Making Healthy Financial Decisions


Making Healthy Financial Decisions
February 2010
Shevat 5770 / Adar 5770
Your Jewish Neighborhood in Lafayette, CA
Making Healthy Financial Decisions
and modern texts, familiar and not so familiar melodies, in contemplation, meditation, argumentation,
prayer and song.
When we speak of expanding, we think “who will
be included, whom haven’t we reached.” When we
contemplate cutting back, we ask “who will be left
out, whom will we no longer be serving?” And then
we come down to the more mundane questions of
how can we pay for it, how can we sustain it? We are
truly blessed to have so many among us who, sharing
the vision, enable us to be true to our mission. Their
generosity makes it possible for our membership to
remain steady, our classrooms filled with learning,
our sanctuary filled with sacred music. It is the presence of every single member, in covenant with his/
her community, in an hour of joy or of sadness, of
learning or teaching, of reaching out to give, or in
need to receive that makes this place so special, a
sacred community.
Rabbi Roberto Graetz
Rabbi Roberto
photo by Michael Fox
As we set out to plan Temple Isaiah’s activities and
calendar for the 2010-1011 years, we are confronted
by some serious questions prompted by an ongoing
economic crisis that doesn’t seem to let up and affects
so many of us in so many different ways. Do we start
shrinking or continue to expand programs? Do we give
sequence to years of successful Scholar-in-Residence
programs or cut back? Do we pursue consideration of
a new High Holy Day Prayer Book for our community
or postpone the discussion for a brighter day? These
are just some of the issues that need to be addressed.
Though financial considerations need to be seriously
taken into account in any decision we make, what
drives our mission is creating, sustaining, and strengthening community. If this is true in general when we
speak of congregational life, it needs to be even more
so in times of crisis.
We do not ignore the reality around us or, even,
within our ranks. We stare it in the face and are called
to respond with creative acts that strengthen Temple
Isaiah and create an environment where our members
can find community at a time when isolation can seem
so attractive. This is what it means to be a Kehilah
Kedoshah, a sacred community.
A few weeks ago, Cantor Korn organized a marvelous Cantors’ Concert, “From Bima to Broadway.” Four
of his cantorial colleagues from around the country
flew west to join him in concert. Was it the right time
for such an ambitious undertaking? Even if not a single
cent would have been raised, the quasi-magical spirit
of community generated by the event, felt intensely by
an audience of over 400 people, would have been sufficient reason to do it.
In prayer and study, in the classroom and the sanctuary, for young and old, and older, these moments bring
us together.They allow us to meet and share bits of our
lives with each other and enable us to leave out the
troubles for a few hours in which we turn to ancient
On a December Saturday night, LAFTY teens cooked, served, cleanedup, made graham cracker houses, put on a beautiful Havdalah Service,
and entertained all of the residents in the Winter Nights shelter, hosted
by Temple Isaiah.
3800 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Lafayette, CA 94549
Temple Isaiah’s mission is to embody, enhance, and
perpetuate our Jewish tradition by providing a
welcoming spiritual home where the membership gathers to worship God, study Torah, engage in acts of Tikun
Olam, participate in Jewish rituals and life
cycle events, and experience the joy of being a part of
a caring community.
Lisa Hirsch
Robert Goldberg
Sandra Anderson
Melissa Jakubowitz
Steve Weinzimmer
Sari McClure
Phone Ext
Roberto Graetz 314
Judy Shanks 314
Asst. Rabbi
Alissa Forrest 314
Rabbi Emeritus Shelly Waldenberg 314
Leigh Korn 314
Executive Director Michael Liepman 310
Education Director
Rabbi Nicki Greninger 318
Gan Ilan Director
Denise Moyes-Schnur 320
Youth Director
Dan Lange 313
Adult Programs
Mary Anne Winig 301
Val Morehouse 322
Clergy Secretary
Nina Jones 314
Education Assist.
Nathan Bellet 311
Communications Dir. Deb Phillips 323
Hebrew Tutor
Karen Gourdin 324
Office Staff
Howard Bostian 300
Tonna Lusareta-Stevens 315
Office (925) 283-8575
(925) 283-8355
Religious School (925) 284-9191
Gan Ilan Preschool (925) 284-8453
Gift Shop
(925) 284-4933
Ruach Vol. 58 No.6 February 2010
Ruach is published monthly except in January and July
by Temple Isaiah. Ruach is breath, wind, or spirit. It also
means soul. May it be a breeze of fresh Jewish spirit
arriving at your home.
Julie Candau
[email protected]
Michael Fox
Copy Editors Ellen Baer, Miriam Cairns
Jeanie Conneran, Hadele Groman,
Rebecca Harris, Julie Magilen,
Len Morgenstern, Carol Olmert,
Val Morehouse
2 Temple Isaiah Ruach, February 2010
photo by Julie Candau
Paul Menaker
Cantor Shirah Sklar of Norwalk, CT, Cantor Dan Sklar of White Plains, NY, Cantor Leigh
Korn, Cantor Chanin Becker of Scarsdale Synagogue, NY, and Cantor Deborah Bletstein of
Des Moines, IA took us on a musical journey from the rich Jewish musical tradition to the
uniquely American sounds of Broadway at the Bima to Broadway concert last month.
P’tach Libeynu Presents: Eating Disorders
A Mother and Daughter Tell a Story of Healing
”In Judaism, food is a blessing to be recognized at every meal, during every holiday and especially
on Shabbat. We both felt as if we had done something wrong Jewishly.” - Sheila Himmel, co-author,
Eating disorders are challenging under any circumstances, but the centrality of food in Jewish
culture can compound the situation. In the memoir “Hungry: A Mother and Daughter Fight
Anorexia,” Sheila Himmel and daughter Lisa tell, with honesty and humor, how Lisa healed from
anorexia and bulimia. Hear the authors discuss the book at a special program on Wednesday,
February 10, 7–7:30 pm, book signing and selling; 7:30–8:30 pm. program; 8:30–9 pm, book
signing and selling.
Film Festival Discussion
with Rabbi Shanks
Rabbi Judy Shanks’ will lead a discussion
after the film “Who the Jew Are You” at the
Jewish Film Festival on Tuesday, February
23.The film will begin at 11:30 a.m. followed
by the discussion at the Jewish Community
Center in Walnut Creek. The film is an East
Bay premiere, in English and is 50 minutes
The film explores Alan Goldman’s quest to
discover ‘What does it means to be Jewish?’
When his son was born, he was faced
with the decision of whether to circumcise
him, and how he should raise him religiously since his wife was not Jewish. He
visits Jewish rappers, a lesbian couple who
wants their adopted Chinese daughter to
have a traditional bat mitzvah, Chassidim in
Crown Heights, and his own atheist grandfather. Eventually, Alan finds meaning in a
re-invigorated Judaism that embraces a multiplicity of people. Bring lunch to enjoy during the discussion.
For questions or more information, contact
Susan Mautner at [email protected].
photo by Michael Fox
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Joel Seigel gets help from a Winter Nights
guest in leading songs.
for the latest information
This year it’s Purim with...
Don’t miss this year’s Purim Spiel set to the
tunes of your favorite Beatles songs.
Saturday, February 27, 6:30 p.m.
Be a part of the fun. Rehearsals take place:
5pm, Sunday, 2/7
7pm, Wednesday, 2/17
7pm, Wednesday, 2/24
No experience required!
Join us for a celebration of independent and international film!
February 20 – 26, 2010
Temple Isaiah is proud to sponsor
the Bay Area premiere of the
award-winning Argentinean film
Camara Oscura with Introductory
remarks by Rabbi Roberto Graetz.
Screening: Tuesday, February 23, 7:30 PM, CineArts, 2314
Monument Blvd. in Pleasant Hill
In 2010, all of our screenings at the CineArts will be in the
800+ seat “dome” theatre! Enjoy films from Argentina,
Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Tunisia, the USA
and the former Soviet Union.
Purchase tickets online at or call 510.318.6453
25 Hours of Shabbat: Something for
Working 24/7? Always multi-tasking? Trying to find a balance between
work, family, community and self? Looking for ways to deepen your
spiritual practice and connect with the Divine? Try Shabbat!
Shabbat is a gift from God to the Jewish people – 25 hours once a
week for rest, reflection, reconnection and renewal. It is a time to step
away from the ordinary and enter into a new time and space to connect
more deeply with God, with each other and with our souls.
During our 25 Hours of Shabbat celebration February 19 & 20, you
will have a chance to experience the gifts of Shabbat – great food and
wine, music, study and prayer. We have programs planned for every
part of our community. Want to spend the day studying Torah in depth?
We have a program for you. Want to have a fun and relaxing day with
your kids? We have a program for you. Want to engage all of your
senses? Listening to music, walking in nature, celebrating with food and
friends...We have a program for you too! And for those of you who love
Shabbat naps, we even have a “nap room.”
Join us Friday night and Saturday morning for Shabbat services filled
with music, poetry and spirit. Help us create a beautiful dinner on Friday
night, and join us for lunch following services on Saturday. Saturday
afternoon our program continues with interactive learning sessions
throughout the day. A special highlight is our Mimi Epstein Memorial
Lecture: How the Zohar Reimagines God with Kabbalah expert Daniel
C. Matt. We will close the day with a Havdallah celebration. Please join
us and use this time to take your first steps, further your journey or dive
deeply into the joys of Shabbat!
Whether you join us to light the candles, spend the evening having
dinner with us, or join us for the full 25 hours of programming we have
planned, this weekend will add meaning to your life.
For the full details, including workshop descriptions, online registration, and more, visit www/
Crown and Mystical Kabbalah Class
Join us as we discover the unique characteristics and history of Jewish
mysticism at Wednesday evening classes February 24 through March 15,
7–8:30 p.m. in the Adult Lounge.
Beginning with a brief discussion of the meaning and definition
of mysticism, we will study the great thirteenth century classic of
Kabbalah, the Zohar. Through reading passages from the Zohar, we will
discuss theosophical constructs of the book, how it views the life of
God in the universe, and how we are included in that life.
Instructor: Ira Steingroot is the author of Keeping Passover, Jewish
Mysticism: the Language of the Kabbalah Knowledge Cards, and other
works. Class includes 4 sessions: $55/members; $65/non-members.
This Festival is presented by the Jewish Federation of the East Bay and
The Jewish Community Foundation. for the latest information
Temple Isaiah Ruach, February 2010 3
Welcome New Members
Joined November 1 to December 31, 2009
Reutlinger Community for Jewish Living
Celebrating 10 years in Danville
60 years of Premier Eldercare in Our Community
Independent and
Assisted Apartments
Traditions Dementia
Care Unit
Sukkat Shalom
Skilled Nursing
This space left
intentionally blank
Rehabilitation Therapy
Full Time Rabbi
Nursing Staff
24 hours/7 days a week
4000 Camino Tassajara, Danville, California 94506 925.648.2800
Mazal Tov
■ To Miriam and Norman Glickman. on the birth of granddaughter,
Sophia Glickman, born September 14, 2009 to parents Sam and Sophia
■ To Greta and Jerry Frantz, on the marriage of daughter, Megan Frantz, to
David Mariampolski, on October 4, 2009. Temple Isaiah’s
Purim Carnival
Sunday, February 28th
Awesome Games
■ To Jo Cohen-Adler and Andy Adler, on the birth of their grandson,
Zachary Jacob Adler, born on December 4, 2009 in Westminster, Colorado,
to proud parents Matt and Ali Adler. Zachary is also the grandnephew to
Sue Adler-Bressler and David Bressler.
■ To Shirley Maccabee, on the birth of her grandson, Ori Benjamin
Maccabee, born December 15, 2009 in Portland, OR, to David and Mendy
Groovy Prizes
Delicious Food
Fun for kids of all ages
7th Grade Fund Silent Auction
During regular Religious School sessions
9:00-11:10 & 10:40-12:50
Proceeds benefit LAFTY, Temple Isaiah’s
High School Youth Group.
4 Temple Isaiah Ruach, February 2010
Insider’s View of Jewish Film Festival
At our next Havurah D’vash luncheon, Wednesday, February 3, at noon in the
Oneg room, join us for an expert insider’s view of the upcoming Jewish film festival
running February 20–26.
As the East Bay International Jewish Film Festival (formerly known as Contra
Costa) launches its 15th year of celebrating independent and international film, its
director, Riva Gambert, will lead a discussion of Jews in the Movies. While some
viewers may prefer a steady stream of Exodus and Defiance-like films, Hollywood
has presented Jews and Judaism in varied ways. From the stereotypical Jewish
American princess and prince films (Portnoy’s Complaint, Private Benjamin) to
the more matter-of-fact Jewish characters in contemporary cinema, Hollywood as
well as television has broadened its portrayal of both Jews and Judaism. See ad on
page 3 for more information on the festival.
for the latest information
Oneg Sponsors
Yizkor Elohim
Thank you to our Recent Oneg sponsor
November 22, 2009
■ Ken Harris, husband of Shirley Gross, father of Jeanette Gross,
father-in-law of Steve Gross, grandfather of Amy and Becka
November 26, 2009
■ Samuel Hauer, founding Temple Isaiah member, husband of
Mildred Hauer, father of Laura (Rick), Marc (Jenny), Donald and
Debra, grandfather of Hannah, Alyssa, Margot, Jonah and Olivia.
■ November 13, 2009 – Pedro and Pat Reyes & family in
honor of Petra’s bat mitzvah.
■ November 20, 2009 – Julie Bell, Wendy Dorband,
Ellen Emold, Rosemarie Frydman, Donna Green,
Barbara Kaplan, Carol Olmert, and Gloria Schiller.
■ December 4, 2009 – Wendy & Mark Feldman in
honor of Jenna’s bat mitzvah.
December 14, 2009
■ Tudy Routman, mother of Lois Green, grandmother of Doug
and Abby Green.
■ December 11, 2009 – Howard & Sharon Noble and
family in honor of Adam’s bar mitzvah.
December 21, 2009
■ Eleanor Leo, mother of Karen Fiske, mother-in-law of Charles
Fiske, grandmother of Eric, Lauren and Julia Fiske. In Los
■ December 18, 2009 – Sue Bobrowski and Brian
March in honor of Noah’s bar mitzvah.And Happy Half
hour crew too: Julie Bell,Wendy Dorband, Ellen Emold,
Rosemarie Frydman, Donna Green, Barbara Kaplan,
Carol Olmert, and Gloria Schiller.
December 26, 2009
■ Elizabeth W. Olson, Mother of David Olson, mother-in-law
of Meredith Olson, grandmother of Rebecca Olson and Jessica
Borges. In Ridgway, Pennsylvania.
December 26, 2009
■ Rosara Leibson, wife of Ed Leibson, mother of Carrie (Dror
Maier) Sutkin, Susan (Mike Frandsen) Sukin, Joanne and Phil
Peterson,Andrea (Jack Wileden) Leibson, Sherry and Bob Shuman,
Karen and Randy Matthiae, grandmother of Samuel, Sara, Noah,
Nicolas, Adam, Alex, Lydia, Jeremy, Joel, Jeffery, Jacob, and Caitlin.
December 27, 2009
■ Lawrence Berman, father of Andrea Harris, grandfather of
Matthew and Daniel Harris. In Cleveland.
December 28, 2009
■ Samuel Swirsky, father of Ellie Kann, father-in-law of Jeff Kann,
grandfather of Jacqueline and David. In Florida. January 3, 2010
■ Sara Fischer, mother of Lisa Hirsch, mother-in-law of Pierre
Hirsch, grandmother of April Hirsch. In New York.
January 8, 2010
■ Dr. Ellen Lev, mother of Jesse Fruman and Allison Nelson.
January 10, 2010
■ Muriel Mann, mother of Carol Mann, Deborah Hoffman, Lisa
Ricketts, and Jennifer Mann, grandmother of Benjamin, Meghan,
Ethan and Oliva. In Alamo.
■ December 25, 2009 – Nadav and Ziva Rave and
Temple Isaiah Softball
Did you know that Temple Isaiah has two softball teams,
Isaiah Blue and Isaiah Red, that play in the Diablo Valley
Tzedakah Softball League at Heather Farms in Walnut
Creek? Our season runs from early April to late July,
with practices starting in early March. Our games are
competitive so prior baseball or softball experience is
recommended. Games are played Sunday mornings at either 9am or
10:10am, for 7 innings or 65 minutes, whichever comes
first. Cost to play is $85 per person. Playing on an Isaiah softball team is a great way to get
exercise and meet other Temple members. If you are
interested, contact Seth Moldoff at SMoldoff@comcast.
net or 299-8905.
Yachad and Meet and Greet
Participants in both Yachad, our singles group for the
over 42+ crowd, and Meet and Greet, our Shabbat dinner
group, will participate in the 25-Hour Shabbat activities
this month. For all the details, see the 25-Hour Shabbat
article on pages 2 and 12 or the Temple Isaiah website.
January 10, 2010
■ Irene Peters, sister of Shirley Bolton. for the latest information
Temple Isaiah Ruach, February 2010 5
Answers to Questions About Women of Isaiah
Ellen BernsteinEllis, WOI
I received a call asking questions I didn’t know
anyone was asking: How does Women of Isaiah
work? Who makes the decisions? How is the budget set? Who decides on the officers? Who gets to
be involved? The perfect column topic, just when
I needed it.
I’ll start with my take away message: We invite
you to come to any WOI leadership meeting.
Come meet us, come greet us. We want to get to
know you. We meet the first Monday of the month
at 7 p.m. in the Adult lounge to review our monthly
agenda items. Our meetings are open. We typically
have a group of 15–20 women who are serving in
Board positions or as event or committee chairs.
Our past WOI presidents serve as our parliamentarians and they help to select a slate of officers from
our active members each year which is approved at
a WOI Board Meeting in May.
We have about 40 women participating on our
leadership team who help in many roles that support our activities and efforts. How did those names
get in place? Some women call us and say, “I want
to get involved.” and we try our best to find a good
match. One of the sign up sheets posted at the
Dessert Passover Seder for all
Please join the Women of Isaiah for the Women’s Intergenerational Dessert
Seder on Monday, March 15, at 7 p.m. in the Social Hall. Bring a mother,
a daughter, a friend, an aunt, and a kosher for Passover dessert. An Evite
will be going out in the middle of February asking for help with the other
items we need for the seder plates and tables.
If you are interested in helping with the seder, either on the committee
or as help on the day of, please email [email protected]. The
more help we have, the more wonderful an event it will be! In addition,
if you are coming solo and would like to get connected to other Women
of Isaiah, please let us know by emailing Lauri Granoff at lauri@dgranoff.
WOI and the Angel Network Ladies’ Tea
Please join us for a Ladies’ Tea on Sunday, February 7, 1–3 p.m. If you
wish, bring your favorite teacup and tea bag. We will provide the sandwiches and sweets! A suggested contribution at the door is $4. RSVP by
February 1 to the evite invitation or to Lynn Harrington-Golde at ptlynn@ or (925) 284-4854.
If you are coming alone and would like to make“new connections”at your
table, require child-sitting services, or need a ride, please contact Judy Harris
@ [email protected] or (925) 943-1956. If you would like to help
before or during the Tea, please contact Lynn Harrington-Golde@ptlynn@ or (925) 284-4854.
6 Temple Isaiah Ruach, February 2010
Kick Off Dinner was for those interested in leadership.
Some women are spotted at multiple events and we do
the famous ask: “How would you like to help out?” For
others, it’s the classic story of friends helping friends
who then make new friends and new connections and
before you know it, become new faces on the board.
To see some of these faces and our mission statement,
check out www.women-isaiah/about_woi/2009-2010-
The co-presidents are responsible for setting the yearly budget. At our WOI leadership retreat this year, we
did the m&m exercise (money and mission) before voting on the budget. With dishes of m&ms to spur us on,
we took each budget line and decided how it matched
a component of our mission statement. We have Vice
Presidents to oversee ongoing and new programming.
We strive to offer activities that are in line with the
values stated in our mission and that appeal to a broad
range of our members. When someone suggests a new
idea along with the time and willingness to get involved,
we do our best to support that project.
To close with our take away message again: We invite
you to join us—at an event, as a leadership team
member, as an event chair, or board member. Give us
a call and let us know how you’d like to be involved.
We are stronger together.
Ellen Bernstein-Ellis, WOI Co-president
WOI Upcoming Events
7 WOI & Angel Network Tea
22 Rosh Chodesh
23 Jewish Film Festival: Rabbi Shanks leads
discussion at CCJCC
5 got Shabbat? Oneg
7 Miriam’s Cup Workshop
15 Women’s Dessert Seder
16&17 Women’s Retreat
23 WOI Oneg
26 WOI Speakers Series
18 Rosh Chodesh
19 Shavuot Brunch
23 Spring Fundraiser
For more information about these events, monthly meetings for WOI, Knitting & Handwork, and
Women’s Torah Study, visit
for the latest information
February 2010
1pm Library Open
(‘til 6pm)
12pm Havurat D’vash
1pm Library Open
(‘til 8:30pm)
6:15pm Executive
7:15pm Al Anon
Anachnu LA Trip
No Religious School &
Adult Ed.
Anachnu LA Trip
7pm WOI Board
7pm WOI Knitting/
Religious School in Session
8:45am Library Open
10:30am Women’s Torah
(‘til 1pm)
9am Adult B’nai Mitzvah
10:15am Encountering
10:15am Hebrew 2B
11:15am Above & Beyond
1pm WOI/Angel Network
7:30pm Sacred Chant 5pm Purim Shpiel
Healing Circle
6pm Yachad
Shevat 5770 — Adar 5770
1pm Library Open
(‘til 6pm)
7:15pm Al Anon
7:30pm Committee Night
6:45pm Noar Night
7pm History of Reform
8:45am Library Open (‘till
9am Adult B’nai Mitzvah
10:15am Encountering
5:30pm Cancer Support
10:15am Hebrew 2B
11:30 New Machzor
P’tach Libeynu
Support Group
12:45pm Kleztones
7:30pm Rosh Chodesh
4pm Rosh Chodesh: It’s a Adar
Girl Thing
1pm Library Open
(‘til 6pm)
7:15pm Al Anon
8:15am Tefilah Thursday
8:45am Library Open
(‘til 1pm)
10:30am Jewish Book
Group: Trumpet in the
12pm Talmud Study
9:15am Ganeinu Toddlers 9:15am Torah Study
9:45am Ganeinu Babies 10:30am Shabbat Service
5:45pm got shabbat?
6:30pm Shabbat Family
Service with Chocolate
6pm Anshei Isaiah &
Kulanu Trivia Night
No Gan Ilan – Teacher
8:15am Tefilah Thursday
8:45am Library Open
9am Early Childhood
(‘til 1pm)
Education Conference
1pm Library Open (‘til
12pm Talmud Study
6pm Meshorerim Rehearsal
6:45pm Noar Night
7pm History of Reform
7pm Eating Disorders:
7:30pm Eating Disorders:
Teen Panel Discussion
Anachnu LA Trip
Anachnu LA Trip
9:15am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Service
8:30am Library Open
(‘til 5:30pm)
No Religious School
8:15am Tefilah Thursday
8:30am Library Open
(‘til 1pm)
12pm Talmud Study
No Religious School
9:15am Ganeinu Toddlers 10:30am 25 Hours of
Shabbat Service fol9:45am Ganeinu Babies
lowed by lunch, study &
celebration throughout
the day
6pm Happy 1/2 Hour
3pm Mimi Epstein
Memorial Lecture with
Daniel C. Matt followed
6:30pm 25 Hours of
by Havdalah
Shabbat Service with
Mizmor Band followed
by dinner and Meet
& Greet
8:15am Tefillah Thursday
8:45am Library Open
(‘til 1pm)
9:15am Ganeinu Toddlers 9am 6th Grade
9:45am Ganeinu Babies
9:15am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Service
12pm Talmud Study
6pm 6th Grade
8pm Shabbat Service with 6:30pm Purim Shpiel
Meshorerim followed
by Oneg
1pm Library Open
(‘til 6pm)
No Religious School
7:15pm Al Anon
7pm Board Meeting
7pm Purim Shpiel
7pm Mizmor Band
1pm Library Open
(‘til 8:30pm)
6pm Meshorerim
6:45pm Noar Night
7pm Purim Shpiel
7pm Crown & Mystical
8pm Shabbat Service
followed by Oneg
Religious School in
9am Purim Carnival
(‘til 1pm)
Library Adopt-A-Book
10:15am Encountering
Judaism for the latest information
Temple Isaiah Ruach, February 2010 7
Loaves & Fishes
Loaves and Fishes is a secular, nonsectarian nonprofit whose mission
is to feed the hungry of Contra Costa County by providing free hot
nutritious meals at dining facilities. Since 1983, Loaves and Fishes has
served over three million meals to thousands of hungry people
throughout Contra Costa County. Temple Isaiah has been a partner since
the beginning.
According to the Contra Costa Times, Loaves and Fishes is one of the most
cost-effective charitable organizations in the Bay Area and second only
to the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano Counties in efficiency. They
serve meals out of seven locations throughout Contra Costa County.
Although we have a great crew of Loaves and Fishes volunteers, new
helpers are always welcome. For those who are unfamiliar with the
program, we work in the catering kitchen in Pittsburg on the third
Thursday morning of each month. We do prep for the staffers who do the
actual cooking and have a great time kibitzing while working. Our crew
members are Barbara Beckert, Phyllis Ceaser, Margaret Eder, Zellie
Farber, Julie Magilen, Carol Ogren, Mike Portnoff, Deb Slotsky, Heidi
Uhlmann, and Stu Weinstein. Please consider joining us. For information
call Phyllis Ceaser at (925) 937-1406 or [email protected].
Bingo and Shabbat Socials for
Jewish Elders
Two ongoing social action project serving our local
Jewish elders deserve some attention and kudos. Terry
Matzkin continues to spearhead a legion of volunteers for the monthly Bingo games at the Reutlinger
Community for Jewish Living in Danville. This has
been a popular monthly event for the residents. If you
are interested in helping at any time, contact Terry at
[email protected] or 820-5848.
Elaine Highiet is our point person for monthly
Shabbat socials at Byron Park, the senior housing facility in Walnut Creek. Elaine (usually accompanied by
Hal Wolf) goes on the second Friday of each month at
4 p.m. to join Byron Park residents for prayers, wine,
challah and songs. Occasionally, Cantor Howard Cohen
leads the prayers. Sometimes the discussion that follows
is timely and political; other times the event is entirely
spiritual and revolving around Jewish calendar events
and holidays. Please contact Elaine (925-934-7571) if
you can help with this activity. Everyone is welcome,
including families with all-age children, as the residents
are delighted to see young children at their home.
CCIH – Tenant Dinner
photo by Michael Fox
On Thursday, March 11, Temple Isaiah will provide
the dinner for the Contra Costa Interfaith Housing
(CCIH) monthly Garden Park tenants meeting. The meal
responsibility rotates amongst the sponsor congregations and organizations affiliated with CCIH. A hot dinner of salad, main course, vegetables, bread, and dessert
are provided for about 25 people. If you can help with
food preparation and/or delivery, please contact Amy
Faltz at [email protected].
Temple volunteers engage in a craft with a Winter Nights guest (center).
Mitzvah Day Moves to Spring
Mitzvah Day is taking place for the first time in the spring – Sunday,
May 2. Planning is in full swing with Anita Weil and Nadav Rave working
to secure projects and plan the day’s events. Cheryl Kohlreiter has taken
on the job of Volunteer Coordinator, organizing the volunteers that will
lead each project. Additional coordinators and “day of” volunteers are
needed. This is a great way to get involved in a social action project.
To help out, contact Anita Weil at [email protected] or 376-4350, or
Nadav Rave at 385-0853 or [email protected].
8 Temple Isaiah Ruach, February 2010
Dinners for Homeless Shelter
The Social Action Committee will be resuming involvement in providing dinners to the Mountain House
homeless shelter in Concord. We will prepare and
deliver meals to the shelter during several weeks in
2010. At this time, the exact dates are not set but will be
subsequently publicized on the social action page of the
Temple Isaiah website. Social action members will also
receive email updates. If you are able to help with this
project, whether or not you are a current social action
member, please contact Amy Faltz ([email protected]) and Elise Trumbull (elisetrumbull@comcast.
net), Social Action Co-chairs, or Nadav at 385-0683 or
[email protected].
for the latest information
Donations from
November 1-30, 2009
Angel Network Fund
For the yahrzeit of:
Rose Belove, from Mark and Marilyn Morris
William Goldberg, from Stewart and Karen Kupetz
Annette Heller, from Stuart, Danielle and Brian
David S. Jacobson, from Howard and Sharon Noble
Sidney Kupetz, from Stewart and Karen Kupetz
Elyse Morgan, from Myron and Margery Bernstein
Irving Morgan, from Myron and Margery Bernstein
Cantor’s Music Fund
A donation from:
Yale and Arlene Downes
In appreciation of:
Cantor Korn, from Andrew Adler & Jo Cohen,
Len and Robbie Cohn, Robert, Sandy and Joshua
Goldberg, Mildred Hauer, Mo and Wendy Levich
Jeremy Dunbar’s bar mitzvah preparations, from
Robbie Dunbar and Jocelyn Schneider Dunbar
In honor of:
Art Dreshfield’s special birthday, from Beverly
Jenna Feldman’s bat mitzvah, from Len and Robbie
Cohn, Mark and Wendy Feldman
Olivia Rose Hauer-Richard on the occasion of her
bat mitzvah, from Mildred Hauer
Madeleine Levy’s bat mitzvah, from Anna Marie
Herschel Solomon’s special birthday, from Bev
Rosemary Wheeler’s special birthday, from Herbert
& Margaret Eder
In memory of:
Sam Hauer, from Marvin and Ruth Epstein, Elaine
Highiet, Roy and Barbara Kaplan
Eleanor Leo, from Roy and Barbara Kaplan
Edna Phillips, from Beverly Kivel
Tudy Routman, from Lois, Abby, and Douglas Green
Lillian Trumbull, from Joe and Myrna
Al Wolfus, from Herbert and Margaret Eder
For the recovery of:
Faith Greenberg, from Beverly Kivel
For the yahrzeit of:
William Ansel, from Jerry and Greta Frantz
Bella Brier, from David Shapiro and Tina Brier
David Dobin, from Scott Robinson and Deborah
Samuel W. Epstein, from Marvin and Ruth Epstein
Milton Frantz, from Jerry and Greta Frantz
Herman Baron Moss, from Jack and Terri
Muriel Moss, from Jack and Terri Bookbinder
Sam D. Shapiro, from Lee and Lyn Shapiro
In honor of:
Art Dreshfield’s special birthday, from Marvin and
Joyce Ellenberg, Joyce and Myron Tobenkin
Shel Holtz, from Michèle Holtz
Mike and Angie Kurtzman’s 50th wedding anniversary, from Bev Gross, Elaine Highiet
Petra Reyes’ bat mitzvah, from Melinna and Steven
Hugh and Mary Anne Winig on the birth of granddaughter, Noa, from Larry and Nancy Crevin
In memory of:
Curtis Mason, from Milford and Linda Waldroup
Orna Sorokin, from Sam and Iris Sorokin
Barbara Stark, from Roy and Barbara Kaplan
For the recovery of:
Val Morehouse, from Dave and Sandy Anderson,
Beverly Kivel
For the yahrzeit of:
Robert Force, from Lorraine Force
Mark Gross, from Bev Gross
Maurice Melvin, from Lorraine Force
Mildred Radin, from Lorraine Force
William E. Stevens, from Michael and Virgina
Charles Emold Fund
In honor of:
The birth of Noa Liotta, from Anthony and Lucy Di
Daniel Baron Feed the Hungry Fund
In honor of:
Art Dreshfield’s special birthday, from Herschel
and Joan Solomon
Yale and Arlene Downes’ 50th wedding anniversary, from Herschel and Joan Solomon
In memory of:
George Downes, from Herschel and Joan Solomon
Sam Hauer, from Ned and Sheila Himmel, Wayne
Morse and Nancy Highiet Morse
For the yahrzeit of:
Elizabeth Kurtzman, from Michael & Angela
Jenny Levy York, from Alan and Trudi Gardner
Endowment Fund
Donations from:
Shirley Allen, David Bressler and Sue Adler-Bressler,
Charles and Karen Fiske, Steven Hallert and Phyllis
Hartford, Elaine Highiet, Pierre and Lisa Hirsch, Mark
and Penny Kermit, Ivor and Beryl Silver, Frances
In honor of:
Ken Renberg’s special birthday, from David and
Sandra Anderson
Marge Singer’s special birthday, from David and
Sandra Anderson
Cantor Ted Cotler Library Fund
Gan Ilan Preschool Fund
Donations from:
Eden Bruner, Alan Burckin and Carol Olmert, Sue
and Michael Clearfield, Nicholas and Melinda
Gerber, Edward and Katherine Kunnes
In appreciation of:
Val Morehouse, from Mark and Penny Kermit
In honor of:
The birth of Bryan Parker Lurie, from Arlene Lurie
For the recovery of:
Justin Lurie, from Arlene Lurie
General Fund
Donations from:
Jeffrey Elfont, The Fiorentino-Grodin Charitable Lead
Unitrust, Rebecca Harris, Ellen Rosenbaum for the latest information
In appreciation of:
Rabbi Graetz, Rabbi Shanks, Rabbi Forrest, Rabbi
Greninger, and Cantor Korn for their extraordinatry efforts, from David and Sandra Anderson
In honor of:
Art Dreshfield’s special birthday, from Leland and
Celia Douglas
In memory of:
Sam Hauer, from Bette Kaplan, Shirley Nankin
Ro Leibson, from Beverly Kivel
Barbara Stark, from Stephen and Patricia Bort
Lillian Trumbull, from Carrie Rothstein-Fisch
For the yahrzeit of:
Jerry Adler, from David Bressler and Sue AdlerBressler
Sylvia Adler, from David Bressler and Sue AdlerBressler
Richard Allen, from Shirley Allen
Leopold Berkman, from Ike and Sherry Berkman
George Bernstein, from Marvin Bernstein
Maurice Endliss, from Ike and Sherry Berkman
Rose Endliss, from Ike and Sherry Berkman
Adam Paul Kaplan, from Bette Kaplan
Stuart Kaufman, from Larry and Arlene Kaufman
Kathryn Learner, from Donald and Terry Sarver
Harold Levie, from Mark and Gail Levie
Sidney Marco, from Mark and Gail Levie
Yetta Mick, from Esther Pico
Morris Millstein, from David Millstein and Carole
Hyman Rowen, from Harvey and Sherry Rowen
Pearl Rowen, from Harvey and Sherry Rowen
Anita Schneit, from Andrew and Linda Schneit
Yakov Slavoutski, from Sergei and Susan
Jennie Turkel, from Marvin Bernstein
Ivy Blum Memorial Fund
In memory of:
Ivy Blum, from C.J., Irwin, Todd and Leslie Feinberg
For the yahrzeit of:
Jeanette Jeger, from Peter and Helen Loewenstein
Jacob M. Tarkoff Gan Ilan Fund
A donation from:
Robert and Ariel Cockrum
In memory of:
Henry Spack, from Bari Winchell
Jacob Michael Tarkoff, from Erma Nering
For the yahrzeit of:
Raisie Rifkin, from William and Wendy Dorband
Martin Van Zak, from Bill Manheim and Meagan
Van Zak
Kehilat Tzur Hadassah Twinning Project Fund
For the yahrzeit of:
Esther Chattler, from Harvey and Shelley Davis
Prayer Book Fund
In honor of:
Arthur Dreshfield’s special birthday, from Paul and
Arlee Maier
For the yahrzeit of:
Adolf Neuwald, from George and Bonnie Kennedy
Sam Ring, from Marjorie and Richard Carmel
Fanny Seidman, from Michael and Sally Rubinstein
Doris Zena Wolf, from Harry Wolf
Project Hearth for the Homeless Fund
Temple Isaiah Ruach, February 2010 9
Donations from:
Yale and Arlene Downes, Norman and Nancy Price,
Stuart and Kim Weinstein
In honor of:
Lillian Katzburg’s special birthday, from Joseph
and Nedda Katzburg
In memory of:
Barbara Stark, from Martin and Judith Aufhauser
For the yahrzeit of:
Lillian Berg, from Marty and Judy Berg
Nancy Berger, from Carine and Dennis Mink
Harriet Bernstein, from Lou and Lillian Bernstein
Rose Bernstein, from Lou and Lillian Bernstein
Elaine Siegel, from Daniel Weiner and Lynn Gitomer
and family
Rabbi Forrest’s Discretionary Fund
In appreciation of:
David Matz, from David Douglas
Jeremy Dunbar’s bar mitzvah preparations, from
Robbie Dunbar and Jocelyn Schneider Dunbar
In honor of:
Rabbi Forrest and Dan Lange on the occasion of
Savannah Bluford’s Simcha 6 Cheshvan 5770,
from Peter and Nancy Bluford
Madeleine Levy’s bat mitzvah, from Anna Marie
Daniel Paulus’ bar mitzvah, from David and Carolyn
Rabbi Graetz’ Discretionary Fund
Donations from:
Frank and Beth Trafton, Norman and Nancy Price,
Ivor and Beryl Silver, The Liatis Foundation
In appreciation of:
Rabbi Graetz, from Len and Robbie Cohn, Michael
and Angela Kurtzman
Rabbi Graetz at the AIPAC dinner, from Jonathan
and Cristina Wornick
Petra Reyes’ bat mitzvah preparations, from Pedro
and Patricia Reyes
In honor of:
Jenna Feldman’s bat mitzvah, from Len and Robbie
Cohn, Mark and Wendy Feldman
Colin’s baby naming, from Terry and Diane Kamrin
The marriage of Ilana Graetz and Ben Yonas, from
Rebecca Harris, Elaine Highiet, George and Bonnie
Kennedy, Anna Marie Levy, Sanford and Martha Ann
Petra Reyes’ bat mitzvah, from Alex and Janet
Madeleine Levy’s bat mitzvah, from Alex and Janet
The brit of Jamez Stein, from Lance and Cindy
Art Dreshfield’s special birthday, from Lillian
Nedda Katzburg’s special birthday, from Lillian
In memory of:
Larry Berman, from Stan and Wendy Holcenberg
Arnold Greene, from David Zuckerman
Sam Hauer, from Marvin and Ruth Epstein
Ro Leibson, from Elaine Highiet, Zida Levy, Ivor and
Beryl Silver
Trudy Routman, from Lois, Abby, and Douglas
10 Temple Isaiah Ruach, February 2010
Barbara Stark, from Stan and Wendy Holcenberg,
Stewart and Bette Schuster, Sachiho Watanabe
For the recovery of:
Bev Gross, from Joseph and Nedda Katzburg
Charlotte Rossen, from Havurah Neshoma
For the yahrzeit of:
Benjamin Altwarg, from Dan and Carol Altwarg
Minnie Anderman, from Herbert and Barbara
Frances Bobbie Collen, from Morris Collen
Eva Corper, from Ivor and Beryl Silver
Sara Goldstone, from Robert and Jari Goldstone
Edward Goodfried, from Roy and Barbara Kaplan
William Hassen, from Joel and Rochelle Hassen
Morris Hyman, from Alfred and Anne Hyman
Jean Levitt, from Roy and Barbara Kaplan
Solomon H. Kaplan, from Roy and Barbara Kaplan
Kurt Nathan, from Dolly and Monica Nathan
Sylvia Rothman, from Joel and Rochelle Hassen
Ruth A. Schiller, from Robert and Gloria Schiller
Jacob Schwartz, from Michael and Miriam Swernoff
Oscar Simon, from Lillian Katzburg
Stanley Speyer, from Dan and Carol Altwarg
Religious School & Youth Fund
In honor of:
Art Dreshfield’s special birthday, from Len and
Robbie Cohn
In memory of:
Sam Hauer, from Len and Robbie Cohn, Mark and
Wendy Feldman and family
Fay Warga, from Jonathan and Debra Kalan
For the yahrzeit of:
Regi Bloom, from Stewart and Sally Bloom
Dave Glabman, from Sandra Taradash
Maxine Glabman, from Sandra Taradash
Judy McConnell, from David and Diana Obrand
Charles Sollie Obrand, from Barry and Linda
Marcia Shuman, from Stewart and Sally Bloom
Social Action Fund
A donation from:
Paul and Geri Justi
For the recovery of:
Ed Leibson, from Beverly Kivel
Rabbi Shanks’ Discretionary Fund
Stanley R. Harris Memorial Lecture Fund
Donations from:
Ike and Sherry Berkman, Ivor and Beryl Silver, The
Liatis Foundation
In appreciation of:
Rabbi Shanks for the wedding of Andy Adler and Jo
Cohen, from Andy Adler and Jo Cohen
Rabbi Shanks, from Michael and Angela Kurtzman,
Milford and Linda Waldroup
In honor of:
Olivia Rose Hauer-Richard on the occasion of her
bat mitzvah, from Mildred Hauer
Lillian Katzburg’s special birthday, from Howard
and Barbara Adler
In memory of:
Virginia Dragger, from Sheldon and Nancy Nankin
Ken Harris, from Roy and Barbara Kaplan
Sam Hauer, from Howard and Barbara Adler, Joseph
and Nedda Katzburg
Ro Leibson, from Yale and Arlene Downes, Shirley
Harry Maleh, from Linda Maleh, Warren and Randi
Doris Mason, from Milford and Linda Waldroup
Barbara Stark, from Stan and Wendy Holcenberg,
Marilyn Wollf and Peter Goodman
For the recovery of:
Shirley Bolton, from Beverly Kivel
Bev Gross, from Beverly Kivel
For the yahrzeit of:
Benjamin Altwarg, from Dan and Carol Altwarg
Minnie Anderman, from John Poreda and Barbara
Sara Goldstone, from Marilyn, Steven and Natalie
Edward Goodfried, from Roy and Barbara Kaplan
Janice Nankin Greene, from Sheldon and Nancy
Shirley Kane, from Ivor and Beryl Silver
Jack Lefkowitz, from Robert and Gloria Schiller
Sylvia Levine, from Paul and Chere Elsinga
Jean Levitt, from Roy and Barbara Kaplan
Raymond Marks, from Ivor and Beryl Silver
Stanley Speyer, from Dan and Carol Altwarg
A donation from:
Rebecca Harris
In appreciation of:
Dan and Faith Greenberg, from Rebecca Harris and
Beth Harris Hoenninger
In honor of:
Arthur Dreshfield’s special birthday, from Joseph
and Nedda Katzburg, Harold and Betty Redsun
Ellen Baer’s special birthday, from Rebecca Harris
Elaine Highiet’s special birthday, from Rebecca
Lillian Katzburg’s special birthday, from Ellen
Baer, Bev Gross, Rebecca Harris, Mark and Marilyn
Nedda Katzburg’s special birthday, from Rebecca
Mike and Angela Kurtzman’s 50th wedding anniversary, from Bev Gross, Rebecca Harris, Lillian
Zida Levy’s special birthday, from Rebecca Harris
In memory of:
Samuel Hauer, from Rebecca Harris, Arthur
For the recovery of:
Bev Gross, from Rebecca Harris
Mark Morris, from Rebecca Harris
For the yahrzeit of:
Laura Rackow, from Harry Wolf
Bernice Scharlach, from Arthur Scharlach
Gertrude Sherman, from Arthur Scharlach
Waldenberg-Zwerling Youth Fund
In memory of:
The brother of Jack Flynn, from Marvin and Arlene
Winter Nights Project Fund
Donations from:
Anna Berkowitz, Rabbi Roberto and Evelyn Graetz,
Maynard and Judy Lichterman, Steven and Deb
Slotsky, Maxine Weinberg
For the yahrzeit of:
Joe Singer, from Sandra and David Anderson
for the latest information
3415 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, 94549
1100 Bear Creek Rd. Briones, 94553
Susan Lefelstein
Associate Executive Director
(925) 962-3636
T od n
Contra Costa JCC
Building Community in
Contra Costa County for the latest information
Temple Isaiah Ruach, February 2010 11
Non-Profit Org.
Worship Services
Friday, February 5
5:45pm “Got Shabbat” Dinner
6:30pm Family Shabbat Service,
followed by Chocolate Oneg
Saturday, February 6
3800 Mt. Diablo Boulevard
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 283-8575
Lafayette, CA
Permit No. 30
Address Service Requested
9:15am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Service
Ex. 18:1-20:23, Yitro
Friday, February 12
8:00pm Shabbat Service, followed
by Oneg
Saturday, February 13
9:15am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Service
Ti m e ly i nfo r matio n EN C LOS ED : P lea se deliv er b y Fe b ru a ry 1
Ex. 21:-24:18; 30:11-16, Mishpatim
Friday, February 19
25 Hour Shabbat!
6:00pm Happy 1/2 Hour Oneg
6:30pm Shabbat Service with
Mizmor Band, followed by Dinner
and meet and greet
25 Hours of Shabbat: February 19 -20, 2010
Experience the gifts of Shabbat – great food and wine, music, Torah study, prayer, interactive
learning sessions and more. Please join us!
Friday, February 19th
Saturday, February 20
8:45am 25 Hour Shabbat Continues
with Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning
Service, followed by Lunch, Study
and Celebration
5:00pm Havdalah
Saturday, February 20th
Ex. 25:1-27:19, Terumah
Friday, February 26
8:00pm Shabbat Service with
Meshorerim, followed by Oneg
Saturday, February 27
9:15am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Service
Ex. 27:20-30:10, Tetzaveh
6:30pm Purim Shpiel and
Mimi Epstein Memorial Lecture
How the Zohar Re-imagines God with Daniel C. Matt