Chagrin Valley Hunter Jumper Classic Horse and Hound Relay


Chagrin Valley Hunter Jumper Classic Horse and Hound Relay
Chagrin Valley Hunter Jumper Classic Horse and Hound Relay Exhibition Class
Friday July 10, 2015, after 5:30 pm
All entries must be registered by July 7, 2015
Make Checks Payable to: Chagrin Valley PHA Horse Shows, Inc.
Mail to: Chagrin Valley Hunter Jumper Classic, Box 23552, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
Canine Jump Heights will accommodate dogs that can jump 20”
Cost of entry: $25.00 per dog Proceeds from the Horse and Hound entry fees to benefit the Cleveland APL
PURSE: $3,000.00 Top 6 teams with highest averaged scores based on time and faults are pinned (per USEF regulations)
Dog Name: ______________________________________ Age: _______
Breed: ______________________________________________________
Handler: ____________________________________________________
Owner: _____________________________________________________
Handler Address: _____________________________________________
Owner Address: ______________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________
Email Address: _______________________________________________
Please give us a short bio on your dog: _________________________________________________________________________________________
I hereby enter the above listed dog at my own risk and subject to all rules and regulations of the Chagrin Valley Hunter Jump er Classic Horse Show, including the competition management, officials, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and Federation affiliates. I f urther agree that if any damage
be occasioned, or loss occur to the dog exhibited, to any vehicle, article or person which I may send with such dog, I will m ake no claim against the Chagrin
Valley Hunter Jumper Classic, and I hereby indemnify and hold the Chagrin Valley Hunter Jumper Classic harmless for any loss to third parties of bodily injury or property
damage caused by me or any dog that I bring on the grounds of the Horse Show.
Handler Signature: ______________________________________________ Owner Signature: _______________________________________________
(Parent or Guardian Signature required if Handler is a minor.)