F • A • C • E • S
F • A • C • E • S
Welcome To 2011 F•A•C•E•S! Family And Community Engagement Seminar March 3-4, 2011 Lubb ck, Texas Hosted by the Title I Statewide School Support/Parental Involvement Initiative at Region 16 Education Service Center Region 16 Education Service Center and the seminar committee would like to thank Region 17 ESC for hosting our 2011 Family and Community Engagement Seminar (F.A.C.E.S.). We greatly appreciate their support. The participation and assistance provided by Region 17 and the surrounding districts and community organizations have greatly contributed to the success of this event. A big West Texas thank-you is extended to each of you. Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishment toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. ... Andrew Carnegie 2011 F•A•C•E•S! Family And Community Engagement Seminar March 3-4, 2011 Lubb ck, Texas Table Of Contents Letter, Region 16 ESC 6 Important Information 8-9 Points of Interest 10 Emergency Information 11 Goals, Objectives & Strands 12-13 Seminar Planning Committee 14 Thursday Featured Speakers 15 Opening General Session 16-17 Closing General Session 18-19 Seminar Overview 20-21 Seminar at a Glance 22-23 Concurrent Sessions with Descriptions 24-29 Español sesiones 30 Presenter Directory 31 Session Attendance/Online Evaluations/Certificates 32 Professional Development Credits 33 Online Handouts 34 Cyber Café 35 Holiday Inn Park Plaza 36-37 Community 39 Publications 40 Session Log 41 Tabla de contenidos Carta, Centro de Servicios Educativos de la Región 16 6 Información importante 8-9 Puntos de interés 10 Información de emergencia 11 Metas, objetivos y tendencias 12-13 Comité de planeación del seminario 14 Presentadores del jueves 15 Sesión general de apertura 16-17 Sesión general de clausura 18-19 Panorama general del seminario 20-21 El seminario a grandes rasgos 22-23 Sesiones simultáneas con descripción 24-29 Sesiones en español 30 Directorio de presentadores 31 Asistencia de la conferencia/evaluaciónes en línea/ certificados 32 Créditos de desarrollo profesional 33 Apuntes en línea 34 Ciber-café 35 Hotel Holiday Inn Park Plaza 36-37 Comunidad 39 Publicaciones 40 Bitácora de sesiones 41 Invitation Letter 5800 Bef( Street Amari((o, TX 79109-6230 (806) 677-5000 FAX (806) 677-5001 www.esc16 .•.•et Executive Director Joli,., Bass Dear Conference Participants, It is my pleasure, on behalf of Region 16 Education Service Center, to welcome you to the 2009 No Child Left Behind Parental Involvement Conference. The Region 16 Title I Statewide School Support/Parenta1 Involvement Initiative is excited to be your host of "Educators and Parents: Everyday Heroes. " The promise of this conference is to build the capacity of all the participants in the parental involvement arena. The conference will provide opportunities for parents, educators and community leaders to learn strategies for empowering all stakeholders to increase student achievement and to meet the required mandates of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act. It is our hope that the information you receive will challenge you to make parental involvement a priority to facilitate positive change and increase student success in your school district. As Executive Director of Region 16 Education Service Center, I want to thank you for participating in the conference. I hope you enjoy the opportunity to network, identify best practices, and leam new innovative ways to strengthen families and communities. Thank you for making a difference. 6 Dr. Zoer A{{en, Chairmar/, PClT!jton E.R. Be{r, Vice Chairman, Strafori Katfi{een Morris, Secretar!j,Amari((o Don Bednorz, Panhar/i(e Sherry McCavit, Pan!Fa Ky Sherrod, AII/ari((o Haro{dBob Bennett, Hart Notes 7 Important Information Registration Seminar Registration will be located in the Atrium on the first floor: Thursday March 3 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday March 4 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. A map of the Holiday Inn is located on page 35 of your Seminar program; for Holiday Inn information see page 36. Name Badges Name badges are required for admission to all Seminar events. Spanish Language Translations For persons who prefer Spanish, headphone translation is provided for all general sessions and some breakout sessions. Headphones may be obtained from the Translation Table located next to the registration area. Persons who receive headphones will need to leave some form of identification, such as their driver’s license, for usage. Professional Development Credits Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits are available for all sessions. See page 33 for more information. Social Work (SW) and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) credits will be available for selected sessions. See page 33 for more information. Concurrent Session Evaluations Please help us improve our selection of concurrent sessions by submitting evaluations. Speaker evaluation forms are available from the facilitator at each of the concurrent sessions. Seminar Evaluations Please help us improve our Seminar by submitting evaluations. The overall seminar evaluation will be available online. Upon completion of the seminar evaluation you will receive your conference certificate of attendance. To access the 2011 FACES Seminar evaluation, go to www.esc16.net, • • • • click on the tab “Parents” click on the “Title I Statewide Initiative” logo/icon click on “2011 FACES, Family and Community Engagement Seminar” click on the “Seminar Evaluation” button Cell Phones/Beepers As a courtesy to all participants, please put your cell phone/beepers on vibrate or turn them off during sessions and luncheons. 8 Informacion importante Registro La mesa de registro se localiza en el atrio del primer piso: Jueves 3 de marzo 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Viernes 4 de marzo 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. El mapa del Holiday Inn se encuentra en la página 35 de su programa; la información del hotel se encuentra en la página 36. Gafete para el nombre Es necesario portar gafete durante las actividades del seminario. Interpretación al español Para quienes prefieran el español, habrá servicio de interpretación con audífonos para todas las sesiones generales y algunas sesiones en particular. Puede obtener los audífonos en la mesa del servicio de interpretación que se encuentra junto al área de registro. Las personas que soliciten audífonos deberán dejar alguna identificación que puede ser la licencia de conducir, por ejemplo. Créditos de desarrollo profesional Ayúdenos a mejorar nuestra selección de sesiones simultáneas. Vea la página 33 para más información. Se otorgarán créditos a los trabajadores sociales y consejeros profesionales con licencia por algunas sesiones en particular. Vea la página 33 para más información. Evaluaciones de las sesiones simultáneas Ayúdenos a mejorar nuestra selección de sesiones simultáneas con su evaluación. En cada sesión simultánea, los facilitadotes tendrán las hojas para evaluar a los presentadores. Evaluaciones del seminario Ayúdenos a mejorar nuestro seminario con sus evaluaciones. Las hojas de evaluación general del seminario estarán en línea. Una vez que haya hecho la evaluación del seminario, recibirá el certificado de participación. Para entrar a la evaluación del seminario FACES 2011, vaya a www.esc16.net • Pulse en la pestaña “Parents” • Pulse en el icono “Title I Statewide Initiative” • Pulse en “2011 FACES, Family and Community Engagement Seminar” (Seminario de participación de los padres y la comunidad) • Pulse en el botón “Seminar Evaluation” Celulares y localizadores Como muestra de cortesía a los participantes, le pedimos que ponga su celular/localizador en modo de vibración o apagado durante las sesiones y la comida. 9 Points Of Interest Museum of Texas Tech University - The Museum is an educational, scientific, cultural, and research element of Texas Tech University. It consists of several components: the main Museum building, the Moody Planetarium, the Natural Science Research Laboratory, the research and educational elements of the Lubbock Lake Landmark, and the Val Verde County research site. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday: 10:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Sunday: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Closed Monday 3301 4th Street - Lubbock, Texas; (806) 742-2490 http://www.depts.ttu.edu/museumttu/about.html#main Buddy Holly Center - Exhibitions and programs reflect the diverse cultural characteristics of the region and encourage interaction between artists and the community. The Center collects, preserves and interprets artifacts relevant to Lubbock’s most famous native son, Buddy Holly, as well as to other performing artists and musicians of West Texas. Tuesday thru Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Sunday: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Closed Monday 1801 Crickets Avenue (formerly Avenue G) Lubbock, TX 79401; (806) 775-3560 http://www.buddyhollycenter.org/default.aspx General Admission: $5 Senior Citizens (60+): $3 Children 7 - 17: $2 Students (with college ID): $2 Children 6 and under: Free Members: Free Active Duty Military (in uniform): Free Other Exhibitions and Galleries Free unless posted otherwise South Plains Shopping Mall is the only mall of its size between Fort Worth and Albuquerque with the two nearest centers each more than 100 miles away. With its four anchors and 155 specialty stores, the superregional mall generates over 10 million shopper visits annually. Mon-Sat: 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sun: 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Loop 289 & Slide Rd; (806) 792-4693 http://www.southplainsmall.com/home.asp Science Spectrum & Omni Theater - The Science Spectrum is a unique, hands-on museum that features interactive science exhibits and is home to Lubbock’s only public aquarium. The Omni Theater features an advanced projector system and unique domed screen that lets the audience feel like they’re part of the movie. Weekdays 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m; Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m; Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2579 S. Loop 289; Lubbock, TX 79423; (806) 745-2525 http://www.sciencespectrum.com Depot Entertainment District - The Depot Entertainment District is the dynamic heart and entertainment center of Lubbock’s reemerging downtown scene. The Depot is the heartbeat of Lubbock’s nightlife. You can find a wide array of themed venues offering live music every weekend. Restaurants, entertainment and shops are also offered in the Depot Entertainment District. 19th and Buddy Holly Avenue, Lubbock, TX In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it. ...Marianne Williamson 10 Area Restaurants Cagle Steaks 118 Inler Moose Magoo’s 8217 University (806) 795-3879 (806) 745-5005 Carino’s Italian Grill 6821 Slide Road (806) 798-0944 Rudy’s Texas Bar-B-Q 4930 South Loop 289 #300 (806) 797-1777 Cotton Patch Cafe 6810 Slide Road (806) 771-4521 The Triple J Chophouse & Brew Co. 1807 Buddy Holly Avenue (806) 771-6555 Crawdaddy’s Sports Grill & Bar 5725 82nd Street (806) 840-0600 Abuelo’s Mexican Restaurant 4401 82nd Street (806) 794-1762 Rockfish Seafood Grill 6253 Slide Road (806) 780-7625 Zookini’s Soups, Salads, & Grill 4414 82nd Street (806) 791-2058 Emergency Information Emergency Contacts Emergency Number Grace Medical Center 2412 50th Street Lubbock Police Department 911 (806) 788-4000 (806) 763-5333 Números de Emergencia Número de emergencia Grace Medical Center 2412 50th Street Departamento de Policía de la Cuidad de Lubbock 911 (806) 788-4000 (806) 763-5333 11 Goals Objectives Goals Strands The major goal of the seminar is to provide a forum for parents and families, educators, and community leaders to exchange ideas that can lead to student success. Parents and families will be encouraged to enhance learning at home and will gain a better understanding about ESEA requirements and school and community resources. Educators will be challenged to develop parent friendly schools that are built upon two-way communication with families and community organizations. All participants will have the opportunity to network and to start building home-school-community connections that result in improved student performance. Parents and educators will be challenged to confront the issue of bullying in their schools and neighborhoods. Objectives Participants will receive updates and resources relevant to implementing ESEA program requirements. Participants will learn about best practices demonstrating home, school, and community working together for student success. Participants will discover practical strategies to enrich families, e.g. discipline, help with homework, literacy, communication, etc. Participants will acquire information about successful evidence-based programs for developing early learners, transitioning through the grade levels, and preparing students for post-secondary education. Participants will learn the latest research on child bullying and how to recognize the signs of bullying as well as techniques to empower the victims. Strands Strand One: Strand Two: Strand Three: Strand Four: Strand Five: 12 ESEA Parental Involvement Requirements Family Friendly Schools and Communities Enriching Parenting Skills Transitioning from Early Childhood through Graduation Bullying Metas Objectivos Tendancias Metas La meta principal del seminario es ofrecer un foro para los padres y las familias, educadores y los líderes de la comunidad para que puedan intercambiar ideas que lleven a los estudiantes a triunfar. Se animará a los padres y a las familias a que fomenten el aprendizaje en casa y a que conozcan mejor los requisitos de la ley ESEA (Acta de la Educación Básica y Media), así como los recursos de la escuela y la comunidad. Los educadores enfrentarán el reto de desarrollar escuelas amigables para los padres que estén cimentadas en una comunicación bilateral con las familias y las organizaciones de la comunidad. Padres y educadores enfrentarán el reto de revisar el tema del acoso escolar en sus escuelas y vecindarios. oportunidades educacionales de su familia y las relaciones con la comunidad. Objetivos Los participantes recibirán información reciente y recursos para cumplir con los requisitos del programa de la ley ESEA. Los participantes aprenderán sobre las prácticas de excelencia en casa, la escuela y la comunidad para que el estudiante triunfe. Los participantes descubrirán estrategias prácticas para enriquecer a las familias, por ejemplo, aplicación de la disciplina, ayuda con la tarea, reforzar las habilidades de lectoescritura, comunicación, etc. Los participantes obtendrán información sobre programas que han demostrado su efectividad en el desarrollo del aprendizaje temprano, la transición entre grados escolares y cómo preparar a los estudiantes para la educación superior. Los participantes aprenderán sobre las investigaciones más recientes del acoso escolar contra menores, cómo reconocer las señales del acoso escolar y cómo capacitar a las víctimas con técnicas específicas para rechazarlo. Tendencias Tendencia 1: Tendencia 2: Tendencia 3: Tendencia 4: Tendencia 5: Requisitos ESEA de participación de los padres Escuelas y comunidades amigables para las familias Cómo enriquecer las habilidades de los padres Las etapas de transición desde la niñez temprana hasta la graduación El acoso o maltrato 13 Seminar Planning Committee Region 16 Education Service Center Title I Statewide School Support/Parental Involvement Initiative Terri Stafford and Skip Forsyth, Seminar Co-Chairs Seminar Planning Committee Vicki Berrier Ty Duncan Skip Forsyth Edna Garcia Debbie Henderson Debbie Hobgood Pat Johnston Denise Mattson Fiona May Liz Myrick Anna Phillips Francisco Rodriguez Yolanda Sanchez Barbara Solano Sheri Sowder Terri Stafford Marilyn Stone Elizabeth Thompson Marilyn Vieregge 14 Region 17 ESC Region 17 ESC Title I Statewide Initiative Plainview ISD Community Representative Frenship ISD Lubbock ISD Lubbock ISD CIS South Plains CIS South Plains Region 17 ESC Region 17 ESC Region 17 ESC Region 16 ESC Region 17 ESC Title I Statewide Initiative Region 17 ESC EvenStart Region 17 ESC Thursday, March 3 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Featured Speakers ESEA Updates and Federal Program Requirements Cory Green Cory Green is the Senior Director for the Division of NCLB Program Coordination at the Texas Education Agency. The division is responsible for the state-level administration and implementation of federal education programs under the No Child Left Behind Act and the Ed-Flex Partnership program. Cory Green Senior Director Division of NCLB Program Coordination Texas Education Agency Mr. Green began his career at the Texas Education Agency in the Division of Accelerated Instruction in March 1995, as an Education Specialist for the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Eisenhower Professional Development Programs. He has also served as Education Program Director, Director of Programs, Program Administrator, Associate Senior Director, and as the Senior Director for the Division of Student Support Programs. His teaching experience includes nine years in high school Agriculture Science and Technology. He has also taught theatre arts, health, middle school science, In-School Suspension (ISS), and a peer assistance leadership (PAL) mentor program between the high school and elementary school students. Mr. Green is a graduate of Tarleton State University where he received his Bachelor of Science (BS) and Master of Science Teaching (MST) degrees in Agriculture Education. He has Texas teaching certifications in Agriculture, Ornamental Horticulture, Vocational Education for the Handicapped— Horticulture, Coordinated Vocational Academic Education—Horticulture, Agricultural Cooperative Training, English, Earth Science, Life Science, Language Arts, and Speech Communications. He is married to an elementary interventions teacher and the father of two daughters and three sons. Parents: The Key to the Future of Our Children Dr. Crystal Dockery Worried about the future of your children? Don’t worry, be proactive rather than reactive. This workshop will provide strategies to help parents effectively communicate with their children. Come learn new techniques that work with all ages and increase the likelihood of raising responsible children. As a presenter and parent, Dr. Dockery brings her experiences to light through her sense of humor and genuine candor. Extensive handouts will be provided. Dr. Crystal Dockery Assistant Superintendent Spearman ISD Dr. Dockery is currently the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction for Spearman ISD. Crystal specializes in leadership development, certification, federal programs, accountability, curriculum, and instruction, but her passion is parent involvement. In addition to her doctorate in education, Dr. Dockery is also a Licensed Professional Counselor with a background in Special Education and Counseling. She has been developing and presenting parent involvement techniques that are practical and easy-to-use within a traditional educational system. Her 25+ years of experience have afforded her the opportunity to work in a variety of educational settings. Dr. Dockery is a dynamic presenter whose innovative presentations are characterized by her handson, no-nonsense approach combined with her humor and personal experiences to teach, challenge, and inspire audiences. 15 Opening General Session Thursday, March 3, 2011 Mahogony / Sycamore Ballrooms 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Opening Remarks Terri Stafford, Seminar Co-Chair Region 16 Education Service Center Welcome Ty Duncan, Publicity Chair Region 17 Education Service Center Introduction of Color Guard, Singers, and Entertainment Sheri Sowder, Entertainment Chair Region 17 Education Service Center Presentation of Colors ROTC Color Guard Estacado High School, Lubbock ISD National Anthem Bryce and Barkley White Frenship High School, Frenship ISD Entertainment LHS Mariachi Band Lubbock High School, Lubbock ISD Introduction of NCLB Director Francisco Rodriguez, Poster Session Chair Region 17 Education Service Center Greetings Cory Green, Senior Director Division of NCLB Program Coordination, TEA Introduction of Keynote Speaker Anna Phillips, Committee Member Region 17 Education Service Center Keynote Address Dr. Debbie Silver, Speaker, Author Announcements/Closing Remarks Skip Forsyth, Seminar Co-Chair Region 16 Education Service Center Drawing for Door Prizes Seminar Committee 16 Opening General Session March 3, 2011 Mahogany/Sycamore Ballrooms 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Positive, Proactive Parental Involvement Dr. Debbie Silver Through proven procedures, anecdotes, and humor, Dr. Debbie Silver reminds participants of basic sensible procedures for dealing with parents. She offers a twist in perspective in that she has several very different sons who went through the public school system with varying degrees of success. Effective management skills are highlighted as well as fundamental techniques for dealing with exacting personal encounters. The importance of professionalism, communication, and compassion are emphasized. Debbie Silver is truly a “teacher’s teacher” and a “parent’s parent.” She is an awardwinning educator with 30 years experience as a classroom teacher, staff development instructor, and university professor. She is the mother and stepmother of five sons. Her numerous recognitions include being named the 1990 Louisiana State Teacher of the Year and the 2007 Distinguished Alumnus from the College of Education at Louisiana Tech University. Along the way she has taught almost every grade level and most every kind of student. Dr. Silver has been an invited author for several educational journals and has given keynotes at state, national, and international seminars in 49 states, throughout Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. She has been a featured teacher for the PBS OnLine Teacher Chat and several online teacher courses. Debbie is the author of the bestselling book, Drumming to the Beat of Different Marchers: Finding the Rhythm for Differentiated Learning. She is co-author of Because You Teach and Middle School Matters. She is currently coauthoring a book on school/parental involvement based on a presentation she has done across the country with Dr. Monte Selby. Songs she co-wrote with Monte Selby are featured on his latest CD. She is married to Dr. Lawrence Silver, and together they have five sons. “Part of being a good citizen of a community is spending time in that community and aiding other members - lifting them up just as someone once did for you.” ...Desiree Thomas 17 Closing General Session Friday, March 4, 2011 Mahogony / Sycamore Ballrooms 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Opening Remarks Terri Stafford, Seminar Co-Chair Region 16 Education Service Center Introduction of Entertainment Pat Johnston, Committee Member Lubbock ISD Entertainment STOMP OL Slaton Middle School, Lubbock ISD Introduction of Seminar Planning Committee Introduction of Keynote Speaker Terri Stafford and Skip Forsyth Region 16 Education Service Center Keynote Address Announcements/Closing Remarks Drawing for Door Prizes Fiona May, Committee Member Community in Schools of the South Plains Brenda Bird, Motivational Speaker Skip Forsyth, Seminar Co-Chair Region 16 Education Service Center Seminar Committee “A large part of “community service” is giving part of yourself to other people and putting their larger needs in front of your smaller ones.” ...Luz Silverio 18 Closing General Session March 4, 2011 Mahogany/Sycamore Ballrooms 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Valuing Parents as Partners in Education Brenda Bird Thirty years of research have proven the positive connnection between family engagement and student success. Developing more effective family-school-community partnerships has the potential to be far more transformational than many other types of education reform. Strategies to more successfully connect home and school will be provided. Brenda Bird worked in the field of Parent Education for nine years with the CarrolltonFarmers Branch ISD. She has presented her much requested “Home Improvement” seminar at the Texas PTA Leadership Conference to ‘standing room only’ crowds. Her audiences have included prisoners, executives, teachers, counselors, ministers, parents and children. Brenda’s seminars are humorous, entertaining and inspirational, but most importantly, the practical information she shares is making a difference in homes across the nation. Using her own experiences as the mother of three sons, and based on the wealth of information she has gained while working with other parents, Brenda is sure to touch hearts with her wit and wisdom. Brenda’s educational background includes a B.S. in education from Baylor University with emphasis in Speech Communications and English. She has been trained in Developing Capable People, Practical Parenting, Positive Discipline, Active Parenting, Parent-to-Parent, Parents As Teachers, and Parenting with Love & Logic. If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ...Abigail Van Buren 19 Seminar Overview Thursday March 3, 2011 Seminar Convenes - Holiday Inn Park Plaza Seminar Registration Cyber Café available 7:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Featured Seminar Sessions • Cory Green - ESEA Updates (for Educators) • Crystal Dockery - Parents: The Key to the Future of Our Children (for Parents) 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. Lunch in Atrium 1:00 p. .m. - 2:30 p.m. Opening General Session Debbie Silver - Mahogany/Sycamore Ballrooms 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Break First Concurrent Session Friday March 4, 2011 7:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Conference Registration; Cyber Café available Breakfast Second Concurrent Session Mid-Morning Break Third Concurrent Session 9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. The NCLB Division of TEA will provide Parental Involvement sessions in the following areas: •Federal Compliance •Parental Rights & Responsibilities For more information, visit our web site at www.esc16.net. (Click on Parents tab; click on Title I Statewide Initiative logo.) 20 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. 12:45 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Luncheon in Atrium Break 1:00 p..m. - 2:30 p.m. Closing General Session Brenda Bird - Mahogany/Sycamore Ballrooms 2:30 p.m. Seminar Concludes Panorama general del seminario Jueves 3 de Marzo, 2011 Se abre el seminario. Holiday Inn Park Plaza 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Registro de participantes Ciber-café 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Sesiones principales del seminario • Cory Green - Información actualizada sobre la ley ESEA (para educadores) • Crystal Dockery - Padres: la clave del futuro de nuestros niños (para padres) 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. Se ofrece almuerzo Atrium 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Sesión general de apertura Dr. Debbie Silver - Mahogany/Sycamore Ballrooms 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Pausa 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Primera sesión simultánea Viernes 4 de Marzo, 2011 7:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Registro; ciber-café 8 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Desayuno 5 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Segunda sesión simultánea Pausa 9:45 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. sds 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Almuerzo onferencia ofre 12:45 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Pausa : Tercera simultánea 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Sesión general de clausura Brenda Bird - Mahogony/Sycamore Ballrooms 2:30 p.m. Concluye el seminario La división NCLB de la TEA ofrecerá sesiones del tema de participación de los padres en las siguientes áreas: • Cumplir con las leyes federales • Derechos y responsabilidades de los padres Más información en nuestro sitio www. esc16.net . (Pulse la pestaña “Parents”; pulse en el icono “Title I Statewide Initiative”). 21 Seminar At a Glance FEATURED SESSIONS Thursday, March 3, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Cory Green, “ESEA Updates and Par Inv Requirements” Crystal Dockery, “The Key To The Future of Our Children” Mahogony Featured Sessions Thursday 100 Years From Now … It will not matter what my bank account was, the type of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because . . . I was important in the life of a child. ...Unknown Author 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Sycamore Aspen ESEA Updates and Parental Involvement Requirements The Key To The Future of Our Children C. Green C. Dockery Thursday 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Box Lunch in Atrium 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Mahogony / Sycamore Opening General Session - Debbie Silver Thursday 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Friday 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m It’s Their School, Their Kids, Their Money Parenting Solutions for 2011 Everyone Is An Asset Builder The Community School Movement G. Sheets B. Bird S. Wilson R. Simic Working Together for Student Success Behaviors of Bullies and Traits of Targets Community Capital: A Hidden Stockpile of Support for Your School E. Thompson Parent Involvement: Success Strategies C. Dockery T. Stafford M. Baldwin R. Pruitt Community Services and Resources Bully Behaviors on the Digital Divide CSI:CIS Investigating How to Bring Your Community Onto Your Campus True Colors Basic Awareness R. Pruitt F. May D. Lee L. Broadstreet A. Cruce R. Martinez Friday 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. - Luncheon in Atrium 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. - Mahogony / Sycamore Closing General Session - Brenda Bird Seminar Concludes 2:30 p.m. 22 Redwood Seminar At a Glance Cypress Hickory Maple Mesquite Magnolia Health Services for Special Populations Adv. Academics: What’s the Difference Between Pre-AP, AP and Dual Credit After High School Graduation What’s Next? Dia por dia construyendo una conexion con su nino/ nina To Graduation and Beyond P. Greenwood M. Hines J. De Leon A. Shelton Cafe con Leche Day by Day: Building a Bond with Your Child Effective Intervention Strategies for Children and Adolescents with Attention Issues Obesidad infantil: a que lindo bebe gordito! Title I Spirit and Letter of the Law: Topics & Forms of Documentation L. Soto J. De Leon V. Meixner Andres Pedroza This Is Not Your Father’s School Developing a Parental Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact S. Forsyth The Characteristics of Autism Childhood Obesity: Awe What a Cute Chubby Baby! El espirito y la letra de la ley del Titulo I: temas y formas de commicacion D. Jenkins Andres Pedroza A. Montemayer T. Duncan P. Humphrey D. Sarine A young successful attorney said: ‘”The greatest gift I ever received was a gift I got one Christmas when my dad gave me a small box. Inside was a note saying, ‘Son, this year I will give you 365 hours, an hour every day after dinner.’ My dad not only kept his promise, but every year he renewed it and it’s the greatest gift I ever had. I am the result of his time.” ...Unknown Author F. Guzman A. Montemayer F. Guzman 23 March 3, 2011 • 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Thursday Concurrent Sessions Parenting Solutions for 2011 It’s Their School, Their Kids, Their Money Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: Room: Sycamore Strand: Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Parents, Educators Presenter: Brenda Bird Motivational Speaker Mahogony Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills All Targeted Audience Dr. Gene Sheets Superintendent Muleshoe ISD We face a toxic culture in which even Beaver Cleaver would be at risk and no family is immune to this environment. Raising emotionally healthy children, equipped to successfully confront challenges, is becoming an increasingly difficult task. With humor and practical application, this workshop will teach adults to deal with energy draining kids, turn misbehavior into learning opportunities, set limits and avoid power struggles in loving ways without using anger threats or lectures. These empowering tools are effective in all relationships that truly matter, in the classroom or at home. This interactive session will address how to involve all the stakeholders in school improvement. Practical ideas for dialogue and involvement will be provided. Everyone Is An Asset Builder The Community School Movement Room: Aspen Strand: Strand Two: Family Friendly Schools and Communities Target Audience: All Targeted Audience Presenter: Sara Wilson Youth Development Coord. YMCA - Lubbock Room: Redwood Strand: Strand Two: Family Friendly Schools and Communities Target Audience: All Targeted Audience Presenter: Rachel Simic Education Specialist Region 13 School Improvement Resource Center Research shows the more assets a child has the less likely they will be involved in risk-taking behaviors (alcohol and other drug use or violence) and the more likely they will exceed in areas such as family, school, relationships, and leadership. Assets include: love, support, encouragement, creativity, feeling valued, and having opportunities to serve others. Learn about the practical things you can do to be an asset builder in a child’s life! 24 Become familiar with the concepts behind the community school movement and see how it is making a lasting impact on urban and rural communities. Obtain knowledge, information and resources on how to take the innovative steps in developing a community school. Learn how to develop new and creative partnerships that not only enhance the face of your school, but that of your community. Generate ideas with your colleagues around different ways to engage your parents and community stakeholders in the process of establishing your school as the hub of the community. Target Audience Administrators: Program Staff: Educators: Parents: Superintendents, Principals Federal Program Coordinators, Parent Involvement Liaisons, Counselors, ESC Personnel Teachers, Paraprofessionals Parents, PTA Members, PTO Members March 3, 2011 • 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Thursday Concurrent Sessions Health Services for Special Populations Advanced Academics: What’s The Difference Between Room: Cypress Strand: Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Parents, Program Staff Presenter: Pat Greenwood Manager of Specialized Health and Social Services Department of State Health Services Room: Hickory Strand: Strand Four: Transitioning From Early Childhood Through Graduation Target Audience: Educators, Parents Presenter: Marybeth Hines Coordinator-Advanced Academics Lubbock ISD An overview of the state and federally funded health care programs that are available to low-income families with children in Texas. These programs include Children with Special Healthcare Needs, Personal Care Services, Texas Medicaid Programs: Texas Health Steps and Children and Pregnant Women Case Management. This panel presentation will explain the difference between Pre Advanced / Advanced Placement courses and dual credit courses. Understanding these differences will enable parents to better prepare their children for more rigorous coursework, which in turn, will prepare students for college / career success. The Lubbock ISD College Readiness Pathway will also be shared. After High School Graduation What’s Next? Dia por dia - construyendo una conexion con su nino/nina Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: Maple Strand Four: Transitioning From Early Childhood Through Graduation All Targeted Audience Pam Humphrey Transition Specialist Region 9 ESC Dennis Sarine Education Specialist Region 16 ESC Transition planning is required for students receiving special education services. The goal of transition is to ensure students are prepared for life after high school. This session will review planning strategies, how to get students to think beyond today, college requirements, and the skills employers want students to have. The strategies are universal and can be utilized with all high school students. Pre-AP, AP and Dual Credit? Mesquite Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Parents Jennifer De Leon Education Specialist Region 17 ESC El proposito de esta sesion es de autorizar a padres con estrategias a construir bonos del amor incondicional con sus niños y para mostrarles que cada nino y cada padre son valiosos. Estas estrategias son significadas para reforzar un exito social, emocional y academico para niños. Los padres aprenderan como buscar momentos educables en la vida y para descubrir maneras para ayudar las familias permanecer cerca. Esta sesion es diseñada para padres de niños del nacimiento al grado octavo. To Graduation and Beyond Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: At the end of Magnolia the day, the most Strand Four: overwhelming key to Transitioning From Early a child’s success is the Childhood Through Graduation positive involvement Program Staff, Parents of parents. Amanda Shelton, Amber Dixon, Eric Aubrey, Julie Wood, Dawn Valles ...Jane D. Hull Counselors / Advisors South Plains College Transitioning from high school to college can be difficult for parents and students. This session will focus on helping this evolution go smoother for all involved. This revealing session will offer attendees a forum to discover the differences between academic and technical programs, disability services offered at the college level, testing requirements for all students and parents during this transitional time. You will not regret attending this session! You will walk away with a wealth of information that will help you and your students feel more in control of this turbulent time. 25 March 4, 2011 • 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 4.m. Friday Concurrent Sessions Working Together for Student Success Behaviors of Bullies and Traits of Targets Room: Mahogony Strand: Strand Two: Family Friendly Schools and Communities Target Audience: All Targeted Audience Presenter: Marion Baldwin Program Associate SEDL Relationship building is the key to successful partnerships. This session will focus on how schools and districts can benefit from working with their respective communities to increase student success. Information about successful school-community partnerships and research-based practices that promote systemic school improvement will be shared. Tools used to facilitate collaboration among home, school, and community will also be demonstrated. Room: Sycamore Strand: Strand Two: Family Friendly Schools and Communities Target Audience: All Targeted Audience Presenter: Rod Pruitt Bully State Initiative Consultant Region 14 ESC Community Capital: A Hidden Stockpile of Support for Your School Room: Aspen Strand: Strand Two: Family Friendly Schools and Communities Target Audience: Administrators, Program Staff Presenter: Elizabeth Thompson State EvenStart and Family Literacy Coordinator Harris County Dept. of Ed. Every school and every organization in your community have missions to accomplish. The point where the missions of school and community organizations intersect is the place where students can benefit the most. This session gives tips for successful collaboration and provides some real examples of schools partnering with community organizations for the purpose of supporting academic achievement. Participants will walk away with tips for building collaborations and some ideas for becoming the most desirable collaborator in town. When is a behavior bullying and when is it poor social skills? When is acting out poor coping skills and when is intentional targeting? Who is a bully, who is a target, and who is just having a bad day? In this workshop we will define clear traits of bullies and how they differ by age, gender, and method. We will look at two types of targets and see how one gets help and the other gets in trouble. We will learn how parents and educators can help both bullies and targets so that a positive learning environment can be created and sustained. Parent Involvement: Success Strategies Room: Redwood Strand: Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: All Targeted Audience Presenter: Crystal Dockery Assistant Superintendent Spearman ISD Terri Stafford Coordinator, Title I Statewide Initiative, Region 16 ESC Children are the future, and parents hold the keys that open the door to tomorrow. Participants will learn fun, easy-todo, effective parenting activities that will raise the odds for successfully involving parents. Crystal and Terri will open their toolbox of wit and wisdom and model how to teach parents in an entertaining and interactive way. Cafe con Leche Room: Cypress Strand: Strand Four: Transitioning From Early Childhood Through Graduation Target Audience: All Targeted Audience Presenter: Leslie Soto Coordinator of College Access Lubbock ISD 26 Cafe con Leche is a program developed by the Institute for Public School Initiatives (IPSI) which is part of the University of Texas System. The purpose of this seminar will be to address parents and educators about three areas of concern: college access, the importance of a college education, and the educational crisis in Texas especially within the Hispanic population. Attendees may expect to receive valuable resources to attain college access and success along with addressing fears and concerns about post secondary education. March 4, 2011 • 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Friday Concurrent Sessions Day by Day: Building a Bond with Your Child Room: Hickory Strand: Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Parents Presenter: Jennifer De Leon Education Specialist Region 17 ESC The goal of this session is to empower parents with strategies to build bonds of unconditional love with their children and to show parents the value of developing these bonds. These strategies are meant to strengthen a child’s social, emotional and academic success. Parents will learn how to look for teachable moments in everyday life and to discover ways to help busy families stay close. This session is designed for parents of children from birth through the 8th grade. Obesidad infantil: a que lindo bebe gordito! Room: Mesquite Strand: Strand Two: Family Friendly Schools and Communities Target Audience: Parents Presenter: Andres Pedroza Mobile Health Unit Coordinator Community Hlth Ctr of Lubbock En la sociedad de ahora, la obesidad infantil es una epidemia grave que afecta a millones de niños alrededor del mundo. En una encuesta en 2007-2008 de la National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), se estima que el 17 por ciento de los niños y adolescentes entre las edades de 2-19 años estan sobre peso. Debido a las serias consecuencias que representa la obesidad infantil, estar gordito no debe ser algo lindo hoy en dìa. Por favor acompañenos con nosotros para discutir la informacion mas reciente en cuanto a la epidemia que esta afectando a nuestros niños y que podemos hacer para prevenir que nuestros niños caigan victimas de la obesidad infantil. Effective Intervention Strategies for Children and Adolescents with Attention Issues Room: Maple Strand: Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Parents Presenter: Val Meixner Region 17 ESC LSSP This session will emphasize practical intervention strategies to address common difficulties that many children with attention issues display at home and school: the ability to plan and organize, sustain attention, and persist to complete tasks. Title I Spirit and Letter of the Law: Topics & Forms of Documentation Room: Magnolia Strand: Strand One: ESEA Parental Involvement Requirements Target Audience: Program Staff, Parents Presenter: Aurelio Montemayor Senior Education Associate, IDRA/PIRC Frances Guzman Education Associate, IDRA/PIRC This session will review key parent involvement responsibilities the school has under Title I, identify the appropriate forms of communication, and identify effective ways of carrying out consultation with families. I touch the future. I teach. ...Christa McAuliffe Target Audience Administrators: Program Staff: Educators: Parents: Superintendents, Principals Federal Program Coordinators, Parent Involvement Liaisons, Counselors, ESC Personnel Teachers, Paraprofessionals Parents, PTA Members, PTO Members 27 March 4, 2011 • 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Friday Concurrent Sessions Community Services and Resources Bully Behaviors on the Digital Divide Room: Mahogony Strand: Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Parents Presenter: Liz Broadstreet Program Specialist, TX Dept. of State Health Services Andrea Cruce 2-1-1 Texas Specialist Robert Martinez Communicable Disease Manager, TX Dept. of State Health Services Room: Sycamore Strand: Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: All Targeted Audience Presenter: Rod Pruitt Bully State Initiative Consultant Region 14 ESC Today’s youth have more opportunities to communicate than any other generation. Facebook, cell phones, texting, and tweeting allow them to get ideas, express thoughts, and hurt feelings like never before. Come learn how bullying with technology is one of the primary reasons that bullying has become more damaging and dangerous in the last decade. Come learn steps that parents and educators need to take to help this generation get the best and prevent the worst that technology can offer. 2-1-1 Texas and Department of State Health Services will present in a panel discussion format how parents can access resources and information. 2-1-1 Texas will address how parents access resources such as Social Security, Medicaid, etc. DSHS will address how to prevent limit the transmission of communicable diseases and the importance of immunizations. Additionally DSHS will provide practical ideas for disaster preparedness for families. Participants will receive user-friendly ideas and resources. CSI : CIS - Investigating How to Bring Your Community Onto Your Campus Room: Aspen Strand: Strand Two: Family Friendly Schools and Communities Target Audience: All Targeted Audience Presenter: Fiona May, Brian Garibay, Greater Lubbock Program Communities in Schools of the South Plains Sabra Fugate Communities in Schools of Texas, TEA Communities in Schools (CIS) is a nonprofit organization that provides services to help reduce the dropout rate, focusing on academics, behavior, and attendance. The legislatively authorized study, Best Practices in Dropout Prevention in Texas (2008), found CIS to be one of only three best practice dropout prevention programs in the nation. TEA provides funding and support for 27 CIS programs across the state of Texas. This session will outline the history, mission, and model of CIS while also providing methods you can use on campus to engage your community. 28 True Colors-Basic Awareness Seminar Room: Redwood Strand: Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Parents Presenter: Dietra Lee Family Services Specialist Region 16 ESC Through self assessment, hands-on activities and ‘edutainment’, parents will discover their True Colors to understanding themselves and others in their lives. Target Audience Administrators: Program Staff: Educators: Parents: Superintendents, Principals Federal Program Coordinators, Parent Involvement Liaisons, Counselors, ESC Personnel Teachers, Paraprofessionals Parents, PTA Members, PTO Members March 4, 2011 • 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Friday Concurrent Sessions Developing a Parental Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact This Is Not Your Father’s School Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: Cypress Strand Four: Transitioning From Early Childhood Through Graduation All Targeted Audience Ty Duncan Senior Specialist Region 17 ESC Dr. Kenny Border Secondary Schools Coordinator Shallowater ISD Schools of the 21st Century should look different than schools from the previous. It is our intent to show parents that they must demand a school that looks different and is built on 21st Century outcomes. College readiness is the key to victory. Room: Hickory Strand: Strand One: ESEA Parental Involvement Requirements Target Audience: All Targeted Audience Presenter: Skip Forsyth Education Specialist Region 16 ESC Students benefit when school, home, and community work together. Two tools that provide focus for effective family and community engagement are the Parental Involvement Policy and School-Parent Compact. This session will provide resources and ideas to implement these required “tools.” The Characteristics of Autism Childhood Obesity: Awe What a Cute Chubby Baby! Room: Strand: Target Audience: Presenter: Room: Mesquite Strand: Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Target Audience: Parents Presenter: Andres Pedroza Mobile Health Unit Coordinator Community Hlth Ctr of Lubbock Maple Strand Three: Enriching Parenting Skills Parents Dr. David Jenkins Licensed Specialist in School Psychology Lubbock ISD This session will provide a brief overview of the characteristics of autism as it relates to language/communication, social/ play behavior, and sensory/motor issues. This session will focus on strategies and techniques parents can take back and implement in the home. In today’s society, childhood obesity is a grave epidemic affecting millions of children around the world. In a 2007-2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), an estimated 17 percent of children and adolescents ages 2-19 years are obese. Because of the serious implications of childhood obesity, being plump and chubby should no longer be cute. Please join us as we take a closer look at the latest information regarding this epidemic affecting our children and what we can do to prevent our children from falling victims to obesity. El espirito y la letra de la ley del Titulo I: temas y formas d comunicacion I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. ...George Bernard Shaw Room: Magnolia Strand: Strand One: ESEA Parental Involvement Requirements Target Audience: Program Staff, Parents Presenter: Aurelio Montemayor Senior Education Associate, IDRA/PIRC Frances Guzman Education Associate, IDRA/PIRC Objetivos: • • • Repasar las responsabilidades claves que tiene la escuela para la participacion de padres bajo la ley de Titulo I. Identificar las formas apropiadas para la comunicacion. Identificar maneras efectivas de llevar acabo la consultacion con las familias. 29 Espanol Sesiones Jueves, 3 de Marzo 3:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Room Mesquite Dia por dia - construyendo una conexion con su nino/nina Viernes, 3 de Marzo 10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Viernes, 4 de Marzo 8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. Room Mesquite Obesidad infantil: a que lindo bebe gordito! Viernes, 4 de Marzo 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Room Magnolia El espirito y la letra de la ley del Titulo I: temas y formas de commicacion Title I Statewide School Support/Parental Involvement Initiative “Supporting Schools and Families” Region 16 Education Service Center 5800 Bell Street • Amarillo, Texas 79109 (806) 677-5186 • [email protected] www.esc16.net (Click on Parents tab; click on Title I Statewide Initiative logo/icon.) 30 Presenter Directory Eric Aubrey South Plains College Cory Green TEA Dennis Sarine Region 16 ESC Marion Baldwin SEDL Pat Greenwood TX Dept. of State Health Services Dr. Gene Sheets Muleshoe ISD Brenda Bird Consultant Dr. Kenny Border Shallowater ISD Liz Broadstreet TX Dept. of State Health Services Frances Guzman IDRA PIRC Marybeth Hines Lubbock ISD Pam Humphrey Region 9 ESC Andrea Cruce 2-1-1 Texas Dr. David Jenkins Lubbock ISD Jennifer De Leon Region 17 ESC Dietra Lee Region 16 ESC Amber Dixon South Plains College Robert Martinez TX Dept. of State Health Services Dr. Crystal Dockery Spearman ISD Ty Duncan Region 17 ESC Skip Forsyth Region 16 ESC Sabra Fugate Communities in Schools of Texas, TEA Brian Garibay Commities in Schools of the South Plains Fiona May Communities in Schools of the South Plains Val Meixner Region 17 ESC Aurelio Montemayor IDRA PIRC Andres Pedroza Community Health Center of Lubbock Rod Pruitt Region 14 ESC Amanda Shelton South Plains College Debbie Silver Consultant Rachel Simic Region 13 ESC Leslie Soto Lubbock ISD Terri Stafford Region 16 ESC Elizabeth Thompson Harris County Department of Education Dawn Valles South Plains College Anita Villarreal TEA Sara Wilson YMCA Julie Wood South Plains College At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents. ...Jane D. Hull 31 Session Attendance Online Evaluation Certificate Concurrent Session Attendance: Please arrive early to attend the session of your choice. All sessions are on a first-come, first-served basis. When a session is full, a sign will be posted and the doors will be closed. Participants will then need to make another session selection. At registration you will receive a sheet of labels with your name printed on them. To receive credit you must sign in at each session you attend. You sign in by placing an attendance label with your name on the sign-in sheet at the session you attend. Attendance is tracked by these sign-in sheets and your certificate of attendance will be generated accordingly. If you fail to sign in, you will not receive credit for that particular session. Online Evaluation and Certificate: At this year’s Seminar, you can go online to complete your Seminar evaluation. You can stop by our Cyber Café to complete your evaluation, or you can complete the evaluation from your home or work computer. To access the 2011 FACES Seminar Evaluation, go to www.esc16.net, • click on the tab “Parents” •click on the “Title I Statewide Initiative” logo/icon •click on “2011 FACES, Family and Community Engagement Seminar” • click on the “Seminar Evaluation” button After completing the evaluation, your certificate of attendance will appear on the screen. Please print the certificate for your records. If you have any questions, please call Skip Forsyth,Title I Statewide School Support/Parental Involvement Initiative, (806) 677-5186, or [email protected]. Session Log is available on page 41. 32 Professional Development Credits Sign-In at All Sessions Sign-in sheets will be available at all sessions. Please use the sign-in labels provided at registration, and sign in for each session attended. Verification of attendance will not be possible at any other time. State Board for Education Certification (SBEC) Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Region 16 Education Service Center offers Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit under provider #188950. Participants must secure an “Attendance Verification Form” from the Title I Statewide School Support/Parental Invovement Initiative. Either request the “Attendance Verification Form” at the Facilitator Booth in the registration area, or by contacting the Title I Statewide Initiative. The Attendance Form will be sent to you electronically. For information concerning credit requirements, contact the State Board for Education Certification in Austin at (888) 863-5880. Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) Certified Social Workers (CSW) SW and LPC credit will be available for selected sessions. A person who desires SW or LPC credit must: • Sign in on the SW/LPC sign-in sheet at the session attended • Complete the SW/LPC evaluation sheet at the session attended, with your signature on the evaluation, and give the evaluation sheet to the session facilitator • Your attendance at the session will be verified • A SW/LPC cerificate will be forwarded to you electronically School Board Member Credit Region 16 Education Service Center offers school board members Tier III credit with approval of Texas Education Agency. For more information please contact Skip Forsyth,Title I Statewide School Support/Parental Involvement Initiative, Region 16 Education Service Center, at (806) 677-5186 or [email protected]. 33 Online Handouts Seminar Handouts for Concurrent Sessions Online You now have the opportunity to obtain the handouts from the concurrent sessions at this year’s 2011 FACES Seminar. Please see the directions for printing below: • Enter the website www.esc16.net into your address bar. • • • • click on the tab “Parents” click on the “Title I Statewide Initiative” logo/icon click on “2011 FACES, Family and Community Engagement Seminar” click on the “FACES Seminar Handouts” *You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to open these files. If you have any difficulties retrieving handouts, please contact Skip Forsyth, Title I Statewide School Support/ Parental Involvement Initiative at (806) 677-5186 or [email protected] 34 Cyber Cafe Need to quickly check your e-mail? Don’t have a computer at home to complete your online evaluations? Stop by the Cyber Cafe located in the Atrium FIRST FLOOR CYBER CAFE SECOND FLOOR 35 Holiday Inn Park Plaza 3201 South Loop 289 Lubbock, Texas 79423 (806) 797-3241 (888) 465-4329 www.holidayinn.com The hotel is entirely smoke-free. Parking: Complimentary self-parking is provided at Holiday Inn. The Holiday Inn has an indoor pool, and on-site fitness center with cardio equipment. The Fitness Center Times: 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Park Plaza Cafe: off of front lobby Breakfast served 5:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Fountain Court Lounge: Located in the Hotel’s Grand Atrium Nestled in the atmosphere of the hotel’s Grand Atrium, you’ll relax with your favorite beverage to the sounds of the Grand Atrium Fountain in the background. What a perfect way to start off the night...or end it in style. Dinner served Sun-Thur 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.; Fri-Sat 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they merely move it from their faces into their hearts. ~Martin Buxbaum 36 Holiday Inn Park Plaza - Lubbock The life I touch for good will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt. ...Frederick Buechner 37 “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” ...Henry Ford 38 Community Good friends and people to talk, A safe place for kids to play and walk, That’s a good community and place put together, Where all can face life’s stormy weather, A community comes together to help each other fly, A community is not a gang, there’s no “ride or die,” A community is a group of people who are tough, And hold each other up when the going gets rough, A community is a group of people who care, And in spite of the costs, are willing to share, A community is a place of peace and tranquility, But it takes ALL the FACES, to make a good community. We can never get a re-creation of community and heal our society without giving our citizens a sense of belonging. ... Patch Adams 39 Title I Statewide School Support/Parental Involvement Initiative Publications Title I Statewide School Support/Parental Involvement Initiative Publications School Support Texas Statewide System of School Support Ten Components of a Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program Ten Components of a Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program walks you through the process of including the ten schoolwide components in your campus plan as required in Public Law 107-110, Section 1114b. This document includes an interactive CD with additional information, templates, and links related to each of the ten components. The CD also includes multiple campus/district planning and assessment resources, as well as forms to keep you in compliance at required Title I meetings. Price: $7.00 Texas Statewide System of School Support describes the purpose of school support and the key agencies involved in school support in Texas. The School Support document includes an interactive CD with numerous power points, helpful resources, and relevant links. The CD also includes principal planning guides from SIRC and extensive information regarding each stage of School Improvement. Price: $9.00 Parental Involvement Developing a Written Parental Involvement Policy NE W ! Parent Involvement in Every School (P.I.E.S.) Manual Developing a Written Parental Involvement Policy describes the requirements and contents for a parental involvement policy. The document provides district and campus checklists, and additional online resources, including sample policies, sample templates, parental involvement policy FAQs, policy guidance, and PowerPoints. The online resources are available at www. esc 16.net. (Under Programs and Services, click on Title I Statewide Initiative, then click on Requested Materials.) Price $5.00 An Administrator’s Abbreviated Checklist to NCLB—Parental Involvement er Und on si i v e r The P.I.E.S. Manual is a training tool for parental involvement: 1) Each section includes a proposed agenda, trainer notes, resource information, and handouts; 2) Training sections address how students benefit from parental involvement, understanding your school, and how Texas parents become involved; 3) Training material includes relevant information from TEA and NCLB legislation. Price $8.00 An Administrator’s Guide and Checklist to NCLB—Parental Involvement An Administrator’s Abbreviated Checklist provides parental involvement requirements and pertinent information without detailed explanation, referencing: 1) The Statute, 2) Title programs, 3) Who must comply, 4) When the requirement should be completed, 5) Allowable form of documentation, and 6) Date of completion. Price: $5.00 An Administrator’s Guide provides expanded information about each NCLB Federal program as it relates to Parental Involvement addressing: 1) Intent and purpose, and 2) Allowable uses of funds. The Checklist features the same columns as the Abbreviated Checklist, but includes a expanded explanation of parental involvement requirements as mandated by NCLB. Price $6.00 Developing a School-Parent Compact Developing a School-Parent Compact describes the requirements and contents for a school-parent compact. A five-step process for writing and reviewing a school-parent compact is presented. Also, a CD with additional schoolparent compact resources is provided. Price: $8.00 CALL: (806) 677-5166 • FAX: (806) 677-5167 • EMAIL: [email protected] • WEB: www.esc16.net 40 2011 F.A.C.E.S. Family and Community Engagement Seminar March 3-4, 2011 • Lubbock, Texas Friday, March 4 3:00 pm 9:45 am - 2nd Concurrent Session ____________________________________ Thursday, March 3 SESSION LOG 8:30 am 11:30 am - 3rd Concurrent Session ____________________________________ 1:00 pm Opening General Session - Debbie Silver Closing General Session - Brenda Bird I certify and attest that I attended the aforementioned sessions. 4:15 pm - 1st Concurrent Session ____________________________________ 2:30 pm 12:00 noon - Featured Session _______________________________________ 10:15 am 2:30 pm 10:00 am 1:00 pm Date _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Signature Successfully completed 9.0 credit hours through attendance and participation at 2011 F.A.C.E.S. Complete and remove this form and attach to your certificate (available online starting March 4, 2011). F • A • C • E • S “…Teachers are the reason why airplanes fly, computers program, ballets are danced, novels are written, cancers are researched, lawsuits are won, skyscrapers are built, and ‘art’ decorates refrigerator doors. Life’s biggest accomplishments occur because somewhere, sometime, someone touched our lives – and it all began with a teacher!…” …Unknown 42 Notes 43 We Look Forward To Seeing You! March 1-2, 2012 at the Holiday Inn Park Plaza Lubb ck, Texas F • A • C • E • S II Family And Community Engagement Seminar Information for 2012 F.A.C.E.S will be available online at www.esc16.net by July 1, 2011 Hosted by the Title I Statewide School Support/Parental Involvement Initiative at Region 16 Education Service Center