RHMP Application For Enrollment
RHMP Application For Enrollment
Student Name: Richmond Hill Montessori Enrollment Packet Welcome to Richmond Hill Montessori, we are glad you have chosen to allow us to be an integral part of your child’s educational learning. RHM is an all-inclusive program providing diapers, wipes and diaper cream to our non-potty trained children. We will strive daily to achieve and surpass the high expectations you have for your childcare center. At least 1 week before your child beginning his/her first day at RHM, we will need the following items: Completed Application Copy of Birth Certificate Copy of Social Security Card Registration Fee *Supply Fee will be assessed on the first week *Weekly Tuition is assessed the Friday Parent Handbook Signature Page Copy of Updated Form 3231 (Immunization Record) Copy of Updated Form 3300 (Ear, Eye, Dental) OR 3 Year-Old AAP Form Well Child – HE0493 Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool Welcome to Richmond Hill Montessori, we are glad you have chosen to allow us to be an integral part of your child’s educational learning. RHM is an all-inclusive program providing diapers, wipes and diaper cream to our non-potty trained children. We will strive daily to achieve and surpass the high expectations you have for your childcare center. On your child’s first day, please remember to bring in the following: 2 Complete Change of Clothing: Shirt, Pants, Socks Underwear (if applicable) Happi Nappi (RHM provided) Water bottle Please label with permanent marker all of your child’s belongings. Water bottles should be taken home daily to wash. Happi Nappi should go home with your child on Fridays for laundering. We look forward to being a positive adjunct to your child’s growing experience. Thank you for choosing Richmond Hill Montessori. Accompanied by/Informant Preferred Language Drug Allergies Date/Time Name Current Medications Weight (%) Height (%) BMI (%) ID Number Blood Pressure Temperature Birth Date Age M | F History Physical Examination □Previsit Questionnaire Reviewed □Child has special health care needs □Child has a dental home Concerns and questions: □None □Addressed (see other side) Follow-up on previous concerns: □None Interval history □Addressed (see other side) □None □Addressed (see other side) □NL Bright Futures Priority Additional Systems □ Eyes (red reflex, cover/uncover test) □Teeth (canines, white spots, staining) □Neurologic (language, speech, social interaction) □General Appearance □Head □Ears □Nose □Mouth and Throat □Neck □Lungs □Heart □Abdomen □Genitalia □Extremities □Back □Skin Abnormal findings and comments Assessment □Well Child Social/Family History See initial History Questionnaire □No interval change Family situation Parents working outside home Child care: □Yes □Yes Preschool: Changes since last visit: □No □No □Mother □Father Type: Type: Review of Systems See Initial History Questionnaire and Problem List. □No interval change Changes since last visit: Nutrition: Elimination: □NL Toilet training: □Yes □In process Sleep: □NL Behavior/Temperament: □NL Physical activity Play time (60 min/d) □Yes □No Screen time (<2 h/d) □Yes □No Parent-child interaction Communication: □NL Choices: □NL Cooperation: □NL Appropriate responses to behavior: □NL Anticipatory Guidance □Discussed and/or handout given Family support Show affection Manage anger Reinforce appropriate behavior Reinforce limits Find time for yourself Encourage literacy activities Read, sing, play Talk about pictures in books Encourage child to talk Immunization (See Vaccine Administration Record) Laboratory/Screening results: □ Vision □ Referral to Follow-up/Next visit Social-Emotional Self-care skills Imaginative play □See other side Physical Development Builds tower (6-8 blocks) Stands on foot Throws ball overhand Walks upstairs alternating feet Copies circle Draws person (2 body parts) Toilet trained during day Safety Car safety seat Supervise play near cars and street Safety near windows Guns Plan □Development (if not reviewed in the Pre-visit Questionnaire) Communications 2-3 sentences Usually understandable Names a friend Names objects Knows if boy or girl Playing with Peers Encourage appropriate play Encourage fantasy play Encourage play with peers Promoting physical activity Family exercise activities Limit screen time (max 2 hr/day) No TV in bedroom Print Name Resident Signature Provider WELL CHILD/3 years For official use only Admin initial: TUITION AGREEMENT FORM At the time of your child’s enrollment and every year thereafter, you will be asked to sign a tuition agreement. An annual registration/supply fee of $125 and $75 respectfully is due upon your child’s enrollment into the center and on August 1st of each year thereafter. Weekly payments are due on Friday prior to the service week. A $25 late fee will be assessed to the account on Monday. RHM will gladly continue to care for your child on Tuesday provided tuition and late fees have been paid. RHM reserves the right to deny child care on delinquent accounts. There will be a service charge of $35.00 for all returned ACH payments and a late fee of $25. The now late payment must be made by money order, cashier check, or cash. All children must be picked-up no later than 6:15 p.m. Anyone arriving after 6:15 will be charged $20.00 plus an additional $1.00 every minute. This fee must be paid before the child may return to school. All tuition amounts are based on the total yearly cost of the program. The weekly and monthly fees are a breakdown of this yearly cost to facilitate parent payments. There are three tuition payment methods made available to parents for flexibility. Please select one of the following: □ Weekly □ Bi-Weekly $ $ due on Friday prior to the service week due on Friday every other week *Please see front desk for Bi-Weekly schedule section □ Monthly $ due on the 1st of each month Child’s Name Date Parent/Guardian Print Name Parent/Guardian Signature Who can we thank for referring you to Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool? ______________________________________ For official use only Admin initial: Child Enrollment Form Please fill out the Following Application Completely. Include Street Name, Number, City, State, and Zip Code. Entrance Date: Withdrawal Date: Child’s Name: Sex: Home Address : Age: Birth Date: ____/____/____ City: State: Zip: Father/Guardian Information (write N/A for all areas that are not applicable to your circumstances) Name: Email: Home Address : City: State: Zip: If different from child’s Cell Phone: Cellular Provider: Employer: Home Phone: Business Phone: Address: City: State: Zip: Mother/Guardian Information (write N/A for all areas that are not applicable to your circumstances) Name: Email: Home Address : City: State: Zip: If different from child’s Cell Phone: Cellular Provider: Employer: Home Phone: Business Phone: Address: City: State: Parent/Guardian Authorization Child’s Living Arrangements: □ Both □ Mother □ Father □ Other: Child’s Legal Guardian(s): □ Both □ Mother □ Father □ Other: Authorized Pick up: □ Both □ Mother □ Father □ Other: Emergency Contact: □ Both □ Mother □ Father □ Other: Zip: For official use only Admin initial: Additional Authorization List I also recognize the following individuals as emergency contacts/authorized pick-ups: *Please include home addresses for each individual listed. *Please note any future changes must be done in person or in writing Name #1: Relationship: Home Address : City: Phone #: □ Authorized Pick-up Name #2: State: Zip: □ Emergency Contact Relationship: Home Address : City: Phone #: □ Authorized Pick-up Name #3: State: Zip: □ Emergency Contact Relationship: Home Address : City: State: Phone #: □ Authorized Pick-up Zip: □ Emergency Contact Child Information Public or private school child attends, if any: Child’s Physician/Clinic: Phone #: My child has the following special need(s): The following special accommodation(s) may be required to most effectively meet my child’s needs while at this center: i My child is currently on medication(s) prescribed for long-term continuous use and/or has the following preexisting illness, allergies, or health concerns:i Before coming to RHMP my child was cared for: □ At another child care center. Center’s Name: □ At home by a parent or grandparent □ At an in-home babysitter □ Other: Print Parent/Guardian Name Signature of Parent/Guardian State: Date Parental Agreements with Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool agrees to provide care for my child, on Monday – Friday from a.m. to p.m. (Estimated typical drop off and pick up time) My child will participate in the following meal plan (circle applicable meals and snacks): Breakfast (7:30-8) Morning Snack Lunch (11am) Afternoon snack (2pm) Before any medication is dispensed to my child, I will provide a written authorization, which includes: name of child, date, name of medication, prescription number (if applicable), dosage(s), date and time of day medication is to be given. Medication will be in the original container with my child’s name marked on it. My child will not be allowed to enter or leave the facility without being escorted by the parent(s), or person authorized by the parent(s), or facility personnel. Only extended care children will be signed in at the front desk by guardian and escorted to proper room. All other Lottery Pre-K are required to use car rider line. I acknowledge it is my responsibility to keep my child’s records current to reflect any significant changes as they occur, e.g., telephone numbers, work location, emergency contacts, child’s physician, child’s health status, infant feeding plans and immunization records, etc. The facility agrees to keep me reasonably informed of any incidents, including illnesses, injuries, adverse reactions to medications, etc., which include my child. The facility also agrees to advise me of my child’s progress and issues related to my child’s care and special needs. Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool agrees to obtain written authorization from me before my child participates in routine transportation, field trips, special activities away from the facility, and water related activities occurring in water that is more than two feet deep. I am encouraged to participate in special activities at the center. I authorize Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool to obtain emergency medical care for my child when I am not available. I have received a copy of the parent handbook and center policies and procedures, and I agree to abide by the policies and procedures for Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool. Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date Parent/Guardian Email Address: ____________________________________ (Should be checked regularly) EMERGENCY MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION Should , (Child’s Name) suffer any injury (Date of Birth) or illness while in the care of Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool and the facility are unable to contact me/us immediately, it shall be authorized to secure such medical attention and care for the child as necessary. I/we agree the facility informed of changes in telephone numbers, etc. where I /we can be reached. The facility agrees to keep me informed of any incidents requiring professional medical attention involving my child. Child’s primary source of health care is: Physician/Clinic Name Telephone Number Known medical conditions (i.e.) diabetic, asthmatic, drug allergies: Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date VEHICLE EMERGENCY MEDICAL INFORMATION Child’s Name: Date of Birth: Home Address: City: State: Father’s Name: Mobile: Work Phone: Mother’s Name: Mobile: Work Phone: Zip: Person to notify in an emergency if parents cannot be reached: Name: Relationship: Phone: Other emergency contacts (if applicable): Child’s Doctor: Phone: Medical Facility: Phone: Other emergency information: Child’s allergies: Current prescribed medications: Child’s special needs/conditions: In the event of an emergency involving my child, and Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool cannot get in touch with me, I hereby authorize any needed emergency medical care. I further agree to be fully responsible for all medical expenses incurred during the treatment of my child. Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date Authorization to Dispense External Preparations 590-1-1-.20(1) Parental Authorization. Except for first air, personnel shall not dispense prescription or non-prescription medications to a child without specific written authorization from the child’s physician or parent. Such authorization will include, when applicable, date; full name of the child; name of the medication; prescription number, if any; dosage; the dates to be given; the time of day to be dispensed; and signature of the parent. I give Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool permission to apply one or more of the following topical ointments/preparations to my child in accordance with the directions on the label of the container. Baby wipes Band-Aids Neosporin or similar ointment Bactine or similar first aid spray Sunscreen (Rocky Mountain Peak) Insect Repellant (Parent Provided) Non-Prescription ointment (such as A & D, Desitin, Vaseline) Baby powder Other (please specify) Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date For official use only Admin initial: Food Allergy Action Plan Student’s Name: D.O.B: Teacher: ALLERGY TO: Asthmatic Yes* No *Higher risk for severe reaction STEP 1: TREATMENT Give Checked Medication**: **(To be determined by physician authorizing treatment) Symptoms: If a food allergen has been ingested, but no symptoms: Epinephrine Antihistamine o Mouth: o Skin: Itching, tingling, or swelling of lips, tongue, mouth Hives, itchy rash, swelling of the face or extremities Epinephrine Epinephrine Antihistamine Antihistamine o Gut: o Throat†: Nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea Epinephrine Antihistamine Tightening of throat, hoarseness, hacking cough Epinephrine Antihistamine o Lung†: Shortness of breath, repetitive coughing, wheezing Epinephrine Antihistamine o Heart†: Thready pulse, low blood pressure, fainting, pale, blueness Epinephrine Antihistamine Epinephrine Antihistamine Epinephrine Antihistamine o Other†: ________________________________________________ If reaction is progressing (several of the above areas affected), give The severity of symptoms can quickly change. †Potentially life-threatening. DOSAGE Epinephrine: inject intramuscularly (circle one) EpiPen® EpiPen® Jr. Twinject™ 0.3 mg Twinject™ 0.15 mg Antihistamine: give____________________________________________________________________________________ medication/dose/route Other: give___________________________________________________________________________________________ medication/dose/route IMPORTANT: Asthma inhalers and/or antihistamines cannot be depended on to replace epinephrine in anaphylaxis. STEP 2: EMERGENCY CALLS 1. Call 911 (or Rescue Squad: ________________________ ) . State that an allergic reaction has been treated, and additional epinephrine may be needed. 2. Dr. ____________________________________ at ____________________________________ 3. Emergency contacts: Name/Relationship Phone Number(s) a. ____________________________________________ 1.)________________________ 2.) ______________________ b. ____________________________________________ 1.)________________________ 2.) ______________________ c. ____________________________________________ 1.)________________________ 2.) ______________________ EVEN IF PARENT/GUARDIAN CANNOT BE REACHED, DO NOT HESITATE TO MEDICATE OR TAKE CHILD TO MEDICAL FACILITY! Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Doctor’s Signature: Date: (Required) TRAINED STAFF MEMBERS 1. ____________________________________________________ Room ________ 2. ____________________________________________________ Room ________ 3. ____________________________________________________ Room ________ EpiPen® and EpiPen® Jr. Directions Twinject™ 0.3 mg and Twinject™ 0.15 mg Directions Pull off gray activation cap. Hold black tip near outer thigh (always apply to thigh). Pull off green end cap, then red end cap. Put gray cap against outer thigh, press down firmly until needle penetrates. Hold for 10 seconds, then remove. Swing and jab firmly into outer thigh until Auto-Injector mechanism functions. Hold in place and count to 10. Remove the EpiPen® unit and massage the injection area for 10 seconds. SECOND DOSE ADMINISTRATION: If symptoms don’t improve after 10 minutes, administer second dose: Unscrew gray cap and pull syringe from barrel by holding blue collar at needle base. Slide yellow or orange collar off plunger. Put needle into thigh through skin, push plunger down all the way, and remove. Once EpiPen® or Twinject™ is used, call the Rescue Squad. Take the used unit with you to the Emergency Room. Plan to stay for observation at the Emergency Room for at least 4 hours. For children with multiple food allergies, consider providing separate Action Plans for different foods. **Medication checklist adapted from the Authorization of Emergency Treatment form developed by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Used with permission. For official use only Admin initial: 10200 Ford Ave, Suite 107, Richmond Hill, GA 31324 > 912-756-4554 PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES AGREEMENT I/we agree to communicate with provider regarding the needs of the child. I/we agree to immediately inform the childcare center of any changes in emergency/contact information. I/we agree to keep child’s immunizations and physical records current as required by Department of Children & Families. I/we agree to keep a sick child home, including a child that is too ill to participate in the daily indoor and outdoor activities, or pick up a sick child in a timely manner (less than 45 minutes) in accordance with the policy. I/we agree to check the daily communication folder and comment/input or initial as necessary. I/we agree to meet with child’s teacher after 6 weeks and near the end of the school year to discuss my child’s portfolio, progress notes, development and plan goals together for the current and following year. I/we agree to volunteer our time, talent and or services to my child’s classroom, curriculum or school on one or more occasions each school year. CENTER RESPONSIBILITIES AGREEMENT I/we agree to communicate with parent regarding the needs of the child. I/we agree to immediately inform the parent through the Parent Handbook, monthly newsletters and posting information on the Front Bulletin board. I/we agree to keep a current copy of child’s immunizations and physical records provided by the parent as required by Department of Children & Families. I/we agree to inform parent of a sick child and isolate a sick child in a timely manner in accordance with policy. I/we agree to provide a daily communication folder and comment/input as necessary. I/we agree to meet with child’s parent after 6 weeks and near the end of the school year to discuss child’s portfolio, progress notes, and development and plan goals together for the current and following year. PARENT RELEASE FOR FIELD TRIPS I / We consent to _____________________________(child name) going on and/or participating in supervised field trips and activities while enrolled at Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool and agree to release and discharge the center’s officers, agents and employees, exercising reasonable care within their employment, from liability growing out of personal injuries and property damage resulting or occurring during the aforementioned field trips and activities, or in transit to and from the activity(ies). Payment of the activity fee, if applicable, is indicative of my knowledge of the scheduled field trip or activity. On occasion, my child may participate in an unscheduled field trip or activity. PARENT AUDIO / VIDEO / PHOTO RELEASE I / We consent to _____________________________ (child name) being tape recorded, video recorded, or photographed for educational or publicity purposes while participating in the regular activities of this program. Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date For official use only Admin initial: SUNSCREEN AND INSECT REPELLANT PERMISSION SLIP RHM will apply Rocky Mountain Peak Sunscreen for all of our students in the afternoon. Rocky Mountain Peak is SPF 50, fragrance free, oxybenzone free, water resistant for 80 minutes, hypoallergenic, and greaseless. Parent will apply the sunscreen of choice on their student in the morning prior to dropping off. Parent will provide insect repellant of choice in the original container with valid expiration date, and labeled with student’s name for teacher and classroom use (must be non-aerosol cans). I give Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool provided sunscreen Rocky Mountain Peak insect repellant permission to apply the program and the following non-aerosol can for my child in the afternoon prior to going outside. *I understand that it is my responsibility to apply sunscreen to my child in the morning prior to drop off and the teacher’s will reapply in the afternoon prior to going outside when applicable. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Insect Repellent: Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date Program Survey Form The survey date is STUDENT INFORMATION Student’s Last Name First Name Address M.I. Date of Birth Grade City If the above property is a federal property, enter the name of the property. School Name Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool State Zip Code Name of federal property PARENT/GUARDIAN EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION: CIVILIAN Enter information in this section regarding the parent/guardian if 1) neither parent/guardian with whom the student resided was on active duty in the Uniformed Services of the United States and 2) either parent/guardian with whom the student resided was employed on federal property, or 3) either the parent/guardian reported to work on federal property on the survey date. Enter the parent/guardian’s name as it appears on the employer’s payroll record. Parent/Guardian’s Last Name First Name and M.I. Address of Parent/Guardian’s Employer Name of Parent/Guardian’s Employer City State Zip Code City State Zip Code Name of federal property Address of federal property PARENT/GUARDIAN EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION: UNIFORMED SERVICES Enter information in this section regarding the parent/guardian if either person was on active duty in the Uniformed Services of the United States on the survey date. Parent/Guardian’s Last Name First Name and M.I. Branch of Service Rank PARENT/GUARDIAN EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION: FOREIGN MILITARY Enter information in this section regarding the parent/guardian if either person was both an accredited foreign government official and a foreign military officer on the survey date. Parent/Guardian’s Last Name First Name and M.I. Branch of Service Rank Name of Foreign Government PARENT/GUARDIAN EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION: FARMING, GRAZING, LUMBERING AND MINING Enter information in this section if either the parent or guardian spent more than 50 percent of his or her working time on federal property (whether as an employee or self-employed) engaged in farming, grazing, lumbering or mining. Parent/Guardian’s Last Name First Name and M.I. Name of Parent's/Guardian’s Employer Address of Parent/Guardian’s Employer City Name of federal property Address of federal property Permit Number Township Range State Section Signature of Parent/Guardian________________________________Date_________________ Zip Code For official use only Admin initial: Parent Handbook Agreement The RHM handbook can be found on the school’s website at: www.richmondhillmontessoripreschool.com ***Please see front desk for the site password Classroom lesson plans, monthly lunch menu, and the lottery pre-k school calendar can also be found on the website. I have read the RHM Parent Handbook and understand its content. Child’s Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date For official use only Admin initial: Biting Policy Biting is a natural part of a child’s development. Children bite for a wide variety of reasons such as teething, lack of verbal skills, over stimulated, hungry, tired, aggression, attention-getting device, etc. Biting is an issue that often surfaces when infants, toddlers and preschoolers are in a child care setting. Biting, however, is not an acceptable behavior at RHM. The staff will carefully, thoughtfully, and consistently handle the biting situation by: Stopping the action quickly by saying “No” or “Stop” Assessing the situation quickly to determine the cause of biting (child’s frustration, hunger, teething, fatigue, separation anxiety, etc.) Attending to the child that has been bit with lots of TLC and attention. Talking to the biter in the following manner: “Biting hurts; teeth are not for biting our friends”. Teeth are for eating food”. “It is okay to be upset, but it is not okay to bite our friends”. Use your words for what bothers you and the teacher will help you”. Redirecting the biter to another activity or area Finishing the interaction on a positive note by reassuring the biter that he or she is still important to you and the rest of the staff. If a bite breaks the skin and or draws blood the child will be sent home for the day. The childcare staff will notify the parents of the biter and the parents of the child that was bit with a call and in writing stressing the severity or mildness of the incidents. Parents will be asked to work cooperatively with the childcare center staff to rectify the biting situation. If the child bites a second time, staff will contact the parents to notify them of the biting. Staff will continue working with the student and family to stop the biting behavior. The third time the child bites the child’s parents will be notified to pick up their child for the day. If the child bites thereafter they will be sent home for 3 days. During this time the staff will assess the room and modify any necessary changes to better help the child to stop the biting. If nothing works and the child continues to bites and injure other children, it will be necessary for the parent to make other child care arrangements. At which time the child will be asked to withdraw from the program, the parents will be given one (1) week to find other suitable child care arrangements. It is the responsibility of the childcare center staff to ensure the safety of all children under our care. Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date Child’s Name: Birth Date: Sex: Place of Birth: Name of Mother or guardian: Age: Occupation: Work Phone: Name of Father or guardian: Age: Occupation: Work Phone: Marital Status of Parents: Custody/Visiting Arrangements: If child is adopted, list age at adoption: Is child aware of adoption: List siblings and their ages: Are there other members of the household? If so, list name, age and relationship __________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Is your child toilet trained: Describe any assistance needed and words used: If your child naps, when does he/she nap? What time does your child go to bed at night? Wake up? Does your child have any special fears? Does your child have any problems with vision or hearing? ____________ If so, please explain: List and explain any health problems we should be aware of: List illnesses you child has had: Does your child have frequent colds? __________________________ Ear Aches? Sore throat? Stomach aches? Fevers? Has your child had any serious accidents or operations? _______________ If so please explain Does your child have any allergies? __________ If so please describe Does your child take any regular medication? ___________If so, please describe Are there any special medical, physical or emotional needs that the school or staff should be aware of? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Does your child play well alone? _____________________ In groups? Are there any neighborhood playmates? ___________________ If so, with what age children does your child usually play? Does your child accept correction easily? ___________________ What is the method of behavior control used in your home? Please circle items below that describe your child: Happy Aggressive Friendly Moody Clumsy Dependant Stubborn Impulsive Fearful Quiet Good-Natured Even-tempered Attentive Sympathetic Shy Sleepy Other Has your child learned to (please check): Say nursery rhymes? Sing songs? Say his or her name? State his or her age and sex? Count? How far? Listen to stories? Dress independently? Recognize and name common objects? Follow simple directions? Ride a tricycle? Throw and catch a ball? Name basic colors? Hop on one foot? Balance on one foot? Write name? Draw a person? accomplishments): Has your child had group play experience? Other? (Please note additional significant Has your child been cared for by someone besides the family? __________ Whom Has your child gone to pre-school or daycare before? _____________ Please describe previous experiences What do you hope will be included in your child’s pre-school program? __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ What language does your family speak at home? ______ Is there any other language other than English that is spoken in the home? If yes, what language ______ *This information will assist teachers and staff in developing any accommodations that may be relevant to curriculum understanding to assist with individual learning success Family nationality Religious preference Are there any holidays that you do not wish your child to celebrate? ® Automated Payment Processing Safe – Convenient – Easy We are excited to offer the safety, convenience and ease of Tuition Express ® – an automatic payment processing system that allows on-time tuition and fee payments to be made from your bank account. Child’s Name ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER AUTHORIZATION FOR BANK ACCOUNT AUTHORIZATION Richmond Hill Montessori Preschool I (we) hereby authorize (business name) to initiate debit entries to my (our) Checking or Savings Account indicated below. To properly affect the cancellation of this agreement, I (we) are required to give 10 days written notice. Credit Union Members: Please contact your Credit Union to verify account and routing numbers for automatic payments. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your Name Phone # _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City State Zip _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bank or Credit Union Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bank or Credit Union Address City State Zip ____________________________________________________________________________________ Routing Transit Number (see sample below) Checking Savings Account Number (see sample below) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date Check if you wish to make online payments A service of For Official Use Only Date Received ________________________ Employee Signature ________________________ Copyright Procare Software 04-05-2013