May 2007 - KWAS Community Forums
May 2007 - KWAS Community Forums
Fins & Tales A Publication of the Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society Look for us on the Internet at May 2007 Serving Hobbyists in KW and Surrounding Area Since 1960 FOOD! FOOD! FOOD! Shrimp with Heather on Flakes Miecia on Beef Stephen on Worms White Worm Culture Geoff on Shrimp Doesn’t that sound appetizing!! Well, maybe not to your palate but to a fish it’s a veritable smorgasbord! Flake Food ATTEND OUR MAY 1st MEETING AND FIND OUT HOW TO CREATE THESE CULINARY DELIGHTS FOR YOUR FISHY PETS! fins & tales May 2007 MISSION STATEMENT KWAS OFFICERS The Kitchener Waterloo Aquarium Society (KWAS) is a non profit organization whose primary goals are to: • Further the hobby and study of tropical fish and related endeavours • Inspire the preservation of aquatic life • Maintain a meeting place for its members • Develop and maintain a library on aquatic life • Promote fellowship among its members • Seek out and establish a kinsh ip with other clubs with similar objectives EXECUTIVE KWAS is a proud member of the Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs Fins and Tales is published monthly September through June. All opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Fins and Tales or KWAS. The mention of any product does not constitute an endorsement of the same by Fins and Tales or KWAS. Neither Fins and Tales nor KWAS has made any attempt to verify any advertiser's claims but invites all members to visit the source to make a personal evaluation. Reprint Policy Articles from this publication may be printed in a not-for-profit publication provided credit is given to both the author and KWAS and copies of the reprint are sent to both c/o of the Exchange Editor. Any other use is prohibited without the written consent of KWAS. Submiss ion of Articles Articles may be submitted for publication in Fins and Tales in any form; hand-written, ty ped, CD, e-mail to [email protected] Photographs and/or drawings, either hard copy or disk files are also acceptable. Exchange Program KWAS exchanges newsletters with many other clubs across North America. If y our club is interested in becoming part of this program please contact our exchange editor. Correspondence Please send all correspondence to: Kitchener Waterloo Aquarium Society , PO Box 38037 King St N., Waterloo, ON, Canada, N2J 4T9. Advertising The following rates apply for one y ear (10 issues): Business card = $25; 1/4 page = $60; 1/2 page = $100; full page =$150; back cover = $225 Advertising of hobby related items is free to members. President Al Ridley 519 571 [email protected] Vice President Phil Maznyk 519 585 [email protected] Treasurer Brad McClanahan 519 746 [email protected] Recording Secret ary Kevin Reimer 519 884 [email protected] Past President Dean Crawford 519 887 [email protected] 7982 5742 5044 8928 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Newsletter Editor Miecia Burden 519 745 1452 [email protected] Newsletter Publisher Miecia Burden 519 745 1452 Exchange Editor Zenin Skomorowski 519 748 0854 [email protected] Membership Chair Miecia Burden 519 745 1452 Auction Chair Robin Pixner 519 746 2507 [email protected] Librarian Geo ff Money 519 745 4346 [email protected] Lunch Committee Joe Kopachinski 519 884 7684 [email protected] Program Chair Bob Brown 519 884 9734 [email protected] Raffle Chair David & Katie McClanahan B.A.P. Chair Kevin Reimer & Rob Pixner 519 884 5044 519 746 2507 H.A.P. Chair Bob Brown 519 884 9734 B.A.P./H.A.P. Committee Executive C.A.O.A.C. Rep Stephen Crawford 519 653 1569 [email protected] Name That Fish Zenin Skomorowski 519 748 0854 Jar Show Zenin Skomorowski 519 748 0854 Webmaster Phil Maznyk 519 585 7982 Pet Store Liaison Al Ridley & Zenin Skomorowski C A O A C 2 9093 Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society fins & tales May 2007 The Prez Sez........ by Al Ridley (President of KWAS) [email protected] As I thought about what words of wisdom I could offer to the membership this month, it occurred to me that this will be my 29 th out of 30th Presidents Page! I only have one more page to pen after today. I want to thank everyone who has emailed me with their best wishes. It is a fun and challenging position – I would recommend it to any seasoned KWAS member. My thanks to Phil for facilitating the last Business meeting at Scot and Lezley Smith’s home in Cambridge. I ended up getting the Black Death or the Bubonic Plague or something like that and couldn’t make it so at the last minute; I passed everything over to Phil. I understand that it was a good meeting and Heather even joined in the meeting via webcam. Heather had a proposal about a Specific Breeder Award Program. It came up at on of our Q&A sessions and I asked her to present an implementation plan. Well, she has done so. Thank you for your effort Heather. We will be looking at the program over the next few months and seeing how we can incorporate it into our existing program. In May, we will be showing our membership the different ways you can feed your fish. Heather will be showing us how she makes her own flake food. Miecia will be making beef heart. Stephen Crawford will be doing worm cultures and Geoff will show us how to culture brine shrimp. This has always been a fun program so bring your notepads and get in on the fun. Your fish will appreciate it also. We will also be holding our elections. As it stands right now (subject to change), here is the slate… Pre sident – Ke vin Reimer Vice President – Geoff Money, Ste phen Crawford Tre asure r – John Van Rompu Se cretary – Lezle y Smith I will be accepting any last minute nominations before asking for a motion to close the nominations. Then we will vote. Good luck to everyone. The bug hunt is scheduled ( will be done by the time you read this) for April 22 nd . This is always an interesting and fun event and Flash Skomorowski will be there to capture it all on film! Bring home some live critters to feed your fish and perhaps we will talk about what you find in our foods program. Our summer picnic is scheduled for this summer (sorry, I can’t find the date!!!). It will be held at Waterloo Park at the covered picnic area. We will have more information at the meeting. I would also like to ask everyone to try and get a picture of your aquariums. Geoff Money is putting together a PowerPoint presentation of KWAS club member tanks. Please send your pictures to Geoff along with a description of the size of the tank and its inhabitants. Phil and Andrew_ are working on polishing our club logo and then we hope to get some small flags or banners so we can better promote our club. As you can see, there are a lot of things happening. Well, I need to go and start preparing a package of items for our next KWAS President. I also need to begin the process of preparing for Oktoberfish 2007. Miecia will once again be responsible for the Fish Room and Scott Smith will be responsible for the Auction Room. Meetings will begin soon and I hope that we can find ways to make this event even better - like have food available ;-) Your suggestions are always welcome! Sea U (and Rein) at the meeting! Al Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society 3 fins & tales May 2007 Table of Contents Prez Sez Calendar Aquaristic Treasurer’s Chest Name That Fish Minimalist Aquarist Pleco Points to Ponder Eyeball on Oddballs Fish & Chips Miecia’s Musings Nomination & Elections Jar Show Results CAOAC Convention Minutes/Meetings Exchange Editor’s Report Meeting Information Back 3 4 4 5 6-7 8 9 10-11 12 13 14 15 16-18 19 Page by Brad McClanahan KWAS [email protected] Sept 4 Sept 11 KWAS General Meeting KWAS Business Meeting Well this month I am writing with mixed emotions. Rumour has it that we now have a candidate for the treasurer’s job. I must admit that I was hoping in some weird way that I would be put back into the job as I enjoyed the job very much. However the other side of the coin is that there is a great candidate that has shown some interest in it and I know he will do a great job for the club. I will help this new treasurer out in every way I can and wish him all the best and look forward to working with him in the near future. After all he will have to be trained in how to give Miecia grief as it is part of the job! T his month is going to be an excellent meeting as we also get to vote. The new faces that are stepping up to volunteer for the executive positions are all excellent people and will steer this club in a positive direction I am sure. And did I mention we actually get to vote! This is amazing for the simple fact that in most organizations they have a hard enough time finding volunteers, much less finding enough to actually hold a vote. This shows something for the character and depth in this club and our members should once again give ourselves a pat on the back for a job well done. Now I suppose after all that I should actually mention the finances of the club. We had a very strong membership drive this year and find our funds in abundance. That being said we also have all our future bills paid at this time and are now still tossing ideas around for events for the club. There are a few things on order for the library and we have just paid for another year of the chatroom for the website. Hopefully the addition of the new executive will also bring in a few great ideas for the allocation of these funds also. Oct 2 Oct 9 KWAS General Meeting KWAS Business Meeting See you at the next meeting…..did I mention we get to vote at this one?!! CALENDAR AQUARISTIC May 1 May 8 M ay 12 May 25-27 KWAS General Meeting KWAS Business Meeting Waterloo Tank M aintenance CAOAC Convention June 2 June 5 June 12 June 23 June 24 Tank M aintenance KWAS General Meeting KWAS Business Meeting Waterloo Tank M aintenance CAOAC M eeting Summer Picnic July 29 Waterloo Park 1pm - 7 pm 4 Treasurer’s Chest Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society fins & tales May 2007 April 2007 Name That Fish by Zenin Skomorowski KWAS [email protected] This month’s “ Name That Fish” was a bag of two L146a Rubber Lip plecos (Chaetostoma species ) guesse d by Jacob Reimer. They are commonly known as the Spotted Bulldog Pleco, Spotted Rubber Pleco, or Spotted Rubbernose Pleco or Blonde Bulldog Pleco, or Striped Rubbernose Pleco. They may also be sold as Thomsoni plecos. Originally from mountain streams in Colombia, they hang onto smooth rocks in strong currents, giving them their bulldog look. They prefer cooler water of 20-23C (68-73F) that is highly oxygenated and a strong current. Check out to see how to set up a suitable tank with good flowing water. Since they are an omnivore, algae, and small live or frozen food make up their food requirements. Try algae wafers and zucchini. Males generally have a larger and wider head and a slimmer body than females. The males have large pelvic fins to make sure fertilization of the eggs occurs and to hold the eggs in the strong water current. Breeding in captivity has been limited. They are generally a peaceful fish, but the males will push each other around to get the best rock. Photos by Zenin Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society 5 May 2007 fins & tales The Minimalist Aquarist … ‘doing doing more with less’ and ‘keeping ‘keeping it simple’ by Rein Breitmaier (KWAS) [email protected] The headline in the Sunday newspaper screamed “Beautiful Flowerhorns” in huge (two colour) text which along with two full colour photos commanded a half page in the Outlook section of the Bangkok Post, one of the English language dailies in Thailand. The photo called it by its Thai name, the Hua Luo Han. I didn’t immediately recognize the fish pictured; brilliant red tapering to purplish midbody and sporting large black markings down the lateral line. It was clearly a South American Cichlid and the two fishes photographed for the article sported huge head bumps. My first instinct had been to associate this with the peacock cichlid of recent world-wide fame, but this fish was completely different again. Below the headline, the author added: “The new fish that’s taking the fish world by storm”. Okay so I’m hooked now, I read on. As it turns out I have seen this fish before and as the article explains the fish is hugely popular within the Chinese community in Thailand. This popularity stems from the resemblance to Chinese language characters of the black markings 6 down the sides of the fish, especially in the higher valued specimens. We had seen these fish in restaurants and hotels through our travels however without the language skills necessary to delve deeper with the locals, TMA was never able to enquire about them further. The fish is attributed to M alaysia where it was first bred, being a hybrid between several species, most notably Cichlasoma trimaculatus and Cichlasoma festae. Since their launch into the Thai marketplace 5 years ago breeders have continued to enhance not only the forehead humps and coloration but have also produced bolder markings on the body, thicker and shorter bodies and better finnage. Wow talk about cosmetic enhancement through better genes! I dropped the article on the table and grabbing camera in hand, retraced my steps to the travel agency on the corner of the alley just down from our hotel. I had just been there and needed to confirm my suspicions. Yes, I was told, “Lucky” was a Flowerhorn. The proud owner had him as a single specimen in about a 65 gallon tank in his cramped office space and Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society (Continued on page 7) fins & tales (Continued from page 6) reiterated that 30,000 Baht would be a common price for a mature top quality fish. That’s about one grand Canadian. For that price I’m thinking the Chinese characters should tell a story along the side of the fish. Lucky was happy to pose for a few pictures of my own and seemed generally in command of his space, which included showing an interest in anyone passing close enough to perhaps throw some food his way. Talk about typical cichlid behaviour. The article claimed a 30% success rate in breeding these fishes which seems a little high to me. With any hybridization of species it makes sense that a greater number of the offspring will either be ugly castoffs or genetic throwbacks, meaning they look more like the species which were originally conscripted to this genetic experiment. Cross-bred offspring are sometimes sterile, but even when they prove fertile to expect them to breed true takes many more generations of careful selection. If indeed they are achieving 30% of the young to look like their ‘champion’ parents then indeed they have been busy. M ost koi or goldfish breeders, even angel breeders who also have laboured for years in their craft will admit to culling viciously to improve the quality of the May 2007 stock which they release to market. Of those, only several fishes a year might be considered worthy of promotion into the breeding line. Interestingly the author recommended water changes every 14 days (yes!) if you don’t have a filter (say what?), temperature between 27 and 32 Celsius degrees (isn’t that Discus territory?) and not placing the aquarium in a sunny location as that will negatively affect the body coloration of the fish (huh?). He also claimed Flowerhorns could survive without food for several weeks as a testament to their hardiness. I’m trying to be fair here and perhaps the author is not a fishkeeper himself but honestly can you imagine the water quality given a 10 inch or better fish of this appetite and girth with the through-put of wastes it would be capable of? If cared for properly this fish can live longer than a decade he continued. Hmmm, not likely absent that filter thingy. My views on hybrids aside, it is good to see passion and interest in the hobby and of course it is always a pleasure to stumble upon a display aquarium in a public area. Both Lucky and all of the other Flowerhorns which TM A spotted were in fact well kept and most were in tanks closer to a hundred gallons in size along with significant filtration systems in place. Lucky has a little filling out to do yet but he’s already proving to be a fine pet whether or not you consider his kind to be attractive. TM A Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society 7 fins & tales May 2007 PLECO POINTS TO PONDER FACTS GLEANED FROM CHARLIE DREW’S PRESENTATION As remembered by MIECIA BURDEN • • • • • • • • • • • • All plecos need R/O water for spawning Condition with Sera Catfish Chips, blanched zucchini, snow peas, broccoli stems: also frozen cantaloupe skins, butternut squash skins – blanched and frozen Collard greens – frozen between wax paper sheets Will eat frozen brine shrimp, Mysis, Hikari carnivorous pellets, Tropical crumbles from Wardley’s Sand is preferred substrate or fine gravel Builder’s sand (washed very well) is good – also good for plants; contains iron M ost plecos need wood in diet to aid with digestion – roughage Cedar or poplar that has been waterlogged by lake water is best Use spawning caves made out of bamboo sticks, clay pots or slate Should be width of fish plus one pectoral fin wide, twice the height of fish and a little longer than the fish Block one end of the bamboo or slate cave Two clay saucers with notched cut-out; • • • • • • • • • • position rim on rim and silicone together Expect about 30 babies per spawn M ost plecos like water temp about 80 – 85C and like ‘old’ water not new Zebra’s like it really warm at 86C as do Sterbai corys #L174 Inspector plecos – fairly large spots; smaller sized pleco; good to keep with discus; carnivorous #182 and #183 – spotted white with white strip on dorsal and tail #182 – easy to breed, #183 – much harder to breed Bushy-nosed /gold spot - 72 – 74C to spawn Star-light busy nosed pleco – 78C to spawn 2 types of clown plecos – one vegetarian and one carnivorous #177 – gold nugget pleco – has spots and stripes just like #182 and #183 #162 Queen Arabasc – fine lacy pattern all over List of the L#’s can be found on planet catfish website A Warm Welcome to our Newest Members Nice to see you at our Meeting! John Skerrett Family Peter Miles Family Tony Gibbons Family Brad Hodkinson Irvon Weber Donovan Snelleman Renee Trottier Tom Nakluski So glad you’re part of KWAS!! 8 • • Were guests at our last meeting. We hope you enjoyed yourself and we hope you’ll consider joining the club real soon! Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society fins & tales May 2007 Eyeball On Oddballs: A Pleco That Isn’t By Derek P.S. Tunstin (DRAS) Scanned in from the March 2007 issue of Tank Talk, a publication of the Durham Region Aquarium Society Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society 9 May 2007 fins & tales Fish & Chips by Phil Maznyk KWAS [email protected] Simple easy sharing of your internet connection. This is the topic of this month’s article. Many of us already have two or maybe even more computers in our homes. Do we need to pay for internet access for each individual PC in our homes? Absolutely not. networks PC’s. Today’s society being so information driven and hungry is always looking for relatively cheap and easy ways to hop on the information highway and one of the neatest things you can do when you have more than 1 computer in your home is network or connect them together so both machines can access the web. Basically we have two choices. A wired connection or a wireless connection. A wired connection, one that uses CAT 5 cable to connect the computers together is very cheap and relatively secure however it does require you to become ingenious in finding ways to hide the blue cable. Add-In Network Card Motherboard with built in LAN CAT 5 Ne twork Cable Each computer must have either a network card or a motherboard with a built in LAN or local area network where the CAT 5 blue cable can connect to. To complete the wired puzzle our system must either use a hub or a router so our computers on the network have a central place to plug into. From this hub or router we then connect to the outside internet. I prefer a router as most of these have built in hardware firewalls which can help in securing your 10 Next we have the wireless solution and as you no doubt already know this method uses no blue cable to connect the machines together but instead does this through infra-red wireless technology. For this type of network we require a wireless router or hub and each computer must also have a wireless network card which can connect to the master router or hub. Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society (Continued on page 11) fins & tales May 2007 (Continued from page 10) Wireless add in network card Wire d Route r with built in Fire wall Of course the wireless solution is ultra easy to work with as you have absolutely no wires to try and hide thereby making this a very clean and quick way of getting your little network going. In the wired system once we have fed all our blue network cable to a central location where our router is all we do is plug in each PC and then connect our router to our cable or DSL modem. The default passwords are known by all hackers. Change it immediately and stop the chance of having one of these miscreants ruin your day. Setting up the network in Windows XP and Vista requires but a few simple steps to get you and your network on the internet together at the same time using a single internet connection. Another real plus of having a home network is having the ability to rapidly share files whether photos or music with all machines on your network. The secure area not exposed to the internet is called an Intranet. Each machine on the network can be easily configured to see and share each others files, play games and even share printers. Wireless route r with dual antenna The main advantage to a wired network as I mentioned earlier less cost, and typically better security. Many wireless networks are never properly setup, thus leaving your network insecure and wide open to hacking. The very first thing anyone should do when they setup their wired or wireless modem is change the factories default password. Back vie w of a wire d router One of the easiest to follow online guides to setting up your own home network is located on Micro- Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society (Continued on page 12) 11 fins & tales May 2007 soft’s servers here windowsxp/using/networking/setup/default.mspx There is a wealth of easy to follow knowledge based articles. So if you’ve been sitting on the fence wondering if you should connect your kids or your spouses PC up to your internet connection, you now have some information which should make the decision all that much simpler. Until next month… Miecia’s Musings Hi Folks. As you can see Brad and I have swapped places in the newsletter. Since it looks like both of us are going to be replaced in the next term I decided that his column should have an upfront appearance for the next two issues. Guess where he’ll be next month!!!!! Thank you! Thank you! to all those great KWAS members that helped out at the CAOAC/BAS Auction last month Typical cable modem Ron & Griffin Quigley Dave Holtz John Podhorny Zenin Skomorowski Rob Pixner These guys were runners and did a great job !!! DID YOU KNOW?? Polar Bears are leftleft-handed Snails can sleep for three years It's possible to lead a cow upstairs…. but not downstairs A duck's quack doesn’t echo and no one knows why 12 And also thanks to all those who supported the auction by being there and spending your hard earned bucks!!!! There were some great deals and as usual I ended up with a trio of fish that I mistakenly bought thinking they were some thing else. But you know, I’ve grown to like them and after reading the minutes realize that they are the same fish that Al got his BAP certificate for - Copadichromis borleyi. I’ll have to call him for information on how to best raise and breed these little fellows. See you at the May 1st meeting. Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society fins & tales May 2007 NOMINATIONS & ELECTIONS APRIL & MAY MEETINGS Editor’s Note: This is the final listing of the BOD positions - if you are interested in any of the positions please contact anyone listed on the inside front cover of the newsletter. These are appointed at the general meeting in June. MEMBERSHIP CHAIR • shall maintain an up-to-date membership list • shall collect all dues and distribute membership cards and related materials • shall maintain a guest book and submit a list of guests each month to the newsletter editor NAME THAT FISH CHAIR • shall be responsible for the contest at the monthly meeting • shall be responsible for obtaining a fish each month for the meeting • shall be encouraged to write an article about the fish for publication on a monthly basis NEWSLETTER EDITOR • shall be responsible for the accumulation and layout of the contents of the newsletter • shall be responsible for the publishing and mailing of the monthly newsletter • shall be responsible for the mailing of any complimentary newsletters • may chair a committee consisting of up to three (3) members who will assist the editor in his duties OKTOBERFISH CHAIR • shall be responsible for organi zation of our annu al Oktoberfish event RAFFLE CHAIR • shall be responsible for raffles at each monthly meeting • shall accumulate and store all the raffle goods fo r the meeting REFRESHMENT CHAIR • shall run the lunch counter at the general meetings • shall be responsible for the purchasing and storage o f all lunch supplies and goods RETAIL STORE LIAISON/PROMOTION • shall promote the club to local stores • shall advise local stores of the monthly programs • shall encourage co -operation between store staff and KWAS members • shall advise all local media (print, radio and television) of club events & meeting schedule • shall handle all KWAS advertising PROGRAM CHAIR • shall arrange fo r all programs and equipment as approved by KWAS Offi cers for the monthly meetings • shall arrange fo r the proper treatment, introduction and payment of all guest speakers • shall be responsible for the return o f all borrowed equipment & materials by their due date WEBMASTER • shall be responsible for the creation and maintenance o f the Website • shall be responsible for the creation and maintenance o f the Forum GENERAL DUTIES OF ALL DIRECTORS • All officers o f KWAS must be members in good standing for the duration of their term • Selected directors may be required by the executive to submit an annual report • All committees shall be accountable to the executive • All committee expenses shall be pre-approved by the executive Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society 13 fins & tales May 2007 S H O W J A R April 2007 Judged by John Van Rompu Catfish Species Points Anthony McAslin Synodontis Albertii 4 Taylor Kipfer Pictus Catfish "B" 3 Taylor Kipfer Pictus Catfish "A" 2 Rebecca Quigley Pepper Cory "A" 1 Anthony McAslin Whiptail Catfish "A" 1 Zenin Skomorowski Dwarf Gold Spot Pleco 1 Zenin Skomorowski Cory "A" 1 Geoff Money Panda Cory "A" 1 Kent Hunter-Duvar Cory "B" 1 Geoff Money Pepper Cory "B" 1 Griffin Quigley Albino Pleco 1 Griffin Quigley Whiptail Catfish "B" 1 Jonathon Samson Albino Cory 1 Jonathon Samson Panda Cory "B" 1 Geoff Money Speckled Molly 4 Jonathon Samson YoYo Loach 3 Geoff Money Red Tail Rainbow 2 Anthony McAslin Sterbai Cory 1 Anthony McAslin Checkered Rainbow 1 Jonathon Samson Golden Algae Eater 1 Speckled Molly 2 AOV R E S U L T S 14 People's Choice Geoff Money Totals Anthony McAslin 40 Geoff Money 36 Jonathon Samson 11 Zenin Skomorowski 11 Griffin Quigley 7 Taylor Kipfer 5 Renee Ballard 3 Featured Show Jar Classes for May will be: Loaches, Killifish, AOV Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society fins & tales May 2007 48th ANNUAL C.A.O.A.C. CONVENTION MAY 25th 27th 2007 SPEAKERS CONVENTION FEES Discus Hans (Discus) Stephan Tanner (Plecos) Full Convention Ticket (prior to May 15th) $75.00 (after May 15th) $100.00 Peter Unmack (Native Fish & Rainbowfish) Speakers Only Ticket $50.00 DINNER SPEAKER Children’s Ticket (16 yrs & under) Rein Breitmaier World traveler KWAS $30.00 Children’s Workshop $20.00 ACTIVITIES Play Money Casino Night & Auction Speakers Dinner & Entertainment with Karaoke 35 Class Fish Show Junior Aquarium Beautiful Seminar AGM & Elections Awards Breakfast Giant Auction 2 Giant Raffles sponsored by Hagen Inc LOCATION Fanshawe College 1460 Oxford St., E London, ON NEED MORE INFORMATION? Terry Little (519) 752 8642 [email protected] Miecia Burden (519) 745 1452 [email protected] Suites from $54.99 to $109.90 2 or 4 Bedroom All amenities included Tony Bernard (905) 768-7991 [email protected] CHECKOUT NOT REQUIRED UNTIL AFTER THE AUCTION ON SUNDAY Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society 15 fins & tales May 2007 (Chaetostoma species) guessed by Jacob Reimer. Minutes of the Meetings GEN ERAL MEETING April 3, 2007 President Al Ridley welcomed everyone & started the meeting at 7:30 P.M. There were 60 people present, including 4 new guests. Exe cutive present: Al Ridley (President/PSL), Phil Maznyk (Vice President/Webmaster), Brad McClanahan (T reasurer) , Kevin Reimer (Recording Secretary, BAP) Announcements: - Apr. 15 – Durham Show & Auction - Apr. 21 – Waterloo Tank Maintenance - Apr. 21 – Sarnia Auction - Apr. 22 – Live Food Hunt – contact Zenin - Apr. 29 London Auction only - May 25 – 27 - CAOAC Convention - T here will be a Junior Workshop (16 yrs & younger) for $20 they will build a tank Open the nominations for Executive. Motioned: Matt Ballard, Seconded: Judy Hunter Nominations: Pre sident: Kevin Reimer Vice Preside nt: Geoff Money, John Van Rompu, Stephen Crawford Tre asure r: Open Se cretary: Open Question & Answer: Hosted by Al Ridley. Discussed: Griffin spawned yellow labs, do fish spa wn more in the spring – is this due to barometric pressure changes, Ducks eating Al’s pond plants, green algae in a pond – do you want to / should you remove it – it’s probably a good thing this time of year. Phil’s T ropheus are displaying lots of aggression in a large colony – tore the tank down to rearrange landscaping, culling / Isolate the dominate male Our program: Charlie Drew spoke on Catfish Show Jar Re sults: T here were 8 people showing 20 fish in two classes Library Draw: $18 won by Jimmy Graham Raffle Draw: Our large prize was an AquaClear Filter donation by Hagen won by Brad McClanahan Auction: Robin & Todd auctioned a full table fish & plants Submitted by Kevin Reimer (Recording Secretary) BUS INESS MEETING April 10, 2007 Phil Maznyk called the business meeting to order at 7:30 PM, hosted by Scott & Lezley Smith. March Busine ss Meeting Minutes: Approved as published, Motioned: Miecia, seconded: Brad. Voted on & carried. April Gene ral Meeting Minutes: Approved, motioned: Miecia, seconded: Stephen. Voted on & carried. BAP Certificates: Al Ridley Copadichromis borleyi Kevin Reimer Geophagus SP "Tapajos Red Head" Kevin Reimer Elementary Breed ers Award HAP Ce rtificates: None this month Future business Mee tings May – Kevin Reimer’s; 508 Brentcliffe Drive, Waterloo June - Zenin Skomorowski’s; 34 Pathfinder Cres., Kitchener, ON N2P 1S6 Sept - Matt & Renee’s in Woodstock – possibility, perhaps consider hosting meeting on a Saturday Name That Fish: T wo L146a Rubber Lip plecos 16 Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society fins & tales • In Attendance Scott & Lezley Smith Hosts Phil Maznyk Vice-President / Webmaster Brad McClanahan Treasurer Kevin Reimer Recording Secret ary / BAP Miecia Burden Editor / Membership Rob Pixner Auction / BAP Geo ff Money Librarian Bob Brown Program / Raffle / HAP Stephen Crawford CAOAC Zenin Skomorowski Jar Show / Exchange Editor / NTF / PSL Guests Regrets Katie McClanahan Raffle David McClanahan Raffle Al Ridley President / PSL Joe Kopachinski Lunch Tre asure r Re port: Read by Brad. Motioned: Kevin, seconded: Stephen. Voted on & carried. Correspondence : • Zenin received correspondence from the Canadian Association for Girls in Science (CAGI S). Is the entire presentation/meeting appropriate for young children of 7~16? Also, does the presentation/meeting contain scientific information as well? Zenin will follow up. • Phil received email re: ‘Googling’ Hillview potting substrate & you get Al Ridley’s name • Stan Neil contacted Phil originally to donate a tank to the club, Rob Pixner’s gone back a second time to pick up more donated aquarium items Oktobe rfish 2007 (Al): Absent Committee Re ports NL Editor/Publishe r (Miecia): Everything going well Exchanges (Zenin): • Zenin’s received more requests for articles May 2007 Nassau County has replied and will continue to exchange – problem with snail mail, will email n o w Membe rship (Miecia): • 63 Members + 3 special: includes 24 adult, 33 family, 6 honorary, plus the 3 special • We will advise CAOAC that we’re over 60 members – motioned: Geoff, seconded: Bob. Voted on & carried Auction (Rob): Charlie Drew donated 4 bags of cats at the general meetings. Lots of items still come in at every meeting. HAP & BAP increased involvement are contributing to the volume & quality of items. Library (Geoff): • Al still to follow up with Jim Robinson on Plant database – Geoff will follow up with Al to get the old CD & Jim’s contact information • Books being signed out is on the increase – lots being signed out • New National Geographic DVDs: Lake T anganyika ‘Jewel of the Rift’ in the library • New National Geographic VHS: Amazon: Land of the Flooded Forest – will not be available for sign out until it’s shown at a general meeting • New DVDs coming out in June & we will purchase when available: Fishes of the Rio Orinoco & Mato Grosso-del Sul • Discusse d purchasing books at the CAOAC Convention - $200 approximate budget Program (Bob): May • Flake food – Heather, beef heart - Miecia, worms – Stephen, brine shrimp – Geoff • Beef heart & worm packages for Members June • Follow up with speakers • Zenin hasn’t had a response from Joe Alery & Brett Harrington about coming to perform presentation. Stephen advised that he meets with them every few weeks & will follow up. Raffle (Katie / David): We’re in good shape up to October • Will discuss with Al which items we still have from the Hagen donations, perhaps raffle off the Fluval canister filter at the June or September Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society 17 May 2007 fins & tales seconded: Kevin. Voted on & carried. (Continued from page 17) General meeting Lunch (Joe): Absent HAP (Bob): Going well BAP (Kevin): Going well CAOAC (Stephen): Unable to attend the last CAOAC meeting NTF (Zenin): Going well – • April was a bag of two L146a Rubber Lip plecos (Chaetostoma species ) guessed by Jacob Reimer • Zenin has next months fish already in quarant i n e Show Jar(Zenin): Good number of entries coming in to the meetings. • April judged by John Van Rompu: 8 people showing 14 fish in featured class of Catfish, and 6 fish in AOV, total of 20 fish • Loaches, Killies & AOV at the May general meeting We bmaster (Phil): Website: • Website homepage has a new image showing a good general meeting audience (thanks to Tony Gibbons) • Minor cleanup of some pages on the site, reorganized the downloads page and articles page, new larger member images on our website gallery, moved the sponsors flash banner down to bottom of the page to give the homepage a cleaner look • We’re consistently averaging well over 2 million hits per month. T his is on target with Phil’s forecast of 25 million hits per year. Forum: • Over 550 members on our forum now • We gave our first forum member ban to tans66 (14 days) for rude comments and not following our forum rules. Removed several of his posts from a tank cycle thread and then re-posted the discussion • Andrew from the forum is going to work on a polished club logo with Phil for KWAS • Our chat room renewal fee is up April 24th. The cost is 125.00 US. Brad Hodkinson and Gerry Geddes paid for the past year. - Club to pay the fee this year. Motioned: Miecia, 18 Pet Store Liaison (Al/Zenin): • Zenin spoke with Brent at K-W Aquarium on Saturday regarding flyers, he was receptive, and took the flyers and some complimentary copies of the newsletter. Brent mentioned that he does go to our forum once in a while to read when he has time. Zenin needs to drop off a holder for the flyers, however, he doesn’t have any at this time • Still waiting for the official re-opening of Planet Aquarium under a new name at the new location on Stewart Street (off Park). Old Busine ss • Vacancies still available on the Waterloo Inn T ank Maintenance Schedule (add Charity to the list) • Elections – new Executive to be elected at May General Meeting, BOD appointed at June General Meeting Nominations: - President: Kevin Reimer - Vice President: Geoff Money, Stephen Crawford - T reasurer: John Van Rompu - Secretary: Lezley Smith • KWAS logo/web a ddress on banners – discuss at next meeting / Scott following up on additional quotes • Live food / bug hunt – Sunday April 22 > Zenin will be the contact send him an email Ne w Busine ss • Heather’s Specialized Breeders Award Program proposal – email proposal to everyone, will discuss at next business meeting • Discusse d the fee paid for speakers. - Honorary speaker’s fee increase to $75. Motion: Stephen, seconded: Brad, voted on & carried. Submitted by Kevin Reimer (Recording Secretary) Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society fins & tales May 2007 Exchange Editor’s May Report by Zenin Skomorowski KWAS [email protected] The newsletters featured in this column and others are available to you. Please let me know by email, or at the monthly meeting, which ones you would like to read. colouration and fin structure, and how they change from juvenile to adult in about 3 years. Many will swim upside down to graze on the underside of rocks and fallen branches. Here are some interesting articles in recent issues of Aqua Babble from the Aquarium Club of Edmonton: Decem ber 2006 – “ Apistogramma Panduro – The Other Panda” by Sean Kettle January 2007 – “ Rediscovering the German Blue Ram – Microgeophagus ramirezi” by Lois and Max Gallade March 2007 – “ Malawi Mbuna” by Andy Gordon and Michelle Stuart, also “The Mbuna Community T ank” by Grant Gussie If you are looking for a nongreen plant for your aquarium, try Polygonum sp. Sao Paulo. T imothy S. Gross describes this purplish red plant in the March 2007 issue of Finformation from the Greater Pittsburgh Aquarium Society. “ Can’t Leave Without My Fish,” de scr ibe s Sebastian Ruszkowski’s experiences in setting up an aquarium in his classroom. Read all about it, and some of the feedback he received, in the March 2007 issue of Hi-Fin from the Brampton Aquarium Club. Want to know more about the varieties of larger synodontis catfish ? Check out “ African Siluriforms of the family Mochokidae by Mitchell McKenzie in the March 2007 issue of Fins & Friends from the Regina Aquarium Society. He discusses their general features of I would like to highlight three articles from the March 2007 issue of T ank T alk from the Durham Region Aquarium Society. The first is “Working With Yabbies – Part 1” by T om Mason. What’s a yabby ? Ask to see this issue and find out. The second is “Thinking of Going Planted” by Ivan Shaw. He writes about the various factors of tank size, substrate, heating, filtration, lighting, CO², and fertilizer, including the recipe for PMDD. T he third is “ Eyeball On Oddballs: A Pleco that Isn’t”. Derek P.S. T ustin describes the hill stream loaches and their requirements for environment and food. Surf’s up ! He re are this month’s we b sites to explore: Want to build a koi pond ? P h o t o f r o m http://www. water ga pages/build_wg.html h tt p ://www. f la r e de v . c o m / projects/pond/ http://www. a kc a.or g/libr ary / build1.htm http://www.koif ishpon building.htm ZEHRS TAPES Save ‘em and bring ‘em to the club. The Library will collect them and we will use the money for Library Books Kitchener-Waterloo Aquarium Society 19 We meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month from September through June at the Adult Recreation Centre on the corner of King and Allen Streets in Waterloo. The meeting room is open at 7 PM and we get under way at 7:30 PM. Each meeting usually has a very brief business section then we get on with “Name That Fish”, a program or speaker, a couple o f raffl es and a small auction. A number of other features may also be present at any meeting. Please feel free to come out at any time and learn more about the many ben efits o f a KWAS membership. Library Field Trips Picnic Oktoberfish Conventions... JOIN US ALL ARE WELCOME
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