05-02-16 - Mount Clemens
05-02-16 - Mount Clemens
AGENDA CITY COMMISSION MEETING Monday, May 02, 2016 7:00 PM 1. Call to Order. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Roll Call. 4. Announcements, Acknowledgments and Communications and Reports, including Quarterly Department Head Reports. Presentation of Fire Department Personnel 5. Adoption of Agenda. 6. Public Participation. 7. Administrative Response to Issues or Questions Raised During Previous Meetings. 8. Approval of Minutes 9. General Business. 9-A - Public Hearing to Consider the City of Mount Clemens Proposed 20162017 Fiscal Year Budgets and Millage Rates. 9-B - Approve Purchases and Payment of Invoices. 10. Consent Agenda. 2 10-A - Appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions. • • Appointment of Dino Mangano to the Historical Commission Appointment of Frederick J. Roskopp, Jr., to the Mount Clemens Public Library Board 10-B - Request Approval of the 2016 Anton Art Center Mount Clemens Art Fair. 10-C - Request Approval of the 2016 Daughters of Macomb Parade. 11. City Manager’s Report. 12. Commissioners’ Comments. 13. Adjournment. The City of Mount Clemens will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audiotapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting/hearing upon one week-notice to the City of Mount Clemens. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids should contact the City of Mount Clemens by writing or calling the following: City Clerk’s Office One Crocker Boulevard Mount Clemens, Michigan 48043 586.469.6818, Extension 310 911 - TDD 3 EXPLANATION OF AGENDA – May 2, 2016 Administrative Response to Issues or Questions Raised During Previous Meetings 1. Sidewalk Update This is a quick summary of the activity in the Fall of 2015: Basic Activity: 44 Properties (31 owner-occupied, 13 rental) 176 squares/flags With Voluntary Adds: 51 Properties (7 additional properties, 35 owner-occupied, 16 rental) 204 squares/flags (28 additional squares/flags) Approximately $23,000 in cost Counting Properties that Did NOT Have the City Contractor Do the Work: 55 Properties (4 additional properties, 37 owner-occupied, 18 rental) 224 squares/flags (20 additional squares/flags) Cost not known for the additional work Invoices to homeowners for Fall of 2015 activity were initiated the week of April 18th. The primary focus of the Spring of 2016 activity is Crocker with other trip and fall claim locations also added to this phase. Sidewalk squares/flags on Crocker were marked Friday, April 22nd. 2. Street Cleaning A resident inquired about issues with getting close to the curb during this process and Commissioner Campbell inquired about whether notice can be provided before street cleaning is done. These issues are related as when the sweeper encounters a parked vehicle this affects the effectiveness and thoroughness of the cleaning process, i.e. the ability to clean close to the curb. Administration will again investigate the feasibility of providing notice and requiring cars to be off the street. One possibility is posting no parking signs for trash pickup days to facilitate both trash collection and street sweeping, with the latter only on a seasonal basis. This would add enforcement demands on the City (demands on staffing) AND impacts on residents (inconvenience and/or tickets). 4 3. Sidewalks on Church A resident inquired about sidewalks, specifically those at corners, being marked for work, with some perceived to be in good shape. This is part of the upcoming major patching project on Church. The City focuses on making corners handicapped accessible when project work is planned for a street/area. 4. Public Transportation Issues A resident commented that he does not see SMART buses that are full in Mount Clemens. This is an oft-cited issue with public transportation buses. First, SMART utilizes vehicles that can handle capacity needs throughout a route and this often results in excess capacity, depending on demand. It is a question of balancing the desire to have right-sized vehicles with the need to not deny service if and when a vehicle would be too full to handle additional riders waiting for a ride. Second, the best analogy is that of an elevator. At the beginning/end of a run/route, the vehicle will be less full. Mount Clemens is near the beginning/end of SMART routes and vehicles will be less full while servicing our community due to that fact. A resident also inquired about whether the possible rapid transit millage which is being discussed by the Regional Transit Authority would be a new/additional tax or would the existing SMART millage be eliminated. These rapid transit lines would represent additional service and would not replace SMART service. As such, the existing SMART service would remain as would the millage to support this “local” service. The rapid transit/regional service would be new and would seek its own funding source, most likely. 5 CITY COMMISSION MEETING County of Macomb State of Michigan April 18, 2016 Commission Chambers A regular meeting of the Mount Clemens City Commission was held on Monday, April 18, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building, One Crocker Boulevard, Mount Clemens, Michigan. Present at this meeting were Mayor Barb Dempsey and Commissioners Roger Bunton, Ronald Campbell, Lois Hill and Laura Kropp. Commissioner Denise Mentzer was absent. Also in attendance were Steven Brown, City Manager, Michael Murray, City Attorney and Lisa Borgacz, City Clerk. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Kropp made a motion, supported by Commissioner Bunton, to excuse Commissioner Mentzer from the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, REPORTS, WERE ADDRESSED, ITEM 4. COMMUNICATIONS AND Sarah Binkowski, Regional Transit Authority, presented an update on the Gratiot Avenue Transit Study. THE ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA WAS CONSIDERED, ITEM 5. Commissioner Hill made a motion, supported by Commissioner Kropp, to approve the agenda as amended: Item 9-B, Request Approval of a License Agreement for County Requested Drop-Off Lane on South Main Street was removed from the agenda. The motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION WAS CONDUCTED, ITEM 6. ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSE TO ISSUES OR QUESTIONS RAISED DURING PREVIOUS MEETINGS WERE RECEIVED, ITEM 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES WAS CONSIDERED, ITEM 8. Commissioner Hill made a motion, supported by Commissioner Bunton, to approve the minutes of the City Commission Regular Meeting of April 4, 2016, Work Session of April 4, 2016 and Work Session of April 5, 2016, as presented. The motion passed unanimously. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION LIMITED TAX REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2016, WAS CONSIDERED, ITEM 9-A. April 18, 2016 6 Commissioner Bunton made a motion, supported by Commissioner Hill, to adopt the attached Resolution Authorizing Issuance of General Obligation Limited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2016. The motion passed unanimously. REQUEST APPROVAL OF A LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR COUNTY REQUESTED DROP-OFF LANE ON SOUTH MAIN STREET, ITEM 9-B. City Manager Brown removed this item from the agenda pending further information. REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE SALE OF THE VACANT CITY-OWNED LOTS AT 100 AND 110 ORCHARD STREET WAS CONSIDERED, ITEM 9-C. Commissioner Kropp made a motion, supported by Commissioner Campbell, to authorize the sale of 100 and 110 Orchard Street to Mr. William Hollister for the amount of $2,500; and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the necessary documents executing the sale. The motion passed unanimously. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION EXTENDING MORATORIUM REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BUSINESSES ENGAGED IN DISPENSATION OR DISTRIBUTION OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA WAS CONSIDERED, ITEM 9-D. Commissioner Hill made a motion, supported by Commissioner Bunton, to adopt the attached Resolution Extending the November 2, 2015, Moratorium regarding the establishment of businesses engaged in the dispensation or distribution of medical marijuana, for a period of 180 days, effective May 1, 2016. The motion passed unanimously. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION FOR ELECTION WORKERS WAS CONSIDERED, ITEM 9-E. Commissioner Bunton made a motion, supported by Commissioner Kropp, to approve the request to increase fees for election inspectors from $125 to $140 per day and election chairpersons from $150 to $175 per day, effective July 1, 2016. The motion passed unanimously. APPROVAL OF PURCHASES AND PAYMENT OF INVOICES WAS CONSIDERED, ITEM 9-F. Commissioner Hill made a motion, supported by Commissioner Campbell, to approve purchases and payment of invoices as presented. The motion passed unanimously. THE CONSENT AGENDA WAS CONSIDERED, ITEM 10. Commissioner Campbell made a motion, supported by Commissioner Bunton, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: In Item 10-A, the request to set Monday, May 2, 2016, as the date for the public hearing on the proposed City of Mount Clemens budget for the fiscal year 2016-2017 and the millage rates for the 2016 tax year, was approved. April 18, 2016 7 In Item 10-B, the request to approve and authorize the execution of the Unilateral METRO Act Right-of-Way Permit between the City and Macomb Educational Telecommunications System subject to receipt of proper insurance certificates, was approved. In Item 10-C, the request to adopt the resolution designating April 25, 2016 through April 29, 2016 as Arbor Week, and April 29, 2016 as Arbor Day, was approved. In Item 10-D, the request to hold the St. Mary School Family Fun Run/Walk on Saturday, June 11, 2016, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. was approved. The motion passed unanimously. THE CITY MANAGER’S REPORT WAS GIVEN, ITEM 11. COMMISSIONERS’ COMMENTS WERE RECEIVED, ITEM 12. Commissioner Bunton made a motion, supported by Commissioner Hill, to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _________________________________________ Barb Dempsey, Mayor _________________________________________ Lisa Borgacz, City Clerk April 18, 2016 8 CITY COMMISSION WORK SESSION County of Macomb State of Michigan April 25, 2016 Conference Room A work session of the Mount Clemens City Commission was held on Monday, April 25, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Conference Room of the Municipal Building, One Crocker Boulevard, Mount Clemens, Michigan. Present at this meeting were Commissioners Roger Bunton, Ronald Campbell, Lois Hill, Laura Kropp and Denise Mentzer. Absent from the meeting was Mayor Barb Dempsey. Also in attendance were Steven Brown, City Manager, Michael Murray, City Attorney, Lisa Borgacz, City Clerk, Linda Kunath, Finance Director, Ken Miller, F&V Operations/Utilities, Blair Selover, F&V Operations/Utilities, Brian Tingley, Community Development Director and Jeff Wood, Public Services Director. The meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION WAS CONDUCTED. CONTINUED DISCUSSION REGARDING THE PROPOSED 2017 BUDGET WAS CONDUCTED. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS WERE RECEIVED. Commissioner Campbell made a motion, supported by Commissioner Kropp, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:37 p.m. Lois Hill, City Commissioner Lisa Borgacz, City Clerk 9 EXPLANATION OF AGENDA – May 2, 2016 Agenda Item No. 9-A Public Hearing to Consider the City of Mount Clemens Proposed 2016-2017 Fiscal Year Budgets and Millage Rates The Public Hearing will be to consider the proposed 2016-2017 fiscal year budgets and property tax millage rates. Total city wide millages are proposed to be 22.1274 mills and total Downtown Development Authority district millage is proposed to be 1.6132 mills. The Public Hearing was advertised in the legal portion of the C & G Journal on April 27, 2016, in accordance with the City’s Charter. SUBMITTED BY: Linda A. Kunath, Finance Director/Treasurer RECOMMENDED MOTION: Motion to open the public hearing to consider the proposed 2016-2017 fiscal year budgets and millage rates. Motion to close the public hearing on the proposed 2016-2017 fiscal year budgets and millage rates. 15 16 17 18 CITY OF MOUNT CLEMENS PROPOSED BUDGET 2016-2017 City of Mount Clemens Summary of City Wide millage rates 2016-17 Proposed Budget Charter City Wide Millages: Operating - CHARTER Dial -A-Ride - VOTED Pension - VOTED Sanitation PA 298 Total City Wide Millages DDA District Millage: Total DDA District Millage 2016 Headlee 2017 MFR 2017 Truth in Taxation Truth in Taxation Override to Headlee Millage Rates Requested 20.00000 1.00000 1.00000 20.0000 0.9137 0.9137 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 20.0000 0.9137 0.9137 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 22.00000 21.82740 1.00000 21.8274 0.00000 20.0000 0.9137 0.9137 0.3000 22.1274 2.00000 1.6132 1.0000 1.6132 0.0000 1.6132 19 EXPLANATION OF AGENDA – May 2, 2016 Agenda Item No. 9-B APPROVE PURCHASES AND PAYMENT OF INVOICES VENDOR (PURCHASES) DESCRIPTION 1.CPR Savers 7904 East Chaparral Road Suite A11-242 Scottsdale, AZ 85250 2.Apollo Fire Equipment Company 12584 Lakeshore Drive Romeo, MI 48065 3.Cintas The Uniform People 51518 Quadrate Macomb, MI 48042 LifePak 1000 Defibrillator Cutters Edge Fire Rescue Chainsaw On 02/17/04 the City Commission Approved a Contract for Uniforms and Laundry Service With Cintas. At This time we are Seeking an Additional 3Year extension Under the same Terms and Conditions. FUND/ ACCOUNT AMOUNT DEPARTMENT/ NUMBER APPROPRIATION General Fund/ 101-33600-979000 $2,188.00 Fire Department/ Fire Equipment CURRENT BALANCE General Fund/ Fire Department/ Fire Equipment Various $27,525.66 10 101-33600-979000 $2,843.97 Various $27,525.66 $11,346.50 Various VENDOR (INVOICES) DESCRIPTION 2.USA Blue Book P.O. Box 9004 Gurnee, IL 60031 FUND/ DEPARTMENT/ APPROPRIATION Water-Utilities Fund/ Operation of Plant/ Building Additions And Improvements Water-Utilities Fund/ Operation of Plant/ Contractual Services 1.Cummins Brideway 12130 Dixie Redford, MI 48239 Emergency repairs To the Water Plant Generator ACCOUNT NUMBER SUBMITTED BY: Linda A. Kunath, Finance Director/Treasurer RECOMMENDED MOTION: Approve purchases and payment of invoices as presented. 591-53708-976000 AMOUNT CURRENT BALANCE $5,487.99 $14,883.97 Microbiological 591-53708-818000 $2,041.75 $18,769.87 Incubator need At Water Plant Due to failure Of our incubator. 3.Watertap, Inc. Emergency 12 inch Water-Utilities Fund/ 591-53704-818000 $12,200.00 $16,767.80 56720 McKenzie Lane Valve insertion on Transmission/ South Lyon, MI 48178 Sunday, April Contractual Services 17, 2016, due To water main Break. 11 CITY OF MOUNT CLEMENS Tabulation of sealed bids received and opened on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, for a LifePak 1000 Defibrillator needed by the Fire Department: BIDDER MANUFACTURER COST/UNIT BATTERY TOTAL COST 1.Anatomy Warehouse LifePak 1000 $1,035.00 No Bid $1,035.00* 1630 Darrow Avenue Evanston, Illinois 60201 2.CPR Savers LifePak 1000 $1,892.00 $296.00 $2,188.00 7904 East Chaparral Road Suite A11-242 Scottsdale, Arizona 85250 3.J & B Medical Supply LifePak 1000 $2,288.46 $412.70 $2,701.16 50496 West Pontiac Trail Wixom, Michigan 48393 4.Moore Medical LifePak 1000 $2,229.00 $294.00 $2,523.00 1690 New Britain Avenue Farmington, Connecticut 06037 5.Quadmed LifePak 1000 $2,295.00 No bid $2,295.00 11210-1 Philips Industrial Boulevard Jacksonville, Florida 32256 *Does not meet bid specification. Linda A. Kunath Finance Director/Treasurer 12 CITY OF MOUNT CLEMENS Tabulation of sealed bids received and opened on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, for a Cutters Edge Fire Rescue Chainsaw with spare Cutters Edge Bar and Bullet Chain: BIDDER MANUFACTURER TOTAL COST 1.Apollo Fire Equipment Company Cutters Edge $2,843.97 12584 Lakeshore Drive Romeo, Michigan 48065 2. Kenco Fire Equipment, Inc. Super Vacuum $2,354.00* 1810 St. Louis Street Power Pro Springfield, MO 65802 *Does not meet bid specification. Not submitted on appropriate forms. Linda A. Kunath Finance Director/Treasurer 13 14 EXPLANATION OF CONSENT AGENDA – May 2, 2016 Agenda Item No. 10-A Appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions Historical Commission Mayor recommends appointing Dino Mangano to the Historical Commission. This is for a 3-year term, which expires June 30, 2019. Mount Clemens Public Library Board Mayor recommends appointing Frederick J. Roskopp, Jr., to the Mount Clemens Public Library Board. This is for a 4-year term, which expires June 30, 2020. SUBMITTED BY: Barb Dempsey Mayor RECOMMENDED MOTION: To approve appointments as presented. 20 EXPLANATION OF CONSENT AGENDA – May 2, 2016 Agenda Item No. 10-B Request Approval of the 2016 Anton Art Center Mount Clemens Art Fair The Anton Art Center is requesting City Commission approval to hold the 2016 Mount Clemens Art Fair on June 4 and June 5, 2016. This would include the closing of Macomb Street from Southbound Gratiot Avenue to Main Street from 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 4, 2016 through 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 5, 2016, and use of the Fountain Stage, Cherry Street Mall and portions of the Roskopp Parking Lot. This would occur in conjunction with the Downtown Development Authority’s Bud Light Classic Car Show & Cruise Night on June 4, 2016. As in the past, the Public Services Department would assist with the installation of street banners, trash pick-up and coordinating the closure of parking spaces within the Roskopp Parking Lot for artists. A Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the City as an additional insured has been submitted. SUBMITTED BY: Brian L. Tingley Community Development Director RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the Anton Art Center 2016 Mount Clemens Art Fair on June 4 and June 5, 2016, including the closure of Macomb Street from Southbound Gratiot Avenue to Main Street and portions of the Roskopp Parking Lot, in coordination with the Public Services Department. 21 22 23 24 25 26 EXPLANATION OF CONSENT AGENDA – May 2, 2016 Agenda Item No. 10-C Request Approval of the 2016 Daughters of Macomb Parade The Daughters of Macomb are seeking City Commission approval to hold their annual parade on Thursday, August 4, 2016. The parade would begin at 9:15 a.m. and would last approximately one hour. The route would begin at Madison’s Pub and follow Cass Avenue, North Main Street, Market Street, Pine Street, New Street and Walnut back to Madison’s. Upon City Commission approval, they are requesting assistance from the Department of Public Services with the timing of the street closures and with barricades along the approved parade route to help ensure a safe event. A Certificate of Liability Insurance listing the City as an additional insured will be required as a condition of approval. SUBMITTED BY: Brian L. Tingley Community Development Director RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to approve the Daughters of Macomb annual parade route and street closures on August 4, 2016, beginning at 9:15 a.m. and lasting approximately one hour. 27 28 29 30 31 EXPLANATION OF AGENDA – May 2, 2016 TO: The Honorable Mayor Barb Dempsey and All City Commissioners FROM: Steven M. Brown, City Manager DATE: April 28, 2016 RE: Report from the City Manager’s Office 1. Employee Insurance Update: The City continues to complete the processes related to the insurance changes discussed during the Budget Work Session on April 25th. The change to the self-insurance financing model is proceeding and Open Enrollment Meetings, including informational presentations by our benefit consultant, will be scheduled for next week. 2. Mount Clemens Housing Commission (MCHC) Update: The City continues to work with representatives of the MCHC regarding their proposal to separate. City Administration’s primary concern is to carefully address the personnel impacts in the best, least impactful way possible. Conversations between the two entities have been steady and ongoing throughout this process and have occurred at various levels of the organizations. It is anticipated that the matter may be included on the 05/16/16 Agenda for consideration in some fashion. 3. Fire Consolidation Study Update: There is little new to report on this initiative. The communities continue to work with the study consultant to improve the study document. The goal is to finalize the document and present it for consideration by the four communities, Clinton Township, Harrison Township, Mount Clemens and Sterling Heights. 4. P.A. 269 (Gag Order) Update: The United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division, has entered a Consent Judgment permanently enjoining the Secretary of State from enforcing the Michigan Campaign Finance Act change (commonly referred to as the Gag Order) that would have prevented local governments, etc. from communicating with residents on local ballot initiatives 60 days before an election. Local governments will NOT be prevented from communicating on these issues based on this judgment. 32 5. Commission Vacancy Update: The filing deadline for candidates to apply for the Commission vacancy was Tuesday, April 19th. Three people successfully applied for inclusion in the election process. One candidate will be elected to fill this vacancy at the August 2, 2016 Primary Election. The three candidates are: • Michael Bernier • Bill Ford • Laura Fournier The elected candidate will fill the unexpired term through November, 2017. 33