Summer - 70th Infantry Division Association
Summer - 70th Infantry Division Association
r ' The President's Report "Mixed emotions" certain[y describes my feelings as I write this, my tirst report to you as your president. I am, of course, honored and proud to be the head of an organization as alive and important as the 70th Division Association . But I am sad that my term had to begin prematurely because of Neal Gibbs' resignation. I speak for every Trailblazerwhen I thank him for his invaluable services in the post and wish him and Beverlymanymoreyears of happy life. My wife and I recently had the opportunitytovisitNeal and Bevandtheyasked me to thank everyone for the thoughtful letters and cards of support and encouragement. We were able to discuss many ot Neal's thoughts and plans for the Association. While we were there, Lou Hoger, our sec- Alex Jolmson retary-treasurer, dropped in for a short visit, too. I am pleased to report that Neal has wrapped up the arrangements forourLouisville Reunion next year. He and the Time and Place Committee did a fine job and I know that our Kentucky get-together will be a memorable one. Meanwhile, as always, your officers are ready to serve you in any way we can . Just drop us a line. All our address and phone numbers (something new!) are on this page. In the next issue of this magazine I'll list the committee chairmen who will be working on the Louisville meeting. Fraternally, The Trailblazer .-.w~~ is published four times a year by the 70th Infantry Division Association and friends . Subscription: $12 annually. Editor Edmund C. Arnold 3208 Hawthorne Ave. Richmond, VA 23222 (804) 329-5295 * Associate Editor Chester F. Garstki 2946 N. Harding Ave. Chicago, IL 60618 (312) 725-3948 Vol. 49 No.3 Summer, 1991 Association President Alex C. Johnson 833 N. Carlyle Lane Arlington Hts., IL 60024 (705) 506-9884 * Immediate Past-President Neal C. Gibbs 11910 Moonlight Rd. Olathe, KS 66061 (913) 764-0388 * Past President Norman J. Johnson 3344 Bryant Ave. Anoka, MN 55303 (612) 421-7265 * 70th gets new commanding general The "new" Trailblazer Division have a new commanding general. Brig. Gen. James Pocock, who took command on May 2, succeeds Maj. Gen. James Mukoyama, Jr., who was promoted to deputy commanding general of the Training and Doctrine Command of the U.S. Army Reserve 70th Infantry Division at Fort Monroe, Virginia. The 70th Training was mobilized and served at Fort Benning, Georgia, during the Desert War. It had more soldiers and more units activated than any other training division ever has. Gen. Pocock is a native of Michigan and a graduate of West Point. He has a Master's degree in communications from Michigan State University. He began his military career as a platoon leader in the 14th Armored Cavalry. He moved up through Armored to become deputy chief of staff for operations for the U.S. Army in Europe and the Seventh Army. Since 1964 he has been in the Regular Army and served in VietNam. He has held many commands including chief of staff of the 70th Training Division and, most recently, commanding general of the 300th Military Police (Prisoner of War) command. His many decorations include the Combat Infantry Badge, the Paratrooper tab and the Ranger tab. He and his wife Gloria live in Okemos, Michigan. They have four children. One son is an Air Force captain, another is a writer for "Prairie Farmer" magazine, a third has just graduated from the School of Architecture at the University of Michigan. A daughter lives in Fort Worth, Texas. Vice President-West Paul E. Thirion 6669 Nicolett Riverside, CA 92504 (714) 682-2963 * Vice President-East Wm. R. Kiefriter 50 Woodhill Dr. Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 657-0212 * Sec.-Treas. Louis Hoger 5825 Horton Mission, KS 66202 (H) 913-722-2024 (0) 816-931-4333 * Asst. Sect.-Treas. Calvin L. Jones 227 NE 105th Ave. Portland, OR 97220 (503) 253-8575 * Chaplain L. Donald Docken 170 N. Ruth St., #1005 St. Paul. MN 55119 (612) 735-8325 * Asst. Chaplain Rev. Harry Durkee 7739 Via Napoli Burbank, CA 91504 (818) 767-0794 * Historians Donald C. Pence Carolina Trace 285 Fairway Lane Sanford, North Carolina 21730 (919) 499-5949 * Dr. Eugene Petersen 1850 Randy St., San Leandro, California 94579 (415) 351-0861 • SOFTENED CITYTrailblazer Divarty joined with other U.S. artillery on the south bank of the Saar River to soften up Saarbrucken in the Spring of 1945. When these 274th men-around 5 a.m. on March 20----entered the city, from which the enemy had retreated under the intense bombardments, they found this graphic evidence of the fury of the American shelling. (Signal Corps photo) Wingen plaque projects proceeds well Eugene Burtner, L/276, was named chairman of the two-Regiment committee charged with placing a plaque to commemorate the actions ot the 274th and 276th in the Battle of Wingen. He makes the following report: "The votes are in regarding the plaques for Wingen's memorial. The inscription is the general consensus of you, the committee, with slight changes by Fred Cassidy and me. Instead of a division between us, we are unified, and this is as it should be because we were comrades-in-arms in this pivotal battle during WWII. "The people of Wingen are giving us a stone, cut in the protile of Mount Hood with the Trailblazer insignium etched into it. On it will be attixed two plaques, one in English, one in French. On each plaque will be a small enam- Summer. 1991 eled 70th division axe-head emblem in color. "The inscription says: 'IN TRIBUTE to the men of the American 274th and 276th Infantry Regiments-Task Force Herren-who won the freedom of Wingen-sur-Moder, 3-7 January 1945. And in memory of those who gave their lives in this battle. Dedicated by the U.S. Infantry (Trailblazer) Division Association and by the citizens of Wingen-sur-Moder. 22 September 1991.' Committee Members: Davenport, F/274 Bill Bergren, B/276 Hy Schorr, H/274 Ray Maichow, B/276 Jim Lassiter, Associate Member 70th F/274 Andrew McMahon, E/276 Fred Cassidy, G/274 II Bayonet fighter's experience recalled In the Spring, '87 issue you reported the death of John Schwaegel,G/274, and mentioned that he was one of the few Trailblazers who actually engaged in hand-to-hand bayonet combat. It was reported to me that Frank Hickerson of the 3rdBn/276, was also areal bayonet fighter. I later saw that Frank had retired to Arizona and had joined the Association. I hope he will tell you more details about such combat. Ralph Stockman F/275 3 Pence, B/275 and Association historian. "I have since learned that this patrolmade up of men from several companieswas sent out from the G Company area to attempt to get through the Siegfried Line," says Charlie. "The 70th defense line was on the wooded ridge overlooking a road that has now become a 4-lane highway. (P)raising Cain! Two 'Blazers come up with story of heroic comrade The circuitry of this wartime story is circuitous (no pun intended) so read carefully. Men who served in A/275th frobably never knew that the heroism o their buddy was finally recognized by a major decoration. Carl Mathes, HQ 1st Bn/275, recently opened a box which he had shipped from Schweinfurt, Germany where he had served in the 3rd Division after the 70th went home. In it, among many military souvenirs, was a copy oHhe 3rd' s "Front Line" of 1946. It carried a story about Pfc Jess Cain, then with the 15th Infantry Band, who had been with A/275 in his Trail blazer days. The story relates: It was a nice sunny day in March, 1945, in the hills justoutsideSaarbrucken where the 70th was preparing to attack that key city. Jess and two others were sitting outside their foxholes, enjoying the early Spring. Word came that one of them was to join a patrol and Jess took the assignment. In the bright sunlight, the patrol started toward the German lines. Moving on a narrow ledge, the group was suddenly fired upon by several enemy machine guns. Five men were struck before they could hit the ground and soan Jess was the only unwounded man. After hugging the ground for two hours, he decided he had to get back and get helf? for his wounded buddies. Rising to his feet, he made a mad dash up the steep slope he had descended those perilous two hours earlier. To his surprise, the enemy didn't fire until he had reached the top. Running to Battalion CP, he related what had happened. Then he grabbed a helmet to replace the one he lost and insisted on leading the Medics back to evacuate his buddies. For his selfless action, Jess was later awarded the Silver Star and his story was told in "Newsweek" and dramatized on the radio." With the 3rd, Jess, who then was still only 19, was the vocalist and front man for the "Sentimentalists", the Regimental swing band. And now the plot thickens. As this is being written, comes a letter from Charles Paskvan, A/275. He had learned about the Association 4 in 1980, joined and immediately started searching for members of that very patrol. He had been the BAR-man in the 17 -man force which lost nine killed and seven wounded. Paskvan was hit by three bullets on that illfated trek. From Roger Farris, G/275, he learned of Jess Cain's whereabouts. He is a Boston television personality and works at a studio on Beacon Street in Boston. Charlie sent to Jess a copy of the story about the patrol that had run in the "Trailblazer" of Spring, 1987, in one of the series of articles by Donald During his second civilian trip back to Germany, in 1989,he went to St. Arnual,just south, across the Saar River, from Saarbrucken, and tracked down the place where the patrol had been anrnrulated. The new highway has pretty well replaced the Siegfried Line, he says, although there are still some concrete uprights nearer Saarbrucken. "I started looking for patrol members at the Minneapolis Reunion. In December, 1990, I fmally found our get-away man whom we had left halfway up the hill facing St. Arnual ... it was Jess Cain!" 'New' 70th veterans eligible as members $1 2 annual dues to the secretarytreasurer. Some members have suggested forming a unit called "Sons ofT railblazers". Of course, the phrase "and Daughters" should be added. Children -indeed any relatives or friends-of original 70th veterans are eligibleand welcomed-as Associate Members. The call -up of some units of the "new" 70th Division in the Gulf War has prompted inquiries about membership in the Association . Members of the 70th (Training) Division are eligible for Associate Membership. They have all the privileges of WW2 members except the right to vote. No formalities are required; they need only to forward the Layton seeks Medic who aided deafened Does anyone know a Medic whose name could have been Leo Day? I'd like his address. I think he was the Medic who treated me in a small town near Forbach, France, in January or February, 1945, when I was injured. It was a 88mm round to which the man next to me lost both legs at the knees. The third round of 88mm hit company headquarters, and the company jeep driver had 14 holes in his back and was sent to a hospital in England. My ears were bleeding and I was treated by a Medic instead of going to a hospital where I certainly should have gone. I was treated for two weeks by this Medic and we had to write notes to each other because I could not hear anything. I still have trouble trying to hear or understand someone talking. If you know the Medic's address, please write me or phone (293) 686-2310. I agree with Ernie Richards about contacting more non-members by an ad in the AARP magazine. I only saw four H/276 men at the Las Vegas convention. I would like to read more in the "Trailblazer" about my old company. Arthur Cecil Layton W276 PO Box 338 Nashville, Georgia 31639 * When two of the company officers were killed in the same day, it left an impression that John Presley, I/274, has never forgotten. John joined the 70th at Leonard Wood and stayed till his discharge in July, '46. He worked in a rayon plant in his native Arden, North Carolina. He has two sons and four grandchildren. * 70th Division Assn. TRAILBLAZER GRANTING THE DEATH WISHHitler had ordered his troops to hold Saarbrucken unto death. So the Germans had to be blasted-literallyout of their heavily reenforced bunkers, part of the formidable Siegfried Line. The German 6th SS Moun- The small, lonely world of the soldier in combat By MYRON MEEHAN C/274 Medics The individual soldier could not know the overall picture of combat or even where he was or what went on at a distance any farther than he could see. I found myself in this situation. After some research, I now believe it was the morning of Feb. 19, 1945. I, a Medic with one of the platoons ofC/274, headed down the wooded slopes ofKreutzberg Ridge toward the Metz Highway. On the way down we skirted a small clearing. Fighting in the woods was everywhere. The group I was following entered a thicket of small evergreen trees. We were single file, picking our way carefully. Suddenly the lead man held up his hand and started circling back. We each got a good look. We were now looking at the backs of about 20 Krauts who were digging feverishly on a long trench! Not one of them had seen us. We very quietly made our way out just the way we entered. We then passed three of our men who were lying on the ground. wounded. The most alert of the three said to me, "Doc, you gotta get me out of here." My men were fast disappearing up the slope. A decision had to be made. I grabbed the last man of the disappearing column. He didn't give me any argument ... just slung his rifle over his shoulder and we Summer. 1991 tain Division, with whom the 70th had engaged in bloody battles in the Vosges, again faced the young Trailblazers who quickly became battle-tested veterans. (Signal Corps photo) got our wounded buddy between us with one arm around each of our necks. By this time the shooting had quieted down. Everything was just too quiet. We felt we had to take the shortest way back .. . which was straight across that small clearing which we had avoided on the way down. We stopped and rested twice on the way across that clearing and not a rifle cracked. I could just about feel the eyes of all watching us. When we reached the upper edge of the clearing and an irrigation ditch that watered the field, we laid our exhausted comrade in the protection of the ditch and my rifleman friend took off up the mountain to catch the rest. I made out a medical tag for Pfc George Poole and promised to return after dark with a litter squad. At this moment an automatic weapon opened up on a small cedar tree growing out of the ditch bank right above our heads. I dropped into the protection of the ditch with Poole and the bark chips fell down on my face as I watched that tree being almost cut off. (Some one wanted to let me know that I really hadn't gotten away with anything.) When I returned after dark with a litter squad, Poole had died but the litter squad brought out the other two that night. When I had to leave Poole to find my unit I arrived through the woods a ways from where a battle was developing between one of our tanks and Jerry troops in a deep trench on top of the ridge. Later that night, too tired to dig in we just lay down at the base of a tree and felt the drip, drip, drip of water drops on our faces. 5 Brief but bloody. • • Battered by bullets, new second looie survives Stiring-Wendel By EUGENE INZER B/274 In Phillipsbourg, about January 15, 1945, I received a message to report to S-2. They informed me that I was up for a field commission, but the final choice was mine. I chose to. I had to hurry to gather my personal effects and be taken with about a dozen others to receive training. When I received my commission I was given a choice of where to go. I chose to return to the 70th, the only unit I knew. I requested Co. B, 274th and the third platoon. Requests granted. So the newly commissioned 2nd Lieutenant headed back to the frontlines on February 19. We had been allowed the 18th to get new bars, uniforms, etc. On the evening of February 20 I arrived at Spicheren Heights. This was the first look I had at German gun emplacements and pill boxes which overlooked the approach to Kreutzberg Ridge and Hitler's "Holy Ground". There were, I believe, five pill boxes our troops had captured. German soldier's bodies were stacked, frozen, ready for burial, obviously postponed by the capture of Spicheren Heights. This observation brought me back to a quick realization that I was back to where the action was! Near one of the pill boxes I was let out of the jeep and told where the CP of Co. B was located. There was an introduction to my commanding officer, Capt Mitchell, who had replaced Capt Decamp. I was then taken to the third platoon where we had a heartwarming reunion. This was what I needed, to be reassured the third platoon felt as affectionately toward me as I did toward each one of them. This was the only company and only platoon with whom I would ever be associated. My basic training and all duty was here with this platoon. Need one wonder why I felt so warm at being back with my men. After this show of affection and near tears, I was brought up to date on who had been wounded or killed since I had been gone; many I knew and loved. I was assured over and over how grateful they were that I was back. The assignment for the first night was setting up to protect the draw between the ridge occupied by Co. A and the ridge occupied by Co. C, we in B Co. being in reserve. This night passed without too much activity except occasional mortar and artillery. February 21 was a day holding in store some strange experiences. This was new territory and I being an inquisitive person, it came naturally for me to explore. It was quiet this morning so I meandered around, being careful not to get too far from my platoon. There were numerous dead Krauts lying on the slopes of Kreutzberg Ridge. The quiet was brought to an abrupt halt when artillery and mortar fire began dropping. We were ordered to proceed along a trail that ran along the left of the ridge occupied by A Co. As we rounded about 200 yards all heck broke loose by small arms fire. When we thought we had quieted them, anti-aircraft guns opened up to our left, and coming out of, or behind, some houses. The fire was so thick it seemed as if everyone was going to get his pants knocked off. One fellow down below in the trail was hit and began yelling for help. I went over the side, ran down to grab him and run back up the hill to safety where some of my platoon were in a dugout 6 on the high side of the trail. We carried the wounded man, (I did not know his name) into the dugout. It was embarrassing to him when we found a piece of small ack-ack outer shell stuck in the small of his back. Luckily there was very little damage. Wick Richardson removed the fragment and dressed the cut. H ARASSMENT CONTINUED until after dark at which time we returned to our assigned area to dig in and set our defense up along the draw as we had done the previous night. This night was spent in relative quiet. February 22 was my day number two as a lieutenant. Before daybreak we were ordered to take a position on the left side of the ridge being occupied by Co. A. Shortly after dawn shells began to come in rather heavy, making all hunt cover. The trees had been stripped of most of the foliage that had made for good camouflage. We were ordered to move out along the ridge about 100 yards from the crest to resist an attack being launched. We were able to advance very slowly during the next two or three hours. During this time casualties were few; about two or three during the afternoon. We had covered about 500 yards. Suddenly we ran smack into all kinds of machine gun and rifle fire. The Germans were well dug in and it seemed we had been stopped dead in our tracks. We inched forward with Lenk's and Bergstrom's squads in the attack. I was with Sgt. Lank's squad. We advanced over a little knoll and Lenk and I dived under the same tree top where we returned the fire. The whole area was being raked with machine gun fue. One could hear, feel and even smell the slugs there were so many. I heard Lenk call out, "Inzer! I've been hit!" Then came a little moan.I asked, "How bad?" With a strained laugh or chuckle, he said, "I've been hit in the butt! What will my friends think?" Lenk, portraying the type soldier he was, stayed put and continued fuing and directing his squad from that position. After about an hour ofbeing pinned down, we had also kept the Germans pinned down. The Germans then ran up white flags attached to their rifles and tree limbs. A few of the inexperienced troops raised up. The Germans evidently presumed that was all of us. They opened fire again. This was their mistake because we got almost all of them before they could regain the safety of their fox holes. There were two or three captured and the rest lay dead. Our price was two or three wounded and none dead from Co. B. The ground was regained and all was under control. W E WERE ORDERED back to our nightly position of pro tecting our draw. After darkness, on orders from Capt. Mitchell, I went back to the company CP in the bunker just below the crest of the ridge. Though company officers knew me to be a teetotaler, the ration of booze was mentioned. This was my fust time to draw it, so I promptly picked up my bottles and went back to my platoon where I passed it around. The 23rd promised to be a mean day. The bitter weather was bone-chilling cold as the snow lay deep on the ground. There was no place to escape the elements by night or day. We were becoming somewhat accustomed to this as much as human bodies could. 70th Division Assn. TRAILBLAZER Before daybreak a messenger came to my fox hole with orders to report to Capt. Mitchell. I was ordered to go across the draw and go on to the left ridge occupied by Co. C and then down the ridge to hit the flank of Germans who were attacking Co. C. Kerchursky had taken command ofLenk's squad. Dourand and "Sandpoint" Bergstrom had the other two squads. Dourand and Bergstrom were with me and Kerchursky was in support. I decided to go above the trail and make our way to the top. Peila was up front as the scout. As we came across a little flat, being overlooked by a drop-off of about 20 or 30 feet, Peila came back and told me he was scared and I said, "That's two of us". From here Peila and I were the scouts. As the dawn began to break we picked our way quietly and cautiously to the bottom of the cliff. There I saw silhouetted a German helmet against the skyline. I halted the platoon and observed several more helmets. I was preparing to open fire. T/Sgt. Porter came running up and said, "Don't shoot, they are Americans". This was my mistake and so was my next move. I called for the password and was answered with rifle fire. I was the first man hit. The slug penetrated the center of my chest and exited from the lower left chest wall, taking half of my lung and leaving the other half collapsed with sections of four ribs missing. I gave orders to retreat. No one did, except Traum who was sent back for support. I dived for cover toward my left and hit the ground and safety, I thought. A machine gun opened up and sent six slugs into my right thigh breaking the bone. The next volley landed several more slugs in my right arm mangling the humerus and elbow. S GT. DOURAND, a very small man, came from a protected area running up to me making every effort to carry me out. I told him, "Get back". This he did but only for about six steps before machine gun fire finished him. (This man had given his life trying to save mine. His bravery was like so many more of Co. B. 274th Regiment men with whom I had the honor of serving.) After this there were numerous rounds which seemed to hit under my body. It is strange what the impact of a round can do. They would jar the daylights out of a person. Russell and Thomas Miller (same last names, but no kin) and Movarah were killed back to my left. All had been wounded and killed trying to get back to safety. John "Whiskey Wick" Richardson was severly wounded in the right shoulder but was able to get out and get some artillery support. The machine gun and rifle fire continued pounding under my chest and head and I lost my cool and crawled back to where I got the first slug. I remember nothing else until the firing stopped. The Germans came down in mass and set up a defense between me and our troops. At this point Peila, Sgt. Porter and Sgt. (Continued on next page) DOWN FROM THE HEIGHTSHigh ground that Hitler had proclaimed "holy" was the jumping-off point for the 274th Regiment on its way to Summer, 1991 Saarbrucken. It bucked heavy resistance in the drive onto the town of Stiring Wendel and the vital Metz Highway. (Signal Corps photo) 7 Stiring Wendell (Continued) Bergstrom were brought where I lay on my abdomen. They each had right leg injuries. Peila was using a branch for a makeshift crutch. These three were led away as prisoners by the Germans. From reports its seems Kerchursky, Porter, Peila, Bergstrom and Traum (Traum not wounded) were the only survivors. Where I Jay was a path leading up through a cut in the embankment. Face down, I was lying on possibly a fence or telephone wire. As the Germans came from either direction they would step on the wire and I could detect their coming and going. After a short period of time they went about their usual stripping of the dead and wounded. I had 25 or 30 dehydrated chocolate bars and a couple of pounds of lemon drop candy which they took. I lay in this position until evening. I fmally asked a very young, (perhaps 15 or 16 years old) German aid boy to turn me over on my back. He was assisted by one of the soldiers, but my right foot was left pointing downward. This left my right leg twisted and perhaps providentially arranged to stop the bleeding, or at least check it. The same young boy administered first aid. He put a single small band aid over the spot on my chest where the frrst slug entered. He fashioned a splint from a small tree twig and used two straps for fastening the splint; one strap high on the arm and one below what was left of the elbow. I did not take my sulpha pills at once because I had thought, "If I have an intestinal wound I'll divide the 24 hours so I'll have 12 hours grace". Late on the evening of the 23rd I decided to take the sulpha tablets that each soldier carried for emergency medical care. This was a major operation for me. With my left hand, I had to reach under my back to the right side of my cartridge belt where the pills were carried in a pouch. This was extremely painful as the left ribcage had been opened by the broken ribs. My breathing made a whistling noise through the gaping wound. Finally I managed to get the pills and swallowed all but one which was fumbled into the snow. I was never able to retrieve it. I asked the German boy for water as we had been instructed to drink water with the sulpha pills. I knew I needed one canteen and I only had one-half a canteen. With sign language and pointing to the dead body of Sgt. Dourand, with a full canteen, I got the aid boy brought to me that canteen. I shall always remember that water. Dourand always mooched lemon powder from everyone. I do believe his canteen held pure lemon, it was so sour and almost impossible to drink even under these circumstances, but at least it was not frozen. T HE GERMANS NEVER SEEMED to notice me after they lifted my candy. The artillery and mortar fire was on the dot and it was not pleasant as I lay in the middle of it all, unable to move. If memory serves me correct! y there seemed to be 10 or 12 barrages in all during February 23, 24 and 25. Some were American, some German as the Germans seemed to be just individual Germans deciding to get moving. Sometime on the 25th they withdrew as a group and started shelling. I do not know exactly the time of day when the Co. B messenger, (Joe Harris was his name I think) came up; he was apprarently just looking around. When he walked near I spoke. I shall never forget his facial expression. I had bullet shredded clothes, blood over a goodly portion of my body and face mingled with a week's growth of beard. I was bleeding profusely through the nose and mouth. No wonder he did not believe what he saw. He never spoke a word to me, but hurried away. (Sgt. Linder C. Gill relayed this to me at a much later date.) Harris came running back to the CP and announced in a very excited emotional voice, "I found Inzer and he's still alive!" In the matter of minutes a stretcher came with Harris, Gill our aid man, Coffee, and several other good Co. B men. The moment I was back with my company has to be the most joyous of my life. I insisted upon their stopping at the CP; I had the strongest urge to report to Capt. Mitchell where the Germans were, how many, etc. even though two full days and dusk of the third day had passed. By then they probably knew much more than I did. The men helping me granted me that privilege and even though my condition was weakened and I was puffing on one lung I gave that report all I had. I felt I had done my best. I am sure my last visit to the B Co. CP was a matter of minutes. I felt I was leaving a part of me on Kreutzberg Ridge as the litter bearers carried me back to a waiting ambulance and headed for the field hospital. My thoughts were trailing behind of the sweet memories, fond, deep friendships, love, respect and a pride instilled in me for the only division, only battalion, only company, and the only platoon I ever knew; one that would be a part of me forever. Vegas sales table reports record sum 'Tour guides' at Saarbrucken send greetings to Trailblazers Final reports show that the sales table at the Las Vegas Reunion rang up $4,225 in Trailblazer memorabilia. Archie and Evelyn Smith, chaired the committee. Members were Alex and Jeanette Kalisuch, Ray and Mary Bennett, David and Ida Hing, Bob and Lollie Budnik, Bill and Nancy Bassak, Ed and Margaret Larson , Ralph and Elaine Melsheimer, Tom Dickinson and Bill and Ruth Sarangouis. Frank and Vi Kloiber were on the committee but couldn't make the Reunion because of his heart surgery. I am not a veteran of the 70th Infantry Division. However we were your tour guide in the crossing of the Saar at Saarbrucken. We were the 289th Combat Engineers Battalion. 8 We have had four reunions. At the frrst we had six present; at the second, 12, and the third, 28. Last October atFortM yers, Florida, we had over 60. In only a few months I have "found" about 15 old 289th buddies myself, including former Lt. Col. Wallace who was our Battalion commander. We made tapes of some of the war stories and you fellows were the subject of conver- sation. You may remember that the frrst scheduled crossing was scrubbed because of fog and we all had to wait until the next day. Our next river crossing was the Rhine at Worms. Dam near got blown away by the German artillery as we and the ambulances went across and dug in into the black mud. Please give our best regards to all 70th Division vets. We certainly share something in common. Companies A, B, C, HQ and Service 289th Engineers (Combat) Battalion by Dalton R. Dennis 1211 Dowgood Drive Clinton, Mississippi 39056 70th Division Assn. TRAILBLAZER The Grinch in uniform Callous officer steals Christmas from unfortunate Trail blazers By GEORGE SPffiO M/275 Every year as the holiday season approaches, my thoughts go back to Christmas Eve, 1944. The majority of our troops were moving north from Marseilles by 40&8s to take up positions against the enemy. I, along with others from the Regiment, was going by convoy. We spent the first night on an abandoned airfield. The vehicles were lined in rows and the only place to pitch our tents was on the frozen ground between. Some of the fellows opted to sleep in the jeeps, with their shelter halves as side curtains. My driver and I set up our tent on the ground. That night it snowed but we were warm and cozy with a couple of candles to heat the tent. Those in the jeeps spent a miserable night. Needless to say the next night they set up their tents, too. E ARRNED in Dijon, France and set up camp in a large city park on the evening of Dec. 24. I was assigned a detail with an officer from Battalion (I never did know his name, something I regret) to get water for the Battalion. I asked the cooks to keep some water hot as I was going to shave for Christmas. We set off to find the water point and ran across a Red Cross officer who led us there. While we filled the jerry cans, our officer W Well, Christmas Eve was spent on the sidewalk in the cold. The officerfmally came out and I didn't mince any words with him. I was ready to report him and he apoligized to us. When we got back to the park, the water was still warm and at 2 a.m. I got my shave and considered it a Christmas present. It was such a cold, clear night one could think of an evening in Bethlehem 1944 years before. asked where he could get a bath. The Red Cross man told him that he had an apartment and he could take one there. Off he went. When the cans were filled, we proceeded to the apartment. Well, it was cold that Christmas as you all know. We waitedoutside, of course-and waited and around ll :30 the Red Cross man came down with a Christmas drink of cognac for the four of us. I asked about our officer and was told he was soaking in the tub. I told the man to tell him if he wasn't down in a half hour I was corning after him. My tech sergeant's stripes didn ' t mean much at that time. Just about midnight I asked one of my men for his carbine and I started up the stairs. I turned on the light and when I got to the second floor the light went off (the first time I had encountered a delayed light switch). Alone in the dark in a strange building, I snapped off the safety and eased down the stairs. 500 Lifers exceed milestone number The big milestone has been reached! Life members now number more than 500! To be exact: 506. Please note a correction : In the last issue, the late Billie Joe Garrison, C/275, was listed as a Lifer. Instead, it should have been the artilleryman David Garrison, second in the list below. Kenneth T. Conn, 1/274; David M. Garrison, C/883 FA; Harold J. Holdsworth, M/27 4; William A. Kidwell, Hg/883 FA; Charles Loch a, Sr., A/275; Hack Nickerson, F/276; James T. Pettus, E/275; Harold L. Rogers, HQ/3 Bn/274; Bill L. Smith, K/276; FrankStastny,l/276; RobertR . Vanover, L/275 and Willard A. Wight, L/276 O NCE OUTSIDE, I told the fellows what happened and explained that if anything had moved I would have shot. The man whose carbine I borrowed said, "Sarg, there are no shells in the magazine." I could have choked him about then. He never carried an empty carbine again. V FOR VUNDERFUL ... V-Mail was one of the great inventions of World War II. On a sheet of paper 8 112 X 11 inches, the soldier wrote his message to home. The paper folded down to a letter 4114 x 51/2. This was photographed, the film flown to the States and a smaller photo copy was delivered to the recipient. For the handsome sum of 6 cents, this received airmail handling in the States. Harold Smith, A/883, had his buddy, Sgt. Charles Hungate, draw this birthday greeting which he sent to his wife for February 28, 1945. The actual size of the delivered letter was 4 x 5 inches. * Summer, 1991 9 WAS on the point of what may have been the first major 70th Division action in January, 1945. In the blackness of early night (the moon came up later), north of Philippsbourg, we came under intense machine gun fire. First squad, 1st Platoon, I Company was decimated. The rest of the company suffered severely, too. In the first hour of combat, German tracer bullets either sizzled in the snow in front of me or ricocheted over my head. Not so lucky were Sgts. Henning and Gerken and BARman Strauser-all killed. Also mortally wounded, I thought, was my closest friend and foxhole mate, Bill Schaefer. But when I returned next summer from the POW camp, I found that he had survived and was undergoing extensive plastic surgery. (He and his family and mine have kept in touch over the years and have visited each other many times.) I I was taken prisoner before daybreak after making my way back about 400 yards, looking for my unit. As we were being moved by rail from near the Rhine to Stalag V-A at Ludwigsburg, we were without food, water or toilet facilities-86 of us in one 40-and8 car. On the third day a few of us were taken off the train to bring back a few loaves of bread; some of us carried back chunks of ice to melt for drinking. On more than one occasion the trains and rail yards were under attack. Bombs and antiaircraft guns nearby shook our car but we had no injuries. On the evening of the third day we were unloaded at Stalag V-A. Another lengthy train ride took us to Stalag IV -B some 80 miles south of Berlin. Though this ride was not nearly so crowded, we suffered severe frostbite on our feet. TALAG IV-B was a huge, gray, drab enclosure which confined many thousands of British and Russian prisoners as well as Americans. Sanitary, medical and nutritional conditions were very primitive, but those of us taken on our sector were still pretty sturdy and resilient. Loss of stamina and weight would begin to show after we arrived at the work camp in the IV -A area near Dresden in early February. My weight feU from 170 lbs. to around 120 by May. In the Lilienstein Work Camp I became well acquainted with two other POWs from I Company. Edwin "Red" Fridley and I shared a flea- , bedbug-, and lice-infested bunk in our prison hut. Yen K. Hom from the l st Platoon was also in our hut. Our work was digging a water-line trench from a village near the Elbe River to our camp. This dragged on through nasty and S 10 POW Lambert spent war time in German Stalags By STANLEY LAMBERT 1/275 nice weather in February and March. The trench passed by several long piles of vegetables which had been harvested, piled and covered with straw and dirt presumably in the Fall of '44. The guards and civilian bosses spent nearly as much time chasing us from the piles of potatoes, rutabagas and onions as they did supervising the digging. Early in our stay at Stalag IV-B we were processed through a shower and delousing unit common to German prisons. These bare brick and stone structures had a waiting room where we completely undressed, leaving our boots stashed in the room but tying all our garments into one bundle to be sent through a steam "delouser". WO THINGS were luxurious about the procedure. One was the hot shower where we could observe our flattening bellies but still muscular limbs, and the warm streams of water splattering over our blue frost -bitten feet. The other was picking up our bundles of steaming clothes after shivering stark naked for a half hour in the waiting room. It is fortunate that we didn't know until later how similar the beginning procedure was to the gas-chamber executions of the Jews. EarlyonecoolmomingaboutMay 1 at the Dresden camp, I made a hurried trip to the outhouse. It was a long room, about 10 by 30 feet, on the front side of the morgue. As I left the place I looked at the looselyhinged door and asked myself, "Why not?" I carried it back to the hut where, with Salinger's saw, we cut it into a nice stack of fuewood and stored it behind our stoves. Before the Krauts were aware, the other door T and the panels between the seats of the outhouse had been made into firewood for other huts. The guard, "Redhead", coming through our hut looking for evidence, merely muttered when he saw the fuewood and left without his usual tantrum. Toward the very end of the war, the German guards determined to march all of us, some 800 Americans and some 200 British, westward. Their obvious concern was to end up in American occupied territory rather than Russian. By early afternoon of the second day the struggling mass of POWs was strung several miles along the winding road. Red Fridley, Y an K. Hom and I were plodding along together when I had to fall out for nature's call. They were a quarter mile ahead of me when a loud explosion occurred on the road between us. As I reached the blast site several men lay writhing in pain. One had a shattered knee, another had shrapnel in his buttocks and leg; others were slightly wounded. But a friend from my own hut, Wilbur Snook, lay fatally wounded. A piece of shrapnel had cut deep into his abdomen. This was a bitter twist of fate: A man survived a winter of forced labor and slow starvation and now lay with a chunk of shrapnel, probably from a Russian bomb or shell in his guts. Snook appeared pale in the afternoon sun as several of his hut mates stopped by to greet him or read Scripture at his request. Frantic German guards stopped a military ambulance, loaded the man with a mangled leg on it, and several of them moved off with the vehicle. A remaining guard halted an empty horse-drawn wagon heading east and made the bewildered Polish driver turn the wagon around. We loaded Snook and several other wounded men in the wagon and resumed the trek westward. y NOW all the guards were fleeing the Russian advance and we were on our own at the trailing edge of the column. Those of us walking took hold of the wagon, grateful for the support it gave our movement. We came abreast a German and his family walking in our direction and attempted a brief conversation. He seemed apprehensive about the situation, but was quite friendly toward us. "Wehrmacht ist kaput," he said. "Krieg ist fertig". The war was indeed ending, but its bitter aftermath would linger. The German civilians took us straggling POWs into their homes in advance of the Russian occupation. On our fust night in the little village of Liebstadt we were well fed and housed and my wounded friend Snook was given some brief medical attention. The next day Snook died. We carried him B 70th Division Assn. TRAILBLAZER in a rough coffm to the church yard where the local German pastor conducted a burial service. On about the third afternoon of my time in the Russian-occupied village ofLiebstadt, a petite Russian WAC appeared at the house where I was quartered. She indicated a distinct interest in my wrist watch. What followed was a painful exhibit of my naivete. The watch had been a Christmas gift from my family. After having carried this watch through combat and four and a half months of captivity, I took it off in a friendly gesture to allow her to examine it. She looked at it momentarily, then dropped it inside her blouse. She handed me an old German watch which did not run. I tried to convince her of the unfairness of her "purchase", but to no avail. Had I been strong and healthy it rnighthave been no tirck to turn her wrong side up and shake it from her, but in my condition she would doubtlessly have gotten the better of me in a scrap. Besides one scream would have brought vodka-happy Russian soldiers from severeal directions. NMAY 13, 1945inLiebstadtweate a filling midday meal in our thirdfloor apartment. Then our leisurely afternoon was suddenly interrupted by a commotion in the street below. The chap nearest the window shouted "Gis!" I didn ' t go to the window, but grabbed my knapsack and belongings and joined the throng going down the flight of stairs. There in midstreet--God bless them!stood several U.S. Army men near their ambulances. More American POWs than I realized were in the village. They now poured into the street along with a few Englishmen and the Dutchman, Hank. Quickly we backed into the ambulances. Some sat on fenders, still others scrambled onto the American light tank which was sitting around the bend in the street. The American tankers were swapping rations with Russian soldiers. One big American tankman of Slavic descent was partially successful in making conversation with the Russians in either Czech or Polish. Within an hour the U.S. convoy was moving from Liebstadt toward Dresden. Before entering the city we met a large American truck convoy with some lumbering Sherman tanks. Only the sick and wounded stayed in the ambulances; the rest of us boarded the 6by-6 trucks to move through Dresden. O Summer, 1991 GENIUS AT WORKFive-star General George Marshall, who guided American armed forces to World War II victory and later made a lasting place in history with his great Marshall Plan to rehabilitate war-ravished Europe, visited the 70th Division at Camp Adair, Oregon, shortly before it departed for Missouri and the ETO. Here he watches some sharp shooting by the unidentified rifleman firing from the prone position. Major General John Dahlquist. Trailblazer CO, stands at the feet of the marksman and his coach. (Chester Garstki photo) This •aJazer look more northern route ByCHARLESPASKVAN A/275 I came to the 70th via a route that few other Trailblazers travelled - through northern Scotland, England and Belgium, to a reppledepple in Givet, France. After a short stay there we went by truck to Luxemburg and finally to Epinal, France, arriving about the middle of February. My most memorable event while being convoyed was having a bowel movement while sitting on the truck tail-gate being held by Henry Prescott and anotherGI. I prompt! y made a fast deposit as we passed through a small village, with residents waving on both sides of the road. Since our truck was in the middle of the convoy, later I took much ribbing from the men traveling in the following trucks. After a short stay at the Epinal depple, back on the trucks. Destination: big secret. Later, wehaveabreak-stopinasmall village. As we lay resting on the road-side, two trucks traveling the opposite direction, loaded high with dead bodies passed slowly thru. The instant smell of death was detected, and at the same time this clued us in that the front lines were not far away. Soon we arrived in Spicheren, close enough to hear the artillery. War had arrived; a few jerry shells hit the small village. I was assigned to Co. A, and he to C, 275. March 15, while on patrol attempting to get through the Siegfried Line, three machine bullets stopped me. Henry informed me that during his occupation duty, he went searching for me, but the Division roster had no record. Correspondence started between us after Henry joined the Association about eight years ago. 11 • ese raw recru1ts • • ·~ THE MEN OF COMPANY KThat's the title of one of the finest books about the infantry that was ever written. And it's the title of this portrait of King Company, 274th, taken at Camp Adair. Standing, from the left. are: Sgt. Irving Pacholski, Pvts. Edward Jasper, Guy Rose, Frank Hribley, Lacy Dickens, Laurits Peterson, Earl Bay, Herbert Henrichsen, Kenneth Dillard, Earl Orashan, Sgt. Clyde Rytting and the platoon lead-man, S/Sgt. Clifford Tomlinson. In the middle row are: Pvts. R. T. Brown, John McCracken, Strie Kristen, Fred Neberhause, William Chastain, James Judd, Robert Kalina, Merrit Jensen, Loney Lunsford, John Blissitte, Kenneth Bogue, Rudolph Jancigan and Truber Isaacs. Holding their rifles in the front row are: Pvts. Frank Westbrook, Walter Blaire, Lauren Brown, John Chapman, Donald Cubuitt, Robert Heinlein, Glenn Johnson, James Esteppe, Merle Coyler, Thurman and George Sayre. What's the password? Um-um-um-um ... uh-uh-uh-uh ... By ROBERT GARNIK Well, let me tell you HG/276 Location: Forbach Castle (Forward of our Infantry frontline) Duty: Forward Observer (S-2) responsible for observing enemy movement, report via telephone/messenger and record all information on topographical overlays. We also assisted our artillery in reporting drop coordinates. Observation was made from ruins of Tower, many times under direct fire from "screaming meemies", and sometimes under fire from our own short rounds. So our pres- ence was to be unknown to enemy, wearrived at dusk for night duty and before dawn for day duty. Our period of continuous observation was generally three days on and two days off. Climbing the hill under darkness we sometimes accidentally tripped over the bodies of dead Germans which littered the hillside (distinct garlic aroma). Occasionally on clear days we would be visited during the late morning by forward artillery observers loaded down with heavy binoculars, triangu- 12 Jation equipment, etc. This exposure usually attracted German fire. During a lull from heavy fire one late afternoon, I decided to get the hell out before it all started up again. I got down the hill fast and raced over to our jeep meeting point (my replacement drove out and I would drive back). In the excitement of leaving, I did not get the current password. I drove across a field parallel to the woods on my right (about 700 feet from the tree line) looking for a clearing which would be the point to tum right. Since I was bouncing along at about 40 MPH, and there was a heavy haze which obstructed the tree line, I knew after crossing too many ditches that I had missed my tumoff and was lost. My only thought was that the Germans were on my left, so I kept going straight and right. Darkness closed in and I was driving with blackout lights. I came across a road and without hesitation turned 70th Division Assn. TRAILBLAZER • • • became conquerors ofSaarbrucken right (Metz Highway). I put the pedal to the metal and flew. After driving a period of time, suddenly an obstruction appeared across the road and immediately I recognized a road block. At fust I was relieved to hear American voices. However, I was confronted by riflemen with pointed guns walking slowly toward me and yelling "What's the password?" I gave the last password-which did no good. With guns pointed at my head, I was ordered out of my jeep and with hands raised above my head was searched. Blindfolded, I was walked back to another vehicle and driven to an interrogation location. Of course I knew all the answers to the many questions except the current password. What was unbelievable was my driving from no-man 's-land through a recently mined area and living to tell the story. After hours of explaining my bizarre trip, finally someone arrived from the 276th headquarters and made personal identification. No apologies were given by the 275th nor did I expect any other than believing my story. To say the least, I was thoroughly shook up for days after this experience. As I recall, my progress through ditches, across mine fields, and not being fued upon by either side could only be explained by chance, luck, or ..... . Surrender ... hell! I'll run instead! After John O'Brien,F/274, was wounded he thought he had no choice but to surrender. But then he changed his mind. "Iran like hell, dodging more bullets and some Gis helped me". He was sent to England for recuperation. He had served with the 816 Signal Port Service before joining the 'Blazers in France at Christmas time, 1944, just before Operation Nordwind. He also remembers shooting a German soldier in the dark of night while only 6 inches apart. "I should have captured him," he now thinks. John is an electrician in Norfolk, Virginia and read about the Association in the DA V magazine. He and his wife Jeanne May have two sons and a daughter. Summer, 1991 THE HALF THAT REMAINEDSurvivors of some of the bloodiest fighting in the Saar are these men of Company K. 274. The unit lost half of its men in the assault on Saarbrucken. Here those survivors march through the battered city in pursuit of the fleeing Germans. (Signal Corps photo) 13 The Editor's Edmund C. Arnold heading the upper court from '76 to '82, he has served as a mediator in other disputes over education. We get that news from Calvin Jones, Sv/883, who forwarded a clipping and observed: "Amo and I worked only a few blocks from each other in Portland for many, many years. Although we never got together, I followed with interest his career in the judicial system. He and I came out of the same Officers Candidate class at Fort Sill and went to the 91 st Division and then to the 70th." Barracks Bag You're right; the "Trailblazer" does look different. Since March, 1982, when I took over the editor's job from the late Frank Moran, this magazine has been dressed in the same type style. But magazines, like pretty women, need a new dress once in a while. So here we are and I hope you like our new look. The high literary content of this journal - that's the stuff you guys send in remains the same. It's still your magazine, devoted to your interest in the 70th Division. That's the 70th Infantry Division. The "new" 70th, the 70th Training Division, baffles me. I have been trying since the end of the Desert War to find out who those Trailblazers were who were on our last cover. No reply. Boy! That's public relations! * I was less than enthralled when President Bush hailed the Desert Storm soldiers as the best the United States ever had. Without taking away one ounce of respect for their bravery and military prowess, I still believe their efforts were not at the level of Gettysburg, Guadalcanal, the Chosin Reservoir or our Battle of the Bulge. Or is this just an old soldier sentimental in senility? of World War II, you and your spouse may be buried in this, or in another, national cemetery. You may get more information from Mr. Chambers at 15501 Dickman Road, Augusta, MI 49012, or your local Veterans Affair office (I is ted in your phone book). Ask the V.A. for its folder VADMS-IS-1. The October, 1985 issue of the "Trailblazer" also gives details. * * Arno Denecke, H/Q Divarty, has been appointed to head a group charged with studying a conflict over lagging student achievement that led to a boycott of Portland, Oregon schools in February. The boycott, led by the Black United Front, kept about 1,600 students - 3 percent of the total school population- out of class to protest what they called a failure of the school board to implement a new program. The Front and the Board couldn't even agree on composition of the panel. Arno is a retired chief justice of the Supreme Court of that state and it was believed that he would best be able to smooth relations between the adversaries. After * Several members have sent me clippings of a column by Mike Royko originally in the "Chicago Tribune" and syndicated throughout the country. It is reprinted, in part, elsewhere in this issue. What do you think about it? * The inspiring picture on our front cover is agiftofEugene Chambers, director of the Fort Custer National Cemetery, and of the Advisory Committee of the cemetery. It shows the Avenue of Flags, the entrance to the newest national cemetery. Near Battle Creek - its address is really Augusta, Michigan - the cemetery is named for Fort Custer which was the induction center where Michigan and many Midwest soldiers first saw WW2 service. You are reminded again that as a veteran 14 * Don Docken, C/275, has reprinted his "Combat History of Co. C." So if you found the book was sold out when you first ordered it, you may now obtain a copy from Don at 170 North Ruth St. #100, St. Paul, MN 55119. Finally! After 46 years of trying , Malcolm Muszynski, K/276, got his military records straightened out by the Board for Correction of Military Records. "With the help of the 3rd En/Medics and articles written by men ofthe 3rd Bn/276, I am now on record. I had written many, many times to the Department of Personal Records in St. Louis and always got the same answer: No records available." "I was wounded on Feb. 7, 1945 on Oetingen Hill by a shoe mine. Now, thanks to former 70th men, I have the Purple Heart. I extend thanks to all of them, especially the Battalion Surgeon, Capt. J. V. McKay and Cpl. J. H. Satterlee." * Two good canoneers have left us. Burton "Bussie" Holmes, HQ/Divarty, reports: "Don Johnson, who served with the 884th and then HQ/Divarty, and James S. Gibson who was an aide to Gen. Peter Rodes, and later assistant S-3 in Divarty headquarters, have died recently. * SOUVENIR MERCHANDISE Price List Lapel Pins ........... $2.25 Coin Purses, Squeeze Type .. 1.00 CoffeeMugs .......... 2.50 Ball Point Pens ......... 4.00 Stationery, 50 Letterheads and 50 Envelopes . . . . . . . . 4.50 ($2 .50each ifordered separately.) BeltBuckles ........... 7.50 Decals (Octagonal) . . . . . . 1.00 HistoryBooks ......... 27.50 Order from Calvin Jones 227 NE 105th Ave. Portland, OR 97220 "The Winter issue of the 'Trailblazer' brought back a few memories. On page 6, Jordan Baker writes about his experience in Stalag IX-B near Bad Orb. AfterthePOWs were liberated, I was assigned briefly to see that the place was cleaned up. The 725th Field Artillery Battalion was also involved, as I recall, and local Nazis were made to clean up the mess. On my first inspection I remember seeing innumerable empty cartons of American cigarettes strewn about the guards quarters that never got to the prisoners to whom they were sent. Small potatoes were rotting and sprouting on the dirt floor of the kitchen. Bunks and floors were filthy and when I departed my trousers were covered with fleas. "I vividly recall the afternoon we re- 70th Division Assn. TRAILBLAZER ceived word that Lt. John Kemp had been killed at Forbach. (The story is on page 16.) Most readers of the 'Trailblazer,' I am sure, don't know that his brother was Hal Kemp, leader of the popular jazz band of that era." "For a while, early in 1944 when Division Artillery was training at the Yakima (Washington) Firing Range, I was CO of the battery that is pictured on page 22. I remember well Albert Sederholm who was in the Communications Section. He was a bit on the heavy side but he could climb a tree or a pole with the aid ofleg spikes more rapidly than most of his companions. He was a fine soldier. Regrettably, I can't recognize the faces of the other men shown." * Get out your red pencil and make a correction - no, an addition - in "The Trailblazers" history book. On page 109, Arthur Layton, H/276, tells of the death of a mortar gunner, identified only as "Spud." Carl Settle, C/276, has identified the KIA as George C. Spudick. Bennett's art to enhance magazine pages The "Trailblazer" will be enriched from now on by the drawings of Pete W. Bennett, HQ, 2nd Bn/276. Although he keeps busy as a commercial artist in San Antonio, Texas, Pete has offered to send spare-time sketches for the magazine. His work is familiar to many 70th men as he did the drawings in the original history book of the Division, commercially published in 1985. Pete has a distinctive style that well captures the whole atmosphere ofT rail blazer combat in Alsace and the Saarland. Here he has recorded the efforts of one soldier to ward off the bitter cold of the Vosges Mountains in January, 1945. Summer, 1991 Another correction: The new member located by Archie Smith, E/274, is Willard Wolfmeyer. This suggests that when you are sending an item to the "Trailblazer" be sure to print all proper names. We can catch misspellings - yours or ours - on most words just by their context. But proper names just can ' t be checked. * It's always sad to have to write an obituary. But this one touched me especially hard: Marion Dean Ross, K/275, died in Eugene, Oregon on April 1. He was a retired professor of architecture at the university there. He was known as a master teacher and even after his retirement he conducted seminars and did TV lectures. He received many professional honors. But ... He never married, he had no family and no funeral. It is to weep. * I was a little shook by a letter that accused me of "allowing political articles to appear in the 'Trailblazer'." I was first berated for having a "personal vendetta" against the Postal Service. "Now we have the same type of stuff being printed about those people who are opposed to war. What is next? An article for or against abortion rights? Let' s not tear this Association apart. No more political garbage in the 'Trailblazer', please." I report on the USPS service because I'm the guy who has to take complaints about the abysmally tardy "service". It took almost three weeks for the magazine to get up to Syracuse, New York last issue. Hell! It took 10 days to travel less than two miles from the post office to my house. The objectionable (to him) story about war protesters was an interview reprinted from a Topeka newspaper during Desert Shield. An honorary member of this Association, widow of one of our founding fathers who kept the Association together in the lean years and herself a surgical nurse who served in the Battle of the Bulge, Nina Dick suggested that the people who took their protests to the streets "ought to be rounded up and sent to the front." That, I insist, is not political. That is a statement of patriotism and I can think of no one who has a better right to offer that opinion than Nina. Issues such as abortion, pro and con, the death penalty, anti-smoking laws and so on will not be discussed in these columns as long as I am editor. They are not part of our agenda. But, by golly, we are associated only because of our military service. Anything to do with such service, in our war or any war, is absolutely appropriate for this publication. What do you think? This is your magazine and I try hard as I can to serve you. Please tell me how to do that. * The first overseas "Trailblazer" was printed on paper liberated from a German Army print shop in Forbach. So I truly enjoyed a letter from Charles Kelly , HA/70, on liberated stationery. The first page is on a letterhead from the Reichsluftschussbund, gruppe Sarr, then it continues on two letterheads ofSol-und Radiummbad Bad Kreuznach Stadtische Kur - und Badverwaltung.All were liberated in 1945. This is better than recycling paper. * Chester Herron, 570 Signal , is trying to locate his old CO, Col. Oliver Sause; Capt. Dean, CO of the 770th Ordnance, and 1st/ Sgt John Lippert, Vernon Gardner and Lt. Mum, all Ordnance guys. Chester's address: 2813 Sanders Dr., Garland, Texas 75042. 15 Royko hails unsung WW2 veterans U.S. VETS OF WORLD WAR "II WERE STRONG, SILENT HEROES So states the headline on a column by Mike Royko, Chicago Tribune columnist. An Air Force radioman during the Korean War, he won the Pulitizer Prize for commentary in 1972. His syndicated column runs in newspapers throughoutthe United States and several Trail blazers sent clippings to the editor. Portions reprinted here are by courtesy of the TribuneMedia Service. "As a combat infantryman (New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Luzon), I've decided to join you in the orgy of euphoria engulfing the nation. Admittedly, this war was a pushover and most of the troops saw no combat, experienced little danger, and weren't 'over there' very long, as wars go, but that shouldn't detract from their all being 'heroes' in the eyes of the multitudes. "Anyway, your idea to break the bank on behalf of the Gulf vets should logically apply to us who served before generally longer, bloodier, and with less media and public adoration. Your idea for a $10,000 bonus sounds swell, and I would like mine in one lump sum- with interest, of course, dating from December, 1945 ... " An Iowa vet writes: "Thank goodness the desert war was over quickly and with few losses. But all this euphoria has a movie atmosphere. I was in WW2 and Korea. Two of my brothers were killed in WW2 and buried at sea ... I don't think some of the people putting up yellow ribbons and waving flags could tell you much about the Bataan Death March or Iwo Jima. I don't think that they know about the reality of war and how bad it can really be." Maybe a veteran from Arkansas, sums up the feelings of his generation best: "I was attached to Patton's Third Army. I seldom talk about the war, the freezing days and nights, the fatigue, the fear, the dirt, mud, and the smell of dead bodies. There was no big welcome for us guys. The welcome was in our hearts, our thankfulness for being back and alive. Our welcome was seen in the smiling, joyous faces of our parents, brothers, sisters, and sweethearts or wives. We didn't need parades." Maybe he didn't need parades. But today's politicians surely do. They'regettingupthere in years, the World War II vets. But they're still my choice as this century's most remarkable generation of men. ... They won the biggest, bloodiest war in the history of this planet. And when it was over, they came back and went right to work making this country the most powerful industrial and economic force in the world. Recently I wrote about how a few of them felt about the homecoming hoopla that followed the abrupt ending of the Gulf War. They were generally amused when they compared the TV coverage of festive airport reunion scenes with their own quiet arrivals. That column brought a small flood of mail from other WW2 vets, sharing their memories. None begrudge the Gulf War troops their due. But some are skeptical about flag-waving politicians; others think that the word "hero" is being tossed around too freely ... A physician from Montana took note of a proposal by a congressman that all Gulf War troops be given a $10,000 bonus. He fired off a letter to the congressman, and sent me a copy. Editor (Continued) - I'm not trying to revive a dead horse. But I've been getting more than a few letters endorsing the idea of a second 70th History Book. A testimonial to "The Trailblazers" comes from Jack Nickerson. When herecently joined the Association, he told SeckTrez Lou Hoger that he wanted a History Book for himself and for three of his children who live more than 800 miles from his Idaho Falls home. His son Aran, lives only 300 miles away and Jack opined he'd share his own copy with his "nearby" son. "I am providing home care for my mother, 97, so I have had time to read only a little bit. But the book is so good that I'm ordering a copy for my son so I can have my own." 16 * And I've received several letters from candidates for "Babies of the Battalions", the youngest members of the Association. Charles Tite, F/276, was born March 31, 1926. That puts him 18th on the list as of this very moment. Other claims may change this before you-orChuck-read this. He joined the 70th in February, '45 as a replacement in the Saarland. A real young-un is Hoyt Stimson, A/ 275. He was born in 1927, no less! March 25. He was a couple of months short of 16 when he entered the service and was assigned to a veterinary service company with the 1st Cavalry at Fort Bliss, Texas. He became a Trailblazer in April, '44 at Adair. Wounded at Philippsbourg on Jan. 8, '45, he was discharged after two years and two months service - and then was still only 17 years and 9 months old! * Robert Van Osdel was a dentist with the 274th in combat. He died in 1987 and his wife Ruth continues her Associate membership. "Bob would have been pleased to know what a strong organization you have made. And I am so pleased that the 70th continues its comradeship." Ruth has moved to 965 East Del Mar, Apt. 1, Pasadena, California 91106. Another inscription in the Taps list: Hugh J. "Vic" Vickery, who died at the age of 67 on January 30, '91 at the Veteran Hospital in La Jolla, California. A 23-yearveteran with the Army, he was vice commander of the South California Districtofthe D.A.V. Active in civic affairs in Carlsbad, California he had served as director of that city's Chamber of Commerce and was chairman of its Christmas Bureau in 1970. That year he was chairman of the United Crusade and in 1976 he and his wife Hazel were named "Citizens of the Year" by the "Blade-Citizen". He was buried with military honors in the Riverside National Cemetery. 70th Division Assn. TRAILBLAZER Quartermaster My hat goes off to all entitled to wear the Infantry Rifleman's badge; they deserve all the credit we can give them. We need to be reminded that our freedom is not free at all. It cost us all, those at home and those on foreign soil. Those who had to say goodbye to us in the armed forces , were working and waiting for us to win and come home. I was the youngest of nine children, seven sons and two daughters. Two brothers went to the South Pacific, leaving the rest of us in various defense work to keep the war effort going. I drove an off-road-22-yard dump truck until I received my letter from the President in April, 1943. I was inducted at Camp Arlington, California, got a haircut and some olive drab clothes and too many shots and tests. They tried to discipline us but they soon gave up in despair. After Arlington finally decided where to send us, our destination turned out to be Camp White at Medford, Oregon. I was temporarily attached to the 91st Division, then to the new 70th Infantry. It had to have a Headquarters and a Quartermasters to even get started, you know. My uneducated guess is that there were possibly 30 to 50 of us from the Southern California area. Truck drivers, of course, cooks, bakers, mechanics, warehousemen and those on a lower I.Q. level to run the Division HA. At least this was the keen perspective of this 18-year-old would-be truckdriver and screwdriver mechanic. He found himself along with the bunch of future Trailblazers headed for Oregon on an enjoyable steam train ride to Dunsmuir, California, where Greyhound had some stage coaches waiting for us. W HILE THESE STAGES were not Wells Fargos-at least I do not recall any horses in front-they were old, big, fat, conventional models from the late 20s and early 30s, some Fagoels and the rest GMC. Our top kicks were some of the best. Our commanding officers were Col. Donald E. Bowles, Capt. Adams and First Sergeant E.G. Spicer. We were quickly organized into platoons. All the tallest and the best men were assigned to the fust platoon under Lt. Summer, 1991 Roof, a great guy, and Tec/Sgt. George Wisdom, another top soldier. I'm just prejudiced cause that is where they put me and I liked it so well I was a part of the First Platoon until I was sent home in April, 1946. Ah, basic training! Lots of drilling, calesthenics, rifle and truck maintenance training and gathering new trucks and equipment out of Salem, Vancouver and Yakima. We had a great time, it was fun. I guess they were extremely hard pressed for leaders. For one day when I was getting off KP duty someone asked me if I had looked at the bulletin board. I wasn't anxious for more KP but I went to check anyway. They had my name up as the new fust platoon sergeant. They probably got the names mixed up. Anyway this 18-year old punk kid took over. I couldn't even spell platoon or sergeant, and still can't! It wasn't long until we loaded our trucks for Camp Adair. Once moved in, we went through basic infantry training (believe it or not) and at the same time learning our Quartermaster supply duties night and day. There were a lot of marches past Coffin Butte to the rifle ranges. We were tops, you guys should have seen us truck drivers crawling in the mud! T HAT SUMMER and fall of 1943 we moved all you fellows over the grand roads of the Santiam Pass and scattered you from Bend, where I now live, clear to Bums, Christmas Valley and Wagontire, Oregon. You guys were eating dust most of the time, but you also consumed a lot of good food we hauled out and distributed to you. Yeah! I know you had to eat some K- and Crations, too. Even today among the juniper Quartermasters fed us, hauled us, ammo-edus -and even chased the Germans, too trees on our 40 acres I will occasionally pick up a C-ration can which brings back many memories of nearly 50 years ago. The highlight of all my experiences at Adair was meeting my Swedish bride-to-be in Silverton on a weekend pass with another truck driver, Donald L. Hunt, from Rifle, Washington. We were married on May 14, 1944, and our 47th anniversary is coming up soon. All of our four children were born after the war and we now have a dozen grandchildren. Our son Dave has been driving some Clifford Schrock's potato-chips trucks in the Willamette Valley. Many of the QM Company members know Cliff; he was, no doubt, the only genuine truck driver in the bunch. Most of the originals from Camp White were eventually transferred into the Infantry. We non-coms stayed QMs and went through two orthree basics, training recruits. But I did not mind, I had my folks ship my 1936-80 Harley Davidson to Adair so I would have faster transportation to and from Silverton. It wasn't long until my wife and I had to say goodbye. The company boarded another steam train out of Camp Adair and headed for Fort Leonard Wood where we trained some more recruits for truck drivers in the Ozark mountains. Soon we started packing all our gear to ship overseas. January, 1945 found us on the S.S. Mariposa in the Southern Atlantic trying to outrun German submarines and land at Marseilles, France. After some excitement at CP-2, Marseilles, we were equipping to move north. OVING BY NIGHT with all our trucks, we arrived into an old German garrison at Morange which was the base for our QM operations. We went right to work moving troops as directed, trying to keep you guys suplied with food, gas, ammunition and everything needed, going up to the lines, usually at night to haul off the wounded and POWs. Some of us truck drivers know what it is like to be shot at and have felt the concussion of 88s and mines. We were up there and saw you doing your job and have put our lives in jeopardy. We certainly cannot say we were in the middle of the fighting, but we were there at Wingen, Stiring Wendel and Forbach. We hauled some of you over the pontoon bridge into Saarbrucken and even made a motorized patrol about 25 miles into Germany to contact the retreating Germans. We do not deserve any great honors, we were simply just doing our job. Personally, I am proud of the 70th QM Company drivers, supply men and the Division Headquarters, and of being a part of a great fighting division. Richard H. Foster 70th QM Co. M 17 An enemy unseen Sniper harasses Medics as they aid the wounded By WILLIAM DA WS C/370 Medics DuringmostofMarch, 1945, we were dug in outside Forbach, France, in a hilly, wooded area. We had been attempting for the past several days to capture the town, but had advanced only a short distance. We were to make a daylight attack the next morning with the intention once and for all , of taking Forbach. An artillery barrage had been laid down most of the night. At daylight we shelled the enemy with mortars, followed by an infantry attack in full force. The fighting was heavy all morning with many casualities, and we medics were kept busy carrying the wounded back to the aid station. About one o'clock in the afternoon a couple of infantrymen found my squad and asked us to pick up a wounded man in a house just inside the edge of town. We followed the soldiers across a field, dodging artillery fire for about a quarter of a mile. Finally we made it into a house away from the fue. One of the soldiers pointed toward a house about 50 yards away where the wounded man was. W E RAN for the house, having to cross an open area in the process. We were almost across the open spot when a sniper cut loose at us from behind me and I yelled to take cover. At that instant, the second bullet caught one of the Medics behind me in the neck. He fell to the ground screaming. I dived for a pile of brush in front of me. The other two Medics hit the dirt where they were. There was a slight depression where they fell and the sniper couldn 't hit them. The sniper set up a constant fire, never giving us a chance to move. He shot near my feet several times and I slid further up under the brush in hopes of getting out of his line of fire. After we had been pinned down for about 30 minutes, one of the men in my squad took a bandage from his medical kit and turned so he could reach the wounded Medic. Just as he raised his arm to place the bandage on the wound, I saw him jerk as a bullet entered his body, killing him instantly. He died with his hand on the man's neck. I called to the other Medic, who had not been hit, and he said he was all right but was afraid to move. 18 About an hour later some infantrymen, watching from one of the houses set up a machine gun in an effort to stop the sniper. The gunner fued one burst before the sniper caught him in the forehead with a bullet. He fell over the gun dead. Another soldier took the gun and fired only a couple of bursts before the sniper hit him killing him also. A third man tried and was hit in the leg. In the meantime a bazooka man had been called for. He hit the house several times, but to no avail, the sniper never quit firing. A few minutes later another soldier worked his way out to where I was and began to look for the sniper. Just as I yelled for him to get down, a bullet caught him in the face. He spun toward me and fell across my legs, dead. The area around me became void of activity, the least bit of movement brought about an onslaught of deadly fire from the German. W ORDSCANNOTEXPRESSthe fear one has while being hunted by the deadly bullets of an unseen enemy. I thought several times of attempting to crawl out to one of the houses near me, but the thought of not knowing the location of the sniper who could observe every movement we made kept me where I was. One of my men was dead, another was lying a few yards from me bleeding to death and screaming every few minutes for someone to help him. My third squad member was in a perilous situation and might get hit any minute. Another man was lying across my legs dead. Since we had been pinned down, four men had died around me, and two more had been wounded. As I was lying there with a thousand thoughts racing through my mind wondering ifl would ever get out ofthis alive, with fear beyond description, never having felt so alone or been so helpless, I heard the rustle of brush a few yards from me near a fence. A few seconds later I heard someone approaching only a few feet from me. I was lying on my stomach and couldn't see who it was. I froze not knowing whether it was an American or a German. He took me by the shoulders and turned me over. I opened my eyes and shuddered with relief as I looked into the face of an American Medic. He had been watching me for quite a while and had thought I was dead. In order to reach me, he had crawled along a fence, undetected by the sniper. He told me to get low and follow . We made our way along the fence and into the house about 70 feet away. A CROSS A NARROW ALLEY was the house with the wounded soldier for whom we had originally started. The Medic told me we would have to jump from one building to the other, because there was a German machine gun at one end of the alley. He backed across the room and took off, landing in the doorway of the other building. I followed suit; just as I landed in the doorway of the other building a hail of bullets hit the facing above my head. We checked the casualty and he was all right. About an hour later the Medic and I decided to return to the other house and wait until dusk before attempting to get the rest of my squad out of the small field. We made the trip back across the alley and received the same reception as before. We had been in the house only a short time when some P-47s strafed the area knocking a portion of the roof off a house nearby. As one of the planes pulled out of its dive he dropped a bomb down the street and it lifted us off the floor. Shortly it began to get dark. We slipped out of the house and began working our way down the fence. Thesniperhadn'tfued in the last few minutes so we began working our way out to the men. The wounded Medic was alive but in bad shape. Our other comrade was all right but he had been in one position so long he couldn't move his arms and could hardly walk. We put our wounded buddy on a litter and began looking for some of our own troops. It was pitch dark by this time and we could hear German voices nearby. We came upon an old car and decided to put the wounded man under the car until we could reach a decision about what to do. A short time later one of the men found a lieutenant and several soldiers in an old building. We picked up our comrade and headed for the building. After getting inside I did what I could for him with the medical supplies we had. The officer had been attempting for some time to make contact with company headquarters, but to no avail. The Germans had 70th Division Assn. TRAILBLAZER Payback! By WILLIAM RORABAUGH C/275 It was on January 5, 1945, that the scattered remnants of Company C regrouped at the end of Philippsbourg (toward Neiderbronn) and moved from there up into the high mountains to the Angelsberg area. It was bitterly cold, with icy winds and deep snow, and we had only the clothes on our backs. I had my BAR, a full belt of magazines for it, my entrenching tool and a large hunting knife, much like a Bowie knife, which my father had had made forme. (I still have it.) I believe we had a few 10-in-1 rations but no water. I melted snow in Joe Sueltenfuss' canteen cup (mine had a hole in it from either a bullet or shrapnel). We had no contact with the enemy since leaving Philippsbourg and after reaching the high ground in Angels berg we dug in, setting up defensive positions with two-man foxholes. My squad was lucky! We just moved into some very good oversize foxholes which the departed Germans had dug earlier. OE AND I shared one and had the BAR set up and well camouflaged with underbrush and branches. Once we finished this hard manual labor and became inactive, the bitter cold got to us and it was pure misery-nothing to do but let your teeth J Patrol on Angelsberg gets some P'bourg revenge that we sighted some Germans below us on chatter, shiver and shake. the same slope some 70 to 80 yards away. We had only a general idea of where the They were just coming out of the woods into enemy was so it was necessary to send out a clearing and following around the contour a lot of patrols to try to determine their of the hill. There were eight men, in single movements and locate their positions. Sig file, moving slowly through the snow with Rusley led a number of these patrols and had about 4 to 5 feet between them. They wore little trouble getting volunteers as it was a the long overcoats and those duck-billed way to get warmed up somewhat, rather than field caps and carried those cylindrical canfreezing in your hole. On one occasion he nisters slung as though they were on a march approached Sueltenfuss and me as he wanted rather than a patrol. They were just black a BAR to go along for some firepower. I silhouettes against the snow. volunteered. We had dropped down into the snow when Since we were spread out so thin, (it is the we first sighted them and now Rusley was estimate by Maj. Donald "Charlie" Pence, passing the word down the line that we 275th historian, that the 1st Battalion, 275 should open fire when he fired and work had no more than 80 to 90 riflemen left in from the ends to the middle of the column. action at that time!) it was the policy to have We all took up kneeling positions. When one man in each foxhole at all times. So Joe Rusley's carbine cracked we all opened up was left behind over his objections. with rapid fire. I was firing the BAR in bursts Odd how you remember little things of no of three and four til the magazine was empty. significance. I recall taking the bi-pod off the It was over in a matter of seconds and we BAR and handing it to Joe as I was leaving. moved out on the double and kept going, He was a bow-legged little Texan who never said anything thatdidn'tstart with "you-all". , expecting possible fire from the woods below us but all was quiet. So he said, "You-all come back now! You We returned to our positions and reported hear?'' It was a six-man patrol with T/Sgt. Rusley in the lead, armed with a carbine. (Sig to the Company CP. Rusley was elated, but I had mixed emotions, even though we had was one of the few men I ever knew who was actually very, very accurate with a carbine.) evened some scores for those we had left Then came four men armed with Mls and behind in Philippsbourg. fmally me with the BAR. We travelled quite some distance through mostly wooded terrain, taking advantage of all the cover we could find and staying just below the crest of the hills. No.1 "\"1 JE SAW and heard nothing-no VV sign of the enemy-and subsequently infiltrated our lines. We were cut off from the rest of the company. It wasn't long until a runner got through with a telephone line and we made contact with Headquarters. My platoon leader was on the other end of the phone. He had been hunting us all afternoon, having heard reports that my entire squad had been killed. He told us to hold tight until he got there. By slipping along a ditch undetected, he and several more Medics arrived on the scene. We took our wounded friend and the other two casualties and worked our way almost a mile back down the same ditch without being seen. We arrived at Battalion Headquarters just before midnight. My wounded squadman was evacuated to a hospital and lived for 10 days. Summer, 1991 turned back, having traversed a large loop in our search. It was shortly after turning back Brothers Meet It was rare for brothers to be in the same division in the later years of World War II. But Rune Hanson, HQ/270 Engineers, over in France, found that his brother had joined the 70th as a replacement. Also unusual is his recollection of "my most memorable military experience". He says it's "Getting married". Well, maybe there isn't must difference between a martial experience and a marital one. That marriage, to Dolores in Corvallis, produced five children and 10 grandchildren. The first Trail blazer to return his Archives form was Eugene Volz:, E/276. It was received April4. Next day that of H.C. Hicks, A/275, arrived. Although it's a good start, the response to the Axe-Head Archives questionnaire has been a wee bit less than a landslide. As of June 1, replies have reached only XX% of the membership. One disappointment has been the men who did not tell their favorite- or any! - war story. One of the objects of the Archives is to get raw material for this magazine and an opportunity for every member to share some experiences. So it is disheartening when the form comes back totally blank. But perhaps even worse is when one man says: :" 19 70th was well trained says training non-com and action past P-bourg' belies SLAM Marshall "We've been invited to make comments on Gen. Marshall's allegations. With all respect to rank, he apparently didn't have the facts!" So opines Anthony Van De Wege, D/275. "I spent over two years as an instructor in Infantry Training Centers before joining the Trailblazers. I believe 70th Division men were properly trained. Many were young, but they were levelheaded and had guts! As a non-com, and after I received my battlefield commission, I never had a man who didn't perform as a good soldier. "In a previous article, it was mentioned that little was known of the part of Company D, 275th that was up front with the rifle company past P'bourg. That was my section of heavy machine guns. We moved up with the riflemen and dug in for the night. Early next morning the riflemen pulled away and moved to our left. We were told that many of them were surrendering. "We had a discussion, and every one of my men agreed they'd rather take their chances and fight our way back. We moved back down the hill to our right and headed back toward the American line-as we were well ahead of P'bourg. The Germans weren't aware of our moving until they spotted us after we'd gone back about a quarter of a mile. Their infantry didn't pursue us; but whenever we'd move, they'd zero in on us with artillery fire. We were very tired of hitting the dirt with the machine guns, ammunition, etc., but kept moving back. They gave up after dark, and then we had to take our chances getting back through the American line. We succeeded, with God's help! "Then, on February 22-23, the Germans were driven down over the hill towards Saarbrucken. We anticipated a counterattack so we spread out our machine guns and selected the best possible fields of fire in the woods. It was getting dark, but we had time to dig in and make good gun emplacements, complete with log and dirt coverings. We covered them, as we expected artillery fire, with resulting shrapnel coming down from the trees above. "We non-coms, gunners and men, agreed to not fue our machine guns at random targets, and give away our positions. We'd use our rifles to stop single individual targets, but open up the HMG's if necessary. "After carrying the guns and equipment all day and then spending a lot of time digging in, we were all very tired. It was suggested, and all agreed, that we didn't want to retreat that night under any circumstances (unless we received an order to do so). They said the Germans might get us before morning, but we'd get a lot of them during the process! "The Germans counterattacked, as everyone knows, but we managed to kill every individual that walked or crawled up that night, with our rifles. During this period, Lee Miller was wounded by shrapnel fire coming down from the tree tops. He was one of my men and stated later that the company C.O. had told him to withhold fue. I didn't know anything about such an order, so we shot every enemy we saw. (I told Miller that after he wrote that article in the Trailblazer, I suppose many thought I'd had him withhold fire, but my men knew I didn ' t!) "Since we killed their scouts, the Germans apparently decided to dig in for the night, about 100 yards in front of us- then it was quiet for the remainder of the night. 20 "Luckily the Germans didn't know that we machine gunners were the only ones between them and our Battalion HQ, as the riflemen, anti-tank and other units had all moved back. "I went back to Battalion HQ and informed them that we were the only ones between them and the Germans. Maj. Cahoon was surprised. He sent officers out to check and they verified that the others had withdrawn. "The major thanked me, and told me he'd go back, regroup, and come back with everyone in the morning. He told me to have our men stay down, as friend! y troops and the Germans would undoubtedly be fuing over our heads until they got back to our line of defense. "Unfortunately, I saw the major get killed instantly about 100 yards from us, as he was personally leading the assault. "So you can see why I was very proud of my men and don't agree with Gen. Marshall! Lou Klettlinger , Sam Brown and John Ferrera came to the Reunion. They were some of the brave men who were in the above skirmishes." 70th Division Assn. TRAILBLAZER 'Saw Cold War approach' So Hanson stayed in uniform I joined the 70th Division at Fort Leonard Wood just before we went to the ETO. As a low pointer, I was transferred to the 3rd Division in September, 1945, and rotated back to the States in May ' 46. Prior to starting back to college that Fall, I saw the cold war developing and decided to take ROTC. As a vet, I was commissioned in the Army Reserve after two years. One of the short tours of active duty I took between semesters was at Fort Ord, California. I was delighted to find Lt. William 0. Smith there. He had been Exec Officer in L/274 when Capt. Murphy was the CO. I graduated from the University of Denver in December, 1949, and was commissioned in the Infantry of the Regular Army. I served with the 6th Infantry in Berlin for six months and then was transferred to the zone where I joined the 1st Division. On reporting to Division HQ at Darmstadt, I found the Deputy CG was "Shooting Sam" Conley, the regimental commander of the From 'other side' record is corrected Dear Ed, This is to express my gratitude twice: (l) for printing my story in part in your Fall, 1990 edition. I received a photostat of the pages recently by courtesy of Melvin Holtorf, I/275. Inadvertently, there are two mistakes "The action begins during the night of January 56 (not 6-7 as stated in the last sentence of your preface). "If we cannot fend off the enemy now, he (namely the enemy; not we) will succeed. . . ."(page 14, col. 2, 12th line) (2) For meeting you personal! y during the grand Reunion in Las Vegas. Both Ruth and I enjoyed the events immensely, especially meeting again our American friends after all those years since Lexington in 1980. The welcome we received was so cordial as if we had parted only yesterday! I also enjoyed quite a number of discussions with war history buffs of all three infantry regiments. Wolfe Zoepf-Murphy D-2080 Pinneberg, Germany PS: Fred Cassidy and friends named me "Murphy" in September, 1977, as they had difficulties in pronouncing my name; the naming certificate decorates the wall in front of my desk. Summer, 1991 274th when I was with it. It was fun to see him again and we did some fme reminiscing. I had a chance to thank him again for the time that he stopped his sedan in Wiesbaden to give about four of us enlisted troopers a lift back to Biebrich. With the 1st Division. I was assigned to the 18th Infantry in Aschaffenburg. First I was with Easy Co. and then was Assistant Regimental S-3. While in A-burg, I revisited most of our WWII areas, both in Germany and France. I was promoted to Captain while with the 18th. This was followed by the Infantry Advanced Course at Fort Benning and a very interesting 2-year ROTC tour at North Dakota State University. Next came an assignment with the 1st Cavalry Division in Korea where I commanded Co C, 12th Cav and then was the S-3 of Division Support Command. Mter the Korean tour, I was transferred to the 82d Airboume at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. My assignments included being CO of Company C and S-3 of 2/503 Battle Group. From there I went to the Command and General Staff Course at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, where I was promoted to Major. Then to the Army Language School where I learned Spanish. This was followed by a tour in Panama where I taught Counterinsurgency Operations to Latin American Officers, then was Chief of the G-3 Plans Division of U.S. Army Southern Command where I was promoted to Lt. Col. From there I went to the Pentagon to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Military Operations. Former 70th soldier, Gen. Ted Mataxis was there at that time, too . My next tour was in Vietnam as CO, 1st Bn 26th Infantry and I had another chance to see how great American soldiers are in combat. Mter a year's tour in 'Nam, I was assigned to the Pentagon again, this time to the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (the G-3 shop) where I was promoted to Colonel. I then graduated from the Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. After another tour on the Army staff, I finished my military career with the Defense Intelligence Agency in the Pentagon. I retired from the Army with 30 + years, took a civilian job as a defense consultant to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and after 12 years there I retired a second (and final) time to a quieter life down here in Southern Virginia. I am still married to the great lady I married back in 1948 and who was with me on most of my assignments. We have three children-two sons (the oldest is in the Army Reserve) and a daughter who is on active duty as an Army nurse. We also have four grandchildren, a good-sized house and would be delighted to see old 70th Division friends who may come here to Virginia Beach, Virginia. James M. Hanson, Land HQ/274 Young son•s funeral biller blow lo Hughes The hardships of war were worsened for Earl Hughes, C/276, "when I heard of the death of my 8-year-old son ... after he was already buried." He joined the 70th at Adair in the fall of '43 and was discharged in March of 1946 after service with the !48th Field Artillery. His cruise to France was on the USS America and they ran into a bad winter-Atlantic storm en route. He has served as mayor of the city of White Bird, Idaho, and has been commander of the local Legion post. His wife Marian, ("Frankie") and he have two sons and four grandchildren. He credits Carl Settle, also of C/276, with getting him and the Association together. * Calling all hams! If it hadn't been for Bill Verberg and the notice he put in the "VFW Magazine" I would never have known that the 70th Association existed. I joined the 70th at Wood in August of' 44 after basic training at Camp Joseph T. Robinson in Arkansas. I stayed with the Trailblazers till July '45 when I was sent to the 3rd Division at Kassel and became a radio operator. I have two sons. One is a ski instructor at Vail, Colorado, the other is a ceramic tile layer in Ventura, California. We have four grandchildren. My hobby is amateur radio. So, if there are any 70th hams out there, let's get together. Jim Christie F/276 21 New and Changes for the Roster Members STACY, J. D. 1729 Media Ave. NE Jensen Beach, FL34957 H/275-Lucille DELANEY, Robert E. 6041-53rdAvenue, N .E. Seattle, WA98115 HQ/1 Bn/276 Slice LEUTZ, Glen L. 47 41 E. 25th St. Tucson , AZ85711 HQ/70-Rae FRICOVSKI , GeorgeJ. 1243S. MainSt. Scranton, PA 18504 1/276-Barbara MARTIN , Ferrall V. 81 6 Bradshaw Ave. East Liverpool, OH 43920 GOLDEN, Billy A. 1525 S. Crosby Ave. Janesville, W153545 HQ/276-Helen GORMAN, Joseph D. Rt. 1, Box6A East Nassau , NY 12062 1/274-Mary MITCHELL, David E. 8431stSt. NW Mason City, IA50401 F/276-Anne NICKERSON, Jack 12800rlin Dr. Idaho Falls, ID 83404 F/276-Anne GRINNELL, Alfred J. 289Winfield Rd . Rochester, NY 14618 HQ/275 PETERSON, Robert Grimstagatan 25 16227Vallingby SWEDEN G/276 HUTIENHOWER, Robert 8907FoxTrail Tampa , FL33626 B/274-Darothy RIECK, Heinz Green Valley 2 Jackson , Wl53037 D/274-Marilyn KIDWELL, William A. 9129 Santa Rita Rd . Baltimore, MD 21236 HQ/883FA-BettyLee ROBINSON , William H. 107TobeyHill Drive West Seneca, NY 14224 C/275-Mary KIPP, Irving W . StarR!. , Box 165AA Payson, AZ 85541 L/276-MaryLou ROGERS, Harold L. 4503 Queen Elizabeth #162 Alexandria, LA71303 HQ/3Bn/274 STASTNY, Frank 391 2 S. 1OOth E. Ave. Tulsa, OK74146 1/276 STONE, Allen B. 14036 Corn uta Avenue Bellflower, CA 90706 Uncle of John Lackey, A/276(KIA) CHANGES FOR THE ROSTER SUDAC, William F. 17 437 8th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85023 1/276-Marguerite BRADBURY, C. 10201 W . Ford Ave. Beach Park, IL60099 {Honorary: daughter to Harold Kline) TRAMEL, William M . 1060 Brierfield Rd. Jackson, MS 39211 1/276 Pauline BROWN, Richard 12215 SE Highway 42 Weirsdale, FL65340 VANOVER, Robert R. 8802 Cather Ave . Manassas, VA 2211 0 L/275-Jocelyn VORCE, Donald M. 4000 Clay St. Eau Claire, W154701 1/275-Louise WICKS, Melvin 7 614 Sheridan Ave. S Minneapolis, MN 55423 G/274-Lorraine WOODWARD, Perry D. 1455 Briar Cove Wheaton , IL60187 A/275-Esther ASSOCIATE MEMBERS HOWARD, Thurman 2401 N. Wood Avenue Florence, AL 35630 Hon . memberl/276 CASTLE, Robert Rt. 2, Box 96B Marshall, MO 65340 COLEMAN, William Rt. 2, Box200 New Florence, MO 63363 COLLINS, Charles 2429W. 137thSt. Leawood, KS 66224 COPE, Marilyn 107 Mesquite Street Lake Jackson, TX77566 CORSO, John 7229 Snow Goose Circle Gaylord, Ml49735 COX, Walter 389 S. Upper Street Lexington, KY 40508 The Treasurer's Calvin Jones Report Assistant Secretary Treasurer First Quarter, 1991 BALANCE 12/31/90: MissionBank,MissionKs.-Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 716 Mission Bank-MoneyMarketAccount . ...... .. ... 22,605 Mission Bank-CertificatesofDeposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,201 CitizensS. &L. , Eureka, III.-Cert. ofDep . . .. . ... ... . 3,564 Total Bank Balance . . . . . . . . . ...... . .. . ... 69,086 RECEIPTS Regular Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736 Life Member Dues . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 1,168 Associate Member Dues ..... . .... . . 24 $ 1,928 HistoryBookSales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555 Souvenir Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Interest on Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,266 TotaiReceipts .... .. . ... .. . . . . .. . ....... 3,774 22 DISBURSEMENTS: Postage, Shipping &Mail Permits . . . . . . . . 737 TrailblazerPrinting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,958 Stationery Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 OfficeSupplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Reunion Site Search ( 1992) . . . . . . . . . . . . 464 Advance Pmtto Belle of Louisville on 1992 Reunion 200 Total Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... 4,624 BALANCE3/31/91 : MissionBank-CheckingAccount .... .. . .. $ 533 Mission Bank-MoneyMarketAccount . . . . . . 21 ,084 MissionBankCert.ofDep.8.2%Mat.1/6/92 .. 11,618 MissionBankCert. ofDep.7.1%Mat. 2/12/92 . 10,824 Mission BankCert. ofDep. 8.25%Mat. 1/16/92 . 10,416 MissionBankCert. ofDep. 8.0%Mat. 5/5/93 .. 10,199 CitizensS. &L.C/D7.2%Mat.1/6/92 .. .... . 3,562 Total Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . $68,236 70th Division Assn. TRAILBLAZER ELLIS, Orville 127W. Pitcher Nevada, MO 64772 l YKE, Richard 2909 Spring View lane Mounds View, MN 55112 PILLING, Robert 715 Mockingbird Circle Escondido, CA 92025 VAN OS DEL, Mrs. Robert 965 East Del Mar, # 1 Pasadena, CA 91106 GEHRKE, Richard 241 Knapp Road Three lakes, Wl54562 McCAUSLIN, Clive 6894 Park Blvd . Joshua Tree, CA 92252 RELPH,James 3515 N. Washington Blvd ., #1 09 Arlington, VA22201 WARD, Thomas c/o West Bay Manor 27601 WestChester Pkwy. Westlake, OH 44145 GOODE, Mrs. George 4889White Rock Circle Boulder, CO 80301 MOXLEY, George 41541ola Drive Sarasota, Fl34231 NEATBY, Mrs. James House#86 Werner Grounds Pittsburgh, PA 15238 SCHACHTER, Milton 8360DelmarBidv., #1 S St. louis,M063124 OLIVER, Mrs. Ray c/o Donald Oliver 6735 83rd Ave. SE Mercer Island, WA 98040 STALEY, Vernon 233 Vern Avenue Stayton, OR 97383 GREENWALT, William Chile 2200, Don Torcuato ( 1611 ) SOUTH AMERICA HERMANCE, Nelson 3 Motor Terrace Milton, MA 02186 HUGGINS, Raymond S. 1477 Country Club Rd. Burlington, WA 98233 OLSON, Charles 28025 E. 127th St. So. Coweta, OK 7 4429 * * WORTH, Elmer 238 Street Road, #G213 Southampton, PA 18966 ZUMKLEY, George 5298W. Elmer Street Boise, ID 83703 SUTILE, John Rt. 2, Box 15 Okemah, OK 7 4859-9802 DALEY, Walter E. 7 407WillowGrove Rd. longview, WA 98632 HQ/3Bn/274 Died December 27, 1989 JOHNSON, Donald C. 627 San lorenzo Street Santa Monica, CA 90402 B/884 FA DiedJuly7, 1990 EYLER, Trumen 366 N. Fourth Street Gettysburg, PA 17325 C/275 DiedApril20, 1991 NEATBY, JamesR. Rt. 2, Box42 West Newton, PA 15089 E/276 Died April4, 1991 GARRISON, Billy Joe 6900WellsRd . The Dalles, OR 97058 C/275 Died March 1, 1990 OLIVER, Ray G. (Sioux Falls, SD) 6735 83rd Ave. SE Mercer Island, WA 98040 570th Signal Died September 17, 1990 A YO, PaulO. 1725 Oakley Street Thibodaux, LA 70301 C/274 DiedApril5, 1991 GIBSON, James S. Pasadena, CA HQDivarty Died July 11 , 1990 BROWN , EdwinJ . 21 Salt landing Tiburon , CA 94920 HQ/883FA Died December 28 , 1990 HElll, Michael G. 1238W. 26th lorain , OH 44052 l/276 Died February 20, 1991 Dues arrears means deficit of $7,000 While the annual statement of Assistant Treasurer Calvin Jones elsewhere in this magazine shows a healthy financial situation, there is a disturbing fact not indicated Summer, 1991 SELZER, Jack 111 S. 16thSt. #513 longport, NJ 08403 THAW, Gerald 4513 Brost Court Raleigh NC 27 604 KLEMETSMO, Reynold 5541 Park Villa, #309E Mt. lron,MN55768 Taps WENDT, Charles Rt. 1, Box 54 Houstonia, MO 65333 PASKVAN, Charles 2524 Poplar Street Waukegan, ll60087 A/275 DiedMarch7, 1991 by that report. "Nearly 700 members were more than six months in arrears on their dues as of Feb.1, 1991. Thatrepresentssome$7,000. Worse, more than a hundred of them were more than 18 months behind," says Cal. "I feel that one of the biggest problems is that many members do not know just where they stand. If any member wants to know his own status, he can phone me. My number is on page 2. The Association 's fiscal year begins July I and dues are payable then. Past dues, up ROSS, Marion D. 1080 Patterson St. #806 Euguene, OR 97401 K/275 Died? SCHEFF, Chester John 717 E. 6th Fairmont, MN 56031 Medic/3rd Bn/276 Died February 16, 1991 SMITH , Neil A. 31 0-5thAve. S.E. Milaca, MN 56353 D/276 Died March 23, 1991 VICKERY, HughJ. 5192 Carlsbad Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 H/276 DiedJanuary30, 1991 WILLIAMS, Richard Arky 450 Shannon lee Drive San Antonio, TX78216 C/274 Died December 5, 1990 to June 31, 1991 , are $10. Dues payable July I are $12. The $2 increase, voted in at the Las Vegas Reunion will barely cover increased postage for the "Trailblazer" and the voluminous correspondence of the secretary-treasurer and the editor. While first class postage rose 16 percent, mailing cost for the magazine increased 50 percent. It has been suggested that we begin our dues year on January 1. That would probably beeasiertoremember. Members' comments are invited; write to any officer or to the editor. 23 THECOVER"The Avenue of Flags" makes a spectacular entrance to the new national cemetery at Fort Custer, Michigan. Trailblazers are reminded that they and their spouses are eligible to be buried in such a cemetery. This one, near Battle Creek, Michigan, is near Custer, an induction center through which hundreds of thousands of in9-uctees, including many 70th men, were ushered into the Army. Edmund C. Arnold 3208 Hawthorne Ave . Richmond . Virginia 23222 DOWN AND DIRTYA vicious weapon was the German "schu mine" that ripped off the legs of soldiers crossing the mine fields. Hundreds of casualties, such as this one, were wreaked by these explosives. Many were among Medics going out to rescue combat wounded. Here an M-1 rifle, held in the ground by its bayonet, holds a transfusion bottle. (Signal Corps photo) NON -PROFIT ORGANIZATION U S POSTAGE THIRD CLASS PERMIT -1 310 RICHMOND , VA . Forwarding and Return Postage Guaranteed and Address Corredion requested
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