4th Quarter 2009 - RuggedCrossOutdoors.org


4th Quarter 2009 - RuggedCrossOutdoors.org
Sept.-Nov. 2009
Volume 1, Issue 1
Rugged Cross Outdoors, 1733 N. 9th Street, Sheboygan, WI 53081
Web site: www.ruggedcrossoutdoors.org Phone: 989-600-0747
E-mail address: [email protected]
Livin’ The Dream
By RCO Executive Directors
Livin’ The Dream
Outfitter Profiles
Mission on the mountain
Rugged Cross Outdoors is officially a 501(C)3 Non
3 Generation Hunter
profit organization. In July 2009 we received our
Finding Your Way
confirmation letter from the IRS that we have
Prayer Requests, Financial status & Schedules
satisfied all the requirements of a non-profit
company. Praise God! Many thanks to you folks
who have been praying for RCO over the years
and believing in what God had laid on our hearts
to see this ministry take root and grow.
We wish to thank you for your prayers and please
continue to pray for the ministry as this is only
the beginning. We have a long road ahead of us.
At the bottom of this newsletter you will find a
donation card. It’s another way you can continue
to help RCO now and for the future. Your
donations are vital to the RCO ministry and its
mission to reach the next level and positively
influence even more people in 2010 and beyond.
Outfitter Profiles
By Andy Kaminski
Workin’ Man’s Guide Service, Southeastern Ohio
Have you been reading about all those big bucks
being killed in the state of Ohio lately and
wondering how you can get in on all that big buck
action? Well, look no further than Workin’ Man’s
Guide Service in Southeastern Ohio! Shane
Montgomery and his family (Kyle, Ryan, Kathy,
Katie and Taylor) have built an outfitting service
for people just like us, “The Workin’ Man!” They
have some of the best whitetail deer and turkey
hunting in the Midwest with 140” to 170” class
bucks taken every fall! All hunts are under fair
Please take the time and pray about how you can
continue to help RCO in the future. It may be by
becoming a monthly supporter or by becoming a
prayer warrior for the RCO teams as we go into the
mission fields all across America, Canada, etc!
Since 2003 RCO has reached over 535 people!
That’s not a staggering number by any means but
that number will continue to increase as we obtain
the additional time and resources to expand this
wonderful ministry.
As you prayerfully consider your donation we
thank you for all your support whether it’s
through prayer or financial giving. God Bless
Springtime at WMGS finds the ridge tops full of big
gobblers sounding off at the crack of dawn and it’s
not unlikely to put your tag on an Eastern gobbler
in the 20lb. to 25lb. range with a 10”+ beard and
1”+ spurs.
After a full days hunt, you will find yourself
surrounded with very comfortable lodging facilities
that includes private rooms and a home cooked
dinner from Kathy’s kitchen each night. A washer
and dryer is available to make sure you stay as
scent free as possible when trying to get close to
one of those buckeye bruisers!
Please see Outfit
ter Profiles WMGS on page 3
chase conditions and take place on private land.
“In the Beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth” Gen. 1:1
Page 2
Livin’ The Dream
Mission on the Mountain
By Tom DuBois
the mountainside quickly and safely. But, for
another do-it-yourself elk hunter named
It was a cool and colorful autumn morning as we
started out our Elk hunt at Western Colorado
Outfitters. The first several days were just like any
other Elk hunt-cool yet sunny, breath-taking
scenery, tons of hiking and many close encounters
with the elusive Wapiti. However, things took a
drastic turn and all in camp thought it was for the
worse. But, was it?
Chuck—it was a different story! Chuck was out
in the unfamiliar mountains more than three
miles from camp on foot without rain gear,
compass or a hunting partner. The rain and hail
was so intense and the fog so thick that he
couldn’t find camp. For 6 hours he wandered
aimlessly on the hills of Colorado and
eventually he fell to his knees and yelled,
“Jesus, you are the only one that can save me!”
Severe thunderstorms hail and fog came upon us
on the mountainside almost as quietly and quickly
as a thief in the night. Luckily, we were on a
guided hunt and our guide was able to get us off
Then he collapsed! Chuck doesn’t remember
the timelines but the only thing he remembered
next was walking through the cabin doors and
collapsing in front of us.
Please see Mis
sion on the Mountain on page 6
“The other hunters just sat there in disbelief
that this was actually happening”
3rd Generation Hunter
The elusive Wapiti.
By Jeff Wilcox
It was about 5:15pm Sunday the 4th 2007. Just
Without panic as the deer started to run Kody was
minutes before he shot his first deer he had four
already re-loading another arrow on his Kodiak
bucks come down the trail and the last one was a
Magnum, Kody bleated loudly using only his mouth,
dandy but when Kody (my grandson) stood up to
the deer stopped in its tracks. Kody pulled back,
shoot and the seat on his tree stand made a loud
noise scaring the bucks off. He said his heart sank
Please see 3rd Generation Hunter on page 6
as he knew he blew it. So he closed his eyes and said
a prayer; he asked God to give him another chance.
As soon as he opened his eyes here comes his
second chance right down the same trail the bucks
came. This time he stood up real slow so the seat
“all he seen was Kody with
this smile on his face
pointing to his quiver.”
would not squeak. The deer stopped right where he
was hoping it would, he pulled back and anchored
and let the arrow go. Thud; the arrow hit low and
stuck in the ground spooking the deer off. Now this
is where you can tell this young man’s hunting
training has paid off.
“Faith, Hope and love. But the greatest of these is Love” Cor. 13:13
Page 3
Livin’ The Dream
Outfitter Profiles WMGS from page 1
They have stands all ready set up for you to use but
under certain circumstances you may be allowed to use
your own climber with Shane’s permission. All of this
plus your hunt is included in one very low, low price that
cannot be beat by any other outfitter in the state!
Shane and his family will do everything they can to make
sure your hunt at their family run operation is one you
will remember for the rest of your life! The Rugged Cross
Outdoors team has hunted there in both the fall and the
A 2008 Bow hunting success, from Workin
Man’s Guide.
spring, so we can say from experience that you will not
find a better opportunity too chase big bucks and big
Tom’s at a workin’ man’s price!
We will be in camp again this fall, November 18th thru the
22nd for Shane’s spiritual hunt. If you would like to join
us for this time of fellowship or you want to book some
dates of your own, give Shane a call at (740) 767-3080.
Eastern Gobbler, from Workin Man’s Guide.
Outfitter Profiles Cont.
By Andy Kaminski
Buffalo County Buck Connection, Buffalo County WI
If you’ve been dreaming about hunting the big bucks
that Buffalo County Wisconsin is famous for; than contact
Dave Peil, owner/operator of Buffalo County Buck
Connection. Dave and his son Jeff specialize in providing
some of the best semi-guided trophy whitetail deer
hunts in Buffalo County!
All hunts are under fair chase conditions on privately
owned land along the upper Mississippi River valley
where some of the largest bucks in the Midwest are
taken every year. The Rugged Cross Outdoors team has
caught a few of these bruisers on film over the last
couple of seasons ourselves so we can tell you our own
Another satisfied Hunter from Buck Connection.
experiences that this land is proven!
Please see Buck Connection on page 4
“I am the way, the truth and the life” John 14:6
Page 4
Livin’ The Dream
Buck Connection from page 3
Your hunting package will include lodging in a very
comfortable cabin equipped with everything you need
to enjoy your hunt. You will be provided with food to
make your own breakfast and sack lunch with a nice
hot dinner being served nightly! There are pre-set tree
stands for you to use but with Dave’s permission you
may be allowed to bring and use your own climber.
If its springtime turkeys you’re after than head to buck
connection and listen to the Toms filling the valley with
gobbles every morning! Dave has plenty of exciting
turkey hunting action and very little hunting pressure
to go with it. He has had some very nice birds taken in
the last few years with some weighing up into the 25+
lb. range and a few of them even had multiple beards!
If you would like to be in Dave’s camp with the Rugged
3 bearded Turkey, from Buck Connection.
Cross Outdoors team this fall we will be there from
Nov. 1st thru 5th so give Dave a call at (715) 946-3211
or check out his website at www.buckconnection.com
to book your hunt now and let Dave and Jeff make your
dream become a reality!
These are a few from our 2009 Spring Wild Game Dinner at Our Fathers House Assembly of God in Clare, MI
"I loved it and w ould invite m ore people if ever another one!"
guys do a great job"
a good thing you have going, God Bless and keep
pressing on!"
"The wild game dinner was fantastic!"
The whole thing was really moving. We really enjoyed
"Loved the presentation!"
"You guys do so much for many people
and do a really good job at it. Thanks for
If RCO has touched your life in anyway please let us know: [email protected]
“Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation”
Mark 16:15
Page 5
Livin’ The Dream
Finding Your way
By Andy Kaminski
In 1996 I went elk hunting in Southwestern
It’s very easy to get turned around, get lost and get
Colorado for the very first time. Since I had never
into trouble. But God has provided a way for us to
been hunting out West, I spent a lot of time before
find our direction in life. It’s called The Word of
hand asking people what kind of equipment I
God, His Word gives us hope and direction, He uses
would need on this trip so I would be prepared
it to prepare us for what’s to come. It’s the
when I got there. You know, one of the first things
compass that He wants us to use to find our way
that came out of everyone’s mouth was; “make
sure you take a compass!” Everyone kept telling
me; Andy there’s a lot of land out there and
In Psalms 119:9 God says “How can a young man
everything looks the same. It’s very easy to get
keep his way pure? By living according to Your
yourself turned around, get lost and not know
which direction camp is in. And if something like
that happens you’re going to need that compass to
Folks pick up God’s word today and let Him use it
keep you out of trouble!
to speak to you, let Him use it to prepare you and
most of all let Him use it to guide you safely home.
You know life is a lot like the Mountains of
Southwestern Colorado. It’s a big beautiful place.
But there are many different directions that you
can go.
God bless and good hunting!
Andy “Iedwd” Kaminski
Past, Present and Future
Tom DuBios and Brent Otterson
after a successful 2009 WI.
Spring Turkey Hunt.
Guess who these young archers are from
the RCO Team?
Hint: They are brothers.
See the answer in our Dec. Newsletter.
Executive Directors of Rugged Cross Outdoors
Andy Kaminiski, Jim Duflo and Tom DuBois
3 Generations of Hunters
Jeff Wilcox, Shane Wilcox
& Kody Wilcox.
Have photos you would love to share? Send us your favorite hunting memory and we will try our best to
get them into the newsletters.
Page 6
Livin’ The Dream
Mission on the Mountain from page 2
His life was in danger as he was clearly suffering
be etched in their hearts. The hunt ended without an
from hypothermia. Three of us jumped up and
elk being shot, but almost every man left that
prayed over Chuck as we were several hours from
mountainside a changed man! Chuck and the Rugged
the nearest Hospital. The others hunters just sat
Cross Outdoor’s Team praised God for his Mercy and
there in disbelief that this was actually happening
the others went home questioning their beliefs. Four
and listened to everything we prayed about. We
months later we received a call from the Outfitter. He
began to warm Chuck up slowly and watched him
explained that he had heard from both Gary and Ron
closely as he was delusional, confused and
over the holidays. They recalled that day on the
experienced occasional tremors and profuse
mountainside and mentioned that all four of them were
shaking at times.
seeking the truth about God! From this incredible
experience, we saw God begin the creation of the
Eventually, Chuck fully recovered. That evening, we
saw the opportunity to process the events that
biggest piece of our ministry- The Outfitter Outreach
unfolded that traumatic afternoon with many of the
hunters in camp. We spent hours talking about,
life, God and Jesus. We processed God’s
involvement in the miracles that occurred on that
mountainside. That night we found out that Mark,
Ron, Steve and Gary (four of the other hunters)
were all Atheists. However, you could tell God had
their full attention and the truth was beginning to
You’re never
alone in the mountains when you have Jesus in your heart. .
3rd Generation Hunter from page 2
anchored, this time he picked a spot and let her
Details of the hunt:
go. Thud; this time he seen the deer run off with
Bow – A green Kodiak Magnum – 45lbs @ 28 inches
his arrow still in it, then just a few seconds later he
Arrows – 5/16 cedar arrows with razor sharp ACE
heard a big crash and he knew his deer was down!
100 grain broad heads.
Shot – 20 yards angling away.
When he heard the crash in the woods he got out of
his stand and picked up the blood trail. He
carefully followed the blood as he has done many
times with his dad, uncle and grandpa. Wow there
not 40 yards away piled up in a big ball was his
second chance deer. Well bless his heart, he ran
over to his dad’s stand and whistled at him to get
his attention. When his dad finally seen him
standing there all he seen was Kody with this smile
on his face pointing to his quiver which now only
had one arrow in it.
Kody Wilcox, with his second chance Doe & that
“And now, I pray thee, take thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and
venison”” Gen. 27:3
go out to the field and hunt me venison
Page 7
Livin’ The Dream
2009 Fall Schedule
Sept. Archery
4th – 8th
Whitetail Deer - Disabled Hunt - North Dakota (Tom D & Brent O)
Elk – Colorado - W3 Outfitters (Andy K & Tom D)
25th – 27th Whitetail Deer – Wisconsin (Tom D & Jim D)
Oct. Archery
1st – 31st
8th – 18th
Whitetail Deer – Michigan (Tom K, James K, Bill S & Jim D)
Goose – Michigan (Andy K)
Whitetail Deer – North Dakota (RCOI Team hunt)
22nd – 25th Whitetail Deer - Youth/Disabled Youth Hunt– Pennsylvania (Andy K, Tom D & Jim D)
Nov. Archery
1st – 14th
1st – 8th
Whitetail Deer – Michigan (Tom K, James K, Jim D & Bill S)
Whitetail Deer – Wisconsin - Buffalo County Buck Connection (Andy K & Jim D)
18th – 22nd Whitetail Deer – Youth/Spiritual Outreach Hunt – Ohio Workin’ Man’s Guide Service (Andy K, Tom K, James K & Kyle M)
Nov. Firearm
15th – 30th Whitetail Deer – Michigan (Tom K, James K, Jim D & Bill S)
21st – 22nd Whitetail Deer – Wisconsin (Tom D)
26th – 29th Whitetail Deer – Wisconsin (Tom D)
Prayer & Praise Report
We need Prayer partners to cover the RCO ministry in
We need prayer for financial support to be able to produce
our promotional DVD during spring 2010 and to cover our
travel expenses for our youth mission outreaches this fall.
Praise God for receiving our Non-profit status.
Praise God for giving us patients through all of this.
Financial Report
Dec 08- Feb 09
March 09-May 09
June 09 - Aug 09
Sept 09 - Oct 09
YTD Total
2009 Budget
*Overall financial requirements needed to operate this ministry on a full time basis.
“This world is not our own, it's God's Country!
Respect it, love it, hunt it!”
If you wish to be removed from the Newsletter mailing please reply with the words “Remove from Newsletter” in
the subject line. Please let us know as to why you wish to be removed.
Rugged Cross Outdoors is a 501(C) 3 non-profit organization that serves as the platform for our
ministry—Mission trips to the Woods, Lakes, Fields and Streams! The organization was created to fulfill
the ultimate plan that God has instilled in our hearts—
hearts—to go out into the outdoor world and share the
Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to Glorifying Jesus Christ using what He has
created to spread the Word of God, while at the same time encouraging fellowship amongst outdoor
enthusiasts of all ages. Rugged Cross Outdoors also wholeheartedly values the next generation—our
youth! In order for us to ensure God’s Kingdom will continue to advance as well as preserve the
wonderful sport of hunting, we must reach out to everyone--adults, people with disabilities and/or life
threatening illnesses, the poor and less fortunate, and especially our youth!
The Rugged Cross Outdoors team engages in a multitude of ministry activities that support this overall
mission. These ministries include our Outfitter Outreach, Youth Outreach, Speaking Ministry, People
with Disabilities and Life Threatening Illnesses Ministry, our Outdoor Media Ministry, and our Venison
Donation Ministry. For more information on each ministry avenue, please check us out on our
webpage—www.ruggedcrossoutdoors.org and click on the “about us” section.
We’re on the Web!
Visit us at: www.ruggedcrossoutdoors.org & Join our Facebook group
Rugged Cross Outdoors
1733 N. 9th Street
Sheboygan, WI 53081
Rugged Cross Outdoors Gift Card
A Christian Outdoor Ministry
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Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________
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Hunting Property/Equipment Gifts Prayer
You can also give by clicking www.ruggedcrossoutdoors.org and look for the
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