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Document pdf : 870 ko
attracting human resources Skilled Workers Immigration Procedure The PACA Region considers hosting inward investment projects to be a major development issue and is committed to supporting and facilitating the influx of talent to its territory. r provence-alpes-cote d’azituall The provence-alpes-côte d’azur region in figures… 4,9 million inhabitants 2 million working population 200,000 management staff 157,000 students 25 higher education campuses 4 universities 14 engineering schools 11 clusters (aerospace, agribusiness, cosmetics & perfumery, energy, risk management, marine, optics & photoniocs, biotechnology, information & communication technologies, water) We’ve got tailored supportt with for your projecact persons dedicated cont PACA MODE D’EMPLOI PROVENCE PROMOTION A region with a global outlook… 1700 companies with foreign capital 72,000 foreign workers 310,000 foreign residents 163 different nationalities 13,000 new arrivals each year 18,000 foreign students 30 international schools 72 consular representations Maribel SIERRA : 04 96 11 60 07 Danielle DUCREUX Chrystelle LAGOUANELLE 04 96 10 26 40 OFII (13-84-83-05 and 04 départements) Sophie DESCHARD : 04 91 32 53 81 International-scale projects… Isabelle ANTOINE : 04 91 32 53 30 OFII (06 département) n o i t a r g i m m i r e s k i l l e d w o r k in the PACA region a success t Making your investmen Samy CREPIN : 04 92 29 49 34 Human assets play a vital role in a region’s economic and social development and are a key factor in its ability to attract investment. The Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region has a veritable mine of intellectual and technological resources at its disposal. The region’s economy is highly active in a wide variety of sectors and is home to many companies with foreign capital and to internationally-renowned projects such as ITER. Access to such a skills pool is a considerable advantage for a business, whatever its size. This initiative is part of the French measures aiming at making the country more attractive as a destination for skilled migrants (one-stop service applied to three key fields: information, project tax optimization and assistance for inpatriates).This document has been drawn up with the active participation of: PRÉFET DE LA RÉGION PROVENCE-ALPES CÔTE D’AZUR Paca Mode d’Emploi provides HR assistance to its economic development agency partners providing support for inward investment projects. provence-alpes-cote d’azur - our human resources, your future… project Nathalie LAURENT : 04 92 29 49 07 : 04 91 55 00 42 ITER SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS TECHNOLOGY PARK ARBOIS-MEDITERRANEE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY PARK VAR PLAINE ECO-VALLEY EUROMEDITERRANEE MARSEILLE-PROVENCE 2013, EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE january 2012 in support of the PACA Mode d’Emploi MDER (Regional Economic Development Mission), the public-sector HR solution provider, and Provence Promotion, the economic development agency for the Bouches-du-Rhone département. The PACA Region encourages foreign investment and is committed to assisting, facilitating the arrival and providing support for skilled staff brought in as part of your business strategy. This is why, in collaboration with our main partners, we have published this information brochure designed to help you prepare your move to the PACA region. YOU INTEND SETTING UP IN THE PACA REGION AND WANT TO HIRE A NON-RESIDENT FOREIGN WORKER? THINK AHEAD! recruitment program for employers: YOUR COMPANY IS ALREADY ESTABLISHED IN THE PACA REGION AND YOU WANT TO HIRE A RESIDENT FOREIGN WORKER (other than a national of an EU country or of an EU country for which a transitional period is in force until 01/01/2014, i.e. Bulgaria and Romania) Which are the agencies to contact and procedures to follow and how long will it take...? a 5-step procedure time frame: 2 months time frame: 3 to 5 months Step 1 POLE EMPLOI (Employment center) Step 2 THE DIRECCTE (Local foreign labor department) The employer submits a job offer to Pole Emploi, which checks the position’s opposability. If no suitable candidate is found within 2 months, Pole Emploi issues a certificate confirming that no job seeker is available to fill the position. The employer submits a work permit application to the DIRECCTE. The request to bring in foreign labor can now be made by the employer to the DIRECCTE. Tip 1: Opposability does not apply for some positions, so step 1 becomes unnecessary. Check the list of critical job sectors (and updates) before starting any hiring process. See appendix 1 or visit: Which are the agencies to contact and procedures to follow and how long will it take...? Documents required for processing the application: • “Cerfa” form (downloadable from • Foreign worker’s employment contract. • Form declaring the worker to the URSSAF (social security) and all other social services. If the application is successful, the DIRECCTE notifies the OFII. Tip 4: See the collective bargaining agreement for applicable labor minimums. initRechConvColl.doc Step 3 OFII (Regional immigration department office) Step 4 Step 5 THE OFII (Regional immigration department office) in the country of residence The OFII takes care of the consular visa application, forwarding it to the French Consulate in the foreign worker’s country of residence, with notification to the employer. The French Consulate contacts the employee to collect his or her VLSTS (type D long-term stay visa). The employee may start work upon arrival in France. • The OFII collects the tax due from the employer. • The employee forwards a copy of his/her visa and the form issued by the consulate. He/she attends a medical examination and, where applicable, signs a “Reception and Integration Contract” (the OFII will arrange to see the employee within 3 months of his/her arrival in France). Tip 2: Be thorough and prepare your work permit application during step 1 (a list of required documents can be found in appendix 2) Tip 3: Make sure to have legal documents and employment contracts translated by a sworn translator. French CONSULATE Tip 5: Remember to declare the employee to the URSSAF and all the other social services Tip 6: Allow a half day for your employee’s appointments at the OFII. DIRECCTE : Regional department overseeing business, competition, consumer affairs, work and employment. a 2-step procedure time frame: 2 months Step 1 THE PREFECTURE The employee must apply to the Prefecture for a new residence permit two months prior to the current permit’s expiry. Tip 1: Check the tax impact on the employee. To calculate an income tax amount, visit: « Particuliers » section. Step 2 THE DIRECCTE (Local foreign labor department) The Prefecture sends the application to the DIRECCTE for approval to issue the work permit (A.T. or “Autorisation de Travail”). The DIRECCTE contacts the employer to obtain the required documents. The employer must provide the latest pay advices and URSSAF declaration forms. • Granting entry of foreign workers falls under the authority of the Consulate, the DIRECCTE and the OFII. • Granting residence in France falls under the authority of the Prefecture a 2-step procedure time frame: 2 working days Step 1 POLE EMPLOI : French public service dealing with employment and benefits. renewing residence and work permits: the employee has a work permit: OFII : State department overseeing immigration and integration. PREFECTURE Application to Prefect to have the residence permit authenticated. The employer sends an e-mail (or registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt) to the Prefect of the departement enclosing a copy of the employee’s residence permit at least 2 working days prior to the employee’s first day of employment. Step 2 PREFECTURE The Prefect’s decision is notified to the employer (minimum 2 working days from receipt of application). In the event of a problem, the prefecture will advise the employer. Absenting any such advice, the application can be considered accepted. employee starts work immediately the employee does not have a work permit: a 2-step procedure time frame: +/- 3 months Step 1 PREFECTURE The prefecture forwards the status change application (filled out by the employee) to the DIRECCTE. Caution! The change of status is not granted automatically and may be rejected by the Prefecture. Step 2 THE DIRECCTE Work permit forwarded to the OFII. Step 3 THE OFII • Employers’ tax collected. • Appointment made for the employee’s medical examination. • The OFII issues the employee with the work permit stamped by the DIRECCTE. • The prefecture issues the residence permit. employee starts work immediately attracting human resources Skilled Workers Immigration Procedure The PACA Region considers hosting inward investment projects to be a major development issue and is committed to supporting and facilitating the influx of talent to its territory. r provence-alpes-cote d’azituall The provence-alpes-côte d’azur region in figures… 4,9 million inhabitants 2 million working population 200,000 management staff 157,000 students 25 higher education campuses 4 universities 14 engineering schools 11 clusters (aerospace, agribusiness, cosmetics & perfumery, energy, risk management, marine, optics & photoniocs, biotechnology, information & communication technologies, water) We’ve got tailored supportt with for your projecact persons dedicated cont PACA MODE D’EMPLOI PROVENCE PROMOTION A region with a global outlook… 1700 companies with foreign capital 72,000 foreign workers 310,000 foreign residents 163 different nationalities 13,000 new arrivals each year 18,000 foreign students 30 international schools 72 consular representations Maribel SIERRA : 04 96 11 60 07 Danielle DUCREUX Chrystelle LAGOUANELLE 04 96 10 26 40 OFII (13-84-83-05 and 04 départements) Sophie DESCHARD : 04 91 32 53 81 International-scale projects… Isabelle ANTOINE : 04 91 32 53 30 OFII (06 département) n o i t a r g i m m i r e s k i l l e d w o r k in the PACA region a success t Making your investmen Samy CREPIN : 04 92 29 49 34 Human assets play a vital role in a region’s economic and social development and are a key factor in its ability to attract investment. The Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region has a veritable mine of intellectual and technological resources at its disposal. The region’s economy is highly active in a wide variety of sectors and is home to many companies with foreign capital and to internationally-renowned projects such as ITER. Access to such a skills pool is a considerable advantage for a business, whatever its size. This initiative is part of the French measures aiming at making the country more attractive as a destination for skilled migrants (one-stop service applied to three key fields: information, project tax optimization and assistance for inpatriates).This document has been drawn up with the active participation of: PRÉFET DE LA RÉGION PROVENCE-ALPES CÔTE D’AZUR Paca Mode d’Emploi provides HR assistance to its economic development agency partners providing support for inward investment projects. provence-alpes-cote d’azur - our human resources, your future… project Nathalie LAURENT : 04 92 29 49 07 : 04 91 55 00 42 ITER SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS TECHNOLOGY PARK ARBOIS-MEDITERRANEE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY PARK VAR PLAINE ECO-VALLEY EUROMEDITERRANEE MARSEILLE-PROVENCE 2013, EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE january 2012 in support of the PACA Mode d’Emploi MDER (Regional Economic Development Mission), the public-sector HR solution provider, and Provence Promotion, the economic development agency for the Bouches-du-Rhone département. The PACA Region encourages foreign investment and is committed to assisting, facilitating the arrival and providing support for skilled staff brought in as part of your business strategy. This is why, in collaboration with our main partners, we have published this information brochure designed to help you prepare your move to the PACA region. attracting human resources Skilled Workers Immigration Procedure The PACA Region considers hosting inward investment projects to be a major development issue and is committed to supporting and facilitating the influx of talent to its territory. r provence-alpes-cote d’azituall The provence-alpes-côte d’azur region in figures… 4,9 million inhabitants 2 million working population 200,000 management staff 157,000 students 25 higher education campuses 4 universities 14 engineering schools 11 clusters (aerospace, agribusiness, cosmetics & perfumery, energy, risk management, marine, optics & photoniocs, biotechnology, information & communication technologies, water) We’ve got tailored supportt with for your projecact persons dedicated cont PACA MODE D’EMPLOI PROVENCE PROMOTION A region with a global outlook… 1700 companies with foreign capital 72,000 foreign workers 310,000 foreign residents 163 different nationalities 13,000 new arrivals each year 18,000 foreign students 30 international schools 72 consular representations Maribel SIERRA : 04 96 11 60 07 Danielle DUCREUX Chrystelle LAGOUANELLE 04 96 10 26 40 OFII (13-84-83-05 and 04 départements) Sophie DESCHARD : 04 91 32 53 81 International-scale projects… Isabelle ANTOINE : 04 91 32 53 30 OFII (06 département) n o i t a r g i m m i r e s k i l l e d w o r k in the PACA region a success t Making your investmen Samy CREPIN : 04 92 29 49 34 Human assets play a vital role in a region’s economic and social development and are a key factor in its ability to attract investment. The Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur region has a veritable mine of intellectual and technological resources at its disposal. The region’s economy is highly active in a wide variety of sectors and is home to many companies with foreign capital and to internationally-renowned projects such as ITER. Access to such a skills pool is a considerable advantage for a business, whatever its size. This initiative is part of the French measures aiming at making the country more attractive as a destination for skilled migrants (one-stop service applied to three key fields: information, project tax optimization and assistance for inpatriates).This document has been drawn up with the active participation of: PRÉFET DE LA RÉGION PROVENCE-ALPES CÔTE D’AZUR Paca Mode d’Emploi provides HR assistance to its economic development agency partners providing support for inward investment projects. provence-alpes-cote d’azur - our human resources, your future… project Nathalie LAURENT : 04 92 29 49 07 : 04 91 55 00 42 ITER SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS TECHNOLOGY PARK ARBOIS-MEDITERRANEE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY PARK VAR PLAINE ECO-VALLEY EUROMEDITERRANEE MARSEILLE-PROVENCE 2013, EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE january 2012 in support of the PACA Mode d’Emploi MDER (Regional Economic Development Mission), the public-sector HR solution provider, and Provence Promotion, the economic development agency for the Bouches-du-Rhone département. The PACA Region encourages foreign investment and is committed to assisting, facilitating the arrival and providing support for skilled staff brought in as part of your business strategy. This is why, in collaboration with our main partners, we have published this information brochure designed to help you prepare your move to the PACA region.
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