CHAAC TECHNOLOGIES ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER RESPONSE MOBILE GIS & MAPPING SYSTEM SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT +1 514.242.3046 CORALMOBILE.NET CHAAC TECHNOLOGIES Chaac’s mission is to ensure that its customers will be better prepared and will intervene with optimal efficiency during environmental response operations following emergencies. Chaac takes over the activities of EPDS with a new vision and an enhanced technological, marketing and management approach. Chaac Technologies Inc. provides software and mobile applications to support the decision process and information management during environmental crisis responses. Chaac Technologies Inc. is located in Montreal, Canada. The city of Montreal is worldwide recognized for the excellence of its high-tech achievements and talents. +1 514.242.3046 CORALMOBILE.NET CHAAC TECHNOLOGIES OUR SPECIALIZATION Our expertise covers the following domains of activities: Environmental disaster response Mobile GIS & mapping system Software development Chaac’s approach leads to the development of tools that can profit any organisation involved in any field data survey and inventory activities. +1 514.242.3046 CORALMOBILE.NET CHAAC TECHNOLOGIES OUR PRODUCT Coral is a mobile application dedicated to the data management during oil spill response. The key features of Coral are: • Ergonomic data entry • Dynamic display of data • Automated production of maps and reports Practical Gathers all the features of a GPS, a camera and a notebook into a pocket size phone or tablet. Lighten up! Reliable Works in all weather conditions and stores all data on an encrypted server for optimal security! Innovative Uses the latest technology in mobile mapping. Bring it with you, on the field! +1 514.242.3046 CORALMOBILE.NET CHAAC TECHNOLOGIES OUR SERVICES Information management during emergencies • SCAT data management on and off site • Emergency/disaster data management • Geographic Information System (GIS) specialists • Field surveys data integration support • Natural Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA) data management • Computer and information system technical support Mobile GIS and mapping applications • Development of emergency data management apps • Automated production of maps and reports • Development of equipment inventory, maintenance and tracking apps Training and consulting • Courses on data management during emergencies • Organization of drills and simulation sessions • Analysis and recommendations on contingency plan data management processes +1 514.242.3046 CORALMOBILE.NET CHAAC TECHNOLOGIES OUR CLIENTS OUR PARTNERS • • • • Alyeska Pipeline Co ARCO Marine Australian Maritime Safety Authority Australian Department of Environment & Land Management BP Exploration Alaska British Petroleum California Department of Fish and Game , Office of spill Prevention and Response Canadian Coast Guard Chevron Overseas Petroleum Inc. Crowley Marine Services Eastern Canada Response Corporation Emirate of Abu Dhabi Environment Canada Exxon Florida Marine Research Institute Gallagher Marine Marathon Upstream Sakhalin Services Maritime New Zealand Mobil Russia Ventures Owens Coastal Consultants Polaris Applied Sciences, Inc. SMQI Services In order to fulfil our mission, we work closely with Owens Coastal Consultants (Bainbridge Island, WA, USA), Polaris Applied Sciences (Kirkland, WA, USA) and TRIOX Environmental Emergencies Inc (Montreal, Qc, Canada) in : +1 514.242.3046 CORALMOBILE.NET • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Contingency plans; • Training and exercises; • Scientific support during spill response CHAAC TECHNOLOGIES OUR ACHIEVEMENTS We acted as SCAT Data Managers and GIS Specialists in the following oil spill response incidents: • • • • • • • • • • • The MMA Rail’s incident (Lac-Mégantic, 2013) The Enbridge oil spill (Alberta, 2013) The Rena incident (New Zealand, 2011) The BP Deepwater Horizon (MC-252) incident (New-Orleans, 2010 - 2014) The Westridge Line incident (Burrard Bay, Vancouver, 2007) The Cosco Busan incident (San Francisco Bay, 2007 - 2008) The Wabamun incident (Alberta, 2005 - 2007) The Selendang Ayu incident (Alaska, 2004) The Patuxent River Spill (Maryland, 2000) The New Carissa incident (Oregon, 1999 - 2002) The Kure incident (California, 1997) +1 514.242.3046 CORALMOBILE.NET CHAAC TECHNOLOGIES OUR TEAM Guillaume Nepveu President Guillaume is an electrical engineer and he holds a master in Applied Mathematics. He acted as GIS Specialist and database manager at the BP Deep Horizon response in the Gulf of Mexico (2010-2011), Enbridge oil spill in Alberta (2013) and MMA Rail accident in Lac-Mégantic, (2013). He also happens to like sword fighting! Alain Lamarche Technical Advisor Alain is a recognized expert in oil spill response management systems. Alain Lamarche acted as a SCAT data manager and GIS specialist during more than 10 spills in North America and New Zealand, including the BP Deep Horizon oil spill response in the Gulf of Mexico (2010-2014). He also happens to be a climber! Enwar Outtas Marketing Director Enwar holds a bachelor degree in communications. He acted as a producer and marketing coordinator in many sport and artistic events. He is involved in the development of a mobile application for event management. Sociable and ingenious, he is attentive to every client needs. He also happens to be a snowboard addict. Philippe Cloutier Software Developer Philippe is a student in software engineering and was involved in the development of Coral since its beginning. Professional and methodical, he attacks every problem with the precision of a surgeon. He also happens to watch too many documentaries! +1 514.242.3046 CORALMOBILE.NET CHAAC TECHNOLOGIES 7248 ST-URBAIN, SUITE 003 MONTREAL, QC, CANADA H2R 2Y6 +1 514.242.3046 CORALMOBILE.NET