TIU Community Education Services
TIU Community Education Services
2013 - 2014 TIU Community Education Services – Adult Participant Handbook TIU Community Education Services 6395 SR 2013 N, MCIDC Plaza Bldg. 58 Lewistown, PA 17044 717 – 248 – 4942 https://www.tiu11.org/community-education-services/ Table of Contents Community Education Services Locations ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Classes for Adult Learners ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Customer Code of Conduct ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Attendance Policy ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 Assessment Policy ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 Drug, Alcohol, and Weapons Policy ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9 Evacuation/Fire Drill Procedure ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 Food and Beverages Policy ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11 Grievance Policy ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12 Internet Use and Email Policy ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13 Severe Weather Policy ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Solicitation Policy ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 2 TIU Community Education Services - Locations To meet the needs of our customers, TIU Community Education Services offers classes at two convenient locations in Mifflin and Juniata counties. TIU Community Education Services PA CareerLink® Mifflin County 6395 SR 103 N, MCIDC Plaza, Bldg. 58 Lewistown, PA 17044 717-248-4942 TIU Community Education Services Juniata County Learning Center (beside the Family Dollar) 4042 William Penn Highway Mifflintown, PA 17059 717-436-2517, x 115 or x 110 3 TIU Community Education Services – Classes for Adult Learners TIU Community Education Services offers a variety of classes for adult learners at the Lewistown and Mifflintown sites. Classes vary by location. Please contact the site for more information and schedules. Career Pathways (Lewistown and Mifflintown) Career Pathways courses offer instruction in Reading, Math, and Writing for a person planning to take the GED® tests, apply to post-secondary education or training, and to advance in his or her career. English as a Second Language (Mifflintown) ESL tutoring provides general reading, writing, and conversational instruction for beginner to higher intermediate ESL students. One on one or small group tutoring is led by volunteers and held at Aldersgate Methodist Church, 109 North 3rd St in Mifflintown. I’ll Succeed (Mifflintown) “I’ll Succeed” is funded by the Workforce Investment Board and is geared towards putting unemployed individuals back into the workforce. Participants prepare for the WorkKeys® exam by studying applied mathematics, locating information, and reading for information. WorkKeys® is a state recognized certification program that highlights skills and abilities to employers. Participants also improve job searching skills, basic computer skills, interviewing techniques, resume and cover letter building, and teamwork. Tutoring (Lewistown and Mifflintown) One-on-one or small group tutoring may be available. Tutors are volunteers within the community who meet with students based on the students’ needs and schedule. Tutors and students are provided with resources and can meet in any public location. Health Care Prep Course (Lewistown) Health Care Preparatory Course is a 9 week course that builds the fundamental knowledge needed for students to enter the healthcare field. Students will develop reading comprehension, writing and mathematics skills, prepare for the Kaplan Test for LPN school, and develop post secondary education study techniques. In addition, students will develop time management, problem solving, and critical thinking concepts needed to succeed in their careers. Transitions: College and Career Preparation (Lewistown) “Transitions” is a course provided in cooperation with Penn State University that prepares students with the fundamental knowledge and tools needed to enter a secondary educational institution and advance in 4 their career goals. Participants build reading comprehension, writing, and mathematics skills and develop study techniques and test-taking knowledge. In addition, participants develop time management, problem solving, and critical thinking skills needed to succeed in post secondary education. Finally, participants increase computer and technology proficiencies to be better equipped for the challenges of the college classroom. Integrated Computer Skills (Lewistown) Integrated Computer Skills participants upgrade skills in math, reading and language through technology applications like: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Power Point and Internet. The course content also supports WorkKeys® success. 5 TIU Community Education Services – Customer Code of Conduct TIU Community Education Services staff is dedicated to ensuring that your time in classes is productive and that you receive quality customer service. We ask that all customers follow the TIU Community Education Services Code of Conduct: Enter and exit the building using the main entrance only. Drive slowly and cautiously in the parking areas and follow directional arrows. Sign in and out of the building with the receptionist. Remain in the areas of the building designated for customer use. Follow internet usage rules as posted. Honor our policy of no solicitation at TIU Community Education Services sites. Exercise responsibility when using resources. Resources and equipment is for the use of TIU Community Education Services customers only. Dress appropriately. Shoes and shirts are required. Respect confidentiality and the privacy rights of other customers. Keep your voice at a low level to allow other customers to concentrate on their work and use appropriate language. Attend to your personal property and respect the property of others. Supervise children to ensure their safety. Turn all cell phones to vibrate while in the Juniata County Learning Center or PA CareerLink® Mifflin County. Read and follow directions posted throughout the building. Treat others with respect, and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation or belief. Our customers are our number one priority. Anyone who does not adhere to the Code of Conduct will not have access to TIU Community Education Services resources. Please ask for assistance if staff can improve your visit in any way. Thank you! Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Equal Opportunity Employer/Program 6 TIU Community Education Services – Attendance Policy Regular attendance is important to participants in achieving educational goals. A minimum of 5 hours per week is required for students attending any adult education program. A minimum of 3 hours per week is required for students being tutored. Students need to plan personal obligations outside of scheduled class times. Excused absences are for emergencies only. Excessive absenteeism will lead to termination from the program. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County or Juniata County Learning Center to report an absence and to make arrangements to cover missed work. A case manager or instructor will contact the student if there have been 3 (or less) absences with no communication. If there has been no attendance/communication from the student in 90 days, the student will be terminated from the program. After termination, the student needs to contact the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County or Juniata County Learning Center to arrange an appointment with an instructor or case manager before readmission to an educational program. Because promptness is essential to the learning process, the student is required to report at the scheduled time. Excessive tardiness will lead to termination from the program. I understand and will adhere to the above Attendance Policy. _________________________________________ CUSTOMER NAME ____________________________________ DATE 7 TIU Community Education Services – Assessment Policy Regular assessment is an excellent way for learners and instructors to evaluate progress. It is also a required program component by the PA Department of Education and other funders. TIU Community Education Services adheres to the following assessment policy: 1. Test Administration: Pre/Post Tests are to be administered by TIU Community Education Services staff. A regular weekly time will be scheduled to assess groups, but individual times will also be available when necessary for the student. The administrating staff will review the assessment with the student and make suggestions for the upgrading of skills based on the results of the assessment and needs and goals of the student. 2. Pre-Tests: a. New Referrals: Students will not be enrolled in a class until a valid pretest is administered. During intake a student will be scheduled for a date and time to return to complete an assessment. b. Rollover Students: Students needing an updated assessment to meet enrollment for the following year will be identified at the end of the year. Instructors will be informed and will refer students to an assessment time or complete the assessment during a regularly scheduled class time. 3. Post-Tests: a. Determining readiness for post-testing: Students ready to post-test will be identified on a weekly basis by an e-data report sent to instructors. Those students will be scheduled for an assessment time or complete the assessment during a regularly scheduled class time. If a student has decided to no longer attend classes, but does not have the recommended post testing hours a post test will be performed and an explanation for early posting will be made in the case notes. b. End-of-Year post-testing: Prior to June 30th students requiring a post-test will be identified and assessed. 8 TIU Community Education Services – Drug, Alcohol, and Weapons Policies SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY TIU Community Education Services will make every effort to maintain a drug-free environment at the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County and Juniata County Learning Center. The sale, use, delivery and/or possession of alcohol, controlled substances, drugs and or drug paraphernalia is prohibited in the buildings, parking lots or other premises. Any individual who violates this policy will be required to leave the premises immediately. Law enforcement officials may be notified. Any client who is under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on the premises will be required to leave immediately and may not return until a plan has been developed to address the substance abuse problem. This plan must be approved by an TIU Community Education Services Director. TOBACCO POLICY Tobacco use is not allowed in any area of the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County or Juniata County Learning Center. This includes lobby areas and all restrooms. Smoking is permitted outside in designated areas ONLY. WEAPONS POLICY The possession or use of a weapon at the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County or Juniata County Learning Center is forbidden. For the purposes of this policy, a weapon is any firearm, knife, explosive or other object, even if it is manufactured for a nonviolent purpose that has potentially violent use, if, under the surrounding circumstances, the purpose of keeping or carrying the object is for the use, or threat of use, as a weapon. Possible consequences for violation of this policy are: Immediate suspension or expulsion from participation in any TIU Community Education Services activities, confiscation of the weapon, and notification of police. 9 TIU Community Education Services Evacuation/Fire Drill Procedure EVACUATION PROCEDURE Evacuation of the building must occur when the fire alarm is activated. In other circumstances that might require building evacuation, but which are not immediately life threatening, an announcement will be made. All visitors must clear the building in accordance with the Emergency Exit Maps posted in each room. Always evacuate through the nearest exit! IF THERE IS A FIRE Stay low to the floor and exit the building as quickly as possible. Cover nose and mouth with a wet cloth, if possible. When approaching a closed door, use the palm of your hand and forearm to feel the lower, middle and upper parts of the door. If it is not hot, brace yourself against the door and open it slowly. If it is hot to the touch, do not open the door; seek an alternate escape route. Heavy smoke and poisonous gases collect first along the ceiling. Stay below the smoke at all times. IF YOU ARE TRAPPED BY DEBRIS Use a flashlight, if possible. Stay in your area so that you don’t kick up dust. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or other articles of clothing. Tap on a pipe or wall so that rescuers can hear where you are. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort; shouting can cause a person to inhale dangerous amounts of dust. Assist other victims if you can. Untrained persons should not attempt to rescue people who are inside a collapsed building. Wait for emergency personnel to arrive. 10 TIU Community Education Services – Food and Beverage Policy We recognize that our customers may spend many hours at the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County or Juniata County Learning Center and may enjoy an occasional beverage or snack. We appreciate your help in keeping the facilities clean, minimizing the risk of damage to resources and equipment, and preventing undesirable insects and pests. Please feel free to use designated areas to enjoy refreshments during your visit. Please throw waste into garbage cans and clean up spills. Non-alcoholic drinks in spill resistant, closed containers, with secure lids are allowed at the tables in the classrooms. Please keep containers closed when not in use. Please let staff know if a spill on the carpet occurs, so it can be cleaned properly. Food or drinks ARE NOT permitted at computer workstations. Open or non-secure drink containers may be left in areas designated by staff and picked up when you leave the area. Containers remaining at the end of the day will be discarded. These containers are acceptable These containers are not acceptable closed/secure containers 11 TIU Community Education Services – Grievance Procedure As a participant in a TIU Community Education Services program, you have the right to redress of complaints regarding services or environment. A complaint is considered any issue that arises from actions that directly affect your participation in a program. If an issue arises that negatively impacts your participation in programming, you should address this issue with the TIU Community Education Services staff member most closely involved, or, if none is available, the staff member’s program supervisor, and both will attempt to resolve the issue informally and directly. For complaints that must move beyond this step, the participant shall prepare a written statement of his or her complaint. The complaint may then be submitted, in turn, to the appropriate program operator, the Executive Director, and the Board, with a suitable period of time allowed for each level of hearing of the complaint and preparation of a response. At each level, the participant shall be afforded the opportunity to be heard personally by the authority at that level. 12 TIU Community Education Services – Internet Use and Email Policy Customer Conduct I understand that as a customer of the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County/ Juniata County Learning Center, I must follow and adhere to the guidelines, policies and purposes of this service and of those other networks and services with which they connect, as listed below. I shall not interfere with another customer’s use and enjoyment of the Internet or email. I am solely responsible for the contents of my transmissions sent via email. I agree not to transmit through the email any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature. I further agree not to transmit any material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation. Attempts to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems are prohibited. My use of the Internet and email is subject to all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations and is to only be used for employment or educational purposes. I agree to respect the copyright and licensing protections provided to programs and data. I shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County/ Juniata County Learning Center from and against all liabilities and costs (including attorney’s fees) arising from any and all claims by any person based upon the content of any of my transmissions while using the service or any other use of the service. I agree to respect the privacy of other clients. I may not seek information, obtain copies or modify data or passwords belonging to others without explicit authorization of those users to do so. The PA CareerLink® Mifflin County/ Juniata County Learning Center makes use of the Internet to send and receive certain messages; therefore, my conduct is subject to Internet regulations, policies and procedures. I will not use this service for chain letters, junk mail, spamming or any use of distribution lists to any person who has not given specific permission to be included in such a process. The preceding policy outlines what is deemed as acceptable and responsible use of the Internet. The PA CareerLink® Mifflin County/ Juniata County Learning Center may, at its sole discretion, immediately terminate use of the Internet should any client’s conduct fail to conform to the terms and conditions of the preceding policy. _____________________________________ CUSTOMER NAME _____________________________________ DATE 13 TIU Community Education Services – Severe Weather Policy In order to provide quality customer service, TIU Adult Community Education Services will strive to have the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County and Juniata County Learning Center open and provide services, even during inclement weather. We consider the health and safety of the students to be of primary concern. Students are to use discretion when there are severe weather conditions and not endanger their personal safety. It is understood that students may be late or unable to attend when severe weather conditions exist. Announcements will be placed on local radio stations, or you can call the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County or Juniata County Learning Center to determine if the building is open to the public. TIU Community Education Services – Solicitation Policy TIU Community Education Services located at the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County and Juniata County Learning Center prohibits solicitation by customers or for-profit organizations. Customers or for-profit organizations are not permitted to sell personal items or post announcements to sell or give away personal items. Customers are not permitted to conduct fundraising activities within the PA CareerLink® Mifflin County or Juniata County Learning Center. 14
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