In memory of our fallen soldiers - 70th Infantry Division Association
In memory of our fallen soldiers - 70th Infantry Division Association
Memorial Day: In memory of our fallen soldiers Collins spoke of Memorial Day's history. Memorial Day, he said, began after the Civil War. It was formerly named Decoration Day, and families went to graveyards to place remembrances on the graves of soldiers of both the North and South. Collins said his great-grandfather served as a sergeant with the Indiana Volunteer Infantry, lost his arm in the Battle of Corinth, Miss., and was later buried in Little Rock, Ark. Subsequent expansion of the holiday was meant to recognize those who have sacrificed in other conflicts, so that we might enjoy freedom. A national moment of remembrance was an idea developed by Carmella LaSpada after she talked to children in 1996 about the meaning of this day, who thought it was "the day the pool opens." The concept of the national moment of remembrance was to silently pause at 3 p.m. for one minute to remember the Americans who have died in service to the United States. With the vast majority of the nation's youth lacking a wealth of knowledge about the military and the importance of serving their country, memorials are essential to educate our youngsters on past lessons. Monuments like the one at Floral Hills stand across the nation and in veterans' cemeteries around the world. They are used to teach others about our history and general, 70th RSC, presents the to insure Story and photos by Capt. Tonja Williams, 70th RSC Public Affairs Office Memorial Day 2001: On this day we celebrate the memories of many soldiers who lost their lives fighting for our freedom. In cemeteries across the nation and overseas, families and friends pay their respect by laying flowers and posting flags on soldiers' graves. A fallen soldier was once a father or a mother, a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, a husband or a wife, an aunt or an uncle, a cousin or a friend. To say the very least, fallen soldiers are missed by many. Maj. Gen. James M. Collins, commanding general, 70th RSC, reflected on that very fact in his speech to those attending the Memorial Day Ceremonies at Fir Lane Cemetery, in Spanaway, Wash., and Floral Hills Cemetery in Lynnwood, Wash., presented by Sno-King Chapter 423, Vietnam Veterans of America and Purdy and Walters, the company that owns Floral Hills. In his speech, Collins expounded on three key points. He wanted us, as a nation of people, to know we have been blessed with abundance and peace; that Memorial Day is a time to remember with reverence; and for us to look forward with hope. Maj. Gen. James Collins, commanding U.S. flag to family members during a Memorial Day ceremony at Floral Hills Cemetary, lynnwood, Wash. 2 Chaplain (Lt. Col.) John Johnson, 70th RSC, gave the invocation at the Memorial Day ceremony in Floral Hills Cemetery, lynnwood, Wash. that we have a conscience about the past. The general's speech brought to the forefront that our nation today enjoys peace and relative prosperity due to the great efforts of the armed forces in providing a continued, vigilant watch and protecting national interests. Collins also stressed the fact that many young people today have not served, nor do they know the value of service, in our armed forces. But, with the assistance of programs such as high school and college ROTC, today's youth can explore, learn and appreciate more about the armed forces. After his speech at Floral Hills, Collins, with great honor, participated in a military funeral on the cemetery grounds. He and members of Sno-King Chapter 423 presented American flags to surviving family members of soldiers who had not yet received a military funeral, while "Taps" played and a 21-gun salute by the Sno-King Vietnam Veterans honor guard echoed in the background. *** a May/June 2001, Three Star Final 70th ID Pilgrimage to France ....................... 4 Contractors meet; discuss changes, challenges of restructured Army New 70th RSC CG's coin .............................. 5 by Capt. Tonja Williams, 70th RSC Public Affairs Office What's Inside Fire fighting with the 907th Eng. Det. ......... 6 Connelly awards: 659th still cookin' ........... 8 Wanna be an officer? .................................. 10 Travel cards: new rules, new fees ............. 11 Geronimo eludes Capt. Crawford ............. 14 70th athletes earn "German" gold ............ 15 Task Force Aurora, Guatemala .................. 16 Desert Shield/Storm certificates ............... 16 Cover art Pte. James Callen, 659th Eng. Co. food service specialist, slices and dices potatoes for the annual Philip A. Connelly cooking competition in May at Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash. Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Gary Ogilvie, 304th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment. *** 'r----------------------1 Willm $~ MAY/JUN 2001 [JllEJC!j~ Volume 34/2 The Three Star Final is an unofficial publication under the provisions of AR 360-1 , published bimonthly by the Public Affairs Office, 70th U.S. Army Regional Support Com· rnand. The telephone numbers are (BOO) 347-2735, extension 3026, and (206) 28!-3026. Views and opinions expressed in the Three Star Final are not necessarily those of the Department of the Army. The Three Star Final is produced using offset lithography with a circulation of 4,000. We welcome letters to the editor and encourage sub mission of articles and photos. The editor retains editorial discretion. Address submissions to: HQ, 70th RSC, ATIN: AFRC-CWA-PA (Three Star Final) 4570 Texas Way W. Fort Lawton, WA 98199-5000 E-mail: [email protected] Public Affairs Officer.................... .. ........................................Capt. Tonja Williams Deputy Public Affairs Officer................................................................ Pam Briola Editor, Three Star Finai. ................................ ..... .......... .. Staff Sgt. Sheila Tunney Office Staff..................... .............. ....Scott Handley, Master Sgt. Nestor Tamayao J May/June 2001, Three Star Final The 70'h RSC hosted the annual Fort Dix Directorate of Contracting (DOC) Cell Team Leaders Conference May 15 to 17. The purpose of the conference was threefold: to continue building relationships with all who are in the contracting field to include the DOC and his support staff at Fort Dix and headquarters United States Army Reserve Command (HQ USARC); to discuss important contracting issues; and to develop strategies to carry us into the future. Participants included the team leaders of all the DOC cells in the Army Reserve in the United States and Puerto Rico. Also in attendance was the Fort Dix DOC, Marv Kastberg, who heads the Contract Support Division, and his staff, Pamela Lutz, Ray Blauvelt and Beth Mendell. The representative from USARC was Bill Kelley, office of the Deputy Chief of Staff Logistics. Tom Bonorden, 70'h RSC chief executive officer, welcomed the group with opening remarks . This year's guest speakers were Edward G. Elgart, acting deputy assistant secretary of the Army for procurement, and Beverly Wozniak, director, Fort Dix Civilian Personnel Advisory Center. Elgart spoke on Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's reviews and the political realities of making major changes in force structure. He said any new major weapons systems or force structure changes must meet evolving national needs and foreign threats, and would require existing systems to change. New Base Realignment and Closures (BRAG) were also discussed. Facilities with little or no relevance would close, and money saved would be reprogrammed for force modernization . Elgart also said that one of his desires in contracting was to see the dollar limits on micropurchases raised considerably. (IMPAC card purchases are currently restricted to those under $2500.) Realistically, he said , the limit would be raised to $10,000, but he would like to see them go higher. Elgart wants to expand credit card use for payment issues such as payment for goods and services now handled by MIPR. He discussed at length the move to further professionalize the acquisition corps by emphasizing continuous education and setting a goal requiring new-hire (continued on page 5) Correction: In the March/April 2001 issue of the Three Star Final, the 175th Transportation Company, Tacoma, Wash., was omitted in the list of units operating Army Reserve landing craft in the article, "Puget Thunder transforming the Port of Tacoma." The 175th deployed five vessels during the exercisenearly all of the landing craft-as well as a floating machine shop. 3 John Haller, 70th Infantry Division veteran and member of the 70th lnf. Div. Association, and Joe Thompson, son of a 70th lnf. Div. veteran, visit the graves at Epinal American Military Cemetery in France. Many of the graves are those of 70th lnf. Div. soldiers. Haller was looking for the grave of a soldier whom, he said, he told to keep his head down - but the soldier didn't. Open arms welcome 70th ID pilgrims to France Story and photos by Sgt. 1st Class Pam Brio/a, 4?h Military History Detachment The citizens of the United States have not, in recent history, been occupied by a cruel conqueror. We've never had our homes bombed into piles of rubble, gone without warmth or food for any long periods of time, or been deprived of our freedom. Therefore, it is very difficult for us to understand just how precious our present freedom is. There's no question that the people in the small villages of the Vosges Mountains of France understand the precious gift they received when .the soldiers of the 70th Infantry Division liberated them 56 years ago. In May, the citizens of these villages took off work, put on their Sunday best, and turned out to greet their returning 70th Int. Div. heroes with songs, toasts, wreathlaying ceremonies at monuments, bands and speeches. From French World War II veterans wearing their war decorations to small children released from school for a "holiday," the villagers celebrated the small 4 group of 70th Int. Div. soldiers' return. As someone who has sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States, it was a very moving experience to be in the center of the whirlwind of attention around these men and to witness the esteem , respect and honor with which they are regarded. It seems that when soldiers are involved in a conflict as intense and horrible as World War II , years later some feel the need to return to the former battlefields as a form of closure. Others in the 70th Int. Div. made friends during the war and have been trading visits for years. For many reasons, the soldiers of the 70th Int. Div., now an association of veterans, have returned to Germany and France every other year for about the last 20 years. It is amazing to those of us accustomed to a jaded American reaction to Memorial and Veterans Days, that this many years later the 70th still receives heroes' welcome! Even their former enemies - men from the 6th Mountain SS Division - have made peace with the past and the men of the 70th Int. Div. :J Representatives from the German division visited with the soldiers and placed a spray at the St. Avoid American Military Cemetery with a wreath-laying ceremony. This year's tour- the 2001 Pilgrimage Tour - began May 8 and ended May 24. I joined the group in Cochem, Germany, on May 13. My mission as a history unit soldier was to record memories of 70th Int. Div. soldiers as they toured old battle sites and present day monuments. On the 15th, the group headed for Saarbrucken aboard a chartered bus. It seemed ironically appropriate that Saarbrucken, these soldiers' goal during their World War II offensive to cross the Saar River into the land that Hitler had declared "sacred ," would be our "base" for forays into France. · Although these towns and little villages are very close to Saarbrucken - for example, Forbach is only three miles away, as the crow flies - one cannot drive "straight" there. It is a circuitous trip, at best. I looked at those hillsides, which are densely forested, and wondered what it must have been like for these troopers to May/June 2001, Three Star Final have slogged through snow and then mud, in the coldest winter in Europe in 50 years. Many of them suffered trench foot and frost bite. Another told me one of his most memorable stories - of being given a message to take back to the squad after his patrol had pushed almost all the way into Saarbrucken, and of having to follow a communications wire up a forested slope in the dark. His biggest fear, he said, next to being shot by a German patrol, was the shu mines so generously planted throughout the area. On the 151h, there was also a somber wreath-laying ceremony in Epinal American Military Cemetery under cloudy skies. Bill Bergren of the 70th read the poignant John McCrae poem, "In Flanders Fields." Afterward, several of the veterans took turns reading the names of fellow 70th Int. Oiv. soldiers who had been killed. This scene was repeated a few days later in St. Avoid American Military Cemetery. I felt honored to have been asked to help carry the wreath at the head of the column of veterans marching into the cemetery for the solemn ceremonies. On the first morning the group met with the Lorrain Automobile Club in Behren. The Automobile Club was quite a shock for this novice 701h 10 pilgrim- here was a line of smart-looking but obviously World War 11-era "00 green" jeeps, and standing next to them, young people dressed in World War 11-era uniforms, and adorned with the ?O'h Int. Oiv. patch! The Lorraine Auto Club members restore these jeeps as a hobby. They also reenact World War II battles in their uniforms. Many of them were friends with the visiting veterans. I learned that each time the 701h veterans came as a group, the auto club members accompanied them. These volunteers formed a convoy and led the way for the bus with the veterans from town to town - Lixing, Grossbliederstroff, Oeting, Forbach, Wingen-surModer, Phillipsbourg, Alsting, Zinzing, Kerbach, Spicheren, Bousbach - towns I had read about in the veterans' accounts of their battles on their website, but could not locate on maps in my atlas because they are so small. Each of the veterans on the 2001 Pilgrimage tour shared some of their memories with me. In future issues of this publication, I will share these stories with our readers. I hope that you will enjoy these stories and photos as much as I did gathering them. Andy McMahon, 70th Infantry Division veteran and member of the 70th lnf. Div. Association, visits with Thomas Kirsch, a member of the Lorraine Auto Club. The French auto club restores WWII-era vehicles and members reenact WWII battles in their era uniforms. They wear the 70th lnf. Div. patch to honor their liberators. Kirsch lives in Spicheren, near the original 70th lnf. Div. "patch" monument. u May/June 2001, Three Star Final Contracting changes (continued from page 3) contracting personnel to be college graduates with 24 hours of business related credits. Wozniak discussed the feasibility of converting team leaders to full supervisors, and gave a presentation on the many issues and challenges facing team leaders in the area of personnel management. John Shields, 70th RSC contracting cell team leader said, "It is always beneficial to the taxpayer when smarter, more efficient ways of purchasing are shared among a group of professionals that represent the many different geographical regions that the Army Reserve inhabits." Addressing how contracting cell leader conferences impact the community, Shields said, "The bottom-line is that at any conference, there is benefit to all parties. Not only does the Army and the Army Reserve benefit from the training and networking that is done at these conferences, but the community and our soldiers receive just as much benefit. Trained and knowledgeable contracting teams save money and allow meaningful contracting decisions based on the best business practices to be employed." *** The 70th RSC CG's coin got a remake thanks to Sgt. 1st Class Thomas Johnson, 70th RSC Headquarters Co. Johnson redesigned the coin to include the Trailblazer patch, a tribute to the 70th Infantry Division where the 70th RSC gets its roots. 5 70th Fire Fighters: Battling blazes as a team Story and photos by Staff Sgt. Sheila Tunney, 70th RSC Public Affairs Office NORTH BEND, Wash.-The enemy takes on a different form when it comes to training for the 9071h Engineer Detachment, Yakima. They face what most people run away from: FIRE. "You have to be a little bit insane to do this," said Sgt. Mike Renault, 9071h training NCO, who acted as incident commander here during unit training at the Washington State Fire Training Academy. Maybe that explains why there are so few fire fighting units in the Army. "There are 20 to 25 units within the total Army, including National Guard and active component," Renault said, "We fight what everybody else fears." Despite the inherent danger involved, unit members travel great distances to drill with the 907th according to Staff Sgt. John Cochran, detachment sergeant. "I can teach them how to fight fires, but I can't give them the heart and desire and will to be here. Many of our guys drive two or three hours to get to drill. We have one soldier who travels about 300 miles. I told the soldiers last night that it speaks very highly of them that they've got it inside themselves to push that hard," said Cochran. Although the 907th's primary mission during wartime is to serve on a flight line, they are responding to various fire see- smooth, and everybody's fine." The same instructors stay with the unit throughout the training, Schroer said, which builds rapport and allows everyone to get to know each other's "niches." Nearly 20 hours of training are squeezed into the unit's 35-hour stay at the academy. "They came in last night. While they were unloading, we ran a couple of dumpster fires to catch them off guard," said Schroer. One of Schroer's responsibilities this weekend is to manipulate training fires. Managing each gas-rigged prop from a valve control station outside the fire "pit," Schroer is testing-and training-the 907 1h on attacking fires smartly and safely. Inside the gravel-lined pit, fire has engulfed the first in a row of three parked cars , thanks Most people run out of burning buildings ... ---Sgt Mike Renault narios here. From burning cars to aircraft or a burning building, the troops are improving their fire safety and control skills. "After a year of not being here, it's always a little rusty in the beginning," said Paul Schroer, one of two academy fire instructors working with three teams from the 90Th. "Everybody's trying to figure out the trucks and the hydrants. They start out rough, but by the time we're finished with them at night, the gears are really One Down ...The car prop was just one of many exercises fire fighting teams from the 907th Engineer Detachment , Yakima, Wash., faced when t!ley traveled to the Washington State Fire Training Academy in April. 6 J Top: Rescuing their own ... During a fire at the helicopter prop, this fire fighter suffered "smoke inhalation," and was taken out of play by exercise evaluators. Above: On the airfield ... The 907th's fire fighting mission is to provide services on an airfield. Here, the first team responds to a nearly engulfed "helicopter." May/June 2001 , Three Star Final Training future leaders ... Spc. Justin Townley acts as incident commander during an "airfield fire" at the Washington State Fire Training Academy. to Doug Larson, Schroer's fellow instructor, who ignited the prop with a propane torch ... As two three-man teams attack the car from either side with hand-held hoses to suppress the blaze, tiny jets of fire underneath the chassis seem to rise up and dance forward toward new life at the next car. There the fire eagerly reaches toward the volatile engine compartment and then rages toward the sky. Responding again, the teams choreograph their own movements to control a fire that seems to have a mind of its own ... "It's set up as close as can be as where you'd have a fire [on a car]," said Schroer, of the network of gas pipes in the pit. From his vantage point, Schroer tests the abilities of the 90Th teams to put out the blazes, and observes their skill in functioning properly as a team. The unit will attack these parked cars several times before moving on to the academy's helicopter prop. Immediately after each fire, the academy instructors quickly review with the teams involved what went right and what went wrong. But the instructors aren't the only ones scrutinizing the 907 1h's performance this weekend. The unit is also undergoing a lanes evaluation by trainers from the J 3rd Battalion, 364 1h Training Support Brigade, Fort Lewis. The evaluators, Capt. John Castillo and Sgt. 1st Class Anthony Taylor, also led the unit through after action reviews. Each fire fighter has an opportunity to describe what went on during the particular fire, what was good about their reaction to the fire, and what needs improvement. "There's a lot of opportunity for us to pass on lessons learned to all the other firefighters we work with," said Castillo. The evaluators said they support 14 Army firefighting units and are able to keep their own skills sharp by actually participating in training. "We also get to train with the unit. We went down to Portland with this unit; we went through F15 training and C5 training," said Taylor. The unit's trip to Portland, Ore., in March, as well as their training here, will help prepare the 907th for their annual training at Fort Bliss, Texas, this summer. During "Roving Sands," the unit's real world mission will be to operate a fourth truck at Biggs Airfield to accommodate increased air traffic during the exercise. But they aren't stopping there. "We're also trying to get scheduled to go through the Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) facility at Fort Lewis," Cochran said." The philosophy behind it is to get ready for Kosovo or a contingency that simulates a town." The unit seems to be readying itself for any contingency, but that is only to protect lives-their own and others. "It's more of a 'family thing' than a lot of different types of military units that I've seen. With the fire service, you've got to have 100 percent confidence in the guys behind you ... You've got to know that they can save you and that you can save them," said Cochran. Maybe that's why they're the only ones who are willing to run toward a fire. *** Clearing the mask ...907th Eng. Det. fire fighter takes a moment to clear his mask. Protecting themselves from danger--so they can continue to fight the fire--is a big lesson stressed during training. May/June 2001, Three Star Final 7 70th RSC advisors Chief Warrant Officer Walt Hart, Lt. Col. Frank McDunnah, and George Hensley, assist Spc. James Callen (center), 659th Eng. Co. food service specialist, in preparing cover for the remaining mess section equipment prior to the evaluation. "Teamwork is the real reason the 659th Eng. Co. was selected as the 70th RSC Philip A. Connelly Awards Program representative for both 2000 and 2001. This unit's food service staff works well together, and they're an excellent team," said Hensley. After several long days of setting-up, meal preparations and being reviewed by a USARC evaluator, the "Fighting 659th," led by Staff Sgt. Glennis De Cloedt, and from left to right Pte. James Whitsett, Spc. James Callen, and Pte. Laura Becherini, prepares to march on Orlando, Fla., where final Connelly competition winners will be announced. Mess in' with the Keeping the pots and pans clean and sterile fell into the hands of KPs Pvt. Andrew Hass and Pvt. Edward Bremer, both heavy equipment operators, 659th Eng. Co. Left: Pte. Laura Becherini sifts cake flour for lemon cake which was part of a determined by USARC tor the competition. Every unit participating in the Crmr•~lllv petition will be preparing the same meal for the evaluators to judge. Above: Pte. Whitsett prepares ingredients for mushroom gravy to top grilled pork chops, while Warrant Officer Charles Mitchell, USARC Philip A. Connelly Award evaluator, looks "We are looking for their ability to produce the food in a sanitary manner, a hot meal th is going to be accepted by the troops-and one that is of excellent quality," said MitchE Right: Pte. James Whitsett demonstrates the proper technique for cooking pork cho1 that can be cut with a plastic fork. " I have enjoyed cooking for more than ten years," sa Whitsett. 659th Engineer Co 8 Right: Pfc. Laura Becherini makes up doggy-faced soldier bags, so even the troops who could not come in person to eat were able to partake of the fine meal. When asked why it is good to be the cook, Becherini said, "Everyone is nice to you because we cook the food, and no one wants to mess with the cooks." Staff Sgt. Glenn is De Cloedt receives a hearty handshake and congratulations from her commander, Capt. Kyle Olmstead, on being the 70th RSC's best field kitchen in this year's Philip A. Connelly Awards held for this region on May 11, at Fairchild Air Force Base, Spokane, Wash. est: Right: Chief Warrant Officer Walt Hart, 70'" RSC advisor, receives a steaming cup of beef barley soup from Pte. Laura Becherini. Becherini who frequently travels more than 500 miles round trip from Bellingham, Wash., to drill with the 659th Eng. Co., in Spokane. "I travel this far because I love the people I work with; its like a family," said Becherini. Pvt. Kristina Jones (left) and Pfc. Melisa Lopez, 659th Eng. Co. concrete and asphalt equipment operators, break for lunch prepared by the 659th's award-winning mess section at Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash. "Their food is always good, especially their deserts, and they are contenders for this competition," said Lopez any v1es for Connelly award Photo story by Sgt. 1st Class Gary Ogilvie, 304th Mobile Public Affairs Det. 9 Looking for a few good ... officers and an annual board in December for officer candidate school packets. by S taff Sg t. Sheila Tunney, 70th RSC Public Affairs Office The board If you are interested in becoming a 70th RSC commissioned officer and ROTC is not an option , then ' getting a direct appointment or attending officer candidate school (OCS) may be one of the roads to follow. The 70th RSC officer branch handles and encourages applications for both types of commissions to help fill the RSC's estimated 30 percent junior officer vacancies. The first thing individuals must do to apply for either one of these programs is to get application instructions from their unit. 'The units have the information on how to put a packet together, so they just give it to the soldier," said Suzanne Barnes, military personnel management specialist, 70th RSC officer branch . "I make direct contact with soldiers and help them put the packet together. "Then I work with the units to see if they have a position for the soldier, and ensure the unit is willing to hold that slot for them. " Once the packet is complete and a position for the applicant is secured, Barnes schedules the individual to appear before an RSC interview board. "Essentially we hold a board every quarter-although it's not published because some quarters we don't get any packets," Barnes said. Recommended packets are then forwarded for screening and boarding by Army Reserve Personnel Command (AR-PERSCOM) in St. Louis. AR-PERSCOM holds quarterly boards in May, August, November, and January for direct appointments, PLU 'pleased' to have Collins speak TACOMA, Wash.-Pacific Lutheran University saw its first commissioning ceremony as a "h~st ROTC battalion" on May 26. The featured speaker for the cere.mony was MaJ. Gen. James M. Collins, commanding general, 70th Reg1onal Support Command, Fort Lawton. No longer under the auspices of Seattle University, PLU commissioned 16 cadets as second lieutenants in various Army branches. Less than three weeks earlier, PLU's board of regents voted to approve the battalion's host status. The ceremony opened with Cadet Rosemary Reed singing the "Star Spangled Banner." Reed was followed by Collins. Th.e P~U ROTC ~adre and cadets were pleased to have Collins, according to ~aJ. ~1chael BroUJI!ette, the university's ROTC officer in charge. Havmg an exceptional PLU alumnus is a double honor to the program, the school, and for the commissioning lieutenants," Brouillette said. Collins earned a master of arts degree in social sciences from the university in 1978. :Th~re are three things as leaders you must do," Collins advised. 'Train, mamtam, and take care of soldiers. Train to be ready .. .maintain the things you train on because they wear out after so much training, and take care of your soldiers. This is most important for any leader. You must advocate on their behalf for everything they are trying to achieve. Be a promoter." While 15 of the 16 cadets were recruited to active duty positions, it is expected many will find their way back to the Army A family affair...2nd Lt. Derek Hudson was one of 16 cadets whose "butter bars" were pinned on by family Reserve. *** members during Pacific Lutheran University's first ROTC commissioning ceremony in May. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Sheila Tunney, 70th RSC) 10 :::J Applicants will physically appear before the RSC interview board which is comprised of three officers- major or above. At least one of the officers must hold the branch the candidates seek to join. The boards are much different than a soldier-of-the-year board , according to Barnes. "It's not trivia kinds of questions. It's much more like a job interview. We're trying to determine their suitability to be an officer and the experience and education they can bring to the officer corps," Barnes said. "It is a two-part board. First, the soldier is required to answer questions such as: Why do you think you 'd be a good officer? What kind of experiences do you have? Tell us about the most difficult situation you 've faced and how did you handle it?' said Barnes. The applicant is then given a short break while the board members score those answers. When the soldier returns to the board for part two, he's asked to provide specific information on his educational background and job experience. "The board wants to know the hard details of what you will bring to the officer corps during the second part. It's a time-consuming process. The one we did in January took about four and half hours for three candidates " Barnes said . ' OCS or direct Deciding which route to take should depend on the individual's experience , education , age and time available according to Barnes. "OCS is better for someone who has not been in the military for very long and does not have a lot of leadership experience ," said Barnes. "For direct appointments, you want , them to have worked their way up through the ranks . They've been through NCOES, PLDC , and BNCOC . They have more leadership skills and abilities. "Direct appointment is quicker if you're getting close to the age cut-off of 32 1/2 years when you're appointed , although that can be waived ." *** (Editor's note: Civilian education requirements vary for both programs. Individuals interested in applying should review the current year memorandum of instruction at their units to determine their eligibility.) May/June 2001, Three Star Final Credit cards: Delinquent payments cause changes Delinquent government travel credit card accounts have grown to the point of creating problems between the Department of Defense and the Bank of America. To ease tensions, new contract terms for the travel cards were negotiated which are more favorable to the bank. The department issued its policy on the changes on June 14. Among the changes are late payment charges, automatic payments by Defense Finance Accounting System to the bank, and possible delinquent account recovery through salary offset procedures. 'Travel card delinquency problems can often be traced to cardholder abuses," said Kathy Dunn, the primary 701h RSC Agency Program Coordinator (APC) for government travel cards. "Although the travel card account is in the individual's name, every government travel cardholder signed a statement that they would pay the bank within 30 days of the closing date on the statement. They also agreed they would only use the card for official duty validated by travel orders. The cardholder should keep their government travel card separate from personal credit cards to avoid accidental use while not on TDY." The 70th's comptroller office is now conducting a review of repetitive local purchases with government travel cards to see if charges were made near the home of record of cardholders not in a TDY status. 'There is a pattern of delinquent payments by cardholders who use their card locally for personal use. Whether or not they pay on time, personal use represents abuse of the government travel card. Repeat offenders-and their supervisors-will receive warning notices. We will close the accounts of habitual offenders," Dunn said. Most notable among the travel card program changes is that DFAS will automatically send the entire lodging and reimbursable expenses amount claimed by the traveler to the Bank of America if they neglect to indicate otherwise in block 1 of DD Form 13512 (travel voucher). Travelers would be wise to check their payments to ensure they are reimbursed fully, and contact DFAS about problems with the voucher. Bank of America may now charge fees for late payments (75 days past due) and returned checks. These fees a Tips for Travelers * are not reimbursable to the cardholder. Additionally, if the card must be expedited to a location when not lost, stolen or unusable, the bank may charge a $20 fee. This fee is reimbursable on the DD Form 1351-2, and the taxpayer bears the cost. DFAS may also implement a salary offset to collect delinquent account balances. The changes came about despite improved tracking and payment measures by DFAS. Timeliness of travel payments has improved significantly in recent months according to Dunn, who also said DFAS has a web site where travelers can track the receipt and progress of their travel payments. The site, https://, provides the order number, travel dates, date the claim was received, payment amount and date, method of payment, travel office code, and a phone number to call for questions about the claim. "As reimbursements are processed more efficiently, travelers who need to use the government travel card have no excuse not to pay their travel card bill on time," said Dunn. "DFAS has proven that payment of properly completed and documented vouchers, is made within 10 working days of receipt. The most frequent cause of delayed payment for travel is late submittal of travel claims, even though each travel order directs the traveler to submit their claim within five working days after return from TDY." *** TRAVEL VOUCHER OR SUBVOUCHER Before departing for temporary duty, travelers should check the maximum per diem rate for that city at the Per Diem Committee web site,, then make sure that their meals and lodging do not exceed those rates. (Requests from Army Reservists to exceed per diem rates must be forwarded to the U.S. Army Reserve Command for approval, and these requests are often denied.) *reservations Call 1-800-GOARMY1 to make for lodging at TDY locations included in Lodging Success Program areas. These locations are listed on the Army lodging web site, http://trol. redstone .army. mil/mwr/ lodging/acrc_lsp_main.html. If the traveler is given a control number for a waiver, it should be added to the remarks of the TDY order. *should When on extended TDY, travelers file a partial voucher periodically. If they use the split disbursement option, the travel card account will be paid directly by DFAS which eliminates the problem of not being home to receive the account statement and make the payment on time. Increases to credit limits which are required for extended TDY can be approved only by Kathy Dunn, primary 70th RSC travel card APC or Ray Patterson, the alternate. *andTodelayed decrease travel voucher errors payments to the Bank of America, highlight the split disbursement amount on the voucher. Travelers should keep all their TDY receipts, so they can calculate the exact amount to be disbursed to the Bank of America. Travelers, their supervisors and approving officers should carefully review the voucher for completeness and accuracy before signing. * 8 D~YnJolt TEW'HONE HUMIISI ' AI!~ COOt 11. ORCANlZATION AHO STATION _. May/June 2001, Three Star Final If the hotel will not waive taxes, the tax should not be included in the lodging cost of block 15 on the travel voucher. Instead, taxes should be listed as a reimbursable expense in block 16. The same is true for any energy surcharges. 11 , Education Update Awards and Decorations Eye on EO MGIB increases proposed The U.S. House of Representatives endorsed legislation in June that over the next three years would increase by 70 percent benefits to veterans and Reservists using the Montgomery Gl Bill. From the House, the bill will be forwarded to the Senate for further consideration. The New York Times reported that Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey, who chairs the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, estimated the increased benefits would also increase the number of MGIB participants by more than 40 percent. Upon complete implementation of the bill, an individual currently entitled to the maximum benefit could receive $39,600 for his or her education. The current maximum is $23,000. Free Money For College's education services has a listing of $300 million in scholarship funds. All personnel in the military community, including dependents, are encouraged to search the scholarship database. In addition to the scholarship search available, the site's educational services also provides comprehensive and updated information on educational benefits, such as the Gl Bill, Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP), and Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program. To access these education services, visit: Tuition Assistance 2001 funds are still available at the 70th RSC for tuition assistance (TA) for classes that start before Oct. 1. More than $100,000 has been paid this year to educate 70th soldiers in pursuit of higher academic and trade degrees and certifications. There is still $50,000 available to cover fall term classes. Troop program unit members are eligible to receive up to $3500 per fiscal year in TA from the Army. Soldiers can use this to offset costs up to 75 percent or $187 per semester hour (whichever is lower), on a course-by-course basis for classes that are part of the soldier's educational goals. Quarter-hour funding is limited to $125, and clock-hour to $12.50. The tuition assistance cannot be used for any extra school fees, however, course instructional, laboratory and shop fees are covered. Students must also use theTA for classes that are not already covered under the Montgomery Gl Bill. TPU soldiers should contact the 70th RSC Education Services Specialist, Chuck Corbin at 1-800-347-2735, extension 3140, for program guidelines and to be counseled to establish eligibility for TA for their educational goal. 12 Equal Opportunity News Meritorious Service Medal COL Stanley Flemming, 396th CSH LTC Karen Jennings, 385th TC Bn COL Alvin Wright, 7229th MSU CSM Deanne Bacon, 385th TC Bn SGM Robert Scott, 1395th TTB MSG Plutarco Cedeno, 6250th USAH CPT Dean Ratty, 185th TC Co CW3 Noel Murray, 654th ASG MAJ Scott Zipprich, 70th RSC LTC Suzette Reyes, 6250th USAH COL Steven Miller, 70th RSC SSG Steve Carson, 654th ASG SFC Winford Mack, 70th RSC CPT Alan Smith, 6250th USAH LTC Therese Virgona, 6250th USAH LTC Elizabeth Hawkins, 6250th USAH LTC Russell Timms, 807th MD Co MSG Paul Christensen, 70th RSC SFC Jimmy Marrison, 659th EN Co MAJ George Solomon, 70th RSC LTC Terrance Kabunuck, 70th RSC LTC Ruben Rodriguez, 476th CM Bn 1SG Patrick McGrady, 959th CRC Co CPT Earnest Jones, 70th RSC MSG Stephen Sutterfield, 654th ASG MAJ Edward Loughrey, 2122d GSU MAJ Gina Hatcher, 2122 GSU Ill Army Commendation Medal SGT Lori Stepper, 70th RSC CPT Carl Every, 654th ASG MSG Robert Ireland, 70th RSC SSG Elizabeth Johnson, 70th RSC SGT Tracy Brunson, 321 st EN Bn LTC Wanda Good, 70th RSC SFC Michel Malarz-Tripp, 70th RSC CPT Daniel Benz, 315th MP Det SSG Sheri Murphy, 70th RSC MSG Byron Doo, 70th RSC (Editor's note: The listing of awards will be a regular feature of the Three Star Final. Many of the awards listed above were presented up to one year ago. The above list was compiled by the 70th RSC DCSPER awards section. Award approving authorities that would like their awards listed in the Three Star Final should forward name, rank, type of award and unit for each award to the public affairs office by email to Sheila.M. Tunney@ ~ I Robert Sato was the featured speaker at the 70th RSC Asian American Pacific Islanders Heritage Month Observance on May 24. Sato was born and reared on a farm near Puyallup and Sumner, Wash., of parents who emigrated from Japan. During World War II, Sato served with the famed 442nd Regimental Combat Team in France and Italy. The Army unit was comprised entirely of Japanese-American citizens, and was the Army's most decorated for its size and length of service. Sato spoke of the humiliation he suffered as a young man interned in a Japanese concentration camp, and the reason-despite his confinement-he decided to volunteer to fight for the United States. He emphasized that no American should be measured by their race or ancestry, but rather, by their character. Upon his release from active duty, he returned to school and became a civil engineer. While working for the Army Corps of Engineers he served as project manager for design and construction of the Libby Dam in Western Montana and many other flood control navigation projects in the Pacific Northwest. Sato's older brother served in the Pacific as an Army intelligence officer. His younger brother was appointed to a position as deputy assistant secretary of defense in 1958 and later served as inspector general for Veterans Affairs. Mr. Sato is the immediate past Commander of the Nisei Veterans Committee, Seattle. For more information on Japanese Americans during World War II, visit these web sites:;; and Athens/8420/main. html. -Bud Ray, 70th RSC EOIEEO Specialist *** May/June 2001, Three Star Final News briefs TSP opens to military Members of the uniformed services , including the Reserve components, will be eligible to contribute to the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) starting Oct. 9, 2001. The retirement and investment plan has served civilian government workers since 1987. During the open enrollment season , Oct. 9 to Dec. 8, military members may sign up to contribute up to seven percent of their pre-tax basic pay plus up to 100 percent of special , incentive or bonus pay. Deductions for the account will not be taken until Jan . 2002. Contributing to the plan will not affect the normal military retirement. Government civilians already contributing to TSP may have two separate accounts, because the TSP record keeper must maintain separate accounts for civilians and military participants. Additional information about the plan will be available on the TSP web site,, in Sep. 2001. Reserve benefits 2001 NOAA Billeting: Priorities changed in April in favor of Reservists who need billeting to attend inactive duty for training (lOT). Section 663 of the 2001 National Defense Authorization Act authorizes the use of military billeting for Reservists travelling 50 or more miles for IDT on the same basis as active duty members travelling on orders. Space-Required Travel: Reservists travelling to annual training or IDT can now fly space-required on military aircraft between their home and place of duty, including overseas. (Section 384) . Funeral Honors: The act authorizes Reservists to be compensated at the inactive duty training rate rather than at the $50 stipend level. (Section 575) . Retirement Points: The number of IDT points creditable toward retirement each year raised from 75 to 90. (Section 655). A summary of all the 2001 NOAA benefits for the military services can be viewed at the National Military Family Association Inc.'s web site, I.J Environmental Compliance Training Do you know what "ECO" stands for? It stands for Environmental Compliance Officer. As an ECO, you will work with your unit commander to ensure environmental compliance with local, state and federal policies. If you are concerned about the environment and want to help your unit and the Army Reserve stay within environmental guidelines, then becoming an ECO is right for you. As an ECO, you will benefit from paid training in a variety of environmental issues. If you currently hold an ECO appointment, and have not received any training, then now is the time to get some. The 70th RSC Environmental Division is sponsoring unit ECO training at two locations this year. The first class will be held August 25-26 in the Seattle area. The second class will be held September 8-9 in Boise, Idaho. For further details, contact Sgt. 1st Class Robert O'Neal , 70th RSC environmental coordinator at (206) 281-3297 or e-mail him at robert.l.oneal@ You can also contact Ryan Weller, environmental contractor at (206) 3012009/[email protected]. New TRICARE dental plan for Reserve families Members of the Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve, along with their family members, may enroll in United Concordia's TRICARE Dental Program (TOP). TOP replaced the former TRICARE Family Member Dental Plan (TFMDP) on Feb. 1. The new program offers an increase in benefits to include all Reserve members and has slightly lower premiums than the TFMDP. Individuals who were already enrolled in the TFMDP were automatically transferred to the new plan on Feb. 1. The TOP is similar to civilian group dental plans and covers most dental care, including exams, cleanings, x-rays, fillings, crowns, orthodontics, root canals, and oral surgery services. For additional information on TOP, contact United Concordia at 1-800866-8499 or visit their web site, http:/ / May/June 2001, Three Star Final The 70th RSC Honor Guard stands ready to present U.S. flags to retirees during retirement ceremony in June. 70th retirement ceremony The 70th RSC headquarters company held a formal retirement ceremony in June for four of its long-time soldiers. More than 200 people attended. The ceremony included members of the unit, as well as family members and friends. Each retiree was presented a plaque, a commander's coin, and a U.S. flag. Spouses of the retirees were also presented certificates of appreciation for their support during the soldiers' career. 70th RSC Chief of Staff, Col. Stanley Flemming, who spoke during the company's formation after the ceremony, stressed how important it was to recognize the contributions and sacrifices these individuals have made to the Army Reserve over a long period of time. Fort Lewis, 'closed' post On June 1 Fort Lewis became a closed post. Vehicles that do not have a Department of Defense sticker must register at the visitors' gate. Stickers are available for military personnel by mail from the 70th RSC DCSPER Service Center, Fort Lawton. For information on obtaining a sticker, call the center at 1-800-347-2735, extension 3299 . Pier 23 groundbreaking A groundbreaking ceremony for the new Army Reserve center and marine maintenance facility at Pier 23, Port of Tacoma, Wash. , will be held on Sep. 9 at 10:30 a.m. and last approximately one hour. The new facility will be for Reservists and civilians of the 385th Transportation Battalion and Area Maintenance Support Activity 137 who have been working in substandard conditions since the demolition of the previous Reserve center several years ago. Construction of the project will begin in October 2001 . 13 P04t Crawford uses Apache scouts in quest for Geronimo by Lt. Col. Doug Schnelle, Commander, Army Reserve Intelligence Support Center North Central, Fort Sheridan, fll. In 1866, the eyes of the United States turned from the agony of the Southland and Civil War, and returned toward the welcomed promise of the unrealized potential of the West. The West offered many the promise of new fortune and limitless possibilities. The Trans-Continental Railroad, the riches of California farmland , and the potential of trade in the Pacific beckoned countless adventurers and entrepreneurs who would no longer be restrained by the limits of life in the comfortable Eastern United States. Between 1860 and 1870, one million Americans moved west and settled in the western states or territories. By 1880 another two and a half million were added to the census of the lands of the West, the lands beyond the Mississippi. But before the West could realize its potential it had to be conquered. The western nomadic tribes of Sioux and Cheyenne on the Northern plains, the Commanches of the Southern plains and the Apaches of the mountains of the great Southwest would oppose this irresistible immigration. So, the U.S. Army was charged to go West before the settlers to confront tribesmen that Army General Philip Sheridan once referred to as the "finest light cavalry in the world ." Within the Army's ranks were a small number of capable junior officers from the East. Many were Civil War veterans and could provide the small unit leadership to positively effect the cohesion of the troops that made the campaigns of their leaders Crook, Miles and Mackenzie, possible and successful. Among these officers was Capt. Emmet Crawford. Crawford was born in Philadelphia, Pa., on Sept. 6, 1844. At 17, he answered President Lincoln 's call to "save the Union" and enlisted as a private in Company F, 71 st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment. It was here that Crawford experienced 14 the ferocity of combat against the famed Army of Northern Virginia under the indomitable leadership of Robert E. Lee . He fought with his regiment during the battles of Fredericksburg, Antietam and Gettsyburg. He later served in the 197th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment as a first sergeant and received a commission as a lieutenant, assigned to the 13th Regiment, U.S. Colored Infantry in Tennessee. It was here that Crawford learned the lessons of humanity and dignity for soldiers of another race and culture that would serve him well during his service in later Apache campaigns. Crawford emerged from the Civil War determined to become a professional soldier. He was first assigned to the 39th Infantry Regiment, one of four segregated black regiments organized by the United States. He also saw service along the Texas border during the Reconstruction Era of the post-war South. When the four black infantry regiments were reorganized into two in 1869, Crawford was reassigned to the U.S. 3rd Cavalry Regiment. In this horse cavalry regiment, Crawford would perfect his skills as a soldier. He campaigned against Apaches in the baking sun of the American Southwest and fought against the Sioux in the frigid cold of Montana. Crawford first served with the 3rd Cav. Reg. in 1870 in the Arizona Territory, then moved with his regiment to the northern plains in 1872, campaigning against the Sioux, under the command of Brig. Gen. George Crook. In 1882, as a cavalry captain , Crawford returned to the Arizona Territory with his regiment and began to campaign against the Apaches. In September 1882, Crook again took command of the Department of Arizona, and knowing of Crawford's abilities, assigned him as the commander of the San Carlos Apache Reservation . He was to ensure the government's dealings with the Apache nation were fair and honest. Crawford was to maintain the peace and try to influence the Apache ~ culture toward farming. In addition , Crawford was tasked to recruit and train Apaches as scouts for the Army. Crawford first campaigned with Apache Scouts in 1883. He learned about the rugged terrain of the Southwest, the nature of Indian warfare in the mountains, the capabilities of the scouts, and the limitations of regular Army soldiers in these arduous campaigns. In late 1885, the last drama of the Apache wars was played out on the vast stage that is the American Southwest and northern Mexico. Crook determined from previous campaigns that the regular Army would lack efficiency in the effort to defeat the Apache Geronimo. He reorganized his forces and created two battalions consisting largely of Apache scouts to be a mobile striking force. They were organized to find Geronimo and capture or kill him . They were to "take up the trail and follow it to the end." Crawford supported this reorganization of the forces to be fielded , and felt that Regular Army forces , under their state of training and physical capacity, were a burden . They could not endure the hardships and maintain the speed of the scouts. By late 1885, the depredations of Geronimo's Apache renegades had become intolerable, and on Dec. 11 , 1885, Crook ordered Crawford's Apache scouts into Mexico to find and destroy the raiding bands. Crawford and three white officers, one surgeon and 150 Apache scouts began the last Apache expedition in the long history of the Indian wars. Each scout wore only a faded blue uniform shirt and a light loin cloth . Their hair was bound in the traditional Apache turban , and each walked silently in moccasins. The officers looked much the same, except for having shorter hair. They traveled mostly at night and entered a mountainous region of Mexico known as the Espinosa del Diablo or the "Devil's Backbone." The area was May/June 2001, Three Star Final extremely rugged and almost tropical palm trees could be seen at river bottoms. On Jan. 8, 1886, Crawford's scouts discovered a trail they believed would lead to Geronimo's camp. Crawford and his scouts spent the next 48 hours without sleep moving toward their objective. The move was so difficult over this rugged terrain that the scouts' clothes were literally torn to shreds. At last, on Jan. 10, 1886, 200 miles inside Mexico, along the Aros River, Crawford found Geronimo's camp. A night assault routed Geronimo and his warriors. Later that day, Geronimo sent an old woman into the now scout-occupied camp asking for a truce and advising Crawford that Geronimo wanted peace. Crawford and his scouts, believing the war to be over, rested for the first time in many days. In the early morning hours of Jan. 11 , 1886, Emmett Crawford was awakened by his scouts and informed of a Mexican Army patrol approaching . The patrol , believing they had found a band of hostile Apaches, opened fire . Crawford climbed a boulder, stood erect in his blue uniform, and yelled out, "Soldados Americanos" Unfortunately, before an effective cease fire could be established , a Mexican irregular fired his rifle and the proud captain from Philadelphia was hit in the head by a .50 caliber bullet. Crawford died on Jan. 18, 1886, and was buried in Mexico. The loss of Crawford caused Geronimo to change his mind , and the last Apache campaign would continue for a while longer. The end however, was never in doubt. Crook believed Crawford was irreplaceable, and that Geronimo would have surrendered had Crawford lived. Today, Capt. Emmet Crawford's mortal remains rest at Arlington National Cemetery, a proper place for this American warrior. Britton Davis, who served with Crawford, and later wrote a book about the Geronimo campaign , would write in tribute to his fallen comrade, "Crawford was born a thousand years too late. Mentally, morally and physically, he would have been the ideal knight in King Arthur's Court. He was an ideal cavalryman and as devoted to his men as they were to him. He had a keen sense of humor, was modest and kindly." That is a proper epitaph for a soldier-and an American hero. J 70th athletes achieve German gold By (}apt. Micki Satta, 7th Bde.11.04th Trammg Dw. and Staff Sgt. Shetla Tunney, 70th RSC PAO What do you get when you spend the weekend running, jumping, swimming, weightlifting, shooting and marching? You get the American version of the German Armed Forces Efficiency Test (GAFET), perhaps a medal, but most likely, some sore muscles or blisters. Sgt. First Class Brian Dinsmore, operations sergeant, 654th Area Support Group, Tumwater, Wash., and Capt. Elizabeth Prekker, commander, 30oth Transportation Detachment, Fort Lewis, Wash ., participated in a GAFET sponsored by the 3d Corps Support Command in Des Moines, Iowa, in May. Prekker's husband, Staff Sgt. Richard Prekker, an active duty soldier assigned to I Corps Command Group, Fort Lewis, also participated. The GAFET is sponsored each year by the 3d and gives U.S. troops the opportunity to earn a distinctive foreign qualification badge that can be worn on the Class A and Dress Blue uniforms. To earn the badge, soldiers must pass five swimming, track and field or weightlifting events, as well as complete a timed road march and shoot at least three of five targets in the pistol event. German soldiers complete these events separately throughout the year and must qualify each year. Both Dinsmore and the Prekkers are more physically active than the average Gl, and on a regular basis compete or participate in a variety of athletic events. The Prekkers recently completed the Master Fitness Trainers Course and competed in the Seattle to Portland bike ride and the Sound to Narrows run . Both felt that doing the GAFET would be a natural progression in their fitness accomplishments. Capt. Prekker trained for the event for several months. Having had the couple's second child a few months earlier, she was still concerned about the road march. She spent many hours marching around Gray Army Airfield. Her dedication paid off, Capt. Prekker earned a gold badge at the GAFET. The couple also honed their marksmanship skills at Fort Lewis. Staff Sgt. Prekker missed one round during the pistol event which dropped him into the silver category. "I was a little dissapointed that I missed one round at the range," he said, "but the silver GAFET is still quite an accomplishment. I was very glad I could be there and encourage my wife on the road march. I'm very proud that she earned the gold. She worked hard, and she deserved it." Dinsmore is also an accomplished athlete. He too earned a gold badge at the event. "I do a lot of athletic events throughout the year. I coached a high school track team, so I'm good at all the track events-1 know how to do them with good technique," he said. He recently won the Oregon State Tae Kwon Do competition and participates in the Scottish Highland Games along with canoeing, running and biking. The decision to do the GAFET was easy. "A couple of my coworkers brought it to my attention, so I started pursuing it and got interested in it a few months out. I like to do different types of athletic events. They're fun to me, so it was a really cool opportunity," said Dinsmore. Going above and beyond what was required of the test, Dinsmore, 41 , completed six extra track and field events all of which were in a lower age category. ''The standards weren't that much harder than my age group, and I knew I could meet them, so I did the young man's events," said Dinsmore. For his extra efforts, Dinsmore was presented a $200 savings bond from the United States Automobile Association who were on hand during the games to recognize soldiers who put forth outstanding effort. Both Dinsmore and the Prekkers were awarded the German Armed Forces Efficiency Badge and a certificate printed in English and German. Capt. Elizabeth Prekker and her husband, Staff Sgt. Richard Prekker march with 22· pound ruck sacks during the German Armed Forces Efficiency Test given by the 3d Corps Su ort Command in Des Moines Iowa. May, Sgt. 1st Brian Dinsmore, 654th Area Support Group, takes a breather before finishing and taking home a gold German Armed Forces Efficienc bad e. May/June 2001, Three Star Final *** 15 70th soldiers see task force's impact in Guatemala Task Force Aurora, Guatemala, got good reviews by two volunteers from the 6th Legal Support Organization, Fort Lawton, Wash., who spent 17 days training there in February and March. Sgt. 1st Class Kim Maxfield, legal NCO, and Maj. Brad Bales, S-1 and trial counsel prosecutor, went during different timeframes, but both came back with the same feeling of having helped--in their small way--a nation which is still recovering from Hurricane Mitch, which struck in the fall of 1998. The task force staff was controlled by the 65th Regional Support Command, Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico. Ninety percent of the troops involved come from Reserve components. When news of the short tour opportunities for legal professionals reached their unit, they both were eager to volunteer. "I had been on a task force duration staff in Panama in the '90s," said Maxfield. "It was a really good experience, so I volunteered." During Maxfield's 17 days in Guatemala, there was plenty of legal work to be done. "We did a few Article 15s, claims, powers of attorney and an investigation," Maxfield said." The hardest part . was doing the Article 15s. I haven't done one since AIT (advanced individual training). Anything we needed such as regulations, we could pull right off of the Internet." Both Maxfield and Bales were able to brush up on their military legal duties supporting New Horizon troops. But that was just the legal aspect of it. They also had an opportunity to visit sites where U.S. and Guatemalan troops were making major civic improvements. "We got to go out to the job sites where Army, Air Force and Marine Corps engineers from the U.S. were helped by Guatemalan engineers and military police in building schools and wells," said Maxfield. Echoing Maxfield's sentiments, Bales said , "The work was very interesting in this case. We actually got to see the impact on the local community. The schools the engineers built replaced run-down buildings that were basically made out of scrap materials." As a civilian Bales works as a Seattle deputy prosecuting attorney assigned to a special assault unit for victims of sexually motivated felonies. "It was a nice change from prosecuting and putting people in jail. There, you get the satisfaction of getting the victim away from the abuser, but (in Guatemala) it was a different kind of satisfaction seeing those schools being built," said Bales. Desert Shield and Desert Storm 1Oth anniversary certificates available The Army Reserve would like to issue 1Oth anniversary commemorative certificates to Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm veterans to recognize their contributions and sacrifice. Hundreds of certificates were forwarded to the 70th RSC Public Affairs Office for distribution. To obtain a completed certificate, individuals (or units) may submit a copy of the DO Form 214 which shows service during Operations Desert Shield and/or Desert Storm, along with a complete mailing address to the Public Affairs Office, 70th Regional Support Command, 4570 Texas Way West, Fort Lawton, WA 98199, or fax to (206) 281-3093. *** . Guatemalan children gather at their old "schoolhouse" in the village of Arrozol in March. The schoolhouse, made primarily of scrap materials, was replaced as part of a humanitarian assistance project for victims of Hurricane Mitch during Operation New Horizons. The new schoolhouse at Arrozol, Guatemala, is a far cry from its predecessor pictured above. Army, Air Force and Marine soldiers from both active and reserve components, joined by Guatemalan forces, provided the manpower to build the school for Task Force Aurora during Operation New Horizons. (Photos by Maj. Brad Bales)
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