LSAP Csíkszereda - RE
LSAP Csíkszereda - RE
Local strategy and action plan Miercurea Ciuc, Romania June, 2014. László CSÁK, PhD, PgCert CDC Consulting SRL RE-SEEties: Towards resource efficient urban communities in SEE Local strategy and action plan 2 Contents 1. The national and local framework..................................................................................... 4 1.1. National goals and strategies............................................................................................ 4 1.2. Local energy and waste management strategies and policies ........................................ 10 1.3. Recommendations for improvement of local policies ..................................................... 11 1.4. Weakness and mapped improvements in existing SEAP ................................................. 11 2. The city case study ........................................................................................................... 12 2.1. General information about the city/municipality ............................................................ 12 2.2. Mission and objectives..................................................................................................... 17 2.3. Key stakeholders .............................................................................................................. 18 3. Application of the common RE-SEEties methodology to the local case study ................. 19 3.1. Building the data input at city level ................................................................................. 19 3.2. Applying the toolkit ......................................................................................................... 19 3.3. Getting results ................................................................................................................. 20 4. Technological measures for improvements of local infrastructure ................................. 25 4.1. Energy efficiency measures .............................................................................................. 25 4.2. Utilization of renewable energy sources .......................................................................... 30 4.3 Waste management .......................................................................................................... 34 4.3.1 Waste prevention ........................................................................................................... 34 4.3.2 Integrated waste management systems ........................................................................ 34 4.3.3 Waste to energy ............................................................................................................. 34 5. Measures for changing behavior of consumers on local level......................................... 35 5.1 Energy efficiency ................................................................................................................ 35 5.2 Renewable energy sources ................................................................................................ 35 5.3 Waste prevention and management ................................................................................. 36 6. Expected results/effects of taken measures .................................................................... 37 7. Financing mechanisms for implementation of measures and endorsement process ......... 38 7.1.EU funding ......................................................................................................................... 38 7.2. Regional development banks and specialized funds ........................................................ 38 7.3. National funding ............................................................................................................... 38 8. Policy recommendations...................................................................................................... 40 9. Conclusion - SWOT ............................................................................................................... 41 10. Monitoring and control of the action plan implementation.............................................. 43 11. References ......................................................................................................................... 44 1. The national and local framework 1.1. National goals and strategies In order to get a clearer picture on the energy related issues of Miercurea Ciuc, first we need an insight into the main trends and policies at the national level. Policy research has shown that in Romania, analysis of trends allows a more realistic understanding than the sometimes formal and declarative policy documents. In Romania there is a certain decreasing trend in power generation at national level, due to a low growth in the industrial sector. The RES (renewable energy sources)use is quite high, mainly due to the huge hydro potential of the country which has been exploited for power generation since the communist period – large scaled hydro plants are located mainly on the river Danube and at the Tarnita mountainious hydro complex in Cluj county. There is also a 1GW installed capacity pumped hydro plant under construction in the Tarnita valley. Fig. 1. Share of renewable energy in transport Source: EUROSTAT Fig. 1 shows that the share of RES in the Romanian transport sector has had an almost increasing trend between 2004 and 2010, while it decreased to 2% in 2011, which is nearly the half of EU28 average. As Romania has an agricultural potential comparable with that of Poland and Germany, there is an opportunity of growth in this respect, because these member states use more RES in transport mainly based on agricultural byproducts or energy crops driven biofuels. 4 Fig. 2. Share of renewable energy in power generation Source: EUROSTAT As we see RES share in power generation is around 30% even in the long term, so electricity in Romania has a much lower carbon impact than in other member states, even if the EU28 average is catching up, its trend’s growth value is higher than that of Romania. We can also conclude that the slight growth in RES share in Romania coupled with the decrease in power generation means that RES related electricity is not growing in the given period – on the other hand recent investments in on-shore wind turbine parks in the south of the country can change the pattern: less hydro share but growing RES share due to new WT farms and solar PV plants. If we compare 2001 and 2010 values, see Fig. 3., we can find some information on the trend before the decrease in power demand started. In 2010, CHP decreased, hydro supported the peak in power demand, and nuclear was boosted. The Cernavoda CANDU type nuclear plant is planned to be doubled in the future, so in this context Romanian power generation policy seems to be based on conventional large scale hydro, pumped hydro, nuclear, high efficiency natural gas (OMV recently commissioned its multi-megawatt CCGT at its Ploiesti site), and harvesting its WT and solar PV potential at a low level. We may also add that the CHP technology was present since the seventies, but these sub-systems were closed down almost everywhere and the Cernavoda waste heat use for district heating of the nearby town is almost a unique example. 5 Fig. 3. Gross power generation in GWh Gross power generation in GWh 20 000 18 000 16 000 14 000 12 000 10 000 8 000 6 000 4 000 2 000 0 2001 2010 Nuclear Hydro Pumped Hydro Wind Source: EUROSTAT Fig. 4. Share of renewable in heating and cooling Source: EUROSTAT 6 Combustible CHP Fuels Combustible Fuels The heating sector is the most important for a town with an average HDD (heating degree-days) at 15,5 oC of 3530 (15% higher than Stockholm). In the case of Romania the high share of RES in heating is a symptom of an underdeveloped economy and society because it is fire wood almost in every case, while in other member states the originally low level has changed into growth due to investments in the RES sector, mainly by means of active solar solutions. Fig. 5. District heating in Romania District heating (100%=1993) 140% 1.213511872 1.103025953 0.997233573 0.392992822 0.643478741 0.563942573 0.367807841 0.749745997 0.3208172280.39350635 0.417785754 0.665129763 0.562363335 25.60% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 0.452352292 20% 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 0% Source: INS TEMPO On Fig. 5 one may see that DH (district heating) is declining in Romania where there are entire towns where the DH system has been shut down completely. Climate change is not the driver of this change: previous DH investments in the era of „systematization” focused on low investment cost and high DH penetration, while O&M costs were not taken into account. In this context in most of the towns in Romania, with low HDD and as a consequence, lower heat demand, HDs were closed and decommissioned, forcing citizens to find individual ways of heating and HW (domestic hot water). Inappropriate legal framework also supported DH decrease as there are no binding regulations prohibiting individual heating and HW where DH is functioning – even in the case of blocks of flats. Fig. 6. Emission, GDP and power generation 7 CO2 emission, GDP and power generation (100%=2000) 165% 155% 145% 135% 125% 115% 105% 95% 85% CO2 emission GDP Electricity produced 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: EUROSTAT In Fig. 6 CO2 trend of CO2 emissions, GDP and generated electricity are compared. It is easily seen that there is a positive trend in CO2 emission due to relevant policies applied in this respect after launching the EU accession process. There is a strong correlation between GDP growth and electricity produced, but Romanian economy and industry is not that power intensive, so GDP growth rate is higher than that of the carbon emission. One can also add that the global crisis hit the economy in 2008, the fact is reflected not just in GDP decline, but also in power generation and carbon context. Generally, the Romanian policy documents mainly focus on energy efficiency, sustainable housing, RES growth but they do not provide appropriate means to reach these targets. In particular: - - PV (photovoltaic), WT (wind turbine) and micro hydro subsidies` system is changing several times (green certificates system) RES investment support from ERDF was designed at very low level CHP is out of scope Low quality and design thermal insulation of blocks of flats had been financed by the state, local authorities and owners, continued with serious ERDF funding allocation, dealing only with the building envelope and windows In the 2014-2020 programming period energy efficiency will be supported through an extension of the block insulation program and adding energy efficiency measures for public buildings Official EU2020 targets of Romania as declared to the European Commission: - 24% RES share in final energy consumption 43% RES share in power generation 10% RES share in transport 22% RES share in heating and cooling 20% growth in energy efficiency 19% growth in GHG (greenhouse gas) emission 8 9 1.2. Local energy and waste management strategies and policies In Miercurea Ciuc, there are no local strategies or policies at the level of the municipality, but there is a waste management investment project with a deadline in 2015 which deals with the collection of all the municipal waste and its transportation to a landfill in the municipality of Remetea, about 75 km north from the town. The county level landfill mainly accepts selected waste, so there are necessary steps in selecting waste in order to boost recycling. Electronic waste is collected separately by an authorized company. The problem is that the quantity of waste is low due to low population and low level of income. In this context the only feasible solution can be biogas production from organic waste, but the necessary infrastructure is not yet present or even designed. The municipality`s original landfill is closed, decommissioning and covering it is part of the county level waste management project. Setting the system’s boundaries on the municipal territory any GHG emission from waste management will tend to zero in the municipality – in a local action plan and strategy GHG caused by waste transport to the regional landfill cannot be taken into account, so in the case of waste only local pollution of collecting and transporting waste from households and organizations to the local waste management unit – which has a quite low impact and share in the energy use and pollution of the town. At the county level waste management site landfill gas will be collected and burned, no investment has been foreseen for biogas or syngas production. 10 1.3. Recommendations policies for improvement of local The municipality in close cooperation with the county level relevant agency should put the emphasis on the following: - Build networks with municipalities dealing with similar issues (ageing and declining population, size, climate, environment). - Create local partnership for EE and RES. - Take fuel poverty seriously. - Calculate twice instead of investing in badly designed projects. - Improve urbanism related activities with EE and RES approach. - Help the population avoiding low quality technologies. - Support local and zonal economy developing the EE-RES sector. 1.4. Weakness and mapped improvements in existing SEAP There is no SEAP for the municipality. The municipality has joined the Covenant of Mayors and the SEAP will be adopted as soon as possible, but not later than the end of 2014. 11 2. 2.1. The city case study General information about the city/municipality Miercurea Ciuc is a small town, located in the Centru region of Romania. Its territorial context is shown on the map below. Map 1 Source: Google Earth Pro licence The population is rapidly changing since 1990, the average yearly decrease is 0.75%, slightly getting better after 2002. For details see figure 7. Fig. 7 Population change (100%=1990) 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 Harghita Romania Miercurea Ciuc Linear (Miercurea Ciuc) y = -0.0075x + 1.0005 Source: INS TEMPO 12 Fig. 8. Age groups in 1990 and 2013 7000 6000 5000 4000 1990 3000 2013 2000 1000 0 Source: INS TEMPO The age structure of the population has changed a lot: the number of children and young people is almost half of the value in 1990, while the 50+ group has grown significantly, their number more than doubled. It means that Miercurea Ciuc has a decreasing ageing population. In 2020 Miercurea Ciuc is going to have less then 38k inhabitant – see calculated trend figure 9. Fig. 9 Population change - 1991-2013-2020 50000 45000 40791 40000 37920.69 35000 30000 25000 trend 20000 statistical 15000 10000 5000 0 Source: INS TEMPO 13 Fig. 10 Dwellings in Miercurea Ciuc 200 150 100 50 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 building permits 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 change in the number of dwellings Source: INS TEMPO There were 16,383 dwellings in Miercurea Ciuc in 2012. On the above figure one can observe that the yearly number of building permits had been increasing before the start of the crisis in 2008, but now the trend is negative. Given the fact that Miercurea Ciuc has very low quality housing conditions (at least in EU28 context), the low change in housing has a bad influence on the quality of life. At least 30% of individual dwellings are ready for demolishing (not suitable for refurbishment). Poor housing conditions are present also in the case of collective blocks of flats. The economic performance of the town is low and it has a decreasing trend. During the period between 1995-2005 the share in the county`s economy was around 30% although it decreased to about 22% in 2011 (figure 11). The low and decreasing economic performance is reflected in the decrease of power and natural gas sold to industrial and economic users. The bad news is that even if the economic trend seems to stop declining in 2011 (the last verifiable data at local level), the use of power and natural gas continued to decrease. All in all, Miercurea Ciuc has an ageing population characterized by a 0.75% per annum decrease, a decreasing and low economic activity, and this latter causes low employment level, low wages and as a result high fuel poverty. The fuel poverty issue is highlighted also by the extreme heating conditions, see also Fig. 12. 14 Fig. 11 Main urban settlements` share in the economy of the county 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% 2006 2007 Gheorgheni 2008 2009 Odorheiu Secuiesc 2010 2011 Miercurea Ciuc Source: listafirme database license Fig. 12 HDD per week at 288,5 K in the last 36 months 250 200 150 100 50 1 7 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 73 79 85 91 97 103 109 115 121 127 133 139 145 151 157 0 Source: BizEEE Degree Days Miercurea Ciuc has 3530 HDD per annum at 15.5 oC. The weekly breakdown is represented in figure 12. There are only a few regions in Europe with similar heating needs: Oslo, Karelia, Ostra Mellansverige, Bolzano have similar heating needs – to 15 put it into context, in Budapest and Nitra one may calculate with approx. 2000 HDD, and in Ptuj with 1900 HDD. In this respect it is clear that district heating and heating in general should be in the focus of any local energy efficiency plan. The administrative structure of the town can be resumed as follows: - - Local administrative unit (LAU) Capital of Harghita county Second rank town as defined in the national territorial development plan Local elected body: local council with directly elected councilors Mayor: also directly elected No appropriate unit in the town hall dealing with energy issues LAU owned companies in this respect: Goscom: DH Csik Trans: public transport (bus lines) Technical knowledge and capacity building welcomed at the town hall and also in owned companies. 16 2.2. Mission and objectives Previous achievements: - new public transport design: new lines and recently procured used buses new, insulated pipes for the DH new boilers for the DH 1.3% biomass share in DH refurbishment of a 15k m2 school cycle route network launched Major obstacles of increasing energy efficiency - very low acceptance of the DH company low quality housing low level of awareness no appropriate public policy at national or regional level high level of fuel poverty The main objectives of the present strategy are: - identifying innovative solutions European good practices fighting fuel poverty create new job opportunities raising energy efficiency awareness, building partnership improving housing conditions improving comfort in public buildings 17 2.3. Key stakeholders The key stakeholders identified are as follows: - LRA - the municipality and the town hall itself county council the county level energy management agency environmental agency (state) Suppliers - LRA owned suppliers Harviz for water and sewage Goscom for DH Csik Trans for public transport Eco Csik for waste management Private suppliers E.ON for natural gas Electrica Furnizare TS for power Designers (in order to design steps forward to sustainable housing and green urbanism) NGOs (environmental, cycling and civic) The local community was consulted by the following means: - - Quantitative survey carried out in spring 2014 Online questionnaire for target groups: Living in blocks of flats Living in individual houses Quick survey for those with less time Civil servants working in public buildings (like schools, hospitals) Public hearing in order to collect ideas and comments. Online communication using the website. The participatory approach had a major impact on the strategy and action plan. There is a certain passive character of the state agency responsible for environmental issues, and surprisingly public companies run by the municipality were reluctant to take part in discussions. On the other hand the online consultation and the workshop with architects were of great quality and inspiring. 18 3. 3.1. Application of the common RE-SEEties methodology to the local case study Building the data input at city level Data sources used are as follows: First approach: Collecting data from public institutions and suppliers – the expert identified lack of correct data, in some cases the dimensions were mixed. Second approach: INS TEMPO database (national statistics) Data from suppliers (to check INS) Other reliable data sources: EUROSTAT, listafirme, bizEEE, JRC Surveying the population (proposed by the lead partner) Online surveys to collect information on behaviour, views, assessments of locals The second approach should be used also for monitoring purposes. 3.2. Applying the toolkit No information on the toolkit application or findings have been provided yet by the local project partner. Due to the unavailability of microdata very rough estimations had to be made by the relevant county level agency, which were incompatible with the toolkit and also inaccurate. To keep the trustability of the study it was wiser to use internationally accepted statistical methods. All data were analysed using internationally accepted statistical methods and licensed software. The expert involved is responsible for the accuracy of the results. 19 3.3. Getting results In the present section we can get an insight in the energy sector of Miercurea Ciuc. The main source of energy is fire wood, followed by natural gas, electric power and transport fuels – if one takes into account only their CO2 emission. Wood burnt is usually collected from forests around the town, with a maximum transport distance of 30 km, respecting forest handling regulations, so using wood for heating, cooking and DHW (domestic hot water) is a nearly CO2-neutral activity (a very small amount of carbon can be associated with forestry, harvesting, transport). Fig. 13 Annual electricity use 120000000 100000000 80000000 other types 60000000 households 40000000 20000000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source: Electrica Furnizare TS On the one hand the power used by SMEs and industrial users is rapidly declining, as we mentioned in the case study section, due to the economic decline of the town. On the other hand electricity supplied to households is increasing with an average growth rate of 4.4%, higher than the decrease rate of other users. (The 2011 data on Fig. 13 is surely wrong, but the company could not tell what caused the error.) For the household-economy split in power consumption see Fig. 14. 20 Fig. 14 Electricity sold (100%=2003) 1.8 1.6 y = 0.0447x + 1.0583 1.4 households 1.2 others Linear (households) 1 Linear (others) y = -0.0393x + 1.2075 0.8 0.6 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source: Electrica Furnizare TS Given the fact that power use of the households is increasing while the population is decreasing, using the trends we calculated in the economic section and the present section, we see that compared to 2012 a 30% increase of the power use per household is foreseen, see Fig. 15. Fig. 15 Annual power consumption of households [kWh/capita] 1 960.59 1900 1700 1500 1300 1100 900 958.23 Source: CDC The per capita power consumption has a higher growth rate than the per household value, because power consumption is growing faster than the decrease observed in the number of inhabitants , see Fig. 16 for trends. 21 Fig. 16 Annual power consumption of households 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 kWh/capita kWh/household Source: CDC DH is the most significant energy use in the town, thanks to extreme HDD levels. Surprisingly the DH thermic energy supplied to the population is decreasing, see Fig. 17. The DH trend is in line with member state level decrease, which means that local policies could not correct member state level policy failures. Fig. 17 District heating (100%=1993) 140% 120% 100% 80% Miercurea Ciuc 60% Romania 40% 20% 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 0% Source: INS TEMPO 22 Fig. 18 District heating and natural gas consumption of households (100%=2004) 1.2 y = 0.0396x + 0.7942 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 y = -0.0613x + 0.9771 0.4 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 natural gas district heating Linear (natural gas) Linear (district heating) 2013 Source: INS TEMPO The main cause of the decrease in DH energy supply is that in blocks of flats households switch to individual solutions: wall mounted combined natural gas fired boilers – with theoretically higher costs than that of DH. In reality households switched from DH use two times less energy (gross energy content of natural gas), than the energy they used to buy from the Goscom local DH, that equals that Goscom sells four times more energy to its clients than they really use for heating and for DHW. The possible causes for that are: lack of reliable metering and extremely low quality technology and design. (Just take into consideration that the system was designed for a thermal output four times higher– but this is only one of the possible causes which caused the extremely bad performance in a cumulative way.) In the current situation, without a total rethinking of the HD in the town, switching to individual heating in blocks of flats means higher energy efficiency, less fossil fuel burnt (the biomass share is as low as 1,3% in DH). By closing the DH the 20% CO2 reduction target could be nearly achieved (getting approximately a 15% reduction)! Nevertheless, DH is typically a better solution than individual boilers, so this is not the correct path to follow. To sum up the claculations, in Fig. 19 we can see the breakdown of the total CO2/annum figure of Miercurea Ciuc, while Fig. 20 represents the share of different user groups of natural gas. 23 Fig. 19 Local CO2 emission per annuum in tonnes 10 560 transport (only local) power 38 127 natural gas 55 410 Source: CDC Fig. 20 Natural gas consumption 31% 23% DH households public buildings others 31% 15% Source: CDC 24 4. Technological measures for improvements of local infrastructure 4.1. Energy efficiency measures 4.1.1 Buildings Energy efficiency in public buildings For public buildings we carried out an online survey mostly focusing on building comfort and energy related behaviour. We presented some major finding of the survey in figures 21 and 22. Fig. 21 Sick building syndrome in public buildings caughing skin issues joint issues cold limbs dry throat dry eyes headache 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Source: CDC As shown in Fig. 21, the majority of civil servants shows at least 5 symptoms of “sick building syndrome” (SBS), which means that there is no public building with appropriate heating and ventilation system. Opening the window is not the correct way of solving building comfort issue. There is a great potential in public buildings for energy efficiency, and the main measures proposed are as follows: - Promote investments for controlling heating on demand in the rooms Check the windows and in the case of refurbishment use only triple glazed windows Educate occupants to raise awareness 25 Fig. 221 Thermal comfort and air quality 30 25 20 HC - work HC - clients 15 AQ - work 10 AQ - clients 5 0 5 4 3 2 1 Source: CDC The thermal comfort of public buildings is not assessed by occupants as good enough. 31% of respondents reported that at least for 3 days the room temperature is higher than 28 oC, so there is need for metering temperature and if this the case, promote the use of shading or other passive solar cooling solutions – and after 2020, even cooling has to be taken into consideration. Heating is not enough on the other hand: 51% of those questioned answered that the room temperature is below 22 oC. Any energy efficiency measure has to take into consideration the thermal comfort and the health issues of building use. To this end, metering of CO2 and other particles in schools, metering of room temperature and air moisture content are the necessary first steps. The rehabilitation of a school building shows that heat demand was not lower after the total refurbishment and using energy efficient heating system: previously there were cold rooms and some hot rooms. The heating issues are solved now, in an efficient way, but natural gas consumption remained the same due to inappropriate heating system previously used. If we add ventilation covering air change needs in schools and mainly in hospitals and other health care and cultural buildings, it is a normal assumption that energy need might remain at the same level: more comfort, healthy buildings as well as high efficiency. 1 HC – heat comfort, AQ – air quality, values on horizontal axis: 5 – very good, 1- very poor. 26 Energy efficiency measures in public buildings will not contribute directly to CO 2 reduction, but we assume that half of them will be connected to the new HD network, so an indirect reduction is possible. Energy efficiency in collective housing One third of those living in collective housing reported that they were planning to improve the insulation of the building in the next five years, including changing the existing windows to low-E ones. Theoretically it means that one third of the apartments will reduce heat need by 15% leading to a reduction of 637 t of CO2 per annum until 2020. From a technical point of view, insulating a building is not recommended if ventilation and new radiator system are not applied at once in order to avoid the occurrence of possible health problems. The concept of energy efficiency in collective housing is highly connected to HD issues, so it is recommended to realize the HD project and the energy efficiency measure of the blocks at once. There is an urgent need for public intervention in this respect. Energy efficiency in individual dwellings On fifth of respondents living in individual dwellings reported that they are planning to invest in insulation and window-door change in the next 5 years. Nevertheless, in order to help owners selecting feasible and efficient scenarios, design support should be available for them. As most of these dwellings use wood as a heat source, only 170 t reduction in CO 2 can be assumed until 2020. 4.1.2 Transport Public transport The public transport system of the town has recently been reshaped, using second hand buses for local transport, considerably reducing fuel consumption and as a result: GHG emission before 2012 (reference year). 27 The public transport system`s fuel need should be maintained at current level, while the number of passengers might be increased by carrying out apublic transport survey in the town. In this case the public transport can be modified in order to fit better passengers` needs, so local mobility will be improved. Nevertheless, public transport in Romania is not seen as a trendy and green means of energy aware lifestyle, but as a sign of poverty. In this context one may easily conclude that the capital cost need of an affordable but high quality public transport is so high to represent a not feasible solution unless public policy it with grants and incentives. Thus, the public transport`s GHG emission should be maintained at current level, not influencing in this respect the CO2 balance of the town. Cycling and pedestrian town In order to help local people shifting from everyday car use to cycling, the cycle route network should be firstly designed in an appropriate way paying much attention to: - Safety measures (road signs, road marks, pedestrian safety design) Cycle parking at blocks of flats and destinations, places of interest Incentives or tax reduction for SMEs switching to cycle mobility in town. About 15% of local car use can be substituted by cycling by 2020, that equals 1.584 tons of CO2 reduction. 4.1.3 Lighting Street lights The county energy management agency has financed a feasibility study in this field. Selected streets will be refurbished with new low-E lighting system, with smart metering of lighting needs – considerably reducing the electricity consumption of the public street lighting system in these streets. The foreseen CO 2 reduction is 0,015% of the total CO2 emission of the town: 15 tons of CO2 per annum. Lighting of public buildings There was a single public building refurbishment in the town, as we mentioned before. The experience has shown that even if there was a considerable growth in energy efficiency, the electricity consumption for IT equipments and lighting was the same – no reduction in the consumption after shifting to energy efficient solutions. The reason for that Is that previously lighting appliances did not meet minimum acceptable standards, so more light and more energy efficiency resulted in no change of power demand. As a rule of the thumb we can say that by raising energy efficiency by 30%, public buildings can have the same power consumption as before. 28 So changing the lighting of public buildings has no effect on consumption or CO2 and GHG emission. Due to the very low lighting comfort of public buildings, this measure has priority – given the fact that it has health effects on public servants, teachers and pupils too. 29 4.2. Utilization of renewable energy sources 4.2.1 Biomass Biogas at the sewage plant The local sewage plant has no functioning biogas reactor at the moment, but the project financed a feasibility study regarding a biogas coupled with a gas motor CHP producing exactly the same quantity of heat and power the plant needs. Building this CHP plant will allow to achieve a reduction of 479 tons of CO2 due to its electricity generation, while on the heat side further 126 tons of CO2 – all together the investment will allow to achieve a 0.58% reduction of the total CO2 produced in Miercurea Ciuc. Biomass use for DH There is sufficient biomass from agricultural and forest byproducts and residues, and SRC plantations for running the DH system of Miercurea Ciuc. That means a possible 62 kt CO2 reduction if one chooses a biomass fired CHP for DH. In this respect, the feasible solution identified for the town is: - Switching back to DH some apartments in order to double the present figure (reaching 50% of the DH performance of the nineties) Connecting public buildings - where it is feasible - to the new DH (assuming that half of the public buildings will be connected) Using smaller sized heat producing units coupled with heat storage subsystems Create a connected system network, at the same time reducing the number of plants in order to get higher efficiency in CHP plant sizing Make real calculation on heat demand and make appropriate sizing Harmonize heating solution inside the buildings in order to Give priority to areas with higher heat need density Presently the DG has a calculated efficiency of 13,75% due to design, oversizing, inappropriate fittings and insulations. Using the biomass CHP approach the nearly zero carbon DH will be in reach while the project helps also fighting fuel poverty. In the present action plan we assume that one third of the above mentioned total project can be realized, so a 20 kt CO2 reduction is a realistic goal. 30 4.2.2 Wind The wind potential of the town does not make any HAWT (horizontal axis wind turbine) investment attractive, due to turbulences caused by buildings and mountains. VAWT solutions are welcomed only in if there is no grid connection, but this is not the case, so WT investments are not feasible in Miercurea Ciuc. 4.2.3 Solar energy Solar PV The solar potential in Miercurea Ciuc is about the same as in Budapest, and 4-5% higher than in Germany, so an optimal angle and inclination PV system seems feasible. The average sum of global irradiation is 1400 kWh/m2/annum. Public and collective buildings (blocks of flats) with +/-10o facing south roofs are available for BIPV systems, the proposed locations are represented in Maps 2 and 3. Map 2 Source: Google Earth Pro license 31 Map 3 Source: Goggle Earth Pro license The total available PV surface is 1.4 ha that may contribute to 1.63% of the local power demand contributing with 625 t of CO2 reduction to the local target. We carried out calculations to find out if it is feasible from a financial point of view: the payback period is 9.5 years, and as the life span of the arrays is 25 years, it has a fairly good rate of return – at least at current state incentive level. The investment supposes the cooperation of different local actors: state, LRAs and people living in blocks of flats. Passive solar heating Passive solar issues were discussed during the designer session, and architects are ready using them in designing new buildings in the future – even if the savings are extremely low at town level, for the people living in a new house with passive solar features, it is a must. Active solar heating Due to foggy weather and unfavourable shading conditions active solar heating is an optional issue – not taken into account in the present strategy for the same reason. 4.2.4 Geothermal energy GSHP for dwellings 32 Geothermal potential can be used in individual houses for heating purposes, with the following conditions: - Due to seismic conditions vertical piping is not recommended Careful sizing is problematic because no ground temperature data is available (the same is valid also for underground water potential) Below -10 oC air source HPs have very low COP (coefficient of performance), so these are not recommended at all HP COP is higher when the working temperature is low (35-45 oC) so GSHP (ground source heat pump) have to be used with floor heating or wall heating In medium term GSHP cost remains high and it means an obstacle for GSHP use. It is very unlikely that any household will switch from fire wood or wall mounted gas boiler system to GSHP+floor heating, so a 20 t CO2 is foreseen, assuming that a small part of new dwellings will use this solution. GSHP for public and cleric buildings GSHP is a feasible option for the refurbishment of public and cleric buildings if the thermal rehabilitation has to be done anyway. In churches horizontal piping GSHP with HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) is the most convenient solution, even in financial context, using a time horizon of 15 years. GSHP for public buildings is only feasible when there is sufficient land available around the building, not used for any other buildings or trees. At the moment there is no such public building in Miercurea Ciuc, while the Szen Agoston church is proposed for a GSHP+HVAC refurbishment – in this context the CO2 reduction is extremely low. 4.2.5 Small hydro plants Small hydro is not feasible as there is no sufficient potential energy in water, but several micro hydro turbines might be installed on the water supply pipe from the Frumoasa dam, with a head of 180 m – a fairly good condition for micro hydro. Nevertheless, as the water system of the town is under modernization, co-financed by EU Funds, and the project ends in 2015, no change in the network can be done until 2020 – in this context the investment is postponed after 2020. 33 4.3 Waste management 4.3.1 Waste prevention Buildings related waste means about 20-30 buildings being demolished yearly. The so called CDW (construction and demolition waste) issue is not handled in Romania in an appropriate way, and as CDW can be used for asphalt mixtures, and there are other recyclable building materials – so it is a good opportunity to the local construction industry to invest in necessary equipment and infrastructure. Nevertheless, it has nearly zero impact on CO2 and GHG mitigation at local level. Instead of waste prevention the waste related culture should be improved in the household context: people must not burn municipal waste, it should be put into the bin, and mostly transported to recycling points in the town. 4.3.2 Integrated waste management systems The integrated waste management system is realized at regional (county – NUTS3) level, the municipality is taking part in the project and supports its activity, but no local level steps can be foreseen as useful while the regional project has its multiannual communication and infrastructure related investment components carefully designed and carried out at regional level, with serious activities in Miercurea Ciuc too. 4.3.3 Waste to energy Waste to energy option is not recommended in Miercurea Ciuc due to low waste density and avoidance of local pollution Agricultural, forestry and wood industry related waste handling should be integrated into the biomass firing CHP DH project. 34 5. Measures for changing behavior of consumers on local level 5.1 Energy efficiency In the field of energy efficiency, the following measures have been identified: - simplified building permits for EE (energy efficiency) refurbishment, lowering local taxes - public or low cost (affordable) advisory services for EE housing - EE awards for micros and SMEs - establishing and supporting NGOs in the EE context - EE competitions and awards organized for pupils and students - organizing EE week in every year right after winter, involving NGOs - supporting (advisory, knowledge, partnership) local SMEs entering the EE field 5.2 Renewable energy sources In the field of renewable energy sources, the following measures have been identified: - simplified building permits for RES use, lowering local taxes - RES and EE urban zoning rules have to be introduced in the building regulation at local level - public or low cost (affordable) advisory services for BI RES use - RES awards for micros and SMEs RES context (local economic development trough) - demonstrative research at local level for advertising BIPV and other RES use efficiency at local conditions - RES competitions and awards organized for pupils and students - organizing RES week in every year in the autumn, involving NGOs - supporting (advisory, knowledge, partnership) local SMEs entering the RES field (possibly creating a RES-EE cluster of forest owners, forestry, wood industry, DH, RES and EE SMEs, NGOs, LRAs) 35 5.3 Waste prevention and management As the waste issue is handled at county level, financed from the Environment SOP, in order not be in the situation of double financing, no activity is proposed. 36 6. Expected results/effects of taken measures The total planned CO2 reduction is 25%, reachable by the end of 2020. The breakdown of the target is represented in Fig. 23 and in the following table. Fig. 23 Reaching the 25% target 0.08% 2% 1% 2% 1% 2% 6% BIPV less car use 0.06% intelligent public lighting 7% DH CHP - heat 22% DH CHP - power biogas - power biogas - heat individual GSHP 57% energy efficient behavior insulation of blocks insulation of dwellings Source: CDC measure DH CHP - power DH CHP - heat energy efficient behaviour less car use insulation of blocks BIPV biogas - power insulation of dwellings biogas - heat individual GSHP intelligent public lighting t CO2 % of total CO2 (2012) 15 149 14.55% 5 676 5.45% 1 903 1.83% 1 584 1.52% 638 0.61% 625 0.60% 479 0.46% 170 0.16% 127 0.12% 20 0.02% 16 0.02% 37 7. Financing mechanisms for implementation of measures and endorsement process 7.1.EU funding The ESIF (European Structural and Investment Funds) funds may finance through the 2014-2020 ROP (Regional Operational Program) energy efficiency projects. Relevant authorities should be noticed regarding the biomass CHP DH approach integrated with blocks` thermal rehabilitation and public buildings refurbishment integrated project. For SMEs and start-ups in the energy efficiency field ESIF funds, including the EAFRD (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development) in neighbouring rural settlements can be used. Financial engineering tools are not planned to be accessible in Romania during the 2014-2020 programming period. 7.2. Regional development banks and specialized funds In case of lack of co-financing from the ROP, the following opportunities shall be analysed in order to get funds for the integrated main project: European Investment Bank (EIB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Green for Growth Southeast Europe (GGF), Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Direct Funding Facility (WeBSEDFF), Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF), European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE). 7.3. National funding National public funding is not available at the moment, and the member state is not planning any change in this field. Banking products are available at high rates, so even if the payback period of the investments is reasonable, these are unlikely to be affordable for public authorities. ESCO method should be used in the following conditions: - no funding from ESIF funds for the main integrated project by end of 2017, and reliable, professional ESCO companies will enter the Romanian market. 38 7.4. Endorsement process The main objectives and investments of the present strategy has already been discussed with members of the local council. It is going to be adopted in not more than 6 months by the local council. There is no single responsible department for EE and RES, different departments of the municipality handle EE and RES issues, but there is a need for a strong cooperation between them. 39 8. Policy recommendations Maintain special feed in tariffs for RES power generation. Support local energy efficiency advisory services. Design appropriate financing tools for biomass firing CHP DH due to its huge capital costs. Take into account building comfort and health issues – not just energy consumption reduction should be targeted. This is applicable for housing and public buildings refurbishment both. Change building regulations in order to have binding rules on stopping individualisation of heating systems in collective housing context. 40 9. Conclusion - SWOT 9.1. DH CHP Strengths Weaknesses existing biomass sources in the 20 km low technological level and knowledge, zone, available low quality agricultural lock in effect from already done land for SRC investments (both public in DH and private in individual solutions), lack of credibility of existing DH provider Opportunities Threats fits to ESIF funds framework, attractive innovative solution for investors and providers, networking with other similar HDD regions and towns, existing technology (or state of the art technology if choosing 4GDH / biomass gasifier coupled CCGT DH) no sufficient human resources available, outdated design traditions, member state level regulative issues, the member state might decide not to finance integrated projects 9.2 Energy efficient behaviour and less car use Strengths Weaknesses cycling is trendy, pedestrian mobility`s no NGOs at all in EE and RES conditions are improved Opportunities Threats financial resources form the ESIF change in downtown traffic policy financed infrastructural projects, with the climate change the period available for cycling and walking is getting longer, increasing fuel prices 9.3 EE refurbishment in the housing sector Strengths Weaknesses high share of those thinking about EE fuel poverty and low investment in the next 5 years households compared investment costs income of to high Opportunities Threats ESIF for collective housing organizational and governance failure at member state level, need for extra insulation due to high HDD 41 9.4 BIPV Strengths Weaknesses available roofs, the program might be lack of trust, low level of cooperative used also for brown fields as a possible behavior use for 15-20 years Opportunities Threats ESIF funds if it can be integrated into building regulation and RES feed in tariff housing EE measures of the ROP and failures at member state level, or at the into that of the public building EE regional distribution grid operator refurbishment respectively 9.5 Biogas reactor and CHP (sewage) Strengths Weaknesses modernized sewage unit in few years, technological experience as the sewage plant had the same sizing unit decades ago no payback without state incentives, the studies realized did not analyse why the previous system failed to work in the last decades Opportunities Threats - lack of ESIF funding for such investments 9.6 Individual GSHP Strengths Weaknesses EE and RES intentions already present in bad design conditions, lack of reliable some well off households, reliable data and experince private pilot projects with good results Opportunities Threats available mature technology no ESIF financing, member state level regulation failures, no reliable data on ground temperature at all 9.7 Intelligent street lights Strengths Weaknesses already updated street light network high costs may result in no financial with efficient lighting, local companies feasibility compared to the present with experience in this field system Opportunities Threats possible ESIF co-financing the now state of the art technology will be outdated by the time of investing in it, because the lighting sector is rapidly changing these years 42 10. Monitoring and control of the action plan implementation The planned objective of reducing 25% of the GHG emissions related to the baseline year of 2012 has to be reached in 2020. The monitoring of the results presupposes energy related and statistical knowledge and understanding, so it is suggested to contract an expert in 2017 in order to get a full insight in the results already obtained and verify if the investments done are in line with the strategy. The evaluation of the strategy can be realized as early as in 2019, so for the 2030 planning process the lessons learnt from the 2014-2020 progress can be used. The 2019 timing of the evaluation is possible because the overwhelming majority of tasks is several years investment, so if an investment is not in its realisation phase in 2019, no results can be obtained by 2020. Great attention has to be given to the fact that main carbon reduction means identified in this strategy require careful detailed design, so the results might change slightly. The main risk is public awareness and acceptance of the strategy: the very low level of acceptance of Goscom means that there is a need for a total recast of the company – public institutions cannot force citizens to use DH if it is not accepted and is not at all efficient. The city hall`s immediate tasks are: - - Establishing a local energy efficiency advisory service for citizens Creating a knowledge transfer and energy efficiency task team from different units of the town hall Initiating local thematic partnerships for energy efficiency, cycling and intelligent mobility – these groups must be involved in the work of the monitoring committee Establishing a joint monitoring committee of the internal energy efficiency task team, the county level energy efficiency agency and the thematic partner groups (these latters might have minimum 30% of votes) Energy use and CO2 figures can be assessed by using the same databases as in the present strategy. Mind the trends! For example the behavioral change shall address urgently the households` power demand. 43 11. References INS TEMPO database: EUROSTAT database: JRC solar data: BizEEE Degree Days: SEAP guideline: 44