Good News Summer 2013 - Catholic Social Services of the Miami


Good News Summer 2013 - Catholic Social Services of the Miami
Summer 2013
Page 3
Available to
Young Moms
Page 8
More Support
Needed for
Page 11
Helped by Early
Page 20
Pat Rupp Golf
Page 23
Catholic Social Services of the Miami
Valley serves people of all faiths in
Auglaize, Darke, Greene, Mercer, Miami,
Montgomery, Preble and Shelby Counties.
A Message from the Executive Director
On the
Front Lines
of Caring
On the Cover: Elizabeth Howey
meets with a senior in her
home. As a care manager, she
assesses the needs of seniors
and arranges friendly visits from
volunteers or respite for care
givers. Howey also assesses
the needs of seniors and
makes referrals to help arrange
services that are needed to
address risks and improve the
quality of life for her clients.
Every day the agency’s professional team of social workers, case managers, counselors and
nurses are visiting with hundreds of clients in urban and rural communities throughout
the Miami Valley. They are on the front lines of problem solving, helping those in need
find paths to address life’s most difficult circumstances.
Helping seniors find the services they need to be safe… Allaying the fears of young
women faced with a crisis pregnancy… Assuring couples that adoption is an attainable
option for creating new families…Offering support and assistance to those struggling to
overcome poverty…Counseling those disabled by depression and stress…Reaching out to
assist struggling parents, troubled children and refugees from war-torn countries….This is
the work of Catholic Social Services.
A private non-profit social service agency like ours is in a unique position to provide
caring and support that is personalized to meet the needs of a child, family or a senior
who lives alone. What we do is personal, and the empathy that propels our work is our
sincere response to the gospel call to serve those in need.
In this issue of Good News, we highlight our work on the front lines, ringing door bells
and offering an outstretched hand of hope. 70% of our Catholic Social Services staff
members are directly engaged in community-based services. They are social workers,
life coaches, nurses and counselors who offer professional, confidential service to help
improve the quality of life for their clients in the urban and rural communities throughout
our eight-county service area. They have helped to improve the lives of thousands of
Miami Valley residents.
You may not see a CSSMV building in your neighborhood, but it is very likely that
someone on your block has been touched by the work of our caring team. We hope
you will continue to share in our mission and support our agency as we adjust to social
change and the new and growing challenges that are impacting the Miami Valley. As
we look to the future…we believe our caring team will continue to be in the forefront,
answering God’s call to help those in need. Warm regards,
Laura J. Roesch
Executive Director
For questions or comments,
contact [email protected]
or call (937) 223-7217 ext. 1142.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Outreach Services
Listening, Connecting and Encouraging
Every day the agency’s professional team of case managers,
counselors and nurses are assisting clients of urban and rural
communities throughout the Miami Valley. Catholic Social
Services’ professional staff provides eleven community-based
social services, a mission that places them on the front lines
of problem solving, helping those in need address life’s most
difficult circumstances.
Peggy Seboldt, CSSMV Director of Social
Services, who has led the development urban
outreach services in the Dayton area, believes
the person to person services offered by
CSSMV are invaluable.
“The increasing prevalence of single
parent families, incarceration and economic
instability has reduced family resources,”
explained Seboldt. “More families are
fragmented, and, for many families, nurturing,
supportive relationships are more difficult
to maintain under the stress of violence and
the impact of the drug culture. As we look
to the future, I believe it will be increasingly
important for us to listen, connect and
Continued on next page
Continued on next page
Good News, Winter
Continued from previous page
help motivate our neighbors to rise above
these social issues at critical times when
support and professional guidance can make
a difference. We have the ability to reach out
to help fragile families, vulnerable children
and isolated seniors.”
Kathy Sell, the Director of the
CSSMV Northern Office who oversees the
administration of agency’s services that
provides home-based care for over 1,400
seniors in the northern Miami Valley, is
also coordinating services to respond to
community trends.
“While the client needs in the rural areas
and small towns in the Miami Valley may be
different from Dayton, families are still in
need of services,” says Sell.“Throughout the
Miami Valley, at-risk populations, including
seniors and residents with disabilities are
increasingly more isolated from family
support as family members, especially the
children in the millennial and generation
X age groups, are moving from agricultural
areas to obtain employment opportunities.”
Funded by a blend of contractual
partnerships with local and state
governments and with private support
from United Way and donors, Catholic
Social Services has a history of successful
social service innovation and has been
able to attract a highly qualified team of
professionals. Many staff are attracted to the
agency because of CSSMV’s client-focused
service models.
Elizabeth Howey, a Senior Services
Assessor and Care Manager, elected to join
Catholic Social Services soon after college
graduation. She welcomed the opportunity to
help seniors and encourage volunteerism. As
a licensed social worker, Howey meets with
seniors to assess environmental and social
needs. She helps seniors understand the risks
that they face and explains the opportunities
The clients
we serve…
that are available for support and home
“Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting
with a 94 year old woman who lives alone
with her cats, Lola and Charlie. We bonded
because we are both cat lovers…and it
helped that her cats instantly jumped into my
lap! She had come to a point in her life when
she recognized she needed to have someone
else in her home to help with a few chores.
She was going to put an advertisement in
the paper for a boarder. We discussed how
it might be dangerous to have an unknown
stranger in her home without having a
Stanley Jackson is a proud truck driver from
Alabama, who came to Dayton 2011 when he
married his childhood sweetheart. His first wife
and mother of his adult children
had passed away and his move to
Dayton was to be a new start for
the 53 year-old.
Serious back surgeries and
the slowdown in the economy
have been obstacles in his pursuit
of a new job.
“I had been looking for a job
that does not require heavy lifting,
and wasn’t getting anywhere. I
was really down. Then, I saw a flyer
from Catholic Social Services that
simply asked ‘Do you need help?’
I called the number and made an
appointment at CSSMV.
“Bridgette, (FSS Case Manager)
referred me to the Job Center and
has been helping me put together a
resume. She is showing me how to
apply for jobs on line and keeps telling me to have faith … I know she is
right. I do have a good attitude. It’s
just important not to give up!” says
“The doctors who operated on my
back told me I wouldn’t be able to
walk …but I prayed for God’s help.
Now, I am walking ten miles a day! With prayers
and help from from Catholic Social Services, I
am determined that there is a job out there for
background check. I explained that I could
introduce her to a trained volunteer who
will visit with her regularly. She listened, and
I am continuing to help meet her need for
companionship and home support.”
As a care manager for the Senior
Volunteer Outreach Program, Howey will
make sure that trained volunteer visitors who
like cats will be matched with the elderly
Catholic Social Services
client. She also will periodically visit to make
sure that the pairing of senior and volunteer
is enriching and satisfying for both parties.
“I am like a friend match maker,” says
Howey. “It is so rewarding to see the power
of friendship and how we can really make life
happier for the elderly.”
“The staff of CSSMV is assisting a record
number of clients at a time when resources
are more limited,” explained Seboldt. “And, at
the same time, we are continuing to maintain
the highest accreditation standards, excellent
consumer satisfaction scores and are
committed to competing as a cost-effective
service provider.”
As CSSMV looks to the future of
caring, the staff is pleased that
progress is being made:
Over 1,500
CSSMV care
into their
n the northern Miami
Valley area, CSSMV
serves as a PASSPORT
administrative agency. In
partnership with the Area
Agency on Aging–PSA 2
and the Ohio Department
of Aging, Catholic Social
Services staff members
from the Sidney office
currently assist over 1,140
Medicaid-eligible seniors. Staff
members regularly visit their
Good News, Summer 2013
elderly rural clients in their homes to arrange
and monitor services from certified providers
of home care services. The program,
CSSMV’s largest care management service,
allows seniors to live independently and
safely in their homes despite chronic health
In addition, the staff in the CSS Northern
Counties Office offers care coordination and
volunteer outreach programs to assist frail
seniors who do not qualify for the state’s
The clients
we serve…
PASSPORT program. Trained volunteers and
staff visit over 250 senior in their homes to
arrange needed care, offer friendship and
help reduce the isolation and the stress of
care giving.
The Food Pantry
staff and volunteers
responded to 15,962
requests for food
assistance and
launched new services
to help families in
n 2012, the Choice Food Pantry
experienced a 43% increase in the
number of requests for emergency
assistance. The usage trend is expected to
continue, as new populations are in need.
Last year, 20% of the clients served in the
pantry were first time pantry users.
As unemployed and underemployed
workers continue to struggle financially and
exhaust their resources, CSSMV is bolstering
efforts to help and offer hope. A team of
Continued on next page
Jeff and Lisa Kemper and their son Gavin now look
forward to a lifetime of wonderful family times.
As an adoptive family, they appreciate Catholic
Social Services.
“Our son is our greatest blessing,” explains
Lisa. “We will always be grateful for the wonderful
staff who helped us bring Gavin into our lives.”
CSSMV offers comprehensive domestic and
international adoption services that include
pregnancy counseling and ongoing support for
birthparents and adoptive families. Counselors
work to assure that the love and nurturing of a
child is the goal that is shared by all involved in
the adoption process.
Continued from previous page
professional social workers and students
were recruited in 2012 to staff the Family
Stabilization and Support (FSS) service
to provide information and offer private
consultation in the pantry. During the last six
months in 2012, they were able to help 233
families by offering information, referral and
assistance needed to help alleviate financial
crisis and emotional stress.
The staff is working to bolster its efforts
to help the urban poor. By working with
other providers in the community, the Pantry
and FSS staff members are increasing care
management and working with community
partners to develop nutrition classes,
employment readiness and skill building
opportunities to better serve the 16,000 who
will seek help at the CSSMV Choice Food
Pantry during 2013.
Life Coaches and
adoption counselors
helped build and
strengthen families.
or many teens and young women,
the impact of a pregnancy is a life
changing experience for which they
are unprepared. Last year, the CSSMV staff of
case managers offered support to over 300
birthparents as they struggled with their new
If a pregnant mother called for help
and wished to consider adoption, CSSMV
provided intensive counseling to help her
examine both parenting and adoption
choices. As a licensed adoption agency,
CSSMV offered material assistance, arranged
medical care and offered a full-range
adoption services. Counselors facilitated selfexamination and the exploration of available
43 year-old Schonya Green, a mother of three,
had worked for thirteen years as a nurse aide
when she had a car accident. Prior to her accident, she had plans to move to a safe neighborhood with two friends. Her hospitalization and
medical bills made it impossible to go forward
with the move.
She had already cancelled
her old lease. She found herself
homeless with young children. In
a panic, she called Catholic Social
She was relieved and really
surprised that a care manager at
the agency took the time to talk
with her and learn about her circumstances, complicated by child
support and health issues. The CSSMV
worker advocated for the family and
helped Green find emergency housing
and beds for her children. She also arranged a pre-school admission for her
4- year old.
“It is so good to know that there are
people who help and cared about my kids
and our wellbeing,” says Green.
The clients
we serve…
adoption options with the birthmothers,
birthfathers and family members.The staff
assisted birthmothers as they made the
decision to complete an adoption plan. In
addition, the adoption staff assisted Miami
Valley couples with international adoptions
which brought children into their families
from China, Russia and Korea.
While most pregnant women are
committed to parenting, many recognize that
they are not prepared and seek help from
CSSMV to meet the needs of their baby. In
these cases, a ParentLink case manager is
assigned to provide education and support to
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
help new parents cope with the challenges
ahead. Last year, staff members regularly met
with young mothers and their babies in their
homes. A staff member also assisted teen
mothers through the Lifestages-Samartan
Center for Women before and after birth. As
parent education specialists, the ParentLink
team offers information, makes needed
referrals and assures that safety and basic
baby care responsibilities are understood.
And, as they establish a positive relationship
with their young clients, they also encourage
new parents to create a plan for advancing
their education and employment prospects
to give future stability to young families. (See
ParentLink story on page 9.)
the victims and their adoptive and foster
parents find opportunities to overcome the
harm that was inflicted on them.
The Early Childhood Program, a service
developed to assist parents and pre-school
teachers, provides support to fourteen
daycare centers in the Northern Miami
Valley. Experienced CSSMV educators and
counselors work together with parents and
care providers to identify and help children
overcome behavioral issues at the earliest age.
The Miami Valley Family Care Center,
one of the first pre-school centers in the
area to be available to low income families
and one of the first centers to earn a fourstar rating from Ohio’s Step Up to Quality
educational review. CSSMV’s early learning
center is located on West Third Street in
Dayton and partners with parents to provide
individualized learning plans to prepare
students for academic success.
Children’s services and
pre-school protect and
prepare children for
future success.
Resettlement team
t the heart of the CSSMV mission is a reaches out to help
commitment to protect and support
victims of world strife.
children.The agency’s social services
staff works to address issues and concerns
that form obstacles to the future success of
Erma’s House Supervised Family
Visitation Center, celebrating its fifteenth
anniversary year, continue efforts to reduce
domestic strife by providing a protective
environment to assure that children and their
non-custodial parents experience positive,
life-enriching visits together.
SAFE Counseling, a specialized
counseling program reaches out to help
children who have experienced abuse
and neglect in their young lives. CSSMV
counselors offer intensive counseling to help
Good News, Summer 2013
African, South Asian, Latin American and
Middle Eastern refugees. (See Refugee story
on page 11.)
Counselors help
strengthen families
and offer professional
uring the past year, Mental Health
Counselors provided professional
support to assist over 400 families
and individuals. The staff of professionals
assisted individuals struggling to cope with
stress and loss and provided sessions for
couples who sought professional help to
resolve issues and improve communication.
Counselors in the northern office also led
group sessions to assist special populations,
including clients with developmental delays.
The counseling staff also conducted marriage
and relationship seminars as well as parenting
education programs.
he CSSMV Refugee Resettlement
program in recent years has been
challenged to maintain its lifesaving obligation to the U.S. international
resettlement effort. Funding cuts in the
national program and the unprecedented
hardships endured by the refugees who were
seeking asylum challenged the agency staff
as many refugees required intensive case
management as they struggled to overcome
years of trauma and life in refugee camps.
Meeting the challenge, the refugee staff, with
the help volunteers and church communities,
has successfully found partnerships to help
continue its service. Last year, the refugee
resettlement team was able to assist 140
Cry; It
Will Be
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
ParentLink Support
Available to Young Moms
hen 23 year-old Natasha Peters began
to recall her most vivid childhood memories,
her eyes welled with tears. Her three year-old
daughter, Dominique, instinctively reached
for a tissue and placed it in her mother’s hand
saying,“Don’t cry. It’s okay.”
Her child’s encouragement put a smile
on Natasha face as she gave her daughter a
long hug. “You know I always said that to my
mom. I can remember how I wanted to help
her be happy. Even when we were in foster
care, I always knew she loved us,” explained
The young mother recounted the
journey through foster homes that she and
her siblings shared, a journey that began
when she was her daughter’s age. She vividly
remembers the loneliness, the fear of physical
abuse and the constant sadness – not feeling
whole without her mother and father.
When she was united with her mom
in first grade, happier childhood times
were mixed with times of instability that
she attributes to her mother’s battle with
addiction. Her mother eventually overcame
drugs, and Natasha grew to trust and gain
strength from her love and support.
As she became a mother, Natasha vowed
that she would always provide a stable life for
her children. Her resolve was challenged just
Dominque is a precocious six-year-old
pre-school student. At her young age,
she already understands that her mother
is working very hard to make sure that she
and her sister have a good home…and
she is the first to notice and offer help if her
mom is upset.
Good News, Summer 2013
months after Dominique was born. Her mom
died, leaving her to recoil into the loneliness
that nearly overcame her as a child. At this
very low point in her life, she was able to
reach out for help from CSSMV’s ParentLink
When she called Catholic Social
Services’ ParentLink, she was invited to
participate with other young mothers in a
parenting support group. She found that
that there are many mothers like herself who
want to make a better future for their families
— but they, like her, realize that they need
help to achieve their goals.
Rita Howard, Natasha’s ParentLink
Life Coach, explains,“Young mothers who
have not experienced being part of a
nurturing, stable family need to develop a
new understanding. The goal of ParentLink
is to build a new perception of family life by
offering young mothers personalized support
and education.”
Rita routinely visits with Natasha in her
home. They talk often on the phone, and
Rita encourages her to call whenever she has
questions. Recently, they have spent several
visits talking about appropriate discipline
techniques to correct her three year-old.
Natasha also relies on Rita’s help
when the day to day problems can seem
insurmountable.“Last month, my 6 month-old
daughter, Jayla, decided to chew on the last
coupon for her very expensive infant formula.
I called Rita in a panic, and she rescued us
and delivered a can of formula… I really did
not have the money to buy it, and my baby
was hungry. I know it was not a big thing,
but for us, it was everything!”
Helping young mothers like Natasha
“You know I always said
that to my mom. I can
remember how I wanted
to help her be happy.
Even when we were
in foster care, I always
knew she loved us.”
— Natasha Peters
solve life’s small emergencies…and, at the
same time, helping young parents focus
on their big life goals is the purpose of the
ParentLink program. Rita and Natasha work
on achieving parenting education goals.
Natasha is completing 22 units of lessons
in the Nurturing Parent Curriculum. She
takes pre and post tests to measure her
parenting knowledge and her retention of
the information that is discussed when Rita
reviews child development topics.
Natasha has also created a future plan
for herself and her family. Her goal is to be
self-sufficient and to afford her own home for
her family. Rita and Natasha have spent many
hours reviewing the paths that are available
to reach her goals.To aide in the journey,
Rita helps her client by making referrals to
community resources and advocates for
Natasha to help her overcome obstacles.
As Natasha reflects on the progress she
is making, she is grateful for the support
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page
that she has been given. “My ParentLink
Life Coaches have encouraged me to
have confidence in myself and helped me
understand that there are good people in
our lives that can help us through the rough
times, explains Natasha.“I have come to rely
on my friend Georgia, Jayla’s godmother. She
is someone who has given us a home and is
making it possible for me to care for my girls,
hold a full-time job and go to school.”
Rita is also helping to guide Natasha
through the process of gaining paternal
support and establishing visitation. She has
also helped her connect with her daughter’s
paternal grandmother who lives in Cincinnati
and is able and willing to help the young
By encouraging Natasha to reach out
to establish positive relationships with
friends and family members who support her
aspirations and dreams for the future, Rita is
working to help build a foundation for future
stability and self-sufficiency.
Natasha greatest joys in life are her two children,
Jayla and Dominique. “I work and I study because
they are my world,” says Natasha.
According to Rita, the young mother’s
progress is inspiring to others:“Natasha has
become a star student in so many aspects of
her life. During the past two years, she has
successfully completed parenting classes,
obtained an Associate’s Degree and taken on
a full-time job as a member of the janitorial
Rita meets with Natasha regularly to continue
discussions on parenting issues and discuss the
needs of the family.
staff at Sinclair Community College. She also
is continuing her studies and is nearing her
goal to become a pharmacy technician.”
Natasha has also inspired other young
mothers to participate in the ParentLink
program. “I have been very down. I have
been so low that I could not leave my house.
I don’t want to be there again, and I want
others to know that someone will care and
help. I give them the ParentLink number….I
can assure them that someone will care.”
During the past 15 years, the CSSMV
ParentLink program has helped over 1,000
young parents, mothers and fathers. Staff
members are like proud relatives when they
celebrate their clients’ success and attend
graduations and happy family celebrations
—believing that our entire community is
enriched when families are nurturing success.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Refugee Program Welcomes New Americans
More Support Needed for
Humanitarian Mission
hen Rukia stepped
off the plane at Dayton
International Airport, she took
a deep breath and clutched
the white plastic bag with her
immigration papers and a few
possessions. Her thoughts
raced as she followed other
passengers. She did not know
what would be around the next
turn as she walked through the
long terminal hallways. Her
optimism and hopeful enthusiasm kept her
moving forward to the unknown.
She and her family had fled from Somalia
and Ethiopia to the safety of a Kenyan refugee
camp run by the United Nations. Rukia can
not remember life in her homeland. When
she arrived in Dayton, she left behind the
memories of years spent within the refugee
camp where she waited with thousands of
her countrymen for food, medical care—and
a chance for a life beyond the wire fences. To
be selected and approved for resettlement by
the U.N., the U.S. State Department and the
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is not
unlike winning the lottery—millions seek
asylum from war-torn countries and less than
one percent of those who apply are given
authorization to come to the United States.
Often fleeing persecution, refugees are
without the luxury of bringing personal
possessions or opportunities that would
prepare them for life in a new culture.
“When refugees arrive, many come with
the notion that the prosperous American
life will immediately be available,“ explains
Dorothy Balser, Manager of the CSSMV
Refugee Resettlement Program. “From the
time the refugee is picked up from the
airport, our case managers begin to provide
acculturation and support. This includes
dispelling the myth that everyone in America
is rich…and helping the refugee understand
the reality that they must become selfsufficient as soon as possible.”
The U.S. government allots each refugee
a small per capita grant intended to meet
their basic needs in their first 30-90 days in
the United States. Beyond that, refugees must
Continued on next page
“Many in Dayton have worked so hard to
make this transition easy for me, I cannot
thank them enough.” — Rukia
Good News, Winter 2012
After fleeing Ethiopia
and living in a Kenyan
refugee camp for nearly
20 years, Rukia was given an opportunity to
begin a new life in the United States in 2012.
The Kenyan camp where she grew up was
crowded and at times challenging, but it
was among the most organized in Africa.
As a young child, she was able to take
advantage of educational opportunities. She
became fluent in English and several African
languages. She also was chosen to receive
training as a camp social worker and assisted
within the camp to help others who had
medical and mental health needs.
In Kenya, Rukia worked with children who
were impaired due to mental and physical
handicaps. Her commitment to help those
with disabilities has continued in America.
“Mental and physical disabilities are not well
understood in my culture, many people think
it is contagious or that it is bad luck wished
on them,” explains Rukia. “I still encourage
others to learn and help our refugees
understand mental/physical illness and the
importance of pre-natal care.”
Since her arrival in the US, Rukia has
obtained employment at the University of
Dayton with Alpha and Omega cleaning
agency. She is grateful for the support she
has received from Catholic Social Services
and is supporting the Refugee Resettlement
as a volunteer interpreter, helping those who
are beginning their acclimation to America.
“Life has gotten easier with the help
of my friends and co-workers,” Rukia said.
“My friends have given me good advice and
the people at Catholic Social Services have
helped in many ways. They play a large role
in my life by helping find my house and giving
advice when I need it. Many in Dayton have
worked so hard to make this transition easy
for me, I cannot thank them enough.”
Continued from previous page
complete the process to qualify for public
assistance or government programs. The
public assistance available to refugees is no
different from the assistance received by
Americans who live in poverty.
According to Balser,“Newly arrived
refugees are assisted in their search for
sustainable employment. Still, once the
financial support cap is reached, refugees
must rely on their own employment income
to manage their expenses. Charitable
benefactors and church communities have
often stepped up to provide additional
assistance and support to those who are
experiencing unique hardships. Cash and
in-kind donations are a significant help
for supplementing the small amount the
government provides.”
“For decades, the agency has
successfully acclimated refugees from
almost every continent,” says Balser. “The
Dayton community has embraced our
refugees. Community volunteers enjoy
their experience as mentors and tutors and
have expressed that this new relationship
has enriched their lives and the lives of
their families. We have also cultivated local
employers who are willing to offer entrylevel positions to our refugees. Employers
observe that our refugees welcome
the opportunity to obtain work and
the chance for a job upgrade. They are
excellent employees!”
In recent years, the challenge
to quickly propel refugees into the
mainstream of American life has gained
a new level of difficulty as the impact of
the inhumane treatment and extended
living experiences in refugee camps
have resulted in health problems, and
the impact of traumatic experiences
has created obstacles to overcome. In
some countries of origin, refugees have
experienced torture and had to endure
life-threatening hardships as they were
forced to continually run from insurgent
forces determined to kill. Many arriving
refugees come from countries where they
have endured years of sectarian violence
without opportunities for education or
Last year, the refugee resettlement
team welcomed 140 new refugees who
arrived from Africa, South Asia, Latin
America and the Middle East. The arrival
pattern is expected to continue through
How can
and individuals
help refugees?
• Volunteer. Become a mentor or
assist with household set-ups,
transportation or assist with
acculturation activities.
• Give gently used furniture and
household goods to our refugees.
The St. Vincent Thrift Store is
supporting refugees and will provide
a free pickup. Please call 937-2237217 ext. 4297. Your donation may be
earmarked to help CSSMV refugees.
• Pledge to prepare or fund one or
more Welcome Baskets.
Bath in a Bag – Cost $25
Bed in a Bag - $50
Grocery Starter Kit – Cost $85
Kitchen Start Up Kit –Cost $120
• Welcome refugees as they take
their first steps toward their
American dreams.
“We are making a plea for community
support so that we may extend additional
assistance to our refugees.”
­— Dorothy Balser, Manager
CSSMV Refugee Resettlement Program
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Facts about Refugees
Grocery Starter Kit Cost $85* (per family)
*Without gift card ($45) purchased from Wal-Mart or
Kroger to offset the cost of fresh dairy and meat products)
2 Large bags flour
1 Large bag sugar
2 Bags white cornmeal flour
1 Standard size container of
salt (for cooking)
2# Pinto beans
5# White rice
1 Large box tea bags (basic
black tea)
1 Large can Nesquik™
1 Large (gallon size) bottle
cooking oil
2 Large cans tomato sauce
10 cans diced tomatoes
1 jar grape jelly
Bath in a Bag Cost $25 (per person)
1 Bath towel
1 Hand towel
1 Wash cloth
1 Adult-size
1 Full-size toothpaste
1 Bar soap
1 Stick deodorant
1 Razor (small pack)
1 Full-size bottle
1 Full-size bottle
1 Comb
1 Toilet paper (4-pk)
Bed in a Bag Cost $50 (per person)
Twin size sheet set (1 fitted, 1 flat, 1 pillowcase included)
Twin Size Blanket
Twin Size Comforter
Pillow (must be new in package)
Kitchen Start Up Kit Cost $120 (family of 4*)
*Additional serving items added for larger families
1 Cutting board
1 Silverware container
1 Chef knife
1 Paring knife
1 Flipper / Spatula
2 Large spoon for stirring /
1 Bowl strainer
1 Pitcher
3 or 4 Dish towels
2 Hot pads or oven mitts
3 Small storage containers
(like disposable packs)
1 Dish soap
4 Plates
4 Bowls
4 Sets of silverware (knife,
fork, spoon)
4 Glasses
4 Mugs
1 Small sauce pan (lid
1 Larger sauce pan (lid
optional) (two sauce pans
total if you do not have
different sizes)
1 Small frying pan (lid
1 Larger frying pan (lid
2 or 3 Mixing bowls
(sometimes in sets of 3)
2 or 3 Serving bowls with
lids for storing food
1 Stock pot
1 Tea kettle
1 Can opener
1 Set of measuring cups
1 Set of measuring spoons
1 Cookie sheet (flat baking
1 Rectangular cake pan
To get additional
information or to
make a Welcome
Basket donation:
Visit www.cssmv .org/
donation refugee.
Or, call 937 223-7217 ext.
A refugee is a person who has fled or who
has been forced to leave the security of their
home country due to a well-founded fear
of persecution on account of race, religion,
nationality, membership in a particular social
group, or political opinion.
Millions have spent decades in refugee camps,
unable to return home. Oftentimes they leave
suddenly and with few possessions.
Individuals who are granted refugee status
overseas by the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security are admitted to the U.S. for
resettlement. National voluntary resettlement
agencies, such as the U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and their affiliates,
are guided by the U.S. Department of State
to provide resettlement services that will help
refugees gain self-sufficiency as quickly as
possible after arrival in the United States.
CSSMV is an affiliate of USCCB for providing
refugee resettlement services in Dayton. It is a
ministry that began in the 1920’s as the agency
was formed to assist European refugees who
were arriving from Ireland, Germany and Italy.
Newly arrived refugees in Dayton receive
supportive services from CSSMV’s Refugee
Resettlement Program for placement in initial
furnished housing, a cultural orientation
overview, employment assistance and linkage
to community resources such as referral to ESL
services and medical services.
During 2012, the Refugee Resettlement
Program of CSSMV received 140 refugees.
The largest number of arriving refugees
welcomed into the Dayton community came
from the countries of Bhutan, Eritrea and
Ethiopia. Other represented countries were
Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi, Columbia and Iraq.
This arrival pattern is expected to continue
through 2013.
Good News, Summer 2013
Giving C
atholic Social Services of the Miami Valley is truly
grateful for the ongoing support of individuals, families,
and organizations in our community. The following list
reflects gifts given between December 1, 2012, and June
30, 2013. If you have any questions, or would like to
request a copy of your giving history, please contact our
development office at 937-223-7217 ext. 1141.
In memory of …
Rachel Lynn Buschur Memorial
Rachel Lynn Buschur Memorial
Marilyn Agnew
Mr.Thomas Agnew
All Deceased Priests
Ms. Mary Ann Bell
Alva, Ruth, David and Clarence
Ms. Patricia McEldowney
Regina Anderson
Mrs. Martha Carol Berus
Mary G. Arnold
Ms. Elizabeth Arnold
Raymond Balzer
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zengel
Dorothy Barlow
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Caldwell
Ron Barna
Mr. Robert L. Barna
Donald Beall, Sr.
Mrs. Martha L. Beall
Clarence L. Beamish
CSSMV Administrative Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Grieshop
Pauline C. BehringerSnyder
Ms. Joan B. Boska
William Benge
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dworkin
Mrs. Annette Lechleiter
Ms. Mary Strathem
Stephen Bermick
Mr. Christian D. Bermick
Ed Bolton
Mrs. Marilyn E. Bolton
Alan Braun
Mr. Walter Braun
Jerry Brinkman
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Eckerle, Ph.D.
Walter & Dorothy Bruns
Mr. and Mrs. Martyn G. Burt
Callahan and Boston
Ms. Frances D. Callahan
Ruth Carbaugh
Mr. Leroy Carbaugh
Seth Coleman
Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Cerny
Nellie Culver
Mr. Fred A. Culver
William E. Daley
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Wittmann
Mary M. Daniszewskii
Mr. Robert Daniszewski
Vincent F. Delli Carpini
Mr. Harold A. Shaw
Michael Dielman
Ms. Candice Dielman
Maddalena Disalvo
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schweickart
Luella Echemann
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Myers
Joshua Eiting
Mr. and Mrs. James Eiting
Jose L. Espiniella
Mrs. Carmen F. Espiniella
Barbara J. Feverston
Mr. & Mrs. Dana M. Bales
Betty Fiorita
Dr. & Mrs.Timothy P. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs.William Flynn
Ms. Eileen M. Flynn
Thomas V. Francis
CSSMV Sidney Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Francis
William H. Gast
Mrs. Patricia Gast
Marcella Gast-Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Salzman
Keith J. Gehle
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Woods
Diane Gentile
Ms. Patricia Gentile
Ms. Patricia Gentile
Rita E. Gentile
Mr. & Mrs.Tom Beck
Mrs. Mary Judith Bloom
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Colaizzi
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Gutman
Ms. Carol Petri
Anthony Giambrone
Ms. Letitia Giambrone
Rose and Adam Gillotti
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Gillotti
Florence G. Ginnan
Mr. Robert E. Ginnan
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Govan, Jr.
Mary Jane Gross
Mr. Eugene L. Gross
Maureen Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Call
Marjorie Heinrichs
Ms. R. Agnes Laux
George W. Hellmund
Mrs. Jean E. Hellmund
Herbert Hixon
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Grieshop
Larry K. Holland
Mrs. Rose Baker
Alfred B. Homan
Mrs. Bernadine Homan
Ida M. Homan
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Boehmer
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dapore
Robert T. Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. John F. McHugh
Mrs. Marjorie Porter
Mr. & Mrs.Walter Kearns
Ms. Carleen K. Suttman
Sophie Keneavy
Mr. & Mrs.Terry Applegate
Mary Ann Keseric
Mrs. H. Joan Barry
Marlene Kessler
Mrs. Marilyn J. Jordan
Westgate Villas
Margaret Keyes Wood
Rev. Joseph W. Goetz
Ed Klaben
Mrs. Bernice Klaben
Joseph J. Klosterman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Grieshop
Barbara R. Krug
Mr. Joseph P. Krug
Wayne Lawrence
Ms. Mary C. Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. G. Edward Loges
Ms. Marsha J. Loges
Luskoski & Carter Families
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Carter
Carolina Macias
Mr. Jose Macias
Helen S. Mack
Ms. Geraldine S. Moran
Ralph Maddox
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford O. Wild, Jr.
Vincent James Massucci
Rev. Joseph D. Massucci
Mac McCarty
Ms. Rebecca A. McCarty
Sarah J. Michel
Mr. Jeffrey Michel
Kevin Miller
Mrs. Pene Miller
Don C. Monnier
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gran
Shirley A. Moore
Mr. Dale V. Moore
Becky Mosler
Ms. Sara Mosler
Marianne L. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis B. Clark
Eugene Paul Muth
Ms. Greta C. Harlett
Mary Nauman
Mr. Joseph G. Nauman
Joseph John Nealon
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Vail
Richard C. Olds
Ms. Linda Mansfield
Lynn Pleiman
Mr. Cyril Lange
Sara Prenger
Ms. Marlene Prenger
Helen Rominger
Mrs. Mary T. Widner
Roger S. Rush
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Rush
Albert Scarpelli
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Paton, Jr.
Michael Schierloh
Ms. Vera Schierloh
Jack A. Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Siefring
Louise Seiler
Ms. Karen Averbeck
Mr. & Mrs. W.Terry Averbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schwab
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Seiler
George Shafer
Mr. Christian D. Bermick
Mary V. Smith
Mr. Oria J. Smith
Anne Soehner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Schmalhoffer,
Pamela L. Starline
Ms. Cheryl A. Bolinger
Patricia Steenbergen
Mr. Howard Steenbergen
Lee Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. David Bensman
Robert Taylor
Mrs. Rosemary Taylor
Virginia Uhrig
Ms. Jane A. Brockman
Victims at Newton
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Weber
Mrs. Eileen M. Weber
Clara Weimer
Ms. Katherine T. Weimer-Nahhas
Megan Weisenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Luzar
Michael W. Yoho
Mr. Christopher M. Capers
Richard Zech
Mrs.Thecla L. Zech
In honor of …
St. Charles Borromeo
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Donahue
All Birthparents
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Weaver
All Retired Priests
Ms. Mary Ann Bell
Jane Balquiedra
Ms. Jane Balquiedra
Ann E. Becker
Mr. & Mrs. David Adkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Wilke
Andrew Beiring
Ms. Andrea Beiring
George Bens
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Arwine
Robert Bockrath
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Brooks
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Wittmann
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Burke
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Wittmann
Richard Burkhardt
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Wittmann
Andria J. Chiodo
Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Fogel
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Clark
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Wittmann
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Nympha S. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. David R.Younkin
Michael W. Craig
Premier Health Partners
Mr. & Mrs. Nick G.
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Wittmann
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Marchal
Mary Enigk
Ms. Jeanne M. Key
Steven L. Ewers
Mr. Anthony Ewers
Maryellen F. Fargey
Ms. Kathleen Fargey
R. P. Finke
Ms. Rachel Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Flint
Mrs. Janice D. Wooles
Foster Children
Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Haverland
Bernard H. Fullenkamp
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ghory, Jr.
Jill Gaydos
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Wittmann
Carolyn Gollings
Mr. and Mrs. David R.Younkin
Denis Hart
Ms. Neta D. Potts
Marilyn Hart
Ms. Janet Dugan
Ben Hecht
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hecht
Ruth Hickey
Mr. Glen Carr
Hoagland Family
Mr. James Kubacki
Andrew Holzinger
Ms. Andrea Holzinger
Mrs. Bonnie Holzinger
Denise Jasek
Mr. Frank Jasek
Kathy Kenard
Mrs. Rosemary Taylor
James Kennedy
Ms. Noreen Kennedy
Sameh Khouzam
Premier Health Partners
Diana Koesters
Ms. Noreen Kennedy
Keith Kohler
Ms. Mary E. Kohler
Cheryl M. Lavilla
Ms. Lindsie MacPherson
Mr. & Mrs. John Leiker
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Homan
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Mathile
Ms. Donna M. Beeson
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Michaud
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Powers, Jr.
Sister Dolorosa Oen
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Haehn
Peter and Anastasia
Mrs. Lilia Rastrigin
Leroy Piekenbrock
Mr. and Mrs. John Clune
Kitty Pier
Mr. James F. Kuenle
Ruth Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alig
Brian Rabe
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Wittmann
Good News, Summer 2013
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rabe
Mrs. Joanne E. Daley
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Wittmann
Thomas E. Russell
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Wheeler
Joy L. Scoates
Mrs. Joy L. Scoates
Ned J. Sifferlen
Premier Health Partners
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Simons
Mrs. Ruth Powers
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Powers, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs.William E. Stueve
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Wittmann
Larry Taylor
Premier Health Partners
Tom & Dara
Mr. David Schenck
Mary Patricia Wampler
Premier Health Partners
Janice D.Wooles
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Wittmann
Parents Wuebker
Mr. Kenneth Wuebker
Mr. & Ms. Howard T. Ackerman
Ms. Miriam Adams
Mr. & Mrs. David Addison
Mrs. Debra R. Adimey
Mr. & Mrs. David Adkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Adler
Mr.Thomas Agnew
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ahrens
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Albers
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Albers
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Aldrich
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Aldridge
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Alexander
Ms. Jean Ali
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Alig
Ms. Audria Ali-Maki
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Allaire
Dr. Evangeline C. Andarsio
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Anderson
Mr. John K. Anderson
Ms. Lorraine R. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Anglin, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs.Terry Applegate
Ms. Erika Aquilar
Ms. Lauri Arcuri
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Armbruster
Mr. & Mrs. Justin R. Armstrong
Mr. Douglas Armstrong
Ms. Elizabeth Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. William Arthur
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Arwine
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Asebrook, III
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Athmer
Ms. Patricia Athmer
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Aughe
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. August
Mr. & Mrs. W.Terry Averbeck
Ms. Karen Averbeck
Mrs. Rose Baker
Mr. Dane Baldwin
Mr. Dana M. Bales
Ms. Jane Balquiedra
Mr. William Baney
Ms. Stephanie Banna
Mr. Robert J. Bardua
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Barhorst
Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold A. Barhorst
Mr. Anthony G. Barker
Mr. Robert L. Barna
Mr.Thomas Barnell
Ms. H. Joan Barry
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Barton
Ms. Melissa Barton
Mr. Michael Bartowitz
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Batista
Carol Bauer, S.C.
Mr. James M. Baumann
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Baumer
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Beach
Ms. Renee Beach
Mrs. Martha L. Beall
Mr. & Mrs.Tom Beck
Mr. & Mrs. J. Lawrence Becker
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Beckman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Beckman
Mr. & Mrs.Ted Beckman
Mr.Timothy J. Beckman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Beecher
Ms. Donna M. Beeson
Mr. & Mrs. Robin Begley
Mrs. Patricia S. Begley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Behr
Ms. Heather Behr
Ms. Andrea Beiring
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Beiser
Mr. Glenn Bell Sr.
Ms. Mary Ann Bell
Mr. Jose Beltran
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Bendik
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. David Bensman
Ms. Cindy A. Bensman
Dr. & Mrs. Alan P. Berens
Mr. & Mrs. Victor G. Bergman
Mr. Christian D. Bermick
Ms. Christine S. Bernard
Ms. Kari Bernard
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Bernhold
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Berning
Ms. Shirley Berning
Mrs. Cindy Bertleff
Mrs. Martha Carol Berus
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Beust
Mr. & Mrs. William Beyke
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bieber
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Biegel
Mr. Ronald S. Bielak
Mrs. Julie M. Biermann-Weaver
Mr. Bradley T. Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence J. Bittner
Ms. Adrienne M. Blake
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bleckmann
Mrs. Mary Judith Bloom
Mr. Edward Bochynski
Mr. Joseph H. Bockelman & Mrs.
Barbara Driehaus
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boeckman
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Boehmer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bohrer
Ms. Cheryl A. Bolinger
Dr. & Mrs. Barrett H. Bolton, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Bolton
Mrs. Marilyn Bolton
Mr. & Mrs.Theodore J. Bon
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Bonner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Borchers
Ms. Penny Borchers
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Borgerding
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bornhorst
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph F. Bornhorst
Ms. Joan B. Boska
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Bosslet
Dr. John F. Bowling, M.D.
Mr. Edward Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Bradbury
Ms. Patricia Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Bramlage
Ms. Cheryl E. Brandenburg
Ms. Pamela Branham
Mr. Walter Braun
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Braunlin, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Randall E. Breaden
Ms. Margaret A. Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bridgman
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Brinkman
Mr. Dennis J. Bristow
Ms. Kelly Britt
Ms. Emilie Britton
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Brockman
Ms. Jane A. Brockman
Ms. Kathy Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Ned Brown
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas D. Brown
Mr. Jay A. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Browne
Mr. Steve G. Browne
Mr. Richard Brubaker
Ms. Sandra Brubaker
Mrs. & Mrs. Janet Bruggeman
Mr. Jeff S. Brumbaugh
Ms. Catherine Brunner
Mr. R.L. Brunswick
Mr. Nicholas Bryan
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Bryant
Ms. Caroline J. Buckey
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Budde
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Buescher
Mr. & Mrs. Gene P. Burbey
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Burrows, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Martyn G. Burt
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Byrd
Mr.Tim Byrd
Mr.Timothy A. Cady
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Call
Ms. Frances D. Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Callaway
Ms. Molly Wall Cammerer
Mr. Frank Campanile
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Campbell
Ms. Elsie Canonaco
Mr. Christopher M. Capers
Ms. Claire E. Cappel
Mr. Leroy Carbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Cardilino
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Carlile
Deacon & Mrs. John K. Carlin
Ms. Sylvia J. Carmody
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Carper
Mr. Glen Carr
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Carroll, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Carter
Mr. Eugene T. Carter
Ms. Louise A. Carter
Mrs. Carol Cartwright
Mr. Joseph Caschera
Mr. Robert L. Caspar, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Ceferino J. Cata, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Catanzarita
Ms. Diane Cathcart
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Cavanaugh
Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Cerny
Mrs. Elaine L. Cerny
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Chambers
Ms. Rachel Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chanatry
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Phil G. Chick
Ms. Andria J. Chiodo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Christ
Mr. Anthony M. Ciani
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis B. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Clelland
Mr. & Mrs. John Clune
Ms. Paula Clune
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Cobb
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Cobb
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Codeluppi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Colaizzi
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Collins, M.D.
Dr. James D. Cooper
Mr. Robert E. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Cordonnier
Mr. Adam W. Cormier
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Corpstein
Ms. Despina Costandinidis
Mr. Glenn Costie
Mrs. Julie Covault
Mrs. Carolyn R. Craig
Ms. Suzanne Crippen
Mr. & Mrs. Nick G. Crnkovich
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Crotty
Mr. & Mrs. L. William Crotty
Ms. Linda A. Crowell
Mr. Fred A. Culver
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Curk
Ms. Cindy Currell
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Custenborder
Mrs. Catherine M. Custenborder
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Daley
Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Daniel
Mr. Robert Daniszewski
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Dapore
Ms. Glenna Darnell-Baughman
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Dashewich
Ms. Mary V. Dashewich
Mr. & Mrs. Bennett W. Davies
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Davis
Mr. Peter M. Kilmartin & Mrs. Mary
Jo Davis
Mr. Wayne Davis
Mrs. Karen L. Davis
Ms. Calandria Dawson
Mr. Chauncey Dean
Mr. Scott T. Debanto
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. DeBrosse
Mr. John W. Decker
Ms. Darcy L. Deddens
Mr.Thomas Deffet
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Deis, Jr.
Ms. Jean Deitering
Mr. Glenn DeLand
Miss Deborah A. Deloye
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas A. Demko
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Deneski
Mr. Daniel E. Denlinger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Depiro
Ms. Charlene Desch
Mr. Lawrence J. Detamore
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. DeThomas
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Detmer
Mr. Benjamin Van DeWeghe
Senator Michael DeWine
Mr. James Diehl
Ms. Candice Dielman
Ms. Geraldine Dietrich
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Diller
Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. DiPasquale
Mrs. Michelle Dircksen
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dirckx
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Ditzel, D.O.
Ms. Regina A. Dixon
Ms. Barbara M. Doerr
Ms. Mary E. Doerr
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Donahue
Dr. Patrick & Dr. Brenda Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Donofrio
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Dorn
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Dosky
Ms. Susan K. Douglas
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Downer
Ms. Amy Draugelis
Mrs. Mary Ann Drewry
Mr. Charles Duckro
Deacon & Mrs. Roger Duffy
Mrs. Jean M. Dugan
Ms. Janet Dugan
Mr. Jeffrey R. Dundon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dungan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Dupps
Mr. John Dutro
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dworkin
Ms. Emilie S. Dymond
Mr. Ronald E. Earhart
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Echols
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Eckerle, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Eckert
Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Eckert
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Edmiston
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin C. Eifert
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Eilerman
Ms. Emily Eilerman
Mrs. Dorothy M. Eisenhauer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Eismann
Mr. & Mrs. James Eiting
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Eiting
Ms. Bridget C. Eldred
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Ellis
Ms.Trisha Elson
Mr. & Mrs. John Emery
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Esser
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas A. Estep
Ms. Bonnie L. Evans
Ms. Jane E. Evans
Ms. Jennifer Evans
Mr. Anthony Ewers
Mr. Robert E. Fahrendorf
Ms. Dawn Fair
Ms. Darlene Farell
Ms. Kathleen Fargey
Ms. Katrina Farmer
Mr. Jeffrey L. Fath
Ms. Shirley Favors
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Febus
Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Federspiel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Feighery
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Ferdelman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Ferneding
Mr.Thomas Fesenmyer
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Fialko
Mr. & Mrs.Theodore J. Fink
Ms. Alberta Fink
Mr. & Mrs. R. Peter Finke
Mr. Richard P. Firsdon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fischbach
Mr. Phillip Fischbach
Ms. Joanie M. Fischbach
Mr. Kenneth M. Fisher
Ms. Margo Fisher
Mr. Brandon Flanagan
Mr. Richard C. Flowers
Ms. Eileen M. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Focke
Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Fogel
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Fogt
Judge & Mrs. Patrick J. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Foley
Mrs. Margaret Foley
Ms. Carol Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Francis
Mr. Jeff Francis
Mrs. Suzanne Frankenberg
Br. Bernard J. Frantz
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Freimuth
Mr. & Mrs. Don Frericks
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Frey
Mr. Roger Frey
Ms. Edna Frezgi
Ms. Amy M. Fritinger
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas P. Frolo
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Fromholt
Mr.Thomas J. Fromholt
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Fullencamp
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard H. Fullenkamp
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fullenkamp
Mr. Anthony Fullenkamp
Mr. Richard L. Furry, Esq.
Mr. Richard Gabriel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Gaeke
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Gagermeier
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Raymond H. Gaier,
USAF (Ret)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ganger
Mr.Thomas H. Gardner
Mrs. Debra T. Garmhausen
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Garner
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gase
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Gast
Ms. Adele M. Gattes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gauder
Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Gearhardt
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Geise
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Genovesi
Ms. Denise Gensler
Ms. Patricia Gentile
Mrs.Theresa George
Ms. Kay A. George
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gerlach
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ghory, Jr.
Ms. Letitia Giambrone
Mr. Michael Gibson
Mr. Chris Gigandet
Mr. Dick Gigandet
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Gillotti
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gillotti
Mr. Fred Gillotti
Mr. Robert E. Ginnan
Ms. Jessica Ginter
Ms. Mary Sue Gmeiner
Ms. Jennifer Gockley
Ms. Mary Goetz
Rev. Joseph W. Goetz
Mrs. Niyata Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Gollings
Mr. Herbert Gompertz
Mr. John F. Goode
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Gossett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Gottschlich
Mr. William D. Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Govan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Graber, II
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Gran
Ms. Dalma C. Grandjean
Mrs. Janet M. Graul
Mr. James R. Greene, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Grieshop
Mr. & Mrs. William Griffin
Dr. & Mrs. David Grigg
Ms. Monica L. Grilliot
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Groesbeck
Mr. Anthony Groshek
Mr. Jacob A. Groshek
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Grosjean
Mr. Eugene L. Gross
Ms. Carla Gross
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Grote
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy P. Grow
Mr.Thomas E. Gucwa
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Guerrant
Mr. Bruce D. Guindon
Mr. Robert Guisinger
Mr. & Mrs. Bo C. Gunlock
Mr. Joseph Gural
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Gutman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Haas, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hadaway
Ms. Margot Hadley
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Haehn
Father Gerald R. Haemmerle
Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. Hagerty
Mr. & Mrs. David Hairston
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Haley
Ms. Patricia S. Haller
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Hamant
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Handorf
Dr.Thomas N. Hangartner
Ms. Greta C. Harlett
Ms. Jennifer M. Harmon
Mrs. Kristen Harrelson
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. John Hart, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Harting
Mr. Firas Hasan
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hausfeld
Mr. Brian A. Hausfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Haverland
Ms. Rebecca J. Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hawse
Mr. John Hayes
Ms. Kim Haynes
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Hecht
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hecht
Mr.Timothy J. Heist
Mr. Brian Heitkamp
Mrs. Jean E. Hellmund
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Hemmelgarn
Mr. Eric Henderson
Mr. Robert L. Hengehold
Mrs. Jan Henninger
Ms. Sarah Hensley
Ms. Catherine Herbenick
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Herbig
Mr. R. Daniel Herider
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas L. Hermann
Ms. Christina Hess
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Heyne
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hickey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hickey, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Andy Higgins, Ph.D.
Mrs. Patricia M. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Hilbing
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Hirt
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Hoagland
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hochwalt
Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Hoelscher
Mr. Norbert A. Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Holden
Ms. Gayle R. Holland
Ms. Barbara A. Holmes
Ms. Luanne Holzapfel
Mrs. Bonnie Holzinger
Ms. Andrea Holzinger
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Homan
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Homan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Homan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Homan
Mr. John D. Homan
Mrs. Bernadine Homan
Ms. Maria Homan
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Hood
Mr. & Mrs. Jason P. Hoppa
Mr. & Mrs. William Horton
Mr. Waverly Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Allan W. Howey
Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Howick
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hoying
Mr. Louie Huber
Children Experience Summertime
The Miami Valley Family Care Center, a highly ranked academic
center, has rigorous expectations for the preschool and
kindergarten students at the center. But, during the summer
session, in addition to reading and math enrichment, the
emphasis is on seeing the community and enjoying the physical
activities of summer.
Students have been enjoying field days, zoo trips, water
park visits, zumba lessons, ice cream at Young’s Jersey Dairy…
and even a Columbus Clippers Baseball game.
“We work to achieve a balance between learning and giving
opportunities for our students to enjoy the simple fun that every
child deserves,” explains MVFCC Director Susannah Johnson.
“Our children also learn as they see their community and gain
experiences outside their neighborhoods.”
Ms. Pamela Huber
Ms. Wanda J. Hubertz
Ms. Mildred Hubler
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Huck
Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Huecker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Huels
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Huether
Rae Huff & Ricki Huff
Judge Mary Katherine Huffman
Ms. Brandy Hullinger
Mr. & Mrs. John Humphrey
Mr. & Ms. Matthew Hunsbarger
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hunt
Mr.Thomas J. Hurd
Ms. Marie Hurley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Hurr
Ms. Janet Hutson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hutter
Mr. & Mrs. Martin H. Hydell
Mr. Melvin Ingle
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Inman
Ms. Joan E. Ioas
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Israel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Jackson
Ms. Kym M. Jackson
Mr. Joseph H. Jacobs
Mr. Chris Jacoby
Mr. & Mrs. Segon Jang
Ms. Jacqueline S. Janning
Mr. Frank Jasek
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Jividen
Mr. & Mrs. Duane C. Johnson
Mr. Brent A. Johnson
Mr. David H. Johnson
Ms. Lori Johnson
Mr. Paul Jones
Mr. Robert F. Jones
Mrs. Marilyn J. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Emmett F. Joseph
Mr. Matthew F. Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Jurick
Mr. Frederick L. Kaiser
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Kaminski
Ms. Kathleen Kammer
Mrs. Irene S. Kangas
Mr. Douglas J. Karl
Ms. Wilma G. Karl
Mr.Terry D. Kasten
Mr. Jerry Kaup
Ms. Amy Keckler
Ms. Pamela Keeler
Mr. Joseph W. Keim
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly
Mr. Jim Kemper
Ms. Patricia L. Kemper
Ms. Noreen Kennedy
Ms. Kristen Kenney
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kepes
Ms. Deborah A. Kerns
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks Kerrick
Ms. Jeanne M. Key
Mr. David M. Kinninger
Mr. & Mrs. John Kinsel
Ms. Mary A. Kinsella
Mr. George C. Kinzeler
Mr. Kevin Kissinger
Ms. Beverly Kistler
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kittel
Mrs. Bernice Klaben
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph J. Klein
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas R. Klenke
Mr. & Ms.Thomas J. Kleptz
Reverend Douglas Klinsing
Ms. Carolyn Klohe
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Knapke
Ms. Ann Knerr
Mr. Richard E. Knoll
Ms. Sarah C. Knoll
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Knor
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Knueve
Mr. Joseph Knueven
Ms. Elizabeth Koehl
Miss Diana Koesters
Mr. & Ms.Thomas L. Kohl, Jr.
Ms. Mary E. Kohler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Kolakowski
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Kolbe
Ms. Viola Konen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kordik
Mr. John D. Kovach
Mrs. Mary M. Koziej
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kraft
Mr. Larry Kralovic
Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Krebs
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Krebs
Ms. Ann Kreitzer
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Kremer
Ms. Barbara Kriegbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Kroger
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy M. Kroger
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. Kronauge
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kronenberger
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Krug
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Krug
Mr. Joseph P. Krug
Mrs. & Mr. Vincenzina P. Krymow
Mr. James Kubacki
Mrs. Kristen Kuck
Mr. James F. Kuenle
Ms. Barbara J. Kuhns
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Kuntz
Mr. Joseph G. Kuritar
Mr. James Kurpiel
Ms. Nancy Kussman
Mr. Carl Lachey
Ms. Kelly Laird
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lamb
Mr. & Mr. Mark Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Lane
Ms. Abbey Lang
Ms. Janet L. Lang
Mr. Cyril Lange
Ms. Ruth E. Laprocina
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Larger
Ms. Judith L. Larger
Mr. Caleb Larson
Ms. Stacy Larson
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Laufersweiler
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Laufersweiler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laumann
Ms. R. Agnes Laux
Ms. Mary C. Lawrence
Mr. Harold F. Leahy
Mrs. Annette Lechleiter
Ms. Margaret Leese
Mr. & Mrs. J. David Leff
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Lehmann
Good News, Summer 2013
Ms. Janet L. Lehmann
Ms. Mary T. Lehmann
Mrs. Patricia W. Lehmkuhl
Dr. & Mrs. James T. Lehner, M.D.
Ms. Sarah Leibold
Mrs. Jill Lenhart
Ms. Sherlynn Leroy
Mr. & Mrs.Todd Leventhal
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Levine
Mr. Brandon Lewis
Ms. Darlene A. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Limbert
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Lincoln
Mrs. Eileen Litchfield
Mrs. Stefanie F. Little
Ms. Marsha J. Loges
Mr. Gary Long
Mr. James J. Longley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Lopez
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lorenzetti
Ms. Alanna Lotz
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Lowry
Ms. Elizabeth Lowry
Mayor & Mrs. Nathan Loyd
Ms. Jennifer Lubbers
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Lucente, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Lucking
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Ludwig
Mrs. Catherine C. Lumpp
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Luthman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Luzar
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. MacClennan
Mr. Jose Macias
Dr. Gregory A. MacNealy, M.D.
Ms. Lindsie MacPherson
Ms. Jessica Madden
Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Mader
Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Maguire
Mr.Thomas M. Mahle
Dr.Theo J. Majka & Dr. Linda C.
Ms.Teresa Manning
Rev. James J. Manning
Ms. Linda Mansfield
Mr. & Mrs. David Mantle
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Marcellus
Mr. & Mrs. James K. March
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Marchal
Mrs. Barbara J. Marriott
Mr. & Mrs. Marc S. Martens
Ms. Debra A. Martin
Ms. Sarah L. Martinek
Mr. Placido Martinez, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Martin-Hanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Armand A. Martino
Mrs. Debra Z. Massie
Rev. Joseph D. Massucci
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Maxis
Ms. Marlene Mayleben
Mr. Robert F. Mays
Mr. Luis A. Maza
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. McAtee
Mr. Brian P. McCarty
Ms. Rebecca A. McCarty
Judge & Mrs. Michael McClurg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. McClurg, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack McColgan
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy J. McCormick
Mr. Christopher McDonagh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McDowell
Ms. Peggy McDowell
Mr. Ralph A. McEldowney
Ms. Patricia McEldowney
Mr. Michael J. McFadden
Mr. & Mrs. John McFall
Ms. Patricia McGeorge
Ms. Margarite R. McGlinch
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McGovern
Mr. James P. McGowan
Mr. & Mrs. John F. McHugh
Ms. Kathy McKee
Mr. & Mrs.Terence J. McLaughlin
Ms. Gaile McLemore
Mrs. Claudia A. Mechenbier
Mr. John M. Meinerding
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mejia, Jr.
Ms. Mary C. Melia
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Menart
Mr. Daniel J. Menke
Ms. Kara Messmore
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Meyer
Mr. Christopher R. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Michaud
Mr. Jeffrey Michel
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Middleton
Ms. Margaret Militto
Mr. & Mrs. J. Martin Miller
Mr. & Mrs. John Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Orville J. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Miller
Mrs. Pene Miller
Ms. Shannon Miller
Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Miller-Clark
Ms. Susan Millonig
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas T. Miske
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Missall
Ms. Lisa Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas S. Mitter
Mr. & Mrs. John Monnett
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. Monnig
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Monnin
Mr. Matthew J. Monnin
Mrs. Mary I. Monnin
Mr. Dale V. Moore
Ms. Carole Moore
Ms. Kay Z. Moore
Ms. Geraldine S. Moran
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Moroney, Ph.D.
Ms. Carrie Morris
Ms. Sharon L. Morris
Ms. Sara Mosler
Mr. Mark Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Nartker
Ms. Jara Natim
Mr. Joseph G. Nauman
Mr. & Mrs. Matt & Meghann Naveau
Ms. Mary Anne Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Neroni
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Neumeister
Mr. & Mrs. George Newcomer
Ms. Jeanette Newnam
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Niekamp
Mr. Christopher R. Nieport
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy S. Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Nolting
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Norris
Ms. Irene Norris
Mr. Robert A.
Mr. & Mrs. James P. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Obringer
Almaw Obse
Mr. & Mrs. James O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy N. O’Connell
Ms. Denise O’Connell
Reverend James J. O’Connor
Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. O’Donnell
Mr. Francis Oglethorpe & Dr.
Catherine Laruffa
Ms. Mary Kay O’Leary
Mr. Mark R. Olson & Mrs. Barbara
Staff Update
In Memory
Tavis Barnett, a young member of our
CSSMV family passed away on Friday, June
21. Tavis began her affiliation in 2006 as
a volunteer before accepting a part-time
position as a visit supervisor at Erma’s
House. In 2010, Tavis helped to implement a
special Homelessness Prevention program
that helped over 700 area families. In 2011,
Tavis assisted in the creation of a special service partnership
with Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton and assumed duties as
a Family Life Coach at Lifestages-Samaritan Centers For Women.
Her many friends at CSSMV are joined with Tavis’ friends and
family in prayer.
Joe Tracy, Director of Finance and
Administration, has announced his plan
to retire, effective August 31. Tracy has
been with Catholic Social Services since
May 1991. He has been responsible for the
successful management of fiscal, IS and
Human Resource systems at the agency. His
retirement reception will be held from 4-6
p.m. on August 29 at the CSS Center for Families.
Peggy Seboldt, CSSMV Director of Social
Services-Dayton, has announced plans to
retire, effective September 20. During her
18-year career, Seboldt helped to oversee
the development of Erma’s House, SAFE
Counseling, ParentLink outreach, Choice
Food Pantry, Refugee Resettlement and
counseling and adoption programs. A
reception will be held to honor her on September 19 at the CSS
Center for Families 4-6 p.m.
The Miami Valley Family Care Center is
pleased to announce that Nancy Hudecek
has accepted the post as Assistant Director
at the early learning center. Nancy has
nearly 20 years of experience in childcare.
Hudecek graduated from the University of
Akron with a Bachelor of Arts in Family and
Child Development and has served as the
administrator of Child Care at Gerber Children’s Center and the
Coordinator of Child Care Programs with Child Care Connection.
Nancy most recently served as the Senior Director of Child Care
Services of the YMCA of Greater Dayton.
Continued on next page
Continued from previous page
Ms. Josie Olsvig
Mr. & Mrs. John C. O’Malley
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas O’Neill
Mr. Stephen O’Neill
Mrs. Elizabeth J. O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Oram
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph U. Ording
Mr.Thomas J. Ording
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. O’Rear
Mrs. Naomi O’Reilly
Ms. Marlene E. Orendorf
Mr. Daniel T. Organisciak
Dr. & Mrs. Francis Ostdiek
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Osterbur
Mr.Thomas R. Otoski
Ms. Linda Owen
Mrs. Patricia Palmisano
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Pape
Ms. Kacie A. Pape
Mr. Warren Parrott
Dr. Howard M. Part & Dr. Christine A.
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Paton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Paulus
Ms. Brittany Paulus
Ms. Linda Pease
Mr. Jacque Peltier
Mr. Richard Penner
Mr. & Mrs.Todd D. Penrod
Ms. Mary Beth Pepper
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Perfilio
Mrs. Betty A. Perkins
Dr. & Mrs.Tom Perry
Ms. Carol Petri
Ms. Linda L. Petric
Ms. Julia Pfeil
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Phillips
Mr. & Mrs.Terry R. Phillips
Mr. Matt Phillips
Mr. Richard Phillips
Ms. Megan Phlipot
Mr. & Mrs.Terry K. Pickerill
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Pickrel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Pinti
Ms. Dianne Pleiman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Poeppelman
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Pohl, M.D.
Mrs.Teresa Polatajko
Ms. Gail M. Poromb
Mrs. Marjorie Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Vic Post
Mr. & Mrs. David Pottenger
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Powers, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Poynter
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Prakel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Prather
Ms. Michele Pratter
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Prenger
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Prichard
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Pritchard
Mr. & Mrs. Leo H. Profitt
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Proud
Dr. & Mrs.Timothy P. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Quinn
Drs. Paul & Carol Quinter
Ms.Yvonne Rall
Mr. & Mrs.Tyler Ranly
Mr. Michael P. Rarick & Mrs. Pamela
Mrs. Lilia Rastrigin
Mrs. Carolyn B. Rathweg
Ms. Catherine A. Rauch
Mr. David W. Rawers
Mr. Patrick 0. Reddan
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Rehg
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Reid
Dr. & Mrs. Walter A. Reiling Jr., M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Reynolds USAF
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Riazzi, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Patrick Richter
Mr. Richard Riethman
Mr. Robert B. Riethman
Ms. Diane Riethman
Ms. Mary L. Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rindler
Mr. Maurice Rindler
Mr.Timothy J. Rizer
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Samuel A. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Rockafellow
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rodriquez
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Roesch
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy Roesch
Mr. & Mrs. David Rogers
Mrs. Linda Rohde
Dr. John M. Roll
Dr. & Mrs. David P. Romeo
Dr. & Mrs. Mark D. Romer
Drs. Douglas E. & Nancy G. Romer
Mrs. Ruth M. Romer
Mr. Christopher Romie
Mrs. Diane Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas F. Rosenkranz
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas A. Rouse
Ms. Angela Rowe
Mr. Charles A. Ruffing
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Rumely
Ms. Anita Ruppert
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ruscello
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Rush
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Russell
Mrs. Margaret M. Russell
Mr. G. James Ryckman
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas L. Sableski
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Salzman
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas E. Sammon
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Sample
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt P. Sanford
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Savage
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy P. Sayer
Ms. Carmela E. Scacca
Dr. Mary J. Scalzo
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Schade
Mrs. Jennifer H. Schaffer
Mr. David Schenck
Sister Ginny Scherer
Mr. Robert C. Scherger
Ms. Vera Schierloh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Schiller
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn P. Schimpf
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schipfer
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Schleppi
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Schmalhoffer, Jr.
Mr. Ronald Schmerge
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Schmiesing
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Schmitmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Schmitmeyer
Mr. Mark G. Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Schneider
Mr. Michael N. Schneider
Ms. Jana L. Schnipple
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Schoeff
Mr. & Mrs. William I. Schoenfeld
Mr. Brian Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schuerman
Mr. John H. Schulcz
Mr. Gary Schultz
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Schulze
Ms. Susan Schulze
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schwab
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schweickart
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Schwieterman
2013 Annual Meeting:
S. Carol Bauer Recognized for Service
S. Carol Bauer, a three-term member of the CSSMV Board of
Trustees, received the agency’s 2013 Community Leadership
Award from Executive Director Laura Roesch and a standing
ovation from the 260 attendees at the agency’s April 18
Annual Leadership Luncheon. Bauer, Vice President of Mission
Effectiveness at Good Samaritan Hospital, was honored for her
leadership in health and social services.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schwieterman
Mrs. Joy L. Scoates
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Scribner
Mr. & Mrs.Terry L. Seabold
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Seboldt
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Seidl
Mr.Thomas E. Seifert
Mr. & Mrs. George G. Seifried
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Seigle
Drs. James & Marie Seiler
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Seiler
Mrs. Karen A. Sejas
Mr. & Mrs.Timothy S. Sell
Ms. Ashley Seni
Mr. Gregory Senkiw
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn M. Sharp
Mr. Harold A. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Shenk
Mr. James L. Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Shinkle
Ms. Athena Shouekani
Mr. & Mrs. David Shuffleton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Siefring
Mr. Edward J. Siefring
Mr. & Mrs. Roy M. Sigritz
Dr. & Mrs. John P. Sikorski
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas M. Singleton
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas M. Sipniewski
Mr. Arthur H. Sira
Mr. William J. Siskaninetz
Mr. Mark Sisson
Col. Larry E. Skapin
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh B. Skees
Ms. Nancy F. Skinner
Ms. Deanna E. Slone
Ms. Kathleen Small
Dr. Ralph Smith, Jr.
G. Richard Smith, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith
Mr. Bradley G. Smith
Mr. James P. Smith, Sr.
Mr. Oria J. Smith
Ms. J. Dannette Smith
Ms. Winita Smith
The Honorable & Mrs. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Sonnenberg
Ms. Mollie Sorg
Mr. Dwaine Sosby
Mr. John M. Soter
Mr. Edward M. Spangler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Spaulding
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Spearman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Spieles
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Spivey
Ms. Amanda Stafford
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Stammen
Mr. John E. Staten
Mr. & Mrs. Norman T. Staub
Mr. Larry L. Stauffer
Mr. Howard Steenbergen
Ms. Amanda Stein
Mr. Ron Steinbrunner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Steppel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Stewart
Mr. Jeffrey Stewart
Stillwater Valley Golf Club
Ms. Sherry Stimmel
Mr. & Mrs. William Stoermer
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Stonebraker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Strader
Ms. Mary Strathem
Mrs. Paula J. Streck
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stricker
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Striebel
Mr. & Mrs.Terry Strope
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt J. Stueve
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Stueve
Mr. & Mrs. Denis L. Subler
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Subler
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sushereba
Ms. Carleen K. Suttman
Mrs. Carolyn K. Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. Justin Swabb
Mr. & Mrs. John Sweeterman
Dr. & Mrs. Philip H.Taylor, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. John N.Taylor
Mrs. Rosemary Taylor
Ms. Karen Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. John Teserovitch
Mr. & Mrs. William L.Thaler
Mr. & Mrs. Mary & Roger H.Thesing, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A.Thieman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Thimons
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R.Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R.Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R.Thompson
Mr. Peter Thompson
Ms. Judith Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. Hugh Thornburg
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Tinch
Mr. Cal Tinka
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Titus
Dr. & Mrs.Terence P.Torbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P.Tortorici
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Towne
Mr. Joseph Tracy
Mr. James Traphagen
Mrs. LaDonna R.Trentman
Mrs. Judith Trick
Mr. & Mrs. David Trombley
Mr. Richard J.Trouten
Mrs. Susan Tsui
Ms. Jan Turala
Ms. Irene Turckes
Dr. Robert P.Turk USAF, MD, Ret.
Dr. & Mrs. Dwight T.Tuuri, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Uhl, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Untener
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Vail
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Vanderhorst
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Vanderhorst
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart A. Varden
Ms. Patricia A. Varno
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Vendely
Mr. Joseph Vicario
Ms. Laura Villa
Reverend David P. Vincent
Mr. Ronald S. Volkerding
Mr. Richard J. Volz
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Vondenhuevel
Mr. Don Vondenhuevel
Mr. & Ms. Gregory L. Vonderheide
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Vorholt
Ms. Karmen K. Vradelis
Dr. & Mrs. David R. Vukin
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wagner
Mrs. Kathleen Wagner
Mr. Brett Waldron
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Walters
Mr. Ryan A. Walters
Mr. Louis B. Walther
Mr. Adam Walusis
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Walworth
Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Wampler
Mr. Wayne E. Ward
Mrs. Dorothy L. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Warren
Mr. Bud Watercutter
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Watren
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Weaver
Mrs. Eileen M. Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Franz C. Weckesser
Mr. Joseph A. Weimer
Ms. Katherine T. Weimer-Nahhas
Ms. Cathie A. Weinrich
Mr. Andrew Weisner
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Welfare, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Josef C. Wenker
Dr. & Mrs. Frank J. Wenzke, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Werling
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Westcott
Mrs. & Mrs. James Whalen
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Wick
Mrs. Mary T. Widner
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford O. Wild, Jr.
Ms. Carole A. Wild
Mr. Vincent J. Wiley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Wilhelm
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Wilke
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Wilker
Mr. Mark Wilker
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome H. Will, Sr.
Ms. Nicole Will
Dr. & Mrs. Mark T. Williams, DC
Ms. Rose M. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Wilson
Mrs. Mary Ellen Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Wines
Ms. Nancy M. Winfield
Ms. Kathy Winner
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Wissman
Ms.Theresa Withrow
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Witt
Mr. & Dr.Thomas N. Wittberg
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Woerner
Judge & Mrs. William H. Wolff, Jr.
Mr. Paul R. Woodie
Mr. Steven Woodruff
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Woods
Mrs. Janice D. Wooles
Ms. Jennifer Worch
Ms. Diane Wortham
Mrs. Ann Wourms
Mr. Charles Wren
Ms. Adrienne Wright
Mr. Kenneth Wuebker
Mr. & Mrs. George Wymer
Mr. & Mrs. John M.York
Mr.Timothy A.Young
Mr. & Mrs. David R.Younkin
Ms.Yvette Yuhasz
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zaidain
Mrs.Thecla L. Zech
Col. & Mrs. Joseph E. Zeis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Zengel
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zengel
Mr. & Mrs. Karl L. Zengel
Mr. Andrew T. Ziegenbusch
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Zimmer
Ms. Rebecca J. Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Zompetti
Mr. Jeff H. Zumberger
4 Over, Inc.
Adventures Through Learning
Always Ballroom Dance Studio
Anderson Security
Apogee Enterprises, Inc. Charitable
Matching Grant Program
Archbishop Alter High School
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Armstrong Family Fund of the
Dayton Foundation
Good News, Summer 2013
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
Audelott Equipment, Inc.
Bagel Cafe/Bagel Factory
Bank Of America Matching Gifts
Barnes Group Foundation, Inc.
Battelle & Battelle
Baumer Construction, Inc.
Becker Electric Supply
Bernhold Insurance Agency, Inc.
Bing Design
Bogarts Hair & Nail
Boring & Associates, CPA, Inc.
Boy Scouts
Bruns Animal Clinic, Ltd
Buschur Electric
Carroll Catholic High School
Catholic Charities USA
Catholic Moms Connect Play Group
Centerville High School
Chaminade-Julienne High School
Chapel Hill Pre-School
Chappy’s Inc.
Chevron Humankind Matching Gifts
Christ Child Society of Dayton
Church of the Ascension
Church of the Incarnation
Church of the Transfiguration
City Of Dayton Street Maintenance
Clark, Schaefer, Hackett & Co.
Connor Group
Corpus Christi Church
Croation Fraternal Union of America
(Lodge #563)
CSSMV Administrative Staff
CSSMV Adoption Dept.
CSSMV Sidney Staff
Dayton Catholic Women’s Club
Discovery Cottage
Dr. Bean and Dr. Davis Dental
Drury Inn & Suites
Eagle Loan Company of Ohio
Erma Bombeck Memorial Fund
Faulkner, Garmhausen, Keister &
Fifth Third Bank
Fifth Third Enterprise Learning
Forty Nine Degrees
Freshway Foods
Frisch’s Resturants Inc.
Galbreath Realtors
GE Retail Sales Finance
GE United Way Campaign
Girl Scout Troop #31633
Goddard School of Centerville
Good Samaritan Hospital
Gordon Orthodontics
Greene County Community
Greenville National Bank
Heick Hester Smith Management
Solutions, Inc.
Holy Angels Catholic Church
Holy Angels School
Holy Trinity Catholic Parish
Homan & Stucke Construction Inc.
Hotel Gallery
House of Bread
Houser Asphalt & Concrete, Inc.
IBM Employee Services Center
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Immaculate Conception - Celina
Catholic Cluster
Immaculate Conception Parish
Inn Between Tavern
JBK Manufacturing & Development
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Kare Excavating, Inc
Kaup Pharmacy
Kettering College & SDA Church
Kettering Medical Center -- Spiritual
Care Department
Key Bank
Koester Electric
Kuntz Foundation
LexisNexis Cares Fund
Lincoln College of Technology
Linked Technologies, Inc.
Louise Kramer Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
Mathile Family Foundation
McGohan Brabender
Mechanical Systems of Dayton
Miami Valley Hearing & Balance
Midwest Electric Community
Connection Fund, Inc.
Minster Auto Electric Ltd.
Monnin Upper Cervical Health
Monsignor Robert A. Amann
Montgomery County Juvenile Court
- Probation Services
Montgomery County Prosecutor’s
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC
Murray Wells Wendeln & Robinson
CPA’s Inc.
NAACP Youth Council
National Catholic Society of
New Bremen Coffee Co. & Books
New Bremen Massage Clinic
Oakwood High School
Orthopaedic Institute of Dayton Inc
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
Panera Bread
Parents Advancing Choice in
Park National Bank
Paul Neff & Associates
PERI Montgomery County Chaper
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Phelan Insurance Agency, Inc.
Physicians’ Charitable Foundation of
the Miami Valley
Pizza Hut - Dayton
Pizza Hut - Sidney
PNC Matching Gifts Program
Polaris Chapter of the American
Business Women’s Association
Ponitz CTC Allied Health Center
PQ Systems
Premier Health Partners
Premier OB/GYN
Prosperity Promotions
Purses by Duraseam
Queen of Apostles Parish
Queen of Martyrs Parish
Rachel Lynn Buschur Memorial
Regional Alliance of Italian
Retro Solutions LLC
Reynolds & Reynolds Associate
Rita A. Flahive Charitable Fund
Rogers-McNay Agency, Inc.
Ruppert Insurance Agency
Scott M & A Corporation
Second Harvest
Second National Bank
Selection Management Systems, Inc.
Sell, Hegemann & Zimmerman
Co., LPA
Sidney Electric Company
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
(Leadership Council)
Sisters of Notre Dame De Namur
Sisters of the Precious Blood
Soak-n-Suds Car Wash
Southdale Elementary School
St. Albert the Great Church
St. Augustine - Minster Catholic
St. Charles Borromeo Parish
St. Charles Diakonia Fund
St. Christopher School
St. Francis of Assisi Church
St. Helen Parish
St. Henry Church
St. Joseph Parish
The Dayton Foundation
The Foodbank, Inc.
The Gosiger Foundation
The Hair House
The Lord, Abbett & Co. LLC
The Society of the Precious Blood
Think Patented
Trame Mechanical Inc.
Triangle Precision Industries, Inc.
Trotwood Swim Club
United Way - Foothills
United Way of Auglaize County
United Way Of Central Ohio
United Way of Darke County
United Way of Greater Dayton Area
United Way Of Los Angeles
United Way of Shelby County
United Way Of Troy Ohio
University of Dayton - Office of the
2013 Annual Meeting:
New president installed
During the April 18 CSSMV Annual Meeting, out-going
President Marc Martens relinquished his meeting gavel to
Bernie Fullenkamp who will lead CSSMV during the coming
The 2013-14 members of the board of trustees were
introduced, including: Jim Budde, Gary Codeluppi, Karen Davis
(Secretary), Richard Ferguson, Donald L. Grieshop, Rev. Gerald
Haemmerle, Sharon Hairston (Treasurer), Brian Heitkamp,
Robert Hickey, Jr., Jeff Hoagland, Connie Homan, Ken
Marcellus, Brian Meyer, Anna Jones Monnett (Vice President),
Mark Polatajko, David D. Schoeff, Sr. Florence Seifert, CPPS,
Edward M. Smith and Jenifer L. Wilhelm.
St. Joseph-Wapakoneta Catholic
St. Jude Court #2189 Catholic Order
of Foresters
St. Leonard Assisted Living
St. Leonard Faith Community
St. Michael Church
St. Peter Catholic Church
St. Remy Parish
St.Teresa of the Infant Jesus
St. Vincent de Paul Pantry
St. Vincent de Paul Society - District
Council of Dayton
Telecom Pioneers, Ohio Chapter 2
Teradata Cares
The Berry Company
University of Dayton Research
University of Dayton--The Galley
Versailles Eagles Auxiliary
Village Contractors
Voss Auto Network
Wendel Poultry Service, Inc.
Westgate Villas
Wilson Memorial Hospital
Women’s Health Specialtis &
Midwives of Dayton
Wright Patterson Air Force Base
Catholic Community
Wright State University
Zechar-Bailey Funeral Home
Children Helped by Early Childhood
Intervention Program
VERSAILLES - The Early Childhood Program,
a community service funded by private
donors for the past three years, is successfully
assisting hundreds of children in daycare
centers in the northern Miami Valley area.
The first study of the outcome indicators
from the Early Childhood Program has been
completed. Initial data compiled from surveys
of parents and teachers and the observations
accumulated by CSSMV child behavior
specialists have indicated the program is
having a significant positive impact on the
behavior and school readiness of young
children in the participating schools.
Since the introduction of the program
daycare centers in Miami, Darke, Shelby and
Auglaize counties, twenty daycare centers
have utilized the support and guidance of
CSSMV counselors. Services have included
professional family counseling, child
assessment and education programs for
daycare staff members.The initiative’s main
objectives included the promotion of healthy
social and emotional development in young
children and the offer of effective early
detection and intervention strategies. Since
its inception, the CSSMV program staff has
assisted teachers in addressing everything
from speech and behavioral issues to
classroom structure and routines.
“Children reviewed in the outcome
study collectively showed a 30% increase in
positive protective factors, a key indicator in
our behavior measurement tools,” explained
Rick Williams, CSSMV Lead Therapist. In
addition, feedback from parents and teachers
has been excellent.
With continued support from the
community, Williams hopes to extend the
program in the northern Miami Valley during
the 2013-14 school year.
For more information about the CSSMV
Early Childhood Program, area residents may
call 800-521-6419.
CSSMV staff members work with parents
and teachers to provide support and
recommendations to help assure that children are
prepared for academic success.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Successful May Events Benefit Northern Office Programs
Versailles - Golfers gathered at Stillwater
Valley Golf Club in Versailles on Friday, May 17
for the 18th Annual Northern Counties Golf
Outing. Golfers enjoyed a pre-tournament
lunch and completed 18-holes on a beautiful
day. This year’s outing ended in a tie between
teams from Brumbaugh Law Firm, Inc, and
Sell, Hegemann & Zimmerman, Co., LPA.
Special appreciation is extended to all
who participated in as sponsors, including:
Sell, Hegemann & Zimmerman, Co., LPA, for
sponsorship of the tournament’s putting
contest and Regal Trophy of Sidney for
sponsorship of the awards. The event
included and A Hole in One prize opportunity
sponsored by the Dan Hemm Automall, and
a live auction of a NCR Golf Package won by
Pat Custenborder of Phelan Insurance.
Adding to the success of the day,“Dealing
‘n Denim,” a casual evening activity was
sponsored for the first time at the golf course.
Friends of Catholic Social Services returned
to the Riviera Room at Stillwater Valley Golf
Club. Wearing their denims, participants
enjoyed food, spirits and music in a Monte
Carlo setting. Each participant received
$10,000 in play money to use at various
games of chance. Winnings from the evening
were used to purchase chances on gift
baskets donated from local businesses.
Proceeds from the day’s events were
earmarked to support CSSMV services that
help children and senior citizens in the
northern Miami Valley.
Good News, Summer 2013
Members of two teams tied as winners of the 2013 Northern Counties Golf Outing. Team members
from Brumbaugh Law and Sell, Hegeman and Zimmerman, Co., LPA shared honors.
Good Shepherd Legacy Society Reunion
Slated August 21
he Good Shepherd Legacy Society is a
unique group of friends who have found that
they share a hope for the future. They would
like their life and work to have a lasting
and meaningful impact…and they trust
that Catholic Social Services will be a good
steward of their goodwill.
This special society of agency friends
will gather in Dayton for the group’s annual
celebration on Wednesday, August 21 at
Coco’s Bistro on Warren Street.
Bernie Fullenkamp, the current President
of the CSSMV Board of Trustees, and his
wife Durelle, a CSSMV Emeritus Trustee, will
help host the event. As society members and
volunteers who have helped to guide the
mission of the agency, they are encouraging
others to consider membership in the Good
Shepherd Legacy Society.
“We hope that our volunteer efforts
have helped those in need in our community
and we are pleased to know that our
CSSMV’s Executive Director Laura Roesch
shared an update with Emeritus Executive
Directors Ronald Eckerle and Elaine Jelly at
the 2012 reunion. As members of the Good
Shepherd Legacy Society, the agency leaders
are supporting the mission of service for future
contributions will continue to help in the
future with our planned gift to the agency,”
explained Fullenkamp.
Robert and Anita Rankin, parents who
adopted two children from CSSMV, are among
the charter members who formed the society
eight years ago. Anita, a past board member
and volunteer with the agency’s development
department, has encouraged others to
consider the planned giving process to gain
the financial and philanthropic benefits of
legacy giving.
“The agency has certainly enriched
our lives,” contends Rankin.“We are pleased
to express our gratitude by supporting the
Legacy Society as an opportunity to share the
blessings we have been given.”
Volunteers, former clients, agency staff
members and retirees have become members
of the Good Shepherd Legacy Society.
Employees and retirees make up about a third
of the membership.
The only requirement to join the
Good Shepherd Legacy Society is a verbal
confirmation that a planned charitable gift
has been arranged to support the mission of
Catholic Social Services.The size of the legacy
gift, the type of charitable vehicle to be used
and the CSSMV program area that will benefit
are details that are unique to each member
and known only to the member.
“Legacy giving is commonly provided
through a bequest in a Will. Some society
members may make charitable trust
or gift annuity arrangements,” explains
Development Director Regina Estep.“Others
have qualified for membership by listing
CSSMV as a beneficiary of a portion of a life
insurance policy. We do not ask for a specific
donation amount or require official legal
documentation... only a verbal confirmation.”
Potential Legacy Society members have
Bernie and Durelle Fullenkamp were inducted
into the Good Shepherd Legacy Society in 2012.
As the current CSSMV President, Bernie and his
wife, a former board member, will help host this
year’s event.
access to free professional advice. The staff
of the Dayton Foundation Legacy Partnership
offers confidential consultation services that
can help Catholic Social donors maximize
their giving, assure retirement income and/or
reduce tax burden.
For information about the Good
Shepherd Legacy Society and
charitable gift planning, call Regina
Estep at (937) 223-7217 ext. 1142
or send an inquiry to development@ Those who express an
interest in July will be eligible to
attend the 2013 Good Shepherd
Legacy Society dinner.
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Events at
Pat Rupp Memorial Golf Tournament
atholic Social Services of the Miami
Valley will be holding its 8th annual Pat
Rupp Memorial Dayton Golf Tournament
on Monday, July 29 at NCR Country Club’s
North and South Courses in Kettering,
Registration for the event will begin
at 11:30 am, followed by lunch at noon
and a Texas scramble-shotgun start at
1:00 pm. Immediately following the golf
tournament, a cocktail reception and
dinner will be provided.
The cost of the event is $200 per
golfer, which includes lunch, golf and
cart, dinner, tournament shirt and prizes.
Team registration is also available, which
includes the chance to win the Pat Rupp
Memorial Championship Trophy in either
the men’s or women’s division.
A Golf Ball Raffle will provide a
climactic feature of the tournament as
numbered golf balls will be dropped
from the sky. Tournament players as
well as members of the general public
will have an opportunity to participate
in the raffle by purchasing one or more
of the numbered golf balls for $20. The
purchaser of the numbered ball that goes
A special thanks
to our Major
Event Sponsor:
Good News, Summer 2013
Heick Hester,
Smith &
in the cup or is closest to the pin, will
win up to $10,000 (half the proceeds
from the sale of numbered golf balls).
Proceeds from the event will benefit
children and family services of Catholic
Social Services of the Miami Valley. To
register for the event, the Golf Ball Raffle
or to support as a sponsor, please visit
our website at
For more information on the
event or the range of sponsorship
opportunities, please call Catholic Social
Services Development Department at
(937) 223-7217 ext. 1141.
Flores to Speak
heresa Flores, SSW, MSE,
author of The Slave Across
the Street and a leading
activist in the fight against
human trafficking, will be
the Distinguished Speaker
sponsored by the Catholic Social Action
Office, the Weavers of Justice and Catholic
Social Services of the Miami Valley on Tuesday,
October 1 at St. Luke the Evangelist Church
in Beavercreek. Flores will recount her own
personal experience as survivor and as an
activist who is leading efforts to prevent
Area organizations and churches are
invited to sponsor the presentation. Sponsoring organizations will receive a supply of
event tickets to distribute to their members.
The October event will include dinner at 5:30
pm followed by a musical prelude by Nick
Cardilino at 6:30 pm and the presentation by
Flores at 7:00 pm.
Individual tickets are available with
a suggested donation of $10. Students are
welcome to attend the speaker event without
charge. For reservations and information, call
800-300-2937 ext. 1141 or email
[email protected]
CSSMV Service Locations
Catholic Social Services
of the Miami Valley
922 West Riverview Avenue
Dayton, OH 45402
Center for Families
1046 Brown Street
Dayton, OH
(937) 223-7217 or 800-300-2937
Non-profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Dayton, OH
Permit No. 1156
Eckerle Administration Center
922 W. Riverview Avenue
Dayton, OH
(937) 223-7217 or 800-300-2937
Miami Valley Family Care Center
4100 W. Third Street, Bldg. 401
Dayton, OH
(937) 268-0336
Northern Counties Office
1201 Fairington Drive
Sidney, OH
(937) 498-4593 or 800-521-6419
a Friend of CSSMV!
a Friend of Catholic Social Services and stay plugged in to what’s happening at the agency.
information about upcoming events, E-Newsletters with up to date information about agency
, and regular updates about the great work CSS is doing. Visit our website at
Visit the New
Websites Help-A-Family
…sharing the joy of Christmas
with local families
… sharil families
vacation in
h summer vacation in full swing, the last thing ith
full swing, the last thing on your
parations for the Christmas Season. That members
ofpreparations for
mind is making
the Christmas Season. That is not
Holiday Help a Family Committee M hardtheatcase
with the members of our
Holiday Help-A-Family Committee.
ning for Christmas at Catholic Social Services.
The group is already hard at work
planning for Christmas at Catholic
Social Services.
Last year,
generous donors to
year the generous donors to the Holidayam
the Holiday Help-A-Family program
p, were able to provide Christmas gift toldren.
WeShop, were able to provide
and Santa
Christmas gifts to over 2,000 local
cipate the need will be even greater this year.
children. The need is anticipated to be
even greater this year.
The collection of new toys, pajamas,
and financial
collection of new toys, pajamas, gift cards,giftand
has gifts has begun. If
you would like to help by making a donation
or hosting a pajama drive for use at
un. If you
byas amaking
25 peoplelike
to visittoand
sign in
member a pajama
Christmas and throughout the year,
will receive a special gift from Catholic Social
e for use
at Christmas and throughout the yontact
please contact Ann Becker or Annie
Rayburn at 937-223-7217 ext. 1138.
ie Rayburn at 937-223-7217 X1138.
Join CSSMV on Facebook…
(insert logo)