6pm - 8.30pm unless stated - Please consult our website for any updates. SIRET: 520 807 660 I n what could prove to be a landmark ruling, a Belgian couple living in northern France have won a legal battle to have 10 wind turbines taken down because they spoil the “bucolic and rustic” view from their home. In a judgement which could have widespread implication across Europe, Erik and Ingrid Wallecan successfully argued that the 100-metre-high structures were ruining their quality of life. Judges in Montpellier ruled that the turbines’ location blighted the countryside, causing the “total disfigurement of a bucolic and rustic landscape”. Besides “spoiling the view”, they noted both the “groaning and whistling” and “unsightliness of white and red flashing lights”. The owners of the wind farm, La Compagnie du Vent (The Wind Company), a subsidiary of the energy giant GDF Suez, have been ordered to pay the Wallecans €37,500 in damages and to remove the wind farm within four months or face a fine of €500 per day per turbine. La Compagnie du Vent said it would appeal the judgement. Erik Wallecan, a retired vet bought the Château de Flers in the Pas-de-Calais department in 1996 with his wife Ingrid. At the time, the château was run down and the couple spent a decade restoring the listed building and 42 acres of land to its former glory. They also transformed part of the building into a guesthouse. In 2007, they were horrified to discover that their view had been blighted by the construction of 10 wind turbines. “The first evening when we arrived in the château after their construction, it was a firework display; we wondered where these lights were coming from. We were not even aware that these (wind) projects existed,” Mrs © 2006 - cap21photo (Flickr) Commuters find novel way to learn English Wallecan told Le Monde. “Every day we have to suffer the visual and noise pollution. I can see the turbines from everywhere in the castle, from every room,” added Mr Wallecan. “People are often too scared to take action and suffer in silence,” said Philippe Bodereau, Mr Wallecan’s lawyer. “Today we are saying non: justice has been done and this shows all those who suffer wind farms with a sense of powerlessness that the fight is not vain, that one can have one’s life respected - one’s right to peace.” The couple's victory has not been welcomed by everyone locally, however, with Jean-Luc Faÿ, mayor of a group of villages including the château, saying that each turbine represented €12,000 a year for the community. This money, he said, has helped to fund a new swimming pool and sports hall, but that “due to two people, there is a knife under the throat of an area of 6,700 inhabitants”. Supporters of wind farms have said opponents are exaggerating the impact of turbines and are opposed to progress. “We accept the presence of telephone emitters, electricity lines and pylons, water towers, grain silos,” the Federation of Wind Energy said. “Some windmills have now been classified as historic monuments... Why not one day wind turbines as well?” There have been a number of high-profile protests against planned wind farms in recent years as the government pushes on with plans to reduce its dependence on nuclear power and shift towards renewable energy sources. France has pledged to triple its number of wind turbines by 2020; there are currently 4,000 turbines spread across 1,127 sites. In August, a French court banned a local council from erecting turbines near the Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey in Normandy, after Unesco warned their construction could cost France’s most visited provincial tourist site its World Heritage status. A plan to build a vast offshore wind farm within view of several Normandy D-Day beaches has also been condemned as “an insult to the memory of the thousands who died there”. In 2012, angry villagers from FerrièresPoussarou, in the Hérault department of southwestern France, held their mayor hostage for a day and a night after learning of his plans to build 10 new turbines in their commune. ■ CARDWELL Paul Foster Jardins PROFESSIONAL BUILDER Royal Horticultural Society qualified Professional grounds maintenance Home renovations / Ground works Block works / Verandas, Abris & Terraces Barn doors & Shutters Also available: digger & driver Planning permission assistance and design available HNC and ONC qualified, 15 years experience & 5 in France 20 years’ experience. Specialising in renovation of overgrown neglected gardens. Planting + planting schemes from beds/borders to pots & window boxes. NPTC Chainsaw Licence. Pruning & felling of small trees. Please call for free quotation. DAVID Tel: 05 55 98 24 12 Email: [email protected] 06 23 90 45 82 / 05 87 19 85 85 [email protected] ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 11 German firm guilty over faulty implants Nicholas use on humans. At around €5 per litre, it was seven times cheaper than medical-grade silicone - a cost-cutting measure that saved the company millions of euros per year. The scandal emerged after surgeons warned authorities there was an abnormally high rupture rate among PIP implants. Gendarmes searching the business in southern France then found cans of industrial silicone in a van. Soon afterwards, the company was closed and its products taken off the market. When Mr Mas was finally arrested, he denied that the implants posed any health risks, calling the women who complained “fragile people, or people who are doing this for money”. An estimated 300,000 women in 65 countries are believed to have received the implants, which are twice as likely to rupture as other brands - more than 4,000 women have reported ruptures. In France, the health ministry has advised all 30,000 women with implants to remove them and is footing the bill. In Britain, of the 47,000 women who received the implants, only those those issued by NHS doctors are being replaced for free. Previously, the then Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley, told private clinics that they had a moral obligation to do the same. PIP's founder Jean-Claude Mas is on trial for “aggravated fraud” in a separate case, along with 4 of his former senior staff. It is one of the biggest court cases in French legal history - over 5,000 victims have joined the action against the former French cosmetic implant manufacturer, and are being represented by about 300 lawyers. A ruling on the case is expected in December. Jan Spivey, a British woman who received PIP implants as part of reconstructive surgery following breast cancer in 2002, told the BBC she was “delighted” with the ruling. “Of course TUV has some responsibility and should be held to account. They're the organisation that gives the CE certification for safety, and that was what my surgeon relied on when he gave the implants to me. Anybody that gives safety certification for a product that is going to make women very sick does have re- Hemming WOOD CRAFT Made to Measure Furniture ng Outstandi Restorations Value!! Carpentry/Joinery Distinctive Carved Cat Trademark Furniture and joinery made to last a lifetime - 02 48 63 15 09 [email protected] - SIRET: 533 607 115 00011 sponsibility.” During the trial, the court heard that a PIP employee in charge of quality control had only a cooking diploma; another in charge of the lab had previously trained as a pastry chef. Lawyers for TUV Rheinland had argued that it was never the German firm's job to check the actual implants, and their task was only to inspect the manufacturing process. ■ France's cosmetics and plastic surgery industry is among the biggest in Europe. An estimated 21,000 breast augmentations are carried out each year and between 400,000 and 500,000 women in France currently have breast implants - the most popular cosmetic operation after liposuction and antiwrinkle procedures. A study in 2009 found that although French women are the slimmest in western Europe, they also have the biggest complexes about their bodies and the toughest standards on weight. Fish and Chips w w w. l e s n a c k s h a c k . f r Tel: Mob: WE’VE NOT TRIED THE REST, BECAUSE OUR CUSTOMERS TELL US WE ARE THE BEST! Dates for December Monday 9th Champsac Wednesday 11th Bussiere Poitevine Thursday 12th Persac Friday 13th Fromental Saturday 14th Aigurande Dates for January 2014 Sorry, we are closed in January... weather permitting we will be back in February. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE FROM ALL AT “LE SNACK SHACK” ** We will be serving from 6pm to 8.30pm at all of our venues unless stated otherwise. Le Snack Shack is a traditional British ‘Fish and Chip Takeaway’, offering a varied menu direct from the U.K. We serve the best Icelandic Cod, cooked in a crispy, golden batter accompanied by chunky chips and mushy peas or curry sauce. Our full menu can be found on our website - Take away and eat in the comfort of your own home or feel free to have a drink alongside your meal at the bar. Siret: 517 841 839 00015 A court in the southern city of Toulon has ruled that TUV Rheinland, the safety standards firm which certified sub-standard breast implants sold by French company PIP, had “neglected its duties of checking and vigilance” and ordered it to pay compensation to victims. Six implant distributors and 1,700 women had sued TUV Rheinland for €50 million, arguing that anything but a cursory inspection would have uncovered the problems with the implants. Following their victory, the plaintiffs in the civil case will be given an initial payment of €3,000 per victim which the court estimated should cover the costs of surgery to have the implants removed. Individual medical and financial assessments will now be conducted on each plaintiff which could result in further compensation payouts. Only when these assessments are finished will TUV Rheinland know the exact sum to it will be liable for. The company said it was “shocked” by the decision and is appealing the ruling. A number of French and British women were among the plaintiffs, although it is thought the majority came from South America. The legal action against TUV Rheinland is the women’s only chance of financial compensation as PIP is no longer solvent. Following the most recent ruling, it is expected that the door is now open to many more compensation claims against the German company. PIP, which at the height of its powers was the world's third biggest supplier of breast implants, is accused of cutting costs for over a decade by using an illegal concoction of industrial and agricultural silicone not fit for DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 12 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS H2 0 Creuse Former waitresses at a restaurant run by Thierry and Gilbert Costes have confirmed what many have long suspected: that trendy Parisian restaurants have a policy of seating “ugly” people out of sight and moving the “beautiful” diners to the front of the restaurant. The Costes group run a number of establishments across the capital including Georges, in the Pompidou Centre, and Café Marly, overlooking the Louvre. “The good-looking ones are led to the good places, where they can be easily seen,” the waitresses told Le Canard enchaîné, an investigative and satirical weekly. “As for the non good-looking ones, it is imperative that they be dispatched to the corners of the room.” They also claimed that failing to obey these rules would result in reprimands such as: “What are these ugly mugs doing at this table? Everyone can see them when they come in. It’s very bad for our image.” ■ Brangelina Nouveau voted world's best rosé Château Miraval Rosé 2012, the wine produced by Hollywood's first couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, has been voted the world's best rosé. The wine, cultivated at the couple's 1,200-acre vineyard at their estate in Provence, was ranked 84th in Wine Spectator's Top 100 Wines of the Year and is the first rosé to ever make the top 100. According to the magazine, the rosé is both “refined and elegant, offering pure and concentrated flavours of dried red berry, tangerine and melon. The focused finish features flint and spice notes, with a hint of cream”. When the first bottles of Château Miraval went on sale earlier this year, all of the 6,000 bottles that were released sold out within an impressive five hours. ■ Hollande's popularity at record low After hitting a record low approval rating of 26% in October, President François Hollande's popularity has plunged to new depths this month, with just 15% of the public supporting the Socialist leader. The poll, conducted for the Huffington Post and i>TELE, asked how respondents judged Hollande's actions as president. The results were damning: just three per cent of respondents to the survey said they had a very positive opinion, while 12 per cent said it was positive. Seventy-six per cent said they had a somewhat negative or very negative opinion; 9 per cent would not comment. The poll put unemployment at the top of their concerns (36%), well ahead of taxes (13%) and immigration (9%). ■ Man jailed over fake wines TVA No: FR86487425639 France defy the odds to beat the Ukraine F rance will join England at next year's World Cup in Rio de Janeiro following their dramatic win against the Ukraine in a playoff match. Beating the Ukraine 3-0 in Paris, France became the first European team in history to overturn a 2-0 first-leg play-off deficit. “It's the magic of football!” say that justice was done, pointing to the goal that was disallowed a few minutes earlier when the Real Madrid striker looked to be onside. Two-goal star Mamadou Sakho insisted he was no hero after his brace helped to send France to the World Cup finals. “There's pure happiness and we've written a page in French football history Canal +, announced live on air that he would present his show in English and “fully dressed as an Englishman” if les Bleus won. Sure enough, he turned up for work the next day sporting “British” and a comedy accent. MP Philippe Gosselin came to the French National Assembly wearing flip-flops as he had promised and Cyril Hanouna, said manager Didier Deschamps. “Four days ago we were very bad but the players responded well. It was important for French football to be in Brazil. When we've got the ingredients we can do great things.” Coming into the match knowing that only a near-perfect display would do, the 1998 World Cup champions and 2006 runners-up, had plenty of pressure on their shoulders. Almost 90 per cent of respondents to a poll in Le Parisien had expected France to crash out of qualifying. But ninety minutes later, the country was celebrating as two goals from Liverpool defender Mamadou Sakho either side of a controversial Karim Benzema goal earned France a thrilling victory that will live long in the memory. Ukrainian supporters will argue that Benzema's goal was scored from an offside position, and it was. French supporters will with this,” the 23-year-old said. “A lot of people didn't believe in us but there were also plenty who did. I don't see myself as a hero; the team was the hero in this one. I'd never previously scored a double in my career! We're going to Brazil and we have to take on board the lessons from all of our matches, not just this one.” So unlikely was it that France would be boarding the plane to Brazil, a number of celebrities had made rash promises, although to their credit, most of them followed through. Antoine de Caunes, the host of the French TV show Le Grand Journal on host of the French TV show Touche pas à mon poste! (Don't touch my television!) dyed his hair blond. No one came close to Doria Tillier, Le Grand Journal's weather forecaster, however, who promised she would present the following day's forecast “à poil” - naked - if the team won! Viewers were initially disappointed to discover that the following day's forecast was presented from the town of “Poil” in central France, although there did follow a longdistance shot of the presenter running across a field wearing nothing but her boots and a smile! ■ A man has been jailed at a court in Bordeaux for selling fake bottles of Mouton Rothschild wine on eBay. The scam, involving bottles which featured labels that “were very likely forged in China”, was exposed thanks to a Europe-wide investigation by specialist officers working for six different police forces. It is the latest in a long line of recent convictions for wine fraud, and according to unofficial industry estimates quoted by Sud Ouest newspaper, counterfeit wine accounts for some 20 per cent of all international sales. Also in November, Laurent Ponsot, a Burgundy winemaker and famed forgery hunter, estimated that 80 per cent of auctioned wines allegedly coming from Burgundy’s most prestigious domains, including his own, are fakes. ■ French economy downgraded again France has been hit by a second downgrade by ratings agency Standard and Poor's (S&P) in two years, this time down to AA from AA+. S&P directly attacked Hollande's economic policies, questioning the socialist government's capacity to repair the country's stuttering economy. The agency noted that “high unemployment is weakening support for further significant fiscal and structural policy measures”. Unemployment is currently around 11%, with 3.29 million people out of work, an all-time high. Holger Schmieding, chief economist in London for the German bank Berenberg, said the lack of progress in France, especially compared with positive steps made in smaller, weaker countries such as Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece, “makes it ever more obvious that France is Europe’s real problem”. ■ CARREFOUR BOIS LIMOUSIN Order your winter firewood today All wood is stored under cover and cleaned before delivery Oak, Beech, Hornbeam - Logs of 50, 33 & 25 cm Home delivery loose or palleted - depts 23/87 Très Jolie Ladies fashion accessories Mail order available or find me at a local market (see Notice Board for more details) 20211438CC1243 05 55 63 72 45 / 06 76 05 81 38 (8h30-12h & 14h-18h) Siret no: 487 425 639 00027 Paula Robinson 05 55 78 62 29 06 04 08 29 53 [email protected] Facebook: search for “Tres Jolie Milhaguet” siret 753 125 061 00014 siret: 510 357 155 00017 [email protected] 05 55 41 17 76 Paris cafés favour the beautiful & PLUMBING ENGINEER oil fired boiler specialist ADVERTISE WITH THE BUGLE HEATING Gas and Qualigaz certificates arranged Winterising of heating & plumbing systems Kitchens & bathrooms fitted and tiled Advice given Jason Green: Email: [email protected] Double D Renovations & Home Improvements All types of building work, groundwork, renovations, decorating and maintenance Fosses septiques Roofing Tiling Kitchen and bathroom fitting Conservatories Plaster boarding Masonry Carpentry etc. etc. Covering depts: 03, 23, 63, 87 Telephone: Email:- 05 55 65 00 29 06 33 19 99 64 [email protected] The Bugle December 2013 2 8 Page Pull-out Section Your indispensable guide to finding local businesses & artisans Accommodation Activities & Leisure Animals & Pets Antiques/Brocantes Auto Services Building Services Architects Carpenters/Joiners Electricians Fosses Septiques General Accommodation >> B1 >> B1 >> B1 >> B1 >> B2 Groundworks Painters & Decorators Plasterers Plumbers Sandblasters Chimney Sweeps >> B2 Computers/Satellites >> B2 Food & Drink >> B2 Garden Services >> B3 Gifts & Crafts >> B3-B4 Handholding Services Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 The Linden House Self-catering gîte in Creuse Sleeps 6-8 Prices from €250/week [email protected] SIRET: 518 135 009 00018 [email protected] Animals & Pets Flying Lessons See page 24 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Health & Beauty Insurance & Finance Language Services Online Shopping Pest Control Property Maintenance Property Sales Retail & Commerce Transport/Removals /Storage General Dog Holidays at Valhalla Farm 5 Star Accommodation in our Home (Dept 23). 4 Walks each day & lots of T.L.C. Contact Karen & Darren Tel: 05 55 80 95 18 / 06 52 58 17 95 [email protected] SIRET: 511 629 610 00011 ZE DOG (& CAT) HOUSE Family, cage-free boarding for dogs and cats. Positive dog training and counseling. Champlong Chatterie [email protected] Beautiful 2-person gîte in the heart of Creuse. Perfect for house-hunters & holidaymakers alike. [email protected] Activities & Leisure La Petite Maison >> B4 >> B4 >> B4-B5 >> B5 >> B5 >> B5 >> B6 >> B6 >> B6 >> B6-B7 >> B7 Caring, quiet accommodation just for cats JUNCT 22 off A20, Arnac la Poste Alison & Ray Tel: 05 55 60 27 83 [email protected] SIRET: 520 896 671 00010 The Orchard Kennels & Cattery (Farges, nr. Aubusson) Small & friendly, English run. Viewings welcome. Certificat de capacité. Also available: Pet foods, treats & accessories. Mon - Sat: 9.00 - 7.00 Contact Dave Grant: 05 55 67 58 87 siret: 504 584 228 00010 [email protected] We make sure that “Ze Dog (& Cat) House” is a real home from home for your companions so that they, as well as you, spend a great time on holiday! June Altman, Le Puytren, 87800 Meilhac >> B7 >> B7 >> B7 >> B7 >> B8 >> B8 >> B8 >> B8 >> B8 >> B8 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Antiques/ Brocantes Tel: 05 55 58 87 94 or Mob: 06 61 01 12 21 Email: [email protected] Certificat de capacité n° 87-203 RCS Limoges 750 912 057 The Caring Cattery Rochechouart 05 55 03 76 87 / 06 30 02 35 73 Only 30 mins from Limoges airport. Established, purpose built secure cattery. Large individual/family units, tiled floors, shelving, adjoining outside areas. Heated, individual needs catered for. NEW - purpose built isolation unit. Certificate of Capacity. Contact Barbara: La Grange Brocante Seillant, 36310 Chaillac We sell a range of quality new and second-hand goods to suit a variety of tastes and budgets. Second hand furniture, clothing, books, CDs/DVDs, toys, new items, gifts & English greetings cards. We also purchase items. Thursday-Sunday, 14h00-17h30 [email protected] [email protected] Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... SIRET: 494 125 016 00019 DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ B2 ♦ DIRECTORY Entreprise Hines Building Services All Internal & External Works, completed to a high standard. We also supply KWIKSTAGE scaffold for hire - either DIY or full scaffold service provided. siret: 503 169 237 00016 See website for more info - - 05 55 89 69 46 - [email protected] Auto Services Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Le Mécanique Anglais 30 years’ experience ● All Makes & Models ● Repairs ● Servicing ● CT’s ● Specialist in: Vehicle Diagnostics and Auto Electrics Covering 87/24/16 - I can come to you Email: [email protected] TEL: 05 53 62 50 46 SIREN: 514 423 532 The English Mechanic Car Breakers - C.R.A.L. Buy/Sell/Scrap Spare Parts for Sale - see pg 15 RING BILL! Registered Car Mechanic See Display Ad below TLH CAR-PARTS New Replacement parts Discount Prices - Weekly delivery Tyres - Exhausts - Service Kits - Brakes - Shocks - Batteries - Oils etc. Tel: UK (0044) 07907 652 827 Machine engineering, cylinder heads etc. New trailers and parts - Towbars - Quality used car spares, engines, doors, wings etc. Mail order service - Paypal Delivery to Northern & Central France From £15 Email: [email protected] Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts Building Services Architectural Services Architectural DRAWING SERVICE Renovating your French property? New build? Dossiers prepared Permis de Construire Déclarations Préalables Tel: 05 53 52 36 05 [email protected] SIRET: 493 770 358 00015 We offer a comprehensive Architectural Drawing Service for your projects. Supplying all the necessary drawings, elevations & photo realisations for your application. We also offer a floor plan service. Dossiers compiled for: ● Certificat d'urbanisme ● Déclaration préalable ● Permis de construire 05 55 80 72 83 / 06 33 07 29 72 [email protected] siret: 790 016 984 00011 CHARTERED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Pre-purchase & Structural Surveys. Verbal & written reports. Structural calculations & drawings. Redevelopment ideas & solutions. Tim Haw B.Eng C.Eng M.I.Struct.E 05 53 56 72 59 / 06 58 04 21 94 +44 (0)7910 283 965 Web: Email: [email protected] UK Reg No. 5245744 [email protected] Building Services Carpenters/Joiners SHUTTERS / VOLETS Made to Measure Woodwork Pine Window Shutters from €35 Pine Ledge and Brace Doors from €69 Bespoke items made 05 55 14 12 43 Oradour-sur-Vayres (87150) Building Services Electricians 05 55 41 17 76 ELECTRICIAN Lumiere Service et Energie Philip Evans Fully Qualified French Electrician All electrical work covered, from a light switch to a full rewire Limousin, Charente & Dordogne covered Emergency Callouts 24/7 Tel: 06 36 35 56 44 or 05 55 78 16 28 Email: [email protected] Siren 527 854 749 Siret: 533 235 016 00011 Le Charme De Chêne Handmade solid oak joinery and furniture Our joinery expertise includes barn doors, barn door frame openings, staircases, kitchens, windows & doors. We also make handmade furniture. Every item is bespoke and made to measure. Please visit our website for recent installations and references. [email protected] 02 54 25 65 08 06 16 91 64 67 SIRET: 510 156 763 00011 Nicholas Hemming Wood Craft Steven Rofe - 20 Years experience • NICEIC approved Electrician for 8 years in the UK • Wiring of new installations (including liaising with EDF) • Rewiring existing houses/barns • External & garden lighting • All aspects of electrical works • Fully insured - (10 year Decennale) • Departments covered 19,23 & 87 / email: [email protected] Siret No. 501.792.386.00010 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts SALAMANDRE électricité BARWICK ÉLECTRICITÉ Tel: 05 55 64 94 20 Mob: 07 86 38 09 61 SHAUN BARWICK QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN Available for all types of electrical work Small jobs, new builds, renovations, rewires Consuel assistance and certification service available Fully insured with 10 year workmanship guarantee Based near Châlus (87230) Covering departments 87 and 24 Tel: 09 72 35 74 73 02 48 63 15 09 - see main ad pg 11 Email: [email protected] Your advert here Pink Electrique Siret: 794 282 368 00016 Ruth & Geoff Kowalczyk All electrical work, home automation & security. Project management. See our website for more information. French qualified and insured. 30+ years worldwide experience. Departments covered: 23, 36, 87. 05 55 41 17 76 Your advert here Tel: 05 55 63 10 68 Mob: 06 64 59 48 64 Email: [email protected] SIRET: 788 709 871 00016 Keith SLOPER * Qualified electrician * All types of electrical works carried out * Free estimates * Fault finding * Consuel certification arranged * Temporary and permanent EDF supplies arranged * Departments 23 and 87 No Siret: 494 916 760 00015 ONE STOP NON STOP Qualified Electrician All aspects of electrical work carried out, including industrial 3 phase systems. EDF supplies arranged. Consuel certification arranged. Call-outs 24/7. Free estimates. TEL: EMAIL: [email protected] siret : 750 401 531 00022 [email protected] 50,000 sq ft of covered showrooms & 2 large external display areas - All reclamation bought & sold - Demolition undertaken - Specialists in oak beams - Metalwork & stonework - Indian stone flooring - Plywood, all in 8x4 sheets. Internal, external and marine grade ply available Open Mon-Sat 8.30am to 6pm - Only 1km from Confolens on the D952 Ansac-sur-Vienne road ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 DIRECTORY ♦ B3 ADVERTORIAL Leggett Immobilier voted as best estate agency in France R egular advertiser, Leggett Immobilier, was recently voted “best estate agency in France” and we asked their Chairman, Trevor Leggett, to explain the secret of their success. Not only did he explain that his company handles the sale of one in every ten French houses sold to UK buyers but he told Building Services Fosses Septiques Steve Johns Fosse Septique Specialist 20+ years experience All aspects covered: Paperwork and permissions arranged Installations (full/part) Upgrades (to current regs) Inspections Digger and dumper hire us that they are actively recruiting in our region. Mr Leggett explains: “The International Property Awards are sponsored by Virgin Atlantic and the judging panel is made up of 70 of the most respected names in the property industry. Leggett Immobilier competed against a number of real estate companies in France to receive this DO YOU NEED A NEW FOSSE SEPTIQUE? HAS YOUR FOSSE FAILED ITS INSPECTION? IS YOUR EXISTING FOSSE ILLEGAL? If you have answered YES to any of these questions then help is at hand. We offer the very latest in: sewage treatment systems, compact filter systems and micro-stations For a professional and friendly service, contact: Philip Allen Tel: +33 (0)2 54 24 88 35 Email: [email protected] Web: Siret No: 502 254 972 00016 Building Services LES VIDANGES LIMOUSINES ▪ Emptying septic tanks ▪ Unblocking pipes ▪ Cleaning wells ▪ Group rates available between neighbours Call David - 24/24 7/7 06 49 66 44 25 87800 Jourgnac Siret N° 750 725 780 00019 Eduard 05 87 77 93 46 [email protected] 10 Navaleuil 87330 Mezières-sur-Issoire siret: 753 367 275 000 17 Tel: 05 55 37 74 06 (Dave) Tel: 05 55 69 75 67 (Steve) (Depts 23, 87 & 19) siret: 501 792 386 00010 KWIKSTAGE Scaffold Hire WASTE REMOVAL SERVICES • house and barn clearances • dechetterie runs • rubbish removal • cash paid for scrap • general labouring service • 7.5 tonne tipper for hire • mini digger hire - with/without driver 05 55 37 45 35 / 06 74 21 47 71 Renovations, Painting, Gardens, Plumbing, Electrics, Groundworks See our website: - see ad below General siret 532 981 198 00015 * Autumn Discounts * Orders now being taken for 2014 • House & barn renovations • Garage/loft conversions • Bathroom/shower rooms • Doors/windows • Roofing • Patios/decking • Plumbing & Electrical Free devis and site visit siret: 514 556 208 00015 ALL ASPECTS OF RENOVATION & CONSTRUCTION Magnetic Double Glazing Building & Renovation services France offers their property the kind of international exposure that we do. Last month we attended property exhibitions in London, Birmingham, Brussels and Bordeaux and our clients' properties are regularly featured in papers, magazines and online. This mixture of local knowledge and international marketing skill is why we now have a 10% market share of all UK buyers in France. Fosse France Solutions R & B Construction Davis & Davis Groundworks, foundations, driveways, etc. We guarantee to beat any like for like quote ! recognition and were the clear overall winner. The judges took almost three months with their deliberations and were looking at customer service, innovation, marketing and overall excellence and Leggetts led the field in all areas which was pleasing. “The property market in France has held up surprisingly well, despite the crise financière that we have been suffering since 2008 - we have not seen the huge drop in prices suffered by some of our near neighbours. Readers of The Bugle will know that Central France offers some of the best value property in the country and we suspect that international buyers will start increasing again from 2014 onwards. “We have around 10,000 properties for sale across France with around 1,000 of these spread out over the three departments of the Limousin. They range from a cracking barn to renovate for just €14,000 right up to a dozen or so country estates for €1 million and over. Vendors know that no other agency in DIY or Full Scaffold Service See our website or phone for details 05 55 89 69 46 [email protected] 30 years' Experience in Construction, Renovation & Project Management Quality Workmanship Guaranteed Internal/ External Developments Barn conversions, loft conversions, new-build, drylining, plastering, rendering, spray rendering, tiling, installation of kitchens/ bathrooms, painting, carpentry, replacement doors & windows, velux installation, groundworks, landscaping, decking & much more... No job too big (or small). Give us a call for a free competitive quote. 05 55 60 29 50 / 06 04 13 30 57 email: [email protected] Based Arnac-la-Poste - Covering depts 87, 23 & 19 Siret: 498 203 652 00017 ENTREPRISE SMITH BUILDING SERVICES Established, Qualified Builder/Electrician 30 years experience All internal & external building, electrical and plumbing works from start to high quality finish. Tel: 05 55 89 00 89 Mob: 06 04 06 55 28 email: [email protected] Siret: 533 577 128 00010 Eduard General Building Services SIRET: 503 169 237 00016 05 87 77 93 46 See main ad below Advertise your business here [email protected] “Our company has grown massively over the last couple of years - we had 67 agents in 2010 and now that figure is over 200. We aim to double this over the coming years and see Central France as one of our key areas for growth. Anyone interested in joining us should email [email protected]. You will need to be highly motivated, bilingual, professional and you must love property!” ■ [email protected] GODSON Travaux Publics - pg 3 Lovejoy’s Scaffolding Hire Strong, fully adjustable cup-lock scaffolding Collect and erect yourself to save costs or delivery and erection included Tel: 05 55 68 22 04 Siret 789 209 236 00015 Monte Sarginson House Renovations Inside & Out Experience in Roofing, Tiling Floors & Walls, Plumbing, Fitting Kitchens & Bathrooms, Stonework & Rendering, Painting & Decorating Tel: 05 55 63 88 70 Mob: 06 21 34 18 20 Siret no 507 516 748 00013 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ B4 ♦ DIRECTORY Septic tanks systems designed with permissions & paperwork included and independent approval with certification. Building Services Skilled Workman Building Renovations & Small Jobs • Velux Windows • Roof Repairs • Tiling • Plumbing • Plaster boarding • Garden Projects & Maintenance For more info please call Barrie General La Noneix Construction & Property Services Established, Professional and Personal Building Services. Fully registered with décennale insurance covering all works. ●Renovations ●New builds ●Roofing ●Stonework ●Carpentry ●Ground works Large or small projects undertaken - please view our website. Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands [email protected] SIRET: 501 144 596 00019 La Coterie Entreprise Approved septic tank installer See our main ad - pg 7 Eurl Réno-Gén ROOFING SPECIALISTS All types of roofing External insulation Carpentry work Dormer windows Velux windows Zinc guttering Chimney repoints Lead flashing, etc. Contact Phil Andrews: Mob: 06 42 38 54 22 Tel: 02 54 30 11 20 Email: [email protected] siret: 509 180 410 00011 Tersannes Timber 05 55 60 14 18 - see pg 8 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Electrics diagnostic report and remedial works – consuel approvals - liaison with ERDF for changes. full re-wires, new-build, additions, modifications. / Or visit my website SIRET: 501 338 230 00011 Double D Renovations & Home Improvements 05 55 65 00 29 - pg 12 French Lily Kitchens & Interiors 05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 5 Entreprise Hines Building & Renovation ● Roofing - New & Repairs ● Masonry ● Plastering ● Dry Lining ● Sand Blasting ● Equestrian Buildings ● Digger/Scaffold Hire ● ... and much, much more 28 years qualified experience Dave Cardwell - Builder 05 55 98 24 12 See our Display Ad - pg 10 INSTALLATION23 - Electricity - Plumbing - Air conditioning and heat pump - Small renovations (bathrooms, kitchens, etc.) Dutch and English spoken Mob. 06 40 56 96 12 Tel. 05 55 67 57 64 Siret: 753 054 030 00014 Masonry & More General building Renovation & maintenance Reliable, good quality work 30 years exp Based central 23 - will travel Martin Sprague 05 55 61 93 07 martin_sprague_1@ T J Renovations Traditional Building Services 30 years experience in building trade Full refurbishments undertaken • Stone/Brickwork • Patios • Repointing • Studwork • General Repairs & Maintenance All areas in the Limousin covered Contact Tim 05 55 61 08 02 / 06 52 23 89 54 web: Email: [email protected] Siret: 750 068 116 00011 RSW Entreprises Fosse Septique Specialist See our Display Ad - pg 10 DAVID LEE General Builder All exterior and interior work undertaken including: • Plasterboarding • Plastering • Rendering • Tiling • Blockwork • Bathrooms and Kitchens • Septic tanks As seen on Channel 4's Grand Designs Abroad Covering Limoges and surrounding areas Free Estimates Mob: 06 08 07 95 24 Email: [email protected] Siret: 453 965 493 00027 bathrooms & kitchens from design to completion; ceilings; partition walls; drylining. Tony Hall General Builders All types of building work undertaken SIRET: 531 768 182 00010 All aspects of renovation/ restoration covered Tél: [email protected] Siret: 504 350 604 00014 Building Services Groundworks Mini-Digger with driver [email protected] See Main Ad pg B5 Building Services Painters/ Decorators Simon Carter Montluc Painting & Decorating siret: 532 981 198 00015 FREE QUOTES All aspects of renovation and refurbishment, big or small, undertaken. Tel: 05 87 19 91 50 Mob: 07 81 26 88 65 Web: Email: [email protected] siret: 792.130.932.00017 Your advert here SIRET: 494.501.067.00016 05 55 41 17 76 Harlequin Developments are a Distributor and Installer for Solarventi, solar dehumidifying and water heating products, as well as a range of other renewable energies [email protected] [email protected] Plasterers GLEN VINEY PLASTERER Quality Plasterwork, Internal & External Tel: 06 45 18 86 10 (18 Years Experience) Email: [email protected] Siret: 527 736 326 00010 Multiskilled Artisan Graham Carter Plastering • Plastering • Rendering • Stud Walling • Tiling and associated works • Bespoke polished concrete surfaces for Window Sills, Shelves, Fire Surrounds etc. • General Renovation interior and exterior of buildings to customer's specification. Tel: 05 55 76 69 32 Mob: 06 43 11 95 87 Siret No. 513 415 091 00018 Qualified craftsman with over 25 years UK experience, newly relocated to Haute Vienne Specialist services: Interior & exterior painting, wallpapering, plastering & boarding, floor restoration, tiling. Harlequin Developments Building Services Plasterboarding, Partitioning, Skiming, Solid Plastering, Floor Screeding, Rendering: Mono Couche/Coloured Render Waterproofing Render Systems including bespoke joinery and lime plastering. All work is fully insured. References available. Ring Andy on 05 44 19 15 57 Ring Will on 05 55 37 45 35 Tel: Email: [email protected] Web: Over 35 years experience References available Décennale Insurance - All areas covered E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] SIRET: 503 169 237 00016 Renovation Le Plâtrier du Limousin The friendly and reliable plasterer Registered in France. Fully insured offering 10 year guarantee. Call Stuart on: 05 55 80 92 91 [email protected] Siret: 534 396 908 00012 « LE PLATRIER » Chris the Plasterer A genuine plasterer French and English spoken Traditional Plastering Rendering, Floor Screeding Stud partition dry lining Lime mortar stone pointing FOR A QUOTATION CALL 05 55 63 53 06 06 23 29 48 19 [email protected] Le Bourg, 23360 Nouzerolles SIRET: 504 612 441 00015 [email protected] ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 DIRECTORY ♦ B5 ADVERTORIAL Dave Cardwell - professional builder/designer D ave Cardwell, professional builder/designer, is able to undertake all building works, including bespoke handmade Abri’s, Carports, Field Shelters, Stables or Animal Housing. Whatever your needs, look no further! Whether you require basic stables or desire a complex design, we can create to an exact brief. Digger and driver also available for hire. Our company is based on the belief that our customers' needs are of the utmost importance. We are committed to meeting those needs and as a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals. If you would like to find out more information regarding our products and services, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service for price. Let's discuss your ideas! Your free consultation is just an email or call away. Before... Unique chicken coops from €165 Before... Dave Cardwell [email protected] 05 55 98 24 12 - 06 06 44 35 28 Find us on facebook: Solid handmade chicken houses made to order, ranging from 2 nesting boxes to 6 nesting boxes. All come stained and have protection from predators and the weather. Delivery is possible. MARK COLYER LIMOUSIN PLASTERING LIMOUSIN STUKADOORS 20 years experience in: ● Solid Plastering ● Skimming ● Dry Lining ● Rendering ● Plasterboard Studwork Specialising in both French lime plastering and English plastering techniques. 10 years tiling experience. Covering Creuse (23), Haute-Vienne (87), Northern Corrèze (19) & Southern Indre (36) For a free quotation & friendly advice call Mark or Mareike on 05 55 54 95 63 [email protected] Martin Walters Plumber Caught out last winter? Don't worry! We can now offer winter checks, drain downs, caretaking, general DIY, key holding, as well as our usual friendly plumbing services. Tel 02 54 24 84 62 siret: 539 941 450 00014 Siret 522 804 723 00016 Building Services Rick Fife Plumbers A. Ives Plumbing & Heating Installations & Alterations Bathroom suites, Showers, Kitchens, Tiling, Complete wetroom installations Emergency work undertaken 06 02 37 62 57 SIRET 538 689 530 00011 Plumbing & Heating Engineer All aspects of Plumbing and Heating work undertaken. 23 Years Qualified (Previously UK CORGI registered – Oil / Natural Gas / LPG) Established and registered in France for 9 years. Areas Covered: North Creuse (23) & South Indre (36) Tel: 05 55 62 34 66 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 8:30 – 18:00 Please give us a call to discuss your requirements. If you get the answer machine we WILL return your call the same day. siret: 494 380 264 00015 H20 CREUSE Heating & Plumbing engineer 05 55 63 89 23 - see pg 12 Building Services Chimney Sweeps Sandblasting Sand and Blast TOUTE SWEEP Chimney Sweep Service We provide a fully operated * All types of chimneys cleaned * Brush & Vacuum * Smoke Tested * Fully Insured * HETAS Approved and member of NACS * Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage) * Clean, tidy, professional & friendly service sandblasting service for wood, stone and metal. Perfect for stripping away years of grime or paint. Contact us for a free quote or see our website. / [email protected] SIRET: 488 522 921 00037 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts Contact Barry Manning Tel: 05 55 66 14 11 Mob: 06 31 59 81 08 [email protected] REMEMBER - BLOCKED FLUES AND CHIMNEY FIRES CAN BE FATAL... DON'T TAKE THAT RISK! SIRET: 534 351 754 00013 Your advert here Chimney Sweeping 05 55 41 17 76 05 55 63 78 72 • Flue ways cleared • Birds nests, vermin & debris removed • Smoke evacuation & gas tightness tests • Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage) Siren: 502 409 949 CLEAR CHIMNEY SERVICES All types of chimneys cleaned Clean and Efficient Certificat de Ramonage issued with every chimney swept Woodburner repairs/installation Accredited Flue liner Installer Chimney repairs/maintenance Fabrication & welding to E.N. 287 TEL. 02 54 06 40 80 [email protected] siren 535 199 483 [email protected] Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... Advertise your business here [email protected] DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ B6 ♦ DIRECTORY Computers & Satellites ZESTUX SPECIALIST CMS WEB DESIGN 06 79 26 75 65 - See main ad pg 4 Mayday computer services - pc • mac • network 05 55 68 47 33 / 06 82 26 31 54 see pg 15 For all your TV and satellite installations and repairs (Sky TV, Internet etc.) GOODWIN SATELLITE Call Patrice: SALES & INSTALLATION OF ALL SATELLITE SYSTEMS & AERIALS. FAULT FINDING. [email protected] Fast dependable service Tel: 05 55 62 05 61 Mob: 06 06 47 89 66 Based Séreilhac (87) siret: 353 613 227 00035 Sat-Elec Formerly Electrosat Dept 23 & surrounding areas Email: [email protected] siret: 453 067 910 00019 Food & Drink UK & French Satellite TV Dishes & Freesat boxes always in stock Terrestrial digital aerial installations From a single outlet to multi-point systems Approved Supplier Wi-Fi, Data Networks, CCTV For sales, service or advice Call Mike G on 06 30 28 81 43 Quality work from qualified Staff 5 Place de la Republique Sauviat-sur-Vige 87400 siret no 798 364 600 00014 NO FIX... NO FEE !! IT Support for Creuse, HauteVienne, Indre and Vienne We provide a fast and friendly service either at the client's home, via remote software or computers can be left with us and collected when the work is complete. ● Ordering/Installing wireless & broadband ● Fixing results of a virus attack ● PC healthchecks ● Virus , trojan , worm removal and protection ● Backups/Disaster recovery ● Hardware/software upgrades. ● Website and graphic design. ● Printer/scanner assistance. Creusetec Satellite Systems 05 55 66 60 21 "Tooway" High speed internet via satellite TV Satellite Sales, Service & Installations. TV Receiver & Electronic Repairs. Dish alignments. Sky/Freesat/TNT/FTA. Most of depts 23,03,63,87,36 covered. Bar & Restaurant 5 Rue de L’Abreuvoir Aubusson Traditional French and English dishes Menu du Jour 16€, 4 courses incl. wine. Open Thu, Fri & Sat 12pm-2pm and from 7pm Restaurant Menu - Takeaway Service. Book club open when bar is open Le Relais de l'Abloux Bar - Restaurant Pizzeria Pizzas to eat in or take away 36170 SACIERGES-ST-MARTIN 02 54 47 56 74 26, Ecurat 23150 Atelier d'Art du Jardin Open Fri, Sat, Sun and Bank Holidays 11h00 to 18h00 Artisan art for your garden. Cream teas on the terrasse. RDV for weekday visits SVP. 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix tel: 05 55 81 31 85 web: e mail: [email protected] 05 55 41 17 76 Le Creusois Also available online. For more information, see our website: tel: 05 55 63 86 05 Les Genêts, Azerables 58, rue d'Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse - see pg 6 Petticoat Lane Oh My Cod Fish and Chips 5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais English groceries, Fresh British Beef & Steaks (to order only), Gammon Steak, Bacon, Sausage & Cheddar Cheese. Wide range of frozen items including vegetarian. Traditional English beers, Sherries & Wine. Cards for all occasions. Opening hours: Mon - Thur 10am – 6pm Fri 10am – 7pm, Sat 9am – 6pm 23140 PIONNAT 05 55 80 37 70 - see pg 4 Restaurant RIVE DROITE ▪ Menu du jour 8 rue Ledru-Rollin 36200 Argenton-sur-Creuse Restaurant - Pizzeria ● Italian Specialities ● Traditional Cuisine ● Home-made Desserts Moules de bouchot AOC available from July to December High Quality Food, a Warm Welcome and a Friendly Atmosphere await Closed Sundays & Mondays 39 Place du Champ de Foire 36140, Aigurande LA veytiZoU, 87130 Neuvic-entier ▪ Carte 02 54 24 01 06 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts SIRET: 508 754 314 00013 BAR, RESTAURANT, TERRASSE Visit us and compare our prices see main ad - pg 11 [email protected] Le Moulin du Breuil AUX CEPES Come and see for yourself - Open all week. 02 54 06 30 77 05 55 80 34 26 - see pg 10 Christmas items now in Stock see main ad - pg 13 Visit: E-mail: [email protected] ▪ Our famous Fish & Chips Tel: 05 55 69 33 38 Depts 36/87/23 Tel: 06 87 13 75 66 Email: [email protected] siret: 798 029 690 00012 Paul Foster Jardins 06 23 90 45 82 / 05 87 19 85 85 see main ad pg 10 Gifts & Crafts WWW.CARDBUBBLE.COM BUY YOUR BRITISH GREETINGS CARDS ONLINE! QUALITY CARDS AT UK PRICES! E: [email protected] FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER €10 WORLDWIDE siret: 751 978 917 00019 26, Ecurat 23150 Atelier d'Art du Jardin Open Fri, Sat, Sun and Bank Holidays 11h00 to 18h00 Artisan art for your garden. Cream teas on the terrasse. RDV for weekday visits SVP. 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix tel: 05 55 81 31 85 Open Monday to Saturday from 12pm to 2pm and from 6pm to 9pm Garden Services LE DORAT (Pl. Charles de Gaulle) Cut Tree Surgeons The Codfather Cross for all your tree requirements [email protected] Tree pruning Felling / Dismantling email: [email protected] British Fish & Chips in France See main ad pg 8 ARBO GESTION Qualified Climbing Pruner Le Pub SIREN: 483 988 853 Tel: 05 45 29 03 99 [email protected] SIREN: 409 679 578 Le Snack Shack See our Notice Board events listings C’est cheese [email protected] Bar/Restaurant Big Dish Satellite ‘...more than just a bar’ ‘....a bit like Allo Allo and Cheers!’ Lunch menu: 12-2pm Thu - Sat Pizza/pasta restaurant: 6.30-9.30pm Thu - Sat Function room available with catering for your special occasion See our web site for menu, future events and opening times: Find us at local markets selling a small and tasty selection of excellent quality english cheeses. JJ’s Cafe Bar Some customer quotes: 05 55 78 72 98 Winter opening times: 12-2pm 6pm-10pm (Closed Sun/Mon/Tue/Wed) - Closed from 30/11/2013 Find us & more details on: We Look forward to meeting you! email: [email protected] A new Italian bar/restaurant in St-Etienne-de-Fursac Your advert here [email protected] SIRET: 510 117 328 00011 CARRACIOLA SARDO High quality British & French food at reasonable prices. Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub Food, Vegetarian dishes, Childrens & Snack menus also available TOOWAY BROADBAND We only use our own qualified staff No call out charge Free quotations All areas covered BAILEYS [email protected] / see main ad opposite ** NOW OPEN!! ** Vera Laine Gift Shop & Salon de Thé Large selection of gifts, candles, mugs, shabby chic homeware, cards, plus leather goods, jewellery and hair accessories. Affordable prices! Fresh homemade cakes and free WiFi now available! We look forward to meeting you! Contact Jay: 06 35 91 03 83 [email protected] ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 DIRECTORY ♦ B7 ADVERTORIAL Electrosat has now become Sat-Elec W e have a new SIRET No 798 364 600 00014 and are registered with the Chambre de Métiers et de l'Artisanat (Haute-Vienne). We are still based at 5 Place de la République, 87400 Sauviat-sur-Vige and Mike G's telephone no is 06 30 28 81 43. What do we do? Well, all things satellite, Wi-Fi Data networks, CCTV and much more. We have been installing satellite dishes for over 25 years throughout Europe from our base in the UK. Not just domestic dishes, but dishes up to 7 metres. Our staff are able to give you the benefit of this knowledge. There are a lot of changes coming up in the Satellite world over the next few months and also a lot of rumours and half truths. In a nutshell, we believe that Limoges and to the north will require a 6080cm dish and as you go further south, the dish size will increase. Probably to 1.2-1.4 metres in France although to the far south- 'CARTES DE CHRISTINE' HAND-CRAFTED CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Quality product at affordable prices. Customized, if required, especially for you. Available blank or with either English or French greetings. Email: [email protected] VISIT ME AT THE FOLLOWING MARKETS: PEIGUT & PANAZOL (Weekly) CHALUS, CHASSENEUIL & CONFOLENS (Monthly) east and south-west this may vary. If you are able to receive Channel 5 now in the rain, then your dish will probably be OK. However, if you can’t get Channel 5, lose pictures when it rains or lose pictures in the evening then you really need to call Mike G on 06 30 28 81 43. He has a stock of new dishes and LNBs in Sauviat. We also design and install hotel or apartment systems. Unsuitable for new channels Handholding Services The Exchange Rochechouart SECOND HAND BOOK SHOP. GREAT SELECTION OF GIFTS, CARDS, CANDLES AND HAND-CRAFTED PRODUCTS 500+ DVD's now in stock Tue 2.30pm - 5pm Thu, Fri 9:15-12 & 2:30-5pm Sat 9 - 12 05 55 78 19 24 9 rue Dr Charles Poitevin SIRET 484 479 480 00010 Très Jolie Ladies fashion accessories 05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53 see main ad pg 12 A HELPING HAND Translation/interpretation Dealing with utilities/banks Permis de construire Sourcing/supervising artisans 1-2-1 conversation classes 05 55 62 50 38 Jonathan Critchley - [email protected] siret: 792 285 025 00013 La Petite Place Hair salon, Le Dorat See our Display Ad - pg 4 Call Alex, your English nail technician now Gel nails starting from €40 a set Tel: 06 22 93 14 57 [email protected] siret: en cours Insurance & Finance Sophie Arsac Mike G about to install a dish Language Services - pg 16 Siddalls Financial Solutions & Expert Advice Health & Beauty 3D Puzzle Maker OSTEOPATHY & ACUPUNCTURE Les Bregères, 23150 St-Martial-le-Mont [email protected] 05 87 41 07 93 - see pg 4 - Small groups - 1 to 1 Elisabeth Sicard 05 55 80 44 83 [email protected] Free trial lesson! • Classes adapted to your needs and level • State registered teacher established 10yrs near St-Léonard-de-Noblat (87400) • Free taster class and funding arranged [email protected] Tel: 05 55 56 62 84 page20.html siret: 490 323 243 00017 Online Shopping offered by experienced language teacher. For students and adults of all grades - beginners welcome. For more information please phone Ms Margret Holste: 06 95 02 52 43 La Tuilerie, 87400 Moissannes HiFX Easyfrench [email protected] [email protected] Chénérailles Native qualified teacher See our Display Ad - pg 15 International money transfer Handmade, fully interlocking, multi-layered 3D puzzles from just €9. Keyrings €2 plus other unique gift ideas. Customisation and personalisation possible. Come and visit the workshop by appointment. FRENCH CLASS FRENCH / ENGLISH LESSONS German lessons French lessons & handholding services Ivan Petley Tel: • We only use our own qualified staff • We have over 25 years of experience in the business • We don’t have a call out charge • We guarantee all our installations AMMARA siret 528 539 448 Hair Jewellery & Accessories 05 45 30 32 93 - see pg 8 We are approved Tooway resellers and have a demonstration system set up in our office, so please call if you want to see it working. Prices are very good as are the speeds: 20MB download and 6MB upload with costs as low as €29.90 per month + hardware and installation. If you are only in France for 6 months of the year, then turn it off and pay nothing till you come back. There is also 24/7 technical support, 365 days a year with a UK call centre. We can also supply SES or Avanti systems if required. Why use us? Tel: 06 86 89 81 02 Princesse Française TOOWAY BROADBAND [email protected] FREE FRENCH LESSONS Training institution in partnership with the State. Lessons in either of our premises or at your home. 12 rue Thiers, 87300 Bellac or 11 ave Cruveilhier, 87130 Châteauneuf-la-Forêt 06 75 56 99 06 – 05 87 77 90 39 [email protected] Crave4Goods see pg 3 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... Cross Cut Tree Surgeons for all your tree requirements 27 years experience Free quotes and advice We will not be beaten on price or standard of work Fully qualified arborist - Fully insured Covering depts: 87, 23, 86, 36, 19 & 16 Reliability guaranteed [email protected] / siret: 530 840 958 00017 DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ B8 ♦ DIRECTORY Pest Control Property Sales French Lily Kitchens & Interiors 05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 5 Alinéa Meuble & Déco see advert on pg 2 Central France Pest Control Dératisation, Déinsectisation, Désinfection 02 48 60 83 72 / 06 74 33 02 38 Email: [email protected] Curative and preventative rats, mice, moles, flies, woodworm, bed bugs, fleas, wasps, hornets Cendrillon - Bourganeuf Bilingual Estate Agent in Creuse 05 55 54 95 85 - see pg 4 Houses on Internet See our Display Ad - pg 3 Leggett Immobilier Moulin de Tintin Furniture, interiors & gifts Man & Van Transport Genuine/Reliable/Honest Local + Europe + UK runs Goods In Transit Insurance 14m3 capacity 4.2m load length French Spoken General 05 55 33 21 59 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres - see pg 4 Soie et Bois Depot Vente des Vêtements MAN + VAN Fiat Ducato with 11m² load capacity Dress agency and gallery, specialising in designer and high quality pre-owned clothes for women and children, together with accessories, footwear, jewellery, gift items, and hand made furniture. 4 rue Principale, St Mathieu, 87440 [email protected] Siret 530 213 644 00012 Experienced home help nurse Collections / Deliveries Removals / Brico Runs All over France. Competitve hourly rate incl fuel. Please ring or e-mail for a quote. Based nr Aubusson Dept 23 offers compassionate care for children, elderly people and sick people. I can also help with household chores and look after your pets when you are away. La Petite Barre, 18210 Bessais Le Fromental 05 53 56 62 54 [email protected] Tel: 05.55 48.28.89 05 55 83 02 77 / 06 81 33 07 15 [email protected] Property Maintenance Retail & Commerce Transport, Removals & Storage Parking For Limoges Airport Carrefour du bois Limousin see main ad - pg 7 SIRET No. 498 544 741 00024 SIRET: 510 995 681 00010 SIRET: 523 955 151 00015 Cheaper parking for all types of vehicles Book now!! 05 55 03 37 96 Stove Sellers See main ad pg 8 See our Display Ad - pg 11 Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts Eco Entrepot Les Bons Voisins Help with all property related issues Get down The Shed 87230 Bussière-Poitevine - see pg 7 The Man With A Van Affordable Moves/ Single Items Regular UK runs - check website Europewide/ Limousin based 18m3 van / 4.5m load area E: [email protected] W: Tel: (+33) Siret : 532 526 001 00013 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 ADVERTORIAL Please contact Ms Angelika Knauer: 05 55 63 72 45 - see pg 12 BABY/INFANT EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE To raise funds for the SPA dog rescue centre in Guéret. High chair, buggy, play pen, travel cot, fire guard, stair gate etc. Each item will incur a hire charge of 7 euros, plus a refundable 8 euros deposit. For more INFO or to HIRE Call Jean: 05 55 54 96 36 [email protected] “SolarVenti”- the solar solution to damp and humidity A simple solar energy system that runs on its own, even when you are not there! – And provides a free heat supplement in winter. The Solarventi air panel was invented more than 20 years ago by Hans Jørgen Christensen, from Aidt Miljø, with the backing of the Danish government. He wanted to use the sun’s energy for airing and ventilation of the thousands of holiday homes on the West coast of Jutland, - houses that were left empty and unheated for long periods - houses with damp problems, mould and bad odours houses that left their owners with discomfort, lots of work and expense. He wanted a system that would be safe, simple, without the need for radiators, water and/or mains electricity. Slowly but surely, the first Solarventi model came together. power from the solar cell, introduces warm, dry air into your home at the rate of 20 to 100 cubic metres per hour. The initial models were more than capable of keeping the cottages dry (and ventilated), even with the limited sunshine hours available in Denmark during the winter season. Since that time, the technology has really come along in leaps and bounds. Now, more than 20 years later, the 3rd and 4th generation Solarventi have exceeded all expectations. In Southern Europe, Solarventi is not only used for ventilation/dehumidification purposes; with far more winter sunshine hours, it also provides a substantial heating supplement. Several technical and governmental studies show that incoming air temperature can be increased by as much as 40°C. How it works The principle behind Solarventi is simple: a small, built-in, solar cell powers a 12V fan that is connected to an air vent, a control unit and an on/ off switch. Whenever the sun shines, the air in the solar panel is heated and the fan, receiving A DIY Solution? The installation process is very straightforward and should only take two or three hours. All that is needed is a drill, hammer and chisel to make a hole in the wall. Roof installations are also possible. In fact, the Solarventi was originally designed to be a DIY product - in Scandinavia it still is. There are no electrical or water connections and it can be safely left running, even when the property is empty. Solarventi requires no maintenance - if the property is unoccupied during the hot summer months, then it can be left running at low speeds for ventilation and dehumidification purposes or simply switched off. With a range of panel sizes, and the option for wall or roof mounting, Solarventi is suitable for all types of buildings, caravans or even boats!! Following the patenting of its design in 2001, Solarventi has only recently been actively commercialized. Over the last six years, Solarventi units have been installed in more than 24 countries and demand is increasing rapidly. From Greenland to Australia, Solarventi is finally getting the recognition it deserves. ■ SOLARVENTI Available in the Limousin From Harlequin Developments Tel: 05 55 68 67 56 Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97 ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 13 Serge the llama: internet sensation Mystery of Alderney A ghost pig solved the llama was put back under lock and key; the five teenagers escaped, doubtless hoping to avoid the same fate. However, after a huge internet response, which resulted in Serge becoming an internet star in the process, Beautour withdrew his complaint. “If there had been disruption as a result of the llama's escapade, I'd have had to cover my back, but, as it is, I take back my previous comments.” The five Bordelais youngsters had originally intended to steal a zebra, but, as Beautour explained, “zebras are difficult to manoeuvre”. Other circus animals were also released by the five youngsters although none managed to make a break for freedom. The singer Serge Lama, after whom this T llama was named, was particularly amused by the events: “Well, you can't say I don't have young fans anymore,” he told Le Parisien. However, Serge the llama is also set to become a music sensation in his own right. The popular song “Papoutai” (“Daddy where are you?”) by Stromae has been adapted to “Oukilémonlama” (“Where's my llama gone?”). And with over 2 million views on YouTube, llama-mania won't be stopping anytime soon. ■ Amaryllis Barton Asterix the Gaul heads to Scotland I n the latest adventure featuring Asterix and Obelix, the indomitable Gaul is heading to Scotland for the first time. November saw the publication of five million copies of Asterix and the Picts, the 35th book in a series that started in 1959. Asterix and the Picts, released in 15 countries and 23 languages, including Scots and Gaelic, is the first of the series not written and illustrated by at least one of the series' creators, Alberto Uderzo and René Goscinny - it is the work of writer Jean-Yves Ferri and artist Didier Conrad. Goscinny died in 1977 and Uderzo, who is now 86, took over the writing after his death before retiring 2 years ago. Although the story is based on real history, referring to the early Celtic people who inhabited ancient Scotland, as you might expect from the series, stereotypes abound with malt whisky, bagpipes, red hair and the Loch Ness Monster all taking centre stage. The book begins with a typically French scene as our heroes are searching for oysters on the beach when they find a tattooed, red-headed hulk frozen in a block of ice. He turns out to be Mac Oloch, a pict who has floated from “far-away” Scotland. As the local women take a shine to the red-haired arrival, the men of the village are keen to help him get home. And so Asterix and Obelix accompany Mac Oloch up north to win back his loved one, Camomilla, from the wicked Mac Abbeh and of course also fight off the inevitable Roman invasion. Since the first adventure was published in 1959, 352 million copies have been sold, 130 million of them in France, and the series has been published in 110 languages and dialects. The release of the book coincides with the ongoing independence debate in Scotland ahead of next year's referendum, something that has not gone un-noticed. “We are animated by an endorsement from such a prestigious character, but, as ever, we would have to check that he is registered to vote,” the “Yes Scotland” campaign said in a statement. For his part, new writer Jean-Yves Ferri has laughed off suggestions that Asterix is throwing his weight behind Scottish independence: “I went to Scotland to show the idea to the Scots. They were happy we thought about them and asked me 'Why Scotland?' And in particular they thought it was because of this referendum, when in fact not at all,” he told Reuters TV. ■ he mystery of the “ghost pig of Alderney” may have been solved with the revelation that the beast could have swum across to the tiny Channel Island from mainland France. Tess Woodnutt, a farm owner on the island, said she first became aware of the boar in September, when she was on holiday and received a call from a fellow islander saying one of her 40 pigs had escaped. Her son Jake immediately went to the farm and soon established no pigs were missing and, after tracking the boar to a nearby farm, he managed to catch it on camera. “We put out some food and I hid in a trailer and it came in to feed,” he said. “There’s no doubt it was a wild boar.” © 2012 - Cephas (WikiCommons) s the rest of France protested about tax hikes, five youngsters in Bordeaux found another way to put two fingers up to the state: they stole a llama from a circus. A member of a FrancoItalian circus, the llama, known by all as 'Serge', was earlier this month taken on a tram ride through Bordeaux in the early hours of the morning. Initially, the circus manager, John Beautour, made a complaint against the youngsters, who had just left a nearby nightclub and were drunk when they stole the llama. After Serge's tour, normal service was brought to a halt and several trams were evacuated. Transport officials were called and The 150kg mustachioed black animal only makes fleeting appearances at dusk leading locals to name it the “Ghost Pig”. Although many initially believed that the boar was an iron age pig, a cross-breed that has been historically farmed on the island, experts now believe this theory to be wrong. “Iron age pigs are a cross between a wild boar and a Tamworth,” explained Alan Woodnutt. “They look a bit like a wild boar but this animal was not the progeny of an iron age pig.” Steve Shaw, who was Alderney harbour master for 25 years, said he did not believe it would be possible for a wild boar to get to the island by boat without the crew noticing, and he had never heard of a wild boar being found on any vessel. With Alderney lying only 11km off the coast of Normandy, where there are large numbers of sangliers, most now agree that the boar must have swum across from France. Boar are competent swimmers and will take to the water to escape if they feel threatened. Duty Inspector Kieran McGrath from Guernsey Police said islanders should contact them if they spotted the animal and should not approach it themselves, as any wild boar could be dangerous when cornered. ■ DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 14 ♦ FRENCH LIFE In the garden - jobs for December W by Michelle Pierce ho on earth knows what to do in the garden in December? The gardening magazines are full of lovely images, but the reality is much less romantic, in general! So much depends on your soil, the position of the garden, the trees in it, the altitude, the weather and of course... how much time you have available during daylight hours (so much less at this time of year for those of us who work). I wouldn't presume to give you any hard and fast pieces of advice, so the following are suggestions, which you can take or leave. Grass When to stop mowing depends so very much on the weather. Some years the grass carries on growing right the way through the winter, and other years it stops. Be prudent about mowing and, if you must, choose a dry afternoon and make sure the mower blade is set on a high setting or else you are liable to pull clumps out and end up with a shorn, muddy patch! Leave some areas on the fringes of your garden longer, to shelter the littler members of the wildlife world. Garden waste A healthy garden naturally produces a lot of 'waste': mowings, weeds, leaves, unwanted seedlings, clumps which need dividing up every few years, old potting compost, etc., etc. Though I hate to admit it in public, I'm a terrible one for leaving clumps of prunings & weeds in untidy piles 'to be collected later', which can stretch rather a long time! In the meantime, things can find these piles a great place to hibernate, thus forcing me to wait until the hibernation period is over. My resolution this year is to move any such piles into places where they won't be problematic. Then the hedgehogs and other charmers can sleep in safety. Be prudent also about lighting bonfires where the material has hung around for a while, for the same reason. Most other things can go on the compost heap, and if it's not ready for use, this is a good time of year to turn the heap.This speeds up decomposition and helps reactivate it. There should be a good layer of veg plants (tomatoes, courgettes, etc.) and annuals from the flower borders. Don't forget to add some chicken manure from your hens, or a kindly neighbour. This is really quite concentrated, so a little goes a long way - ideal for those of us with a bad back who don't fancy humping barrow loads of horse manure around. are quite fragile, and can be pulled up easily by hand, so just mosey on out into the garden with a pair of good gardening gloves and see where they are encroaching. Same with other members of the rubus family, and perennial weeds like nettles. Cut these back and put them on the compost heap (without the roots, of course). Protect the soil surface In advance of it getting cold, protect the soil with a layer of mulch, bracken, compost or manure. You can also just prune down perennials to about a foot high, and put the stems directly around the base of the plants. This gives a habitat to invertebrates and insects, and helps insulate the plants from the effect of cold. It can, of course, be composted in the late spring, when the weather has warmed up. Weeding So far, round here, it has been really quite warm and humid, so the new crop of weed seedling are germinating and growing like crazy. Save yourself some work by hoeing them out small, or stifling them with a good mulch. Otherwise they'll have the advantage over you come the spring. If the weed seeds are germinating, then why not some veg seeds? Give it a go but be ready to whip a fleece over them. Cool loving species such as mustards and oriental greens have sprouted for me in the last 2 weeks. Brambles These are such lovely rogues; beautiful flowers, fruit, great for wildlife, but like all their ilk, they need to be controlled, and the winter is a good time to stop new canes touching the ground and rooting to form new plants. The new roots Soon, more typical winter weather should arrive, leaving gardeners to admire the winter flowering shrubs, those with good stem colour, interesting leaves or good berries. These include hollies, willows and dogwoods, amongst others. Recently I went to a friend's house on a pouring wet Saturday afternoon and was just entranced by her garden - full of shrubs and trees of the most marvellous colours - buttery yellows of gingko biloba, fuchsia pinks of spindle, persian ironwoods... the list went on and on, against a backdrop of greens. Definitely made me green with jealousy, too! My New Year's resolution is to have more of these marvels in my own garden!!! Remember, if you can't find anything of interest in your garden over the winter, then something needs changing! Good gardening! ■ The first AGM of Les Jardins de Sirius will take place on December 14 at 2.30pm. Anyone interested in coming along is welcome. Please contact me by mail or phone 05 45 89 36 54 for details of the venue. Just how charitable are charities...? Regular environment contributor, Arthur Smith from Harlequin Developments, considers why we are so squeamish about eating insects. He also looks at the response to the recent tragedy in the Philippines and asks what it says about today's charitable organisations. W ith an upcoming visit to Asia to look forward to, my thoughts have turned to the cuisine we’ll be reacquainted with. For a long time I’ve kept an open mind about eating insects, mainly because billions of people around the world have been eating them for a very, very long time. In fact, it pops up on a regular basis on news programmes that the future of protein for mankind is insects. It set me thinking about how funny it is which foods we recoil from. For example, we eat crustaceans such as crabs and lobsters, but aren't they just fancy bugs? As I understand it, insects and crustaceans belong to the same group of creatures: arthropods. Something to bear in mind when you’re tucking into your seafood platters on Christmas Eve! ******** It seems to happen every year, nearly always at Christmas, that yet another natural disaster strikes somewhere in the world, at a time when we hope that things will be a bit more peaceful. To make matters worse, it is usually in areas that are the worst equipped to handle it. The stories we’ve all seen on the television reports coming from the Philippines are truly heartbreaking. Images have been all over the news channels showing towns and cities torn into tiny pieces. They seem to appear with alarming regularity and once the fury of nature has been and gone, what's left could come from almost anywhere. Once again in November, the world was faced with a human catastrophe of epic proportions. Helplessly, we watch the harrowing TV footage, wondering if there is anything we can do, or contribute, to aid the rescue operation. Times may be tough, but here in France we are fortunate to live in a prosperous country, blessed by relatively benign weather. Our storms are tiny compared with those in Asia; it is little surprise that two-thirds of the estimated 1.3 million people killed by natural disasters in the first decade of this century lived on the Asian continent. Inevitably, the initial reaction of many people is to want to help in some way and send money to one of the charities working on the ground in terrible circumstances, bringing relief to the injured, homeless and starving. Yet, as the multi-billionpound aid industry appeals for more and more money, I increasingly think that with the desire of these giant organisations to display their logos in front of the world's massed media, they can sometimes do more harm than good. We have already seen examples of charities exaggerating the number of deaths and the gravity of disasters while raising money. The Bugle, live on France Bleu Creuse Tune in to our next show: 09h35 WEDNESday 4th DECEMber Personally, it makes me question the approach of the aid industry, where the big players increasingly resemble corporate giants. These charities try to follow in the steps of Mother Teresa while their senior executives pocket six-figure salaries and preside over slick publicity machines. The truth is that this has become a highly competitive sector; why else, after all, are the charities so desperate to be first on the scene and get their names into news reports? With so many aid groups fighting to help the same people, there are inevitably logistical problems like bottlenecks at key entry points which overall hamper relief efforts. Incredibly, the locals, who are usually the people best placed to know what is needed on the ground, often get elbowed aside by the big global organisations. Also, crucially, very few in the relief industry admit how little money trickles down to those most in need - one expert suggested ten pence in every pound donated! After the recent disaster in Haiti, the country's prime minister said 40% of aid received went on supporting those doling out donations. So what can we do to make sure those in need, such as the survivors of the typhoon in the Philippines, get proper help? Personally, I would only give money to an organisation whose core activity is emergency work, which doesn’t spend huge sums on fund-raising, which doesn’t overpay its executives, and which is open about the difficulties of delivery. Médecins Sans Frontières is one such body, it even limits fund-raising when it has raised enough after disasters. ******** Is it me, or are the Christmas decorations going up earlier here in France? I saw the first lights going up in early November this year, and I’m sure it was later last year. Methinks we need to keep an eye on this, it could be the start of Christmas creeping into November, and that’s just plain wrong! That’s about it for another year, they each seem to pass faster than the previous one. All that remains is to wish you and yours all that you would wish for yourself, and hope that 2014 brings you all that you hope for. ■ Arthur Smith Harlequin Developments www.harlequindevelopments. com Tel: Mob: ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 PRACTICAL ♦ 15 Car Breakers - C.R.A.L. Centre de Recyclages d’Automobiles du Limousin - Les Tourettes, 87440 SAINT-MATHIEU WE WILL COLLECT YOUR SCRAP CAR FOR FREE - WE BUY & SELL SECOND HAND CARS (RHD OR LHD) SPARE PARTS FOR SALE TEL: - ENGLISH SPOKEN - Email: [email protected] IT Postbox - your computer questions answered With the help of Phil Monaghan from Mayday computer services, we are pleased to bring you the IT Postbox. If you have any computer-related questions you would like answered, send them in to [email protected] and our resident expert will do his best to get them answered. Hello Phil, Would appreciate any help if possible. I have a Toshiba laptop [Windows XP] which now has a vertical thin bright blue line 6cm in on the left side of my laptop screen with a 6cm thick vertical line [lighter in colour] attached to it, which can also be seen when online. Can these lines be removed or is my laptop screen on its way out? Kind regards Gillian Blades This is a classic sign of the display malfunctioning. However, it may stay like this for quite a long time before deteriorating further. I have also known situations where the problem has gone away! The cost of repair, around 150€, may get you thinking about investing in a new laptop. Hope that helps Gillian! very well in their own way for the user. My wife wants a tablet computer for Christmas but I’m confused as there are so many to choose from. I am moving into the area soon and will eventually order a broadband service. Can I use a 3G dongle in the meantime? A person in the Orange shop was very keen to sell me one of these and said that it can be used anywhere. Anon Anon This is a huge subject and the choice of tablet should be driven by requirement first and price second. Establish what the user will want to do and create a list. Then check to see where any chosen product is positioned against the list. There are many cheaper tablets hitting the market and care should be taken in choosing in this area as poor performance can be the reason for lower pricing. The majority of Apps (applications) are designed for either Android or IOS. Android is the system used by Samsung, Kindle, Asus, for example, and IOS is used by Apple. In either case the choice and quality of Apps is similar. The difference comes with how the different systems allow you to configure applications and presentation. Android is very open whereas IOS is quite regimented but both work I think that Orange sales assistants must be on mega commission for selling 3G dongles !!!! 3G dongles work by connecting to the mobile phone network and converting the signal into an internet connection for your computer. And so, the first thing you need to know is whether your new home has a 3G signal. Mobile phones display the network name and signal to which they are connected. E.g. Orange has the following connections available: Orange 3G, Orange E, and Orange F (Orange users may also see Connect F when out of range of an Orange service). If you can’t receive the 3G signal then life will be slow! Connection speeds below 3G are similar to speeds for dial-up. Mayday computer services Operating system support Application support Network support System security pc • mac • network Virus and Malware removal Call for friendly no-obligation assessment and advice Haute-Vienne & surrounding areas 05 55 68 47 33 06 82 26 31 54 siret 500 443 536 00015 Phil Monaghan - [email protected] Tax Tips for French Residents W ith the ever-changing worldwide economy, fluctuating stock markets and interest rates, it is not easy to keep track of what is happening and its effect on your money. However, there is one thing that it is certain – we all have to pay tax. The French taxation system is different to what you may be used to in the UK and there are some important facts to know if you are resident in France and, therefore, liable for French taxes. Siddalls have put together a quick guide to French tax to help you keep your tax liability to a minimum. Tax tips for UK expatriates tax resident in France 1. On becoming French tax resident it is your responsibility to make yourself known to the tax authorities and to declare fully your income, capital gains and wealth. Once you have made your first tax return your local tax office will automatically send you a declaration in future years. 2. Take advantage of French tax free bank accounts for immediate access deposit funds. The main accounts are the Livret A (maximum holding €22,950 per person) and the Livret de Développement Durable (maximum holding €12,000 per person). 3. Take steps to place long-term investment funds in tax efficient structures to keep taxable income to a minimum. “Unsheltered” investment income is liable to income tax and “social taxes” and may also be liable to healthcare contributions, if you do not qualify for free access to the French system. 4. French inheritance tax may not be as bad as you fear. The allowances for assets passing to children may be lower than the UK but so are the rates. There are ways of reducing, and possibly removing, any liability to French inheritance tax on assets passing to children. 5. “Do as the French do”. They take active and sensible steps to avoid unnecessary taxation. Seek advice from a qualified financial adviser, fully authorised in France, who will have access to a range of solutions and products tailored to your specific circumstances and needs. David Hardy is Regional Manager of Siddalls France, Independent Financial Adviser, specialised in tax, inheritance, pension and investment planning for the British community in the Limousin since 1996. Telephone 05 56 34 75 51 - Email [email protected] DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 16 ♦ BILINGUAL SIRET 502 409 212 00011 – APE 8559B FRENCH LESSONS WITH A NATIVE FRENCH SPEAKER Individual/Group lessons, all levels - Skype lessons via the internet also available Free trial lesson ! Lessons in Aigurande (36), Dun-le-Palestel and La Souterraine (23) Other services offered include: help with notaires, arranging new utilities (electricity etc), locating tradesmen, liaison with French administration etc. I can also be your French contact in France when you are away! Contact Sophie ARSAC to discuss your requirements 05 55 89 15 74 (E-mail: [email protected]) Dreaming of a white Christmas F or many of us, snow is synonymous with Christmas. Songs, movies and Christmas cards all present images of a “white Christmas”, with a perfect carpet of snow on the ground. This is no different in the UK, where it is fair to say that we are obsessed with the idea of a “white Christmas” - in fact huge amounts of money are bet every year on whether or not it will snow on 25th December. For most parts of the United Kingdom, Christmas is right at the beginning of the period when it is likely to snow. Looking at history, the coldest weather is more likely to occur between January and March than in December. On average snow falls on five days in December, compared to 7.6 days in January, 6.8 days in February and 6 days in March. White Christmases were more frequent in the 18th and 19th centuries, especially before the change of calendar in 1752 which effectively brought Christmas day forward by 12 days. Climate change has also brought higher average temperatures over land and sea and this generally means that there is less chance of a white Christmas today. So what exactly is a white Christmas? For many people, it means a complete covering of snow falling between midnight and midday on 25th December. However, the definition used most widely, notably by those placing and taking bets, is for a single snowflake (perhaps among a mixed shower of rain and snow) to be observed falling in the 24 hours of 25th December at a number of specified locations. Consequently, even 30cm of snow on the ground at Christmas is not considered as a white Christmas unless fresh snow falls on Christmas Day. Despite cold weather in the weeks before Christmas last year, 2012 was not a white Christmas in the UK. The last official white Christmas was 2010, but there is still time to place a bet for 2013. At the time of writing, Ladbrokes are offering odds of 5/1 for a white Christmas in London or Cardiff, 4/1 in Belfast and 7/2 in Edinburgh. ■ The Bugle thanks local French teacher, Sophie Arsac, for the translation of this month's bilingual article on another topical aspect of Franco-British culture. Bilingual Crossword Clues in English - answers in French Across: P our beaucoup d’entre nous, la neige est synonyme de Noël. Les chants, les films, les cartes de vœux… tous offrent l’image d’un «Noël blanc», avec son tapis de neige qui recouvre parfaitement le sol. Il en va ainsi au Royaume-Uni où il faut bien avouer que nous sommes obnubilés par cette idée de «Noël blanc». Est-ce qu’il neigera le 25 décembre? Les paris vont bon train et de très importantes sommes d’argent sont mises en jeu chaque année. Sur la plus grande partie du territoire au Royaume-Uni, le jour de Noël coïncide quasiment avec l’arrivée de la neige car, si nous considérons le passé, le froid ne s’installe pas en décembre mais plutôt entre janvier et mars. La moyenne des jours de neige est de cinq en décembre tandis qu’elle est de 7, 6 en janvier, 6,8 en février et 6 en mars. Les Noëls blancs étaient plus fréquents aux 18ème et 19ème siècles, notamment avant 1752. En effet, depuis le changement de calendrier, Noël est célébré douze jours plus tôt. Le changement climatique a également entraîné la hausse de la moyenne des températures sur terre et sur mer, ce qui amenuise désormais les chances d’avoir un Noël blanc. Alors qu’appelle t’on exactement un «Noël blanc» ? Certains pensent qu’il suffit que la neige du 25 décembre tombe entre minuit et midi et recouvre le sol. Cependant, une définition est plus répandue, notamment dans le milieu des bookmakers: il suffit d’observer un seul flocon de neige, lors d’une pluie neigeuse par exemple, au cours des 24 heures que dure le 25 décembre et à partir de l’un des postes d’observation répartis sur le territoire. Noël est alors déclaré «blanc». Ce qui n’est pas le cas même si la neige recouvre le sol sur 30 cm mais qu’elle n’est pas tombée le jour même. Malgré les semaines de froid qui précédèrent le 25 décembre au RoyaumeUni, 2012 n’eut pas de Noël blanc dont la dernière apparition officielle date de 2010. Il est encore temps de faire un pari pour 2013. A l’heure où j’écris, la société de paris Ladbrokes a fixé des cotes de 5/1 pour Londres ou Cardiff, 4/1 pour Belfast et 7/2 pour Edimbourg. ■ 5. Donkey (3) 6. Insect (7) 8. Feather (5) 9. April (5) 11. Minutes (7) 14. Wharfs (5) 15. Useful (5) 17. Shoulders (7) 18. Friend (3) Down: 1. Uncle (5) 2. Years (3) 3. Napkin (9) 4. Tin (5) 7. Ambitious (9) 10. Wall (3) 12. Wasp (5) 13. Lead (5) 16. Sea (3) Bilingual crossword solution can be found on page 20 Advertise your business here [email protected] ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ♦ 17 Letters to The Editor An Appeal for Volunteers over the Christmas Period Le Puy Batard By Email L e Puy Batard, a nonprofit organisation which welcomes the disabled for their holidays at their house in Sainte-Feyre, Creuse, is looking for helpers over the Christmas period (December 23rd to January 4th). Accommodation can be provided if necessary and it is possible to help out for just a part of this period. To find out more about Le Puy Batard visit www. and if you think you can help please contact Jean-Pierre Déchoz on 05 55 81 12 05 or at [email protected] There are no special skills required and it is a great way to meet French people and speak French. Don't worry if your skills are not perfect, Jean-Pierre speaks excellent English! Can I buy a house directly Legality of speed cameras? from the owner...? PB By Email Hello W e have been house hunting in the region and wondered why we can't just approach the vendor of a house we may be interested in directly? Do we have to use the agent that showed us the house as it does add quite a sum to the purchase price? has a mandate for). This document is the proof that the agency has put the buyer in touch with the seller. If the buyer then contacts the seller directly, thus bypassing the estate agency (for example, to avoid paying the agency commission), the bon de visite will serve as proof of the intervention of the agency and can be used in any legal proceedings to demand the payment of the commission. This is provided that the agency has signed a mandate with the seller and that this has not expired or been terminated early. ED - We contacted our resident lawyer, and she had this to say: For more information on this topic, contact: The “bon de visite” is the document signed by the buyer with the estate agency which proves that they have visited a certain property (usually a property the agency Laure CHAVERON, Avocat 36 avenue Pierre Leroux, 23600 Boussac Téléphone: 05 55 82 18 99 E: [email protected] Managing Editor: Steve Martindale Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale Registered Address: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Printed by: Rotocentre 348, rue Marcel Paul 45770 Saran France Monthly circulation: 13,000 copies All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or part of any text without permission is prohibited. Directeur: Steve Martindale Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale Siège Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Imprimé par: Rotocentre 348, rue Marcel Paul 45770 Saran France Tirage mensuel: 13,000 copies Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du présent numéro est strictement interdite. Dépôt légal à parution. The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world. SUDOKU - EASY Steve Hudson Eymet By Email Dear Sir, I have just finished reading the November issue of your Dordogne newspaper. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed the read, it being informative, wonderfully balanced and well put together. It got me thinking about a matter that has infuriated me for years which is Front Facing Speed Cameras, as covered on page 4 (Two-way mobile speed cameras unveiled). Firstly, can I say I have no qualms regarding the traditional cameras which photograph the rear of a speeding vehicle but to photograph the front of an approaching vehicle to my mind contravenes the Human Rights Act. This may seem heavy handed but to quote from the act “Human rights are conceived as universal (the same for everyone)”. These rights may exist in local, regional, national and international law. The key wording here is “the same for everyone”. This arguably can be construed as a law exempting one group from prosecution cannot be used to prosecute another group (the law should be balanced and fair, which I believe is an extract from somewhere in the act). Briefly with this in mind, Front Facing Cameras identify an offending vehicle by taking a photograph of the front number plate (or indeed the driver to confirm identification of the offender). A car (lorry or bus) must, by law, display a front number plate. A motorcycle, by the same law, does not have to display similar identification (also the rider and passenger have to wear a helmet, obscuring their features). There is no way that the same camera used to prosecute the driver of a car, etc. can be used to prosecute a motorcyclist. Hence the law is not balanced. There is of course the argument that the cameras used in these new cars can be swivelled to catch the rear number plate of a speeding motorcycle but I have severe concerns that this facility is feasible, for many reasons. Just as a matter of interest, my concerns were aroused by a mobile camera in Lincolnshire where it was used on a motorway to photograph oncoming vehicles. The operator mentioned to me that motorcyclists would speed through often tens of miles an hour over the limit but were never prosecuted. Please do not think for one moment that I advocate speeding or any form of driving that falls below a reasonable standard and I am playing devil's advocate in writing this, it is just the unfairness of this system that concerns me and I await to see if anyone challenges this type of camera on these grounds. Regards, Steve Hudson, Eymet Advertise your business here SUDOKU - MEDIUM The solutions to this month’s Sudokus can be found on page 19 [email protected] SUDOKU - HARD DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 18 ♦ CLASSIFIEDS The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM Classified Adverts Classified adverts are currently free for all small items (less than €500). For other types of classified adverts a small fee does apply: ● Items more than €500 are charged at €5 per month ● Accompanying photos are charged at €2.50 per month To place a classified advert, please email [email protected] with the details you would like included in your advert. FOR SALE ANIMALS & PETS Laying Chickens - Free to a good home 12 Laying chickens (started laying April 2012), used to scratching outside and eager eaters of garden and kitchen waste, free to a good home in January 2014. New owner collects – take all 12 or just a few! Contact Jan or Richard for more information. Tel: 05 55 69 42 39 Email: [email protected] Puppies looking for loving homes Beautiful Anglo-Poitevin for photos. €50.00ono Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Very Strong Galvanised Metal Roof Rack Length 10ft 5inches/3175mm Width 5'5inches/1650mm. 4 anchor points on each side, 17 fixed tie hooks, 10 cross bars and a ladder roller bar. Suitable for transportation of heavy ladders, building materials, etc. €200.00 Tel: 05 55 80 70 93 Dept 23 (near Aigurande) Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Tile cutter Including case, good condition. €50.00 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Makhita 2200W Angle Grinder €40.00 Tel: 05 55 63 43 69 rescue puppies (chip/vac/vet, good with cats) are looking for loving family homes after spending 12 happy weeks with their mother and siblings. (Mum’s chip: 250269500568873). 2 left. Contact for further information on adoption fees and conditions. Tel: Katharina on 06 66 24 85 49 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: HEINIGER – Professional Clippers Horses / cows/ sheep shearing & clipping machine. Model ‘Handy’ 230volts with separate heads for sheep shearing, purchased new, complete with original box /manual, hardly used and in perfect working order. 150 euros (no offers). €150.00 Tel: 05 55 69 28 22 BUILDING MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Doosan/Ingersoll Compressors Rand Due to ill health and retirement 2 Compressors for sale purchased 2012 with the intention of hiring to a local French Artisan. Although both compressors are 7/26E they are marked as Doosan which is the later only working for 5 hours and Ingersoll Rand which has worked for only 21 hours. They are both equipped with hose, breaker and 4 tools. They are both as new and cost 8000€ each in France. Parts manuals included with both. NO TVA. Each 2995€. Both 5500€. Tel: 02 54 37 76 24 FOR SALE: 12 glass roof tiles Perfect condition. Email FURNITURE FOR SALE: Antique Meridienne (chaise longue) Very attractive frame in good condition but will need to be re-upholstered. Please no time wasters photos on request. (Nr Magnac Laval) €200.00ono Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Furniture Pine kitchen table 6ft x 3ft + 2 chairs good condition 50.00€; 2 x Bridle holders 5.00€ for the two; 2 x Saddle racks 10.00€ for the two; TV Phillips (old style heavy) 20inch screen 25.00€; Pine TV unit 2 glass doors & a draw 25.00€; Pine bedroom cabinet 1 door, 1 draw 15.00€; 4 x Mahogany, regency style chairs vgc 40.00€; 2 seater settee, green with white spots, slight wear mark on one cushion wooden base, good condition 40.00€; Piranha table + 1 carver chair and 2 chairs 35.00€; White wooden wine rack 12 bottles (heavy) vgc 20.00€. Tel: 02 54 36 71 96 (Dpt 36 Chaillac) Email: trishbaxter11@ FOR SALE: 4 Country chairs painted white with flower and fruit motif Original cane seats. 80€ the 4. Email for photos. €80.00 Contact Jo on 06 78 17 27 78 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Antique French Bed Measuring 188cm x 112cm on metal casters. €150.00ono Tel: 05 55 69 49 28 FOR SALE: Double bed (4ft, 6 in) and 2 latex mattresses All in excellent condition and hardly used. The price: €35 for each item, which can be sold separately. Cash sale only and buyer collects (Bourganeuf area). Tel: 05 55 64 22 25 Email: geeinfrance@gmail. com FOR SALE: Chateau style white painted single bed With sculpted wood (flowers and birds) on the head and baseboard. Mattress and base as new. Email for photos. €150.00 Contact Jo on 06 78 17 27 78 Email: daveandjo100@ plate is used to cover the waste thereby creating the illusion of no waste and a very contemporary finish. Colour: White. Please email for further details and images. We are based near Le Grand Bourg 23240. €375.00 Email: vanessa. [email protected] FOR SALE: Vulcan Stove Fan padlocks, one lady’s and one gents. Never used. €70 each. Tel: 05 55 81 74 25 FOR SALE: BELLING COUNTRY RANGE 100 DFT GARDEN FOR SALE: Aluminium Greenhouse 3m long x 2m wide x 2m high. Sliding door to one end and opening. Window in roof. Buyer to collect. Will throw in some shelving and a paraffin heater. Between Guéret and Ahun off the D50. €260.00 Tel: 05 55 80 04 31 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: 3yr old ENGLISH PLUM TREES Bought from good UK nursery, planted last winter to create orchard, no longer required due to change of plans. Grafted on semi-dwarf rootstock (St Julian A) to give a small to medium tree: Victoria, Jubilee (similar to victoria, larger fruit), Rivers Early Prolific (early, small, black, good flavour), Marjorie's Seedling (late, large, purple, good flavour). 15euros each. Also available 3yr old Plum or Pear semi-dwarf rootstocks for grafting on your own variety of plum, peach, nectarine, gage, apricot (St Julian A) or pear (Quince A) to create small to medium tree. 4euros each (or 3euros if take several). Tel: 05 55 62 25 18 or 06 40 30 86 17 (Nr. Gouzon, Creuse) FOR SALE: GAZEBO 3m x 3m. Steel tube frame with polyester cover (beige). Brand new - still in box. BARGAIN BUY - 90 EURO. Tel: 05 55 64 46 27 (St. Dizier Leyrenne) Email: tiony_48@ GENERAL FOR SALE: Solid Fuel Range 'Rosieres 18076' €300.00 Tel: 05 53 52 89 62 Email: julianpalmer@ FOR SALE: TUXEDO Moss Bros. Mans Evening Jacket. Cream, size 44L. AS NEW. Bargain. Purchased for Christmas last year and worn twice only for special occasions. €50.00ono Tel: 0555 787902 (near Rochechouart) FOR SALE: 4 Oven Gas Aga Green Very good condition. W: 760mm H: 860 mm L: 1500mm. Buyer collects. €1,500.00 Tel: 06 95 02 52 43 FOR SALE: JTNatural range Basin with infinity plate Brand new - the item is still wrapped and on the pallet. When installed there is a slight gap around the plate to allow the water to drain. This gap also makes it easy to remove the plate for cleaning underneath it. Beneath the plate is a standard 90mm waste outlet. The infinity FOR SALE: Two Decathlon b’Twin bikes With helmets and Brand New In Box - Helps distribute warm air from your wood burner. No batteries or electricity, it works from the heat of your stove. €170 including postage or €165 collected in person near St-Junien 87. Email for more info. Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Armitage Shanks Belfast Butler Sink Condition Used/ Good. 460mm D x 600mm W x 260mm H. Colour White. Please email for further details and images. We are based near Le Grand Bourg 23240. €125.00 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Brand new, boxed - Sarreguemines basin / Vasque à poser "Cookie" Table top mounting basin. 445mm x 445mm x 130mm. Colour White. Please email for further details and images. We are based near Le Grand Bourg 23240. €45.00 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Plumbing Fittings New English indirect cylinder, lagged. 1050mm x 450mm. with immersion heater. €98. 75 gallon water tank. 900mm x 550mm x 600 mm. €48. 7 thermostatic radiator valves. €45 the lot. Regent electric water heater. €48. Matt black steel super flue. 900mm x 150mm. €29. Tel: 05 53 52 03 02 (Sarlande) FOR SALE: 2 Folding Bikes With Bags Approx. 800mm long, 750mm high, 240mm wide (folded). Ideal for camping van or large boot car. € 240 for the pair. Excellent condition. €240.00 Tel: 05 53 52 03 02 (Sarlande) FOR SALE: Double Yoke/Oak Light Fitting On chain. 4 light fittings. 1180mm long. Good condition. €188.00 Tel: 05 53 52 03 02 (Sarlande) FOR SALE: Yamaha Electone Dual Keyboard Organ Multi menus. Superb condition. €375.00 Tel: 05 53 52 03 02 (Sarlande) FOR SALE: Various Large Royal Paris tapestry canvas 136cmx98cm The lady and the Unicorn €45. Small portable De Longhi Electric radiator unused €15. White sideboard with 2 cupboards and two drawers excellent condition €35. Tel: 05 55 81 74 25 FOR SALE: Hat/coat/brolly stand with centre mirror €100.00 Tel: 05 55 03 11 40 Dual fuel range cooker. Brand new & unused. 100 cm; 7 burner gas hob including wok burner; 1 conventional oven; 1 fan oven; separate grill; minute minder. Cream with glass lid/ splash back. This is a current model retailing at 1033 euros (£899) - see Curry's website. Priced for quick sale at only 825 euros. €825.00 Call Damien on 07973 641665 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: 2 Convector Heaters 2000W Adjustable – beige near new condition (boxed). BARGAIN BUY £15 each. Tel: 05 55 64 46 27 (St. Dizier Leyrenne) Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: ‘Graco’ Folding Highchair Lovely clean condition. €19.00 Tel: 05 55 64 46 27 (St. Dizier Leyrenne) Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: ‘Graco’ Folding Highchairs Lovely clean condition. €19.00 Tel: 05 55 64 46 27 (St. Dizier Leyrenne) Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Deville Poele à fioul/Oil Heater 8kw. Reservoir 12 litre (uses central heating oil). Economical. Loc: between Confolens 16 St Junien 87 €250.00 Tel: 05 45 71 19 37 FOR SALE: Small bales of hay 10-12 kilo - 2.40 each. Near to Chénérailles. Can deliver up to 70 BALES if required. Tel: Steve or Rosie 05 55 41 59 42 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Fibre optic Christmas tree 6ft with cascading starburst effect, indoor use only. In full working order and little used. €35.00ono Call Clair on 05 55 64 83 13 Email: clairbirkett@ FOR SALE: Stainless steel flue liners 6 x 1m length, diameter 200mm and 1 x 800mm x 200mm. 125mm diameter pipe of various lengths, 125mm double bend. One heater, 125mm to run off a log fire. €80 or nearest offer for the lot. Please email for photos if required. €80.00ono Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Infra-red Sauna Seats 4 to 5 people. Dimensions: 1750 x 1350 x 1900 (mm). Power 2350. Interior light. Radio CD player. Email for photos. €950.00 Tel to view 05 55 81 31 85 FOR SALE: Yamaha Clavinova PR903 Electric piano/keyboard in cherry with matching stool. Excellent condition as new. €1,800.00 Tel: 05 55 08 21 59 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Cash Register Casio Electronic. Model SE - S10. Almost new. €55.00 Tel: 05 55 80 37 70 FOR SALE: Oil Fired Central Heating Boiler Geminox. Model TL 357S. Output 33kw. €600.00ono Tel: 05 55 80 37 70 FOR SALE: SAMSUNG 40inch LED HD Smart TV Less than a year old. (We now find our lounge requires a larger screen!) €350.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: 3 wall brackets for flat screen televisions All brand new still in boxes. 1 large for 30"63" TV 49 euros; 2 medium for 32" TV 29 euros each. Tel: 05 45 31 19 84 FOR SALE: Invicta Woodburner Insert Fire - 11 kW 6 years old, in good working order. €350.00ono Tel: 05 55 63 37 67 FOR SALE: Pair of Cast Iron Fire Dogs €15.00 Tel: 05 55 76 25 43 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Artika Z100 Pressure Washer 85 bar, 400 litre/hour hardly used. €25.00 Tel: 05 55 76 25 43 Email: lesley.edwards@ ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 CLASSIFIEDS ♦ 19 The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM FOR SALE: Hay Square bales 2 euros. Standard round bales 15 euros. Can deliver (for cost). Based Etagnac (16). Tel: 05 45 31 12 68 FOR SALE: VHS Videos 51, all in very good condition inc some unused, looking for a good home. All in original packaging. Email for list of titles and to make an offer. No reasonable offer refused. Tel: 05 55 64 83 13 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: English TV - AVTEX L185DR Ultra slim 18.5in LED DIGITAL TV/DVD. (Unwanted "freebie" with our new caravan.) €230.00 Tel/text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Fisherprice vibrating chair (up to 2 years old) Nr St Yrieix La Perche. €15.00ono Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Cuve / IBC 1000ltr Only had water in and only a couple of months old. €95.00ono Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Brand New Sink Unit Top quality stainless steel modern round bowl and drainer, still with protective film in original packaging. Change of kitchen plan necessitates sale. Cost E130, will accept E80. €80.00 Tel: 05 55 03 04 49 VEHICLES / PARTS FOR SALE: 1996 Landrover Discover Petrol/LPG automatic €1,000.00 Tel: 05 53 52 89 62 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Jaguar S type Special Equipment model Registered UK June 2003, 2.5 V6 Petrol, Jaguar service history, history file, the colour is Jaguar Ice Frost. Full leather interior in cream with Walnut dash and door cappings. Automatic, all the usual Jaguar refinements including electric doors and mirrors, electric memory seats, trip computer, PAS, climate EASY control, Jaguar sound system with multi change CD, ABS, traction control, cruise control, heated front seats, fully alarmed. Both the Interior and exterior are in good condition. The colour is Jaguar Ice Frost. Although it has done 137500 miles it has given excellent service, has been very well looked after and represents good value for money. €3,250.00 Contact Peter on 05 55 78 66 41, evenings Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: BMW K1200S Motorcycle 2005 35,000 kms, full dealer service history, new battery, new front brakes, new updated clutch, superb condition, comes with extra seat. 16220 Rouzede. €7,500.00ono Tel: 05 45 65 96 20 FOR SALE: TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1500 1980, 76,000 miles, Inca yellow. Engine and gear box in very good condition with no faults. Chassis completely rust free. Very little body rust - bottom of driver's door needs some attention. New soft top, new minilite wheels and tyres, stainless steel twin exhaust system, reupholstered. New walnut dash to replace original. Replacement fuel tank. Comes with tonneau and soft top apron covers. Full history shows thousands spent on her. This car can be made road legal with little effort or enjoyed as a restoration project to bring her up to first class condition. I brought her out from UK but have found I do not have the time she deserves (still UK reg). Will supply many photos to interested party. €3,000.00 Email: brucesarn@ FOR SALE: McCormick F135D tractor 1960 Comes with Carte Grise, and two spare rear wheels with tyres. Fully serviced, all oils and filters, etc. are done, new battery, great little tractor for light work. 16220 Rouzede. €2,500.00ono Tel: 05 45 65 96 20 FOR SALE: Suzuki Carry Van Year 2000 1.3 Petrol. RHD Still on UK plates. Very cheap to insure in France (we only pay €10 per mth). Great Utility van, very spacious. Starts first time. Needs converting onto French plates. Open to serious offers (no time wasters). Call for more information or to arrange a look. Tel: 05 55 64 87 92 FOR SALE: Landrover Discovery 1 300Tdi 1999, 166000 miles, 7 seater, full leather seats, blue, RHD, French registered. CT 03/2014, good condition, new gear box 2011. Air con, heated front and rear screens. Very reliable. Sorry to see it go but downsized. Contact for more info and photos. €2,750.00 Tel Chris on 05 55 66 48 35 (evenings) Email: chris. [email protected] FOR SALE: Renault Twingo Expression, 1.2 16V, petrol, LHD, gold yellow, 11/2002, 128 383 KM, sun roof, non smoker, radio, just passed German controle technique, very good condition. €1,585.00 Tel: 05 55 30 40 26 FOR SALE: THULE: Bike carrier for three bikes mounts on towbar Weight of unit: 12 kg app. Max. load permissible 45 kg. Rear lights in working order. Pivots away from tailgate for access without removing bikes. Buyer collects. €100.00 Email: MEDIUM [email protected] FOR SALE: Alfa Romeo 156 Sportswagon 2.4 JTD Diesel. March 2002. 203,000 km. Manual. 5 doors, 5 seats. Good car! Grey metallic inside black leather. Very well maintained. €2,500.00 Tel: 05 55 81 30 00 FOR SALE: Set of 4 steel wheels for Renaults Wheels are 6 1/2 J X 15 H2 and are fitted with Gislavad Eurofrost5 winter tyres that have never been used sized 195/65 15 T. €300.00 Tel Dave on 05 55 67 58 87 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Citroen Xsara Picasso SX RHD. reg 2000. 1600cc petrol. 1 year 3 months CTA. UK plates. 86000 miles. Good reliable runner. FSH. €900.00ono Tel: 05 55 03 11 40 FOR SALE: Suzuki Wagon R+, 1,3 GL Comfort 4/2003,135 000 km, 5 door, petrol, E 4, LHD, green metallic, non smoker, very good condition. Radio, air conditioning, central locking, electric windows. €1,950.00 Tel: 06 95 02 52 43 FOR SALE: Toyota Yaris SOL D-4D 2007 LHD In showroom condition. 3 doors, blue graphite metallic, manual transmission. ‘Smart Entry and Start’ - Full Toyota service history from new. 95,000 kms. One lady owner. €6,450.00 Tel: 05 55 08 21 59 Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Bailey Oaklahoma Senator Caravan 2002 4 birth Could be used as tourer or static for renovation project. €4,500.00 Call Tony on 06 42 95 44 08 or 05 55 09 19 83 FOR SALE: June 1998 Ford Mondeo Ghia X 5 door hatchback Automatic V6 24 Valve 2544cc Petrol/ chocolate brown with full black leather interior/ ABS/ traction control/ cruise control/ aircon/ electric drivers seat/ heated front seats/ electric windows/ electric sun roof with screen/ 5 good tyres/ RHD but registered in France on French plates. 2 years control technique (passed 25/09/2013). Alternator/ battery/ front discs and pads new in 2012. 112749 miles. Lots of service history available.Only selling as surplus to requirements. €500.00 Tel Judi or Paul 05 55 41 55 89 FOR SALE: Roof racks In good condition for Renault 19 or 21. €20.00 Tel: 05 55 89 21 37 (evenings please) FOR SALE: Marchal Snow Chains Used twice. They fit various wheel sizes of 14 inches to 16 inches - too many to list. Telephone or email with your tyre size. €25.00 Tel 05 55 76 25 43 Email: lesley.edwards@ FOR SALE: Weissenfels Snow Chains Never used - still in cellophane wrapped box. They fit various wheel sizes of 13 inches to 15 inches - too many to list. Telephone or email with your tyre size. €50.00 Tel 05 55 76 25 43 Email: lesley.edwards@ FOR SALE: 2 Roof Bars Should fit any car with factory fitted roof rails. Excellent condition, with keys. €25.00 Call Dave on 05 55 64 83 13 FOR SALE: Roof Bars Maximum carrying weight 100kgs. Fits PEUGEOT PARTNER / CITROEN BERLINGO 2003/08. HauteVienne 87460. €35.00 05 55 69 49 28 Speak to Paul or Pauline FOR SALE: Hobby Excellent Caravan 460 UFE. Purchased and registered in France 2008. 4 berth. Double fixed bed. Water reservoir 50 litres. Extract Hood. Powrtouch Mover. Large Awning. Rear reversing camera. Good condition. Photo available. €12,900.00 Tel: 05 55 60 10 56 FOR SALE: FORD IVECO 75E15 CARGO 7.5 Tonnes WAGON M Reg (1994) 216,914 with fixed bed. Power mover, 3 way fridge & cooker (with oven). Shower, toilet. Blown air heating. Heki roof light, mosquito blinds. Outside gas point & on board water tank. HARD Kms. Will carry three large horses with living space and professionally fitted ramp. In very good order but requires some cosmetic work and minor welding around cab area. Change of circumstances forces sale hence price. Dept. 36. €2,500.00 Telephone: 0254 24 81 12 FOR SALE: Mahindra Tractor FS 254I 2008 25 hp. 140 hours. Front end Loader. Back Hoe. PTO for other attachments. Good condition. Photo available. €8,900.00 Tel: 05 55 60 10 56 or 05 55 60 06 19 FOR SALE: Eau claire fibreglass canal and river cruiser Boat all on one level, 2 main cabins sleeping 2 and 3. Fully equipped, kitchen with fridge, cooker, water heater, shower room with handbasin and lavatory. Central heating, gas fired 6/9 conducted air, easy access. Motor Yanmar 3JH3E with marine drive SD 31 easy access. Electricity 12 volts DCS. 2 water tanks 200 litres each. Moored in Clamecy. €28,000.00 Tel: 05 45 71 53 02 Email: angelaandangus@gmail. com BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE: Licence IV covering whole of Creuse area Enables sales of beverages and spirits in Bars/Restaurants etc Email: [email protected] FOR SALE: Licence 4 €4,000.00ono Tel: 06 76 52 26 47 WANTED WANTED: House/Shed/Garage clearances All single items purchased. Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 WANTED: Classic car pre 1980 Must be in good condition. Email: lopezmachinery@gmail. com WANTED: Wanted to buy Digger/Excavator Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 WANTED: Gate or pair of gates Can collect. Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 WANTED: Roof racks for Citroen Xantia Tel: 05 55 89 21 37 (evenings please) Classified Submission Deadline: 15th of the month for the next edition DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 20 ♦ COMMUNITY Le Moulin du Breuil Restaurant, Bar, Terrasse 23140 PIONNAT Christmas at Le Moulin du Breuil Monday 9 December - Sunday 15 December Celebrate Christmas early with friends and family BUY ONE GET ONE FREE MENU 4-course meal for just 30€ (for 2 people) Reserve early to avoid disappointment Lunchtimes and evenings Join us on facebook: and follow us on twitter: @lmdb_pionnat Tel: 05 55 80 37 70 Mail: [email protected] Web: Pianist/ vocalist available for events/ gigs/ private parties etc... New Orleans old time jazz n blues n boogie... Call: Vera Laine Gift Shop & Salon de Thé LE DORAT (Pl. Charles de Gaulle) Large selection of gifts, candles, mugs, shabby chic homeware, cards, plus leather goods, jewellery and hair accessories. Affordable prices! HOMEMADE CAKES and FREE WIFI now available! Knitting Group Knitters, expert or beginners, meet every Wednesday at 2pm for a little knit and natter. All welcome, please feel free to drop in or call Jay for more details. Alternatively, follow "Veralaine" on Facebook. Contact Jay: 05 87 77 95 59 / 06 35 91 03 83 [email protected] CARRACIOLA SARDO ... will close for the festive season on 30th November, re-opening on 5th March 2014 (please see our website for 2014 opening times). Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our customers - See you in 2014 !! STEVE AND ELENA web: e mail: [email protected] tel: 05 55 63 86 05 Barbara from the Caring Cattery would like to wish all my customers and the readers of The Bugle Fun at Christmas and the best of Health and Good Fortune in 2014. Bugle Notice Board Le Relais de l'Abloux 36170 SACIERGES-ST-MARTIN Wed 1st January 2014 New Year's Day Meal By reservation mail: [email protected] facebook: "le relais de l'abloux" Tel: 02 54 47 56 74 Atelier d'Art du Jardin is open every Fri, Sat, Sun & bank holiday from 11h to 18h. Artisan art for your garden. Cream teas on the terrasse. RDV for weekday visits SVP. 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix 26, Ecurat 23150 tel: 05 55 81 31 85 email: [email protected] Très Jolie Fashion Accessories Where to find me in December: Every Wednesday - Piégut Market Lots of new Autumn/Winter accessories now in. New stunning Jewellery Scarf designs, a great affordable gift. Hat & scarf sets, snoods, ponchos and lots more. Great little gifts starting from €3. Most items now stocked at the 'Coeur et Etoile', St-Mathieu Postage available, please email or call for details. 05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53 [email protected] Cartes de Christine Hand-crafted cards for all occasions Find us every week at Piégut market. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you everyone for your support throughout the year. You can also find our cards at Magazin Artisanat, Confolens. Petticoat Lane Christmas items now in stock We will be at the following Christmas Markets :Sunday 1st December - Aigre Tuesday 3rd December - Civray Friday 6th December - Confolens We will also be at the Panazol Sunday market on the 8th and 22nd December We would like to wish all our old & new customers “Merry Christmas & Happy New Year” Please note we will be closed 26th December and 5th to 12th January. 5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais Tel: 05 45 29 03 99 KWIKSTAGE Scaffold Hire Exclusive Offer to readers of The Bugle 10% off any scaffolding ordered for any time during 2014, if ordered & deposit paid before end of March 2014. 05 55 89 69 46 [email protected] Wanted: Person or Persons to keep an eye on a property in Le Menoux, Argenton-sur-Creuse... ... whilst owner is not in residence. This will involve liaison with Electric/Water for meter readings as well as just a quick check -up every now and then. As time progresses there will also probably be a need for Changeover Services as it is likely the property will be let as a Holiday Let in the near future. Contact Ray Baker by email at [email protected] RESTAURANT AUX CEPES La Veytizou On the main road (D979), Between Limoges & Eymoutiers Our famous Fish & Chips every day of the week ******************* Next Open Mic Night: Sat 14th Dec We would like to thank you all for entertaining us with your wonderful music in 2013! ******************* Christmas Lunch Wed 25th Dec - 13h00 one service only Arrive at 12h30 for a Champagne cocktail! Choice of entrée - traditional free-range roast turkey with all the trimmings - fromage - trou normond home-made desserts - wine - coffee. Just €35!! By reservation only. ******************* New Year's Eve featuring The Music Machine Mouth-watering buffet of home-made savouries & desserts All for just €15 - BOOK NOW! ******************* For more information, please ring Sue: 05 55 69 33 38 JJ’s Café Bar Aigurande Music Club 2nd Sat of every month. 8.30 pm. Next event: 14th December JJ's Music club is for musicians of all levels and genres entry is free, there is no membership and is open to everyone who loves music. You can also buy fish and chips from the van in the market square (from 6.30 - 8.30) and eat them in the comfort of JJ's. The club starts from 8:30, but we are open for all those who want to come earlier to eat. In fact we hardly ever shut !!!! JJ's Cafe Bar, 39 Place du Champ de Foire, 36140 Aigurande Tel: 02 54 06 30 77 Email: [email protected] Le Bellerive Hotel - Restaurant - Café-Bar 29 Avenue de la Tour, 87470 Peyrat-le-Château Sun 8th - Sun 15th December Closed for refurbishment Friday 20th December Christmas Fun Quiz (with mince pies!) Tuesday 24th December 4-course dinner & wine - €45 per person Tuesday 31st December New Year's Eve Party - €15 per person 7th - 31st January - Open lunchtimes only For details of all our events, go to: Email: [email protected] Phone: 05 55 36 20 63 ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 COMMUNITY ♦ 21 CLUBS, CHARITIES & ASSOCIATIONS Church Notices Monthly Worship in English If your journey of life has brought you here to France, why neglect your journey of faith? We look forward to giving a warm welcome to everyone from whatever Christian tradition (or none) on the 3rd SUNDAY of the MONTH at 3pm. Where? At the Temple in Thiat (in the north of the Haute-Vienne) – we are part of the Parish of the Basse-Marche of the Eglise Protestante Unie de France. The Temple is on the main road close to the Mairie. After worship there is tea/coffee and cake – and a chance to chat. If you want to know more contact Rev Derek Lawson on 05 55 68 53 03 or Rev Stephen Sawyer on 05 49 84 33 86. English-speaking church services Guéret Come as you are... This is an invitation to join us at our CHURCH SERVICE IN ENGLISH. Whether you have a faith or would just like to attend a church service you are welcome at 3pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Eglise Evangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud, Guéret, 23000. We welcome all who want to join a group of English-speaking Christians for a time of worship and learning together. Children are very welcome. For more details contact Jim & Pat Scott on 05 55 67 54 78 / email [email protected] or Ian & Becky Jefferies on 05 55 61 10 23 / email mail@ Christians together in Limousin La Souterraine Area We hold a time of fellowship and Bible study every Tuesday afternoon. Barbara and Cedric look forward to welcoming you. Tel: 05 55 71 09 04 The International Free Church in Creuse The church presently meets at 10, La Chaudronnière, a small hamlet mid-way between Crozant and Eguzon. Sunday worship meetings are held on the first and third Sundays of the month at 10.30am. Fellowship meetings, for midweek prayer, bible study and discussion are at the same venue every Thursday at 7.30pm. For further information contact Eric Sutton tel 05 55 89 26 62 Fitness & Fun PENSOL Indoor Carpet Bowls We meet on Wednesdays at 2.30pm-5.00pm. Come along for a fun afternoon, a warm welcome in a warm hall, refreshments and equipment provided. Ladies and Gents welcome. The venue is the salle polyvalente at PENSOL - 87440 on the D67 between Marval and Dournazac, clearly indicated from the village, or from PiégutPluviers take the D91. Come and have a free trial, with our slightly smaller Bowls and 33` carpet. NO heavy lifting. Established club and club Leader. Registered and insured. Please phone Hilary for any enquiries on 09 72 23 13 20 or [email protected] Tai Chi, Pakua & Qigong Tai Chi, Pakua & Qigong classes organised by the ACAMIES (association culturelle d'arts martiaux internes et d'exercices de santé). Wed: Jarnages, 18h30-20h, Salle Polyvalente. Thu: Bétête, 19h-20h30, Domaine de Tournessac. OPEN DAY Sun 6th Oct at the salle de la mairie, Jarnages from 9h-12h. Individual classes, courses, massage & treatments also available. Contact: 06 48 00 02 07 Keep Fit Amazing abs, breathtaking buttocks! Come and join our group at the CAPE in Pontarion. We are all ages, all sizes, men & women, but are serious about keeping fit. Our “monitrice” is English and will happily provide bilingual instructions. We meet every Thursday at 8p.m. in Pontarion Town Hall, for a one-hour workout. Come for a free trial, or call 05 55 64 98 87 or 06 32 42 95 68 for more details. Indoor Bowling at Oradour-sur-Vayres If you already play or have never tried indoor bowling then come along to a meeting. It's great fun and easy to play. If you have never played it before we will show you how. We meet every Monday evening starting at 18.30 hrs at La Chapelle, avenue des Chapelles, 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres. Come and try it - it's free. If you require further information or directions to our venue please contact me - Email: [email protected] or telephone: 05 55 08 41 75 Zumba! Regular zumba classes across depts 36, 18 & northern 23. For more info tel 06 58 37 17 04 email [email protected] and for details of classes visit Indoor Short-mat Bowling at Cussac 87150.... and now Outdoor too! As the premier bowls club in the Haute-Vienne, we are going from strength to strength with members seeking us out and travelling great distances to continue their love of bowls or simply to 'try us out'. Our reputation as a "very friendly and welcoming club" goes before us. If you've never tried the game, just come along and take a look; there is far more to it than first appears! We are a formally registered association within the French system and benefit from assistance from our local commune by use of a wonderful indoor venue. AND NOW...the use of a synthetic outdoor court where Flat-green, Crown and Short-mat can be played. Just imagine the summer evenings with a drink in your hand, watching fellow bowlers enjoying the quiet of village, interrupted only by the 'click' or 'tunk' of bowl against bowl! Our regular sessions indoors are Wednesday evening at 8pm and Thursday Mornings at 10am. Outdoor sessions will be arranged as the spring arrives so keep in touch. Serious bowlers and beginners are welcome - club bowls are available for use. For further information contact [email protected] or telephone 05 55 50 40 89. Association Equilibre, le mouvement du corps Yoga for all levels: Tue 18:30 Aubusson, Pied au plancher (Espace Philips); Wed 18:30 Vallière, salle polyvalante. Pregnancy/Post Natal: Tue 17:00 Aubusson, Pied au Plancher (Espace Philips) For further information tel 06 83 24 62 72 or visit Chinese Gym & Karate Mondays & Thursdays 19h30-21h at the DOJO, Allée Jean-Marie Couturier, Aubusson. Warm and friendly atmosphere. For more info tel 06 08 92 30 53 Tai Chi at Boussac and La Châtre Tai Chi classes in Boussac (Tue 18.15 - 19.45) and La Châtre (Thu 18.15 - 19.45). The first two lessons are free, the subscriptions are 36 euros per month and members can go to both venues having paid this fee. The style is that of Yang. All ages and abilities welcome, but folk must bear in mind that they will be on their feet, doing the equivalent of what one might classify as light exercise, for about an hour and a half. For more information contact 05 55 65 08 20. Gym Bien-être Would you enjoy an afternoon of gentle exercise with a cheerful, light-hearted group? Each week we exercise a different group of muscles, do a little country dancing & some floor exercise and laugh a lot. The aim of the activities is to increase suppleness and mental agility. We meet every Tuesday afternoon upstairs at the Capitole in Rochechouart between 2pm and 3.30pm. It isn’t necessary to speak French because you can copy but you will learn some. Come for 2 weeks’ free trial. For details contact: [email protected] Learn to Meditate Learn to meditate and meet other like-minded people. Simple mindfulness technique. Dechen Choling, Le Mas Marvent, St-Yrieix-sous-Aixe, 87700. Also, ongoing regular group meetings and events. Contact tel Christina 05 55 03 82 01 Gardening Les Jardins de Sirius Based in Pressignac, Charente, we are a small association of people who are keen on gardening. As well as finding plants an endless source of interest, we believe that the simple fact of gardening has numerous positive benefits for health, stress, social interaction - in other words, our daily lives - and we'd like to encourage this aspect. Currently, we run flower/plant sessions in old people's homes on a regular basis. From June (weather permitting) we are hoping to run gardening sessions once a month. If you'd like to Phoenix appeal for JACK – up to 11 year-old Miniature Pinscher Cross - seeks a home! You should never judge a book by its cover, so they say, and it couldn't be more true when it comes to Jack! If you like your dogs small and sweet, to overlook this one would be to miss out. Jack is funny, affectionate and healthy and would make a loving companion. Jack is good with dogs, OK with cats (may chase them outdoors), chipped (250268731006247), vaccinated and neutered. Jack's foster mum is Jackie in Thiviers, Dordogne, and you can contact her on 05 53 52 06 23 or email [email protected] Please someone give this quirky little fella, who can't help the way he looks, the chance he deserves. Check out our ADOPTION PAGE at or FACEBOOK for other Phoenix animals available for adoption. get involved, have more info on the association or become a member, please contact Michelle Pierce on 05 45 89 36 54 or at unjardinenfrance@ The first AGM of Les Jardins de Sirius will take place on December 14 at 2.30pm. Anyone interested in coming along is welcome. Please contact me by mail or phone 05 45 89 36 54 for details of the venue. Les petits jardiniers du Limousin Do you love gardening or are you keen to learn more about it? Then why not come along and join Les Petits Jardiniers? We’re a friendly group of English, French and Dutch residents and normally meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2.30pm in the salle de fêtes in St-Amand-le-Petit, between Peyrat-le-Château and Eymoutiers. Our meetings are held mostly in English and we have guest speakers, organise garden visits and swap plants and seeds. Annual membership is 15 euros pp or 20 euros per couple or pay as you go for 3 euros per meeting. For more information or to be put on our mailing list for our quarterly newsletter or monthly agenda contact Carolyn at Carolyn@ or Gill at [email protected] Agenda for 2013: 12th Dec Xmas party, Gardeners Question Time and Quiz. Agenda for 2014: 16th Jan Presentation entitled 'Plateau de Millevaches'; Feb No meeting; 20th Mar Planting for Night and Day; 17th Apr Electrifying your garden: a guide to outdoor lighting/fountains; 15th May Invasive plants - Friends or Foes?; 19th Jun Visit to two gardens 'From field to fantastic garden'; 17th Jul Demonstration - flower arranging; 21st Aug Summer lunch; 7th Sep Annual Show; 16th Oct AGM and Splitting perennials to double your plants; 20th Nov Visit to the Musée des distilleries, Limoges; Tba Dec Gardeners' Question Time and Christmas party.. Club Liseron – Gardening Club Meets on the 2nd Mon evening of the month at 19.30 at the Salle des Fêtes in Massignac. We're a mixed bunch of English & French, who are united by a passion for gardens and gardening, sharing plants, seeds and information. More info from Sally on 05 45 21 30 20 or Craig on 05 45 89 33 50 or [email protected] Aux Plantes etc We are an association of independent, ethicallyminded and passionate plant producers. Our aim is to encourage consumers to know more about the plants they buy, how they were produced and their needs, thereby avoiding the disappointments that so often come with mass produced plants. It's not just about us selling you plants - we want them to thrive and do well for you! Current members include plantspeople specialising in unusual shrubs & trees, butterfly plants, heritage vegetables and flowers, irises, perennials and drought-tolerant plants. For more info contact Michelle Pierce 05 45 89 36 54 or vitist www. Integration International Apero Reseau We meet each Saturday from 11.30am-1pm at Baileys Bar/Restaurant, 5 Rue de L'Abreuvoir, Aubusson. These meetings offer the opportunity to: exchange views - make new friends - share experiences have fun together - help and advise one another - help intergrate newcomers. Discussions in English (all nationalities welcome). For more information please contact Catherine 06 86 17 80 88 or Liz 05 55 66 22 92. Learning Together – Apprenons Ensemble Our main aim is to foster understanding and good relations amongst the local French-speaking and English-speaking populations. To this end we are offering courses of tuition in English and in French, and organising social and cultural events and visits. LANGUAGE CLASSES (take place at the Maison des Associations, Rochechouart) Beginners and Intermediate - Mon am; French/ English Conversation – Tues am; Advanced We rely on you to help us keep these pages up to date, so please do inform us of any changes to clubs and associations that you run or are members of. Many thanks!! and Children’s – Wed am; Conversation (StJunien) - Thur. SOCIAL EVENTS Games Night (Rochechouart) 1st Thur; Games Night (St-Junien) 2nd Thur; Lunch Club – Last Thur. FORTHCOMING EVENTS - More details in Association Newsletter. For more details visit or contact Sue Ratcliffe 05 45 31 50 86 The Melting Pot Members of the Ambassador's Club of the Welcome en Limousin Association. We are a group of around 70 members, both French and British, who meet with the aim of sharing things and trying to integrate with the French community. We meet every week at the Ancienne Ecole in Darnac, on a Wednesday morning from 10am - 12noon, except for the first Wednesday, when we meet in the evening at 8pm. We hold information meetings, plant swaps, BBQ's, games nights, visits and have guest speakers about topics relevant to living in France. Contact: Charente Limousine Exchange The Charente-Limousine-Exchange (CLE), founded in 2003, aims to improve the provision of French language courses and to share experiences and skills among members who live in Charente, Vienne and Haute-Vienne. CLE provides information to members living and/or working in France and works with local communities and organisations to tackle practical issues through forums and workshops, as well as organising a wide range of cultural and social events throughout the year. The recent launch of English lessons has been well attended by Confolentais. If you would like to know more about this group of volunteers, please look on our new website or contact the Chairman, Barry Leech, on 06 35 96 77 46. Libraries & Books Baileys Book Exchange Baileys Bar/Restaurant, 5 Rue de L'Abreuvoir, Aubusson. Large selection of English books, plus a few French books and DVDs. Swap (for each swapped book a small charge of 20cts applies) or buy books from as little as 50cts. ALL money received donated to S.P.A. de la Creuse Dog Refuge Guéret. Books available during opening hours, please check Baileys Restaurant Ad for details. Sale of Second-hand Books, La Croisille-surBriance On the 18th of every month, during the monthly market at La Croisille-sur-Briance (87130), there is a sale of second-hand books (both English and French) from 9am to 12 noon, at the old garage in La Place - next door to the pharmacy. All proceeds towards the restoration of the church. St Jean English Library, La Souterraine The St Jean English Library and Information Centre is now well-established in the beautiful medieval building of the Porte de Puy Charraud, 10 Rue de Portail, La Souterraine. We now have just under 10,000 books, catering for a wide range of tastes, both fiction & non-fiction, plus a large collection of DVDs and CDs, and you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, together with a selection of delicious home-made cakes, in our cafe, Caxtons, where we also have regular exhibitions of work by local artists, both French & English. The Library runs classes in French, for English speakers, with a professional teacher, and also organises Anglo-French conversation groups in association with the Municipal Library in La Souterraine. We have a number of thriving special interest groups, such as the Gardening Club, Photographic Society, Friendship Group, etc. and we have an ever-changing selection of interesting items for sale in our Brocante on the ground floor. We also provide support & assistance in bureaucratic and administrative matters for both existing British residents as well as newcomers to the area, so whatever your interests, don’t hesitate to pay us a visit, when you will be assured of a warm welcome. The library is open from 9.30 -12.30 on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Contact tel 06 06 43 47 64 or email [email protected] Our website is The English Library, Dun-le-Palestel The English Library, which has now been established for over 5 yrs, is situated in the Route des Rateries, beside the Bibliothèque Municipale, Parc Benjamin Bord. The library is a very welcoming meeting place, where you can come and enjoy a cup of tea, or coffee, whilst you browse through our collection of around 7,500 books, DVDs and talking books. Our opening hours are Thursdays, 10h00 – 16h00 and Saturdays 10h00 – 12h30. Also, on the first Tuesday of every month, 10h00 – 12h00, you are invited to join us for our Club Franglais, which welcomes people from all nationalities, to chat in French, English or any language you wish(!) whilst enjoying a cup of tea, and a piece of home-made cake. We host a range of other activities too, including the Café Philo, and Club Scrabble, More information can be found on the Entente Cordiale website at or email us at [email protected] Music Music Club Boussac 3rd Saturday of the month at the Grand Café des Sports, 26 place de l'Hôtel de Ville. All musicians and singers wishing to join in an evening of free fun and entertainment are most welcome, as are those who simply enjoy listening to live music. A PA system and drum kit is available, so all you need to do is bring along your own instrument to have a good time. "Oh My Cod" fish and chips is available in the square or Philippe, the bar owner, provides a charcuterie. All food can be eaten in the café. Contact: Bev or Dave Calladine at [email protected] or Mervyn or Rosie Wood at [email protected] for more info. Upcoming dates: 21st December. L'Orchestre Philharmonique de La Souterraine If you or one of your family are interested in playing in an orchestra and think your standard might be adequate do get in contact with us. We meet weekly on Friday evenings in La Souterraine (apart from the summer holidays) to rehearse. Most of our concerts are around Xmas or May-July. Our members come from all over Limousin so lifts to and fro may be possible if necessary. Contacts: French language Marie-France Martinie 05 55 30 76 23 / English language Alan Kerr 05 55 56 34 52 Club de Musique Takes place on the last Fri of each month from 8pm at La Grange, Chassignolles (5mins from La Châtre). Open to all musicians, singers, groups and audience. PA and drum kit available. Bring your instrument, mic and join in a great French / English musical and social evening. Bar, hot and cold snacks. Meals available if reserved – see website for contact details of La Grange. For more info email: [email protected] http:// The Harmonics This is our 6th season of singing as a group. Our music is varied classical, madrigals, spiritual, songs from the shows etc and we sing in French, English, Swahili, Latin - whatever the music demands. Our concerts are in support of a variety of charities including the British Legion, L'Oregon at Civray and Retina and thus non profit making. We meet Wed 14h – 16h in the Salle d'Annexe behind the Mairie in Civray. Interested? We'd love to see you so contact: David Lee tel 05 49 87 53 93 email dave.lee@ or Dolly Ait Boualou email sylvia. [email protected] Support Alcoholics Anonymous If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there are now English-speaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous at Limoges, Périgueux and the recently opened meeting at Civray. Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. For details of the meetings or other information contact Roger 05 55 76 22 65 (Limoges), Ewen 05 53 05 76 62 (Périgueux) or Angela 05 49 87 79 09 (Civray). Other meetings in South-West France can be located on our web-site at Cancer Support France, Charente Plus Offers free and confidential support to English speakers affected by cancer in departments 16, 17 & 86. Our helpline number is 06 45 35 32 30. If you need any more information, please get in touch via [email protected] Cancer Support France, Haute-Vienne We offer free and confidential support to English speakers affected by Cancer in the Haute-Vienne (87). Our helpline number is 06 04 43 39 87. If you would like more information or would like to become a member or help in any other way, please contact Sue Ware 05 55 00 31 15, csfhv@ Cancer Support France, Creuse If you are English-speaking and need support or information, please phone Helpline number 06 06 47 18 60. The Creuse Branch is now under the umbrella of Haute-Vienne. DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 22 ♦ WHAT’S ON Futuroscope Ticket Giveaway Winners!! Short-mat Bowls in Haute-Vienne The tail end of September heralded our Open Crown Green Competition on the outdoor synthetic grass court at the rear of Cussac gymnasium. Although not patronised by as many non-club players as anticipated we, nonetheless, had a quality turnout of players trying to overcome the difficulty of bowling across two cambers to end up close to the jack. Very different from short-mat or flat-green bowling. Eventual winners of this pairs competition were Paul Simpson partnered by vice-president Mike Ellingham, although they were pushed all the way by Reg Wall and 'rising-star' Terry Gathercole. In fact it might have been a different story if the forecast rain had not arrived when it did. Sponsors AXA Assurance were pleased with the response and Chargé de Clientèle Janet Mills indicated that they may well want to be involved again. Winter means the start of the 'serious' bowling and the club's competition ladder is now under way with intense action at each of the twice-weekly playing sessions, sitting comfortably alongside the progressive social 'team bowling' which is the mainstay of the club. The playing sessions are on Wednesday evenings from 8.00pm and Thursday mornings from 10.00am. It is worth noting that new enrolments for annual membership during the period from now until 31st December will carry through for the whole of 2014. It will also be possible for brand new members to attend this year's Christmas lunch day which was such a success last year. Why not come and join us! To celebrate our recent 4th birthday, The Bugle gave away three pairs of tickets to Futuroscope Theme Park. All we asked in return was that you sent us in your favourite joke (extra marks were awarded for a seasonal theme!) The jokes that made us laugh the most won the tickets and here they are!! Haunted French pancakes give me the crepes ! A physics teacher addresses the class: "When things get hot, they expand, when they get cold they shrink. Who can give me a good example of this?" Pupil: "The summer holidays are about two months long, but the Christmas holidays only last a fortnight, Sir!" Q: Why dont witches have babies? A: Because their husbands have Halloweenies!! SEASONS GREETINGS!! Mulled wine and tasty Christmas nibbles With the cold nights and Christmas just round the corner I thought I would share this wonderful mulled wine recipe with you, ideal if you have friends or family over for the festive period. A mulled wine recipe on its own just didn’t seem right, so I added a couple of recipes for some tasty pre-dinner nibbles. Mulled wine 1 Bottle of red wine 1-2 Cinnamon sticks 5g Root ginger 5g Candied orange peel 7 Green cardamoms 12 Whole cloves 80g Demerara sugar 1 Orange, sliced For an extra kick add a dash of rum, vodka or cognac to finish (optional) Method 1. Put all the ingredients into a pan and heat until hot but not boiling, simmer gently for ten minutes, stirring until all the sugar has dissolved. 2. Remove from the heat and leave for an hour or so to infuse. (Alternatively, you can make it the day before and leave it to infuse overnight.) 3. Strain the liquid through a sieve into a clean saucepan and heat gently. 4. Place a slice of the orange in your heatproof glass or cup, pour over the mulled wine and serve. 5. Add a dash of vodka, rum or cognac for that extra kick. Parmesan and black pepper popcorn with Parma ham and sage A surprisingly tasty take on the traditional caramel or salty popcorn which has become a firm family favourite. 1 x 85g Packet of microwave popcorn 50g Parmesan cheese, finely grated ½ tsp Coarsely ground black pepper 100g Parma ham, finely sliced 5-6 Sage leaves, finely sliced Method 1. Cook the popcorn according to the manufacturer’s instructions, then remove any kernels that didn’t pop. 2. Mix all the ingredients through the warm popcorn and serve. Smoked bacon rolypolies For this recipe you can either make the pastry yourself or use pre-made pastry from the supermarket. Recipe provided by Brett from Le Moulin du Breuil (23140 Pionnat) - 05 55 80 37 70 For the pastry 250g Plain flour, plus extra for dusting 3 tsp Baking powder ½ tsp Salt 75g Unsalted butter, diced and cold, plus another 25g 200-250ml Semi-skimmed milk For the filling 250g smoked bacon lardons, finely sliced 1 Medium sized onion, finely diced 100g Cream cheese 100g Cheddar or Gruyère cheese, grated ½ Bunch of flat leaf parsley, chopped 1 Clove of garlic, peeled and crushed Method 1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/ gas mark 4 2. Place the flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl, then rub in the 75g cold diced butter using your hands. 3. Add the milk gradually while mixing until just combined. Turn out the dough on to a floured surface and roll into a rectangle 1cm thick. 4. Melt the remaining 25g of butter in a saucepan. Brush the dough with the melted butter, spread the smoked lardons on top of the dough, leaving a 2cm edge on one of the long sides of the dough. 5. Mix the onions, cheese, parsley and garlic together, spread evenly over the dough and lardons. 6. Brush the bare edge of the dough with water, and then roll into a spiral, sealing the edge brushed with water to the body of the roll. Wrap the roll in cling film and place in the fridge for 30 minutes. 7. Cut the roll into slices and place spiral side up on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper. Bake for 12-15 minutes until golden in colour. ○ THE BUGLE ○ DECEMBER 2013 WHAT’S ON ♦ 23 Sun 8th Dec ABJAT-SUR-BANDIAT Marché de Noël Come and join us at the Capitolet in Abjat-sur-Bandiat (24) for this year's Christmas Market from 10h-18h. We have BBQ, cakes, sandwiches, refreshments, tombola and most important of all Père Noël, who will be handing out sweets throughout the day. ALL the proceeds will be going to Bansang Hospital Gambia, as last year, and information about the hospital can be found on our website We have had another amazing year of fund-raising and raised a phenomenal 7323 euros for our hospital. I would like to thank all of those who have given their time and encouragement to help me to make this possible. Our Plant Sale was absolutely brilliant even though it must have been one of the coldest wettest days in May (!) and we had fantastic support at the Vide-Greniers and Horse Racing evenings which we have organised throughout the year. All this wouldn't have been possible without your generosity so I thank you on behalf of Bansang and wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year. Sun 8th Dec LA TRIMOUILLLE Christmas Market Father Christmas will be doing his shopping at the La Trimouille (86290) Christmas market on Sunday 8th December. Open from 10am to 6pm at the Champ de Foire! As well as visits by Father Christmas there will be a variety of stands selling Christmas presents and goodies, a bouncy castle for children, tombola, mulled wine, crêpes and oysters. Sun 8th Dec ORADOUR-SUR-GLANE Christmas Market Sun 15th Dec BOSMIE L'AIGUILLE Marché de Noël et Foire à l'Orange Organised by the Comité des fêtes et le Comité de Jumelage de Bosmie-l'Aiguille. Gourmet produce, crafts, sales of Spanish produce from the region of Pédralba (oranges, clementines, olive oil...) Salle Georges Bizet from 9h-19h. Free entry. Sun 15th Dec CHAILLAC-SUR-VIENNE Marché de la Saint-Nicolas Sun 15th Dec CHÂTEAUPONSAC Christmas Market Christmas concert organised by the Entente Cordiale with the participation of the Association Danse et Tradition, the Régis Reynaud Trumpet Ensemble and the Vocalise Choir. Mulled wine and mince pies will be offered after the concert. Eglise de Dun-le-Palestel. 17h. Free entry (there will be a collection by the Association "Les petits Marchois" for the paediatric department at Guéret Hospital). Sun 15th Dec GOUZON Christmas Market Salle polyvalente from 9h-17h. Sun 15th Dec MAINSAT Christmas Market Fri 20th Dec CHÂTEAUNEUF-LA-FORÊT Christmas Market Fri 13th to Tue 24th Dec LIMOGES Christmas Market Artisans & producers will be exhibiting in little wooden chalets around the place de la République. Fri 13th to Thu 19th Dec LIMOGES Christmas Market 70 exhibitors. Place de la Motte. Sat 14th Dec MÉRINCHAL Christmas Market Salle des fêtes du château de la Mothe from 9h-18h. Sat 14th Dec RANCON Christmas Market Sat 14th Dec SAINT-JUNIEN Christmas Market Sat 14th to Sun 15th Dec SOUS-PARSAT La Maison du Père Noël As night falls in an enchanted setting meet Father Christmas with his sleigh and visit his house (17h30-19h). Sun 15th Dec ARNAC-LA-POSTE Christmas Market Sat 21st Dec CHÂLUS Christmas Market From 14h. Sun 22nd Dec CHASSENON 22e Foire de Noël Sun 8th Dec SAINT-VICTURNIEN Christmas Market Gymnase municipal. Fri 9h-23h; Sat 10h-18h. In the streets of Bellac from 16h-22h. Sun 15th Dec DUN-LE-PALESTEL Christmas Concert his sleigh and visit his house (17h30-19h). Fri 13th to Sat 14th Dec FELLETIN Christmas Market Sat 21st Dec BELLAC Christmas Market Sat 21st Dec DUN-LE-PALESTEL Christmas Market All day. Gymnase de Saint-Vaury. Christmas carol service (Chants de Noël) in the Eglise Sainte Anne at 19h30. Alan Nicoll, the Scottish bagpiper, will be wearing his kilt to pipe us all into the church and after the service to the Maison Paroissiale, where free festive refreshments will be served including mince pies and hot mulled wine. Every year the community joins together in the packed church to sing French and English carols and listen to readings in both languages, so come and start your Christmas celebrations with us in Boussac. For more information visit www.aipbboussac. fr or tel 05 55 65 03 69. Sat 21st Dec AUZANCES Christmas Market Sun 15th Dec DOMPIERRE-LES-EGLISES Christmas Market Sun 15th Dec NEXON Sun 8th Dec SAINT-SULPICE-LES-FEUILLES Christmas Market Christmas Market Thu 19th to Mon 23rd Dec SOUS-PARSAT Sun 8th Dec SAINT-VAURY La Maison du Père Noël Christmas Market As night falls in an enchanted setting meet Father Christmas with Fri 13th Dec BOUSSAC Anglo-French Christmas Carol Service Ice rink - place de la République. Free skating & skate hire. Salle Bartholdi from 18h. Fri 20th to Mon 23rd Dec GUÉRET Atelier de Noël Gourmet produce & crafts. 9h-18h. Sun 22nd Dec EYMOUTIERS Christmas Market Halle - 10h-18h. 12 local artisans and artists. Crêpes & mulled wine. Sun 22nd Dec PIERRE-BUFFIÈRE Christmas Market Mon 23rd Dec AUBUSSON Christmas Market Parvis de l'hôtel de ville, salle de le bourse du travail et rue Vieille from 10h-19h. Mon 23rd Dec CONFOLENS Marché de Noël des producteurs 17h. Mon 23rd Dec LA SOUTERRAINE Christmas Market Christmas market with over 150 exhibitors, the perfect opportunity to find those last-minute Christmas gifts. Mon 23rd Dec SAINT-LÉONARD-DE-NOBLAT Christmas Market Town centre & Halle Marchande from 17h. Artisanal gifts. 10h-18h. Chambre des métiers. Tue 24th Dec LA CHÂTRE Christmas Market Fri 20th Dec GUÉRET Concert des élèves du conservatoire Sun 29th Dec LIMOGES The Saints Innocents Traditional Fair 19h. Conservatoire Départemental E. Goué. Free entry. Fri 20th Dec to Sun 5th Jan LIMOGES La patinoire de Noël This four-century-old traditional fair was created in 1566 by a royal edict of Charles IX. Nowadays, street peddlers still gather in the city's main streets for the great popular market of the winter season. 8h-19h. CONCERT of Carols by Candlelight You are invited to a concert of carols and readings to celebrate Christmas nd on Sunday, 22 December 2013 at 5:30pm Come as you are to: The Evangelical Church, 9b Place Bonnyaud, Guéret Join with us to sing carols, listen to the Christmas story and meet with others who want to celebrate the real reason for Christmas. We invite you to join us afterwards for tea, coffee and mince pies. For further details please contact: Ian and Becky Jefferies – 05 55 61 10 23 [email protected] Richard and Kerry Gunston – 05 55 41 18 27 [email protected] Jim and Pat Scott – 05 55 67 54 78 [email protected] DECEMBER 2013 ○ THE BUGLE ○ 24 ♦ WHAT’S ON UPCOMING EVENTS ACROSS THE REGION Sat 30th Nov to Sun 1st Dec ANZÈME Art Exhibition and Sale Struggling for ideas for Christmas presents? Look no further than the Christmas Shop at the tourist office in Bourganeuf! With 100% Limouzi products, including gift baskets, local produce, souvenirs and games for the whole family there are plenty of original ideas for your Christmas gifts. An exhibition of fine art from a group of local artists and craft(wo)men will be held on Saturday 30 November and Sunday 1 December (from 10am to 6pm) at the Salle des Fêtes in Anzême (Creuse). There will be lots of great ideas for your Christmas shopping: turned wood and carved wood objects; paintings; home decoration; decorated ceramics and wood; “emaux de Briare” mosaics; art photography; wooden mobiles; earrings; necklaces; bracelets; pendants; dream catchers; earthenware; sculptures... We look forward to welcoming you in Anzême! Sun 1st Dec JARNAGES Marché de la laine Sat 30th Nov to Sun 1st Dec ARGENTON-SUR-CREUSE Franco-German Christmas Market All day. Salle polyvalente. Halle de la Grenouille. 9h30-19h30. Sat 30th Nov FLAVIGNAC Christmas Market Sat 30th Nov EGLISES Christmas Fayre Christmas Fayre from 2p.m. at the barn of Tina and Jane, 5 La Trigalle, 87360 Lussac-lesEglises. Come along and enjoy mulled wine and mince pies. Christmas carols, cards, cakes, tombola. Various tables (no charge) to fund-raise for charities in France. Admission Free. Contact Tina or Jane 05 55 60 69 23 for info. 31st Sun 1st Dec LE DORAT Christmas Market Sun 1st Dec LUSSAC-LES-EGLISES Christmas Market Sun 1st Dec VASSIVIÈRE Christmas Market ROYERE-DE- 10h-18h. Salle polyvalente. LUSSAC-LES- Sun 1st to Tue BOURGANEUF Boutique de Noël Wool market. 7h-13h. Dec Sun 1st Dec SAINT-LAURENT-SURGORRE Christmas Market / Car Boot Nearly 80 exhibitors and animations. 9h-18h. Free entry for visitors. 'Surprise' visit by Father Christmas 14h30. Contact: Office de Tourisme de la Vallée de la Gorre - Tel 05 55 00 06 55 Email [email protected] Visit ("Acceuil" - "Calendrier") Mon 2nd to Mon 30th Dec GUÉRET Boutique Idées Cadeaux Noël Christmas Gift Ideas Shop at the tourist office: jewellery, leather goods, decorations, linens, books, local products... Tue 3rd Dec SAINT-JUNIEN Concert: I love America! Concert by the Orchestre de Limoges et du Limousin: Dvorak, Stravinsky & Barber. Pôle Culturel de la Mégisserie. 20h30. Reservations: tel 05 55 02 87 98. Wed 4th Dec GUÉRET Foire aux Jouets Toy Fair organised by the Secours Populaire de Guéret. Salle de la Mairie from 10h-18h30. Fri 6th to Sat 7th Dec CHABANAIS Pantomime: Aladdin Theatre Chabanois presents a traditional British Panto "Aladdin". Friday 6th December at 20.00 Saturday 7th December at 15.00 Salle des Fêtes Chabanais. Adults 6€, Children 4€ (Under 5s FREE) To reserve your seats in advance and grab a chance to win 2 free tickets call 05 45 94 10 71 or Facebook Theatre Chabanois Theatre Chabanois is a bilingual community theatre group formed in 2009 with about 30 members so far. A cast and crew of all ages (10 yrs to over 80), abilities and talents. We are always looking for new members, not only those with thespian tendencies but those that are willing to help back stage and front of house. Everyone is welcome to join us; whatever you bring to the group you will be sure of a warm welcome and much fun on a Monday evening at the Salle des Fêtes in Chabanais at 7pm. Fri 6th Dec CONFOLENS Marché d'hiver Market Hall. 17h-21h. Music by Vis-a-Vis. Sat 7th Dec BOUSSAC AIPB Cake Stall AIPB will have their annual stall at the Boussac Marché de Noël selling delicious home-made cakes and marmalade in aid of the Téléthon, a most worthwhile cause. The market is held in the Quartier Pasteur and AIPB will be there from 10h. For more information visit www. or tel 05 55 65 03 69. Sat 7th Dec BOUSSAC Christmas Market Sat 7th Dec EYMOUTIERS German Christmas Market All morning in the halle. Sat 7th to Sun 8th Dec NOUZERINES Christmas Market Sat pm; Sun from 10h. Salle des Fêtes. Sat 7th Dec SAINT-MATHIEU Christmas Market 11h-19h. Sat 7th to Sun 8th Dec SAINTEFEYRE Marché de Noël - Parc Animalier Les Loups de Chabrières Christmas market at the wolf park. Come and do a spot of Christmas shopping: games & toys, crafts, regional produce... Free entry to the park. From 10h. CONTINUED ON PAGE 23 >>