May, 2016 - The Church of the Holy Innocents
May, 2016 - The Church of the Holy Innocents
The Bell Tower The Church of the Holy Innocents Newsletter May 2016 Volume 12 - Number 5 Inside this Issue 1 2 From the Rector The Birthday of the... 3 Parish News ...cont. ECW Souper Bowl May Schedule of Events 4 5 6 7 from the Rector The Rev. Donald Lowery From the Rector...cont. Parish News ... Youth Group Healing Service Holy Communion Baccalaureate Treasurer’s Report... Deacon”s Bench... May Birthdays and Anniversaries Remember in Your Prayers Special Dates Unified Serving Schedule Spotlight On... LYRA ... The Church of the Holy Innocents 210 South Chestnut Street Henderson, North Carolina 27536 Telephone: 252-492-0904 E-mail: [email protected] Church Web Site Address: www.churchofthe Visit us on Facebook The Birthday of the Church with a Party at Holy Innocents to Celebrate! The Feast of Pentecost is on Sunday, May 15th, this year. In Christian tradition, Pentecost is considered the Birthday of the Church. On this festival, 50 days after Easter, the Holy Spirit was poured out on the apostles, both male and female, as they prayed in Jerusalem. The Risen Lord Jesus poured out the Holy Spirit on the apostolic witnesses as he had promised in order to empower them to proclaim the Gospel, the Good News, to all the peoples of the Earth. So empowered and filled with divine enthusiasm 120 faithful witnesses began the work that Christians continue to do this day. The out pouring of the Holy Spirit is celebrated in our church building in the stained glass window over the Font. If one looks up high to the small Rose window, one sees the Apostles and the Virgin Mary receiving the Holy Spirit. The three lancet windows below depict the seven sacraments of the church. The two great gospel sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion are there. The five so called lesser sacraments are there as well. These are Confirmation, Ordination, Reconciliation or Confession (optional in the Episcopal Church, mandatory in the Roman Catholic Church), Marriage and Unction or Anointing of the Sick. Last Rites is a subset within Anointing for the Sick. We pray for recovery, and for the dying, we pray for a peaceful death and the ultimate healing that can only come in eternal life when all the ills of this world are healed by our Risen and Saving Lord. The whole life of the church flows from the gift of the Holy Spirit. Rightly we celebrate Pentecost as the Birthday of the Church. On Pentecost this year we will have a special celebration. First, we will have a bilingual, combined service (at 10:30 am) joining the congregations that generally meet separately for the English service at 10:30 am and the Spanish service at 12:30 pm. Afterwards we are having lunch on the grounds. The church will provide meat, iced tea, water, soft drinks, ice and a birthday cake. From the Rector cont. pg. 2 MAY 2016 Parishioners will be asked to bring sides to share, that is, things like cole slaw, potato salad, pasta salad, other kinds of salads, favorite vegetables, chips, any sort of dish one might bring to a covered dish or picnic and small desserts to supplement the birthday cake. I am going to ask the Latino congregation to bring their favorite sides, and honestly, because I love them, especially homemade tamales. God willing it will be a festival that celebrates the unity that Jesus Christ through his Holy Spirit gives us in the midst of our diversity. If it rains, we will decamp to the lower hall and pick up the fiesta in a safe warm place. Come to the Birthday Party for the Church and bring a friend. It will be a festival day. † The 245th Anniversary of The Battle of Alamance The Rev. Donald Lowery Many people have forgotten that a short war was fought in North Carolina before the American Revolution. Exorbitant taxes (raised in part to build Tryon Palace and some colonial churches) and the manipulation of the property law by corrupt judges and lawyers in the back country of North Carolina drove many citizens to despair. Granville County, of which Vance County was then part, was one of the back country areas where political corruption affected many people, especially small farmers. Many of the farmers were driven off their land which was then confiscated and sold to wealthy planters. Finally, it came to a pitch battle in which militia from Eastern North Carolina, led by Governor Tryon fought the frontier farmers who called themselves Regulators (from their desire to Regulate or Reform the Colonial Government) on May 16th 1771. The Regulators were not well organized and were defeated. Some fled west and resettled in the mountains of North Carolina, which in those days included what would become Tennessee. Others were captured and jailed for treason. In the end most were pardoned, though seven were hanged for treason in Hillsborough, not far from St. Matthew’s 2 Father Don Away Episcopal Church. The Rev. Donald Lowery On May 14th, at the Alamance Battleground North Carolina State Historic Site there will be a commemoration of this battle. I have been invited to participate as a dissenting minister of the era, that is, to reenact a non-Church of England minister explaining a religious issue for the revolt. Many on the frontier were not members of the Church of England in North Carolina but were taxed to support it because it was the Established Church. The Episcopal Church was formed out of the ruins of the Church of England in the colonies. To give a local connection, one of the churches the Regulators were angry they were taxed to build is old St. John’s. One of the judges they were angry with was Richard Henderson, a member of old St. John’s and owner of Ashland Plantation which still stands on Satterwhite Road. So I will be explaining to visitors why folks were mad at the church, in its colonial format, of which I am both a member and ordained minister. I love irony. (The park is located at 5803 North Carolina 62, Burlington, NC 27215) † Parish News… My mother was placed in a care home for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia in late February. My father suggested I not come visit her until after Easter to give her a chance to settle into the routine of the center. This has gone well and I am going to see her for the first time in her new living setting on Mother’s Day, May 8, 2016. I am driving to Maryland Thursday so I can attend a special fundraising dinner at the Episcopal Church where my parents and sister are members. Then I will spend Mother’s Day at church in the morning and visiting mother that afternoon. I will return to Henderson either Monday or Tuesday. † The Rev. Donald Lowery Holy Communion will be celebrated on the Wednesdays of May with the first Wednesday including the Healing Service. The service is at 5:30 p.m.. This is followed by a class about the Beliefs of the Episcopal Church a few minutes after 6:00 p.m. in the Ingle Ladies’ Parlor. The same material as the Wednesday class is presented on Sunday at 9:45 a.m. † The Rev. Donald Lowery The Youth Group will not meet on May 8th as I will be in Maryland visiting my mother, as well as my father and sister. We will meet on the other Sundays of May, though I am aware many will be away on Memorial Day weekend. I will be around for any who are in town. † Baccalaureate Service The Rev. Donald Lowery Holy Innocents will host the Baccalaureate Service for Kerr-Vance Academy on May 27, 2016. † MAY 2016 Schedule of Events M. Nelson Church Usage SCHEDULE ~Lower Hall~ Honoring Our Graduates Do you have a special person graduating from high school or college this year? If so, we’d love for you to share their accomplishment with us so that we can include them in an article in the June issue of our newsletter. Please contact Susie in the church office at 252-492-0904 or email hinnocents@ by May 26 with the following information: graduate’s name, school, relationship to you (child, grandchild, niece, nephew), and photo (if you’d like one included). MONDAY AA Cub Scout Pack ( w/ Tommy) 5:30 to 6:30 7:00 to 8:00 TUESDAY NA NA AA 7:00 to 8:00 WEDNESDAY 7:00 to 8:00 FRIDAY 5:30 to 6:30 SATURDAY Betsy Seifert, President Attention all ECW Members! NOTICE: Our church email address is [email protected]. Whenever your email address changes, please be sure to send your new address to the church so that we can update our records. Our next meeting is at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 24th. We have invited Randolph Wilson, Director of Rebuilding Hope, to join us so that we can present him with a donation for his organization. After meeting with Mr. Wilson, we’ll discuss our decision to have our bazaar on October 15, 2016 —a Harvest Bazaar. We plan to go out for lunch after our meeting! Please join us!! † The final totals are in. We raised $391 and 18 cans of food for ACTS during the Souper Bowl (on Super Bowl Sunday). That increased our amount from 2015 by over $150. At the national level, 6790 organizations raised $10,287,118 (cash & food) for local charities in the 2016 Souper Bowl of Caring. 8:00 AM, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 AM, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 PM, La Misa Servicio Wednesday– May 4 5:30 PM, Communion & Healing Service/Enquirers Class Sunday – May 8 8:00 AM, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 10:30 AM, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 PM, La Misa Servicio Wednesday– May 11 3:00 PM, Nursing Home Ministry 5:30 PM, Communion/Enquirers Class Sunday – May 15 8:00 AM, Holy Eucharist – Rite I Bilingual Combined Service (10:30 AM & 12:30 PM) 10:30 AM, Holy Eucharist – Rite II After Service Lunch on Courtyard Sunday – May 22 8:00 AM, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 9:45 AM, Enquirers Class Summer Newsletter items are due: May26th Thanks for your help! We did it!! Sunday – May 1 Wednesday– May 18 5:30 PM, Communion/Enquirers Class (June/July/August) Yolanda Yoder Choir Weekly Practice Schedule Hand Bell Choir — Wed. at 6:00 PM Parish Choir — Sun. at 9:30 AM [email protected] Printed copies of the newsletter are located in the Bell Tower for you if you have problems with email access and are also available to view and print from the church website: Thanks for your support! (Ladies Parlor) 10:30 AM, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 PM, La Misa Servicio Tuesday – May 24 10:00 AM, ECW (Ladies Parlor) Wednesday– May 25 3:00 PM, Nursing Home Ministry 5:30 PM, Communion/Enquirers Class Sunday – May 29 8:00 AM, Holy Eucharist – Rite I 9:45 AM, Enquirers Class (Ladies Parlor) 10:30 AM, Holy Eucharist – Rite II 12:30 PM, La Misa Servicio All services are conducted in the Church, unless otherwise noted. 3 THE BELL TOWER Treasurer’s Report Bob Nelson, Treasurer 4 THE BELL TOWER The Deacon’s Bench by the Rev. Harrel Johnson May 2016 In a few short weeks we will be celebrating the Church’s birthday. We will actually have a party to do this, but at this party it is we who have received the gifts. It was at the Church’s first birthday - the day of Pentecost that Jesus gave his disciples a gift. The gift was a baptism with the Holy Spirit. We all love to get gifts. We do not always like to write thank-you. The bigger the gift however, the more likely we are to thank the giver. However, the biggest and most important gifts that we have ever received have come from a giver that is largely taken for granted and seldom thanked. These are the gifts we have received from God. And, whether you realize it or not, what you are, what you have accomplished and what you will accomplish in the future is a gift from God. St Paul tells us in I Corinthians, chapter 12: "There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them. There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives this ability to all for their particular service. The Spirit’s presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all. The Spirit gives one person a message full of wisdom, while to another person the same Spirit gives a message full of knowledge. One and the same Spirit gives faith to one person, while to another person he gives the power to heal. The Spirit gives one person the power to work miracles; to another, the gift of speaking God’s message; and to yet another, the ability to tell the difference between gifts that come from the Spirit and those that do not. To one person he gives the ability to speak in strange tongues, and to another he gives the ability to interpret what is said. But it is one and the same Spirit who does all this; as he wishes, he gives a different gift to each person." (I Cor. 12: 4-11 Good News Translation) The central message of this scripture is clearly that God is the giver of our talents, and He has distributed these talents among us in various degrees according to our gifts. You all have different abilities. You all have different skills. You all have different talents. You know that. Not everyone excels in all things. Everything you have, whether it’s a skill, a talent or even a disability, is a gift from God. God has granted to each one of us, a unique ability to do something; something that no one else can do quite like you. Many of you will use your God-given gifts to succeed. Let us all however not forget to give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit. † 5 MAY 2016 Birthdays Kathleen Burwell............................. 5/03 Nancy Whitt .................................... 5/03 Graham Ellis .................................... 5/06 Steve Flannagan .............................. 5/07 Helen Flannagan .............................. 5/07 Dianne Floyd ................................... 5/08 Richard Young …………………....5/08 Ann Ellis.......................................... 5/10 Barbara Hight .................................. 5/10 Betsy Catlett .................................... 5/18 Peggy Mason ................................... 5/20 Anniversaries Remember In Your Prayers Pray for Healing and Comfort: Cynthia Shaw, Trayce Wheless, Barbara Collins, Staci Barnett, Hazel Peck, Barbara Madigan, Mary Ann Hill, Melody Shearin, Carolyn Lowery, Mary Shearin, Meghen Bunn, Vivie Drake, Francis Saunders, Lisa Adcock, C.G. Williams, Bobby Woodward, Bettie Cooper, Griselle Woodward, Graham Shearin, Rorin Platt, Tommy Greenway, Hannah Youngblood, Marshall Cooper, Veneal Williams, Janet White, Tracy Clawson, Stephen Nichols, David Adcock and John Foster. Griselle & Bobby Woodard……… 5/10 Susann & Kirk Elliott ..………….. 5/11 Katherine & Scott Williamson ........ 5/15 Betsy & Donald Seifert ................... 5/21 Jean & Rick Palamar ....................... 5/25 Sofia & Harrison Ford ..................... 5/29 Special Dates National Day of Prayer Mothers Day Ascension of the Lord Ma y 5 , 2 0 1 6 Ma y 8 , 2 0 1 6 Ma y 5 , 2 0 1 6 Armed Forces Day Ma y2 1 , 2 0 1 6 Memorial Day Ma y 3 0 , 2 0 1 6 Altar Flowers Ruth Hartness 5/01 Linda & Porter Shaw 5/08 TBD 5/15 TBD 5/22 Marsha & Bob Nelson 5/29 MAY Unified Serving Schedule ~ MAY 1 COFFEE WILL BE SERVED IN THE GREAT HALL AFTER THE 10:30 AM SERVICE ~ bearers acolytes LC Olmert (Book) crucifer Lehman Ford layreader/ chalice bearer 8:00 am - Lucy Gray 10:30 am - Nick Long Uriah Ford 8:00 am - Bob Nelson 10:30 am - Richard Davis 8 LC Olmert (Book) Tucker Olmert Brennan Olmert 15 Genie Parish (Book) AJ Holloway (Banner); Ethan Holloway (Kite); Jason Elliott (Tintinabulus) Mary Beth Paris Sarah Rose Parish Lorena Negron Juliana Negron Uriah Ford Lehman Ford (2nd Cross) 8:00 am - Hut Wester 10:30 am - Tom Church Chap Burnette Beau Burnette AJ Holloway 8:00 am - Lucy Gray 10:30 am - Ruth Hartness Genie Parish 8:00 am - Rick Palamar 10:30 am - Nancy Whitt 22 29 Lehman Ford Uriah Ford (Flags) ushers Craig Clodfelter Mike Rainey Tracy Madigan altar guild vestry greeter Anora Rainey Catherine Olmert Shirley Young Margaret Williamson Shirley Young Anne Almand Mariana Davis Richard Davis Mariana Davis John Foster Craig Clodfelter Mike Rainey Tracy Madigan Craig Clodfelter Mike Rainey Tracy Madigan Craig Clodfelter Mike Rainey Tracy Madigan Craig Clodfelter Mike Rainey Tracy Madigan NOTE: IF YOU ARE SCHEDULED TO LAYREAD AND HAVE A CONFLICT, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR OWN REPLACEMENT AND NOTIFY THE CHURCH OFFICE. 6 THE BELL TOWER Vocal Ensemble From St. Petersburg, Russia The Church of the Holy Innocents Wednesday, April 27, 2016 7 PHONE: 252-492-0904 E-MAIL: [email protected] THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS 210 South Chestnut Street Henderson, NC 27536 The Church of the Holy Innocents All are welcome to join us as we joyfully greet each person present at our worship. May our love and respect for one another be steady and true as we strive to follow Christ our Lord..
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