EL 2013-2014 Issue No. 1 July 2013 Dear Parents, Important dates to remember Welcome back to school! I hope you had an enjoyable holiday with your family. I am looking forward to an exciting ten months getting to know your child. As our partners, I consider it of prime importance that you be an active part of your child's education. I believe that by all of us working together we can make this a very successful year. You are invited to email your child’s Homeroom teachers whenever you have a question concerning your child's progress. We will keep you informed about our topics/lessons in class by posting a weekly update every Friday on our grade level blog. I consider it a great privilege and responsibility to be your PYP Level Head this year, and I look forward to meeting each of you again. Sincerely, Ms. Corita 31st July Online Electives Registration (10am-2pm) 2nd August Online registration result 5-13th August Idul Fitri break 4B 14th August Classes resume 16th August Electives commence 11th September Grade 4 assembly We are READY. We are RESILIENT. We are RESPECTFUL. We are RESPONSIBLE. BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Simprug 4D demonstrated how knowledgeable they are about our first UOI by showing what they know and what they want to find out. 4B cooperating in groups by sorting out different pictures into a Y chart of how often we should do different activities. 4C sharing with each other about holiday experiences. 4A girls introducing themselves to their new classmate, Sumin from South Korea. 4A boys doing silent reading in the morning before classes begin. Page 2 A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers. UOI - Who We Are By– Ms. Corita T. Silapan In our unit, ‘Who We Are,’ we will be focusing on the idea that ‘A healthy lifestyle helps our body to function effectively.’ Our lines of inquiry will include: * Body systems and their functions (nervous, circulatory, respiratory) * What constitutes a healthy lifestyle * Impacts of lifestyle choices on our body Some of the formative tasks will include: * Writing an exposition text on the human lifestyle or on how a body system works * Constructing and labeling a system in the body * Calculating the amount of calories for a balanced meal * Calculating the body mass index using the different mathematical operations * Interviewing a person (preferably physically fit or active such as athletes, gym-goers, etc.) and make a write up about his/her way of life and how it made him/her healthy * Creating a drama that shows the impact of a healthy lifestyle For the summative task, the children will conduct an information campaign on healthy living. They will go to the different grade levels for their campaign. They can do a roleplay, show a movie or a slide presentation, compose a song or make models and posters on practices that show healthy living. Page 3 BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Simprug Expository language in UOI By Mr. Dave Expository writing is writing that is designed to convey information or explain what is difficult to understand. Expository writing, though one of the more clear-cut of the different types of writing, may be one of the more difficult for your child to learn. Expository writing is used to describe, explain, define or otherwise inform a reader about a specific subject. It’s devoid of opinion or unnecessary descriptive language. Expository writing contains: definitions examples and clarifications comparisons and contrasts explanations of cause and effect glossary entries Expository writing is used for: newspaper articles research reports or projects how-to’s Bibliographies glossaries Through this UOI on Who We Are, children will be writing an exposition text about a disease and its effects, or explain how the circulatory, respiratory or nervous system functions. To be a great writer, we need to be a great reader - this rule applies without exception, nurturing a habit of reading for relaxation and entertainment. Students are strongly encouraged to visit the library independently and on a daily basis and to submit regular book reports which show the students’ understanding and appreciation of literature. The writing process, subsequent extension activities and the habits of regular reading will be supported by continued word and sentence level study in English. Page 4 A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers. Chinese By Ms.Ou Qing Students will learn Time and Daily Routine from Chinese Made Easy for kids Text Book2. Students will qǐ chuáng talk about their daily activities with the time. Students will learn some Chinese vocabulary like “ 起 床 zǎo fàn xǐ zǎo xiàn zài (get up),早饭(breakfast),洗澡(take a bath),现在(now).” Students have to be able to read the content without pinyin, and also write some sentences based on the learned topic. As part of the UOI, CSL students will also learn <Sports> Primary Mandarin Chinese Readers. They Will nǐ xǐ huanshén me yùn dòng wǒ xǐ huan dǎ wǎng qiú learn some sentences, such like“你喜欢 什么运动? ( What sports do you like?) ” , “ 我喜欢打 网 球。 Indonesian Studies By Ms. Elsya Simamora Di pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, murid akan belajar tentang sistem tubuh manusia yaitu sistem pernapasan, sistem transportasi/peredaran dan sistem saraf juga memahami masing-masing fungsinya serta melakukan kegiatan Senam Kesegaran Jasmani. Materi ini terkait dengan unit Who We Are yang sedang dipelajari di term 1 pada semester ini. Selain itu siswa juga akan memahami perjuangan bangsa Indonesia dalam mencapai kemerdekaan RI, menentukan pokok pikiran pada bacaan, menulis petunjuk untuk memakai suatu alat dan menjelaskan kegunaan dari alat tersebut. Untuk tata bahasa siswa akan mempelajari istilah-istilah yang terkait dengan kemerdekaan Indonesia, kalimat tunggal, penulisan laporan tentang cerita kesehatan pribadi dan menulis karangan narasi. Tugas akhir: menulis karangan narasi tentang sistem tubuh manusia dan fungsinya. (Karangan narasi sugestif termuat dalam tokoh cerita, peristiwa, dan permasalahan yang ada sedangkan narasi nonfiksi termuat dalam penjelasan sistem tubuh dan fungsinya) Bahan pembelajaran: Bahasa Indonesia untuk SD kelas 4, Grasindo Bahasa Indonesia untuk SD kelas IV, KARISMA Publishing Group Cerdas Menghafal Bahasa Indonesia untuk SD kelas 4, 5 dan 6, Scientific Press Panduan Lengkap Tubuh Manusia FISIOLOGI, Erna Himawati, Logika Galileo Seri Organ Tubuh Setiawan G. Sasongko, Biligual, Bestari Kids Rahasia Tubuh Kita, Tarik Napas Dalam-Dalam, Mengenal Sistem Pernapasan, Rani Maria, Elex Media komputindo Seri Kesehatan Anak oleh Rina Novia, Bestari Kids Page 5 BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Simprug Using Numeracy - By Ms. Elena In this unit WHO WE ARE, students will focus on the following Math strands : Numbers and Data Handling. They will learn the following concepts: Place value, Rounding off, Approximation, addition and subtraction of numbers. Students will also compare and order numbers up to hundred thousands place. They will identify the value as well as place value of numbers, write them in words and vice versa, round them off to the nearest hundred thousands using the approximation symbol. They will also add and subtract numbers up to ten thousands place. Basic number patterns will also be introduced in this unit. At the latter part of the unit, the students will work on data handling skills such as collecting and tallying data, graphing and interpreting graphs. To assess their understanding of Numbers, the students will calculate their own BMI by measuring their weight and height and following a formula to find their BMI. They will also prepare a ‘balanced meal’ based on calorie counts recommended for each person in a day. Aside from these tasks, they will also be given some exercises such as Mental Maths, Speed Tests and Math Quizzes to evaluate their understanding of the concepts. BIFL (Bahasa Indonesia As a Foreign Language) In Bahasa Indonesia as a Foreign Language, students will learn about healthy lifestyle, impacts of healthy lifestyle in our body, and making 3D model of healthy food. Students will read and discuss about the importance of healthy eating habits. For Bahasa Indonesia grammar, students will learn about vocabulary of being healthy and names of healthy food. They will also learn how to make open-ended and closed –ended questions, sentences, and acronym. References: Bahasa Tetanggaku Stage 1,2,3, Ian White Page 6 A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers. MUSIC By: Ms. Melvina Gultom In Music Theory Class, students will create aerobics body movement on an Ostinato Rhythm in a group. They will make their own music to accompany the body movement and perform it in front of the audience Responding: Create and perform a movement sequence accompanied by music that they have created Creating: Create and perform a movement sequence using known musical elements As the result, the students will be asked to perform their music and movement, and give explanation about the relation between the movement and the muscle they intend to stretch. And in Instrument Class, students will continue to learn more songs and finger exercises to enhance their skill they have learned last year. Instrument Class Teachers for this year will be: Ms. Tanti (4AB) & Ms. Melvina (4CD) for Piano, Mr. Sadrakh Hutapea for Violin/Cello, Mr. Hary Wisnu for Recorder Please support the students to have 15 minutes daily practice of their instrument at home and remind them to bring Music Book, Clear Holder, and Music Instrument (Recorder/Violin students only) for every Music Lesson. Visual Arts By: Ms. Irma D.S & Ms. Ariane I.P In Visual Art, the learners will study and learn about Proportion, one of the principles of art. They will apply what they have learned in making artwork and should meet the following criteria: Responding: Use their knowledge and experiences to make informed interpretations of artworks. Use relevant and insightful questions to extend their understanding. Creating Show awareness of the affective power of Visual Art. Use a range of strategies to solve problems during the creative processes. From the responding and creating experiences, the learners will discover and apply Human Proportion. They will also know about Henry Matisse and the style he has developed in making human figures. In support of the Unity of Inquiry, the learners will be asked to create a 3D artwork of a human figure. Page 7 BINUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Simprug Physical Education by. Mr. Hendra Health Related activities enable students to understand how aspects of physiological functions affect well-being and hence the importance of regular physical activities. Students can then be motivated not only to perform physical activities during PE lessons, but also to adopt regular physical as part of their healthy lifestyle. Health related program aims for students to recognize and appreciate the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the body’s response to exercise including the interaction of body system and development of physical fitness. Religion Outline Buddhist Religion By Ms Irene Pada unit ini siswa akan belajar tentang bagaimana meneladani sikap hidup Pangeran Siddharta yang sederhana dengan selalu berpegangan pada Empat kebenaran mulia dan Jalan mulia berfaktor delapan. Siswa akan belajar melalui cerita-cerita sutra bagaimana ajaran Buddha membimbing murid-muridnya untuk menuju kebahagiaan dengan mensyukuri apa yang dimiliki dengan tidak hidup secara berlebihan sehingga menimbulkan kesenjangan sosial terhadap sesama dalam lingkungannya. Tujuan akhir dari pembelajaran topik ini adalah agar siswa dapat melaksanakan ajaran Buddha dan mau menerapkan apa yang telah dipelajari dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sehingga siswa dapat lebih mensyukuri apa yang dimiliki. Catholic Religion By Ms Maria Gosal Pada unit ini kelas 4 Katolik akan mempelajari topiktopik tentang diriku yang khas dan unik, hubunganku dengan orang lain, terutama dengan teman-temanku yang beragama lain. Tujuannya supaya mereka memahami bahwa Allah menciptakan dirinya sebagai mahluk yang unik, mengenali perasaannya, serta memahami dan menerima lingkungan hidupnya sebagai karuniaNya. Hari Selasa, 30 Juli 2013 akan ada misa sekolah di Indoor Playground Basement 1, mulai pukul 14:30, sebagai pembuka tahun akademik 2013/2014. Christian Religion By Ms Merry Gr. 4 Bumi berbentuk dan segala yang tidak ada menjadi ada, itu karena kuasa Allah. Manusia ada dan hidup Page 8 di dunia ini, itu juga karena kuasa Allah. Kuasa Allah sungguh tak terhingga dan tak mampu diselami oleh manusia, itu sebabnya seringkali manusia bertanyatanya apa maksud Allah atas segala hal yang telah terjadi. Namun kita harus bersyukur karena kuasa Allah jugalah yang menjanjikan pemeliharaan dan perlindungan bagi manusia. Bentuk kuasa Allah ini sudah terlihat jelas pada proses penciptaan manusia. Dia menciptakan segalanya dengan teratur dan manusia diciptakan pada hari terakhir, dimana seluruh kebutuhan hidupnya sudah terlebih dahulu disediakan oleh Allah. Inilah yang menjadi topik yang akan dibahas secara mendalam bagi siswa, sehingga mereka bukan hanya kagum atas kuasa-Nya tetapi juga mensyukuri dan menaikkan pujian bagi Allah atas kuasa-Nya. Moslem Religion By Mr. Taufan Pada unit ini siswa belajar tentang bagian bagian tubuh yang telah Allah ciptakan serta kegunaannya masing masing, hendaknya agar digunakan untuk tujuan yang baik, berguna, dan bermanfaat sesuai ajaran Islam. Siswa juga akan belajar menjaga kebersihan, Islam mengajarkan pada umatnya untuk selalu bersuci sebelum melakukan ibadah maupun melakukan hal lain agar selalu sehat dan terhindar dari segala macam jenis kotoran dan penyakit. Hindu Religion By Ms. Yeni Pada unit ini siswa belajar tentang Panca Sradha. Siswa diharapkan dapat: Menyebutkan arti Panca Sradha Menyebutkan bagian-bagian dan menjelaskan masing-masing bagian Panca Sradha. A world-class community of proud and outstanding achievers. PYP Attitudes in Grade 4 I will be respectful when the teacher is talking by being quiet. Laura 4A I will be enthusiastic by always being excited and always ready to go to school and to learn. John 4D I will be independent by doing my homework and quiz by myself. Dirga 4C I will show that if someone did something wrong, I will not follow them. I will do the right thing. Josephine 4C I will appreciate others, like my teachers and friends by telling my thoughts. Nathan 4D I will be committed to my friends by showing them what to do. Ryan 4B I will be cooperative by working well with others in my group. Phillip 4B I am going to show creativity by adding different colours and make amazing borders. Kayla 4D I will show empathy by being helpful to new students when they feel shy and help them feel welcome to this school. Samantha 4C I will be curious in Grade 4 by searching for information on the computer. Galiah 4A I will be confident to share by telling and doing what the teacher tells me. Nurin 4A I will be tolerant by playing with everybody fairly. Chae Rin 4B Page 9