July 10, 2016 - First Reformed Church
July 10, 2016 - First Reformed Church
Thank you to all of the volunteers, kids, and families who helped make our CaveQuest a success this past week! With the help of Lindsay the Bat and Clark Cavern we were able to learn about our memory buddies who helped to teach us that Jesus gives us hope, courage, love and His power. It took around 60 volunteers to help make this a success for our group of around 100 kids each night. We were able to offer supper this year of spaghetti, chicken strips, french toast sticks, and mini corn dogs. Each night we had around 130 people who were able to partake in the meal and fellowship before we began our CaveQuest. Our offering this year went to Bethany Christian Services. We were able to raise over $1,000 in cash, as well as 480 diapers, 40 containers of wipes, and 68.5 ounces of formula! Thank you for all of your help during the planning stages and throughout the week to make this VBS a success! We really appreciate all of your help and support! Check out our website at www.sullyfrc.org and go to this symbol at the bottom of the homepage for lots of fun pictures from the evening! “I pray that the eyes of your heart will be enlightened so that you may know the hope to which God has called you.” Ephesians 1:18 “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.” Isaiah 55:8 SO much fun was enjoyed by our kids and volunteers at VBS! The board of the East Jasper Christian Food Pantry is very grateful to you for your contribution of $1850. We served 103 clients who needed food assistance during June. Your very generous gift helped us with this mission. Thank you ever so much! Carol Naeseth, Treasurer Thank you to everyone who came and supported the Faithwalkers at the pancake breakfast on July 4th. We raised $3459 which will go towards Rocky Mountain High next summer. Thank you to Jerry and Charlotte Kunce, Dennis and Linda Van Maanen, Kurt and Arloa Harthoorn, and Dave and Karla Winegar for donating the 2 hogs. We also want to thank our extra helpersAustin Kramer, Carrie Jo Hammer, Katelyn Doane, and Dennis and Linda Van Maanen. Thanks again for your generosity! The Faithwalkers MORNING WORSHIP Sunday, July 10, 2016 * 9:30 a.m. Prelude ………………….. “Surely The Presence of the Lord”..………………………… Praise Team Welcome/Announcements THE APPROACH TO GOD *Call to Worship *Hymns of Praise ………………………………………………………………………. “Blessed Assurance” ………………………………………………………………………….. “Cry of My Heart” *Worship Prayer *Children’s message ……………………………………………………………………………… Faye Brand (3 yr. olds thru 1st grade dismissed for Children & Worship ActivitiesLegacy Addition basement!) Congregational/Offertory Prayer Offertory ……………….……………………………………………………………………… “I Surrender All” THE WORD OF GOD Scripture ………………………………………… Isaiah 55:1-3, 8-12(pg.597); John 4:4-14(pg.863) Message …………………………………………………………………………….. “Come to the Waters” Prayer of Blessing THE RESPONSE TO GOD *Closing Hymn ……………...…………………………………………………………………… “Step By Step” *Benediction *Response …………………………………………………………………………………………… “We Will Go” POSTLUDE …………………………………………………………………………………………… Praise Team *Indicates standing if able * CCLI License # 790003 * There will be a time of coffee and fellowship after the service this morning in the Gathering Place (new fellowship hall). Today after the morning worship we will have a time for a more in depth slide presentation about the work abroad. Our mission coworker would also like you to meet some of those whose lives have been touched by our joint ministry together. Please grab a cookie and juice or coffee and join us back in the sanctuary for a short presentation! Evening Worship Service July 10, 2016 6:00 p.m. Pastor Mike Holleman PRELUDE ………………………………………………………………………………... Arloa Harthoorn Hymns #446……………………………………………………………………….. “I Will Serve Thee” *#339………………………………………………………. “Since I Have Been Redeemed” Invocation Congregational & Offertory Prayer Offertory #436………………………………………………………………….. “Whiter Than Snow” THE WORD OF GOD Prayer of Illumination Scripture ……………………………………………………………………….1 John 4:7-21(pg.1002) Message………………… “Loving Others Well”………………….. Pastor Mike Holleman Prayer of Blessing THE RESPONSE TO GOD *Closing Hymn #574…………………………………. “If My People’s Hearts Are Humbled” *Benediction *Congregational Response #335…………………………… “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” POSTLUDE………………………………………………………………………………Arloa Harthoorn *Indicates standing if able Rev. Wayne Sneller, Senior Pastor – Phone 641-594-2935 ext 2 or [email protected] Christian Education & Youth Director – contact the church office Church Office – 641-594-2935 ext 1, email: [email protected] Church Website – www.sullyfrc.org Sharla Van Wyk, bookkeeper – [email protected] Watch our worship service online by going to our church website www.sullyfrc.org Audio of sermons now available on the church website Services can be heard on FM 88.1 locally on your radio dial *The Vander Pol Scholarship has funds available for college students interested in full time Christian services. Please contact Pastor Wayne or Gary Van Genderen for more information. Due date is July 31, 2016. PICK UP YOUR PICTORIAL DIRECTORY IN THE GATHERING PLACE (West Wall) THEY ARE LABELED WITH YOUR NAME IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! *ORDER YOUR BLUEBERRIES sold by Lake View Camp as a fundraiser for our summer camping ministry. The blueberries will be delivered on Saturday, July 16, and Saturday, July 23 to Pella. Have your orders in by July 11 for the first delivery and July 18 for the second delivery to be sure your get your blueberries. Lois Vander Leest has offered to pick up the blueberries and deliver to church for the July 16 pickup. Please let Lois or the church office know if you need your blueberries picked up on the 16th! Our Church Family Marvin Baarda had gall bladder surgery on Tuesday, July 5 at the Pella Regional Health Center. He was able to return home the same day. He reentered the hospital on Thursday with pneumonia and will be there for a few days. Myra Rozendaal had hip replacement surgery on Tuesday, July 5 in Des Moines. She was able to return home on Wednesday, July 6. She is doing very well, but please call prior to visiting. Eldred Van Gorp will be having hip replacement surgery on Tuesday, July 12 at Methodist West in Des Moines, IA. Our Extended Church family We want to extend our congratulations to Codie & Jana Zeutenhorst (Pastor Wayne and Tammy’s daughter) in the birth of a healthy baby girl, Sadie Grace, born on Thursday, July 7 in Luverne, Minnesota. Those on Mission Trips & attending T.E.C. this week Remember Cale Van Wyk – Vietnam, Lyndsay Terpstra – China, and Emily Van Manen – Albania and their team in your prayers as they continue to spread God’s word throughout the next few weeks in each of these countries. Cooper & Hailey Scandridge and Kyle Van Dyke will be attending T.E.C. July 14-17. Deadline to sign up for the July 23 day trip to Jefferson and Lake City will be Sunday July 17 Sponsored by Lois Vander Leest & Larry Rozenboom You are invited to join a tour set up at the 1875 furniture builder and tower in Jefferson and then on to Lake City to the Dobson Organ Builders(more information is found in the July Informer) There is a sign-up sheet by the office, or e-mail [email protected], or call 7932772. The Calvary CRC bus will stop here at the church at 8 am. More transportation will be arranged if needed, possibly personal vans, with price adjusted. Payable before leaving is $12 per person for fees and bus trip. Lunch will be at your expense, returning approximately 5:30-6 pm. Our Servicemen & Women NOTICE OF CHANGE FOR GUIDELINES FOR HOPE MINISTRIES clothing drive. Hope Ministries is in need of good, wearable/repairable used clothing and especially SHOES(no boots), COATS & SOCKS!! We ask that coats be bagged separately and all clothing As we head toward two national political conventions, our nation seems as divided as ever. America is in trouble--we are in need of Divine intervention like never before. Our next president is not our great hope; Jesus Christ alone is the only hope for a sinful nation and people enraged with evil. The Bible tells us, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). Pray for peace and an end to the hate and violence. I pray that God will comfort and wrap His loving arms around the families and communities grieving their loved ones. The Word of God says, “Put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore” (Psalm 131:3). Franklin Graham come in garbage bags. NOTHING BROKEN, UNUSEABLE, RAGS or DIRTY ITEMS PLEASE! Don’t forget to pick up your mail across from the new church office on the west wall! If you do not have a mailbox and would like one, please contact the church office at 594-2935 or [email protected]. The July Informer is in your mailbox or online at www.sullyfrc.org. Brandon Zylstra, SSC – Army Jayson A. Hardin – Boot Camp –address: 214 PVT Hardin Jayson A., FCO 2nd BN 54 IN, BLDG 3405, Ft. Benning, GA 31905 (updated address) Kyle Kramer – Boot Camp – address: PVT Kramer, Kyle, D CO. 35th EN BN, 6221 Iowa Ave., Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473 Angelo Lemons - Army/Marine Boot Camp. Youth & Education Director The Search Committee requests prayers for our next Director of Christian Education and Youth Ministries. Please be in prayer for our committee and the person God has called to lead our youth. Prayer for our Nation & Leaders MORNING USHER SCHEDULE - 2016 DATE July 10 SIDE AISLE Kendall Jansen Brad Rozendaal Kevin Van Wyk Dylan Roozeboom July 17 CENTER AISLE Austin Newell Caden Dunsbergen Jeff Van Wyk Gale Horman WING Monty Lukehart Bryce Doane Brett Vanden Hoek Dustin Dunsbergen MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY SCHEDULE SERVING – July 10 Amber Lanser Kayla Van Dyke Joni Collins Hailey Scandridge 6:30 pm Church League - Sully Reformed vs. Sully CRC(East) 8:00 pm Church League – Sully Reformed vs. Heart of Worship Carrie Mortvedt Cheyanne Collins Wednesday July 13, 2016 5:45 am Promise Keepers Lynnville Sully Softball Banquet in the Gathering Place Thursday July 14, 2016 T.E.C. – Teens Encounter Christ will be held here at FRC through Sunday, July 17 Friday July 15, 2016 T.E.C. LIVE STREAM Parent: Gerald & Elaine D Storyteller: Shirley D Leader: Barb M Bryce Doane Teryl Ver Ploeg PROJECTION Dana Rozendaal Nick De Penning WELCOME CENTER GREETER NORTH LEGACY GREETER SOUTH LEGACY GREETER SOUTH MAIN GREETER WING Nick De Penning Saturday July 16, 2016 Brad & Stephanie Rozendaal Sunday July 17, 2016 Gary & Janice Roorda John & Julie Roozeboom Bryan & Myra Rozendaal Derek Rozendaal Earl & Marcia Rozendaal Harold & Velma Rozendaal * Please contact Hollie Nunnikhoven at [email protected] if you would be willing to help out with this ministry! Nursery alert pagers are available in the nursery at check-in! *Guests please stop by the Welcome table to find out more about First Reformed Church! Our Servicemen & Women Assisted Living & Nursing Home Residents Bruce Baarda resides at Mayflower Home, 600 Park St., Rm. #110, Grinnell, IA 50112 Brandon Zylstra, SSC – Army Jayson A. Hardin, Kyle Kramer & Angelo Lemons – Boot Camp Missionary of the Month 9:30 am Morning Worship Service – Mission co-worker abroad - Slides will be shown after the service in the sanctuary. 10:45 am Coffee time after the morning service. 1 – 4 pm Baby Shower in the Gathering Place 6:00 pm Evening Worship Service – Pastor Mike Holleman Carna De Jong Shaleah Van Wyk Parent: Dan & Stephanie D Storyteller: Julie D Leader: Barb M None needed Scott & Valerie Rolffs Sunday July 10, 2016 Monday July 11, 2016 Tuesday July 12, 2016 SERVING – July 17 INFANT NURSERY TODDLER NURSERY CHILDREN in WORSHIP Weekly Calendar at Sully 1st Reformed for the week of July 10 - 17, 2016 Tom & Aichatou Johnson – RCA Missionaries in Niger T.E.C. 6:30 am Prayer in Sully City Park – Women’s Bible Study – “Praying through Scripture” – Led by Jennifer Kramer 9:30 am Morning Worship Service – Pastor Wayne Sneller 10:45 am NO COFFEE TIME AFTER SERVICE DUE TO T.E.C. 6:00 pm No Regular Evening Service due to T.E.C. 5:00 pm CITEC #62 - (Central Iowa Teens Encounter Christ) Closing Service held here at FRC. This is a weekend long retreat. This student lead ministry is hosted in many churches in the region three times a year. Each time the church gives up their facility so that more High School youth have a chance to fully focus on their faith in Christ. Sunday School and fellowship time will NOT be held. A TEC closing service will be held Sunday night. As a congregation we can support this youth outreach ministry through our prayers and allowing the ministry to occur with minimal interruption. Thank you for helping bring youth to Christ! LOOKING AHEAD July 23, 6:30 a.m. - Prayer in the Park a Women’s Bible Study at Sunrise. “Praying using Mindfulness”. For questions contact Jennifer Kramer [email protected] or 641891-0742 July 23 – 31 – Kentucky Mission Work Trip July 26 – 31 – IMPACT Youth Power Connection and Work Trip CONSISTORY Rev. Wayne Sneller, President ELDERS Melvin Dunsbergen (16) Scott Van Kooten (16) Meldon Vos (16) Verlan Brand (17) Gary Van Genderen (17) Teryl Ver Ploeg (17) Ervin Arkema (18) Bob Scandridge (18) Melvin Van Genderen (18) WHAT we are learning this Fall at FRC 2015/16 DEACONS Joel Jansen (16) Ryan Mortvedt (16) Kevin Van Manen (16) Travis Chapman (17) David Nikkel (17) Jerry Vander Beek (17) Nick Harthoorn (18) Jeremy Rozendaal (18) Rusty Van Wyk (18) OFFICERS OF CONSISTORY Vice President – Gary Van Genderen (17) Clerk – Meldon Vos (16) Deacon Chairman – Joel Jansen (16) Deacon Secretary – Ryan Mortvedt (16) General/Maintenance Fund Treasurer – Kevin Van Manen (16) Ass’t General Fund Treasurer – Jerry Vander Beek (17) Mission Fund Treasurer – David Nikkel (17) Ass’t Mission Fund Treasurer- Jeremy Rozendaal (18) Youth & Education Director Sunday School 3 & 4 year olds:—Hands on Bible: Creation, Noah and Abraham & Sarah Pre-K & Kindergarten:—Scripture Press: All God Made, About God’s Word and God’s gifts 1st thru 4th Grade: Kid Connection : King Solomon, Elijah, Jonah, Esther, Jesus’ birth 5th & 6th Grade: Scripture Press: God Gives Kings: 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Chronicles 7th & 8th Grade:—One Minute Bible By Doug Fields-- 52 weeks of looking at the Bible on various topics that Junior High kids deal with every day 9th & 10th grade:—Heidelberg Catechism 11th & 12th grade:—Topical Bible Themed Studies Wednesday Night Journey (6th-8th grade)—Dive: What is Being a Christian All About? *Meet at 6:15 pm in the Children in Worship area 9th & 10th Grade Small Group—Top 10 questions about God and how to respond *Meet at 6:45 pm in the Light house th 11 COMMITTEE CHAIR PERSONS AND CONTACT PERSONS Church Office – 641-594-2935 or email: [email protected] Secretaries – Deb Van Kooten & Deb Van Wyk Bookkeeper – Sharla Van Wyk Custodian – Rod Zuidema STARS Coordinator – Eloise Vos Newsletter Editor – church office [email protected] Christian Education – Gary Van Genderen Calendar Activities – church office Worship Committee – Pastor Wayne Sneller Secretary/Custodial – Gary Van Genderen Greeters/Ushers – Melvin Dunsbergen Music Committee – Teryl Ver Ploeg Pulpit Supply – Gary Van Genderen Sound System – Donavon De Penning Van Committee – Travis Chapman Women with Purpose – Marsha Vanden Hoek Church Nursery – Hollie Nunnikhoven Food Committee – Bruce & Lynn Dunsbergen 1st & 3rd Sunday Custodian– Donavon De Penning Coffee Time Committee- Beryl & Velda Dunsbergen Kidz Movie Nite –Lynn Dunsbergen Buildings & Grounds – David Nikkel Website Updates – Teryl Ver Ploeg Welcome Committee – Nick De Penning Request Shut-in Communion – Rod Zuidema Ushers – Melvin Dunsbergen Hospital Equipment–Ralph Van Wyk Service Committee – Lynn Wyma Legacy Kitchen – Velda Dunsbergen “The Well” Kitchen – Barb Jansen Kitchen Rental Chairman – Lynn Dunsbergen Sunday School Nursery – Hollie Nunnikhoven Power Point Projection – Teryl Ver Ploeg Audio/Visual – Josh Rozendaal Fellowship – Kevin Van Manen Route 56 –Kayla Kelly & 12th Grade Small Group—God’ Story, Your Story *Meet at 7:00 pm in the Well Youth Group Faithwalkers (9th – 12th grade)—Your Story is God’s Story: Your testimony, your life is a part of God’s redemptive story IMPACT (6th – 8th grade)—Souled Out—What would your life look like if every decision you made had God in mind. Bible Studies Young Adult Bible Study – 1st & 3rd Sunday evenings at 6:30 p.m. *Teryl & Carol Ver Ploeg and Jerry & Pam Vander Beek Young Couples Bible Study – held one Sunday a month at 5:00 pm *Scott & Deb Van Kooten, Jeff & Deb Van Wyk & Kevin & Julie Van Wyk Sunday School Class rooms and teachers 2015-2016 Beginner Department – Lynn Dunsbergen and Substitute Trisha Vander Molen 3 & 4 year olds – Room #9 (east side of basement) Amy Harthoorn & Suzanne Rozendaal, Marlene Rozendaal & Lisa Dunsbergen, Ryan & Carrie Mortvedt Pre – Kindergarten –Room #7 (east side of basement) Carna De Jong & Steph Young Nicole Dunsbergen (accompanist) 3 year olds – Kindergarten please come to room #7 (southeast side of basement) for Sunday school singing time! 1st graders please come here this first week and we will take you to the Primary Sunday school department! Primary Department – Monica Nikkel & Julie Van Manen 1st & 2nd Grade – Room #3 (west side of basement) Joni Collins & Kristin Carlisle 3rd & 4th Grade- Room #1 (west side of basement) Verlan Brand & Jamie Dunsbergen Substitute teacher – Julie Keen Middle School – Chad Fikse 1st – 4th grade should come to Room #6 (“The Temple” room) each week for our singing time. This year’s 5th graders should also meet in Rm. #6 this first week and we will take you to the Jr. High Sunday school area! 5th & 6th Grade – The Lighthouse – (upstairs above wing) Nick De Penning, Mel Vos & Tim Vanden Hoek 7th & 8th Grade – The Lighthouse (upstairs above wing) Craig Maasdam, Duane Collins & Bruce Dunsbergen High School 9th & 10th Grade – The Well (east side of basement) Kurt Harthoorn 11th & 12th Grade – The Well (east side of basement) Myra Rozendaal Adult Sunday school – Sunday School Guide – old office Gary Van Genderen, Ryk De Goey, Ralph J. Van Wyk, Glenn Vanderpol & Gerald Droppert Adult Sunday school – “Do You Believe?” Sunday school – meet in the Legacy Center Bryan Rozendaal & Gary Van Genderen Impact (Jr. High youth: 6th – 8th grade) – Travis Albers – meet in The Lighthouse Nathan & Steph Young, Mark & Justine Wyma, & Alan & Brenda Newell Faithwalkers (9th – 12th grade) – Travis Albers – meets in The Well Joel & Heidi Van Wyk, John & Julie Roozeboom, & John & Jennifer Kramer Wednesday Family Night 6th – 8th Grade (Children in Worship area) – 6:15 – 7 pm – Nick De Penning & Brandon Dunsbergen 9th – 10th Grade (The Lighthouse) – 6:45 – 7:45 pm – Gerald Droppert, Dennis Dunsbergen & Pastor Wayne 11th – 12th Grade (The Well) – 7 – 8 pm – Travis Albers & Monty Lukehart
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