Permitting guide
Permitting guide
Permitting guide For Commercial projects Town of BOURNE M A S S AC H U S E T T S June 2013 The information provided here in is as current and complete as possible, but there are details that are not covered, and there may be changes that have not yet been included. Do not rely on this guide as your only source of information. Table of Contents 1. Permit Granting Departments and Boards Regulatory Board of Health .........................................................3 Conservation Commission ........................................4 Engineering Department ...........................................5 Inspection Department .............................................6 Planning Board ...........................................................7 Town Planner………………………………………………………….8 Zoning Board of Appeals ...........................................9 Administration Assessors .................................................................10 Board of Selectmen .................................................11 Town Administrator ................................................11 Town Clerk ..............................................................12 Tax Collector ...........................................................12 Public Safety Fire Department .......................................................13 Police Department ...................................................13 Public Works Department of Public Works (DPW) ........................14 Sewer Commissioners ..............................................15 Water Districts .........................................................15 2. Commercial Licenses ................................................ 16-17 3. Permitting Materials ......................................................18 Available at 4. Permitting Process Flowcharts Overview ..................................................................19 What Applications Are Required? ............................20 Application and Hearing Process .............................21 Introduction This guide includes a brief description of each of the Town of Bourne boards and departments that may have a role in a commercial development project. Please check the Town of Bourne website at for updates. In some cases, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts also has a role in permitting; check their website at for further information. The Cape Cod Commission also has requirements based on the size of the project; check for further details. Page 2 B O A R D OF REGULATORY health 508-759-0615 Ext. 1 24 Perry Avenue nd 2 Floor — Rear of Building For any commercial development in Town, the Board of Health will be involved in the permitting of the Title 5 septic system and issuing permits for facilities and operations such as motels/hotels, semi-public pools, food service establishments, body art establishments and tobacco retailers. The Board of Health is empowered to enforce existing State and Local health regulations. The Board has the right to promulgate its own health regulations to address the health concerns and septic issues in Town, therefore Bourne's regulations may be stricter The Board of Health is a five-member elected board which meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 7:00 pm at Town Hall. Day to day operations are conducted by the Board of Health staff in Town Hall. For additional Information see page on Commercial Licenses. Page 3 REGULATORY conservation CommIsson 508-759-0615 Ext. 6 24 Perry Avenue nd 2 Floor — Front of Building The Conservation Commission administers and enforces the Massachusetts Wetland Protection Act, G.L. Ch. 131 Sec. 40, its regulations, 310 CMR 10, and the Bourne Wetland Protection Bylaw 3.7. If your project is within 100 feet of a wetland resource area or within a FEMA designated flood zone you may have to file with the Conservation Commission. Conservation approval should be obtained first, otherwise approvals from other boards may be delayed or require costly revisions. Permitting materials are available at the Conservation office at Town Hall; or you can find them at: Regulatory/Conservation Day to day operations are conducted by the Conservation Agent. The Conservation Commission is seven-member appointed commission that meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at Page 4 Department 508-759-0615 Ext. 2 24 Perry Avenue nd 2 Floor—Front of Building Before filing an application for development your first stop should be to the Engineering Department. The Engineering department will help to locate your property and determine if it is likely to be located in a sensitive resource area such as a flood zone, water resource district, Zone II or within 100 feet of a wetland. They can also provide you with copies of assessor’s maps, topographic maps, You may also purchase the Zoning Bylaw, and Subdivision Regulations. In addition they will issue or confirm the street number and map and parcel of your project, which must be obtained before applying for a building permit. Page 5 REGULATORY engineering REGULATORY inspection Department 508-759-0615 Ext. 3 24 Perry Avenue nd 2 Floor—Rear of Building The Building Inspection Department enforces all building codes, acts and regulations. They inspect all phases of construction, including electrical, mechanical and structural installations. The Building Inspector issues: Building permits, Occupancy permits & Demolition permits The Building Inspector is also the Zoning Enforcement Officer. The Plumbing Inspector is responsible for Plumbing sign-off and natural gas installation sign-off on building and occupancy permits. The Wiring Inspector is responsible for electrical sign-off on building and occupancy permits. Building Permit application forms, inspection schedule and fees are also available at under the Inspection Department link. Page 6 Board 508-759-0615 Ext. 5 24 Perry Avenue nd 2 Floor—Rear of Building The Planning Board reviews all commercial developments & subdivisions. If a development requires site plan review, a special permit or an access determination, the Planning Board will schedule a public hearing to deliberate and issue their decision. The nine elected members of the Planning Board meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, 7pm at the Bourne Community Center, 239 Main Street, Buzzards Bay. The Planning Board Secretary is located in the Inspection Department at Town Hall, 2nd floor rear. The Zoning Bylaw, Subdivision Regulations and Applicable Time Constraints for Planning Board processes are available at under the Planning Board/Zoning Bylaws link. Page 7 REGULATORY planning REGULATORY O f f I c e of the town planner 508-759-0615 Ext. 4 24 Perry Avenue nd 2 Floor—Front of Building The Town Planner is designated as the “Single Point of Contact” for development projects. It is recommended that you contact the Town Planner for a pre-application meeting. The Office of the Town Planner conducts project reviews and makes recommendations to the Planning Board and other departments on development projects throughout the Town. The Town Planner is also available to provide general information on development issues. Email: [email protected] Page 8 zoning REGULATORY B o a r d of appeals 508-759-0615 Ext. 512 24 Perry Avenue 2nd Floor—Rear of Building The Zoning Board of Appeals is empowered to hear and decide applications for Variances, certain Special Permits and appeals from the decision of the Building Inspector. Under State law, the Board of Appeals also reviews and decides whether to grant Compreshesive Permits for Chapter 40B affordable housing developments. The five appointed members of the Board of Appeals meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM at Town Hall. Page 9 ASSESSORS Department 508-759-0600 Ext. 510 24 Perry Avenue st 1 Floor — Room 104 ADMINISTRATION When filling out applications for permits or licenses, the Assessors office can provide parcel information such as: ownership, address, land use, lot size, buildings and property assessment. Also when required the Assessor’s will provide an abutter’s list for a fee. Administration/Assessors Page 10 Board of selectmen 508-759-0600 Ext. 503 24 Perry Avenue st 1 Floor — Room 101 The five elected members of the Board of Selectmen meet at the Bourne Community Center, 239 Main Street in Buzzards Bay on Tuesdays at 7 PM. Day to day operations are conducted through the Office of the Town Administrator. town administrator 508-759-0600 Ext. 503 24 Perry Avenue 1st Floor — Room 101 The Town Administrator implements Town policies and coordinates Town operations. In addition, the Town Administrator accepts applications for various licenses for approval by the Board of Selectmen. Such licenses include food, entertainment, auctioneers, junk dealers, motor vehicle junkyard, lodging, B&B, taxi service, vehicle sales, hawkers and peddlers and livery services. Page 11 ADMINISTRATION The Board of Selectmen is a five member elected board that sets general policy for the Town. They are also the special permitting granting authority for flea markets. The Selectmen also issue many licenses such as liquor, car dealers and common victualers. See the section on Commercial Licenses. town clerk ADMINISTRATION 508-759-0600 Ext. 505 24 Perry Avenue st 1 Floor — Room 103 The Town Clerk is responsible for maintaining records for development projects. If a project requires a special permit it must be stamped in by the Town Clerk. Subdivisions and “approval not required” plans must also be stamped and filed with the Town Clerk. Once a project is approved, the decision will be filed with the Town Clerk. Once the appeal period has ended, the decision will be released. Business licenses are issued by the Town Clerk’s Office. town collector 508-759-0600 Ext. 507 24 Perry Avenue st 1 Floor — Room 105 The Town Collector certifies that the property owner owes no back taxes of any kind in Bourne. This is required by Town bylaw for any permit or project. Page 12 fire Department 508-759-4412 130 Main Street Buzzards Bay MA 02532 The Fire Department, as part of its non-emergency services, provides the following services to support the permitting process in Bourne: Building Inspection & Site Plan Review Commercial Construction permits Fire Alarm Systems Inspection & Plan Review Hazard Inspection Pre-fire Planning During site plan review, the Planning Board requires Fire Department review of site plans to determine that public safety vehicles can access the building and site adequately. FireDepartment police 508-759-4420 175 Main Street Buzzards Bay MA 02532 During project review by either the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Police Department may be asked to submit comments pertaining to traffic safety issues. In addition, they sign off on interdepartmental advisory forms for: Building Permits (circulated by the Inspection Department) Special Permits (circulated by the Selectmen) Page 13 PUBLIC SAFETY Department Department OF public works PUBLIC WORKS 508-759-0640 210 MacArthur Boulevard Northbound Bourne MA 02532 If your project requires a division of land, access to a public or private road, storm drainage, or any type of street work including pavement openings, the DPW will need to review and approve your plans. Street openings are generally the public utility’s responsibility to obtain permits for service installations. The DPW assists and advises the Planning Board on lot releases for subdivisions. Before a lot can be built on it must first be released by the Planning Board. If a project is located on an unimproved or gravel road the Planning Board may request an access determination from the DPW. DID YOU KNOW? Curb cuts on State roads require a curb cut permit from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT): Email:[email protected] Page 14 sewer CommIssIoners 508-759-0600 Ext. 11 24 Perry Avenue Buzzards Bay MA 02532 The Sewer Inspector runs the day to day operations and can be contacted through the Inspection Office at 508-759-0615 Ext. 337. water DIstrIcts 210 MacArthur Boulevard Bourne MA 02532 There are three independent Water Districts in Bourne. They are not departments of the Town, however, they do provide confirmation that water service will be provided to the site. They also review site plans for projects located in Water Resource Protection Districts. Contact the water district directly for information on documentation and fees. Bourne Water District Pocasset Village 211 Barlow’s Landing Rd 508-563-2294 N. Sagamore Water District Sagamore Beach Village 65 Squanto Rd 508-888-1085 Buzzards Bay Water District Buzzards Bay Village 15 Wallace Ave 508-759-4631 Page 15 PUBLIC WORKS The Downtown is served by a municipal sewer system and capacity is very limited. Projects proposed for the Downtown must contact either the Sewer Commissioners or the Sewer Inspector to verify if capacity is available. The Board of Selectmen serves as the Sewer Commissioners. Commercial licenses & Permits Commercial licenses and permits are issued by the following Boards and Departments. NOTE: This list is a partial list and is subject to change; you should check with the applicable department for details. BOARD OF HEALTH Bakery License Recreational Camp License Cesspool Cleaning Permit Rubbish Collectors License Food License Septic Disposal Installers License Funeral Director License Septic System Permit Massage Therapy License Tanning Facility License Motel License Tattooing License Piggery License Tobacco Sales License Publlic/Semi-Public Swimming Pool Permit Trailer Park, Campground & Mobile Home License FIRE DEPARTMENT Ansul System Permit Sprinkler System Permit Blasting Permit Tank Permit (LP gas & other) Fire Alarm Permit Tar Pots/Torch Permit Flammable Liquids Permit Waste Oil Install & Remove Permit Oil Burner Permit Cutting & Welding Permit Blasting Permits Burning/Brush Permit (Jan 15-May 1) Underground Storage Tank Install & Remove Permit Other Permits Required by 527 CRM 1.04 Page 16 Commercial licenses & Permits BOARD OF SELECTMEN Amusement License Sunday Amusement License Auctioneer License Automobile Dealers License Business License, Coin Operated Amusement Device Licenses Common Victualers / Seasonal Common Victualers Licenses Flea Market License Gasloine Storage/Removal General License Innholders/Lodging/Change of Manager License Junk Dealers License Liquor License New/Transfer/Seasonal—ONE DAY Miniature Golf License Soliciting Permit Taxi & Public Livery Permit Use of Town Property License Filing Fee Form TOWN ADMINISTRATOR Food Vendor Licenses Hawker & Peddler Licenses Junk Dealer Licenses Use of Town Property Yard Sales TOWN CLERK Business Certificates Business Discontinuance Page 17 Permitting materials Many of the documents used during the permitting process can be found in a downloadable format on the department pages of the Town website. Less widely used forms are available at the Board of Health, Inspection, Engineering and Planning windows at Town Hall. The following is a partial list of the documents you will need. Board of Health Septic Permit Application Fee Schedule Septic / Title 5 Regulations Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs) Bourne Wetland Protection Bylaw Dock Construction Regulations (Bourne Wetlands Regulations) Request for Determination (RDA) Filing Application Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation Filing Application Pre-Filing Site Inspection Form Notice of Intent (NOI) Filing Application Request for Certificate of Compliance Assessor’s Maps Recorded Plans Subdivision Regulations Zoning Bylaws & Maps Building, Electric, Plumbing, Gas Fitting, Mechanical, & Trench Permits WC Affidavit Form Building Fees Schedule Inspection Work Schedule Applications Application Time Constraints Housing Action Plan Minutes Parking Regulations Planning Board Members Conservation Engineering Inspection Planning Board Page 18 Permitting process Flowchart 1: O V E R V I E W PRE-APPLICATION MEETING WITH TOWN PLANNER Applicant may request to meet with entire regulatory staff This meeting is strongly recommended. What applications are required? Application Process See Flowchart 2 See Flowchart 3 Additional permitting may be required by Cape Cod Commission. Public Hearings · SEE FLOWCHART 3 Board GRANTS THE PERMIT OR LICENSE DECISION filed WITH TOWN CLERK APPEAL PERIOD APPLICANT RECORDS DECISION AND/OR PLANS AT REGISTRY OF DEEDS APPLICANT FILES FOR A BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING INSPECTOR CONFIRMS ALL CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN MET BEFORE ISSUING PERMIT APPLICANT RECEIVES A BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING INSPECTOR ISSUES OCCUPANCY PERMIT AFTER FINAL INSPECTION Page 19 Permitting process Flowchart 2: Commercial Permitting process What are the application requirements? 1 FIRE DEPT AND WATER DISTRICT CONTACTED AT THIS POINT PAY ALL TOWN TAXES YES OWE ANY TOWN TAXES? CONTINUE SITE PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED? MEET WITH TOWN PLANNER YES NO NO 2 SEE SPECIAL PERMIT CRITERIA 1330 2827 & 2840 FOR DOWNTOWN CONTINUE NOT REQ NEAR RESOURCE AREA or FLOOD ZONE? MEET WITH CONSERVATION AGENT YES NO NOT REQ NEW SEPTIC OR UPGRADE REQUIRED? MEET WITH BOARD OF HEALTH YES NO REQUIRES ABBUTTERS LIST CONTINUE IF REQ MEET WITH TOWN PLANNER REQUIRES ABBUTTERS LIST CONTINUE IF REQ 2 YES SPECIAL PERMIT REQUIRED? IF REQ 1 REQUIRES ABBUTTERS LIST NOT REQ CONTINUE COMMERCIAL LICENSE REQUIRED? REFER TO COMMERCIAL LICENSE LIST p 16-17 CONTINUE TO FLOW CHART 3 NO Page 20 YES NO Permitting process Flowchart 3: APPLICATION & HEARING PROCESS IF SITE PLAN / SPECIAL PERMIT REVIEW REQUIRED FILE WITH PLANNING BOARD IF SPECIAL PERMIT REQUIRED FILE WITH APPROPRIATE BOARD IF REQUIRED SUMBIT SEPTIC PLAN TO BOARD OF HEALTH OR CONTACT SEWER COMMISSION APPLY TO WATER DISTRICT TO CONFIRM WATER AVAILABLILTY IF CONSERVATION PERMIT REQUIRED FILE WITH THE CONSERVATION COMMISSION IF SPECIAL LICENSE REQUIRED APPLY TO APPROPRRIATE BOARD OR TOWN ADMINISTRATOR CONTACT FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR THEIR INPUT ON BUILDING ACCESS AND INTERNAL CIRCULATION AND PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT STAFF WILL REVIEW APPLICATIONS, SOLICIT INPUT FROM OTHER DEPARTMENTS IF SO REQUIRED AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE BOARD OR COMMISSION THE APPLICATION WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR A PUBLIC HEARING THAT WILL BE NOTICED IN THE NEWSPAPER AND POSTED BY THE TOWN CLERK. APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD AT PUBLIC HEARING. APPLICATION WILL BE EITHER APPROVED OR DENIED BY THE APPROPRIATE BOARD OR COMMISSION, IF THE DECISION IS APPROVED IT MAY BE REQUIRED TO BE FILED WITH THE TOWN CLERK AND RECORDED AT THE REGISTRY OF DEEDS. APPLY FOR BUILDING PERMIT ONCE ALL DEPARTMENTS APPROVALS HAVE BEEN GRANTED AND ALL CONDITIONS FULFILLED Page 21 Town of Bourne 24 Perry Avenue Buzzards Bay MA 02532 508-759-0600