St. Peter Claver Parish
St. Peter Claver Parish
St. Peter Claver Parish Corner of Cochran & Stow Streets Parish Mission Statement Pastor: Rev. Riz J. Carranza Associate Pastor: Rev. William R. Crowe Permanent Deacons: Rev. Mr. Jim Carper, Rev. Mr. Brian Clements, and Rev. Mr. Melecio Zamora Auxiliary Priest: Rev. Bill Piletic, C. M. PARISH SCHEDULE MASSES: Saturday: 5pm Vigil; 7pm (Español) Sunday: 8am; 10am; 12noon & 5pm Holy Day of Obligation: 5pm Eve before; Day-7:30am; 12noon & 7pm Weekdays: 7:30am (Monday - Friday) DEVOTIONS: Novena & Mass to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Wednesdays, 7pm; Adoration every Friday, 7pm SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Saturdays, 3:30pm-4:30pm (or by appointment); Eve of Holy Day & Thursday before first Friday, 4pm - 4:45pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Sundays, 1:30 pm; 5th Sunday - Spanish Baptism BAPTISM INSTRUCTION: Second Monday of each month, 7pm SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: 6 months prior notification needed We, the parish of Saint Peter Claver, are a Catholic faith community within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Universal Church. Firm in the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and inspired by the example of our patron, we proclaim the kingdom of God to embrace everyone in love without discrimination of any kind. We are devoted to worship, to witness, and joyful service in the Spirit. PARISH INFORMATION Parish Office Address: 5649 Pittman St. Simi Valley, CA 93063-3525 Parish Office hours: (Monday - Friday) 9am-12noon, & 1-5pm Phone: (805) 526-6499 Fax: (805) 526-7233 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Bulletin e-mail: [email protected] Pre-School & Kindergarten: (805) 526-2244 Fax: (805) 526-2225 Katelyn Colvin, Principal Website: Religious Education Office: (805) 526-0680 Fax: (805) 526-3658 Mary Margaret Pollock, R.E. Director E-mail: [email protected] Confirmation / Youth Ministry Office: (805) 526-7975 Bianca Langlois, Youth Ministry Coordinator E-mail: [email protected] Parish Information Little Church: 10am Sundays, for 3 - 5 years Safeguard the Children Committee: Dr. Shiro Torquato, Chair: 526-0680 Adult Education: Chris Redondo, 526-6499 Bible Study: Richard Kimmet, 581-2742 R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Patti Pringle, 231-1110 Annulment Assistance: Wally & Linda Cravens, 526-6499 Lector Coordinator: Mary Marcouiller, 583-5979 Music Director: Jim Leslie, (818) 324-2109 Altar Servers: Brian Kane, 583-0466 Eucharistic Ministry of Hosp. & Home: Joni Egan, 527-2444 Bereavement Ministry: Kathy Piper, 520-0377 Parish Library: Sue Marron, 306-1642 Prayer Network: for prayer requests or be a member: Chuck Gebert, 908-2000 email at [email protected] Respect Life: Rhonda Freeson, (818) 403-1617 Mission Circle: Mary Heidel, 522-2325 Catholic Engaged Encounter Ministry: Walter & Denise Swiacki, 581-0874 Couples for Christ: Chito and Beth Coronel, 750-1042 Filipino Catholic Comm. Group: Socrates Z. Inonog, 522-5383 Hispanic Catholic Community Group: Romeo Gonzalez, 304-4032 Misa en español, 7pm, Sábado Knights of Columbus: Randy Westhaus, 455-0603 BINGO: Thursday, 6:30pm BINGO hotline: 526-2781 My dear parishioners, I felt overwhelmed by the wonderful and very warm support of the community in celebrating my Installation Mass last Sunday at 12 noon with Bishop Curry as the main celebrant. The liturgy was very uplifting and the Bishop’s words were very encouraging and affirming of the choice that the people of St. Peter Claver, to hold on to their faith and to remain united in the fold. On behalf of my family and myself, I want to thank all the people who were involved in the planning and implementation of the whole event last Sunday. First and foremost, I want to thank the parish staff for their active part in the overall work of the day’s celebration. I also want to express my sincere gratitude to the parish pastoral council members and the heads of the different parish organization, and in particular, to Barbara Scroggins, the parish pastoral council’s chair, who coordinated the planning committee for the event. The event of the day will certainly stay in my memory for a long, long time. The presence of Bishop Curry was very much appreciated, and we were truly blessed to have him as the bishop presider at the noon Mass - and also graciously celebrated the 10am Mass as part of his pastoral visit to our community. I also would like to thank all the liturgy lay ministers who helped in making a joyous and spirit-filled celebration. Let me express in this letter my sincerest appreciation to our three parish deacons and deacon Ed Mills for their loving support and ministry to our parish community, on the occasion of my installation. Lastly, I would like to thank all those who prepared the food and those who coordinated the reception after the Mass. Thanks to the Knights of Columbus and those who helped in the setting up and cleaning up of the parish hall. Thank you to the youth leaders for their hospitality and for serving food at the reception. And to many more people who contributed to making the day memorable, to them I am truly grateful. May God bestow upon us the blessings that we need and let us work together in building the kingdom of God here in St. Peter Claver. Today’s Liturgy of the Word challenges us to be a people whose faith is authentic, living, and true. Moses exhorts Israel to observe God’s commandments carefully, not adding or subtracting from them. James warns the first Christians to be doers of the word, not hearers only, by caring especially for society’s most vulnerable. Jesus challenges us to avoid all hypocrisy, making sure that our outward religious observance is matched by our inner purity of heart, and our love for God not negated by harsh judgments toward others. Peace and love, Fr. Riz Page Three September 2, 2012 September 2, 2012 Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls. ~James 1:21b “Now, Israel, here the statutes I am teaching you that you may live…” We all need rules. We may not like them, but we need them. Without established boundaries, communities quickly descend into chaos. If you’ve raised a child, you know that children without limits that have been lovingly set for them become victims of their own impulses - which is no fun for anyone. In the same way, remember those childhood summers when there was no more school? The first week was glorious, having nothing to do but what strikes your fancy! The second week dragged a little. By the third week, you were desperate for someone to engineer your days. We seek structure, routine, and exterior expectations because they help us to move forward and outward in the direction of personal growth. Tribal Israel took a huge step forward when they agreed to live by a higher law than their own. All good giving is from above, coming down from the Father of lights. Setting limits is something that God is really good at. In the story of creation, God establishes the difference between dark and light, water and land, even male and female. God sets limits for Adam and Eve, forbidding them the fruit of one tree out of all the trees in the garden. God forbids vengeance taken on Cain even after he kills his brother. God forbids the builders of Babel to reach the heavens. All through the stories of Scripture, we find God in the position of establishing boundaries humanity must respect: in law, in prophecy, in the wise teaching of the sages. Obviously we’re not very good at coloring in between those lines or God might have stopped at the Ten Commandments. Two-year-olds have a reputation for just saying “no” - but the refusal to submit to higher powers is something grown-ups do, too. “From within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts…” When nothing is expected of us and no one is depending on us, we very quickly devolve into self-absorption. What do I want to do, what shall I eat, where will I go, how will I amuse myself? A day or week in which we accomplish nothing is called a vacation. A lifetime of no accomplishment is called a tragic waste. There’s another kind of waste we experience in the spiritual life when all we do is abide by a minimum of precepts. We make Mass on Sunday, and we don’t lie or cheat or kill. That’s enough, right? The question we don’t ask is: enough for what? Is our love made pure by this observance, is compassion kindled, is generosity engaged, is hope aroused, is courage employed? Unless we’re made fully alive, our observance is far short. Page Four St. Peter Claver Offer this day to the Lord Parish Activities This Week Monday, September 3rd Labor Day Parish Office Closed Religious Education Office Closed 7:00 pm Hispanic Prayer Group Choir (PC) Tuesday, September 4th 5:30 pm Apostle’s Kitchen (PC) 6:30 pm VIRTUS Training (H) 7:00 pm K of C Officer’s Meeting (PC) 7:00 pm Hispanic Com. Prayer Group (PC) 7:00 pm Adult Music Ministry (C) Wednesday, September 5th 9:30 am Adult Bible Study (CLR) 6:45 pm Webelos Scout Meeting (PC) 7:00 pm Boy Scouts (H) 7:00 pm RCIA Inquiry Session (PC) 7:00 pm VIRTUS Re-certification (PC) 7:00 pm Hispanic Community Choir (PC) 7:00 pm Perpetual Help Novena (C) 7:30 pm Adult Bible Study (CLR) 8:00 pm Filipino Community Meeting (K) Thursday, September 6th 4:00 pm Confessions 6:30 pm BINGO 7:00 pm Parish Council Meeting (O) 7:30 pm Noon Choir (C) 7:30 pm Adult Bible Study (CLR) Friday, September 7th (First Friday) 7:00 pm Holy Hour (C) Saturday, September 8th 9:00 am M & M’s Squad Retreat (H) 3:30 pm Confessions (C) 4:30 pm Choir Practice (C) (H) Hall; (PC) Parish Center; (C) Church; (O) Office; (CLR) Children’s Liturgy Room; (YC) Youth Center; (P) Plaza; (S) School; (K) Kitchen; (L) Library (LN) Lawn On This Sunday We Celebrate… Lending Library after all Masses Boy Scout Donut Sales after 8:00am, 10:00am and 12(noon) Masses Baptisms, 1:30pm Mass Intentions for the Week Monday, September 3rd 7:30 am Mariza Meredith (INT) Tom (INT) Fortunato Mauro (RIP) Tuesday, September 4th 7:30 am Salvatore DiNoto (RIP) Maria Serio (RIP) Tanina Serio (RIP) Wednesday, September 5th 7:30 am Catherine Harpenau (RIP) The Rosary Group (INT) Leonor Mangubat (RIP) Thursday, September 6th 7:30 am Ernie Koehler (RIP) Quy Nguyen (RIP) Tam Nguyen (RIP) Friday, September 7th 7:30 am Bob Stanley (RIP) Frank Caso (RIP) Jill Capozzoli (INT) Regina Ranido (RIP) Thank you for your donations on Sunday, August 19th: $15,220.50. Thank you, also, to the 421 families who used their green collection envelopes! Thank you for your donations on Sunday, August 26th: $15,329.00. Thank you, also, to the 413 families who used their green collection envelopes! Page Five St. Peter Claver † Religious Education Classes for the parish’s elementary and junior high students will begin on Monday, September 24th. If you have not yet taken the opportunity to register your son or daughter, you may do so on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday of this week. The Office of Religious Education is open from 9am until 6pm. We will not be accepting registrations during the Saint Peter Claver Ministry Faire on Sunday, September 9th. † The Office of Religious Education is closed Monday, September 3rd, for Labor Day. Office of Religious Education: [email protected] (805) 526-0680 Middle School Ministry (M&M's) personally invites all 6th, 7th and 8th graders to experience the love, fellowship and joy of Christ through Games, Music, Prayer, Discussion and Friendship. † † † M&M’s Squad Retreat is Saturday, September 8th from 9am-7:30pm. Upcoming M&M’s Sessions from 6-7:30pm in the West Hall: Monday, September 10th Monday, September 17th M&M’s Squad Meeting, Monday, September 24th, from 6:30-8pm in Room 1. For more information regarding Middle School Ministry contact Michelle Maye by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (213) 248-8957. † † Friday, September 7th, is 'Breakfast with the King!' at 7:30am Mass. Begin your morning with Jesus! Sunday, September 9th, after the 5pm Mass, is the first Parent Youth Ministry orientation and registration. A copy of your youth’s Baptismal Certificate is required to complete registration. Further information concerning Youth Ministry/Confirmation can be found on our website at Fall means back to school for children and back to work for those who have been on vacation. Amidst the hustle and bustle of this season, let us all keep sight of the importance of keeping our children and young people safe from danger. Safeguard the Children Committees have been established in parishes throughout the Los Angeles Archdiocese. These committees help ensure that all children and youth experience safe environments in all parish activities and events. For more information, call the parish office or the Archdiocese’s Safeguard the Children Program Office, (213) 637-7227. Page Six St. Peter Claver Labor Day originated in 1882 in New York City under the aegis of the Knights of Labor. Congress made it a legal holiday in 1894. Observing it this week gives us a good opportunity to reflect on the Catholic Church’s social teachings for the last century or so. On May 15, 1891, Pope Leo XIII issued the encyclical Rerum Novarum on the condition of the working classes and labor. In doing so, he initiated a century in which Catholic teaching became more and more involved in the social issues of the day. Unfortunately relegated to the shadows while the bright lights of controversy shine on other issues, Catholic social teaching remains largely unknown to many Catholics. It is the Catholic Church that championed such notions as a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work, and continues to uphold the dignity of the human person against attacks from governments and corporations. Nearly every pope since Leo XIII has issued teachings on the subject. Take some time this Labor Day to familiarize yourself with some aspect of the Church’s social teachings. In doing so, you will be taking responsibility as a member of the Body of Christ to commit yourself to the care of your neighbor. . —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co Saturday, September 22nd Holy Cross 13955 Peach Hill Rd., Moorpark Begins at 10am; for appointment, call (805) 529-1397. Please pray for the health of… Conrad Bautista; Gregg Taylor; Nelson Holman; Masood Kahn; Peggy Hagen; Patricia Loreno; Jeremy Sweeney; Arlene Carillo; Yolanda Vaughn; Shirley Hatlee; unborn baby girl Scida; Don Elder; Joanne Rygh; Josefina Yu; (child) Fiorella Shepherd; (child) Mahlia Calzada; Michelle Mayo; Al Macula; Tom Misko; Mary Vigliotta; Patricia Zimmerman; Eldon Bowman; Joseph Messing; Antonio Viray; Alice Atwood; Daisy Adams; Carole Cummisky; Angela Harrison; Georgia Gowin; Adrienne Gardner; Leauna Morton; Justin Herold; Anastasia Soroa; Shawn Bayer; Loretta Payne; Ben Amorelli; Dorothy Dennis; Rosina Paluzzi; Joanne Sheffield; Rich Adams; Tom Kirrer; Miriam Garcia; Marcella Lundholm; Lupe Pina; Nick Rose; Paula Von Winckelmann; Lynda Carter; Pete Sorensen; Ricardo Gonzalez; Alex Battisti; Barbara Knight; Martha Weatherall; Judie Sedell; Sherry Estrella; Renee Sloan; Cindy Dezotell; Doris Small; Carl Strub; Thuong Tran; Emma Schaefer; Suzanne Shaefer; Gary Mercer; Tracey Goddard; Tina Dragar; Teresa Rugg; Ann Barrett; Lynn Maxson; Sandra Gomez; Sally Thompson; Shirley Yeager; Hugh Dubrick; Lavonne Emerson; John Streetly; and Catherine Capaldi. St. Peter Claver’s ministry on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults welcomes all who seek to discover more about the Faith to our weekly Wednesday get-togethers, at 7pm in the Parish Center. Bring your questions and thoughts for a vibrant discussion about the Catholic Faith! For more information, contact Patti Pringle at (805) 231-1110. “The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist.” ~ Pope St. Gregory the Great Please pray for the souls of… Angel Dagoc, 8/27/12; Louis DeRose, 8/25/12; Hugo Adlhoch; 8/24/12; Wilford Lim, 8/22/12; Frank Caso, 9/8/11; Norma Santillo, 9/4/11; Joseph Jaszarowski, 9/2/11; Dorothy LeClair, 9/2/11; Pamela Sue Dye, 9/4/10; Sandra Malfa, 9/4/09; Thomas Roman, 9/2/09; Asteria Vito, 9/2/09; Martin Barrows, 9/7/06; Sophia Sukenik, 9/6/06; Lilian Suma, 9/8/03; Thomas Alston, 9/3/01; Stanley Chudy, 9/6/00; Janet Annett-King, 9/4/99; Frederick Acheronti, 9/3/98; Benjamin Pungalan, 9/7/97; Sandra Loeffler, 9/4/96; Mary Gurtierrez, 9/6/94; Neil Tillett, 9/5/94; Marcelline Barros, 9/2/84; Patricia L'Allier, 9/4/83; Raymond Fassbender, 9/3/83; Ryan Comi, 9/4/80; Frederick Stone, 9/2/78; Raymond Welch, 9/3/76. Page Seven St. Peter Claver Every Friday at 7pm Receiving the Eucharist means adoring Him whom we receive. Only in this way do we become one with Him, and are given, as it were, a foretaste of the beauty of the heavenly liturgy. The act of adoration outside Mass prolongs and intensifies all that takes place during the liturgical celebration itself. ~ Pope Benedict XVI Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life, and for the lives of all my brothers and sisters. I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part in ending abortion. Today I commit myself; never to be silent, never to be passive, never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, and never to stop defending life until all my brothers and sisters are protected, and our nation once again becomes a nation with liberty and justice not just for some, but for all, through Christ our Lord. Amen! The St. Peter Claver Knights of Columbus are hosting their annual Soccer Challenge on Sunday, September 16th after the 10am and 12(noon) Masses. All children are invited to participate in this event held on the west lawn. Boys and girls ages 10 through 14 will be able to compete for trophies. There is no cost to participate. Come join us for soccer fun! RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY “The commandment you shall not kill even in its more positive aspects of respecting, loving, and promoting human life is binding on every individual human being.” ~ Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae Gospel of Life 1995 We have a very exciting month planned for October, Respect Life Month. Anyone interested in helping with these activities is encouraged to contact Rhonda Freeson. Please join us in prayer at the following locations: ●Daily Rosary after weekday morning Masses ●Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday from 7-8pm ●Rosary at Assumption Cemetery on the 1st Saturday of each month beginning at 9:30am ●Rosary and silent vigil at Planned Parenthood located at 1200 W. Hillcrest, Thousand Oaks every Saturday at 10am Contact Rhonda Freeson at (818) 403-1617 for further information. “Be not anxious about what you have, but about what you are.” ~ Pope St. Gregory the Great, Doctor of the Church Worldwide Marriage Encounter Scripture says about married people that “Two shall live as one”. How often do you find yourselves living as two? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend can help you get back to what God wants for your marriage. The next WWME Weekends are September 21st-23rd and November 2nd-4th, both in Chatsworth. Apply on line at or call Jeanine and Russ Walker: (805) 648-4244. Page Eight St. Peter Claver Both the Saturday and Sunday Masses are in need of people willing to be trained as catechists to lead the 5- to 12-year-old Children’s Dismissal. If you think you can join us as a leader and help once a month, please talk to one of the Children’s Liturgy leaders or call Richard at 581-2742 for information. Of all the human frailties and foibles, faults and sins, the one that seems to elicit the worst howls is hypocrisy. When we profess to believe and practice one thing, and then are caught behaving in the opposite way, our shame is (or ought to be) profound. Religious hypocrisy is probably the worst. When we hold our actions and beliefs to a higher standard and then fail to live up to them, it’s human and sinful and flawed. But when we proclaim that we are holding up that higher standard at the same time that we are knowingly violating it, there is a fundamental dishonesty, a breach of truth that is especially repugnant. It adds sin to sin and dishonors the very idea of virtue. It becomes a scandal. Jesus was constantly trying to get people to see and understand that mere observance of the law was not what pleased God. What is in the heart is what is most important. This does not mean that good intentions justify bad actions! We humans are complicated and wily. We are quite capable of creating huge and complex human structures that are just difficult enough to convince us that we are following some right “way” and that others are not. God’s laws are simple: love God, love your neighbor as yourself. There is no need to complicate love. Jesus points out that real uncleanness comes from within a person. Evil intentions and every kind of bad behavior have their roots in our inner sinfulness, our selfishness. That is what Jesus came to save us from. Of course we cannot, by our own devices, be better people. We are utterly dependent on God for the necessary change of heart that will result in good and loving actions. God freely offers us this help, if only we would stop hiding behind the screen of self righteousness. If we are humble enough to recognize our own selfishness, and loving enough truly to care for the well being of others, we will be able to fulfill both the letter and the spirit of the law. Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Calling All Married Couples - If you are married in the Catholic Church and would like to help prepare engaged couples for marriage for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, please call Candy Metoyer at (213) 637-7250; [email protected]. Registration is open for St. Peter Claver Little Church Program! Early Childhood Faith Formation for Three- Four- and Five-Year Olds, held during 10am Mass, starting September 30th. Please stop by the Religious Education office for information or a registration form. Little Church Registration forms can also be downloaded from the parish website at Space is limited, so please hurry! Call the RE office at (805) 526-0680 with questions. The Little Church Program is staffed completely by parent and parish volunteers. No experience is required (except a love for God and the children!) and all lesson plans, craft ideas and supplies are provided. So much of the success of the Little Church Program depends on the generous gift of time and talents from you. Please call the RE office if you would like to volunteer. Page Nine Diaconate Formation Office: Information Meeting for Men Interested in the Permanent Diaconate, Sunday, October 21, 2012 in Glendale, California The Diaconate Formation Office will be hosting an information meeting for all men who are interested in finding out more about becoming a permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Members of the Archdiocesan Diaconate Formation Office will be present to explain the role of the deacon in the Church, to explain the diaconate formation program, and to answer any questions that participants might have. Men must be between the ages of 30 and 60 years to enter the formation program. It is important for men who are married attend with their wives. The next information meeting will be held on Sunday, October 21st, 2012 from 2-4pm, at Incarnation Parish Community Center located at: 214 West Fairview Avenue, Glendale, CA. 91202. For further information, or preregistration, please contact Ms. Silvia Esmeralda Hernandez in the Diaconate Formation Office at (213) 637-7383 or at: [email protected]. If you want to be first make yourself servant of all. (Mt. 20:27) Catholic Adult Diners’ Club: An opportunity for Catholic adults (singles and couples, 20s to 50s) to gather in an upbeat and lively social setting in order to meet other Catholic adults and discover culinary delights. The restaurant pick for Saturday, Sept. 8th, 7pm is: Famous Dave’s Legendary Pit BBQ 3980 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks Please call Deanna at (805) 409-7411 by September 5th for additional information and reservations. Those families with St. Peter Claver-registered eScrip Vons Cards can help us get 10% back on purchases! It’s easy - from now until September 12th, just buy the specially marked products with the school bus logo, and St. Peter Claver parish will automatically get 10% back. If you are not a Von’s club eScrip family, you can still help! Look for the code on the bottom of your receipts starting September 18th through September 25th. Turn in your receipt to the parish office, (or put them in the collection basket on the weekend of September 22nd and 23rd) and we will redeem the code online and the 10% will go directly to us. If there is any question if you should turn in your receipt or not, turn it in! St. Peter Claver Your St. Peter Claver Knights of Columbus will be hosting their famous Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, September 30th! We are a Christ-centered, self-help program. All Divorced, Separated, and Widowed men and women are invited to join us. Friday, September 7th, Meeting: "Be Not Afraid, Part One," by Dr. Bennett Annan. Discussion will follow. Wednesday, September 12th, Social: Dinner at Viva La Pasta, 525 Country Club Drive, Simi Valley at 6:30pm. Friday, September 21st, Meeting: "Be Not Afraid, Part Two," by Dr. Bennett Annan. Discussion will follow. Meetings are held in Classroom 13 of St. Rose of Lima School from 7-9pm. For questions, please contact: Jean at: [email protected] or the St. Rose office at (805) 526-1732, or visit Pregnant and adoptive moms-to-be, gather for a day of rest and reflection, nurturing your soul and discovering your spirituality of motherhood. Whether or not this is your first child, come enrich our community! Saturday, October 13th, 9:30am–3:30pm Holy Spirit Retreat Center, Encino $45 includes lunch - Register now! ~ (818) 784-4515 Questions? Contact Retreat Guide, Carla D’Rozario, M.A., at (818) 469-9067 or [email protected]. Counseling LMFT#17142 FAMILY LAW Deborah Tucker, MA, MFT Local Parishioner Litigation & Mediation 1633 Erringer Rd. #204, Simi Valley CHRISTINE A. MCCLANE, ESQ. 805-583-3976 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. 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Niederman, Blessed Art Thou Mother, Lady, Mystic, Queen Art by Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS Prayers by Father Richard N. Fragomeni Hardcover book $39.95 STATE FARM INSURANCE George Rakowski, Parishioner See Me For All Your Insurance Needs AUTO • LIFE • HEALTH • HOME • BUSINESS 1782 Los Angeles Ave. (In Palm Center) 913100 St Peter Claver Church (B) 522-8315 O.D. W. Sam Shields, O.D. FAMILY 800-566-6150 VISION World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. CENTER (805) 527-6164 2812 Cochran, Simi Valley For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Trusted Caregivers Available 24/7 Nicole Hill, M.B.A., M.S., M.F.T., C.P.C. Call Today! (805) 777-8111 Licensed, Bonded & Insured. Counseling & Professional Coaching Local Parishioner 805-584-3020 Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Family owned and operated; local residents since 1979 CA License #MFC 36307 Ralph Norton #1 Simi Valley office agent 2002 - 2012 Mission is different today . . . . . . check us out with 24 years experience Over 600 Homes Sold!!!!!!!! FREE VIDEO LOAN Website: Professional Business Services Maryann Fiore-Hopkins, E.A. Bookkeeping & Tax Preparation Quick Books & Peachtree Training & Support Phone: (805) 522-7763 Fax: (805) 522-5290 E-Mail: Write: Parishioner Since 1996 Columban Fathers Knight Of Columbus Box 10 St. Columbans, NE 68056 [email protected] {818}422-7355-Cell {805}349-9997-Office E-Mail Address: [email protected] 2045 Royal Ave., #216, Simi Valley, CA 93065 Business Slow? PARISHIONER Advertise In This Bulletin! Gifts Weddings, Businesses that advertised throughout a recession...grew 256% more than the businesses that chose not to advertise. —MCGRAW HILL LABORATORY OF ADVERTISING PERFORMANCE Call 1-800-231-0805 today for a FREE ad design. Events, Funerals 805-522-2716 2768 Cochran St. Simi Valley (in Sycamore Plaza) Over 30 Years of Experience at Your Service! Maria & Geoff Cady St. Peter Claver Parishioners Hilltop 559 Country Club Dr. Simi Valley, CA 93065 Elena Acosta Ed Pongracz REALTOR ® DRE# 01481635 Hablo Español REALTOR ® DRE# 01195613 805.276.6300 805.990.3629 $500/closed referral to Parish “Everything we touch turns to $OLD” 913100 St Peter Claver Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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