ingekomen 1 0 apr. 2012
ingekomen 1 0 apr. 2012
INGEKOMEN 1 0 APR. 2012 Intervet International bv Wim de Körverstraat 35 P.O. Box 31 5830 AA Boxmeer The Netherlands tav. de heer dr H.C.M van den Akker Postbus 1 3720 BA Bilthoven (. MSD Animal Health Boxmeer, 05 april 2012 Geachte heer van den Akker, In antwoord op uw brief van 9 maartj.l. betreffende verzoek om aanvullende informatie IIB voor aanvraag lG12-023100 stuur ik u de volgende informatie: 1. Wat is het maximale volume van de voorkweek van het ‘seed virus’ voordat het uitverdeeld wordt in roller bottles? Waar en op welke wijze vindt deze voorkweek plaats? Er vindt geen voorkweek van het ‘seed virus’ plaats. Na de voorkweek van de cellen worden, zoals beschreven in D.2, de roller bottles geleegd en wordt er eenzelfde hoeveelheid virushoudend medium toegevoegd aan de cellen. Dit virushoudende medium wordt gemaakt door seed virus uit de vriezer te nemen, te ontdooien en toe te voegen aan een vat met kweekmedium. Nadat dit is gemengd, wordt uit dit vat de juiste hoeveelheid medium per roller bottie toegevoegd. De hoeveelheid seed virus die per roller bottie wordt toegevoegd is minder dan 1 ml van het seed virus, maar dit gebeurt verdund in het kweekmedium (met een volume van 700 ml kweekmedium per roller bottie). 2. OnderAl.2 en D6 van uw aanvraag geeft u aan dat kleine hoeveelheden virus aan de roller bottles worden toegevoegds en dat viruskweken zullen worden leeggegoten in het inactiveringsvat. Betreffen beide stappen open of gesloten handelingen en wat zijn hierbij de kritische punten? Vinden de handelingen bijvoorbeeld plaats in VK-ll? U dient deze handelingen en eventuele andere kritische handelingen (overpompen van het virus tussen de inactivatievaten) in de MI-lIl ruimte nader te omschrijven. Uit uw antwoord moet blijken hoe zal worden voldaan aan voorschrift van de regeling GGO (vermijding vorming en verspreiding van aerosolen en besmetting van externe oppervlakken). Toevoegen van het virushoudend medium en het oogsten van de viruskweek door middel van het leeggieten van de roller botties, zijn allebei aseptische, open handelingen, die plaatsvinden onder laminaire downflow (klasse A condities) in een cleanroom met onderdruk met HEPA-gefilterde lucht (MI-lll geclassificeerde ruimte). De ruimte is alleen te betreden door de sluizen. De medewerkers werken in cleanroomkleding die het gehele lichaam bedekt (inclusief hoofdkap en bril). Deze kleding blijft bij het verlaten van de ruimte in de sluis achter, en wordt gedesinfecteerd. Materialen worden in/uit de ruimte gesluisd via een desinfectiesluis. Het overpompen van virus tussen de inactivatievaten is een gesloten handeling Deze vaten worden gekoppeld dmv welding. Het flowschema van het productieproces is te vinden in , bijlage 3 van de aanvraag. 3. U verwijst bijeen aantal van uw antwoorden naar een COGEM advies (o.a. C8.4) U wordt verzocht dit advies mee te sturen om uw aanvraag te completeren. U vindt het COGEM advies CGM/070724-01 in de bijlagen bij deze brief (Bijlage 1). Trade register No. 16028015 .:. MSD 4. Onder C9.8, C9.9 en C11.3 verwijstu voor uw antwoord naar een aantal externe en interne onderzoeken die reeds onder een ander dossier (IG nummer IG 03-089) zijn besproken. Het is niet mogelijk voor uw antwoord te veiwijzen naar een ander IG dossier. U wordt verzocht deze vraag alsnog volledig te beantwoorden en de relevante rapporten mee te sturen. Indien deze rapporten vertrouwelijk zijn dient u een openbare samenvatting hiervan te leveren. Uitgebreid onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat de replicatie kinetiek en het weefseltropisme van het recombinant YF-WNV vergelijkbaar is met die van de YF-17D vaccinstam. In het artikel van Johnson et al (2003, meegestuurd als bijlage 2 bij de originele aanvraag) wordt aangetoond dat de vervanging van de prM en E genen in YF-17D niet heeft geleidt tot een verbeterde replicatie in Aedes Aegypti (een vector van Yellow Fever). Voor het PFU, terwijl voor YF-1 D en WNV recombinant YF-WNV werd een titer gevonden van 1 1068 1085 PFU gevonden werd. Vergelijkend onderzoek en NY99 een titer van respectievelijk tussen WNV NY99, YF-17D en het recombinant YF-WNV in verschillende muskieten species (de natuurlijke vectoren) toonde aan dat replicatie van het recombinant YF-WNV in de verschillende muskietenspecies zeer beperkt of zelfs afwezig was. Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat zelfs een hoge dosis van het recombinant YF-WNV zich niet verspreidt in het lichaam van een paard en dat het niet uitgescheiden wordt (bijlage 2). Hiertoe werden vijftien seronegatieve paarden intramusculair geïnoculeerd met een hoge dosis (7.3 1og 10 PFU) YF-WNV. De viraemie en uitscheiding van het YF-WNV werd gecontroleerd door bloedmonsters en swabs uit de neus, mond en het rectum gedurende 14 dagen volgend op de inoculatie en op dag 14 na inoculatie zijn monsters genomen van de volgende weefsels: pons, medulla oblongata, cervicaal en lumbaal ruggenmerg, lever, long, milt, nier, spierweefsel, bijnier, lymfeknopen en de thymus. Het virus kon niet gereïsoleerd worden uit het bloed, de swabs en weefselmonsters. Hieruit kan men concluderen dat het virus zich niet verspreidt in het lichaam van een paard en dat het niet uitgescheiden wordt. Van WNV is bekend dat het zich in paarden vooral spreidt naar neurale weefsels en (in veel mindere mate) naar de nier en de milt (Cantile et al 2001, bijlage 4). Aangezien het recombinant YF-WNV niet gereïsoleerd kon worden uit de verschillende weefsels bij deze vijftien paarden kan worden geconcludeerd dat vervanging van de prM en E genen in YF-17D niet heeft geleid tot een weefseltropisme gelijkend op dat van WNV. Het recombinant YF-WNV is ook vergeleken met YF-1 7D in een neurovirulentie studie in rhesus makaken, volgens de WHO voorschriften voor YF vaccins (Arroyo et al 2004, bijlage 3). 5 PFU van het Rhesus makaken werden in deze studie intracraniaal geïnoculeerd met i0 YF-17D Het profiel PFU van i0 of ) 01 ChimeriVax-WN recombinant YF-WNV (hier genoemd en de duur van de viraemie na vaccinatie was vergelijkbaar voor de twee virussen. De histologische lesies in de recombinant YF-WNV groep waren mild en zelfs minder dan die in de groep van het YF-1 7D vaccin. De distributie van de lesies was vergelijkbaar voor de twee virussen. De drie bovenstaande studies tonen aan dat de replicatiekinetiek en het weefseltropisme van het recombinant YF-WNV vergelijkbaar is met de YF vaccinstam YF-17D. 5. U dient onder Cl 1.3 de stelling “de virulentie van het YF-WN chimeer virus is ook lager dan de West Nile virus donor van prM en E” nader te onderbouwen aan de hand van relevante literatuur. In het eerder aangehaalde artikel van Johnson et al (2003) wordt beschreven dat het recombinant YF-WNV duidelijk minder goed vermenigvuldigt in vector cellijnen dan de West Nile NY99 donor en dat de virulentie in verschillende muskietenspecies sterk verminderd is (zie hiervoor ook het antwoord op vraag 4). Arroyo et al (2004, bijlage 3) beschrijven dat het recombinant YF-WNV significant minder neurovirulent is dan de YF-17D vaccinstam. Een hele lage dosis van wildtype West Nile NY99 (1-4 plaque forming units, PFU) veroorzaakte al een dodelijke encephalitits bij intraperitoneale PFU van het recombinant YF-WN (hier genoemd ChimeriVax toediening in muizen, terwijl ) geen encephalitis veroorzaakte. 01 WN ) MSD Deze twee onderzoeken tonen duidelijk aan dat de virulentie van het recombinant YF-WNV lager is dan de virulentie van de West Nile virus donor. 6. U dient uw antwoord op vraag C9. 10 te onderbouwen aan de hand van relevante literatuur. Yellow Fever virus en West Nile virus zijn beide flavivirussen met vergelijkbare fysisch chemische eigenschappen. Beide virussen zijn gevoelig voor verhoogde temperatuur en zure pH. Het is niet te verwachten dat het recombinant YF-WNV een verhoogde overlevingskans heeft in het milieu ten opzichte van YF-17D. Sood et al (1993, bijlage 4) laten zien dat YF-17D 50 in 21 dagen compleet geïnactiveerd wordt bij een met een titer van 3.7 mouseLD temperatuur van 37°C. Onderzoek (bijlage 6) toont aan dat het recombinant YF-WNV met een 50 na 4 dagen bij 27°C niet meer aan te tonen was. Op basis hiervan titer van 6.3 log 10 TCID kunnen we concluderen dat het recombinant YF-WNV geen verhoogde overlevingskans heeft in het milieu. 7. Onder 0.4 verwijst u naar validatiestudies m.b.t. de inactivatie van het virus. U wordt verzocht een openbare versie van de validatiegegevens van deze studie mee te sturen. De virusoogst wordt chemisch geïnactiveerd met bromo ethylamine hydrobromide (BEA). BEA wordt omgezet tot de actieve vorm BEl door de pH boven de 7.5 te brengen. Na ± 18 24 uur incubatie bij de juiste temperatuur en pH wordt de inactivatie chemisch gestopt (met natrium thiosulfaat). Deze inactivatiemethode is gevalideerd voor YF-WNV in twee validatiestudies, waarvoor het gehalte aan virus werd bepaald in twee methoden. De resultaten zijn weergegeven in onderstaande tabel. - [ virus batch normale concentratie artificieel lOx verhoogde concentratie inactivae tijd [hj Methode 1 0.5 1 1.5 2 pos pos pos pos pos neg neg neg neg 2.5 3 3.5 4 6 8 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 7 8 [ Methode 2 - - - - - - - neg neg neg - pos pos pos pos pos pos pos pos pos pos - - - - - pos pos pos pos pos pos pos neg - - - Positief: virus aangetoond, negatief: geen virus aangetoond -: niet getest .:. MSD Methode 1 is kwantitatief maar relatief minder gevoelig; methode 2 is gevoeliger maar kwalitatief. Voor aantonen van inactivatie van het virus is voor beide methoden alleen de waarde weergegeven als positief of negatief (virus aangetoond of niet aangetoond). Hoogachtend, Intervet International bv Bij lagen: 1. Vertrouwelijk COGEM advies CGM/070724-O1 2. Vertrouwelijk rapport: Disseminatie studie YF-WNV in paarden 3. Arroyo etal (2004) J. Virol. 12497-12507 4. Cantile et al (2001) 5. Sood etal (1993) 6. Vertrouwelijk rapport: The effect of several desinfectants on the survivability of YF-WN chimera Cc: 5 L 4j1 çoi’N • coG POSTADRES: POSTBUS 578 3720 AN 8ILTHOVEN Aan de minister van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer Mevrouw dr. J.M. Cramer Postbus 30945 2500 GX Den Haag DATUM KENMERK ONDERWERP TEL.: 030 274 2777 FAX: 030 274 4476 [email protected] WWW.COGEM.NET 24juli 2007 CGM/07072401 Advies recombinant YellowFever virus vaccin met West Nile virus insert Geachte mevrouw Cramer, Naar aanleiding van een adviesvraag betreffende een verzoek tot wijziging in de vergunning IG-03-089103 met de titel ‘Evahiatie van een Yellow Fever virus (YFV) recombinant met MJE-geninsertie van het West Nile virus (WNV) in proefdieren” van Intervet International B.V., deelt de COGEM u het volgende mee. Samenvatting: De COGEM is gevraagd te adviseren over een verzoek tot omlaagschaling van experimenten met een recombinant Yellow Fever virus (YFV) vaccin. Het doel van de studie is de ontwikkeling van een vaccin voor paarden tegen het West Nile virus (WNV). In dit onderzoek wordt een recombinant Yellow Fever virus vaccin (YFV) met oppervlakte eiwitten van het WNV getest in proefdieren. In 2003 adviseerde de COGEM het chimere virus YF-WNV te beschouwen als een volvirulent virus van pathogeniteitsklasse 3 omdat er destijds onvoldoende gegevens waren over mogelijke veranderingen in tropisme, replicatie en de genetische stabiliteit van het YF-WNV. Op basis van nieuwe gegevens dient de aanvrager een verzoek in tot verlaging van het inperkingsniveau van de experimenten van ML-III naar ML-JJ niveau. De COGEM is van mening dat de aanvullende gegevens voldoende aantonen dat het recombinante YF-WNV virus tenminste net zo geattenueerd is als de YF-17D ouderstam die al geruime tijd als vaccin wordt toegepast en is ingedeeld in pathogeniteitsklasse 2. De aanvullende gegevens hebben ook aangetoond dat er geen veranderingen optreden in weefseltropisme of replicatiekinetiek van het YF-WNV. Bovendien acht de COGEM de kans verwaarloosbaar klein dat hët virus zich kan verspreiden via muggen. De laboratoriumwerkzaamheden kunnen naar het inzicht van de COGEM veilig worden uitgevoerd op ML-II niveau met inachtneming van de voorgestelde aanvullende voorschriften. De COGEM is van mening dat de veiligheid voor mens en milieu middels deze indeling voldoende gewaarborgd blijft. Dit advies beyat vertrouwelijke informatie en zal derhalve niet gepubliceerd of op een andere wijze openbaar gemaakt worden. De door de COGEM gehanteerde overwegingen en het hieruit voortvloeiende advies treft u hierbij aa als bijlage. Hoogachtend, Prof. dr. ir. Bastiaan C.J. Zoeteman Voorzitter COGEM c.c. Dr. ir. B.P. Loos Dr. T. van der Leij Evaluatie van een recombinant Yeliow Fever virus vaccin COGE1VI advies CGM/070724-Ol Inleiding De COGEM is gevraagd te adviseren over een wijziging in de vergunning voor werkzaamheden met het Yellow Fever virus (YFV) en het West Nile virus (WNV) van Intervet International B.V. (IG-03-089/03). Het doel van deze studie is de ontwikkeling van een vaccin voor paarden tegen het WNV. Hiertoe wordt een recombinant YFV met oppervlakte eiwitten M/E-geninsertie) van het WNV getest in proefdieren. In 2003 adviseerde de COGEM het recombinante YF-WNV vaccin te beschouwen als een volvirulent virus van pathogeniteitsklasse 3 omdat er destijds onvoldoende gegevens waren over mogelijke veranderingen in tropisme en rcplicatiekinetiek. Daarnaast ontbraken gegevens over de genetische stabiliteit van het recombinante YF-WNV. Op basis van nieuwe gegevens dient de aanvrager een verzoek in tot omlaagschaling van het inperkingsniveau van de laboratoriumhandelingen met een recombinant YF-WNV vaccin van ML-III naar ML-II niveau. Vertrouweljkheid De aanvullende gegevens betreffen onder andere een aantal studies van Intervet B.V. die vertrouwelijke gegevens bevatten. Het YF-WNV vaccin is op basis van deze vertrouwelijke data geregistreerd bij de APHIS/USDA en toegelaten als levend vaccin in de Verenigde Staten. De COGEM acht deze vertrouwelijke gegevens van belang om haar advies te onderbouwen. Daarom zal dit advies niet gepubliceerd of op andere wijze openbaar gemaakt worden. Yellow Fever virus (YFV,) Het Yellow Fever virus (YFV) is een positief strengs RNA virus dat behoort tot de familie van Flaviridae, genus Flavivirus (1). Het virus wordt verspreid via muggen en veroorzaakt gele koorts, een tropische infectieziekte die voorkomt onder apen in Afrika ten zuiden van de Sahara en in Zuid-Amerika. YFV kan ook worden overgebracht op mensen door de mug Aedes aegyptii. Symptomen van gele koorts bij de mens zijn koorts, hoofdpijn, rugpijn, misselijkheid, geelzucht en stoornissen in de nierfunctie. Daarbij kunnen ook bloedingen in de mond en in de darmen optreden, Gele koorts is een emstige ziekte die in ongeveer 60% van de gevallen een dodelijke afloop heeft (3). Een antiviraal middel tegen de ziekte is niet beschikbaar. Een effectieve langdurige bescherming is echter wel mogelijk door middel van een vaccinatie met de geattenueerde YF-17D stam. Deze YFV stam is verzwakt door een serie mutaties die verspreid liggen over het gehele COGEM advies CGM/070724-O1 1 genoom van het virus (2, 3, 4). De YF-17D stam is 65 jaar geleden ontwikkeld en meer dan 350 miljoen mensen zijn er inmiddels mee gevaccineerd (5). West Nile virus (WNV) Ook het West Nile virus behoort tot de familie van de Flaviridae. Dit positief strengs RNA virus werd in 1937 voor het eerst ontdekt in Oeganda en daarna werd het ook gesignaleerd in andere delen van Afrika, West-Azië, Oost-Europa en het Midden Oosten. In 2002 is er een uitbraak van het virus geweest in New York en sindsdien verspreidt cle ziekte zich verder in de Verenigde Staten. Het virus komt voor bij mensen, vogels en andere gewervelde dieren zoals katten, paarden, vleennuizen, wangzakeekhoorns en konijnen. Verspreiding van het virus vindt voornamelijk plaats via muggen (c’ulex spp.) terwijl trekvogels een van de belangrijkste reservoirs vormen (6). Een infectie met WNV veroorzaakt symptomen als lichte koorts, hoofdpijn, pijn, huiduitslag en gezwollen lymfeklieren. In enkele gevallen komt het virus in de hersenen terecht en kan het lethale encefalitis veroorzaken. Voornamelijk mensen boven de vijftig lopen hierop een verhoogd risico. Een vaccin of effectieve profylaxe tegen het WNV is niet beschikbaar. Voorgenomen werkzaamheden De aanvrager voert experimenten uit waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van de humane geattenueerde vaccinstam YF- 1 7D. In deze stam zijn vervolgens de structurele genen prM en E uitgewisseld met de overeenkomstige genen van het WNV. De prM en E genen codereri voor oppervlakte eiwitten die een essentiële rol spelen bij de immuniteit tegen het WNV (7,8,9). Het recombinante vaccin YF-WNV is in de Verenigde Staten ontwikkeld, getest en vervaardigd. In Nederland zal het vaccin volgens Europese richtlijnen getest worden op veiligheid en werkzaamheid in muizen en paarden. De dieren worden ingeënt met het recombinante virus YF-WNV en vervolgens klinisch geobserveerd waarbij gekeken wordt naar ziekteverschijnselen en voornamelijk encefalitis. Na vier tot zes weken zullen de gevaccincerdc dieren geïnfecteerd worden met een virus isolaat van het WNV om de beschermende werking van het vaccin aan te tonen. Eerdere COGEM adviezen In 2003 heeft de COGEM een advies uitgebracht over bovengenoemde werkzaamheden. YFV en WNV zijn beide virussen van pathogeniteitsklasse 3, terwijl de geattenueerde vaccinstam YF-17D een klasse lager wordt ingeschaald. De COGEM was van mening dat er onvoldoende gegevens waren aangeleverd over de mogelijke effecten van de insertie van cle oppervlakte eiwitten van het WNV in de YF-17D stam. Gegevens over cle COGEM advies CGi’vI/070724-O1 2 genetische stabiliteit, weefseltropisme en replicatie ontbraken waardoor geen uitsluitsel gegeven kon worden dat de insertie mogelijk een verandering van tropisme en replicatie tot gevolg zou kunnen hebben. De COGEM adviseerde daarom destijds de voorgenomen werkzaamheden uit te voeren op ML-III niveau. Aanvullende aangeleverde gegevens Naar aanleiding van nieuwe gegevens die betrekking hebben op genetische stabiliteit, weefseltropisme en replicatiekinetiek verzoekt de aanvrager tot omlaagschaling van de laboratoriumwerkzaamheden naar ML-II niveau. De aanvrager verwijst naar een aantal studies die betrekking hebben op het replicatiepatroon en weefseltropisme van de recombinante YF-WNV vaccinstam. Het gaat om twee studies van Intervet International B.V. De eerste studie is uitgevoerd in Florida (VS) waarbij paarden ingespoten zijn met een hoge dosis YF-WNV waarna de viraernie en uitscheiding van het virus werd gecontroleerd. Histologisch onderzoek toonde aan dat het virus zich niet verspreid had naar andere weefsels. Bovendien kon het virus niet gereïsoleerd worden uit bloed, secreta monsters of weefselmonsters van de paarden. Hieruit wordt geconcludeerd dat de vervanging van de prM en E genen in YF 17D niet heeft geleidt tot een veranderd weefseltropisme. Een tweede studie van Intervet International B.V. in muizen en de eerder aangeleverde studies in apen en vogels bij de aanvraag in 2003 leidt tot dezelfde conclusie. Daarnaast presenteert de aanvrager de resultaten van een studie naar de genetische stabiliteit van het YF-WNV virus gedurende vijf passages in celcultuur. Met latere passages dan 5 zal in dit onderzoek niet gewerkt worden. De originele studies zijn niet toegevoegd aan de aanvullende infonnatie. De aanvrager heeft dc genotypische stabiliteit van het YF-WNV getest door middel van een sequentie analyse op passage 0 en 5. De sequentie van het WNV-insert alsmede de flankerende regio’s zijn vergeleken op passage 0 en 5 en leverden een homologie van 99,7% op. Van vijf van de 2128 nucleotiden in het genoom van passage 0 kon de identiteit niet vastgesteld worden, waardoor het verschil van 0,3% ontstond. De sequentie van het virus vaccin na passage vijf is daarnaast vergeleken met de sequentie van het originele construct zoals dat door Acambis mc. ontwikkeld is. Deze vergelijking leverde een homologie van 100% op, waaruit geconcludeerd wordt door de aanvrager dat de sequentie stabiel is gebleven gedurende de 5 passages. De genetische stabiliteit bij in vivo scriölc passage kon niet worden getest omdat het niet mogelijk bleek het virus te reïsoleren uit monsters van paarden. Naast de genotypische stabiliteit heeft de aanvrager een studie uitgevoerd naar de fcnotypische stabiliteit van het recombinante YF-WNV. Om de fenotypische stabiliteit te COGEM advies CGM/0 70 724-01 3 testen is een aantal virus plaques van het envclop eiwit (E) van WNV vergele ken in passage 0 en 5 met behulp van een monoclonaal antilichaarn specifiek voor E van WNV. Ter controle werd de vaccinstam YF-17D meegenomen. Uit deze studie blijkt dat de mate van expressie van E nagenoeg hetzelfde is voor passage niveaus 0 en +5 en dat het recombinant YF-WNV fenotypisch stabiel is gedurende deze passages. De COGEM merkt bij de fenotypische analyse overigens op dat dit alleen aantoo nt dat in de onderzochte passages het E-eiwit van WNV tot expressie komt, en meer specifi ek de epitoop die door het gebruikte antilichaam wordt herkend. Fenotypische verand eringen in het E-eiwit die anders zijn dan in de betreffende epitoop kunnen door middel van deze test niet gedetecteerd worden. Overweging en advies De COGEM is van mening dat de aangeleverde gegevens voldoende aantonen dat YF WNV in apen, muizen en paarden net zo geattenueerd is als dc vaccinstarn YF-17 D. Uit een artikel van Johnson (8) blijkt bovendien dat de recombinante vaccinstam YF-W NV slechts zeer beperkt in staat is tot replicatie (na intrathoracale inoculatie) in bepaalde soorten muggen, die als mogelijke vector voor het virus zouden kunnen dienen. Orale infectie met het recombinant YF-WNV was niet succesvol. Hieruit conclu deert de COGEM dat de kans op verspreiding van YF-WNV via muggen verwaarloosbaar klein is. De originele studies naar de genetische stabiliteit van het YF-WNV zijn niet bijgele verd in de aanvraag. De aanvrager presenteert uitsluitend de resultaten van deze studie. Hoewel de COGEM van mening is dat de presentatie van de gegevens ten aanzien van de genetische stabiliteit enkele onduidelijkheden bevat, concludeert zij op basis van deze gegevens dat het recoinbinante YF-WNV genetisch stabiel is gedurende vijf passag es in celcultuur. De aanvrager geeft aan dat een vijftal nucleotiden in passage 0 niet identificeerbaar bleek. Deze mogelijke puntmutaties bleken echter in de YF-17 D insert te zitten en niet in de backbone, die de pathogeniteit en verspreidingskarakteristieke n bepaald. Daarnaast leverde een vergelijking van het vinisconstruct na passage 5 met het originele construct dat door Acainbis mc. ontwikkeld is 100% homologie op. Derhal ve acht de COGEM het aannemelijk dat het recombinante YF-WNV genotypisch stabiel is gedurende de vijf passages. De COGEM wijst er bovendien op dat het YF-WNV vaccin sinds 2006 geregistreerd is bij de APHIS/USDA en toegelaten is als levend vaccin in dc Verenigde Staten. Conclusie De oudervirussen YF-17D en WNV kunnen zich niet via aërosolen verspreiden en de COGEM acht het niet aannemelijk dat het recombinante virus dit wel zou kunnen . De COGEM advies CGM/O7O724O1 4 aangeleverde studies tonen bovendien aan dat het recombinante virus tenminste net zo geattenueerd is als de YF-17D ouderstain die al genume tijd als vaccin wordt toegepast en dat het YF-WNV slecht repliceert in zowel zoogdieren als vogels. Indien een medewerker ten gevolge van een prik accident zichzelf zou infecteren met de vaccinstam YF-WNV, acht de COGEM de kans op het ontstaan van een ziektebeeld verwaarloosbaar idem. Dierexperirnenten in apen tonen aan dat er geen ziektebeeld ontstaat ten gevolge van injectie met de YF-17D of de YF-WNV vaccinstam. Uit het artikel van Johnson (8) blijkt bovendien dat de kans dat het virus zich vervolgens verder zou kunnen verspreiden via muggen verwaarloosbaar klein is. De laboratoriuinwerkzaaniheden kumen naar het inzicht van de COGEM veilig worden uitgevoerd op ML-II niveau met inachtneming van de voorgestelde aanvullende voorschriften, te weten het dragen van handschoenen en het uitvoeren van open handelingen in een veiligheidskabinet klasse II. De COGEM is van mening dat de veiligheid voor mens en milieu middels deze indeling voldoende gewaarborgd blijft. Referenties 1. Van Regenmortel M.HV. (2000). Seventh report of the international committee on taxonomy of viruses. Academic Press, San Diego 2. Arya S.C. (2002). Yellow fever vaccine safety: a reality or a rnyth? Vaccine 20, 3627-8. 3. Monath T.P. (2001). YeIlow fever: an update. Lancet Jnfectious Disease 1, 11-20 4. dos Santos C.N, Post P.R, Carvalho R, Ferreira 1.1, Rice C.M. and Galler R. (1995). Complete nucleotide sequence of yellow fever virus vaccine strains 17DD and 17D-213. Virus Research 35, 35-41 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. CDC. Internet: (luli 2007) Grant L. et al (2002). West Nile virus. Lancet Infectious Disease 2, 5 19-529 Arroyo J, Miller CA, Catalan J, and Monath T.P. (2001). YelIow fever vector live-virus vaccines: West Nile virus vaccine development. Trends in Molecular Medicine 7, 350-4 Johnson B.W, Chambers T.V, Crabtree M.B, Arroyo 3, Monath T.P, and Miller B.R. (2003). Growth characteristics of the veterinary vaccine candidate ChirneriVax trade mark -West Nile (WN) virus in Aedes and Culex mosquitoes, Medical and Veterinary Entornology 17, 235-43 Langevin S.A, dyo J, Monath T.P, and Kornar N. (2003). 1-lost-range restriction of chimeric yellow fever-West Nile vaccine in fïsh crows (Corvus ossifragus). American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 69, 78-80 COGEM cjdi’ies CGivf/070724-O1 5 b J ournal Qf Virology /y ChimeriVax-West Nile Virus Live-Attenuated Vaccine: Evaluation of Safety, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy Juan Arroyo, Chuck Miller, John Catalan, Gwendolyn A. Myers, Marion S. Ratterree, Dennis W. Trent and Thomas P. Monath J. Virol. 2004, 78(22):12497. DCI: 10.1 128/JVI.78.22.12497-12507.2004. 0 0 CD 0 -t, -I 0 3 Updated information and services can be found at: These inciude: REFERENCES CONTENT ALERTS . 1: . This article cites 35 articles, 16 of which can be accessed free at: 2497#ref-list-1 Receive: RSS Feeds, eTOCs, free email alerts (when new articles cite this article), more» r\) Q 0) -1 0 1 Information about commercial reprint orders: To subscribe to to another ASM Journal go to: http:Iljournals.asm.orglsitelsubscriptionsl Vol. 78, No. 22 JOURNAL OF VIROL0Gy, Nov. 2004, p. 12497—12507 0022-538X/04/$08.00+0 DOl: 10.1 128/JVI.78.22.12497—12507.2004 2004, American Society for Microbiology. AJI Rights Reserved. Copyright ChimeriVax-West Nile Virus Live-Attenuated Vaccine: Preclinical Evaluation of Safety, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy Juan Arroyo, — Chuck Miller, John Catalan, Gwendolyn A. Myers, Marion S. Ratterree, 4 and Thomas P. Monathl* Dennis W. Trent,” Aca,nbis, mc., Czmbiidge, Massachusetts’; DynPort Vaccine Co, LLC, Frederick, Maryland ; Tulane National 2 4 ; and Vaxin, mc., Birmingham, Alaba,na 3 Prirnate Research Center, Covington, Louisiana 0 0 Received 31 March 2004/Accepted 9 July 2004 The availability of ChimeriVax vaccine technology for delivery of flavivirus protective antigens at the time West Nile (WN) virus was first detected in North America in 1999 contributed to the rapid development of the vaccine candidate against WN virus described here. ChimeriVax-Japanese encephalitis (JE), the first live-at tenuated vaccine developed with this technology has successfully undergone phase 1 and II clinical trials. The ChimeriVax technology utilizes yellow fever virus (YF) 17D vaccine strain capsid and nonstructural genes to deliver the envelope gene of other ilaviviruses as live-attenuated chimeric viruses. Animo acid sequence homology between the envelope protein (E) of JE and WN viruses facilitated targeting attenuating mutation sites to develop the WN vaccine. Here we discuss preclinical studies with the ChiineriVax-WN virus in mice and macaques. ChimeriVax-WN virus vaccine is less neurovirulent than the commercial YF 17D vaccine in mice and nonhu man primates. Attenuation of the virus is determined by the chimeric nature of the construct containing attenu ating mutations in the YF liD virus backbone and three point mutations introduced to alter residues 107, 316, and 440 in the WN virus E protein gene. The safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of the ChimeriVax-WN 02 vaccine in the macaque model indicate the vaccine candidate is expected to be safe and immunogenic for humans. 0 til 0 0 0 - 1 0 3 (1) 3 0 1 CD 0 Following isolation of West Nile (WN) virus in New York in 1999, the virus rapidly spread across North America, causing disease in wild birds, horses, and humans. The number of human cases increased dramatically in 2002 and 2003, when 4,145 and 8,977 cases were reported, respectively (7, 8). WN virus is transmitted principally between wild birds and Culcr mosquitoes (7). Recently, WN virus has been isolated in the West Indies and serosurveys have identified neutralizing anti body-positive avian species in Mexico (14), Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic (13, 17). The rapid geographic expansion of the virus is attributed to movement by viremic birds dunng local and migratory flight behavior. To date, there is no effec tive drug treatment against WN virus infection and surveil lance and mosquito control measures have not significantly influenced the number of human infections (27). A vaccine against WN virus represents an important approach to the prevention and control of this emerging disease. The ChimeriVax technology has been successfully used to develop a live vaccine against Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus that is now in phase II trials (23). JE virus is a close genetic relative of WN virus (31), a fact that expedited use of this technology to develop multiple WN virus vaccine candidates. The ChimeriVax technology employs the yellow fever (YF) 17D vaccine capsid and nonstructural genes to deliver the envelope genes (prM and E) of other flaviviruses. In the work presented here, the envelope genes of YF 17D were replaced with the correspondirig genes of the wild-type WN virus NY99 strain previously described by Lanciotti et al. (19). The result ing YF/WN chimera lacked the mouse neuroinvasive property of WN virus and is less neurovirulent than YF 17D vaccine in * Corresponding author. Mailing address: Acambis, mc., 38 Sidney St., Camhridge, MA 02139. Phone: (617) 761-4200. Fax: (617) 4941741. E-mail: [email protected]. both mouse and monkey models. Because WN virus, like other flaviviruses in the genus, is neurotropic for mammals (21, 29), attenuating point mutations were later introduced in the en velope of the YF/WN chimera to further reduce its virulence. Mutation sites were targeted only to regions of the envelope (E) protein gene and were based on previous observations by others (1, 3, 28, 32) pertaining to attenuation phenotypes in related flaviviruses: specifically JE and tick-horne encephali tis viruses. Site-directed mutations in the WN virus E gene , 01 of the chimeric prototype vaccine, ChimeriVax-West Ni1e ) resulted in a significant reduction in virus 01 (ChimeriVax-WN neurovirulence. Here we discuss a vaccine in a YF vaccine back bone; the WN virus envelope (E) protein mutagenesis ratio nale; and the assessment of the safety, immunogenicity, effi cacy, and genetic stability of these ChimeriVax-WN vaccine candidates in the mouse and macaque models. -D 1 (ii t’) Q t’) 0 CI) -1 0 0 0 MATERIALS AND METHODS YF/WN chimeric clones and molecular procedures For virus assembly. Chi mciie flaviviruses were constructed with the ChimeriVax two-plaamid technoloey previously deseribed (9). Briefly. the two-plasmid system provides plasmid sta bility in E3chcrichia coli by dividing the cloned YF hackbone into two plasmids. This provides smaller plasmids that are more stable to manipulate the YF sequences faciitating replacement of the prM and E genes of the flavivirus target vaccine. The VN virus prM and E genes used were cloned from the WN da mingo isolate 383-99 sequence (GenBank accession no. AF196835: kindly provid cd by John Roehrig, Centers for Discase Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, Colo.). Virus prME sequence cDNA was ohtained by reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) (XL-PCR kit; Applied Biosystems, Foster City, Calif.). The 5’ end of the WN virus prM gene was cloned precisely St the 3’ end of the YF 17D capsid gene hy ovcrlap-extension PCR using Pwo polymerase (Roche Applied Science, Indianapolis, md.). This cloning step maintaincd intcgrity of the cleavage/pro cessing signal encoded at the 3’ end of the YF capaid gene. The 3’ end of the E gcne was cloned at the 5’ end of the YF NSI protein coding sequence by overlap extension PCR. The two-plasmid system used to done the prME rcgion of WN virus into the YF 17D hackboue was deseribed previously (4). Silent mutations were introduced in the sequences of prM and E to create unique BspEi and Eagl restriction sites. Digestion of the two plasmids with these restriction nucleases 12497 0 1 m 0 0 1 > m 12498 ARROYO ET AL. J. Vttot. TABLE 1. Switch oligonucleotides used for site mutagenesis E protein position and residue’ Primer” 107L-sF 138E-sK 176V 176Y 280K-sM 316A-W 440K-R 5’-CAACGGCrGCGGArlrlll GGCAAAGGATCCATFGACACATGCGCC-3’ 5’-GAAAGAGAATATFAAGTACAAAGTGGCCAiilu 1GTCC-3’ 5’-GCCCFCGAGCGGCCGATrCAGCATCACTCCrGcrGCGCCrrCAGTCACAC-3’ 5’-GCCCTCGAGCGGCCGATFCAGCATCAC-3’ 5’-GCAACACTGTCATGTUAACGTCGGGTCA1TFG-3’ 5’-CITGGGACUCCCGTGGACACCGGTCACGGCAC-3’ 5’-GGGGTGTlCACTAGTGGTfGGGCGGGCTGTCCATCAAGTG-3’ c Marker site BamHi Sspl Hpal Agel Spel Primers indicated with an asterisk are clonirtg primers used in fragment subcloning. One incorporates a change to valine as indicated. b Primers for aitc-directcd mutagenesis to create YF/WN chimeric viruscs. Nuclcotidc changes that switch to a new amino acid are indicatcd in bold. Silent restriction (marker) aites introduced are underlined. C C generated DNA fragments that were gel purifled and ligated in vitro to produce a fuil-length chimeric cDNA. The cDNA was iincarizcd with XhoI to facilitate in vitro transcription by SP6 polymerasc (Epicentre, Madison, Wis.). Point mutations werc introduced into various E gene codons to produce variants of the original chimera coding for wild-type WN virus prME genes (Transformcr site-dircctcd mutagenesis kit; Ciontech, Psio Alto, Calif.). Table 1 showa the mutation target sitcs and the oligonucleotide sequences used to create all of the YF/WN chimeras. Site mutations were confirmed by sequencing of the envelope proteins (prME region) of the resulting viruses. Virus cDNA tempiates for sequencing originated from RNA cxtraction of virus containing infected Vero ccli supernatants (Trizol IS; Invitrogen, Carisbad, Calif.) foliowed by RT-PCR (XL-PCR kit; Appiicd Biosystems) and sequencing with a CEQ 2000XL nucleic acid sequencer (Beckman-Coulter, Fuilerton, Calif.). Viruses and ccli lines. The wild-type WN virus used in animai chalienge atudies is the NY99 strain (NY99-35262-11 flamingo isolate, a homolog of the virus uaed to build chimeras) ohtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Coilins, Colo. (CDC stock dcsignatiors BS2332W) with two additional passages in Vero E6 cella to produce a master virus bank. YF 17D is a commercial vaccine (YF-VAX; Aventis Pasteur, Swiftwatcr, Pa.) used after rcconstitution of the lyopliiiized product or after one passage (Pl) in Vero E6 (Amcrican Type Cuiture Coliection [ATCC] origin; Acambis, me., ccli bank, Cambridge, Masa.). Chimerie YF/WN (ie., ChimcriVax-WN) viruses wcrc prc pared by RNA transfection (Pl virus) of Vcro E6 ceils (ATCC origin, CtDVR University of Massachusetts Medical Conter ccii bank, Worccstcr, Mass.). Re search master seeds (RMS) werc prcparcd by additional amplifications (either passage 2 or 3 St a 0.001 multiplicity of infection IMOI]) in Vero E6 celis. Vero E6 celia were maintained in minimal esscntial medium (Invitrogen) containing 10% heat-inactivated fetal hovine serum (Hl-FBS) (HyClone, Logan, Utah). Preparation of pre-master seeds (PMS) for manufacture of the vaccine was initiated hy RNA transfcction of semm-free Vero (SF-Vero) celis obtained from a ccli bank that had heen manufactured and controiled to meet current Food and Drug Adminiatration guidelines for ccli cuiture vaccines. (The celis were oh tained from an ATCC strain predating 1980, and the ccli bank was made by Baster/Immuno, Orth, Austria.) Progeny virus from the transfection step was amplifled by a single passage in the same SF-Vero cell line to produce P2, which was designated the PMS for subsequent manufacture of clirtical-grade vsccine. The SF-Vcro ccli line is propagated and maintsined in a serum-free, animal protein-free medium formulation, VT-Media (Baxter/Immuno). Viruses for an imal cxperiments were diluted in Mt99 with HEPES buffer (Invitrogen) and 20% Hl-FBS (HyClone) uniess otherwise indicated. Piaquc sssays to vcrify the titer of virus inoculi were performed in a Vero ccli substrate as previousiy described (24). Mouse studies. Protocois for mouse experiments were approved by the Insti tutional Animal Care and Use Committees at both University of Massachusetts Medical Center (Worcester, Mass.) and Acambis, mc. (Cambridge, Mass.). Re search was conducted in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act and other federal statutes and regulations relating to animais and experiments invoiving animals and adhered to principlea set forth in the Guide for ihe Care and Use of Lahoralo,y AnirnaLs (27a). Female 1CR mice (Taconic, Germantown, N.Y., or Harlan Sprague-Dawiey, Indianapolis, md.) wcrc inoculated intraperitoncally (i.p.) with 100 to 200 pi of wild-type WN virus NY99 for neuroinvasion tests or post vaccination chailenge experimenta (titers of inoculated viruscs are indicatcd in the Results section and in the tabies presented). 1CR strain aduit (3 to 4 weeks of age) and suckling (2 and 8 days of age) mice wcrc inoculated intraccrebraiiy (ie.) on the light sidc of the bram as prcviously descrihcd (24) and using a 20-11.1 volume of YF 17D or chimeric YF/WN cOnstructs for ncurovirulencc tcsting (titers of inocu lated viruses are indicated in the Resuits section and in the tabies presentcd). Mice were observed daily for 21 days foHowing inoculation to determine survival ratio and svcrage survival time (AST) after virus chalienge. Neutralizing antibody titers were detcrmincd by a constant virus-scrum dilu tion 50% plaque rcduction neutralization assay test (PRNT ) in Vero ceils, as 5 previousiy described (24). An equal volume (0.1 mi) of virus suspension contain ing 700 PFUImI and serial twofold dilutions of heat-inactivated scrum were incubated ovcmight at 4°C, and the serum-virus mixture was inoculatcd orsto Vero ccli monolayers grown in 12-well piates. An overiay of methyicellulose in minimal cssentiai medium was added beforc incubation of the cultures at 37°C for 3 to 4 daya prior to fixation and crystal violet staining for plaque count dc termination. The endpoint neutralization titer was the highest dilution of serum that reduced pisques by 50% compared to a mouse hyperimmune serum control. Nonhuman primate studies. Neurovirulence tests in rhesus macaques were performed according to World Hcalth Organization (WHO) guidelines for testing YF vaccine (36) and as described previousiy for safety tests of ChimeriVax-JE vaccine (24). Animais were inoculated with specific virus candidates by inocula tion of the frontal lobe of the bram (see Tahie 7). Blood sampies were obtaincd daily for the first 10 days foliowing inocuiation, and serum viremia was measured by plaquc assay on Vero celis. Animals werc obscrvcd daily for clinical signs of encephalitis and associated symptoms such as fcvcr or tremors. Aninsals wcre cuthanizcd 30 days after infection, and the bruin and spinal cord tissues were removcd for histopathology. Slides wcre prepared from tissucs of the frontal and temporal cortcx, hasai ganglia/thalamus (two leveis), midbrain, pons, cerebeilum (two levels of the nuciei and cortex), meduila ohiongata, and six icvcis of cach of ccrvicsi and lumbar eniargements of the spinal cord. Sections werc staincd with gaiiocyanine. Histological lesions were snalyzed and scored for pathology rela tive to that of the YF 17D according to the criteria for evaluation of neuroviru lence in rhesus monkeys proposed by the current WHO requirements. Mean lesion scores for individual monkeys were caiculated for “target” (suhstantia nigra) and “discriminator” (basal ganglia/thalamus and the spinal cord) areas individually and for the target and discriminator areas combined. A second neurovirulence test was performed with cynomolgus monkeys and inoculation with the YF/WN,R vaccine candidatc (ChimeriVsx-WN ) produc 02 tion virus secd (P4). The study was conducted according to good iaboratory practices (OLP) standards (14a). Eicven monkeys were inoculated ie. with ‘/F/ WN)NR production virus seed (P4), 11 positive control monkeys received YF VAX, and 5 negstive control monkcys rcceivcd dilucnt. The monkeys were eval uatcd for changes in clinical signs (twice daily), body wcight (weekly), and food con sumption (daily). Clinical signs were assigned scores according to a chnical scoring system, baard on the WHO requirements for YF vaccine (36). Blood samples were coliectcd premnocuiation on day 1 and on days 3, 5, 7, 15, and 31 for clinical pathology analysis (serum chcmistiy and hematology paramcters). Additional blood samples were coliected preinoculation on day 1 and on days 2 to 11 for viremia analysis, and on days 1 (predose) and 31 for antiviral antibody titer analyses. To determine immunogenicity, rhesus monkeys were inoculated by the sub cutancous (s.c.) route with a single 0.5-mi dose containing —4 10810 PFU of chimeric vaccine. Control animais received undiiuted YF-VAX contamning 4.49 iogiü PFU in a 0.25-mi volume. Each vaccine dose was back titrated following immunization. Serum viremia was measured daily by piaque assay through day 10 after vaccination. Neutralizing antihody ieveis were measured hy PRNT 50 on days 14, 30, and 63 after vaccination. Animais were challenged 64 days after vaccination by ie. inoculation of 125 pi contairilng 2.4 x 19’ PFIJ of wild-type WN NY99 suspendcd in M199 with HEPES huffer (Invitrogen) and 10% sorbitol (Sigma). Monkcys were observcd for viremia, clinical ilinesa, and antibody rcsponse;se vcreiy ili animais werc cuthanized. The i.c. challenge model closely followed the model estsbiisshed during the dcvelopmcnt of ChirnetiVax-JE vaccinc (24, 26). Genetic stabiiity (in vivo and in vitro passage) and sequencing. The chimeric YF/WN virus containing unenodifled, wild.typc WN virus prME sequence (des ignated ChimeriVax-WN ) was passcd six times in Vero E6 ceils foliowed hy 01 six passages in suckiing mice by the ie. route. The chimeric YF/WN virus 0 D 0 9) 0 0 -t, -‘ 0 3 t3 Ci) 3 b -‘ CD 0 Ci, 0 1’3 0 (/2 H 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 m 0 0 1 fl1 VOL. 78, 2004 ChimeriVax-WEST NILE VACCINE PRECLINICAL EVALUATION TABLE 2. Neuroinvasiveness of ChimeriVax-WN , relative to 5 YF 17D based 011 dose response in 1CR mice’ Back titratjon dose , PFU) 1 (log, % Mortalitv (no. dead/no. teted)d 01 (P2) ChimeriVax-WN 5 0.89 2.23 3.24 4.06 5.45 6.51 0 (0/5) 0 (0/5) 0 (0/5) 0 (0/5) 0 (0/5) 0 (0/5) YF17D (ATCC) 2.78 4.48 0 (0/3) 0 (0/3) NA’ 0 (0/3) Test article . Negative control . •P• 1 Harlan-Sprague, 1CR strain (3 to 4-week-old female mice). P2 indicates a sccond-generation passage virus on Vero celis. West Nile virus strains are typically neuroinvasive after i.p. inoculation as shown by others (5). NA. not applicahle. d AST was not deterrnined. “ containing three mutations introdueed by site-directed mutagenesis (designated ,) al the P2 level (PMS) and P3 level (RMS) wcre passed 12 0 ChimeriVax-WN and 10 timcs, respectively, in serum-free, protcin-free SF-Vero cdl substrate. All in vitro virus passages were performed with an initial MOl of 0.01 PFU/cell followed by harvest of the virus on the third day after infection. Passages in vivo were performed by initial ie. inoculation of iO PFU; bram tissue from 1CR mice (Taconie) was harvested 3 days after inoculation and homogenized, and the clarified homogenate was used for passage to a new group of miee. Virus liters al cach passage were determined hy plaque assay. Neurovirulence of the pas saged viruses was determined hy ie. inoculation of adult or suckling mice (sce Tables 13 and 14). Sequencing of vind RNA was perforrned with Superscript 11 reverse transcriptase and XL-PCR; products were purilied by QIAGEN gel extraction (QIAGEN, Valencia. Calif.). Sequeneing reactions svere prepared and analyzed using the standard Beckman CEQ 2000XL protocol and equipment (Beckman-Coulter). For virus passages, at least two independent sequencing reactions were executed per RT-PCR product strand sequenced; sense and antisense strands wcrc sequenced each time. Mutation acccptance criteria needed a positive identity in al Icast threc of four sequencing reactions analyzcd; in addition, two indcpendent operators rcad sequenee chromatographs. RESULTS Virulence phenotype of chimeric YF/WN containing wildtype WN prME genes relative to YF 17D (YF-VAX). The initial WN virus chimera encoded the envelope and premem brane protein genes of the WN NY99 wild-type strain (desig nated ChirneriVax-WN ). This chimeric virus did not cause 01 encephalitis after i.p. inoculation at doses of 1W’ PFU in 3- to 4-week-old adult 1CR mice (Table 2). Encephalitis was as sessed by daily observations for illness, paralysis, and death. , resembies YF 17D vaccine (33) in being 0 ChimeriVax-WN nonneuroinvasive in adult mice. In contrast, the WN NY99 wild-type virus was lethal for mice when inoculated by the i.p. route with as few as 1 to 4 PFU (5; unpublished results). 01 retained the ability to cause lethal en ChimeriVax-WN cephalitis after i.c. inoculation, a property consistent with that of YF 17D virus (10). We estimated the i.c. 50% lethal dose (LD ) of ChimeriVax-WN 50 01 to be between iO and io PFU. The neurovirulence phenotype of ChimeriVax-WN 01 is lower than that of YF 17D virus, for which the i.c. LD 50 is between 10’ and 102 PFU (Table 3). Evaluation of the multisite mutagenesis for attenuation. Amino acids in the envelope protein previously established as genetic determinates of virulence for ChimeriVax-JE were changed to reduce the virulence of YF/WN chimeras. 12499 The strategy for this mutagenesis approach was to design a safe attenuated WN vaccine; this strategy was first discussed in an earlier publication (4). Briefly, the selection of specific amino acid residues for mutagenesis was defined by previous studies of the attenuating mutations in a vaccine strain of JE virus (SA14-14-2) (3). Since the wild-type JE and WN viral E gene sequences are identical at the residues implicated in attenua tion of JE (SA14-14-2) vaccine, with one exception at residue 176, we postulated that introduction of mutations at the ma jority of these sites into wild-type WN virus prME genes would result in a similar attenuation of the WN phenotype. A.mino acid residues mapping to the wild-type WN envelope (E) gene positions 107, 138, 176, and 280 were all mutated in a single construct to encode amino acid residues F, K, V, and M, respec tively. The new chimeric virus was identified as YFfWN,KvM. Chimeras were constructed in which each amino acid residue in the FKVM group was individually mutated to produce single-site mutants and to assess their individual roles in neurovirulence (Table 4). The dissection of the FKVM group into single site mutations identified only residue 107 as reducing virulence significantly (0% mortality in three mouse neurovirulence tests presented). Residue 280 followed with 0% mortality after a io viral dose; however, inconsistency of this attenuated phenotype (i.e., mortality ratios of 40 to 89%) was observed in the lower viral-dose groups tested. A mutation at residue 138 resulted in minimal reduction of virulence (—60% mortality), while a mu tation at residue 176 showed no impact. The neurovirulence of the multisite YF/WNFKvM construct resulted in 0 to 20% mor tality. In later studies, amino acid residues 316 and 440 were mutated to V and R, respectively, based on previous data in dicating mutations in the E protein which mapped to these regions thought to function in the biology of the E protein third domain (1, 32). Changes in neurovirulence of these mutants with respect to parental ChimeriVax-WN 111 were evaluated in the mouse model as for the previous groups above (Table 5). A single mutation at residue 316 resulted in a greater attenuation (—30% mortality) than residue 440 but not 0 :3 0 0) 0 (0 0 1 0 3 Ci) 0 1 ca — 0 :3 > -D -t cri c 0 (0 -1 0 w () TABLE 3. Neurovirulence of ChimeriVax-WN 01 relative to YF 17D based 011 dose response in 1CR mice” Test article ie. 01 (P2) ChimeriVax-WN YFI7D (ATCC) Negative control Back titration dose 0 PFU) (log, 5 % Mortality (no. dead/no. tested) 0 A T (day’s) 20(1/5) 0 (0/5) 20(1/5) 4.06 60 (3/5) 5.45 20 (1/5) 9 9 0 0 0.9 0.98 2.78 20 (1/5) 60(3/5) 100(5/5) 100 (5/5) 100 (5/5) 9 10.3 9.2 8.2 8 NA’ 0 1 fl.1 —2 —0.30 0.89 2.23 3.24 0 (0/5) 0 (0/5) 11 0 0 1 10 0 (0/3) Harlan-Sprague, 1CR strain (3 to 4-week-old female mice). Actual dose dclivered ie. assumed to he 20 11.1 for the back titration caleu lations shown. ‘NA, not applicahle. m 12500 J. ViIs.oL. ARROYO ET AL. 01 (YF/WN) TABLE 4. Neurovirulence of ChimeriVax-WN site-directed mutagenesis variants at E protein residues 107—sF, 138—*K, 176—W, 280—s.M, tested by ic. inoculation in adult mice” Test article (Vero passage) 5 Target dose (logj, PFU) Back % Mortalitv titration done (no. dcadno. tested) PFU) (log AST (days) 8.60 9 4 5 4.87 6.09 100 (5/5) 60 (3/5) 4 4 5 4.22 4.42 4.99 0 (0/5) 0(0/8) 0(0/5) 4 4 5 4.26 4.41 5.48 60 (3/5) 63 (5/8) 60 (3/5) 10.33 11.40 9.33 4 5 4.42 554 80 (4/5) 80(4/5) 12.50 11 M (P3) 50 YF/WN 4 4 5 4.14 4.55 5.14 40 (2/5) 89 (7/8) 0(0/5) 9 11.86 133 (P2) F 107 YF/ KM 4 5 3.70 4.81 0 (0/5) 0(0/5) F 107 YF/ 1 K VastM 35 (P3) 76 4 5 4.13 5.10 0 (0/5) 20 (1/5) 7 YF-VAX 3 2.77 100 (5/5) 9 WN NY99 4 3.90 100 (5/5) 5 , (P3) 0 ChimeriVax-WN F (P2) 107 YFIWN K (P3) 135 YF/WN V (P3) 176 YF/WN mutagenesis variants at E protein residues 107—F, 316—sV, and 440—.R tested in adult nice” Back Test article ie. (Vero passage) titration done (log PF1.J) % Mortality (no. dead/no. tested) AST (days) 01 (P3) ChirncriVax-WN 4.11 4.74 4.83 83 (10/12) 60 (3/5) 100 (8/8) 9.20 10.33 10.63 V (P3) 115 YF/WN 4.09 4.67 4.57 25 (3/12) 38 (3/8) 38 (9/24) 12.33 10.67 11.22 R (P3) 441 YF/WN 4.17 4.60 4.35 83 (10/12) 38 (3/8) 56 (14/25) 9.22 10.33 11.21 3.90 4.12 3.71 17 (2/12) 40(2/5) 36 (9/25) 16.5 13 12 3.72 5.54 0 (0/12) 0 (0/12) VR (P3) 315 YFfWN 4 (P4) R 1 F 107 YFfWN 4 V 16 as significant as residue 107. The single mutation at residue 440 resulted in a greater level of attenuation over those at residues 138 and 176, but only in two of the three independent tests performed (i.e., —40% niortality observed with a mutation at residue 440). In summary, neurovirulence of the YF/WN chi meras in which modified amino acids were inserted in the E protein at residues 107, 316, and 440 were the most important contributors to neurovirutence. Based on this information, a multisite V. 316 construct was selected as our F 107 YF/WN R 0 vaccine candidate (ChimeriVax-WN ). 02 Neurovirulence studies in mice and in rhesus and cynomolgus macaques. Neurovirulence of viruses with single or multisite mu tations in the YF/WN virus E gene was measured in 21-day-old mice inoculated by the i.c. route with doses between iO and i0 PFU. This assessment identified only residues 107 and 280 (Ta ble 4) and the combination of residues 316 and 440 (Table 5) as the dominant attenuating mutations as measured by mor tality and AST. The chimera selected as our vaccine candidate had mutations F, V, and R at residues 107, 316, and 440, respec tively, and was avirulent for the adult mouse (Table 5). However, this virus was neurovirulent for a 2-day-old suckling mouse (data not shown). Because mice become resistant to flavivirus infection in an age-dependent manner, the suckiing mouse is the most sensitive host for determining subtle differences in neuroviru , virus in suck 0 lence. Preliminaty studies with ChimeriVax-WN ling nice of various ages showed that nice 8 days of age were able to discriminate differences in neurovirulence, whereas younger mice were too susceptible to differentiate the attenuation phe 02 vaccine candidate. notype of the ChimeriVax-WN A GLP study was undertaken to characterize the neuroviru c 0 D 0 0) 0 CD 0 - 1 0 3 t3 Taconic, 1CR strain, 3 to 4-week-old female mice. Results of independent experiments are shown. Taconic, 1CR strain (3 to 4-week-old feniale niice). P2 and P3 indicate second and third generation virus passage on Vero ceils, respectively. C, 01 site-directed TABLE 5. Neurovji-ijlence of ChimeriVax-WN 11) 3 lence of the good manufacturing practice (GMP) manufac , production virus seed (P4) and a 0 tured ChimeriVax-WN vaccine lot (P5) prepared for clinical trials. Four litters (32 mice) of 8-day-old suckling mice were inoculated by the i.c. route with 20 ii containing iO, iO, or iO PFU of either production virus seed (P4) or vaccine (P5) virus. Control ani mais of the same age received either lO or iO PFU of YF 3 VAX. Negative controis were inoculated with diluent. The results are shown in Table 6. There were no differences across dose groups in the mortality ratios, and therefore data from dose groups for each test article were combined for statistical analysis. There was no difference in the mortality ratio of animals infected with P4 or P5. Both the production virus seed (P4) and the vaccine (P5) were highly attenuated compared to YF-VAX. The neurovirulence profile of the WN vaccine is therefore similar to that of the ChimeriVax-JE vaccine, which is currently in phase II clinicai trials (25). In a pilot monkey neurovirulence study, the ChimeriVax 01 construct was compared to that of the YF 17D vaccine. WN Rhesus macaques were screened and found negative for flavi virus antibodies by hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test (kindly performed by Robert Shope, University of Texas Med ical Branch, Galveston, Tex.). Groups of three young adult 1 to 0 0 1 01 t,’) 0 < (0 H 0 132 0 0 0 1 ni 0 0 1 , 0 TABLE 6. Comparative neurovirulence of the ChimeriVax-WN ) vaccine candidate (P5), production virus seed 1 ,V 3 F 107 (YF/WN R 1 (P4), and YF-VAX in 8-day-old suckling 1CR mice (GLP study) Test article . Negative control 02 P4 production virus seed ChimcriVax-WN , P5 vaccinc lot 02K01 5 ChimcriVax-WN YF-VAX % Mortalitv (no. dead/no. tested) - 0 1 4 98 (0/32) (1/96) (4/96) (63/64) Statistical significance was determined by Fisher’s exact test (two sided). 02 P5 versus YF-VAX, and P = 03684 for P < 0.0001 for ChimeriVax-WN , P4 versus P5. 0 ChimeriVax-WN fl1 VoL. 78, 2004 ChimeriVax-WEST NILE VACCINE PRECLINICAL EVALUATION 12501 TABLE 7. Pilot study with rhesus monkeys of neurovirulence of ChimeriVax-WN 01 relative to YF-VAX based on neuropathological evaluation at 30 days post-i.c. inoculations Test article . YF-VAX Monkey Se Back ttration dose 111 PFU) (1og Som of areas M 4.40 0.59 F 4.40 0.5 0 0.64 P417 0.43 0.28 N555 F 4.40 1.5 0.66 0.94 0.58 ± 0.13 0.60 ± 0.33 0.67 N525 D402 C358 M M F ± 0.76 5.07 1.0 0.58 0.72 4.99 5.06 0.5 0 0.48 0.42 0.48 0.28 Mean ± SD ‘ Discriminator area G211 Mean ± SD 01 ChimeriVax-WN Individual histopathological score Target area 0.50 ± 0.50 0.49 ± 0.08 0 0.49 ± 0.22 M, male; F, fcmalc. 0 0 0 CD 0 -4, 1 0 rhesus monkeys were inoculated by the i.c. route with 5 log 10 PFU of ChimeriVax-WN 01 or 4.4 1og 10 PFU of commercial YF 17D vaccine (YF-VAX) (Table 7). Monkeys inoculated with the chimera had a mean peak viremia titer of 1.85 ± 0.9 1og 10 PFU/ml with a mean duration of 4.5 days. Monkeys inoculated with YF-VAX had a similar viremia profile (mean peak vire mia titer of 2.65 ± 0.1 log 11 PFU/ml and a mean duration of 4.5 days). Histological scores induced by ChimeriVax-WN 01 were lower than those of a higher dose of YF-VAX (Table 7). Histological lesions in all six monkeys were mildly infiamma tory, predominantly small perivascular infiltrates. The vast ma jority of them were scored as grade 1 on a scale of 1 to 4. No involvement of neurons was seen. The lesions were located mostly in YF vaccine discriminator centers (the basal ganglia! thalamus areas and both enlargements of the spinal cord). Comparison of the two groups of monkeys for the severity and distribution of lesions did not reveal any noticeable difference. On a second neurovirulence study, cynomolgus mon keys were inoculated with YF/WNFVR vaccine candidate ) production virus seed (P4). These ma 02 (ChimeriVax-WN caques were screened and found negative for fiavivirus anti bodies by HI test (kindly performed by Robert Shope). Eleven monkeys were inoculated i.c. with 4.74 1og 10 PFU of YF/WN FVR production virus seed (P4), 11 reference control monkeys received 5.34 log 1 PFU of YF-VAX, and 5 negative control monkeys received diluent. The monkeys were evaluated for changes in clinical signs (twice daily), body weight (weekly), and food consumption (daily). Clinical signs were assigned scores according to a clinical scoring system based on the WHO requirements for YF vaccine (36). YF 17D vaccine virus was detected in the sera of 10 of 11 monkeys inoculated with YF-VAX. The mean peak viremia ± standard deviation (SD) was 357 ± 579 PFU/ml, and the mean number of viremic days was 2.45 ± 1.13. Monkeyviremia titers were below the 500 and 100 YF-VAX mouse ie. LD 50 values, which are the maximum acceptable titers for individual mon key and group viremia titers (i.e., present in no more than 10% of the monkeys). respectively, as established under the WHO requirements for YF 17D vaccine. ChimeriVax-WN vaccine virus was detected in the sera of 10 of 11 monkeys inoculated with ChirneriVax-WN , vaccine pro 0 duction seed bank (P4). The duration of viremia was 1 to 5 days (mean, 2.9 ± 1.38) with peak titers ranging from 180 to 6,400 PFU/ml. The nuniber of viremic days did not differ between treatment groups (P = 0.4067; analysis of variance [AVOVAJ). A higher proportion of monkeys (91%) was viremic on the first 3 -r day after inoculation than that seen in the YF-VAX group (27%). On days 2 to 3 after inoculation, the proportion of viremic monkeys (82%) was the same as for YF-VAX. The mean peak viremiawas 2,097 ± 1,845 PFU/ml. Although the mean peakvire mia titers for ChimeriVax-WN , production virus seed (P4) 0 were higher than that of the reference YF-VAX vaccine (P = 0.0073; ANOVA), individual monkey and group viremia titers for ChimeriVax-WN vaccine remained within acceptable group and individual monkey specifications, based upon WHO require ments for YF 17D vaccine (36). The WHO specifications stip ulate that no individual monkey will have a viremia exceeding 500 ie. adult mouse LD /ml and that no more than 10% of the 50 animals will have a viremia exceeding 100 i.c. mouse LD /ml. 50 We have determined that these limits correspond to 20,000 Vero PFU/0.03 ml and 4,000 PFU/0.03 ml, respectively, in the case of YF-VAX (an LD 50 for ChimeriVax-WN , cannot be deter 0 mined). The monkey viremias observed following ChimeriVax WN do not exceed the limits set for YF vaccine. 07 There were no abnormalities in hematology or clinical chem istry values associated with treatment. A complete necropsy was performed on day 31, and tissues were prepared for his topathology. There were no ChimeriVax-WN , production 0 seed (P4)-related histopathologic changes in kidney, heart, liver, adrenal glands, or spleen. (0 3 1 CD — 0 t3 -4 Oi 12 0 -& F.) 0 (1) H (-) tIJ 0 -J G) 0 T m 0 0 TABLE 8. Summary of CNS histopathologic lesion scores in cynomolgus monkeys inoculated by the i.c. route with ChimeriVax , production virus seed (P4), YF-VAX, or negative control 0 WN Mean z SD lesion scores Treatment group Negative control , 11 ChimcriVax-WN production virus seed (P4) YF-VAX P-value’ Target areas 5 11 0 0.12 ± 0.11 11 0.5 ± 0.22 0.000476 Discriminator areas Combined score 0 0.13 ± 0 0.13 0.54 ± 0.23 0.000357 0.13 ± 0.09 0.52 ± 0.2 0.000122 The Kruskall-Wallis test was used for comparison of the ChimeriVax and YF-VAX groups. 1 m 12502 J. Vn.oi. ARROYO ET AL. TABLE 9. Neutralizing antibody titers (PRNT ) and protective 50 high titers of neutralizing antibodies to the respective virus with which they were inoculated (data not shown). Immunogenicity and efficacy studies in mice and rhe , and 0 sus monkeys. The immunogenicity of ChimeriVax-WN , was evaluated in adult 1CR mice inoculated 0 ChimeriVax-WN by the s.c. route. Serum neutralizing antibodies were measured by PRNT 4 weeks after vaccination with a single dose, and titers 50 were expressed as the geometric mean titer (GMT) (Table 9). , vaccine elicited antibody titers 0 In mice, ChimeriVax-WN that were approximately lO-fold lower than those elicited by 01 virus, reflecting the greater attenuation of ChimeriVax-WN this virus. However, when mice were challenged i.p. with 1,000 50 of wild-type WN NY99, mice that had been immunized LD , or 0 with either ChimeriVax-WN were protected in a dose dependent manner. A vaccine dose of io PFU of ChimeriVax 02 protected all animals, whereas a dose of io PFU pro WN tected only 40% of the animals. Young adult rhesus monkeys seronegative for WN neutral izing antibodies were vaccinated by the s,c. route with three dif ferent chimeric vaccines: (i) a chimera containing the E107 (L—* F) single-site mutation (YF/WNF); (ii) a chimera containing two mutations at E316 (A—.V) and E440 (K—>R) (YF/WNVR); and (iii) ChimeriVax-WN , containing all three mutations. 0 Viremia in the monkeys immunized with the different ChimeriVax-WN viruses following s.c. inoculation was longer relative to YF-VAX in some animals, although the levels de tected at later time points were very low (Table 10). Viremias in monkeys receiving the ChimeriVax-WN vaccines ranged 50 PFU/ml, with a mean duration of 3.5 to 5 from 1.0 to 2.3 log days. The mean peak titers of the viremia in monkeys given YF-VAX were approximately the same as those receiving the WN vaccines. Among the ChimeriVax-WN vaccines, the vire mia titers measured suggest an inverse relationship between activity of ChimeriVax-WN candidate vaccines in adult 1CR mice challenged by the i.p. route” Wild-type WN NY99 PRNTa, % Survival (no. live! total) Vaccine s.c. dose 5 PFIJ) (log, GMT ± SD (4 wk posts.c. vaccine) 01 ChimeriVax-WN 3.48 197 ± 93 3 100 (8/8) ChimcriVax-WN, 2.64 5.01 20 ± 0 37±45 3 3 40 (4/10) 100(9/9) NA” 0 3 0 (0/5) Negative control challenge i.p. dose 10 PFU) (1og “ Micc wcrc challcngcd 4 weeks after s.c. vaccination (challengc titer was not back titrated). “NA, not applicable. ( Histopathology of the bram and spinal cord was performed according to the methods described by Levenbook et al. (20) and incorporated into the WHO requirements for YF vaccine (36). Central nervous system (CNS) lesions were noted in 11 of , 0 11 and 10 of 11 of YF-VAX-treated and ChimeriVax-WN vaccine-treated monkeys, respectively, and there were no CNS lesions in the vehicle control monkeys. Infiammatory lesions induced by both viruses in the meninges and the bram and spinal cord matter were minimal to mild (grades 1 or 2) and composed of scanty, mostly perivascular infiltrates of mononu dear celis. There was no involvement of neurons in any of the - or YF-VAX-treated monkeys. Summary 02 ChimeriVax-WN data are presented in Table 8. ChimeriVax-WN production virus seed (P4) was signiflcantly less neurovirulent (P < 0.05) than the reference article, YF-VAX, in the target, discrimina tor, and combined rnean lesion scores. All monkeys developed 0 ZI 0 0.) 0. (t’ ci. -t, 1 0 3 :3- -a 0) t,, 3 b -‘ (0 0 0 1 (ii 0 - 0 (1) -1 TABLE 10. Viremia in rhesus monkcys inoculated by the s.c. route with YF-VAX, ChimeriVax-WN virus constructs with single or , vaccine candidate 0 double mutations, and the ChimeriVax-WN Vaccine and monkey Viremia (1og 10 PFU/ml) at day postinoculation”: Vaccine dose (log, PFU) 1 2 3 4 5 YF-VAX M017 BlOl R286 T081 4.49 4.49 4.49 4.49 0 0 0 1.3 1.0 1.6 1.8 1.0 2.1 2.0 2.8 1.5 2.9 1.9 2.6 2.0 2.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YF/WN, F 07 N313 P367 TOS7 AESI 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 1.6 0 2.3 2.3 2.0 1.7 2.3 2.1 1.0 1.6 1.3 1.6 1.3 1.8 1.3 1.3 1.0 2.3 0 0 YF/WN V,,R 315 R918 N577 M233 T757 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 0 1.0 0 0 2.0 1.9 0 0 1.5 1.5 1.0 0 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.6 YF/WN 2729 T445 T086 T491 3.92 3.92 3.92 3.92 1.0 1,0 1.0 0 0 1.6 0 1.5 0 1.5 1.3 0 1.0 0 1.3 1.0 “ 6 Mean peak titer ± SD Meso duration 0 0 0 0 2.4 ± 0.5 3.5 0 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.2 ± 0.2 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 1.6 0 0 0 1.8 0 1.8 ± 0.2 3.5 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0 0 1.4 ± 0.2 4.5 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0 10 (days) 0 0 0 G) 0 m 0 PFU/ml is the assay tower limit. No virus was detected in the assay at day 0 (preinoculation); 1.0 log, 5 C) 0 t > m VoL. 78, 2004 ChimeriVax-WEST NILE VACCINE PRECLINICAL EVALUATION TABLE 11. Reciprocal neutralizing antibody titers (PRNT ) 0 against ChimeriVax-WN virus, rhesus monkeys inoculated by the s.c. route wiih YF-VAX or ChimeriVax-WN vaccine candidates PRNT) on da?: Vaccine and monkey” YF-VAX M017 BIOl R286 TOSi Dose 10 PFU) (1og 4.49 GMT YF/WN F 17 N313 4.19 P367 T087 Postimmunization 14 30 <320 <320 <320 640 >640 >640 >640 >640 380 640 160 <40 <40 >640 640 640 >640 57 640 453 4,305 4,305 <40 320 >640 >1,280 2,560 320 320 >640 >1,280 640 >1,280 2,560 >5,120 453 1,076 2,560 <40 AE81 GMT Postchallenge 63 15 >5,120 NA’ 2,560 1,280 640 NA 2,560 >10,240 2,153 3,620 31—34 NA 2,560 NA 5.120 3,620 >640 2,560 5,120 640 5,120 2,560 >640 2,560 1.280 160 >10,240 >20,480 3 6 YFfWN 440 V R918 4.0 N577 M233 T757 <40 160—320e <40 160—320e <40 40 GMT YF/WNR J729 T445 T086 T491 GMT 40 3.92 135 <40 320 80 640 160 320—64(Y 80 320 80 381 1,280 80 160 >640 160 >5,120 640 1,280 2,560 >5,120 >5,120 >5,120 >5,120 190 1,280 5,120 For GMT, if an endpoint was not rcached, the assay limit titcr was used in the caiculation (eg., >640 taken as 640 and <40 was taken as 40). 0 was calculated after subtraction of the PRNT from day 0 serum PRNT samples. 1 caiculation feit bctwccn the titers shown. The lower titer was used PRNT., for the OMT caleuiation. aNA not appilcabie. the number of attenuating mutations in the chimera and the peak titer of viremia (Table 10), but small sample size pre cludes definitive characterization of these differences. The immunogenicities of vaccine candidates with one, two, or three attenuating mutations were similar (Table 11). Neu tralizing antibody titers ranged from 40 to >640 depending upon the vaccine. There were no significant differences in neutralizing antibody response between treatment groups (Ta bie 11). High titers of neutralizing antibodies (>100 PRNT ) 50 were present 30 and 63 days after vaccination. The observation that monkeys developed neutralizing antibodies by day 14 in dicates that ChimeriVax-WN 02 elicits rapid onset of protective immunity. Rhesus rnonkeys vaccinated with YF-VAX developed neu tralizing antibodies against YF 17D with GMTs of 380 on day 14 postvaccination and 2,153 by day 63, which was 1 day before challenge with the virulent WN NY99 virus. Monkeys immunized with ChimeriVax-WN single, double or triple mutants were uniformiy protected against lethal i.c. chal 12503 lenge with WN NY99 (Table 12). It is noteworthy that 50% of the animals vaccinated with ChimeriVax-WN developed fever after challenge, with an average duration of 5 days postchal lenge, suggesting that they sustained subclinical infections. An i.c. challenge with WN virus is extremely aggressive and is the only route of challenge tested to induce WN virus disease in naïve rhesus monkeys. It is likely that virus replication occurs in bram tissue after i.c. inoculation and before a specific im mune response in the bram can be recruited for clearance of the virus. In the case of a human peripherally challenged by a mosquito bite, preexisting immunity would rapidly neutralize the virus and fever is unlikely to occur. However, none of the ChimeriVax-WN-immunized animals developed detectable viremia after challenge, none developed signs of iiiness (aside from fever), and none died. Vaccinated animals showed an increase in antibody levels postchallenge (Table 11), suggesting that viral replication and antigenic stimulation occurred with Out associated illness. Postchallengeviremias (.102 to iO PFU/ml) were detected in the control monkeys that had previously been immunized with YF-VAX (Table 12). Two Out of four monkeys vaccinated with YF-VAX (M017 and R286) developed a high fever and signs of encephalitis: muscie tremors, anorexia, and spasticity. These two animals were euthanized between days 9 and 11 after challenge. The other two YF-VAX-vaccinated animals developed fever and survived ie. challenge with WN NY99 strain without any cLinical symptoms; this finding is attributed to cross-protection across the two flaviviruses. Two monkeys without any prior vaccination were also chal 0 0 :5 0 0) 0 0 - 1 0 3 1’ (1) 3 ö 1 to 0 :5 > -t 01 0 TABLE 12. Viremia and clinical outcome in rhesus monkeys immunized with ChimeriVax-WN or YF-VA.X and chalenged 63 days later by the i.c. route with 5.38 1og 10 PFU of wild-type WN NY99 virus Viremia by day post-i.c. chalienge (Iog PFU/rnl) Vaccine and monkey 1 2 3 4 No. of monkeys with outcome/total (%) 5 lllness Neg control K396 P500 2.0 2.0 3.1 3.1 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.2 0 1.0 2/2 (100) YF-VAX M017 BlOl R286 T081 2.5 2.6 3.3 2.4 2.6 2.5 3.3 3.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 2.4 1.3 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 0 2/4 (50) Death 2/2 (100) t”) (0 H 0 w 2 ‘*,1 0 2)4 (50) 0 1 m F YF/WN 107 N313 P367 T087 AE8I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4(0) YF/WN R 1 11 V 16 R918 N577 M233 T757 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4(0) 0/4(0) ChimeriVa.x-WN , 0 J729 T445 T086 T491 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/4 (0) 0/4 (0) 0/4(0) 0 0 1 m 12504 J. ViisoL. ARROYO ET AL. TABLE 13. Neurovirulence of YF/WNFvR RMS (P4 and Pil)” and PMS (P2 and PlO)” in 2-day.old 1CR strain mice relative to YF 17D” Virus i.c. Mutation Back titration dose 10 PFU) (1og Mortality (no. deadJtotal) AST (days) ChimeriVax.WN 2 RMS P4 Pil None E336C—’S 1.73 2.08 80 (8/10) 60 (6/10) 14.5 13.67 ChinicriVax.WN , 0 PMS P2 PlO None E313G—’R 2.10 1.88 60(6/10) 70(7/10) 13 13.67 YF-VAX NA’ 1.90 100(10/10) 10.6 NA 0 (0/10) Negative control Viruscs were passed in a scrum-frec (SF-Vcro) stationary-ccll substrate. b Taconic, 1CR strain, mice. ‘NA, not applicable. lenged with WN NY99 virus. The two challenge control ani mais developed fever between days 5 and 9 postchallenge, with slight tremors progressing to ataxia and spasticity between days 10 and 11, and were euthanized between days 10 and 12. Genetic stability. In vitro and in vivo substrate-passage stud 01 or the YF/WN,R chimeric vac ies with ChimeriVax-WN ) were conducted to deter 02 cme candidate (ChimeriVax-WN mme genetic stability of the constructs when grown in stationary ceil cultures and in bram tissue. After six in vitro (‘ Vero E6 celi passages of the virus followed by six in vivo 1CR , no muta 1 adult mouse bram passages of ChimeriVax-WN tions were selected relative to the wild-type sequence of the 01 construct nor was prM and E genes in the ChimeriVax-WN there an increase in mouse neurovirulence (data not shown). A heterozygous mutation in the E protein at position E336 re sulting in a cysteine-to-serine change was identified following 10 in vitro passages of the YFIWNFvR virus in Vero E6 cells. In a separate study, in vitro passage of YF/WN,R in SF-Vero celis (manufacturing substrate) resulted in selection of a mu tation at position E313 that changed the amino acid at that position from glycine to arginine. Neurovirulence of these pas saged viruses for the 2-day-old suekling mice (ii = 10) inocu 10 PFU dose of viruses inciuding lated with a norninal 2-1og E313 and E336 mutations showed no increase in virulence relative to YF/\VNFvR PMS (Table 13). During all serial pas sages of the virus in Vero ceils or bram tissue, no reversions were detected at target E protein amino acid residues 107F, 316V, or 440R, the attenuation markers for the vaccine candidate. Additionally, during scale-up manufacturing of the ., vaccine, no reversions at these critical res 0 ChimeriVax-\VN idues were detected. 02 production vi The GMP manufactured ChimeriVax-WN rus seed (P4) was used for inoculation of large-scale Vero-SF cultures grown on microcarrier beads in 100-liter bioreactors. An additionai mutation (L—*P) occurred in the vaccine at position 66 in the M protein. This mutation was associated with production of slightly smaller plaque size. The vaccine lot (P5) contained equal ratios of small and large plaques. Virus pop ulations with and without the M66 mutation were isolated by plaque purification and compared to the PMS (no detectable mutations) and the vaccine lot in the suckling mouse model. One litter (10 mice) of 8-day-old mice was inoculated by the i.c. 10 PFU of either large containing 2, 3, or 4 1og route with 20 plaque or small-plaque virus and observed for 21 days for signs of illness and death. For comparative purposes, litters of mice were inoculated with similar doses of the PMS (P2) and vac cme lot (P5) viruses. Mice of the same age were also inoculated () PFU of YF-VAX. Negative con trois were inocu 1 with 2 log lated with diluent (Table 14). There were no differences in mortality ratios across dose groups, and data were combined for analysis. Since the mortality ratio across all treatment groups differed (P < 0.0001), pairwise comparisons were per formed. The M66 mutation had no effect on mouse neuroviru lence. 0 0 0 0 0 -1, 1 0 3 Z3 t,, 3 b 1 CQ 0 Z5 1 ci, 0 DISCUSSION - The original YF/WN chimeric virus constructed by insertion of the prME genes from a wild-type WN virus strain was attenuated with respect to the parental YF 17D virus vector, but retained a degree of neurovirulence for adult mice. To develop a vaccine candidate with a wider margin of safety, we selectively introduced mutations in the donor WN virus. Mu tations introduced into the E protein of the WN donor virus utilized a strategy based on the previous construction of ChirneriVax-JE vaccine, which contained donor prME genes from an attenuated vaccine strain of JE (SA14-14-2 virus) (3, 4, 28). The SA14-14-2 virus contains mutations at six amino acid residues (E107, E138, E176, E279, E315, and E439) that (1W) -1 0 ci 0 1 0 0 0 1 m 0 0 TABLE 14. Neurovirulence of small- and large-plaque viruses isolated from ChimeriVax-WN(), P5 vaccine in 8-day-old 1CR mice inoculated ie.” 1 P value for : 5 Test article Mutation % Mortality (no. dead/no. lested) Test article vs Negative control Sham (negative control) PMS (P2) Vaccine lot (P5; large and small plaque) Large plaque Small plaque YF-VAX None E313G—uR, M66L—’P E313G—’R E3I3G—sR, M66L—sP 0 13 23 3 13 (0/10) (4/30) (7/30) (1/30) (4/30) 100 (10/10) 0.5558 0.1612 1.000 0.5558 YF-VAX <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 m Large plaque vs small plaque 0.3533 <0.0001 15 7 Additional mutations appearing during Vero 4 5 , 3 F 4 V , Viruses used in the cvaluation containcd the sitc.directcd attcnuating mutations ,,R. 0 All ChimcriVax-WN cdl passage are shown in the table. Fisher’a exact test (two sided). VOL 78, 2004 ChimeriVax-WEST NILE VACCINE PRECLINICAL EVALUATION play a role in neurovirulence (3). The WN and JE wild-type gene sequences are conserved at most of these residues (except 176), suggesting that mutations introduced at these sites in WN virus could have the same attenuating effect as they did in the case of JE SA14-14-2. As predicted, we found that mutagenesis of the WN E residues E107, E280 (corresponding to E279 in JE virus), and E316 (corresponding to E315 in JE virus) caused attenuation of the YF/WN virus chimera. Surprisingly, while an E138 mutation, E—K, was associated with a marked atten uation of JE virus (3, 34), a corresponding mutation in the WN gene did not reduce the neurovirulence of the YF/WN virus to the expected 0% mortality by the mouse neurovirulence test. Mutation of the E protein at E440 (corresponding to E439 in JE virus) from K—+R, a conservative residue change, also re duced neurovirulence for mice. A construct with the three mutations of F, V, and R at positions E107, E316, and E440, respectively, was designated ChimeriVax-WN 02 and was se lected as the candidate for manufacture of the vaccine for clinical studies. ChimeriVax-WN , was not neuroinvasive corn 0 pared to WN NY99 virus and had reduced neurovirulence compared to YF 17D vaccine virus. Attenuation of this virus was conferred by the mutation at E107, which maps to the fusion peptide in the second domain as predicted in the crystal structure of the E protein (1, 12, 32). This amino acid is thought to reduce virulence by altering the function of the fusion peptide in the natural cycle of the virus replication. The additional ChimeriVax-WN , mutations at positions E316 and 0 E440 map in domain III on the crystal structure of the E protein. Residue E316 is thought to be involved in binding of tick-borne encephalitis virus to the virus receptor on the ceil plasma membrane (1, 32) and thus may play a role in WNvirus celI ently. Residue E440 is in the transmembrane region of the E protein and is believed to be involved in anchoring the E protein during its translation in the endoplasmic reticulum; hence, a mutation at E440 may be altering the natural associ ation of the E protein with prM (2). The K-to-M mutation at position E280 that attenuated neurovirulence for mice was not included in the final vaccine because It appeared unstable, similar to the corresponding residue in JE virus E protein sequence (i.e., E279) shown to be unstable during in vitro passage. A reversion to K at position 279 in the JE virus E protein occurred after less than five passages of the virus in MRC-5 ceils (22). Mutation of residue E176 from Y in the WN virus sequence to either V or T, as seen in JE strains, did not suggest a significant change in neurovirulence; therefore, po sition E176 was not changed in the final vaccine candidate sequence (unpublished results). This observation contrasts to the previously published results linking a mutation from 1 to V at position E176 in the JE virus envelope protein to neuro virulence (3, 28). Other approaches to flavivirus chimeras em ployed an attenuated dengue virus genome backbone to pro duce chimeric dengue virus vaccine candidates against the four major serotypes (15); similarly, a dengue virus has been used to deliver the prM and E genes of WN virus, producing an atten uated vaccine candidate shown protective in a nonhuman pri mate model (30). This dengue/WN virus chimeric construct was attenuated by virtue of the chimeric nature and as a result of a 30-nucleotide deletion in the 3’ end noncoding region (untranslated region) of the virus genome. Safety of ChimeriVax WN 02 (YF/WNFVR) is characterized 12505 by three features: (i) loss of neuroinvasion relative to wild-type WN virus; (ii) introduction of three site-directed mutations in two E protein domains, each independently associated with attenuation; and (iii) conservation of the FVR mutations after in vitro passage in manufacturing-related substrates. The safety of ChimeriVax-WN 02 was evaluated in a sensitive 8-day-old suckling mouse model and in rhesus monkeys and in cynomolgous macaques inoculated by the i.c. route. In all hostvirus pairings, the chimeric virus proved to be significantly less neurovirulent than the licensed YF-VAX vaccine. The monkey safety test was performed as prescribed by current regulations applicable to YF vaccines (36) and showed that the vaccine was significantly less virulent than YF-VAX. The nonhuman pri mate model has been previously used to assess the safety of other chimeric vaccines against JE and dengue virus (6, 18, 24). After s.c. inoculation of rhesus monkeys, viremias were more erratic and of longer duration in animals immunized with the ChimeriVax-WN vaccines than in animals given YF-VAX (Ta bIe 10). The mean peak titer viremia for YF-VAX-vaccinated monkeys was —1 log higher than that for the ChimeriVax 02 (triple mutant) vaccine candidate. The longer viremia WN observed after immunization with the chimeric viruses suggests that the viruses replicate in different tissues had different re ticuloendothelial clearance rates from the parental YF 17D virus or had different kinetics of immune response. We are currently studying the sites of replication of ChimeriVax-WN , 0 and YF-VAX in tissues of cynomolgus macaques and will report results in a future publication. In addition, future clin ical trials will assess the magnitude and duration of viremia following ChimeriVax-WN , and YF-VAX and establish cor0 relations between viremia and adverse events. The low titer of the viremia observed in rhesus monkeys after s.c. vaccination with the chimeric vaccine candidates suggests that ChimeriVax WN(), vaccine has an acceptable phenotype for trials in hu mans. The triply mutated virus (ChimeriVax-WN ) vaccine ap 02 peared to be less immunogenic than the wild-type chimera in mice, but performed satisfactorily in nonhuman primates. 02 vaccine rapidly elicited a neutralizing anti ChimeriVax-WN body response in all rhesus monkeys and provided solid pro tection against an aggressive i.c. challenge with 5 log 10 PFU of WN NY99 virus. A partially protective immune response was observed in two of the four rhesus monkeys immunized with YF 17D and subsequently challenged with wild-type WN virus. Previous observations by others have shown the cross-protective effect of prior exposure to phylogenetically related flaviviruses and concluded that potential for protective cross-reactivity is un likely to prevent infection and only likely to prevent disease (16). Similarly, we observed that prior YF immunization of monkeys did not prevent infection (viremia) after WN virus challenge, but may have provided an element of protection against death. It should be pointed out that the interval be tween YF immunization and challenge was relatively brief and that cross-protection between heterologous flaviviruses often diminishes over time, probably due to affinity maturation of the antibody response and waning of T-cell immunity. It is highly unlikely that YF immunity would provide reliable cross-pro tection of humans and therefore a specific, homologous (WN) vaccination strategy must be pursued. This observation is sim 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 -, 0 3 -‘- (1) 3 b -‘ CD 0 > 0 1 Cii r\J c 0 (-t) H 0 UJ 1; 25O6 Q Ç. ARROYO ET AL. ilar to a previous report that hamsters vaccinated with YF 17D were somewhat cross-protected against WN virus challenge induced disease (35). However, in the rhesus model, only those animals immunized with the WN vaccines and subsequently challenged with wild-type WN virus i.c. did not show postchal lenge WN virus viremia. All of the surviving animals vaccinated with ChimeriVax-WN displayed increases in WN neutralizing antibodies after i.c. challenge indicating that the challenge virus had replicated in bram tissue (without causing illness) or that the challenge inoculum, which was quite large, provided sufficient antigen for stimulation of B ceils. The experimental design did not allow a proper test of whether the preexisting immunity would have been “sterilizing” if the challenge moe ulum had been delivered by a natural (parenteral) route in stead of i.c. Sterile immunity could be tested by measuring the immune response to nonstructural proteins of the WN chal lenge virus. Others have reported that experimental WN vac cines elicit sterilizing immunity against parenteral challenge (11). Since the first experimental vaccine construct with wild-type prME sequence was less neurotropic than commercial YF vac cme, the chimeric vaccine with three attenuating mutations has a wide margin of safety. To maintain this ultra-attenuated phenotype, the vaccine candidate must retain attenuating mu tations FVR introduced to retain the level of attenuation re quired. Because of the quasispecies nature of RNA viruses, variations in the sequence are to be expected during vaccine manufacture. Therefore, quality of the product is carefully monitored during manufacture by tests for genotypic and phe notypic stabiity. Safety is ensured by the demonstration of conservation of the amino acid residues identified to play a role in attenuation (shown by direct sequencing release tests); for ChimeriVax-WN , the required conserved residues are E 02 protein 107F, 316V, and 440R. In addition, the attenuated virulence phenotype of the vaccine is tested by infant mouse neurovirulence test performed on seed viruses and each vac cme batch. Currently, the product specifications for sequence data have been expanded to inciude full genomic sequencing of cach vaccine hatch rather than confirmation only of the point mutations at residues 107, 316, and 440. When ChimeriVax 02 virus was passed in Vero cells, with al least twice the WN number of passages required for manufacture of the vaccine, the FVR mutations were maintained. Passage of the vaccine candidate, in vitro or in vivo, selected mutations in the vicinity of residue E316 (at E313 and al E336) without compromising the neurovirulence phenotype of ChimeriVax-WN 02 and sup porting our mutagenesis approach to ensure vaccine safety When the vaccine was scaled up for manufacture of clinical material in 100-liter bioreactors, a mutation at M66 was de tected. This mutation also did not affect neurovirulence or immunogenicity of the vaccine. J. Vioi. Rosa and Robert B. Tesh; and from Acambis, mc., Rich Weitzin, Zheng-Xi Zhang, Jian Liu, and Rick Nichols. Thanks go to Denise Goens for critical review of the manuscript. REFERENCES 1. Allison, S. L., J. Schalich, K. Stiasny, C. W. Mandi, and F. X. Irleinz. 2001. Mutatiortal evidence for an intemal fusion peptide in flavivirus errvelopc protein E. J. Virol. 75:4268-4275. 2. Allison, S. L., K Stiasny, K. Stadier, C. W. Mandl, and F. X. Heinz. 1999. 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Add,tional services and information for Veterinary Pathology Online can be found at: Email Alerts: erts Subscriptions: Reprints: Permissions: » Version of Record - Jul 1, 2001 What is This? DownIoded fron, vet ongepob core ot MERCK & CO INC 0fl Apni 5.2012 Vet Pathol 38:4)4—421 (2001) Pathologic and Immunohistochemical Findings in Naturally Occurring West Nile Virus Infection in Horses C. CwriL, E DEL PIER0, G. Di GuAIuo, AND M. Aiusici Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, Facolti di Medicina Veterinaria, Universitt degli Studi di Pisa, Pisa, Italy (CC, MA), Departrnent of Pathobiotogy, School of Veterinary Medicine, New Bolton Center, University of Pennsylvania, Kennel Square, PA (FDP); and Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dclie Regioni Lazio e Toscana, Rome, Italy (GDG) Abstract. The pathologic and peroxidase immunohistochemical features of West Nile flavivirus (WNV) infection were compared in four horses from the northeastem United States and six horses from centra) Italy. In all 10 animals, there were mild to severe polioencephalomyelitis ith small T Iymphocyte and lesser mac rophage perivascular infiltrate, multifocal glial nodules, neutrophils, and occasional neuronophagia. Perivascular hemorrhages, also noted macroscopicaily in two animals, were observed in 50% of the horses. In the four American horses, lesions extended from the basai nuclei through the bram stem and to the sacral spinal cord and were more severe than the lesions observed in the six Itaiian horses, which had moderate to severe lesions mainiy in the thoracolumbar spinal cord and mild rhombencephalic lesions. WNV antigen was scant and was identifled within the cytopiasm of a few neurons, fibers, glial celis, and macrophages. WNV infection in horses is characterized by lesions with little associated antigen when compared with WNV infection in birds and some fatal human infections and with other important viral encephalitides of horses, such as alphavirus infections and rabies. Key words: Horses, immunohistochemistry, nervous system disease, polioencephalomyelitis, West Nile fia vivirus. West Nile virus (WNV) is a member of the genus Flavivirus (family Flaviviridae) and was originally iso lated from the blood of a woman with fever in the West Nile province of Uganda in 1937.28 The virus is primarily transmitted and amplified between avian res ervoir hosts by many species of mosquitoes in enzo otic transrnission cycles. During periods of favorable ecologic and climatic conditions, virus-carrying mos quitoes can transmit WNV to susceptible mammals and birds, causing epidemics and/or epizootics of en cephalitis in humans and horses and mortality in cer tam domestic and wild birds. A recent review of the 3 In En epidemiology of WNV has been published.’ rope, Africa, and Eurasia, WNV bas caused sporadic cases and outbreaks in humans and horses since the early 1960s,’° but the virus was isolated for the first time in the United States in 1 999•3 West Nile virus was first recognized in Italy in a 1998 outbreak involving 14 horses from nine different 2 This epizootic occurred farms in central Tuscany. from August to October 1998, and 6 of the 14 affected horses presented with sudden tetraparesis or parapa resis, progressing to tetraplegia and recumbency; 8 an irnals recovered without significant consequences. Four of the six recumbent horses were euthanatized, and the other 2 died spontaneously. No cases of dis- ease in human beings and other domestic or wild an imals were observed during the equine epizootic in Tuscany. Fifty-seven cases of equine WNV encepha loinyelitis were recognized from May to November 2000 in seven states in the northeastern United States. A total of 23 horses died or were euthanatized because 4 Prelirninary reports sug of severe neurologic signs. gested that a cluster of 25 cases of equine neurologic disease coinciding with the 1999 human cases of fatal viral encephalitis in New York City were most likely 34 Although it is still unclear due to WNV infection. how many horses developed WNV encephalomyelitis in 1999 in the counties nearby New York City, the virus spread rapidiy in 1 year to the equine populations of the adjacent coastal states, and rapid additional virus diffusion is expected. The clinical and neuropathologic features of spon taneous ‘%VNV infection in the horse have been re 2 However, the lesions in horscently reported in detail. es from the northeastern United States have not been reported and the tissue distribution of WNV in horses bas not previously been described. In this comparative study, which includes horses from Italy and the United States, we evaluated the lesions and the immunohis tochemical distribution of WNV antigen in the ner vous systern and major organs of affected horses using 4)4 Dowr,Ioode from v,t,ogopob oor’ 01 MERCK & CD INC 0fl Apni 5.2012 Table 1. 415 West Nile Virus in Horses Vet Pathol 38:4, 2001 Breed, age, gender, and origin of the 10 horses with WNV encephalomyelitis. Horse No. Breed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 F = female; M = Age Standardbred 2 years Standardbred 5 years Standardbred 6 years Standardbred 16 months Wielkopolski 12 years Standardbred 9 years Thoroughbred 30 years Quarter Horse 18 years Thoroughbred 8 years Thoroughbred 4 years male; MC = male castrated. serologic, virologic, and molecular methods. We also described the phenotypic characterization of the in flammatory celi infiltrates. Materials and Methods Complete postmortem examinations were carried out on six horses from Tuscany, central Italy. The horses were all females and ranged in age from 16 months to 12 years (horse Nos. 1—6; Table 1). These horses were examined during an epizootic of WNV infection in farms close to a ivetland pop ulated with numerous migratory birds and mosquitoes. 2 Post mortern examinations were also completed on 4 horses from the East Coast of United States (New Jersey, horse Nos. 7, 8, 10; New York state, horse No. 9; Table 1), that were submitted to the Department of Pathobiology, Section of Large Animal Pathology, New Bolton Center, University of Pennsylvania. The spinal cord of horse No. 8 was not ex amined because this animal was submitted with a presump tive diagnosis of viral encephalitis and had not been vacci nated for rabies. West Nile virus infection in horses from Italy was previously confirmed by virus isolation, reverse transcription polymer ase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and serologic examination (horse Nos. 1_6).2 Virus isolation on RK-l3Ky cultured celis and identification with specific monoclonal antibodies rec ognizing a WNV structural glycoprotein (glycoprotein E) were conducted with a Pool of fresh tissues (cerebral cortex, bram stem, cerebellum, spinal cord) from the four horses from the northeastern United States. Further virus identifi cation for these tissues was ohtained using a previously 1 slightly modified to achieve described RT-PCR technique’ resuits directly from pools of fresh tissues (E. Ostlund, per sonal communication). Representative tissue samples of ma jor organs and the w’hole centra! nervous system (CNS) ‘ere fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin solution and pro cessed for histology. Tissue sections were stained with he rnatoxylin and eosin (HE), periodic acid—Schiff, Luxol fast blue, and crystal violet for Nissl substance and were pro cessed with indirect immunoperoxidase staining using an au tomated slide processing unit (Autostainer Immunostaining System S3400, DAKO Corp., Carpinteria, CA). Tissue sec tions were mounted on Probe-On (Sigma Diagnostics, St. Louis, MO) glass slides coated with poly-L-lysine and de- Gender* F F F F F F MC MC F M Location Outcome Tuscany, Italy Tuscany, Italy Tuscany. Italy Tuscany, Italy Tuscany, Italy Tuscany, Italy New Jersey New Jersey New York New Jersey Euthanasia Euthanasia Deceased Euthanasia Deceased Euthanasia Euthanasia Euthanasia Euthanasia Euthanasia paraffinized using 1-lemo-De (Fisher Scientific, Ni). Endog enous peroxidases ‘ere inactivated with H . Tissues were 0 2 incubated in Proteinase K (DAKO) for 5 minutes at room temperature. The primary antibody was a murine polyclonal antibody recognizing specific epitopes of WNV. The anti body was diluted 1:50 in 4% diluent (DAKO) and incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature. The secondary antibody was a universal goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin conjugated to a peroxidase-labeled polymer (EnVision+TM, DAKO), which was incubated for 20 minutes at room temperature. The chromogen 3,3-dianilnobenzidine-4HCI, was incubated for 3 minutes at room temperature. The sections were coun terstained using Mayer’s hematoxylin (DA.KO), dehydrated, and coverslipped. The WNV positive control tissues were wild goose cerebrum, cerebellum, and heart from which WNV had been isolated and identitied using the techniques described above. WNV-free avian and maminalian tissues were used as negative controls, as were equine nervous tis sues containing rabies virus, encephalitic togaviruses, and equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1). Paired tissues samples were also stained using various separate primary mouse monoclo aal and rabbit polyclonal antibodies, including specific re agents for equine herpesviruses, equine arteritis virus, and eastern equine encephalitis alphavirus, that did not react with WNV. The absence of nonspecific binding of the secondary antibody was also evaluated by omitting the primary anti body. The leukocyte populations infiltrating the CNS were ex amined using antibodies recognizing CD3 of T ceils (rabbit polyclonal antibody, dilution 1:100, DAKO), BLA.36 of B cells (murine monoclonal antibody, dilution 1:60, DAKO), and MAC 387 of macrophages (murine monoclonal anti body, dilution 1:1600, DAKO). Pretreatment included pro teinase K (DAKO) for 5 minutes. The identity of celis la beled by each antibody was confirmed by the presence of morphologic features characteristic of each celi type. Posi tive controls were tissues from normal horses containing the appropriate cell types. Resuits Histologic lesions and peroxidase immunohisto chemistry results are reported in Table 2. Results of clinical examination and neuropathology of the horses Downloaded 1,0,,, vetoagepob oor,, at MERCK & CD INC en April 5.2012 Cantile, Dcl Piero, Di Guardo, and Arispici 416 Table 2. Distribution and degree of histologic Iesions* and WNV antigen encepholmyelitis. Vet Pathol 384, 200t in the CNS of the 10 horses with WNV Spinal Cord Pons + + ++ ++ ++ — — ++ ++ ++ + + Cerebral Cortex Thalamus Lesions Virus — +1— +1— + — Lesions Virus + Horse No. Cervical Thoracic Lunibosa cral ++ ++ ++ ++ +++ ++ +++ ++ +++ + NA NA NA NA NA NA + ++ + ++ ++ + ++ ++ + + + + ++ + ++ + + + ++ + ++ + Cerebellar Medulla Oblongata Cortex Mesencephalon Basal Nuclei 2 - + - - - - 3 Lesions Virus — — — + +1— — — — + + + + — — 4 L,esions Virus — — +1— — +I — — — — — 5 Lesions Virus — — +1— +1— + + + + ++ + + + + + + — — — — — — 6 ++ ++ Lesions Virus + Lesions Virus — Lesions Virus +/— - ++ + +++ + ++ ++ ++ ++ Lesions Virus — — ++ + + + + + ++ Lesions — +1’- +/— + + - - — — — — +/—* — ++ + ++ + ++ + ++ + — — ++ + ++ + +++ + + +++ ++ NA NA NA NA NA NA + ++ + + NA NA NA NA + + + NA NA 7 — +± + ++ + 8 +I— — 9 — — — 10 Virus * Degree of infiammatory changes (lesions); — = none; +1— — occasional; + - - - - = = mild; ++ = nioderate; +++ available. = negative; + = single ccli positivity; not available. Presence of perivascular hemorrhage. § Occasional presence of infiammatory les ions in some cortical areas associated with leptomeningitis. t lnimunohistochemical results, amount of WNV antigen (virus): — NA + + NA NA severe; NA not muitiple celi positivity; = involved in the 1998 WNV epizootic in central Italy 2 Infection in all horses have been reported elsewhere. was characterized by mild to moderate, multifocal lymphocytic polioencephalomyelitis with constant in volvement of the ventral and lateral horns of the tho racic and lumbar spinal cord and associated with mod erate to severe hemorrhage in some horses. Slight to moderate Iymphocytic and monocytic infiammation and scattered foci of microgliosis were observed in the medulla oblongata and pons and, to a lesser extent, in the basal nuclei, thalamus. and mesencephalon. In one horse from the northeastern United States (horse No. 7), lesions were macroscopically evident, with petechiae sparsely distributed throughout the en tire rhon3bencephalon and extending multifocally through the entire spinal cord (Fig. 1). These petechiae were especially prominent within the thalamus, the caudal bram stem, and the ventral horns of the spinal cord. All four Arnerican horses showed microscopic changes similar to those of the Italian horses. These changes were characterized by multifocal mild to se vere perivascular cuffs comprised of lymphocytes and OownI000ed Iroro vet.ragepb con, o MERCK & CO INC en ApnI 5.2012 West Nile Virus in Horses Vet Pathol 38:4, 2001 417 ‘t 5- t. ?‘;--. ..,. •‘“ :- :t ‘‘ ..r 1 ) 0’t4 S , •. ‘ ‘: t, -. , t, ‘“5 , t ;., t sta’ . 8’ ‘2 • .,,. ;t t - ; - ‘t! t - .4 ‘t’,. ‘4 ‘. “.r t’”’ q 0 t ,._a, -.t• ‘ tt .. .5’ )‘ ; S,. AØ 4. 4’ ‘•t * “t’ —4 1 S .1 3 S 1 ., a t , h t ‘‘t Gt • — t “4 • .—-—t. 0 •“ • _t 4 4 •4 • t.. - t. 4 S. S • t S * 4 4 .r, S 1 ‘,fr’ t t, ;, •: t. - S 9* • S t 1• 4 t 4. * t • •. .: ,b ‘. . t—.,. t — 4 —‘t b ;.,.... :« t.’ • ‘ — 4 4, 4* t4%• t 4 4%, t t— # 4 4 4, t *4 Fig. 1. Left thalamus (left) and cervical spinal cord (right); horse No. 7. Severe, multifocal, acute hen1orrhages mainly involve the gray matter. The ventral and medial edges of the thalamus have been trimmed, and the tissue is partially fixed in buffered formalin. Bar = 2 cm. Fig. 2. Thoracic spinal cord; horse No. 1. Lymphocytic cuffs and infiammation of the neuropil with neuronal degen eration and neuronophagia (arrow). HE. Bar 200 p.m. Fig. 3. Caudal bram stem; horse No. 8. Severe perivascular neutrophilic infiltrate with glial celis and a degenerate, shrunken, neuron surrounded by glial celis (bottom left). HE. Bar = 65 Ii.m. Fig. 4. Caudal bram stem; horse No. 7. Margination of intravascular leukocytes, diapedesis, hyaline degeneration of the arteriolar wall, and prominent perivascular hemorrhage. IIE. Bar = 65 pm. Fig. S. Medulla oblongata, reticular substance; horse No. 8. A prorninent swollen axon and several macrophages (bottom left) contain WNV antigen. Peroxidase immunohistochemistry and hematoxylin. Bar = 65 Ji.m. Fig. 6. Basal nuclei; horse No. 1. Neuron infected with WNV surrounded by glial ceils, lymphocytes, and a few macrophages. Neuronal cytoplasm, axon and a few glial celis contain WNV antigen. Peroxidase immunohistochemistry and hematoxylin. Bar 65 p.m. Downloaded lrorrr vet .agepub cor,, at MERCK & CO INC orr April 5,2012 418 Cantile. Del Piero, Di Guardo, and Arispici a few macrophages, with mild infiltration of lympho cytes and gliosis in the adjacent neuropil (Fig. 2). In the most severely affected areas, neuronal degenera tion was prominent and characterized by central chro matolysis, cytoplasmic swelling, or ceil shrinkage. Small, scattered microglial foci, occasional neurono phagia, and presence of small necrotic areas cornprised of macrophages, neutrophils and cellular debris were also observed (Fig. 3). In all horses from the north eastern United States, these lesions involved the basal nuclei, gray matter of thalamus, midbrain, lower bram stem, and ventral and lateral homs of the spinal cord. Scattered and small microglial foci were sometimes observed in the white matter of the spinal cord. Swol len axons (spheroids) were also noted in the most se verely affected spinal cord segments. Six of the 10 horses had a prom inent diapedesis of leukocytes, with mild to severe perivascular hemorrhage, degenerative changes and occasional necrosis of the vessel wall with presence of a few neutrophils; within the CNS blood vessel lumina, there were marginating small lymphocytes and macrophages (Fig. 4). Mild focal infiammation of cerebral and cerebellar cortical areas associated with mild leptorneningitis was occasionally observed. Choroid plexi, ependyma, and the pituitary and pineal glands were not affected. No lesions were detected in the remaining areas of the CNS, eyes, peripheral ganglia, or peripheral nerve samples. Age-related lesions in sorne older horses in cluded neuronal lipofuscinosis, vascular siderocalci nosis, choroid plexus hyalinosis, and cholesterinosis. A small adenoma of the pars intermedia of the pitui tary gland was observed in horse No. 9. Lesions in extraneural tissues of horses from the United States included mild scattered hemorrhages in the kidney me dulla and atrophy of spienic lyniphoid follicles (horse No. 7) and mild, focal and nonsuppurative myocarditis (horse No. 9). In sites of iiiflainmatory lesions, WNV antigen was mainly localized within the gray matter and had a fine ly granular appearance within the cytoplasm of a few morphologically normal and degenerate neurons. WNV antigen was also present in a large number of morphologically normal nerve fibers, axonal hillocks, glial cells, and spheroids of the medulla oblongata and spinal cord in all horses (Fig. 5). In the glial foci and areas of neutrophilic infiltration, small amounts of WNV antigen were contained within the cytoplasm of glial cells, macrophages, and occasional neutrophils. Occasionally, morphologically normal neurons dif fusely harbored intracytoplasmic WNV antigen (Fig. 6) and viral antigen-positive glial cells also surrounded some neuronophagic neurons. No viral antigen was de tected within the peripheral nervous system and extra neural tissues. Vet Pathol 384, 200t Perivascular and leptom eningeal infiammatory infil trate was composed almost exclusively of small T lym phocytes labeled for CD3 antigen. Occasionally, the perivascular infiltrates were composed purely of mac rophages labeled for MAC 387, and rare macrophages contained intracytoplasmic WNV antigen. No BLA.36 positive leukocytes were identified. Discussion The histologic lesions and clinical sigils observed in the affected horses were siinilar to those in the only previously described case of natural equine WNV in fection where a detailed pathologic examination was carried out. 9 Lesion morphology and distribution were typical of polioencephalomyelitis, with prevalent in volvement of lower bram stem and ventral horns of the thoracolumbar spinal cord, and were distinct from those of other equine encephalomyelitides. 2 The results obtained in the present study indicate that WNV ex hibits a pronounced, 1f not exclusive, CNS tropism in the horse. In all cases, the quantity of WNV antigen was scant when compared with the extent of the in flammatory lesions. Perivascular infiltrate and hemor rhage were frequent findings, but no evidence of direct viral infection of the vessel wall was detected by im munohistochemistry. The lack of apparent WNV antigen in extraneural tissues of the horses in this study is distinctly different from the widespread production of WNV antigen seen in infected birds ° and indicates that WNV infection in 3 horses is largely limited to CNS infection. Although some virus infection of other tissues may have oc curred early in the course of disease and been cleared prior to death, the lack of antigen and virus-associated lesions in extraneural tissues makes this possibility un likely. The Italian horses were examined 2 and 9 days following the onset of clinical signs, 2 and most Amer ican horses were euthanatized shortly after the onset of clinical disease; thus, limited numbers of virions may be sufficient to stimulate a significant CNS in flammatory response. The disassociation of virion den sity from lesion severity suggests an immunopatholog ic mechanism in the pathogenesis of WNV disease in horses. Different genetic variants of WNV may exhibit dif ferent pathogenicity for mammals and avian species. The strain of WNV isolated in the United States and in lsrael is highly pathogenic in many species of , 30 whereas other WNV strains have not been 3 birds,t associated with avian disease in nature. Strain varia tion also has been associated with differences in path ogenicity of WNV for ceil cultures and mice,’ 8 and differences in virulence for human beings has been L Neuro 2 denionstrated for a number of viral strains. virulence and neuroinvasiveness of encephalitogenic Dowrloaded froo vetagepb core al MERCr< & CO INC on Apni 5,2012 Vet Pathol 38:4, 2001 West Nile Virus in Ilorses flaviviruses has been associated with changes of the amino acid sequence of viral glycoprotein E and with mutations in the nonstruetural or untranslated regions of the fiavivirus genome.’ 5 Our finding that horses from the United States exhibited more widespread le sions in the bram than did horses from Italy suggests that the US strain of WNV is highly pathogenic in horses as well as birds. The Italian isolate is consid ered closely related to the WNV isolate from a Moj occan equine epizootic in 1996.’ No cases of avian or human disease have been associated with that partic ular WNV isolate. 32 West Nile virus experimental infection has been at tempted in horses, mules, sheep, ° donkeys, 3 24 dogs,’ and pigs,” resulting in low-level and transient viremia that was no longer detectable in horses 4—8 days fol lowing inoculation.’ 9 Mild pyrexia was observed 3—6 days following WNV inoculation. A second mild py retic phase was identified only in those animals that developed neurologic signs 5—22 days after inocula 0 Virus reisolation from different areas of the tiofl.19,2 CNS, in relation to the route of inoculation and du ration of the infection, suggested a descending neural kinetic of viral infection.’ 9 The onset, progression, and outcome of the disease depends on a number of fac tors, including species and route of inoculation, 33 in fective virus burden,’ 2 age, 823 and, as observed in hu 23 In the horses of this report, no mans, health status. influence of age was readily discernible, although oth er host factors may influence the course and outcome of flavivirus infection, ineluding immune responses and genetic factors. 26 In the horses of this study, no other important diseases were detected, suggesting that a concurrent disease does not play a major role in the pathogenesis of WNV infection in horses. The route of neuroinvasion by flaviviruses remains controversial. It has been suggested that low-level vi remia in clinical hosts is inadequate to sustain endothe hal ceil viral replication, resulting in virus budding on the neuroparenchymal side. More likely, encephalito genie arboviruses could invade the olfactory neuroepi thelium during the viremic phase, subsequently infect ing the olfactory neurons by retrograde axonal trans 6 The negative finding of WNV antigen in the en port.’ dothelial celis from all horses investigated here is consistent with this hypothesis. Once in the CNS, WNV may spread rapidiy throughout the neuropil and may rephicate in particularly sensitive areas, such as the hip pocampus in mice, and the thalamus, substantia nigra, and cerebellum in monkeys and human beings.’ 22 ’ 7 Contrary to findings in mammals, both spontaneous WNV infection of several bird species ° and experi 3 mental infection in chickens 25 have been associated with lesions in multipie organs and, in crows and other wild birds, presence of large amount of viral antigen 419 within either CNS and extraneural organs. Restricted locahization of viral antigen within neurons, neuronal processes and necrotic areas, mainly of the bram stem and spinal cord, has been demonstrated by immuno histochemistry in an investigation of human WNV en 27 cephalitis. Viral distribution varies considerably arnong differ ent equine encephalomyelitides. in eastern equine en cephahitis, alphavirus antigen is abundant and locahized within the cytoplasrn of neurons, glial cells, and ex traneural celis, such as smooth muscle, myocardial fi bers, dendritic cells. 7 In horses with rabies, rhabdovi rus antigen tends to be abundant and widespread with in the gray matter, including peripheral ganglia and retina, being located within the cytoplasm of neuronal ceil bodies, nerve fibers, and some glial ceils. 6 In ra bies and alphavirus encephalitides, there is also prom inent cerebral cortical involvement. ’ EHV-l induces 6 ischemic myeloencephalopathy with perivascular lym phocytic cuffing secondary to endothelial necrosis and thrombosis associated with vasculitis, and small quan tities of EHV- 1 antigen are expressed within nucieus and cytoplasm of small muscular artery endothehium, myocytes, and pericytes, mainly in the spinal cord. 5 Considering the sporadic occurrence of WNV-as sociated disease in horses, moderate lesions, short vi remia, and limited amount of viral antigen detected in tissues, horses may be incidental, dead-end hosts of this flavivirus. Consequently, horses most likely do not play a significant role in the epidemiology of WNV and may not pose a major risk to human health. How evei special protection should be used during the dis section and examination of the CNS of WNV-infected horses. The himited tissue distribution of WNV antigen apparent in the horses of this study should be taken into account during postmortem examination. All six horses from Italy had localized lesions and viral antigen distribution almost exclusively himited to the low er bram stem and thoracolumbar spinal cord, with mild occasional involvement of the cerebrum. Although re moval of the spinal cord from horses infected with neurotropic viruses can be potentially dangerous to the prosector and current regulations discourage the re moval of the spinal cord from possible rabies cases, our findings demonstrate that failure to examine the spinal cord limits the ability to accurately identify WNV infection in horses. In WNV-infected horses, how-level viremia, anti body production, and sub chinical illness seern to be the most common manifestations. Serologic investi gations in a number of WNV equine disease outbreaks revealed that many horses had WNV antibodies, al though only a few developed chinical signs. In clini cally affected horses, a very serious and hife-threat Downloeded trom vetsgepub.cormm al MERCK & CO INC orm ApmO 5,2012 420 Cantile, Del Piero, Di Guardo, and Arispici Vet Pathol 38 4, 2001 C. Clinical, pathological, immunohistochemical, virolog ical tindings of eastern equine encephalitis in two horses. Vet Pathol 38:451—456, 2001 8 El Dadah AH, Nathanson N: Pathogenesis of West Nile virus encephalitis in mice and rats. 11. Virus multiplica tion, evolution of irnrnunofluorescence, and development of histological lesions in the bram. Am J Epidemiol 86: 776—790, 1967 9 Guillon JC, Oudar J, Joubert L, Hannoun CL: Lésions histologiques du système nerveux dans l’infection a virus West Nile chez le cheval. Ann Inst Pasteur 114:539—550, 1968 10 Hubâlek Z, Halouzka i: West Nile fever—a reemerging mosquito-borne viral disease in Europe. Ernerg Infect Dis 5:643—650, 1999 11 Ilkal MA, Prasanna \Ç Jacob PG, Geevarghese G, Ba nerjee K: Experimental studies on the susceptibility of domestic pigs to West Nile virus followed by Japanese Acknowledgements encephalitis virus infection and vice versa Acta Virol We are very grateful to the scientists ‘ho helped us. Dr. 38:157—L61, 1994 Vincent Deubel (Centre de Recherche Mérieux Pasteui 12 Joubert L, Oudar J, Hannoun C, Chippaux M: Repro Lyon, France) provided one of the anti-WNV antibodies uti duction expérimentale de la méningo-encéphalomyélite lized in this study and identified the WNV of the Tuscany du cheval par l’arbovirus West Nile. III. Relations entre epizootic, Dr. Eileen N. Ostiund (National Veterinary Ser Ja virologie, Ja sérologie et l’évolution anatomo-clinique. vices Laboratories, Ames, JA) identified the Arnerican WNV Conséquences épidérniologique et prophylactiques. Bull isolates, Dr. D. E. Swayne (Southeast Poultry Research Lab Acad Vét 44:159—167, 1971 oratory, US Department of Agriculture. Athens, GA) pro 13 Koinar N: West Nile virus encephalitis. Rev Sci Tech vided the WNV avian positive controls, and Dr. Pamela Wil 0ff Int Epizoot 19:166—176, 2000 kins (Department of Clinical Studies, New Bolton Center) 14 Lanciotti RS, Roebrig JT, Deubel V, Smith J, Parker M, provided assistance in manuscript preparation. We thank Dr. Stede K. Crise B, Volpe KE, Crabtree MB. Scherret JH, Perry Habecker, chief of the pathology service at New BolHall RA. MacKenzie JS, Cropp CB. Panigrahy B, Ost ton Center, Dt Daniela Ennulat (Schering-Plough), and lund E, Schmitt B, Malkinson M. Banet C, Weissman J, Ralph Conti (New Bolton Center) for necropsy help. We are Komar N, Savage HM, Stone W McNamara T, Gubler particularly grateful to Mrs. Jaqueline Ferracone (New BolDi: Origin of the West Nile virus responsible for an out ton Center) and Mrs. Lisa Baroncini (Dipartirnento di Pa break of encephalitis in the northeastern United States. tologia Animale, University of Pisa) for superb assistance Science 286:2333—2337, 1999 with irnrnunohistocheniistry and histology. 15 McMinn PC: The molecular basis of virulence of the encephalitogenic flaviviruses. J Gen Virol 78:27 1 1— References 2722, 1997 1 Blackburn NK, Reyers l Berry WL, Shepherd AJ: Sus 16 Monath T1 Cropp CB, Harrison AK: Mode of entry of a neurotropic arbovirus into the central nervous system. ceptibility of dogs to Vest Nile virus: a survey and path Reinvestigation of an old controversy. Lab Invest 48: ogenicity trial. J Comp Pathol 100:59—66, 1989 399—410, 1983 2 Cantile C, Di Guardo G, Eleni C, Arispici M: Clinical and neuropathological features of West Nile virus equine 17 Nathanson N, Gittelson AM, Thind IS: Histological stud ies of the rnonkey neurovirulence of group B viruses. encephalornyelitis in italy. Equine Vet J 32:31—35, 2000 Am 1 Epidemiol 85:503—517, 1967 3 Centers for Disease Control: Update: West Nile virus en cephalitis—New York, 1999. Morbid Mortal Weekly 18 Odelola HA, Fabiyi A: Biological characteristics of Ni gerian strains of West Nile virus in mice and cdl cul Rep 48:944—946, 1999 tures. Acta Virol (Praha) 21:161—164, 1977 4 Centers for Disease Control: Update: West Nile Virus activity—eastern United States, 2000. Morbid Mortal 19 Oudar 1, ioubert L, Hannoun C, Corniou B: Reproduc tion expérimentale de Ja méningo-encéphalomyélite du Weekly Rep 49:1044—1047, 2000 cheval par l’arbovirus West Nile. 1. Etude virologique et 5 Del Piero F Dubovi EJ. The diagnosis of equine herpes sérologique. Bull Acad Vét 44:107—122, 1971 virus 1 (EHV-1) abortion and neonatal infection withern phasis on immuno-peroxidase histochemical findings. 20 Oudar J, Joubert L, Lapras M, Guillon JC: Reproduction expérimentale de la méningo-encéphalomyélite du chev Vet Pathol 35:444, 1998 al par l’arbovirus West Nile. II. Etude anatomo-clinique. 6 Dcl Piero E Wilkins PA, de Lahunta A, Trimarchi C, Bull Acad Vét 44: 147—158, 1971 Dubovi Ei. Rabies in horses in New York state: clinical, pathological, immunohistochemical and virological find 21 Parks JJ, Ganaway JR, Price WH: Studies on immuno logic overlap among certain arthropod-borne viruses. III. ings. Proc int Conf Equine Infect Dis 8:29 1—296, 1998 A laboratory analysis of three strains of West Nile virus 7 Del Piero F Wilkins PA, Dubovi Ei, Biolatti B, Cantile ening disease develops, with a fatality rate of 43— 45% 13 WNV should be considered an important pathogen for horses, capable of inducing significant neurologic disease in temperate regions, where enzootic infection cycles may develop and be n3aintained.’° The paucity of WNV antigen in equine nervous tissues indicates that multiple sections of bram and spinal cord labeled by immunohistochemistry should be examined, and negative resuits should be interpreted with significant caution. The use of histopathology, peroxidase im munohistochemistry, virus isolation, and RT-PCR techniques will increase the sensitivity for WNV iden tification, aliowing further characterization of this in creasingly important disease. Downloeded tror, et agepab corn al MERCK & CO INC 0r Aprl 5,2012 c Vet Pathol 38 4 2001 West NjIe Virus in Horses 421 29 Snook CS, Hyman SS, Dcl Piero F Palmer JE, Ostlund EN, Barr BS, Desrochers AM, Reilly LK. West Nile vi rus encephalomyelitis in eight horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc (in press). 30 Stede KE. Linn MJ, Schoepp Ri, Komar N, Geisbert TW, Manduca RM, Calle PF Raphael DL, Clippinger Smith 1, Lanciotti RS, Panella NA, Mc TL, Larsen Namara TS: Pathology of fatal West Nile virus infections in native and exotic birds during the 1999 outbreak in infection of Egyptian equines with West Nile virus. Ann New York City, New York. Vet Pathol 37:208—224, 2000 Trop Med Parasitol 57:415—427, 1963 31 Taylor RM, Work TH, Hurlhut HS, Rizk FA: A study of Senne DA, Pedersen JC, Hutto DL, Taylor WD, Schmitt the ecology of West Nile virus in Egypt. Am J Trop Med BJ, Panigrahy B: Pathogenicity of West Nile virus in Hyg 5:579—520, 1956 chickens. Avian Dis 44:642—649, 2000 32 Tber AA: West Nile fever in horses in Morocco. Bull Shellam GR, Sangster MY, Urosevic N: Genetic control 0ff Int Epizoot 108:867—869, 1996 of host resistance to flavivirus infection in animals. Rev 33 Weiner IJ Cole GA, Nathanson N: Experimental en Sci Tech 0ff Int Epizoot 17:23 1—248, 1998 cephalitis following peripheral inoculation of West Nile Shieh WJ, Guarner J, Layton M, Fine A, Miller J, Nash virus in mice of different ages. J Hyg (Lond) 68:435— D, Campbell GL, Roehrig JT. Gubler DJ, Zaki SR: The 446, 1970 role of pathology in an investigation of an outbreak of Wilson AJ, Meade B, Varty TJ, Hutto D, Gidlewski T, 34 West Nile encephalitis in New York. 1999. Emerg Infect Gregg D: Pathological and epidemiological investigation Dis 6:370—372, 2000 of West Nile virus disease in equines in Long Island, Smithburn KC, Hughes TI Burke AW, Paul JH: A neu New York. Proc Annu meet Am Assoc Vet Lab Diagn, rotropic virus isolated from the blood of a native of 43:5. 2000. Uganda. Arn J Trop Med Hyg 20:47 1—492, 1940 which have been studied in human cancer patients. Am J Hyg 68:106—119, 1958 22 Reyes MG, Gardner JJ, Poland JD, Monath TP: St. Louis encephalitis. Quantitative histologic and irnmunofluores cent studies. Arch Neurol 38:329—334, 1981 23 Sampson BA, Ambrosi C, Charlot A, Reiber K. Veress JF Armbrustmacher V: The pathology of human West Nile Virus infection. Hum Pathol 31:527—53 1, 2000 24 Schmidt JR, El Mansoury HK: Natura! and experirnental 25 26 27 28 Request reprints from Dr. F Del Piero, Department of Pathobiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, New Bolton Center, University of Pennsylvania. 382 West Street Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348-1692 (USA). E-mail: Downloadod frorrr ver oogepeb corrr al MERCI( CO INC on April 5. 2012 Study on the stability of 17D-204 yellow fever vaccine before and after stabilization D.K. Sood*, R.K. Aggarwal, S.B. Sharma, J. Sokhey and H. Singh ( To monitor the parameters controlling yellowfever vaccine production, eighi diijrent lots produced wit/zout stabilizers were studied. It was Jund that the freeze-thaw cycle did not have any adverse effect on virus inJctivity and the mean loss in virus titre during vophilization was 0.51 1og 10 ml’. A thermodegradation study after storage of vaccine al different temperarures sho wed that the vaccine did not pass t/ze accelerated stahility test. To stahilize the 1 7D-204 substrain vaccine, four stabilizers with dfferent sugars and amino acids were examined. The optimum time for addition of the stabilizers was found to be during homogenization of infected embryos. An accelerated stability test at 37°C 3 kept the vaccine stable for up to 4 weeks, whereas , S, and S 1 indicated that stabi/izers S 3 was found . Stabilizer S 4 the vaccine was only stable for up to 3 weeks in stabilizer S sta tistically to be the best. Reproducibility in production meihodology was established by . 3 preparing and resting more baiches of the vaccine using stabilizer S Keywords: Yeilow fever; stability; temperature Since 1938, when Smith and co-workers’ described the technique of 1 7D yellow fever vaccine production and methods employed in safety measures and potency assay, large numbers of people residing in or visiting endemic areas have been vaccinated. Although the vaccine is found to be a safe immunogenic agent and its production procedures have been well established, the literature is stili sparse on the infectivity titre of the virus during various stages of its production. Therefore, in the first part of the study a total of eight different vaccine lots prepared without stabilizers have been analysed in order to establish the necessary parameters to improve vaccine quality control. The first part of the study and the findings of other workers have shown that even in a Iyophilized form, the vaccine is readily inactivated when exposed to ambient . This poses problems as the vaccine is 2 temperature mainly used in developing and tropical countries where transportation and refrigeration facilities are scarce. Despite precautions taken, it may lose potency before arrival at the place where it is to be used. Therefore, stability criteria for many freeze-dried viral vaccines such as measles, Japanese encephalitis and rabies have been laid down by WHO . Similarly, it bas been suggested 3 that yeltow fever vaccine should retain the minimum titre of 1000 mouse LD 50 per dose when exposed to 37°C for 10 14 days and the drop in titre should be 1.0 1og (Ref. 4). YeIlow Fever Vaccine Section, Central Research Institute, Kasaul -173 204 (H.P.), India. *To whom correspondence should be addressed. (Received 2 June 1992; revised 25 July 1992; accepted 10 December 1992) 0264—410XJ93/1 1/1124-05 © 1993 Butterworth-Heiflemaflfl Lid 1124 Vaccine, Vol. 11, lssue 11, 1993 The effect of chemicals on the heat resistance of this vaccine has been studied by various workers . This 5 new vaccine is found to be potent when studied for accelerated stability behaviour. In view of these findings efforts have been made to improve the stability behaviour of the present 17D yellow fever vaccine using one or more stabilizers with the aim of finding the appropriate formulation and time of adding the stabilizer to result in a vaccine meeting the aforesaid stability requirement suggested by WHO. MATERIALS AND METHODS The methods used for the preparation of the 17D-204 substrain as a yellow fever vaccine were essentiafly those meeting the international requirements’°. The seed lot 1 was adopted and all the system certified by WHO’ prepared at passage level 232 using lots were vaccine conventional embryonated eggs from white Leghorn hens. Briefly, the infected chicken embryos were harvested, homogenized to obtain 33% emulsion in distilled water or in stabilized solution, distributed, sheli-frozen and stored at —70°C pending testing. Representative samples were tested for sterility and virus concentrations. The material passing the in-process quality control tests was thawed, centrifuged and the supernatant pooled and distributed into ampoules. The material was shell-frozen, kept at —70°C and finally subjected to desiccation according to the method of . The virus titrations at different production 2 Ward’ 50 mouse stages were performed using a standard LD assay described elsewhere’’. Stability of yellow fever vaccine: D.K. Sood et af. Appropriate time for adding the stabilizer Table 2 The four different stabilizers used consisted of: lactose, sodium glutamate and gelatin (S ); medium 199, sodium 1 glutamate and gelatin (S ); lactose, D-SOrbitol, L 2 histidine hydrochioride and L-alanine hydrochioride ); sucrose and gelatin (S 3 (S ). All these stabilizers were 4 prepared in phosphate-bulTered saline with and without calcium and magnesium ions. The control group was prepared in double distilled water alone. Following inoculation with seed virus, the eggs with living embryos were harvested and divided into five groups containing 30—40 embryos per group. Chilled stabilizer solutions and distilled water were added to half of the embryos of the respective groups at the time of harvesting and to the other portion at the time of filling. The vaccine lots were lyophilized and titrated by mouse LD 50 assay. Infectivity titres before and after lyophilization Titre (mouse LD ) 1 50 mF Reference lot code Before After Loss A B C 0 E F G H 5.60 4.90 4.90 5.10 5.10 5.05 5.05 4.60 5.00 4.34 4.34 4.51 4.74 4.41 4.38 4.50 0.60 0.56 0.56 0.59 0.36 0.64 0.67 0.10 Mean S.d. CV. 5.04 0.26 5.15 4.53 0.21 4.63 0.51 S.d., standard deviation; CV., coefficient of variation Efficacy of ditferent stabilizers The vaccine lots prepared with the different stabilizers along with that prepared using distilled water, were tested by the accelerated stability test after storing at 20°C and exposure to 37°C for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The resuits thus obtained were evaluated statistically. 0 — 5.0 Reproducibility in production metbodotogy Three more batches of yellow fever vaccine were prepared using stabilizer S . The stabilizer was added at 3 the time of homogenization. These batches were tested for accelerated stability by exposing to 37°C for 28 days as described above. /4.0’ 9 o -J UJ (1) 3,0 RESULTS 6 w Virus infectivity titre after homogenization and at the time of uiting The results of virus infectivity titrations performed on eight different lots after homogenization and during fihling are shown in Table 1. The mean virus titre between the two stages of production showed a difference of 0.43 (range 0.10—0.95) 1og 10 ml. Infectivity titre before and after lyophilization Table 2 shows that standard deviation and coefficient of variation of eight different lots before and after lyophilization were relatively constant. However, a loss of 0.51 (range 0.10 to 0.67) 1og 10 per ml was observed during desiccation. Table 1 Comparative titrations of the intectivity titres at the homogenization and at the time of tilling Titre (mouse LD 0 mF’) Reference lot code After riomogenization During filling Dit!erence in titre A 6 C E F G H 5.70 6.00 5.30 5.69 5.83 6.00 6.00 5.60 4.90 4.90 5.10 5.05 5.05 4.60 0.10 0.10 0.40 0.15 0.78 0.95 0.40 Mean value 5.72 5.03 0.43 Range (5.25—6.00) (4.60—5.60) (0.10—0.95) 1- 2.0 1.0 L_ A 9 C STQRAI3E CONDITIONS D Flgure 1 Infectivity titres of different batches of yellow lever vaccine af different temperatures. Storage conditions: A, —20°C (original titre); B, —20°C for 1 year; C, +4°C for 1 year; 0, +37°C for 14 days Virus titre of the vaccine exposed to dilterent temperatures The eight lots of yellow fever vaccine belonging to 42 different batches were titrated for virus infectivity after storage at —20°C and 4°C for 1 year and 37°C for 14 days. The resuits so obtained were compared with the original titre (Figure 1). All the samples stored at —20°C and 4°C for 1 year retained a minimum titre of 1og 10 3.0 per human dose. There was a statistically significant difference between the original virus titre and those kept at 37°C and 4°C for 1 year (p <0.01). Thermostability behaviour of the vaccine prepared without stabilizers Mean loss in virus titre among different storage conditions with respect to original titre is shown in Vaccine, Vol. 11, Issue 11, 1993 1125 Stability of yellow foyer vaccine: D.K. Sood et al. Figure 2. All the batches stored at —20°C for a year had a loss in virus titre of <1.0 1og 10 while the same was true of 70% of those kept at 4°C for 1 ycar and 25% of those exposed to 37°C for 14 days. Analysis of variance showed that thermodegradation after storage al —20°C and 4°Cfor 1 yeardidnotdiffersignificantly(p >0.01). titre per ml at different stages of vaccine preparation is shown in Table 3. The loss in virus titre was statistically less (p <0.05) when stabilizers were added at the time of homogenization than before filling. Efficacy of different stabilizers and reproducibility in the production methodology Appropriate time to add stabilizers Eflicacy of difTerent stabilizers in terms of loss of virus titre after exposure to 37°C for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days was studied by performing virus titrations. All the stabilizers worked well when compared with the aqueous-based vaccine (Figure 3). The difference in the loss of virus titre with respect to different stabilizers and period of exposure to ambient temperature (Figure 4) was statistically significant (p <0.01). Reproducibility in production methodology using stabilizer S 3 was demonstrated by Four different stabilizers, with distilled water as control, were used to prepare the vaccine. Loss of virus 3.0 2.0 5.0 S 1.5. 4.0 1 CD 0 -J 0 UJ cr 0 Lf, t— 3.0 0 -J 1.0 t— z w (n requiremerit 0 -J -J 2 .0 11 0.5’ 1 .0 0.0 7days -20’t L -2fiC/YE.AR •4c;/YEAR •37b/14DAYS Figure 3 Efficacy of different stabilizers in an accelerated stability test. *, S; distilled water (control) ; l. S 2 ; 3 0. S,; L, S •, Appropriate time of addition of stabilizers Titre (mouse L0 50 mfl)’ Loss in virus titre/mI A B C A and C Percentage loss Added at the time of homogenization S, 2 S 3 S 4 S DW 4.97 4.92 5.02 5.02 4.96 4.36 4.70 4.70 4.40 4.36 4.40 4.54 4.55 3.92 3.72 0.57 0.38 0.47 1.03 1.24 11.47 7.72 9.36 20.51 25.00 Added at the time of filling S, 2 S 3 S 4 S 0W 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.10 4.50 4.70 4.65 4.40 4.46 4.30 4.50 4.50 4.00 3.72 0.80 0.60 0.60 0.70 1.28 15.68 11.76 11.76 13.72 25.09 Experiment 2 28doys ST0RAGE cONDIrIONs Figure 2 Thermal degradation of yellow fever vaccine after storage at different temperatures 1 2ldays 37C STORAGE CONDITIONS Table 3 I4doys Stabilizers 0W, distilled water 2, Virus titre at the time of homogenization; B, virus titre at the time of filling; C, virus titre after lyophilization A 1126 Vaccine, Vol. 11, Issue 11, 1993 Stability of yel!ow fever vaccine: 0K. Sood et al. 3.0 9 CD 0 -J 2.0 Although the vaccine is freeze-dried, lyophilization provides no guarantee for the preservation of potency because at a given temperature, the rate at which the titre drops depends upon factors such as virus strain, residual moisture content and stabilizer used, if any. It is, therefore, necessary to check the potency of such a freeze-dried preparation under different conditions. The mean virus titre of 42 batches stored at 20°C and 4°C for 1 year and 37°C for 14 days is depicted in Figure 1. The further loss in virus titre under different storage conditions with respect to the original titre (Figure 2) shows that all the batches stored at —20°C for 1 year had a loss in virus titre of 0.1 log, 0 while the loss was 70% in those kept at 4°C for 1 year and only 25% in those cases exposed to 37°C for 14 days. This is in accordance with the findings of other 33 workers . From the data it is dear that at present yellow fever vaccine produced at Central Research Institute, Kasauli, which follows all the quality control procedures, stili requires the addition of stabilizers to comply with the new WHO regulation on stability criteria . 4 The basic problem in dealing with preservation of viral vaccines is the loss in virus titre either during lyophilization and/or due to improper cold chain conditions. As far as the first case is concerned, when the frozen material is dried by selective sublimation, the virus has to be protected from sudden physicochemical stress by adding some cryoprotective agents to cover the essential infective components of the nucleic acid’ . In 2 the second case, a number of sugar solutions along with amino acids have helped in stabilizing the different freeze-dried viral preparations subjected to ambient temperature’ Therefore, to increase the stability . 4 behaviour of conventional yellow fever vaccine, four different stabilizers were tried. On statistical evaluation, the optimum time for adding the stabilizers was found to be at the time of homogenization of infected embryos (Table 3). Tannock ei al. 2 were also able to produce a more stable vaccine by homogenizing the embryos in protein-free stabilizers. To evaluate the efficacy of different stabilizers, four different preparations of the vaccine were stored at 37°C for 4 weeks and titrations were carried Out 0fl each group at weekly intervals keeping a vaccine with an aqueous base as control (Figure 3). Stabilizers S,, S 2 and S 3 kept the vaccine stable for up to 4 weeks, but S 4 for only 3 weeks. However, the stability behaviours of all four preparations fulfilled the stability criteria of WHO . 4 The loss in virus titre (K value) in different vaccine preparations after exposure to 37°C for 4 weeks with respect to one kept at —20°C (Figure 2) showed that statistically there was a significant difference between the effect of different stabilizers (p < 0.01). Statistically, stabilizer S 3 was found to be better than S, or S , similar 2 to the findings of Barme and 5 Bronnert Using the same . stabilizer, a loss of 0.35 p.f.u. per dose was reported when the vaccine so prepared was exposed to 37°C for 14 days. Further reproducibility in the production methodology was established by preparing and testing small batches of the vaccine with S 3 stabilizers and subjecting them to an accelerated stability test (Table 3). All the batches met the stability requirement of yellow fever vaccine. Barme ei al. 6 also prepared five lots of the vaccine using the same stabilizer. These batches were found to be stable when tested at 37°C for 14 days, 22°C for 6 months and 4°C for 3 years. — 1— z -J -J ‘t .0 0.0 1 3 2 4 STORAGE AT 37•C (WEEKS) Figure 4 Evaluation of different stabilizers with respect to loss of virus titre. Symbots as in Figure 3 Table 4 Reproducibility in methodotogy of production of stabilized yellow fever vaccine Titre (mouse 0 LD / dose) 37°C (days) Batch no. —20°C 7 14 21 28 II III 4.50 4.06 4.10 4.06 3.77 3.95 3.86 3.68 3.83 3.75 3.60 3.73 3.65 3.61 3.69 Mean of three ampoules tested for each exposure preparing and testing three batches of the vaccine (Table 4). DISCUSSION Central Research Institute, Kasauli is one of the twelve WHO-approved centres for the production and supply of vaccine for international travellers. The summary protocols of the WHO 11 on the finished produets of each lot were sent to the International Quality Control Division on Biologicals for scrutiny and final approval for use in humans. As the production protocols have been retained by the manufacturer, very little information is available on the detailed production procedures of the vaccin& In the first part of the study an attempt has . 3 been made to evaluate the parameters for controlling the production methodology of the yellow fever vaccine. Virus infectivity titres of the embryos after homogen ization and at the time of filling indicate that one freeze-thaw cycle needed during production of the vaccine has no adverse effect on vjrus infectivity (Table 1). To assess the efficacy of the lyophilization process further, a loss of 0.51 log, 0 ml of virus infectivity was noted during desiccation of the liquid vaccine (Table 2). These findings are in accordance with the data published by Penna’° and De’Souza Lopes ei al.’ . This clearly shows 3 that the production procedures at Central Research Institute, Kasauli meet the international standards. Vaccine, Vol. 11, lssue 11, 1993 1127 Stability of yellow fever vaccine: D.K. Sood et al. The vaccine so prepared not only fulfils all the requirements of WHO (1976)11 but has also been found to be safe and efficacious in a controlled field trial. Seroconversion studies in a few hurnans have indicated that the stabilized vaccine invokes immunity. It can only be ascertained how long this immunity lasts after follow-up studies of the immunized population. 4 5 6 7 ACKNOWLEDGEM ENTS The technical assistance of the staff of the Yellow Fever Vaccine Section of the Central Research Institute, Kasauli and the secretarial assistance of Mr Raj Kumar in typing this manuscript are gratefully acknowledged. 8 9 10 REFERENCES 11 1 2 Ç 3 Smith, H.H., Penna, H.A. and Paoliello, A. Yellow lever vaccination with culture virus (170) without immune serum. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 1938, 18, 437—468 Tannock, GA., Wark, M.C. and Hair, C.C. The development of an improved experimental yellow fever vaccine. J. 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