ON East Regional Newsletter


ON East Regional Newsletter
March 2016
Staff Appreciation barbeque for the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre (Nov 2015)
Tony Kiar
Regional Representative, ON East
Prison Fellowship Canada
Prison Fellowship Canada (Headoffice)
5945 Airport Road, Suite 144
Mississauga, ON L4V1R9
E: [email protected]
T: 613-572-1011
E: [email protected]
Ottawa - Volunteer Orientation - May 9
Central Canada District Conference 2015 - July
PFC Orientation - Kingston - Sept 22
Ottawa Civic Prayer Breakfast – Oct 30
Bells on Bank Street Ottawa – Nov 11
Ottawa Carleton Staff Appreciation BBQ – Nov 25
Ottawa Prayer and Share Time - Jan 11
Kingston Luncheon for Chaplains - Jan 15
Brockville After Care Training - Jan 16
Bells on Bank Street - Ottawa
On November 19, 2015, PFC’s Executive Director & CEO, Stacey
Campbell spoke about prison ministry at the Bells on Bank Street
Business Leader’s Breakfast in Ottawa. The purpose of the event
was to showcase the work of Jesus through PFC and invite local
CEO’s to join us in prison on volunteer week in April of 2016. Stacey
also spoke of our Angel Tree Christmas program and encouraged
business leaders to be mindful of the needs of incarcerated people
and their families.
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Prison Fellowship Canada was part of the cooking team at
Chaplain Carl Wake’s Staff Appreciation barbeque for the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre.
The Staff Appreciation BBQ was held on Wednesday November 25, 2015 and it was an outstanding success. Calendars
were also distributed to staff at this time and were much appreciated.
Prison Fellowship in the Brockville Jail
Kevin Casselman is the interim PFC Chapter Director for
Brockville. Services are held each week that consists of 2
groups, 2-3pm and 3-4pm with a maximum of 6 inmates per
group. This number varies week to week. Services consist of
music, Bible based talks and sharing. Since each group has
its own leader, styles may vary in the structure of the service.
We meet in a very small space and since Brockville houses
mostly those facing remands and sentenced, security covers
up to and including max, the different cell blocks and dorms
can’t be mixed.
Prison Fellowship in Kingston
Prison Fellowship has given two orientation training sessions to people interested in prison ministry. One session
was held on September 22, 2015 at the Salvation Army Kingston Citadel. The other was held on October 28, 2015
at the Roblin Wesleyan Church, just north of Napanee. The sessions covered: PFC history, mission and values,
overview of PFC Program, local opportunities and expectations of volunteers. Momentum is building in Kingston.
Chaplain’s Appreciation Luncheon
On Friday Jan 15, 2016, a Chaplains’ luncheon was held at local restaurant for all the Kingston Area Chaplains.
This event was hosted by Prison Fellowship Canada in appreciation and recognition of the tremendous work
Chaplains are providing in the spiritual support and ministry outreach to many inmates. A great time of fellowship
and good food was had by all. The luncheon will be held again in December later this year.
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Prison Fellowship at the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre
Dan Powell with his wife Janet are the PFC Chapter
Directors for Ottawa. PFC has seven regular volunteers
and five volunteers on a standby list. The group meets
weekly on Saturday afternoons at the Ottawa Carleton
Detention Centre (OCDC). We can only visit with
six inmates in Maximum Security and we have been
getting an average of 4 to 6 inmates each visit. Janet
Powell has been helping Chaplain Carl Wake with the
women’s Alpha program on Mondays. They showed
the movie “Matthew” which is one of the gospel movies
that Chaplain Carl Wake often shows at Christmas and
Easter. It was very well received by the inmates. Thank
you Dan and Janet Powell and the Ottawa PFC Chapter for your dedication.
The Need for an Aftercare Program
A large percentage of those returning to the community
at the conclusion of their incarceration do not have the
basic components to succeed as responsible citizens.
This includes stable housing, stable employment and
stable relationships. This puts ex-inmates at a significant disadvantage for reintegrating successfully into
meeting the ex-offender upon their release and helping
them in a more formalized program where teams of 3-4
PFC volunteers surround and support an ex-offender
as they regain their place in their family and society. For
others, it is providing the ex-offender with some basic
resources or connecting him or her to a local church for
relational and spiritual support.
The mission of Prison Fellowship Canada includes
engaging the community to identify and accept these
individuals back into the community and to provide
opportunities that will serve to reintegrate these individuals in the context of friendship and accountability.
This includes connecting ex-offenders to local chapters
of PFC volunteers, as well as to partner with churches and other local organizations for community and
support. This can take many forms. For some, it is
Communities have a key role to play in the successful
reintegration of ex-offenders. We believe healing and
restoration are able to flourish most among a strong
body of believers that are committed to showing
Christ’s love.
If you’re interested in exploring outreach ministry opportunities please call Tony Kiar Phone: 613.572.1011 or
email [email protected]
On January 16, 2016 , Prison Fellowship Canada and
New Life Prison Ministries were pleased to partner
together to provide aftercare training for individuals and
church communities in the Ottawa/Kingston area. The
training included practical tools for ministering to ex-offenders, as well as participation in the innovative ONElife
experience which simulates some of the pressures and
challenges ex-offenders face within the first 30 days of
their release into the community.
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Chapter Director – Dan Powell
We have seven (7) regular active PFC volunteers and five (5) volunteers on a standby list.
We meet weekly on Saturday afternoons at the Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre (OCDC).
Due to OCDC regulations, we can only visit with six (6) inmates in Maximum Security.
Since our time with PFC at OCDC, we have had an average of 4 to 6 inmates each time that we visit.
Chapter Director – Kevin Casselman
We have services each week that consist of 2 groups, 2-3pm and 3-4pm with a max of 6 inmates per
111 Children were supported in the Region!
25 - Kingston
13 - Brockville
8 - Inkerman (South of Ottawa)
7 - Newington (South of Ottawa)
18 - Cornwall (South East of Ottawa)
40 - Ottawa
Angel Tree Christmas served a over 2,000 children across Canada in 2015.
Thank you to churches and individual sponsors!
PEN PAL PROGAM 15 Active Ontario East Pen Pals
PRAY - Join our national prayer network by subscribing to our monthly prayer calendar.
Lead an In-Prison Bible Study
Be an Angel Tree sponsor
Visit prisoners
Become a Pen Pal
You can make a gift online or contact our head office: 1-844-618-5867
PFC’s Canada Revenue Agency charitable registration number is 13105 6848 RR0001
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