Capacity Capacity Building Building and and Change Change Management Management Program Program for for the the Ministry Ministry of of Agriculture, Agriculture, Irrigation Irrigation and and Livestock Livestock (CBCMP) (CBCMP) NE WSLET TER November 2013 Issue No.5 Kabul International AgFair 2013 - Showing Afghanistan’s thriving agricultural production, revitalizing domestic and regional market linkages and bringing MAIL closer to the farmers and herders MAIL Inventory Database Celebrating the success of our civil servants colleagues MAIL Knowledge Bank Performance Measurement Kabul International AgFair 2013 USDA Visit to Kabul and Nangarhar DAIL USDA visit to the Kabul DAIL Introductory Word Dear Readers, We are pleased to present to you the autumn edition of the CBCMP Newsletter. After two years of effective leadership and management of the program, our Chief of Party Brian Rudert (CoP) departed the project in mid-August. Subsequent to his departure Dr. Herschel Weeks joined CBCMP as the Chief of Party. We thank Mr. Rudert for his visionary leadership as CoP of CBCMP. He played a major role in ensuring that CBCMP supported MAIL exactly where it was required. He was also key in strengthening the CBCMP team and engendering a team approach. He will be missed. We welcome Dr. Weeks as CoP for CBCMP. He comes to us with years of experience in Agriculture and Institutional reform projects all around the world. Brian Rudert and CBCMP Managers with Minister Rahimi; Welcoming Dr. Herschel Weeks In this quarter, the main achievement for CBCMP and MAIL was the successful organization of the Agriculture Fair. Also CBCMP has mobilized expanded teams for deployment to Jawzjan, Helmand, Khost and Takhar to try and develop DAIL capacities in these important provinces. These DAILs will also get the injection of CBCMP organizational development tools similar to what was done at the current focus DAILs- Kandahar, Kabul, Mazar, Nangarhar, Herat, Kundoz and Paktiya. Congratulations to MAIL and specifically the Private Sector Directorate on organizing an event which showcased Afghan Agriculture to the world! CBCMP is scheduled to end all project activities by April 30, 2014. During this last phase the focus is going to be i) on the DAILs; ii) on ensuring sustainability of the work done by CBCMP; and iii) final push to get US Government funds on budget at MAIL. In view of this revised focus at the DAILs we retrenched 22 Change Management Specialists (CMSs). We would like to thank them for their service to MAIL and Afghan farmers and wish them the best of luck. This is an exciting time in Afghanistan with donors committing more funds to ensure that 2014-2024 is truly a “transformational decade.” Our CMSs are a pool of talented, experienced and trained cadre that will be talent pool for all these new programs. MAIL and the donors recognize the excellent work done by CMSs and want to retain as many as possible for further work at MAIL. Many of our CMSs have already moved to these new programs at MAIL. We are also encouraging CMSs to apply for the Capacity Building for Results (CBR) program through which skilled staff are being hired for civil service positions. CBCMP Management 2 CBCMP Success Story AUTOMATED INVENTORY AND ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTRODUCED MAIL had been using a manual inventory system for decades. This manual system made it challenging to keep updated records. Also the accuracy of the records was questionable. Generating inventory reports would take weeks for the Inventory Department. In order to address this issue CBCMP, in consultation with the MAIL Administration Directorate, decided to introduce an automated Inventory and Asset Management System. The first step was purchasing the hardware and software. CBCMP Change Management Specialists led by Abdul Ehsan Mohmand ensured the successful roll out of this system at MAIL. This roll out included installation of software, training of civil servants in the new system and recording of all assets in the system using the bar code machine. A powerful, fourth generation browser-based software runs the database with the following features: Asset Records, Employee Records, Inventory Records, Work Orders, Basic Inventory Management, Basic Reporting, and Preventive Maintenance Scheduling. Example of the Asset Record user interface. The system operates in English as well as Dari. This is particularly important for the civil servants in provinces who do not speak English. The assets are tagged with a unique bar code assigned to it for identification. The bar codes for the assets are printed with the Zebra bar code printing machine. A unique number is generated by the software for each asset on sticky paper which is pasted on the asset during the inventory process. All bar codes are noted on a data collection form for entry into the database. The training is going on for the civil servants. They have been trained on how to operate the bar code printing machine and use the inventory database. CBCMP CMSs provided relevant civil servant with training manuals, standard operating procedures, and power point presentations in local languages. 3 CBCMP Success Story Civil servants are now familiar with the physical interface of the database, all the specifications, fields and records, entry of the data, navigation, searching for records, and saving and retrieving the data. The second and final round of trainings will include the following topics: customizing fields, generating reports, back up, sharing and establishing users. This will enable civil servants to operate the database independently and to take full ownership of the system. Bar code printer Registering MAIL assets into the new Database It is important to mention that the system operates in English and Dari, thus enabling all civil servants, including those in provinces who do not speak English to use it. The CBCMP Change Management Specialists also developed procedures to perform random audit/checks on a monthly basis to make sure that assets are accounted for. CMS Abdul Ehsan Mohmand (standing) training civil servants colleagues 4 The MAIL Inventory Department is enabled now to account for every single asset, providing accurate and timely reports. MAIL inventory officer Ghulam Sakhi says: “I was asked by my Manager to prepare a report on how many heaters does MAIL have? Where are they located? To whom they are assigned and how many is required for the winter season this year? It was a very difficult job to perform since I had to go through each and every record, it took me three to four weeks to complete the report, but thanks to this new technology I did the same thing now within 30 minutes and printed a report that my Manager really appreciated.” CBCMP Success Story Mr. Mohammad Daoud Azizi, Director of Administration Directorate thanked CBCMP for introduction of the Inventory and Asset management system. “As you know, before MAIL inventory system was manual and very difficult to operate. Now we can check the system, we can see and track all the assets we have here in the Headquarters and in provinces. We can easily check now where is an asset located and to whom it is assigned. It is much easier to prepare reports. Both Administration and Procurement Directorates will benefit a lot from the System” said Director Azizi. Director Azizi (on the right) checking the equipment Preparation of the bar-coding machine This Inventory and Asset Management Systemhas been installed at MAIL Headquarters, Kabul and Nangarhar DAILs. Installation is ongoing in Kunduz and Balkh DAILs. By April 2013 the System will be installed in Herat, Kandahar, Paktya, Helmand, Khost, Jawzjan and Takhar DAILs. TWO MOTIVES OF THE SAME VISIT TO NANGARHAR AT THE END OF AUGUST 5 CBCMP Celebrates the Success of the MAIL Civil Servants 22 CIVIL SERVANTS WHO ATTENDED CBCMP ENGLISH CLASSES SUCCESSFULLY APPLIED FOR SCHOLARSHIPS ABROAD In three years of its implementation CBCMP provided MAIL civil servants with thousands of hours of trainings in different areas. English classes of different levels, from elementary to advanced, were provided for 160 civil servants. This year we saw the impact of those trainings. Civil Servants who had been unable to go for professional development courses abroad as they did not speak English were now able to apply for and go for further education and professional development.. In this academic cycle 22 civil servants who attended CBCMP English classes successfully applied for scholarships abroad. All of them signed an agreement with MAIL to come back and serve at the Ministry for a certain number of years. For this edition of the Newsletter we interviewed 5 of them. Shahidullah Safi A civil servant in the Research Directorate of MAIL. Mr. Safi is also a member of the Scientific Academy of Afghanistan and has 10 years of experience in Agriculture. He was selected for a Phd program in Agronomy through the AAIP - Afghanistan Agricultural Input Project. This project is supported by the World Bank and is aimed at maintaining food security in the country. All costs in India for Mr. Safi will be fully covered by AAIP. Mr. Safi attended the CBCMP Advanced level English classes. “It was very useful for me, my English language improved a lot. I also highly appreciate the CBCMP help in other areas such as trainings in horticulture and proposal writing. I am planning to come back with new knowledge and ability to use new technologies" said Mr. Safi. Mohammad Mohsin Bahram A civil servant in Human Resources Directorate, Capacity Building Department has been working in MAIL for five years. He was selected for a Masters Degree program in Japan. Mr. Bahram said: “My Bachelor Degree is in Agriculture, from Balkh University. I applied for scholarship through the Project for Promotion and Enhancement of the Afghan Capacity for Effective Development (PEACE), administered by the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). One of the key application requirements was English language. I attended the CBCMP classes, Intermediate level, what was very helpful. When I come back I would like to engage more with the Agriculture Faculty in Kabul and I see myself working in the Research Directorate on improving value of our agricultural products.” 6 CBCMP Celebrates the Success of the MAIL Civil Servants Shahnawaz Rohani A civil servant in the Research Directorate of MAIL. Mr. Rohani who has been working at MAIL for five years was selected for a Masters program in Agronomy in India. He also applied through the AAIP - Afghanistan Agricultural Input Project. Speaking about the scholarship Mr. Rohani said: “My bachelor degree is also in Agronomy, so I am very happy to get this opportunity to upgrade my knowledge. I attended the Intermediate level English Classes what helped me a lot in application process. I am supposed to enroll the University in India in August 2014. My colleague Safi and me are now attending a preparatory training program and we will continue learning English too in order to prepare ourselves as better as better as possible.” Rahmat Gul A civil servant in the Recruitment Unit of the Human Resources Directorate. Mr. Gul has been working at MAIL for the past two years. He was awarded with a two year scholarship from the Indian Government for a Masters course in Agronomy. Mr. Gul attended the Intermediate level English classes organized through the CBCMP. “English class was very helpful for me as well as the other classmates who applied for programs abroad. Hope all of us who got scholarships will help to change the old system with the modern farming when we come back. Irrigation is of my particular interest and I will focus my attention to that area" said Gul. Zahidullah Abdulrahimzai A civil servant in the ICT Directorate. Mr. Abdulrahimzai was selected for a Bachelors Degree in India. Abdulrahimzai said: “The Scholarship is fully covered by the Indian Government and I will study Horticulture. I applied because it is an internationally recognized diploma and I will get a good education. I still have to improve my English language. Through the CBCMP I attended the Elementary level course and it was very helpful in the application process. Now I have to study even more intensely to make myself ready to follow lectures at the University in 2014, so hope CBCMP will continue with the classes.” 7 Support to the Other Complementary Projects ESTABLISHING THE MAIL AGRICULTURE KNOWLEDGE BANK The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is funding the e-Afghan Ag project implemented by University of California at Davis (UC Davis) aimed at establishing an online Agriculture Knowledge Bank owned and maintained by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL). CBCMP supports the Project by facilitating communication with the Ministry and organization of the trainings. at [email protected] and offline browsing on a mobile device with the remote solution application. Over 50 institutions (government, university and non-government organizations) collaborated in creation of this Knowledge Bank, providing the content materials (documents, fact sheets and videos) and sharing the knowledge gained/gathered through the implementation of the various agricultural projects in Afghanistan. This year in September UC Davis started a series of trainings and workshops with MAIL employees in order to transfer the updating and maintenance of Agriculture Knowledge Bank to MAIL. Opening the first training at MAIL: (from left to right) Noor Seddiq, CBCMP DCoP, Curran Hughes form UC DAVIS and Deputy Minister Haidari The website has been developed and is being maintained by UC Davis. The website provides credible, relevant information to those helping farmers in Afghanistan offering: Technical information (fruits, nuts and vegetables; grain and other field crops; livestock; forestry and watershed management; irrigation; markets, etc.) and Provincial Overview Info Sheets (priority needs and opportunities). It also provides the possibility to ask questions from the field via email Dylan Keith (on the right) discussing the website structure with the MAIL ICT officers 8 Lina Muhamady, an associate from the Kabul Agriculture Faculty presenting her group work Two students from the Agriculture Faculty at Kabul University, Lina Muhamady and Belal Ahmad are also involved in the process. Knowledge Bank will be updated and maintained by relevant MAIL employees and hosted on the MAIL official website Ministry's ownership is a key to a successful transition. UC Davis team participated in this year's AgFair promoting the Project and educating hundreds of young visitors on the MAIL Knowledge Bank Support to the Other Complementary Projects We invite all our Change Management Specialists and their civil servants colleagues to visit which is a great source of knowledge and information. In the future contents will also be adjusted to the needs of local users through translation of the selected documents in the local languages. MAIL PERFORMANCE MONITORING DASHBOARD (PMD) CBCMP has worked with MAIL to develop Balanced Scorecards for key MAIL Directorates and DAILs. This effort was in part made possible by CBCMPs installation of time keeping and attendance; inventory and asset management; and finance systems. The data generated by these systems are also part of the PMD. All the Directorate and DAIL scorecards need to feed into a MAIL wide scorecard to enable evidence based decision making by senior management. Thus, CBCMP has initiated, with the relevant Directorates at MAIL, development and collection of MAIL wide indicators which will be structured and presented as a Performance Monitoring Dashboard (PMD). Presentation on the PMD to the USDA held on September 18, 2013 CMSs assisted MAIL monitoring and evaluation officers to develop a Harmonized Master Set of SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) results indicators common to all Directorates and DAILs. The identified set of Common Indicators, allows for a comparison across units of the organization. Additionally, in order to be even more relevant to the Ministry's Executive Management, a special Minister's Dashboard was created which contains a Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for MAIL as a whole. MAIL PMD is meant to be part of a larger M&E System. After the first testing procedure CMSs are continuing working with their MAIL colleagues on its further development. Once the system becomes fully operational it will enable MAIL Management to effectively track the progress against the goals and to make evidence based decisions. 9 Kabul International AgFair 2013 STRENGTHENING THE MARKET LINKAGES FOR AFGHANISTAN'S AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS The Kabul International AgFair 2013 was held at Badam Bagh Fairground from October 30 to November 1. It was the fourth AgFair organized solely by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock and supported by the USDA funded CBCMP which provided support to MAIL for communication activities, international marketing and organization of the AgFair. Two international consultants helped build MAILs capacity for International Marketing and Communications. The AgFair was a great opportunity to directly present products to consumers, the large variety of exhibited products prompted numerous visitors to shop The AgFair team’s activities at the provincial level, supported by an intense communication campaign, mobilized a large number of cooperatives and business associations resulting in the highest ever number of exhibitors and visitors. All 180 booths within the fairground circle were sold out two weeks prior to the Fair. Twenty additional booths were installed to accommodate all interested businesses. According to the AgFair management team, around 70,000 thousand people visited this year's AgFair. The motto of the AgFair was "Connecting Products and Markets". Minister Rahimi speaking at the opening ceremony Fruitful Business to Business meetings Representatives of renowned companies from India and Pakistan, including two multinational corporations such as Mahindra&Mahindra and Jain Irrigation, came to explore the business potential of Afghanistan's agriculture sector. The large variety of exhibited products prompted numerous visitors to shop at record levels as compared to past AgFairs. Sector based Business to Business meetings attracted more than 120 businesses. Also the relevance of this year's AgFair Knowledge Center topics motivated a large number of younger businessmen to attend the 12 technical presentations and 7 round table discussions. 10 Kabul International AgFair 2013 Booth exhibitors expressed their satisfaction because of the multiple benefits they earned by participating. Ms. Kamila Sidiqi, CEO of the Kaweyan Group of Companies said: “It is the second AgFair I am participating. I see a lots of improvements comparing to the last year. Interaction between the exhibitors and visitors is much better, and generally there are more visitors. It is good that representatives of some trading companies from India came, I already had some good meetings. I regularly attend the huge fairs in India and Emirates, I wish to see one day Kabul AgFair as big as those international fairs in Mumbai or Dubai.” Kamila Sidiqi, CEO of the Kaweyan Group of Companies Mr. Abhay Barhate, a representative of the Jain Irrigation company from India recognized the great business linkage potential of the AgFair. “This is the first time we came to the AgFair. We found it an excellent opportunity to survey the Afghan market's needs. For example, our solar water pumps can reach depths of 50 meters, here we are requested to provide the pumps that can reach 100 meters. Also, the example of solar cells, temperature in India almost never goes below -5 Celsius Degrees, here it sometimes reaches -15 Celsius. We have a team of 50 engineers, I will immediately communicate the market requests and they will develop the products suitable for this market. We communicated with lots of farmers and businesses, Afghanistan's market certainly has huge business potential and it was a good decision to come to this Fair” said Mr. Barhate. Mr. Hewad Ahmadzai, an employee of the CARD-F Abhay Barhate (on the right) talking to a businessman Program praised this year's improvements in the from Kandahar AgFair organization saying: “It is not only that there are more visitors and more exhibitors. We found the AgFair team much more responsive and flexible towards our needs. For example, we asked them to remove some parts of booth's partitions in order to merge four of our booths and they responded very well. Whatever we needed they reacted promptly and adequately and I am using this opportunity to thank the entire team working with us here on the ground.” Hewad Ahmadzai, representative of the CARD-F Program This year the official AgFair web site was established. It is aimed at further improving the Ministry's communication with the agribusinesses. Kabul International AgFair is the largest trade fair in Afghanistan whose business potential is steadily growing. 11 CBCMP Featured Story USDA VISITS TO KABUL, NANGARHAR AND BALKH DAILs A USDA Delegation visited three DAILs this September: Kabul on September 18, Nangarhar on September 21 and Balkh on September 23-24. The delegation included Ms. Robin Tilsworth and Mr. Peter Benson from USDA Kabul and Ms. Katie Woody and Mr. Jonathan Gressel from USDA Washington. USDA Representatives with the KABUL DAIL officials, CBCMP CMSs and the CBCMP Management They met with DAIL officials, civil servants and the CBCMP Change Management Teams embedded in the DAILs. They discussed the current developments and achievements, as well as the upcoming activities. The USDA Delegation also met CBCMP management to get an update on progress, to talk about remaining activities and to talk about the sustainability of CBCMP initiatives. CBCMP presented the proposed Performance Monitoring Dashboard (PMD) for MAIL concept to the USDA Salih Baktash, CBCMP Team leader presenting on the CBCMP Delegation. activities and assistance to the Kabul DAIL This publication was made possible through support provided by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, Office of Country and Regional Affairs, under the terms of Cooperative Agreement No. 583148-1-042. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service. VEGA is an equal opportunity provider. For additional information about CBCMP please contact us at: [email protected]