Ms. EL-Shahat - Elizabeth Blackwell Middle School 210Q / Homepage
Ms. EL-Shahat - Elizabeth Blackwell Middle School 210Q / Homepage
Grade 7 English language arts Ms. Dena EL-Shahat 93-11 101 Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 (718) 845-5942 [email protected] Commitment House B Ms. EL-Shahat Elizabeth Blackwell Middle School 210 Queens During the course of this school year you will be expected to read, write, listen and speak using the conventions of Standard English. You will excel in your reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through guided practice and independent practice in which you are expected to advance toward college and career readiness. You are expected to always work your hardest and strive for the best so that you can gain the knowledge necessary for your personal greatness! I look forward to a wonderful year of learning and development with all of you as your minds expand beyond your wildest dreams. Curriculum During the course of this year you will be learning to read and write for various reasons, in various genres, and across varied contents using a reading and writing workshop format. Some of the genres you will be studying include: Reading and Writing in Math, Science, Social Studies Reading and Writing for Persuasion Reading and Writing to Respond to Fiction Reading and Writing to Respond to Nonfiction Reading and Writing Poetry Reading and Writing Drama Reading and Writing Memoirs You will be utilizing various forms of media such as websites, blogs, podcasts, etc. This year, you will become independent learners who will be able to develop skills necessary to take the New York State English language arts exam and excel at those skills that you need beyond the test. Grades are dependent on various factors, including: Class work Homework Projects Decorum/Participation/Preparedness Tools: It is imperative that students are prepared for each day of class. For the start of off the school year, here are a few things each student will need to have in class no later than Monday, September 12, 2011: Four composition notebooks At least five blue or black ink pens At least five pencils Two highlighters One Sharpener with a cover One Eraser Two plastic pocket folders At least one pack of loose leaf paper One ream of copy paper One roll of paper towels One box of tissues Two glue sticks Bilingual Dictionary in your language (Spanish/English, Bengali/English, Arabic/English, etc.) AGENDA Students: If you have not already done so, please get into the habit of keeping a daily agenda. You must take time each day to schedule your commitments. No successful person works without one. Class Policies: Code of Conduct: Each student in class is expected to follow six general rules: 1. Be Punctual (get to class on time) 2. Be a Participant (participate in class) 3. Be Polite (respect yourself, your classmates, and teacher) 4. Be Prepared (have all materials, including HW at all times) 5. Perform instructions after being given once 6. Pride yourself in following ALL school rules Class Expectations: • Students must be on time, seated, and ready to work BEFORE the bell rings. • Students must bring any assigned reading materials, including homework, handouts, and texts. • Attendance in class is critical to your success in the course. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missing work when absent, as well as coming prepared for class the following day. • All assignments must be completed on time. Credit will not be granted for late assignments. • Students are expected to work diligently on their reading and writing every day! • ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO WORK THEIR HARDEST AT ALL TIMES! Please complete and return bottom portion after reading with parents: __________________________ I have read and understand the requirements for Ms. EL-Shahat’s 7th grade English Language Arts class. Student’s signature: _______________________________________________________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s signature: ______________________________________________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Phone # and Email: _____________________________________________________ Check here if you are willing to contribute $2 to our class for new books and magazines and please send it to school with your child. Check here if you would like to contribute any books to our class and please send it to school with your child.