Joni Smith Cool - Our Joni`s Jems Unit Website!


Joni Smith Cool - Our Joni`s Jems Unit Website!
Congratulations and Welcome to our Mary Kay family & Joni’s Jems Unit!
I am excited to be working with you as a brand new Mary Kay Beauty Consultant.
This packet will be your guide as you get your business off and running. It will take you step by
step to build the most successful, strong and profitable business!
Our founder Mary Kay Ash said to be successful, “get started, and never give up!”
I look forward to working with you as your business coach and mentor!
Your Sales Director,
Joni Smith Cool
Independent Sales Director: Joni Smith Cool
Phone Number: (717) 253-4488
Email: [email protected]
Unit Website:
Unit Name: Joni’s Jems
Unit Number: LA33
Company Division: Sapphire
Na onal Sales Director: Dawn Dunn
Earned First Unit Car 2009
Earned Second Unit Car 2010
On The Move Unit 2010
Fabulous 50’s Unit 2010
Honors Society Unit 2010
Triple Crown Unit 2010
Dunn Na onal Area top 10 Units in Sharing 2010
Earned Third Unit Car 2012
Earned Fourth Unit Car 2013
Dunn Na onal Area top 10 Units in Sharing 2013
#1 Most Increased Unit In Dunn Na onal Area 2013 with over 100% increase!
Started Mary Kay Career in August of 2008
Held First Class March 2009
Earned First Car, October 2009
Debuted as a Sales Director November 2009
Earned Second Car, March 2010
Queen of Sharing Dunn Na onal Area 2010
Na onal Queens Court of Sharing 2010
Na onal Queens Court of Sales 2011
Nominated Dunn Na onal Area Miss Go-Give 2013
Na onal Queens Court of Sharing 2014
To persevere towards the dreams & goals God has given us, paving the
way for others to follow, with standards of excellence & integrity
To work with the priori es of God first, family second, & career third
To make a difference in our consultants and customers, internally, externally, & eternally!
Joni’s Mission:
To help other women reach their full poten al through a Mary Kay Career to live their dream life. To
make a difference in the lives of women, externally, internally, and eternally.
Our Unit Vision:
To provide extraordinary products with excep onal service, while eleva ng women to excellence,
allowing them the freedom to design their life.
Meaning of the Unit Name “Joni’s Jems”
We are each intricately designed by the Lord and are unique and precious like a gem!
Meaning of the Dunn Na onal Area Giraffe Mascot
Giraffes have the largest heart (32lbs) of all animals, it is our way to “Enrich Womens’ Lives” we also
“stretch our necks out” and are courageous in our businesses!
Meaning of the Company Bee
Aerodynamically the Bee cannot fly, the wings are half the size of its body and aren’t strong enough to
keep it in flight, however, no one ever told a bee it can’t fly and so it keeps on flying anyway! Likewise
our Founder Mary Kay Ash encourages us to dream big and nothing can stop us from reaching our
goals and dreams!
Joni’ Story
A er using Mary Kay loyally through college, Joni joined Mary Kay in August of 2008 while working as a
Counselor and Behavior Coordinator of Juvenile Delinquents at a Military Residen al Facility. While the work
was rewarding, the schedule was taxing, and the days, night, weekends, and holidays schedule got to be too
much, she burnt out because the schedule didn’t work with her family nor fit in with her priori es of Faith and
Family coming before Career! Joni joined Mary Kay to have some extra income to pay medical and credit card
bills from her husbands surgery. She a ended her first mee ng with her Sales Director in March, and fell in love
with the company and the posi ve encouraging women. She a ended her first company event two weeks later:
Career Conference. It was there that she caught the “vision” of what Mary Kay Ash had created the company to
be for women. She saw women earning 3-figure execu ves incomes as stay at home mom’s, driving free cars,
earning diamond jewelry and trips, designing their own schedules, making their own hours, and being their own
boss. She desired that flexibility and freedom in her own life.
A er coming home from Career Conference, Joni burnt out emo onally and physically at her job a er
4 days of being mandated to work without coming home to see her family. This was her breaking point, and
remembering the women she saw and met at Career Conference, She called her Director, and said she wanted
what “they had”, and asked her what she needed to do to match her income so she could quit her job. She then
helped Joni create a plan to work Mary Kay 10 hours a week so she would be able to replace her income and
quit her job. The plan was to take approximately 3 months, but within 6 weeks of consistency working her
business holding 2-3 classes a week (about 12 hours) and following the plan she and her director created, she
was not only able to match her income, but she tripled her income! She quit her job in May and the following
month she went on target to earn her first free career car, and the month a er that she went into Qualifica on
to become a Sales Director. She debuted 3 months later as a Director, and 3 months later earned her 2 nd Free
career car! She is now in qualifica on to earn her 5th career car!
Joni’s Mary Kay Career has bought her family a houseful of gi s and prizes including appliances, house
ware decora ons, diamond rings, purses, and trips. The freedom and flexibility that this business affords, Joni
was able to be the sole provider of her family for 2 years while Ma hew was recovering from surgery.
Let’s Get Setup for Success...
The first few weeks of your Mary Kay career may feel like a whirlwind. However, once
you have your ini al New Consultant Training, and complete the checklists a ached you
will be be er prepared for success. As your Director, I am your business coach, mentor,
and advisor. It is normal to feel overwhelmed at first, but I am here to guide you in your
Mary Kay career, step by step, at your pace. Remember that this is your business –
success will be yours because you will decide what you want. You are in business for
yourself, but never by yourself!
Checklists include:
Checklist #1...While You Are Wai ng For Your Starter Kit to Arrive
Checklist #2...Once Your Starter Kit Has Arrived
Checklist #3...A er Your Inventory Arrives
Checklist #4...Before Your First Party or Facial
Checklist #5...A er Your Product Sale, Facial and/or Party
New Consultant Checklist #1
While You Are Waiting for Your Starter Kit to Arrive...
Take the odometer reading on your vehicle. One of your biggest tax deduc ons is mileage! Record
this in the notebook below (#10 on this list)
Like to text? Send me a text (with your name) and let me know 717-253-4488.
Download the free app for smart phones, VOXER if you don’t have it already, and send me a
message! This is like a walkie-talkie and a great way for me to coach you, and there is also a group
vox you’ll be added to for updates, challenges, announcements & hot news!
Email/Text a Picture of yourself for recogni on in the newsle er and return the excited to know
you form on the back of the welcome email.
Join me on Social Media. Friend me on Facebook — Joni Smith Cool. Join our private group Joni’s
Jems and set the no fica ons on the group so you get the posts!
Start your contact list! The average woman knows 300+ people! Think of who you’d invite to a
wedding! Don’t prejudge, put everyone you know thats friendly and has skin! Write these names in
your notebook below (#10 on this list).
Make a reserva on with me for your ini al orienta on, ge ng to know you, and to map out a
customized plan for YOU!
Change your personal cell phone and house phone voicemail to include that you are a Consultant!
Make sure you message sounds professional and upbeat! Example: “Hi, and thank you for calling!
You’ve reached ___Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, please leave your name, phone
number and a message so I can get right back with you! Have a great day!
A end your first weekly success mee ng! Contact me for the loca on closest to you! Bring a
friend or family member to the 1st mee ng for a free product gi !
Purchase a few things to get yourself organized: an accordion folder to keep your papers
organized in your starter kit bag for your appointments, a 3-ring binder with tab dividers, 6+ elas c
headbands and plas c bowls (look for them at the $1 store), co on rounds or squares (not balls),
and several pens. During Orienta on, I will explain what to do with these things. :)
go to under the
“promo ons” tab and click “I earned a prize”
when you’ve completed ALL the steps above
to earn your Mary Kay Car Window Decal!
A Few More Things to do While Waiting for Your Kit...
Log on to Enter your consultant number and create a password.
Review the FIRST STEPS OFFERS. There are lots of goodies wai ng for you!
□ Register for your free email address. I recommend using your first and last name. It’s
professional and easy for customers to remember! Example: [email protected]
□ Set up your Mary Kay personal shopping website. You will get a 50% discount as a new consultant.
□ Set up your ProPay account. This gives you the ability to accept credit and debit card payments from
customers and links directly to your ordering screen on
□ Complete your Color 101 Look ques onnaire prior to placing your first product order. This will design the
look you’ll receive FREE with your ini al qualifying order when you place it in your first 15 days!
□ MK Connec ons: Order your business kit. Make sure you order this AFTER you set up your
Mary Kay email and personal website so you can include this informa on on your
business cards, product reorder labels, and stamp for you beauty books &
catalogs! Order the kit on -> ordering -> MK Connec ons.
Watch the ”Your Starter Kit has Arrived Video” on under
the ”New Consultants Start Here” menu tab. You may want to watch this
again once your kit arrives. :)
How Much Inventory Do I Need & Where Will I Get the Financing...
□ Under the ”New Consultants Start Here” tab on, watch the 2 videos called ”GETTING
STARTED: Inventory Op ons for New Consutlants” and ”Lets Talk Product”. In these videos you will learn about
the benefits of having product on hand to deliver at the me of purchase at your selling appointments! Write
down any ques osns you have and I will be sure to answer them and help you place the first order so you don’t
miss out on any valuable FREE bonuses that come ONLY with your FIRST order!
Sa sfy your customers’ needs by placing your first order with the guidance and wisdom of
your Sales Director. When your qualifying order is placed within your first 15 days you’ll
recevie your FREE makeup look valued at over $120!
My in al order amount was $____________ and I ordered it on date: ___________
Go to and do a quick assessment. This will give you a good idea of
how much me you will need to make your desired income. This will also help you in
deciding a good amount of product on hand to sell to start out with in your first order.
Talk with Joni about crea ve ways to finance your first order!
go to under the “promo ons”
tab and click “I earned a prize” when you’ve
completed this page and placed your ini al order
to earn your Mary Kay Money Bag (color and style
may vary from the picture)!
New Consultant Checklist #2
Once Your Starter Kit has Arrived...
Put the dates of the Mary Kay events and training mee ngs in your datebook (a Mary Kay datebook
came in your starter kit) if you are in the local area (if you are not local, contact me and I will find you
mee ng in your area). You can find the upcoming events and dates at under the
“events” menu tab.
Prac ce your ”What to say at an appointment script” several mes out loud in the mirror. This script/
guide is included in this packet, and if you need to print it again you can find it at
Simply cut along the do ed line and glue/tape inside the pages of the ”Instructors Guide” book that
comes with the Beauty Books in your Starter Kit. This guide is WORD FOR WORD what to say to have
the most successful, profitable appointments, and you don’t need to memorize anything!
Watch the DVD that came in your starter kit!
Book your first par es and prac ce facials! Go to ”New Consultants Start
Here” -> ”Launching your Business” for videos and scripts to use to set up your first appointments!
Your goal is to book EACH person on your contact list and have them bring freinds rather than several
people on your list come together at the same me. This will help you branch out, meet new people,
and expand your customers! Your goal is to get 10 appointments scheduled on your datebook as soon
as possible! Half of what you book will postpone, so don’t stop at 10, that just means you are open for
business! Order your inital inventory order if you haven’t already. You can’t sell from an empty
Start prac cing on faces! Your goal is 15 prac ce faces in your first 2 week, and 30 in your first month!
This is your Perfect and Power Starts (see more about this later in this packet)! The Faces start
coun ng with the first one you pamper. You can have 1–6 at an appointment at one me. Prac ce
makes perfect, use the products in your kit and addi onal demos ordered for you in in your inital order
and follow the script you cut out and glued in the Instructors Guide!
Set a goal to sell 25 items from the catalog in 7 days (7 day wonder challenge) .
Pack your Starter Kit bag. In the accordian folder you purchased, put your look book catalogs,
samples, and business cards. Put the profile cards, beauty books, sales ckets, copies of the think pink
forms, set closing sheets, and referral cards (1 color copy of each included in this packet for you to
make copies from or you can print more at Then put all the retail size product
out of the boxes in the roll up bag that came free in your ini al order.
Try all the products in your Starter Kit!
Begin reading the Mary Kay Autobiography to learn the heart and vision of Mary Kay Ash and the
company. Why not read a chapter a day?!
Begin reading the “Start Something Beau ful” magazine, this is jam packed with all kinds of great ps,
tools, scripts, and more!
go to under the
“promo ons” tab and click “I earned a prize”
when you’ve completed checklist 2 to earn
your Mary Kay Business Card Holder!
(color and style may vary from the picture)!
Get Knowledge Flowing & Your Business Growing…
Click the “Educa on” tab at the top of Start with NEW
CONSULTANT VIDEO and work your way through each one. All videos are under 6
Now that you have an overview, it’s me to turn into a professional! SILVER WINGS
answers ques ons you didn’t even know you had! It’s fun! It’s interac ve! It’s at YOUR
PACE. Want to earn a car, move into leadership or just earn a few extra hundreds or
thousands of dollars for your family quickly? Hit SILVER WINGS hard and fast! The faster
you learn, THE FASTER YOU MAKE MONEY AND MOVE UP!! (Silver Wings is found under
the Educa on tab- > Consultant Educa on, then click Silver Wings).
You can find lots of product knowledge training and workshops on Product Central of under the “Products” tab!
Check out our unit website at and the Start Something Beau ful
Magazine too!
go to under the “promo ons”
tab and click “I earned a prize” when you’ve
completed ALL of silver wings, watched the New
Consultant videos, and checked out Product Central
to earn your Mary Kay Calculator (Style may vary)!
Get Color Confident…
With makeup, a woman can change from an understated beauty to a
smart professional to a glamour girl in a ma er of minutes. Because
of its power to transform, makeup can some mes seem a li le
in mida ng. Color Confident is a step-by-step approach to color that
will make it easy for you and your customers to achieve beau ful
results. Global research shows the two main struggles women have
with color are selec ng shades and applying them. Great news! You
can offer customers simple solu ons to both a er you complete this
basic training and boost your skills and knowledge!
Go to and click the “Products” Tab at the top of web page. This
page will walk you through the training and quizzes to become “Color Confident
Consultant” and the logo will pop up on your personal website for your customers, and on
your business cards!
go to under the “promo ons”
tab and click “I earned a prize” when you’ve become
Color Confident, to earn your Color Wheel Charm for
your bracelet!
...Help Me be the Best Coach for You!
Personality profiles will help me, as your business coach, to understand who you are
and give you what you need to succeed. Fill out the 3 profiles and email the results,
then contact me to schedule a coaching appointment call. Earn your charm a er
you've completed all 4 steps!
Go to and click on New Consultants Start Here -> Next Best
Steps -> Personality Profiles. On this page you will find the links to take the
DISC Personality Profile, Leadership Profile, and the Pink Plan.
Go to under the “promo ons”
tab and click “I earned a prize” when you’ve
completed ALL of the personality profiles AND a
coaching appointment with Joni to earn your “Wild
About Pink” charm for your bracelet!
Your First Challenges to Get Off to a GREAT Start…
As you build a successful business, you will earn rewards along the way! With every step you
walk with purpose, you will come one step closer to that goal. Each me you reach a milestone,
go to and click on Promo ons -> I earned a Prize to claim your gi s!
Earn your Perfect
Start Charm when
you complete 15
faces in 15 days.
Earn your Pearls of
Sharing Earrings
when you complete
3 Mary Kay
Opportunity sharing
appointments with
Earn your Power
Start Charm when
you complete 30
faces in 30 days.
Earn your Pearls of
Sharing Bracelet
when you complete
3 more (total of 6)
Mary Kay
Opportunity sharing
appointments with
go to under the “promo ons”
tab and click “I earned a prize” each me you earn a
charm and piece of Pearl Jewelry!
Earn your Power Start
Plus Charm when you
complete 30 faces and
your Pearls of Sharing in
30 days.
Earn your Pearls of
Sharing Necklace
when you welcome
your first team
member to team!
A Couple Other Great Things to Work on Earning…
Earn the “You Can Do It” charm for your bracelet when you complete this packet
of New Consultant Checklists 1-6, Silver Wings on, and new
consultant training with your director at mee ngs.
Earn the “Star” Charms when you complete Star Consultant Status in the quarter.
Your charm color reflects the level of star. You can choose to come into the
company with product on hand as a Star too! You’ll see those benefits in the
Inventory videos on You can earn a charm each quarter you are a
Star in addi on to all the other perks of Star!
Earn a slammin’ gi when you a end your first consecu ve 8 weekly success mee ngs. Contact
me for mee ng loca ons & mes local to you.
go to under the “promo ons” tab and
click “I earned a prize” each me you earn a prize above!
Getting Organized for Success in Your Home Office...
Create a separate workspace for your business. This could be a separate room, or a corner of a
room in your home. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. A neat and organized workspace contributes greatly
to a happy and healthy business owner.
Open a Separate checking account at your bank to keep your business and personal finances
separate. Make sure you order a debit card. This should be a FREE account!
Computer with printer, ink, paper, and cardstock
Internet access
Shelving for your inventory. (book shelves, hutch, small closet with shelves, etc.)
File box for your papers and brochures, or a paper organizer on or near your desk.
Cell or home phone with large minute or unlimited plans. Also back-up service in case you lose
or damage your cell phone. Check exclusive savings on for discount
programs with cell phone providers.
Create a BRAIN BOOK that holds papers and informa on you want keep with you at all mes.
This is the 3-ring binder with tab dividers you purchased on a previous checklist. Instruc ons to
put this book together are on the next page. You can also find instruc ons at under New Consultants Start Here -> Launching your Business.
go to under the “promo ons”
tab and click “I earned a prize” when you’ve
completed your home office checklist and showed
Joni your completed Brain Book to earn your Mary
Kay Check Book Cover (color and style may vary)!
How Can I Maximize My Time?
Whether you choose to do Mary Kay 2 hours a week or 12 hours a week, these ps will help you be
more effec ve and efficient during the mes you are working your Mary Kay business. Care enough
to prepare! When you plan your work ahead of me, your work will be more efficient!
Work from a weekly plan sheet weekly. I recommend doing this on Sundays withy our family
and put the kids, husbands, and other job on this if they apply. This is the master plan sheet of
what is coming up. You will have mes on here to work MK. See ->training
center -> organiza on/ me management for more ps to do this sheet effec vely each week
and color code it!
Every night create a list called the “6 most important things to do list” of what you need to do the
next day to move forward in your business. You can also create one for family, but the lists are not
to be combined. The things on the list need to be specific to Mary Kay. Example: not get 2 bookings,
but instead : call—and list the names to call for bookings along with their phone #s.
Have a MASTER “DUMP LIST” in your brain book, where you write down everything that needs
done in your business! Add to this list ALL THE TIME as it pops in your head!
SAMPLE Weekly Master To Do List
6 Most Important Things To Do list is pulled from your master “Dump” list each day (3 High/3 Medium)
HIGH (people)
Call or text or private FB message _______ (list 30 names/#s on your contact list) to schedule pampering appts
Invite 5 of your most suppor ve friends to a end your weekly mee ng or an event with you.
Call and research banks and credit cards to compare rates for inventory.
Follow up /coach hostesses for upcoming appointments this week (list names/#s). Pre-profile guests
Follow up or schedule interviews with (list names from recrui ng layering sheet on the back of the Jems Monthly sheet)
MEDIUM (paper or process that supports the people)
Complete NC Checklists and on line silver wings new consultant training
Decide Business Debut date (dependent on inventory).
Mail out or hand deliver invites for debut (if you have inventory) and weekly guest events/mee ngs.
Place product order (place first one with your director).
LOW (delegate)
Things a rela ve, friend, older child, or husband can help with. Like stamping catalogs, organizing/labeling inventory
Add profiles of new customers to InTouch.
Add sales ckets from previous week to InTouch (or paper system).
File receipts from week for taxes.
Fill outside orders from classes to be held this week.
Pack inventory bags for classes.
… Make a Brain Book, “Office on the Road”
This brain book is your “on the go, on the road” Mary Kay office. Take it with you when
you go to work, errands, appointments, anywhere at all! You will always be organized and
know exactly where to find the informa on you need to move ahead in your business
quickly! Take 30 minutes to an hour to get organized and set up for success and see what
a difference it will make in helping you track your goals! This binder will give you a more efficient,
focused approach to your business!
Purchase a very professional 3-ring binder. You will also need a 3-ring hole punch, tab dividers, monthly tab
dividers, a permanent marker, and a zipper pouch that goes in the 3-ring binder. I recommend the following
sec ons in your brain book:
* Zipper Pouch: with postcards, stamps, business cards, pen, highlighter, sales ckets, current Look Book catalog,
surveys, etc. I like to put this in the front of my binder.
* Monthly Tracking: Under each monthly tab put 1 daily success tracking sheet, 4 weekly plan sheets, 4 weekly
accomplishment sheets, 4 weekly success sheets, and 1 monthly success tracking sheet. I recommend double side
prin ng everything to save on paper. A master copy of these papers are included in this packet so you can make
copies, or you can print more at under the “tracking” tab.
* Hostess: Print several sheets of the hostess coaching full circle sheet. I use 1 per party then file with the
hostess profile card/sales cket a er the party.
* Goals & Why: List your goals and dreams for your family, your Mary Kay business, and your personal life. There
are some great ideas for goal se ng you can add here too.
* Events: This tab includes upcoming events/unit calendar, current unit newsle er, current Applause Magazine
(slide down in a page protector). You can find the current calendar for the current and upcoming months at under the “events” tab.
* Promo ons: Star consultant prizes/program, unit prize contests, and any promo ons unit/na onal area/
company-wide. Find these at under the “promo ons” tab and print them for this tab.
* Handouts: Any training handouts from mee ngs that you feel would benefit you to carry around all the me.
All other handouts can be put in another 3-ring binder that has tab dividers such as “booking”, “coaching”,
“selling”, “recrui ng”, etc.—all the different topics of training to reference, but don’t need to carry with you all the
* Customer List: I like to print out a updated customer list each month and put it here. You can print this from
intouch -> my customers -> customer list, and print the printer friendly version. I also add my Preferred Customer
Program (PCP) list here.
* Bookings: I put my bubble booking contact lists here (I am always adding to it). You can also put any referral
cards and surveys you have filled out. I like to take 4 of these cards and photo copy them onto 1 sheet then do it
again on the back with 4 more, then I have 80 referral names on 1 sheet of paper and 3-ring punch it! It’s so fun
to make a quick call and get bookings wherever you are. Get into the habit of pu ng names in this place
immediately. Keep your excitement alive by keeping your datebook full!
* Notes: I like to have blank notepaper to take notes at trainings, mee ngs, phone calls, etc. In the back pocket
of the binder you can slide some recrui ng and hostess packets, maybe just 2 of each, there will be lots in your
bag you take to appointments .
* OPTIONAL: Inside another binder and in each months tab have 1 daily success tracking sheet, 4 weekly plan
sheets, 4 weekly accomplishment sheets, 4 weekly success sheets, and 1 monthly success tracking sheet (print
everything double-sided to save on paper). I get the new month’s blank sheets from this binder on the 1 st of the
month so this system is set up 1x a year! These sheets are for tracking your ac vity and results. It’s great for
reference to see your numbers increase, and a great tool for your Director to help you move up! A tracked
number grows, the more your business will increase in all areas!
...Frequently Asked Questions
How do I stay mo vated?
A end your weekly mee ng. Miss 1 your business is sick, 2 it is dying, 3 it is dead.
Plug into and our unit private Facebook group “Joni’s Jems daily, and set the
no fica ons so you receive the posts!
Check for emails from Joni. These emails, updates to the unit website, and unit Facebook posts will keep you in the loop!
Listen to the Million $ Message daily. This call changes daily Monday—Saturday
and is a recorded 5-10 minute message for daily mo va on, inspira on,
educa on, plus business ps and ideas! The call in # 641-715-3900, access
code: 44336#
How do I stay focused and manage my me?
Start shi ing your thoughts regarding me. There are 168 hours in a week. This is the equivalent of 4
‘tradi onal’ work weeks. If you want $300 profit per week, you will need 6 – 8 hours of Mary Kay me
each week. To earn a MK car and move into leadership, you will need 15 hours each week.
You can find a great plan at, and also at under Training
-> Organiza on/Time Management.
Create a brain book (direc ons on previous page). This will help you be more
efficient and save me by taking the me to prepare in advance!
You will also want to start using a Weekly Plan Sheet in addi on to your
calendar. We will go over this 1-1 in new consultant training and at the website
How do I develop a clientele?
You will build your client base the same way as beau cians, nail techs, doctors and other professionals
do. They begin with family and friends, develop a good reputa on, and word spreads.
Use the sec on for contacts in your brain book to create your poten al customer, hostess & team
member list. To help you gain perspec ve on how many people you have in your WIDE circle of
influence, think in terms of crea ng an invita on list to a large church wedding. The average large
church wedding in America sends out 150 family invita ons, which encompasses 300-450 people
inside those households. Don’t limit yourself geographically (we do not have territories), nor by
how o en you interact with that person. Start with your inner circle of friends
and expand from there. If someone is in your phone or a social media friend,
they should be on your list. EVERY PERSON ALIVE USES WHAT YOU SELL. Start
with the names, then find the numbers if you don’t have them. You can call or
private Facebook message people and simply say, “Hey I have a favor to ask you,
what’s your number so I can give you a call?!” I don’t’ men on why I’m asking
un l I can call them live with my booking script!
Add to this list each day as you meet or think of new people.
New Consultant Checklist #3
After Your Inventory Arrives...
Label your inventory with your product labels, especially skin care and skin
supplements. (Order the labels with the business kit from MK Connec ons.) I do NOT
recommend pu ng labels on products that would be defaced by a label such as lips ck
tubes, most color cosme cs and fragrances. Make SURE you have your Mary Kay email
AND website along with your phone number on your reorder labels, stamp and
business cards!
Use your business kit stamp to stamp all Look Books, Beauty Books and team building
materials. Make SURE you have your Mary Kay email AND website along with your
phone number on your reorder labels, stamp and business cards!
Beauty Coat
Rolling Tote
Wheeled Inventory Carrier
(for starter kit and class
(for carrying inventory to classes)
The beauty coat, rolling tote for your skin care class supplies and Inventory Carrier are great
to invest in if you have extra funds a er becoming a Star Consultant and can be ordered on -> Ordering-> MKConnec ons.
A fishing tackle box (from Bass Pro, Dicks Spor ng Goods, Wal-Mart or Target) is perfect for
eye and lip liner samples as well as mascara wands, sponge p applicators, Q- ps etc. Take
your product items with you to the store to check fi ng.
Organize and store inventory both on office shelving and in carriers that you are taking to
your appointments. Product can safely be carried in car trunk except in mes of extreme
heat or cold. Be sure to alphabe ze the eye shadows and blushes, etc. for easy loca on
while filling orders!
New Consultant Checklist #4
Before Your First Party or Facial...
Travel with your recruiter and/or director to view one of her par es.
Prac ce “What to Say at Your Appointments” guide in front of a mirror. By now, you
should have cut the script out and glued/taped in your Instructors Guide that came in
your Start Kit. (Keep in mind that you will, over the next few weeks, personalize your presenta on and fill
in addi onal facts you want to men on. You want your presenta on to be professional, however at the same
me fun and a reflec on of your personality. Make it your own! If you ‘fly by the seat of your pants’ and do
not follow this you may s ll have a successful class, however you just convinced the girl at the table who does
not have your personality that she cannot do this. By using the ”guide” and beauty book for your guests your
skills then becomes transferrable to your future team members).
Prac ce se ng up your table display and trays. You can see how to do this on a video at under Training Center -> Hostess/Par es.
“You never get a 2nd chance to make a first impression. When a guest walks into
your party, she should go ‘WOW!’ when she sees how professional and pre y your
table looks.” Na onal Sales Director Linda Toupin
Roll-up Bag for display and close (display one Ul mate Miracle Set in a roll up bag)
You should also have a “working” roll up bag with your demo/tester products in it.
Pack your face cases to go to your appointment. Each face case should have a mirror,
face tray diagram insert (all 4 skin cares included in this packet), facial cloth, headband,
2 co on rounds, referral card, profile card, Beauty Book, & pen. I put the papers on top
of each other in the order they will use them: profile card on top, then Beauty Book,
then referral card. I also put out a placemat of what Mary Kay has to offer. You can find
this placemat, referral cards (fabulous referral game), and order of applica on cards to
give your guests at -> Training Center -> Hostess/Par es.
Pre-packed Face Case
Make a Contact List …
If you need help jogging your memory of friends, family, and acquaintances you could invite to be
pampered try this list below! Its easiest to start with the people closest to you: mother, mother in law,
close personal friends, sisters etc. While those people might be the first to book with you and place
orders to help you get started, you can’t stop there! The average woman knows 300 people believe it
or not! So try and make a list of at least 100! You might be thinking that 100 sounds like too many,
but typically, only half the guests you invite will book, and half of what you book with cancel or
postpone, so it’s important to invite more than you an cipate.
Now grab a pen and try the following exercise. You’ll be surprised how quickly your list grows!
Write your contact list on a notebook piece of paper with their names and phone numbers!
...from your old/current job
...from school or college
...your know from a sport/hobby
...from your child’s ac vi es
...from your church
...from your community ac vi es
...from whom you rent whom you sold a house
...that you met through your significant other
...who helps you at the cleaners
...that you met on vaca on
...who checked you in at your last hotel
...who gives your child lessons
...who cuts your hair
...who helped you at the last jewelry store you
...who you met at your last business luncheon?
...who helped you with your last decora ng
...the last sales person to give service?
...daycare workers ...classmates
...child’s playmates parents ...coaches
...employees at work
...who fills your prescrip ons personnel at work ...fellow
bus/carpool riders
...who leads the PTA?
...current neighbors
...Girl/Boy Scouts?
...old neighbors
...who works the desk at the health club? friends
...who booked your last vaca on?
...fellow hobby enthusiasts
...who sells baskets? Candles?
...fellow club members
...who bought a house last on your street? friends ...birthday/anniversary/
holiday card list ...old friends
...who is your bank teller?
...who is your florist?
...who was your nurse at the office/hospital? friends
...casual acquaintances
Booking 101 Getting Started! Booking your First Appts
The secret to success with booking your first appointment is to use the MAGIC script shown below.
And you might be tempted to change the MAGIC script, but don’t! And here’s why: It’s MAGIC. This
script has been tested on over 100,000 people over the past 5 years and it WORKS. Even if you change
3 words, it can lead to NO results. (Yes, we’ve seen that happen.)
You can add any friendly courtesies to the front like, “Hope your Dad is feeling be er!” or “I missed
you at the baseball game last night!” but other than that, you don’t want to deviate from the script.
It’s perfec on. When you use this script, 1 out of 10 people will say yes and book an appointment.
Hi Kay e! How are you? Okay, random ques on, so I am now a Mary Kay beauty consultant and part
of my training is to give 30 women a free facial in my first month. Basically, you get a sa n hands treatment, a microdermabrasion spa treatment, an an -aging facial, plus expert founda on matching. Any
chance you could be one of my 30?
That’s it! Your goal is to send this script to everyone you know. And it has to be PERSONALIZED and
INVIDIUALLY sent to each person. If you mass message, you will get NO response. You can send this by
text message, by email and by personal message on
How many people do you recommend I send this to?
Ideally, you want to send it to over 75-100 people on your first day. If you send it to 100, 10 will say
yes. If more say yes, great! That’s a blessing! Don’t worry, 50% of what you book will cancel or reschedule, so it’s recommended to overbook and even double and triple book the same me slot. It
always works itself out.
What do I say when they respond?
When she responds, "Yes..what is it?"
You say, "Great! Thank you so much! Basically, we pick a one and a half hour window that works best
for you. Looks like I have an opening on Thursday at 6:30pm or Saturday at 11am. Do either of those
work for you?” (only give two op ons)
You are welcome to schedule these at her home, your home or at your training center, if you have
She may say, “Let me get back to you...”
“Okay sounds great. Okay if I text you to check in later tonight? I’m in a challenge to get these all set
with mes by midnight...we can even pencil in a me if need be. Thanks again for your support! I’m so
excited about ge ng together!”
What do I say when I haven’t set a date yet?
The biggest challenge is to take someone from a YES to an actual date. So, if she ignores you, then in a
day, follow up. And then follow up every three days very kindly and passively. This is called being asser ve. Asser ve is business like and GREAT. Pushy is NOT business like and not what you want. When
does it become PUSHY? It becomes PUSHY when she says, “I’m not interested” and you keep asking
her. But as long as she has said she is
interested, it’s your job to get her booked for an appointment just like a salon owner would book someone who needs a haircut.
Here is your asser ve and non-pushy script, “Hi Cheryl! I know you were interested in being one of
my 30 facials. Thanks again! My schedule just opened up for next week. I have a Tuesday at 6:30 available and I have a few other spots too on Saturday. Would Tuesday work or is maybe the weekend
be er?”
And then I check in every three days, “Hi Cheryl! I’m ge ng close to finishing my 30 training facials
and I s ll have ten more to go. I have you here on my list of people who said yes they would like a free
facial, so I’m reaching out to get you scheduled. Sorry I haven’t been in touch..I’ve been so busy working on hi ng this goal. So, let’s see...are you free this weekend for an hour? Or is like Monday night
be er? Thanks again!”
Three days later, “Hi Cheryl! We’ve been missing each other worries! Are you s ll interested
in the free facial or would you rather pass? I’d hate to bug you if you aren’t
interested. Let me
know either way so I can schedule you in or take you off my list. Thanks!”
So all of these messages are asser ve, non-pushy messages and it shows you are a true professional
that treats your business seriously and is totally commi ed to making your Mary Kay business a success.
Now they have set a date and me...What do I say?
You then say this, "Okay you are confirmed as one of my 30 pampering sessions this month on Saturday at 3pm. You’re appointment will be from 3 to 4:30pm and we always start and end on me so
you’ll be out the door by 4:30. YOU ROCK! And, you can bring a few others along, like Mom, coworker, neighbor or friend to help me reach my goal. Do you have anyone who would want to join you
and lend their face to my goal?
You’ve Booked Them....Now What?
How to follow up every few days to prevent cancella ons...
The Secret is Pre-Profiling
Coach ALL of your Bookings and Pre-Profile ALL Your Guests to build a rela onship with your guests before they come to their appointment. Appointments will
cancel if you skip this step, so it’s the MOST IMPORTANT step.
Send this text to your guest to Pre-Profile 3 days before the event:
Hi Juliana, I'm super excited to see you on Saturday at 4pm. Can I text you a few
quick ques ons about your skin to be prepared for your facial?
Send this text to the guest of a friend 3 days before the event:
Hey Kacie! Denise said your coming with her to the Mary Kay appointment
Saturday @pm! Fabulous! I'm so excited to meet you! Do you text? I have a few
ques ons about your skin so I'm prepared for everyone! Thx, Your Name
Here’s the ques ons to send:
1. Have you ever tried Mary Kay before?
2. What are you currently using for your skin care?
3. What type of skin do you have dry, normal, combo or oily?
4. What would you change if you were to change anything about your skin- fine
lines, dark circles, uneven skin tone, smaller pores, blemishes?
If they have NEVER tried MK:
Awesome thanks so much! I always love to pamper a Mary Kay first mer! You
will be blown away with the instant results! Can't wait to pamper you. It will be
so much fun!
If they HAVE tried MK:
Awesome thanks so much! I always love to pamper someone who knows Mary
Kay. Do you have a consultant? I can't wait to pamper you and you’ll see
amazing, instant results. It will be so much fun. (If they have a consultant send
them back to their consultant, we work on the golden rule and don’t take other consultants customers!)
Day Before Confirma on Text
Hi Sarah! Looking forward to seeing you at 11:30. Will it be you plus Joanie and
Sam? You can invite one more, if you had someone else last second. See you tomorrow. We will be done by 1pm and we always start and end on me. Your
Day Of Confirma on Text
Good Morning, I'm super excited for the awesome pampering session today at
11:30. I’ll be there a few minutes early to set up and match your founda on!
Once they say Yes, say this:
Fabulous! I’ll see you at 11:15(ish) and we will get started right at 11:30. Looking
forward to it! We will be done by 1pm. Appointments take 1.5 hours. Thanks
If she is ignoring you, say this:
Hi Sarah! I haven’t heard back from you and my phone has been a li le wacky
some mes with tex ng, so just wanted to check in again. I reserved a seat for
you tomorrow at 11:30. Can you let me know by tonight at 5pm if you can make
it? If I don’t hear from you by 5pm tonight, I will have to open the spot up to
someone else on our wait list, so totally let me know either way. Thanks so
If she is ignoring you on the day of the appointment, say this:
Hi Sarah! I haven’t heard back from you and my phone is a li le wacky somemes with tex ng, so just wanted to check in again. I reserved a seat for you at
11:30am. I will be heading there at 10:30 to set up. If you can’t make it, can you
let me know by 10am. If I don’t hear from you by 10am, we can reschedule!
Thanks so much!
has been a li le wacky some mes with tex ng, so just wanted to check in again.
I reserved a seat for you tomorrow at 11:30. Can you let me know by tonight at
5pm if you can make it? If I don’t hear from you by 5pm tonight, I will have to
open the spot up to someone else on our wait list, so totally let me know either
way. Thanks so much!
If she is ignoring you on the day of the appointment, say this:
Hi Sarah! I haven’t heard back from you and my phone is a li le wacky somemes with tex ng, so just wanted to check in again. I reserved a seat for you at
11:30am. I will be heading there at 10:30 to set up. If you can’t make it, can you
let me know by 10am. If I don’t hear from you by 10am, we can reschedule!
Thanks so much!
You Attitude Determines your Altitude! ...Feelings Wheel
When you go through this cycle, go through it FAST! Con nue to a end Success Mee ngs, and
remember to always “reach up” to your director when in need (share your frustra ons, etc.).
Success will follow.
There is no gain without pain. Expand your comfort zone. Frustra on ALWAYS precedes growth or
Imagine a fork in the road. When frustra on hits, you can take the “growth” path, or you can take
the “fear and retreat” path. CHOOSE GROWTH! The choice is YOURS, and only one thing will get
you out of Stage 4...ACTION!
Read mo va onal books, listen to posi ve CD’s, and call someone who is in your “Amen” corner.
This person is someone who is CONSISTANTLY POSITIVE, and makes you laugh!
I am here to help, and I care very much about your success, however, I can’t help you if I don’t hear
from you. Remember, you will start to succeed JUST WHEN you most want to quit! Hang in there,
and you too will be among the ranks of the MOST SUCCESSFUL WOMEN IN AMERICA - both personally and professionally.
I believe in you!!!
New Consultant Checklist #5
After Product Sale, Facial, and/or Party...
1. Charge Credit Cards on pro-pay or deposit checks/cash into Mary Kay bank account
2. Add to a “saved” order on Intouch un l ready to place it to restock your inventory and/or
order products to fill order. If you don’t have a store place the order right away (you don’t
want to keep them wai ng for their products)
3. Put 1 copy of sales cket (blk/white copy) in a folder for the month it was placed (should
have 1 folder for each month of the year in a filing cabinet). Put COLORED copy of receipt
in paper clipped to according customer profile card, and file in alphabe cal order by
customer last name in the A-Z folders. (there are 2 remaining copies of the sales cket: 1
should go to customer at me of purchase, if you need to deliver addi onal products the
4th copy goes in that delivery bag, if you had all the products then you have an extra copy)
4. If it is a new customer, enter ALL their informa on in Intouch under “my customers” at
the Business Tools tab. Make sure you have added: name, address, phone, email,
birthday, wedding anniv if applicable. This informa on allows you to print and use a
birthday/anniv report to offer a discount on those special months, and the contact info is
needed to enroll customers in the Preferred Customer Program quarterly.
5. Send a postcard or email thanking them for their business and helping you get one step
closer to your dream and goals, let the know you appreciate them being your customer.
You can use “Customer e-cards” under business tools and use the “sta onary” op on.
6. If they purchased skin care, write a note in your datebook to call them on the exact dates
to follow up (2-days, and 2- weeks) so you don’t forget. When you get to that date, you
will know you need to call them to follow up because you wrote them in your datebook
for those days. You also track this on the Monthly Jems Success Tracking sheet!
7. Update your Weekly Accomplishment Sheet and Jems Monthly and Weekly Success
Tracking sheets a er EVERY class/facial/sale/ etc You can find these sheets at under the “tracking” menu tab
the dates of your sales correspond with the drop down dates of that week! This will create an
annual summary of your sales so you just print it for taxes and your half way done filing!
Your director and recruiter are always excited to hear about your sales, facials and
par es. Share your excitement on our unit Facebook private group, “ Joni’s Jems”
Stands for
Products are Recession Proof: ‘we can all handle being broke, BUT NOT
broke AND ugly’!
Large Target Market: Everyone with skin is a poten al customer
Daily Consumable Product: Every morning you put it on, and every
evening you take it off!
Customers for Life: Not just a one- me sale, earn same great
commission on all reorder sales!!
Flexibility—be your own boss, work when you want and how much you
No Quotas or Territories (can sell and team build anywhere in the USA!)
Ongoing training in person, on line, and over the phone to help you
Tax deduc ons (mileage driven, part of all u lity bills as a in home business etc)
Advancement Opportuni es (no glass ceiling, can promote yourself and
give yourself a raise any me you want!)
Self Improvement & Self Growth (God First, Family Second, Career
Recogni on & Rewards We receive prizes every month and quarter!
Jewelry, trips, cash, luggage, electronics, appliances, purses etc!
Stands for
Income Poten al
Earn $30-50 per hour at appointments
Earn 50% Commission for all product sales
4-26% Monthly Commission + Bonuses when you
recommend others to start their own businesses.
Make big girl money! More than 300 Independent Natonal Sales Director in the
United States have earned over $1 million in commissions.
There are more women earning $50,000- $100,000 incomes a year in Mary Kay
than any other company in the Na on!
Cars or Cash! Chevy Cruze, Equinox and Ford Fusion...and the legendary Cadillacs! All Cars include 85% of your full coverage insurance paid for you plus your
Addi onal 13% Monthly Commissions plus addi onal Bonuses for promo ng
yourself to a
Director posi on and train others! (show applause magazine)
Monthly & Quarterly Prizes for everyone that achieves Star Sales Status quarterly, Addi onal prizes and World class trips for Achieving Sales Directors!
Yearly Term Life Insurance for all Sales Directors, regardless of insurability!
Stands for
Nothing To Lose
MK has a 90% ‘bail out’ if you change your mind & choose a different
op on. We may send back any product on hand orders, from the last 12
months, and the company will reimburse us .90 on every $1.00
returned. They take the risk on us so there is no risk for us trying
Mary Kay!
100% Customer Sa sfac on Guarantee! Company will reimburse us for
any product we make good with our customers: either via exchange or
You have nothing to lose, but everything to gain! You’ll never know unless you give it a try! The WORST thing that can happen is you get a
great discount on your own personal products and a LOT of free stuff in
the kit! The BEST thing that can happen is you are a superstar and earn a
free car and more, but most consultants make a few extra hundred or
thousand dollars profit a month to finance their dream or help with
family expenses!
Stands for
The Kit costs $100 plus tax and shipping!
You will receive over $410 in FREE Full Size products in your kit to use to
conduct your appointments! Plus enough business supplies to do a
minimum of 30 faces!
You will also receive over $150 in samples, testers, cds, DVDs,
brochures, sales ckets, profile cards, all in one beau ful tote!