Trip of a Lifetime (Page 8) I G H W A Y N E W S H G N O AND OOD EWS NLINE 24-HOUR TRUCKERS PRAYER LINE 1-877-797-PRAY (1-877-797-7729) Transport For Christ, International www.transportforchrist.org April 2014 www.driverswellness.com Like us on Facebook: transport4christ & MileMarkersClub A Word from Scott From the Mailbox Meeting the Need Dear TFC, Who makes us gift bags for the chapels to hand out?...What a wonderful ministry in addition to the work the chaplains are already doing. Trucking must be a lonely job, getting all our goods from place to place here in the U.S. as well as Canada and beyond. Doris Via e-mail I really like the editorials “A Word from Scott”; he really nails the subjects he picks. I’m not a trucker, but I pray for them all when we are on the road. We also love Chaplain Jay at the Rochelle Petro Truck Stop. He can bring it, it being the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul and Eunice Mt.Morris, IL Dear TFC, Please send Highway News to my mother; she really enjoys reading it. Thank you for the [chapels] you have for us truckers. Chaplain Mike Touhy is the best. I am more than proud to keep helping out when I can. Doug Dale, IN LETTER POLICY We appreciate your signed letters. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. All materials become the property of Transport For Christ. Highway News and Good News PO Box 117 Marietta, PA 17547-0117 Last evening Karen and I enjoyed a visit from my brother-in-law John and his wife, Barbara. We reminisced over our forty-five years as family and sixty-five years of life, including the fields we’ve been involved in through the years. As a long-time insurance professional in Boston, John had much to say about the changes within the insurance industry and the impact of external factors that have driven us all into the present healthcare crisis. Regardless of how and to whom we issue responsibility and blame, the reality is that we are in a very real crisis. And perhaps no working force in our country will be impacted more than the trucking industry— presently the number of under-insured and uninsured drivers is very high. Couple that with the lack of availability and accessibility, as well as increasing oversight, and there is a huge barrier of health-related issues confronting professional drivers, and they are already a very unhealthy and terribly under-served workforce. As I mentioned last month, TFC has been working hard to develop a new integrated model to respond more effectively to the healthcare needs in the professional driving community. As with any project of this magnitude, there have been endless discussions with many different stakeholders to get a good measure of the needs to be addressed and the potential for our concept(s) to effectively meet those needs. Without exception, individuals and groups alike have given an overwhelming thumbs-up on both accounts. Out of these discussions, many have come who want to work directly with us to apply their expertise in this effort. One of our key alliances is with the Social Enterprise Institute of Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania. Teams of students in engineering, architectural design, and computer science are competing to design a “driver wellness” unit inside a 53-foot trailer, just like the ones we use for our mobile chapels. The students are being challenged to develop a conceptual design for a facility that could offer an integrated wellness program to address drivers' spiritual and physical needs. Our International Board of Directors has given us the go-ahead to take these concepts and begin turning them into practical reality. To me, one of the things that is so impressive about Jesus is the way He met people at their point of need...always the spiritual but also the physical and emotional as a demonstration of His love and sovereignty. I believe that this is the model TFC must follow, and that is exactly what our drivers wellness initiative is intended to do. We are blessed and excited to have more individuals and organizations as partners...we also have a long way to go. We'll keep you up to date as we forge ahead. Please keep this effort in your prayers! Safe travels! You can write to us via e-mail: [email protected] 2 HIGHWAY NEWS AND GOOD NEWS ONLINE www.driverswellness.com HIGHWAY NEWS and Good NewS Online VOLUME 59 NUMBER 4 APRIL 2014 Features 4 Spring Time — Show Time! Truck fanciers have much to look forward to in the upcoming months. Departments A Word from Scott .............................. 2 Chaplains’ Logs .................................. 6 Good News ......................................... 10 Drivers Wellness Focus....................... 16 Rambler.............................................. 17 Green Onion....................................... 18 Executive Editor Scott A. Weidner Managing Editor Inge Koenig 7 A New Chapter in Sioux Falls New TFC Chapter to enhance effectiveness of ministry to truckers in Sioux Falls. 8 Trip of a Lifetime John and Dalila Dowd get all fifty states in their bucket! 12 A Word from The Word* ...to encourage you. Copy Editor Patti Olson Photographers for this Issue John & Dalila Dowd Doris High Donald Hollinger 13 More from the Frontlines* How God is using TFC chaplains to impact lives 14 The Place of Nowhere to Go* Have you been there? Contributing Writers in this Issue Ralph DeFrangesco John Dowd Jane Evans Donald Hollinger Rev. Gary Nussbaum Rev. David Roberts Highway News and Good News (ISSN 1077-0267) is published monthly by Transport For Christ, International. A statement of faith is available by writing to the address below. Copyright © 2014 by Transport For Christ, International. Reproduction of any kind is prohibited without written consent. All scriptures are from the New International Version (1984) unless noted otherwise. The opinions expressed in this magazine may not necessarily be those of Highway News and Good News or of Transport For Christ. TFC International Office: PO Box 117, Marietta, PA 17547-0117 (717) 426-9977 TFC Canada Office: 6242 Route 105 Lower Brighton, NB E7P 1B3 (506) 375-4841 www.transportforchrist.org 15 A Life Renewed* Fiction with a lesson *Exclusive online features On the cover: Photo taken by Doris High while on the road with her husband, Cerwin, as they were driving by Effingham, Illinois. See page 5 for some fascinating facts about this cross. Transport For Christ... Leading truck drivers as well as the trucking community to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith APRIL 2014 3 Spring Time — Show Time! By Donald Hollinger W ith spring in the air, my thoughts turn to the many upcoming truck shows scheduled in the upcoming months. I thought I might share some photos from the 2013 shows along with the dates for 2014. It seems there are more shows each year, and TFC has been asked to be represented at many of them, either with a Mobile Chapel or a booth. In this article I am sharing about a few of the unique trucks I saw. At many of the shows, you would see a smiling Norm Getz driving around with his garden tractor that he made into a Mack truck, complete with air compressor for his air horns and dual chrome stacks (top left). Norm is a Mack enthusiast, active in the antique truck club, and a distributor of Highway News. At Gerhart's Truck Show, held each year in Lititz, Pennsylvania, I met Rodney Eckeard from New Jersey with his beautiful KW, featuring 176 lights (middle left). I was delighted to see, on the side of the sleeper, the words "Living by Faith, not by Sight" (from 2 Corinthians 5:7). Also at that show was a beautifully restored 1953 red LJ Mack (pictured on next page) that has been at the show in past years but now has a new owner and a new restoration job. New for 2013 was the Keystone Diesel Truck Nationals at Maple Grove Raceway in Mohnton, Pennsylvania. There for the first time I saw the oversized Ford pickup pictured on the bottom left, named “Turley the Mutt.” It’s really more Mack than Ford: a 1995 Ford pickup built on the frame of a l970 DM 800 Mack 6x6 chassis. It has a 237 Turbo Mack diesel engine and a 5x4 Mack transmission. Also at that show was a beautifully customized longwheel-base Peterbilt owned by Reinsfelder Trucking, out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (photo on next page). If you enjoy seeing trucks, whether they’re new, old, antique, or unusual, you may want to jot down in your calendar the upcoming show dates in the list on the next page. 4 HIGHWAY NEWS AND GOOD NEWS ONLINE www.driverswellness.com i May 29-31: Antique Truck Historical Society National Convention and Antique Truck Show, Springfield, Missouri i June 13-14: Antique Truck Club of America National Meet and Flea Market, Macungie Park, Macungie, Pennsylvania i June 20-21: 23rd Annual TFC Ohio Truck Rally, Kidron, Ohio i June 28-29: 33rd Annual TFC Pennsylvania Truck Rally, Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, Pennsylvania i July 10-12: Walcott Truckers Jamboree, Iowa 80 Truck Stop, Walcott, Iowa i July 26-27: Keystone Diesel Truck Nationals, Maple Grove Raceway, Mohnton, Pennsylvania. i August 16: Truckers Day at the Buck, Buck Motorsports Park, Quarryville, Pennsylvania. i September 20: East Coast Marmon Show, Weaver’s Store, Adamstown, Pennsylvania; i September 25-27: 10th Annual Tri-State Antique Truck Show, Winchester, Virginia i October 3-4: Gerhart’s All-Mack Truck Event, Lititz, Pennsylvania. About the cross on the cover Known as the “Cross at the Crossroads,” located at the intersection of Highways 57 and 70 in Effingham, Illinois, it is purported to be the world’s largest cross. It’s 198 feet tall and 113 feet wide, was forged out of 180 tons of steel, and is anchored in untold fathoms of cement that enables it to withstand winds of up to 145 mph. The height of the cross was carefully chosen to exceed the dimensions of the Groom cross inTexas (which is 196 feet) but to still be below the 200-foot mark that would require it to have a light on top, according to FAA regulations. “Corvettes at the Cross” and the “Blessing of the Bikes” are two of the seasonal events held at the cross's Welcome Center and chapel. Volunteers staff the facility in four-hour shifts. Information source: www.RoadsideAmerica.com www.transportforchrist.org APRIL 2014 5 CHAPLAINS’ LOGS True Stories of God’s Amazing Grace Excerpts from the daily logs of chapels across North America. See page 15 for a list of chapel locations. f Open chapels at Christmas bless many drivers Jeff stopped by to express his thrill at finding a chapel open on Christmas Eve. We rejoiced together over the birthday of our Lord and praised Him in celebration before he had to get going again on his journey. Chaplain Dave f Chaplain leads drivers in prayer for spiritual healing and salvation Raymond from Texas called with a broken heart over his divorce. I listened and prayed with him. Rom came in the chapel to learn something about God. It became evident in our conversation that he didn’t know about spiritual matters. So after a study in the Gospel of John and the book of Romans, Roy realized he needed Jesus. Just before we prayed, a driver from Pennsylvania came and prayed for and professed salvation with us. Chaplain Len f Growing in Christ through His Word Bob was one of three drivers attending the morning service, and he had recently recommitted his life to Christ. Bob is still on the “milk of the Word” and very willing to grow. It was refreshing to have all three drivers excited and willing to study God’s Word in depth and apply it to their lives. Chaplain Fred f Chaplain goes the extra mile to answer a couple's questions Phineas and Tami called asking if I could pick them up at the TA so we could talk. I did, and we had a good three-hour visit. Tami accepted Christ with Chaplain Jay at the Rochelle Chapel and is now reading the Bible every day. She had questions about sharing the Gospel with her family. I then took them back to their truck at the TA. Chaplain John f The Lord knows our needs and is faithful to answer Nicole and her mother stopped by. When I asked the mom about her eternal destiny, she said she believed in the finished work of Christ. When I asked Nicole the same question, she said she believed in God. I shared James 2:19 that says that even the devil believes in God, but that is not a belief for salvation, and that we must be born again. Nicole replied that she wanted to be saved and prayed the sinner’s prayer. Her mom praised God, saying, “We were talking about salvation riding down the highway, and we stopped here, and that was the first question you asked us!” Chaplain Jay f Chapel visit was a blessing, even if it was short Tom came in toward the end of the service saying that he couldn’t stay long, but just wanted to come to the chapel to acknowledge God’s grace in his life. We prayed with him before he left and gave him a gift bag. Chaplain Jim f Driver returns to update chaplain on how his life is going David stopped for prayer and fellowship. He had been here last October, needing help, which the chaplain provided. This time David wanted to let us know that all is well now. Praise God that a chaplain was here to help. After he shared, we had Bible study and prayer. Chaplain Bob f Kindness is repaid—generously! A lady by the name of Maria, from Texas, saw me buy a meal for a transient and afterwards walked up to say she’d seen what I had done and handed me some money. I just thanked her and put in in my pocket. When I got back to the chapel and checked it, I found that she had given me one hundred dollars! Chaplain Jason f God’s Word blesses driver with His peace Jack was passing by to get something to eat when he decided to come into the chapel. He said he had lost the “peace of God.” I listened and shared passages from Philippians, Ephesians, and Psalms. God’s Word redirected his thoughts and attitude. He said he was glad to be driving a truck or he wouldn’t be in the chapel to have God’s peace restored to him. What a blessing! When he left, he said he couldn’t believe that over two hours had passed. Chaplain Jim 6 HIGHWAY NEWS AND GOOD NEWS ONLINE www.driverswellness.com A New Chapter in Sioux Falls hroughout the years, a great part of the success of the ministry of TFC has been due to the tireless efforts of the TFC Chapters. Simply put, Chapters are groups of people who gather regularly to help the ministry through prayer, financial support, and volunteering. Activities range from monthly prayer meetings, prayer breakfasts, concerts, banquets, auctions, truck shows—there really is no limit to the creative ways chapters have used to raise awareness about TFC and its ministry to the trucking and travel plaza industry. T Our newest chapter is in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Chaplain Rallyn and Carolyn Van Beek have been with this ministry for since 2006, assisted, in the past couple of years, by Chaplain Ryan and Isabel Albrecht. Now they have gathered a few friends to form an official TFC Chapter. The chapter meets at noon the first Wednesday of the month at the Flying J on I-29 in Sioux Falls. Their purpose is to gain new members to help support the Sioux Falls Chapel. This means, among other activities, help with fundraising, thereby freeing the chaplains to work with the drivers. They will promote the chapel ministry throughout the Sioux Falls area, sponsor the annual banquet, work with national carriers to let them know the Sioux Falls chapel is open, and do community outreach in general. If you are interested in starting a chapter in your area, contact the TFC International Office for information and guidance on how to get one established. It doesn’t have to be big…just a small group of friends who want to help TFC improve the lives of drivers can do mighty works. i Chaplain Rallyn and Carolyn, shown at the door of the Fresh Start Chapel in Sioux Falls, are looking forward to increased ministry effectiveness as a result of the formation of a local TFC chapter. Can You Guess this Truck? Answer in next month’s magazine E-mail [email protected] with your guess (or for the answer). Last month’s “Guess Truck” (above) was a 1939 Studebaker. Photo by Donald Hollinger www.transportforchrist.org APRIL 2014 7 Lifetime Trip of a 8 by John Dowd John and Dalila with Chaplain Tom Kemp at the Seattle East TA I t was a trip that my wife, Dalila, and I had planned for years. I had trucked through forty-eight states at one time or another, and Dalila had seen forty-four of them while we were driving as a husband-and-wife team. We both had seen Alaska by boat together, and we both had seen Hawaii years before we met. She went with a girlfriend from her office at work, and I stopped there on my way to Vietnam in 1968. I always wanted Dalila to see those last four states that she had not seen. There is something in me that I can’t seem to get out of my system, nor do I want to. Some of you drivers know what I’m talking about. I retired from a career in trucking in March 2013, but I still wanted to drive trucks. I wanted to retrace some of our tracks across this great country of ours and get Dalila through those last four states, but I did not want to do it in a four-wheeler. I wanted a Road Ranger tranny and 400 horses of diesel power under the hood. I spent twelve years building a motorhome from a 1968 Peterbilt and finished the project in time to take off right after retirement. We started our trip with a visit to our local Transport For Christ chapel at the Seattle East TA in North Bend, Washington. We picked up a case of Bibles and distributed them across the northern route. We enjoyed fellowshipping with truckers and met many who were in need of prayer; and we had many opportunities to witness about the Gospel. HIGHWAY NEWS AND GOOD NEWS ONLINE www.driverswellness.com As it turned out, our ’68 Peterbilt-turnedmotorhome was a magnet and a conversation piece at truck stops and rest areas everywhere. Some truckers were interested in the motorhome conversion and some were interested in the antique 1968 narrow nose, small window Peterbilt that I used for the conversion. They all accepted us as truckers because the conversion looks more like a truck than a motorhome and we know our way around the trucking industry and the truckers’ way of life. We enjoyed antique truck shows where there is more opportunity for witnessing (again, the opportunities are endless). Transport For Christ chapels played an important role in the years we spent trucking. Now in retirement, we were again able to visit TFC chapels at truck stops and we especially enjoyed being able to visit the International Office in Marietta, Pennsylvania. We finally met the staff and saw the work being done in the shop where they convert old trailers into beautiful chapels that go out to serve the trucking community. We met people that we had only communicated with through phone conversations and e-mail. Before we left Pennsylvania, we went back to the TFC International Office and picked up two cases of Bibles to distribute down I-95, across the south and up the west coast on our return journey. My wife had now seen those last four states—Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Florida. Our first trip in our 1968 Peterbilt motorhome is complete, but our work is not. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commanded the first Christians to witness to others. Jesus is with us and we will continue to do the work that Christians have been commanded to do. It does not seem like work but more like a nostalgic trucking experience. We look forward to our next trip, retracing more of our tracks across this great country of ours during our years of team driving. i Editor’s note: See October 2012 Highway News for the story on John and Dalila’s early days as team drivers. www.transportforchrist.org (Top) At the TFC International Office, the Dowds’ RV matches grill crosses with the TFC chapel. (Middle) One of the many significant stops in their travels. (Bottom) At Gerhart’s, site of a popular truck show. APRIL 2014 9 GOOD NEWS FOR YOU The Day “Doubting Thomas” Believed oor Thomas! When it comes right down to it, he was just being honest, and what did it get him? The “honor” of being forever associated with doubting, as well as a place in the dictionary—which defines “doubting Thomas” as “One who is habitually doubtful; who insists on proof before he will believe anything; someone who demands physical evidence in order to be convinced (especially when this demand is out of place); sceptic.” P The fact is, “doubting Thomas” just couldn’t believe what they were telling him. It was too good to be true, so he decided it couldn’t be true. He had seen all his hopes killed and laid in a tomb. When all the disciples joyfully told him Jesus had risen from the dead and had appeared to them, he replied, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe” (John 20:25). I’m so glad Jesus had mercy on Thomas! He appeared to His doubtful disciple, showing him His hands and feet, telling him, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” When Thomas saw the Lord, he fell at His feet, crying, “My Lord and my God!” While merciful, the Lord also lovingly rebuked him for his doubtful spirit: “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Too many times, we demand to see before we believe; yet in God’s economy, believing comes before seeing. The Bible says that someday we all will fall at the feet of the crucified and resurrected Son of God, confessing that Jesus is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11). Will we fall before Him in gratitude, seeing for the first time Him in Whom we believed, or will it be with regret because we realize how foolish we were for not believing? Let’s believe Him for Who He is: the risen Lord and Savior who died for our sins and rose again for our justification, as the Bible says. It may seem “too good to be true,” but it is true. Jesus loves you, died and rose again for you, and is waiting to forgive you and give you a new life. Why not make this Easter celebration your best ever by surrendering your life to Him and inviting Him to live in your heart? If you do, you will someday hear Him say, “Blessed are you, because you have not seen, yet you have believed.” Believe in the Risen Lord and He Will Give You New Life R Believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and for eternal life. R Confess Jesus as your Savior and Lord and turn from your sins. R Pray this prayer: “Lord Jesus, I know that I’m a sinner. I believe that You died on the cross and shed Your blood to pay the penalty for my sins. Please forgive me and come into my life. You are my Savior and Lord.” Easier said than done? Stop by a TFC chapel (listed on page 15) or call a chaplain for more guidance. R On the back of this magazine is a coupon to send to us if you have prayed this prayer. We will send you a Bible study designed for truckers, to help you in your new walk with Christ. 10 HIGHWAY NEWS AND GOOD NEWS ONLINE www.driverswellness.com PLEASE CHECK ONE Mark Your Calendar! TFC Upcoming Events April 4-5 v TFC at MissionFest Toronto: Global Kingdom Ministries, 1250 Markham Rd., Scarborough, ON. For more information, call 506-375-4841. April 12, 6:00 PM v York Chapter Dinner Concert: Dover Fire Hall, Dover, PA; for information & tickets, contact Bill Menges (717-3241592) or Marie Miller (717-259-7362). April 17, 6:00 PM v West Michigan Banquet: The Pinnacle Center, Hudsonville, MI; for information & tickets, contact Dwayne at 616-7451012 or [email protected]. April 19, 5:00 PM v Sherwood Park Chapel Banquet: Dow Center, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta; for information & tickets, call Chaplain Sam at 780-203-3784. q I want to support the publishing of Highway News by my financial gift. Enclosed is $_________________. q I want to subscribe to the free electronic version of Highway News; send it to this e-mail address: ___________________________________ q I want to be a monthly distributor of Highway News. (Price for bulk distribution is 35 cents USD/CAD per copy.) Enclosed is $_________ for ______ copies per month. You will be billed for and shipped this amount each month. You may increase or change it at any time by contacting TFC. Billing address Name:___________________________________ Street:___________________________________ - IN MEMORY OF - City: ____________________________________ EARL BENNETT Phone: __________________________________ State/Prov: __________ Zip/PC:______________ By Winfred & Elaine Grismore E-mail: _________________________________ PAUL KELLER By Anonymous Shipping address (If different from billing address) DICK KESSLER Name: __________________________________ By Timothy & Dawn Mack Marie Parson Mr. & Mrs. Westfall Street:___________________________________ City: ____________________________________ HARRY SENSENIG By Charlie & Hazel Sensenig State/Prov: __________ Zip/PC:_____________ ROBERT MARTIN STEMEN In the United States, mail to: Transport For Christ PO Box 117 • Marietta, PA 17547-0117 In Canada, mail to: Transport For Christ 6242 Route 105 • Lower Brighton, NB E7P 1B3 By Jim & Nancy Spallinger & Family Phil & Pauline Callahan & Family Charles & Annette Spallinger & Family Nelson & Sharon Koogler & Family Robert & Sue Spallinger & Family John & Dawn Spallinger & Family Steve & Becky Neiderhiser & Family Tim & Kelly Spallinger & Family Complying with IRS regulations, contributions are solicited with the understanding that TFC has complete discretion over the use of all donated funds. Transport For Christ abides by the guidelines of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. 04/14 www.transportforchrist.org APRIL 2014 11 12 HIGHWAY NEWS AND GOOD NEWS ONLINE www.driverswellness.com MORE FROM THE FRONTLINES More True Stories of God’s Amazing Grace From the logs of the Columbia Ministry Center (SC) f Wilbur, a driver from Alabama, came in wanting a couple of Bibles and four Our Daily Bread devotionals. He promised his wife that he would give them to another driver each day. He asked me about one of the devotions in Our Daily Bread; we read it together and he realized he was lost. He asked me to show him how he could be a real Christian. I shared the truth of how he needed to be saved. He trusted Christ and he was glowing as he knew there was a change. He was excited about The Frist Steps book we gave him. We went over the first three chapters before he left. f Quiet day; visitors came in several hours apart. Bill came in to encourage us, while Jim needed prayer for a son. Adam needed to know how to be saved. He trusted Christ and we gave him Bible studies. f Early afternoon I toured the truck stop, the lot, the truck repair shop, and the truck wash facility, distributing twelve Highway News and talking to one driver who was having his truck washed. Later I toured the same places again and witnessed to another trucker having his truck washed. He did not know Jesus as Lord and Savior but declined prayer. Pray for him! f In the afternoon, distributed thirty Highway News around the truck stop and witnessed to four people, two of which did not know where they would spend eternity should they die today. Unfortunately they did not want to ask Jesus into their hearts today, nor wanted me to pray for them. One took a New Testament from me after I mentioned that she could ask Jesus into her heart at any time even without anyone being in her presence. f Had three visitors today; led one to Christ and gave him the three Bible studies as well as the First Steps book. This driver, Bill, had thought he had been saved when he walked down to the altar with his girlfriend and shook the pastor’s hand, but he said there had been no change in his life. Another driver had given him a Bible and shared the Gospel with him - how he needed to be born again. He had several questions and I shared how he had to repent and in faith trust Christ as Savior and Lord. He was eager to study and really liked the First Steps book. f Had one visitor who had lost his job. The truck stop manager called and asked if I would talk to him. I said, of course, so he brought him over. Charles said he had a strong relationship with Christ, and that he had been in an accident and was fired. We were able to get him a room for the night through a local church, and helped him get an interview the next day at a local shop and he was hired! f Had two visitors to the chapel today, a husband and wife. Both needed to talk about some family concerns. While I talked to the husband, while my wife, Tammy, was able to minister to the lady, listening to her and giving her counsel; then she took the lady to Walmart to do some shopping. When they returned we prayed with them and encouraged them. f Two Drivers were waiting on me when I arrived, We went to breakfest, then went by the three shops to refill the racks with Highway News and New Testaments. Later I was able to minister to several drivers in the truck stop and in the restaurant. f Walked through the truck stop, all three shops, the truck wash, and the restaurant. Talked to some of the staff and visited with several drivers. www.transportforchrist.org FEBRUARY 2014 13 The Place of Nowhere to Go Have you been there? The place of no hope. The place where everything you've based your faith and staked your life on has been taken away. Most of us probably have been there at some point in our lives. I’ve been reading about a group of men who found themselves there. They had staked all their hopes, goals, and aspirations—all they were—on a man they’d committed themselves to follow. And he'd failed them. On a dark Friday, they huddled together, hiding and wondering what to do. Never was a morning so dark as the morning of that Saturday. Never was a day so long. Their whole universe was thrown off center, yet hour still followed hour—as if nothing had happened. Then came Sunday. Sunday—with the news of an empty tomb announcing to them and to the world an event so incredible, they couldn't believe it. Two of them even left town, maybe running away from the place of their pain and disappointment, afraid to hope again. On the road, a stranger approached, questioning them: Why were they so sad? They poured out their hearts to the man, then, when they reached their destination, they offered their hospitality to the stranger. He accepted. And then, around the table, He revealed Himself to them as the Risen Lord. Suddenly they knew where to go: back to the place He had assigned for them, the responsibility He had entrusted them. They returned to Jerusalem proclaiming that the incredible news of the resurrection was true: Jesus had indeed risen from the dead. I've found myself many times identifying with those two—times when plans went amiss, hopes were dashed, expectations unfulfilled. And, like them, I've found myself running away from the place of my pain, but not quite knowing where to go from there—only to meet Someone on the road. And when I stopped long enough to look beyond myself and invite Him into my circumstances, He revealed Himself to me and restored my joy, as He did for those disciples so long ago. Where do you go from the "place of nowhere to go"? You go to Jesus. But the wonderful fact that we learn from this story is that, even if we don't go to Him (running away instead), He will meet us on the road and open our eyes to His presence. Wherever you are today, remember what those two disciples seem to have forgotten: Friday wasn't the end of the story, but the beginning. In your life, too, the brokenness you're experiencing can be, not the end, but the beginning— if you invite Jesus into your pain and allow Him to open your eyes to His plan. It may not be what you expected—but it will be His best. And you will know that there's life beyond your pain. There is a glorious morning awaiting you. 14 HIGHWAY NEWS AND GOOD NEWS ONLINE www.driverswellness.com ~ Fiction with a Lesson A Renewed Life By Ralph M. DeFrangesco teve was a young architect working his way to the top. He and his wife, Emily, were only married a year when she told Steve she was expecting their first child. Steve and Emily were very happy to be adding to their family. Neither cared if their new baby was going to be a girl or a boy as long as it was healthy. S “Nobody, dad, it’s just that I’m sixteen now and I would like to learn how to drive,” he said. Steve’s face was beet red. He looked Luke square in the eyes and said, “Don’t ever touch this car again!” Then he stormed back into the house. Luke was used to being yelled at by his father, so he just removed the fuzzy dice that he’d bought and headed up to his room. The day finally came! They knew Emily would have a baby boy; they would name him Luke. However, Emily had a very difficult time with the pregnancy. She developed complications and died while giving birth. Steve was devastated. On one hand he had a new baby, yet on the other his wife, whom he deeply loved, had just died. Steve was not ready to handle a baby on his own, so he hired nannies to help him with raising his son while he buried himself in his work, taking assignments that would frequently take him out of town. Even when he was home, he rarely would spend time with Luke; as the boy grew up, Steve spent less and less time with him. If Luke did the slightest thing wrong, Steve would yell at him, and Luke grew to dislike his father. He was becoming a teenager and needed the guidance of his father; however, by then Steve was only seeing his son one month out of the year. Steve was mad, madder than he had ever been. He pulled out a bottle of Scotch and began to drink. As he was getting drunk, his thoughts went back to Emily and how much he missed her. The car that Luke had uncovered in the garage had been hers. After she passed away, Steve had stored it in the garage. He hated the thought that Luke wanted to drive it. The more he thought about it, the madder he got. The madder he got, the more he drank. He could feel the hatred for his son building up inside. He started ranting and raving, even talking aloud. Then he finally yelled, “Why did you kill my wife?” When the words came out of his mouth, Steve couldn’t believe what he’d just said. He sat there and thought for a while why he’d said that. He realized that all those years he had blamed his son for the death of his wife. He broke down and cried. Luke was sixteen and wanted to learn how to drive. He remembered that there was a car in the garage, that he frequently played in when he was a child, and that was now covered with junk. Luke spent two days clearing out the junk to uncover the car. It was an old Ford Mustang, and appeared to be in good shape. The tires were flat, but the body and interior were in very good condition. Luke was ecstatic with his find, and wondered how his father would feel about him uncovering the car. He was due home in three days and Luke would approach him about the car then. Steve came home as scheduled. He walked into the house and didn’t even bother to say hello to his son. Luke decided to wait until after dinner to ask about the car. “Hey dad, how was your trip?” he asked. “Same as all the rest,” Steve said. Luke was nervous, not sure how to approach the subject. “Dad, there is something I want to show you. Could you come with me?” he asked. “What now, Luke?” Steve snapped. Luke was already on his way to the garage, so Steve followed, to see the Mustang uncovered and shined up. “Who gave you permission to touch this car?” he yelled. www.transportforchrist.org Luke heard his father crying and walked in to ask him what was wrong. Steve sat Luke down and told him his thoughts and that he was very sorry for how he had treated him. Luke saw the pain his father was in and said he understood. Steve and Luke sat up and talked all night. Steve had a lot of catching up to do with Luke’s life. Before they went to bed, Steve gave Luke the keys to the Mustang. “I want you to have it, son. Your mother also would have wanted you to have it.” For the next week, Steve and Luke worked on the car to get it in top running condition. Then one day Steve said, “Let’s take it for a spin; you drive, Luke.” Luke was elated! Father and son spent the entire day together, with Luke driving while they talked about Emily. It was a day that neither would ever forget. The following week, Steve quit his job and took a new position with a local architecture firm so he could spend more time with Luke. On the day that Luke passed his driving test, Steve gave him a present. Luke tore it open. It was a new license plate that read, “EMILY.” i FEBRUARY 2014 15 - Drivers Wellness Focus Using Business Sense to Improve Your Health Driver, are you concerned about your health? You should be. Here are some hard facts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: • The average life expectancy of a commercial driver is 61 years—that’s 16 years shorter than non-drivers. • More than half of commercial drivers are overweight or obese—way more than the estimated 33 percent of Americans qualified as obese. • Only 10 percent of drivers exercise daily. Realistically, it is hard for them to do so as their work involves sitting behind the wheel with few opportunities to stop and stretch. Additional facts from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate that truck drivers sustain more non-fatal occupational injuries and illnesses than any other occupation. These include elevated blood pressure, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers. Most likely, this is not surprising news to you. These facts are why the Federal Motor Carrier Administration and DOT have enacted rules to keep drivers off the highways if they have uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, and other illnesses that could contribute to a fatal crash. Given the health issues that are endemic to your profession, what can you do to achieve and maintain better health? Business people have a little trick to help assess problems and arrive at solutions. It’s called S.W.O.T. analysis— strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Take some time to sit down and analyze what you can do to help improve your health and chances of remaining in your profession. First write down your strengths, the qualities you possess that can help you achieve the results you desire. Perhaps it is a true desire to improve your health. Are you able to make a concentrated effort to stop destructive behavior such as smoking, alcohol/drug use? And are you learning how to manage stress? What are your personal strengths that can help you succeed? Next, what are the weaknesses? Being required to stay behind the wheel for hours at a time will prevent you from exercising. Perhaps when you do stop for a dinner break you eat mindlessly from the buffet bar. You may have forgotten to bring your medicine on your current trip. Are your choices a result of your addictions? What are the things that prevent you from eating healthily and exercising? 16 How about opportunities? These are things that can help you make better choices and keep your commitments. Are you making use of the gyms at truck stops that have them? Are you stopping before you eat to breathe, relax, and make good choices? Are you participating in your company’s wellness plan? Or working with other drivers to be accountable for your choices? Finally, are there any threats to your success? Threats can be internal or external. Internal threats can be your own personal choices—like engaging in self-destructive behaviors. Threats can also be external—time demands for dropping or picking up a load, traffic that slows your progress, even friends or co-workers who entice you into negative behavior. What are some of the threats that you encounter? After you have analyzed your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, here are some tips you can use to help improve your health: • If you follow current driving regulations (stopping within 14 hours of log-in and a maximum of 11 hours of driving) you will have three hours for a break. Use that time wisely—stretch, breathe, walk. Did you know that 34 laps around most rigs equals one mile? Walk and stretch before you stop at the restaurant. You’ll feel more energized and will tend to eat more healthily. • Purchase an inexpensive set of resistance bands or kettlebells to help build muscular strength and prevent injuries. • Find a workout buddy. Having another person with whom to stretch, exercise and practice healthy behavior will help both of you achieve good results. • Since professional drivers are at risk for health challenges, make sure you get regular preventive screenings for diabetes and blood pressure; and, if indicated, get a sleep study performed to check for sleep apnea. • Talk to your company about wellness programs. Many offer benefits to help employees achieve and maintain good health. May God grant you success in your journey to good health, and know that our chaplains are available to help you with your spiritual needs. i HIGHWAY NEWS AND GOOD NEWS ONLINE Drivers Wellness Focus is written by the Drivers Wellness Blog team. www.driverswellness.com RAMBLER by Gary Nussbaum ©2009 JUPITERIMAGES Will You Be Ready? n the days prior to the Feast of Passover and His entry into Jerusalem, the crowd of disciples who followed Jesus witnessed His miracles and teaching. After entering Jerusalem, Jesus continued teaching with words of encouragement and warning. At the same time there were those lurking in the background, driven to seek to trap Jesus for the purpose of killing Him: the chief priests and Pharisees, who felt threatened by this Jesus who was jeopardizing their power and position among the people. They had a good thing going. Rome was not bothering them, but here was a man claiming to be God, and people had their sights on making Him king, or so they thought. Having someone beginning to defy their right to rule would definitely bring the Roman government down upon the Jewish leaders’ heads. But as Scripture tells us, they feared the crowd because the people believed Jesus to be a prophet. I All four Gospel writers give us the account of the day Jesus entered into Jerusalem, which is referred to as the “triumphal entry.” But things began to take shape for the events that would ultimately be the culmination of God’s plan for mankind’s salvation spoken by the Old Testament prophets even before Jesus ever arrived in Jerusalem. It began days earlier, as reported by John in chapter 11 of his Gospel. Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead and people began to talk. Some put their faith in Jesus while some went to the Pharisees to tell them what Jesus had done. These chief priests and Pharisees called a meeting of the Sanhedrin, the body that ruled on Jewish judicial and spiritual matters— but not in Galilee, which was significant in Jesus’ situation. We can see what transpired by reading John 11:47b-53: “‘What are we accomplishing?’ they asked. ‘Here is this man performing miraculous signs. If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.’ Then one of them, named Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, spoke up, ‘You know nothing at all! You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish.’ He did not say this on his own, but as high priest that year he prophesied www.transportforchrist.org that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation, and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one. So from that day on they plotted to take his life.” The remainder of the chapter reveals their plans as they requested that anyone who would see Jesus should report so they could arrest him. Jesus knew all this. He understood the plan the Heavenly Father had purposed for Him, and no power was going to speed up or slow the timing of what the prophets foretold. On that Passover, Jesus became the lamb sacrificed for sin that the prophet Isaiah spoke of (Isaiah 53). In the hours following His entry into Jerusalem amidst the shouting of “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” and “Blessed is the King of Israel,” Jesus brought comfort as He revealed to His disciples that He was the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). He also encouraged them not to forget that if the world hated them it was because they hated Him first. In addition, He warned them of the future and not to be deceived. After all that, Jesus told His disciples, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Today we look for His second coming. Are we any different from those in the days when He walked among us? We deal with the same challenges today as we attempt to interpret Jesus’ words of end times and his second coming. We must live each day as faithful ambassadors of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so that those around us may know Him. Our only responsibility is to be ready; how and when it will be accomplished is up to God. He is risen and will return. Are you ready? Happy Easter! i APRIL 2014 Gary Nussbaum is Director of Church and Community Relations for Transport For Christ 17 GREEN ONION by David Roberts Whose Image Do You Bear? ey, Green Onion,” said Potato Man, “did you hear about the Irish Potato who married the Idaho Potato and by and by they had a little Sweet Potato?” “No, Spud Man,” said Green Onion. “Well, when Sweet Potato grew up she wanted to marry either Brian Williams or Bill O’Reilly, but her parents said she couldn’t marry either one because they were ‘common-taters’ so they were below her status.” H Abraham Lincoln said, “God must love the common man, He made so many of them.” But we can be more than just “common taters.” You and I have a higher eternal destiny because we were created in the image of God: “And just as we have borne the image of the earthly man, so shall we bear the image of the heavenly man” (1 Corinthians 15:49). But we will never bear that image in our lives as long as we are determined to establish our own self-image and identity apart from the God who created us. Both potatoes and men came out of the ground. We eat French fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, and boiled potatoes, and when we die they put us in a six-foot hole in the ground and then go back to the church and eat potato salad. But man was taken from the dirt by God, Who formed Adam into His own image and breathed into him the breath of life, God's own Spirit. When man rebelled against God and sinned, he lost fellowship with his Creator, his moral compass, and not only did the reality of who God really is get distorted, but man was told he would return to the dust out of which he was formed: “...for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return” (Genesis 3:19 KJV). into our lives as Lord and Savior, that which was from the dust became a new creation: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself...” (2 Corinthians 5:17-18 RSV). If you feel just like an old common potato and lower than dirt, remember that God wants to reach down and transform you into His own image as you allow Him to breathe into you the breath of life: “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John 17:3). One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Acts 4:13: “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” Nothing else could explain how ordinary, common men were transformed into extraordinary men. It’s Jesus who transforms us from being “common potatoes” into Spirit-filled people, born again into the image of God. My question is: have you experienced that transformation in your life? If not, I pray that you will make that decision today. Give yourself to Jesus Christ and allow Him to breathe into you His Spirit of life eternal. i Man without God is spiritually dead. But God, in His love, didn’t abandon him; the Bible says that “...the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). When we believe in Jesus Christ and by faith receive Him 18 HIGHWAY NEWS AND GOOD NEWS ONLINE David Roberts is Chaplain Emeritus with Transport For Christ www.driverswellness.com CANADA CHAPEL LOCATIONS ALBERTA: Sherwood Park, Roadking Travel Centre, Yellowhead Trail & Broadmoor Blvd., Chaplain Sam 780-449-5256, 780-203-3784 Calgary, Roadking Travel Centre, 4949 Barlow Trail, Chaplain Dan 403-975-0923 BRITISH COLUMBIA: Chilliwack, TransCanada Truck Stop, Lickman Rd. & Hwy #1, Exit 116, Chaplain Paul 604-217-2197 NEW BRUNSWICK: Salisbury, Salisbury Big Stop, TCH Route 2 & Route 112, Exit 433, Chaplain Paul 506-372-8980 ONTARIO: Woodstock, 230 Travel Plaza, Hwy 401, exit 230, Chaplain Len 519-539-2137, 519-536-6045 QUEBEC: St-Liboire, Irving Big Stop, Hwy 20, Exit 145, Chaplain Claude 450-793-3284 UNITED STATES CALIFORNIA: Ontario, TA Travel Center West, I-10 & Milliken Ave. Exit, Chaplain Michael 909-390-3617 Sacramento, 49’er Travel Plaza, I-80 & I-5, W. El Camino Exit, Chaplain Jerry 916-568-6320, 530-300-0793 COLORADO: Denver, Sapp Brothers Truck Stop, I-70, Exit 278, Chaplain John 720-810-0430 FLORIDA: Ocala, Pilot Travel Center, I-75, Exit 358, Chaplain John 352-286-5494 (Ministry inside the truck stop) GEORGIA: Brunswick, Flying J, I-95, Exit 29, Chaplain Joe 912-2226922 (Ministry inside the truck stop) ILLINOIS: East St. Louis, Pilot Travel Center, I-55 & I-70 at Exit 4B Rochelle, Rochelle Travel Plaza, I-39 & Hwy 38, Exit 99, Chaplain Jay 815-562-2563 INDIANA: Gary, Petro, I-80/I-94, Exit 9 (Ministry inside the truck stop) Indianapolis, Whitestown TA Travel Center, I-65, Exit 130, Chaplain Howard 765-242-4715 MARYLAND: Elkton, Elkton TA Travel Center, I-95, Exit 109B, Chaplains Jay, Allan & Tom 410-392-9496 Elkton, Flying J, I-95, Exit 109A, Chaplains David H. and David W 443-907-6310 MASSACHUSETTS: Shrewsbury, Flynn’s Truckstop, US 20 & MA 140, Chaplains George, Jeff, & Mark 508-757-1781 MICHIGAN: Grand Rapids (Byron Center), Mobil 76th Street Truck Plaza, Hwy 131, 76th St. Exit, Chaplain Chad 616-583-9056 Holland, Tulip City Truck Stop, I-196, Exit 49, Allegan, Chaplain Mark 616-405-3008 (Chapel inside the truckstop) NEBRASKA: Omaha, Sapp Brothers Truck Stop, I-80 & Hwy 50, Exit 440, Chaplain Dave 402-891-9306 www.transportforchrist.org NEW JERSEY: Bloomsbury, TA Travel Center, I-78, Exit 7, Chaplain Dick 484-226-6338 (Ministry inside the truck stop) NEW MEXICO: Albuquerque, TA Travel Center, I-40 & I-25, Chaplain Jerry 505-290-7240 (Sunday services in upstairs lounge) NEW YORK: Buffalo (Pembroke), I-90 East TA Travel Center, Exit 48A, Chaplain Jack 585-599-4167 NORTH CAROLINA: Greensboro, TA Travel Center, I-85/I-40 & Hwy 61, Exit 138, Chaplain Tony 336-399-9799 OHIO: Beaverdam, Pilot Travel Center, I-75, Exit 135, US 30, Chaplain Dave 419-230-3294 Lodi, TA Travel Center, I-76 & I-71 at Rt. 224, Exit 209, Chaplains Jason & Gary 330-769-2196 Toledo, TA Travel Center, I-280 & Turnpike I-80, Exit 71, Stony Ridge, Chaplain Wayne 419-837-5832 PENNSYLVANIA: Frystown, Flying J, I-78, Exit 10 (PA 645), Chaplain Jake Harrisburg (Manada Hill), Wilco Travel Plaza, Routes I-81 & 39, Exit 77, Chaplain Jim 717-947-8800 SOUTH CAROLINA: Columbia, Columbia 20 Travel Plaza, I-20, Exit 71, Chaplains Ted & Clifford 803-691-4444, 803-413-1725 Columbia, Flying J, I-20, Exit 70, Chaplain Ted (Services in lounge Sundays at 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM) SOUTH DAKOTA: Sioux Falls, Flying J Travel Plaza, I-29, Exit 83, Chaplains Rallyn & Ryan 712-441-5616 TENNESSEE: Knoxville, Knoxville West TA Travel Center, I-40 & I-75, Exit 369, Chaplains Hank & Ronald 865-690-9449, 423618-1955 Nashville, Antioch TA Travel Center, I-24, Exit 62 (Rt. 171), Chaplain John 931-607-0450, 615-278-6802 VIRGINIA: Wytheville, TA Travel Center, Exit 72 off I-81, or Exit 41 off I-77, Chaplain David 717-557-5256 WASHINGTON: Seattle (North Bend), Seattle East TA Travel Center, I-90, Exit 34, North Bend, Chaplain Tom 425-888-5258 WISCONSIN: Hudson, Twin City East TA Travel Center, I-94, Exit 4, Chaplain Tim 715-386-7207 Racine, Highland Petro, I-94, Exit 333 (Hwy 20), Chaplain Mike 773-706-7198 RUSSIA MOSCOW: Kashirka, Chaplain Alexander MOSCOW: Varshavskoye, Chaplain Vladimir ZAMBIA CHIRUNDU: Border Crossing, Chaplain David and Ministry Team APRIL 2014 19 DO YOU KNOW YOUR ABCS? If you were to die today, where would you spend eternity? You can know for sure. A B C DMIT YOU ARE A SINNER. “... as it is written, ‘There is none righteous, not even one ... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’” (Romans 3:10, 23). ELIEVE IN JESUS FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS AND FOR ETERNAL LIFE. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). ONFESS JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOR AND LORD AND TURN FROM YOUR SINS. “... if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved ... for ‘Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved’” (Romans 10:9, 13). “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). FIND NEW LIFE IN CHRIST To give your life to Christ, read the “ABC” Scriptures above and pray the prayer below. Let us know about your decision. We will send you a Bible study designed for truckers. Come to Jesus Christ today and trust in Him alone for your salvation. Pray this prayer: “Lord Jesus, I know that I’m a sinner. I believe that You died on the cross and shed Your blood to pay the penalty for my sins. Please forgive me and come into my life. You are my Savior and Lord.” o I now put my trust in Jesus Christ. o I now rededicate my life to Christ. o I previously put my trust in Christ and would like a Bible study. CITY:_______________________________________ ST/PV:_____________ ZIP/PC:__________________ In the U.S., mail to: Transport For Christ • PO Box 117 • Marietta, PA 17547 In Canada, mail to: Transport For Christ • 6242 Route 105 • Lower Brighton, NB E7P 1B3 04-14 U.S.A. Return Address: PO Box 117 Marietta, PA 17547-0117 ADDRESS:_____________________________________________ Canada Return Address: 6242 Route 105 Lower Brighton, NB E7P 1B3 NAME: ________________________________________________
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