RUSSIA — GERMANY FORGOTTEN PAGES OF COMMON HISTORY ROYAL FAMILY VISITS EMPRESS’S NATIVE LAND In the summer of 1910 Emperor Nicholas II with his wife and children went for rest to Germany, the native land of the empress. In the Friedberg castle owned by the brother of Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hessen, the Royal family spent nearly two months – from late August to late October. N umerous photos of the trip of the Royal family to Germany are kept in three ar- chives: the city archive of Friedberg, the State Archive of Hesse in Darmstadt, and in the Russian State Archive in Moscow which boasts a rich Friedberg Castle today. collection of personal items of the last emperor 8 0 80 and his family members. Photos from the archive of the Culture Fund was invited by the brother- in Moscow are mostly amateur pictures shot by hood to study the materials in the archives of the tsar, his wife and elder daughters which have Friedberg and Darmstadt and discovered, in par- never been published and therefore are un- ticular, that Germany had no photos available in known in Germany. Numerous photos from the Moscow archive and vice versa. The Russian Friedberg and Darmstadt are also unknown in Culture Fund networked Hessen archives with the Russia as only a few of them were published in State Archive in Moscow and organized an elec- German monographs. tronic exchange of photo documents. It was a very Materials from the German and Russian ar- fruitful idea as German experts specified numer- chives were for the first time brought together ous details thanks to the photos from Russia which only a hundred years after the trip of the Royal also complemented an exhibition from German family due to cooperation between the Russian archives organized in Friedberg in 2011. Culture Fund and the St. Count Vladimir Brother- The display of the personal royal photos hood in Germany. The brotherhood owns a cathe- from the Russian State Archive was a genuine sen- dral in Bad Nauheim which the Royal family visited. sation in Germany: the local press headlined the On the eve of the centenary of the event the staff reports as «Eine Weltsensation». AMB MB BER BR B RIID DGE. INTE NTE NTERNA NTE NT ERNATIO R TIO ON NA NE NAL NEWSM WSMAG AG A GAZ GA ZIN ZI INE E AMBER BRIDGE. INTERNATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE Zh_yantar_most_4_EN.indd 80 01.07.2011 23:07:06 FORGOTTEN PAGES OF COMMON HISTORY Automobile trip. Emperor Nicholas the Second, Grand Duchess Tatyana, Royal court physician Yevgeny Botkin. 1910 photo © Hessisches Staatsarchiv, Darmstadt The Russian Culture Fund proposed to pub- dral), Munzenberg, and other towns and castles, lish German and Russian archive photos together. and also climbed the Taunus mountain range and The Russian and Hessen archives offered their often strolled in the surrounding fields. The path unique photo exhibits for the publication and the there led to the neighboring village of Schwal- booklet Photo Archive of the Voyage of the Rus- heim which is famous for its curative springs and sian Imperial Family to Friedberg and Bad Nauheim the water wheel. Practically nothing has changed (Hessen, Germany) in 1910 has recently come there in a hundred years: today you can walk the out. The Russian Culture Fund handed over a part same way, see the same wheel, and drink water of the circulation to the St. Count Vladimir Brother- from the same spring… hood for the benefit of the Russian Orthodox Ca- The Royal family often visited the resort town thedral in Bad Nauheim which remains a spiritual of Bad Nauheim four kilometers from Friedberg. Al- Russian oasis in Germany like it was a hundred exandra Feodorovna took baths there while the tsar years ago. and grand duchesses strolled in the park and played я tennis… On Sundays and holidays the Royal family The Royal family leisure did not lock up in went to the Russian church there. The Church of St. the castle: the brother and sister-in-law of the Innokenty of Irkutsk and St. Seraphim Sarovsky has empress organized a major program for the rela- preserved to our days and keeps the precious his- tives – they travelled in car to Bad Homburg, toric iconostasis from the Sarov Monastery. Rever- Hessen, Frankfurt (Nicholas II bought a new car end Seraphim prayed before the iconostasis in the there while children visited the Zoo), Limburg Zosimo-Savvatievsk Cathedral of the monastery. (the Royal family album has a photo of its cathe- However in early XX century the cathedral in Sarov AMB AM MBER BRI RD DGE.. INTE DGE IINTERNATIONAL NTERNA RNAT ATIO TIO TION ON NALL NE N NEWSM WS AGA W WSM GA G AZIN Z E ZINE AMBER BRIDGE. NEWSMAGAZINE Zh_yantar_most_4_EN.indd 81 8 811 01.07.2011 23:07:31 FORGOTTEN PAGES OF COMMON HISTORY was expanded and the iconostasis became too ple as he was a charming and heartwarming boy. small for it. It was presented to the church in Bad He was only six years old, but looked as if he were Nauheim and delivered to Germany three years before the royal visit. In 1910 upon an invitation of the Grand Duke of Hessen three of his sisters with families stayed in Friedberg – Emperor Nicholas the Second and fellow travelers view the water wheel in Schwalheim. From left to right: Adjutant General Alexander Drenteln, Princess Irene of Prussia, Grand Duchess Maria, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Prince Heinrich of Prussia, Emperor Nicholas II, court physician Yevgeny Botkin. 1910 photo © Hessisches Staatsarchiv, Darmstadt 8 2 82 Alexandra Feodorovna and her elder sisters Victoria eight. He always wore a middy and a sailor hat (with and which properly fit his young, but reflective face. Greek princesses) and Irena (with sons, husband, Local kids always waited for the sailor boy at the and Prince Heinrich of Prussia, a brother of German castle gate and sealed him off. Today their grand- Emperor Wilhelm). children, grand grandchildren and residents of children, son-in-law, grandchildren, Out of the whole visiting family the heir to Friedberg need no translation to understand the the Russian throne, Alexy, enjoyed most attention Russian word Zarewitsch (but put the emphasis on from castle residents and ordinary Friedberg peo- the first syllable). AMB MB BER BR B RIID DGE. INTE NTE NTERNA NTE NT ERNATIO R TIO ON NA NE NAL NEWSM WSMAG AG A GAZ GA ZIN ZI INE E AMBER BRIDGE. INTERNATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE Zh_yantar_most_4_EN.indd 82 01.07.2011 23:07:51 FORGOTTEN PAGES OF COMMON HISTORY Princes Ludwig and Georg Donatus of Hessen, Zarewitsch Alexey, waiting ladies and lifeguard Derevenko leave for a walk. . © Hessisches Staatsarchiv, Darmstadt Looking at the photos you cannot but think about the fate of the children. Hereditary Prince of Hessen Georg Donatus was killed with the mother, wife and children in an air crash in 1937. They were going for the wedding of his brother Ludwig who lived a long life, but had no children and his death cut short the direct generic branch of Hessen dukes. Zarewitsch Alexy shared the tragic fate of his family: on July 17, The same water wheel a hundred years later. 2010 photo. 1918 he was executed by the Bolsheviks in Yekaterinburg. Nothing could predict such a The archive photos mostly show the Zarewitsch in the company of cousins, the sons of his turn of developments at the time when the pictures were shot… uncle – 4-year old hereditary Prince of Hessen By Irina Yuryeva Georg Donatus and small Prince Ludwig. They run The editorial board expresses gratitude to Hes- in the garden, the Zarewitsch tries to catch a dog, sen State Archive in Darmstadt (Hessisches Staatsarchiv) the three boys sit on a bench with Alexy holding the and dog in his hands, the troika and the dog leave for a Friedberg/Hessen) for the courtesy and permission to walk with lifeguard Derevenko and waiting-ladies… publish 1910 photos they keep. the City Archive of Friedberg (Stadtarchiv AMB AM MBER BRI RD DGE.. INTE DGE IINTERNATIONAL NTERNA RNAT ATIO TIO TION ON NALL NE N NEWSM WS AGA W WSM GA G AZIN Z E ZINE AMBER BRIDGE. NEWSMAGAZINE Zh_yantar_most_4_EN.indd 83 8 3 83 01.07.2011 23:08:13