York Catholic Legends - York Catholic High School
York Catholic Legends - York Catholic High School
York Catholic High School Alumni Publication Summer 2014 2013 - Annua 2014 l Givin g Issue York Catholic Legends From the Principal Dear York Catholic Family, Recently, I joined three members of our Advancement and Enrollment team at a Partners in Mission conference. The keynote speaker, Sr. Clare Fitzgerald, SSND, travels the world lecturing on the 21st Century mission of Catholic education. She talked about life as a “journey home to God.” At York Catholic, we are grateful you share a passion for the faith-based education we offer our students as a part of their life journey. This year, it is critical that we acknowledge a couple key individuals who have been a pivotal part of the Catholic education mission of our school. Mr. Mike Keesey retired after 46 years of service as a teacher, coach, administrator, mentor and friend to many of us who are alumni of YC. He was honored in many ways during his last few months as Director of Students. The students themselves, knowing his passion for the Christmas season, presented a parody of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” on the YC stage with parting gifts to accompany each day. At the end-of-the-year faculty gathering, he was also honored with an official proclamation from the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, obtained through Representative Kevin Schreiber’s office, recognizing his unending loyalty to his alma mater and its students. We look forward to visits from him in between his time golfing in Florida and visiting his son in New York. Many of us were saddened by the news of the death of Sister Dorothy (Sr. Anne Jerome) as she meant so much to many generations of YC alumni. I am overwhelmed by the sincere expression of fondness so many of you have shared since the news of her passing. Her ability to touch individual lives through her work in Catholic education is one of inspiration and one to be modeled. Because of her impact on so many of us, we have featured her on our cover (at bat) along with her best friend, Sr. Marcia, as catcher. In our 85 year history, this is the photo that evokes the most positive reactions and memories from our alumni. The thoughts of many of you are shared on page 4. We will honor Sr. Dorothy in a special way at this year’s Homecoming alumni mass in our auditorium on Sunday, October 19. We hope you will join us as we celebrate all she has contributed to our YC family. Also, in remembrance of Sister Dorothy's many contributions to York Catholic, and the fond memories we all have of her, we are pleased to announce the establishment of the Sister Dorothy Fund. Complete details about the fund can also be found on page 4. We welcome two new members to our staff. Mr. Brandon Bailey, a Catholic high school graduate from Salesianum School in Wilmington, DE, and recent interim Assistant Principal at Central York High School, joins us as a new Assistant Principal. We have also expanded our Advancement Office with the addition of Ms. Maida Connor, Director of Advancement. Mrs. Jennifer Stees Glassmyer remains as Director of Events and Alumni Relations. We are all excited to have the additional manpower to ensure the advancement of YC and the support of its future. We are currently finishing a substantial office renovation which will aid in the security of our front entryway at the school. We have also upgraded our wireless capabilities and added 96 new computers this summer for student use. It’s shaping up to be a great year. Congratulations As always, we thank you for making York Catholic part of your “journey home to God.” We look forward to seeing you at our many events planned for this upcoming year and welcome you home this fall to enjoy one of our favorite past times, football under the lights in the autumn air. $8.75 million in scholarships God Bless! 72% earned scholarships 20,208 hours of community service 97% continuing education CLASS OF 2014 Katie Seufert ‘96 Principal 2 Renovation Project This summer, we have been renovating our front entryway and main office area. The catalyst for this project stems from many months of discussion at the School Board level related to safety and security in our building. Over the last two years, we have made significant upgrades including adding swipe card entry points, revising our visitation policy to the school, and training our staff on the importance of safety and security awareness. The Building and Grounds Committee to the school board proposed the current renovation project as a measure to ensure that guests and visitors to our school are properly greeted and guided when entering our building. Upon completion of the project, guests and visitors will enter into the main reception area in the front office where they will be greeted warmly and asked to wait comfortably for someone to receive them. Outside revenue sources funded this project so it has no effect on tuition costs or staff salaries for the upcoming school year. We are blessed to have a talented School Board who understands the mission of our work and the importance of progress for our school. Above left: main office Above right: school entrance to office Center: new teachers’ work room Below right: interior main entrance Below left: new reception desk space 3 Fond Memories Sister Dorothy (Sister Anne Jerome) touched many hearts. She was a teacher and friend who made a lasting impression with her fun-loving character and kindness to all. The following are quotes we received with memories of Sister through emails and the York Catholic Facebook page: Sr. Dorothy Sr. Anne Jerome Excerpts reprinted with permission from the Catholic Witness, July 4, 2014 Sister Dorothy Epple, formerly known as Sister Anne Jerome, died June 24, at Assisi House in Aston, PA. She had been a member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia for 66 years. Born in Baltimore, she entered the congregation in 1945 and professed her vows in 1948. “When I arrived at York Catholic, Sister She earned a B.S. in secondary education Dorothy was working in the attendance and a M.S. in biology, both from Villanova office, but York Catholic graduates most often noted that she was the best teacher University. She ministered in the Archdioceses of Philadelphia and they ever had. Through her years of Baltimore, and in the Dioceses of teaching science, teaching with such an Harrisburg, Trenton, and Wilmington. In incredibly positive approach to things, Sister Dorothy was extremely well loved.” the Diocese of Harrisburg, she served for Sister Dorothy ~ George Andrews, former YCHS principal 30 years in York. She taught at St. Sister Anne Jerome Mary’s School from 1947-1949, and at York Catholic from 1956-1970 and 1985“Lovely lady, what a joy to know.” 1987. She returned to YC in 1992, where ~ Jane Ann Dobish she worked in the office until 2000. From 2000-2005, she was a receptionist at St. “A BRILIANT woman and educator.” ~ Jeffrey Witman ‘70 Joseph Parish in York. From 2005-2010, Sister Dorothy lived in Queen of Peace “She & Sr. Marcia were truly legends and the epitome of what nuns Convent, the congregation’s independent should be! They are together again and raising a toast to ‘the living residence, and volunteered in the good life!’ ” congregational offices. In 2010 she ~ Jo (Marsala) Anthony ‘69 moved to Assisi House in Aston where she served in prayer ministry until her death. “Just visiting her in the office was the best memory. She was always She is survived by a sister-in-law, Agnes happy to see you and her smile was contagious.” Epple; nieces; and a nephew. ~ Sandy (Allton) Streavig ‘04 Sister Dorothy Fund This fund will provide support for programs that enhance the learning environment for our students as Sister Dorothy always placed her students before herself, even long after they graduated. We plan to honor her by hanging her picture with a plaque in our newly renovated main office area near the Attendance Desk as many of us spent our time chatting with her at the desk throughout our days here at YC. Contributions may be directed to York Catholic High School and should include the notation “Sister Dorothy Fund.” York Catholic High School 601 E Springettsbury Avenue York PA 17403 “She was an amazing woman and will be missed.” ~ Chrissy Marie (Horner) Bernstein ‘96 “She was such a sweetheart., Always smiling!!!” ~ Joan (Galloway) Bainbridge ‘70 “My fondest memory of Sister Dorothy was the St. Mary’s Grade School picnic at Hershey Park where she and I rode the Comet coaster 13 straight trips. I’ll always see her smiling face.” ~ James Geubtner ‘60 “Sister Anne Jerome adapted herself to the world she lived in and still got her message across as a religious sister. After her family and her order, she probably loved YC more than anything else.” ~ Rick Luckman ‘66 & faculty member “Sister Anne Jerome and Sister Marcia did everything together. The ‘ladies,’ as we called them, were always invited to our ‘get-togethers.’ We considered them one of the family.” ~ Paul Borsa ‘58 & former faculty member 4 Contribution of a Lifetime Mike Keesey ’64, announced his retirement from York Catholic at the end of the 2013-14 school year. Mike called York Catholic “home” for 4 years of his high school education, and 46 years of his professional teaching, coaching, and administrative career. Many know Mike for his athletic accomplishments as a player in baseball and basketball that rank him as one of the greatest athletes to come out of York County. Others know Mike Keesey him for his excellent coaching record and state basketball championships. He’s also known as a passionate golfer, movie enthusiast, die-hard Yankee fan, Christmas lover, and Oldies music expert. These interests describe only a small portion of what makes Mike the man he is today. Look deeper, and you’ll find a loving and devoted husband and father, and spirit-filled man who values the role of Christ in his life and gives prayerful thanks on a daily basis. He’s been a true role model to many and is appreciated by former students when they take on parental roles and fully understand the reasons behind the strict rules they endured during high school. In his last few days before retirement, Mike said, “I’ll miss the students, employees, and faithful supporters of a place I’ve always called home.” And home will truly miss Mike Keesey. Thank you, Mike, for your countless hours of dedication to York Catholic. YC Grad Inducted into NBA Hall of Fame York Catholic Hall of Famer, Janet (Young) Eline ’70, was part of the Immaculata University Women’s Basketball Team that was inducted into the NBA Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in August. Immaculata won three straight AIAW National Championships (1972-74), compiling an overall record of 60-2 in three seasons. They were the first women’s college team to play in a nationally televised game, play at Madison Square Garden and to play in Australia. Congratulations, Janet! Welcome to the Team Maida Connor is York Catholic’s new Director of Advancement. As a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE), she brings over 25 years of successful fundraising and development experiences from work with Rhode Island School of Design, La Salle Academy, The HACC Foundation, and Gettysburg College. Maida will be responsible for the leadership and oversight of a comprehensive advancement program to raise awareness and new monies to benefit the school and its students. Program components will include: the Annual Fund, Major and Planned Gifts, Endowment Gifts, Prospect Research, Special Events, Corporate and Foundation Relations, Proposal Writing, Donor Cultivation and Stewardship. This York Catholic pendant is now available and can be engraved. 10K Yellow $199.00 Gold Filled $ 79.00 Sterling Silver $ 59.00 Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery. Prices do not include taxes and handling. To order, contact Yvette Harrison, 717-818-3386 or Yvette.Harrison@ balfour-rep.com Congratulations Father Sahd Maida Connor 5 Kyle Sahd was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in June by Bishop Ronald Gainer of the Diocese of Harrisburg. Reverand Sahd was a Social Studies teacher and department chair, and Student Council moderator at York Catholic from 2002-2007. We are proud to call him a member of the YC family and are confident he will serve as an inspiration to others aspiring to the vocational call. What’s Happening at YC… ANNUAL ALUMNI SENIOR BREAKFAST This year marked a new tradition of celebrating our graduating Seniors. In May, the Alumni Association hosted the inaugural Annual Alumni Senior Breakfast. It marked the last time the class would gather in its entirety for a meal, and the transition from YC student to YC alumni. Several alumni were invited back to speak during the breakfast about what YC has meant to them and what it has helped them to accomplish. Family, friends, teachers, and staff were invited to capture memories and write well wishes of support in letters to York Catholic’s New Alumni the students. Laughter and tears Left to right: filled the cafeteria as a walk Mike Connor, Kyle Zimmerman, Matt McKim, Ben Smith, Ian Shelley, Erich Hartman down memory lane took place. Many parents, faculty, and staff are to be thanked for such creative ideas and tasty treats. Special acknowledgements to Tricia McCombLloyd, Mary Smith, Vicki Connor, Beth Brennan, Lori DePorter, Deb Hartman, Sue McKim, Sharon Shelley, Lisa Christie, Kris Keffer, Ann Zimmerman, Mary Bohn, Mary Kate Andrews, Roxanne Castellanos, Barb Hamilton, and Jennifer Stees Glassmyer. MAGAZINE DRIVE The annual Magazine Drive runs August 29-September 26. You can purchase new subscriptions or renew your current ones by visiting www.gafundraising.com. Be sure to include the YC code 2569838 in your online order. FREE MONEY FROM GIANT Giant grocery store offers York Catholic cash based on a percentage of sales to YC families. Participation in the Giant A+ Rewards Program does NOT jeopardize your earning of personal points. If you registered your Bonus Card number in the past, you do not need to re-send us your number. Just be sure to check your account to be sure you have selected York Catholic as the school to benefit from your purchases. If you wish to register, please forward your number to Jennifer at [email protected]. This is a great way for YC to earn thousands in free money. Thank you for your support! York Catholic Athletic Association’s BINGO Oct. 5 ~ Nov. 2 ~ Dec. 7 2 PM Doors open at 12 noon No seats held after 1:00 PM Admission - $30.00 Two $500 jackpots & One $1000 jackpot Tickets available at the door — no advance tickets sold 717-846-8871 x11 6 GOLF TOURNAMENT York Catholic High School held its 24th Annual Golf Tournament in June at Regents’ Glen Country Club. Proceeds from the tournament benefited the York Catholic Tuition Assistance Fund. Winners were: Open Division: Mixed Division: Seniors Division: Super Seniors Division: Mark Carr, Steve Carr, Steve Gekas, Cary Walton Chandler Bankos, Donna Bankos, Kevin Bankos, Mike Weaver Butch Newman, Ernie Sartalis, Tom Trimmer, Mike Walsh Jim Slobozien, Joe Stees, Clark Wherley, Jeff Witman Matt Dellinger ALUMNI BAND If you have graduated from York Catholic and participated in the Marching Band as a student, you are invited to dust off your musical instrument and join the current band members to play for the Homecoming Game on October 17. It is not required, but if you are able to attend there will be an alumni rehearsal on October 9 from 6-7 PM in the YC Band Room. If you are interested, send an email to [email protected]. THANK YOU SPONSORS York Catholic has been blessed with the support of numerous sponsors and donors who generously make our events a success. The end of the school year was especially busy for the Advancement team with three major events taking place for the enjoyment of our YC family and the community. Thank you to the following sponsors and donors: Pot of Gold Draw Down Dinner AB Mauri / Doug Jump; Adventure Aquarium; Arthur Murray Dance Studio; B.C. Interiors, Harrisburg PA; Bistro 19; Blue Moon Café; Steve Carr; Clementine Park & Splash World; Coomb’s Tavern; Chaz Dean WEN Designs; Country Club of York; DiCarlo’s Pizza / Ned & Jodi Bauhof; Dutch Wonderland; Eagle’s Nest Restaurant; Evan Forrester / Fox 43; Frank Theatres; Fuddruckers Restaurant / George Leight; Glatfelter Insurance Group; The Hershey Story - The Museum on Chocolate Avenue; Jackie B’s; Jim’s Auto Repair / Gary Bankos; The Left Bank Restaurant & Bar; Michelle Liddick / The Styling Room; Longwood Gardens; Maple Donuts / Charlie & Sue Burnside; Mister Car Wash; Morey’s Surfside Pier; Tom Murphy; Par Exsalonce Salon & Day Spa; People’s Bank; Railroad Museum of PA; Rutter’s Farm Stores; Shuman-Heritage Printing Company; Susquehanna Bank; Trail Nurseries; Turkey Hill Experience; Victor’s Italian Restaurant; Vito’s Pizza & Beer; The Ware Center & the Winter - Millersville University; York Revolution. An Evening with Merril Hoge Rob and Cindy Citrone; Ball Claw - K Concepts; H.J. Heinz Company Foundation; Monarch Products, Inc.; The Patrick Organization; The Stewart Companies. Golf Tournament AccuPad, Inc. / Chris Boyle; Apple Automotive; Apple Chevrolet; Bill Brander; Brewery Products / Dan Deller; Steven M. Carr, Attorney at Law; Catholic Professional Association of York; Collens-Wagner Agency, Inc. Insurance; Family Tree Farm; Flynn & O’Hara Uniform Company; Friends of York Catholic - Flinchbaughs / Shorbs; Frito-Lay / Gary Shively; Gazebo Room Salad Dressings & Marinades; Heidler Roofing Services, Inc.; Jack Giambalvo Family of Dealerships; John W. Keffer Funeral Home, Inc.; KBG Injury Law; Maple Donuts; Regents’ Glen / Tommy Moore; Reynolds Restoration Services, Inc.; SF & Company; The Stewart Companies; White Rose Bar & Grill. Honorary Day York Catholic’s National Honor Society placed flags at the Mt. Rose Cemetery in honor of Memorial Day. 7 Gaelic Club Mystical Rose Society The Gaelic Club is an honorary organization founded to give recognition to a select group of individuals who have demonstrated a special commitment to the financial well being of York Catholic High School. There are four options available for membership: For 85 years, York Catholic has provided the best opportunity for a well-rounded, Christ-centered education. With an annual membership commitment of one thousand dollars or more to any York Catholic fund, members of the Mystical Rose Society help York Catholic continue its tradition of academic excellence and help accomplish its mission as a Catholic school. Providing quality programs in a Catholic environment is an unchanging and primary goal of our faculty and staff. The support of the Mystical Rose Society helps to reach that goal through the following special objectives: To fund the Tuition Assistance endowment, the Forjan Focus Fund (teacher salary endowment), and other school endowments. To support special projects initiated by the school's administration for ongoing support to the academic program including equipment needs. To support the ongoing operational costs of the school in the areas where funds are most needed. $10,000.00 Cash Donation (payable over a five year period) $15,000.00 Will Bequest $15,000.00 Life Insurance Policy stipulating YCHS as Beneficiary $10,000.00 Stock or Real Estate Gift If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Maida Connor at 717-846-8871 x30 or [email protected]. Cash Gifts POWERFUL, SIMPLE, EFFICIENT. Jack and Tina have been making modest annual gifts to York Catholic High School for years. Last year was an excellent year financially for them: Jack received an unexpected bonus, and a big block of restricted stock vested for Tina. Jack and Tina decided to share their good fortune with York Catholic High School in the form of a large cash gift. In addition to the personal satisfaction that comes from helping to preserve the York Catholic tradition, Mystical Rose Society members also enjoy the following benefits: Members are remembered at the general intercessions during Mass in the months of October and May. Members are invited to an appreciation reception at the end of the school year. Members are acknowledged in the Annual Report published in Greensleeves. We know you understand the value of a Catholic education. We hope you will consider becoming a member of the Mystical Rose Society and help provide York Catholic and its students and faculty with continued support. For more information on joining York Catholic’s Mystical Rose Society, please contact Maida Connor at [email protected] or 717-846-8871 x30 The simplest and by far the most common gift strategy is an outright gift of cash, which is completed on the date delivered or mailed (or charged, in the case of gifts by credit card). You receive an immediate charitable contribution income tax deduction for the full gift value, up to 50 percent of your adjusted gross income (AGI). If a portion of your gift cannot immediately be deducted because of the AGI limitation, that “unused” portion may be carried forward and used for five years. United Way Thank you to all of our alumni and friends who donate through the United Way. We have seen tremendous growth in the last few years in the number of people designating York Catholic through their United Way programs. Beyond this AGI limitation, there are other broad limitations on deductability—so make sure you consult your tax advisor. If you have not already done so, please consider making York Catholic your designated charity when filling out your United Way forms at your place of employment. York Catholic does not have a code number. You simply have to write “York Catholic High School, 601 E. Springettsbury Ave., York, PA 17403” on the blank line provided. Keep in mind that many employers will match your gift dollar for dollar (or more), providing additional support for York Catholic High School. Often these programs are also extended to retirees. Please check to see if you qualify for a matching-gift program. 8 Saturday, September 27 6 PM at York Catholic Kick-off the school year with beef and oysters from a variety of local restaurants, a silent auction, and entertainment! t mee o t y t wa ilies a e ps r A g ew fam iendshi n fr k. ndle er brea i k e r m and er sum aft $35 per person “Gre a food t night at ,e Y ease ntertain C. The men of au t, a ct awes ome ion chec nd . Bes kout ~ Ro sie t was 2013 Johnson o event e n the 85th v e r Anni !!!” vers This event is for those 21 and older Reservations by September 15 717-846-8871 x51 or [email protected] 9 ary e v ent 2014-15 Advancement Events The Advancement Team has numerous events planned throughout the year that we hope you will attend and enjoy. These events offer a great opportunity for socializing, networking, and supporting the fund raising efforts of York Catholic. If you would like to Date/Time help with the planning of any of the events or if you would like to purchase tickets, please contact Jennifer Stees Glassmyer at 717-846-8871 x51 or [email protected]. All proceeds support York Catholic High School. Event Other information Enjoy food from a variety of local restaurants, a silent auction, and entertainment! Saturday Bull & Oyster Roast September 27, 2014 Friday October 17, 2014 Sunday October 19, 2014 9:00 AM Homecoming Festivities Tailgate (5-6:15 PM), Parade (5:30 PM), Alumni Table (7-9 PM), and Football Game (7 PM) Catch up with fellow alumni and enjoy refreshments at the Alumni Table before or during the football game. Homecoming Mass & Brunch In memory of Sister Dorothy with special recognition of YC alumni Held at York Catholic’s Auditorium & Cafeteria. Gaelic Club Dinner Held at Country Club of York. The Gaelic Club is an honorary organization. See page 8 or call for details concerning membership. February 2015 Phone-a-Thon Reach out to fellow classmates while supporting YC’s Annual Appeal. To volunteer, contact Jennifer at the email or phone above. Saturday March 14, 2015 Irish Night Celebrate the Irish for St. Patrick’s Day! Watch for details coming in 2015. Spring 2015 Pot of Gold Draw Down Dinner Enjoy a lively night of fun with a chance to win big! $10,000 cash will be given away! June 15, 2015 YC Golf Tournament At Regents Glen. Includes greens fee, cart rental, lunch, refreshments, & prizes. Sunday November 2, 2014 10 Class Reunions Class of 1942 Classmates get together for lunch and music every six months. Any questions, contact Pat (Rider) Eheholt at 717-741-4058. Class of 1945 Lunch Social every 6 months. Any questions, please contact Mary (Mohrline) Muller at 717-846-6907. Class of 1946 Lunch Social every holiday or just for fun. Any questions, please contact Doris (Dart) Trone at 717-764-1521. Class of 1950 The annual luncheon for the Class of 1950 is scheduled for Saturday, October 10, 2014, at 10 AM at Alexander's Restaurant. If you plan to attend, please contact one of the following classmates by September 30 to confirm your reservation: Louise (Fisher) Deller at 717-741-2153, Mildred (Knaub) Dennes at 717-755-6238, or Joan (Mohrline) Miller at 717-764-0160. Attention Class Reunion Coordinators Be sure to register your class reunion information with our Director of Events & Alumni Relations who will help you with your organizational efforts. We can place your notice in upcoming Greensleeves issues, post information on the YC website, help you with a mailing list, reserve a room at YC, and other details. Contact Jennifer at [email protected] or 717-846-8871 x51. Class of 1952 Classmates will meet for lunch the last Wednesday in October at 1 PM at the Crimson American Grill on South Queen Street. RSVP to Mary (Cuffaro) Keffer at 717-757-1222, Barbara (Sheffer) Rooney at 717-843-3498, or Vivian (Noel) Keith at 717-741-9612. Even if you can't make the lunch, give us a call with your email address and phone number. Class of 1954 A 60th Reunion is being planned for September 26-28, 2014. Dinner will be arranged at a local restaurant on Saturday night. Look for a letter in August with more details. Any questions, contact Bill Gerber at 978-302-8863 or [email protected]. Class of 1957 Breakfast social the first Monday of each month at 8:30 AM at the Stonybrook Family Restaurant, 3560 E. Market St. in York. Classmates, spouses, friends, and guests - enjoy and rekindle YC memories. Any questions, please contact: Gary & Rozalia Gillette 717-840-9127, Bob & Sue Stahle 717-755-9094, or Ed Schneider 717-755-4425. Class members are asked to send their email addresses to Rita (Smith) Halverson at [email protected]. Class of 1958 A breakfast social is held the 2nd Monday of every month at 9 AM at Perkins Family Restaurant in East York. For more information, contact Ken Witmer at 717-755-9883 or Marg (Elstrodt) Fry at 717-741-0684. Class of 1959 A luncheon social is held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Perkins Restaurant in East York. Contact Thelma (Gutt) Greaves at [email protected] or 717-417-1057. The 55th Class Reunion for the Class of 1959 will be held on Saturday, September 20, 2014, at the Outdoor Country Club on Detwiler Drive in York. Contact Sheila (Kraft) Borsa at 717-764-9780 or [email protected]. Class of 1962 Members of the class have started meeting for breakfast at Alexander's Restaurant at 9 AM on the 4th Thursday of each month. Please contact Liz (Wotherspoon) Kohler at 717-259-9082 or [email protected] if you will be joining the group. Class of 1964 The 50th reunion is scheduled for October 3-4, 2014. Friday, October 3, classmates will enjoy a tour of the school at 6 PM, followed by the football game at 7 PM, and an informal post-game gathering at the OffCenter Grill at the Yorktowne Hotel. On Saturday, October 4, the reunion will be held at York Catholic at 6 PM in the lobby. If you have any questions, contact Joe Gangloff at 717-757-3923. 11 Class of 1965 The 50th reunion is scheduled for September 15, 2015 at the Country Club of York. More details will be e-mailed to classmates. If anyone is not receiving emails, contact Marg (Burger) Gotwald at [email protected] or 717-7559971. Details will also be posted on the class's Facebook page, "York Catholic Class of 1965." Class of 1967 Class members get together monthly at various locations. For more information, contact Kay (Daniels) Kuhn at [email protected]. Class of 1969 The Class of 1969 will attend the Homecoming football game on October 17, and enjoy an informal covered dish social on October 18. Classmates should contact Frank Campo at 717-757-1654 or [email protected] or Martha Tassia at 717-845-3702 or [email protected]. Class of 1973 Class members get together monthly at various locations. For more information, contact David E. Concino at [email protected]. Class of 1974 The Class of 1974 is holding its 40th reunion Saturday, September 13, 2014 at the Viking Club. For more information, contact Jane (Frey) Sentz at [email protected] or Kathy (Luck) Horne at [email protected]. Class of 1984 The Class of 1984 will hold its 30th Reunion celebration on Saturday, October 18, 2014, at 7 PM at Ironwoods at Heritage Hills. Please RSVP by September 1 to Michele (Williams) Stambaugh at [email protected] or 215859-7460. Class of 1994 The Class of 1994 is celebrating its 20th class reunion this year. In order to properly celebrate the occasion, please plan to join us at the Viking Club in West York on October 18, 2014, from 6-10 PM. The cost to attend is $50 per person, and will include dinner and refreshments. Please contact Matt Helfrich at [email protected] or Mieke (Walsh) Driscoll at [email protected] to let us know if you plan to attend and to set up payment arrangements. Looking forward to seeing you! Class Notes The 40s Gladys Hoke ‘45 wrote, “I am so proud to be a graduate of York Catholic and I am proud of all the students.” Dan Valenti ‘47 and his wife, Charlotte, celebrated 61 years of marriage in April. Margaret (Wills) Bailor ‘48 and her husband, Rex, celebrated their 63rd wedding anniversary in May. They have 4 granddaughters and 6 greatgrandchildren. The Bailors The 50s Dr. James McCleaf ‘52 and his wife, Janice, celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary in February at a cocktail party hosted by Captain Fabro aboard the Royal Princess. The 60s Sister Joan Marie Keller, MSBT ‘62, was re-elected as the General Custodian (Major Superior) of the Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity in May 2013. 12 The McCleafs Susan (Utterback) Lapp-Mellott ‘66 is an author, writer, artist and creator of hand– made greeting cards for her family and friends. She currently has fifteen books available for electronic reading on Amazon.com. She writes children’s fiction, adult fiction, adult non-fiction, and booklets on cardiac disease and how it affects everyone living in your family. Susan says, “God has truly blessed me throughout my entire life, so I write as a way to give back. If I can make just one person smile or laugh at something I write, or teach just one person something about heart disease, then I’m giving praise to God. That’s all I’d like to achieve.“ To purchase Susan’s books, email her at [email protected]. Susan Lapp-Mellott The 70s Steve Zorbaugh ‘75 released his latest book, “Raising Laughter on the Funny Farm” (Arkman Press, 2014). Classmates or alumni interested in obtaining a copy can email Steve at [email protected]. Randy James ‘79, is beginning his 29th year with the York City School District. He completed his Masters of Education at Millersville University in 1989 and received his Masters in Educational Administration Leadership in 2005 from McDaniel College. He served as William Penn Principal for 3 years, Assistant Principal for 5 years and is currently a Principal at Goode K-8. Randy and his wife, Donna, are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary in November 2014. They have two daughters, Marissa ‘10 who is attending Penn State as an Elementary Education major and Emily ‘13 who is attending Penn State-York as a Special Education major. The 80s Karen (Bennett) Henry ‘89 and Patrick Henry ‘89 reside in Lancaster with their 3 children. Karen recently won a Golden Apple Teaching Award from the Diocese of Harrisburg. She teaches Language Arts for grades 6-8 at St. Anne School in Lancaster. The 90s Matthew ‘98 and Erica Dearborn ‘99 welcomed their son Emerson James on November 1. He joins big sister, Joella, age 4. His picture shows him already sporting his shamrocks! The 00s Joshua D. Young ‘00 earned his Juris Doctorate from Rutgers University School of Law in May. Joshua received his BS in Biomedical Engineering from University of Miami in Emerson Dearborn 2004 and then his Masters in Biomedical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology in 2010. He is currently employed as a Core Team Manager with Becton Dickinson in New Jersey and will pursue a career in Patent Law in the near future. Lauren (Heltzel) Ward ‘00 and Justin Ward ‘00, celebrated the birth of their third son, Dean Oliver, 7 lbs., 18-3/4” long on January 29, 2014. Big brothers, Sean and Aiden, are having a wonderful time welcoming Dean into the family. Johanna Marsala ‘08 graduated summa cum laude from Temple University in May with a Masters of Education. She will begin her teaching career this fall in Lower Merion School District as a Spanish and English as a Second Language teacher at the Middle School level. The 10s The Wards Emma Farrell ‘10 graduated in May from Penn State University receiving a BS in secondary education with a major in English and a minor in French. She graduated number one in her class from the College of Education with Highest Distinction and a 4.0 GPA. Emma has accepted a teaching position in Glendale, AZ. 13 Matthew Fuller ‘10 graduated in December 2013 from the B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. Matthew maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout his college career and graduated summa cum laude. Having received a Bachelor's degree in Applied Networking and Systems Administration, Matt now resides in New York City where he is employed by Aviary as a server engineer. Liam Brennan ‘12 is entering his junior year at Drexel University. He’s a Mechanical Engineering major in the Pennoni Honors College. Brendan Sanders ‘12 graduated from Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology with an Associates Degree in Carpentry Technology. He is currently employed by The Groundsmaster, LLC doing lawn and landscape maintenance while searching for work doing residential home construction/building. Matthew Fuller Haylee Warner ‘12 will be spending her fall semester in New Zealand. She is currently in her third year at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA, majoring in dance and minoring in film. In Memorium Keith Allen ‘73, brother of W. Donaven Allen ‘66 (deceased), Carole (Allen) Bell ‘67, Dennis Allen ‘68. Anthony “Tony” J. Arcuri ‘53, husband of Rosemary (Russo) Arcuri ‘55; father of Karen (Arcuri) Moyer ‘75, Sharon (Arcuri) Snelbaker ‘78. Jean Benkert ‘49, wife of Frank Benkert, Jr. ‘44 (deceased); mother of Deborah (Benkert) Wright ‘72, Frank Benkert III ‘77, Pamela (Benkert) Shaffner ‘80, John Benkert, Daniel Benkert; daughter of John Slonaker (deceased) and Fay (Einsig) Slonaker (deceased); sister of John Slonaker ‘48 (deceased). Rita (Nolin) Eckenrode ‘53, wife of William Eckenrode ‘53; sister of Earl Nolin ‘46 (deceased), Bruce Nolin ‘49 (deceased); sister-in-law of Joan (Mann) Nolin ‘45, Patricia (Eckenrode) Overholt ‘50, Rita (Eckenrode) Miller ‘52, Thomas Eckenrode ‘59. Theodore J. Fabie ‘50, husband of Helen (Moniot) Fabie; brother of Sister Marise (Victoria) Fabie ‘48, Joseph P. Fabie ‘53 (deceased); brother-in-law of Mary (Unger) Fabie ‘54; father of Dorothy (Fabie) Negash ‘79, Mary Helen (Fabie) Oliver ‘80, Maureen (Fabie) Wardrop, James T. Fabie; grand-uncle of Joseph A. Fabie ‘07. Thomas Hannigan ‘48, husband of Ann (deceased); father of 2 children; grandfather of 4 grandchildren. Sister Ada Helfrich, MSBT ‘53. Richard F. Hughes ‘37, brother of Joseph Hughes ‘44; husband of Effie (Kotzman) Hughes ‘38 (deceased). John M. Kupres, Jr. ‘68, son of Lena (Kaiser) Kupres ‘36 (deceased); father of Krista (Kupres) Buckley, D.O. ‘91, Amy (Kupres) Bruce ‘93; brother of Theresa (Kupres) Peet ‘57 (deceased), Joan (Kupres) Gohn ‘59. Victoria Lucking, mother of Heinz Lucking ‘65. Dr. Brian A. March, husband of Lucy March; father of Cindy (March) Bacon ‘91, Dan March ‘93, Melinda (March) Callahan ‘95; grandfather of 9 grandchildren. Joseph B. Topley, Jr, brother of Betsy (Topley) Aragano’62, Stephanie (Topley) ‘65. Memorials are only published when submitted by the family 14 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 School Tours by appointment* 9 AM-2 PM Pep Rally 2 PM Irish Family Tailgate* Bring your own picnic dinner, lawn chairs, lawn blankets; NO ALCOHOL YC to provide drinks & desserts Free Alumni Homecoming Game ticket 5-6:15 PM Parade (route passes by tailgate) 5:30 PM Pre-Game Festivities 6:15-7 PM Football Game vs. Bermudian Springs Marching Band Alumni bring your instruments & sit with the Band! Get your music in advance by emailing [email protected] 7 PM Alumni Table at Football Game 7-9 PM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 Homecoming Dance (students only) 7-10 PM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 Mass in memory of Sister Dorothy with special recognition of YC alumni 9:00 AM Brunch to follow* 10-11:30 AM *RSVP to [email protected] by October 10 15 Donor Report York Catholic High School 2013-2014 Donor Report Thank you for your generosity, prayers, and participation in support of York Catholic High School during fiscal year ‘14 (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014*). Contributions received are truly valued as they enable YCHS to offer students an exemplary faith based learning experience. *Gifts received after June 30, 2014, will be listed in the 2014-2015 Donor Report. ALUMNI CONTRIBUTIONS 1932 Dorothy Messman Schneider † 1934 Edward A. Schneider Jr. † 1935 Teresa Kotzman Rose 1936 Mary Elizabeth Hoffman Lena Kniser Kupres † Margaret Helfrich Lowe 1937 Frank Concino † Charles H. Persing 1938 J. Richard Glackin † Joseph McGowan † Naomi Brasch Schiding Henry Schneider † 1939 Virginia McEachern Angelo Charles C. Boll James E. Gallagher † Dolores Kelly Hyde Catherine Price Knouse Doris Dietrich Myers Carl Staab 1940 Paul Abel John C. DeVine Hilda Miller Dietz Margaret Small Irwin Anne Allen Mann † James P. Mann † Elizabeth Brickner Pelc † Anthony C. Schneider Beatrice Munchel Shellenberger † Mary Kurtz Smith William C. Yohe † 1941 Mary Kadilak Bagnato Arla Mae Boll Holtzapple Margaret Munchel Keim Elizabeth Masek Marie Heller Nissley Helen Ziegler Prall Grace Myers Pressel Loretta Ryer Raffensberger Anna Shuman Schriver Mary Gallagher Seale Fred B. Steinfelt In Memory of All Deceased Classmates of 1941 and Nuns † 1942 Christine Rider Ehehalt Florence Miller Foglesong Gladys Wagman Keller Elizabeth Heller Mann James E. Slonaker Gloria Staab 1943 Leo A. Brady, Jr. Marie Wagman Craig Charles E. Hemler Mary Ann Wills Peters 1944 Mary McLane Ahrens Joseph E. Hughes, Sr. Mildred Lahr Link Robert “Duke” Mann † 1945 Richard Baker Barbara Mullaney Bresnan Jean Crumbling Bubb Michael S. Gaffney † Gladys Mann Hoke Mary Mohrline Muller Joan Mann Nolin Leota Vaughn Raver Sr. M. Clare Reineberg, ASC Jeanne Driscoll Rieker John Shellenberger John Welsh 1946 Betty Jane Perkinson Anderson Sarah Stauffer Brady Patricia Ronan Dawes William L. Deller Doris Krause Kane Joan Vaughn Lynes Martha Shade Masek Dolores Mumma Mitzell John E. Munchel † Earl R. Nolin † Ruth Cox Stayman Joseph E. Strausbaugh Doris Dart Trone Veronica Freeland Whalum 1947 Josephine Diangelo Bonaduci John Borsa Johanna Smith Chisholm Pauline Shellenberger Connolly Loretta Munchel Deller Ruth Kohler Eline Donald M. Falkenstine John A. Kadilak Harry A. Keating Sr. Loretta Frances Mann, OSF Joann Hoffman Moran Richard F. Stauffer Degno Valenti Ann Shortino Walters Lavere Walters Dorothy Stewart Welsh 1948 Margaret Wills Bailor Catherine Eveler Barshinger Leila Becker Berry Thomas P. Collins Sr. Marie Fabie, RSM James M. Graham Celine Kane Robert Kane Elizabeth Falkenstine Kauffman Vincent Kingston, Jr. John Larkin Richard A. Puckett Mary Jane Gable Rooney Dolores Miller Sanders Anna Mae Staub John Wagaman, Jr. John Walsh, Sr. 1949 Jean Slonaker Benkert † Marian Riddles Birk James Brennan Margaret Schmidt Coughlin L. Helen Pfeiffer Crumbling Jacqueline Godfrey Fake † 16 Lorraine Stevenson Herr James M. Hoffman Kay Huxley Malone Paul Pfeiffer, Sr. Phyllis Kopp Pfeiffer Mary Joyce Eline Pichler Paul J. Pichler Anne Euculano Randisi Kathleen Althoff Randle Louise Mullen Schneider Maryetta Monteith Schweitzer Rita Deller Shirker 1950 Class of 1950 Margaret Hagarman Carr Joseph C. Crumbling Louise Fisher Deller Patrick Deller Mildred Knaub Dennes Patricia Bowman Doll Barbara Dillmeier Gable Robert E. Gable Charles Helfrich Sheila Ronan Hoffman Joan M. Hubley Mary Marcello Kline Florence Koch Rosella Ryer Kreidler Donald V. LoPiccolo Rita Kurtz McLane Joan Mohrline Miller Joan Noble Munchel Patricia Eckenrode Overholt Edward Ream Jo Ann Ahern Ream Frank G. Rizzuto † Virginia Lally Strausbaugh Grace Collins Warren Irene Wagman Zielinski 1951 Robert L. Brady Seraphine Coyle Daugherty Joseph N. Geubtner Richard Keffer, Jr. Betty Kraber Kopf Leona Haney Peterson Rodney E. Rooney Cyril B. Smith, Jr. † Janet Yingling Wallick 1952 Betty Jane Barth Bishard Kathleen Chambers Lois Becker Crumbling Patricia Zimmerman Deller Robert Deller Elizabeth Schmidt Devine Mary Kurtz Enterline Dorothy Schneider Ferguson Sr. Marian Dolores Frantz Richard W. Gleitz Laverne G. Godfrey Mary Ann Schiding Hooper J. Mary Cuffaro Keffer John W. Keffer Vivian Noel Keith Lawrence Krepps James McCleaf Barbara Sheffer Rooney Mary Benkert Roth Susanne Mann Snyder Jean Staub Joan Staub Stephens Frances Grignano Trout George L. Whare † 1953 Anthony J. Arcuri † Rita Nolin Eckenrode † William J. Eckenrode Dorothy Duncker Robertson Jane Rooney Ruppel Magdalene Pichler Smith Gerald Tiehel Elizabeth Stahle Wills 1954 Constance M. Arigo Richard E. Bowman Theresa Shrader Crouse James Ellsworth Doyle William Gerber Patricia Kochenour Gould Jeanne McNamara Hein Christopher Huber Michael E. Larkin Lawrence Miller Sr. Ann Moriarty, SSJ Mary Jane Brickner Peltz Richard Roth Harry S. Shultz. Jr. Patricia Godfrey Smeigh Leona Haley Snyder Joseph W. Spangler Ronald L. Witmer Robert B. Zimmerman 1955 Rosemary Russo Arcuri Gilbert L. Brezler Rose Mary Lattuca Christine Lewis F. Gangloff, III Ina Sanders Gladfelter Yvonne Hagarman Hoff Cletus A. Hunt, Jr. Susan Jones Walter Keffer Sr. Robert V. Keller Robert C. Landis Deanna Harkins Letendre Carol Ream Smulders Raymond R. Tuleya William Wisman Joan Orendorff Witmer Margaret Eline Zimmerman 1956 Sr. Judith Andrews, SJH Mary Dolan Beliveau Joseph F. Borgel Wilbert E. Brown, Jr. Anne McLaughlin Dahowski William John Eline, III Bernard Fallert John W. Fisher Margaret Freed Flinchbaugh Patricia Watson Forjan † L. William Hartman Mary Wagman Helfrich Janet Flinchbaugh Jackson Barbara Heidler Knadig Veronica Kraber Leona Frantz Leahy Carole Baldwin Lehr Bernadette Krepps List Barbara Knadig Lookingbill LaVerne Banks McDonald Nena Lattuca Mulay Laura Marcello Myers Virginia Borsellino Rizzuto Sandra Heindel Small Horace Stough Harvey E. Strine Gregory Wagman Jeanne Perkinson Whare 1957 Diane Zimmerman Agee Vincent Cacciola Mary Ann Bievenour Crozier Margaret Gerber Damms Nancy DeGeorge Fallert Thomas Foster Gary G. Gillette Rozalia Eckenrode Gillette Rita Smith Halverson Delores Keller Hendricks Edwina Kraber Leise William G. Notopoulos Theresa Kupres Peet † Anna Mae Martin Richard Edward A. Schneider, III Robert J. Stahle Susan Carte Stahle Cecelia Ann Mann Strine Marie C. Tassia Eileen Freed White Mary Schmidt Wisner 1958 Class of 1958 Herbert Abenshon Thomas J. Arigo Albert Boll, Jr. Paul A. Borsa Bonita Crone Rosalie A. Dunn Virginia Brady Emenheiser Bonnie Brezler Fetrow Margaret Elstrodt Fry James Haberstroh Clare Mann Haubenstein Anne Whalen Kinsley Jane Wogan Landis Paul P. Mann, Jr. Nancy Shortino Martin Sarah Jones McEvoy Carmela Zambito Spangler Charles Staub Robert Stewart, Jr. Kenneth L. Witmer 1959 Sheila Kraft Borsa Sarah Jane Kerchner Dennis Rena Dunlap Ehly Elizabeth Lowe Enterline Beverly Peters Fazio Joan Kupres Gohn Thelma Gutt Greaves Bernard C. Hagarman Marie Zarnowski Harbold Sr. Pat Hinton, OSF Jane Lonsdorf Keffer David Klunk Darlene Gaubeart Raver Michael Schneider † Henry R. Smyser † Julia Brezler Steward Margaret Rose Tassia Elizabeth McLaughlin Tuleya Cynthia Keen Witt 1960 William Armstrong David H. Atkinson Constance Mingora Behrensen Joanne M. Borgel Margaret Witmer Borgel Marcia Chronister Boyer William D. Chronister, Jr. Gloria Hahn Confer Terence A. Culbertson Mary Ann Rothert Damian Roger V. Deller Victor Frantz III James P. Geubtner, Jr. Madeline Gangloff Gingerich William Hopwood Cecilia Kadilak James Carey E. Noel Rose Schmidt Rodgers Joan White Roth Thomas E. Schwartzer John L. Sipe Thomas Stover Bernard Topper Jr. Linda Butcher Wagman Kathleen Whalen-Eaton Mary Ann Snyder Whelan Joan Schneider Wurzbach 17 1961 Gerald Abenshon James R. Baldwin Yvonne Page Baldwin Frances Lobianco Braun George Brickner Susan Steckler Burnside Barbara Tuleya Bushey Sandra Chambers Carroll Loretta Wagman Deller Thomas Dimelow Mary Louise Frick James E. Hoffman Joel G. Itzoe Suzanne Reese Judge William Kahley Thomas J. Keesey, Jr. Sr. Mary Dorothy Kelly, SCC M. Kathryn Clark Kessler Jane Wherley Kircher Thomas Luckman Frederick T. Lutter Peter Mangan Janice Eckenrode McNeal George W. Melbert Christine Flinchbaugh Metzler Michael P. Ronan Joanna Irwin Saponaro Phyllis Zagurski Snyder Ann Spiese Wainwright Sarah Wise 1962 Elizabeth Topley Aragno Robert Bastress Frank Joseph Borsellino Pandora Brezler Brickner James A. Burger, Jr. Frank Duff Leonard F. Freed John W. Kennedy Susan Sparler Kennedy Georgianna Frick Keser Elizabeth Wotherspoon Kohler Sr. Dominica LoBianco, OSF Marilyn List Luckman Juliana Eck Martin Timothy Royer Mary Catherine Smith Rutters William J. Schintz Kathleen A. Smith Mary O'Toole Smoot Terrence D. Stewart Joyce Deller Watson Thomas Weaver Clare E. Wherley 1963 Julia Frey Bartolomea Richard Bartolomea Charles Burnside Kathryn Angelo Butera Vincent Butera J. Peter Clark Michael Daniels Barry L. Day M. Michele Cravotta Haas David J. Houck John P. Hunt Louis Klein Susan Rothert Lacaillade James Lisorti G. Mark Lutter Bernadette Turner Major Daniel Malloy Cheryl Smith Parker Hendley Elizabeth Popovich Shue Peter St. Onge Nancy Clineburg Steinfelt Veronica Vangreen Stevens Dale F. Stough Kathryn Andrews Thomas Mary Ann Petruska Wells Robert Wills 1964 Mary Frantz Arnold William F. Becker Richard J. Carroll Mary Rose Cavanaugh William Coleman Gregory C. Damen Barbara Gerber Dauber Bonnie Grimek Day Nancy Keller Eaton Joseph M. Gangloff John G. Gierlach Mary Ann Hilbert Gierzadowicz Michael Hopwood Mary Ann Smyser Houck James Huttinger Loriel Pavlik Kelly Leona Kitlinski Kerchner Patricia Eckard Klunk † Ronald E. Klunk Kenneth Knouse, Jr. M. Bridget Schell Frederick R. Schiding Samuel J. Spiese, Jr. Richard P. Steinfelt Michael J. Strong Susan Valenti Ann O'Toole Van Leuven Ward Walsh 1965 James L. Atkins Patricia Husson Atkins Marilyn Mackley Babich Regina Austin Concino Frank Concino, Jr. † Theresa Brezler Fenstermacher Margaret Burger Gotwald Harry E. Hamilton, Jr. Michael C. Heidler Kathleen Fogle Hoffer Robert A. Lease, Jr. Heinz Carl Lucking Anita M. Mann Kathryn Geubtner Nicholson David Rothert Joanne Page Rutter George A. Shorb Catherine Pessognelli Snyder Ronald B. Stiles Marjorie Foster Strong John Tassia, Sr. Stephanie T. Topley Robert Tuleya Joseph Vottero Rose Frantz Walter 1966 Thomas Althoff John Anthony Richard Arcuri M. Elizabeth Mortorff Aulbach Suzanne Fithian Carpenter Andrew Corcoran, Jr. Robert Dunlevy Douglas M. Fitzpatrick Nancy Zehnder Fitzpatrick Anita Schneider Gierlach James Haas Karen Topper Hostetter Barbara Shelley Jones Susan Utterback Lapp-Mellott Susan Munchel Lauersen Ruth Stiglitz Leicht Anne Gierlach Luckman J. Richard Luckman John A. Lutter Karen Lydon Barbara Howell Moncuse William Moncuse William F. Noone Charles Shue, III Mary Ann Shiley Snyder George D. Tutino Kenneth Walters Genevieve Keller Whitehaus Merrill N. Whye, Jr. 1967 Joseph H. Anthony Patricia Stiles Barber Ann Russell Becker Marie Kelly Bell R. Timothy Bell Kathleen White Boyd Stephen M. Concino Dorothy Schiding Daniels Thomas Dauber Gregory Duker Deborah Reilly Fuhrman Vincent C. Gurreri David E. Hoffnagle Jane Mitzel Leiphart Carolyn A. List Susanne Jacobs Lyden Alice Lynes Madzelan Mary Jo Renda Melato Charles H. Petron Robert Reineberg Stephen Rothert Angela Kane Sheffer Christine Strong Vinh Christine Kovacs Zrenda 1968 Jeanne Aulbach Mary Fregapane Arcuri Jeffrey Backaric Jeffrey B. Becker Barbara Carroll Brodbeck Rita Mitzel D’Ottavio Chris Ehehalt Richard Eline Maryann McCauley Eppley William Fitzpatrick Jeffrey Flick Willis E. Frantz Joann Giuffrida Patricia Luckman Hoyt John M. Kupres † Kevin C. McEntee Nancy Knezic Owen R. Matthew Pettigrew, Jr. Sharon M. Simpson Joan McGrath Smith Nancy Nolin Spiese Elizabeth Tuleya-Knerr Clark E. Wherley Mary Ellen Topper Wildasin Kenneth E. Zehnder Martha Misterka Zeigler Robert Zeigler 1969 Joseph Alfano Josephine Marsala Anthony Randy Byrnes Susan Petron Byrnes Paul Faulise Michael F. Grady Sandra Monteil Klunk Michael Laird Lynn Gallagher Maher David G. Martin Elizabeth Wagman McClure Carmen Mula Mary Ellen O'Connor Charles Patterson, Jr. Cynthia Munchel Pattison Joan Stauffer Porter Michael Steinfelt Martha Tassia Linda Flick Walthour Elizabeth Hoover Wolf 1970 H. Lee Bainbridge Joan Galloway Bainbridge Stephen A. Bankos Gerard A. Casey George N. Dotzel, III John A. Ehrat Janet Young Eline John Eline Denis R. Gangloff Stephen P. Grady Thomas H. Kauffman Thomas W. Keller, II Donald Kettl Elwood Kuntzler, II Ann Steinfelt Lutter Lawrence Lutter Edward Masek, Jr. Andrea McLaughlin Daniel Merges James Randisi Paul F. Snyder Michael J. Staub Gail Smyser Stees 18 Joseph P. Stees Carol Strine Tutino Theresa Stoltz Whye 1971 Joanne Miliziano Bankos Carol Anne Vasko Bonnet Thomas Cavanaugh Gregory M. Chronister Josephine Randisi Cianfichi Debbie McNeil Collare Steven Flick Anne Zeigler Friel Richard F. Kelly, Jr. William Kelly Elizabeth M. Lutter Sheila Walsh McDonald Susan McGowan Steven R. McNeal Mary McGowan Randisi Jeffrey Roth David A. Ryer John E. Stambaugh Fran Terroso Surdich Susan M. Husson Swedler Michael A. Topper Thomas R. Vranich, Sr. Edward Wagman, Jr. William E. Welsh, II 1972 Mary Jane Beazley Charles J. Bentivegna, II Terisa Andrews Bucks Barbara Flick Chapman Collette Thomas Daryman Melanie Wagaman Deller Rose Gillo Detter Sharon Franklin Edward H. Mann Paul Masters Kevin C. McGowan Rev. Daniel C. Mitzel Ann Lehr O’Connor Ann Pettigrew Maxanne Dearolf Rearich Regina Rooney James Schneider Rita Luckman Smith Susanna Gettys Webb Terry Webb William J. Yohe 1973 Patricia Abbott Anita Bowser Bentivegna Susan Glackin Bruggeman Carla Campbell Cavanaugh Kathy Schaeffer Clemens Clarence M. Diehl Laura Vottero Hershey Sandra Glackin Kauffman Barbara Lucia Virginia Zambito MacIntyre George Miliziano James O’Connor Beth Reiley Mary Blier Reynolds Patrick T. Rooney Barbara Green Schaefer William J. Schneider Mari Kelly Shorb William Shorb Joe Strong Camille Tanner Stephen J. Tuleya John Wagman Timothy White 1974 Jeanne Brown Addison Steven M. Carr Sean Corcoran Thomas M. Deller Gregory Flick Jeanne Marie Lynes Gangloff Kevin Harrison Stephen Kane Christina Campbell Marsala Pasquale A. Marsala Victoria Masek Alicia Berry McMahon John O'Connor Diane Crumbling Sargeant Jeffrey L. Sentz Steven Schumacher James Staub Joseph E. Steelman Craig M. Stiles Jane Yohe Wagman Thomas White 1975 Sara Beazley Chip Berry Matthew J. Brown Maria Musti Cook Laurence Hack Jr. Diane Sentz Harper Alice German Hinkle Timothy P. Kelly † Analisa Sparler Koch Bob Rudisill Timothy P. Quigley William E. Schrum Michael T. Steelman Margaret Mann Wherley Gregory Witmer Steven G. Zorbaugh 1976 Catherine Birk Mary Shuman Bohn Thomas Bowser James M. Boyle, III Joseph P. Chronister Nicholas Gounley Susan Klunk Grove Mark Hildebrand Karen Kitching Jeffrey Lau Donna Anthony Melhorn Joseph Pichler Rosa Falci Schaffstall Melissa Stephens Schneider Diana Klinedinst Staab Mary Beth Schmidt Steelman Michael Walters Noreen Corcoran Wenner John C. Yohe 1977 John Christy, Jr. Kathleen Leedy Elliot Rodger Furse Michael F. Gierlach Amy Flick Hollister Diane Javitt Johnston J. Todd Keating Christine Leahy Keenan Teresa White Mary Tuleya Witmer 1978 Michael J. Allen Leonard Berry Barbara Ember Full Jonathan Gochono Patricia Ralph Gochono Gregory S. Hunter Joseph V. Keffer Louise Montoro Kline Thomas Land William R. Masek Anne Mangan McGowan Elizabeth Pioli Plunkett Karen Young Raymond Eileen Masterson Rider Michael Rider David Strausbaugh Darren Surdich Beth Geubtner Wedekind Robert Wernig 1979 Keith Alleyne Joseph A. Crumbling Cecilia Daniels Thomas B. Grentz James Leedy, Jr. Stephanie Schneider Marks Timothy Marks R. Scott McNamara Jane Gochoco Petty John E. Stoltz James Wisman Jr. Richele Rizzuto Wisman 1980 Marie Mingora Bair Stephen Bowman Christopher Boyle Mary Lehr DalPezzo James M. Forjan, Jr. Arthur J. Full Ann Kerchner Kelly Mann † Jean Paschke Merritt Jeffrey P. Merritt John Moran Donna Bissoli Murphy David E. Rutter Pamela Bankert Shaffner David Stauffer Mary Beth Steelman-Wolanin Douglas Wise Gerald A. Wolfe 1981 Damian Burnside Matthew T. Cozzi Don Dill Amy Pasch Erb Paula Reidinger Garlen Michael P. Harrison Laura Shull Hildebrecht Dennis E. Johnson Neida Ramos Lau James Lambert Kimberly A. March Rebecca Deitrich Moran Amy Ehehalt Ports Kristine Miklusek Santucci Robina Santaniello Susan Buckel Saylor Edward A. Schneider, IV Tim Spangler 1982 Jane Keffer Boyle Barbara Pioli Bucher Anthony Clifford Lisa Geubtner Gehenio Theresa Lehr Getty Mark Hull Lori Keith John Kerchner Francis Mendoza, Jr. John Miklusek Tracey Cihak Tenney Mary Mahoney Thomas Joseph Toren Janita Crerand Zarfoss 1983 Jo Ann Thom Altemose Robert Citrone Kathleen Fallert DeBolt James Deller Anne Stallman Dougherty Kevin Fabbri Jill Landis Frey Matthew Johnson William A. Lytle John F. Orendorff Julie Myers Patterson Carol Vallosio Alicia Cozzi-Yuen 1984 Christine Cihak Allen James Allen Michael Bresnahan Frank Iati Stephanie Collins Krupa John McNamara David P. Rizzuto Jerome Sanders Joseph W. Stauffer Margaret Miklusek Stauffer Mary Forjan Stewart 19 1985 Abraham Amoros Timothy Bresnahan Darcy Galka Fleenor Lisa Krupa Mathews Matthew Ream Lisa Gladfelter Schneider Robert Stewart III Kathleen Cavnor Weichert 1986 Edward Beazley Julie Fallert Brown Anna Colletti Chiaverini John Cihak Angela Corbo Ann Johnson DeMarco Michael J. DePorter Robert Horvath Carol Strausbaugh McNamara Kelly J. Inman Shelby Julius Yinger 1987 Shay M. Coll Lori Kalisky DePorter Matthew Euclide Sean Fitzgerald Matthew T. Keesey Kelly Kirkland Michele Freed Magana Monica Grimek Maloney Shawn Maloney Garrett Miklusek Robert S. Raymond Christine Schneider 1988 Karen Sparr Arnold Karen Lytle Cichon Nicholas J. Corbo Heather Broscious Dick Kristen Hamilton Dougherty Jeffrey Kennedy Joe Reed Providence Spotts David J. Stewart Meredith Fitzgibbons Strayer Sherry Washington 1989 Michael Alessandroni Jamey Citrone Jennifer Concino Elizabeth Gentry Freed Joseph Freed Tara Mitchell Lavallee Mary Anne Bakker Montoro Debbie Bailey Rutter 1990 Heather Brown LeAnn Citrone Matthew Corbo Christopher Heim Matthew LaBaugh Timothy M. Lehr Maryanne Hunt Lockley Candice Lapp McClellan Anna Spataro Santamaria Patrick Schiding Trent A. Snyder 2000 Kathryn Schiding Bussard Christina Deitch Feuz Rachel Airey McNicholas 1991 Krista Kupres Buckley Kevin Fitzgibbons Heather Hoffman Brian Pearl Christopher M. Slegel David Zimliki 2001 Michelle Miller Bonanno Jacob Hushon John Olkowski 1992 Nicole Hess Mary Ellen Heim Martin Jennifer Schneider Murphy 1993 Joliane Noel Fitzgibbons Jennifer Stees Glassmyer Derrick S. Hamm Nicole Layton Hummel John Kurcheski Alberto Salvo Trista Snyder Smith Anne Jarboe Stinson Crissy Washington 1994 Jenny Kern Bradenbaugh Mary Jill Eppley Euclide Daniel Kury Laura Bankos Kury Karen Poplaski Potter 1995 Joseph Adam Korsak 1996 Kathryn Byrnes Cecelia Schiding Bailey Timothy Cooney Joseph Curilla Katie Doyle Seufert Joshua S. Stees 1997 Jedd Glatfelter Matthew Jensen 1998 Julia Bahn Parrish 1999 David Gonsalves Tara Zambito Gonsalves Lee Lenkner Christine Wagman Liptak J. Ryan Luckman Mark Parrish Emmy Steinfelt Sasala Elizabeth Anderson Sentz Ryan N. Sentz April Wherley Venable 2002 Elizabeth Palmer Johnson Christopher McGuinness 2003 Bryan McGuinness Stacy Washington 2004 Erin Palmer Langione 2005 Elizabeth Devlin Monaco 2006 Allison Sweeney Timothy M. Yost 2007 Kevin Obermeier Megan Stewart Amanda Weaver 2008 Corinne Hess Faraone Julia Vadas 2009 Lauren Kline Eric Martin Michael McGuinness Ryan O’Toole Sean Obermeier Claire Vadas 2010 Matthew O’Toole 2011 Kasey Beltz Casey O’Callaghan Ava Spoden 2012 Nicholas Martin James Vadas 2013 Anna Spoden 2014 Sinead O’Callaghan Emma Keffer Leonard J. Zinda 2015 Clark E. Fisher Memorial Clementon Park & Splash Collens-Wagner Agency, Inc. Insurance Columbiettes Council #10870 2016 Coomb’s Tavern Madeline Kepner Count on Rick, Inc. - Rick Shaffer Tuan Le Country Club of York Cybergrants Inc. - Travelers 2017 Support Center Tu Le D. F. Stauffer Biscuits Co., Inc. Dale D. Brenneman Notary 2018 & Messenger Service Dillon Deardorff Dale Miller & Son, Inc. Tate Kibler DiCarlo’s Pizza Katie Miller Dutch Wonderland E.K. McConkey & Co. 2019 Bella Kepner Eagle’s Nest East York Columbian Home Knights of Columbus 2020 Jack Deardorff Edris Oil ElBe Photography Energy Auction Exchange Exelon Corporation BUSINESSES Family Health Associates AB Mauri Family Tree Farm Accu Pad Inc. Flying Feet Adventure Aquarium Flynn & O'Hara Uniform Co. Adventure Sports Frank’s Theaters York Ahold Financial Services Frank Rizzuto Beauty Salon Alberto’s Frito-Lay, Inc. Allstate Insurance Fuddrucker’s Restaurant Amerigas Propane, LP Gazebo Room - Best Dressed Annapolis Dermatology Center Associates, Inc. Apple Automotive Group, Inc. GE Foundation Apple Hill Eye Center Genova’s of Spring Grove Apple Motors, Inc. Jack Giambalvo Family of Apple Outdoor Advertising Dealerships Arthur Murray Dance Studios Giant Food Stores - Pauline Drive Associated Foot & Ankle Giant Food Stores - Shrewsbury Specialists Ginger Babies Athletic Lettering, Inc. George’s Hair Studio Automotive of York, Inc. Glatfelter Pulp Wood Company Avalanche Express Glatfelter Insurance Group B.C. Interiors Glen Gery Brick BJ’s Wholesale Club Green Valley Swimming Pool & Bartush Signs Sports Club, Inc. Basile Insurance Agency, LLC Grimm Trophy & Gifts Beasley Ford Lincoln H.J. Heinz Company Foundation Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. Hampton Inn Bistro 19 Harris Corporation Blue Moon Harry L. Bubb Associates, Inc. Bon Ton Stores Foundation Heidler Roofing Services, Inc. Brewery Products Co. Hereford Middle School Bricker’s Famous French Fries Hershey Creamery Co. Bridge Educational Foundation, Imagineered Signs, Inc. Inc. Immaculate Conception Church Brown’s Orchard J. M. Gangloff Roofing, Inc. Brown & Brown/Alpha Benefits Jack Giambalvo Motor Co. Buffalo Wild Wings Jackie B’s CA, Inc. Jackson Hewitt Tax Service CM & C Trucking Janney Montgomery Scott LLC Cakes by Providence Catholic Professional Association James Craft & Son Jim’s Auto Repair Chas. A. Schaefer Florists Jimmy John’s Chick-Fil-A John W. Keffer Funeral Home, Inc. Clinton Industries, Inc. Johnston & Associates, Inc. Chipotle John Wright Restaurant Christmas Tree Shops K Concepts Alec Lloyd Shannon Moore Megan Ritchie 20 Katherman, Briggs & Greenberg Injury Law Kimman’s for Gifts Knights of Columbus - St. Joseph Council 6353 Knights of St. Paul Knisley Construction Lamar Advertising Law Offices of Donald Reihart Left Bank Restaurant & Bar Licatese & Sons Barber Shop & Salon Linda M. Taylor, MD, LLC Family Practice Little Animal Hospital Little Caeser’s - Queen St. Logistic Resources, Inc. Longwood Gardens Lots A Bubble Car Wash Mahoney Family Foundation Maple Donuts, Inc. Marino's Pizza & Pasta House Martin's Potato Chips, Inc. McNamara Financial Met-Ed Mezzogiorno Mid-Atlantic Seeds Midlantic Piling, Inc. Mister Car Wash Monarch Products Company, Inc. Morey’s Surfside Pier Mudhook Brewing Company My Sweet Sin’s NeFra Nello Tire Auto & Truck Service Center New York Life Giving Campaign Orthopaedic & Spine Specialists PAA Foundation Papa John’s Papertown Restaurant & Dairy Bar Par Exsalonce Salon & Day Spa Pasch Enterprises Patton Veterinary Hospital Pennsylvania State University York Campus People’s Bank, A Codorus Valley Company Pepsico Foundation Matching Gifts Program Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Phillips Office Solutions Pizza Al Bacio Prudential Homesale Services Precision Distribution Consulting Providence Divine Cakes & Pastries Railroad Museum of PA Raytheon Ream, Carr, Markey, & Woloshin Ream Roofing Associates, Inc. Regents’ Glen Golf Course Reynolds Restoration Services Royal Farms Runkle’s Notary & Insurance Rutter’s Farm Stores Sacred Heart Church Salon Blu Sam & Tony’s Italian Restaurant Sam’s Club Schintz Studios Sealtight Parking Lot Maintenance SF & Company Shoe Gallery Etc. Shuman Heritage Printing Co., LLC ShurFine Nell’s Inc. Sigafoose & Jackson Chiropractic Southvest Fund VI LP Spangler’s Home Center Spartan Computers Springwood Dental Associates St. Joseph School, York St. Patrick’s Church & School, York St. Peter’s Church St. Rose of Lima AA Starbuck’s Stephen’s Court Alpha Stewart Companies Foundation Stewart & Tate, Inc Strasburg Railroad Company Susan P. Byrnes Health Education Center Susquehanna Bank Susquehanna Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, PC TE Connectivity T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc. Target Templeton Automotive Texas Roadhouse The Frame Shop The Hershey Story The Left Bank Restaurant & Bar The Men’s Warehouse The Patrick Organization The Rick Shaffer Real Estate Team The Styling Room The Ware Center and The Winter Millersville University Visual & Performing Arts Centers Trail Nurseries Turkey Hill Dairy US Road Running Unique Physique United Way of Lancaster County United Way of York County UTZ Quality Foods Inc. Vanguard Group Foundation Verizon Victor’s Italian Restaurant Viking Athletic Association Vito’s Pizza & Beer W. Dale Brougher Foundation Weis - East Market Street Wen Designs Wells Fargo Foundation Wellspan Health Finance Department Wellspan IS Department Westgate Chevrolet, Inc. Whelan Family Fund of York County Community Foundation White Rose Bar & Grill Wolf Furniture Workplace Network Worzalla Wilking Mechanical Systems York Building Products Company York Catholic Junior High Student Council York City Ice Rink York College of Pennsylvania York Government Offices York Hospital Wellspan Engineering York Oil Service, Inc. York Rehab & Pain Consultants, Inc. York Revolution York Smile Care York Traditions Bank FRIENDS Brian Addison Troy & Terry Albright Michael & Mary Allen Michael & Kathryn Allen Michael & Susan Allen Laura Amalfitano Robert & Tabatha Amereihn Kelly Anderson Mary Kate & George Andrews, Jr. Johanna & George Andrews, Sr. Anonymous Anonymous James & Regina Arnold N.W. & B.H. Anthony, Jr. Corinne Arugunes Brian & Deb Auchey Thomas Aulbach Patricia & James Bailey Paul & Deborah Bailie Janet Bajor M. Cathleen Ballerstein Joe & Debbie Barlek Gregg J. Basile Norm & Tina Basso Ned & Jodi Bauhof Bernard † & Kathleen † Beazley Barbara Beaverson Geraldeen & Edward Becker III Charles & Patricia Behrend M. & E. L. Bernstine Millard Berry † Millard Berry & Cathy Lewis Patricia Berry Michelle Bilyeu Daniel Blakemore Kathleen M. Blier Steven, Lisa & Jenna Blouse Jennifer Boger Bob Bohn Ken & Diane Bonner Charles Borgel † Wanda Borsa Christine Bowser William & Tracey Brander Edward & Wendy Brauer Joe & Rebecca Braun 21 Sean & Beth Brennan Charles † & Virginia Brister Russ & Debbie Brocato Wade Bucher Barry & Virginia Bupp John & Tammy Burns Matthew & Cathleen Byarlay Lyn Carroll Paul † & Marsha Carupella Roxanne & Carlos Castellanos Mark & Rosa Catterall Bob & Patty Chadderdon Mauro & Elizabeth Chiaverini Daniel & Kerry China Randy & Lisa Christie Michael & Catherine Christopher Edward Ciarpella John & Frances Cihak Cindy Citrone Ellen Citrone Michael Clinton P. Ann Clinton Joanna Coffey Sam & Michelle Colombo Theresa & Frank † Concino Doyle Confer † Michael & Victoria Connor Nicholas and Barbara Corbo Joseph Cortese Jessica Craft Thomas & Dee Crandall David & Ramona Crawford Sam & Lisa Crockett Mike & Lynn Crosby Donald Crumbling Biju & Elisabeth Cyriac Tom & Rosemary Czaus Michael & Jennifer Danczyk Paul & Cathy Davis Robert & Patricia Davis Ruth E. Davis Chaz Dean Andy & Deborah Deardorff Mike & Margaret DeCampo Dolores & Joseph † Deller Beverly & Ronald Dennis Eric Depew Joseph & Anita Devlin Edmund & Josephine Dick Stephen Dick Susanne Dimelow Michael & Jane Ann Dobish Dean & Patricia Dominick Cynthia Dotzel Karen & Richard Doyle James Dougherty Ted & Mary Drabik Alan & Margaret Dudek Brad Dugger † Lenny & Yolanda Ebel Marcos Echevarria Michael & Ann Elliott Karen & Tom Ellis Kristin & Patrick Eng Vincent & Margaret Farrell Rand & Barbie Feder Anne Marie Ferro † L. Peter Fielding Rita E. Finn Kenneth Firestone Justin Fitzgerald Patrick & Valeriya Fitzgerald Thomas Fitzgerald Gerald & Sheri Fix James & Wendy Flinchbaugh John & Deborah Flinchbaugh Edmund & Helen † Flick Pam & Marty Fogle James M. Forjan, Sr. Kathleen Forlenza Evan Forrester Linda Fosso Gary & Laura Frazier William & Maryann Fullerton Romaine Gaffney Gail Gangloff Schim Gangloff Steve Gekas Suzanne Geubtner John & Bonnie Giambalvo Christopher & Eileen Giaimo Leon W. Gibble Sheila & Lawrence Gick Gary & Karyl Lee Gilbert N. Jean & J. Richard † Glackin Michael & Carol Goc Jeffrey & Linda Godfrey Jay & Misty Goldstein Charles & Pat Golembewski John & Julia † Golgan Joseph & Mary Gordon Richard & Shari Gordon Leo & Elaine Gribbin Randall A. Gross Vita & Francesco Grippi Marcel Guido † Greg & Kelly Gulley Bernadette M. Gutt † Shannon Hallisey Barb & Pete Hamilton Debbie & Ron Hartman Dale & Mary Ellen Hershey Curtis & Deborah Hess Rae Ann Hetrick Joseph & Christine Higgins Chris & Karen Hoffman Robbie & Robert Hoffman Vicki Hopwood Patricia Hushon Frances Iati Jean Isherwood Michael & Cristina Jahn Nathan & Rebecca Jellum George & Mary Johnson Rosemary Johnson Eric Johnston Doug Jump Bernard & Marilyn Kalisky Robert & Cheryl Karch Kim Kauffman Linda & Charles Keener † Kris Keffer Daniel & Christine Kennedy Andrew & Diane Kepner Robert Kessler Frank & Jennifer Kibler Evan & Susan King Barbara Klein Maurice & Lynda Knauer Rosemarie & Frederick Kocher Pam Kocman Shawn Kohlbus Frank & Susan Krevetski James & Patti Krigbaum Martine & Gaston Kuoh Doris Kupres Susan & Kerry Kyle Lindsey Lauer Sam & Jeanne Laucks John & Carol Lawlis John & Christy Lawrence Charlotte Lawyer Minh & Anh Le Stanton & Jane Lebouitz Janelle Lehr Geri Leidy Cheryl & Steve † Leiser Sheila Leskovec Stephen Leskovec Michelle Liddick Wanda Linebaugh Bill & Ginny Little Dean Lloyd & Tricia McComb-Lloyd John Logan Karina Pinto Lorince Leo Lyden Michael & Christine Lynch Dennis & Linda MacDougall John Malloy Edward & Marguerita Mann Nancy Marquette Christopher & Monica Martello Joanne Martin Mary & Jeffrey Martin Patrick & Dolores † Masterson Frank & Melissa Mazzur James & Stacey McConnell Thomas & Kathy McGann Mary McGowan Tracey McGraw John & Mary Beth McGreevy Mary Lynn McGuinness Jay & Sue McKim Robert A. McNamara Frank Mendoza Julie Mendoza Michael & D. Renee Michaud J. Martin † & Connie Miklusek Jennifer Miller Mark & Karen Miller Michael & Susan Miller Gregory & Nance Montgomery Adrian & Patty Moore Claire Moore Walter & Dianna Morrow Paige Mundy & Eric Sweitzer Edward & Marie Murphy Joanne & Tom Murphy, III Frank & Patricia Mussano Joe Nattans Theresa Newman Denise Norton Lillian Notopoulos † Ralph & Carolyn Obermeier Patrick & Julie O’Callaghan Sharon O’Malley Gina Ortenzio James & Janine O’Toole Hugh & Linda Palmer Cheri & Michael Palmieri James & Lindy Paprocki Danté & Brenda Parrini Michael Patrick Charles & Martha Pavlick Greg & Christine Pawlikowski David & Christine Pearl Charles & Augusta Petron Michael & Darnelle Phillips Steven & Kris Phillips Chet & Joyce Plaski John N. Ports, Jr. Michael S. Provenza Jeff & Susan Puglese Steve & Nikki Pugliano Richard & Charlotte Purzycki George & Joyce Pust Christopher & Maureen Putnam Robert and Linda Rambo Irene M. Rauhauser Sue Reed William & Edwina Reineberg Bonnie Reineberg William & Edwina Reineberg William & Cynthia Renwick Mary & David Reynolds John & Patsy Richards David & Kris Rieth Matthew & Paula Riordan Fred & Susan Ritchie Dave & Karen Rodski Pamela & Donald Ross Thomas & Nancy Rost William † & Ann † Rothert Frances Sansone Nick Santamaria Jonathan P. Sawicki Robert & Shannon Scherer Eric Schlosser Doug & Peggy Schmidt Donna Schneider Margaret Schneider Robert Senft Cathy Sentz Bill Seufert Barbara Sheaffer Michael & Gilda Shearer Dan & Tammie Sheckells Elizabeth Shorb Mark & Linda Skehan Anderson & Lorraine Smith Mark & Mary Smith Steve & Lisa Smith John & Heather Sneeringer Jean Souza John & Marianne Spangler Mary & Kevin Spangler Daniel Sparler † Georgia Sparler † Michele Staub Don & Connie Steinfelt Patrick & Mondano Sterling 22 Lewis & Elsa Stewart Linda Stewart Tom & Susan Stich Jeffrey & Kathleen † Stover James & Jacqueline Stradtner Dave Strayer John Suenderhaft Ken & Micki Switzler George & Tammy Sylvester Carol Tassia Timothy & Krista Tate Nevin & Linda Taylor Dan & Angeleque Templeton Thomas & Lori Thole Rose Fitzgerald Thomas Ruby M. Thomas Carol & Joseph Topley, Jr. † Joseph Topley, Sr. Joanne Trapeni Jean Treisbach M.L. & Elaine † Treuthart Michael & Tracey Trott Earl & Shirley Utz Christopher & Lisa Vadas James & Dorothy Vallosio Daniel & Beverly Venedam Jim & Marie Vizzard Sally Wagman Bill & Tara Walker William & Mary Walters Cary & Lori Walton Barbara Ward Patrick & Anne Ward Kevin & Monica Warner Michelle & Robert Warner Jr. Philip & Cristie Waser Benjamin & Shirley Washington Michael & Susan Weaver Douglas Weichert Donald Wells Jan & Jack White Metza Y. Whiteley William & Elizabeth Winders Barbara Wise James & Judy Wisman John & Charlotte Wisotzkey Chester & Maryann Witczak Edward & Romayne Yanek Dean Yinger Donald & Carole Yohe John & Mary Yokemick Terry & Marcia York Jeffrey & Cathy Yost David & Christi Zellis Robert & Margaret Zimmerman Walter & Ann Zimmerman Mark & Virginia Zinda Joe & Kelly Zito EITC/OSTC Thank you to businesses who have supported YCHS through Educational Incentive Tax Credits or Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program, during this past fiscal year. Apple Motors, Inc. Glatfelter Pulp Wood Company Precision Distribution Consulting Homesale Realty Services Group Westgate Chevrolet GAELIC CLUB Welcome to new members inducted in 2013. Timothy* & Colleen Cooney John & Bonnie Giambalvo John* & Carol* McNamara Mark & Linda Skehan Sam* & Nancy* Spiese Rob H. Stewart III* MYSTICAL ROSE SOCIETY Annual contributions of $1,000 or above received this past fiscal year. AccuPad Inc. - Chris Boyle* Anonymous Karen * & R. Lee Arnold Bartush Signs Ned & Jodi Bauhof Mary Jane Beazley * Jane* & James Boyle III * Edward & Wendy Brauer Bridge Educational Foundational Incorporated Russell & Debbie Brocato Brown & Brown of PA Inc. Alpha Benefits Division Barry & Virginia Bupp Randy* & Susan* Byrnes Susan P. Byrnes Health Education Center Catholic Professional Association of York Daniel & Kerry China & Family* Jennifer Concino * James C. Austin, Sr. † & Regina D. Austin † James Craft & Son, Inc. Thomas* & Susanne Dimelow East York Columbian Home Knights of Columbus ElBe Photography Family Tree Farm Flynn & O'Hara Uniform Company Joseph* & Elizabeth * Freed Arthur* & Barbara* Full Genova’s - Frank & Vita Grippi William Gerber* Joseph* & Suzanne Geubtner John & Bonnie Giambalvo Glatfelter Insurance Group Glatfelter The Parrini Family Giant - Ahold Financial Services Cheryl Smith Parker Hendley* H.J. Heinz Company Foundation Michael Heidler* Heidler Roofing Services, Inc. Christopher Heim* Robert & Robbie Hoffman Robert & Arla Mae* Holtzapple Dennis* & Rosemary Johnson George & Mary Johnson Matthew* & Mary Beth Johnson K Concepts - Hard Core Concepts John Kurcheski* Louis* & Barbara Klein Knights of St. Paul John M. Kupres, Jr.* Memorial Lamar Advertising James* & Julie Conrad Leedy James Listorti* Lynn Maher* Edward & Marguerita Mann Christopher & Monica Martello Mary Ellen Heim Martin* John & Mary Beth McGreevy Jeffrey* & Jean* Merritt Monarch Products Company Inc. Mudhooks - Jeff Lau* Ralph & Carolyn Obermeier Orthopaedic & Spine Specialists Precision Distribution Consulting, Inc. Michael Patrick Pepsico - Len* & Patricia Berry Prudential Homesale Services Ream Roofing Associates Inc. Schintz Studio Bill* & Carol Schintz Sealtight - Parking Lot Maintance Jedd Glatfelter* St. Peter Church-Columbia Joseph* & Gail* Stees Stewart Companies Foundation David* & Mary* Stewart Robert Stewart, Jr.* Robert Stewart, III * Terrence*& Linda Stewart James & Jacqueline Stradtner Foundation Inc. Darren Surdich* Susquehanna Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, P.C. Target Nevin & Linda Taylor The Patrick Organization Mike Patrick David & Mary* Thomas Joseph B. Topley, Jr. Memorial Unique Physique Fitness CenterKerchner* Verizon W. Dale Brougher Foundation Edward Jr.* & Sally Wagman Whelan Family Fund of York County Community Foundation Mary Ann Whelan Worzalla York College of Pennsylvania Joe & Kelly Zito EMPLOYEES Kelly Anderson Deb Auchey Janet Bajor Bill Brander Roxanne Castellanos P. Ann Clinton Deb Collare* * alumni † deceased Gaelic Club Member Please know all donations are greatly appreciated. Every attempt has been made to avoid mistakes in this listing, however, if you notice an error, please accept our apologies and contact the YCHS Advancement Office at 717-846-8871 x 11 so we may correct our records. Thank you. 85th Anniversary Top 5 Classes Dollars Donated Kathleen Fallert DeBolt * Eric Depew Richard Eline * Terri Eline Jill Euclide * Matt Euclide * James Forjan, Sr. Sheila Gick Jennifer Stees Glassmyer * Michael Goc Barb Hamilton Heather Hoffman * Deb Hess Lori Keith * Fred Kocher Rosemarie Kocher Martine Kuoh Erin Palmer Langione * J. Richard Luckman * J. Ryan Luckman * Tracey McGraw Mary Lynn McGuinness Paige Mundy Marie Murphy Carolyn Obermeier Ralph Obermeier Cheri Palmieri Fr. Jonathan Sawicki Naomi Brasch Schiding * Christine Schneider * Katie Doyle Seufert * Michael J. Staub * Tracey Trott Mike Weaver Kathleen Cavnor Weichert * Brian Wilking Participation Class Amount Class Amount 1983 $31,300 1935 100% 1982 $10,865 1939 60% 1980 $ 9,437 1941 55% 1984 $ 8,523 1938 50% 1986 $ 8,144 1947 47% 23 Decade Challenge Thank you! Thank you to the nearly 500 alumni who answered the challenge and donated $85 or more in support of our special 85th Anniversary appeal. York Catholic High School Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE 601 East Springettsbury Avenue York, PA 17403 PAID York, PA Permit No. 39 Dear Graduates and Friends: Please keep us informed of address changes. Advancement Personnel Recruitment & Retention Board Committee Advancement Board Committee Norman Basso Michael Heidler Christine Bowser Dennis Johnson, MD Charles Burnside Danté Parrini Steven Carr, Esquire Christopher Reed, Esquire LeAnn Citrone Katie Seufert Maida Connor Jennifer Stees Glassmyer Dean Dominick Mary Stewart Arthur Full Robert Stewart, Jr. Anita Banks Lori Keith Maida Connor Mary Smith Joli Fitzgibbons Steve Pichler Rosa Hickey Katie Seufert Heather Hoffman Meredith Strayer Advancement Team Maida Connor Director of Advancement [email protected] 717-846-8871 x30 Heather Hoffman Director of Enrollment [email protected] 717-846-8871 x20 Lori Keith Director of Communications [email protected] 717-846-8871 x31 Jennifer Stees Glassmyer Director of Events & Alumni Relations [email protected] 717-846-8871 x51 Roxanne Castellanos Advancement Associate [email protected] 717-846-8871 x11 Photos courtesy of Elbe Photography, Hannah Laslo, & Lori DePorter. Greensleeves is a publication of York Catholic High School for alumni, parents, and friends of the school. All items for submission, suggestions, and correspondence should be addressed to: Greensleeves York Catholic High School 601 E. Springettsbury Avenue York, PA 17403 [email protected] Deadline for next issue: November 3
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