2013 Fall Newsletter - Camp Merrie


2013 Fall Newsletter - Camp Merrie
Situated, Celebrated on Fairfield Lake
Fall 2013
Celebrating 95 Years at Camp Merrie - Woode
95 Years!
On July 14th, Merrie-Woode alumnae
and families gathered to celebrate camp’s 95th
anniversary. Over a thousand alumnae, families,
future campers, current campers and staff gathered
in camp on a very rainy Sunday for this special
celebration. The day proved to be a testament to what
Merrie-Woode means to all of us.
The celebration started with a special Chapel
service to honor the Orr family and the enduring
legacy they left to Merrie-Woode. Many members
of the Orr family were in attendance, including Fritz
and Dottie Orr. It was such an honor to have them
back at camp for the day and to present them with a
framed resolution, written by the Board of Trustees,
to formally acknowledge the contributions and gifts
they gave to this place we all love, particularly in
the forming of the Merrie-Woode Foundation. John
Brantley gave a wonderful message recalling that
Merrie-Woode has been, and remains, a sacred
place for generations of campers and their families,
and spoke fondly of the days at camp under Fritz
and Dottie’s tenure as directors. Emily Rich read a
moving vesper on what she believes her time as a
counselor has taught her. Lindsay Garner Hostetler
spoke of the legacy and the challenge that Fritz and
Dottie left to camp…for all of us to help at least one
child know that she matters. Chandler Davis closed
the service with a beautiful vocal performance of
“Alleluia,” accompanied by fellow counselors, Dan
Woodall and Jaun Acosta. And all of this was in
the absolute pouring down rain! But in true MerrieWoode spirit, everyone pulled their raincoat hoods up,
huddled under umbrellas, and didn’t let the soggy day
dampen their spirits!
When the Chapel service concluded, everyone
... continues on page 11
Wit’s End....................................Page 2
Alumnae News...........................Page 6
Mother Daughter Weekend........Page 13
New CMW Adventure Travel....Page 13
Farewell Dot Casey................... Page 15
The Final Piece Campaign........Page 19
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
At Wit’s End...
We hope this newsletter finds you doing
well and that you are enjoying the beautiful fall
colors. It has been an eventful fall for all of us at
camp this year. We enjoyed spending time with
many of our fathers and daughters during their
special weekend at camp. It was fun to have camp
come to life for a weekend in the off-season.
We are also looking forward to our Alumnae
Gatherings in New Orleans and New York City
this November.
We have just finished the 2014 camper
enrollment process and camp is full for the 96th
summer. We were pleased with our new online
registration process. It has made applying much
easier for parents and the processing in the office
is smoother as well. We are already busy thinking
about the 2014 staffing and we will be on the road
visiting the colleges where we have staff members
in January.
Vivian Weatherby, our intern, has been
compiling the survey results from the summer. We
would like to thank those of you who participated
in our first annual Parent Survey. As an action
item of our recently adopted Strategic Plan, we
surveyed our 2013 staff members, campers, and
parents to ensure the best possible summer camp
experience. If you didn’t get a chance to respond
this year, we encourage you to do so in coming
years as this will be a major vehicle by which
we seek feedback and bring about change and
improvement to Merrie-Woode.
While we were very pleased with the
overall positive results, we know there is always
room for improvement. Your thoughtful feedback
and suggestions will assist us with identifying and
prioritizing any issues and/or action items that
need to be addressed. Again, many thanks for the
time that you took to respond and we want you to
know that we value your input.
It’s hard to believe our 95th CMW
summer has come and gone. There were so many
highlights around camp this past summer. MerrieWoode’s 95th Celebration and tribute to Fritz
and Dottie Orr was certainly at the top of the list.
Despite the more than 24” of rain during Main
session, the spirit at CMW was not dampened!
The summer was gratifying. The campers,
counselors, and senior staff enjoyed a high
spirited, entertaining, and safe summer. There was
much excitement over the new Bang Shop and
Gem Box renovations, “Dammie’s Den” at the
base of the waterfall, and the new “Suggestion”
box affording the campers and staff more input
during the summer.
We look forward to our off season
projects. We hope everyone has a safe and happy
holiday season, and we hope to see many of you
during our upcoming travels.
Chug a Wump!
Staff News
Stuart Bowers, busy
at College of Charleston, has
been making the rounds this
fall, visiting with MW folk!
She meets up with siblings,
Campbell, Tee, and Mary
Grace, for “Bower Power”
reunions every week to take a
walk along Charleston’s battery.
She brought her campers,
Elizabeth Ingle and Cacky
Davis, lunch one day at school.
She also saw camper, Aimee
Barnes, recently who was touring
College of Charleston. Stuart
is looking forward to joining a
group of camp staff in November
to watch the Green River Race
with Doug Cameron. As for
Tee Bowers, he had an awesome
time on the Gauley River in
West Virginia with JP Bevilaqua
earlier this fall and reports that
he has started volunteering in
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Stuart Bowers, Rachel Garrett, and Katie
Martinez relax before a performance of
Follow the Gleam
Roper St. Francis Hopsital’s
Emergency Department. He
also had a great time meeting up
with JP at a Widespread Panic
concert in Charleston and went
to a Mumford and Sons concert
with Sarah Wynn and Scottie
Springer. Sarah Chatel has a
busy schedule over at Converse
College! She is gearing up to
graduate with a degree in Special
Education and is currently
working in a Kindergarten/1st
Converse with her. Speaking of
Maddie Marion, she’s pretty
busy at Converse College,
too! In addition to working
full time as the Assistant to the
Director of Student Activities
and Orientation, she is also a
full time student at Converse
where she is studying to finish
her Masters in two years. Casey
Chibirka is working as a Police
Photographer for the City of
Philadelphia. She works with
photographing evidence, injured
officers, civilians and prisoners. Casey also enjoys studying at
a yoga studio, where she says
practicing yoga helps her to live
a more balanced life. Laura
Shelby Dameron and Holly
Querin love Davidson College.
They had a mini Merrie-Woode
reunion this fall with Camille
Hunt. Sarah Davis designed
JC, Lawson Drew, and Kennedy Krieg
grade classroom where they
are integrating miniature horse
therapy with the students!
She says she is loving every
second! Sarah is also serving
as the Equestrian Team Captain
and The Student Government
Vice President! She is enjoying
having Maddie Marion at
the costumes for a production of
Sylvia by A.R. Gurney at Wake
Forest University this fall. She
also worked with Alex Priore
on a freshman orientation show
called Wake World. Sarah did
the lighting design while Alex
did the sound design. Speaking
of Alex Priore, he made his
stage debut at Wake Forest this
semester! I guess he got bit
by the acting bug on the Castle
stage this summer during his
performances in Whose Line
is it Anyways? and A Few
Good Men, directed by King’s
Stuart Bowers with camper, Aimee Barnes
Player, Courtney Foster. Alex
played the male lead in Sylvia.
Congratulations, Alex! Laura
Dorris is studying abroad in
Seville, Spain this semester.
She reports that she is having
an amazing time! Madeline
Edwards spent two months
in Jordan this summer after
winning the State Department’s
Critical Language Scholarship
last spring. She had an awesome
experience! Sarah Ellison met
up with Kelli Hewitt to visit the
Helms family in New Orleans in
October. She had a ball playing
with baby Owen and seeing how
much he had grown since the
summer. Ele Fox-Bekerman
has started a post-grad teaching
degree at the University of
Manchester in England and says
that she loves it! Kaley Garner
reports that she loves living
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Madeline Edwards rides a camel in Jordan
the Gator life at University of
Florida! She is now on the UF
Western Equestrian Team and is
preparing to begin competing at
shows in November. While she
has spent many years training
and competing in English
riding, she is looking forward
to learning new things! She
is also enjoying working with
a long yearling for an equine
class this year. The horse she
has been assigned is named UF
Lethal Lady, also known as Rue.
While life as a Senior in college
is pretty grand, Rachel Garrett
has particularly loved the
infiltration of freshmen to UNC
who went to Merrie-Woode!
They had a “small” reunion a
few weeks ago and didn’t even
have all of the Merrie-Woode
folk present! Boo whoop and
go Heels! Ciele Gutierrez has
earned her Psychology degree
at FSU and has been admitted
to their Music Therapy program
through the FSU School of
Music. She is also on the board
that puts together the Dance
Marathon at FSU which supports
the Children’s Miracle Network.
Mary Nobles Hancock is
enjoying her sophomore year at
Vanderbilt University. She has
been elected to a position in her
sorority which she describes
as “a human suggestion box.”
Guess she learned a thing or two
from Jim this summer! Kelli
Hewitt has been jet setting
across the hemisphere this fall!
She has traveled to the Virgin
Islands, Argentina, Uruguay,
Brazil, and Peru, where she hiked
the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.
She has visited Libby Pattison
in Indiana, Kay Gordon and
LT in Colorado, Betsy Rich in
Laura Dorris on her first day of school at
the University of Seville
eight days in Belize and an
additional eight weeks at Penn
State this summer researching
coral reefs in Belize. She is now
continuing her research back at
Washington and Lee University.
Kennedy Krieg is looking
forward to going to the Mizzou
vs. Georgia game in October
where she hopes to meet up with
camp friends, Charlotte Mabry,
Sophie Sussman, and Sarah
A group of Merrie-Woode girls at UNCChapel Hill outside of Sutton’s Drug Store
Florida, Betsy and Josh Helms
in New Orleans, and Hannah
Moon in Georgia. She is now
headed to Canada to find a job! Happy job hunting, Kelli! Selina
Horsley started her first year
at the University of Virginia
and reports that she loves it!
Margaret Greene is also there
in her first year and together they
celebrate #MerrieWoodeMonday
every week! Adele Irwin spent
Stuart Bowers with campers, Elizabeth
Ingle and Cacky Davis
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Rawlings. Meredith Kronn
started Physician Assistant school
at the University of Alabama at
Birmingham in August. After
graduating from Northwestern
in June, Sarah Logan moved to
Washington DC to start as a press
assistant at the US Treasury. She
is enjoying the new job and the
new city! Katie Martinez made
a trip down to Auburn to visit
Stuart Drew and Ivory Sparks.
Callie McCraney is leading
a community bible study for
9th grade girls in Birmingham.
Campers, Gunter Crommelin,
Carloyn Walheim, Janie Branch,
Kaley Garner with her new class
assignment, Rue
and Ellie Ritter are all members!
After graduating from UNCChapel Hill in May, Mary Parke
McEachran immediately moved
up to Washington DC where she
enjoys working for Spectrum, a
Health and Science PR agency.
She is neighbors with Lucy
Curran, who works on the
hill, and is looking forward to
connecting with Sarah Logan
soon! Kara Leigh Pulley
graduated this past May from
Miami University of Ohio with
The 2013 Riding Staff
her Bachelors in Psychology.
Right after graduation she moved
to Greenville, SC to get a Master
of Arts in Teaching for Middle
Level Mathematics at Clemson.
She is student teaching in 8th
grade and loving it! She enjoyed
having dinner with Maddie
Marion this fall. Emily Rich is
busy at New College of Florida
where she is working hard on
her thesis on self and identity as
constructed through language,
embodiment, and the audience
in contemporary monologue.
She has finished writing her
full-length monologue play
entitled Post No Bills. It will be
performed in the spring semester.
Elly Straske has a busy fall. She
is currently stage managing a
one-act festival with a studentwritten musical and a collection
of Shakespearean scenes that
opens the weekend before
Thanksgiving. She has also been
cast in one of Georgetown’s
winter plays, Proof, a Pulitzer
Prize winning drama. Elly is also
making her debut in Tampa over
Thanksgiving. Tara Tecce is
enjoying working as a supervisor
and trip leader for FSU Outdoor
Pursuits. She was recently given
the awesome opportunity to
attend the AORE (Association
of Outdoor Recreation and
Education) Conference as a
student member in November.
Eliza Williams is enjoying her
senior year at UNC-Chapel Hill
and gets to see her fellow camp
buddies at UNC frequently. She
and many other Adventure Staff
members are looking forward to
a trip to the Charlotte Whitewater
Center with JP in November.
Kelli Hewitt, overlooking Machu Picchu
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Alumnae News
Doug and Virginia Smith Ellison (74-79) on
the Caldwell Rim Trail at Sewanee
Lyda Larkins Astrove
(70-78) had a wonderful visit
with camp friend, Jean R. S.
Blair (71-84), in West Point,
NY. Jean is the Vice Dean
at the US Military Academy
and Lyda was thrilled to see
that she has a big picture
of Old Bald hanging in her
office there! Joie Cooney
(81-93) lives in Rye, NY with
her husband, Don Hansen,
daughter, Gracie, and son, Finn.
Gracie is excited to be a first
time camper this summer! Joie
is working at Merck & Co.,
Inc. as an Account Executive.
This October, she will be
participating in the NYC
Avon 2-Day Walk for Breast
Cancer, walking 40 miles to
raise money to fund breast
cancer research and provide
care for medically under-served
women. After graduating
from Wake Forest University,
Conley Crimmins (99-04) has
moved to Charleston, SC where
she has started a new job at
Garden & Gun magazine. Ann
Whitham Cundy’s (98-00)
son, Ford, had a visit to camp
this year and got to ride on
the tractor with our Facilities
Manager, Travis Fox! Doug
and Virginia Smith Ellison
(74-79) and their son, Hank,
spent a beautiful, early morning
on the Caldwell Rim Trail while
at Sewanee for a college visit
last spring. They reported that
it was moving to spend time in
the other mountains that Hugh
dearly loved. Another highlight
of their trip was visiting with
Emily Puckette (72-90) and
her family, and running into
Kimpton Langford (01-10) in
the dining hall! Kimberly Felt
(08-12) is a freshman at Scripps
College in Claremont, CA.
Kelly Friedlander (02-08) is
in her junior year at Tulane
is now studying for a Masters
of Public Health in Global
Health and Epidemiology
at University of Miami and
then she’ll be off to medical
school next year! Joy Irby
(94-06) moved to Portland,
OR in June from Asheville,
NC and started working for
an amazing nonprofit called
SOLVE as the Coastal Cleanup
and Tsunami Debris Response
Coordinator. She recently
won an archery tournament
at a local festival and thanks
CMW for the archery skills
that she was surprised she still
had! Sarah Josey (97-08) is
in her second year at Emory
and spends a lot of time with
Maggie Niehaus (99-09) and
Alison Martinez (99-10), who
just moved into an apartment
together in Atlanta. Laughlin
Ann Whitham Cundy’s (89-00) son, Ford, having a big
time on the camp tractor with Travis!
University and has completed
her second summer internship
at NextEra Energy Resources,
Inc. Adriana Grossman
(02-10) graduated from Bryn
Mawr College in May. She
Kane (97-08) is just down the
street in her second year of
law school at the University
of Georgia in Athens, and they
all look forward to getting
together when she is in town.
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
“The Ladies of the Lake”
(Jane Pope Waters (82-91),
Dorothy Moss Williams (8390), Forsyth Crommelin
Adams (80-87), Ann Stewart
Crane Boss (76-90), Caroline
Klich (85-97), Elizabeth
Crane Swent (82-87), Wing
Watson Billeisen (83-92), and
Susanne More Paul (85-93))
enjoyed their 21st annual CMW
fall reunion at High Heaven
in October! We love seeing
camp friends reunite at camp
during the off-season! Blain
Lewis (03-08) is a junior at
Sewanee where she competes
on the ranked Equestrian
Team. June Session camper,
Emily Little (11-present),
enjoyed a fly fishing trip to
the Tarryall River in Colorado
this summer. Becky McKee
(73-77) is still enjoying life
in Cashiers and looks forward
to seeing campers and their
families at High Hampton each
summer. Katie Grace Miller
Meredith Price (00-10) graduated this year
from UGA
(92-97) is an elementary school
music teacher in Orlando, FL.
She recently wrote a book of
music lesson plans with her
aunt. Former counselor, Barry
Neely (01-02), composed the
music for the feature film,
Somewhere Slow. It will have
a limited theatrical release
this February, with on-demand
to follow. Jessica Harkness
from the city rush to a slower
pace of life so that they can
Emily Little (11-present) dons her CMW
sweatshirt while fly fishing in the Tarryall
River in Colorado
The Ladies of Lake at their annual
camp reunion!
Back row: Jane Pope Waters (82-91),
Dorothy Moss Williams (83-90), and
Forsyth Crommelin Adams (80-87)
Middle row: Ann Stewart Crane Boss (7690), Caroline Klich (85-97), and Elizabeth
Crane Swent (82-87)
Front row: Wing Watson Billeisen (83-92),
and Susanne More Paul (85-93)
Nehrbass (96-08) and her
husband, Gabriel, will be
moving from Washington,
DC to Latin America in
January for Jessica’s Social
Enterprise Master’s practicum
on how enterprises can solve
community development
problems. She says she’s
looking forward to the switch
more fully appreciate God’s
beautiful creation of people and
nature! Main Session campers,
Conery Schmidt (09-present)
and Frances Currence
(09-present), have the coolest
science teacher in New Orleans:
Amy Nusbaum (99-11)!
Amy is teaching at Louis S.
McGehee School. Maggie
Peffer (03-08), a student at the
University of Kentucky, met
Amy Nusbaum (99-11), Conery Schmidt
(09-present), and Frances Currence
(09-present) at McGehee Middle School
Parents’ Night
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Maggie Peffer (03-08) and Ragan Todd
(00-08) enjoy a visit
up with camp friend, Ragan
Todd (00-08), this past spring
before Ragan graduated from
Notre Dame. Meredith Price
(00-10) graduated from the
University of Georgia in May
Magna Cum Laude with a
degree in Dietetics. She will
be interning for one year at
Johns Hopkins Hospital in
Baltimore, MD. Nikki Ross
(02-07) has completed her first
year at the University of Florida
in the Pre-Med/Vet program.
Katherine Almquist Ryker
(93-07) passed her qualifying
exams in May, and is hoping
to receive her PhD next spring.
She and her husband, Mike,
both volunteer at Corral Riding
Academy which serves at
risk girls in their community
through riding, tutoring, and
therapy. Amber Skye (97-08)
released a new music video
called “Howlin” on October
31st! She appeared earlier this
year as a reoccurring character
on the TV show One Life to
Live. Starting November
11th, she will be appearing as
Tori on the TV show Beauty
and the Beast which is in its
2nd season on the CW. Her
dog, Nali, comes to set with
her every day! Main Session
camper, Mathes Vaughan
(08-present), summited Mt.
Ararat in Turkey after camp
this summer! Way to go,
Mathes! The Mountaineering
Staff will surely be proud of
Mathes Vaughan (08-present) (in purple
coat) on Mt. Ararat in Turkey
Amber Skye (97-08) with her co-star Corbin
Bleu at the One Life to Live premiere
you! Reilly Ward (96-06)
graduated from the University
of Alabama School of Law
in May of 2013 and began
practicing at Maynard, Cooper
Gale P.C. in Mobile, AL this
past September. June Session
camper, Harris Wilbanks
(07-present), has been cast
as Clara for the Appalachian
Ballet’s production of The
Nutcracker in Chattanooga,
TN. Congratulations, Harris!
We know you’ll be wonderful!
Margaret Wyatt (01-07) is
savoring her senior year at
UVA where she is studying
Art History and Studio Art.
After graduation she is hoping
to head to NYC, where she
has spent her recent summers
interning, to work in an art
auction house or gallery.
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
CMW Engagements and Weddings
Schuyler Rooth (00-04) with newlyweds,
David Wells and Liv Rooth (90-00)
Chris and Blair Dunlap Edwards (93-04)
Anna Hilliard
Almquist (99-07) was married
to Christopher Scott Branam
of October 5, 2013 in Young
Harris, GA. Katie Friedman
(01-07) was a bridesmaid and
sister, Katherine Almquist
Ryker (93-07), was her maid
of honor. Blair Dunlap (9304) married Chris Edwards
on October 13, 2012 in
Richmond, VA. Blair’s sister,
Corbin Dunlap (94-05), is
Chris and Carolyn Gabbert Estopinal (9705) with their families on their wedding day
engaged to marry Travis Page
in January of 2014. Carolyn
Gabbert (97-05) married
Chris Estopinal at Cheekwood
Botanical Gardens in Nashville,
TN on August 31, 2013. The
wedding party included the
bride’s sister, Patty Gabbert
Glassick (97-06), and Sallie
Reeves Campanelli (92-06).
Chris is an Ophthalmology
Resident at Vanderbilt and
Carolyn is working as a Speech
Pathologist in the outpatient
pediatric clinic at Vanderbilt.
Betsy Reese Helms (89-13), Amanda von
Thron (04-present), Lindsey von Thron (9303), and Rosemary Williams Anderson (92-05)
at Lindsey’s wedding
Photograph by: Anna Kirby Photography
Virginia Gibbons (00-11) and
Cameron Sides were married on
July 27, 2013 on Orcas Island
in Washington state. Virginia’s
sister, Toni Gibbons Carter
(98-12), was the maid of
honor. Robert Arthur Smalley
III (‘Bart’) and Graham
Dalton Harrelson (86-95)
were married June 22, 2013 in
Cashiers, NC. The ceremony
was held at The Church of the
Good Shepherd and a dinner
and reception followed at The
Chattooga Club. Graham and
Bart live in New York City and
Cameron and Virginia Gibbons Sides (00-11)
work for NBC Sports and The
Weather Channel, respectively.
Claire Massagee (98-03)
married Patrick Lanier on
September 14, 2013 in Blowing
Rock, NC. They honeymooned
in Prague, Vienna, and
Budapest, and now live in
Greensboro, NC where they
both grew up. Mary Peterkin
(94-06) is engaged to marry
Clayton Worthington on May
3, 2014 at High Hampton Inn
in Cashiers, NC. Kaki Neville
(55-57) remarried last fall to
Jerry Rottler on November, 24,
2012. Lindsey von Thron (9303) married Brendan Shanahan
on June 8, 2013 in Highlands,
Bart and Graham Harrelson Smalley (86-95)
NC. Her sister, Amanda von
Thron (04-present), was her
maid of honor. Taylor Kronn
(98-08) married Matthew
Walker at Camp Merrie-Woode
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
on August, 10, 2013. Taylor
just started a new job as a food
scientist outside of Atlanta.
Carroll Livingston Rooth (9000) married David Christopher
Wells in New Orleans, LA on
May 25, 2013, and Stephanie
Schuyler Rooth (00-04) was
the Maid of Honor!
Matthew and Taylor Kronn Walker (98-08)
Photo by: Kestrel Bailey Photography
Patrick and Claire Massagee Lanier (98-03)
CMW Births
Rodes Nash Bazzel
(88-01) and her husband, Frank,
welcomed two bundles of joy
to the world on May 28, 2013.
Rodes gave birth to twins! Nash
Bledsoe Bazzel was born at
1:14pm, weighed 5 lbs 8 oz, and
measured 20 inches. Martha
Rodes Bazzel arrived at 2:44pm,
weighed 5 lbs, and measured 21
inches. Jonah Kelly Carson was
born Valentine’s Day, February
Katie Bee Rogers Marshall’s (92-96) baby
girl, Elizabeth Brewer Marshall
14, 2013, to proud parents,
Matt and Katie Snyder Carson
(85-98). He was welcomed
with all kinds of love and super
sloppy kisses from his two older
brothers, Eli and Jude. This is
boy number three for Katie; no
Merrie-Woode girls yet! Former
counselor, Scott Curry (89-
(91-00) welcomed their second
child and first son. Benjamin
James Shiang Kung was born
on November 30, 2012. Seton
and Katie Bee Rogers Marshall
(92-96) have welcomed their
second child, Elizabeth Brewer
Marshall, born January 27, 2013.
Scott Curry (89-97) with his future MerrieWoode mountaineer, Caroline
97), and his wife, Amanda, are
thrilled to announce the arrival
of future Merrie-Woode girl,
Caroline Elizabeth Curry. She
was born on May 17, 2013 and
weighed 8 lbs 13 oz. She has
already been out on many hikes,
preparing for her first Old Bald
summit! Chesley Johnson
Dale (42-46) welcomed her
5th great grandchild this year!
Jeffery and Karen Jones Kung
Jonah Kelly Carson, Katie Snyder Carson’s
(85-98) new baby boy
Dolly Brantly Myrick’s (94-00) son,
Battle Myrick
Battle Myrick was born to Jason
and Dolly Brantley Myrick (9400) on April 19, 2013. Grant and
Jenn Hobby Rivera (88-95) are
the proud new parents of Lauren
Louise Rivera, born April 12,
2013. She was 6 lbs 13oz at birth.
They already talk excitedly about
her future as a camper at MerrieWoode and they sing camp songs
to her every night. She loves to
“shiny miny” at bedtime and
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Jenn Hobby Rivera’s (99-95) baby girl,
Lauren Louise Rivera
“chug-a-wump” in the bathtub.
Calum and Lisa Benson
Woolner (94-05) welcomed a
beautiful baby girl, Lilly Eloise
Woolner, on September 14,
2013 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. She
weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and was 20
inches long.
Lilly Eloise Woolner, Lisa Benson
Woolner’s (94-05) baby girl
In Memoriam
Kelly Beard (84-97)
passed away September 28, 2013
after a long battle with cancer.
She was 39. Kelly was a student
at Andover Newton Theological
School where she was pursuing a
Masters in Divinity degree at the
time of her death. Kelly grew up
in Louisville, KY, where she was
born on June 17, 1974. Kelly was
a camper from 1984 – 1989, and
a counselor from 1993 – 1997,
teaching photography. Kelly’s
twin sister, Brecky Beard
Peabody (84-89), was also a
camper, and her father, Rob Beard,
served on the Merrie-Woode
Foundation Board of Trustees from
1993 – 1999.
Frances Crutcher
Foster (43-44) passed away
peacefully, Sunday, December
23, 2012. Her sister, Katherine
Crutcher Chisholm, was also a
camper in 1943 and 1944, and her
granddaughters, Corinne (04-13),
Courtney (05-present), and Cara
Foster (07-present), are recent or
current campers at Merrie-Woode.
Joyce Gaston Heslip
(37-47) of Birmingham, AL died
April 30, 2013 at the age of 88.
Joyce was a CMW Captain of
1940. She loved to reminisce
about her camping days on the
shores of Lake Fairfield. Her
last trip to camp was just a few
years ago when she met with
our resident historian, Lindsay
Hostetler, to record many of her
camp memories of the 1930s and
40s. She had particularly fond
memories of Anne Otter Downs,
founder of the Merrie-Woode
Captain’s program, as well as her
time on the Castle stage in the
camp productions and operettas.
Frank Schoolfield Jordan
(29-30) passed away peacefully
June 15, 2013. She always had
fond memories of her summers
at Merrie-Woode during the
early years of Dammie Day and
Mary Turk. Her sisters, Lizora
Schoolfield Miller (26-28) and
Jane Schoolfield Tappero (4148), preceded her in death. She
was the great aunt of Captain
Louise Schoolfield Hare (9904) and Elizabeth Moore
Charlotte Spruntt
Murchison (35-41) died February
9, 2012 at her Wrightsville Beach
home. She was born on November
28, 1924, in Houston, TX.
Mary Tate “Tatie”
Newton (57-59) passed away
at home in Newport Beach on
March 28, 2013 after a long fight
with cancer. Tatie grew up in
Birmingham, AL and attended
camp in the late 1950s. She made
Captain in 1958 and later attended
Auburn University.
Celebrating 95 Years at Camp Merrie - Woode (cont. from page 1)
Dottie and Fritz Orr, Jr. after the 95th
Celebration Chapel service
made their way down to the
waterfront for a picnic lunch at
Lilypad. While everyone enjoyed
their lunch, huddled under tents
and porches, several alumnae
prepared for an Alumnae Crew
Race, which proved to be a
Doug Cameron, Fritz Orr III,
and Missy Orr at the
95th Celebration this summer
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Celebrating 95 Years at Camp Merrie - Woode (cont.)
great deal of fun. What dedication!
Just as the race started, the storm
picked back up and alumnae crews
raced back through wind and
rain. Following lunch, all guests
were invited to attend our annual
“Showcase of Activities.” Visitors
walked through the Arts and Crafts
Show which included projects
from arts and crafts, ceramics,
photography, knitting, jewelry,
and stained glass. The Drill Team
presented an exciting show under
the covered riding arena, which
they had been working on all
session. Meanwhile, the cast of
110 in the Shade, this summer’s
Main Session musical, performed
a collection of musical numbers
from their production on the Castle
stage. It was impressive to also see
portions of the set for the musical,
built by the stagecraft classes.
Later in the afternoon,
the attention turned back to the
waterfront as everyone made
their way down to the docks
for a thrilling Boat Meet. The
Would-Bes delivered some very
entertaining Crew Skits before
taking to the water for the ever
anticipated Crew Race. It was an
incredibly close race, but WouldBe Captain Carson Eckhard and
her crew pulled it out in the end!
Before we knew it the
day had come to an end and it
was time for our guests to depart.
But everyone left with the joy
of having spent a memorable,
albeit wet, day underneath Old
Bald as we recalled old camp
stories, reconnected with dear
camp friends, and paid tribute
to a place still wonderfully alive
in all of our hearts. Before you
know it we’ll all be back again
celebrating Merrie-Woode’s 100th
anniversary! We can’t wait! See
you there!
Dedicated paddlers in the
Alumnae Crew Race!
Your Annual Fund Dollars at Work!
Camp Merrie-Woode
takes pride in the quality of
programs we can provide to
over 600 campers each summer.
Whether a camper takes an
interest in athletic activities,
outdoor adventures, or visual and
performing arts, she can expect
to receive an excellent summer
experience from devoted and
talented staff members. The
summer of 2013 showed no
exception to this.
Jewelry classes were
Hard at work in the new Bang Shop!
enhanced by a brand new Bang
Shop. The Bang Shop, camp’s
jewelry studio, was completely
rebuilt in the spring. The new
structure added much more
space, several new work stations,
ample storage areas, improved
lighting, two soldering stations,
and a beautiful new back porch
overlooking the lake. Jewelry
has always been a well-loved
camp activity and we were
thrilled to be able to provide a
new and improved work space
for the program. Some of the
projects that came out of the
Bang Shop this year were truly
beautiful pieces of art!
We received many excellent
suggestions from campers and
counselors this summer for
possible improvements around
camp. One of the most popular
suggestions that came to fruition
was the addition of a water slide
on the Swim Dock. Squeals of
delight could be heard ringing
out across the lake all summer
long as girls flew off the slide
into the lake! The other popular
addition to camp this summer
Having a big time on the new water slide!
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
could be found on the front line.
Four new tetherball courts were
put in to the delight of many
campers. Tetherball continues
to be all the rage on the front
line during free time and the
additional courts were certainly
Merrie-Woode is also
proud to be able to offer the
camp experience each summer
to several girls through
“camperships.” A scholarship
fund in place each summer not
only provides financial assistance
to many camp families, but also
works with leadership programs
such as the Henderson County
Young Leaders Program and
the Scott-Free Scholarship
Foundation. By partnering
with these organizations, we are
able to grant full camperships
to young girls who would not
otherwise have the opportunity
to attend summer camp. These
girls have earned recognition
in their school communities for
leadership skills, a strong work
ethic, and positive attitude.
All of us at Merrie-Woode
believe that camp provides a
unique experience for youth
development, character building,
and self-discovery and we are
thrilled to be able to offer that
experience to Merrie-Woode
girls, old and new, each summer.
The funding for camp’s
programming and facilities,
as well as campership funds,
are directly supported by the
Merrie-Woode Annual Fund.
Without your donations,
projects like these would not
be possible. Thank you to all
of our contributors! We are
already looking forward to the
next projects on our list that will
influence the quality of camp for
our 96th season!
First Annual CMW Mother and Daughter Weekend Coming This Spring!
Get out your middies
and ties, Merrie-Woode girls of
all ages! Are you nostalgic for
your camping days? MerrieWoode is excited to announce
our first ever Mother and
Daughter Weekend! For all
of those alumnae clamoring
to relive those camping days
spent beneath Old Bald with
your daughters, here is your
chance! Camp will open up its
cabins to our Merrie-Woode
mothers and daughters on
Friday May 2nd – Sunday,
May 4th. This event is open
to all of our alumnae, young
and maybe not so young! We
are excited to see generations
of MW girls coming together
to share the camp experience
once again as a family.
The weekend will be
filled with a wide range of
activities geared for mothers
and daughters of all ages.
We are looking forward to
traditional Merrie-Woode
programming, a hike up Old
Bald, fun on the waterfront,
Evening Program, and Chapel.
Merrie-Woode mothers and
daughters will gather in the
Campfire Ring for camp songs,
a Tajar Tale, and maybe even
Registration is easy
through our new website
The cost per mother/daughter
pair is $550 and $110 for each
additional daughter. These
fees include all meals and
cabin lodging. We encourage
you to sign up early as space
is limited. The weekend
promises to bring back old
camp memories and create
new shared memories of a fun
New CMW Adventure Travel Opportunities
We have exciting news
in the world of Camp MerrieWoode Adventure Travel!
In keeping with the CMW
Strategic Plan to expand camp’s
programming to include new
staff training and community
development opportunities, two
new trips are on the docket for
the upcoming year. These trips
are designed to allow folks to
explore new places and have
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
New CMW Adventure Travel Opportunities (cont.)
new experiences, but in the
same supportive and fun-loving
atmosphere that you love about
camp! With your help and
interest, we will be able to make
these trips an on-going part of
the programming that camp is
able to offer.
In June of 2014, camp
will be running a kayaking
trip to the Arkansas River
in Colorado. The Arkansas
boasts over 100 continuous
miles of class II-IV whitewater,
including two of the best manmade whitewater parks in the
country, making it a perfect
venue for continuing your
paddling skill progression. This
trip is intended for Camper
Captains, JC Captains, and
rising CA Captains who want
to continue to hone their skills
as they make their way toward
becoming a CMW Adventure
Staff member. The trip will
run from June 16th to June
23rd with transportation, food,
equipment, and guiding provided
by CMW in conjunction with
local outfitter Rocky Mountain
Outdoor Center based in Salida,
CO. The return from the trip
is set up so that participants
can go directly from fun in the
Colorado sun to camp to begin
their 5-week session on June
24th. The trip cost is $1,200.00,
which does not include airfare.
The booking deadline for this
trip will be April 1st. Come join
us for some fun!
Another CMW
Adventure Travel opportunity
on the horizon is the Camper/
Alumnae Family trip to Costa
Rica! The trip will depart the
US on December 26, 2014 and
return on or about January 3,
2015. This trip is intended
for any and all Merrie-Woode
families who want to travel to
a beautiful Central American
locale over their holiday break.
Activities on the trip will include
an overnight trip down the
Pacuare River with a stay at a
stunning jungle lodge, a zipline
canopy tour, jungle hiking,
and some time to relax and
visit the culture of local towns
and markets. This trip will be
run through Costa Rica Rios,
one of CR’s most established
outfitters. The trip cost will
be between $1,300 - 1,500 per
person depending on enrollment,
which does not include airfare.
The booking deadline for this
trip will be June 1, 2014. Camp
Merrie-Woode mothers, fathers,
daughters and siblings, come
join us for what promises to be
the family trip of a lifetime in
Costa Rica!
For more information
about either of these trips, please
contact: JP Bevilaqua, CMW
Adventure Program Coordinator,
[email protected]
2nd Annual Father and Daughter Weekend
Fathers and daughters competed in The
Great Race
Merrie-Woode hosted its
2nd Annual Father and Daughter
Weekend in September! Camp
opened its gates to fathers and
daughters of the Merrie-Woode
family. Dads and their daughters
filled the cabins on the Front
Line from Du Kum Inn to Zoo.
It felt like camp was back in
The Father and Daughter teams at the start
of The Great Race
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
session! Campers, representing
all three sessions, brought the
noiseless camp back to life with
the laughter and screams of
excitement and anticipation.
Merrie-Woode, in
conjunction with RFI (Resilient
Families Institute), a retreat
program owned and operated by
John Brantley and his family,
hosted the weekend. John
commented that the weekend
was focused on “laughing more,
connecting more, and building
a stronger and more loving
relationship” between the fathers
and daughters. The weekend was
structured to let the daughters
take the lead in every aspect,
and each moment focuses on
strengthening communication
between the fathers and their
Enjoying a quiet walk along Lake Fairfield
daughters. “The Great Race
was a chance for my daughter
to take 100% ownership and
lead.” said Scott Harwell.
“She learned from mistakes
and enjoyed the teamwork.”
After engaging in meaningful
conversations and adventurous
activities throughout the day,
the Merrie-Woode fathers
and daughters gathered in the
Campfire Ring to cap off the
night with camp songs and
“Quality time with my
daughter,” commented Wayne
Wadsworth, father of Main
session camper, Waverly
Wadsworth, “We really listened
to each other and we were
able to really connect and
enjoy each other.” Perhaps the
most meaningful experience
from the Father and Daughter
Weekend is that the dads finally
have a chance to see what camp
is all about. Jim Gash added,
“You think you know and
understand your relationship
with your daughter, but
everyone should be alone in
this special place and grow
your relationship even further.
You will be surprised at the
Merrie-Woode Says Farewell to Dot Casey
on a farm with
seven brothers
and one sister.
Her brothers
allowed her
to play at
the “boy’s
games” if she
could keep up,
otherwise she
was banished
Dottie Orr, Dot Casey, and Fritz Orr
back into
the house to
We are sad to announce
play with her dolls, which she
that Dot Casey passed away
was not keen to do. And thus
at the age of 87 on July 16,
began Dot’s illustrious career in
2013. Dot served as Merriewomen’s athletics!
Woode’s Head Counselor for 19
Dot attended Louisburg
consecutive summers, from 1957
Junior College and graduated
to 1976.
in 1948 from Women’s College
Dot, born January 5, 1926
of the University of North
in Wayne County, NC, grew up
Carolina, now UNC-Greensboro.
After completing her master’s
degree from UNC-Chapel Hill
she joined the Wake Forest
University physical education
faculty in 1949, becoming only
the fourth female faculty member
there. Dot served from 1974 –
1988 as Director of Women’s
Athletics at Wake Forest
Dot was a pioneer in
establishing women’s athletics
programs. In an interview given
to Anne Phillips at Wake Forest
in 2008, Dot recalled when she
and close friend and colleague,
Marge Crisp, directed the Wake
Forest women’s teams to play
against schools such as Duke,
Carolina, Catawba, UNCG, and
Appalachian State. There was
no budget to cover these trips
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Merrie-Woode Says Farewell to Dot Casey (cont.)
Dot Casey tearing down the camp road!
and Marge and Dot had to use
their own cars for travel. The
women’s athletic programs were
given little or no budget. But
Dot Casey and her colleagues
were patient and diplomatic
as they sought change. As
Director, she guided the Wake
Forest women’s athletic program
through Title IX and into the
highly competitive world of
college athletics for women.
Dot held several key
committee positions in both the
Association of Intercollegiate
Athletics for Women (AIAW)
and the NCAA. In 1993 she
and Marge Crisp were the
first two women elected to the
Wake Forest University Hall
of Fame. In June of 2013, Dot
was inducted into the National
Athletic Directors Hall of Fame
for her noteworthy contributions
to intercollegiate athletics.
While Dot was busy
changing the world of women’s
collegiate athletics, she spent
her summers at Camp MerrieWoode. During her summers at
camp, Dot lived in Wit’s End as
the Head Counselor and helped
organize the day to day running
of camp programs. She was
a leader and mentor to almost
two decades of Merrie-Woode
counselors. In an interview for
Wake Forest University, Dot
reminisced about her camping
days as “a wonderful experience”
that “added to her education.”
Fritz Orr, Jr. called her “the
glue that held the whole camp
together.” Working closely
with Fritz and Dottie Orr and
Hugh Caldwell, Dot was an
indispensable member of the
camp management team. She
was well respected by campers,
counselors, and the directors.
She was friendly, but tough.
Dottie Orr tells a
wonderful story about patrolling
the line late one night after Taps.
Dottie heard a commotion in
one of the cabins as girls were
screaming and carrying on. She
went into the cabin to tell them
to quiet down and reported that
the cabin “looked like a war
zone!” A bat had gotten inside
and everyone was in a fit. Dottie
picked up a broom and started
to swat at the bat and before you
know it, she was making more
noise than the girls were! It
wasn’t too long before Dot Casey
came hurrying down from Wit’s
End saying, “Cut that light out
and get to bed!” She came in the
cabin to find the camp director,
broom in hand, helplessly
trying to whack the bat. Dot, an
excellent tennis player, grabbed
the broom from Dottie and, with
one backhand, hit that bat clear
out of the cabin door. She put
the broom down and said, “Now
get back to bed.” As soon as she
walked out the door, of course,
the whole cabin, including
Dottie Orr, erupted into surprised
Dot loved ice cream and
hated hot dogs. Dottie and Dot
would take one day off a summer
to go into their favorite ice
cream shop in Brevard. Dottie
remembers that Dot “could eat
three ice cream cones before I
could take one lick!” But every
time hot dogs were served in
the Dining Hall, Mose, the head
cook at the time, would come out
with a special plate he’d make
just for Dot, embarrassing her to
no end.
Her last visit to camp
was in 2009, shortly after the
Wit’s End cabin renovation was
complete. She enjoyed taking
a drive through camp and was
pleased to see that things hadn’t
changed too much. She gave
her stamp of approval on the
new Wit’s End construction and
was thankful that the original
two-sided fireplace, which
she remembered so well, still
remained intact.
Dot Casey gave 19
summers of dedicated service
to Camp Merrie-Woode. She
was a perfect representation
of all that Merrie-Woode is,
a “composite thing made up
of all those who through the
years have loved it and given it
their best.” Dot certainly gave
us her best. Her memory will
continue to be an inspiration for
us as new generations of young
women come to learn and play
and challenge themselves each
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Dammie’s Den
When spring arrived
in the mountains last April,
we were very excited to break
ground on Dammie’s Den, a
reflective garden located next
to the waterfall. We set aside
time to work on this project
with two of our Board members,
Elizabeth Simpson Poynor and
Boo Tyler Kennedy. Elizabeth
is a landscape architect who put
together the plan. The design
layout was drawn up to be a
beautiful creation of mosses,
native plants, rocks, trees, and
benches situated around Abby’s
rock and located below the
Board member, Mary
Davis McLendon Smart,
introduced us to Annie Martin,
a Pisgah Forest horticulturalist,
who specializes in moss gardens.
She is affectionately known
by all as “Mossin’ Annie.” She
is a gardener by trade and a
moss educator. “Mosses are a
social plant,” Martin explained.
“Several different species of
moss can cohabitate in a single
spot, one right next to the other.
They are also transformative in
nature…blossoming and opening
as the plant fills with water.” This could describe our little
camp community as well.
Elizabeth Poynor was
also able to find a natural bench
concept that Jim Dunn and our
Facilities Crew created at camp.
Our staff milled this unique
bench out of hemlock. Its curved
nature allows it to wrap around
plantings in the garden. The
bench enhances the beauty of the
moss ground cover, shrub beds,
and large perimeter hydrangea
plantings that define the garden
and separate it from the campfire
area. At Closing Campfires,
the torch bearer walks through
this lovely spot on her way to
the lake, carrying the spirit of
Merrie-Woode back to our cities.
Dammie’s Den was made
possible by a donation made to
the Foundation in memory of
Bunch Sanders Griffin (’33-‘34). “Mom would be thrilled with
the garden, especially the part
about the torch bearer carrying
the spirit of Merrie-Woode,”
commented Eleanor Griffin (‘67),
Bunch’s daughter. Bunch’s
granddaughter and current
camper, Esther Mae Griffin
(’10-current), and her father,
Sid Griffin, enjoyed visiting the
garden this summer.
CMW Holiday Gifts
The new Merrie-Woode pendant and
activity charms
Not sure what to get
your Merrie-Woode girl for
Christmas this year? Be sure
to consider some of the new
additions to the Stock Shop!
Knitted Merrie-Woode beanies
feature a soft blend of greens
and grays and are an excellent
addition for a winter wardrobe.
The beanies are stylish, fun,
and reasonably priced at
Girls love to find small
shiny objects in their stockings;
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
CMW Holiday Gifts (cont.)
a popular item this year has been
the hammered silver MerrieWoode charm necklace. The
round Merrie-Woode pendants
($20), 16” sterling silver box
chains ($20), and activity
charms ($10) are sold separately
and cater to the interests of all
CMW girls. There are eight
different charms to choose from,
and each represents particular
interest areas at camp! Choose
from a mountaineer’s backpack,
canoe, kayak and sailing
charms, an archery charm, a
tennis racquet, an arts and crafts
figure, an equestrian charm, or
just get her started with
the beautiful pendant.
The necklaces
and beanies are only
available from our
original store on
campus, so place your
orders by contacting
Joni in our main office
at joni@merriewoode.
com or (828) 743-3300.
But remember,
the Merrie-Woode Stock
Shop is now online (through
EverythingSummerCamp), so
you can find many of the old
favorites on our website at
Merrie-Woode beanie hats!
www.merriewoode.com. At the
bottom of the homepage, you’ll
find a link to the CMW Stock
Shop. Happy shopping!
Meet Our New Interns!
Meet the new CMW
interns, Vivian Weatherby and
Janie Cole! We are thrilled to
have them join the team this year
as they help us to prepare for the
2014 summer.
Vivian has had a long
affiliation with camp, starting as
an 8-year-old camper in 1997.
She was a camper through 2005,
a Junior Counselor in 2006, and
counselor from 2007 through
2012. She made Captain in
Vivian Weatherby
2005 and Horsemaster in
2006. During her counselor
summers her duties included
cabin counselor, Boating Staff
member, Traditions Head, and
Line Head. She was the Boat
Head in 2011 and a JC Leader in
2010 and 2012. After graduating
from North Carolina State with
a degree in Psychology in 2011,
Vivian spent a year working
in Cashiers, NC and a year in
Raleigh, NC where she worked
for a law firm. She is enjoying
her new position at camp and
is looking forward to traveling
to colleges where she will meet
prospective new counselors and
catch up with old ones. She is
anxious to learn more about the
inner workings of camp and is
excited to get in on playing an
office prank on Phyllis this offseason!
Janie Cole is new to
Janie Cole
Merrie-Woode and we can’t
wait for her to join the team in
December! Originally from
Chapel Hill, NC, Janie graduated
from Salem College last year
with a double major in Sociology
and Gender Studies. She
spent three summers working
at Sanborn Western Camps
in Colorado. She is currently
spending this fall season working
for their High Trails Outdoor
Education Center, a residential
outdoor education experience for
school groups. She is excited
to bring what she has learned
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
from these positions to MerrieWoode’s camping program. She
says that some of her favorite
pastimes include stumbling
upon, or seeking out adventures
and reading a good book with
a warm cup of tea. She finds
inspiration by working with
children, especially at camp, and
is excited to learn the ins and
outs of Merrie-Woode’s camp
community and traditions.
The Merrie-Woode
Internship program is designed to
help promote and support camp’s
Mission and Strategic Plan
moving forward. This program
is mutually beneficial to the camp
community and the intern as she
learns more about the off-season
workings of the camp. If you are
in college or if you have recently
graduated and are interested in
learning more about the MerrieWoode Internship program,
please contact Denice Dunn at
[email protected].
Betsy Returns to NOLA
Josh, Betsy, Owen, and
their beagle, Irma, departed
Merrie-Woode at the beginning
of August. Betsy is now deep
into the fall semester, teaching
9th grade English. She reports
that the new job is going
well. “It’s great to be back in
the classroom,” says Betsy,
“although I certainly miss camp
and the beautiful mountain
weather.” Owen attends daycare
at the Greenie House Early
Childhood program, which is
on the Newman campus, so she
and Owen have the pleasure of
going to school together and
being on the same schedule each
day. Josh, a physical therapist, is
working for Metro International
while waiting for his Physical
Therapy Assistant license to
be transferred to the state of
Louisiana; hopefully this process
will be complete by November 1.
Betsy and Owen at a Sunday
Chapel service
He is looking forward to securing
a job in physical therapy as soon
as possible. “Although we are
sad to be far from CMW,” said
Betsy, “we are enjoying spending
time with family, eating well, and
discovering all that the city has to
The counselors gave
Betsy a big send off this summer!
One Sunday was declared “Betsy
Appreciation Day,” and everyone
took the opportunity to express
what significant contributions
she has given to Merrie-Woode
over the years. One of the most
moving moments of the summer
came at our weekly Sunday
morning staff meeting. Stuart
Bowers asked every counselor
who had gone through Betsy’s
Junior Counselor program to
stand up. Nearly half the staff
stood; an impressive number.
Among them were many of our
strongest and most respected
counselors. As Stuart so aptly
described, this is the legacy that
Betsy leaves to camp: some of
the most prepared counselors
Merrie-Woode has seen, ready to
pass on what they have learned
to the next generation coming
behind them.
Thank you for everything
you have given to Merrie-Woode,
Betsy! Know that we miss
you, but are thrilled at the new
opportunities for your young
A Place of Rarest Beauty – The Final Piece Campaign
It is with great joy that
we announce the completion of
Merrie-Woode’s land campaign,
“A Place of Rarest Beauty – The
Final Piece”! In the 1990s, the
Merrie-Woode Board, knowing
that the Sapphire area around
camp was undergoing a period
of significant development,
realized that action needed to be
taken to protect Merrie-Woode’s
beautiful setting. A land campaign
“A Place of Rarest Beauty”
was established and chaired by
Liz Irwin. With the proceeds,
33 acres on Round Hill were
purchased across from camp’s
chapel in 1999 and the old
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
A Place of Rarest Beauty – The Final Piece Campaign (cont.)
Fairfield Inn Site of 17 acres was
bought in 2000, leaving only one
strategic piece of property of
100 acres on the north shore of
the lake which was vulnerable to
As many of you will
recall, the Merrie-Woode
Foundation was finally able to
purchase this 100 acres (the
Final Piece) on June 22, 2005
for $5.2 million to protect this
lovely lakefront property from a
planned development of 60-80
condominiums which threatened
to change the camp’s beautiful
setting forever. Using funds
raised over the prior decade from
the “Place of Rarest Beauty”
campaign, the Foundation was
able to make a down payment
of $2.7 million which left $2.5
million to be raised to pay off the
bank mortgage.
In the fall of 2005,
a campaign committee was
established by the Board of
Trustees and fundraising began.
And the Merrie-Woode family
responded with great enthusiasm
and gave with incredible
generosity. Everyone realized
how important it was to protect
the camp from surrounding
development so that campers
of future generations could
experience and enjoy MerrieWoode as generations of girls
have done ever since 1919.
In early October of
this year, camp received the
payment of an extremely
generous pledge made by Chris
Sullivan of Tampa, FL and
his daughter, Ashley, to the
campaign. All of us are deeply
indebted to the Sullivans and
to all the alumnae, parents,
grandparents, Board Members,
staff members and camp friends
who made this campaign such
a resounding success. So now,
with the exception of a very few
outstanding pledges, “A Place
of Rarest Beauty – The Final
Piece Campaign” is complete.
As we have often said during the
course of the campaign, there is
nothing any of us could do for
Merrie-Woode’s future that is
more important than preserving
her setting – “this place of rarest
beauty” that we all know and
love. Our grateful thanks to all of
you for making that happen!
A Place of Rarest Beauty – The
Final Piece Campaign Committee
Nancy Swann, Chair of
Campaign Committee,
Asheville, NC
Bobby Hassinger, Co-Chair, New
Orleans, LA
Adelaide Davenport Bratcher,
Lookout Mountain, TN
Melanie Halsey Crittenden,
Richmond, VA
Beth D. Holder, Atlanta, GA
Liz Counce Irwin, Essex Fells,
Jed Lykes, Tampa, FL
Rudi Robbins Pillow, Killen, AL
Sherwood Smith, Raleigh, NC
Mary Jane Scott Trimble,
Jacksonville, FL
A Place of Rarest Beauty... The Final Piece Contributors
Magnificent Beech ($500,000 and
Ashley Sullivan and Chris T.
Mighty Oak ($100,000-$499,999)
Anonymous (1)
Tommy and Beth Holder
George and Rudi Robbins Pillow
Maple ($50,000-$99,999)
R. Howard Dobbs
The William A. Graham Family
Brenton and Lindsay Graham
Halsey, Melanie Halsey
Crittenden, Liza Halsey Perrin
and Kate Halsey Smith
Matt and Frankie Schoolfield Jordan
Hebe Sanders Dowling Murphy
Tommy and Carla Hulsey Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood H. Smith,
Jane Woodruff
Poplar ($25,000-$49,999)
Beau and Sally Allen
Royall and Henri Dibrell Brown
Mrs. Thomas B. Dameron, Jr. and
Mac and Mildred Davis
Mr. Marc Helmick and Ms. Ashley
Howard M. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson, Jr.
Donald and Peachy Mobley Kohler
Laurie Cherbonnier and Chris
David and Nancy Conkle Swann
Bryan and Carolyn Clark Taylor
Chris and Elizabeth Keenan
Jim and Frances Tims
Dogwood ($10,000-$24,999)
Catherine Blanchard Boardman
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Terrell and Deane Valentine Bowers
Edgar and Ashley Bright
Nina Sledge Burke and Eleanor
Burke Farris
Catherine Carr
Peggy and Weatherby Carr
Sharon and Matt Cole
Mary Moren Sellers Crommelin and
Family; Forsyth Sellers Donald
and Family
Thomas and Martha Simkins Davis
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ferman, Jr.
Rex and Duvall Fuqua
Henry and Diane McRae Graham
Bunch Sanders Griffin
Jeanie and Ben Hardesty, Margaret
Hardesty Rudisill, Gray Hardesty
Beth and Bobby Hassinger
Bobby and Avery Harrelson Jones
Donna L. Jones
Mrs. William P. Kemp, Jr.
John and Boo Tyler Kennedy
Perry and Patty Thompson King
John and Betty Blackmon Kinnett
Jed and Debe Lykes
Mr. and Mrs. William McCoy
William and Susan McIntyre
Jane Aldridge Montgomery
John and Jean Kinnett Oliver
Charlotte Pippin
Robert and Gaylen Alders Reynolds
Richard and Marietta Clark
Mrs. Stagg Nicholson Sanders
Ed and Becky Savitz
John and Claire Kinnett Tate
Jay and Mary Jane Scott Trimble
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Villere
Anne and Cross Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hulon Williams, III
Tim and Rosemary Williams
C. Martin and Daphne Flowers
Rhododendron ($5,000-$9,999)
Anonymous (4)
Inman and Tricia Allen
Jorie and Jim Andrews
Bonneau and Sharon Bleakley
Fred and Malinda Bradley Bergen
Bridget and Bobby Bories, Carrie &
Rich and Ann Stewart Crane Boss
Read and Jody Branch
Chris and Adelaide Davenport
Scott and Leah Wilkinson Brockway
Mary Ann Cooper Broughton
Lee and Sunny Burrows
John and Ann Preston Carey, Kate
Harry and Janie McMullen Cline
Cashiers Valley Rotary Club
Charles and Sylvia Sparkman Coker
Cecil and Amy Conlee
Rob and Anne Emack Couch
The Raymond E. and Ellen F. Crane
Matthew and Hilda Dill
Jim and Wynn Gregory Dorsett
Jim and Denice Dunn
Ron and Arline Atkins Finch
Rick and Joan Fleischer
Alice and Isaac Freeman
Jacqueline and Matt Friedlander
Pat and Emily Pittman Funderburk
Harold and Ginger Somerville
John and Susan Hamilton
Jerry and Melissa Harrelson
Rosalie Horton
Jimmy and Liz Counce Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Jones, Jr
Jim and Barry Stout Kaminer
Randall and Anne Mann
Nicholas and Laura Northen Manos
Anderson and “E” Marlowe
Lindsay and Jim McDonough
Will and Becky Davis McKee
Will and Missy Underwood Miller
Keith and Elizabeth Cheek Morgan
Alice and Harlan Prater
Albert and Susan Gregory Warburton
Georgia Schneidau Simpson
Rocky and Margie Johnson Springer
Stephen and Janice Ferman Straske
Donnie and Barry Lohmeyer Stout
Ann and Jim von Thron
Woodie and Betsy Hassinger Van
Mark and Betsy West
Ward and Margaret Williams
Margaret and John Cross Williams, Sr.
Danielle and Donaldson Williams
Margaret Menge Winston
Robert and Bright Kinnett Wright
Galax ($2,500-$4,999)
Chip and Amelia Andrews Abbott
James Adams, Jr. and Caroline Lee
Hank and Nancy Dameron Almquist
Albert and Elizabeth Toepleman
Kimberlin and Helen Nalty Butcher
Craig and P-nut Crumbliss
Chan and Vee Smith Chandler
Steve and Kristi Snyder Costa
Tom and Jody Ragland Darden
Manuel and Julie Harrower Diaz
Lawrence and Vevie Dimmitt,
Mallory Lykes Dimmitt, Genevieve
Lykes Dimmitt, Elizabeth Lykes
Dimmitt, Lawrence Hundley
Dimmitt, IV
Carl and Elise Blitch Drake
David and Christe Ray Eades
Judy and Louis Freeman
Slaughter and Sue Harrison FitzHugh
John and Sallie Harris Glover
Katherine and Gil Griggs
Patrick and Sheila Proby Gross
John and Florence Hanes
Ned and Ellen Ansley Hardison
Randy and Anne Rawlings Harrell
Elliott and Terrell Luck Harrigan
Bob and Hester Hodde
J. Garrett and Helen Hamilton
James and Rosalind Jeter
David and Stephanie Gross Julian
Graham and Dana Borden Lacy
Kelly and Kara Smith Land
Christopher and Miriam Beasley
John and Elizabeth Dempsey Merritt
John and Anne Tarbutton Mori
Gene and Ann Preaus
Mike and Fran Reeves
Blair and Stirling Cassidy Smith
Elaine Roberts Stowers and Anna
Charles and Helen Bradley
Len and Pam Pitman Turner
Henry and Chamie Grandy
Whit and Catherine Cranston
John and Elisabeth Harper Wiener
Water Lily ($1,000-$2,499)
Anonymous (1)
John and Gay O’Neal Abbott
Bond and Virginia Neal Almand
William and Loring Harris Amass
Kevin and Perri Anderson
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Andrew and Jody Shartle Anderson
Holly Armistead Anderson
Ian and Carrie Banwell
Donald and Tracy Barron
Rob and Barbara Beard
Wirt and Margaret Beard
Kara and Andy Berly, Meredith
Mark and Nancy Beveridge
James and Nancy Hill Carter Bland
Andrew Brantley
Robert and Kathy Swann Brooks
Grace and James Broughton
Bryce and Nancy Schneider Bugg
John and Mary Louise Bizzell
Hadley and Cameron Smith
Doug and Ann Cameron
George and Betsy Steele Carr
Dan and Nancy Beers Carithers,
Haven Hartley Long
Anne Casscells and Susan Ketcham
Virginia Jones Charest
Austin and Meredith Weeks Chase
Carter and Beverly Bailey Chinnis
James and Louise Johnson Clement
Kenneth and Rush Dorsett Coe
Alan and Tina Cone
Katie Burt Connell
M.E. and Lilla Calhoun Costello
Richard and Mary Anne Lohmeyer
Ryan and Boofie Lupton Crimmins
Mark and Lucy Sparkman Crosswell
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius C. Crusel Jr.
Rebecca Dameron
Matt and Evie Hackney Smith Davis
Winifred S. Davis
Dallas and Margaret Denny
Pat and Kate Beasley Dilworth
Genevieve Dimmitt
Robert and Caroline Whitehead
Mr. and Mrs. Roddey Dowd, Sr.
Douglas and Catherine Hassinger
Rick and Tweed Cline Eckhard
Roger and Patty Hale Thornhill
Marshall and Claire Evans
Edward and Amy Farrior
Chip and Laura Ford
Philip Woollam and Tina Freeman
Andrew and Nancy Dicks Gay
Michael and Gillian White Goodrich
Fred and Mary Duke Sanders
Philip and Maurine Shores Halperin
Bill and Gay Browne Hardy
Bill Harper
John and Margaret McCall Harper
Ann and Worth Harris
Judith Johnson Hays
Holman and Margaret Head
Claudia and W. A. Heath, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Heazlitt
Adam Levesque and Lucy
Pete and Kathy Barnes Hendricks
Harriet Broughton Holliday
Andrew and Marilee Keenan Hovet
Sam and Anne Davis Hummel
Preston and Kris Bell Humphreys
James and Elta Posey Johnston
David Jones
Marcia and Douglas Kronn
Ed and Kit Landry
Amy and Tandy Lewis
Joan Martin
Donie “D.D.” Neal Martin
Mrs. June R. Matsos
Mr. and Mrs. John Medlin, Jr.
John and Anne Ritter Michel
Mrs. Lizora Schoolfield Miller
Jimmy and Marriot Horton Miller
James Montieth
Lane and Cille Orr Morrison
Robert and Marguerite McKee Moss
Morgan and Anne Sognier Murray
Tony and Susan Rutland McCullar
Ben and Mary Metcalf McKenney
Richard and Mary Rodes Nash
Patrick and Mary Norris Preyer
Harold and Carolyn O’Tuel
Greg and Anne Holland Polk
Brent Price
William and Martha Lee Pulley
Will and Carolyn Ratliff
Evelyn Hanes Moore Horton
Frances Russell Rockwell
Dick Rosedale
Virginia and John Rowan
Dolly and Graham Sadler
Mary and Justin Schmidt
James and Harriet Schnell
Mrs. Jack Scott
Mike and Jennie Scott Shad
Jim and Josie Shuford
Charles Simons
Roy and Mary Davis McLendon
Mrs. Vernon F. Smith
West and Nancyellen Keane
Banks and Louise Wooten Talley
Rob and Ashley Smith Thompson
Paul and Melissa Tolmie
Donald and Mary McManaway
Bob and Sarah McTigue Tuthill
Chris and Margaret Ullrich
Diana and Charles Untermeyer,
Stuart and Mary Blair Scott
Charles and Marjorie Waddell
Mimi Wallace
Cynthia and Philip Warth
Suellen Wideman
Dan and Amy Wilbanks
Cornell and Mary Leland Davenport
Barry and Jacquelyn Buttram
Edith and Landon R. Wyatt, III
Sarah and George Young
Trillium (up to $999)
Anonymous (3)
Nancy MacDougald Albert
Chase and Holly Pierce Ambler
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Anderson
Malcolm and Elizabeth Hallock
Fayne Ansley
James and Susan Anthony
Madeline Baird
Mary Ella Mead Baker
Bryan L. Baldwin
Waverly Burlage Bamman
Peter and Susan Adams Bance
Damon and McLean Johnston
James and Kathryn Calder Barmore
Robert and Janet Drennan Barnes
Helen and James Bartelsmeyer
Nicholas and Amy Oehmig
Ayers Whitton Baughman
Janet and Jim Bean
Rob and Barbara Beard
Michael and Kaki Johnson Behr
Ken and Beth Beuley
Betsy Beveridge
Amy and Eric Bicknell, Sarah
Susan Birkhead
Douglas and Connie Bischoff
Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Blitch, III
Frank and Connie Dunaway Blythe
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Holly and Chad Boswell
Catherine and Cam Bowman
Pattie Moore-Boyette and Andy
Daniel Bromstad and Eleanor
Thurman and Anne Brooks
Kemper and Elizabeth McClatchey
Stuart and Carol Lewis Brown
Lee and Libby Buck
Alex and Sarah Nash Bumpas
William and Edith Fitzhugh Camp
Mary Campbell
Hugh and Mary Irving Carlyle
Michael and Ann Campbell
Dana Letson Carpenter
Austin and Mildred Cobb Carr
Kenneth and Katherine Snyder
Devon and Meg Carrere Carter
Terry and Susan Mariani Castle
Rick and Linda Tienstra Chazal
Frank and Katherine Crutcher
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart G. Christian, Jr.
Bill and Lucile McKee Clarkson
Thomas and Katy Mikell Cochran
John and Sally Cohen
Dr. Geoffrey and Dr. Mary Bess
Tom Coleman
David and Harriet Cann Connolly
Chris and Sallie Shores Cornwall
Carlton and Carol Hancock Craig
John and Marie Teague Cranston
Richard and Mary Woolard
Robin and Stockton Croft
Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Crow, III
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crumbliss, Jr.
Deborah and Robert Csere
David and Carter Cunningham
Judith Cunningham
Greg and Emily Curran
Bill and Jane Curtis
Christina and Peter Dalldorf
Christina and Jason Daniels
Glen and Connie Darbyshire
Christy K. Davidson
Hilary Burt Davidson
Ann Davis
Anna Ansley Davis
Gardner and Martha Cousar Davis,
Molly and Elizabeth Davis
Harold and Lucinda Oliver Denton
Louise Dibrell
Sylvia Dorough
Lindsay and Bill Dorris
Rufus and Vickie Dorsey
Scott and Maggie Leonard Douglas
Charles and Beth Duckett
Lee and Isabel “Izzy” Frischkorn
John and Debbie Andrews Dunlap
Larry and Tracy Ziegler Dunn
George and Lynn Edwards
Perry Ellis
Doug and Virginia Smith Ellison
Markus and Hannah Davis Emig
David and Donna Knauer Ennis
Jamie Porges and Katherine Evans
Scott and Mary Hulsey Simmons
Caroline Ewing
Jeff and Allison Almand Ezell
Andrew and Beth Seyle Fenton
Martin and Alecia Fischer
Amber and Travis Fox
Dennis Fox
Catherine and Peter Freeman
Helen Chandler Fure
Hilary and Patrick Galey
Victoria Garrett
Debbie and Bill Giudice
Walter and Betty Brent Goo
Betsy Lindsay Goode
Barry and Amy Green
Eleanor Griffin
John Griffith
Manuel and Mary Melissa Gutierrez
Curtis and Carrie Colegrove Gunst
Greggory and Adrian Steinbach
E. Blanton and Susan Hamilton
James and Jeanette Kennedy
Mary Alice Haney
Julia Ballard Haralson
Jimmy and Lisa Ruffin Harrison
Mrs. Maurice S. Hartley
Anne Farrar Hayes
Jeanne and Michael Heekin
Dan and Debby Heller
Josh and Betsy Reese Helms
Laura Tillman Hendley
Pete and Kathy Barnes Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. L. Dale Hendrix
Ed and Shelley Henson
Alice Nelson Herlihy
Preston and Frances Talley
Mrs. William H. Heslip (Joyce Gaston)
Emily Hicks
Cameron and Sally Soileau Hill
David Cole and Holly Hill
Vianda Hale Hill
Margot and Chet Hinton, Smith
Eryn and Joe Hodge
James and Meredith Holbrook
Dawn and Drew Hooker, Mackenzie
Gary and Lindsay Garner Hostetler
Robert Howard
Harold and Kathy Howe
Claire Benedict Huff
Billy and Felicia Huger
Jeffery and Anne Stout Hughes
Mark and Susan Carrison Isaacs
Kari and Jim Johnson, Lynn
Tricia and Lee Johnson
Randy and Katie Newton Jones,
Steve and Martha Jones
Bill and Mary Lee Josey
Jaceson Morgan and Jennifer KampelMorgan
Erik and Lucy Cooper Karlsson
Martha Ann Keels
Katherine Persons Kelly
James and Anne Dowd Kennedy, III
Henry and Cary Davis King
Patricia and Travis Kinsey
Bryon and Ginny Kirkland
John and Phyllis Mann Kirwan
William and Lyle Reynolds Klich
Frances McIntyre Knight
Margaret Sies Knowles
Mary Grady Burnette Koonce
Elizabeth and James C. Landis and
Merritt and Elly Lane
Robert and Millie Lathan
Mr. and Mrs. William Law
Scott and Marjorie Robertson
John and Alice Lee
Mrs. J.J. Leffers
Michael and Donna Dismuke
Susan and Norman Lent
Alan and Ruth Kalmar Lewis
Lawrence and Barrie Hill Lewis
F. Sherwood and Connie Lewis
India Lindstrom-Cann
Caroline and Michael Lockerby
Ricky and Theresa Snyder Lotspeich
Robin and Anne Chichester Lyle
Ed and Julie Whitehurst MacKinlay
Mr. and Mrs. George White Martin
Lacy Morris Mattox
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Anne Marie and Greg McDonald
Bill Grubb and Cary McGinnis
William and Susan McIntyre
Raymond Brastow and Onie
Julia McMahon
Andrew and Beth McRae
Lucy Carothers McRae
Robert and Eloise Parker Meachum
Jeanne and Malcolm Meyer
Kathryn Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Clifford Miller, III
Will and Missy Underwood Miller
George and Betty Evans Mills
Carolyn “Flossie” Collins Mobley
Carlton and Camilla Hyde Moffatt
Dalton Elder Mook
Mrs. J.L. Moore
Dwight Morgan
Betsy Morley
Lane and Cille Orr Morrison
Garrett and Ellen Gibson Moseley
Harold and Page Oxnard Mulherin
Morgan and Jill Nalty
Donna Nash
George and Ellen Nemhauser
Gary and Mary Tate “Tatie” Newton
Ronald and Brenda Nevin
Penny and Ruffner Page
Daniel and Irene Robinson Pallace
Chris and Rebecca Savitz Pappas
Ed and Suzanne More Paul
John and Jane Lawrence Peeples
Jose Perez-Sanz and Catherine
Julia Perry
Wade and Mary Elizabeth Adams
William and Molly Valentine Philips
John and Ridgely Medlin Phillips
Shields and Carolyn Pittman
Dr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Pless, Jr.
Phillip and Jill Headley Poole
Wilmer and Elizabeth Simpson
Sheila and Diana Pulling, Victoria Allen
Cory Pressley
Meredith Rawles, Hannah
James and Joyce Acker Ratliff
Jerry and Isabella Reeves
Jake and Lilly Varn Reid
Sean and Courtney Minchew
Kelly Ridinger
Peter and Maria Wornom Rippe
Grant and Jennifer Hobby Rivera
Laura Rockefeller
Ed and Carol Rodgers
Mabry and Jeanne Rogers
Nathaniel and Laurie Jarrett Rogers
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, Jr., Nikki
Dalt and Paula Ruffin
Ian and Jane Walker Rutherfurd
John and Kerrie Malloy Sadler
Patricia and Conrad Sauer
Donald and Stephanie Saunders
Barbara Schoolfield
Douglas and Kimberly Selph
Thomas and Sara Cobb Shores
Linda Siefried
Fred and Patricia Sibley Sims
Andy and Laura Sink
David and Susan Heidt Slack
Virginia and Frank Smircic, Shirley
Derek and Ashley Moore Smith
Carter and Laura Barkley Walthall
Lindsay Snyder
Maria Trosdal Sparkman
Brooke and Isabel Bonnyman
Daniel Todd and Kathryn
Mrs. Joanne W. Stephenson
Deborah and C.W. Stewart
Phyllis and Roger Stiwinter
Thomas and Kitty Storrs
Gordon and Laurie Turner Strayhorn
Ann and Wellford Tabor
Banks and Louise Wooten Talley
John and Amy Watkins Tankard
Ben and Nancy Rankin Tarbutton
George and Suzanne Zoppa Taylor
Jerry and Cathy Temple
Bill and Lora Tuttle Terry
Clay and Susan O’Neal Thompson
Frank and Elizabeth Tindall
Walt and Sally Scott Edwards
Richard and Elizabeth Tonner
Elizabeth Townsend
Susan Trigg
Perrin and Catherine Biggers Trotter
James and Ann Turner
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Turpin
Kenneth and Susanne Gould
Annise Waterman Uphause
Linden vanRoijen
Shaw Vanze
Bill and Betsy Hamilton Verner
Karen and Paul Vogel
Fred and Virginia Seal Wagner
Nancy and Ron Walker
Allen and Brooke Hudgins Wallace
Alec and Paige Waugh
Ray and Helen Weeks
Harrison and Susan Wellford
Jacqueline Werner
Jackie and Fred Wertymer
Leah and Robert Whann
Georgia Whitehead
Mick and Meg Whitlock
Mrs. Louise Wilhoit
Jennifer Robertson Wilkins
Clare Parkinson Wilkinson
Reid Leavitt Willingham
Hannah and Hadley Wilson, Sallie
Mrs. Madge M. Wiseman
John and Cobby Young
Frances Woodward
Mrs. Sterling Wooten
Kathryn and Landon R. Wyatt, Jr.
Michael and Alice Hanson Yopp
Gifts In Honor Of…
Kelley Doiren, Liz Landry, and
Caroline Landry
By: Ed and Kit Landry
Eleanor Davenport Owen, Mary
Leland Davenport Wilde,
Adelaide Davenport Bratcher,
Alice Lupton Smith, Meg Lupton
Gerber and Kate Lupton Juett
By: Anonymous
Susannah Tims Wessel, William
Lowry Tims and Walter Campbell
By: Jim and Frances Tims
Lee and Bridges Handford
By: Donna Handford
Deane Valentine Bowers
By: William and Molly Valentine
Rush, Caroline and Elizabeth
By: Anne and Cross Williams
Louise, Parker and Josephine Allen
By: Inman and Tricia Allen (Inman
Our granddaughters, Martha Cole,
Lee Handford, Bridges Handford
and friend Julie Isekson Mitchell
By: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A.
Jones, Jr.
Lucy and Laura Dorris
By: Lindsay and Bill Dorris
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
The Silver Haired Jocks of
By: Bunch Sanders Griffin
Selina, Margaret and Lily Horsley
By: J. Garrett and Helen Hamilton
Emily Pittman Funderburk
By: Shields and Carolyn Pittman
Nancy Conkle Swann
By: Whit and Catherine Cranston
By: Dr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Pless, Jr.
Nancy and David Swann; a
wonderful MW spouse, who gives
so generously of his Nancy!
By: Chris and Elizabeth Keenan
Sherwood Smith
By: Banks and Louise Wooten
Daphne, Hale and Sally Scott
By: Roger and Patty Hale Thornhill
Eloise Hamilton
By: E. Blanton and Susan Hamilton
Peachy Kohler
By: Eleanor Griffin
Kelley Doiren, Liz Landry, and
Caroline Landry
By: Ed and Kit Landry
Mary Coleman Rogers
By: Mabry and Jeanne Rogers
In honor of my granddaughter,
Carter Coker’s graduation from
By: Maria Trosdal Sparkman
Katherine and Emily Drake
By: Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Blitch,
In honor of my three granddaughters
Helen Chandler Fure, Creecy
Chandler Johnson and Dolly
Smith Brantley
By: Mrs. Vernon F. Smith
Dorothy Dimmitt Baxter
By: Lawrence and Vevie Dimmitt,
Mallory Lykes Dimmitt,
Genevieve Lykes Dimmitt,
Elizabeth Lykes Dimmitt,
Lawrence Hundley Dimmitt, IV
Mary Jane Scott Trimble and Sarah
Josephine Busey
By: Mike and Jennie Scott Shad
Jennie Scott Shad, Mary Jane Scott
Trimble and Jo Scott Busey
By: Mrs. Jack Scott
Beth Holder
By: Rex and Duvall Fuqua
The Silver Haired Jocks
By: Bunch Sanders Griffin
Granddaughters: Mary White Martin
and Lizzy Martin
By: Mr. and Mrs. George White
Mary Metcalf McKenney
By: Ben and Mary Metcalf
Ashley Nevin Wilson and Caroline
By: Ronald and Brenda Nevin
Gifts In Memory Of…
Fritz and Augusta Orr
By: Lane and Cille Orr Morrison
Bill Pippin
By: Charlotte Pippin
Margaret Crane
By: Fayne Ansley
Hugh Caldwell
By: Roger and Patty Hale Thornhill
By: Bonneau and Sharon Bleakley
By: Wade and Mary Elizabeth
Adams Perry
By: Anne Casscells and Susan
Jane Schoolfield Tappero
By: Matt and Frankie Schoolfield
By: Mrs. Lizora Schoolfield Miller
By: Mr. and Mrs. J. Clifford Miller,
By: Mrs. Maurice S. Hartley
By: James and Joyce Acker Ratliff
By: Barbara Schoolfield
By: David and Nancy Conkle
By: Charles and Beth Duckett
By: Louise Dibrell
By: Mrs. Madge M. Wiseman
By: Kathryn and Landon R. Wyatt,
By: India Lindstrom-Cann
By: John and Marie Teague
By: Tom Coleman
Alice & Buddy Metcalf and Dorothy
Metcalf Thomas
By: Ben and Mary Metcalf McKenney
Bill Kemp
By: Banks and Louise Wooten
By: Michael and Donna Dismuke
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Conkle
By: William and Martha Lee Pulley
James Read Branch, Sr.
By: Read and Jody Branch
Bill Kemp & Dammie Day
By: Banks and Louise Wooten
Elizabeth “Bunch” Sanders Griffin
By: Ann Davis
By: George and Betty Evans Mills
By: Betsy Morley
By: Gordon and Laurie Turner
By: David and Nancy Conkle
Alex Summers
By: Martin and Daphne Flowers
Sally Wideman Yonce
By: Suellen Wideman
Ruth Day Lewis
By: Sherwood and Connie Lewis
Corporations Supporting the
KPB Corporation
The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
The Cliffs Management Services,
Carter Foundation, Inc.
R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation,
The Dowd Foundation, Inc.
The Inman Foundation, Inc.
The Raymond E. and Ellen F. Crane
The Richard S. Reynolds
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Dominion Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
The Prudential Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Wachovia Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
Reaching the 2013 Annual Fund Goal!
we look forward to continuing to foster these
partnerships as we move into the 2014 camping
Once again this year, parents were able
to automatically donate the remaining balance of
their camper’s Stock Shop accounts directly to the
Annual Fund. A big thank you to everyone who
did this; it helped us to raise $4,000! All Annual
Fund participants and a full report for the 2013
Annual Fund Campaign will be published in the
2014 Spring Newsletter.
Gifts to the Merrie-Woode Foundation
are tax deductible for individuals, corporations
and foundations within the limits of section
501(c) (3) of the IRS code. 2013 Annual Fund
gifts can be mailed to Camp Merrie-Woode, 100
Merrie-Woode Road, Sapphire, NC 28774 or
given online. To make an online gift, visit www.
merriewoode.com/alumnae/annual-fund/ and click
“Make a Gift”.
It’s not too late to contribute to this year’s
Annual Fund! Our 2013 goal is $150,000 and
currently, we are just over $125,000 in gifts to the
Merrie-Woode Foundation. Your support helps
to provide excellence in the camping experience;
from staffing and programming, to facility
improvements and camperships.
Camperships assist families in making the
Merrie-Woode experience a reality for their girls
each summer. Merrie-Woode also works with a
number of not-for-profit scholarship foundations
and leadership programs in North Carolina to
provide full camperships to girls who would not
otherwise be afforded this opportunity. Girls
in these programs are nominated by school
counselors, teachers, and principals who feel
candidates display a strong work ethic, positive
attitude, and leadership abilities. This has created
some extremely successful experiences and
Buy a Fritz Orr Paddle & Support the CMW Annual Fund!
Many of us remember
paddling with Fritz Orr, III
during our summers at MerrieWoode. Fritz was a boating
instructor at CMW from 1994 to
2005, and a member of Senior
Staff from 2003 to 2006. Fritz
was known at camp for his
excellence on the river, love of
Merrie-Woode, and his frequent
and witty puns!
Fritz is now running his
own artisanal business, Fritz
Orr Canoe, where he makes
custom, handcrafted wooden
canoe and stand up paddle board
paddles. These stunning paddles
are truly works of art, sculpted
from Appalachian and exotic
tropical woods. Not to mention,
his wonderfully crafted paddles
have been featured in Town &
Country, Vogue.com, The Week
and more.
has designed a
special paddle for
CMW alumnae,
the “MerrieWoode Captain’s
Paddle.” You
can purchase it
as is, with the
old CMW logo
or the Captain’s
Hat logo with
Merrie-Woode Captain’s Paddles
your captain year
on the blade. He has generously
Fritz’s paddles! You’ll fall in
arranged for 20% of each paddle love! It’s the perfect holiday
sold to be donated to the Camp
gift idea for anyone – mom,
Merrie-Woode Annual Fund in
dad, your sister or brother, or
support of camperships each
even a fellow camp friend!
summer. To purchase a MerrieAnd it would make a wonderful
Woode Captain’s Paddle, visit
addition to any CMW Captain’s
So go take a look at
Camp Merrie-Woode, Fall 2013
CMW Head Counselor/Staff Recruiter Position – Apply Now!
Become a member of
the CMW Senior Staff yearround team in 2014. This is a
management level senior staff
position responsible for hiring
and coordinating staff needs
for the camp; and during the
summer season (June –August)
responsible for being the Head
Counselor. This position reports
to the Executive Directors. The
successful candidate will have
completed her undergraduate
degree in a related field and
have experience as a camper
and counselor at Camp MerrieWoode. The duties of the job
will include (but are not limited
to) staff communication, staff
recruiting, staff orientation
and education, summer staff
support, and the oversight of
the Counselor Assistant and
Junior Counselor programs.
This person will also assist
with cabin life and Traditional
The Merrie-Woode
Foundation, Inc. offers
a competitive salary and
benefits package. We will
also provide a 3 bedroom/2
bath home (Pearly Gates) for
this candidate and her family
as part of the compensation
package. Interested candidates
should submit their resume to
[email protected]. A
more detailed job description is
available upon request.
Around Camp
Board of Trustees
Elizabeth (Liz) Counce Irwin,
Essex Fells, NJ
Nancy Dameron Almquist
Atlanta, GA
James (Jimmy) Broughton
Winston-Salem, NC
Melanie Halsey Crittenden
Richmond, VA
Wynn Gregory Dorsett
Raleigh, NC
Allison Almand Ezell
Atlanta, GA
Elizabeth (Boo) Tyler Kennedy
Savannah, GA
H. Merritt Lane
New Orleans, LA
Joseph (Jed) Lykes, III
Tampa, FL
Clair Freeman Marshall
Raleigh, NC
The new Captains of
June Session on the
tennis courts
The King’s Players of 2013
receive a congratulatory hug
V. Larkin Martin
Courtland, AL
Brien Peterkin
Cashiers, NC
Elizabeth Simpson Poynor
Birmingham, AL
Camp Merrie-Woode,
The Merrie-Woode Foundation, Inc.
Mary Davis McLendon Smart
Charlotte, NC
Camp Merrie-Woode,
The Merrie-Woode Foundation, Inc.
Stephen B. Straske
Tampa, FL
Elizabeth Keenan Thompson
Lincoln, MA
Betsy Hamilton Verner
Atlanta, GA
Camp Merrie-Woode®
100 Merrie-Woode Rd.
Sapphire, NC 28774
Return Service Requested
To The Household Of:
The Merrie-Woode
Inc. The Merrie-W
Alum – Send Us
Your Updates!
Cordially invites you to attend
Calling all young alumnae! Send us your new contact information!
Camp Merrie-Woode’s
95 Anniversary Celebration
on Sunday, July 14, 2013
95th Ann
on Sun
Updating your contact
info Merrie-Woode
is easy! Just visit our alumnae page:
alumnae, spou
We are missing current contact info for many of your young alumnae members. For most
th we still have you listed at your parents’ address. We would love
of our under 35 crowd
to get you updated in our system so that you receive camp news and invites to alumnae
parties in your area. We don’t want to come to your city and miss you!
alumnae, spouses, families, and friends welcome
Watch for details on the Merrie-Woode
out thefeed,
Facebook And
camp website:
Or email Lindsay: [email protected]
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