Summer 2015 Shofar - Congregation Schaarai Zedek


Summer 2015 Shofar - Congregation Schaarai Zedek
CO N G R E G AT I O N S C H A A R A I Z E D E K | T A M PA , F L O R I D A
Welcome Rabbi Nathan Farb
Every Assistant
Rabbi who has
come to our
congregation has
sources and different ways of relating to
congregants. Rabbi Farb will be no exception.
He grew up in a small self-directed
congregation in Westminster, Colorado where
two dozen families met in living rooms,
church basements, community schools, and
a refurbished shopping center. They had no
rabbi and no staff and read from a Torah
which was given to them on permanent loan
from another congregation.
That experience in a small congregation
made a lasting impression on Rabbi Farb and
explained the great appeal his candidacy had
for us on the search committee. Rabbi Farb’s
modest beginning in the synagogue world
sensitized him to the importance of making
sure that every member feels like a partner in
synagogue life. In his initial interview, Rabbi
emphasized group building, relationship
growth, and engendering feelings of warmth
and inclusivity as essential to his rabbinate.
We have no doubt that his compassionate
nature and his desire to bring a small Temple
atmosphere to our large congregation will go
a long way to meeting his goal and ours.
I look forward to starting a new friendship
with him. I know Rabbi and I will share great
conversations and special moments as only
colleagues can. Each Assistant challenges me
to look at Schaarai Zedek in new ways and
each eventually becomes my teacher. I cannot
wait to begin this journey once again.
Rabbi Richard J. Birnholz
We are delighted to welcome Rabbi Nathan Farb as
our new Assistant Rabbi. Rabbi Farb comes to us from
a unique background. As he explains in his own words,
“I began my Jewish professional career as a janitor at
the somewhat larger Boulder Reform Jewish synagogue,
Har Hashem. Technically, I was the assistant facilities
coordinator, but if somebody needed a mop or a plunger,
I was the one they would call. You might not expect
the janitor to end up as a rabbi, but pretty soon I started
coaching b’nai mitzvah students, then creating Jewish
twenties and thirties events. Pretty soon I knew for sure
that I had to become a rabbi.” Rabbi Farb then shows his great sense of humor
when he closes saying, “I’ve gone from toilet rolls to Torah Rolling, and I’m not
done yet.”
Rabbi Farb is smart, spiritual, an “out of the box” thinker, a scholar, a sensitive
listener, a creative service writer and a graphic artist. He graduated Cum Laude
with Distinction from the University of Colorado with a B.A. in Economics in
2005. He was a Legacy Heritage Scholar in the Conservative Yeshiva Summer
Program in Israel in 2009, and was recently ordained this May at HUC-JIR in
Cincinnati. While at HUC, Rabbi Farb completed a Clinical Pastoral Education
course and won the 2014 Israel Bettan Memorial Prize “as the student who has
been most creative and imaginative in his/her pulpit presentation.”
Rabbi Farb served as student rabbi in Parkersburg, Virginia and Petoskey,
Michigan where he led services, visited congregants, taught adult education,
provided pastoral care, conducted lifecycle events, created holiday liturgy,
engaged in interfaith relations, coached b’nai mitzvah students, led day-camp
activities, and led new member outreach.
Rabbi is a skilled teacher, having taught religious school and midweek Hebrew
at Cincinnati’s Wise Temple and having introduced courses like “YouTube
University” and “Rapping Rabbis” at the Cincinnati Reform Jewish High School.
In the summer of 2011, Rabbi was the Drama Director at Camp Ramah in the
Poconos and in 2009 was the D’var Torah coach (as in speech writing for Bar/Bat
Mitzvah) at Congregation Har HaShem in Boulder, Colorado.
We feel very fortunate in having Rabbi Farb join our clergy team. We look
forward to sharing his energy and warm personality as we begin a new chapter in
our congregation’s history.
An Oneg Shabbat to welcome Rabbi Farb will be held following services
on June 26. You are invited to meet our new Assistant Rabbi.
The two years have
flown by. It seems like
only yesterday that
my term as President
began. There are so
many to acknowledge
and so little space (but
I’ll try). We all know
how blessed we are to have a senior Rabbi like
Rabbi Birnholz, who sets such a positive and
warm tone for our congregation and provides
such strong leadership. We are fortunate to have
an Executive Director like Marc LeVine, who
seems to be on the job 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, making sure that our congregants
are having their individual and collective
needs met, on a schedule that is forever in flux.
Rabbi Simon, while now setting up shop with
his new congregation as its senior rabbi, has
been outstanding in all respects, and Cantor
Cannizzaro jumped into the fold two years ago
and has added much joy, warmth and beauty to
our congregation and worship. Ian Bernstein
leads in an exemplary manner our Amy Gail
Buchman Preschool, which has become not
only one of the top preschools in this area, but
throughout the state.
It goes on and on from there. Sherry Stein,
our Director of Membership and Programming,
has been an integral part of our leadership
team for many years, and provides for what
appears to be effortless execution of event after
event. Donna Wood dove right in this year as
Religious School Director and, aided by the
able hand of Donna Birnholz, has provided
not only strong leadership, but great vim and
vigor. Lindsay Dewey directs and leads all of
our youth activities and organizations, spanning
age groups ranging from infants through high
school age. Need I remind you that we hosted
over 400 kids a couple of months ago for a
Spring Kallah…
Speaking of which, whether it is a Spring Kallah,
a Senior Luncheon, a Brotherhood Signature
Event, a Yee Haw Shabbat, a High Holy Day
Service, or any other religious observance or
congregant function, it takes a coordinated team.
The positive, can-do attitudes and capabilities
of Mary Braverman, CK Shannon, and Marilyn
Moss all contribute to our ability to make
things happen. I do, however, want to thank a
special group of individuals. Our maintenance
team, including Mike Willman, Freddy Coley,
Alexis Pabellon, and Kim Turner, is second
to none. I am sure you have noticed that if
(continued on Page 4)
JUNE 2015
Friday, June 5
7:30 pm - Shabbat Service &
Board Installation
Saturday, June 6
4:30 pm - Jada & Madelyn Kamuf
B’Not Mitzvah
Friday, June 12
7:30 pm - Shabbat Service
Rabbi Birnholz will speak
Friday, June 19
7:30 pm - Brotherhood Shabbat Service
Anthony Weiss, Brotherhood
Co-Pres. will speak and
Koleinu Choir will sing
Saturday, June 20
10:30 am- Evan Levine Bar Mitzvah
Friday, June 26
7:30 pm - “Welcome Rabbi Farb”
Shabbat Service
Rabbi Farb will speak
Saturday, June 27
10:30 am- Emily Kaplan Bat Mitzvah
Eric Newman was awarded the National
Eagle Scouts Association Award at a reunion
on May 3 at USF.
Ted Cohen & Andrea Olson
Heather & Darron Kattan
Lewis Konigsberg
Jenna Fischer & Jeffery White
Beth Fulghum & Jeffrey Herman
Brooks Arnold Brereton
Grandson of Nancy Kotler Brereton
Zane Paul & Lily Ana Greene
Son & Daughter of Karen &
Michael Greene
Layla Rose Lincoln
Daughter of Stefanie & Andrew Lincoln
Aviva Mae Mincberg
Daughter of Lauren & Michael Mincberg
JULY 2015
Friday, July 3
7:30 pm - Shabbat Service
Cantor Cannizzaro will offer
a sermon in song
Friday, July 10
7:30 pm - Shabbat Service
Rabbi Farb will speak
Friday, July 17
7:30 pm - Shabbat Service
Rabbi Farb will speak
Friday, July 24
7:30 pm - 20s-30s Shabbat Service
Rabbi Farb will speak
Friday, July 31
7:30 pm - Shabbat Service
Rabbi Farb will speak
Shabbat Candle Lighting Times
Friday, June 5 . . . . . . . . . . .
Friday, June 12 . . . . . . . . . .
Friday, June 19 . . . . . . . . . .
Friday, June 26 . . . . . . . . . .
Friday, July 3 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Friday, July 10 . . . . . . . . . . .
Friday, July 17 . . . . . . . . . . .
Friday, July 24 . . . . . . . . . . .
Friday, July 31 . . . . . . . . . . .
8:06 pm
8:09 pm
8:11 pm
8:12 pm
8:12 pm
8:11 pm
8:09 pm
8:06 pm
8:02 pm
Herb Chad
Father of Richard Chad
Dorothy Cohen
Grandmother of Rande Weissman &
Harry Cohen
Senator Helen Gordon Davis
Charolotte L. Fisher
Mother of Marianne Fisher
Peretz Katz
Father of Karen Holmes
Rae Koshar Leff
Aunt of June Kraff
Sylvia Livingston
Jay Rudolph
Father of Richard Rudolph &
Ronald Rudolph
Grand Father of Dr. Lesley
Rudolph Philipson
Sol Schneider
Father of Donna Birnholz
Grandfather of Steven Birnholz
The Shofar
Published monthly by
Congregation Schaarai Zedek
3303 West Swann Avenue
Tampa, Florida 33609-4643
Volume 119, Number 11
Please join us for
Friday, June 5, 2015
Dinner- 5:30 pm: Adults: $25, Children (through 9 years): $15
Annual Meeting- 6:30 pm: Elect Officers & Trustees, Honor President’s Cup Recipient
Shabbat Service & Installation- 7:30 pm: Officers & Trustees will be installed during the service.
RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or email [email protected].
The Nominating Committee recommends the following slate:
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VP Administration & Building . . . .
VP Fundraising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VP Membership & Programming . .
VP Religion, Education & Youth. . .
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Financial Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bob Tannenbaum
Richard Eggnatz
Meg Moskovitz
Laura Salzer
Mike Haber
Scott Shimberg
Janet Kass
David Rosenbach
Endowment Representatives:
Jeffrey Greenberg
Don Weinbren
Trustees (1-year term):
Beth Gemunder
Tammy Li
Trustees (3-year term):
Aaron Bloom
Pat Forman
Bruce Goldenberg
Carla Markowitz
Randy Marcus
Toni Rosen
Trustees (2-year term):
David Hochberg
Daniel Klein
Respectfully Submitted,
Deborah Rosenthal, Nominating Committee Chair
Schaarai Zedek Summer Movie Nights
The lazy, hazy days of summer are here. It is time for Schaarai Zedek Summer Movie Nights.
Bring your family for pizza and ice cream with a movie. Families dine together. Then adults
will see a movie followed by a discussion led by Rabbi Birnholz or Rabbi Farb. Children will
have their own special family-friendly movie. There is no charge for Summer Movie Night.
RSVPs are a must! Call or email the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or [email protected]
Saturday, June 20 - 6:00 pm
Saturday, July 18 - 6:00 pm
Movie for Grown-Ups: “The Hundred-Foot Journey”
Starring Helen Mirren
An Indian family moves to France and opens a
restaurant 100 feet from a Michelin Starred eatery.
Discussion led by Rabbi Birnholz
Movie for Grown-Ups: “Wadjda”
“Wadjda” tells the story of a 10 year old
girl in Saudi Ariba who wants a bicycle.
Discussion led by Rabbi Farb
Children’s Movie: “Boxtrolls”
Children’s Movie: “Big Hero 6”
Sunday, August 16 - 4:00 pm
Movie for Grown-Ups: “McFarland USA”
Starring Kevin Costner
“McFarland USA” is the story of a coach who learns about strength from his Latino students.
Discussion led by Rabbi Birnholz
Children’s Movie: “Penguins of Madagascar”
(Dinner at no charge will follow the movie)
Weekly Torah Study
Saturday, June 6 led by Rabbi Birnholz
Saturday, June 13 led by Cantor Cannizzaro
Saturday, July 11, 18 & 25 led by Rabbi Farb
10:00 am
Join Rabbi Birnholz, Cantor Cannizzaro and Rabbi Farb to study the weekly
Torah portion. Gain a better understanding of the relevance of Torah in our modern lives. This is your
opportunity to learn with Schaarai Zedek’s clergy on Shabbat morning. Feel free to join at any time.
For more information, contact Rabbi Birnholz at [email protected], Cantor Cannizzaro at
[email protected] or Rabbi Farb at [email protected].
From Cantor
arrived in Tampa.
returned and we
can once again
set the clock by
the late afternoon
rainstorms. People
are heading out of town on vacation and/
or to visit family. Things are slowing down
and we can finally, hopefully rest.
I don’t know about you, but I often feel
guilty when I rest. I mean, there is so much
yet to do: bills to pay, closets to clean
out, emails to respond to, laundry (always
laundry) to do … how can I possibly justify
Judaism understands the need for rest.
Torah tells us, “On the seventh day, God
had completed the work that had been
done, ceasing then on the seventh day from
all work. Then God blessed the seventh day
and made it holy, and ceased from all the
work that God had chosen to do.” (Genesis
2:2-3) This day of rest was so important that
it was included in the 10 Commandments
(Commandment 4, if you’re wondering).
I guess if God could justify resting, then I
shouldn’t worry about it.
One of my favorite readings on this
subject comes from Likrat Shabbat, a
wonderful siddur I used in a previous
congregation: “A great pianist was once
asked by an ardent admirer: “How do you
handle the notes as well as you do?” The
artist answered: “The notes I handle no
better than many pianists, but the pauses
between the notes—ah! That is where the
art resides.” In great living, as in great
music, the art may be in the pauses. Surely
one of the enduring contributions which
Judaism made to the art of living was the
Shabbat, “the pause between the notes.”
And it is to the Shabbat that we must look
if we are to restore to our lives the sense of
serenity and sanctity which Shabbat offers
in such joyous abundance.”
What a wonderful concept, that an
important part of great music, of great
living is the rests, the pauses! If the “pause”
is part of the “work,” then there should
be no reason for guilt – they are both
necessary. Just as Shabbat is necessary to
the week, moments of rest are necessary
to our lives. But how do we make these
moments of Shabbat part of everyday life?
A colleague of mine came up with what I
consider to be a brilliant solution.
(continued on Page 5)
Do You Know Someone...
New to Tampa?
Not Affiliated with a Congregation?
Just Married?
Looking for Quality Jewish Schools?
Schaarai Zedek’s 20s/30s Connection
Let us tell them about membership at
Congregation Schaarai Zedek.
20s/30s Shabbat Reception
Friday, July 24
6:30 pm Reception, 7:30 pm Shabbat Service
Please call: Our Vice President of Membership
and Programming or Sherry Stein, Director of
Programming & Membership (813-876-2377,
Ext. 212).
Come at 6:30 for a pre-service reception just for 20s/30s. This is
your chance to celebrate Shabbat with Schaarai Zedek’s 20s/30s
Connection. YAD Friday participants will be here too. Then we’ll
join the congregation Shabbat service followed by an Oneg Shabbat.
Schaarai Zedek’s 20s/30s Connection is a social group for Jewish Young Adults in their 20s and 30s.
Singles, couples and all partners/significant others are welcome!
Clergy Visits to Assisted Living,
Nursing Home & Shut-ins
Do you have family members who are in
assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or
are homebound? Our Clergy want to visit
them. Please call the Clergy Assistant, Ming
Brewer (813-876-2377, Ext. 202), with the
names and telephone numbers of members or
the family of members who may live in one of
these facilities we want to make sure they are
included in our planning.
For more information, contact Rabbi Farb at (813) 876-2377, Ext. 229 or [email protected].
Tampa JCC/ Federation Young Adult Division
For information on YAD events, go to
Ravak: CSZ Jewish Singles 40 & beyond
Eat and Enjoy…Brunch & Music
Sunday, June 14 - 12:00 noon
Dutch-Treat Brunch: 400 Beach Seafood & Tap House
400 Beach Dr. NE, St Petersburg
Cantorettes Concert @ Schaarai Zedek - 3:00 pm
President’s Message
(continued from Page 2)
you’re at Temple, so are they (fairly obvious,
I know). Whenever needed, and always with
a smile and positive attitude. Although there
are many more people that I need to mention,
but for want of space, I cannot. Please know,
though, that Marc LeVine couldn’t do what he
does without the fine office staff we have, nor
could Ian Bernstein lead such a tremendous
preschool without his strong leadership team
and amazing faculty.
Above all else, we have an outstanding
congregation. You have embraced our Rabbi
and our Temple and supported it with your
presence and participation, your volunteer
activities, and your dues, Torah Circle
participation, and other contributions. We
have a lay leadership team, including our
committee members and chairs, our affiliates
and their respective leaders, our Board, and
our Officers, who support and augment all that
our clergy and staff do.
I am leaving my post knowing the Temple
is in good hands. Bob Tannenbaum will be
a wonderful President and I look forward to
serving in support of Bob and his efforts.
It has been a great privilege, and for that, I
thank you.
Alan Weiner, President
Join us for an afternoon of Food, Fun and Friends. We will begin at 400 Beach Seafood & Tap House
for Brunch ($14.95 per person for Ravak participants. There will be a $10 subsidy from Schaarai Zedek).
Fun will continue at the annual Cantor’s Summer Concert featuring Cantor Deborrah Cannizzaro,
Cantor Beth Schlossberg (Kol Ami) and Cantorial Soloist Joy Katzen-Guthrie (Beth Am) singing the
music of Nat King Cole. (See page 5 for details)
RSVP to the Temple Office at [email protected] or (813) 876-2377. Reservations are requested so we
can plan.
Home dedication for Habitat For Humanity
Interfaith Build
In January, members of our congregation joined
with members of Christ The King Catholic Church
and Hyde Park United Methodist Church to build a
house for a deserving recipient. Our 3 congregations
also contributed financially toward the construction
costs. The home was dedicated on May 9. Donna
Wood, Religious School Director, participated in
the Dedication Ceremony.
Many thanks go to the members of our Schaarai Zedek Construction Crew: Judy Balber, Briana
Chajet, Maren Cohen, Ted Cohen, Harry Felsenthal, Dennis Geagen, Gayle Geagen, Kip Goulder,
Michael Greene, Andy Hirsch, Lauren Hirsch, Tricia Hirsch, Mary Kolesar, Sheryl Koza, Jon Levy, Judy
Manowitz, Andrea Olson, Sam Puterman, Eli Reback, Judy Rosenkranz, Aaron Ruben, Brad Salzer,
Lauren Sembler, Mark Sembler, Marjorie Shaw, John Sternberg, Myron Thorner, Marian Winters and
Bruce Zimmerman.
Mitzvah: Trinity Café
Trinity Café, located at 2801 North Nebraska Avenue, Tampa 33602, provides hot, chef-cooked meals
to those in need. Volunteer opportunities are available to help serve on Mondays through Fridays from
11:00 am - 1:00 pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30 am - 10:45 am.
If you are interested or have questions, please contact Donna Wood, Religious School Director, at
(813) 876-2377, Ext. 210 or [email protected].
The Cantorettes
An Afternoon of Nat King Cole Classics
With Cantors Deborrah Cannizzaro,
Joy Katzen-Guthrie and Beth Schlossberg
Sunday, June 14 - 3:00 pm
Join the Cantorettes for an Unforgettable afternoon of Nat King Cole’s most be L.O.V.E.d music.
Straighten Up & Fly Right to Congregation Schaarai Zedek on Sunday, June 14 at 3 pm!
RSVP to the Temple Office at [email protected] or (813) 876-2377. There is no charge for this event.
Reservations are requested.
Gesher L’ Mishpacha:
Jewish Family Fun
Join the fun...
Create Jewish family
memories with “Gesher L’Mishpacha…
Bridge to the Family” activities. Families of
all make-ups and sizes will enjoy completing
18 simple activities from a list of over 70
items. Last year, 7 families were “Gesher
Graduates.” Add your name to the 2016
Gesher Graduation List.
For more information, call Donna Wood,
Religious School Director at
(813) 876-2377, Ext. 210.
European Student Exchange
Senior Luncheons
Thursday, June 18, Seating - 11:15 am
Entertainer: A Frank Sinatra Impersonator
Amondo Diaz will be our guest performer this month. He is one of
the most acclaimed Frank Sinatra Tribute Artist (Impersonator) in the
country. Come listen to him croon your favorite Sinatra tunes with the
elegance and style of “Ole Blue Eyes.”
Thursday, July 16, Seating - 11:15 am
Speaker: Dr. Carl Zielonka
Welcome Dr. Carl Zielonka, a native Tampa historian and long-time
member of Schaarai Zedek. Carl will speak on the history of Schaarai
Zedek: 1894 – 2015— Our Stormy Years, Our Troubled Years, from
WWII to the Present— Prosperity and Growth. Carl’s father, Rabbi David Zielonka, was Sr. Rabbi at
Schaarai Zedek for over 40 years. Carl, too, is part of the history of our Synagogue. You will want to hear
his insights about Schaarai Zedek and its place in Tampa’s history.
RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or email at [email protected].
In June and July, nine of our SchZFTY teens
will travel with Lindsey Dewey and Sherry
Stein to Poland as part of our continued
connection with the Eastern European Jewish
communities. The teens selected to travel are
preparing for this educational, spiritual and
social trip. They are excited to share all they
learn in Eastern Europe with our Schaarai
Zedek congregants.
Save the date and join us on Friday
evening, September 11, for a special
Shabbat service led by our SchZFTY teens
complete with reflective pieces from this
year’s student exchange.
Congregant Condolence Notices
When a congregant passes away, the Temple
offers the family of the deceased the option of
having an email notification of the passing sent
to all congregants.
The sending (or not sending) of this
condolence notice email is at the choice of the
family of the deceased congregant to protect
privacy for the family.
Mah Jongg Monday
Summer “Mahj” Schedule
June 8, 15, 22 & 29
July 6, 13, 20 & 27
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
From Cantor Cannizzaro
(continued from Page 3)
Feel free to drop in and enjoy an evening playing Mah Jongg
with friends every Monday at Schaarai Zedek. All players are
welcomed – experienced and learners. Sydney Soschin and
Debbie Rovner will be available to facilitate the game. Come
relax and enjoy the friends and fun.
RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or [email protected].
High Holy Days Ticket Information
Rosh Hashanah begins on Sunday, September 13. We
are now in the process of preparing our High Holy Day
mailing. You should receive your ticket reservation forms in
the mail during the month of July. Tickets will be mailed in
August. Remember that you must be current in your Temple
obligations in order to receive your High Holy Days tickets.
She learned to build moments of rest into her
day. These moments of rest help to rejuvenate
her soul and replenish lost energy. And they
are very simple: feel the joy of moments with
children or grandchildren; pause between
sentences a little longer; reflect on nature
through the car windshield at a traffic light;
linger over lunch just a little longer with a
As we head off into summer, let’s learn to
discover the pauses between the notes of life,
and thereby bring the restfulness of Shabbat,
the restfulness of vacation, into our daily lives
– guilt free. Have a wonderful summer!
Cantor Deborrah Cannizzaro
Join us for summer youth activities at
Congregation Schaarai Zedek.
News from the Amy Gail
Buchman Preschool
June 1:
First day of Summer Camp
June 2-3: Boo Hoo Breakfast 8:30 am - 9:30 am
June 10: Timeless Tales
June 24: Lowry Park Zoo presentation
July 3:
School closed for the 4th of July
July 15:
July 22:
Timeless Tales
July 28:
Last day of Summer Camp
July 31:
Open House/Information Fair
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Tables will be
set-up with our enrichment programs.
7-12 Grade Youth Adventure Day at
Tampa Bay Grand Prix
Monday, June 8
9:30 am - Meet at Schaarai Zedek
2:30 pm - Pick Up at Schaarai Zedek
FREE for Schaarai Zedek members and $20 for non-members. Tampa Bay Grand Prix Participant
Release MUST be completed by all teens and signed by parents!
The Waiver can be found at Please complete the TAMPA waiver!
7-12 Grade Open House
Wednesday, June 24
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Come Join us for our monthly open house complete with dinner and time to hang out—
and MEET RABBI FARB. Come relax, unwind and spend some time with friends while
we get to know our new Rabbi. RSVP to Lindsey to make sure we order enough dinner.
Teenokot Summer Sensory Play Date
Thursday, June 25
10:30 am-12:00 pm
A morning of play for children 0-4 and their caregivers. MEET
AT TEMPLE for a morning of age-appropriate sensory play!
Religious School Registration
It is time to register for the 2015-16 Religious
School year! If your children are currently enrolled
in Religious School, your registration materials
have been mailed.
If you do not receive registration materials, please
contact the Religious School office (dwood@ [email protected] or 813-876-2377 ext.
210 or 215).
All children who will be 4 years old by September
1, 2015, are eligible to attend Religious School.
Interested in Teaching or
Teenokot MyGym Group Gym Session
Thursday, July 23
Time: TBD
Join us for an afternoon session at MyGym in Westchase.
Contact Lindsey Dewey for additional details.
7-12 Grade Youth Adventure Day at
Monday, July 27
9:30 am - Meet at Schaarai Zedek
2:30 pm - Pick Up at Schaarai Zedek
FlowRider Participant Release MUST be completed
by all teens, notarized and signed by parents! To have
the FlowRider Waiver emailed to you, please contact Lindsey Dewey, Youth Director, at ldewey@ or (813) 876-2377, Ext. 221.
For info about any youth event, please contact Lindsey Dewey, Youth Director, at
[email protected] or (813) 876-2377, Ext. 221
Would you like to spend time
with great children and further
Judaism? Then come spend
Sunday mornings at the Flom
Religious School! We are looking for a few new
teachers for the 2015-16 school year. We supply the
lesson plans and materials!
If you would like more information about teaching
or substituting, please contact Donna Wood,
Religious School Director, at 813-876-2377 ext.
210 or [email protected].
Jada Kamuf
Madelyn Kamuf
Emily Kaplan
Daughter of
Allison & Rodger Kamuf
Daughter of
Allison & Rodger Kamuf
Daughter of
Beth & Jamie Kaplan
The Month at-a-Glance
The thanks of the Sisterhood go to the outgoing and incoming Executive Board for their many contributions to
Sisterhood. We are fortunate to have so many excellent women who are willing to serve the Temple through their
involvement in Sisterhood. Pattie Schreiber is joining me this year as Co-President. Pattie has been involved in many
Sisterhood and Temple activities from Bagels and Blocks to Young Family events and Sisterhood board positions.
A special thanks to Aly Zamore and Marcie Linder as they move into new roles on the Sisterhood Board. Aly was
the Administrative VP, co-chaired the Star Event, hosted the sponsor dinner, and organized the Staff Appreciation
lunch. She is our new Communications Chair, helping us plan and use all the communication channels, including
social media, mail, and email. Marcie was the Religious Programming VP, leading Sisterhood Shabbat, Passover
Celebration, Torah Study, and Hamentashen baking. Marcie is the new Social Action Chair, and will be creating some
new events as well as incorporating a social action component in some of our current activities. Thank you both for
helping our Sisterhood grow in new ways.
We encourage all of Temple women to take advantage of what Sisterhood has to offer. Our mission is to join together
in friendship and accomplish together what each individual member cannot accomplish alone. Come to an event, help
one of the Board members on a committee, volunteer in the Judaica Shop, just do one small thing that connects you to
our fabulous Sisterhood! The connection we have to each other is what makes us thrive.
Over the summer, we will be planning our activities for the coming year. If you have ideas or want to help, please
contact us. We look forward to serving as your Sisterhood Co-Presidents and to having an eventful year full of
wonderful activities and friendships.
Thank you to all Sisterhood members for your support. We wish everyone a great summer!
Cindy Minetti
Sisterhood Co-President
[email protected]
Sisterhood Luncheon
At Seasons 52
Tuesday, June 2 - 11:30 am
Book Club Meeting
Monday, June 15 - 12:00 noon
The Orphan Train
by Christina Baker Kline
WRJ 50th Assembly
Kick Off @ CSZ
Sunday, June 28 - 12:00 noon
Pattie Schreiber
Sisterhood Co-President
[email protected]
2 Months at-a-Glance
I would like to dedicate this article to Bruce Goldenberg for his service over the last 2 years as President of the
Brotherhood. Under his leadership the Brotherhood has grown by all accounts: total membership, number of events
and diversity of programs.
Brotherhood Board Meeting
Monday, June 8 - 6:30 pm
As Bruce leaves office, our membership is now approaching close to 300 members. In a time when many men’s
clubs are shrinking, we are not only growing in terms of size but also in demographics. Our Brotherhood members
range from young professionals in their 30’s up to seniors in their 80’s+ with a wide range of interests. For this reason
our programs are diverse to appeal to our varied audience.
Brotherhood Shabbat
Friday, June 19 - 7:30 pm
Last year our most popular program was a free event open to the public. Bruce organized this event and invited one
of the foremost experts in Nazi Stolen Art. This speaker has been involved in almost every major case over the last
20+ years and provided an opportunity for us to listen to personal accounts behind both the “Women in Gold” as well
as “The Monument’s Men.” It was insightful, moving and informative.
Brotherhood Board Meeting
Friday, July 3 - 6:30 pm
Bruce also coined the phrase “This is not your father’s Brotherhood.” Our events have included everything from
volunteer projects to Scotch tastings to business networking.
Bruce has made my job easier as incoming co-President and I am grateful. Also I would like to give a special thanks
to all Board members for their hard work and combined efforts to make this year a success.
Bruce has raised the bar and I look forward to the challenge.
Anthony Weiss
Brotherhood Co-President
In memory of:
The Early Days
of Schaarai Zedek
Excerpts from the minutes of the
Temple Board – the 1920’s
The first Oneg Shabbat was held in the
20’s as an experiment. Sisterhood again
contributed to the congregation during
hard financial times.
February 3, 1929: “It was suggested
that the Brotherhood and the Sisterhood
serve refreshments after every Friday
evening service. This matter was
referred to the Brothers and Sisters for
their action.”
March 3, 1929: “The first social
function of the Temple to be held after
Friday night services, which happened
to be on March 1st, was deemed to be a
very pleasant and enjoyable experience.
It was voted to continue these social
activities as often as practical.”
April 7, 1929: “By vote of the
Membership, the Secretary was
instructed to write a letter of thanks
to the Sisterhood for the payment of
$600.00 to the Temple Building Fund.”
These minutes were prepared by
Dr. Carl Zielonka, Archives Chair,
for your information about
our past history.
Get the CSZ eNews
You can receive up-to-date news each
Wednesday in your email. The CSZ
eNews includes reminders of events,
activities, service times and our “WeekAt-A Glance” calendar.
Sign up today…call or email the
Temple office at (813) 876-2377 or
email [email protected].
Go Green & Save Paper!
View the Shofar online at
Sylvia Berlin
from Mr. & Mrs. Alicia LeVine
Naomi Cohen
from Mr. & Mrs. Irving Cohen
My Uncle Walter Kessler
from Mr. Jerome Schine
Sylvia Berlin
from Mr. & Mrs. Marc LeVine
Belle Karp
from Mrs. Sharon Ravner
Richard Fisher
from Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fischer
Louis Weiner
from Eric & Lyris Newman
Belle Karp
from Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Sherman
Lester Older
from Dr. & Mrs. Jay Older
Ethel Getzoff
from Mrs. Barbara Rosenthal
Mortimer Goldman
from Mrs. Ann Rubin Goldman
Gertrude Cohen Older
from Dr. & Mrs. Jay Older
Jane Brooks
from Mr. & Mrs. Joel Brooks
Louis Sidney Frank
from Dr. & Mrs. Barry Frank
Abe Gersten
from Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gersten
Abe Pretekin
from Dr. & Mrs. Owen Linder
Kate Cohen Moore
from Mr. & Mrs. Otto Weitzenkorn
Elaine Hoffman
from Drs. Anthony & Elisabeth Reading
Ruth Kleinman
from Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kleinman
Max Moore
from Mr. & Mrs. Otto Weitzenkorn
Leslie Scher
from Mr. & Mrs. David Scher
Rabbi Frank N. Sundheim
from Mrs. Adrianne Sundheim
Frieda Z. Weitzenkorn
from Mr. & Mrs. Otto Weitzenkorn
Leo Shaw
From Drs. Maurice & Kailie Shaw
Tree of Life
Celebrate special occasions in your life and honor friends by purchasing a leaf
($250) on our “Tree of Life” in the Buchman-Rachelson Social Hall.
Call Mary Braverman at the Temple Office for details at (813) 876-2377, Ext. 243.
A Contribution to One of the Temple Funds is a
Wonderful Way to Make a Tribute to a Loved One or a Friend.
Please indicate which fund you wish to support.
____ Rabbi Birnholz’ Discretionary
____ Chair of Rabbinics
____ Rabbi Farb’s Discretionary
____ Amy Gail Buchman Preschool Endowment Fund
____ Cantor Cannizzaro’s Discretionary
____ Audrey E. Messerman Scholarship Fund for
____ Rabbi Richard & Donna Birnholz Education Fund
the Amy Gail Buchman Preschool
____ Charles and Barbara Adler
____ Bernie & Betty Epstein Religious School Fund
____ Food Bank
____ Brotherhood Youth Endowment
____ Interfaith and Outreach Fund
____ Duglin Family Camp Coleman Scholarship
____ Library
____ Hirsch Family Torah Fund
____ Prayerbook ($72)
____ Rabbi David L. Zielonka Camp Coleman Scholarship
____ Lawrence David Hoffman Mitzvah Fund
____ Lillyan D. Neusner Fund for Leadership
Development and Long Range Planning
____ Samuel & Julia Flom Religious School Scholarship
____ Mack Perlman Award
____ Samuel & Julia Flom Religious School Special Fund
____ Meyer Kotler Memorial Lecture Series
____ SchZFTY
____ Sadie Zbar Family Memorial Scholarship
____ Sustaining
____ Samuel L. Flom NFTY
____ Tree of Life ($250)
____ Saul Rachelson Endowment
____ Memorial Plaque ($500)
____ Schaarai Zedek Seniors
____ Amy Gail Buchman Preschool Fund
____ Ruth E. Wagner Jewish Cultural Endowment
____ Annual European Exchange Fund
____ Zbar Youth Programs
Name _____________________________________________________
Congregation Schaarai Zedek
Enriching Tampa’s Reform
Jewish Heritage for
Over 100 Years
Amount _______________
Billing Address _________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________ State ____________________ Billing Zip ___________________
In Memory of _________________________________________________________________
In Honor of __________________________________________________________________
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who remember and honor their loved ones and friends through contributions made to our Temple Funds.
In honor of:
Bat Mitzvah of Kelsey Birnholz
Mrs. Judith Rosenkranz
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lasday
Mrs. Ruth Adrian
Ms. Ina Rae
Ms. Cyndi Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gersten
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wood
Mr. & Mrs. William Gruman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael LeVine
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Mandelbaum
Mr. & Mrs. David Scher
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Feldman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stein
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Goldsmith
Mrs. Jane Bray
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Karpay
Raymond David Goldstein
Mrs. Judith Rosenkranz
Clifford Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Sherman Tufel
Ali Keskiner
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Weiss
Rebecca Lillian Haimovitz
Mrs. Frieda Haimovitz Hooper
Sylvia Livingston
Ms. Marcia Tremmel
Jay Rudolph, father of Richard
Rudolph and Ronald Rudolph, and
grandfather of Dr. Leslie
Rudolph Philipson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Michael LeVine
Senator Helen Gordon Davis
Family of Senator Helen
Gordon Davis
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of
Donna Birnholz
Mr. & Mrs. Saul Strauss
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wiskup
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kass
Mr. & Mrs. David Schwartz
In honor of:
Rabbi Joel & Jacent Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Gross
Birthday of Saul Dingfelder
Mrs. Adele Baydin
Baby naming of Zane &
Lily Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Greene
In honor of:
90th Birthday of Betty Solomon
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Rothburd
In memory of:
Mark Puterman
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Puterman
In honor of:
Lynn Marvin Dingfelder
Mrs. Adele Baydin
In memory of:
Dorothy Cohen, grandmother of
Rande Weisman & Harry Cohen
Raymond David Goldstein
Senator Helen Gordon Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Karpay
In honor of:
Myron Schine
Mr. Jerome Schine
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Jay Rudolph, father of Richard
Rudolph and Ronald Rudolph, and
grandfather of Dr. Leslie Rudolph
Mr. & Mrs. Jean Yadley
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Mr. Richard Rudolph
Mrs. Barbara Ingber
In honor of:
Birthday of Gail Hirsch
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Stupp
Ms. Gilda Forman
Mr. & Mrs. Don Corrigan
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Mrs. Ann Rubin Goldman
Ruth Rosenthal
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Rosenthal
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Franzblau
In honor of:
Rachel Hirsch and Confirmation Class
Mrs. Gail Hirsch
In memory of:
Edward J. LaFuente
Mr. Russell LaFuente
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Ms. Suzanne Gellens
Mr. & Mrs. Don Weinbren
Mr. Russell LaFuente
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Minetti
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Ellis
In honor of:
Bob Tannenbaum’s incoming
Ms. Tina Greenberg
Ms. Shelia Tannenbaum
The Rosen Family
The Lipton Family
In honor of:
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jany
Bob Tannenbaum’s incoming
Mr. & Mrs. David Schwartz
In memory of:
Dorothy Cohen, grandmother of
Rande Weissman and Harry Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. David Schwartz
Jay Rudolph, father of Richard
Rudolph and Ronald Rudolph,
and grandfather of
Dr. Leslie Rudolph Philipson
Mr. & Mrs. David Schwartz
In honor of:
50th birthday of Anthony Weiss
Mrs. Nancy Weiss
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Manuel Aronovitz
Rose Aronovitz
Bernard Aronovitz
Albert Aronovitz
Mr. Marvin Aronovitz
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Bloom
Jay Rudolph
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Karpay
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Rothenberg
In honor of:
Confirmation of Brooke Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shapiro
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Dr. & Mrs. Owen Linder
In memory of:
Sol Schneider, father of Donna Birnholz
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Bloom
In honor of:
The Amy Gail Buchman Preschool
Security Guards
Dr. Suzanne Clemons
In memory of:
Herb Chad, father of Richard Chad
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kass
Ali Keskiner
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Bernstein
Carl Altshuler
Eric & Lyris Newman
Dorothy Cohen, grandmother of Rande
Weissman and Harry Cohen
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Goldsmith
Timothy Fallon
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sherman
Senator Helen Gordon Davis
Dr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Eichberg
Jay Rudolph, father of Richard
Rudolph and Ronald Rudolph, and
grandfather of Dr. Leslie Rudolph
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cohen
In memory of:
Herb Chad, father of Richard Chad
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Buchman
In honor of:
David Rosenbach Maimonides
Society Honor
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony
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Deborah Rosenthal
Don Rhomberg
Fazal Dasankop
Jennifer Feldman
Jennifer Rhomberg
Kandice Andux
Kelly Jones
Kyle Huber
Kyle Wright
Larry Rowe
Linda O’Connor
Lou Tilchin
Marc Ardizzone
Mari Gonzalez
Mariette Rake
Michelle DeGenova
Mike DeGenova
Michael Kriz
Miranda Gutierrez
Mirza Baig
Mony Rodon
Omar Rahman
Ret Tanner
Rick Happle
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Email: [email protected]
Congregation Schaarai Zedek
3303 West Swann Avenue
Tampa, FL 33609-4643
The Congregation Schaarai Zedek Shofar is published
monthly by Congregation Schaarai Zedek.
phone: (813) 876-2377
fax: (813) 873-1401
June 1, 2015
President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alan Weiner
Vice-President-Administration & Building-President -Elect. . . .Bob Tannenbaum
Vice-President - Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Schwartz
Vice-President - Religion, Education & Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keith Roher
Vice -President - Membership & Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Holtzman
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melinda Sheer
Financial Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chuck Slonim
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Eggnatz
President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bob Tannenbaum
Vice-President-Administration & Building-President -Elect. . . . Richard Eggnatz
Vice-President - Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meg Moskovitz
Vice-President - Religion, Education & Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike Haber
Vice -President - Membership & Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Laura Salzer
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott Shimberg
Financial Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Janet Kass
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .David Rosenbach
Richard J. Birnholz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Senior Rabbi
Nathan Farb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Rabbi
Deborrah Cannizzaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cantor
Marc LeVine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Executive Director
Sherry Stein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Programming & Membership
Donna Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Religious School Director
Ian Bernstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Preschool Director
Lindsey Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youth Director
Temple Office Directory
Temple Phone: (813) 876-2377
Fax: (813) 873-1401
Rabbi Richard Birnholz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 202
Rabbi Nathan Farb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 229
Cantor Deborrah Cannizzaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 216
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Marc LeVine, Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 206
Ming Brewer, Clergy Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 202
Sherry Stein, Membership & Programs. . . . . .Ext. 212
Barbara Keighley, Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 217
Teddi Bloomston, Bookkeeper . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 201
Lindsey Dewey, Youth Director . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 221
Ck Shannon, Communications . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 203
Debra Zepeda, Administration . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 234
Mary Braverman, Assistant Director . . . . . . . .Ext. 243
Marilyn Moss, Programming Asst . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 213
Marty Wittek, Receptionist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 200
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Donna Wood, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 210
Religious School Director
Donna Birnholz, Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 215
[email protected]
[email protected]
Front Office Main Phone: (813) 876-4867
Ian Bernstein, Preschool Director . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 218
[email protected]
Congregation Schaarai Zedek Endowment
Foundation provides enduring financial strength
and stability for our synagogue — and offers
members a way to leave a legacy for future
generations. There is no better way to sustain our
More and more Temple members are making
provision in their wills for Schaarai Zedek to
receive a portion of their assets after they have
passed on.
 Gifts and bequests may be directed to any of
these Seven Pillars of the Endowment:
 Schaarai Zedek Pillar
 Rabbinic & Professional Development
 Education Pillar
 Preschool Pillar
 Jewish Continuity and Leadership Pillar
 Youth Pillar
 Senior Pillar
Thank you for considering our endowment in
your will.
For more information, contact Marc LeVine,
Executive Director at 813-876-2377.