global w430×h280 SPM-8000FM C147-E012 Related Product SPM-9700 Sc a n n i n g P ro b e M i c ro sc o p e High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope This microscope enables high-magnification observations of the three-dimensional structure and local properties of samples. With a wealth of functions and expandability, this instrument is capable of meeting a variety of demands. Thanks to a revolutionary software interface, all operations are straightforward, from observation through to analysis. Company names, product/service names and logos used in this publication are trademarks and trade names of Shimadzu Corporation or its affiliates, whether or not they are used with trademark symbol “TM” or “®”. Third-party trademarks and trade names may be used in this publication to refer to either the entities or their products/services. Shimadzu disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. The contents of this publication are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind, and are subject to change without notice. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the use of this publication. www.shimadzu.com/an/ © Shimadzu Corporation, 2012 Printed in Japan 3655-12315-30AIT SPM-8000FM global w430×h280 See the Nano World Come to Life The new HR-SPM scanning probe microscope uses frequency detection. This instrument is not only capable of ultra-high resolution observations in air or liquids, but for the first time enables observations of hydration/solvation layers at solid-liquid interfaces. HR-SPM: High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope Features of the HR- SPM Uses the FM-AFM method Noise in air and liquids is reduced to 1/20th that of existing methods. Achieves the performance level of a vacuum-type SPM, even in air and liquids! Existing SPMs (scanning probe microscopes) and AFMs (atomic force microscopes) generally use A M ( a m p l i t u d e m o d u l a t i o n ) . I n p r i n c i p l e h o w e v e r, t h e F M ( f r e q u e n c y m o d u l a t i o n ) m e a s u r e m e n t method enables higher imaging resolution. SPM: AFM: AM: FM: Scanning Probe Microscope Atomic Force Microscope Amplitude Modulation Frequency Modulation Differences From Existing SPM/AFM A to m i c R e so l u ti o n O b se rv a ti o n s i n S o l u ti o n O b se r v a t io n s w e re m a d e o f t h e a r r a n g e m e n t o f a to m s o n a N a C l s u r f a c e in a s a t u r a t e d a q u e o u s s o l u t io n . A t o m s h id d e n b y n o is e in e x is t in g A F M o b s e r v a t io n s ( A M m e t h o d , le f t ) a re c le a r ly v is ib le w h e n t h e F M m e t h o d ( r ig h t ) is u s e d . T h e F M m e t h o d p ro v id e s t r u e a t o m ic re s o lu t io n . 2.0×2.0 nm AM Method FM Method P t C a ta l y st P a rti c l e s O b se rv a ti o n i n A i r 1) Pt catalyst particles in a TiO 2 substrate were identified, and the surface potential was measured using a KPFM. Pt particles several nm in size were observed in the exchange of charges with the substrate. In the figure on the right, the red circles indicate positive potential, and the blue circles indicate negative potential. It is evident that the 50.00 nm 100.00 x 100.00 nm AM Method KPFM: Keivin Probe Force Microscope This product was developed as part of the Development of Systems and Technologies for Advanced Measurement and Analysis program, conducted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Some of the data in this brochure was obtained using instruments with a different configuration than the SPM-8000FM. 50.00 nm 100.00 x 100.00 nm FM Method resolution has been dramatically improved, even for a KPFM. Note: KPFM functionality is available on a special order basis. SPM-8000FM High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope global w430×h280 See the Nano World Come to Life The new HR-SPM scanning probe microscope uses frequency detection. This instrument is not only capable of ultra-high resolution observations in air or liquids, but for the first time enables observations of hydration/solvation layers at solid-liquid interfaces. HR-SPM: High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope Features of the HR- SPM Uses the FM-AFM method Noise in air and liquids is reduced to 1/20th that of existing methods. Achieves the performance level of a vacuum-type SPM, even in air and liquids! Existing SPMs (scanning probe microscopes) and AFMs (atomic force microscopes) generally use A M ( a m p l i t u d e m o d u l a t i o n ) . I n p r i n c i p l e h o w e v e r, t h e F M ( f r e q u e n c y m o d u l a t i o n ) m e a s u r e m e n t method enables higher imaging resolution. SPM: AFM: AM: FM: Scanning Probe Microscope Atomic Force Microscope Amplitude Modulation Frequency Modulation Differences From Existing SPM/AFM A to m i c R e so l u ti o n O b se rv a ti o n s i n S o l u ti o n O b se r v a t io n s w e re m a d e o f t h e a r r a n g e m e n t o f a to m s o n a N a C l s u r f a c e in a s a t u r a t e d a q u e o u s s o l u t io n . A t o m s h id d e n b y n o is e in e x is t in g A F M o b s e r v a t io n s ( A M m e t h o d , le f t ) a re c le a r ly v is ib le w h e n t h e F M m e t h o d ( r ig h t ) is u s e d . T h e F M m e t h o d p ro v id e s t r u e a t o m ic re s o lu t io n . 2.0×2.0 nm AM Method FM Method P t C a ta l y st P a rti c l e s O b se rv a ti o n i n A i r 1) Pt catalyst particles in a TiO 2 substrate were identified, and the surface potential was measured using a KPFM. Pt particles several nm in size were observed in the exchange of charges with the substrate. In the figure on the right, the red circles indicate positive potential, and the blue circles indicate negative potential. It is evident that the 50.00 nm 100.00 x 100.00 nm AM Method KPFM: Keivin Probe Force Microscope This product was developed as part of the Development of Systems and Technologies for Advanced Measurement and Analysis program, conducted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Some of the data in this brochure was obtained using instruments with a different configuration than the SPM-8000FM. 50.00 nm 100.00 x 100.00 nm FM Method resolution has been dramatically improved, even for a KPFM. Note: KPFM functionality is available on a special order basis. SPM-8000FM High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope global w430×h280 Examples of Observations in Air Examples of Observations in Liquids In Liquid In Air The Molecular Structural Arrangement of a Thin Film of Lead Phthalocyanine Crystals Molecular Structure of Proteins 11.1 nm (110 ) 3.8 nm 4 3 helices 5 nm Model of the Crystalline Structure of the Surface of Lysozyme (110) Sample : PbPc / MoS 2 These figures show phthalocyanine crystals, which are commonly used in organic light-emitting displays, E g g -w h i te l y s o z y m e w a s o b s e rv e d i n a s a tu ra te d a q u e o u s s o l u ti o n . P ro t e in m o le c u le s ( t h e c irc le s in t h e f ig u re a t l e ft) c a n b e o b s e rv e d w i th i n th e s u rfa c e u n i t c e l l ( th e s q u a re i n th e f ig u re a t r ig h t ) . a n d i n d y e - s e n s i t i z e d s o l a r c e l l s . T h e f o u r- l e a f s t r u c t u r e s u r r o u n d i n g t h e m e t a l a t o m a t t h e c e n t e r o f t h e molecule can be clearly observed. Mixed Crystalline Structures NaCl MgCl 2 2.82 A T h is illu s t r a t e s t h e o b s e r v a t io n o f 5.64 A Atomic Defects in Polydiacetylene Crystals e p it a x ia lly - g ro w n N a 2 M g C l 4 c r y s t a ls o n a Na Observations were made of pol y di a c e t y l e ne c r y s t a l s ur f a c e s , c l e a v e d i n a i r. I f t he t e r r a c e o b s e rv e d i n th e Cl ( Na, Mg) Cl? wide-area image (in the figure a t l e f t ) i s e nl a r ge d, i ndi v i dua l P T S ( pa r a - t ol ue ne s ul f ona te ) s i d e c h a i n s l i n e d u p s in g le N a C l c r y s t a l s u r f a c e in a m ix e d s o lu t io n . B e c a u s e t h e c r y s t a llin e s t r u c t u re c a n NaCl 3.99 A at 0.5 nm intervals can be obs e r v e d a l ong t he m a i n di a c e t y l e ne c ha i n, r unni ng a t 0. 75 n m i n te rv a l s p a ra l l e l to b e o b s e r v e d , t h is t e c h n iq u e c a n b e u s e d t o id e n t if y t h e s t r u c t u re o f m ix e d s a m p le s . the b-axis. The fact that an at om i c de f e c t i s v i s i bl e i s e v i de nc e t ha t t he i m a ge i s of a n a c tu a l s p a c e , n o t a F F T image of periodicity. Atomic Structure of a Calcite Cleavage Plane 3) T h is is a n a t o m ic - re s o lu t io n o b s e r v a t io n o f Defect [421] Defect b s u r f a c e s t r u c t u re in a liq u id m e d iu m . D e f e c t s in t h e c a lc it e s u r f a c e a re e v id e n t in t h e f ig u re c a t le f t . [421] [010] [010] 2.00 nm 4 8.00 × 8.00 nm 10.00 nm 21.00 × 21.00 nm A ll data on this page w as obtained using the petri dish type solution cell ( option) . SPM-8000FM High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope 5 global w430×h280 Examples of Observations in Air Examples of Observations in Liquids In Liquid In Air The Molecular Structural Arrangement of a Thin Film of Lead Phthalocyanine Crystals Molecular Structure of Proteins 11.1 nm (110 ) 3.8 nm 4 3 helices 5 nm Model of the Crystalline Structure of the Surface of Lysozyme (110) Sample : PbPc / MoS 2 These figures show phthalocyanine crystals, which are commonly used in organic light-emitting displays, E g g -w h i te l y s o z y m e w a s o b s e rv e d i n a s a tu ra te d a q u e o u s s o l u ti o n . P ro t e in m o le c u le s ( t h e c irc le s in t h e f ig u re a t l e ft) c a n b e o b s e rv e d w i th i n th e s u rfa c e u n i t c e l l ( th e s q u a re i n th e f ig u re a t r ig h t ) . a n d i n d y e - s e n s i t i z e d s o l a r c e l l s . T h e f o u r- l e a f s t r u c t u r e s u r r o u n d i n g t h e m e t a l a t o m a t t h e c e n t e r o f t h e molecule can be clearly observed. Mixed Crystalline Structures NaCl MgCl 2 2.82 A T h is illu s t r a t e s t h e o b s e r v a t io n o f 5.64 A Atomic Defects in Polydiacetylene Crystals e p it a x ia lly - g ro w n N a 2 M g C l 4 c r y s t a ls o n a Na Observations were made of pol y di a c e t y l e ne c r y s t a l s ur f a c e s , c l e a v e d i n a i r. I f t he t e r r a c e o b s e rv e d i n th e Cl ( Na, Mg) Cl? wide-area image (in the figure a t l e f t ) i s e nl a r ge d, i ndi v i dua l P T S ( pa r a - t ol ue ne s ul f ona te ) s i d e c h a i n s l i n e d u p s in g le N a C l c r y s t a l s u r f a c e in a m ix e d s o lu t io n . B e c a u s e t h e c r y s t a llin e s t r u c t u re c a n NaCl 3.99 A at 0.5 nm intervals can be obs e r v e d a l ong t he m a i n di a c e t y l e ne c ha i n, r unni ng a t 0. 75 n m i n te rv a l s p a ra l l e l to b e o b s e r v e d , t h is t e c h n iq u e c a n b e u s e d t o id e n t if y t h e s t r u c t u re o f m ix e d s a m p le s . the b-axis. The fact that an at om i c de f e c t i s v i s i bl e i s e v i de nc e t ha t t he i m a ge i s of a n a c tu a l s p a c e , n o t a F F T image of periodicity. Atomic Structure of a Calcite Cleavage Plane 3) T h is is a n a t o m ic - re s o lu t io n o b s e r v a t io n o f Defect [421] Defect b s u r f a c e s t r u c t u re in a liq u id m e d iu m . D e f e c t s in t h e c a lc it e s u r f a c e a re e v id e n t in t h e f ig u re c a t le f t . [421] [010] [010] 2.00 nm 4 8.00 × 8.00 nm 10.00 nm 21.00 × 21.00 nm A ll data on this page w as obtained using the petri dish type solution cell ( option) . SPM-8000FM High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope 5 global w430×h280 Observational Examples of Hydration/Solvation Structure What are Hydration and Solvation? The Hydration/Solvation Measurement Method It is known that liquids in contact with solids become stratified, a Water molecule phenomenon called solvation, or in the case of water, hydration. It is believed that this characteristic structure, which is different from that 2. Use the force curve method to measure the force on the probe on the tip of the cantilever. Hydration distance of a bulk liquid, is the main influence on the various roles played by 3. Variations in characteristic power (Δ f ) in accordance with the sample can be obtained in the immediate vicinity of the solid-liquid interface. r23 r12 solid-liquid interfaces, such as dissolution, chemical reactions, charge 1. Run the HR-SPM in a solution, bringing the cantilever close to the surface of the solid sample with high precision, up to the settings value (≠fmax ). 4. Variation of the force is due to hydration/solvation, which provides insight into the stratification structure in the liquid. transfers, wetting, lubrication, and heat transfer in the liquid phase. Solid-liquid interface Solid sample However, because this layer is extremely thin, the hydration/solvation 5. A cross section of the hydration/solvation structure can be visualized by performing continuous acquisition in the X-direction (Z-X measurement). 6. Furthermore, the 3D structure of the solid-liquid interface can be analyzed by acquiring Z-X measurements in the Y direction. structure is not easy to measure experimentally. In particular, Model of Hydration Structure non-uniform structures in the in-plane direction of the surface have z not yet been detected. z Tip Scanning Trace AFM Tip Differences from Existing AFM Technology method, this can now be measured for the first time. Water molecule Density AFM Probe Large Sparse ZMeas X urem en Variation of the Force When measuring hydration/solvation, the variation in the force on the cantilever is very small. However, by using an ultra-high sensitivity FM z t Interaction force Small Large Dense Sparse Such methods enable not only the measurement of hydration/solvation structures in the Z-X direction, but also the analysis of 3D Z-XY structures. HR-SPM capabilities have now advanced from mere surface observations to measurements of the structure of solid-liquid interfaces. 0 Δ fmax Δ f Force curve x y Sample surf ace Force Curve by Existing AFM Force Curve by FM Method Pattern Diagram of Hydration /Solvation Measurement Dense Dense Density distribution function g (z) Diagram of Hydration /Solvation Measurement Data Analysis Software This software is designed specifically for 3D mapping data analysis. It provides powerful support for analyzing hydration and solvation structure data. Hydration Measurement Using the FM Method 4) Observation and Analysis of 3D Hydration Structures at a Solid-Liquid Interface 5) 1.5 nm Z 3D display 3rd layer Z-X Mapping of f 3 nm Z=1.6nm Surface Z=1.6nm 2nd layer 1st layer X The layered hydration structure of a mica 1D data X=3nm Y=2.3nm X=3nm Y=2.3nm surface can be visualized down to the third Displaying 3D mapping data layer. Extracting and displaying 2D images from the mapping data Al l da t a on th i s p a g e w a s o b ta i n e d u s i n g t he pe t r i d i s h ty p e s o l u ti o n c e l l ( o p ti o n ) . 6 2D image data Displaying and analyzing specified 1D data over 2D image data SPM-8000FM High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope 7 global w430×h280 Observational Examples of Hydration/Solvation Structure What are Hydration and Solvation? The Hydration/Solvation Measurement Method It is known that liquids in contact with solids become stratified, a Water molecule phenomenon called solvation, or in the case of water, hydration. It is believed that this characteristic structure, which is different from that 2. Use the force curve method to measure the force on the probe on the tip of the cantilever. Hydration distance of a bulk liquid, is the main influence on the various roles played by 3. Variations in characteristic power (Δ f ) in accordance with the sample can be obtained in the immediate vicinity of the solid-liquid interface. r23 r12 solid-liquid interfaces, such as dissolution, chemical reactions, charge 1. Run the HR-SPM in a solution, bringing the cantilever close to the surface of the solid sample with high precision, up to the settings value (≠fmax ). 4. Variation of the force is due to hydration/solvation, which provides insight into the stratification structure in the liquid. transfers, wetting, lubrication, and heat transfer in the liquid phase. Solid-liquid interface Solid sample However, because this layer is extremely thin, the hydration/solvation 5. A cross section of the hydration/solvation structure can be visualized by performing continuous acquisition in the X-direction (Z-X measurement). 6. Furthermore, the 3D structure of the solid-liquid interface can be analyzed by acquiring Z-X measurements in the Y direction. structure is not easy to measure experimentally. In particular, Model of Hydration Structure non-uniform structures in the in-plane direction of the surface have z not yet been detected. z Tip Scanning Trace AFM Tip Differences from Existing AFM Technology method, this can now be measured for the first time. Water molecule Density AFM Probe Large Sparse ZMeas X urem en Variation of the Force When measuring hydration/solvation, the variation in the force on the cantilever is very small. However, by using an ultra-high sensitivity FM z t Interaction force Small Large Dense Sparse Such methods enable not only the measurement of hydration/solvation structures in the Z-X direction, but also the analysis of 3D Z-XY structures. HR-SPM capabilities have now advanced from mere surface observations to measurements of the structure of solid-liquid interfaces. 0 Δ fmax Δ f Force curve x y Sample surf ace Force Curve by Existing AFM Force Curve by FM Method Pattern Diagram of Hydration /Solvation Measurement Dense Dense Density distribution function g (z) Diagram of Hydration /Solvation Measurement Data Analysis Software This software is designed specifically for 3D mapping data analysis. It provides powerful support for analyzing hydration and solvation structure data. Hydration Measurement Using the FM Method 4) Observation and Analysis of 3D Hydration Structures at a Solid-Liquid Interface 5) 1.5 nm Z 3D display 3rd layer Z-X Mapping of f 3 nm Z=1.6nm Surface Z=1.6nm 2nd layer 1st layer X The layered hydration structure of a mica 1D data X=3nm Y=2.3nm X=3nm Y=2.3nm surface can be visualized down to the third Displaying 3D mapping data layer. Extracting and displaying 2D images from the mapping data Al l da t a on th i s p a g e w a s o b ta i n e d u s i n g t he pe t r i d i s h ty p e s o l u ti o n c e l l ( o p ti o n ) . 6 2D image data Displaying and analyzing specified 1D data over 2D image data SPM-8000FM High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope 7 global w430×h280 Examples of Hydration/Solvation Structure Measurements Liquid Water in Contact with Alumina The Principle of FM-Type AFM The frequency of a vibrating cantilever is measured in dynamic mode, and interactions with the sample are detected. 6) The red area in the Z-X measurement on the left is the alumina surface, and the upper area shows the structure of the liquid (an aqueous KCl solution). The figure on the right shows the force curves (Z-Δ f curves) at positions ① to ⑤. It is evident that the structure Specifically, the cantilever is moved in a non-contact state, so that the cantilever frequency shift (Δ f ) is constant. This enables highly sensitive force detection, 20 times better than with existing methods, thereby improving the image resolution. of the aqueous solution is not uniform. The curve obtained by averaging corresponds to the density distribution of water molecules Cantilever resonance curve obtained by X-ray CTR scattering. Δf Cantilever ( Dynamic resonance system) Sample Cantilever Interaction force (attraction) Non contact Oscillation amplitude Probe Frequency Z-X measurement of the Al2O3 (0112) solid-liquid interface, References and the force curves at positions ① to ⑤ C i t ed R ef er en ces 1) Ryohei Kokawa, Masahiro Ohta, Akira Sasahara, Hiroshi Onishi, Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Study of a Pt/TiO2 Catalyst Model Placed in an Atmospheric Pressure of N2 Environment, Chemistry – An Asian Journal, 7, 1251-1255 (2012). A Saturated Aqueous Solution in Contact with p-nitroaniline Crystals 7) 2) K. Nagashima, M. Abe, S. Morita, N. Oyabu, K. Kobayashi, H. Yamada, R. Murai, H. Adachi, K. Takano, H. Matsumura, S. Murakami, T. Inoue, Y. Mori, M. Ohta, R. Kokawa, Molecular resolution investigation of tetragonal lysozyme(110) face in liquid by FM-AFM, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 28 (2010) C4C11-C4C14 In the Z-X in measurements on the left, the convex area is the position of the benzene ring, and the concave area is the position of the hydrophilic functional group. From the force curves at each position (Z-Δ f curves), it is evident that there is strong hydration due to the localization of water molecules in the concave area representing the hydrophilic group. This data suggests that the structure is stabilized by hydrogen bonding of the water molecules with the polar 3) Sebastian Rode, Noriaki Oyabu, Kei Kobayashi, Hirofumi Yamada, and Angelika Kuhnle, True Atomic-Resolution Imaging of (1014) Calcite in Aqueous Solution by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy, Langmuir, 2009, 25 (5), pp 2850–2853 4) K. Kimura, S. Ido, N. Oyabu, K. Kobayashi, Y. Hirata, T. Imai, H. Yamada, Visualizing water molecule distribution by atomic force microscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics, 132, 19, 194705 (2010). 5) Kei Kobayashi, Noriaki Oyabu, Kenjiro Kimura, Shinichiro Ido, Kazuhiro Suzuki, Takashi Imai, Katsunori Tagami, Masaru Tsukada and Hirofumi Yamada, Visualization of hydration layers on muscovite mica in aqueous solution by frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics, 138, 184704 (2013). 6) Takumi Hiasa, Kenjiro Kimura, Hiroshi Onishi, Masahiro Ohta, Kazuyuki Watanabe, Ryohei Kokawa, Noriaki Oyabu, Kei Kobayashi, Hirofumi Yamada, Aqueous Solution Structure groups, as shown by the model in the figure at the bottom. over α-Al 2O3 (0112) Probed by Frequency-Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114 (49), pp 21423-21426 7) Rina Nishioka, Takumi Hiasa, Kenjiro Kimura, and Hiroshi Onishi, Specific Hydration on p-Nitroaniline Crystal Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117, 2939− 2943 (2013). Frequency shift +300 Hz I n s t r u men t R ef er en ces • Ryohei Kokawa and Masahiro Ohta, Development of a High Resolution FM-AFM Working in Air or Solution, Microscopy, Vol. 47, No. 1 (2012) (Japanese) • Kei Kobayashi, Hirofumi Yamada, and Kazumi Matsushige, Reduction of frequency noise and frequency shift by phase shifting elements in frequency modulation atomic force microscopy, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 82, 033702 (2011). A p p l i cat i o n Ex amp l es -40 Hz 0 Z-X Measurement of p-nitroaniline interface 0.5 1.0 1.5 Relative distance / nm Force curve 2.0 • Shinichiro Ido, Kenjiro Kimura, Noriaki Oyabu, Kei Kobayashi, Masaru Tsukada, Kazumi Matsushige and Hirofumi Yamada, Beyond the Helix Pitch: Direct Visualization of Native DNA in Aqueous Solution, ACS Nano, 7, 1817-1822 (2013). • Takumi Hiasa and Hiroshi Onishi, Competitive Adsorption on Graphite Investigated Using Frequency-Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy: Interfacial Liquid Structure Controlled by the Competition of Adsorbed Species, Langmuir, 29, 5801-5805 (2013). Water molecules T h i s I n s tru me n t h a s b e e n c o mme rc i a l l y d e v e l o p e d th ro u g h c o l l a b o ra ti o n w i th th e Yama da group at K yoto U niversity, the Morita gro up at Osaka U n i v e rs i ty, th e O n i s h i g ro u p a t Ko b e U n i v e rs i ty, th e To mi to ri g ro u p a t JA I S T, a n d th e Arai group at K anazaw a U niversity. Al l da t a o n th i s p a g e w a s o b ta i n e d u s i n g t he pe t ri d i s h ty p e s o l u ti o n c e l l ( o p ti o n ) . 8 SPM-8000FM High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope 9 global w430×h280 Examples of Hydration/Solvation Structure Measurements Liquid Water in Contact with Alumina The Principle of FM-Type AFM The frequency of a vibrating cantilever is measured in dynamic mode, and interactions with the sample are detected. 6) The red area in the Z-X measurement on the left is the alumina surface, and the upper area shows the structure of the liquid (an aqueous KCl solution). The figure on the right shows the force curves (Z-Δ f curves) at positions ① to ⑤. It is evident that the structure Specifically, the cantilever is moved in a non-contact state, so that the cantilever frequency shift (Δ f ) is constant. This enables highly sensitive force detection, 20 times better than with existing methods, thereby improving the image resolution. of the aqueous solution is not uniform. The curve obtained by averaging corresponds to the density distribution of water molecules Cantilever resonance curve obtained by X-ray CTR scattering. Δf Cantilever ( Dynamic resonance system) Sample Cantilever Interaction force (attraction) Non contact Oscillation amplitude Probe Frequency Z-X measurement of the Al2O3 (0112) solid-liquid interface, References and the force curves at positions ① to ⑤ C i t ed R ef er en ces 1) Ryohei Kokawa, Masahiro Ohta, Akira Sasahara, Hiroshi Onishi, Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Study of a Pt/TiO2 Catalyst Model Placed in an Atmospheric Pressure of N2 Environment, Chemistry – An Asian Journal, 7, 1251-1255 (2012). A Saturated Aqueous Solution in Contact with p-nitroaniline Crystals 7) 2) K. Nagashima, M. Abe, S. Morita, N. Oyabu, K. Kobayashi, H. Yamada, R. Murai, H. Adachi, K. Takano, H. Matsumura, S. Murakami, T. Inoue, Y. Mori, M. Ohta, R. Kokawa, Molecular resolution investigation of tetragonal lysozyme(110) face in liquid by FM-AFM, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 28 (2010) C4C11-C4C14 In the Z-X in measurements on the left, the convex area is the position of the benzene ring, and the concave area is the position of the hydrophilic functional group. From the force curves at each position (Z-Δ f curves), it is evident that there is strong hydration due to the localization of water molecules in the concave area representing the hydrophilic group. This data suggests that the structure is stabilized by hydrogen bonding of the water molecules with the polar 3) Sebastian Rode, Noriaki Oyabu, Kei Kobayashi, Hirofumi Yamada, and Angelika Kuhnle, True Atomic-Resolution Imaging of (1014) Calcite in Aqueous Solution by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy, Langmuir, 2009, 25 (5), pp 2850–2853 4) K. Kimura, S. Ido, N. Oyabu, K. Kobayashi, Y. Hirata, T. Imai, H. Yamada, Visualizing water molecule distribution by atomic force microscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics, 132, 19, 194705 (2010). 5) Kei Kobayashi, Noriaki Oyabu, Kenjiro Kimura, Shinichiro Ido, Kazuhiro Suzuki, Takashi Imai, Katsunori Tagami, Masaru Tsukada and Hirofumi Yamada, Visualization of hydration layers on muscovite mica in aqueous solution by frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy, Journal of Chemical Physics, 138, 184704 (2013). 6) Takumi Hiasa, Kenjiro Kimura, Hiroshi Onishi, Masahiro Ohta, Kazuyuki Watanabe, Ryohei Kokawa, Noriaki Oyabu, Kei Kobayashi, Hirofumi Yamada, Aqueous Solution Structure groups, as shown by the model in the figure at the bottom. over α-Al 2O3 (0112) Probed by Frequency-Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114 (49), pp 21423-21426 7) Rina Nishioka, Takumi Hiasa, Kenjiro Kimura, and Hiroshi Onishi, Specific Hydration on p-Nitroaniline Crystal Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy, J. Phys. Chem. 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Al l da t a o n th i s p a g e w a s o b ta i n e d u s i n g t he pe t ri d i s h ty p e s o l u ti o n c e l l ( o p ti o n ) . 8 SPM-8000FM High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope 9 global w430×h280 Major Specifications 1. SPM Unit External Appearance of Instrument Resolution X, Y: 0.2 nm, Z: 0.01 nm Control Unit SPM Head Displacement detection system Light source/optical lever/detector Drive Unit Light source Laser diode (635 nm, 5 mW max., switchable ON/OFF) Irradiates cantilever continuously, even while replacing samples. Detector Photodetector Noise level converted to displacement 20 fm/√Hz max. Drive element Tube piezoelectric element Scanner Max. sample size 38 mm dia. × 8 mm Analog Unit CCD -211 to +211 V, 16 bit Z-axis control -211 to +211 V, 16 bit Input voltage -10 to 10 V Resolution 16 bit 8 channels 3. D at a Pr o c es s i n g U n i t Element size: 1/3 inch Monitor 16 GB min. External recording device Internal hard drive with minimum 250 GB One CD-RW drive Communications interface 1000Base-T, TCP/IP protocol OS Windows 7 Professional (64 bit), English version Panel 23-inch wide-screen TFT LCD Display resolution: 1920 × 1080 pixels Effective pixels: 1024 × 768 Lens Stroke: 65 mm Illumination Coaxial incident illumination Vibration damper Built into SPM unit Online Offline Observation window Maximum 8 images can be displayed simultaneously. Cross section shape can be displayed during scanning Scanning mode Switchable between XY, ZX, and ZXY Control screen Observation parameters can be specified Summary display Summary of images can be displayed as thumbnails Image data display/analysis Display, process, or analyze image data Display or analyze 3D mapping data Optional Products 30 µm Scanner Host computer FM unit FM demodulator Amplifier unit Amplifier for optical lever signal and various filters Analog unit Optical microscope Various signal I/O Driver unit High voltage signal generator Motor control Control unit Various digital signal processing 4. S o f t w ar e Optical magnification: 4x Vibration Isolation System X/Y-axis control Input signal Sample securing method Magnet SPM head movement range 10 mm × 10 mm Z-Axis Coarse Method Fully automatic, using stepping motor Adjustment 10 mm Mechanism Max. stroke Monitor Communications Interface 1000Base-T, TCP/IP protocol Host Computer Main memory Sample replacement method Head-slide mechanism Optical Microscope SPM unit Digital control Feedback Sampling frequency 200 kHz Max. scanning size 2.5 µm × 2.5 µm × 0.3 µm (X, Y, Z) Stage Control unit 2. C o n t r o l U n i t Coaxiall iincident illumination Note: The equipment table is optional. Installation Specifications Installation Room Environment Fiber Light Petri Dish Type Solution Cell T h e i n s t a l l a t i o n ro o m e n v i ro n m e n t s h o u l d m e e t t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s . Te m p e r a t u re : 2 3 °C ± 5 ° C Humidity: 60% max. (no condensation) Power Supply The following power supply is required to operate this system. Single-phase 100 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 15 VA, 2-prong Use d fo r o b se rv a tio n in a wid e ra n g e. X· Y: 3 0 µ m Z : 5 µ m Used to provide angled illumination in addition to standard coaxial incident illumination. Used for observation in liquid. The dedicated cantilever holder is included. Air-Cushioned Vibration Damper Active Vibration Damper Active Vibration Damper with Dedicated Stand Ground resistance 100 Ω max. Instrument Size and Weight SPM unit: W200 × D220 × H370 mm; approx. 10 kg Control unit: W600 × D600 × H1,300 mm; approx. 130 kg Installation Example This is a floor-type passive vibration damper. It requires a compressed air source. Office Equipment Table This is a table-top active vibration damper. It only requires a power supply to function. Particle Analysis Software This is the active vibration damper unit combined as a set with a matching dedicated stand. Static Eliminator Pow er strip Power supply C o mp ressed ai r (assuming an air-spring vibration damper is included) Vibration damper (optional 800 × 600 vibration damper shown as one example) 3m Power supply Tab le (optional 1200 × 800 table shown as one example) Monitor C o n tro l u n i t 600×600 Coaxial incident illumination SPM unit This table is for data processing equipment. A vertically oriented model is also available. 10 Extracts multiple particles from image data and calculates characteristic values for each particle. Host c omputer This is used to eliminate static charge from samples or cantilevers. SPM-8000FM High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope 11 global w430×h280 Major Specifications 1. SPM Unit External Appearance of Instrument Resolution X, Y: 0.2 nm, Z: 0.01 nm Control Unit SPM Head Displacement detection system Light source/optical lever/detector Drive Unit Light source Laser diode (635 nm, 5 mW max., switchable ON/OFF) Irradiates cantilever continuously, even while replacing samples. Detector Photodetector Noise level converted to displacement 20 fm/√Hz max. Drive element Tube piezoelectric element Scanner Max. sample size 38 mm dia. × 8 mm Analog Unit CCD -211 to +211 V, 16 bit Z-axis control -211 to +211 V, 16 bit Input voltage -10 to 10 V Resolution 16 bit 8 channels 3. D at a Pr o c es s i n g U n i t Element size: 1/3 inch Monitor 16 GB min. External recording device Internal hard drive with minimum 250 GB One CD-RW drive Communications interface 1000Base-T, TCP/IP protocol OS Windows 7 Professional (64 bit), English version Panel 23-inch wide-screen TFT LCD Display resolution: 1920 × 1080 pixels Effective pixels: 1024 × 768 Lens Stroke: 65 mm Illumination Coaxial incident illumination Vibration damper Built into SPM unit Online Offline Observation window Maximum 8 images can be displayed simultaneously. Cross section shape can be displayed during scanning Scanning mode Switchable between XY, ZX, and ZXY Control screen Observation parameters can be specified Summary display Summary of images can be displayed as thumbnails Image data display/analysis Display, process, or analyze image data Display or analyze 3D mapping data Optional Products 30 µm Scanner Host computer FM unit FM demodulator Amplifier unit Amplifier for optical lever signal and various filters Analog unit Optical microscope Various signal I/O Driver unit High voltage signal generator Motor control Control unit Various digital signal processing 4. S o f t w ar e Optical magnification: 4x Vibration Isolation System X/Y-axis control Input signal Sample securing method Magnet SPM head movement range 10 mm × 10 mm Z-Axis Coarse Method Fully automatic, using stepping motor Adjustment 10 mm Mechanism Max. stroke Monitor Communications Interface 1000Base-T, TCP/IP protocol Host Computer Main memory Sample replacement method Head-slide mechanism Optical Microscope SPM unit Digital control Feedback Sampling frequency 200 kHz Max. scanning size 2.5 µm × 2.5 µm × 0.3 µm (X, Y, Z) Stage Control unit 2. C o n t r o l U n i t Coaxiall iincident illumination Note: The equipment table is optional. Installation Specifications Installation Room Environment Fiber Light Petri Dish Type Solution Cell T h e i n s t a l l a t i o n ro o m e n v i ro n m e n t s h o u l d m e e t t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n d i t i o n s . Te m p e r a t u re : 2 3 °C ± 5 ° C Humidity: 60% max. (no condensation) Power Supply The following power supply is required to operate this system. Single-phase 100 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 15 VA, 2-prong Use d fo r o b se rv a tio n in a wid e ra n g e. X· Y: 3 0 µ m Z : 5 µ m Used to provide angled illumination in addition to standard coaxial incident illumination. Used for observation in liquid. The dedicated cantilever holder is included. Air-Cushioned Vibration Damper Active Vibration Damper Active Vibration Damper with Dedicated Stand Ground resistance 100 Ω max. Instrument Size and Weight SPM unit: W200 × D220 × H370 mm; approx. 10 kg Control unit: W600 × D600 × H1,300 mm; approx. 130 kg Installation Example This is a floor-type passive vibration damper. It requires a compressed air source. Office Equipment Table This is a table-top active vibration damper. It only requires a power supply to function. Particle Analysis Software This is the active vibration damper unit combined as a set with a matching dedicated stand. Static Eliminator Pow er strip Power supply C o mp ressed ai r (assuming an air-spring vibration damper is included) Vibration damper (optional 800 × 600 vibration damper shown as one example) 3m Power supply Tab le (optional 1200 × 800 table shown as one example) Monitor C o n tro l u n i t 600×600 Coaxial incident illumination SPM unit This table is for data processing equipment. A vertically oriented model is also available. 10 Extracts multiple particles from image data and calculates characteristic values for each particle. Host c omputer This is used to eliminate static charge from samples or cantilevers. SPM-8000FM High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope 11 global w430×h280 SPM-8000FM C147-E012 Related Product SPM-9700 Sc a n n i n g P ro b e M i c ro sc o p e High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope This microscope enables high-magnification observations of the three-dimensional structure and local properties of samples. With a wealth of functions and expandability, this instrument is capable of meeting a variety of demands. Thanks to a revolutionary software interface, all operations are straightforward, from observation through to analysis. Company names, product/service names and logos used in this publication are trademarks and trade names of Shimadzu Corporation or its affiliates, whether or not they are used with trademark symbol “TM” or “®”. Third-party trademarks and trade names may be used in this publication to refer to either the entities or their products/services. Shimadzu disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. The contents of this publication are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind, and are subject to change without notice. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the use of this publication. www.shimadzu.com/an/ © Shimadzu Corporation, 2013 Printed in Japan 3655-12315-30AIT SPM-8000FM