Union Fall 2013 - De La Salle High School
Union Fall 2013 - De La Salle High School
Union DE LA SALLE HIGH SCHOOL At the heart of campus, a new guiding star… Campus Renovations Express Our Catholic, Lasallian Spirit FALL 2013 Hall of Fame Inductees Span the Decades Can One Student Know (Almost) Everything? L The Brotherhood of the Spartan is Like No Other L Message from the President The words of our theme are not just words. Mark DeMarco ’78 President “Deepening our faith through remembering God’s holy presence and serving others.” Union FALL 2013 Each school year, the De La Salle community adopts a theme to explore throughout the academic year. In faculty and staff retreats and professional in-service days, in our liturgies and communal events, in our classrooms and our co-curricular activities, we refer often to our chosen theme. It is considered, discussed, and acted upon. Beneath the hum and buzz of day-to-day events, the theme sounds a powerful, sustained and sustaining note, to guide us as we build, together, a richer understanding of who we are and why we are here. The theme this year is “Deepening our faith through remembering God’s holy presence and serving others.”By “remembering”God and by “serving”others, we can create a powerful combination of thought and action, with the desired result that it will “deepen”our faith — and as our faith deepens, the cycle will continue, as our remembrance of God grows more constant, and our service to others more frequent and effective. I was pleased to find this theme echoed when our new bishop in the Diocese of Oakland, The Most Reverend Michael C. Barber, S.J., made his first visit to our campus in August. He celebrated with us at the annual preseason liturgy for students, parents, teachers and coaches involved with the Spartan football team. Bishop Barber met many of our parents and students, blessed the attendees, presided at Mass, and spoke eloquently about the importance of Catholic schools. He reminded us that a Catholic high school is a place in which students should be drawn into an encounter with God and His Church. And how does that happen? “Students should be able to encounter Christ in everyone working in a Catholic school,”the bishop declared. He called out several ways in which we who work in Catholic high schools can create an environment in which this encounter can happen: through instruction in the faith; through a genuinely inclusive community; through the Mass and the sacraments; and through service to the poor and disadvantaged. All of these are indeed a regular part of the life of this school. We teach the faith and practice it; we build community by welcoming each person for who he or she is; we celebrate the Mass and participate in the sacraments; and we seek to serve others. The bishop said forthrightly to us that his number one job as bishop is this: “To help people get to heaven.”I like to think that De La Salle High School, and all our Catholic sister schools, are of some help to the bishop in his Job One. I remember what a former executive of the National Catholic Educational Association wrote a few years ago in his book Catholic Schools: Ready for the New Millennium, “For more than 200 years, Catholic schools have been the most effective means of helping youth to grow in their faith, [and] they have been a great gift to the nation. They have educated millions of students who became productive citizens intensely loyal their country. As we enter the 21st century, we hope that historians will record that Catholic schools continued to have a profound impact on the Catholic Church and the American nation.” In this issue of the Union, you will see our theme in action. You will read about how we endeavor to make the remembrance of God’s holy presence a daily reality, and about the many varieties of service to others that members of our community are doing. For me, this is welcome evidence that the words of our chosen theme are not just words. In the spirit of Saint John Baptist de La Salle, Mark DeMarco ’78 President Union Fall 2013 PRESiDEnT’S CABinET Mark DeMarco ’78 President Brother Robert J. Wickman, F.S.C. Principal WHAT’S IN THIS ISSUE Marilyn Gardner Chief Financial Officer Heather Pastorini Chief Advancement Officer Produced by the Office of Advancement De La Salle High School 1130 Winton Drive Concord CA 94518 Tel: (925) 288-8100 Fax: (925) 686-3474 www.dlshs.org Comments, questions, news? Contact J. A. Gray at [email protected] Editor: J. A. Gray Layout and design: Jack Farage Design, Email: farage4ar [email protected] Text: J. A. Gray, Mark DeMarco, Brother Robert J. Wickman, F.S.C., Kyle Peterson, John Pericich, Ida Tolentino. Photos: J. A. Gray, Brian Cahal, Pro Image Studios, Speratus Winery, Yearbook staff. Read the Union online at www.dlshs.org The De La Salle “Union” is a bond of unity for the extended De La Salle family — alumni, parents, alumni parents and the many friends who make up our school’s growing family. The School Seal The school seal is an important part of the identity of De La Salle High School. The symbols used to make up the seal have particular meanings that reflect the values and purpose of the school. In the center of the seal is the Chi Rho (Kye Row). This is the Greek abbreviation of the title “Christ.” The first two letters of the word Christos or “Christ” are “Chi” and “Rho,” represented in the Greek alphabet as a capital “X” and “P.” The fleur-de-lis, with “lis” meaning lily in French, reminds us of our French origins with Saint John Baptist de La Salle. The lamp is a symbol of knowledge, reminding us of our primary purpose as a school — education. The section of broken chain represents freedom — freedom from ignorance. The chain surrounding the seal signifies strength and unity. “Les Hommes de Foi” is French for “Men of Faith.” campus news 2 6 8 9 11 12 Graduation of the Class of 2013 A campus is transformed Lasallians see graced presences The Brotherhood Boutique Seniors take national honors Going mobile with De La Salle advancement 13 14 19 20 Holiday wine sale funds scholarships Honor roll of parent donors Honor roll of faculty and staff donors Honor roll of alumni donors alumni news 24 26 26 Honored alumni and Hall of Fame What’s happening, classes? In Memoriam spartan sports 29 Overview of spring semester sports About the cover: Installed in summer 2013 in front of the 300 wing, the Lasallian Signum Fidei (“Sign of Faith”) guides and grounds us.The star's five points recall our five core principles: Faith in God, Respect for All Persons, Inclusive Community, Concern for the Poor, and Quality Education. At far left can be glimpsed a circular outdoor classroom; at far right a circular labyrinth etched into the concrete. These three linked Courts, and other renovations, seismic, architectural, and landscaped, have transformed the heart of campus. See the back cover and page 6. (Cover photo by Brian Cahal, class of 2015.) FALL 2013 Union 1 campus news De La Salle High School Graduation 2013 At the school’s 45th commencement, on May 19, 2013, the class of 2013 made its transition from students to alumni. Below are excerpts from addresses given that day by president Mark DeMarco ’78, salutatorian Kyle Peterson ’13, and valedictorian John Pericich ’13. Turn the page to learn about the class’s high school achievements and college destinations. T o receive this diploma today and to say you are a graduate of De La Salle High School comes at a cost, and that cost can be summed up in a word: obligation. You have an obligation to take the education you have received and to use it to make this world a better place. And you do not have to wait until you are out of college to improve the lot of others. You can continue to do what you have learned to do here: Tutor someone, feed the hungry, help the homeless, reach out to someone in need. You know in your heart what is required of you. Act on it. To the faculty and staff: Our obligation to the class of 2013 and to all of our students is to make sure we can answer “yes”to the following questions: Do they get it? Do they understand what it means to be a Spartan and share in this Brotherhood? Did we do all we could to assist them? Did we ensure that the Mission Statement of the school is a lived experience, and that the young men entrusted to our care are loved, instructed, and guided? This is the foundation upon which our education is based. This is why De La Salle High Kyle Peterson ’13 School is a special place. I urge us to continue to examine how we can do things better and not become complacent. We must continue to love, instruct and guide our students, to empower them to take what they have been given and to give to others. To the parents: We hope that we have delivered on our obligation, taken on four years ago, to partner with you in the education of your son. And – not to leave you out of my obligation talk – you also have an obligation: You must nourish the seed that was planted here at De La Salle so that it will grow to bear fruit. Challenge your son to give back to those less fortunate. Be the constant reminder to him about the Lasallian education he takes with him. Your sons leave us today, but they don’t truly leave: they become our Alumni, and you become Alumni parents, a new relationship in which, we hope, our connection with you will continue to deepen. To the class of 2013, we as a school say: You Entered to Learn – and now you must Leave to Serve. – Mark DeMarco ’78, President John Pericich ’13 Mark DeMarco ’78 5 2 Union SPRING 2013 campus news De La Salle has changed us, and our campus has served as the catalyst to this gradual change. It is in buildings like the Hofman Center where we could come together as brothers and appreciate our Catholic faith through liturgies and prayer services. It is in places like the Theater where our passion for creativity and imagination moved people to feel everything from happiness and laughter to sorrow and remorse. It is in areas like the Field and Gym where we learned that hard work, sacrifice, and teamwork can be and must be learned outside the classroom. It is in places like Campus Ministry where we were inspired by the power of implementing our faith into action and reciprocating that service towards others in need. It is in buildings like the Library where we learned how to learn and how education is one of the greatest privileges afforded to us. Finally, this change occurred in sacred places like the Chapel, Bishops Ranch, Salinas Valley, or San Diego, where we were encouraged to question, refine, and ultimately strengthen our own faith and spirituality. In all these physical places, a spirit of Brotherhood has grown. And what is Brotherhood? Simply put, brotherhood is love, acceptance, and belonging. It’s being there for one another through everything. Brotherhood isn’t just some intangible object waiting for us. It is not simply inherited. It is made by us, in our actions and efforts, inside all these bricks and mortar. We had to be active, so that Brotherhood would be in these halls, and in our hearts: in our friendships, our laughs, our smiles, our disappointments. Today as Brothers we say thanks to our faculty, parents, and administration, as we leave this place. And we know that although we may be leaving this campus, we will never leave our home. – Kyle Peterson ’13, Salutatorian De La Salle produces National Merit Scholars, science fair champions, Olympic-level athletes, and many other people whose accomplishments are extraordinary. But what most outsiders do not know – and what I think we have all come to learn through our time here – is that De La Salle’s core principles center not on what type of student or athlete or musician or Model UN delegate you are, but rather on what type of human being you are. As football coach and religion teacher Mr. Eidson often says, “At the end of the day, I don’t want to look at their GPAs. I want to look at their souls.” In our four years here, we have been given so many opportunities to “be the change we want to see in the world.” We have taught freshmen about the importance of tolerance and respect through the Student Coalition on Respectful Education. We have spent hours tutoring kids at the Monument Crisis Center. We have raised money for suicide prevention in memory of our fallen brother Tyler Bunn. We have confronted the human side of immigration on Ven A Ver. And we came to appreciate our relationships – with ourselves, with others, and with God – in a way we had never done before on Kairos retreats. When I think about De La Salle, these are the experiences that come to mind. Yes, I do remember the countless 400-meter repeats I did for track, and the hours I spent learning the steps of the Krebs cycle for Honors Biology, but what I remember most is this school’s emphasis on affirming the dignity of every person. The education that we have received here transcends academics. While this school has taught us about the subjunctive mood and the rules of integration and Newton’s laws, it has also taught us the more important lesson that we, having been given this gift of education and having seen some of the injustices that pervade our world, must give back. So my challenge to you, De La Salle Class of 2013, is to go out into the world and use this extraordinary gift that you have been given to better the lives of others. At De La Salle, you have been fortunate enough to receive not just an education but an education with a purpose. The education you have received here is not one of passivity but rather one that says, “I see a problem in the world, and I’m going to do all that I can to fix it.”Let us go forth with this audacity and sense of purpose. Let us go forth and show the world that we have not only scholarship but also faith and integrity. Let us go forth and not only instruct but also love and guide all the people in our lives, just as De La Salle teachers have loved, instructed, and guided us. – John Pericich ’13, Valedictorian SPRING 2013Union Union FALL 2012 2013 FALL Union 33 3 campus news The Class of 2013 Goes national, to The Class of 2013 by the numbers: 251 men of faith, integrity, and scholarship make up the graduating class of 2013. 250 (99.6 percent of the class) are attending post-secondary institutions, and one is joining the Air Force. 8 217 graduates (86 percent of the class)are attending four-year colleges. 6 112 graduates (45 percent of the class) are at four-year colleges in California. They are in 31 different schools, 21 public and 10 private. 13 105 graduates (42 percent of the class) are at four-year colleges elsewhere, spreading out to 30 states and the District of Columbia. They are in 58 schools, 24 public and 34 private. 3 94 seniors finished high school with High Honors (GPA of 3.5 and above). 4 83 seniors finished high school with Honors (GPA of 3.0 to 3.49). 78 students (31 percent of the class) received non-athletic merit scholarships numbering more than 250 distinct awards. 1 149 8 30 students (12 percent of the class) were recruited for athletics at four-year schools. California, Here i Come: The University of California system welcomes 24 Spartan grads (10 percent of the class) to eight of its campuses. The California State University system welcomes 52 Spartan grads (21 percent of the class) to thirteen of its campuses. 12 20 Where Spartans Roam: Here are the most popular four-year schools, by number of DLS alumni they will welcome as freshmen. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (12) San Jose State University (10) Saint Mary’s College of California (8) Loyola Marymount University (7) University of Colorado at Boulder (7) UC Berkeley (6) University of Portland (6) California State University at Chico (5) Montana State University at Bozeman (5) San Francisco State University (5) Santa Clara University (5) University of Southern California (5) UC Davis (5) Sonoma State University (4) Stanford University (4) 2 Congratulations, Class of 2013. God be with you on your journeys. 4 Union FALL 2013 1 Thirty-one States and Washington DC 2 1 6 2 6 1 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 5 1 1 3 FALL 2013 Union 5 A walkway rises. Piers are sunk. “Prosper, o Lord, the work of our hands, T he prayer that is our headline is from Psalm 90. And the reader who looks closely at the photos above will see that our banner asking Saint John Baptist de La Salle to “Pray for Us!”remained flying high throughout summer, as all around this image of our Founder a transformation of his namesake school was accomplished. Seismic Improvements. The second-story walkway at the west end of the Courtyard was demolished and replaced with a seismically sound walkway. The second-story walkway at the east end was also demolished but not replaced. The unused area beneath that structure and before the 300 wing was transformed into three linked Courts that express our heritage and mission. Fom left to right, below: new cross and courtyard from the west. A new puzzle to solve. The Meditation and Contemplation Court. The famous labyrinth in the pavement of the Cathedral at Chartres is A labyrinth is laid. A star is born. A classroom is poured. o prosper the work of our hands.” replicated here, etched in colored concrete. It is an invitation and a challenge: Can you make your way to the center? A puzzle for the senses, a refreshment for the spirit, and a symbol of life’s journey. The History and Culture Court. Central to this space is the Signum Fidei, the Sign of Faith, the star whose five points symbolize the core principles of Lasallian education. Gathering here or passing through, we are daily reminded of our values and mission. Soon to be added at the eastern tip of the star: A bronze statue of Saint John Baptist de La Salle with two teenaged students. The Education Court. This outdoor classroom accommodates a class of thirty students, and this area, that used to lie chained off and unused, is now a flowing connector between the new cross and walkway from the east. Courtyard and the Quad. It has become an instant favorite as a gathering place for lunch and conversation. A new classroom and conversation pit. A new space in which to gather. campus news “one of the greatest gifts we can give our students is to see their goodness.” The Lasallian habit of remembering God’s presence helps us to see beneath the surface. By Brother Robert J. Wickman, F.S.C When folks are new to De La Salle, I sometimes get the question: Brother, why do you begin prayer with the words, “Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God”? I am delighted to get that question, as it gives me an opportunity to share some of the heritage of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. It has been traditional in our schools that prayer begins with the words, “Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God.”After the leader intones this (with the group joining in after the word “remember,”) all pause for a moment to accept the invitation to remember. We do not say, “Let us place ourselves in God’s holy presence,”as if we were not already and always in that divine presence. We also do not say, “Let us call upon God to be present to us in all we do today,”as if to say that God is only present when invited. No, in the Lasallian way of proceeding we are always in the holy presence of God. Now, then, always, this is the case. The challenge --- the invitation --- is to remember this reality. In a letter written to a Brother, dated May 15, 1701, St. John Baptist de La Salle says, “The remembrance of God’s presence will be a great advantage in helping you and in inspiring you to do all your actions well.”Upon entering the classroom, the Brother was instructed to kneel beside his desk, make the Sign of the Cross, and remember God’s presence. Every half hour, a bell was rung in class and a student stood at his desk and said, “Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God.”The message is clear: we are always surrounded by our loving God who does not wait to be invited into our lives. Why this focus on the holy presence of God? What difference does it make anyway? It has to do with finding what we are looking for. In his Meditation for the Feast of the Epiphany, De La Salle urges the Brothers to “recognize Jesus beneath the poor rags of the children”entrusted to their care. See beneath the 8 Union FALL 2013 surface; look beyond the presentation. The “poor rags”of our own students today could be a sloppy appearance, misbehavior of some sort, an “attitude,” apathy, cynicism… you get the point. If we look for trouble, we will find trouble. If we look for shortcomings, we will find shortcomings. If we look for promise, believing that a student has potential for success, we will find the key that will unlock the student’s potential. We refuse to define the student by his immediate behavior. We believe there is more. All we have to do is keep looking. In an age when so many young people struggle with the poverty of low self-esteem, one of the greatest gifts we can give our students is to see their goodness, even before they see it in themselves. We are called to name their goodness and to love them so effectively that they begin to believe in that goodness. Remembering the holy presence of God reminds us of the immense goodness and potential in each person we encounter. How could it not, if we are, as we say we believe, created in the image and likeness of God? Remembering the holy presence of God can keep us focused on the good. Every encounter with a student is an encounter with the graced presence of God. De La Salle encouraged the Brothers to remember the holy presence of God every time they walked through a doorway. I invite you readers, members of our wider De La Salle community, along with our De La Salle faculty and staff, to take up this Lasallian habit of remembrance, and to pay attention to the number of doorways you walk through in the course of a day. Whether we are teachers, coaches, parents, family members, mentors, or friends, a habit of remembrance can make a difference in how we encounter the young men enrolled in De La Salle High School, and how we are able to appreciate, and respond to, the gift that their presence is for us. Every student needs clothing, but not every boy has a clothing budget to spend. When one student noticed a Spartan brother’s need, he inspired a team of De La Salle moms to address the need—and to do it with style. W ho doesn’t like a consignment shop? You browse among selected items, some gently used and some never worn: business wear, casual clothes, athletic apparel. Some things are perfect, and some are a definite maybe. (“How does this look on me?”you ask a friend. “Is this the right fit?”you ask the attendant.) A nice shop will have spacious rooms and many choices; the items will be sorted by size and type, and clearly labeled. If it’s a cool place, it will have good music playing, not too loud, and some snacks and drinks for customers. And if the shop is truly great, it might ask you, the valued customer, to send in a questionnaire on which you list your sizes and preferences, so they can hang on the racks just the sorts of items that might suit you. (“Which style describes you best? You may circle more than one: Preppy. Surf/Skater. Conservative/Sophisticated. Sporty/Athletic. SemiHipster. Beachy.”and so on… .) And the prices? Needless to say, the prices should be well below retail. You are here not only to fill out your wardrobe and to have a good time, but also to get some major bargains. Welcome to the Brotherhood Boutique. It is just as described above, with one important difference. The bargains here are not just good; they are perfect. The price of every item is exactly zero. And the customers are strictly De La Salle students, students for whom this unique new shop is a godsend — or, more precisely, a momsend. noticing a Brother’s need. It all began in September of 2012. A freshman mentioned to his mother that a fellow freshman was wearing the same clothes day after day. Mom reasonably replied, “Remember when you used to wear your favorite team jacket all the time?”But her son had a feeling about this new friend — that his clothing habits were not a choice, but a lack of choice; he felt sure that his classmate did not have many clothes because his family didn’t have the money to buy them. The mother thought about this. She phoned the school to ask if there were indeed students with such needs, and if there was some way she could help. She was connected to Chief Advancement Officer Heather Pastorini, from whom she learned about The Bishop John S. Cummins Scholarship Program, which serves families with very low incomes and includes about 5 percent of our students. And she learned about The Brotherhood Fund, which exists to help all students who may be unable on their own to afford all the incidentals of school life, such as supplies, fees, tickets, athletic gear, and clothing. “I was struck to learn there are many students with such needs, and I kept thinking about the clothing, because it is such an important thing for teenagers,”she recalled. “It’s so important to look right, to fit in, to be comfortable — and to express who you are.”So this DLS mom phoned another DLS mom, and they put their heads together, and discussed everything with Heather Pastorini, and developed a plan. The plan connected two FALL 2013 Union 9 campus news dots that had not been connected before: Here, at school, are students who need good clothing that they can’t afford. There, hanging in closets in nearby homes, is unused clothing just waiting to be put to use again. Why not get the clothing out of the closets and into the students’ hands? Thus was born the Brotherhood Boutique. This story won't mention these mothers' names, nor those of their sons, who also participated, or the handful of volunteers who eventually joined them. The women themselves say, “That’s not the point.”But this chosen anonymity does make a point – which is, that they might be any of hundreds of De La Salle moms. They aren’t haberdashers or retail merchandisers. They are simply mothers, who have families and jobs, but who see a need among their sons’ classmates to which they want to respond. Mom A and Mom B are nameless here because their names could be the names of many people reading this. (Perhaps the names of many people reading this will be associated with the project as it continues to develop?) The first request for donations went out to acquaintances and friends; the items were stored in Mom B’s garage and picked over and washed and sorted. In the spring of 2013, the moms and their helpers got some clothes-hangers and a couple of racks, and the boys in the Bishop Cummins Scholarship Program were invited to come to the living room of the Christian Brothers’ residence on campus to browse for clothing that might suit them. Customers and Clients, not Recipients “I think it was Heather who gave it the name Brotherhood Boutique,”says Mom B. “We didn’t. Oh, we were so nervous. What would the boys think? How would it go? They were so shy at first. I’ll just take this, they would say, and they would pick up one shirt. And then we were, like, sales staff and moms at the same time, saying, “But you’ll need some dress shirts. And how about these ties? And look, here are some casual 10 Union FALL 2013 shirts: this red one would look good on you.” Mom A and Mom B could not keep back tears as they recalled the sweet feeling of success. Says Mom A: “We didn’t know how the boys would react. But, they seemed to really enjoy it. They told their friends that they should come in. They even seemed to enjoy hanging out with us. And we realized that this was an important thing – that we were creating an event at which they could be customers making choices for themselves, and not recipients taking what someone else might have decided to give them.” Reassured that their project did meet a real need, and in an authentically empowering way, the Brotherhood Boutique volunteers, in cooperation with the Advancement Office, expanded their outreach this year. An invitation to donate clothes was sent by e-mail to current parents. It was also suggested to the graduating senior class that, as they cleared out their wardrobes for a move to college, their useful clothing, especially De La Salle spirit gear, could be added to the donation pool. The response? “It was wonderful, and overwhelming.”This time, Mom B’s garage was bursting at the seams. With the purchase of hundreds more hangers and a couple of dozen racks, and after many hours of labor and schlepping, the result was the Brotherhood Boutique shown in the photos, a three-day run at the end of September 2013, at which Bishop Cummins Scholars could “shop”at their free periods. Having outgrown the Christian Brothers’ residence, the boutique was housed in “the blue house”owned by the school just at the edge of campus. The Brotherhood Boutique team is continuing the project, expanding its pool of clients, and offering not only gently used items but new items also, as donations allow. Heather Pastorini says, “Anyone interested in knowing more about the Brotherhood Boutique and supporting it is welcome to contact me.”She is at [email protected] or by phone at 925-288-8106. campus news National Honors for Sixteen Seniors T hree DLS students have been named Semifinalists and eleven have been named Commended Students by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC); two have been honored by the National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP); and one has been named an Outstanding Participant by the National Achievement Scholarship Program (NASP). Clark Messman, Joshua Tan, and Jarrett Taylor are the NMSC Semifinalists; Justin Bongi, Reuben Castelino, Zane Dundon, Thomas Franceschi, Khalil Joseph, Brian Kerfs, Derrick Lewald, Adam Lewis, John Schwartz III, Joshua Stratmann-Kirmsse, and Huan Xue are the Commended Students. Alexander See and Khalil Joseph are the NHRP honorees, and Larry C. Allen is the NASP honoree. More about the three Semifinalists: Clark Messman is on the Spartan swimming and cross-country teams, he volunteers as a local Youth Educator, is active in his Catholic parish, and works summers as a lifeguard and swim instructor; his intellectual interests run to economics, neuroscience, and engineering. Joshua Tan, a dedicated piano student, plays in the De La Salle concert band and is an accompanist at school and church. He has volunteered at Monument Crisis Center, and works summers as a teaching assistant in a calculus class for high school students at UC Berkeley. Jarrett Taylor’s academic interests include physics, neuroscience, and bio-engineering, but until college begins he will be fully occupied with instrumental and vocal music, student government and community service, swimming and soccer, the chess club and science projects, and his hobbies of reading and hiking. His summer work has been as a counselor at JFK University’s Expressive Arts Camp for low-income children. “What is the one thing in the world that you DON’T know?” Joshua Tan makes headlines for his perfect and near-perfect scores Most aspiring collegians take a standardized placement test, one of those exams with the familiar initials, the SAT or the ACT. Each year about 1.7 million students take the SAT, and about 1.7 million take the ACT. Many students take both. Why both? The tests are different instruments, some colleges prefer one over the other, and some students find that one test suits them better and will yield a higher score. Then they can choose which score to send to the colleges of their choice. Joshua Tan probably won’t have to decide which of his tests will make a better impression on colleges. On the ACT, he got a perfect 36 (one of 781 students in the nation to do so). On the SAT, he got 2390 points out of a possible 2400 (about one-quarter of one percent of all SAT-takers score in that range). These outstanding results got Josh quizzed by local reporters. How did you do it? To the Contra Costa Times, he said, “I really didn't do anything in particular. There are ways to prepare, but I believe the best studying is the experience you get in school. I've been fortunate to have really good teachers. There's an increasing emphasis on the importance of these tests. They are important, but I think the better preparation is making sure you do well in school.” Josh sounds calm, cool, and collected, but he admits to jubilation also: “When I found out my ACT score, it was through my phone, while I was sitting on the train. I saw my score, and I didn't believe it – I had to contain myself because I didn't want to cause a scene.” Josh’s older brother Aaron (DLS ’08) went to UC Berkeley, majored in civil engineering, and now works as a project engineer. Josh foresees a similar intellectual path. As he told the Union, “The school that I most want to attend is UC Berkeley. I really like the campus, the location, and the opportunities it provides as a strong engineering school. I'm not sure about what career I want to enter, but I am interested in mechanical engineering. The other schools I am applying to are Princeton, Cornell, MIT, Stanford, UCLA, USC, UC San Diego, UC Davis, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.”His favorite subject is math. And his favorite thing about De La Salle High School? “It’s the brotherhood of the students here, really. It’s really a special place – and not just for the academics and the teachers.” But, Josh, we need to bring up the thing that everyone is wondering about: If you were perfect on the ACT and just a smidgen short of perfect on the SAT, the question has to be asked: “What is the one thing in the world that you don’t know?” That gets a laugh. “Well, actually, I don’t know what I don’t know. I’m not sure specifically which questions I missed. However, I do know that for the SAT, I missed a question in the math section. I also missed a math question on the ACT, but since I got perfect on the other sections, the overall composite score was still a perfect 36.” Josh Tan ’14 on keyboard, Adam Briere ’14 on drums, Katrina Gallardo CHS ’14 on guitar, Jesus Rico’15 on bass. The combo provided music for the annual Classic Evening at Diablo Country Club. campus news De La Salle Website Goes Mobile our full-size website is designed for viewing on a full-size computer screen. But people want to get information and updates on their mobile devices in a mobile-friendly format. Click Alumni for key information and links for De La Salle alumni, including Linkedin and Facebook. Click Support De La Salle for contact information and for links to fundraising events and community functions. De La Salle now provides this with its new “mobile interface.” Click Contact Us for the phone numbers you need most, and for Google Map directions to 1130 Winton Drive. When a mobile device contacts www.dlshs.org, it will automatically display the mobile landing page. Click View Full Website to bring up the home page of the full-size version of the website. [Bookmark it on your iPhone with the ADD TO HOME SCREEN button to create a one-tap link.] The large buttons provide instant access to our most visited and most vital pages, formatted for easy viewing on the small screen . . . Click News to see current news and photos. Click Calendar to see events and special schedules for several weeks ahead. Click Directory to find faculty and staff members and to see faculty web-pages Click Athletics to see scheduled events for several weeks ahead, and to get Google Map directions to the games and matches. Click Admissions for key information and links for interested parents and prospective students. Now you can take De La Salle with you when you are on the go . . . 12 Union FALL 2013 Looking for the perfect holiday gift idea? Need to stock up on wine for holiday parties and events? Want to give a gift that truly makes a difference? We have the solution and can make your Christmas planning and shopping easy! With just one purchase you can simplify your shopping, thrill the people on your gift list -- family, friends, or professional associates -- and ensure that scholarships will be there for truly needy students who want this Catholic, Lasallian, college-preparatory education. For a limited time, Speratus wines can be purchased directly through school, with an e-mail or a phone call. Then, you can pick up your purchase at school at our Spartan Santa Reception on December 12 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., or an agreed-upon different date. It's win-win-win with Speratus wines! These fine wines support financial aid for families whose need is great. For more information about this project and Speratus – the wine of hope -- please visit the website Speratus Winery. To place an order: simply e-mail Chief Advancement Officer Heather Pastorini at [email protected], or phone her at 925-288-8106. 2010 Santa Lucia Highlands Chardonnay Color: brilliant yellow gold with touches of grey gold On the nose: expression of quince, pear, cedar wood, crème brulée and vanilla, lingering on banana and honey with macadamia nuts On the palate: silky round entrance evolving on walnuts and citrus, lingering on oranges and star fruit with touches of figs and canned pineapple $22.00 / Bottle $264 / Case 2011 Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon Color: Deep dark cherry with hints of purple on the rim On the nose: Fruity and fresh with touches of blueberries, blackberries, gingerbread and a hint of fresh eucalyptus lingering on fresh plums, clay and cranberries On the palate: Soft entrance evolving on cherry jam with hints of prunes and granite, lingering on lilac, roses and tobacco A limited number of magnum bottles (1.5 liters) are available at $94 per magnum $37.00 / Bottle $444.00 / Case FALL 2013 Union 13 advancement PARENT HONOR ROLL OF DONORS (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) Thank you, parents, for your generous support. Our parents form a true community, generously donating to the Annual Fund to benefit all students. Not every family at De La Salle has need of financial aid, but more than 30 percent of our families do receive financial aid, and this year the amount of aid granted totaled more than $2.1 million. It is thanks to supporters who understand the importance of keeping this Catholic, Lasallian education accessible to all who need it that we are able to keep increases in cost to a minimum. Thanks you, parents, for your trust in us to educate your sons, and for your wonderful engagement with the varied life of this school and its many activities. Our goal is 100 percent participation by our parents. When 100 percent of parents contribute to the Annual Fund, it sends a powerful message. De La Salle must look outside its own community for support, to foundations, philanthropists, and others. These potential supporters look for evidence that the school is strong, thriving, and well-managed — and well-respected by those who are closest to it. A strong sign of this is participation in the Annual Fund by those closest to the school: parents, faculty, staff, and alumni. Senior Parents Class of 2013 57.9% Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abele Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Adriano Mr. and Mrs. Jack V. Aiello Ms. Maureen Alai Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Aliotti Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Amador '82 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Angelo Dr. Alex A. Aslan Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Bakos Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Baldacci '77 Dr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Belisle '86 Mr. and Mrs. Chuck P. Bell Ms. Mary Jo Bernardo and Ms. Mary Beth Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Tracy L. Bob Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Gil W. Brasher Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Breshears Mr. David I. Bruce and Ms. Pamela L. Tondreau Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Buchanan 14 Union FALL 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Buckley Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Camillus T. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Cabral Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Carter, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Cavallero '78 Mr. Paul Chahin '82 and Ms. Leslie Guerrero-Chahin Mr. and Mrs. Lorne F. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Campbell K. Chaney Mr. Myles A. Cheshier and Ms. Rita G. Moscuzza Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Clute Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Coats Mr. David C. Copeland Mr. and Mrs. James R. Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Joel Corona Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. D. Costa Mr. Kelly F. Crane Mrs. Patricia A. Crane Ms. Bernadette Cu-Todd and Mr. Jeffrey Todd Mr. Bryan Daniels Ms. Colette Daniels Mr. and Mrs. David A. Depolo Mr. and Mrs. Marc P. Dioso Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Dito Mrs. Judy A. Dudziak Mr. Thomas L. Dudziak, Jr. '76 Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Vesty F. Enea '79 Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Fabrique Mr. and Mrs. Christopher O. Fry '85 Mr. John Galvin Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Goetze Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Grazzini Mr. Raymond Green and Ms. Signe Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M. Gunderson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Haley Mr. and Mrs. Frederic J. Happy Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Hawkyard Ms. Tracy Hein Mr. Gary Hennis and Ms. Jane Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Holt Mr. and Mrs. James C. Howard advancement Mr. and Mrs. George D. Huertas Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hulburd Mr. and Mrs. Grant M. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Gaetan J. Ingrassia Mr. and Mrs. Gary Inman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Irion Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jankowski Dr. John W. Jaureguito and Ms. Patricia M. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. David T. Jeans Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery J. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Hector Jorge Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Karleskind Dr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Kavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Keane Ms. Catherine Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Ronny King Mr. and Mrs. Chris Konstantino Mr. and Mrs. Deane Lamont Mr. and Mrs. James J. Lisiak Ms. Lee Ann Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lonestar Ms. Jennifer J. Machado Mr. C. P. Machado Mr. Michael P. Mahoney and Ms. Helena Teahan-Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Malone Mr. and Mrs. Manuel A. Mangoba Mr. Paul Marcotte and Ms. Teresa Herigstad Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. McCaffery Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. McCormick Mrs. Cathy A. McSweeney Mr. and Mrs. David W. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Notti Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ogburn Mr. and Mrs. Humberto Ornelas Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O. Oswald '83 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Overly Mr. and Mrs. John I. Pericich Mr. Paul C. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. James Pitts Mr. and Mrs. Kwadwo Poku Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Popovits Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Powers Mrs. Julie V. Protich Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Puckett Mr. Benjamin J. Reed and Ms. Catherine A. Tallyn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Reedy Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Reigelman Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Reiland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rigley Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Riley Dr. Christine M. Riley Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Riopelle Mrs. Sherrie A. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rogan Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Rose Ms. Ann L. Rosselli Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Salmeron Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel V. Sapinoso Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Schlagel Mrs. June Shore Mr. David B. Simons and Ms. Melissa A. Serpanchy-Simons Dr. and Mrs. Lynn S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Smith Mr.and Mrs. Michael W. Soza Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Spainhower Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spangenberg Mr. and Mrs. Randall B. Stockwell Mr. Michael F. Sullivan Mr. Gary A. Teague and Ms. Karyn L. Driscoll-Teague Mr. Mawuko Tugbenyoh '96 and Ms. Cristal Gahagan Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Vaccaro II '79 Mr. Todd C. Van Laanen Ms. Vanessa D. Vicente Ms. Jane Vidal Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vierengel Mr. Jaime A. Villagomez and Ms. Annabelle Tinoco-Villagomez Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ward Mr. John F. Warnock and Ms. Yvette Rodriguez Warnock Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Wensley Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Weseloh Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Will Mr. and Mrs. David M. Windsheimer Dr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Yamamoto Mr. Luca Zanet and Ms. Victoria Lustan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ziolkowski Junior Parents Class of 2014 53.5% Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Alms Mr. and Mrs. Larry C. Allen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Bartoni, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno R. Bellafronte Mr. and Mrs. William H. Berriman Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Borosky Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Breshears Mr. and Mrs. David Briere Mr. Rodney C. Brinser and Ms. Stacey L. Harris-Brinser Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Callaway Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Chiapello Mr. and Mrs. Sanjay Choudhary Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Conte Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Cozort Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Czarnecki Mr. and Mrs. David L. Dildine Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Dille Mr. and Mrs. John F. Doyle '82 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Driscoll '76 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Dundon Mr. and Mrs. Craig Z. Egoian Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Steven N. Fairfield Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fernandes Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Ferrante Mr. and Mrs. Russell Forrester Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Franceschi Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Fregosi Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Freitas Mr. and Mrs. William F. Fuller '81 Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Garske Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Gervolino Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Giacoletti Mr. and Mrs. James D. Gilchrist Mr. and Mrs. Miguel T. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. James M. Greaney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Guelfi Mr. and Mrs. Steven Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. James D. Harbison Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Haynes Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hecht Mr. and Mrs. Mike P. Hertel Mr. Andre R. Hill and Ms. Janine A. Guy Hill Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Hooper Mr. and Mrs. Julio C. Horna Mr. Guy S. Houston and Ms. Ingeborg E. Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. William J. Huberty Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Blair Hurlock Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hutchinson Dr. and Mrs. Alan K. Iannaccone Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Inglesby Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Jannisse '84 Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Johnston Mr. Gary C. Jones and Ms. Lydia B. Jeung Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Bradley G. Kamin Mr. and Mrs. John A. Karachewski Mr. and Mrs. John P. Keane Ms. Leigh A. Kirmsse and Ms. Melissa M. Kirmsse Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Koenig Dr. Sihao Lam and Dr. Fatima R. Pineda-Lam Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Leahy Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Long Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Macy Mr. and Mrs. James D. Maher Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Maloney Mr. and Mrs. James L. Marcotte Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McAdam Mr. and Mrs. Randy A. McCann '86 Mr. and Mrs. David T. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. David S. McGrew Mr. and Mrs. Ralph N. Mendelson Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Mendoza Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Messman Mr. and Mrs. Joe Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. David Miller FALL 2013 Union 15 advancement Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Eamon J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nakano Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery A. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Huy Q. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Nye Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Ormond Mr. and Mrs. Todd Pastorini Ms. Marianne A. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Peisson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce I. Pekari Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Perez Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Perino Mr. Paul J. Peterson and Ms. Suzanne T. Nuti Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Primasing Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Radich Mr. David M. Rico and Ms. Cindy L. Chan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Roberts Mrs. Lisa Rossiter-Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Juan Rovirosa Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Rueckert Mr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Russo Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Saccullo '82 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Sanchez Ms. Linda A. Sarver Mr. and Mrs. Sblend Sblendorio Mr. Mark W. Schmidt and Ms. Suzanne M. Spillane-Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Adam G. See Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Semenchuk Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Senna Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Shackleton Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Sheets Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spangenberg Mr. and Mrs. Kent Strazza Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Talaugon Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Taylor Ms. Desiree M. Velasco Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Vella Mr. Danny V. Vu and Ms. Catrina N. Dang Mr. and Mrs. Clayton J. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wilm Mr. Jonathan H. Wilson and Ms. Dana C. Simi-Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Troy F. Wittenmeier Mr. and Mrs. Hoa T. Wong Ms. Yvonne Ybanez-Ramirez and Mr. Salvador E. Ramirez Mr. Michael R. Zumbo and Ms. Bonnie K. Toland-Zumbo 16 Union FALL 2013 Sophomore Parents Class of 2015 68.1% Mr. and Mrs. David F. Abele Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Abenoja Mr. and Mrs. David Ackley Mr. David Afinowicz and Ms. Therese M. da Silva Mr. and Mrs. William J. Anzoategui Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Aragon Dr. Ramsey Araj and Dr. Susan Dugoni Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Arana Dr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Belisle '86 Mr. and Mrs. Othon Benavente Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benz Mr. and Mrs. Todd L. Bequette Mr. and Mrs. James D. Boland Mr. Jason Brinkman Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Cahal Mr. and Mrs. Gianfranco Campa Mr. and Mrs. Ben T. Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. Enrique C. Carrera Mr. Myles A. Cheshier and Ms. Rita G. Moscuzza Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Clancey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cook Mr. and Mrs. John Corpus Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Costello Mr. Kevin Coston Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Crossen Mr. Jose R. Cumagun Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dalpiaz Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Daul Mr. and Mrs. George J. Del Monte Mr. and Mrs. John A. DeMartini Mr. and Dr. Mark A. DeVincenzi Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Donachie Mr. and Mrs. Marc D. Douville Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dron Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Engelhart '83 Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Eustaquio Mr. and Mrs. Blaine R. Frost Mr. Dirk Fulton and Ms. Becky Kukkola Mr. and Mrs. Fabrizio Galli Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Giosso Mr. Carl B. Godkin Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Gomez Mr. Ruddy Gomez and Mrs. Veronica Lopez Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Guelld '81 Mr. and Mrs. David Hanan Mr. Robert P. Hanel and Ms. Anita P. Gursahani Mr. Jonathan R. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Hare '83 Mr. and Mrs. Hal T. Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Grover Heiskell Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hogan Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Hooker Mr. and Mrs. Bill Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Valentin Huerta Mr. and Mrs. Lon Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Grant M. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Inzerillo, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Janettas Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David Jones Mr. and Mrs. Dana J. Kafka Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Kauffman Ms. Nyisha King and Mr. Marchon King Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. King Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Kline Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Lakers Mr. and Mrs. Richard Landry Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Leiter Mr. David A. Lentz '79 Mrs. Michelle Lewis Ms. Lynn P. Lintz Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Lofe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Loftus Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lonestar Mr. and Mrs. Noel Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Francisco E. Luna '85 Ms. Jennifer J. Machado Mr. C. P. Machado Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Markey Dr. Andrew Marshall and Dr. Lynne Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Louay Masarweh Mr. Barry L. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McAdoo Mr. and Mrs. Greg L. McAdoo Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. McGranahan Mrs. Cathy A. McSweeney Mr. and Mrs. Rick Medeiros Mr. and Mrs. Marc K. Mitchell Mr. Michael J. Monaldo and Ms. Valerie A. Nagel Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Monasterial Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Morley Ms. Irma Munguia Mr. and Mrs. Kirk A. Musacchio Mr. and Mrs. Huy Q. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ogburn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Olinger Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O. Oswald '83 Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Ottati, Jr. '88 Mr. and Mrs. Pacifico Palacay Mrs. Margaret M. Pallack Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Pauline '80 advancement Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Paulson Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pelster '87 Mr. and Mrs. Rigoberto Pena Mr. and Mrs. Ronaldo S. Perez Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Perko Mr. and Mrs. Mark Perlite Mr. and Mrs. James P. Peters Ms. Melissa D. Portis Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Purcell Mr. and Mrs. John A. Quinn Mrs. Donna L. Ramirez Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Reedy Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Reiland, Jr. Ms. Jeanette Reinholz Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Reuling Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ribera Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Rico Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rigley Mr. and Mrs. James P. Riso Ms. Lisa M. Roa Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Robichaud Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Robison '86 Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Rodney Mr. and Mrs. Vince Romeo Mr. and Mrs. David C. Rostratter Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Rueckert Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sandri Mr. and Mrs. Kent K. Sasaki Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Savio Ms. Cristin A. Schatz Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Schneider '83 Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Schumann Ms. Dorothy M. Scocci Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Senna Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sitzmann Mr. and Mrs. Sergey Smirnov Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jim Songey Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Talmadge Mr. Simon J. Taylor and Mrs. Bonnie S. Burnett-Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Chris O. Theodorakis Mr. and Mrs. John S. Travale Mr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Tripp Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. VanderKlugt '87 Dr. and Dr. Michael Varon Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Villarama Mr. and Mrs. Jeff W. Vornhagen Mr. and Mrs. Dean C. Wallahan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Wanket '79 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wardy Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Warriner Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Waterson Mrs. Kelly A. Whalley Mr. Timothy L. Whitlow '84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Willard Dr. and Mrs. Yongmin Zhu Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ziolkowski Freshmen Parents Class of 2016 66.4% Mr. and Mrs. Jack Abele Mr. and Mrs. Virgilio A. Abesamis Mr. Keith Adabie and Mrs. Judy Adabie Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Aguilar Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Allen Mr. Brian W. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Aring Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Armistead Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ayers Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Balestreri Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo E. Barrientos Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Bartoni, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Prak Bebarta Mr. and Mrs. David Behiel Mr. and Mrs. Miklos C. Benko Mr. and Mrs. David M. Birka-White Mr. Patrick J. Blake Ms. Diane P. Blake Mr. and Mrs. James D. Boland Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Brasiel '82 Mrs. Julie D. Bryce Mr. and Mrs. Eric Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Francis Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Carter, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne F. Chambers Ms. Victoria J. Cinco Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Coats Ms. Jennifer L. Colon Mr. and Mrs. Brent T. Conway Mr. and Mrs. Allen T. Cristwell Ms. Bernadette Cu-Todd and Mr. Jeffrey Todd Mr. and Mrs. William Cygan Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Datte Dr. and Mrs. David M. Dobin Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Douglas Mr. Jeffrey E. Dozier Mr. and Mrs. John Dzenitis Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Eitelgeorge Mr. and Mrs. Steven N. Fairfield Mr. and Mrs. Linus J. Farias Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Fogarty Mr. and Mrs. Baird D. Fogel Mr. and Mrs. William F. Forester Mr. and Mrs. William F. Fuller '81 Mrs. Abigail Galan Mr. and Mrs. Luis I. Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Gray Ms. Perlita G. Gray Mr. and Mrs. James M. Greaney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne F. Guerrero Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Guistolise Mr. and Mrs. Gus Halas Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Hardiman Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hassett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hays Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Henderson '83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Hinckley '84 Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Hirsch '82 Mr. and Mrs. Scot T. Holmes Ms. Nancieanne Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Hourigan Mr. and Mrs. William J. Huberty Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick G. Hunziker Mr. Kiril I. Iliev Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Jones Mr. and Mrs. William F. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Karleskind Dr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Katz Ms. Janice Kelso Mr. and Mrs. William Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Trever Knoflick Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Koelzer Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lafredo Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lappin Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Lencioni Mr. and Mrs. Lester Lesavoy Mr. and Mrs. David Leyman Ms. Surekha G. Lim Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lindberg Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Nick Macarchuk III Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Madrigal Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Mague Mr. and Mrs. Chris Maloney Mr. Gene Mangini Mr. and Mrs. Oliver D. Mapua Ms. Aniluz Mariano Mr. and Mrs. David T. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McGregor Dr. and Mrs. Brim McMillan-Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Mercer '86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Mercier Mrs. Hanne B. Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Mifsud Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Militar Mrs. and Mr. Desiree K. Monsarrat-Roy Mr. and Mrs. Veniero A. Monti Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Moody Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Neufeld Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Neves Mr. and Mrs. Miles Nikaido Mr. Robert D. Nyberg III '90 Ms. Deanna L. Nyberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Nye Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Oatley Ms. Czon S. Oliveros Mr. and Mrs. Jordan D. Olivier Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. O'Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oxman Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pacelli Mr. and Mrs. John-Ashley Paul Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Pauline '88 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Perrey Mr. and Mrs. Eric Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raines Dr. and Mrs. Romeo E. Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Armando I. Ramos '93 FALL 2013 Union 17 advancement Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Ratinho Mr. and Mrs. James A. Redmond Dr. and Mrs. Jason M. Renner Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Ridgway Mr. Eugene Riemenchneider Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey M. Riley Dr. Christine M. Riley Ms. Gina Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Romano '83 Mr. and Mrs. David Romero Mr. and Mrs. James P. Rowley Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Runyon Mr. Lawrence Bell and Mrs. Sandra Sabatino-Bell Mr. Emilio Salas and Mrs. Rosa E. Barajas Mr. and Mrs. Scott Scharton Mr. Joseph Scherman Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schimberg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Schlagel Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scott Ms. Darlene T. Sears Mr. and Mrs. Ricky E. Serrano Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Shess Mr. and Mrs. John J. Simonelli Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Soward Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spangenberg Mr. and Mrs. William R. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Renton C. Squires Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Starkman Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stegner Dr. and Mrs. Darrin D. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Dominic J. Stull Mr. Kevin M. Sullivan and Mrs. Tamara Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Tanner Mrs. Laura A. Tehrani Mr. and Mrs. John Thuma Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Tomkovicz Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Trinkus Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Y. True Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Tyser Dr. and Dr. Bernabe F. Urbano Ms. Helena P. Valentine Mr. Scott P. Valentine Ms. Sandra J. Vella-Andrade Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Vernon II '85 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Vest ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Vollman Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Vranesh '85 Mrs. Karla D. Vukelich Mr. and Mrs. David Waite Mr. and Mrs. James G. Wardy Mr. and Mrs. David W. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Wong Mr. and Mrs. David M. Worthley Mr. and Mrs. Carlos R. Zapata '87 Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Zocchi '74 Ms. Teresa C. Zocchi Mr. Michael R. Zumbo and Ms. Bonnie K. Toland-Zumbo ••• De La Salle’s Honor Roll of Donors recognizes parent gifts made to the De La Salle Annual Fund from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. We have made every effort to provide a complete and accurate listing. However, errors may occur, and we hope you will accept our sincere apologies. Please contact Karla Wiese, Director of Development, in the Advancement Office at (925) 288-8195 or [email protected], and we will correct our records. Save the Date! F.E.T.E. Auction April 5, 2014 De La Salle High School’s gala fundraising event of the year. At beautiful Diablo Country Club. Talk, dine, dance, and bid on live and silent auctions with a few hundred close friends. Information: Chief Advancement Officer Heather Pastorini at 925-288-8106 or [email protected] 18 Union FALL 2013 FACULTY AND STAFF HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Thank you, faculty and staff, for your leadership. Our employees kicked off De La Salle’s Annual Fund effort for the current school year by enrolling as donors, and by September 30 we had reached a participation rate of 98 percent. Why do these dedicated professionals reach into their own pockets to support this educational mission? They can tell you, quietly and anonymously, in their own words. “I give because…” “…because I know that my gift will help a teenager become a responsible, compassionate, and loving young man. I have seen the power of De La Salle to change lives.” “…because I get to see the direct result of the generosity of this community in the classroom, on the playing field, at service sites, and on retreat.” “…because this school gave so much to me as a student: My life was literally changed because of my time at De La Salle, and my gift says thank-you.” “…because St. La Salle called us to be like older brothers and sisters to our students. My support of De La Salle feels like encouragement of my younger brothers.” Anonymous (5) Viki Acquistapace Joe and Wendy Aliotti Justin Alumbaugh '98 Brett Anderson '97 Michael Appel Janet Appel Michael Aquino Felix Armenta Douglas Bauman Sherry Bedford Andrew Berkes Dr. Elizabeth Berkes Walter Bradford Sean '97 and Emerald Bristol Derricke Brown Greg Brown-Davis '97 Linda Byrne Matthew Castello '80 Alfredo Chua Greg and Ann Clouthier Larry Colón Patricia Crane David Cunningham Christian Curry '89 Michael Dal Poggetto Cheryl Delahoussaye Mark '78 and Lori DeMarco Rebecca and Michael DeWeese Omar Diaz Lillian Dickson Scott Drain '94 John Dyer Terry Eidson David and Monica Fryman Vanessa Gai Kelly and Mike Gardner Marilyn and Paul Gardner Keith Gillette Richard Graham '90 Joseph Grantham J. A. Gray Robert Guelld '81 Steven Guthrie Father LaSalle Hallissey '69 Matthew Harrison '96 Roger Hassett Mary Hassett Cathy and Ken Higaki Allan Hightman Scott Hirsch '82 Christopher Hood-Rosales '76 Cathy and Jon Jacques David Jeans Jay Juarez Corey W. Kelly Kirk Kincaid Bob Ladouceur Brother Jésus Lara Lissa Leigh Leo '94 and Megan Lopoz Jose Lozano Greg MacArthur '03 Joan MacDonald Kimberly MacLean Melissa Marnell Jeffrey and Siobhan Marzluft Michael Mattos Mary Ann Mattos John McDonough Alison McNell Raymond Meadows '97 Kent ’87 and Kim Mercer Tony Moore Guillermina Nicholson Charles Noland Zosimo Odal Stephen Oelschlager Mr. and Mrs. Michael Otterstedt Heather and Todd Pastorini Nick Pelosi '91 John Pelster '87 Jose Portillo Russell Probst James Puccetti '02 Franco Reguzzoni Kathy Resch Janet Richards Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Roberts '88 David Rosenbaum Brother Michael Saggau Penny and Edward Sanders Linda Sarver Michelle Schimberg Elaine Seed Lauren Seeno Emily and Kevin Selby '91 Diana Serrano Spencer Shively Margaret Silva Alexandra Stevenson Monica Szczepanski Annemarie Talmadge Ida Tolentino Rene Tuballa Dee Turrin Alber Valle Donald Van Bomel Jr. and Kaitlin Barry Brother George Van Grieken, FSX Brother Robert J. Wickman,FSC Karla and David Wiese Ronald and Mary Yonekawa Rizalde Yu Jaime Zavala Robert Zorad FALL 2013 Union 19 U M S N AL (July 1, 2012 — June 30, 2013) L E H IG H NI IO ALUMni HonoR RoLL oF DonoRS L SA OOL CH DE L A advancement AS SO C IA T Thank you, Alumni, for your generosity. In the past few years the percentage of alumni making a donation has more than doubled, and our goal is to continue that steady growth. Will you help us to reach the goal of 15 percent participation? Your engagement with the school today will make it better and stronger for the students of tomorrow. The tuition gap is $1,700 per student per year. Many are still surprised to learn that tuition does not cover the full cost to educate a student throughout the school year. Our endowment is still in its infancy (in comparison to other schools) but it continues to grow. Meanwhile, we make every effort to keep the cost of education affordable for all families. The De La Salle Alumni Association continues to offer our more than 8,500 alumni many opportunities for engagement. More and more alumni “come back to De La Salle”for events, reunions, and charity drives, for sports and performing arts. We ask you also to answer the call to support the Annual Fund that benefits all students. Alumni Annual Fund Participation Growth 2007 to 2012 Timeframe FY 2007-08 FY 2008-09 FY 2009-10 FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 Solicitable Alumni* 5,180 5,449 5,681 5,951 6,132 6,280 # Alumni Donors 167 269 288 408 463 472 % Change from Previous Year N/A 61.08% 7.06% 41.67% 13.48% 0.019% % Alumni Participation 3.22% 4.94% 5.07% 6.85% 7.55% 7.51% * Solicitable Alumni is defined as alumni with valid contact information and not in college. Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bihler '69 Dr. and Mrs. Gary T. Guglielmino '69 Father LaSalle Hallissey, O.P. '69 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy L. O'Malley '69 Mr. Gary L. Weberling '69 Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Brocca '70 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard W. Gollnick III '70 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Klenow '70 Mr. and Mrs. James M. McCaughey '70 Mr. Robert J. Montgomery '70 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore T. Boet '71 Mr. and Mrs. John DeVincenzi, Jr. '71 Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Hogan '71 20 Union FALL 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Seilhan '71 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Dailey '72 Brother Lawrence P. Haley, FSC '72 Mr. Robert J. Knebel '72 Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Malberg '72 Mr. and Mrs. Darrell A. Moody '72 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Del Beccaro '73 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Keenan '73 Mr. Rick E. Koch '73 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Spiller '73 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Stokes '73 Mr. and Mrs. Steven V. Atoigue '74 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Celeri '74 Mr. Andrew C. Johnson '74 Mr. Joseph B. Kearney '74 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Lucas '74 Dr. and Mrs. John P. Ternes '74 Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Zocchi '74 Mr. Mark A. Del Beccaro '75 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Donahue '75 Mr. and Mrs. Terence D. Doyle '75 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Frainier '75 Mr. Donald B. Gamble '75 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Price '75 Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Pursley '75 Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Quintero '75 Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Sullivan, Ph.D. '75 advancement Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Azevedo '76 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Bruni '76 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick S. Cahill '76 Mr. Michael J. Cashman '76 Dr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Devlin '76 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Driscoll '76 Mr. Thomas L. Dudziak, Jr. '76 Dr. and Mrs. John D. Fichtenkort '76 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gallagher '76 Mr. Christopher A. Hood-Rosales '76 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Johnson '76 Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. McClay '76 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. McKinnon '76 Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Mineart '76 Mr. and Mrs. James G. Olwell '76 Mr. Victor D. Perez '76 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Shoemaker '76 Mr. Michael F. Sweeney '76 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Baldacci '77 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Bredbenner '77 Mr. Joseph L. Garaventa '77 Mr. and Mrs. Chad K. Holsen '77 Mr. Karl F. Kreft '77 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lawton, Jr. '77 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Lynch '77 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mayer '77 Mr. Timothy V. Millette '77 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Perez '77 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Riccabona '77 Mr. Barry R. Serafino '77 Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Turner '77 Mr. J. K. Young '77 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Cavallero '78 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. DeMarco '78 Mr. Brian M. Serafino '78 Mr. William P. DePaschalis '79 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Eggers, Jr. '79 Mr. and Mrs. Vesty F. Enea '79 Mr. William A. Frainier '79 Mr. David A. Lentz '79 Mr. Thomas J. McLeod '79 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Mertes '79 Ms. Becky Packard and Mr. Edward Nagy '79 Col. and Mrs. Paul R. Pryor '79 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Reyna '79 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Skillman, Jr. '79 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Steeb '79 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Vaccaro II '79 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Wanket '79 Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Amador III '80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Arvin '80 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Balog '80 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Camera '80 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Castello '80 Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hanecak '80 Mr. Robert M. Hopfner '80 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Lafayette '80 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. McNiff '80 Mr. Jesse H. Molinar '80 Mr. Mark M. Mullen '80 Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Newcomb '80 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Pauline '80 Cdr. (Ret.) and Mrs. Edward A. Robertson, Jr. '80 Brother Kevin M. Slate, FSC '80 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Souza '80 Mr. and Mrs. George F. Condon III '81 Mr. Christopher J. Crespi '81 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. DePaschalis '81 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Ewins '81 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Fitzsimmons, Jr. '81 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Fuller '81 Mr. Michael J. Grisius '81 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Guelld '81 Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Hazelwood '81 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Medeiros '81 Mr. Robert H. Palmer '81 Mr. Gregory P. Rosellini '81 Mr. and Mrs. John E. White '81 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Wilson '81 Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Amador '82 Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Baldacci '82 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Brasiel '82 Mr. Paul Chahin '82 and Ms. Leslie Guerrero-Chahin Mr. and Mrs. John F. Doyle '82 Dr. Kenneth J. Fraga '82 Mr. and Mrs. James H. Francis '82 Mr. and Mrs. Mike F. Hegeman '82 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Henry '82 Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Hirsch '82 Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Irving '82 Mr. and Mrs. Virginius N. Miller '82 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Miner '82 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ruiz '82 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Baldacci '83 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cumbelich '83 Mr. and Mrs. Darrell J. Di Giovanni '83 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Engelhart '83 Mr. Robert D. Glynn III '83 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Hare '83 Mr. Brian J. Harrington '83 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Henderson '83 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Jarrett '83 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O. Oswald '83 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Romano '83 Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Schneider '83 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Schoenthaler '83 Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Hinckley '84 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Irving CPA '84 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Jannisse '84 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Knoedler '84 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Palm '84 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Pels '84 Dr. Michael Twomey J. Rubino III '84 Mr. Timothy L. Whitlow '84 Dr. and Mrs. Jason R. Clark '85 Mr. Michael B. Denney '85 Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Droll '85 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher O. Fry '85 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Grupalo '85 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Krochmal, Jr. '85 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Laiolo '85 Mr. and Mrs. David R. Lucas '85 Mr. and Mrs. Francisco E. Luna '85 Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. McCarthy '85 Mr. and Mrs. John C. O'Leary '85 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Renner '85 Mr. Richard A. Schmidt '85 Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Vernon II '85 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Vranesh '85 Mr. Andrew J. Williams '85 Mr. and Mrs. Michael X. Azevedo '86 Dr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Belisle '86 Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Bianchina, Jr. '86 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Burke '86 Mr. and Mrs. Kent L. Camera '86 Mr. and Mrs. Greg M. Carrillo '86 Mr. Gregg J. Chavaria '86 Mr. and Dr. Michael A. Di Fiori '86 Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Freeman '86 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ghisletta '86 Mr. Timothy E. Grewis '86 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Hannigan '86 Mr. and Mrs. Sean R. Jordan '86 Mr. and Mrs. George R. Lotti, Jr. '86 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Lynch '86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Malone II '86 Mr. Louis M. Mangini '86 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Masso '86 Mr. and Mrs. Randy A. McCann '86 Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Mercer '86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Nevares '86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Rivello '86 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Robison '86 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rollo '86 Lt. and Mrs. Laurence F. Ryan '86 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Savarese '86 Mr. Ronald A. Sherman '86 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Swenson '86 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Turner '86 Mr. and Mrs. Antonio L. Vernon '86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Walsh '86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Beauchamp '87 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Francis '87 Mr. and Mrs. Tom V. Joanes '87 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. LaCour '87 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Lofy '87 Mr. Greg A. Lucas '87 Mr. and Mrs. Kent M. Mercer '87 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Morrison '87 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Otis '87 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pelster '87 Mr. Peter M. Pinsoneault '87 Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Riley '87 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Roth '87 Mr. Ronald A. Rusca '87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Salvemini '87 Mr. Donald H. Santina '87 Mr. and Mrs. Brook E. Serafino '87 Mr. John P. Shoaff '87 FALL 2013 Union 21 advancement Mr. and Mrs. Millen L. Simpson III '87 Mr. and Mrs. Joel F. Slavonia '87 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Urizar, Jr. '87 Mr. Gerardo Valle '87 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. VanderKlugt '87 Mr. Kevin Asuncion '88 Mr. Timothy H. Gallagher '88 Mr. Michael Joyce '88 Dr. and Mrs. Michael W. Ottati, Jr. '88 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Pauline '88 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Roberts '88 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Stead '88 Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Still '88 Mr. Ivan B. Vela '88 Mr. Christopher H. Barry '89 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Brien '89 Mr. David P. Burke '89 Mr. and Mrs. Christian N. Curry '89 Mr. Victor M. DeMelo '89 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Gargaro '89 Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Krane '89 Mr. Jose Leiva-Munguia '89 Mr. and Mrs. Dominick G. Mazotti '89 Mr. and Mrs. Casey C. Rhodes '89 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Rooney, Jr. '89 Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Scheid '89 Mr. Matthew J. Clizbe '90 Mr. Richard Graham '90 Mr. Michael E. Kearney '90 Mr. Robert D. Nyberg III '90 Mr. Jason C. Pauline '90 Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Southard '90 Mr. Anthony G. Viscia '90 Mr. Kenneth G. Daly '91 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Gaber '91 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Helmer '91 Mr. Jeff C. Hoelsken '91 Mr. Matthew S. Kamp '91 Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Kelly, Jr. '91 Mr. and Mrs. John P. Koller '91 Mr. Thomas Lacher '91 Mr. and Mrs. Nick V. Pelosi '91 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Selby '91 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Wilson '91 Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Andrade '92 Mr. Tobin J. Bradley '92 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Clay '92 Mr. Jeff Cortez '92 Mr. Michael E. Dawson '92 Mr. Anthony J. Del Santo '92 Mr. Carlos O. DeLeon '92 Mr. Daniel J. Dempsey '92 Mr. Kevin Fryer '92 and Ms. Sasha Scardina Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O. Gallagher '92 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan P. Galloway '92 Mr. Stephen G. Knoedler '92 Mr. Brian T. O'Shea '92 Dr. and Mrs. John P. Schilling, M.D. '92 Mr. Matthew A. Trepinski '92 22 Union FALL 2013 Mr. Garth N. Adlao '93 Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Alumbaugh '93 Mr. and Mrs. Marc C. Bacsafra '93 Mr. John P. Connolly '93 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Curran '93 Mr. Andrew L. Freeman '93 Mr. Daniel W. Gagen '93 Mr. Stephen D. Lilly '93 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Molloy '93 Mr. and Mrs. Armando I. Ramos '93 Mr. James D. Brosnan '94 Mr. and Mrs. Dalton C. Brown '94 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Cerda '94 Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Del Santo '94 Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Drain '94 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Fake '94 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Frakes '94 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Gaber '94 Mr. Joshua W. Halsey '94 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Hintz '94 Mr. Mikel K. Hyatt '94 Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Kamp '94 Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. Lopoz '94 Mr. Christopher T. Mack '94 Mr. Matt Malone '94 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. McCarthy '94 Mr. Chris C. Molinaro '94 Mr. Eric J. Quinn '94 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd V. Schine III '94 Mr. Robert J. Thompson, Jr. '94 Mr. Joseph D. DeFalco '95 Mr. Neil R. Gagen '95 Mr. Drew C. Hodson '95 Mr. John A. Koven '95 Mr. Christopher W. O'Dea '95 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C. Tschann '95 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Washmera '95 Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Adler '96 Mr. Ryan R. Amaro '96 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Harrison '96 Mr. D. Gregory G. Hintz '96 Mr. Seth R. Holmberg '96 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Irving '96 Mr. Kevin P. Marchetti '96 Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Ovadia '96 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ian B. Quiambao '96 Mr. John M. Rhodes '96 Mr. and Mrs. Roberto P. Santos '96 Mr. Richard M. Suriani '96 Mr. Mawuko Tugbenyoh '96 and Ms. Cristal Gahagan Mr. David A. Adler '97 Mr. and Mrs. Brett J. Anderson '97 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Bristol '97 Mr. Greg G. Brown-Davis '97 Mr. Jordan A. Casella '97 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Coughlan '97 Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Dennis '97 Mr. Jeremy S. Gabe '97 Mr. James M. Harrington '97 Dr. Isiah D. Harris '97 Mr. Joseph K. Koller '97 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Meadows '97 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Odne '97 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Palm '97 Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Pollak '97 Mr. Alex A. Sanchez '97 Mr. Garrett M. Shelley '97 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Williams '97 Mr. Justin E. Alumbaugh '98 Mr. James W. Beall, Jr. '98 Mr. Nathan A. Burkhardt '98 Mr. Clayton T. Cook '98 Mr. Brian C. Engleton '98 Mr. Anthony R. Field '98 Mr. Cortland L. Golightly '98 Mr. Wesley J. Hodson '98 Mr. Justin T. Keane '98 Mr. Matthew S. King '98 Mr. and Mrs. Joshua J. Quintero CMT '98 Mr. John T. Rassier, Jr. '98 Mr. Shaun P. Stuto '98 Mr. Connor M. Swegle '98 Mr. Patrick J. Vesely '98 Mr. Matthew C. Wersel '98 Mr. Richard J. Whelan '98 Mr. Daniel L. Alexander '99 Mr. Christopher J. Cole '99 Mr. John J. Erdos '99 Mr. Raymond P. Foerster '99 Mr. Edward E. Massey '99 Mr. Anthony J. Pappageorge '99 Mr. Marc N. Vanden '99 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Wheeler '99 Mr. Jason T. Augustino '00 Mr. Michael F. Bausch '00 Mr. Brandon T. Broughton '00 Mr. William B. Cale '00 Mr. David F. Greer '00 Mr. Michael D. Jurewicz '00 Mr. Nicholas L. Mattos '00 Mr. James R. Parodi '00 Mr. Adam M. Pounds '00 Mr. Nicholas E. Andrade '01 Mr. Erick Gonzalez '01 Mr. Jonathan J. Hardisty '01 Mr. David P. Smith '01 Mr. William E. Steuber '01 Mr. Brian M. Bacharach '02 Mr. Dustin M. Bourgeois '02 Mr. Garrett B. Denniston '02 Mr. Kenneth T. Fujii '02 Mr. Sean E. Halligan '02 Mr. Sean P. Hanlon '02 Mr. Erik L. Hanson '02 Mr. Thomas P. Hayes '02 Mr. Timothy A. Hodson '02 Mr. John E. Keane '02 Mr. Gregory Kosich '02 and Ms. Angelina Adler Mr. William R. Lewis III '02 Mr. James S. Puccetti '02 Mr. R. Paul R. Rives, Jr. '02 Mr. James R. Roscelli '02 advancement Mr. Walter J. Selby IV '02 Mr. and Mrs. Ryan John J. Sullivan '02 Mr. Kevin B. Vesely '02 Mr. Kevin W. Bacharach '03 Mr. Anthony J. Binswanger '03 Mr. Gregory M. Contreras '03 Mr. Jeffrey D. Dwyer '03 Mr. Gregory D. MacArthur '03 Mr. Andrew J. Smith '03 Mr. David B. Wark '03 Mr. Justin Argenal '04 Mr. Christopher J. Burns '04 Mr. Daniel L. Callahan '04 Mr. Nicholas C. Cipolla '04 Mr. Andrew E. Curto '04 Mr. Oliver Duda '04 Mr. Andrew J. Fedynyshyn '04 Mr. Anthony D. Fracchia '04 Mr. Marek W. Grobelny '04 Mr. Robert J. Hayworth '04 Mr. Christopher R. Jensen '04 Mr. Gonzalo U. Mayorga '04 Mr. Connor F. McNeill '04 Mr. Michael H. Ontiveros '04 Mr. Michael A. Pittore '04 Mr. Ryan S. Sitov '04 Mr. Brian R. Barnett '05 Mr. John C. Bonnikson '05 Mr. Andrew M. Camera '05 Mr. Joseph L. Depaoli '05 Mr. Brian F. Dunican '05 Mr. Scott W. Hugo '05 Mr. Christopher S. M. Roldan '05 Mr. Thomas S. Smith '05 Mr. Andrew W. Vetek '05 Mr. Christopher R. Carroll '06 Mr. Michael V. Cipolla '06 Mr. Justin P. Ginochio '06 Mr. Lincoln D. Gunn '06 Mr. Joshua N. Jorgensen '06 Mr. Brian Theodore W. Mendes '06 Mr. Colin S. Niedermeyer '06 Mr. Reid A. Pampe '06 Mr. Robert E. Pohl '06 Mr. Gabriel A. Polk '06 Mr. Paul J. Roemer '06 Mr. Christopher G. Straface '06 Mr. Matthew H. Azimi '07 Mr. Timothy A. Barry '07 Mr. Stephen W. Bennett '07 Mr. Joseph R. Bernardi '07 Mr. Michael T. Bobich '07 Mr. Robert M. Depaoli '07 Mr. Douglas G. Frisbie '07 Mr. Benjamin T. Jansen '07 Mr. John T. Reid '07 Mr. Thomas M. Rizza '07 Mr. Christopher J. Russi '07 Mr. John J. Scalmanini '07 Mr. Christopher G. Tech '07 Mr. Matthew S. Wondolowski '07 Mr. Garrett M. Woo '07 Mr. Michael J. Baldacci '08 Mr. Eric J. Johnson '08 Mr. John R. McMahon '08 Mr. Matthew A. Miller '08 Mr. Eric J. Angerer '09 Mr. Joseph M. Dito '09 Mr. James R. Logan '10 Mr. Nicholas J. Pittore '10 Mr. Daniel J. Peera '11 Mr. Trijohn M. Tran '11 Mr. Dalton A. T. Depolo '13 Mr. Javier R. Villagomez '13 2012 – 2013 Alumni Event Sponsors (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) Mr. Rick E. Koch '73 Mr. Thomas A. Baldacci '77 Mr. John F. Connell '80 Mr. Christopher J. Crespi '81 Mr. Christopher Frumenti '82 Mr. James F. Baldacci '83 Mr. Timothy E. Vest '83 Mr. Sean R. Edgar '84 Mr. James B. Aberer III '86 Mr. Robert J. Lezcano '90 Mr. Jason C. Pauline '90 Mr. Michael L. Shea '90 Mr. Garth N. Adlao '93 Mr. Dalton C. Brown '94 Mr. Christopher N. Odne '97 Mr. Matthew T. Gerhardt '99 Mr. Christopher G. Straface '06 ••• De La Salle’s Alumni Honor Roll of Donors recognizes alumni monetary gifts made to the school from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. We have made every effort to provide a complete and accurate listing. However, errors may occur, and we hope you will accept our sincere apologies. Please contact Karla Wiese, Director of Development, in the Advancement Office at (925) 288-8195 or [email protected], and we will correct our records. A Taste of De La Salle 2014 February 27, 2014 Information: Lauren Seeno at (925) 288-8184 or email [email protected]. FALL 2013 Union 23 alumni news An Evening of Honor 2013 De La Salle honors its Distinguished Alumnus of the Year and inducts new members into its Athletic Hall of Fame. he Alumnus of the Year for 2013 is Thomas A. Baldacci ’77. Tom is a principal of the Castle Companies, a construction company “with the warm touch of a family business,”and a principal of Baldacci Family Vineyards, which “blends a deep passion for winemaking with the timeless traditions of family.”De La Salle has been part of the Baldacci family circle for years, claiming as alumni not only Tom but also brothers Louis ’82 and James ’83, cousin Philip ’94, and Tom’s four sons: Kevin ’07, Michael ’08, Thomas ’10, and Matthew ’13. Tom’s loyalty to the school endures, even as he and wife Brenda begin a new chapter of life, as reported on the Baldacci Family Blog: “After nearly 25 years of school, baseball, soccer, football, saxophone classes, packed lunches, swim meets, pool parties, weird friends, St. Isidore runs, broken arms, concussions, dinners, dirty dishes, and 72 pounds of laundry every day, Tom and Brenda have gotten all four boys off to college and on to bigger and better things.” T entire educational mission of this school. He consistently supports our efforts to make this education more effective and more accessible to all. Everyone associated with this school during the past quarter-century, whether as a student, teacher, coach, parent, or friend, is indebted to him. The 1989 Soccer Team. The 1989 Spartan varsity under Coach George Sabbagha went undefeated and unscored upon in league play. The North Coast Section semi-final went to double-overtime, with DLS winning in the penalties, and in the final, against Amador, the Spartans used their stamina and technical skills to take the win in penalty kicks. It was the first NCS title ever won by De La Salle. The Spartans went on to win the NCS title in 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996, and beyond, establishing a tradition of soccer prowess that continues today. Varsity Soccer Front Row: Brian Vest, Dennis Brien, John Schreiber, Doug Tarabini, Mike Corritone, Todd Scheid, Victor DeMelo, Kevin Walker, Dan Vela, and Jeremy Merrick. Back: Sean Mason, Jason Krane, Pat Giffins, Matt Beavers, Chris Enea, Greg Glassner, Dom Mazotti, John Giffins, Doug Brien, Matt Pugh, Phil Lolonis, Rob Novak, Kevin Dolan. De La Salle Athletic Hall of Fame. Eligible for nomination are athletes, coaches, teams, members of the athletic staff, and supporters of De La Salle Athletics. We welcome the inductees of 2013. Kenneth H. Hofmann. Ken Hofmann has been an exceptional partner of De La Salle athletics since 1987, recognizing that our sports programs give our students opportunities to grow in health, strength, and fitness, to form friendships, and to develop the virtues of responsibility, accountability, self-discipline, and sportsmanship. Mr. Hofmann’s generous support extends beyond Spartan athletics to encompass the 24 Union FALL 2013 The 2000 Basketball Team. The 2000 Spartan varsity won DLS its first state title in basketball. Coach Frank Allocco called this group “the epitome of Discipline, Love, and Sacrifice.” The team developed into one of the hardestworking groups the school had ever seen, and they advanced to the state championship game, where they came away with a last-second, one-point win. This legendary group of competitors set a standard of outstanding commitment, performance, and excellence. Varsity Basketball Back Row: Matt Gutierrez, Connor Famulener, Chris Schlatter, R.T. Knauff, Demetrius Williams Second Row: Doyle Rich, AJ Kuhle, Chris Hodoh, Peter Burns, Mick Cashman Front Row: Charles Brown, Joe See, Sean Crockett, Govinda Thomas-Carter alumni news Mark Viera ’71. A three-year starter in basketball, Mark was the first Spartan ever named to the All-State basketball team. In track and field, Mark went to the state finals in the high jump, clearing 6’8’’ to take third place. He was DLS’s Athlete of the Year in 1971. Mark’s accomplishments flowed from more than talent. The principles of selflessness and brotherhood taught at De La Salle were fundamental for Mark, and his dedication to these was key to his foundational contributions to the traditions of De La Salle athletics. Patrick Oswald ’83. Athlete of the Year in 1983, Pat Oswald competed in three sports. He wrestled, played football (All-League on the Spartans’ first-ever NCS championship team) and played baseball for the 1983 league champs. Pat is testimony to the fact that success in sports is less a matter of size and brawn than of dedication, hard work, tenacity, and a willingness to give your all to benefit your team. Pat’s four sons, Patrick, Jack, Joe, and William, represent the DLS classes of 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017. Antonio Vernon ’86. Antonio Vernon played varsity football and baseball and won NCS titles in both (football 1984 and 1985, baseball 1985). At UC Santa Barbara he played four years of varsity baseball for the Gauchos, and later played in the National Baseball Congress for the Humboldt Crabs and the Santa Barbara Foresters. Antonio, nicknamed “the badger,”exemplified the Spartan student-athlete: He listened to his coaches and he committed himself to a demanding work ethic, in training and on the field. Antonio was (and still is) the teammate you want on your sideline and in your dugout. Douglas Brien ’89. Doug Brien and his teammates won the school’s first NCS championship in soccer, and Doug was named All-League and All-NCS. As a senior, Doug took on placekicking duties for the Spartan football team — and won All-League honors. At UC Berkeley he walked on as a football player, earned a scholarship, and set a scoring mark of 288 career points that is still a Golden Bears record. He played 12 years in the NFL, including a Super Bowl win with the 49ers. While playing professionally, Doug earned his MBA from Tulane. He is a founder and chief executive officer of Waypoint Homes. Thomas Coughlan ’97. Tom Coughlan made DLS history in two aquatic sports. A captain of the 1996 league champion water polo team, he was the league MVP, and took scoring titles, All-East Bay honors, and national recognitions. In three seasons as a varsity swimmer, he won NCS titles and partnered with relay teammates to earn All-American status in multiple races. Tom went on to be an All-American water polo player for UC Santa Barbara, and to play professionally in Europe. Tom has coached water polo at De La Salle and Justin-Siena High Schools, and remains close to the mission of our school while raising a family in the Napa Valley. The Evening of Honor induction ceremony was October 27, 2013, with master of ceremonies Sean Farnham ’96. For a report and photographs, visit the school website, where you will also find a complete list of the Athletic Hall of Fame members and the Alumnus of the Year honorees, as well as the nomination criteria and nomination forms for these honors. Questions? Contact Director of Alumni Relations Tim Roberts ’88 at [email protected] or 925-288-8171. FALL 2013 Union 25 alumni news Staying in Touch: What’s Happening? Brother Lawrence Haley, FSC ’72 has returned to DLS as a faculty member. He taught here previously in 1992 and in 1998, but was most recently assigned (since 2003) to Cathedral High School in Los Angeles. Brother Lawrence teaches religious studies and web design and assists with the school’s website. Matthew Bruce ’97. Matt is an engineer with the California Department of Transportation. Recent duties included inspecting the cable band installation near the top of the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Photographer Bill Hall snapped Matt at work high above the bay, and the resulting photo won an award in an annual photo competition for highway and transportation professionals. To see supermodel Matt and other beautiful sights, look online for “Faces of Transportation.” Raymond Meadows ’97 is a longtime teacher and water polo coach. In Fall 2012 he wrote to us from New Zealand, where In Memoriam he and family were beginning their third year in that exotic land. But the family has returned to the Bay Area, and as of August 2013 Ray is here with us at DLS as the newest member of the faculty, teaching world history, civics, and economics. Spartan Hoops Alumni 1999 – 2009. Coach Frank Allocco shares these updates on Spartan alumni who are now in “the ministry of coaching”in college and professional jobs. Gus Argenal ’99 is Head Coach at Cal State, East Bay. A.J. Kuhle ’00 is Assistant Coach at Denver University. Marcus Schroeder ’00 is Assistant Coach at Saint Mary’s College. Justin Argenal ’01 is Assistant Coach at The Citadel. Theo Robertson ’07 is Director of Basketball Operations at UC Berkeley. Ryan Schlaich ’06 is Assistant Coach at Cal State San Marcos. Brandon Thomas ’08 is Assistant Coach at Citrus College. Zach Payne ’09 is Assistant Coach at Whitworth University. Greg St. Jean ’09 is an Intern with the Brooklyn Nets of the NBA. Devin Callister ’00 works in Torrance at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center as a Fellow in Infectious Diseases. He was back in Concord for the Alumni Cross Country Run on August 24, and shared this update: “I live in Redondo Beach, still running when not at work in the hospital. I did my internal medicine residency at Stanford and went to medical school at Saint Louis University. After this fellowship, I plan to go into private clinical practice. I enjoyed science classes at DLS, particularly AP physics with Mr. Payne, and I was initially a physics major in college at UC San Diego, but then I changed to biology, and began looking seriously into medicine. I like medicine because it is a career that combines using science and problem-solving with helping people day to day.” Joseph Trapani ’02. In the photo, flames roar out of the windows, black smoke pours into the sky, and the small house looks as if it is about to be consumed by fire. In front of the blazing house, moving away from the inferno, is Joe Trapani — May they rest in peace…with God forever. Patricia A. Acuna mother of Michael D. Acuna '03 Louis Augustine father of Timothy J. Augustine ’78, grandfather of Christopher J. Nix ’08 and Clinton A. Nix ’06 Betty Biale mother of Rocco Biale, grandmother of Dante Biale ’10, Dominic Biale ’13, and Nina Biale (CHS ’14) Kathleen M. Berner mother of Nathaniel A. Berner '01 Brother Clifford Biller, FSC, friend of De La Salle High School Thomas o. Boyd father of Timothy J. Boyd '87 Margie Brown mother of Jerome Brown '82 and Torence Brown '85 Leonard P. Bruno father of Paul L. Bruno '88 Gerald R. Carson father of Robert M. Carson '83 Robert Delucchi father of Christopher Delucchi '88 and Matthew T. Delucchi '93 Michael Dunleavy father of Sean M. Dunleavy '87 Walter Falconer father of W.J. Falconer '78 and David G. Falconer '82 Ed Fernandes grandfather of Nathan G. Fernandes '14 Carole Walsh Fitzsimmons mother of John P. Fitzsimmons '83 and Joseph J. Fitzsimmons '81 Ulisses Fonseca '10 Helen Fraschieri mother of Mark Fraschieri '71 and grandmother of Keegan Fraschieri '03 John M. Gilchrist grandfather of Colin M. Gilchrist '14 and John G. Gilchrist '14 Bill Goodner father of Ryan Goodner '04 Piero Grelli grandfather of Gino Grelli ’12 and Marco Grelli ’08 James M. Guernsey father of Daniel P. Guernsey '84 Arnold Joosen friend of De La Salle High School Todd Alan Kettwig '86 Kristine Lesher-Aring mother of Christopher J. Aring '16 Gerald "Gerry" Lombardi grandfather of Gerald V. Lombardi '91 Howard F. Long grandfather of Joseph C. Ricard '08 David Machado former DLS faculty member norma Maffei mother of Phillip J. Maffei '74 John Metcho father of Mark Metcho ’73 and Matt J. Metcho ’76 Brother John Moriarty, FSC friend of De La Salle High School Brother Fidele nguyen, FSC former DLS faculty member Maivis oehler friend of De La Salle High School Christopher o'Rourke '87 Harry Painton grandfather of David P. Bray '07 Loann Powell grandmother of Eric Dejesus '08 Joseph Rodriguez grandfather of Gregory J. Rodriguez ’05 and Steven J. Rodriguez ’09 Charles Roldan father of Christopher S. Roldan '05 Francis J. Schnugg grandfather of Christopher Schlatter '00 Robert Shannon father of Robert M. Shannon '81 Walter Varco father of David W. Varco '81 Walter Walker father of Walter G. Walker, Jr. '11 Geraldine C. Wirth mother of Gregory A. Wirth ’72, Dennis F. Wirth ’76, and Terrence G. Wirth ’78 Paul Zaro friend of De La Salle High School alumni news Brother Maris Golf is May 12, 2014 Beautiful Diablo Country Club welcomes the 30th annual Brother Maris Golf Tournament sponsored by your De La Salle Alumni Association. Monday, May 12, 2014. This event sells out early, so register at the Alumni page www.dlshs.org/alumni. A shotgun start, two-man or four-man scramble. Shoot for hole-in-one prizes, win great schwag at special holes, and qualify for the $100,000 shootout. The day includes golf, cart, tee prizes, refreshments, lunch, and cocktail reception, with raffles, silent auctions, and live auction. Join in the fun and join in the fundraising for the Alumni Endowment and Bishop Cummins Scholarship programs. who a moment earlier had kicked in the door, crawled beneath the smoke, searched the rooms, found an elderly man asleep, and carried the dazed near-victim out to safety. A wonderful story and a great photo in the Contra Costa Times for July 22, 2013 (the story by Rick Hurd is online). Joe and friends were passing by in their car when they spotted the conflagration, stopped, and went into action. The Fire Chief later said to the reporter, “Was the young man putting himself in a dangerous situation? Yes. But can I say that he was at fault for doing it? No. In the end, he was putting a stranger's life ahead of his (own). It's a reflection of his caring and his character." had the opportunity to take part in the Kairos retreat and I would guess that what was shared and experienced has left a lasting impression on you. Without a doubt, the retreat made a tremendous impact in my own life.” He reflected on what it means to “Live the Fourth.”“To me, Living the Fourth meant keeping an open heart and having the courage to be vulnerable. However, in the years since my Kairos experience, I've had many moments that led me astray from living the Fourth. Living a life centered around the influence of the Fourth Day requires perseverance and a willingness to continue to change and evolve. Living the Fourth is hard work. If it was easy, anybody could do it.” Matthew Cooper ’02. Matt came to campus in May 2013 to speak to seniors at the Kairos Breakfast, to which all participants in the year’s Kairos Retreats are invited to wrap up the year. Matt, who works for John Muir Health, gave the students a preview of what their next decade might be like, sharing his personal story and some of his struggles and the insights he has gained. He said, in part, “You are at a pivotal point in your life where you get to shape the man you will become. You've all Alumni Ruggers Rising 2006 – 2010. Spartan alumni Tim Maupin’07, Michael Haley ’08, Jordan Bouey ’08, and Dino Waldren ’10 all played for Saint Mary's College of California in the USA Rugby Division 1A collegiate National Championships in May. As dad Matthew Michael Haley ’08 Haley reports: “At one point, all four were on the field at the same time. They lost that game, but the Gaels finished second in the nation after a great season.” Tim, Michael, and Jordan were named to the Dino Waldren ’10 collegiate All-American team. This fall, Tim and alumnus Derek Asbun ’06 are playing for the USA Select team, and Tim in mid-October was named Rugbymag’s Player of the Week. Jordan Bouey ’08 Steven Sola ’08 is in the Peace Corps in Indonesia, in a village on the island of Java, teaching English at a vocational high school. His current commitment runs until June 2015. “I am teaching English and the FALL 2013 Union 27 alumni news English debate clubs, also planning a boys' leadership camp and working on a project to record native English speakers' voices for use in Indonesian classrooms. In my six months here, I have become conversational in the national language of Bahasa Indonesia and have picked up little bits of Arabic and Bahasa Jawa, the local language. Out of 916 students at my school, only 3 are Christians and the rest are Muslim, which is a big change from America. I hear the Islamic call to prayer five times a day, and I eat rice and soy for every meal.”After the Peace Corps, he hopes to find a job in international development. Steven graduated from Arkansas Tech University in 2012 with degrees in sociology and criminal justice, then returned to Concord to work at the Regional Center of the East Bay, which helps developmentally disabled people. Steven wrote to Roger Hassett of the DLS Campus Ministry office: “That was quite a humbling job. I learned a lot about disabilities and it made me thankful for the health that I do have. It actually reminds me of all of the times that I went to the Tenderloin for SIP and, later on, tutoring at the De Marillac Academy. Also, I can't forget about Ven a Ver Salinas! Honestly, I'm very thankful for De La Salle giving me all of those chances to help people that are less fortunate. I wouldn't have gotten those same experiences at another high school. It is those experiences that have made me want to make a career out of helping people. I feel like it's my calling in life. Thank you for all of the mentoring and teaching that you gave me while I was a student there, even those times that you may not have realized it. De La Salle and the Campus Ministry program there will always have a special place in my heart.” (His blog is indopeace.wordpress.com.) Julian Homburger ’09 graduated from Cornell in May with a double major in biology and statistics, and has entered a doctoral program in genetics at Stanford, with the intention of specializing in genomics. Cornell University named Julian a Merrill Presidential Scholar, and Cornell’s president David Skorton sent a letter to DLS science instructor Viki Acquistapace saying that Julian had named her as “the secondary teacher who made the most significant contribution to his education.”Viki was invited to be Cornell’s guest at a series of events honoring the school’s top scholars and their chosen high-school teachers. Shae Hughes ’10 is now in his senior year at Northeastern University in Boston. His summer 2013 was spent in Laos with Global Vision International, tutoring English in Luang Prabang. “After being trained, I was responsible for a daily class of about five to eight students, aged between 13 and 15, some lay students and some novice monks. I also served as a teacher's aide at Mekong English Center. That class was led by a Lao instructor, who was fairly proficient, but used me to practice pronunciation with the students. 28 Union FALL 2013 With my students at the library, I and another volunteer taught them about past tense verbs while taking events from Steve Jobs' life. Apparently, some of the novices had been reading a book about him. We played pictionary and charades to practice vocabulary, did phonics exercises and sentence builders. We made these fun games for the students. During my last few lessons we used a fake criminal case I had written up, to focus on critical thinking. The case involved a cookie theft. There were five possible suspects (one was named Oreo, another was Nutter Butter). I set the characters up, gave short bios on them, and left it to the students to build their own stories of what possibly happened. It was a struggle at first, but as we started asking them questions about their views they began to realize the multple possibilities.” Blake Simons ’11, Lucas Dunne ’11, and Scott Walsh ’11, all rugby players at Cal Berkeley, helped in April to stage the UC Berkeley Suicide Prevention Walk, with the campus group You Mean More, which says that suicide is the No. 2 cause of death among college students. Blake has done an internship at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in San Francisco, and draws on his own experience with depression and loss to try to build awareness among young people of this serious problem. “The first step is definitely the hardest, to admit that you have a problem and to get help with it. But it’s fully treatable and that’s why I’m so passionate about it.” What’s Happening? Send your news and photos to Tim Roberts, Director of Alumni Relations, at [email protected]. — Log on at www.dlshs.org/alumni. Fan us on Facebook: We’re dlshsalumni. Alumni, discover the Facebook Store: Make a donation and get a unique gift. spar tan spor ts Sports Overview for Spring Semester 2013 Baseball Lacrosse Track and Field EBAL 2nd place NCS 2nd place EBAL Champions NCS Semifinalist Golf Swimming and Diving EBAL Champions NCS 2nd place NorCal 5th place MOC State 13th place EBAL Champions NCS 2nd place NorCal Champions State 5th place EBAL 4th place NCS 14th place Volleyball Tennis EBAL 4th place NCS Quarterfinalist EBAL 4th place All-League Honors in the East Bay Athletic League. Baseball. Most Valuable Field Player: Hunter Mercado-Hood. First Team: Austin Lonestar (outfield); Ben Polshuk (outfield); Chris Williams (first base). Honorable Mention: Justin Hooper (pitcher); AJ Puckett (pitcher); Will Siri (pitcher); Dylan Isquirdo (catcher). Golf. Most Valuable Player: Justin Pagila. First Team: Josh McCarthy, Justin Nuval. Lacrosse. Most Valuable Player: Jack McCormick. First Team: Matt Hennis, Will Montero, Doug Strazza. Second Team: Tom Reigelman. Honorable Mention: Stephen Wilm. Swimming and Diving. David Morgan (200 i.m. and 100 butterfly); Sam Protich (100 breaststroke); 400 Freestyle Relay Team. Tennis. Alek Bakos (singles, second place). Track and Field. 400 Relay Team; 1600 Relay Team; Blair Hurlock (1600 and 3200 meters); Marquis Morris (110 high hurdles and 100 meters); Michael Marcotte (110 high hurdles); Allan Marion (100 meters); Luke Williams (3200 meters); Alex Villagran (pole vault); Kevin Nguyen (triple jump). Volleyball. Second Team: Alex Long. Honorable Mention: Julian Egoian. All-East Bay Honors from Bay Area News Group. Baseball. Hunter Mercado-Hood (First Team); Chris Williams (Third Team). Golf: Justin Pagila (First Team) shot 66 in the NCS Tournament, 69 in the NorCal Tournament, and tied the Diablo Country Club course record of 62. Josh McCarthy (First Team) shot 69 for third place in the state tournament. Lacrosse: Jack McCormick, Will Montero, Doug Strazza (First Team); Matt Hennis (Second Team). Track and Field: Marquis Morris (First Team) was state champion in the 110-meter high hurdles with a personal best of 13.90, the fastest time in the state in 2013. Scholastic Champions of the NCS. The North Coast Section has 168 member schools. Each year, the top three schools with varsity GPAs above 3.0 are recognized as Scholastic Championship Teams. For 2012-13, Spartan Scholastic Champions were water polo (3.42), cross country (3.83), and track & field (3.26). Grade Point Averages for all the teams were outstanding: Baseball 3.09. Basketball 3.00. Cross Country 3.83. Football 3.14. Golf 3.34. Lacrosse 3.13. Soccer 3.24. Swimming and Diving 3.34. Tennis 3.40. Track and Field 3.26. Volleyball 3.27. Water Polo 3.42. Wrestling 3.08. 2013 Union FALLFALL 2013 Union 2929 DE LA SALLE HiGH SCHooL 1130 Winton Drive | Concord, California 94518 “There is a time to tear down, and a time to build up.” (Ecclesiastes 3:3). The grand demolition at the heart of campus began in June. For the transformation by September, see page 6. DAT ES To REMEMB ER Thursday, november 21 Tuesday, november 26 Wednesday, november 27 Saturday, november 30 Thurs-Saturday, December 5-7 Wednesday, December 11 Saturday, December 14 Saturday, January 25, 2014 Thursday, February 27 Saturday, April 5 Sunday, May 4 Monday, May 12 Friday, May 16 Sunday, May 18 Summer 2014 • 2013-2014 Theatre Arts Fall Show – Alumni night Toy Drive begins Alumni Soccer Game Alumni Lacrosse Game Chris Vontoure Basketball Classic Band and Choir Christmas Concert Alumni Basketball Game Crab Feed A Taste of De La Salle Wine and Food Fest FETE Spring Auction Dads and Grads Barbecue Brother Maris Golf Tournament Baccalaureate Mass and Reception Graduation, Class of 2014 Class Reunions 2009, 2004, 1999, 1994, 1989, 1984, 1979, 1974 Brother Celestine Theater De La Salle Campus De La Salle Campus De La Salle Campus De La Salle Campus Carondelet De La Salle Campus De La Salle Campus De La Salle Campus Diablo Country Club De La Salle Campus Diablo Country Club St. Francis Parish Church De La Salle Campus TBA 2013-2014