Lolo replaces senior immigration officials
Lolo replaces senior immigration officials
Te’o not alone in claiming “online” wishful thinking 7 TC Garry Obama declares, “Time to act…” at second oath 9 Te’o answers, but more can be asked… B1 C M Y K Taula’i Faigamalo fou i auala e faaleleia ai le tamaoaiga… 17 X Tutuila online @ Daily Circulation 7,000 PAGO PAGO, AMERICAN SAMOA Garry: A blow for the MLK holiday by Samoa News staff The end of the three-day MLK holiday weekend was punctuated with a gale warning for Tutuila and Aunu’u while the Manu’a Islands came under a storm warning. Tropical Cyclone Garry started out as a tropical depression about 300 miles west of Pago Pago and was first reported by the National Weather Service early Sunday morning. By yesterday morning Garry was upgraded to a tropical cyclone and by midday had moved to within 115 miles of Pago Pago with winds expected to be in the range of 40-50 mph on Tutuila by last night. On Manu’a winds were forecast to pick up today, in the range of 55-65 mph. At 7 pm last night the satellite image showed Garry at its closest point to Tutuila, approximately 100 miles north. Wind speed had started to picked up in the Manu’a island group, as Tropical Cyclone Garry neared American Samoa, said two individuals via telephone from Ta’u island Manu’a was expected to get the brunt of the storm, according to the National Weather Service in Tafuna. Meteorologist Mase Akapo said the track of the Category One storm as of 6p.m. was about 120 nautical miles northwest of Manu’a and moving at about 7mph. On its current track, the storm was expected to be at its closest point to the Manu’a islands by this morning with winds of 60-70mph (Continued on page 15) C M Y K Manu’a Tuesday, January 22, 2013 $1.00 Lolo replaces senior immigration officials to “improve the integrity” of office by Fili Sagapolutele Samoa News Correspondent Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga has moved to “improve the integrity” of the Immigration Office by replacing the top three senior immigration officials, including the chief immigration officer, which has now been assigned to Dennis Fuimaono Lutu. “We’ve got problems at Immigration office and we’re trying to clean it up,” said the governor’s executive assistant Iulogologo Joseph Pereira when asked why Lolo issued last week to Attorney General-appointee Afoa M.S. Lutu a memo which replaced chief immigration officer Ufuti Fa’afetai Ieremia. The Jan. 16 memo does not identify Ufuti by name or the other senior officials, but Iulogologo confirmed their names Friday. Also being replaced are deputy chief immigration officer Kolumane Fuimaono and senior officer Kalama Sekio. Asked what will happen to these three employees, Iulogologo said they will remain with the Immigration Office for now until Afoa makes a final decision. Replacing Kolumane and Sekio are Limutau C. Limutau (a former House member) and Fuala’au Unutoa. Reached Friday for reaction to news about the changes, Ufuti said around 9:30 a.m. he had heard reports about the changes but had not received or seen the actual memo. He also said that he has told this staff to continue to do their work “honestly, in serving the public with a smile.” Later in the day, when contacted again, Ufuti — who has held the post for some 10 years — said he had seen the governor’s memo and he expects a decision from the Attorney General’s Office to come out this week regarding his status with the immigration office. Reached by phone Friday afternoon, Kolumane said he has not received a memo about being replaced and he along with Sekio are still working at the Immigration Office. He added that Sekio was at the dock clearing a vessel. The Jan.16 memo by the governor shows the move to replace the top three immigration officials followed his meeting with Afoa that morning where Lolo disclosed his wish to “take immediate action” to remove existing immigra(Continued on page 15) Avamua Dave Haleck heading up efforts to launch new bank There were long lines of pick-up trucks and cars close to one mile long, each way, on the sidewalk on both sides of the ASPA entrance, waiting to get into ASPA with their recyclable rubbish Saturday morning. A line also formed on the side road where NAPA Samoa is located and on grassy areas across from the ASPA power plant. Samoa News saw the line beginning to form Friday afternoon (around 4:30 p.m.) and by 3 a.m. Saturday morning the mile long lines were apparent. There are rumors that Saturday was the last day of the recycle credit program — where the credits are applied to your power bill — which may [photo: Jeff Hayner] have accounted for the long lines. Press Release — January 20, 2013 — A group of local citizens headed up by businessman Avamua Dave Haleck is seeking federal approval to open a new bank in American Samoa later this year. “We believe an American Samoan solution is the only answer to American Samoa’s banking problems,” Haleck said, explaining why he and others are trying to launch a community-based, full-service bank. “We must pull together and do it for ourselves. Frankly, we don’t believe an outside bank is going to come in to replace BOH.” Haleck, who served 10 years on the board of directors of Amerika Samoa Bank before it was sold to ANZ, said that a locally-owned and controlled bank can do a better job of serving local customers, and will not leave the territory to pursue profits elsewhere. “There are many challenges to tackle before a new federally-insured bank can be chartered to serve American Samoa,” said local attorney Marshall Ashley. Ashley, who has been working with Haleck on the project for the past year, led a group of five people who met last week with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in San Francisco. “As a result of that meeting, we can now publicize our efforts and engage the community directly,” Ashley said. Governor Lolo Moliga was briefed on Friday regarding the progress of the Community Bank of Amerika Samoa (IO) as it seeks to gain all the necessary approvals to conduct business in the territory. Governor Lolo reiterated his full commitment and said his administration would assist in any way possible. He also (Continued on page 14) Page 2 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Another foreign company pleads guilty to polluting $200,000 fine is proposed as community service payment by Fili Sagapolutele, Samoa News Correspondent (ANSWER on page 14) STRANGE BUT TRUE By Samantha Weaver ✖ It was German-born theoretical physicist (and sometime philosopher) Albert Einstein who made the following sage observation: “An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.” ✖ According to research conducted at Rutgers University, graduate students who are studying business are more likely to cheat than students in any other field of study. ✖ You’ve almost certainly heard of Supreme Court Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first black American to serve as such. You might not know, though, that he was known to call a court recess at 1 p.m. so he could watch the soap opera “Days of Our Lives.” ✖ Cheese has been around for a long time, and it can last longer than you may think. In Ireland 25 years ago, a hunk of cheese was discovered that dated back 1,700 years -- and it was still edible. ✖ If you’re like the average person, the hair on your head takes two to three months to grow 1 inch. ✖ At the 1904 World’s Fair in Saint Louis, it was particularly hot. An ice-cream vendor was doing so much business that he ran out of the cups in which he was serving the ice cream. He looked to the other foodsellers to see if they had any spare containers that would be useful, but he had no luck. Finally, desperate not to lose any more business, he bought some waffles from a nearby vendor and wrapped one around each scoop of ice cream as he sold it. The result was even more popular than ice-cream in a cup, and thus the ice cream cone was born. ✖ The most common surname in Germany is Schultz. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Thought for the Day • • • • • • • • • • • • • “Life is hard. After all, it kills you.” — Katharine Hepburn The marine sanctuaries and coral reef preservation in American Samoa stand to benefit from a fine of $200,000 being proposed as a community service payment from another foreign company who will plead guilty at federal court for violating pollution laws in the waters surrounding the territory, according to a plea agreement filed Thursday with the federal court in Washington D.C. Charges against Singapore-based Pacific International Lines Inc., (PIL) stems from its freighter Southern Lily 2, which was detained in American Samoa last June by the local U.S. Coast Guard for possible violation of international pollution and U.S. laws. At the time the vessel was detained, Lt. Steven Caskey, was in charge of the local Coast Guard marine safety detachment unit and the USCG in Honolulu, which oversees American Samoa, was also alerted about this case. ASG Customs Office was contacted by the federal agency to place a hold on the vessel, which was finally released in early July, as the USCG investigation was carried out and the probe was later referred to the U.S. Justice Department for review and prosecution. When the Southern Lily 2 arrived in Pago Pago on June 22, last year, USCG boarded the vessel and conducted an annual Port State Control (PSC) Safety and Security examination. It was discovered that the vessel’s Oil Water Separator (OWS) pump was inoperable and there was no entry in the Oil Record Book of the pump being inoperable, according to the plea agreement More problems of violation of international pollution regulations were found when the USCG expanded the examination of the 13,497 gross ton container vessel, which engages in international commercial maritime operations and provides supplies from New Zealand to Samoa, American Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, and other South Pacific islands, said court documents. According to the 19-page plea agreement, the defendant shall plead guilty to three counts: failure to accurately maintain an Oil Record Book; operating a vessel in the navigable waters of the United States without proper functioning pollution prevention equipment; and making and using a false writing by presenting a materially false Oil Record Book to the USCG. Under the plea agreement, which must be accepted by the court, the defendant agrees to pay a total criminal penalty of $2.2 million of which $2 million is the criminal fine and $200,000 will be community service payment to two organizations. One half of the payment goes to the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation for use in the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary (FBNMS) in Pago Pago to support the protection and preservation of natural resources located in and adjacent to FBNMS and the other half to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to fund projects for the preservation and restoration of coral reefs in or near American Samoa. “The explicit goal of the defendant’s required community service is to fund environmental projects and initiatives designed for the benefit, preservation and restoration of the coral reefs of American Samoa,” the agreement states. (Continued on page 10) Confirmation hearings set for Savusa, Haleck, and Poumele By B. Chen Samoa News Correspondent Confirmation hearing dates have been scheduled for the Governor’s cabinet nominees for Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety William E. Haleck, Department of Homeland Security director Utualii Iuniasolua Tului Savusa, and director of the Department of Port Administration Taimalelagi Dr. Claire Tuia Poumele. Governor Lolo M. Moliga is urging the Fono leadership and the lawmakers in both chambers to confirm his nominees. William E. Haleck The Governor’s nomination for police commissioner, William E. Haleck is scheduled to appear before the House Committee on Public Safety/ Homeland Security, chaired by Rep. Su’a Alexander Eli Jennings on Tuesday, Jan. 29 at 8:30 a.m.; while Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security/Public Safety Sen. Faletagoa’i Tuiolemotu has scheduled Haleck to appear for a confirmation hearing in the Senate later this week on Friday, Jan. 25. An exact time is not known, as Haleck will be questioned immediately following the Senate’s confirmation hearing for Homeland Security director nominee at 9 a.m. the same day, before the same Senate committee. For the past two years, Haleck has been the general manager of the Tradewinds Hotel, a local business owned by his family. Before that, he retired from service in the federal government, having served as a federal security director in the Transportation Security Administration of the US Department of Homeland Security, a special agent in the National Insurance Crime Bureau, and a criminal investigator and senior special agent for the US Drug Enforcement Agency. Lolo wrote, “With thirtyfour years of law enforcement experience, numerous awards and commendations for outstanding contributions, exceptional performance and achievement in federal service, and specialized training in thirty different areas of the law, the American Samoa Department of Public Safety and the people of American Samoa will be fortunate to have Mr. Haleck as their Commissioner.” Lolo pointed out that Haleck was “born, raised, and began his remarkable career in law enforcement here in American Samoa.” He added, “Though he spent many years serving elsewhere, he has returned home and brought with him not only desire to give back to our people, but a litany of valuable skills and an abundance of knowledge and experience.” Utualii Iuniasolua Tului Savusa The Governor’s nomination for director of the Department of Homeland Security, Utualii Iuniasolua Tului Savusa will appear before the House Committee on Homeland Security/ Public Safety and Chairman Rep. Su’a Alexander Eli Jennings on Monday, Jan. 28 at 8:30 a.m. Before his House appearance, he will appear on Friday, Jan. 25 before Chairman Sen. Faletagoa’i Tuiolemotu of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security/Public Safety at 9 a.m. for his confirmation hearing. Utualii retired after nearly thirty-seven years of service in the US Army with the rank of Command Sergeant Major. At his last post, he was a command senior enlisted leader of the United States Pacific Com- mand where he was an advisor to senior military leaders as to matters affecting enlisted personnel. Utualii also counseled and advised enlisted personnel regarding objectives and directives given by senior commanders. He played a key role in organizing and coordinating training and assistance to peace keepers and military leaders from other countries. Utualii has also been an essential part of US military and has led humanitarian efforts in the wake of natural and manmade disasters. Lolo wrote, “With tried and proven leadership ability and the skills to coordinate, achieve, and maintain large scale safety-related objectives and tasks, I am convinced that Utualii will excel in faithfully and dutifully fulfilling (Continued on page 10) samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Page 3 Page 4 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Birdseye view of Our houses are much more sex crimes in AS grandiose than 30 years ago by Ipu Avegalio Lefiti, Advocate against family violence & child abuse Sexual violence on children, domestic abuse and hangings are competing with the clamoring bells ringing in the New Year. Having seen the steady increase of these crimes in 2012, it is quite predictable and unfortunate 2013 will see much more. We started off the New Year with the most bizarre and perverted cases being reported just two weeks into January. From a spouse assaulting his wife for reporting his fetish of sniffing an aunty’s underwear to dating violence, and a hanging. Taking the lead are incestuous sexual crimes. For example, fathers were reported committing sexual crimes against their daughters ranging from the ages of 11-14. At the top of the list is the father who admitted exposing his 11 y/o daughter to pornographic movie videos then demonstrating it on each other. Other fathers, reported to have raped their 12 y/o’s now are asking for mental health evaluations. There are two uncles raping their nieces, fathers fondling their sleeping daughters, brothers having sex with sisters. What sears the mind is many of these children have been exposed to all forms of rape from anal to oral sex and terrorized into submission. Those who have been exposed to pornographic movies to heighten the fathers sexual drive are beyond vile. Group rapes under the guise of a child being “promiscuous” is increasing without remorse, shame, conscience or regret. We cannot deny the fact that everything done to our children has been left up to the imagination. Who would have ever thought that a child would be raped on the seas between Upolu and Pago by a sailor employed on the Lady Naomi who indicated it was his practice? With the increase of sexual crimes against children, their cries to be rescued are being drowned out by the last administration’s lawmakers attitudes. There was no interest or desire in hearing, reviewing, modifying or amending the laws on punishment for these crimes. There is no separation of punishment for raping children from the adult victims. Neither the House of Representatives nor the Senate accepted the implementation or a hearing on the Sex Offenders Register Notification Act (SORNA). Currently, serving 1/3 of a sentence qualifies a sex offender for parole. Free eight hours a day on work release is the biggest scam under the justice system as reported. There is still no Child Abuse law. How much longer do we the people have to suffer before our Faipule and Senators make this a priority? How much longer do we have to be exploited and tolerate these forms of perversion? Make no mistake, there is a dramatic increase of sexual crimes against our children. There are more of them, than all the blue collar crimes put together. More so the unreported that are suffering in silence, fear and shame. The blue-collar criminals that the Fono/SIC/special committees keep tracking down are not going anywhere. Our victimized children are going through the most brutal torture of all… what are WE, the adults, law enforcers, legislators, Justice system, Church leaders and non-government organizations doing about it to rescue them? I, as an advocate against family violence cannot help but to think, unless ‘The authorities of our nation and churches unite to combat this situation, they are just leading us into the depths of depravation’. Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR thinking about it… Commentary by Ti’otala Lewis Wolman This is one in a series of articles concerning data included in the 2010 Census of American Samoa, conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Warning: there are a lot of numbers to digest. A man’s home is his castle, if you own it, and about 70% of the households in American Samoa are living in their own homes. About 27% of those castles have a value of more than $100,000. Another 27% live in more humble quarters, with a value of $50,000 or less. In 1980, half of the owner-occupied homes in the territory were worth less than $11,200 and half were worth more than that. In the language of statistics, $11,200 represents the “median value” (half the results were higher and half the results were lower). In 2010, the median value of an owner-occupied home had increased from $11,200 (1980) to $68,175 (2010). That’s a huge increase. If we adjust the 1980 figure for inflation, in order to make this analysis credible, the 1980 figure rises to $30,000 (in 2010 dollars), which suggests that the typical American Samoa house in 2010 was more than twice as grandiose as the typical American Samoa house in 1980. (By contrast, an inflation-adjusted typical California house in 2010 was only 10% more grandiose than its 1980 counterpart.) I would have expected that the root cause of this spectacular increase in the value of a typical American Samoa home was due to the increased availability of mortgage financing over the past few decades. Mortgage financing allows people to borrow money to build a nice house now and then repay the money over 20-30 years. Without mortgage financing, people are limited to using available cash to build their homes. Thirty, forty and fifty years ago, mortgage financing was not readily available in American Samoa, because local banks did not want to extend mortgages to houses built on communal land. But mortgage financing became more widely available in the 1980s and 1990s. Or so I thought. But the 2010 Census shows that very few home owners have a mortgage in American Samoa. In fact, 90% have no mortgage, while only 10% have a mortgage loan to be repaid. Half of the people who pay a mortgage owe the banks $900 a month or more. (Compared to the United States, more housing units in American Samoa are owner-occupied and fewer are mortgaged. We have 70% of our housing units owned by the occupants themselves, while in the U.S., the comparable figure is 63%. But the contrast is much greater when looking at the percentage of owner-occupied homes that are being financed with a mortgage. Only 10% of American Samoa homes have a mortgage, while 68% of U.S. houses have a mortgage requiring monthly payments to the bank). Because so few homeowners have a mortgage, half the home-owning household devote 10% or less of their income to pay for their homes. But a mortgage can be expensive. Half the people with mortgages pay $900 a month or more on their mortgage loans. Not everyone rents of course. About 30% of local householders are considered renters because they live in homes they don’t own. But in the Samoan way of life, that doesn’t mean they pay rent. In fact half of the “renters” pay no rent in the conventional sense. Of those who pay rent, half pay at least $500/month and half pay less than that amount. About half of us live in houses or apartments that we moved into since 1990, while the other half have been living in the same house even longer than that. Only 10% of the population has been living in their present house since 1980. How long have our homes been around? Check out the chart below. It shows that 58% of our housing is less than 20 years old. It also shows that there are almost 300 houses that are more than 50 years old! Eni unanimously elected as Ranking Member for House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee (PRESS RELEASE) — Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that on Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013 he was unanimously elected as Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific. The Subcommittee now includes India and Pakistan and has oversight for U.S. foreign policy affecting more than 60% of the world’s population. “I thank my colleagues for their support of my bid for Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific,” Faleomavaega said. “I look forward to working with my Republican counterpart, Chairman Steve Chabot, to address the complex issues facing this important region of the world, especially at a time when the Obama Administration has made clear that U.S. foreign, economic and security policy must ‘pivot’ toward Asia.” “For years, I have called for greater U.S. engagement with Asia-Pacific countries, and I am hopeful that the U.S. is finally serious about advancing peace, stability and prosperity in this region of the world. I am especially pleased that South Asia has been moved back into the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific where it rightfully belongs, and I also intend to shine a light on the needs of those living in this area.” ASPA now supplies water to 88% of local households. I don’t have the historical figures, but that is a huge increase over the situation 30 years ago. Almost half of the households (44%) are now hooked up to the ASPA sewer system, while the majority are hooked up to septic tanks or less desirable wastewater systems (e.g., old-style cesspools). Air-conditioning can be found in 35% of local houses or apartments. © Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights. dba Samoa News is published Monday through Saturday, except for some local & federal holidays. Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News, Box 909, Pago Pago, Am. Samoa 96799. Contact us by Telephone at (684) 633-5599 Contact us by Fax at (684) 633-4864 Contact us by Email at [email protected] Normal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm. Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements, in whole or in part, is required. Please address such requests to the Publisher at the address provided above. samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Page 5 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE American Samoa Government Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 Tel: (684) 633-5155 FAX: (684) 633-4195 PUBLIC NOTICE REMINDER January 7, 2013 2013 BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL PERIOD, ILLEGAL BUSINESS RELOCATION & TRANSFERABLE AND BUSINESS SITE INSPECTIONS The business community is hereby reminded that all 2012 business licenses expired on December 31, 2012. Any business that fails to renew its license by January 30, 2013 is required to cease all business operations or will be subject to prosecution pursuant to Section 27.0211(b) of the American Samoa Code Annotated. Furthermore, the business community is hereby reminded that it is illegal to relocate or transfer your business to a new location without obtaining a new business license for the new location. Pursuant to ASCA §27.0212 and ASCA §27.0213 that every (business) license personal shall be issued to the person or persons making the appplication therefore, and may not in any circumstances be transferred to any other person...Any license conditioned upon the fulfillment of any qualification or prerequisites pertaining to the premises wherein the licensee conducts his business, trade, or profession may not be transferred to another location. In addition, when one person operates or conducts businesses in 2 or more locations in American Samoa, the person is required to obtain a license for each location. The public is hereby informed that the Department of Commerce will be conducting regular onsite inspections of all businesses for CY 2013 business licenses. Business owners are advised to post their 2013 business license certificate(s) in a conspicuous place on the premises. In the event that the Revenue Office has not yet issued a business license certificate, business owners are asked to present their receipt as proof of payment. Department of Commerce (DOC) officials are authorized to enter any building or premises for the purpose of conducting an inspection with respect to business activities. Interference with DOC officials in the performance of these duties can result in arrest or prosecution. For further information regarding this notice, contact the Economic Development Division of the Department of Commerce at 633-5155. Thank you for your cooperation, Lelei Peau Acting Director FA’AALIGA Ianuari 7, 2013 FA’AFOUINA O LAISENE PISINISI 2013, FA’AFOEINA O PISINISI ISI NOFOAGA MA ISI TAGATA AUNOA MA NI LAISENE O LE SOLITULAFONO MA ASIASIGA I PISINISI E fa’asilasila atu i le mamalu o le ‘au fai pisinisi, e fa’amutaina uma le aoga o laisene pisinisi o le tausaga 2012 ia Tesema 31, 2012. O pisinisi uma foi e le’i fa’afouina laisene pisinisi talu mai Ianuari 30, 2013, o le a taofia lona fa’afoeina pe molia fo’i le le tulafono Maga 27.021(b) o le Malo o Amerika Samoa. E fa’amanatu atu i le mamalu o le ‘au fai pisinisi, e tusa ai ma ala o le tulafono o le Malo o Amerika Samoa, maga ASCA §27.0212 ma le maga ASCA §27.0213, o le toe fa’atuina pe fa’afoeina o lau pisinisi i se isi nofoaga po’o se isi tulaga e ese mai i le tulaga na fa’atagaina ai muamua, o le solitulafono lea. Fai mai maga ASCA §27.0212 ma le ASCA §27.0213, o laisene pisinisi uma ua fa’atagaina e patino lava i le na talosagaina lea laisene pisinisi ma e le mafai ona ave i se isi lava tagata na te fa’aaogaina...o ia laisene pisinisi uma fo’i, e le mafai ona fa’aaogaina pe ave i se isi lava tulaga e ese mai i le mea na fa’atagaina mai ai. I le ma lea, o se e toatasi o lo’o faia sana po’o ana pisinisi i ni tulaga eseese e 2 po’o le sili atu fo’i i totonu o Amerika Samoa, o ia lena e tatau ona tofu tulaga ta’itasi uma ma laisene pisinisi. E fa’alauiloa atu i le mamalu lautele, o le a fa’atautaia asiasiga a le Matagaluega o Fefa’atauaiga i pisinisi uma i le teritori. Talosagaina pisinisi uma ia fa’apipi’i 2012 i se tulaga e fa’afaigofie ai lea fa’amoemoe. Afai e le’i tau’a a’aoina atu lau laisene ua uma ona fa’afouina, fa’amolemole ia saunia le risiti e fa’ailoa ai ua uma ona totogi. O sui o le Matagaluega o Fefa’atauaiga ua iai le fa’atagana e asiasia ai so’o se pisinisi, maota ma laoa, mo le fa’afoeina o galuega su’esu’e. O se e fa’alavelave i le fa’afoeina o nei asiasiga e mafai ona molia e tusa ai ma ala o le tulafono. Fa’amolemole fa’afeso’ota’i mai le Matagaluega o Fefa’atauaiga i numera telefoni 633-5155, mo se malamalama’aga i fuafuaga ua ta’ua i luga. Ma le Fa’aaloalo, Lelei Peau Fa’atonu Letumau Page 6 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 By B. Chen, Samoa News Correspondent A look at the McConnell Dowell crew as they worked on the road between the market place and Fagatogo Square building over the weekend. They also paved over the worst of the pothole ridden areas on the road to the LBJ hospital and the road in front of the ASB- ANZ Amerika Samoa Bank, Sen. Daniel Inouye Industrial Park. Potholes have plagued the territory’s aging roads, as the lack of money to pay for the much needed infrastructure fix has been said to be the [photo: AF] problem. (See Fono/ House briefs for update on Airport Road project) by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu Samoa News Reporter SECOND MAN CHARGED IN O&O BURGLARY ENTERS GUILTY PLEA Mosaiah Olo, one of the two men charged in connection with a burglary of the O&O Warehouse in Petesa in February last year has entered into a plea agreement with the government. Olo is charged together with co-defendant Johnny Talia who already entered a guilty plea last week. Olo was initially charged with first degree burglary and stealing charges, which are felonies, however in the plea agreement in Olo’s case, he has pled guilty to stealing while the government moved to dismiss the burglary charge. The stealing count is a class C felony punishable by imprisonment for up to seven years, a fine of up to $5,000, a fine equal to twice the amount of gain from the commission of said crime up to a maximum of $20,000, or both fine and imprisonment. With his guilty plea, Olo admits that they removed the items and hid them somewhere so they could be sold later to get cash. The defendant told the court that he was the one who piled up the boxes that were taken from the O&O warehouse. Associate Justice Lyle L Richmond accepted the plea agreement. According to the government’s case on Feb. 8, 2011, a police detective, who lives next to the O&O warehouse, reported to the police the burglary in progress. The total value of the stolen items was $600 and the products were photographed and returned to O&O. Three of the four suspects have made admissions to police in this matter. Another defendant in the case, Talia is to be sentenced on Feb. 15. UTU FEO TO BE SENTENCED A plea agreement has been reached between the government and Utu Feo a woman accused of assaulting her niece with a pipe last year. Feo, who is out on bail of $5,000 last week entered a guilty plea as part of the plea agreement with the government. Feo is facing a PPD and one count of second degree assault, but she pleaded guilty to third degree assault which was amended from the felony assault and PPD. The third degree assault and PPD are both misdemeanors, with each count punishable up to one year in jail, a fine of up to $1,000 or both. According to the government’s case, on Nov. 16, 2011 police received a call from a 19-year old girl claiming that she was assaulted by her aunt with a pipe. The alleged incident occurred in Aua where the defendant resides. Police spoke with the defendant who admitted to beating the victim with a pipe because the victim had run away from home for four days. The defendant told police that she knew what she did was wrong. BAKER WHO FAILED TO PROVIDE WEDDING CAKE IN HIGH COURT A baker, who allegedly failed to deliver a wedding cake she was paid to bake was arraigned in the High Court yesterday morning, where she denied the stealing charge against her. Sianini Foster— who remains behind bars on bail of $1,500 — is represented by Assistant Public Defender Leslie Cardin. The government alleges that Foster was paid to make a wedding cake, but on the wedding day the family was told there was no cake and the defendant could not be reached. Police were able to locate the defendant, who confirmed that the victim did pay her for a wedding cake for the victim’s nephew. STEP FATHER IN SEX CASE TO FIGHT CHARGES IN JURY TRIAL The 58-year-old step-father from Fagasa charged with sexual abuse and third degree assault has asked the High Court to set his case for a jury trial. This request was made through his lawyer Assistant Public Defender Mike White, last week Friday when the defendant was in court for his pre-trial conference. Samoa News is withholding the name of the defendant to protect the identity of the victim in this case. The sexual assault count is a class D felony, which is punishable up to five years in jail, a fine of $5,000 or both while the assault count for offensive or provocative behavior is a class A misdemeanor punishable up to one year in jail, a fine of up to $1,000 or both. According to the government’s case, on Dec. 16, 2012 a 27-year-old girl filed an official complaint with the Department of Public Safety against her step-father, alleging sexual assault. The victim told police the defendant has done this to her in the past but she never reported the incident and her mother always told her to forgive her step-father. Court filings say the victim was shocked when her eight-year-old son told her that he he saw the defendant touching himself. The victim claims that she also has a six-year-old daughter and she is worried for both her children’s safety. The defendant remains in jail with bail set at $10,000. Deputy Attorney General Mitzie Jessop is prosecuting this case. DPW officials to appear in the House this morning for a hearing on growing pothole problem Acting Director for the Department of Public Works Faleosina Faiai Voight is scheduled to appear before the House Committee on Public Works this morning to field questions about the growing pothole problem in the territory. With the recent rainy weather conditions, new and deeper potholes are popping up everywhere along the main highway all over the island. Local residents have complained about the problem, prompting lawmakers to address the issue sooner than later. Chairman of the House Committee on Public Works Rep. Atualevao Gafatasi Afalava has scheduled Voight to appear in the Fono’s lower chamber this morning at 8:30 a.m. at which time the DPW acting director will be questioned about what Public Works is doing to address the problem; and what long term plans there are, if any, for repairing and restoring the roads, rather than the usual quick ‘patch-up’ jobs. Additionally, Voight is also expected to provide a report on projects already completed, projects that are in store for the next couple of years, and of course, the availability of funds and funding sources. Another issue expected to be raised is the status of the long anticipated Airport Road Project which was awarded to Whitehorn Construction last year, but has been halted as the land use permit had expired. Samoa News spoke to the head of the PNRS Board Marvis Vaiaga’e who confirmed that the land use permit for this particular project had indeed expired, but he released a new one last week Wednesday. According to Vaiaga’e, land use permits are generally good for two years, but only if the project commences within a year’s time. This means if the project does not begin within that first year, a new land use permit will have to be issued. He also explained that for federally funded projects, it is the responsibility of Public Works to initiate the project proceedings, including the acquisition of a land use permit. Tualauta faipule requests financial report for ASG and House of Representatives During the House regular session last week, Rep. Larry Sanitoa requested the financial report for the House of Representatives be made available for review. The request was made to House Speaker Savali Talavou Ale. Sanitoa said there is no ulterior motive for his request, and he personally felt that the availability of the financial report will ensure that there is transparency in the Fono. In addition to the Fono’s lower chamber, Sanitoa is also requesting that a copy of the government’s latest financial statements be made available. He said the ASG’s fourth quarter performance report did not include a detailed report from the Treasury Department and therefore, the government’s true financial situation is not known. Besides financial reports, Sanitoa also reminded his fellow lawmakers that the Fono is yet to resolve the budget for the American Samoa Power Authority, as the previous legislature only approved a 4-month budget for the semi-autonomous agency. The Tualauta faipule is calling on the House Speaker to consult with the Senate President about ways to address the situation. Is back or neck pain getting you down? Chiropractic Health Care may be the answer to your wellness plan. Call for an appointment to see what chiropractic health care can do for you. Ask about our hair analysis lab services to check your status and further your wellness program. House Calls: 258-4252 Dr. DeWees Palmer Graduate samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Page 7 Te’o not alone in claiming wishful thinking – online CHICAGO (AP) — It started out a stunner: The Heisman Trophy runner-up had told heartbreaking stories about a dead girlfriend who didn’t exist. Then it became unreal: The All-American linebacker said he had been duped, and theirs was a relationship that existed only in phone calls and Internet chats. The reaction was predictable: Unbelievable. Couldn’t happen. People speculated he must be a straight-laced Mormon, naive and unfamiliar with modern-day dating hazards. Or he must be part of an elaborate hoax designed to bolster his image. Because no big-time college football player, beloved on campus and adored by millions, could have a girlfriend he’s never ... actually ... met. Yet even people who really ought to know better say what Notre Dame’s Manti Te’o says happened to him has happened to them, and they believe it happens far more often than people care to admit. “If we shake the tree, we would find hundreds of thousands of people falling out of the tree who are experiencing something like this,” said Robert Epstein, a senior research psychologist at the California-based American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology. It’s just human nature, Epstein said, something known formally by psychologists as “confirmation bias.” We watch the news that matches our political beliefs. We discount viewpoints we don’t like. We ignore good advice and miss red flags, so we can continue believing in something we want to be true. In Epstein’s case, it was believing he’d made a real connection with an attractive Russian woman named Ivana he met online. In fact, she was nothing more than a computer bot someone had set up to respond to queries on an online dating site. “A lot of people still make fun of me,” he said. Today’s social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, make it easy to “meet” someone without ever doing more than chatting online or exchanging emails. The same tools that allow for such casual contact also can be used by impostors to create intricate personas that exist only on the Internet. All of it simply makes it that much easier to delude ourselves. “After a generation of kids growing up with Facebook and decades of online life, you’d think we wouldn’t be so easily duped, but I think these people who do the duping are more inventive than people who use the technology,” said Steve Jones, a communications professor and online expert at the University of Illinois at Chicago. It’s been happening since people first began mingling in chat rooms more than 20 years ago. In 2006, one mom in Missouri, Lori Drew, created a MySpace page for non-existent teenage boy so she could “romance” — and strike back at — a girl she thought was spreading rumors about her daughter. Humiliated, the targeted girl later killed herself. “As far back as the 1980s, men were impersonating women, kids were pretending to be adults, and all kinds of relationships with non-existent or phony people flourished online,” says Paul Levinson, a professor of communication and media studies at Fordham University, who studies social media. Now, he says, “the rise of Twitter and Facebook have only made that easier.” Those behind Te’o’s imaginary girlfriend, for instance, created more than one Twitter account for her and appear to have used photos lifted from a California woman’s Facebook page to make it look that much more real. “In retrospect, I obviously should have been much more cautious,” Te’o said in a statement earlier in the week. “If anything good comes of this, I hope it is that others will be far more guarded when they engage with people online than I was.” Te’o has company. As Notre Dame rose to No. 1 in the AP Top 25, sport writers nationwide recounted the story of the heroic, grieving athlete who persevered on the field after a girlfriend named Lennay Kekua was diagnosed (Continued on page 14) In a photo provided by ESPN, Notre Dame linebacker Manti Te’o pauses during an interview with ESPN on Friday, Jan. 18, 2013, in Bradenton, Fla. ESPN says Te’o maintains he was never involved in (AP Photo/ESPN Images, Ryan Jones) creating the dead girlfriend hoax. Happy 1st Birthday to our lovely Girl Ms. Taufagapiu Matelina Elisapeta Lealali Luvu AND (Jan 20, 2012) Happy Be-lated Birthday to our lovely Boy Mavaegaa’aigaimalaeolefusi Matanisiga La’auoleola Lealali Luvu (Jan 20, 2012) Our Fa’afetai to our Heavenly Father for bringing both of you into our lives. We thank Him for guiding you two and the many family members celebrated their birthdays this month. WE LOVE YOU TWO~ God Bless and be with you always!! AND Happy Be-Lated Birthdays to all my FAMILIES Jan 01 Jan 03 Jan 05 Jan 07 ~ Aunty Julie Bird Mavaega ~ Late Uncle Tepatasi Solipo Vaeao ~ Uncle Latu Seumanu Taufaiula Mavaega ~ Mom…Lefua Amio Mavaega-Luvu Jan 11 Jan 13 Jan 14 Jan 15 ~ Cousin Marvin Leo Mavaega ~ Ms. Fa’atoialemanu Areta ~ Aunty Naomi Vaeao ~ Cousin Destiny Lalotoa Vaeao (WSU, Washington) Alofa’aga, Papa and Mama, families here and abroad, the boys Taufaiula Mavaega II, Reuelroy Mafutaga FDS esp. Rueben Peter & Dad in Samoa Page 8 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 IN THE COMMUNITY 5 x 7 Color Photos Now Available - $5 C M Y K C M Y K Obama declares, “Time to act…” taking 2nd oath C M Y K C M Y K WASHINGTON (AP) — Turning the page on years of war and recession, President Barack Obama summoned a divided nation Monday to act with “passion and dedication” to broaden equality and prosperity at home, nurture democracy around the world and combat global warming as he embarked on a second term before a vast and cheering crowd that spilled down the historic National Mall. “America’s possibilities are limitless, for we possess all the qualities that this world without boundaries demands,” the 44th president declared in a second inaugural address that broke new ground by assigning gay rights a prominent place in the wider struggle for equality for all. In a unity plea to politicians and the nation at large, he called for “collective action” to confront challenges and said, “Progress does not compel us to settle centuries-long debates about the role of government for all time — but it does require us to act in our time.” Elected four years ago as America’s first black president, Obama spoke from specially constructed flag-bedecked stands outside the Capitol after reciting oath of office that all presidents have uttered since the nation’s founding. The events highlighted a day replete with all the fanfare that a security-minded capital could muster — from white-gloved Marine trumpeters who heralded the arrival of dignitaries on the inaugural stands to the mid-winter orange flowers that graced the tables at a traditional lunch with lawmakers inside the Capitol. The weather was relatively warm, in the mid-40s, and while the crowd was not as large as on Inauguration Day four years ago, it was estimated at up to 1 million. Big enough that he turned around as he was leaving the inaugural stands to savor the view one final time. “I’m not going to see this again,” said the man whose political career has been meteoric — from the Illinois Legislature to the U.S. Senate and the White House before marking his 48th birthday. On a day of renewal for democracy, everyone seemed to have an opinion, and many seemed eager to share it. “I’m just thankful that we’ve got another four years of democracy that everyone can grow in,” said Wilbur Cole, 52, a postman from suburban Memphis, Tenn., who spent part of the day visiting the civil rights museum there at the site where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968. The inauguration this year shared the day with King’s birthday holiday, and the president used a Bible that had belonged to the civil rights leader for the swearing-in, along with a second one that been Abraham Lincoln’s. The president also paused inside the Capitol Rotunda to gaze at a dark bronze statue of King. Others watching at a distance were less upbeat than Cole. Frank Pinto, 62, and an unemployed construction contractor, took in the inaugural events on television at a bar in Hartford, Conn. He said because of the president’s policies, “My grandkids will be in debt and their kids will be in debt.” The tone was less overtly political in the nation’s capital, where bipartisanship was on the menu in the speechmaking and at the congressional lunch. “Congratulations and Godspeed,” House Speaker John Boehner, a Republican, said to Obama and Vice President Joe Biden as he presented them with flags that had flown atop the Capitol. Outside, the Inaugural Parade took shape, a reflection of American musicality and diversity that featured military units, bands, floats, the Chinese American Community Center Folk Dance Troupe from Hockessin, Del., and the Isiserettes Drill & Drum Corps from Des Moines, Iowa. The crowds were several rows deep along parts of the route, and security was intense. More than a dozen vehicles flanked the president’s limousine as it rolled down Pennsylvania Avenue, and several agents walked alongside on foot. As recent predecessors have, the president emerged from his car and walked several blocks on foot. His wife, Michelle, was with him, and the two held hands while acknowledging the cheers from well-wishers during two separate strolls along the route. A short time later, accompanied by their children and the vice president and his family, the first couple settled in to view the parade from a reviewing stand built in front of the White House. A pair of nighttime inaugural balls completed the official proceedings, with a guest line running into the tens of thousands. Obama addressed cheering crowds at the Commander in Chief Ball, speaking by video to thank a group of troops in southern Afghanistan. Then he introduced his “date,” Michelle Obama, who danced with her husband in a ruby chiffon and velvet gown while Jennifer Hudson sang “Let’s Stay Together.” (Continued on page 16) samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Page 9 Unbeatable Value in APIA GRAB – A Rooommmmm!!! SPECIALS INCLUSIVE OF BREAFAST & TAXES USD$65 Single with Breakfast USD$75 Double with Breakfast USD$85 Triple with Breakfast Faalavelave BUSTER USD$60 SGL/DBL USD$75 TRPL + Uncle Tui’s Taxes Complimentary Transfers – Fagali’i Free Town Shuttle Free In‐house Movies Wireless Internet Rooms & Common Areas Conference Rooms & Catering Prepaid USD Pago Call Hope►699‐8140 Pelene Store Call Tiva►688‐7222 Kruse Leone Prepaid USD Pago President Barack Obama bows as he and first lady Michelle Obama, wearing a ruby colored chiffon and velvet Jason Wu gown, gets ready to dance as singer Jennifer Hudson, right, sings Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together” at the Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center during the (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) 57th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, Monday, Jan. 21, 2013. Stop! Page 10 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Before YOU build that ➧ Confirmation hearings… Continued from page 3 beautiful NEW HOME his duties as the department of the Department of Homeland Security.” Make sure to treat your soil first for TERMITES. Save and protect your home, call the experts… Office Hrs. 9am to 2pm • (684) 633-0179 Obama girls to hitting teen milestones in White House WASHINGTON (AP) — That’s how it goes with kids. You hardly notice how fast they’re growing up, then suddenly big sis is nearly as tall as Mom and the little one is a tween, gently sassing Dad. On the inaugural platform again four years later, a more mature Malia Obama, 14, and Sasha, 11, smiled, sometimes giggled, and chatted with their cousin Avery Robinson as they awaited their father’s arrival. Sasha bounced on her feet a bit as if chilly; later at the parade she danced in her seat to the beat of passing drummers. Malia, rivaling her mother’s 5 feet 11 inches, looked poised in calf-high black boots. Like any girls their age, they whipped out their smartphones in the reviewing stand to take photos. Both daughters appeared relaxed and oblivious to their global TV audience, unaffected by their rare status, unfazed by the fuss over their father. Meanwhile, fashion-watchers were tweeting about the girls’ coats in vibrant shades of purple. For the record: Malia wore a J. Crew ensemble, Sasha’s was Kate Spade, and first lady Michelle Obama was in a Thom Browne coat with a navy print like a man’s silk tie. Such attention to the Obamas’ clothes, their Hawaiian vacations, their hair — Michelle lit up Twitter last week by adding bangs — will continue as they charge into a time of turbulence for so many American families: the teen years. In the second term Sasha, who arrived in the White House as a second-grader, moves on to high school. She expressed her pre-teen spirit Sunday, when Barack Obama took his official, nonpublic oath of office. After giving Dad a “Good job!” she added a reminder of his flubbed words four years ago. “You didn’t mess up,” Sasha teased the commander in chief. For Malia, the milestones to come are many — she’ll be hitting the years when typical teens start driving, dating and applying to colleges. How normally can any of this go at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.? Life in the White House is bound to feel different to a teen than it does to a second-grader. Seven-year-old Emanuel Coleman’s grandmother positioned him on the steps of the National Gallery of Art to watch the swearing-in on a giant outdoor screen Monday. The Durham, N.C., boy thought life for a White House kid must be cool, because the president has “his own private limo, helicopter and lives in a really big house.” “It would be fun to fly in the presidential helicopter,” Emanuel enthused. Sixteen-year-old Colleen Casey isn’t so sure. “They have to live their life in their dad’s shadow,” said Casey, part of a group of Girl Scout volunteers who came to the inaugural from nearby Woodbridge, Va. “You can’t be your own person.” That’s the struggle for White House youngsters, said author Doug Wead, who has interviewed 19 sons and daughters of former presidents and wrote about them in “All the Presidents’ Children.” “When your mom’s the first lady, and all your classmates are oohing and ahhing over her, it’s hard to compete with that,” Wead said. “At any given time, half the country hates your father and half the country loves him. It’s hard to establish a separate identity.” Just last week, the National Rifle Association referred to the Obama daughters in an ad berating their father for opposing a proposal to put armed guards in all schools, while his children get Secret Service protection. And the president’s been criticized for sending Sasha and Malia to the private Sidwell Friends School. Even the great stuff — traveling the globe, meeting rock stars, mingling with world leaders — can go to a girl’s head. Mrs. Obama says she strives to give the girls a normal life — homecoming dances, playing basketball, trick-or-treating, slumber parties — and also to keep them respectful, responsible and down-to-earth. There’s been lots of speculation that Mrs. Obama, who turns 50 next year, may design her own transformation in the second term, when she’ll be freed from worries about her husband’s re-election. Will the first lady who dubbed herself “mom-in-chief” add to her portfolio of family-centered causes? The White House isn’t yet saying. Some feminists want to see the Harvard Law School grad take on a more forceful public role. Not all her fans are so sure. “I like the roles she’s taken on with troops, with health, with children,” said W. Faye Butts, 68, an enthusiastic Obama supporter who traveled from Macon, Ga., for the inaugural. No need to try to do more: “She has a family to raise, that’s her first priority.” Taimalelagi Dr. Claire Tuia Poumele A time and date for Lolo’s nominee for Director of the Department of Port Administration, Taimalelagi Dr. Claire Tuia Poumele to appear before the House of Representatives is yet to be scheduled. However, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Transportation/Port/Airport Sen. Letuligasenoa Soli has scheduled Taimalelagi for a confirmation hearing on Thursday, Jan. 24 at 9 a.m. Most recently, Taimalelagi was the director of the American Samoa Department of Education under the Togiola/Faoa Administration. Among other degrees and certifications, Taimalelagi holds a doctorate degree in education from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. She also received her master’s of education and bachelor of science in secondary education degrees from the University of Portland. In his letter to the Fono leadership, the Governor notes that as ASDOE director, Taimalelagi managed and had oversight over all public schools in American Samoa. “During her tenure, Dr. Poumele oversaw curriculum development, and implemented key instructional programs, including the evaluation of teachers. She also spearheaded development of a long range building plan to ensure the needs of her department were accommodated. Under her supervision, ASDOE maintenance, renovations, and new construction projects remained on track.” Lolo concluded, “Dr. Poumele’s leadership abilities and management style will be an asset to the Department of Port Administration. I am confident that she will bring a fresh perspective, a keen eye for efficiency, superb judgment, and the ability to effectively complete projects for the department.” ➧ Pleads guilty to polluting… Continued from page 2 Both sides also recommended that the defendant be placed on three year’s probation under several conditions, which include that all of the vessels operated, managed and/or controlled by the company that trade in ports of the United States shall be subject to the Environmental Management System Compliance Plan - which is also being provided to the court for approval. Provisions of the environmental plan require that just eight vessels belonging to Pacific International — identified by name in the plea agreement—operate in U.S. waters including American Samoa. Southern Lily 2 is among the vessels allowed in US waters under the agreement. The defendant is required to first notify the USCG if it wants any other PIL vessels to operate in US waters. The agreement was signed by U.S. Justice Department attorney Howard P. Steward with the Environmental Crimes Section, Cpt. Pradeep Desawar, general manager of Pacific International and the defendant’s attorney John Cox. Court records do not show as to when the defendant will be sentenced. This new case comes a little more than a week after New Zealand based Sanford Ltd., was sentenced by the federal court in Washington D.C. to pay total monetary judgement of $2.4 million — with $500,000 to benefit the national marine sanctuaries in American Samoa. Sanford was found guilty last August of environmental crimes in territorial waters, along with obstruction of justice, by a federal court jury. The charges stemmed from the company’s vessel San Nikunau, fishing in waters of the territory. Talofa Video “KOREAN, FILIPINO, MEXICAN DRAMA SERIES NOW FOR RENT” NEW RELEASES: End of Watch • Death Race • Hansel & Gretel Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning Pavaiai 699-7206 • Nuuuli 699-1888 • Fagatogo 633-2239 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Page 11 DEVELOPMENT BANK OF AMERICAN SAMOA PUBLIC NOTICE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT DECENT AFFORDABLE HOME LOAN PROGRAM LOTTERY NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY PROGRAM YEARS 2011 and 2012 This public notice is published in accordance with the Citizen Participation Plan established by the American Samoa Government (ASG) and applies to the Community Development Block Grant – Decent Affordable Home Loan Program (CDBG-DAHLP) funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD). For PY2011 to PY2015, HUD has approved for ASG to conduct a DAHLP Lottery. This will be a first-ever DAHLP lottery in the Territory. DAHLP applicants MUST BE a U.S. national, a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident of American Samoa. The Development Bank of American Samoa (DBAS) in partnership with Department of Commerce (DOC) expects to receive the CDBG funds of about $431,500 for the federal PY2011 and PY2012. These funds will provide rehabilitation and renovation construction of existing single family homes in American Samoa. Type of Project: Renovation and rehabilitation of homes owned by very low income households. Project Financing: Sixty five percent (65%) grant funding thirty five percent (35%) interest bearing payment loan. Pursuant to Section 104(a)(3) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and to comply with the “citizenship participation” clause therein, DBAS will process all completed applications through the lottery process. January 22, 2013 (Tuesday) Workshop Date in TUTUILA: Time: 9:00 a.m. Place: East Side Location - Lee Auditorium, Utulei West Side Location - Ili’ili Catholic Church Hall Workshop Date & Issuing of Lottery Tickets in MANU’A: January 24-25, 2013 (Thursday and Friday) Time: 9:00 a.m. Place: Ta’u/Faleasao - Lesi’i Salesa Guest House Fitiuta - CCCAS Fitiuta Hall * Manu’a Residents who are not able to attend workshops may collect your ticket during the Tutuila schedule below. Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Place: Lee Auditorium, Utulei Monday, January 28 A to G Issuing of Lottery Tickets by Last Name in TUTUILA: Tuesday, January 29 H to N Wednesday, January 30 O to T Thursday, January 31 U to Z Lottery Draw Date: February 11, 2013 (Monday) Place: Lee Auditorium, Utulei Time: 10:00 a.m. All applications must be received and date stamped by DBAS loan manager no later than Friday, February 22, 2013. Applications that do not meet this deadline will not be processed. All applicants will receive a written response from DBAS regarding their application after the review process is complete. Successful applicants will then have 15 days following the notification to comply with all approval conditions. It is estimated that construction will begin by March 2013. ALL COMPLETED APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO: RUTH S. MATAGI-FA’ATILI DBAS Loan Manager Development Bank Office, Fagatogo FALETUPE O ATIINA’E O AMERIKA SAMOA FA’ASALALAUGA FA’ALAUA’ITELE POLOKALAMA FAATUPU (INIVESI) FAAPAAGA MO FALENOFO FAAALIGA O TUPE UA IAI NEI POLOKALAMA MO LE TAUSAGA 2011-2012 Ua faia lenei fa’asalalauga e tusa ai ma le Fuafuaga Auai o Tagatanu’u ua faavaeina e le malo o Amerika Samoa ma e fa’atatau mo le Polokalama o le Community Development Block Grant-Decent Affordable Home Loan ua fa’atupeina e le Matagaluega o Fale ma Atina’e o Nu’u o le Iunaite Setete (HUD), Ofisa o Fuafuaga ma Atina’e o Nuu. Mo tupe maua mai o le DAHLP tausaga 2011-2015, ua tu’uina mai ai le fa’atanaga e le malo tele e faia ai le lotto mo lea polokalama fa’apitoa. O i latou e mafai ona talosaga mo nei noga tupe e aofia iai nesionale Amerika, sitiseni Amerika po o e ua nofomau i Amerika Samoa. E fa’amoemoe e maua mai e le Faletupe o Atiina’e ma le Ofisa o Fefa’atauaiga ma Alamanuia mai le Polokalama Faatupe mo Falenofo le aofa’i e tusa ma le $431,500 mo le polokalama lenei a le feterale mo tausaga polokalama 2011-2012. O le a fa’amaopoopoina e le Faletupe o Atiina’e ni faatasiga mo le mamalu lautele e tufaina ai pepa ma fa’amalamalama ai auiliiliga o Polokalama mo Falenofo. O nofoaga la nei ma aso faatulagaina ua ta’ua i lalo: Aso mo Semina TUTUILA: Ianuari 22, 2013 (Aso Lua) Taimi: 9:00 a.m. Nofoaga: Sasa’e- Fale Laumei i Utulei Sisifo – Fale o le Ekalesia Katoliko i Iliili Aso mo Semina & Tufaina o Pepa Lotto i MANU’A: Taimi: Nofoaga: Ianuari 24-25, 2013 (Aso Tofi & Aso Faraile) 9:00 a.m. Ta’u/Faleasao – Laoa a Lesi’i Salesa Fitiuta – EFKAS a Fitiuta Hall * O i latou uma o lo’o nofo mau i Manu’a ua le mafai ona auai i aso o lo’o taua i luga, e mafai ona e auai i aso ua fa’atulagaina i lalo. Taimi: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Nofoaga: Fale Laumei, Utulei Tufaina o Pepa Lotto: Aso Gafua, Ianuari 28 A to G Aso Lua, Ianuari 29 H to N Aso Lulu, Ianuari 30 O to T Aso Tofi, Ianuari 31 U to Z Aso o le Lotto: Fepuari 11, 2013 (Aso Gafua) Nofoaga: Fale Laumei, Utulei Taimi: 10:00 a.m. Mo tagata uma ua faamanuiaina i le lotto, e tatau ona faataunuuina mai i totonu i le Faletupe o Atina’e pepa talosaga uma ae le’i o’o i le Aso Faraile, Fepuari 22, 2013. O ni talosaga uma e le fa’autagia lenei aso o le a le fa’aaogaina. O le a maua atu se tali tusitusia mo talosaga uma mai le Malo o Amerika Samoa Faletupe o Atina’e ina ua mae’a ona iloiloina. O talosaga uma e talia e tuu atu i ai le 15 aso e amata mai le aso o le faaaliga e faautagia ai uma tulaga o le a taliaina. O loo fuafuaina e amata galuega ia Mati 2013. O TALOSAGA UMA IA FAATAUNUU ATU IA: RUTH S. MATAGI-FA’ATILI DBAS Loan Manager Development Bank Office, Fagatogo Page 12 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 NUUULI PLACE CINEMAS 699-3456 $5.25 - Bargain Matinees All Shows Before 6pm $5.25 - Senior Admissions All Day $4.25 - All Day For Kids $6.75 - Adults President Obama takes the oath of office at the official swearing-in ceremony in the Blue Room of the White House Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013. Administering the oath is Supreme Court Chief Justice (AP Photo/ The New York Times) Roberts (not shown). Holding the Bible is first lady Michele Obama. PARENTAL GUIDANCE – Rated: PG Starring: Billy Crystal, Bette Midler, Marisa Tomei, Bailee Madison Old school grandfather Artie, who is accustomed to calling the shots, meets his match when he and his eager-to-please wife Diane agree to babysit their three grandkids when their parents go away for work. But when 21st century problems collide with Artie and Diane’s old school methods of tough rules, lots of love and old-fashioned games, it’s learning to bend - and not holding your ground - that binds a family together. Friday: Saturday: Sunday: “Discount Tuesday”: Wed-Thurs: — 1:15 1:15 — — 4:15 4:15 4:15 4:15 4:15 7:15 9:30 7:15 9:30 7:15 9:30 7:15 — 7:15 — The Last Stand THE LAST STAND – Rated: R After leaving his LAPD narcotics post following a bungled operation that left him wracked with remorse and regret, Sheriff Ray Owens moved out of Los Angeles and settled into a life fighting what little crime takes place in sleepy border town Sommerton Junction. But that peaceful existence is shattered when Gabriel Cortez, the most notorius, wanted drug kingpin in the western hemisphere, makes a deadly yet spectacular escape from an FBI prisoner convoy straight through Summerton Junction. At first reluctant to become involved, and then counted out because of the perceived ineptitude of his small town force, Owens ultimately rallies his team and takes the matter into his own hands, setting the stage for a classic showdown. Friday: — Saturday: 1:00 Sunday: 1:00 “Discount Tuesday”: — Wed-Thurs: — 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 7:00 9:30 7:00 9:30 7:00 9:30 7:00 — 7:00 — Governor submits three more names for Fono confirmation By B. Chen, Samoa News Correspondent Governor Lolo M. Moliga has written to the Fono leadership submitting the names of three more cabinet nominations for confirmation. The three nominees are Keniseli Faalupe Lafaele as the director of the Department of Commerce, Faleosina Faiai Voight as the director of the Department of Public Works, and Taeaoafua Dr. Meki Solomona as the director of the Department of Human and Social Services. He urges Fono leadership and their colleagues to confirm his nominees. Confirmation dates for the trio are yet to be scheduled, as their nominations must first be drafted into resolutions and introduced in both Fono chambers. Keniseli Faalupe Lafaele Presently an independent financial advisor, Lafaele is Governor Lolo’s nomination to head the Department of Commerce. Lafaele holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics from George Washington University, and a Master of Arts degree in economics with an emphasis on economic development from the University of Hawaii – Manoa. For the past five years, Lafaele has provided financial planning services to the public as an independent financial advisor. Before that, he was a financial advisor at Ameriprise Financial Services Inc., a local business where he spent 26 years. “He specializes in the areas of financial planning for risk management, education, investments, and retirement,” Lolo pointed out. Lafaele is also a former member and vicechair of the American Samoa Medical Center’s Board of Directors. “Mr. Lafaele has government experience in addition to his many years in the private sector,” Lolo added. The Governor wrote, “With a keen eye for developing economic policy, many years of experience providing the public with sound financial planning advice, and the formal education necessary to execute the duties and responsibilities of this important post, I know that Mr. Lafaele will play a significant role in moving the economy of American Samoa forward.” Faleosina Faiai Voight The Acting Director of the Department of Public Works Faleosina Faiai Voight is Lolo’s nominee to be Public Works Director. Voight, a DPW engineer for 20 years, spent the last eight years as the Chief Engineer for the DPW Civil Highways Division and served as deputy director for the department. She holds a Professional Engineering License from the State of Hawaii and also a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Idaho State University. “Mrs. Voight has been instrumental in developing a strategic plan for the highway program in American Samoa, and implementing a territory-wide transportation improvement program,” Governor Lolo wrote. “She was tasked with overseeing and administering federal highway programs and has negotiated agreements between the Federal Highway Administration and her department.” Lolo concluded, “Mrs. Voight has spent her entire professional life serving American Samoa and almost her entire career at the Department of Public Works. She knows well the strengths of her department and the areas that will improve because of her leadership.” Taeaoafua Dr. Meki Solomona Lolo has submitted the name of long-time cannery official Taeaoafua Dr. Meki Solomona to be the director of the Department of Human and Social Services. For the past two decades, Taeaoafua has worn many leadership hats at StarKist Samoa. Most recently, he was the manager of government relations and plant communication. Prior to that, he was the manager of the human resources department, and the total quality management department. He was also a plant superintendent for the production department, and served as a translator/trainer for the whole plant. Before working in the private sector, Taeaoafua was appointed as the director of the Department of Commerce, and was once the special assistant to the director of the Department of Education, and also served as the principal of Samoana High School. Taeaoafua holds a doctorate degree in education administration and a master’s degree in secondary education, both from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in pre-law from the University of California – Riverside. “With many years of experience in the public sector and in private industry, strong educational qualifications, and a proven penchant for leadership and management, Taeaoafua is well suited to this appointment,” Lolo wrote. samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Page 13 Nation honors King on day of Obama inauguration ATLANTA (AP) — Commemorative events for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. slid seamlessly into celebrations of the swearing-in Monday of the nation’s first black president, with many Americans moved by the reminder of how far the country has come since the 1960s. “This is the dream that Dr. King talked about in his speech. We see history in the making,” said Joyce Oliver, who observed King Day by visiting the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Tenn., built on the site of the old Lorraine Motel, where King was assassinated in 1968. In Atlanta, at the 45th annual service for the civil rights leader at the church where he was pastor, those gathered in the sanctuary were invited to stay to watch President Barack Obama’s second inauguration on a big-screen TV. As the nearly three-hour service closed at Ebenezer Baptist Church, organizers suggested forgoing the traditional singing of “We Shall Overcome” because the inauguration would begin. But the crowd shouted protests, so the choir and congregation sang the civil rights anthem before settling in to watch the events in Washington. In the nation’s capital, dozens took pictures of the King statue before walking to the National Mall for the inauguration. Nicole Hailey, 34, drove all night with her family from Monroe, N.C. She attended Obama’s first inauguration four years ago and was carrying a commemorative Metro ticket from that day with Obama’s face on it. She and her family visited the King memorial before the swearing-in. “It’s Martin Luther King’s special day,” she said. “We’re just celebrating freedom.” At the ceremonial inauguration, Obama took the oath on a Bible once owned by King. He called it “a great privilege.” The King Bible was one of two used; the other had belonged to Abraham Lincoln. In Columbia, S.C., civil rights leaders paused during their annual King Day rally to watch the inauguration on a big screen. Most of the crowd of several hundred stayed to watch Obama’s address. “You feel like anything is possible,” Jelin Cunningham, a 15-year-old black girl, said of Obama’s presidency. “I’ve learned words alone can’t hurt or stop you, because there have been so many hateful things said about him over the past four years.” At the Atlanta service, King’s youngest daughter, Bernice King, said the country had been through a difficult year, with divisive elections, military conflicts and natural disasters. “We pray that this day will be the beginning of a new day in America,” she said. “It will be a day when people draw inspiration from the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. It will be a day when people realize and recognize that if it were not for Dr. King and those who fought the fight fought in that movement, we would not be celebrating this presidency.” She stressed her father’s commitment to nonviolence, saying that after the 1956 bombing of the family’s home in Montgomery, Ala., her father stood on the porch and urged an angry, armed crowd to fight with Christian love — not guns. “This apostle of nonviolence perhaps introduced one of the bravest experiences of gun control that we’ve ever heard of in the history of our nation,” she said. The service also kicked off a year of celebrations of the 50th anniversary of King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, delivered Aug. 28, 1963, in Washington. Students led by King’s great-niece Farris Christine Watkins delivered sections of the speech in turn. By the end, the crowd was on its feet, shouting, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” The keynote speaker was the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, a socially conservative evangelical association. It marked the first time a Latino had been invited to deliver the King Day address at Ebenezer Baptist. He urged the audience to complete King’s dream. “Silence is not an option when 30 million of our brothers and sisters live in poverty,” he said. “Silence is not an option when 11 million undocumented individuals continue to live in the shadows.” Around the country, parades, service projects and memorials marked the holiday. Visitors from as far as Europe thronged the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. In Detroit, students beautified schools. Others painted murals honoring King in Arkansas, donated items to a food bank in Texas, and conducted a community health fair in Pennsylvania. More than 500 people rallied outside the Alabama Capitol in Montgomery, where state employee Jessie Harris declared Obama’s presidency was a sign of progress in “living the dream” that King spoke about. “We have come far, but the struggle is not over,” Harris said. President Barack Obama kisses first lady Michelle Obama during their dance at the Commander-in-Chief Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center during the 57th Presiden(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) tial Inauguration on Monday, Jan. 21, 2013, in Washington. CARS FOR RENT Reasonable Rates for Federal and Military per diem Daily / Weekly / Monthly Car Rental TURTLE & SHARK LODGE Village of Vaitogi Tutuila American Samoa Please inquire at 684-699-3131 or [email protected] REVIVAL! REVIVAL! REVIVAL! CALVARY TEMPLE A.O.G. Lepuapua, Am. Samoa Jan 21, 22, 23, 24 & 25 Time: 6 p.m. • REVIVAL TIME CHOIR • STRINGS OF PSALM OCHESTRA Come One! Come All! TO HEAR GOD’S WORDS! Pastor Kiki Taulapapa (Australia) Pastor Siaosi I. 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Haleck, who will be the acting Chairman of the Board for the new bank, said the bank will open in the second half of 2013 if the necessary funds can be raised and federal approval is granted. He said the federal review process is lengthy and strict, especially in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. In order to meet the stringent FDIC requirements, the new bank will need to raise in excess of $10 million in equity capital, a significant portion of which must come from local investors and investors with close ties to American Samoa. “We have spoken with about 20 local businesspeople to gauge their interest in investing in a local bank. Based on the response, we are confident that we can raise the funds needed,” Haleck said. “In the near future, we will provide residents of American Samoa the opportunity to purchase shares in the bank.” Ti’otala Lewis Wolman has joined the Community Bank (IO) team and will be responsible for communicating with investors, government officials, the private sector and the public. Wolman, former Samoa News publisher and co-CEO of Blue Sky, said the FDIC wants to see evidence that the community supports creation of Community Bank (IO) and he will therefore be meeting with stakeholders throughout the territory to explain the group’s plans and obtain expressions of moral and financial support. “Community Bank (IO) needs the support of everyone in American Samoa, especially the individuals, families, and businesses who have prospered here and want to ensure a bright future for their family, friends and customers. “This bank won’t belong to Dave Haleck,” Wolman said. “Although Dave is the originator and driving force for this initiative, the bank needs widespread support from many others in the community.” Haleck will be a major shareholder and the initial board chairperson. As chair, Haleck will ensure that Community Bank (IO) treats its customers with the respect they deserve and provides the banking services they need. FOLLOWING IN TE’O ANNESLEY’S FOOTSTEPS The Haleck family, led by Dave’s parents Otto and Dorothy Haleck, was an initial shareholder in Amerika Samoa Bank (ASB), which opened its doors in 1979 after local businessman Te’o Gus Annesley spearheaded efforts for local residents to invest in their own bank. According to the Annesley family, Te’o worked to launch ASB after becoming frustrated with how locals were treated by the commercial bank then operating here. Te’o Annesley believed that a bank owned and patronized by locals would better understand and respond to the unique challenges of our island economy, and would stick with the community through good days and bad. Avamua Haleck said Te’o’s belief is as valid now as it was 35 years ago. And just as Te’o Annesley offered shares in Amerika Samoa Bank to the general public in the 1970’s, Community Bank will offer shares to the general public in the near future. Haleck said he was proud to announce that the Te’o and Vera Annesley family is among the first to confirm its intention to invest in Community Bank (IO). [Te’o Annesley passed away in 1981; the Annesley family is the owner of the Samoa News.] OPTIMISTIC ABOUT THE BANK’S PROSPECTS While acknowledging the poor state of the local economy at present, Avamua said the new bank’s business plan is based on very conservative assumptions, and the group’s feasibility analysis shows a reasonable expectation for profitability even after factoring in a slow economic recovery. Avamua said he is confident that American Samoa’s economy will improve soon due to the new administration’s emphasis on promoting economic development and encouraging new businesses and higher private sector employment. Haleck, who oversees wide-ranging business interests in American Samoa and Samoa, said he and his family firmly believe: “Better days are ahead for American Samoa. We are investing our money to make that belief a reality, and I encourage others to do the same.” ➧ Te’o not alone in wishful thinking… Continued from page 7 with leukemia. Te’o and his family provided them with plenty of stories about the relationship, and no one figured out it was fiction until broke that news this past week. In his first interview since, Te’o told ESPN he had lied to his father about having met Kekua. To cover that up, he apparently lied to everyone else. “That goes back to what I did with my dad. I knew that. I even knew that it was crazy that I was with somebody that I didn’t meet,” Te’o said during the off-camera interview Friday. “So I kind of tailored my stories to have people think that, yeah, he met her before she passed away.” The fact is that many people don’t like to admit that they find love online, let alone that they might be misled by someone they’ve met that way. For a young woman in Chicago, it started last February when a potential love interest responded to a personal ad she’d posted in the Craigslist “W4M” section. They communicated for several months online, first by email, and then instant messaging and then online voice chat. She sent him her photo. He delayed sending his, again and again, and put off meeting in person. He wasn’t ready, he told her. It bothered her, but she was so taken with the ease and intimacy of their long, daily conversations — about their lives and their jobs, their family and friends, even sex. After this went on for eight months, he abruptly deleted his email and Yahoo Messenger accounts, the only means she’d had to reach him. She didn’t even know his last name and wouldn’t know him if he passed her on the street. “It all sounds ridiculous when you’re not immersed in the situation, but when you are, it’s incredibly easy to get sucked in and not want out,” said the 23-year-old, a young professional who shared her story on the condition of anonymity, still hesitant to admit how truly heartbroken she was over a person she’d never met in person. Te’o offered similar details Friday, telling ESPN he never met Kekua face-to-face and when he tried to speak with her via Skype and video phone calls, the picture was blocked. Still, he said he didn’t figure out the ruse. After he was told Kekua had died of leukemia in early September, Te’o admitted he misled the public about the nature of the “relationship” because he was uncomfortable saying it was purely an electronic romance. Skeptics remain, including some young adults accustomed to making connections on the Internet and by text message. “Maybe I’d be more inclined to buy it if he was an everyday ‘Joe Schmoe,’ but with his fame, I can’t imagine it happening,” said Jennifer Marcus, a 26-year-old New Yorker who blogs about dating and other topics. “To me it seems like he did it for sympathy, or maybe has a few screws loose like a ton of people in this world. People go to great lengths to fit in.” For the 23-year-old Chicagoan, her experience online hasn’t led her to swear off using Craigslist and the OkCupid website to find dates. She has, however, started heeding the red flags she once ignored, she says, and cuts off communication with anyone who won’t meet with her in person. “I don’t want my time wasted again with someone who isn’t willing to give the same amount of transparency and availability that I am,” she said. “I’m planning a third date with someone who is very much the person he claimed to be.” samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Page 15 Where it’s at in American Samoa SAMOA AUTOMOTIVE TIRE SALE TOE NOFO SAUNI AMERIKA SAMOA MO LE AFA O GARRY — Se vaaiga i ni isi o pisinisi ua maea ona puipui i laupapa, ao sauni ai le atunuu e faafeiloai le afå o Garry lea ua faamoe[ata: AF] moe e taunuu mai i le atunuu i le taeao nei, e pei ona taua i ripoti o le tau. ➧ Lolo replaces immigration officials… Continued from page 1 tion officials “to afford the opportunity to implement required mitigation strategies.” He said he is “highly confident” that the new chief immigration officer “possesses the leadership and management skills to improve the integrity of this important agency” of ASG and the assistance of the other two newly appointed individuals, “will improve the capacity of the office to implement needed mitigation actions.” Lolo acknowledged statutory authority which grants the attorney general specific powers by the governor to appoint the chief immigration officer. “...nevertheless this issue is a politically sensitive issue which necessitated the appointment of individuals I trust will do a good job resolving the public complaints questioning the integrity of this [immigration] office,” he wrote. “I look forward to seeing the prompt resolution of our current challenges and it is my hope that new policies will be established to preempt fraudulent behavior from being repeated in the future,” he said. “As I have impressed upon you, the commitment of this administration is to transparency and total accountability.” Lolo also says that he is in the process of reconstituting the Immigration Board and “will appoint business and community leaders whose personal characters and integrity are beyond reproach.” He said a memo will be issued soon appointing a new board. Under local law, the Immigration Board, consists of five at-large members, who are U.S nationals of American Samoan ancestry. They are appointed by the Governor with the consent and approval of the Legislature. They are to serve 5- year terms, but for no more than two consecutive terms. Members are to serve on the Board until a successor is approved; and shall elect their own chairperson annually. Lolo revealed in his State of the Territory Address last Monday that he has instructed the Attorney General to redefine all immigration policies, not only to streamline the process, but also to stop immediately all illegal practices which are severely diluting the composition of our population with the majority composed of undocumented immigrants. He also said the Immigration Board would be reconstituted with instructions to the new board to develop polices to govern its activities and to ensure strict adherence to existing immigration laws. BACKGROUND In January 2010, The Immigration Office was the subject of raids at its main immigration office located in the EOB building and its office at Pago Pago International Airport. They reportedly carted off large plastic bins and a cabinet filled with immigration documents. The raids were conducted by about 20 local law enforcement agents, including one FBI agent, and were seeking evidence of human trafficking in a case that could involve victims from China, the Philippines and South Korea, authorities said. The Immigration Office is suspected of helping to illegally bring Asians into the South Pacific territory through neighboring Samoa, Lieutenant John Cendrowski of the Office of Territorial and International Criminal Intelligence and Drug Enforcement said in a search warrant that was executed on Thursday. To date, no charges have been filed in this case. In December 2012, a local immigration officer was arrested in connection with an immigration ID scam, involving two Chinese nationals and a Samoan woman. The two Chinese women told police they were not aware that their immigration IDs were fake. The pair, who have not been not charged, are expected to be witnesses for the government if the case proceeds to a trial. ➧ Garry: A blow for the MLK holiday… Continued from page 1 “The storm continues to intensify” as it moves near the territory, said Mase. A storm warning was in effect for the Manu’a island and a gale wind warning for the rest of the territory. A resident of Faleasao village reached by phone from Tutuila said their village mayor walked the village after 1p.m. yesterday to alert residents to start preparations as the storm was heading towards American Samoa. “Since then people have been boarding up their homes, buying necessary items such as canned food, chips and bottled water,” said the female resident, who asked not be identified by name. A resident on Ofu island said winds didn’t start picking up until around 4p.m. and residents were making preparation for high winds. None of the radio stations from Tutuila are heard in Manu’a so residents depend on their families on Tutuila as well as their own village mayor for weather information. Certain areas of Manu’a pick up the KVZK-TV telecasts from Tutuila. d hiel s d Win Stock in ALL SIZES NEW & USED New 19.5 Tires $250 We Buy & Sell 699-4458 699-5878 Used Cars & Trucks 699-2839 CHEAPEST TALO TONGA, TALO PALAGI & TAAMU ON ISLAND!!!! MELIE MEI LANGI TRADING would like to advise the general public, retail stores, restaurants and fast food places that we are now conveniently located at Litani Ahoia’s Commercial Complex in Nuuuli. Hours of operation: • Monday to Friday: 10am to 5pm • Saturday 6pm to 10pm • Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed For further detail information, please contact our friendly staff at 731-3662. Our container of TALO TONGA, TALO PALAGI and TAAMU has arrived and sale has begun. HURRY IN WHILE STOCK LASTS!! Salon Sophia Let us get you looking and COME IN FOR A WHOLE NEW LOOK! NEW CHEMICAL SERVICES ARRIVALS feeling your best. Blow Dryers, Curling Irons, Highlights, Perms, Straightening, Color, ect. Plus Straighteners, many more Items! Call us at 699-4091 or 258-6188 • Located in Nu’uuli ISLAND BREEZE PURIFIED WATER Refill 1 GALLON - 5 GALLON Fagaalu across from Matafao Ele. School Tel: 633-7038 or 633-7685 5 Gal. delivered to your home, business or office! Page 16 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 ➧ Obama takes 2nd oath… Continued from page 9 President Barack Obama hugs daughter Malia as first lady Michelle Obama and daughter Malia watch after Obama was officially sworn-in by Chief Justice John Roberts, not pictured, in the Blue Room of the White House during the 57th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, (AP Photo/Larry Downing, Pool) Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013. In his brief, 18-minute speech, Obama did not dwell on the most pressing challenges of the past four years. He barely mentioned the struggle to reduce the federal deficit, a fight that has occupied much of his and Congress’ time and promises the same in months to come. He spoke up for the poor — “Our country cannot succeed when a shrinking few do very well and a growing many barely make it” — and for those on the next-higher rung — “We believe that America’s prosperity must rest upon the broad shoulders of a rising middle class.” The second reference echoed his calls from the presidential campaign that catapulted him to re-election “A decade of war is now ending. An economic recovery has begun,” said the president who presided over the end to the U.S. combat role in Iraq, set a timetable for doing the same in Afghanistan and took office when the worst recession in decades was still deepening. “We will support democracy from Asia to Africa, from the Americas to the Middle East, because our interests and our conscience compel us to act on behalf of those who long for freedom,” he said in a relatively brief reference to foreign policy. The former community organizer made it clear he views government as an engine of progress. While that was far from surprising for a Democrat, his emphasis on the need to combat global climate change was unexpected, as was his firm new declaration of support for full gay rights. In a jab at climate-change doubters, he said, “Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires and crippling drought and more powerful storms.” He said America must lead in the transition to sustainable energy resources. He likened the struggle for gay rights to earlier crusades for women’s suffrage and racial equality. “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law — for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well,” said the president, who waited until his campaign for re-election last year to announce his support for gay marriage. His speech hinted only barely at issues likely to spark opposition from Republicans who hold power in the House. He defended Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security as programs that “do not make us a nation of takers; they free is to take the risks that made this country great.” He referred briefly to making “the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit,” a rhetorical bow to a looming debate in which Republicans are seeking spending cuts in health care programs to slow the rise in a $16.4 trillion national debt. He also cited a need for legislation to ease access to voting, an issue of particular concern to minority groups, and to immigration reform and gun-control legislation that he is expected to go into at length in his State of the Union speech on Feb. 12. But his speech was less a list of legislative proposals than a plea for tackling challenges. “We must act, knowing that our work will be imperfect,” he said, and today’s “victories will only be partial.” There was some official business conducted during the day. Moments after being sworn in, the president signed nomination papers for four new appointees to his Cabinet, Sen. John Kerry for secretary of state, White House chief of staff Jacob Lew to be treasury secretary, former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel for defense secretary and White House adviser John Brennan to head the CIA. C M Y K C M Y K Lali Le tusia Ausage Fausia C M Y K C M Y K SAUNI FONO E TOE ILOILO LE PAKETI A LE ASPA Ua i ai le finagalo o taitai o le Fono Faitulafono, o le a latou toe iloiloina le tulaga o le Paketi a le Faalapotopotoga o le Eletise ma le Suavai (ASPA) ao lei maea le masina lenei, lea e atoa i ai masina e fa o le paketi sa tuuina atu e le Fono mo le ASPA, e faatautai ai galuega mo le kuata muamua o le Tausaga Tupe 2013. I luma o le Maota o Sui i le vaiaso nei, na fesiligia ai e le alii faipule ia Larry Sanitoa le Fofoga Fetalai, po o i ai se fuafuaga a le Fono e toe iloilo le paketi a le ASPA ina ia mautinoa e sologa lelei pea le faatinoga o tautua a le ASPA mo le atunuu. Saunoa Sanitoa e faapea, e taua tele le silafia e afioga i sui mamalu o le maota o le tulaga o lo o taoto ai gaioiga a le ASPA mo lenei tausaga, aemaise ai foi o lea ua maea ona tofia le Komiti Faafoe fou e faatautaia galuega a le ASPA. I luma o le maota maualuga na saunoa ai le alii Peresetene o le Senate e faapea, ua maea ona tuuina atu le tusi i le komiti faafoe fou a le ASPA ina ia sauni mai i le fono mo le talanoaina o le tulaga o le paketi. Na taua e Gaoteote Palaie Tofau e faapea, ua maea ona ia faailoa i le Komiti Faafoe a le ASPA ua tofia nei, e na o le 4 masina o le paketi sa tuuina atu e faatinoina ai galuega a le ASPA mo le tausaga tupe lenei. E lei faamautuina mai se aso e feiloai ai le Fono ma le pulega fou a le ASPA mo le talanoaina o le latou paketi. AMATA ILOILOGA A LE FONO I TOFIGA A LE ALII KOVANA O le aso a taeao lea ua faatulaga e amataina ai iloiloga a maota e lua mo tofiga a le kovana i Faatonusili o Ofisa ma Matagaluega a le malo. E 7 tofiga a le afioga i le kovana sili ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga ua taunuu i luma o le Fono, ma o tofiga foi nei ua sauni le Fono e fesiligia. I le maota o sui, o le itula e 8:30 i le aso a taeao o le a iloilo ai e le Komiti o Aoga/Sikolasipi o lo o taitai ai Vaetasi Tuumolimoli Moliga tofiga mo Dr. Salu Hunkin-Finau e avea ma Faatonusili o Aoga. O le aso Tofi i le 8:30 o le a iloilo ai e le komiti o le Faagaioiga o le malo o lo o taitai ai Faimealele Anthony Allen tofiga mo Le’i Sonny Thompson e avea ma Faaatonusili o le Matagaluega o Tagata Faigaluega a le malo; a’o le itula e 11:00 e iloilo ai e le komiti o Sailiga o Alamanuia o lo o taitai ai Fatulegaee Mauga tofiga mo Falema’o Phil Pili e avea ma Teutupe a le malo. O le aso Faraile i le 8:30 i le taeao ua faamoemoe e fesiligia ai e le komiti o le Faagaioiga o le malo o lo o taitai ai Faimealelei, tofiga mo Dr. Ruth Matagi-Tofiga e avea ma Faatonusili o le Matagaluega o Alamanuia o le Vaomatua ma le Sami. Ae mo le maota maualuga, o le aso a taeao i le 8:00 e fesiligia ai tofiga a le kovana mo le Teutupe, sosoo ai ma le iloiloga o le Faatonusili o aoga i le itula e 9:00. O le aso Tofi e iloilo ai tofiga mo le tofa Le’i i le itula e 8:00, a’o le 9:00 e iloilo ai tofiga mo Dr. Claire Poumele e avea ma Faatonusili o le Pulega o Uafu ma Taulaga, ma faaiu ai loa i le aso Faraile i iloiloga mo Dr. Ruth, o le Komesina filifilia o Leoleo ia William Haleck ma Utualii Iuniasolua Savusa i le tofi Faatonusili o le Matagaluega o le Puipuiga o le Saogalemu Lotoifale. SAUNI FAIPULE FESILIGIA PULE O GALUEGA TULAGA FAALETONU O AUALA O le uluai iloiloga talu ona tatala le tauaofiaga a le fono faitulafono, o le a fesiligia ai e le komiti o Galuega Lautele a le maota o sui le Faatonusili tofia o le Matagaluega o Galuega a le malo, i le tulaga o lo o i ai auala i vaega taitasi o le atunuu. O lea iloiloga na faatulagaa i le maea ai lea ona faaleo e ni isi o afioga i faipule o faasea i luma o le maota, i le tulaga pagatia ua i ai auala i le atunuu, aemaise ai foi o le fia malamalama i le tulaga ua oo i ai galuega o lo o faatupe mai e le feterale ua maea ona faataoto e le matagaluega talu mai le tele o tausaga ua mavae. I le tofia ai e le alii kovana o Faleosina Voight lea ua tele tausaga o avea ma sui faatonusili o le matagaluega e avea ma Faatonusili, ua manatu ai afioga i faipule, o se avanoa lelei lenei e faafofoga ai le komiti i se molimau a Faleosina i le tulaga o lo o i ai auala i le atunuu. Ae mo le iloiloga sa tau fuafua a le Senate i le mataupu lava iauala, ua toe tolopo sei maea le iloiloina o tofiga a le kovana i le faatonu filifilia ona faatoa faataunuuina lea. Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Page 17 Le fale lea na poloina e le alii kovana le Faatonu filifilia o le Matagaluega o Galuega a le malo, ina ia tala i lalo i se vaitaimi lata mai. Saunoa le alii kovana, o le isi lea auala o lo o faatuai ai le atina’e o turisi i le atunuu, ona o vaaiga le manuia nei o lo o fai ma taulaiga o le vaai a tagata o [ata: AF] lo o malaga maimoa mai i le teritori. Taula’i Faigamalo fou i auala e faaleleia ai le tamaoaiga FILIFILIA KENISELI LAFAELE AVEA MA FAATONUSILI FEFAATAUAIGA MA ALAMANUIA tusia Ausage Fausia O le faaopoopoina o galuega i le teritori, o le itu lea ua manatu Kovana Lolo Matalasi Moliga ma le Lutena Kovana ia Lemanu Peleti Mauga, o le a ave i ai la laua faamuamua mo le faaleleia o le tamaoaiga, ina ua laua talitonu, o le fatu lea o le manuia o aiga ma pisinisi i le atunuu. Na taua e le alii kovana e faapea, “E le mafai ona tupu le tamaoaiga pe afai e leai ni tupe e maua e tagata e faatino o latou manaoga,” ma ia taua ai se tasi o a laua faanaunauga, o le galulue faatasi ma pisinisi tumaoti i le atina’eina o avanoa faigaluega mo le atunuu. O fuafuaga foi ia na taumafai i ai le alii kovana ua maea atu, peitai e lei manuia se isi vaega o lea fuafuaga ina ua tapuni le kamupani i’a o le Samoa Packing i le 2009, ma faaopoopo ai le aofai o tagata e leai ni galuega i le teritori, e ui na toe suia ina ua maua galuega i polokalama na faatupe mai e le feterale ina ua tuana’i le galulolo i le 2009. O le faataunuuina o ia moemitiga, ua manatu ai Lolo e toe faatulaga tiute tauave a le Matagaluega o Fefaatauaiga ma Alamanuia, ina ia taula’i i le atina’eina o pisinisi ma le tamaoaiga. O le vaiaso nei na faalauiloa ai e Lolo lona filifilia o Keniseli Faalupe Lafaele e avea ma Faatonusili o lea Matagaluega. O ni isi o taumafaiga e unaia ai le tamaoaiga o le atunuu, o le vaavaai lea i atina’e e pei o turisi ma faalelei pisinisi lotoifale, e pei ona manatu i ai ni isi o le aufai pisinisi i le atunuu. I le faauuga o alii mautofi i le vaiaso na tea nei, na faalauiloa ai e Lolo lona faatonuina o le Faatonusili tofia o le Matagaluega o Galuega Lautele a le malo, ina ia fai se fuafuaga i le fale tuai o lo o i ai nei i Pago Pago, le Chinatown hall, ona o le isi lea auala o lo o taofia ai le toatele o turisi e agai mai e fia maimoa i Amerika Samoa, ona o ituaiga vaaiga faapenei. I le naunau ai o le Fono Faitulafono latou te fia iloa le tulaga o lo o i ai le tamaoaiga o le atunuu i le taimi nei, ua talosagaina ai e le afioga i le alii faipule ia Larry Sanitoa le komiti o le Paketi a le maota, mo se avanoa e maua mai ai ni ripoti o galuega a le malo mo le kuata fa o le tausaga tupe ua maea atu, atoa ai ma se ripoti i tupe maua a le malo mo le kuata muamua o le tausaga tupe lenei o le a mae’a. Na taua e Sanitoa e faapea, o le taua o le tulaga lea e mafai ai ona malamalama le tino i le ituaiga malosi o lo o i ai le tamaoaiga o le atunuu. E toatele ni isi o le atunuu sa o latou talosagaina le alii kovana ua mavae atu Togiola Tulafono i luga o lana polokalame i faaiuga o vaiaso, ina ia fai se fuafuaga e tatala ai i lalo le fale lea, ona ua mataga ma foliga le manaia i totonu o le taulaga. Sa maitauina e le Samoa News i ni isi o taimi e ulufale mai ai vaa meli e malaga mai ai turisi i le atunuu, le toatele o turisi latou te pu’eina ata o le fale. Saunoa Lolo, o le atina’e o turisi, o le isi lea alagatupe malosi mo le tamaoaiga o le teritori, pe afai e lelei ona atina’e ma fuafua lelei. O le masina nei lea ua amata faagasolo ai le faatutumuina o pepa mo avanoa faigaluega i le kamupani i’a o le StarKist Samoa, ma ua toatele le atunuu ua lolofi atu i ai mo le sailia o ni a latou galuega. Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] Page 18 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Where it’s at in American Samoa 3250 Airport Road Pago Pago AS 96799 DAILY RATES WEEKLY RATES MONTHLY RATES CALL NOW! Sualua’s Cafe Open for BREAKFAST, LUNCH & DINNER Catering and Delivery services available 6:30am - 9pm • Call: 633-2399 Island Funeral Services in Nu’uuli “Lean on Us in Your Time of Need” FOR ALL YOUR FUNERAL NEEDS!!! 24 Hour Services Office: Fax: Home: Mobile: 699-2384 699-2108 699-6803 733-3201 GET YOUR TSHIRTS PRINTED AT TUFUGA PRINTSHOP Email: [email protected] cell: 258-0772 LOCATED AT LEONE O se va’aiga i le fa’afanua o Amerika ma o setete e lanu efuefu, e iloa ai setete e le o gaua’i i le a’oa’oga a le Common Core - e aofia ai Texas ma Alaska. Ua fa’ailoa mai e Cox, “O Texas ua leva ona suia e i latou le latou ala o a’oa’oga, e matua maualuluga lava togi o fanau i lea setete talu ai le latou polokalama ua leva ona fa’atautaia, a’o Alaska ua matua tutusa lelei le latou polokalama ua loa fo’i ona fa’atautaia, ae ua fa’ailogaina e i latou o le Alaskan System!” O setete ia e tele na’ua [ata: Leua Aiono Frost] le tupe e fa’aaoga mo latou polokalama o a’oa’oga, ona e tele ai fo’i le suau’u. Si’itia Tulaga o A’oga i Amerika! tusia: Leua Aiono Frost Lea ua mafuli le Matagaluega o A’oga ina ia auai Amerika Samoa i le 46 setete ma teritori o Amerika ua so’ofa’atasi ia laugatasia i latou i le ituaiga o fa’atulagaga o A’oga a le fanau mai le Level k5 - Level 12. Ua fa’aatoatoa fo’i i ai le taumafaiga a Amerika Samoa e mulimulita’ia lea faiga e mautinoa ai, po’o fea lava le setete e fia auai i ai lou alo i Amerika, o lo’o soso’o pea a latou a’oa’oga i mea sa tu’ua ai a’oga i’inei. O se mea sili ona fa’afiafiaina ai le agaga o afioga i Kovana uma o le Iunaite Setete, aua o se latou i’ugafono ua ata mai, ma ua iloga fo’i e aoga tele mo le tupulaga o Amerika atoa, fa’atasi ai ma le toe si’itia o le tulaga o Amerika i le fa’asologa o A’oga i le lalolagi, lea e tulaga 21 ai le Iunaite Setete o Amerika. Na tula’i le ali’i Dean o Tamaiti A’oga i le Iunivesite o South Dakota, lea sa tofia fa’apitoa e auai i le vaega o i latou e su’esu’e auiliili le mafuaga o lo’o tulaga muamua ai Finland, tulaga lua Singapore i le maualuga o tulaga o le Numera o i ai a’oa’oga i nei atunu’u. Sa ia fa’ailoa ai mea nei: • E le so’ona tele mataupu e a’otauina ai fanauiti mai le vasega muamua ma le lua, ua na’o le ta’ilua lava, ae ia mautu ua malamalama i latou i nei mataupu. • Fa’ato’a a’oa’oina lava le valu o mataupu ile fanau ae ua o’o i le vasega lima. Pe afai ae va’ai ane i le fa’agasologa o le Numera i le tele o Setete o Amerika, e mafai ona matauina ai, e a’otauina lava le fanau i mea uma e valu mai le amataga o le olaga a’oa’oina se’ia o’o i le mae’a o le vasega 8, o se ‘ese’esega tele lea ua taumafai nei le Common Core e fa’ata’ita’i ai i le faiga i Finland, Singapore ma Korea lea e tulaga maualuluga i le numera i le lalolagi. O le fa’atautaiga o A’oga i Amerika e fa’aaoga ai le fa’atulagaga a le Comon Core, ua mautu ai le mau, ina ia gafatia uma e le fanau ona ulufale i Kolisi pe a mae’a a’oga maualuluga, ma ia gafatia fo’i e fanau ua pasi mai Kolisi ona maua tomai ma agava’a e faigaluega ai i’inei ma so’o se isi lava setete sa latou fa’aaogaina lea lava fa’atulagaga e a’oa’o ai fanau - Common Core! O le toe aso o lenei semina na fa’atautaia e Kathy Cox mai le Pulega Sili o le Common Core i Uosigitone, ma Rick Melmer mai South Dakota, sa faia lea ina ia fa’ailoa i matua ma sosaiete a Matua ma Faia’oga lea faiga fou, ma ua mafuli le 46 o setete ma teritori o Amerika e fa’aaoga mo a’oga a le fanau. “Ua le gata i fanau a’oga ia laugatasia le a’oa’oina mai level K5 se’ia o’o i A’oga maualuluga, ae ua fa’apea fo’i ona aoga tele i faia’oga, o le a tutusa lelei le fa’atulagaga o vasega i aso ta’itasi i le Igilisi, Numera ma le Saeanisi.” O se tala fiafia lea a Kathy i le fa’apotopotoga na auai o matua ma faia’oga ae maise o pule a’oga. O ai e fa’alagolago tele i ai lenei polokalama ia fa’atautaia ia matua aoga mo i tatou, e afua mai lea i le Pule a’oga ma Faia’oga aua ua mae’a saunoa le tama’ita’i fa’atonu sili, Salu Hunkin i lea taeao, “O ia te le agaga fiafia, e tatou te galulue fa’atasi ai mo lenei fa’amoemoe lelei, ma ua iloga mai, e faigofie atili ai ona si’itia le tomai ma agavaa i le olaga a’oa’oina ma ulufale i galuega o alo o le atunu’u atoa ae maise ai le Iunaite setete o Amerika.” E tele na’ua fa’amaumauga matagofie sa fa’ailoa ai e sui nei mai le ofisa autu o le Common Core sa malaga mai, e fa’amaonia ai le afuaga o le eseesega tele i le ala sa a’otauina ai alo o Amerika ma le faiga sa a’oa’o ai fanau i atunu’u ua tulaga muamua, lua ma le tolu i le lalolagi. Ua i ai fo’i ma le ala fou e fa’amaumau ai la’asaga uma e tusa o le tatou fa’atautaia o le Common Core mo tatou a’oa’oga, ma e ao ina leai se la’asaga e tasi e le fa’atinoina. Peita’i, ina ia su’ea le su’ega e fa’ailoa ai so tatou tulaga ua ausia talu ona ua fa’aaogaina e i tatou le Common Core, ua fa’atulaga e faia i le 2015. Atugalu Galea’i tulaga o lo o i ai olaga o aiga lima vaivai tusia Ausage Fausia samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Page 19 tusia Ausage Fausia TALIA FA’AMASINOGA TALI IOE A SE ALI’I FILIPAINA Ua mae’a ona ioe se alii Filipino i tu’uaiga o lona tagofia o itutino sa o se tamaitai sa la inupia faatasi, ae ua faaleaoga e le faamasinoga moliaga, i lona taumafai e tete’e atu i leoleo a’o latou taumafai e ave faapagota o ia. O lo o taofia pea Victor Liwan Tacloloy i le toese i Tafuna e faatali ai le aso lea ua faamoemoe e tuuina atu ai le faaiuga a alii faamasinoga e tusa ai o lana mataupu. O le afioga i le alii faamasino sili lagolago ia Lyle L. Richmond o lo o taulimaina le mataupu a le ua molia, i le lagolagosua a afioga i alii faamasino ia Mamea Sala Jr ma Muasau Tasina Tofili. IOE LAULU I TUUAIGA A LE MALO Na molia Lealofi Laulu i le moliaga mamafa o le faaoolima i le tulaga lua ma le faatupu vevesi i nofoaga faitele. Ae i lalo o le maliliega ua ia sainia ma le malo ma talia e le faamasinoga, ua ia tali ioe ai i le moliaga o le faaoolima i le tulaga tolu lea ua toe teuteu e le malo, ae solofua le moliaga o le faatupu vevesi i nofoaga faitele. I le tali ioe ai o Laulu, sa ia tautino ai i le faamasinoga e faapea, sa ia faaaoga se fagupia e ta ai foliga o le alii na aafia. O lo o taofia pea Laulu i le toese i Tafuna e faatali ai le aso 11 o Fepuari lea ua faamoemoe e lau ai lona faasalaga. FA’AMAONIA TUUAIGA FA’ASAGA IA JOVIAN TOLOA Ua ta’usala nei e le Faamasinoga Maualuga le alii o Jovian Toloa i le moliaga o le faaoolima i le tulaga lua, i le maea ai ona talia e le faamasinoga o le maliliega na sainia e le ua molia ma le malo, lea foi na tolaulau i luma o le faamasinoga i le vaiaso na tea nei. I le tausala ai e le faamasinoga o Toloa, ua faatulaga ai loa le lauina o lona faasalaga i le masina fou. O lo o taofia pea Toloa i le toese i Tafuna e faatali ai le tuuina atu o lona faasalaga i le masina fou. O le afioga i le alii faamasino sili ia Michael Kruse na taulimaina le mataupu a le ua molia, i le lagolagosua a afioga i alii faamasino ia Logoai Siaki ma Faamausili Pomele. O le vaaia o se vaega to’atele o ni isi o aiga o le atunu’u mai afioaga eseese o lo o nonofo i fale tau soosoo e puipui i atigi pusa ma nai laupapa, na taua ai e le afioga i le alii Senatoa mai Manu’a ia Galea’i Tuufuli e faapea, e le o ni meaola tagata nei e nonofo ai i nei ituaiga fale. O le alia’e ai o vaaiga faamomoi loto nei e pei ona saunoa le alii Senatoa i luma o le maota maualuga i le vaiaso nei, na talosagaina ai le Peresetene o le Senate ma le Fofoga Fetalai o le Maota o Sui, i se avanoa e faia ai sa latou talanoaga ma le Kovana Sili ma le Lutena Kovana, ina ia saili se auala e ofo atu ai e le malo ni fesoasoani mo aiga nei. Na taua e Galeai e faapea, i sana asiasiga i ni isi o afioaga o le atunuu, na ia molimauina ai tulaga faaletonu nei i fale o lo o nonofo ai ni isi o aiga. “E le o ni ituaiga fale nei e nonofo ai tagata Samoa po o ni tagata soifua fo’i,” o le saunoaga lea a Galea’i ao ia faamatala i luma o le Senate foliga o fale sa ia vaaia o lo o nonofo ai ni isi o aiga, e fausiaina i ni laupapa ma ni apa, ae fausia i pepa atigi pusa ma laupapa e maua mai i pisinisi. “E foliga mai o ni meaola tagata nei ma nei ituaiga fale e nonofo ai, ou te iloa foi e leai se isi o outou afioga i Senatoa e manao i sona aiga e nofo i ituaiga fale nei,” o le isi lea saunoaga a Galea’i. O se tasi o vaaiga faamomoi loto na taua e Galea’i i le vaaiga sa ia molimauina, o se tasi o fale e pei ona ia taua, e nonofo ai se ulugalii ma le la fanau, e le gata e leai se isi o le ulugalii e faigaluega, ae o lavalava foi e oofu ai tamaiti e mata’utia le leaga. “E mata’utia le tulaga na ou vaaia i lavalava o tamaiti, e oo foi i mea e momoe ai, e momoe i luga o le sofa e leai se fala poo se faamalu e fofola ai, ailoga e i ai se tagata ola o lo o soifua i lenei atunuu e fia oo i le ituaiga olaga lea,” o Galea’i lea. “O le tele lava o taimi tatou te talanoa ai i isi mataupu e faatatau i le malo ma lona atina’e, ae galo ai lava ia te i tatou tagata nei o lo o nonofo i fale e leai se isi o tatou e fia nofo ma ola ai,” o le isi lea saunoaga a Galea’i. E ui i tulaga pagatia e pei ona molimauina e le alii Senatoa, ae maualuga lona talitonuga o le faigamalo fou lea ua tulai mai a Lolo Matalasi Moliga ma Lemanu Peleti Mauga, o le a mafai ai ona maua se fesoasoani mo nai aiga nei, aua o le la manulauti foi lea, ia faamuamua tagata. Na faailoa e Galea’i i luma o le maota e faapea, e i ai vaega tupe mai le feterale (grants) sa ia faitau ai i le nusipepa, e mafai ona fesoasoani e fausia ai ni fale mo nai aiga nei, e pei o fale na fausia e le FEMA mo aiga na faaleagaina maota ma laoa i le galulolo. Mo se faataitaiga e pei ona saunoa Galea’i, afai e na o le $7,500 na faaaoga e le FEMA e fausia le fale e tasi mo aiga na aafia, lona uiga o le $436,000 lea e tuu atu e le Faletupe o Atina’e e fausia ai le fale o le tagata e toatasi i lalo o le polokalame na faatupe mai e le malo tele, e fiu e mafai ona maua ai fale e 50 mo aiga o lo o leaga fale e nonofo ai. Fesootai mai i le tusitala ia [email protected] T.K. TILO LIGHTHOUSE BIBLE COLLEGE “DEFENDING THE TRUTH” A NON-DENOMINATIONAL BIBLE COLLEGE Contact Phone #’s: Rachel Le’iato – 731-2884: 252-9103, 644-1573 Email: [email protected] 2013 SPRING SEMESTER SCHEDULE MONDAY 05:00 – 07:50 pm 05:00 – 07:50 pm TUESDAY 05:00 – 07:50 pm 05:00 – 07:50 pm THURSDAY 05:00 – 07:50 pm 05:00 – 07:50 pm FRIDAY 05:00 – 7:50 pm 05:00 – 7:50 pm COURSE NAME/# BOT 122 Old Testament Survey BPA 111 Foundations of Faith CREDITS 3 3 INSTRUCTOR Rev. Tele’a Ioane Mr. Ted Le’iato RM TBA TBA BNT 215 General Epistles BPR 333 Bible Prophecy 3 3 Rev. Filemoni Leau Rev. Dr. Jerry Jones TBA TBA BTH 260 Fruits & Gifts of the Spirit BTH 341 Spiritual Warfare 3 3 Rev. Dr. Fa’avaina Tilo Pastor Marylin Leau TBA TBA BCU 216 Bible History & Geography BPA 260 Awareness of Church Govt. 3 3 Mr. Niuinitone Tamaalii Rev. Dr. Rudolph Tilo TBA TBA * Registration and Orientation: Jan. 22, 2013 at Bible College HQ, Aua * Classes will begin on Thursday, Jan 24, 2013 * For applications & information please contact Racahel Le’iato @ 731-2884 Page 20 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Agelu a le Ali’i Tusia: Akenese Ilalio Zec Vaega: 88 Fa’atalofa atu i le mamalu o le atunu’u, ae maise o le au faitau i lenei taeao fou, taeao manino, taeao toto’a, ua alafa’i mai ai i le manuia i le alofa ma le agalelei o le Atua. Malo le soifua, malo foi le onosa’i i faiva a tiute o lo’o feagai ai i lenei aso, ae alo maia, o le a toe fa’aauau atu la tatou tala fa’asolo e pei ona masani ai. Ua fa’aauau pea le tala’iga o le fonotaga e pei ona fai nei e Agelu a le Ali’i, ma ua avea le le malilie o auauna fa’atuatua a le Atua i le tuli atu e Kapilielu o ana Agelu ma ala na o’o ai loa le manatu i le toeaina e sili ia pe a alu ma ia e tala’i le feiloaiga lenei, ma ua fa’apea loa ona fai. Na muamua lava ulufale Kapilielu i totonu o le afeafe o lo’o i ai le Au So’o o Peteru ma Paulo. I totonu o le Tusi Paia, o lo’o o tatou silafia uma ai le tala ina ua alu le faiva o le Asu So’o ma lo tatou Ali’I o Iesu Keriso. Ma ina ua alu le faiva lenei, ua sousou le sami, ma ua le mafai ai ona lafo le upega. O lea lava taimi o lo’o tofa Iesu i totonu o le va’a, ma e foliga mai e le o ano ane lava i le faiva lea o lo’o fai nei a Peteru ma nisi o ona au so’o. Ua va’ai atu le Au So’o o Iesu, o mea masei mea ia ua o’o mai, ua malualua le va’a ma ua toe titi a goto ifo i le sami. Ua lagona le fefe ma le popole o le Asu So’o i lea taimi, aua ua va’ai atu nei, ua sau lava e oti, ona o le agi malosi mai o le matagi ma ua sou tele ai le vasa. O lea na o latou fe’ei ane ai ia Iesu ina ia alofa ane ia i latou. Ua ala a’e Iesu i luga ma ua va’ai atu i le matata’u o lona Au So’o, ma ia fetalai atu, “O le a le mea ua outou matatau ai, ua pei outou o ni tagata ua leai ni fa’amoemoe.” Ua tula’i i luga Iesu ma fetalai atu i le matagi ma le sami ina ia fifilemu, ona fa’apea lava lea ona fai. Ua to’a filemu le matagi ma ua to’a fo’i peau fati o le sami. O tatou i lenei olaga o lo’o tatou ola ma soifua ai, e ‘ese le tele o sousou o le olaga, e ‘ese fo’i le feagai ‘ai solo o le matagi i mea uma lava o lo’o o tatou faia, peita’i, ia o tatou maua pea le to’a fimalie ma le loto tele, ma ia fa’aeaea o tatou ulu ma o tatou alaga atu i le Ali’I, aua o Ia o lo tatou papa ma lo tatou olataga. O le lu’i lea na tu’u mai e le Atua i le tagata soifua, o faigata, o puapuaga, o ma’i, o fita o le soifuaga nei, ina ia tofotofo ai i tatou po’o tumau lo tatou fa’atuatua ia te Ia i taimi uma. O nisi o i tatou a tutupu loa fa’alavelave ua fa’apea ifo, ua le alofa mai le Atua ia te a’u, o nisi a fai ua le maua le mea o lo’o mana’o i ai, ua fa’apea ifo, ua le toe manatu mai le Atua ia te a’u, ae ia tau mamao ma i tatou ia ituaiga manatu, aua o manatu na o le tagata, ae ia o tatou manatua pea, o ala o le Atua e fa’aleagaga, e le fa’aletino. O lona finagalo fo’i, e le o o tatou manatu ia. Tatou tutu fa’atasi ma o tatou fa’apea atu, le Atua e, o Oe lava o le Mataisau o mea uma lava, ia alofa ma fesoasoani mai i lo matou vaivai, ma ia fa’atupu teleina pea lo matou talitonu ma lo matou fa’atuatua ia te Oe, aua o Oe, o le Alefa ma le Omega, o Oe o le Amataga ma le Muta’aga o mea uma lava, Ia vi’ia pea Oe e fa’avavau, fa’avavau lava, Amene. A’o le i taunu’u atu Kapilielu i le fale o Peteru ma Paulo, na muamua lava fetu’una’i e Kapilielu pe fa’apefea ona ia momoli atu le feau taua e pei ona poloa’iga ai o ia e le Atua le Tama, ae ui lava i lea sa ta mau pea ia te ia, o lona malosi’aga e mai ia Ioeva lea. Na iloa mamao mai lava e le au so’o o le Atua le Alo le lele atu o le Agelu Fa’atuatua a le Atua le Tama, ma ua ifo to’ele nei Peteru ma Paulo i lea taimi, ae taofi atu e Kapilielu. “Fa’atali, ia oulua fa’alogo lelei mai lava ia te a’u, e to’atasi lava e te lua ifoifo ma auauna i ai, ua na o le Atua le Tama, o a’u, ua na o se auauna e pei lava o oulua, ua a la le na, na fiu lava le Atua le Alo e fa’atonu atu oulua e tu’utu’u le upega i le loloto, ae lua fetagofi lava velo i le papau, ia o lena ua atili ona papa’u ai lua fai’ai. Ia oulua manatua lelei lava le tulaga lena, e tasi lava le Atua e te lua ifoifo ma lua fa’aaloalo ma lua vivi’I I ai I aso uma ma taimi uma lava e o’o mai le fa’avavau, fa’avavau Amene E faia pea Riders pass a mural as they take part in a march honoring Martin Luther King Jr., Monday, Jan. 21, 2013, in San Antonio. The nation honored civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, the same day as it (AP Photo/Eric Gay) celebrated the inauguration of the first black president to his second term. C M Y K C M Y K NEWS in BRIEF barrack Obama stumbles on “states” during swearing in WASHINGTON (AP) — Chief Justice John Roberts got it right this time -- but President Barack Obama appeared to stumble over the word “states” during his ceremonial swearing in. In front of hundreds of thousands gathered to watch, Obama stammered briefly over “states” as he repeated back the words “the office of president of the United States.” Obama had already been officially sworn in for a second term on Sunday, in accordance with the Constitution, which requires presidential terms to begin on Jan. 20. In 2009, it was Roberts who famously flubbed Obama’s official swearing in. As a result of that mistake, Roberts and Obama repeated the presidential oath in a private ceremony to ensure there were no constitutional issues. Ex-President George H.W. Bush sends Obama regards HOUSTON (AP) — Former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, are congratulating President Barack Obama as he begins his second term. The 88-year-old former president issued a statement Monday saying, “Barbara and I send President and Mrs. Obama — and their wonderful girls — our best wishes and prayers on this historic day. May Almighty God bless them and our wonderful country over the next four years.” Bush was released a week ago from a Houston hospital where he was treated for nearly two months for a bronchitis-related cough and other health issues. He served two terms as Ronald Reagan’s vice president before he was elected in 1988 to his only term as the nation’s 41st president. He was inaugurated Jan. 20, 1989. Yemen: US drone strike kills 3 al-Qaida militants SANAA, Yemen (AP) — A U.S. drone airstrike on a vehicle Monday east of Yemen’s capital of Sanaa killed three suspected al-Qaida militants and wounded two others, according to security officials. The airstrike was the third to target al-Qaida militants in the area since Saturday and indicated an uptick in the U.S. military battle against the terror organization in Yemen. On Saturday, two U.S. drone strikes killed eight people, including two known al-Qaida militants, in Marib province. The security officials said the five targeted Monday were traveling in a pickup truck when it was hit in Marib, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) outside its main city with the same name. Two were killed on site, while another died hours later of his wounds, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media. Sao Paulo helicopter crash kills 1, injures 3 SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazilian authorities say a helicopter has crashed into a house in Sao Paulo, killing the pilot and injuring the three passengers, but not hurting anyone on the ground. It’s not clear what caused the Monday crash. A light rain was falling over most of Sao Paulo during the crash, but there were no reports of heavy downpours typical during the South American summer. A spokesman for Brazil’s air force says the aircraft that crashed was a Bell 206 helicopter that can carry up to seven passengers and a pilot. It was being operated by as an air taxi. Sao Paulo has one of the world’s largest private fleets of helicopters, used as a means of bypassing extremely congested roads. 12 people cited or arrested in SF after 49er’s win SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — San Francisco police say a dozen people have been cited or arrested following a celebration marking the win that sent the 49ers to the Super Bowl. Officer Gordon Shyy said Monday that nine of the 12 incidents in the city’s Mission District on Sunday involved public drunkenness. One person was arrested on an outstanding warrant, another for driving under the influence and a third for assault with a deadly weapon. The spontaneous gathering did not, however, spark the kind of vandalism that accompanied the San Francisco Giants’ World Series win in October. The 49ers claimed the NFC championship title in Atlanta on Sunday. Atlanta police reported that a Falcons fan was stabbed in the neck after getting into a fight with a 49ers fan following the game. Obama thanks troops at ball WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama has thanked the troops during an inaugural ball honoring the military, and says their nation is behind them. Obama appeared at the Commander in Chief Ball on Monday night and spoke to several troops in Afghanistan by teleconference. The crowd at the ball cheered the troops overseas. Obama told them the biggest cheer he got during his inaugural speech to the crowd on the National Mall was when he spoke about — quote — “the (Continued on page 21) ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… Continued from page 20 C M Y K C M Y K extraordinary men and women in uniform” who are keeping the country strong. He told them they should know that — quote — “You will be on our minds tonight and every single night until our mission in Afghanistan is completed.” He promised them they would get the equipment and support they need. Air Force sending two B-2 stealth bombers to Guam JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR HICKAM, Hawaii (AP) — Two B-2 stealth bombers based in Missouri will deploy to Guam late this month to maintain the U.S. strategic bomber presence in the region. The planes from the 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri will temporarily operate out of Andersen Air Force Base in the U.S. territory. Pacific Air Forces said in a statement Friday the deployment will allow airmen to become familiar with operating in the Pacific. The U.S. military started rotating bombers to Guam in 2004. Doing so allowed the military to compensate for the diversion to the Middle East of U.S. forces assigned to Asia and the Pacific. The military has also rotated the B-1 and B-52 bombers to Guam. Report: Strong quake kills one in Indonesia JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A strong, shallow earthquake has rocked parts of western Indonesia, reportedly killing a young girl. The quake with a preliminary magnitude of 5.9 hit Aceh province around dawn on Tuesday. Local media said it was felt strongly in the capital Banda Aceh and surrounding districts. Serambi newspaper and other local outlets reported that one girl was killed and several other people were injured. Aceh on the western tip of Sumatra Island is often rocked by earthquakes. In 2004, a monster temblor off its shores triggered a tsunami that killed 230,000 people across Asia. Most of the deaths were in Aceh. Calif. prison escapee caught after 17 years FONTANA, Calif. (AP) — Authorities say they have captured a 42-year-old man who had escaped from a California prison 17 years ago. Fontana police said Monday that Jose Ochoa was found late last week living in a basement at a home in nearby Colton. Ochoa didn’t have any form of identification but a fingerprint check revealed Ochoa’s identity. Police say Ochoa was convicted of possession of a controlled substance for sales and escaped from a state prison in Tulare County in 1996. Ochoa was arrested and taken to the California Institute for Men in Chino. ‘’Holy windfall”: Batmobile sells for $4.2 million LOS ANGELES (AP) — “Holy windfall, Batman!” The Batmobile just sold for $4.2 million. The original 19-foot-long black, bubble-topped car used in the 1960s “Batman” TV show sold at auction Saturday. The Barrett-Jackson Auction Co. in Scottsdale, Ariz., revealed the selling price but says the winning bidder has not been disclosed. The car’s owner — auto customizer George Barris, of Los Angeles — transformed a one-of-a-kind 1955 Lincoln Futura concept car into the sleek crime-fighting machine. It boasted lasers and a “Batphone” and could lay down smoke screens and oil slicks. The iconic car was used by Adam West who starred as the Caped Crusader and by Burt Ward, his sidekick Robin known for exclamations begin- ning with —”Holy.” Barris’ publicist says his client is pleased with the auction result. Canadian kills two in Philippine court, is shot dead MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A Canadian man facing charges of illegal possession of firearms opened fire in a Philippine courtroom Tuesday, killing two people and wounding a prosecutor before police fatally shot him, officials said. The suspect, John H. Pope, appeared in court in central Cebu city, where he resided, to face the charges when he pulled out a gun and shot a lawyer and a physician who filed a case against him, police said. He then fired at a prosecutor in the hallway of the building before responding police fatally wounded him, said Cebu police chief Mariano Natuel. Regional police director Marcelo Garbo said Pope ignored orders to surrender and tried to fire at police. Police said they were investigating Pope’s background. samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Page 21 Local media mentioned Pope in 2011, when he was held by police on charges of illegal possession of firearms. The same physician who was killed in Tuesday’s shooting accused Pope, his neighbor, of brandishing a weapon and threatening him and other residents in their condominium. Calif teen parents are suspected of cruelty to infant APPLE VALLEY, Calif. (AP) — Two teenage parents have been arrested on suspicion of child abuse after their 5-month-old girl was taken to a Southern California hospital with broken bones and weighed just 9 pounds. San Bernardino County sheriff’s officials said the infant suffered fractured ribs and limbs and was malnourished and dehydrated when she was brought to the hospital in Apple Valley on Thursday. Her 16-year-old mother was booked into a juvenile detention center for investigation of child abuse and willful cruelty to a child. Her 18-year-old father, Daniel William Wescott, was booked into jail for investigation of the same offenses. His bail was set at $100,000. Vegas officer, wife and son dead in murder-suicide LAS VEGAS (AP) — A Las Vegas police lieutenant, his wife and son are dead after an apparent double murder, suicide and arson at their home in Boulder City, authorities said Monday. Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie and other officials didn’t immediately identify the police officer or the family members, pending positive identification and the release of names by the Clark County coroner. “There was an incident today involving one if Metro’s lieutenants,” a somber Gillespie said in a 2 1/2-minute statement to reporters at a hastily called news conference. “Several bodies were discovered.” Coroner Michael Murphy said after investigators left the fire-charred home Monday afternoon that identifications would probably be made Tuesday. (Continued on page 22) Page 22 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… Continued from page 21 Afghans look at the Kabul traffic police headquarters buliding, unseen, which was attacked by militants in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Jan. 21, 2013. Police say a Taliban raid of the Kabul traffic police headquarters is over and that three police officers and at least five insurgents have been killed in the hours-long fighting. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq) ATTENTION!!! Island-Wide Territorial Spelling Bee will be held Wed., Feb 20, 2013. All Private & Public Schools must submit their winners’ names & pictures to Samoa News starting Tuesday, January 22, 2013 until Friday, February 13, 2013. Call 633-5599 for more information. Check Samoa News for Practice Dates. India gang-rape trial opens Thursday NEW DELHI (AP) — The trial of five men accused of the rape and murder of a student aboard a bus in New Delhi will begin Thursday and should have none of the long delays commonly associated with India’s justice system, a defense lawyer said after a brief hearing. Judge Yogesh Khanna denied a defense motion to make the proceedings public, ruling that the courtroom must remain closed because of the sensitive nature of the crime, said V.K. Anand, the lawyer for one of the defendants, Ram Singh. The extreme brutality of the attack has sparked weeks of protests and focused global attention on India’s rarely discussed crisis of violence against women. Monday’s hearing was the first since the case was moved to a new fast-track court set up specifically to handle such crimes. The five defendants’ faces were covered by woolen scarves as they arrived in the court, surrounded by a phalanx of police. A sixth suspect in the attack claims to be a juvenile and his case is being handled separately. Pirates seize oil tanker in Ivory Coast ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (AP) — Armed men have hijacked a tanker carrying 5,000 tons of jet fuel from an Ivory Coast port and taken it off the coast of Ghana, though its precise whereabouts are unknown, government authorities and maritime officials said Monday. The Panamanian-flagged vessel ITRI was first seized Wednesday as the tanker was preparing to deposit the Jet A1 fuel at the port of Abidjan, Ivory Coast’s commercial capital, according to a statement Monday from Ivory Coast’s government — its first communication on the case. It said officials had located the vessel off neighboring Ghana, without specifying. Shipowner Brila Energy, a petroleum distributor based in Nigeria, said it was monitoring the situation. Man cited for riding camel at Sundance PARK CITY, Utah (AP) — Police cited a man for riding a camel and obstructing traffic in Park City, Utah, as attendees of the Sundance Film Festival packed the town. Jason Andreozzi was promoting a movie he directed that didn’t make it into the festival lineup. Park City police cited Andreozzi for riding the camel along Park Avenue and Main Street on Friday afternoon. Police say they also gave him a warning about distributing flyers. Andreozzi says he wasn’t impeding traffic while riding the camel, and he says he wasn’t handing out flyers. Andreozzi’s film looks at Egypt during the Arab Spring, and he says he chose a camel because people identify the animal with the country. The Sundance Film Festival began last Thursday and continues through Jan. 27. Kim Dotcom’s Mega site struggles under mega demand SYDNEY (AP) — Indicted Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom admits his new file-sharing site is struggling to keep up with massive demand. Dotcom launched the “Mega” site with a lavish party on Sunday, the anniversary of his arrest on racketeering charges related to his now-shuttered Megaupload. Dotcom says 500,000 users registered for Mega within 14 hours. On Tuesday, Dotcom apologized on Twitter for “poor service” and said the launch party — which featured a reenactment of last year’s police raid on his mansion — led to huge publicity and huge demand. Dotcom tweeted: “Lesson learned... No fancy launch event for Megabox.” Dotcom plans to launch his Megabox music service in about six months. U.S. prosecutors accuse Dotcom of facilitating massive online piracy with Megaupload. Dotcom says he’s innocent and remains free on bail. Official: turnout above 800K, maybe 1M WASHINGTON (AP) — An inauguration planning official says turnout was “definitely above 800,000” and possibly up to one million people. Chris Geldart, who directs the District of Columbia’s homeland security and emergency management agency, says early and unofficial estimates of the number of people on the National Mall indicate a turnout higher than 800,000. That’s based on aerial views of how the crowd filled sections of the mall. Officials initially anticipated as many as 800,000 visitors, but lowered the projections to 500,000 to 700,000, based partly on an updated number of charter buses and restaurant and hotel reservations. But Geldart, who’s also co-chairman of the district’s presidential inaugural committee, said the event benefited from relatively mild weather. About 1.8 million people attended President Barack Obama’s first swearing-in in 2009. (Continued on page 23) samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 Page 23 ➧ NEWS IN BRIEF… Continued from page 22 Governor attends funeral for fallen police officer ROSEVILLE, Calif. (AP) — California Gov. Jerry Brown joined hundreds of law enforcement officers from around the state Monday in honoring a Sacramento-area police officer who was killed in the line of duty last week. Funeral services were held in Monday for Kevin Tonn, a K-9 unit officer with the Galt Police Department. Tonn, 35, died Tuesday after he was shot while trying to question a potential burglary suspect. The alleged gunman, Humphrey Kenneth Gascon Jr., 30, turned out not to have been involved in the duplex burglary, but Sacramento County authorities said he turned his gun on himself after slaying Tonn and shooting at another officer. A motive hasn’t been disclosed. trains crash head-on, 41 people injured VIENNA (AP) — Two trains packed with morning commuters crashed head-on Monday on Vienna’s outskirts after a state railway employee apparently forgot to activate a signal. Railway officials said 41 people were injured, five seriously. A statement from OBB, Austria’s state railway, said initial investigations show that a supervisor neglected to trip a signal after manually activating a rail switch. The switch usually works automatically and sets off the signal but was stuck due to snow and ice. The accident occurred with the two trains heading in opposite directions on a single set of tracks. The signal would have normally warned one of them to wait on another set of tracks until the other one passed. Joshua Tree spider species named for Bono JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL PARK, Calif. (AP) — It appeared Bono and arachnids didn’t mix when his “Spider-Man” musical had a rough Broadway run, but that didn’t keep a biologist from naming an actual spider species after the U2 singer. Jason Bond of Alabama’s Auburn University has identified 33 new species of trapdoor spider, including three of them in the California desert at Joshua Tree National Park. The park’s namesake is featured in the title and cover of U2’s 1987 album, “The Joshua Tree.” The Riverside Press-Enterprise reports that Bond named two of the spiders after Indian tribes and one, A. bonoi, after Bono. Bond has named other spider species after Angelina Jolie, Cesar Chavez and Stephen Colbert. The trapdoor spider, found in the Southwestern U.S., is sonamed because it makes a hatch to hide from prey. Las Vegas-bound flight aborts takeoff in Denver DENVER (AP) — Southwest Airlines officials say the pilot of a Las Vegas-bound flight aborted takeoff from the Denver airport after a warning light indicated a fire onboard, causing three tires to blow out as the plane stopped abruptly. Company spokeswoman Olga Romero told The Denver Post that no fire was found but that the pilot stopped the Monday afternoon flight as a matter of procedure. Romero says mechanics were trying to determine why the warning light came on. The plane was departing Denver International Airport with 137 passengers and five crew members. No one was injured, and passengers were moved to a later flight. Airport spokeswoman Cyndi Karvaski says it is common for brakes to overheat and tires to blow out when a pilot stops a plane quickly before takeoff. Jurors will hear shooter’s recordings SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — Prosecutors say they won’t call a jailhouse informant to the stand in the trial of a man charged with murdering eight people in a 2011 Seal Beach beauty salon shooting. Court documents filed Friday indicate prosecutors do plan to play several audio recordings of some of conversations suspect Scott Evans Dekraai had with the informant, according to the Orange County Register. Investigators covertly recorded more than 100 hours of conversations a week after Dekraai was arrested following a midday massacre at Salon Meritage on Oct. 12, 2011, where his ex-wife Michelle Fournier worked as a stylist. They had argued earlier in the day about custody of their son. The conversations captured several instances of Dekraai talking about the shootings, the Register reported. In an 18-page filing, Assistant District Attorney Dan Wagner said Dekraai made the remarks without prompting or quizzing from the informant, who was in a nearby cell. lawmaker freed from jail in threat case LAS VEGAS (AP) — A Nevada lawmaker was freed from jail following his weekend arrest on a felony charge of threatening to harm a state Assembly party leader at a home in North Las Vegas, a police spokeswoman said Monday. Democratic Assemblyman Steven Brooks, 40, was held a little more than 24 hours before his release from the Las Vegas city jail Sunday evening, North Las Vegas police officer Chrissie Coon said. A judge had set bail at $100,000 on a charge of intimidating a public officer by threat of physical violence before, Coon said. The first court date is Jan. 28, one week before the legislative session begins. If convicted, the charge could get the lawmaker one to five years in state prison and a $10,000 fine. A French soldier secures a perimeter on the outskirts of Diabaly, Mali, some 320 miles north of the capital Bamako Monday Jan. 21, 2013. French and Malian troops were in the city whose capture by radical Islamists prompted the French military intervention. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay) AMERICAN SAMOA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Human Resources Department EMPLOYMENTO PPORTUNITY Position Title: Employment Status: ASSISTANT CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER Full Time 12 months/Career Service General Description: The Assistant Chief Information Officer (ACIO) reports directly to the Chief Information Officer (CIO). The ACIO performs managerial functions and functions as an extension of the CIO to ensure smooth operation of the office of the CIO, as well as the Management Information Systems (MIS) Department. Responsibilities and Duties: • Oversees Higher Education Administrative Suite Implementation (Colleague and supporting software) and Support. • Oversees supervision and support of all MIS offices in the absence of the CIO, and as assigned when CIO is present. • Oversees major technical projects as assigned by the CIO. • Resolves day-to-day difficulties so that the CIO can operate in a strategic manner. • Advises CIO of technological and organizational issues that arise. • Acts as a representative and spokesperson for the CIO, when CIO is not available. • Prepares drafts of policies and submits required reports. • Perform miscellaneous job-related duties as assigned by the CIO. MinimumQ ualifications: • A Bachelor of Arts/Science degree in technology related field from an accredited university, community or technical college, or equivalent combination of relevant education and experience. At least five (5) years of experience in computer-related profession. At least three (3) years of managerial or supervisory experience. Knowledgeable in using Microsoft Windows XP Professional/Vista Business/7 Pro, Microsoft Office 2003/2007/20010 Professional (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, Outlook). Mac OSX or higher, Microsoft Server 2-003/2008, SQL 2005, Colleague Administrative Suite, and SharePoint 2010. Salary: Salary will be commensurate with degree and experience. Application Deadline: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 no later than 4pm. Applications are available from American Samoa Community College, Human Resources Office at 699-9155 Ext. 403/335/477 or email Silaulelei Saofaigaalii at [email protected] or Lipena Samuelu at [email protected]. “An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer And A Drug-Free Workplace” Page 24 samoa news, Tuesday, January 22, 2013 C M Y K C M Y K
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