Liquid Nightclub


Liquid Nightclub
Sponsor list
Bridget and Matthew Babcox
(children of William and Patty Babcox)
presents (In support of H.E.L.P.):
Liquid Nightclub
Giuliana Barnes- Gilmour High School
Carly Cott- Chagrin Falls High School
Lilly Harris- Laurel High School
Seamus Kelleher-Ignatius High School
Myles Snider- Ignatius High School
Jacob Tepper- Beachwood High School
Carolyn Vekstein- Orange High School
Elle Vertes- Hathaway Brown High School
Shelby Wolstein- Hathaway Brown High School
S.W.A.P. is a student run
organization that supports
local non-profits by hosting
charity benefits attended
by high school students
in the community. This
year our committee has
chosen to raise funds
for H.E.L.P. (Hope,
Educate, Love, Protect).
H.E.L.P. is a non-profit organization dedicated
to sustainable education. H.E.L.P. believes
that it is every child’s birthright to receive hope
for a better future, education to grow,
unconditional love, and protection from
disease and illness. The vision is to one day
see a world in which children from the most
impoverished regions of the world can gain
the skills they need to lift their families, their
countries, and themselves out of poverty.
The organization imagines a world where enthusiastic teachers
educate students in safe, hygienic and dependable school,
regardless of how far it is from a major city or how little it receives
in outside funding. Most importantly, H.E.L.P. envisions a school
as an institution that not only fosters students, but the leaders of
tomorrow. For more information please visit:
Please make checks payable to H.E.L.P.
To pay by Credit Card please visit:
Amount Enclosed:
Please complete both sides and send Response and Release
form by June 10th to:
S.W.A.P. c/o H.E.L.P.
147 Bell St.
Suite 303
Chagrin Falls, OH 44022
James and Anne Schoff
Robin Kane, Berlin Family Foundation
Ron Oehl
Vladmir Vekstein and Kathy Marsh
Jillian and Scott Wolstein
Richard and Linda Price, Meisrow Financial
Umberto Fedeli, Fedeli Group
Amy Krantz
Joan Klein Park Synagogue
Anthony Visconsi, Kelly & Visconsi Associates LLC
Famous Enterprises
Mac and Deborah Donely
Rob and Holly Martens
SWAP set a goal to raise $30,000 this year to build a new school
block at the Nanthomba Full Primary School. Due to its initial
success and Malawi’s shortage of school buildings, several
classrooms at the school are over enrolled. Standards One and
Two (known in America as First and Second Grade) have over
200 hundred students each. Over enrolled classrooms result in a
challenging learning environment and increases the risk of damage
to the building. Construction of another school block (consisting of
two classrooms) is crucial to ensure a vibrant and conducive learning
environment. Your donation by purchasing a ticket will directly help
us reach our goal.
Together, we can make a difference!
$30 by June 10th
$40 on June 16th (at the door)
2011 S.W.A.P. Event
The student & a parent/guardian must sign this form.
The S.W.A.P. event is drug-free & alcohol-free. We will have the H.E.L.P. team,
volunteers and security chaperoning. Accordingly, it would be inequitable to hold any
H.E.L.P. team member, volunteer or security liable or responsible for your child. I hereby
agree on behalf of myself, my daughter/son to sign this Consent/Release knowingly, freely
& voluntarily.
_________________________________ Parent or Guardian Name
_________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature
_________________________________ Phone Number
_________________________________ Date
_________________________________ Student Signature
_________________________________ Date
Note: H.E.L.P Team members and volunteers reserve the right to remove students for drug or alcohol
use or other improper conduct. Parents or guardians will be contacted if a student is removed from
the S.WA.P. Event.