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I}TTqV!)V TITIrul,UVy[ OI CIIVNOG 18 TIIM TIIJVU THT CNV NOIICOV INIIIS peEDur oq IHI TTIOUJ SCITCOUd 'empeqcs sIADq{rDIg oOD3IqC 16-0661 6u111cxe eql Io selcloc eary uTDIqO-HIOOE IINNVHCSJIIOdS + isprDC L€qJoH lHN 066I ,reu s,les otdlo sed@Ds ae4 Io9-HIOOE IIS OUd + 'atoqD seu4l e3uDlDeddo ratro1d egl trceqC 'sf,op IZ fielDu4:lorddp q notr ol qrDX irDls s{rrDqtrcolg o6pclq3 D IIIlrf, logs lseq rnol oIqL-UINUorJ OIOHd + IIII ,'9S s! oloqd roloc,,OI x 'pua[earf, eql lnoqonorql perunouuD ,,8 sreuull 'acuDqc red 15 'ul.u. of tuasard eq lsnu sreuull,I f,1ug 'sazgd paPpr-treqcoq Io f,launa D urorl uI$-trIJ{VU + ' lueure6ouoYg e3uaroFoC raflql ol oIqDtrDd sl3eq3 ro qsDc uI epDur eq lsnu sluautrDd'luasoral oq lsnu sreuulltA'E'd e p tropung puD'urd I lD troprnps pecunotruD splq lu11ruuvl Lop qcoe sqell 111araglp' ' ' sureU f,e{coq 1o I'1e-una D uo p[g-ltOIICnV INIIIS + 'saull qdor6otnD arll q6norql 41on nol sD uollcD tr€{3oq Ouluoxa Io[uS-SOgqIA SnOnNIINOC + rDpDr D ql!.u, sloqs rnof,;o paads eql arnsDel{-l9l!,C.IOHS dVIS + 'IS LIuo rol stoqs xnquroT utrIe3of uosg11 6noq Leloi lDd reErryI eaels aarql ;un6 fiorox #Hc AeIoJ lod flossnu IIqd ptroruo; eae15 uolq6ler3 IITDpV 6uo6 uerroq :'u'cl t -'ur'd 0 :'urd 6 -'ru'd Z :'u'd 1 - uooN solleq3 slrqc uoflql eIDq :'ru'D 0e:0I -'uI'D 0I utNuoc orolld lelotr lDd ,,r!Ix3oH IO SilSVS :f,INO N3rtofi UOJ,, uoIlDI oIDq ..9NIGN!IJII\TO9,, uo[q[ aIDq ..XilH IIHI9NISSYIL :'ru'd ? -'E'd e :'ru'd g -'tu'd gg:7 :'u'd C -'urd Z :'u'd 7 -'u'd I :'ru'd I - uooN urNuoc oroHd f,ruepocg lserotr €qDrI rI3DoC tr€qJoE'uo[Dq$ oIPUDS - 'u'd - ,J,:IXCOH rO S3ISVS :trIINO NIINO$ UOI,' gg:1 f,ealny[ tuPrg ..9NNGNVII XoIIS,, traalny[ lup:9 'rII.D 0e: I I - 'rII'D 0e:0I :'u'd I f,e1og 1o6 ,,9NIIV)IS,, ' - 'tu'd gg:7 'tu'tl 'tu'd gg:1 :'ru'd 9 -'ru'd ilorox IIEo Le Inyt luDrg :'u'd ptroruo11 aae15 tr.eloi lDd - uooN gg:1 TilICdI S'INIIC scrNtlc r$rcoEl xne$rraT utrIeoof :'ru'd g -'tu'd I uos1111 6noq uoflql eIDq reErDrI aa€ls soIIoqS suqS ' :'ru'd uessnu Eqd uolq6lerC IITDpV 6uo6 uerroq -'ru'd t Z 7 - uooN srsro9 Hdvu9o,t{t\r srsEn9 Hdvugorllv -'E'D 0I -'r['D 0I :uooN :uooN rnoqs leucom oopclqc eql lD r I 'f,XNCOH IO NOIM8XIXO V S,II WhcrlS lqster thon q Doug Wilson slcrpshot? The rise ln hodrey coUectibles, ol course. rqises demqnd Ior collecti.bles. For more thon thirty-ri\re years, O-Pee-Chee IDCf,EY'S E8}|TTGON Get rccdy io ring your co\,vbeUs, hoclley colIeclors. The Big Ffi,e trcrve arrived, narnely, and lbpps have eaclusi\rely ltUed the colters oI die-hard hockdy coUectors. Their rcign, horflerrer, is over. Demqnd lor hoclrey coUectibles is olrerwfrelming, cnd the two vet- O-Pee-Chee, bosed The recsons crttrib- vury. Some scry lhst ihe sport on ihe diarDoDd fios helped positlon the spoil on ihe ice. 'Five yeqrs qgo, cqrd collecling wus bcsebqU, bcseboll, bcseball," scys Dcrrre Sli€pka, q sports collectibles dealer basecl in Lansing, nlinois. "The rnolket wqs scrturcrted qnd people turnecl to the next most popular spoil: lootbou. Right on the tcils o, thst wqs basketball. And now whcrtS lelt? For people looking lor good iIlIesuDents, bockey is cr surc bet." Robert l/yimmel, columnist lor Sporls Collec,or3 Diglest qnd o 3O-yecr roteron in hocLey coUectibles, crgrees. "People qre tired ol pcrying eaorbitant prices tot basebqU cods. Both tootball cnd hoctey ccrrds qre a lot checrpel" Another rncrjor hnuence spurring the hockey boorn is the Ncrtioncl HockeV Lecgrue. Since ecrly 1987, ihe orgqnizqtion has been qggrcssively committed to mcrketing by eapcndtng tfEir tetqil licensing progrcm and increasing their eaposure vio SportsChannet. According to lYimrner, compqnies like Pro Set qre crecting trcmendous erciternent in the hockey Erqrket. 'lMer oll these yecrs ol hcving rnediocrc prodrrcts, lhere wqs no real innovqtion. These new compqnies, like alrecdy trocl srrccesslul eaperiences with loot- ball. Their marketing is \rery qggressive." Mqny credit Wtryne Grctzkys mo\re lrom cr ,i$t hod<ey set in 1954. Pro Set rnsy prove to be the rnost dromcrtic plcyer among fhe hodrey cqrd compqnies. The compqny surgred clornqnd lor the loot- $10 million $62 million, o, which Pro Set $50 mitlircn. According to compa- bqll ma*et which iumped Irom cnnuolly to ccrptured ny President Lud Denny Pro H hos e\Ery intention of q repecrt performanc€. "One ol the things collectors horre told us is thcrt ilrey like os big of q piclure cs possible; Urey reqlly like to see the plqyer. And so, ihis year, vrc\,e produced a piciure thcrl goes completely off both sides ol the card. The picturc is cbout l0olo bigger." Another novelty is tfle 23 color schemes. The top and bottom borcler rnstches the jersey color. "It wUl rnc*e the picture ol the plqyer in his unirorm reqlly pop off the cord," sqys Denny in cr set, including qU 2l teqms in addiiion io q trophy cnd q Hqll-olFqrne series. The NHL Pro Set lecrtures 405 cqrds Pro Set will also issue 5,000, tund- numbercd Stanley Cup hologram cqrds which will be randomly pqcked in Pro Set cqrd pocks. According lo nationql spokesperson lor Score, George Mqrtin, the compqny will produce 440 cords per set and lollow the scme lormcrl as its rootbqll and bqsketbqU cqrds. "we thinI o, our ccrrds qs q worL ol ort. They qre designed fi designers, nol by utred lor ct midOcioberto eqrly Novernber relecse. Ttte compqnyB 400 cqrd set will be loUowed by q 100 card high number series. According to spokesperson Don Boclo$r, when collectors see q set or group oI Upper Deck ccrals, Urey see the story oI ihe sport itseu. "The Premiere Edition wiU not iust shovr people skating or lalling or hitUng tfle puck, there will be the story oI hockex" For beginning hockey coltrectors, eaperts odvise keeping close tabs on tlreir lavodte dayers, buying complete sets eoch yeqr and iNresting in promising rookies. Sliepko odcts thcst once UIe novelty ol the ne\rv cards wears orl, there will be q gro\Mth in the older cqrds which qrc exlremely underpriced. In cddition to the Big Five, coltrectors sfrould qlso be on the lookoui lor speciqlty hockEy cqrds issued by consurner compqnies in previous years. The lisi includes Frito-Lay, Lipton Soup, Krclt, tvlcDonolds, Yoik Peqnut Butter, Ouqker Ocrts, SmoLey lhe Bear Fte SqIetX qnd Royal Desserts. Non-ccrd hockey collectibles qre also pdme investnrents. TIEy inclucle teqm press gruides, AI-Stqr gqme qnd Stonley Cup progrcmrs, hockey pins lrom interncrtionql hodrey toJrnqments, hockey puiks lecrturing a crest, hockey tight tqpes and tecm ie$eys. Sports Colleclors Drglesf Editor, Ilcm Mortenson, rerreqls whcrt every hoc:key lon hos been Edmonton to hoping tor tos AngBIos qs a ccrtclyst in hocl<eys "Youte going to see an explo- the Unlted hockey populcrity in Slates. Noi only the West Coqst ieqms, lt qlso meqni sell-out crowds Ior host clJ.bs qnd crcqted nrediq crttention. These effects, some induslry expeils sqy, incrcased hockeyb eaposurc which in tum 6 higher number oI updctes, ircdes qnd rookies ttlon long-time contender lbpps. lbpps produced tfieir illey reltect uted to lhis rnorkets pfFDomenql gEorf,th strerrgrthen Upp€r Decks new hod<ey set is penned "Premier EditiorJ'cnd is sched- in london, Ontqdo, Canqdo, first issued hockey cords in 1933. It lecrturcs 330 ccrds per set. Since the cards ate distrlbuted lcrter in the seoson, Score. .rid it Scorc hockey cqrds will debut in October cnd wiU lecrture lull-color garne action photogrrctphy stcrts. compcnies are now lqcedwith ttuee new rivqls: Pro Set, Upper Deck Pro Set, hcrve O-Pee-Ch6e, Ibpps, Pro Set, Upper Deck qnd Score. And eoch plcrys a unigue Illustrdted." role in the burgeoning hockey coUectibles nrqrket. HereB q look crt their ercrn ccEd and rnqke-up qilisis. The plcryer prolile on the is \f,ritten by editors oI Sports boik sion in cards. Pro Set, lqst yeqr, reqUy qccelercted the collecting oI other sports besides bcsebau. Hoclrey is ihe next Ironti€r." (eoz) :xvg. (goz) 0099-4eI09 II 'uIIIg ueIS 'rgt allns - g 6ptg 'pU lla asood OOg 'o3 luaureoDuDl I acuereluo3 raraol Io uolsl^Io v suoll.nPotd aoqs reaql .IgIOH :lq pezpo6rg .-, VZVTd ONWSI XJOA H}f,VdSI(t TTIVCgHT AL'JOtllDl tff :srosuods isrDls sl/ods rcufiol puD luefin) roqp luput sryd' ' ' rLopun5 uosql9 qog Loprnp5 uolsunc uornDrls Lpprn1os la4rog a{Iyll i uollDsol qeDeu-oJ.-IsDx T:i:?:s3i['ii; I'tto( .::E#;i*ns $U0!H0!H 4. sqdPt0otry oorl tttloqs DglqDrotaow puD sprDc 't7dot6o7nD s$ods e\e1duto) TI 'puDIsI >|co[ o ohuorl\f ISIIJ I0gI trrourry puDIsI >IcoU 065I'8?'LZIeqotcO The greatest name in football cards is now the greatest name in Hockey cards, too! ln 1989, NFL Pro Set established a new standard of quality and enjoyment for trading-card collectors. ln 1990, Pro Set has done it again! Pro Set captures the sizzle and excitement of NHL Hockey with all new, 1990 NHL Pro Set Cards. Each card features top quality action photos, stat tables, player bios and a special twist; some of the bio information is in French! 405 Card Set The 1990 Series 1 set includes 336 player cards, 40 NHL All Star cards, 12 rookie, draft-choice, stat leader and Hall of Fame players, 17 NHL Trophy Collectibles - plus NHL Pro Set point books. Stanley Cup Hologram As a special bonus, 500 hand numbered Stanley Cup Trophy Hologram Collectibles are randomly inserted in the 1990 set.. To order, write to: Pro Set 15303 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1300, LB34 Dallas, Texas 75248 Get'em. They'Je Hot. ffiN wA