June 2016 Newsletter
June 2016 Newsletter
June 2016 Newsletter Salariin Kampuchea Collaboration Respect Responsibility Integrity. Community 6 Months at a Glance January February March April May June Life skills students visit a hotel Giant puppet workshop Staff appraisal Certificate test development Giant puppet parade night Cooking class & field visit Founder visit Website improvement Life skills final trip & graduation Football final league Khmer New Year party Unique donor on GlobalGiving Board meeting Website redesign Director visited Ireland Staff recruitment & selection Farewell party & new teacher Fundraising campaign on GG GlobalGiving visit. Celebrations & Achievements Certificate Test for English Classes Congratulations to the students from the English program who graduated from the English books - Let’s Go 6 and New Headway PreIntermediate. We are so proud to see them graduate and wish them good luck for all they do in the future. Khmer New Year Party Celebration In April, students, staff, and volunteers celebrated Khmer New Year party before we had a break for the New Year holiday. We had a lot of fun with traditional games, dances and sharing a meal together. Certificate Test Standard Development Together our English teachers and educational volunteer coordinator worked to standardize the SK certificate and placement tests. It is now much easier to measure the ability of students graduating from their level and to access new students wanting to come to Salariin Kampuchea. We really appreciate their effort. Life Skill Final Trip and Graduation In February, the fourth generation of students from the life skill program successfully graduated from their one year course. To congratulate the students for their work hard, we journeyed to the historical national park, Phnom Kulen. The students were delighted and participated in team building exercises. Partnership with DPETNS For three weeks in June and May, our director, Ravy Vang visited Ireland in an exchanged program hosted and sponsored by Donabate Portrane Education Together National School (DPETNS) (http://www.dpetns.ie/). Both organizations Pg. 1 learned wonderful lessons and we are excited for the future opportunities with DPETNS. June 2016 Newsletter School News Life Skill Students Visit a Hotel & Vocational Training Center In January and February life skills students visited Le Meridien Hotel (www.lemeridienangkor.com) and Regional Polytechnic Institute Techo Sen Siem Reap. These opportunities enable them to see the realities of working in a hotel and technical industries, and guide them to a potential future career. We are very grateful to our partner organizations for helping expose our students to worthwhile possibilities. Partnership for Exchange Starting on May 14th, our Director spends three weeks in Ireland to learn about the Irish educational system and in turn taught DPETNS about projects at Salariin Kampuchea and Khmer Culture. Cooking Class In February, Sol, a former student shared her advance cooking abilities to teach our life skills students how to make the traditional Khmer dish, Amok. Sol and our students made a chicken Amok during the lesson which was greatly enjoyed by all. Thanks to HOPE & the organizers who made it happen. Over 30 students participated in the puppet workshop from January 25th -26th. They made a white duck. A parade was held the night of February 6th and more than 60 students enjoyed attending it. Founder Visit We welcomed our founder Katrin back to our school. SK and Katrin shared ideas about the school’s future and how to support the school’s endeavors to provide quality education. Giant Puppet Project Football League After four month of tournament, our students took part in the final league organized by Globalteer Junior Soccer league. There are 3 teams, an under 16 boys team and an under 18 girls and boys team). They had fun and improved their play. First SK’s Board Meeting SK board of directors held their first meeting in April this year, to discuss about SK’s future and direction for new growth. New Life Skill Classes After the 4th Generation of Life skill students graduated, we recruited new students for the fifth generation of Life Skill Classes. The two new classes began in February. Staff Farewell Party In June, we had a farewell party for our teacher, Mr. Tep for his last day with school and we welcomed Mr. Siyan to our team. 2 June 2016 Newsletter Changes Human Resource We welcome our new English teacher, Mr. Siyan to our team here at SK as our previous English teacher, Morn Tep resigned. We wish him happiness and success Redesign Website Through support from a web developer, our current website was redesigned to look more professional and attractive to public and supporters. Thanks to our web boards. Volunteers Welcome, and thanks to the volunteers, Krystal, Georgia, Linda, Myrthe, Catalina, David, Peter, Frank, Arnold, Marijke, Stephanie, and Gradey who worked with our staff this past 6 months to improve our school. Building Communication with Partners and Donors Salariin Kampuchea works to collaborate with our partners and donors, to improve our services and communication as much as possible. For the last six months, we have been particularly busy: - With financial support from Diakam, we worked with Women Resource Center who offered workshops to the Chreav community. - We are very grateful for our founder, and a representative from Switzerland Association came to visit our school and discussed support for the school. We took this opportunity to see other NGOs in Chreav commune. - We formed a new partnership with Regional Polytechnic Institute Techo Sen Siem Reap. As a result; our life skills students were able to visit the institute to explore different career opportunities. - We maintained our partnership with a hotel Le Meridien Angkor, and sent the fourth generation of life skills students to visit the hotel and poster their career aspirations. - We established a working relationship with DPETNS and sent our director to Ireland to learn more about other education systems. - We thank very much to HOPE for their continued support to our young adult program. - We are very thankful to individuals donors including Andrew, Gradey and her family and Jorn for their continue support of SK. - We appreciate our continued partnership with ConCERT and Cambodian Volunteer Foundation and are delighted to form a new relationship with Cambodia Rural School Trust Organization. These organizations place volunteers at SK for work placement and internship. 3 June 2016 Newsletter Staff Development and Training SK has provided multiple opportunities for staff to participate in training and capacity building sessions over the past 6 months: From the beginning of this year, our volunteer educational coordinator, Marijke worked together with our team to improve our quality of education. This included setting new library goal, updating teacher guides and developing our certificate test. We appreciate her hard work. Our volunteers, Peter, Cyrill and Arnold provided technical support by updating the new website and completed various computer projects. Georgia, one of our volunteers, is currently providing teacher training. Krystal, another volunteer, supports her by formatting training resources. They are also both helping with fundraising and improving communication. Our new teacher, Mr. Siyan is oriented to work conditions, and regulations. We conduct staff appraisal to our staff for their yearly work performance and finding their Football After football training for three months, our football teams again participate in the Siem Reap Junior Soccer League with other teams from local and international NGOs. SK had enough students interested to form three teams. Many thanks to our supporters for their donations. Our students are continuing to play fantastically, we can see their confidence growing and they show real team spirit. Global Giving In June, we participated in Bonus Day-Online Fundraising with Global Giving to find more donations through online fundraising. We continue to raise for 10 unique donor campaign with Catalina, our board for the organization through this partner. We maintain our fundraising campaigns to support our, “Enhance 200 Cambodians’ Lives through Education” and “Support Sexual Education for Young Cambodians” projects. Funds are intended for use across all of our educational programmes within the organization. We would appreciate you taking the time to have a look at our page here, and to share it with your friends, colleagues, and family. It is a safe, secure way to give to Salariin Kampuchea. www.salariinkampuchea.org 4
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