ne t.a c.i n EFFECT OF HORN (SONOTRODE) PROFILE ON WELD STRENGTH OF HDPE PLASTIC WELD BY USING ULTRASONIC WELDING RAVI K. PATEL u. inf lib (ENROLLMENT NO: 12014051012) gn DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING U. V. PATEL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING GANPAT UNIVERSITY KHERVA, MEHSANA- 384012 APRIL-2014 c.i n EFFECT OF HORN (SONOTRODE) PROFILE ON WELD STRENGTH OF HDPE PLASTIC WELD BY USING ULTRASONIC WELDING A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO U. V. PATEL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING GANPAT UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF et. a MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING WITH SPECIALIZATION IN Advanced Manufacturing Techniques (AMT) SUBMITTED BY ibn RAVI K. PATEL (ENROLLMENT NO: 12014051012) UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Prof. C. P. PATEL u.i nfl APRIL-2014 gn DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING U. V. PATEL COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING GANPAT UNIVERSITY KHERVA, MEHSANA- 384012 c.i n Department of Mechanical Engineering U. V. Patel College of Engineering Ganpat University Kherva- 384012 Certificate This is to certify that the work presented in the Dissertation Entitled et. a EFFECT OF HORN (SONOTRODE) PROFILE ON WELD STRENGTH OF HDPE PLASTIC WELD BY USING ULTRASONIC WELDING Has been carried out by RAVI K. PATEL (Enrollment No: 12014051012) ibn In a manner sufficiently satisfactory to warrant its acceptances a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree of MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY In MECHANICAL ENGINEERING With Specialization In nfl Advanced Manufacturing Techniques (AMT) u.i This is a bonafide work done by the student and has not been submitted to any other University/Institute for the award of any other Degree. gn Prof. C. P. Patel Guide, Associate professor, Mechanical Engineering Department. Prof. V. B. Patel Associate Professor and Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering Department. Dr. P. H. SHAH Principal, U.V. Patel College of Engineering, Ganpat University Kherva, Mehsana. i ii c.i n et. a ibn nfl u.i gn c.i n Department of Mechanical Engineering U. V. Patel College of Engineering Ganpat University Kherva- 384012 Certificate of Examination et. a This is to certify that we have examined the thesis entitled “Effect of Horn (sonotrode) profile on weld strength of HDPE plastic weld by Using Ultrasonic Welding” submitted by Mr. Ravi K. Patel (12014051012), a postgraduate student of Mechanical Engineering with specialization in ibn Advanced Manufacturing Techniques (AMT). We hereby accord our approval of it as a study carried out and presented in manner required for its acceptance in partial fulfillment for the Post Graduate Degree for which it has been submitted. This approval does not necessarily endorse or accept every statement nfl made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn as recorded in this thesis. It only u.i signifies the acceptance of the thesis for the purpose for which it is submitted. Internal Examiner gn External Examiner ii APPROVAL SHEET c.i n This dissertation is entitled as “EFFECT OF HORN (SONOTRODE) PROFILE ON WELD STRENGTH OF HDPE PLASTIC WELD BY USING ULTRASONIC WELDING”, By Ravi K. Patel (12014051012) is approved for the degree of Master of u.i nfl ibn et. a Technology in Advanced Manufacturing Techniques (AMT). Date : gn Place : iii Examiner Supervisor Head of department DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY c.i n I hereby certify that I am the sole author of this thesis and that neither any part of this thesis nor the whole of the thesis has been submitted for a degree to any other University or Institution. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, my thesis does not infringe upon anyone’s copyright nor violate any proprietary rights and that any ideas, techniques, quotations, or any other material from the work of other people included in my thesis, et. a published or otherwise, are fully acknowledged in accordance with the standard referencing practices. I declare that this is a true copy of my thesis, including any final revisions, as nfl ibn approved by my thesis review committee. u.i Ravi K. Patel (Enrollment No.: 12014051012) gn Date : iv c.i n ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is indeed a pleasure for me to express my sincere gratitude to those who have always helped me for this dissertation work. First and foremost let me grateful to almighty God. My deepest regards and greatest admiration remain to my parents, & my brother, who has taught me how to walk on an et. a untraded path in the quest of knowledge. I sincerely convey my gratitude to my guide Prof. C. P. Patel, Mechanical Engineering Department, UVPCE, Kherva, who made me believe in myself and guided me through the whole process of dissertation writing. He has never failed to help me to get a grasp on the subject. My sincere thanks to Prof. V. B. Patel, Head of Mechanical/Mechatronics Engineering ibn Department, and Dr. D. M. Patel and Prof. H. A. Patel, PG Coordinator, Department of Mechanical/Mechatronics Engineering, Who helped me in pointing the need of the project, suggestions and encouragement during the project. I am also thankful to Prof.J.P.Patel, Dr. B.P.Patel, and Prof. J.R.Mevada for their valuable co operation. nfl I greatly thankful to Prof. A. B. Pandey, Mechanical Engineering Department, M.S.U. Baroda, who helped me in my any difficulty in subject and thanks to M.S.university, Baroda for providing experiment setup. In addition, I would like to thank all non-teaching staff of Mechanical Engineering u.i Department, UVPCE, Kherva, who supported me by providing required materials for my research work. I would also like to show my gratitude to my friends and colleagues for their gn help and moral support. Ravi K. Patel 12014051012 v ABSTRACT c.i n Many of industrial applications and production technologies are based on the application of ultrasound. In many cases, the phenomenon of ultrasound is also applied in technological processes of the welding of materials. The main element of equipments that use the effects of ultrasound for welding is the ultrasonic horn –so called sonotrode. The performance of ultrasonic equipment, respectively ultrasonic welding technologies depends on properly designed of sonotrode shape. For proper concentration of ultrasonic energy across work et. a piece surface during welding, geometry of horn plays a vital role. In welding, welding strength like tensile and shear strength also important factor. The different type of horns is used in ultrasonic welding. A horn profile is directly affected to welding strength. In ultrasonic welding parameters like pressure, Amplitude, thickness, time also affected to the strength. ibn This dissertation work, discusses on design of different shaped acoustic horns like conical, stepped and exponential made from EN24 material for ultrasonic welding of HDPE (HighDensity Polyethylene) plastics. First, the theoretical dimensions of different shaped horn are calculated and compared with the dimensions obtained through commercial horn design software CARD®. Using this type of horn profile test run on HDPE plastic. Then testing the nfl weld tensile strength of HDPE sample with different welding parameter (pressure, gn u.i Amplitude, thickness) with respect to different hone profile in ultrasonic welding. vi Table of Content Page No Title c.i n Sr No I Certificate II Certificate of Examination III Approval sheet IV Declaration of originality iv V Acknowledgements v VI Abstract VII Table of Contents VIII List of Figure xi IX List of Table xiii ii ibn et. a iii nfl X i gn vii xiv Introduction 1 1.1 What is ultrasonic? 1 1.2 Ultrasonic machine components 2 u.i Chapter 1 Nomenclature vi 1.2.1 Generator 2 1.2.2 Transducer 3 1.2.3 Piezoelectric crystal 3 1.2.4 Piezoelectric ceramic 4 vii 5 1.2.6 Sonotrode (horn) 5 c.i n 1.2.5 Magnetostrictive transducers 1.3 Concept of ultrasonic plastic welding 7 1.4 Process principal 7 et. a 1.5 Principles of Ultrasonic Metal Welding (USMW) 9 1.7 Important parameters of the welding process 11 1.8 Special characteristics of ultrasonic metal welding 12 1.9 Plastic Welding Vs Metal Welding 12 ibn 1.6 Ultrasonic Metal Welding (USMW) 12 1.12.1 Cleaning 13 1.12.2 Machining 13 1.12.3 Soldering and welding 13 1.11 Disadvantages of ultrasonic processes 13 1.12 Application of ultrasonic 13 u.i nfl 1.10 Advantages of ultrasonic welding processes 1.12.4 Electronics gn 8 14 1.13 Application of ultrasonic plastic welding 14 1.14 Theoretical background 14 1.14.1 Physics of ultrasonic 14 1.14.2 Ultrasonic wave’s types 14 1.14.3 Longitudinal waves 15 viii 15 1.14.5 Surface waves 16 1.14.6 Wave Generation c.i n 1.14.4 Shear wave 1.14.7 Propagation of Elastic Waves in Solids 16 17 Literature review 19 Chapter 3 Design & manufacturing of horn (sonotrode) 26 3.1 Introduction 26 et. a Chapter 2 26 3.3 Theoretical Design of Sonotrode 27 3.3.1 Exponential Profile 3.3.2 Conical Profile 30 3.3.3 Step-Cylindrical Profile 32 ibn 3.2 Selection of material 29 3.4.1 Overview of CARD 33 3.4.2. Limitations 34 u.i nfl 3.4 Design using CARD software 3.5 Manufacturing of horn 39 3.5.1 Program generated by NX8 gn Chapter 4 33 41 Design of Experiment 48 4.1 Introduction 48 4.2 Methods of DOE 48 4.3 Selection of parameters &experiment plan 48 ix 49 c.i n 4.5 Output parameters Experiment set-up 50 5.1 Specification of ultrasonic welding machine 50 5.2 Generator controller 51 et. a Chapter 6 48 5.3 Transducer and concentrator 52 5.4 air compressor, fixture and tensile testing machine 53 Result and discussion 59 6.1 Comparison of design results with CARD output 59 ibn Chapter 5 4.4 Input parameters 60 Thickness ratio 63 6.2 Tensile strength VS. Pressure & Thickness ratio 6.2.1 Discussion nfl Pressure 6.3 Comparison of different horn value 62 63 64 u.i 6.3.1 Discussion 62 6.4 Problem face in step-cylindrical design 64 Conclusion 67 Chapter 8 Future scope 68 Chapter 9 References 69 gn Chapter 7 x List of Figures Title Page No. c.i n Figure No. 1.1 Ultrasonic plastic welding machines 1.2 Schematic of USW system 1.3 Sonotrode 1.4 Ultrasonic plastic welding principal 1.5 Schematic of the ultrasonic bonding region 9 1.6 Schematic of USMW system 10 1.7 (a) Longitudinal Wave 17 2 et. a 5 7 18 Schematic of a free vibration of a non-uniform bar 3.2 Stress diagram for conical shaped sonotrode profile 36 3.3 CARD result for conical shaped sonotrode profile 36 3.4 Stress diagram for step-cylindrical shaped sonotrode profile 37 3.5 CARD result for step-cylindrical shaped sonotrode profile 37 Stress diagram for Exponential shaped sonotrode profile 38 CARD result for Exponential shaped sonotrode profile 38 (a) conical horn 40 (b) Step-cylindrical horn 40 (c) Exponential horn 40 3.9 Model in solid works 40 5.1 Machine setup in Laboratory 50 5.2 Generator controller 51 5.3 Transducer and concentrator with tool holder and tool 52 3.6 u.i 3.7 ibn 3.1 nfl (b) Shear Wave 1 gn 3.8 xi 27 Air compressors 53 5.5 Fixture 53 5.6 Tensile testing machine 5.7 Samples of conical horn before testing 5.8 Samples of step-cylindrical horn before testing 56 5.9 Samples of exponential horn before testing 57 5.10 Samples of conical horn after testing 57 5.11 Samples of step-cylindrical horn after testing 58 5.12 Samples of exponential horn after testing 58 6.1 Graph of Tensile Strength Vs. Thickness ratio & pressure For Sample Prepared By Conical Horn 60 6.2 Graph of Tensile Strength Vs. Thickness ratio & pressure For Sample Prepared By Step-Cylindrical Horn 60 6.3 Graph of Tensile Strength Vs. Thickness ratio & Pressure For Sample Prepared By Exponential Horn 61 6.4 Graph of Tensile Strength Vs. Thickness ratio & Pressure of three Different Horn 63 Stress diagram for step-cylindrical shaped sonotrode profile 65 CARD result for step-cylindrical shaped sonotrode profile 65 et. a ibn gn u.i 6.6 54 nfl 6.5 c.i n 5.4 xii 56 List of Table Title Page No. 3.1 Properties of EN24 3.2 Typical input parameter of CARD 3.3 Values of Different shaped Horn 4.1 Factor with levels value 4.2 Experiment Runs 5.2 Properties of HDPE 5.3 Sample number and values 6.1 Tensile Testing Results of 9 Samples c.i n Table No. gn u.i nfl ibn et. a 26 xiii 35 39 49 49 55 55 59 Nomenclature a Description Transformation ratio c.i n Symbol Cross-sectional area at larger end of sonotrode A2 Cross-sectional area at smaller end of sonotrode Velocity of sound in the material d1 Diameter at larger end of sonotrode d2 Diameter at smaller end of sonotrode E Young’s modulus f Frequency of vibration G Shear modulus g L L1 Acceleration due to gravity Resonance length of sonotrode Length of step-1 of sonotrode Length of step-2 of sonotrode nfl L2 et. a c ibn A1 Taper ascent of Exponential sonotrode T Time period of vibration v1 Amplitude larger end of sonotrode u.i n Amplitude at smaller end of sonotrode vx Displacement of the section x of sonotrode α Ascent of taper for conical sonotrode gn v2 λ Wavelength μ Poisson’s ratio ρ Mass density of sonotrode material σx Stress level on the section x of area A xiv xv c.i n et. a ibn nfl u.i gn INTRODUCTION ibn et. a c.i n CHAPTER-1 Figure: 1.1 ultrasonic plastic welding machines [7] nfl 1.1 What is Ultrasonic? Ultrasonic is acoustic (sound) energy in the form of waves having a frequency above the human hearing range. The highest frequency that the human ear can detect is approximately 20 thousand cycles per second (20,000 Hz). This is where the sonic range ends, and where u.i the ultrasonic range begins. Ultrasound is used in electronic, navigational, industrial, and security applications. It is also used in medicine to view internal organs of the body. Ultrasonic is a branch of acoustics dealing with the generation and use of (generally) inaudible acoustic waves. There are two broad areas of use, sometimes called as the low-and gn high-intensity applications. In low-intensity applications, the intent is to convey information about or through a system, while in high-intensity applications, the intent is to permanently alter a system. To some extent, the low- and high-intensity fields are also delineated by a frequency range and power level. Thus, low-intensity applications typically involve frequencies on the order of 10 Hz or higher and power levels on the order of mille watts. High-intensity applications will typically involve frequencies of 5 to 100 kHz and powers of M.TECH (AMT) Page 1 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION hundreds to thousands of watts. In actual fact, the total frequency range of all ultrasonic applications is enormous, ranging from 5 - 10 kHz to as high as 10 GHz. There are also applications, such as sonar, which are exceptions to the previous categorizations, since ibn et. a 1.2 Ultrasonic machine components c.i n intense power levels are involved in conveying information via underwater sound. [1, 2] Figure: 1.2 Schematic of USW system [21] 1.2.1 Generator It converts frequency of 50/60 Hz, available at the mains to the frequency ultrasonic range, nfl say 20000 Hz or more. The main requirements of generator used in ultrasonic welding applications are, Stable frequency which can be evenly regulated over a range, Controlled output over a range, Higher harmonic should not present in the output voltage curve, u.i The significance of third requirement lines in the fact that if high harmonics are present in addition to the fundamental, additional electric power losses will result, not only in gn generator itself, but in transducer also. A general requirement is that they should be compact, reliable in operation, and be simple to operate. The generator may be an electrical machine or some form of thermionic valve source. High frequency alternators are multi-pole machines with variable speed control for frequency adjustment. Valve generator, which may be independently or self excited, have found favor because they can be designed for any desired output and with wide range of frequency control. M.TECH (AMT) Page 2 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION It also has facility to tune the frequency over a narrow range i.e. slight variation in frequency is possible; since tool wear and other variables may result in generator not being c.i n matched, the small change in resonant frequency is needed. [23] 1.2.2 Transducer The transducers are a heart of USW. It converts the available high frequency electrical energy into the mechanical energy i.e. in the form of oscillation of transducer material. There are basically three types of transducers which are widely used in ultra sonic welding 1.2.3 Piezoelectric crystal et. a which are described below. [23] It works on piezoelectric effect. Piezoelectric effect was first discovered by Curie brothers in 1880, occurs in crystals having one or more polar axis or the absence of centre of symmetry. Let a slab or a disc of such a crystal is cut with its parallel surfaces laying normal to a polar axis. On subjecting these slabs to a mechanical stresses, equal and opposite electric charges appears on the parallel surfaces. Provided that the crystal is not strained ibn beyond its elastic limits, the magnitude of charge density is directly proportional to applied stresses. Curie discovered the converse effect in 1881 ‘when an electric field is applied in direction of polar axis the slab is mechanically strained and the amount of strain is being proportional to the intensity of the applied field’. This effect is prominent in crystals such as quartz, Rochelle salt, tourmaline and lithium-sulphate. The quartz crystal is having nfl exceptional chemical and physical stability. When an alternating voltage of frequency (f) is applied across the faces, small amplitude oscillation of crystal occurs. The amplitude is increased considerably when f coincides with one of the natural frequency of mechanical vibration. The natural frequency of mechanical u.i vibration varies inversely with the dimension along which they occur; lower frequencies are produced by ‘length’ vibration and higher with ‘thickness’ vibrations. Because piezo electric effect can occur only when opposite charges appeared on the electrode, only odd harmonic can be generated. When crystal is excited at harmonic, its gn thickness is divided into n equal parts with compression and expansion taking place in adjoining sections. Where n is even, compression occurs in n/2 of the sections and expansion occurs in remaining sections; thus there is no strain the crystal. Where n is odd, (n-1)/2 compression neutralize the same no. of expansion, living either a compression or an expansion in the remaining section. M.TECH (AMT) Page 3 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Piezoelectric transducer converts alternating electrical energy directly to mechanical energy through use of piezoelectric effect. Electrical energy at the ultrasonic frequency is supplied to the transducer by the ultrasonic generator. This electrical energy is applied to c.i n piezoelectric element(s) in the transducer, which vibrate. These vibrations are amplified by the resonant masses of the transducer and directed into the liquid through the radiating plate. Early piezoelectric transducers utilized such piezoelectric materials as naturally occurring quartz crystal and barium titanate, which were fragile and unstable. Early piezoelectric transducers were, therefore, unreliable. Today’s transducers incorporate stronger, more efficient and highly stable ceramic piezoelectric materials which were develops as a result et. a of the efforts of US Navy and its research to develop advance sonar transducers in the 1940’s. The vast majority of transducer used today for ultrasonic cleaning utilizes the piezoelectric effect. Piezoelectric transducer has high frequency of compression, low power handling capacity, and driving voltages are also low. This generally fined application in the field of ibn measurement, diagnosis, cleaning etc. [23] 1.2.4 Piezoelectric ceramic Electrostrictive effect is prominent in all dielectrics, is a phenomenon analogous to magnetostriction. For most of the materials it is negligible but in certain dielectrics, called ferroelectrics, the effect is strongly pronounced. The application of electric field in given nfl direction produced a mechanical strain, the magnitude of which is proportional to the square of the applied field strength and thus independent of the sense of the applied filed. Thus a positive strain may occur for both positive and negative values of the exciting field. After polarization ferroelectric transducer appears to display the same effect as piezoelectric u.i crystals transducers and, for this reason it is commonly referred to as being ‘piezoelectric’. At present, barium titanate, lead meta-niobate and zirconate titanate are the substances most widely used for Electrostrictive applications. For the construction of this type of transducer many small crystallites of ferromagnetic material along with suitable additives are bonded gn together to form a ceramic of the required shape. Because these materials are polycrystalline, they have the advantage over naturally occurring piezoelectric crystals in that these are isotropic in nature and do not have to be cut along specified axes. Thus it is possible to produce a concave transducer shape so that ultrasonic radiation can be focused without use of an auxiliary lens system. M.TECH (AMT) Page 4 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION This has moderate power handling capacities, moderate driving frequency along with high voltages. It finds wide application for welding plastics and soft brittle materials. [23] c.i n 1.2.5 Magnetostrictive transducers It works on Megnetostrictive effect. This effect occurs with ferromagnetic material and certain non-metals called ferrites. The magnetostrictive effect was discovered by joule in 1847 and converse effect by villari in 1868. When a rod or bar of ferromagnetic or ferrimegnetic material is subjected to a magnetic field a mechanical stress applied to a rod or bar, it experiences a change in length. Conversely, mechanical stress applied to a rod or et. a bar causes a change in intensity of magnetization. This effect is prominent for the materials like cobalt, nickel and iron. Whether there is increase or decrease in length depend entirely on the nature of the material and on the strength of the applied magnetic field. The change in length is independent of the direction of the field. Thus, when alternate expansion and contraction. These are generally used in high power applications; thus transducer should have ibn electromechanical coupling coefficient. However, much energy is dissipated in the form of heat due to hysteresis and the induction of the eddy current; the transducer material should have a narrow hysteresis loop and a high electrical resistivity. Some cooling device is necessary to keep temperature below Curie point. Using laminated stacks can minimize Eddy current losses. Window type and ring type transducers are commonly used. This is nfl much suitable for cutting operations. It has high power handling capacities, moderate frequencies and driving voltages. [23] 1.2.6 Sonotrode (horn) The A sonotrode (also referred as concentrator velocity transformer or horn) is the element u.i of the ultrasonic machine that supplied energy to the component being welded. Some typical gn commercially available sonotrode are shown in figure 1.3 Figure: 1.3 Sonotrode [22] M.TECH (AMT) Page 5 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Design of the sonotrode is critical to successful application of ultrasonic energy. It is designed to resonate at the frequency of the ultrasonic system. When it vibrates, it stretches and shrinks in length by a small amount. This motion is referred to as the amplitude of the c.i n sonotrode. Amplitude is measured as the peak-to-peak motion at the face of the sonotrode. Increasing the voltage to the transducer or changing the booster or the geometry of the sonotrode can change this value. Sonotrode are required to bridge the gap between the converter and the work or point of application and to transfer the ultrasonic energy to the point of application. The converter cannot be designed for each individual application due to cost considerations. Hence, et. a sonotrode are essential for each application. Also, the amplitude of vibrations for some application like machining and welding is not sufficient as generated by the converter. In such cases, the amplitude of the vibrations has to be amplified by designed the sonotrode with specific gain. The transducer is mounted on the larger end of the sonotrode and the tool is mounted on the smaller end. It works on the principle which states that velocity of sound wave is directly ibn proportional to decrease in cross-sectional area. Thus to amplify the wave entry area is made larger and the exit area is made smaller. Various taper functions can be implemented to obtain this. The most common taper function is, Double cylindrical(step cylindrical) Conical (linear taper), Exponential (exponential taper), Catenoidal (hyperbolic taper), nfl Other special taper functions include mathematical functions like Gaussian tap Fourier taper, but they are rarely used due to difficulties in manufacturing and amplification ratio of u.i this special profile not being more than the basic profiles. So, the most commonly employed shapes are step cylindrical, conical, exponential a catenoidal due to the ease of manufacturing of step cylindrical and conical shape as availability of standard function for exponential and catenoidal shapes in CNC controlled. gn Other profiles are generally combinations of these four profiles. [5] M.TECH (AMT) Page 6 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.3 Concept of ultrasonic plastic welding Ultrasonic plastic welding is the joining or reforming of thermoplastics through the use of heat generated from high-frequency mechanical motion. It is accomplished by converting c.i n high-frequency electrical energy into high-frequency mechanical motion. That mechanical motion, along with applied force, creates frictional heat at the plastic components' mating surfaces (joint area) so the plastic material will melt and form a molecular bond between the parts. Plastics assembly is a fast, clean, efficient, and repeatable process that consumes very little energy. No solvents, adhesives, mechanical fasteners, or other consumables are et. a required, and finished assemblies are strong and clean. Ultrasonic Welding is the fastest and most cost effective method used today to join and assemble plastic parts and non-ferrous metals. Ultrasonic welding is cost effective and a green technology. Ultrasonic welding eliminates the need to use fasteners, glues and/or solvents. Ultrasonic Welding can be used to join all rigid thermoplastics, synthetic fabrics and films. Ultrasonic welding uses an acoustic tool called an ultrasonic horn made to match your parts ibn design. Ultrasonic Welding is converted to heat through friction that melts the plastic or metal. The main components of an ultrasonic welding system are the actuator and power supply, converter/booster & ultrasonic horn called the stack, part holding weld fixture/jig. Material selection, Surface contact, Field of weld, Joint design, and Welding amplitude are all factors in determining the proper booster and horn design for any given application. nfl Understanding the following principles and your application requirements will much light on this technology. [7] gn u.i 1.4 Process principal Figure: 1.4 Ultrasonic plastic welding principal [7] M.TECH (AMT) Page 7 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION A solid state welding process in which coalescence is produced at the faying surfaces by the application of high frequency vibratory energy while the work pieces are held together under moderately low static pressure. Ultrasonic welding, one of the most widely used c.i n welding methods for joining thermoplastics, uses ultrasonic energy at high frequencies (20 – 40 kHz) to produce low amplitude (1 – 25 μ m) mechanical vibrations. Electrical Energy is transformed into high frequency mechanical vibration. This mechanical vibration is transferred to a welding tip through an acoustically tuned horn as shown in Fig (1.3). The parts are scrubbed together under pressure at 20,000 cycles per second. This high frequency vibration, applied under force, disperses surface films and oxides, creating a et. a clean, controlled, diffusion weld. As the atoms are combined between the parts to be welded, a true, metallurgical bond is produced. A process flow diagram can be found at the end of this section illustrating the ultrasonic metal welding process. [7] 1.5 Principles of Ultrasonic Metal Welding (USMW) Since most studies predominantly focus on ultrasonic plastic welding and its applications, ibn the principles of USMW and its range of applications remain not fully understood. To understand USMW, it is preferable to start with the principle of the technique, including any variations or differences from other processes used in conventional welding systems. The principle of the welding operation occurs from creating an oscillating shear force at the interface between the mating surfaces, to disperse oxides, voids, liquids and contaminants, nfl and offer new contact at many points. During the supply of vibration at a local area, the resultant oscillation causes an increase in diffusion across the interface, resulting in a weld similar to that produced by diffusion welding. At the bonding area, dynamic shear stresses are generated due to the combined influence of static load and ultrasonic vibration. The u.i effects of interfacial slip and plastic deformation will increase the temperature of the scrubbing area, which itself is always lower than the melting point of base metal. The properties of the joining metals can influence the temperature at the interface between the two surfaces, which means that the temperature can be higher for those metals with a low gn thermal conductivity such as steel, than for other types of metals which have high thermal conductivity such as aluminium and copper. For that reason, the ultrasonic technique consumes less power when it is applied to the welding of higher thermal conductivity metal, compared to other processes such as resistance welding. [4] M.TECH (AMT) Page 8 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.6 Ultrasonic Metal Welding (USMW) Ultrasonic metal welding (USMW) was invented over 60 years ago and has since been used to weld several types of metals and their alloys. USMW involves a solid-state joining c.i n process in which metals are fastened together through the application of pressure combined with localized high frequency shear vibrations at the welding zone. The action of high frequency relative motion between the metals locally softens the overlap zone of the specimens to be welded, forming a solid-state weld because of the progressive shearing and deformation between surface asperities which disperses oxides and contaminants through a et. a high frequency, scrubbing motion. This increases the area of pure metal contact between the adjacent surfaces, in which the metal atoms are forced together to create a strong weld, as shown in Figure 1.5. Welding is defined as a localized coalescence of metals or non-metals produced by either heating of the materials to a suitable temperature with or without the application of pressure, or by the application of pressure alone, with or without the use of filler metal. Studies state that the ultrasonic welding of metals consists of complex processes such as plastic deformation, work hardening, breaking of contaminant films, crack ibn formation and propagation, fracture, generation of heating by friction and plastic deformation, re-crystallization and inter-diffusion. In addition, slip and plastic deformation are the two different mechanisms which control the nature of the solid-state bond in u.i nfl ultrasonic welding. gn Figure: 1.5 Schematic of the ultrasonic bonding region [4] Recently, USMW has become a very popular technology for overcoming many of the joining difficulties in the welding of similar and dissimilar metals, including plates, sheets, foils, wires and ribbons, as well as many types of assembly which can be supported on an anvil. Moreover, the process can be applied successfully for joining various metal work pieces or bonding a metalized substrate, ceramic or glass using metal. Also, the process is suited to the application of welding thicker gauges, due to its capacity for higher power M.TECH (AMT) Page 9 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION systems. In addition, the USMW process is considered to be more efficient than other conventional processes such as resistance welding in consuming a minimal amount of energy .The USMW process is more reliable and applicable in certain cases with respect to c.i n the other modern processes such as friction stir welding (FSW), because the energy generated from the process is concentrated at the weld line compared to the top surface in FSW. Although USMW and FSW are similar with the advantages of solid-state friction welding, the welding cycle in USMW is very short compared to FSW, and the join produced has good mechanical properties with less damage around the welding area. Generally, the application of USMW depends on which way the two specimens are joined, using a et. a combination of normal and shear forces. Friction also has an important role in creating a scrubbing effect between the mating surfaces during the supply of vibration, whilst the static force is applied normally to enhance the welding effect. While the USMW technique is applied extensively to join metals, the widest current uses are typically for various alloys of copper, aluminium, gold, silver, magnesium and related softer metal alloys. Therefore, it is likely that the technique has a promising future for improving the joining of lightweight ibn components in applications as diverse as electronics, automotive, medical devices, aerospace and also increasingly in the sustainable energy industry in the manufacture of products such as solar absorbers. The set-up of an USMW system is illustrated in Figure 1.6. From the figure it can be seen that the system components consist of ultrasonic generator, transducer, booster and a horn, in addition to other welding components such as a gn u.i nfl rigid anvil, fixing tools and fixtures. Figure: 1.6 Schematic of USMW system [4] For most commercial welding systems, the maximum efficiency can be obtained in the resonant condition of the system. Commonly, the line voltage of the electrical power is converted into high frequency power, which can then be used for a wide range of metal welding applications using a frequency between 15-70 kHz, or above 100 kHz in the case of M.TECH (AMT) Page 10 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION micro-bonding. 20 kHz is usually the most popular frequency in USMW. The electrical energy is supplied by a generator. The transducer converts electrical energy into mechanical energy at the same frequency, through the use of a number of piezoceramic disks, but with a c.i n low amplitude resulting at the transducer working surface, typically in the range between 10-30 mm. Most welding systems will then adopt the use of a booster which controls the vibration amplitude, and can serve as a mounting for the entire stack. However, this can lead to an increase in the heating between connecting parts as well as resulting in a high stress at the joining points. The horn is considered as a tool in the welding system which has the ability to transmit ultrasonic energy from the transducer to the welding specimens and also et. a to clamp the upper part of the substrate during the welding process. The low amplitude generated from the transducer is then amplified by the booster and the horn and the amplitude varies depending on the design of welding tools and the capacity of the generator. The welding frequency is specified according to the application. At specific frequency, higher amplitude at the horn working surface can result in higher power dissipation. In ultrasonic welding, the machine is usually set by a certain mode. For example welding by ibn time (an open-loop process) operates on the assumption that the fixed time results in a fixed amount of energy delivered to the joint and that the sonic wave remains independent of the energy. Welding by energy (a closed-loop process) is the second mode of operation. The generator will measure the amount of power drawn and integrate it over time using feedback control. When appropriate, the delivery of the ultrasonic energy is stopped by the generator nfl whilst the energy is dissipated. The third welding mode involves welding by distance or post-height, and allows joining by a specific weld depth. The ultrasonic generator will continue delivering energy to the parts being welded until the preset displacement between u.i welding tool and surface metal is reached. [4] 1.7 Important parameters of the welding process 1) The duration of the welding operation, the welding time, ranges from 10ms up to several seconds. gn 2) The clamping pressure in the weld area. This pressure equals approximately 0.1 to 0.3 times the Vickers hardness of the material to be welded. The requirement values of the welding parameters (vibration, amplitude, welding time, pressure) depend upon: 1) The thickness of the work piece contacting the welding tip, i.e. the upper work piece. 2) The material properties of the materials to be welded. [3] M.TECH (AMT) Page 11 CHAPTER-1 1.8 Special characteristics of ultrasonic metal welding INTRODUCTION 1) Metals with widely different melting point can be welded (e.g. Al to Cu). 2) Thin foils or wire can be welded too much thicker part. 4) No fluxes or protective gas are needed. [3] 1.9 Plastic Welding Vs Metal Welding c.i n 3) Temperature in the weld area is below the melting point of the welded material. 1) The main difference is that in metal welding, the ultrasonic vibration is moving parallel to the plane surface of the specimens being welded. In plastic welding, the et. a vibrations are perpendicular to the surfaces. 2) Another reason is that the nature of the bond in metal welding is represented by a solid-state, which means that no melt or fusion is required between adjacent specimens, whereas in plastic welding, the process directly depends on the melting of adjacent specimens. [4] ibn 1.10 Advantages of ultrasonic welding processes Ultrasonic plastic welding exhibits unique welding properties that include: Excellent electrical, mechanical, and thermal connections between similar and dissimilar metals Low heat build-up during the ultrasonic process (no annealing of materials). Compensation for normal surface variations of the material. Ability to clean surface oxides and contaminants prior to welding. Ability to weld large areas using minimal energy. Ability to weld thin materials to thick materials. Low cost per weld A sufficient energy input into the joining area has to be possible. Small joining areas u.i nfl (<1 mm ²) must be realizable. The reproducibility and the positioning accuracy have to be very high. Flash should be as small as possible in order to ensure the functionality of the micro gn system. The mechanical load of the joining parts during. The welding process must be as low as possible. The energy input should be adjustable by variation of the welding parameters. [7] M.TECH (AMT) Page 12 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Limited in joint thickness. Challenging on high hardness materials. May create audible noise from part resonance. Part size is limited. Process is unfamiliar to many engineers. [7] 1.12 Application of ultrasonic et. a 1.12.1 Cleaning c.i n 1.11 Disadvantages of ultrasonic processes Perhaps the most common type of applications for ultrasonic is cleaning. This includes the removal of grease, dirt, rust and paint from metal, ceramic, glass and crystal surfaces of parts used in electronic, automotive, air craft, and precision instruments industry. Example of specific applications is optical glass or lenses, quartz crystals, small ball bearings and dental bridges. Ultrasonic testing of forging, casting and other metal parts has become 1.12.2 Machining ibn standard. Examples of application are axles for vehicles and machine parts. [23] Other industrial application for ultrasonic technology is the machining of materials. Ultrasonic machining has the advantage over conventional, mechanical machining techniques that it is well suited for processing unusual or complex shapes because no rotary nfl toll required. This technique can be used for very hard and highly abrasive materials because the actual cutting is done by an abrasive material in a liquid carrier rather than a bit or blade which is subject to abrasion. Among the materials that can be so processed are soft steel, ceramics, u.i glass and tungsten carbide. [23] 1.12.3 Soldering and welding Ultrasound has also proved to be very useful for joining materials. It can be used for both soldering and welding. In the case of soldering, the cavitations produced by high intensity gn ultrasonic waves destroys the oxide layer or aluminium, thus permitting parts to be joined with tin soldering materials without the use of flux. In ultrasonic welding pressure and heat generated by the intense vibratory action of material to be welded and an ultrasonic welding head allows thin sheet of metal to be joined to a much thicker section. Ultrasonic techniques can likewise be used to weld pieces of similar or dissimilar plastic to each other. [23] M.TECH (AMT) Page 13 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.12.4 Electronics Ultrasonic technology is used extensively for the testing, cleaning and soldering of 1.13 Application of ultrasonic plastic welding c.i n electronics components. [23] Plastic welding is used for a huge variety of products ranging from blister packs, cartons and small consumer goods up to car fuel tanks and dashboards. Sewing machine control part. To make the submersible pump impeller. To weld the pneumatic control element. It is mostly use in the medical and aerospace industries. To join the automobile lightning part. [7] 1.14 Theoretical background 1.14.1 Physics of ultrasonic et. a ibn Propagation of ultrasonic waves in an elastic medium is characterized by a displacement of successive elements of the medium; a return to original position under the influence of restoring forces; an over run of this original position due to inertia forces; and an oscillation of diminishing amplitude about the starting point. Thus Passage of the waves through the elements of material results in each element having a different displacement orbit. These nfl phase differences are reflected in the different types of ultrasonic waves, a plot of the displacements gives the graphical representation of the wave. The restoring forces oppose the shear and tensile deformations. In the case of liquids and gases, tangential stress is not opposed and elastic shear is not exhibited, thus the longitudinal vibrations or compression u.i waves, propagated in the direction of vibrating motion, are the only wave type that needs to be considered. In the case of elastic solids, normal and tangential stresses occur. Deformation due to shear stresses is propagated as transverse waves orthogonal to the direction of vibration. [27] gn 1.14.2 Ultrasonic wave’s types The differing orbits of an element motion referred to above serve to define the wave types, for example, if the orbit is sensibly parallel to the propagation direction the wave is longitudinal; if orthogonal to the propagation path the wave is transverse or shear. [27] M.TECH (AMT) Page 14 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.14.3 Longitudinal waves This type is of particular interest for ultrasonic since they may be transmitted through solid, liquid and gaseous media and generation and detection are relatively straightforward. The c.i n velocity of propagation of sound waves is proportional and wavelength and the frequency: cf f 1 t Longitudinal waves have a high transmission velocity in most media and λ is small relative to the cross-sectional area of the wave generator, (the transducer), which permits the et. a focusing of sharp beam of energy. Since such waves effect a volumetric change in the material of propagation they are classified as dilatational (as opposed to waves of distortion which do not) ( 2G )( 2v 2v ) ( ) X 2 t 2 This equation clearly implies uniqueness of particle velocity direction, the X direction; in ibn fact, inertia effects of the path boundaries create some shear stress. Longitudinal elastic vibrations in solid have considerable significance for ultrasonic welding. Their propagation in a rod may be considered as successive zones of compression and rarefaction. When a sound wave thus propagated is normally incident on a medium having different acoustic impedance, it is reflected along the incident path. If the rod is of a nfl length corresponding to exact multiple 0f λ/2 the resulting superposition of the incident and reflected waves produces standing waves. These results into zones of compression corresponding to min amplitude and zones of rarefaction related to peak amplitudes known as nodes and antinodes of vibration respectively. In a standing wave intervals of λ/2 separate u.i the nodes the antinodes being situated at mid-interval position. [27] 1.14.4 Shear wave The velocity of shear waves is approximately half that of the longitudinal waves thus λ for shear waves is relatively short. This shortness of the wavelength means that shear waves gn will be subjected to dispersion or scatter within a material due to increased sensitivity to inclusion. For a non homogeneous material, rotation of the transducer (the sending component) may induce polarization, i.e. a different set of test readings may result, for different angular orientation of the transducer. One merit of the lower velocities, however, lies in the facility with which the electronics timing circuits may be adjusted since they will, as a result, be less critical. M.TECH (AMT) Page 15 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Shear waves do not effect a volumetric change and are therefore classified as waves of G( 2v 2v ) ( ) y 2 t 2 c.i n distortion. The wave equation is: The particle motion of shear wave is orthogonal to the direction of transmission and in the case of y-cut crystal parallel to the x-axis. The effect of rotating the transducer is thus to change the particle motion while maintaining the same transmission path. Considering, now, the receiver, it will be seen that the strength of signal will vary from a maximum for equivalent rotation to zero when crossed. et. a Polarized wave velocity may vary according to the specific relationship of grain orientation (and other physical characteristics) to the x-axis or to the degree of polarization of the shear wave. This factor is significant, for example, in application demanding a pure shear reflection. [27] 1.14.5 Surface waves ibn These are often referred to as Rayleigh waves after Lord Rayleigh who, in 1885, used two criteria for their definition: That the dilatational wave and distortional waves are in combination and present in the surface zones of the material in question; That this combination is present only in surface zones. nfl It may be shown that the velocity of Rayleigh waves is a function of motion along an axis orthogonal to the pressure, since this displacement is a function of the elastic constant λ and G, which govern the velocities of both distortional and dilatational waves. Surface wave velocity is roughly 0.9 of shear wave velocity and λ is very short. [27] u.i 1.14.6 Wave Generation Fundamentally, longitudinal waves may be generated within a medium by the vibration of any one of its surfaces in, a normal direction, at an ultrasonic frequency. For the energy to remain in a beam the frequency f and the wavelength λ must be correctly related to the gn surface area vibrating. Shear waves cannot be propagated through liquids or gases because there is virtually no elasticity. They may be generated by the application of a shearing force to the face of a material, i.e. imparting a rocking motion parallel to the surface. Surface waves are generated by a similar mode to shear waves, the areas of vibration being specifically rectangular. [27] M.TECH (AMT) Page 16 CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION 1.14.7 Propagation of Elastic Waves in Solids Both longitudinal and shear / transverse waves exits in solid; in case of longitudinal waves alternating pressure is replaced by alternating stress (Figure 1.7 a). Solids can also carry c.i n other types of waves; an infinite medium can transmit shear / transverse waves (Figure 1.7 b). The velocity of shear waves is always below that of longitudinal waves and this is controlled by shear modulus, whereas that of longitudinal waves is governed by the bulk modulus. Both types of waves can occur independently. A finite body in addition can support waves involving bending; there are also others such as compression waves in rods. Waves in rods whose transverse dimensions are small are et. a influenced by the Poisson effect (transverse expansion in response to longitudinal compression) which is characterized by the ratio of these, which is denoted by µ and varies gn u.i nfl ibn from 0.2 to 0.35. M.TECH (AMT) Figure: 1.7 (a) Longitudinal Wave [27] Page 17 INTRODUCTION ibn et. a c.i n CHAPTER-1 Figure: 1.7 (b) Shear Wave [27] The transverse effect arising from this effect in longitudinal wave are not apparent for an nfl infinite body (infinite wave front); because the effects in adjacent parts are in opposition (the individual areas experience hydraulic compression). A thin rod allows this lateral expansion, so travelling swelling occurs. This makes the material effectively of lower rigidity; the deformation is governed by Young’s modulus, which is always lower than the u.i bulk modulus. Propagation in an unbounded solid and in a thin rod represent extreme cases; a rod of diameter neither large nor small relative to the wavelength shows complicated effects and the velocity of propagation lies between c∞ and c. Bending and tensional waves can occur in rods and longitudinal radial waves also (if the gn radius is larger than the wavelength). Surface wave can propagate on any free surface. These waves can occur singly or in combination, so the wave pattern can be complicated. Any change in the propagation condition, such as reflection at an interface, may cause one wave type to change another. [27] M.TECH (AMT) Page 18 CHAPTER-2 LITERATURE REVIEW (1) Analysis of Different Shaped Sonotrode used for Plastic Welding A. Dipal M. Patel, B. Avadhoot U. Rajurkar, Published in institute of technology, Nirma University, Ahmadabad – 2011 c.i n They described procedure of sonotrode design for conventional shape profile by classical method and by CARD software and presented comparison of results. They carried out analysis for step-cylindrical, conical and exponential shape profiles of sonotrode. [8] (2) Computational modeling and experimental studies of the dynamic performance of ultrasonic horn profiles used in plastic welding et. a M. Roopa Rani, R. Rudramoorthy, published in Science Direct (2013) They described the design of different type of horn profile like Cylindrical, Gaussian, Catenoidal, Stepped, and Bezier. They have done the harmonic analysis. Temperature developed during the welding of ABS test parts using different horns is recorded using sensors and National Instruments (NIs) data acquisition system. The recorded values are compared with the predicted values. ibn They conclude that welding using a Bezier horn has a high interface temperature and the welded joints had higher strength as compared to the other horn profiles. The used Alloy AA 6351 material for horn fabrication. [9] (3) Study on ultrasonic stepped horn geometry Design and FEM simulation Eng. Alexandra sergiu nanu, prof. niculae ion marinescu, published in Nonconventional nfl Technologies Review – no. 4/2011 The paper deals with study through Finite Element Method (FEM) of ultrasonic stepped horn used to aid electro-discharge machining (EDM+US). Several studies were carried on in order to analyze the influence of steps lengths and diameters and corner radius size on u.i own frequency of stepped ultrasonic horns. A good agreement between the FEM results and theoretical and experimental data was emphasized. They also developed design procedure of stepped horn. [10] gn (4) The design of acoustic horns for ultrasonic insertion Kuen-Ming Shu, Hsieh, Wen- Hsiang, Chien Chih Chen, published in Technology National Formosa University-2002 They classified horn on resonant length. Sonotrodes are classified as half wave length sonotrode (λ/2 Length), Full wave length sonotrodes and so on. Sometimes half wavelength sonotrodes are made by combining two quarter wave length sonotrodes of different shape profile (λ/4+λ/4 Length).Combination of cylindrical shape + exponential shape, cylindrical M.TECH (AMT) Page 19 CHAPTER-2 LITERATURE REVIEW shape+ conical shape, exponential shape + cylindrical shape and conical shape + cylindrical shape are example of λ/4+λ/4 length sonotrodes. They carried out calculation for combine shape profile of horn for cylindrical + conical as well as conical + cylindrical shape (λ/4+λ/4 c.i n Length) by mathematical equations and by ANSYS. They measured performance of commercial available horn and carried out comparison of theoretical dimension of conical horn with commercial available horn. [11] (5) Ultrasonic horn design for ultrasonic machining technologies M. Nad’ published in Applied and Computational Mechanics 4 (2010) 79–88 They carried out theoretical numerical analysis of various horn profiles the natural et. a frequency and amplification factor of sonotrode in resonant state was study for different geometrical shapes and dimensions. Detailed graphical presentation of result of the effect of horn shape parameters were presented in such a way that it can be useful for selecting suitable sonotrode shape with require properties. [12] (6) The Effect of the shape parameters on modal properties of ultrasonic horn design ibn for ultrasonic assisted machining. Nad, M.; Cicmancova, L. published in 8th International daaam Baltic Conference industrial engineering 2012 They performed analysis of effect of on horn geometry shape (cylindrical, taper, and exponential) by use of wave theory and FEM analysis. Graphical representation of results of nfl the effect of horn shape parameters such as slenderness ratio, taper angle, exponential constant were prepared. [13] (7)Design of an Ultrasonic steel horn with a Bezier profile Hai-Dang Tam Nguyen, Dung-An Wang, Published in International Conference on Green u.i Technology and Sustainable Development September 29-30, 2012. A novel ultrasonic steel horn with a Bezier profile is developed. The first longitudinal displacement mode of the horn is exploited for high displacement amplification. An optimization scheme and finite element analyses are used to design the horn. The gn displacement amplification and stress distribution characteristics of the Bezier horn and catenoidal horn are examined. Experimental results of the harmonic response of the fabricated horn confirm the effectiveness of the design method. The displacement amplification of the proposed horn is 62% higher than that of the traditional catenoidal horn with the same length and end surface widths. [14] M.TECH (AMT) Page 20 CHAPTER-2 (8) The parametric design of the ultrasonic exponential horns LITERATURE REVIEW Iulian stǎnǎşel, Flavius Ardelean, published in Nonconventional Technologies Review – no. 4/2010 c.i n Presented computer aided design procedure of exponential shape profile using classical relationship. They used MATLAB as a CAD tool. They integrated the output design data of MATLAB program for parametric solid modelling. It was claimed that this solid model can be used for further analysis and preparation of CNC program for manufacturing [24] (9) Parametric Effect of Ultrasonic Plastic Welding On Tensile Strength for ABS, et. a Acrylic and Polycarbonate Materials. Sunilkumar K. Patel, Prof. Dhaval M. Patel, published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) March – 2013 They describe tensile strength of polycarbonate, acrylic and ABS material welded by ultrasonic welding with different parameter. They use taguchi method for experiment analysis.They conclude that the weld time is most significant control factor on Tensile ibn strength during ultrasonic plastic welding. They did ANOVA analysis also. (10) Ultrasonic welding of advanced Thermoplastic composites: an investigation on energy directing surfaces I. Fernandez, D.Stavrov, H.E.N. Bersee, published In Delft University of Technology Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft nfl They describe different energy directing surfaces for ultrasonic welding of advanced thermoplastic composites. They used continuous carbon fiber reinforced polyetherimide (CF/PEI). They used three types of energy directors; the basic transverse energy director, T1, was compared with the single parallel, P1, and with the double parallel, 2P½. They u.i conclude that (1) the coverage of the overlap area can be enhanced when using multiple energy directors, provided that their location and size do not hinder the flow of resin. (2) Multiple energy directors significantly reduce the disturbance of the fibers in the outermost layers of the welded parts. gn (3) Transverse energy directors provide less scatter in the amount of welded area than parallel energy director configurations. (4) An excessive amount of resin at the welding interface leads to decreased strength of the weld. There is, however, a wide range of resin volumes for which welds with a satisfactory strength level can be obtained. [25] M.TECH (AMT) Page 21 CHAPTER-2 LITERATURE REVIEW (11) Ultrasonic welding of micro plastic parts W. Michaelia, E. Haberstrohb, W.-M. Hoffmanna, published in Institute of Plastics Processing (IKV), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany c.i n They study about tensile strength of micro parts of amorphous polymer polycarbonate (PC) and polyoxymethylene (POM) and conclude that At an amplitude of â = 16.5 μm, a joining displacement of sw = 0.1 mm and a welding velocity of vw = 0.6 mm/s the best result could be achieved for PC. Normally, POM features a good weldabilty with ultrasonic welding. However, it was not possible to prevent the partial decomposition recognized at high amplitude with PC when welding the depicted sample part geometry with the three- et. a dimensional weld seam geometry. [26] (12) Experimental studies on joining copper wire - copper sheet using ultrasonic metal welding J.PRADEEP KUMAR & 2K.PRAKASAN published in International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) 2012. ibn In this paper they study of ultrasonic welding of copper wire (1.2mm diameter) to thin copper sheet (0.2 mm) as many of the industrial applications are in need of this kind of contact technology. Quality of the welded joints is evaluated based on mechanical tests and the quality criterion is then applied to evaluate the weldabilty. They also developed second order regression model equation to predict the weld strength of the joint based on the nfl experiments conducted using full factorial design of experiments. In this they select the Weld pressure (bar), Amplitude (μm), Weld time (sec) as control variable. They conclude that the weld pressure accounts to 50 % influence on the response-weld strength. This is to be expected since as the pressure increases, sonotrode holds the work u.i pieces without significant amount of rubbing. The other parameters like amplitude and the interactive effect of weld pressure and weld time influences the weld strength significantly by 16% and 17% respectively. [15] (13) Direct welding of different metals used ultrasonic vibration gn Shin-ichi Matsuoka, Hisashi Imai, Published in journal of materials processing technology 2009 This paper describes an experimental study on ultrasonic welding of aluminium and copper alloy. The ultrasonic welding of Al/Cu can be accomplished when the conditions of amplitude: 15µm, welding pressure: 20MPa, at a required duration of 1.0 s under the water bath. Furthermore, the oxide film and organic coating are periodically removed from M.TECH (AMT) Page 22 CHAPTER-2 LITERATURE REVIEW bonded interfaces by ultrasonic wave vibration, and it can be expected to form transition layer of 1–2µm at the bonded interface They conclude that: c.i n (1) Tests of welding of Al alloys with different properties show that satisfactory welding is possible in any test and, in particular, That the magnitudes of the welding pressure and plate thickness largely affect the welding properties. The welding pressure Pc and vibration energy E largely concern the welded strength, and the following relation was introduced: E= . (2) Underwater welding requires a somewhat larger welding pressure and longer welding et. a time compared with atmospheric welding, however, the obtained strengths of the welded materials are equal and can suppress heat at the heat-affected part in the vicinity of the welding interface. (3) SEM observation of the welding interface shows that oxide films and organic films on the material surface can be removed along the frequency of vibration, allowing welding of newly formed faces. A satisfactory welding interface can be obtained causing neither hollow ibn pores nor exfoliation. [16] (14) Process robustness of single lap ultrasonic welding of thin, dissimilar materials. T.H. Kim a, J. Yuma, S.J. Hu, J.P.Spicer b, J.A. Abell, published in CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology 60 (2011) This paper presents a process robustness study of ultrasonic welding of thin metal sheets. nfl Quality of the welded joints is evaluated based on mechanical tests and the quality criterion is then applied to evaluate the weldabilty. These results were used to determine both the optimal weld parameters and the robust operating range. In this they use 0.2mm thick copper sheet & 0.2mm thick nickel plate. They done T-peel test for weld quality, pressure u.i and welding time are selected by them as control variable. They conclude the output response decreased in the region where there was a long welding time and high welding pressure because of crack around the weld caused by the excessive mechanical vibration. While the output decreased at the region at a short welding time and a low welding pressure gn because of insufficient energy. [17] M.TECH (AMT) Page 23 CHAPTER-2 LITERATURE REVIEW (15)Experimental investigations on optimization of ultrasonic welding parameters for copper to brass joints using response surface method and genetic algorithm Advanced Engineering Research and Studies-2012 International Journal of c.i n S Elangovan , S Venkateshwaran , K Prakasan published in In this paper an effective methodology is developed to determine the optimum welding conditions that maximize the strength of joints produced by ultrasonic welding by coupling response surface method (RSM) with genetic algorithm (GA). They concluded that weld strength increases with increases of amplitude because increase in amplitude gives increased area for rubbing action between the metallic surfaces that leads et. a better bonding and increase of weld strength. Also, weld strength increases with increase of pressure because increase in pressure causes asperities of the two surfaces come in to close contact which allows van-der Waals forces to take effect which leads to better bonding and increase of weld strength. In some cases weld strength increases up to 3.0 sec. Beyond 3.0 sec weld time, the weld strength start decreasing for any value of pressure and amplitude because excessive weld time affects the existing molecular bond in the joint. ibn In some cases weld strength increases considerably up to 3.5 bar. Beyond 3.5 bar, the weld strength again start decreasing for any value of amplitude. This is because increase in clamping force (pressure) reduces the relative motion between surfaces leading to reduced area of contact and hence reduced strength. [18] nfl (16) Optimization of ultrasonic welding parameters and temperature distribution in metal matrix composite based on aluminum Marius POP-CALIMANUa, Dinu GUBENCUa, Ioana POP-CALIMANU, Traian FLESER, published in University of Timisoara, Faculty of Mechanics -2013 In this paper were optimized the parameters of ultrasonic welding like the welding pressure, u.i welding time and amplitude of vibrations to obtain a good bonding of AA2124/SiC/25%pT4 metal matrix composite using a 2 full factorial design. Of course, we are interested to know which variable of the process affect most the response. The experiment is performed gn using AA2124/SiC/25%p-T4 metal matrix composite under thin foil form with 1 mm thickness. They conclude that (1) welding time (A), welding pressure (B) and the interactions between those two, are the influence factors that have the greatest effect on the temperature, but not on the quality of the bond. To refer to the bond quality we must take into account the vibration amplitude of sonotrode, because it has a very important role in ultrasonic welding process. M.TECH (AMT) Page 24 CHAPTER-2 LITERATURE REVIEW (2) Where increasing the one or the both major influence factors, will increase the temperature generate during the ultrasonic welding process, and the big problem is when we grow also in the same time the vibration amplitude factor that has harmful effect on bond c.i n quality. (3) Highest temperature recorded is at the end of the welding cycle. It can be seen that during the ultrasonic welding process, the temperature increase very rapidly at the beginning of the weld, and if we increase the welding time and welding pressure, also will increase the temperature. [19] (17) Ultrasonic welding between mild steel sheet and Al–Mg alloy sheet. et. a TakehikoWatanabe, Hideo Sakuyama, Atsushi Yanagisawa, published in Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (2009) 5475–5480 Ultrasonic welding between SS400 mild steel sheet and aluminum alloy sheet containing magnesium (A5052) was conducted. In this study, authors investigated the influence of ultrasonic welding conditions on the mechanical properties and the interface microstructure of a joint, and the effect of insert metal was examined to improve the joint strength. The ibn strength of the joints welded using various clamping forces and constant welding time of 1.0 s showed the maximum value at the clamping force of 588N and decreased with the clamping force over 588N because the excessively large clamping force reduced the frictional action at the interface. The strength of the joints welded using the constant clamping force of 588N and various welding times showed the maximum value at the nfl welding time of 2.5 s. However, the strength of the joint welded using the welding time of 3.0 s decreased due to the formation of Fe2Al5 intermetallic compound at the interface. Using the insert metal of commercially pure aluminum, the joint strength was successfully improved and the strength of the welded using 3.0 s welding time was about three times as gn u.i large as that of the joint without the insert metal. [20] M.TECH (AMT) Page 25 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) 3.1 Introduction In this chapter includes design of horn and material selection for horn. Horn design is very important for ultrasonic application. Even the simplest small diameter-round horn has been c.i n dimensioned to resonant with very precisely. 3.2 Selection of material Depends of application may dictate certain requirements, such as wear resistance. If so, these will be in addition to the common requirements for sonotrode material: high fatigue resistance and low acoustic losses (meaning that they shouldn’t absorb to much energy from et. a vibration) high strength alloys of steel, aluminum and titanium are ideal, many other material might be sued but at the risk of high power losses. In this work EN24 (AISI 4340) alloy steel used for horn material, there properties are as under. Table 3.1 Properties of EN24 [28] Unit 7850 Kg/m Elastic modulus 210 Gpa Sound velocity 5334 m/s Yield strength 470 MPa Bulk modulus 140 GPa Shear modulus 80 GPa Tensile strength 745 MPa 1427 °C gn u.i nfl Density Value ibn Name Melting point M.TECH (AMT) Page 26 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) 3.3 Theoretical Design of Sonotrode Sonotrode works on principle which states when sound wave passes through a medium sound velocity increases with decrease in cross-sectional area of the medium. Thus, from c.i n above statement it obvious that sonotrode are having different areas at two ends i.e. exit area is made smaller than the entry area. It is designed on the basis of elastic vibration of an elastic member with varying cross-section. For design of sonotrode three parameters are highly important; 1) Gain or Transformation Ratio, 2) Distribution of Amplitude and Stress, et. a 3) Location of Nodal and Anti-Nodal Points. Let us consider the free-free vibration of a non-uniform bar, in general as shown in Figure 3.1, Assuming, 1) Plane wave propagation in the rod along the axial direction and u.i nfl ibn 2) Wave propagation along lateral directions is neglected. Figure: 3.1 Schematic of a free vibration of a non-uniform bar An elementary section taken at distance x from one end of thickness dx will be subjected to gn different stress level due to a stress gradient of δσ δ which will produce a strain in the elementary strip as, Strain = . (3.1) x is the stress level on the section x of area A. Hence, M.TECH (AMT) Page 27 CHAPTER-3 = DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) . (3.2) Due to vibration the elementary strip shall be acted upon by an accelerating force Fa as, = . . . Neglecting (dx)2 term, = . . . (3.3) c.i n . (3.4) The constraining force acting on the elementary strip, Neglecting (dx)2 term, F = A. . dx + . Equating eq. (3.4) and (3.6) A. + . . dx − . dx . A + et. a F = + = . dx . . (3.5) (3.6) (3.7) A. E. ibn Substituting the value of (x) and (x/x) from eq. (3.2) in eq. (3.7), + E. . = . . (3.8) Now, the displacement equation for angular frequency can be written as, nfl From which, v = G sin t + H cos t , = − v (3.9) (3.10) Which again substituted in eq. (3.13) gives, . u.i + . = (3.11) Eq. (3.11) is the generalized equation of wave propagation in sonotrode that may be of any taper type. gn For known specified sonotrode shapes, the above partial differential equation is reduced to ordinary differential equation (ODE). ODEs for exponential, conical and step-cylindrical shaped sonotrode are calculated. Following topics deal with design of sonotrode for these taper functions. M.TECH (AMT) Page 28 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) 3.3.1 Exponential Profile Input data d1=30mm d2=6mm c.i n c=5334m/s w=2ᴨf, f=20 KHz For exponential taper, A = A1 e nx (3.12) n = 2 d= d e Now to get equation of amplitude = −n Thus, Amplitude: + = 0 ibn − n. et. a Thus, (3.13) (3.14) (3.15) (3.16) General solution of the eq. (3.16) is, v cos – nfl v = – sin e (3.17) (3.18) Or u.i c = c = c 1 + (3.19) gn Eq. (3.18 and 3.19) gives optimal value of the c. Thus, the effect of taper is to increase effective velocity of sound waves in the medium by factor 1 1– . From the eq. (3.18) it is obvious that the velocity is real only if n < (2/c). Thus, it is a limiting value for the amount of taper. M.TECH (AMT) Page 29 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) Stress: x = Transformation ratio: − a = √ . = + = Resonance length: (3.20) (3.22) et. a Nodal point: (3.21) Where, a= transformation ratio = sin c.i n CHAPTER-3 = /2 (3.23) Nodal point is a point where velocity of sound in the medium attains zero value. It is available by equating velocity equation to zero. /2) and (− end, i.e. xn < /4. Anti-nodal point: = (3.24) ( )/) are positive, anti-nodal point is towards the smaller ibn Since, (− = It is a point where stress in the medium is maximum. = 0 nfl At anti-nodal point = = (3.25) Since, (-nc/2) and (-ln (a)/) are negative, anti-nodal point is towards the smaller end i.e. u.i xa > /4. Thus both the points are equidistance from the midpoint but nodal point is before mid point and anti-nodal point is after the midpoint. 3.3.2 Conical Profile gn Similarly for conical taper sonotrode, all the desired design parameters are calculated and summarized as below. For conical taper cross sectional area A is given by, Where, = w/c M.TECH (AMT) = = 1 1− 1 1− (3.26) (3.27) Page 30 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) Thus, (3.28) c.i n = Hence generalized equation of wave propagation in sonotrode for conical profile is, − Amplitude: α .α . + = 0 (3.29) General solution of the eq. (3.29) is, . – . (3.30) et. a = At the same time following condition must be complied, = Stress: − – Transformation ratio or gain = + 1− − + (3.31) (3.32) (3.33) = u.i nfl Resonance length: ibn = – (3.34) Nodal point: gn Anti-nodal point: = − 1 xa =x, where, = max(x) M.TECH (AMT) (3.35) (3.36) Page 31 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) 3.3.3 Step-Cylindrical Profile Similarly for step-cylindrical sonotrode, all the desired design parameters are calculated and summarized as below. A = constant c.i n d = constant Thus, / = 0 Hence generalized equation of wave propagation in sonotrode for step-cylindrical profile is, = 0 (3.37) et. a Amplitude: + General solution of the eq. (3.37) is, = − . For, - l1<=x<=0 . Stress: . For, 0<=x<=l2 sin . cos nfl = − Ev For, - l1<=x<=0 = − u.i . For, 0<=x<=l2 – ibn = − . – + cot + . (3.38) . . sin (3.39) (3.40) . (3.41) Transformation ratio: gn M.TECH (AMT) = (3.42) Page 32 = / Nodal point: = = (3.43) cot For, 0<=x<=l2 tan cot (3.45) (3.46) For, - l1<=x<=0 tan cot (3.47) ibn x = (3.44) For, - l1<=x<=0 Anti-nodal point: x = cot c.i n Resonance length: DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) et. a CHAPTER-3 For, 0<=x<=l2 3.4 Design using CARD software 3.4.1 Overview of CARD nfl Computer Aided Resonator Design (CARD) is software that applies quantitative techniques to the design of ultrasonic resonators (horns, boosters, and transducers) that vibrate in a longitudinal mode. CARD provides assistance in the design of resonators having low-tomoderate complexity. With CARD, alternative resonator designs can be quickly evaluated u.i without machining and testing. The effects of proposed resonator modifications can be easily determined. CARD is especially useful for designing low-stress resonators, resonators with a specified gain, and resonators with a specified node location. CARD automatically tunes the horn to the desired frequency by adjusting the resonator gn dimensions. The adjustable dimensions include the length, thickness or diameter, and location of a transition radius. In addition, CARD can automatically adjust the gain and minimize the stress. CARD calculates numerous acoustic parameters, including tuned length, tuned frequency, gain, node location, maximum stress, stored energy, loss, overall quality factor (Q), and weight. When calculating the stress, CARD considers the effect of stress concentrations at radii and slot ends. CARD graphically displays the calculated M.TECH (AMT) Page 33 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) amplitude, stress, and strain-loss distributions at each point along the length of the resonator. The resonator shape can be graphically displayed to verify its correctness. The resonator can c.i n be composed of multiple, user-defined materials. The resonator can have a cavity in the face and can have studs, wrench flats, and spanner wrench holes. CARD allows up to 10 different user-defined materials and ultrasonic equipment configurations. These defaults can be saved to disk. CARD is very easy to learn and use, so that even those with minimum computer experience should have little difficulty. All user input is from menus; there are no commands to memorize. From any menu within CARD, a et. a single key press will change between metric and English units. Extensive hypertext help is available for each menu option. Also included with the help is a glossary of over 300 acoustic terms. (Note: although CARD is very easy to use, the user must have some understanding of resonator design in order to evaluate the computer-generated output.) In addition to CARD's main analysis, CARD also has a section devoted to theoretical and empirical. CARD also includes a database of metric and English bolt dimensions. Other 3.4.2. Limitations ibn sections include calculations for press-fits, bolt stresses, and piezoelectric ceramics. Because CARD uses a one-dimensional analysis, there are limitations on the parameters that can be calculated. Amplitude uniformity across the input and output surfaces cannot be calculated since the amplitude is not permitted to vary across each slice. Similarly, the nfl frequencies of non axial resonances cannot be determined. However, this is not a severe limitation, since the majority of resonators for which CARD is suitable do not have problems with non axial resonances. CARD designs resonators by looking at a side view of the resonator. (For slotted bar horns, u.i this is the side view where the slots cannot be seen.) When looking at the resonator from the side, the resonator cross-section must be symmetric about the resonator axis (i.e., the crosssectional shape on one side of the resonator axis must be the same as the shape on the other side of the resonator axis). Thus, CARD cannot analyze resonators with asymmetric face gn contours, resonators with asymmetric face bevels, etc. unless these can be reduced to an equivalent symmetric design. M.TECH (AMT) Page 34 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) Table 3.2 Typical input parameter of CARD Parameter Value Unit 1 Material EN24(AISI 4340) 2 Thin wire wave speed 5334 m/sec 3 Modulus of elasticity 210 GPa 4 Density 5 et. a c.i n Sr. Kg/m3 Input frequency 20000 Hz 6 Big end diameter 30 mm 7 Small and diameter 6 mm 8 Input resonant length 160 (Conical) mm 151.8 (Exponential) mm 133.35 (Step-cylindrical) mm gn u.i nfl ibn 7850 M.TECH (AMT) Page 35 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) ibn et. a c.i n CHAPTER-3 gn u.i nfl Figure: 3.2 Stress diagram for conical shaped sonotrode profile Figure: 3.3 CARD result for conical shaped sonotrode profile M.TECH (AMT) Page 36 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) et. a c.i n CHAPTER-3 gn u.i nfl ibn Figure: 3.4 Stress diagram for step-cylindrical shaped sonotrode profile Figure: 3.5 CARD result for step-cylindrical shaped sonotrode profile M.TECH (AMT) Page 37 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) ibn et. a c.i n CHAPTER-3 gn u.i nfl Figure: 3.6 Stress diagram for Exponential shaped sonotrode profile Figure: 3.7 CARD result for Exponential shaped sonotrode profile M.TECH (AMT) Page 38 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) Table 3.3 Values of Different shaped Horn Parameters Input Parameters 30 D2 6 Material EN24 30 6 et. a D1 Dimension by theoretical equation(mm) c.i n Dimension by CARD software(mm) D1/D2 Frequency EN24 5 5 20kHz 20kHZ Output for the conical shaped horn 158.7 ibn L 3.41 Transformation Ratio 160 4.79 Output for Exponential horn nfl L Transformation Ratio 149.6 151.8 4.85 5 Output for step-cylindrical horn u.i L Transformation Ratio 132.2 133.35 1.16 0.99 3.5 Manufacturing of horn gn The stepped cylindrical and conical shapes are the least complicated to machine. The traditional approach to manufacture the horn is to use lathe. But shapes like exponential and hyperbolic require NC/CNC machining. The horn should be free of sharp transitions and tool marks, because they can cause stress risers that lead to cracking. M.TECH (AMT) Page 39 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) Figure: 3.8 (a) conical horn et. a c.i n By using lath, prepared conical and step-cylindrical horn from EN24 material. (b) step-cylindrical horn (c) Exponential horn ibn For the exponential shape CNC machine require and for that CNC program require. For the CNC program first prepare the model in solid works software then using NX8 software creates a CNC program. Using this program prepared exponential horn as shown in above gn u.i nfl figure. Figure: 3.9 Model in solid works M.TECH (AMT) Page 40 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) 3.5.1 Program generated by NX8 N0260 X41.6 N0530 X-1.6 F.4 N0020 T0007 M06 N0270 Z1.95 N0540 X-3.2 F1. N0025 S2000 M03 N0280 G01 X40. F.4 N0030 G95 G00 G90 X41.162 Z2.95 N0290 X-1.6 F.4 N0040 G01 X39.562 F.4 N0050 X-1.6 F.5 N0080 X41.483 N0090 Z2.7 N0130 G00 Z5.7 N0150 Z2.45 N0160 G01 X39.997 F.4 N0170 X-1.6 F.4 u.i N0180 X-3.2 F1. N0190 G00 Z5.45 N0200 X41.6 gn N0210 Z2.2 N0220 G01 X40. F.4 N0230 X-1.6 F.4 N0240 X-3.2 F1. N0250 G00 Z5.2 M.TECH (AMT) N0570 Z.7 N0580 G01 X40. F.4 N0590 X-1.6 F.4 N0600 X-3.2 F1. N0340 G01 X40. F.4 N0610 G00 Z3.7 N0350 X-1.6 F.4 N0620 X41.6 N0360 X-3.2 F1. N0630 Z.45 N0370 G00 Z4.7 N0640 G01 X40. F.4 N0380 X41.6 N0650 X-1.6 F.4 N0390 Z1.45 N0660 X-3.2 F1. N0400 G01 X40. F.4 N0670 G00 Z3.45 N0410 X-1.6 F.4 N0680 X41.6 nfl N0140 X41.597 N0560 X41.6 N0330 Z1.7 ibn N0100 G01 X39.883 F.4 N0550 G00 Z3.95 et. a N0070 G00 Z5.95 N0120 X-3.2 F1. N0310 G00 Z4.95 N0320 X41.6 N0060 X-3.2 F1. N0110 X-1.6 F.4 N0300 X-3.2 F1. c.i n N0010 G71 G90 G95 N0420 X-3.2 F1. N0690 Z.2 N0430 G00 Z4.45 N0700 G01 X40. F.4 N0440 X41.6 N0710 X-1.6 F.4 N0450 Z1.2 N0720 X-3.2 F1. N0460 G01 X40. F.4 N0730 G00 Z3.2 N0470 X-1.6 F.4 N0740 X41.6 N0480 X-3.2 F1. N0750 Z0.0 N0490 G00 Z4.2 N0760 G01 X40. F.4 N0500 X41.6 N0770 X-1.6 F.4 N0510 Z.95 N0780 X-3.2 F1. N0520 G01 X40. F.4 N0790 G00 X67.07 Page 41 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) N0800 Z17.196 N1080 Z-152.2 F1. N0810 X33.5 Z3.581 N1090 G00 X33.5 N0820 G01 Z2.781 F.7 N1100 Z3.8 N0830 Z-151.181 F.5 N1110 X31. N0840 Z-151.981 F1. N1120 G01 Z3. F.7 N0850 G00 X35.5 N1130 Z-148.788 F.7 N0860 Z3.742 N1140 G02 X31.38 Z149.973 CR=691.139 N0880 G01 Z2.942 F.7 N0890 Z-151.342 F.7 N1330 G00 X32. c.i n N1340 Z3.8 N1150 G01 X31.435 Z150.145 F.7 N1350 X29.5 N1360 G01 Z3. F.7 N1370 Z-143.973 F.7 N1380 G02 X30. Z145.603 CR=691.139 et. a N0870 X33. N1320 G01 X31.631 Z146.642 F1. N0900 Z-152.142 F1. N1160 X31. F.5 N0910 G00 X35. N1170 Z-151.4 F.7 N1410 Z3.8 N0920 Z3.798 N1180 Z-152.2 F1. N1420 X29. ibn Z-150.93 N1390 G01 X31.131 Z145.037 F1. N1400 G00 X31.5 N1190 G00 X33.435 N1430 G01 Z3. F.7 N0940 G01 Z2.998 F.7 N1200 Z3.8 N1440 Z-142.316 F.7 N0950 Z-151.398 F.7 N1210 X30.5 N1450 G02 X29.5 Z143.973 CR=691.139 N0930 X32.5 N0960 Z-152.198 F1. N1220 G01 Z3. F.7 N1230 Z-147.208 F.7 N1460 G01 X30.631 Z143.407 F1. N0980 Z3.8 N1240 G02 X31. Z148.788 CR=691.139 N1470 G00 X31. nfl N0970 G00 X34.5 N0990 X32. N1480 Z3.8 N1010 Z-151.4 F.7 N1260 G00 X32.5 N1500 G01 Z3. F.7 N1020 Z-152.2 F1. N1270 Z3.8 N1510 Z-140.632 F.7 N1030 G00 X34. N1280 X30. N1040 Z3.8 N1290 G01 Z3. F.7 N1520 G02 X29. Z142.316 CR=691.139 N1050 X31.5 N1300 Z-145.603 F.7 N1530 G01 X30.131 Z141.751 F1. N1060 G01 Z3. F.7 N1310 G02 X30.5 Z147.208 CR=691.139 N1540 G00 X30.5 gn u.i N1000 G01 Z3. F.7 N1250 G01 X32.131 Z148.223 F1. N1070 Z-151.4 F.7 M.TECH (AMT) N1490 X28.5 Page 42 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) N1550 Z3.8 N1790 Z-133.584 F.7 N1560 X28. N1800 G02 X27. Z135.396 CR=691.139 N1570 G01 Z3. F.7 N1590 G02 X28.5 Z140.632 CR=691.139 N1600 G01 X29.631 Z140.066 F1. N1820 G00 X28.5 N1830 Z3.8 N1840 X26. N1850 G01 Z3. F.7 N1620 Z3.8 N1860 Z-131.736 F.7 N1630 X27.5 N1870 G02 X26.5 Z133.584 CR=691.139 N1880 G01 X27.631 Z133.018 F1. N1650 Z-137.173 F.7 N1670 G01 X29.131 Z138.352 F1. N1680 G00 X29.5 N1900 Z3.8 N1910 X25.5 N1920 G01 Z3. F.7 N1930 Z-129.849 F.7 nfl N1690 Z3.8 N1890 G00 X28. ibn N1660 G02 X28. Z138.918 CR=691.139 N1700 X27. N1710 G01 Z3. F.7 u.i N1720 Z-135.396 F.7 N1730 G02 X27.5 Z137.173 CR=691.139 gn N1740 G01 X28.631 Z136.607 F1. N1940 G02 X26. Z131.736 CR=691.139 N1950 G01 X27.131 Z131.17 F1. N1960 G00 X27.5 N1970 Z3.8 N1980 X25. N1750 G00 X29. N1990 G01 Z3. F.7 N1760 Z3.8 N2000 Z-127.921 F.7 N1770 X26.5 N2010 G02 X25.5 Z129.849 CR=691.139 N1780 G01 Z3. F.7 M.TECH (AMT) N2040 Z3.8 N2050 X24.5 N2060 G01 Z3. F.7 N2070 Z-125.949 F.7 N2080 G02 X25. Z127.921 CR=691.139 et. a N1610 G00 X30. N1640 G01 Z3. F.7 N2030 G00 X27. c.i n N1810 G01 X28.131 Z134.83 F1. N1580 Z-138.918 F.7 N2020 G01 X26.631 Z129.283 F1. N2090 G01 X26.131 Z127.355 F1. N2100 G00 X26.5 N2110 Z3.8 N2120 X24. N2130 G01 Z3. F.7 N2140 Z-123.93 F.7 N2150 G02 X24.5 Z125.949 CR=691.139 N2160 G01 X25.631 Z125.383 F1. N2170 G00 X26. N2180 Z3.8 N2190 X23.5 N2200 G01 Z3. F.7 N2210 Z-121.86 F.7 N2220 G02 X24. 123.93 CR=691.139 Z- N2230 G01 X25.131 Z123.364 F1. N2240 G00 X25.5 Page 43 CHAPTER-3 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) N2250 Z3.8 N2490 Z-112.988 F.7 N2260 X23. N2500 G02 X22. Z115.305 CR=691.139 N2270 G01 Z3. F.7 N2510 G01 X23.131 Z114.739 F1. N2290 G02 X23.5 Z121.86 CR=691.139 N2520 G00 X23.5 N2300 G01 X24.631 Z121.294 F1. N2530 Z3.8 N2540 X21. N2730 X20.112 106.123 F.7 N2740 G02 X20.5 Z108.114 CR=691.139 N2750 G01 X21.631 Z107.548 F1. N2760 G00 X22. N2310 G00 X25. N2550 G01 Z3. F.7 N2320 Z3.8 N2560 Z-110.593 F.7 N2780 X19.5 N2330 X22.5 N2570 G02 X21.5 Z112.988 CR=691.139 N2790 G01 Z3. F.7 N2360 G02 X23. Z119.735 CR=691.139 N2590 G00 X23. ibn N2350 Z-117.552 F.7 N2580 G01 X22.631 Z112.422 F1. N2370 G01 X24.131 Z119.17 F1. N2380 G00 X24.5 N2400 X22. N2410 G01 Z3. F.7 u.i N2420 Z-115.305 F.7 N2430 G02 X22.5 Z117.552 CR=691.139 N2800 Z-103.039 F.7 N2810 G02 X20. Z105.567 CR=1114.218 N2600 Z3.8 N2820 G01 X21.131 Z105.001 F1. N2610 X20.5 N2830 G00 X21.5 N2620 G01 Z3. F.7 N2840 Z3.8 N2630 Z-108.114 F.7 N2850 X19. N2640 G02 X21. Z110.593 CR=691.139 N2860 G01 Z3. F.7 nfl N2390 Z3.8 N2770 Z3.8 et. a N2340 G01 Z3. F.7 Z- c.i n N2280 Z-119.735 F.7 N2720 G01 Z-106.122 F.7 N2650 G01 X22.131 Z110.028 F1. N2660 G00 X22.5 N2870 Z-100.45 F.7 N2880 G02 X19.5 Z103.039 CR=1114.218 N2670 Z3.8 N2890 G01 X20.631 Z102.473 F1. N2680 X20. N2900 G00 X21. N2450 G00 X24. N2690 G01 Z3. F.7 N2910 Z3.8 N2460 Z3.8 N2700 Z-105.567 F.7 N2920 X18.5 N2470 X21.5 N2710 G02 X20.111 Z106.12 CR=1114.218 N2930 G01 Z3. F.7 gn N2440 G01 X23.631 Z116.987 F1. N2480 G01 Z3. F.7 M.TECH (AMT) N2940 Z-97.796 F.7 Page 44 CHAPTER-3 N3180 G00 X19. N3420 G01 Z3. F.7 N3190 Z3.8 N3430 Z-76.828 F.7 N2960 G01 X20.131 Z99.884 F1. N3200 X16.5 N2970 G00 X20.5 N3210 G01 Z3. F.7 N3440 G02 X15.5 Z80.141 CR=1114.218 N2980 Z3.8 N3220 Z-86.407 F.7 N2990 X18. N3230 G02 X17. Z89.383 CR=1114.218 N3000 G01 Z3. F.7 c.i n N2950 G02 X19. Z100.45 CR=1114.218 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) N3010 Z-95.071 F.7 N3470 Z3.8 N3480 X14.5 N3250 G00 X18.5 N3490 G01 Z3. F.7 N3260 Z3.8 N3500 Z-73.375 F.7 N3030 G01 X19.631 Z97.23 F1. N3270 X16. N3040 G00 X20. N3280 G01 Z3. F.7 N3510 G02 X15. Z76.828 CR=1114.218 N3050 Z3.8 N3290 Z-83.33 F.7 N3060 X17.5 N3070 G01 Z3. F.7 N3080 Z-92.269 F.7 ibn N3020 G02 X18.5 Z97.796 CR=1114.218 N3460 G00 X17. et. a N3240 G01 X18.131 Z88.818 F1. N3450 G01 X16.631 Z79.575 F1. N3310 G01 X17.631 Z85.841 F1. N3530 G00 X16.5 N3540 Z3.8 N3550 X14. N3320 G00 X18. N3560 G01 Z3. F.7 N3330 Z3.8 N3570 Z-69.762 F.7 N3100 G01 X19.131 Z94.505 F1. N3340 X15.5 N3110 G00 X19.5 N3350 G01 Z3. F.7 N3580 G02 X14.5 Z73.375 CR=1114.218 N3120 Z3.8 N3360 Z-80.141 F.7 N3590 G01 X15.631 Z72.809 F1. N3130 X17. N3370 G02 X16. Z-83.33 CR=1114.218 N3600 G00 X16. u.i nfl N3090 G02 X18. Z95.071 CR=1114.218 N3300 G02 X16.5 Z86.407 CR=1114.218 N3520 G01 X16.131 Z76.262 F1. gn N3140 G01 Z3. F.7 N3150 Z-89.383 F.7 N3160 G02 X17.5 Z92.269 CR=1114.218 N3170 G01 X18.631 Z91.703 F1. M.TECH (AMT) N3380 G01 X17.131 Z82.764 F1. N3610 Z3.8 N3620 X13.5 N3390 G00 X17.5 N3630 G01 Z3. F.7 N3400 Z3.8 N3640 Z-65.966 F.7 N3410 X15. Page 45 CHAPTER-3 N3650 G02 X14. Z69.762 CR=1114.218 N3660 G01 X15.131 Z69.197 F1. DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) N3880 Z-55.007 F.7 N3890 G02 X12.5 Z57.689 CR=1114.218 N3680 Z3.8 N3910 G00 X14. N3690 X13. N3920 Z3.8 N3700 G01 Z3. F.7 N3930 X11.5 N3710 Z-61.956 F.7 N3940 G01 Z3. F.7 N3720 G02 X13.5 Z65.966 CR=1114.218 N3950 Z-48.783 F.7 N3960 G02 X12. Z53.249 CR=1939.323 N3750 Z3.8 N3980 G00 X13.5 N3770 G01 Z3. F.7 N3780 Z-57.689 F.7 ibn N3740 G00 X15. N3970 G01 X13.131 Z52.683 F1. N3760 X12.5 N3990 Z3.8 N4000 X11. N4010 G01 Z3. F.7 N4020 Z-44.119 F.7 nfl N3790 G02 X13. Z61.956 CR=1114.218 N3800 G01 X14.131 Z61.39 F1. N4030 G02 X11.5 Z48.783 CR=1939.323 N3820 Z3.8 N4050 G00 X13. N3830 X12. N4060 Z3.8 N3840 G01 Z3. F.7 N4070 X10.5 gn u.i N3810 G00 X14.5 N4040 G01 X12.631 Z48.217 F1. N3850 Z-53.249 F.7 N4080 G01 Z3. F.7 N3860 G02 X12.202 Z55.004 CR=1939.323 N4090 Z-39.23 F.7 N3870 G01 Z-55.005 F.7 M.TECH (AMT) N4130 Z3.8 N4140 X10. N4150 G01 Z3. F.7 N4160 Z-34.08 F.7 N4170 G02 X10.5 Z39.23 CR=1939.323 et. a N3730 G01 X14.631 Z65.401 F1. N4120 G00 X12.5 c.i n N3670 G00 X15.5 N3900 G01 X13.631 Z57.124 F1. N4110 G01 X12.131 Z43.554 F1. N4100 G02 X11. Z44.119 CR=1939.323 N4180 G01 X11.631 Z38.665 F1. N4190 G00 X12. N4200 Z3.8 N4210 X9.5 N4220 G01 Z3. F.7 N4230 Z-28.621 F.7 N4240 G02 X10. Z-34.08 CR=1939.323 N4250 G01 X11.131 Z33.514 F1. N4260 G00 X11.5 N4270 Z3.8 N4280 X9. N4290 G01 Z3. F.7 N4300 Z-22.79 F.7 N4310 G02 X9.5 Z28.621 CR=1939.323 N4320 G01 X10.631 Z28.055 F1. N4330 G00 X11. Page 46 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) N4340 Z3.8 N4350 X8.5 N4360 G01 Z3. F.7 N4530 G01 X9.131 Z9.053 F1. N4710 G03 X6.014 Z1.019 CR=1.05 N4540 G00 X9.5 N4720 G02 X10.802 Z55.503 CR=1939.323 N4550 Z.566 N4380 G02 X9. Z-22.79 CR=1939.323 N4390 G01 X10.131 Z22.224 F1. N4400 G00 X10.5 N4730 G01 Z-55.507 F.3 N4560 X8.514 N4570 G01 X7.383 Z0.0 F.7 N4580 X7.399 F.7 Z-.276 N4590 G02 X7.5 Z-1.945 CR=1939.323 N4410 Z3.8 N4420 X8. N4440 Z-9.619 F.7 N4610 G00 X33.435 N4450 G02 X8.5 Z16.499 CR=1939.323 N4620 Z-150.93 N4460 G01 X9.631 Z15.933 F1. N4640 G01 X31. F.7 N4650 X30.739 Z-151.4 F.5 N4630 X32.6 N4660 X31.871 150.834 F1. Z- N4770 G03 X29.913 Z150.35 CR=1.05 Z- N4800 G02 X29.294 Z151.828 CR=1.6 F1. N4810 153.369 CR=1.6 X31.638 Z- N4670 G00 X65.394 N4820 G00 X56.632 N4680 Z15.653 N4830 Z12.555 N4690 X.715 Z1.6 N4840 G00 X100. Z100. N4700 G02 X3.915 Z0.0 CR=1.6 F.3 N4850 M05 M09 N4500 G01 Z3. F.7 N4510 Z-1.945 F.7 u.i N4760 G02 X29.886 Z150.183 CR=691.139 N4790 G01 X29.41 Z 151.4 F.3 N4490 X7.5 N4860M30 gn N4520 G02 X8. Z-9.619 CR=1939.323 N4750 G01 X18.712 Z106.624 F.3 N4780 X29.837 150.631 CR=1.05 nfl N4480 Z3.8 ibn N4430 G01 Z3. F.7 N4600 G01 X8.631 Z1.38 F1. N4470 G00 X10. N4740 G02 X18.711 Z106.619 CR=1114.218 et. a N4370 Z-16.499 F.7 c.i n CHAPTER-3 M.TECH (AMT) Page 47 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) gn u.i nfl ibn et. a c.i n CHAPTER-3 M.TECH (AMT) Page 48 DESIGN & MANUFACTURING OF HORN (SONOTRODE) gn u. inf lib ne t.a c.i n CHAPTER-3 M.TECH (AMT) Page 49 CHAPTER-4 DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT 4.1 Introduction In DOE, we deliberately change one or more process variables (or factors) in order to observe the effect the changes have on one or more response variables. The (statistical) c.i n design of experiments (DOE) is an efficient procedure for planning experiments so that the data obtained can be analyzed to yield valid and objective conclusions. DOE begins with determining the objectives of an experiment and selecting the process factors for the study. An Experimental Design is the laying out of a detailed experimental plan in advance of doing the experiment. Well chosen experimental designs maximize the 4.2 Methods of DOE et. a amount of "information" that can be obtained for a given amount of experimental effort. Following methods are used in design 1) Taguchi method 2) Factorial method 3) Response surface method 4.3 Selection of Parameters &Experiment Plan ibn From the literature review, mostly work done on parameters like pressure, amplitude, thickness, time, clamping force. Range for pressure is between 2 to 4bar and thickness is about up to 5 to 6 mm and amplitude range is 0.7 to 0.9µm,from that, parameters like pressure, thickness ratio (0.75,1,1.5mm) and sonotrode (horn) are selected as control parameters because of our experiment set up limit in our set up we can change only nfl amplitude, pressure, time. Tensile strength selected as response parameter. To save time and cost, Taguchi method was selected for this study. Dr. Taguchi of Nippon Telephones and Telegraph Company, Japan has developed a method based on “Orthogonal u.i Array” experiments which gives much reduced “variance” for the experiment with optimum settings of control parameters. “Orthogonal Arrays” provide a set of well balanced experiments. Signal-to-Noise ratios, which are log function of desired output, serve as objective functions for optimization, help in data analysis and prediction of optimum results. gn 4.4 Input Parameters 1) Factor A: Horn type 2) Factor B: pressure (bar) 3) Factor C: Thickness ratio(mm) M.TECH (AMT) Page 48 CHAPTER-4 Table 4.1 Factor with levels value Level 1 Taper 2 0.75 Level 2 Step-cylindrical 3 1 Level 3 Exponential 4 1.5 c.i n Factors Horn Pressure Thickness ratio DESIGN OF EXPERIMENT As per table, we select L9 orthogonal array for each combination of design for 3 factors and 3 levels with 9 runs as shown in Table Table 4.2 Experiment Runs Sr No Horn Taper 2 Taper Thickness ratio(mm) 2 0.75 3 1 Taper 4 1.5 4 Step-cylindrical 2 0.75 5 Step-cylindrical 3 1 nfl 3 Pressure(bar) ibn 1 et. a Input parameter Step-cylindrical 4 1.5 7 Exponential 2 0.75 u.i 6 8 Exponential 3 1 9 Exponential 4 1.5 gn 4.5 Output Parameters Weld Tensile strength M.TECH (AMT) Page 49 CHAPTER-5 EXPERIMENT SET-UP Our task is to investigate the effects of horn profile and other parameters like pressure and thickness ratio on welding strength (tensile) of HDPE (High-Density polyethylene) plastic using ultrasonic welding machine. This can possible by performing exclusive experiments u.i nfl ibn et. a c.i n as per DOE, L9 orthogonal at M.S. UNIVERSITY BARODA. Figure: 5.1 Machine setup in Laboratory 5.1 Specification of ultrasonic welding machine gn Model - Usp 2500 Power - 2 KW Frequency – 20 kHz Head travel – 250 mm Tool travel - 100 mm M.TECH (AMT) Page 50 CHAPTER-5 EXPERIMENT SET-UP gn u.i nfl ibn et. a c.i n 5.2 Generator controller Figure: 5.2. Generator controller The unit shown above is required to change and regulate the parameters like frequency and amplitude of the USWM. Along with that it also monitors the power load of the machine while the welding process. As it shows above there is an option for tuning the concentrator in two frequencies that are 20 kHz and 36 kHz. The amplitude can be varied from 70 % to a 100% of the total permissible amplitude. M.TECH (AMT) Page 51 CHAPTER-5 ibn et. a c.i n 5.3 Transducer and Concentrator EXPERIMENT SET-UP nfl Figure: 5.3 Transducer and concentrator with tool holder and tool The above figure shows the assembly of the transducer, concentrator, tool holder and the tool. The titanium alloy transducer is connected to the concentrator that is made up of aluminum. The titanium alloy transducer is advantageous because of being corrosion u.i resistance and due to its high resistance to electrical and mechanical noise of pumps etc. The concentrator is under constant mechanical force that causes it to be heated up quite quickly. Here comes the application of aluminium as the right material for a concentrator. A cooling system is placed near the transducer to prevent excessive heating by supplying pressurized gn air around the transducer cabinet. M.TECH (AMT) Page 52 CHAPTER-5 EXPERIMENT SET-UP ibn et. a c.i n 5.4 Air Compressor, Fixture and Tensile Testing Machine Figure: 5.4 Air compressors In above figure shows air compressor which is use for produces pressure to hold the work piece after energy transfer phase is completed. Its creates up to 10 Kbar pressure and gn u.i nfl ultrasonic welding machine require only up-to 4 to 5 bar pressure. Figure: 5.5 Fixture M.TECH (AMT) Page 53 CHAPTER-5 EXPERIMENT SET-UP Fixture is used to fix the work piece against horn and pressure of system. Fixture was design ibn et. a c.i n as per work piece dimension. nfl Figure: 5.6 Tensile testing machine In above fig shows instron 1121 tensile testing machine for plastic material, its limit is about 1000 kg. Table 5.1 About tensile testing machine Instron 1121 Application Plastic tests gn u.i Type M.TECH (AMT) Retrofit EDC120 Specials Video extensometer for strain measurement Page 54 CHAPTER-5 EXPERIMENT SET-UP By using this set-up, prepared 9 samples for testing tensile strength to investigate effect of horn profile on welding strength of HDPE plastic. A properties of HDPE is under c.i n Table 5.2 Properties of HDPE [29] Properties Value Density (g/cm3) 0.96 15 Tensile Strength (MPa) Surface Hardness et. a Strain at Yield (%) 32 SD68 220 - 310 ibn Melting Temp. Range (°C) Table 5.3 sample number and values Number Taper horn nfl 1 Values Step-cylindrical horn 3 Exponential horn u.i 2 2 bar pressure & 0.75mm Thickness ratio B 3 bar pressure & 1mm Thickness ratio C 4 bar pressure & 1.5 mm thickness ratio gn A M.TECH (AMT) Page 55 EXPERIMENT SET-UP ibn et. a c.i n CHAPTER-5 gn u.i nfl Figure: 5.7 Samples of conical horn before testing M.TECH (AMT) Figure: 5.8 Samples of step-cylindrical horn before testing Page 56 EXPERIMENT SET-UP ibn et. a c.i n CHAPTER-5 gn u.i nfl Figure: 5.9 Samples of exponential horn before testing M.TECH (AMT) Figure: 5.10 Samples of conical horn after testing Page 57 EXPERIMENT SET-UP et. a c.i n CHAPTER-5 gn u.i nfl ibn Figure: 5.11 Samples of step-cylindrical horn after testing M.TECH (AMT) Figure: 5.12 Samples of exponential horn after testing Page 58 CHAPTER-6 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 6.1 Comparison of Design Results with CARD Output As discussed earlier, CARD is software to generating and analyzing different sonotrodes under varying working conditions. Data of diameters and resonance length calculated from c.i n theoretical method are supplied to CARD to generate design result of concern sonotrode shape profile. Table 3.2 shows the comparison of theoretical and CARD software results. It can be observed that for the same input conditions, there is very little variation in the sonotrode design result. The Transformation ratio of horn by using CARD software and by using theoretical equation is closer. Hence CARD software may be useful tool for horn et. a design. Table 6.1 Tensile Testing Results of 9 Samples Input parameter Sr No Pressure (bar) Thickness ratio ibn Horn Measured response Taper 2 0.75 6.07 2 Taper 3 1 8.18 3 Taper 4 1.5 11.47 4 Step-cylindrical 2 0.75 5.64 5 Step-cylindrical 3 1 7.62 6 Step-cylindrical 4 1.5 10.82 7 Exponential 2 0.75 6.99 8 Exponential 3 1 8.32 4 1.5 12.41 gn u.i nfl 1 Tensile strength (N/mm²) 9 Exponential M.TECH (AMT) Page 59 CHAPTER-6 6.2 Tensile strength VS. Pressure & Thickness ratio RESULT AND DISCUSSION Tensile srength Vs. Thickness ratio & Pressure for Conical Horn 12 11.47 10 8.18 8 Tensile srength (N/mm²) 6 6.07 Tensile srength 2 0 0.75 Pressure 2 et. a 4 Thickness ratio c.i n 14 1 1.5 3 4 Thickness ratio & Pressure (bar) ibn Figure: 6.1 Graph of Tensile Strength Vs. Thickness ratio & pressure For Sample Prepared by Conical Horn Tensile srength Vs. Thickness ratio & Pressure for Stepcylindrical Horn nfl 12 10.82 10 8 Tensile srength 6 (N/mm²) 7.62 Tensile srength u.i 5.64 4 2 gn Thickness ratio Pressure 0 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 Thickness ratio & Pressure (bar) Figure: 6.2 Graph of Tensile Strength Vs. Thickness ratio & pressure For Sample Prepared by Step-Cylindrical Horn M.TECH (AMT) Page 60 CHAPTER-6 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 14 12.41 12 10 Tensile srength 8 (N/mm²) 6 8.32 6.99 2 Pressure 0.75 2 Tensile srength et. a 4 0 Thickness ratio c.i n Tensile srength Vs. Thickness ratio & Pressure for Exponential Horn 1 1.5 3 4 Thickness ratio & Pressure (bar) ibn Figure: 6.3 Graph of Tensile Strength Vs. Thickness ratio & Pressure for Sample Prepared by Exponential Horn From Fig 6.1 in which tensile strength Vs. pressure & thickness ratio for three sample prepared by the conical horn. Result shows that the tensile weld strength of material is nfl higher at 3 bar pressure and 1.5 thickness ratio and lower at 2 bar pressure and 0.75 thickness ratios. In this tensile strength is increase with increase the pressure. It shows that tensile strength increase with increase the thickness ratio also. For the conical horn sample, tensile strength at 2 bar pressure & 0.75 thickness ratio is 6.07 N/mm². When the pressure is u.i increase 1bar and thickness ratio is increase 0.25 the tensile strength is also increase up to 8.18 N/mm². If further increase of pressure 1 bar and ratio is 0.5 the tensile strength is increase up to 11.47 N/mm². So that the highest tensile strength value for conical horn is 11.47 N/mm² and lowest value is 6.07 N/mm² gn From the Fig.6.2 in which tensile strength Vs. pressure & thickness ratio for three sample prepared by the step-cylindrical horn. Result shows that the tensile weld strength of material is higher at 3 bar pressure and 1.5 thickness ratio and lower at 2 bar pressure and 0.75 thickness ratios. In this tensile strength is increase with increase the pressure. It shows that tensile strength increase with increase the thickness ratio also. For the step-cylindrical horn sample, tensile strength at 2 bar pressure & 0.75 thickness ratio is 5.64 N/mm². When the pressure is increase 1bar and thickness ratio is increase 0.25 the tensile strength is also M.TECH (AMT) Page 61 CHAPTER-6 RESULT AND DISCUSSION increase up to 7.62 N/mm². If further increase of pressure 1 bar and ratio is 0.5 the tensile strength is increase up to 10.819 N/mm². So that the highest tensile strength value for conical horn is 10.82 N/mm² and lowest value is 5.64 N/mm². c.i n From Fig.6.3 in which tensile strength Vs. Pressure & thickness ratio for three sample prepared by the exponential horn. Result shows that the tensile weld strength of material is higher at 3 bar pressure and 1.5 thickness ratio and lower at 2 bar pressure and 0.75 thickness ratios. In this tensile strength is increase with increase the pressure. It shows that tensile strength increase with increase the thickness ratio also. For the conical horn sample, tensile strength at 2 bar pressure & 0.75 thickness ratio is 6.99 N/mm². When the pressure is et. a increase 1bar and thickness ratio is increase 0.25 the tensile strength is also increase up to 8.32 N/mm². If further increase of pressure 1 bar and ratio is 0.5 the tensile strength is increase up to 12.41 N/mm². So that the highest tensile strength value for conical horn is 12.41 N/mm² and lowest value is 6.99 N/mm². 6.2.1 Discussion Pressure ibn The following may be the reasons for the above result. In case of ultrasonic plastic welding the pressure is generated by pneumatic cylinder that is applied to entire transducer, booster, and sonotrode assembly. Once the vibration energy is applied or transfer to material at the joint location. Now force nfl generated by pneumatic cylinder comes in to picture. Because of this pressure, the atoms which are free by the energy transfer phase entering from one surface to gaps between atoms of other surface. As consolidate welding strength with increase in pressure at the joint location by causing deeper inter surface penetration of the atoms. u.i Simply the role of pressure come in action after the phase of energy transfer is completed means that when the operation starts the transducer converts the electrical signal to mechanical vibration that is transfer to the work piece surface through booster and horn. Horn is amplified the vibration at the work piece surface. Because of this large amplitude gn the heat is generated and energy transfer from one surface to another surface by the action of atoms. At this stage because of increment in pressure large force is produced and two surfaces come in contact. If pressure is further increase then more atoms are transfer from one surface to gaps between atoms of other surface at that time wan-der-val attraction is done so strong bonding is possible and tensile strength is increase also. M.TECH (AMT) Page 62 CHAPTER-6 RESULT AND DISCUSSION Thickness ratio It is also important factor in ultrasonic welding. Generally the thickness ratio is small means transferring the energy. c.i n that the thickness of upper surface is smaller than the bottom surface is good for the In case of ultrasonic plastic welding the vibration comes from the horn is transfer from one surface to other surface. So, if upper surface thickness is small then its transfer more energy compare with bigger surface. If thickness is small, more energy is transfer from one surface to other surface. But only energy transfer is not enough for producing the better bonding, for better bonding the pressure is require. It means that at the constant pressure the welding et. a strength is increase with decreasing the thickness ratio. But in this study the tensile strength is increase with increasing the thickness ratio. Because in this study when the thickness ratio is increase pressure is also increase so that tensile strength is increase instead of decrease. Its means that pressure is more affected to tensile strength then the thickness ratio. Shown in fig.6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 the tensile strength Vs. Thickness ratio graph the tensile strength is increase with increasing the thickness ratio ibn because of pressure. In fig tensile strength at 0.75 thickness ratio is lower than at 1.5 thickness ratio, because of at 0.75 thickness ratio pressure is 2bar and at 1.5 thickness ratio the pressure is 4 bars. Pressure is more affected factor than thickness ratio. 6.3 Comparison of different horn value nfl Tensile srength Vs. Thickness ratio & Pressure of three different horn 14 12 10 6.99 6.07 u.i Tensile srength 8 (N/mm²) 6 4 12.41 11.47 8.32 8.18 10.82 Step-cylindrical 5.64 2 Exponential 0 gn Thickness ratio Pressure conical 7.62 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 Thickness ratio & Pressure (bar) Figure: 6.4 Graph of Tensile Strength Vs. Thickness ratio & Pressure of three Different Horn M.TECH (AMT) Page 63 CHAPTER-6 RESULT AND DISCUSSION In fig.6.4 shows that the exponential shape horn produced higher tensile strength at any value of pressure and thickness ratio. The conical shape produced tensile strength which is c.i n more than step-cylindrical and less than exponential tensile strength at any value of pressure and thickness ratio. Step-cylindrical horn produced lowest strength. When the pressure is increase then tensile strength also increase for all type of horn shape. Exponential horn produced highest tensile strength for HDPE plastic at 4 bar pressure and 1.5 thickness ratio is 12.41 N/mm², at that time tensile strength of conical and stepcylindrical horn is 11.47 N/mm² and 10.82 N/mm². et. a Step-cylindrical horn produced lowest tensile strength for HDPE plastic at 2 bar pressure and 0.75 thickness ratio is 5.64 N/mm², at that time tensile strength of exponential and conical horn is 6.99 N/mm² and 6.07 N/mm². 6.3.1 Discussion Horn is important factor or tool which is affect the tensile strength, it is amplified the vibration, a horn which has large transformation ratio or gain produced large amplitude at ibn the end of horn at work piece surface. If the amplitude is large, more heat is generated so that surface become a more soft and more atoms is free from its position so that displacement of atoms is more and so that the propagation of wave is very fast, more energy is transfer. It means that when the pressure and thickness ratio keep constant and experiment done with change only horn then tensile strength is depend on only amplitude generated by nfl horn, more amplitude has more tensile strength. In this study exponential horn produced more amplitude compare conical and stepcylindrical horn, conical horn produced more amplitude than step-cylindrical and less than u.i exponential. So that exponential produced more tensile strength. 6.4 Problem face in step-cylindrical design Generally in step-cylindrical horn, step provided at middle of the length. In this work first gn create this type of design in CARD software, results are CARD software is below. M.TECH (AMT) Page 64 RESULT AND DISCUSSION ibn et. a c.i n CHAPTER-6 gn u.i nfl Figure: 6.5 Stress diagram for step-cylindrical shaped sonotrode profile Figure: 6.6 CARD result for step-cylindrical shaped sonotrode profile M.TECH (AMT) Page 65 CHAPTER-6 RESULT AND DISCUSSION But result shows that this type of design produced more transformation ratio about 22.97, because of end diameter is very small compare bigger diameter. High transformation ratio produced high amplitude and high stress also. Because of large amplitude large heat is c.i n generated which melt the entire upper surface of work piece so weld quality is not good and some time welding is not possible but in metal welding it is very used for good result. So that for this dissertation, prepares the different design shown in fig 3.4 and 3.5 for HDPE plastic. Its gain is 1.16 and it is produced low amplitude but with the help of this type of gn u.i nfl ibn et. a horn welding of HDPE plastic is possible. M.TECH (AMT) Page 66 CHAPTER-7 CONCLUSION Conclusion From the above discussion it is evident that under the condition of same area ratio between its’ two ends Cross sections the transformation ratio of them is in descending order for the c.i n exponential shape, conical shape and step-cylindrical shape respectively. A stepped shape horn produced lower amplitude, since it produced low strength. Tensile strength results show that for ultrasonic plastic welding, conical shaped horn and exponential shaped horn are better than step-cylindrical shape horn. Where manufacturing cost and time is important parameters exponential shape horn is rarely et. a use because of cost of manufacturing & design of horn is more costly compare to other type horn have near to same amplitude and gain Conical horn shape is easy to manufacture and also has almost nearest amplitude as exponential shape horn. Therefore, conical shaped horn is extensively used in industry. However, it can be clearly observed that both values calculated by theoretical equation are slightly exceeding the values by CARD software. From above results one can conclude that transformation ratio or gain of horn by using CARD software and by using theoretical gn u.i nfl ibn equation is closer. Hence CARD software may be useful tool for horn design. M.TECH (AMT) Page 67 CHAPTER-8 FUTURE SCOPE Future scope 1) The current work was done for three types of sonotrode shape profiles. This work c.i n also carried out with other shape profiles or combinations of shape profiles. 2) The current work was done for half wave length resonant length. This work also carried out for the resonant length of multiple of half wave length. 3) The current work was done for HDPE plastic. This work also carried out with different material and with metal material also. 4) The current work was done using EN24 horn material; work will extend using gn u.i nfl ibn et. a different horn material. 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