-----/469/74#BE:Trt`/15, *r `
-----/469/74#BE:Trt`/15, *r `
7-6-48 Tuesday 10 a.m. :alk by Retta Chiloott CHAru:ES PILLWORE 1 \3 - -----/469/74#BE:Trt'/15, *r ' 5 2 Thi announdiment I have to make to you this norning of thi ; - 1 passing of Mr Charles Pillmore is not neva to yo'.1 03 I an r.trI i. you have aither heard th• radlo announce·zent or read it on thi 1 11 front page of tho morning piper. I want to tell you a few aildi- , if C K ttonal facts and perhaps ans/*r a few qu/stions that you may have in .1 '1 .. your mind. elr•t I thought I would r.ad to lou the letter that we are sending out to the conters. 30=* of the center t peopl• have already i heard about lt, and I imialne most of them illl hoar today tkirough t the neva of thi Associated Prois. Here le the letter we are all' ing to the cinters by alr nall speolal this mort,ing: { "Dear Friends ' Our beloved Charles Fillmore passed on to another exprosalon of lire on Monday, July 6, 1348. He sEsured us ottly a short time ago that even it' lic wore to F aus on it would not affect his bellof or his teaching cencerning eternal life. 1;any years ago Mr Pillmors war confronted Ii:h a phloical conditien that ins pronounced ineurable, and he vas told that he ,ould not have long to livi. Th• faith and courade with *talch ho met thla condition enabled him to ricelys lils heilln; mid :*rform a glorious *•rvlce for the world. Ria positlv• faith in the eternal life of 01.1 4111 3:anl as a beacon 116ht before all of us, evin though he 1• not physically present. While Mr Plll::tora 1 al: bean teaching anl devoting his time to vrlting, he has n ot baen activ, lr: the cragnization cr busin•ss part o f the work for sayeral yaars. 7111.3 part of the ; i 6 work 1111 contin'le, as 15 has in the past, untor a board of .' - i I * 1, /.. # P \. .7 -2- directors, with Lowell Flll=ori as thi manager. . A private family Ser¥le. v111 bi hold Wednesday, July 7, for Mr Fill/ior•. Thi fa/ally requests that no floweri be sent. A public memorial aervial vill bo held at th, Unity Ti*plo on Sunday, July 11, at 3 pia. i 1. Will you and all your fri unds join with us in the spirit of lovlng remimbrance, wherever you ar,1 1 L t us go for/ard in the Unity work with tho splendid heritage and high vialon given u, by Mr Pillmorl, for ve know 1 i that thli would bo in accord with his de•pist destro. Falthfully, UNITY SCHOOL." If they had planned a publie service for Wednesday aftir. noon, I donit know wherl it could havi beln hild to accommodate Nr rillmore is friends so they have decided to have a strictly private sorvioi and then to have the special Remenbranol Service Sunday afternoon in thi nev Templi and that vill allow tike for people who vish to come hare frcm out of toin and al:o it will provide roal for •an, of Mr Pillmoreis local friends. I vondered yesterday *at to do about flowers, and bafore I know that the family had requistod 'no flowers" I ordorid soml to be sent from the Unity workers. I thousht you would vant mi to do so, so I ordired a large baskit. Nov I want to say a few things that I think you vould llki 1 to know about 1111 7111*or*--some of thon al-out the early dals. Oni thing I rimimber, ihin I ea- her• to work in 1914, Mr Filliori was wearing am iron brace on one feet that vas six or •1Elit inohes high, and h• gradually shortened that braae ind finally h• dis- cardid it and vorl a high he•l on hic shoe. I reme•ber 80 well i l r. -3- hov it used to look- oh, about Ic high at flrst (indicating). :0 all aantred his couragi •nd persiverance in Indiavoring to overoomo that hjndleap, so mach. In addition to his faith im courag•. How he kept on so courageously, and even after the doctori had said many year• *50 that he couldnit live, he went. on and lived to Ihat l• considered an unu/ual ago--ninety-four years--and h/ lived such an active life. For yoars after I cami hero, he was always up in the Silent Unity healing room untll after nin• o lolock at night- always- h/ had the nlne o 'clock healing meeting up in the Silent Unity roon. and many of our readors observid a nine oiolock healing period . falthfully. Many of them did. Now v. think nor/ about poopl, joining with us in using Dilly Nord, usually morning and ovening. But in those dayi, thi nlne oiolock hoallng meeting was str••sed a Sreat deal. And I think porbaps the reason vo have chansed th, hour is bleauil nino oiclook doesnot neem to be very convenient for so many p•ople now. One thing that Ur Pillmon usod to always say Then he gave a Truth talk, NWell, try 10.1 or hi hed a great idea. He never said it wa, a sdindld ld.a, Me said: 'Try lt." And I think ha endeavorid to waki his teaohings as simple as he could. Be was so eali and patlint, as many of you know. Ihen soni one didni t seen to grasp the Truth idia, or out/ardly didnit So/n to apply it, Mr Pillmore was very patient an.1 vary kindly, Very. ¬h/r thing th/t he *tr ,sed was that YOU THIEK. And em- times now, I find myself gotting a little *mbarrass•d when I rialls. S r \ i ./ -4- I haven't been TUINKING car*fully or deeply as I should, and I remember hlo teaching/. that we should THINK. A few years ago we had signs in tho office, "God First.' 1 & s 1 I know many of you remimber those signs. Mr Fillmorl liked that 1.lea of 'God First" and he espreasod it so much in his life and in so many ways that there il no doubt that God was always first i in his thouiht and distro; that vas uppormost in his mind, wood Flnt." Years ago, when Mr Ptllmeri startid teaohing, when h• and Mrs Pillmore Just bigan, I lik• to imagine what it must have boon litel. le, think of Truth studints now na being 9-lite numerous. But in those days they wore not. The teaching that Mr Fillmore did v*s thought of by many peopli as te ing something sort of fanatiosl and strange; something new and untried. Those of ul in Unity, even han I cam, in, wore generally looked upon as a 11(:10 qu•er. 1 Mr Fillmore val really a wonderful solentlit and Truth teacher. You know, 7 ou hear it expressid oven yet, that 'soeing is belloling.N Then you often aeolpt it in your 0,0 mind, and think, "1611, S•elng li billeving." li knov that novadays ve are often admanishid not to be deceived by applaranoes, and let ve arl very muoh inclined to be influenoid by •ppearanoes, end to si, "Seeing i• billevins. There is no denying that. Mr Fillmor, said, "Don,t be d/0/ived by app•ar/noes.' And he 'b I stuck to lt. HI would afflrm in the fae• Of smothing that appeared ver, much to the contrary--• JIERI IJ :-UT C:tE Pit-33:NCE, AND O.IE POWER, OOD TRE GOOD OMMIPOrall. - 6- I feil that the Truth idea embodied in those words and held to No falthfully has boen a mainitay in this work and • mintel of protection around it through the yoars. Wh/n somi adverso oonditian confronts you in your own life End affairs, faithfully affirm, ISTHERE IS 13:Pr ONE PRESENCE AND ONE POWER, GOD THE GOOD OUSIPOTENT.N 1 Another thing that I v,nt to mention iN that Mr Fillmore never looked downvard when thing, looked dark, even during a depression or world var. I remember 80 i•ll. thi depression of 1930 and I remember ol•arly his ah•orful, happy Spirit at thal tlm/, and how p/r/ist•ntly he h•ld to the Truth, that there is but ONE PRESENCE AND ONE POWER. GOD THE GOOD OUNIPOTENT. In th* faa. of big things or little things, regardless of how dark thvy applarod, he never looked do,arnrd. }ils was always the viatorlous spirit. Always, you could •ee it. You could hiar it in his voloe, in thi verda he spoke. You could see it in his attitude. You eould *00 it in thi tvlnkle in his eyi. Always, he had that innor knoving thit "THERE IS BirT ONE PRESSNCE AND ONE POWER" and he hold on falthfully to it. Doubtless that was one of thi rialon• for hli never falling courage and faith. Those of vi Illo contacted Mr Pll]more virl trily blissed by the courage and faith that h• radlat/d =ld demonstrated se con tlnually. For the benefit of those of lou iho never had the privilege of knowing him, I would like to tell lou that Charles Allmore had a very mischievious spirit. Ho appreciated a joko about as vell as anybody I over saw and ho had a renarkable ability fbr remembiring thea *ad improving upon thim whon he told them, which he often did. H• never allo•od the serious side of life to cause j -6. - 1 him to be dovncast or depressel or to los, his sens/ Oftin in giving al of humor. Truth talk or Idlen sitting in on a con forence where veighty matters Ver, being discussed and the trend of thought se/mid to be getting too much en the sorious slde, I bav observed Mr Pillmor• turn the trend of thought entlroly by telling eoml joke. Other People would har• found it difficull to tell e jole in a way thal it would seem appropriate or in ord•r, but not Mr Pill=,ri. ihin negative facts or regulation• so/med too obvious and too binding to bo 1snored, Mr Fillmor, h/d * way of relleving tho tension of an entlro group by ma,ing, 'Vell, let the old Iorld vag as ft will, ve 9111 be gay and happy still.' 1 I can jule hear him slying that und I know how •ffeotlve it was in r•laxing thi tin sion of th• picple'around him. i 80 had a war¥*lous va, of rising above linitation. Of oouri• this pover lo div*lopid throush th• study and practioe of Truth. Mr Pillmorl taught and encouraged others to study and use the tetahings of Jesus Chrin; to Iake this teaohing practical i in their daily lives. This marvelous teaching li h•r• for us in the many booki and pamphlots th#t /tr Fillmori vroto. Th/a• Truth lieu vill cantlnui to be a holp and an inspiration to us and to many •ho do not nov knov of his haihings. One inoldent oomes t4 ¤1 mind whloh 1, an indloation of hil himorous t•ndene, /nd also of his tactful waz of dismisaing /0//thing that night oth,rvise ha,i been Imbarraising ar unplealint. 1 -L L -7- 1 '1 Years ago when Ie had a very small :unday School ve used to have our annual picnic on thi fourth of July at Budd Park. Porhaps some of you folks donit know ther• 1, a Budd Park but thiri li--out in th• northiast part or th• 01ty. woul wo d go out to th• park m,d carry our balk•t lunches. At ano of these plenies, oni lady had brought so- han sanditchei. Nov ham sandviohes at a unity Sunday School plonlo was v•ry iuoh out of ordor an,vay and 1.maginl sori poople'a consternation when thi, saw the diar lady plaoe oni of thi ham sinadches on Mr Pillmori plate. i 08 Instead of acting embarraised or displeased , h/ promptly turnid thi inoldint Into a Joko b, taklng the sanditch and nail- Ing tt up on a trio. Of course that brok* the t•nsion and oau'Id iuah mirrt-nt. 1 Mr Fillmor, oftin set us a wonderful example in avoi ding booominG •lther serious or critical himself, and in help ing others to do tb• same. Suppos• you try his m•thod. The next tim, som - thing dooin it -asure up to lour ideal or in some way sult you, tr, turning it off lightly and lf it la likely to ••barrisa tho other fillow, try to give tb• situation a humorous turn. Mr Pilliorii• teaching and Ixamples in refusing to be anxious and Indiavoring to always be Joyous and free and ouy, have bo,n suah a holp to thousands of his students. Slnoi v, think tt would bi well for you to riad for yourself some of Mr Fillmore,i teachinds on Et•rnal Life, v• have provi dld ooples of his pamphlet "Attaining Eternal Life' Rhtch will bo givin you at th• clos• of thia =•ting. I would lik• to call your 1 .1 -8attention to the paragraph on page 5 of that pamphlet, as follows: "It does not make eny different to the loyal Christian how many people Ifall asleep. I We know that the sloopera awaken again, that what mon call the Ileep of diath is just a lang 1 1 dream. Some peoplo have more vlvld dreams than others, so somi who fall aileop in the second death may droam of 1 riturning life until they quickly take up again thi construction of an organism. The early Chrlatlans considered it a great advantage to havi a knowledge or Jesus before ralling asleep." I think most of you havi read the Dedication and Covenant which Mr Pillmor• wrote and whloh both he and Mrs Fillmorl signid, Die•mler 7, 1892. Of eours• you will recall that thi Unity work was actually started before that date; in fact, our records show it was started in 1089. The Covinant roads as follovil "re, Charles Fillmore and Myrtle Fillmore, husband and vlfe, hereby didleate ours•lv es, our time, our mon,y, all we have and all v. expect to have to the Spirit of Truth, and through ll to the Society of Silent Unity. It being understood and agre•d that the Sald Spirit of Truth shall r•nd•r unto ul an equivalent for this didloation, in peaoi of mind, health of body, wisdom, understanding, lovl, lifl end an abundant supply of all things necessary to meet every /, vant without our making any of these things the objeot of our 'sist/nee. 1 1 r 1 I. In thi presence of the Conscious Mind of Christ Jesus, this 1 7th day of December A.D. 1892." Signed- Charles Fillmori Myrtle Fillmori ------- I - .....1. . .4 & 09- 1 ] MEDITATICI Defori v• close, let us u.. this afflrmations l'BE ACKNOWLEDGZ JIKSHS CERIST AS THE HEAD OF THIS WORK. MR GUIDES,DIRECTS, AND INSPIRES 33 IN ALL OP OUR EFFORTS." Think of that ibr yourialf. 1. ackno,18430 J*sus Christ */ the head of this work. Lit us say that =uah togethirl /8 ACKNOWLEDOE JESUS CHILIST AS THE HEAD OF THIS UORK." i R.gardloss of What your ta* li, remind yourself that you 'ro dolns lomithins ver, *pilial. rou are working und. r the direction and under th* direct supirvislon of Jesus Christ. You are doing th• will and thi work of Josu• Christ. Lit us, afflrip fiE OUIDEB, DIRECTS AND INSPIRES US IN ALL OP OUR RiPPORTS.' In worklnE in this attltudo of end and heart, ve ari pal- ing the greatest tributo ve could pay to Charles and *yrtle fil]noris by earr,ing on our work. Not by closing our doorli but by carrying on our work, and doing it well--doing the vill Ind the work of Jimu Christ in ardir that all m/n =a, know th Truth and be fri/. No• our bl/ssing fbr thi offloel 'THERE I) BUT 01 E PRESENCE AND ONE POWER IN THIS OFFICII GOD THI GOOD OMNIPOTENT." Let us say for the Pillmori fsally: u YOU ARE CONSCIOUS OP TEE PRESENCE AND THI POOER OP GOD SURROUNDING, INFOLDING, AND COMPORTINO YOO.' Now lit us aa, to Iiah othir and to all min overy,heril IOOD BLE35 YOUt' A-n f 1 .• , 1/ '* I -· .- ,-1---/-- t'.R/--74: t-*'..7*,/ 7/11/48 A< San.pl 2,30 46 .6 - /1 S i . .\L , t» / ' 1.1,·: 6 4 444 UP#juwcd /11.L/O:19 Sth711£3 , -"' 4.Ph i , 5rl e- ' 4.Lt' 1,\ 0* 1 . r. te..\·x'' , e.-/6 Ce· A'7 U.il lrY 'T' >1'1.* n ry j ')- t -e' L. 1:. N."' .I ./11 ".4 1...0 y.u o..fortllois.. 111....I .r. they that ..Wral for they shall 1,0 0-fort.1.. I 01--4 bo th' 9 M =al Falher or ear lori Jeous ghrl,4 the t/th/r // //1/1// antl 5*4 of all *omfort wha eamtort/th //.' : 1.N* thoa haa bess eur *MlU i ; 1,19„ in /11 4/.ent:*De.* .n' I kE= that if th# earthly housi of our tab- lk bi dis- ••1//40 - her• a bu#1114: frgis „94, a her:** rot /#4/ with h//,U. Our..1 Aa /0 *.-M. NA-1 1 eaw the h,ly gity, no,Jar*,01*sm...4 *...a "/1 h-wee aad • 1,4,1 Iartht for thi firat hiaron an,1 the firit earth 84.1 paned eny.... An i 1 heard a volde out of hoa„n 1*yint, Bihold. thi tabirnaile o f lid te Idth mi,0 •ad h, shall iwell ,4#9 14,1, sal tlle, Shill bl his paipl-, ..4 Old hu./1/ e 11 ..With *.4 Ind b. thal. 0.41 ./ 304 shall vill a."/ all t/An trag thalr 07*01 .h:" shall be ne .... disth, I'lth./ eerrig nor erviV: nsither s'Bll thri k aity min pals* far tho tonwr thin;ts Mr/ ////4 .i.•,•- .Th' Lord i. thy Oomiarta.. rha L.td 14 thi *.ten... Th' lord 0'.U p-li'v 41, :istre Mi 4*1 t'y a-int la fl.' *tiS tial fer.li f....an'.N.*. 1„ st'=1 aa.1 of 5*,1 0*ar,4:0• 28 11*t *frgil, nalthir 1,9 t'Ilt dism,1,4. for 19*3 14/d thy G*1 1% with tl,i whithirs•,1,1 *104 Eoilt.0 11 hs·,0 104*,t m mgod ftiht. 1 1,04* kipt th. faill.* fre.Se I le#va Vith youl ./ r** O. 1 mive Unt. y.ul not a. the vorld givith,·tiv* 1 unto ™8, 6,t n*t your h,eirt ba troublid, halu,er lit it be at,•14.4 14. 1 au Viti yiu filmy* Ial t ,0 Irrue• of our 14,4 J.9/0 0".ist b. vith 70* all.4 Ammn fr'<i&' \ \ I 1 1 4. k 03. ,„ r. ... a. 1 1 „„ *„-04•upl** nll=N Ill a minat b#tiov#t in #ffirwttiv, p,fl kp. M. 'as I gr.Af b.315//1/p in *,e p."er Of tho WON. 0.4 *f hi• moot constant admenifianj th:t h• civa te hid fol- 1•-1, 1,1 #4*41 T'* MoaD. IMUK T tt tfl*4 But .48/ 1- le, 48/ Dit 11=At hig *prb, ;*E *f the Truth te#*. im). to th *,hil ,ent. 96 loid al„ 44, vrlt.44 v*N. And 1,1 1889, 1 ,„ „8„ attet th Unity //A//nt had b*n nt,lpt*d b/ dharloo 91&1 1,rtli nll'la". thi first Udity 1.ubliontlsi gri„ ta tt, Ve,14 That p.11•ati.4 h.. *10'. in "11. mu in al:.*1.U>n, sni to. 4•/ " 0*11 it by th' "IM of 9#UMY.* I'lt Ottl'r pl//1/0rltion. W./. •44/40 ant t.1.1 0.14/ p.fud*.I ....2 port•11041.: .i* 1i, ;hlligh ••4 en• ads 3,•mish. ihal t'sit, *,Rdn*1 01,*ulatill la -11 ever a milliI,0 la Uittlia to thet 1* han 4•*/s, If boaks. ani vo l,ubli h 6,010 1-4 p-,AAMM hy tho AILAYA, *f thawiltads. Of eourgl, Unity lit...t/1. g./. .11 ./.r 'h. ..Ild. rv•ry .tal• ial tha t7.10:t Int mt-$ thr- f.'* N.Intri-. Of Th..0 fig•res in th....1... •r. novvital i.partalooD 14* t ,ey Jl 18,11*,to tho ,pr#,dia: of tho Ulity 1*ao'Un/* by th, Iritten vord. 0/ ast:rs•, the writt*ti v,N 1,3.ktht li.ht 611/ 1*Jort 081 TRace ts 00..11.,4 .Alli.... A fOI ,*#his *ZO, a 1,-la 101*Wn*#MA try, a.w, in Al,b,WA, mak. 1:M *f obe *44 01= an,1 84* 34. Filkierl. A riply vils mint liy wire 1 I - I ... .- -»....».=. ,- ,„.. --'...9....».-..-*..'.. .«.-'-= ..... ..I -}. l that ho vas ult nesivind visitors. Rat in a 0,uple of 4,70, lh, wN.0.0 24..I to hi. Jour, 71"1 '*1. Fill<,ore rie/:nts•4 1,wi :vame, "911 *h,..Ad:she ry.laot •ait.4 for any ,/91/. bat ah' h#4 jugl nott'n it hl/ la, *,4 0"4 4"89" ihI JUat HA.3 70 8};4 '*byill"re. U..0 1111/0.0 ..plal./4 sh. a.ulia' t 2.0 him, and Rt t ,at tim. ho ..0 010*/in/* And /1= v.... •ald, 9911, oeuldo't I Just look at hial. h *,4-4 k *400-9 ./ his boitros• Int g..4 •Apon him for a mi,Int *11. h. vas .10*ling, 0,4 then 94* 0,14, 'I ean go hi,I siet nt. I *"m 'Ma Ghules '111",i.' 80/0/.1 1.... le, 1 hil 1/004 vS'h a vimit.r nt tuity, "nd thil 1* h*r Its,yl A, m yvia,4 bridi ae ma Pir yeaiAL brid/groo. laft Ma*lia,1 -1 i.it te 49.trall, 00 Mak. Ihil, h.no. And nttor f•rtr tip, 7,91., th., r.tgr).1 14 1.gland t.r * Silver J*11.0 In th, Tionly.ntlh A-1¥oria,y *a fae *,1,0 •f 0*0 • Y• mv ..4 00/*A *. 5-8 Ca.1184 thi matarren•mt * 3,41././. 1//4 4// mho ..91 he,"., thI In....1 ..../ 1/Uplill#,Ilikal.*Al"*31* pat.'llqfleh. ..14'10 1. M.'h f•rthar, but 1 NUU) te 00.. 10 1 1¥ ind I. Ch-14 Mul'Ins. X ..id, 9"lil 84* r.,11•4. is Y.I. I.,b./11 I 1/h, hi ..at baa): th. ghart roull. lie vould"'t 4." 14. 11.' W .W. m""9. B.. 1 5.0 t. .1... Sh. ..14, fl hai. Boon 111,4 I hav* tilkid vit* hi Aad no, 1 can ge bok t, Aastnlia a.d b. **St*lt.* Thai thinity, aa red *an in Yeur 1=41nittin miltiply theat by the 1 -4. h".41.4. Of .4.01'*1.0 'ill pr.**rit tho pl.*al. t. yod of U. in. 111*cale ot *27 1,•*40, thlykkpi,ut 11*, world, *1,4 1,0, pe*ll 10,6.1 t, hi*. Bat I hsve Ii, d**t>t ent You do n*t :Mid *Mat piel,ret thmt you I an turn wit'*121 your *sts mintl aid bard ant Dod, *al thore 8,0 *wit he nes:w t, yod, Rad vilat he haa doile fer yoG. *AN*gh his T th 1-8418£411. 1 Whon I think et %1 1•At tro *bat tato : bo youn, mud thmt I know 1* in thI h.artil Of milliong, 1 re*lisa tint n,thins tilt lam 2,9 /411 b.3"41*n th#t pist"10. 11. 1 10 a 1144/ 17131 049/. r.wal lh. 1,•rld, mid no *#1*Ky ./ min* xm/14 aal *, t#,t liat//, ent ngthil that 1 0*&11 *¥ 0 *Ala 11,0, 44. th, 041*u. of our bolove lador. 112 uaed thi spah•t word, #41 ng on• ki/,0 h- 1 m:any affirwition* Of Truth 1/ e../00.4. I know it .auld rua int*, th; t>*'al.2,10. And 3 4*abt thet an,**so qui vay vftigh VLS hli favortto, if h/ had a /*v,/at*. Oud 14,t oot-a ti */ mand, that 1 heve ha#ird hj:s u/• t#.9/ 1 4% 11:Boo *tad 1 IM iNn thal yott h ye ***0 13 tids:I AM tillaiO Di TRE LOI' Al. 91*' POR<* 0/ 1116 1/11 6,1, , 7,9 hal" heard hi,8 Iey that, without a Joublt "I 8,4 gtret*; in ths 44 -i W p...1 ./ 1* 448* U , 1 *&14•t thit 4,4,8 7.* 11'ink of Chelco rilluori itt ids inat eal*lqt, thit >* Will IR, fe, hia: 71'j A:1.; i) 1 ,FO 111 714 10:*J Ate Tri '09*4 0, 1111 bly".. Deait J•ot 11<it fory.010.1/. Sey it. BSLln: it. Mhke it 0-0 tpu. la Y.*p lits. 14*n y.4 will 64 a 11714: Raa.*rial In t,LM. -'---- .- 9 1 -5- /02 will b# 4//aK /hat ho al/#19 tuat/1 u, 10 4/: -10 111 1,1eR, 0/ T.fi MilJ.• W. .., p., M f*li.r tribs:to to our bolora Glia/10. 411"ON th.* 1/ be a '%10*11 OF T'R 101:,a, inl t, tollow hist 1,0 thi 79/* tnt *,61/0. *-* \ .4. (8.1.. ../1.0 H..fh -94/1 "ight I 1 A 61'.44.I 4../I'll 8-00. SU •f *Ae •14,411ee,9 Ye , •11 the =01,at *ilb I.- ./.9.-.0* d V.-4 Id..0.¥ 0 a 440. -*-8. d * 4/la *4" ...... 0/1*4, ..8 0. M..1.1.1 Of v. Imak i.... 0/10/4 .Ii., •.lill, It ./ thI ..... .9 ..MI../. ./ t•th.4 d v.... /8.- -1.4 0... I.la lILLIe ./ a. 9// IAT. th. 1/1/0 /2// ... Li/..• W of •11 e. g,mt, t • e-W.*s le• nll•en ./.- -En.'st -O- 4 - -s,Ohri t --- Aa .1e ..4 la..... an mt .sly hal Of thi .mall. 0 ... "./4 bet hil life As ./ ./.Id. 0 4/ I."I. d t 6/WI' ef J.18. *NI.. ..0---mu ld- b. 41./. *sp Ae' All- .te -4...M- mb-/U --MAO-oa .- --.If I....... f.t•,.....4- 4. ....,4 allet At. a-1- '111'"- 1.11-.. Jill -Ut •11 lilli 8/ try-10 -1 - *u.. -* ...0 *v ./ his 11,0 h. ps "I'* .... •f th .'*i• *It Al. /*8.06 . *WN. sish . Nt et WI¥ *- lit.. ".6 - th. 0* 2* -4 -A Inm .4 h. 6•- d - hA.ef I.* ./.dum-4.-- af th-i te..4.1.1• 91....Wh.4. .11 U ... /-1 0/ the, bhu#*04/.0...b- 0/hu th*t 0- to U.4 0. m.*4 011-t 44/* .0 ./. 0. th• -.. n./. .•.. .11 •......, I....4 ... 00./1.0 lillill. a..10.4 ...4 trial"..t b. lip.. la ti. a... ./ i.... 0,10.4. ..4 t..to. hI. 881'll 9.1* ./l ut, IN.4 k.... the IMI ,-,Al m. fall ./ ./. *4 0.-*d Jel/-9. 1 •dul N/. nll"e met te' 108&6 09•, aft-, I hil blie *"Ibl M. 6-h. ..ARAI 'lum,h. s.*4 'll it ... h..4.*M. lit ...."ha ./41 -d I.6 I.ver "lild it• 11. hie h/"' AWW)/ h, *U, -mit book . Ihe Ull tn //t MI/•""" N/mdiki N• IU. 1/8 ha-, m" 1. /,4 "/ 'wa mid :*M i"'li"b*At IMI U WV 'al" *m =" 1"' thI ./.4 ./..8 ..1. t//./2/ Ill' th•.00 Il. ./1 it .lib Ind th. Shal ta * b..3-t -fil.'ll. N./ I "'Coll. Ill of the ty.F ull ntlms,I has h.1 , 4 I. u 4, =dz-Umier Am-.,4 .h..-pf u--- -4, . aw"*410 k.-tian .it. 1hl.0 ..1 veN ....till 1 I. I. 8. 9. 9.,•rt•'24 lid ..la the, O.1.4 0. diffied . h, I. I "DAA ••h hAm I/#<4 .6-4 0.' 0 0*40*# Al./0 ... thiN 11. 1 -d b hI mU, 1. *tst .•1 la n• b.. .. 5==enG. 'hal "i/'01* 10"d/4 t. a.- h what Ika•* * - t )0 =/d h• v•-'t tole' I -*t W *4 1 IS te I.- m *4.4*t 8. ... natis I. .....th' t,•At 11 I. nll=le. 9-8.. i./0/0 thI .0.0 /144.. a, ve•14 .11 e.b - .S. El .er-4.4 4/It /*VI'llt t. 1/.all ./i i. I gle/t t//I //I. .0 -- ...lath .4.4../-4 '1*6 Y..m.--M h.... S.. 4. I.-Il h..44 1. 1.g k... th. s, t..t t./. ......84// 811' bill... If N.. 1111/'ll'/ i.lit lillI ef I....0 v. la*Rot hs- 0'lia-... 80.. ..11 a j.. - tell . If .ill "'hIR *04 S. I. /*4.4 V. Aull. b.4 NS lau..Dil *put i. 1.4 th bl. d El.ye ts t. 0-0.. - I.Vilit'.-i.' ./.- 1 .../. W.*W.4 I.Ill -Ille *. Sh,4 8.1. that kes/&.40. th't.all ..8.*" the ...144 Zt i. th. N." ./.4 1. i. Ill 0/list Aa Nall .hit le'll ./.h. If .... hI .//4. ./ I. ...04 ....0 .... Uf - n. len I tu* If ..4 u..1 0.. ..I .1 'I.'lf. 1#hilit is ... ... 1. m., th' h.,O •f '1.IMI.' ........- 14•as - ..... ...... I./..4 Ila t./.811 '"' fe. /.%4 U the Vul ... u.. 80 ".U a --0 - - pute.W-- -/... 0.4.' i. 1. ... #. te al,I '4.t he .1.. ... 0.8 i. *Rt I. I.lt t. ... 4da. hs "4.* LAh• ..0./4 - f•11: ....'t.....U fall. ... 4.0..0. s./. Il. s..i/0 .0 ../ i. i. j... S .4./ A. 4...1./. ..ef the t . I. IM'/0.6 I. h- Iv nll . W b 481, rmlll, t. /4.4. .4 .11 8-/ Il l- ..6 lat I .. - nll-ed--Me ..Im .'D fmil*4 R...., b 1hat I. it ..70 1.t .I --I- "11 1Ue U 'bum/1. I. ele like a ..ry 11 ted ./le. of thi4,8 1/.0, ill lif.../.Alt. If 'lat I.... a.4 h.ar. ind .0/.il me'lly fo..Mat ...01 lif*. IR m.... th. .8 of it. Or, ..ema ..MI. 14 I. lim think If life ./ .tal"/1.01". life of Christ ./pre./1.9 9.4, .1. *m-' .0 - -IMb ".8 of Life 1. . 0-/le. b ...0. d. ......1,00Allie "p. nl/lor. 1/Vil#, 1/ I. ".It 4.4 *h. 14./1 th. ...4 'f lim. t. U C.8 bel' i.. .. ..m ... in thi I '0314 0/ -ah.<Ob "0 ///t *IMI ",1< *wd' 8/ 16/) ll. bed, re©*nd' if ve "a ..048. UU.. if - I. 14/0 00 ...M' 1. I.*Hel vathe, th'n I. I la14 04, slathlig Van•faa=•4 R 4 *804 dom to Ie/ H i. •".W s••4 life I. v.* v. 0. -4 U.. 1111•/,I.pal. If fall'. 4/.8..*thset./M. 1/ 8..i.. h Spial,4 •f lh• Mle•t ud ¥ •IR I f Oatty 80 hool, ho =2 I.... bill'llit th., h.4 *11111. falth* b.t lots o f volit... 111'10 fal/4 Ilt 1./. ./ ./. I. .., Ill ...... ./5 00./.al h.,O be.. fltw. 3-* 0/ 10. Il. IMI att.*d Ul "VI//9 /Int•6 h.ab" •Ir. M.. at '11 TH.14 Imi *ell .f y.. .I. .9* vith U. in 811-1 Oult/, , know // // Up. nll-n' e 8/Nsil *=My 1/ r -,St/h ts t Vistesy u.th-'ll el.4,44.h liat /*Ile' t ill,h-t =.I, *t v'ata, n ts in.lhia *5,7 iwit t.£4 .p .4 van h/414 to,L'k.7 *4"Al.6 Bste-'-17 5 tilk 1... 1"1 ..al h.4 b... ./.-, ...14. nll-n ..8 p...1. .... e -10. 11.•4 a 11*11' and "2** la. -1 liMI".I lbit, I.t ....d /%04 O.. 9"4* 1• t • v...7 #01-4-- *• V.14. *I/*Al ASTIi 16 Tit: YSTOn. (Incauped along the hills of licht.) Ey=1 Iia.70 1. 1.noa=ped •long the htlls or 116'ht, Ye Chrlattan Boldlers, rlac And lit your sont.e Or pratio *ad jOy Be lifted to th* skles. Is nauGht, for 001 ts •111 Ina# that the roe in vales Lelo• Faith 18 ttio victory, •e l,now, Th#t overce=o• the world 1 Cho.- F•lth 1, the slotor,14 Palth la the viotoryl CS glorious victory, Th*t overocRes the vorldl : 2. Ills banner over us ts love, Our *word the U Ord of Cod i Te wblk ln ;*th or rlghteousneas When culd#d by Rls word. By faith do ,ords or Truth a:,1 liGht Sweep an oier every fleldi TI./ faith that brinaa eternal lifo Is now our ihinln€ shield. Cho.-- 0. Cn every hand Codia iruth *e find Drawn up in brlcht array; Lot thourlita of Cood fill every #Ind An<1 diell in I.*&•Ce today. 2#lvation,# helmet on eath haaL, flth Truth all clrt abouti The earth shall then be =a.te •44,• And Joy reign in oach Le#rt. Cho.-- I. -11- 211.Aiat Val'.. 11-/ dly th,re /111 pr#bably 1,/ gul#/ a wN,/par of book, writte:t about Mr. lill-re. Bal *1:041 144 vnnlirful lifo, as,4 thi wonderful influen/0 h/ h,/ h,4, Elt# ,*111 ham, h.1 ¥111 hen thr,<4* the 1,0/0 •ver the thought/. and hicrts, *34 1110# of poipli. AnA I suppose that */, th// :,re writts, there way be on, that ¥111 b, /*11/4 fairks nllaeri. th. 0-At Overemar.4 Boikewe *utt i. th va, I //ink *re 1911"In moo' a' a Oriat 0,0/lail' In hil /*/Imi,/4/"/ Va/. Alao, h* Il a vindirful ¥Dia. 11* ney*r 10•t ·ele •imMin t#v,h'. 0"0 thiq: thal Vas "0,1 ghtnd:t: obout hiz. 1 ro"/mber ,/"0 *t h tim' I h.4 bo.n to *.* hia. thit r.s Jilt before hi. tall. 10 ie Baar, ,*an 40 not,• 10 la In rv fir .1 vist 4 641 I attiald his -flas. fhe Irvies was gan,1 01'Mt in quit' a merioug velit. mvilantly mk 1111=an ngl///4 ity b/389// h' /12 vary 0/8/1/1// te hi/ le'N////t/•As "•Stions, and ho interrupt*1 41=elf by a littlo thetelt, er *t*ry, •r vill • littl, /4,#- 0/ ///t# •• 114 t and very f/.09 1 brik, 1. 0. a ./ry ..Mal 3."*Ir W.'Wing, '4*1 .Ywryono's 11#t.utim: il lik.ly t. 1*g, * *Id enly tae 11*01, t* b//0,/ sleepy. ho brik, it up with I j•rk Nak- 1 al, 4 1*40't ..taphor. .r usig: 49*1*t m.,1 .419*jabl .t.*bo• 11 en i 1 lort•An point h'IMIA# h.'I th' sirious ;*lnt ho hihi in nind. mat vas In. typt-1 09#r.**ristia, that Mr. #11.- t•14 happ, i 000/10. a. 1 /*Is,6.r the "wade/ful /tti 1 8/ hin.r he h.4, tnt in the *tr•0* -1 .tr*in of **08:1,44, 14 •*uld bo 0,111*1 %*an. And anoth•r thin/. he kn// Ja,i ,4/9 1/ 6,r# 19 th* ri.:41 ro grks thit /0414 brit*: 1 9.*i,10 ta tl truo r/21/*11*n by h.1/18; t..2 to ilet hil.1 of thlris th,t ..0".4 se prof•libi end ..rile.. i -1-3. I think or hhi of all thl, •. ss n Or,at 0,01/0/61. 1§• Va, all thot /:54 Mor/. 1/ //9 not'111,4 for hin to in,pir, other ; *ople. 110 inopind sther p/*1/ to be oy.reon*,1. Anl 1,/ al,ays ln,pired - tobI. WI// 11-*, wh/* I had t'nut:ht obout n problee tint ai,r/4,4 e.//01" 00 m/, 1 veull think of hov Charle, 21'llmro wgul,1 ,„It a sittiti•n 116* th,t, **1 1 nevor failed to finl a atintlatir zn,•Sr, -,4 a 11 ttle siati•-4 alon ; vith it. If Mr. Fill=r• vere fai,d vith oonfllat with wl,it he oaw, li). .t 44 of Ihiding u. ho Wmld take the oppertimity rl#:t evny to risht thI es<Ust in i>. henrt, 8,11 lift tho 01*ul by a tho t, or h, vi.14 -r /, /Aljng ta miko I, Smil•, eit I In gure ho would it h* wir, her. 40*1. It nuld b, absolutaly in •h:tracter for htii te do 46 At// tlwn ve/ /n.th*r *91< /b*/t lit. Fillmn# t*rol*th th# 09 1*11, 1 Ins privil,Wil to kn,v hint ttew n.warkabla it lo to think, Ihill vith u. hI ..1., m.ation.d his 04/11.Ng. or *:Mit'1119 to elorify himelf. Th rl .glin. mr. nillor, 1/lk#d bly,nl th. por/=il. 10 ... a. 1.:64 a. 2 5474 kno./ hi,& hI hs, b.ma .18 outatan ling inginliae. 1 hs-- m,er the<44 of :fr. Flll**r, in the pence of boin linit** or 1-*. Aact yit, for hii it Irs a sirious, 1,hynicul ehallid• ho had h•4 ti -*t 011 his WI. /ro, th/ ti- ho */ a littl, boy, ha mot 2'01*il ahjll/n :// -1, *hat /•aily •oull hu¥/ de.m,4 a half d.son othe r p/4,10, bit m,nr Charle# 1111*,rot 1 naver heard him Itt#r a v,rd of 01=plaint abo ut his Ow. phygl- •81 01&*11'*F" " th' *",1,4* "8.40 1*41411 him. 1% *na#rvdel 41* fsit, and Inablid him 14 21,3,14 **1 its rrincipli nal 14, staillity of Spirit. 1,8 lh* 4/7/ /4/rti, bof5*4 h/ pen**4, I vttID priv ile :/4 ta hiv. a h.art ta hout lilk with WI. 14 0•i.& 714 kn,1 t' 70 tijngs ttri all trui•.Iwi y.a havs ried th :t *t*ry nbailt hit, 0,0 avorgovdrL; ani 1,313*r- Al *Alinl, u 11/0 la 71/4/ 361&.4 Yoar*. 1 r.,U.•4 the r•,liger. thi Kans,10 Lay ·,tar, nprint *My ,f #w in ·trikE'te to 'da. Y•t ho •,14 ne,atly t, no, ths, may h-irs b-a me,n,; hin Aroatelt 1•soons. 11:110 st th, *m,0 t#me ho ;/t //p-141 4& has l, *4 101/ id/a of 21•*, al lili in th• bo* wit# 1 viger ant 4 positin faith thit p//sibly ne te•oher. no *tio tliaher Ii:Nts th# tind af *ur IAnt J sus ht,4 videed 0. taught. R.In th... yow ... thI ..All.ful law of O.f*....U,31* hov pkgrfull, Clid wils thr*u * 10*pl . 3.•ged*/ pr. Fillnere, after he ••., late a 00*1„01144 ef this 94..,rfel phil iseptly ihit h. ht:*.elf 10.04 in the birth of AMS'll:026*I, *Ually. 4 h*4 le =urr thoa.•44* actinit ki.4 41,0 Igplinst that ides. thit ofte n it ves n..../ary. -ny a tim' ti **/1 .1 VIL& D,814 79"1134, I TlIA, ly:/6 8 f17-X. I i "1130 B: 837791.* Thvt voul 1 1,470 b'*n " simp l/* *I r"01 I AM GODO ' 10 0 *T "4116. Tttl:"311 TYN '02/Ut 0, 0(ki I tf lij. 03:T 01,1... linet vlth •airs#, •41 faith -1,1,•40/4. 1, -st firl#/r. ha youll rio rbeve i 11 0/J li,yl .1 AN lur OMLY 03/13 7.) .37'r 1%-rnR. - I AU HOT OHLY 00120 - -14- 10 007 WELL, BUT I 511*LL *rnm DIN.- A.4 in r.u.*1.2 ....rd that 18114 "111=40, elt I kn./ to hin I. al .*tr-,1, 1.ertmat .1,1-, 1 kno, he wa aw l. ta **N 1.0 b n,hiN for thmt high e,tritanl vision aish he hal. Virtually /1,/,6** ihi kn,/ about hlu hma th• nost p,of,un* •,4 vinderful *Abilfation for that vendi,ful spirit thmt *eatiot bl 'h....0..18*a. it 1. lili.Wil. 'hut •holld bo Er'att, tr,limmi •04 t.hea g.lat prid' in. a. Unity p..pla, th:t ./ ha.. a 1.2/0r liho Id, Ild h•s - mua* 0*1**0 and hilth. At"lit lh. tilt 'In..r..Ul.1 8.La vith hab., Ihi,tly b flp.*Al /0.*... 1. t s.iti*n, hI .RA. 94...4 do y- ...P. R.n.1 U'.1. 1 1* 1 9/4 /40.0 I De ,/4 ...110 lili.t itil 9./. 1 4...0•• ./.dr.4 p./.Ilt./ 4 4. ..81•4 a./ ..14, 9./111 if you d., you •44 "lai//st it.. t That littll 40*1 /a• b/u,//*lat hm/ u/til /0//on/, ia// soul, knoi# 1.K 's4 1'.14: hlib that ..... .... th'" INU tak' 1444 ... via en. 1 J 1 1// he n/t# I. 00 kn// flil tmat 010 ta le is fer Life. And ho, him..1/ *,0.Mdj.4 24*t t#• pr..... of kirth a•1 4.ath, a. w ars eo.- 3. ing 14 ki" I", are viry 1 n/140"tal anct /1/0 "ry 11=doluate. Dat lif. is th* t ,11*:. 1,1 is th, 1*,•rt,lit *111 --*TeOLU Ll,14. M. did i i I 1 not boxia .4/4 .0 -8. int, thi" ...14. 1 .MI :1'. v. "11 "00.pt *hat nov. 10 In nPr A 8031 91:1 Llyx, 39 an Llrg wit'i a bNly. Imt this -15- lif* did not begin /4/4 ,/ oa// hers, and shall net //a,/ if th/ body bi laid asidi. 11,10,4, w have 1414 ast il van, tiodle*. r:verybily frop time to tlii in nnlity de,0 this, biouN Ivory few meths va Rre elittwd 0-, Anit it - 11,0 I.gly in a mental nal an emottinal .ns*,. hiv. di/4 =ly finals. 15/ dia te .14 idaas, fears, 'up/r/tittens, 11,4*tation/, m,/ vy are bont Vitil all %0*1, with hope, faith, e uve/, .i'All: th. till."aous p.'*r te 10... v. pr.yo ..1 With ..al"'rtz'i,"a1 Arid if w hays lived v.,1 4,*Ply, riat af u. 04-41•0 hop. f.8.4 ./. smotto-1 .*peri./. in t. past .mish it soet*4 ./ .ouldn't. 4 my h.,11 gaid, -tlds 19 t'* Ind. 1 •an't go on." Y•t At is by our b.li.f in /1.rall 14/0 *lat 0. hal. b..4 11/0.4 phoad*-llks, trs# th 00 of *0.1 h.,0 .184 **440-*=. of liti. Lito goes ... 141• 1. 01.rnll. lit' 1. ".d'flat•I• Aal .top i 1 by •tap, thought by t#**:44 hoert/.lt th"ght 8%04 /"1141 , en' aft'r •nothar ¥, 0=, into tho iz*1*cinti •f aur faith, th• fulfillaint *f our faith, Imill %·/ havi ka,va, aa *ir 1,0,4 J/,u, 011,1,0 ht, kno,04 1 thst 'Christ 10 111'--a# 1 1,4 have 44*rl :'r. rillmore •Ir very n,oontly, 0911' gr.'60.It thina .1.r .npittin or "trar.1-'5. Chrlot in 2119 tho 2 1,09• ef &167,64*>T thi Christ in •*2,084 01,0.- I kiw, h. vc 414 9,1 C that U U. if hI ./.0 h*.0 1111: ug ta*-9. t *Dinit Jop,mi en ne. Diast JI"*1 011 le»:10 01*41. Thard is I A .. Christ apirit wit#di all of wi. -16- tu *19,1, u.4 the v,/4* st tvo Lar,1 J.IM, .hs sdA, 9 of *yillf •0214 de nathing* Th# Fat *r in ms, ho dieth thi viA/." 11* Imid. ./ g• ..4, WY ./ther.1 flim, p.*pli t'.wait, 1 bills,*, h* ria, at h• vas gaing 00 die, bet that i. far /*t' th' r.•1 -mal.ng Of hlo ./Hka.. Thi" 1/ the 4- .tr.mith J.... 0,rill k...4 lie ..14 'oatin.411., *rhi. 1. thi Phth•r vithirt. It ts thi *iniges of or•ry,no *f *11. It la tho t mt// tth er our h/livid C,ta,1.0 7£11.on, And 9/ kib,/ *4*t he ha• •entia.ally tar..4 t. thal Pr'll... vithin. 110 wi,--he 18 *mi .f tite kist origiant 2414*,/9 11 kie bion our p.ilil*:* to kno...4... .f ttio "Inrt 114&,9.3,&.ni. Alle h.* try his i ; Sro•t vilion lid ./flet, suU hil abili*, t. d.ay ar•unl hin p.071' 3 i Ihe ,#14 ve,k viti hAN and Mrs. 7111 ri IM the fially, hu Kiva 1 to th. 9,0,1. a s„*,t •Tant,nU*04 vast ant tar-,04041,# 10 1ts in- , 8 flu/••/. T•t h/* hL-/lf. /4/ /a* •/ the t////t */1/)3/ 0/ *nt#uis/. tija 1 44¥0 evir knoin. 1* dida't bath,1 hil ./ty t. out thr.%4* his ovn r.4 tae.• 9/. will m,p, 9, *at 0, it #91, i/: E-t t#,oz* it 12 ontirely diff./.4. to thi lh.ught ..ttl#,4 b.fir.h."A. rti.,e a trie -1 injopindint Oririt. 110 15 4 in, ..61 inlipenliat spirit. 1 y*141' thett le,trit ·,*ry i r.itli. r..6.bly 1,1 givirt: 104 title K & 11 talkial, 1 h.,4 hund *,at, ne Iattir *int con*pt I, got of our 0 7.lhor in TW Nmi h. 0...... "4 I. an .1111 indivial.1. I *M Brate- - t/1 f** *,Mt. 81- -17- 7(44,/10/,r **r Clu,/b** Fill:#M *w#y bo, Andividaaily h, 1 m 1#*IP-*t ind. Ma oblaid lar *¥•4&047 vie *A- Ihin:, hl //4 /0. lig..lf. /4//4,/ t. 1/11/• thi Ohrist Spirit within. A/4 h* m,/44 *1 I f.11-14; I ovu le•41* * *nj al t.rinG t'118.4 thfit sib.* , 411* --I rian one tia. a very 1.44.,Imcia I b-, * 1/0'* 14**u, 44*04 02*r te de har wrk An the mity MNI,ont. *7 /--da i *dip•mh.*t# *04 he *#84, "00 *n ir*lop-*mt 1*ch ,r." 9 ... twit. f..mk to ../ 10 41*nit N.I. loah 41/far#4..4 1* 42.waishad u to -10 vigor.* p-partatiod. 8*t he .14, '**h E Il" Ft* 4*0 49'rt, f TIW MAI OF ( 113T. Wh *49011 7644 du 1 :8 * 1-al 4/' 11/ 19*: Iliza 01 010*/Jir , b *a."mi /44/ 1. 04. MUic 0/ 0,00%1 1/1/122.4 Aid *• hy A-lad I trily laU. tle< PUr rti T HA ABOVX arKIZY 01'm' 110 'St /4, keuguATJOil 0, Tt*T SPIRIT ABGY* w,Ktr CM"" la his 11/0, 4.4 wit# ...4 1,1*14 ..4 lt'*41'll.... I. 1. hI.0 ..14.n I.*n. 11 As . s.... Pliville. fe, 48• te h#ve t.4,1 m p.rt lai i. that J..Ullf, ..4 *aw,kill .f a Or.at U ntte..0 6..aual 1 kn.. Ch rto. nit.4,00....0 ·w:ill "*Ir bl /O/gottin. Ald I ihi,k I. ari *01,41 -Oh' 1 4441 t *WN, *ma- 1 nk " are Aoi** te IN Mrs of ht" 11 4 W./ th*t 1. 40•pllt and tpll•t. 10 *an' t ida#tl fy a/,1- *11"410 'Nl·th *n/tiln but 1144 au 1 tldnk •r hi' as n Spiritual rioni,/. An, , hot ** pt*/010#1. 1 **¥*/ 18*411 14*itity hi. partleula/1/ with ph,#10.1 t'dr*ts, but am t....Mwmaa./71 partioilarl, in "ind "44 *pir&*. *144 *61 1,19 irit ni,VI, Al.. W. 0.,0 "0¥Or ..1511 *104 el' lop ft=§ 1-- ** = 6 -16 244,0 who /1,:l ***a*,4 ¥lth vin,1 6:,1 Splrit, inate,1 ef r'grilaal 1 pr**144. men 14 3,***panUMn thero, in Mind nal rfirib How P.4/1. mity ..aittiae* 404 far mors p•,414" in meme "*twal 041*r allumatatioe, thiy Day A-3 Mozia taken *ty boys:d tho plliloil er hepr 9,;unia tkri,4* gra.:t dlstal:342. But 1 am mu, ther, 10 a gr**t, 94 •trealthanin talth by 9,10'1 - My, in eemont 14*ale, bilb,O 1/ a griat spirit, t'w $:irit of Chartsa Fill /. As 1 *st 1 02. 4 1• 010= t. u Ind bl,1, Ua to bo of 6001 0/fre 1 M/*,mbir th* 0,7#/11 -117.119, An 1 &0 04 with d faith that In th* 91/te,y. to b* tlk, h,w: great 01•,0 0,8,0, ··4 -19- L. X. *ar mIt .gull ....8 6.'.Op.r to 1;6"*148J. . s..vt•. t.. U.. lillwor. with.et WIntiouing .50 /*at thst hI /00 Ddaistor for forty years .f Unity 0.01/1/9 hI.e in Zan.al wil.. Mint.tor. 1 lhO<14 ,"VI ind to,oher al" 18 " .u¥ 01•008, in tha Unity 80•iaty ministry. As //A' al 18 O, An 11/Jim Th#Ight -6n81D , b'for' Ulity vaa y.t m....4. y.t a grodt l,ork .ms b.ing oatila.4 fet Vr. ..4 1*.. nllmere, h* ""e inte this mia:18, t',0 stat.*s nt that in Xmu// 01* ther' .aul4 6, bellt a t..A/0 a t.mplo in vg.h th. trt' 0.4 'Illd bo ....hip'.4 med thr, 64 '*147 lus': wcrattip that is +/el ,•/14 I"/ 4//IMI/1/2/0/Pli'Wif/• *-4 70„ .4,/0 hi ..14/t.4 thi. r.ry 9, st 1&'on Whilh thil 1**10 ne, 0*al, *a tBM Tilli lintion. lh- blf... ant dari.9 thi .9.'triltiou of 19,0 7."Pl., h. grri' 181 /91• .teit--1, *104 10/ han 'sn•lat vith him all thriumb the plri•* if ....twl.ti./. '4:* Rn,LO UN.rt·r '50 LE AS ':1* V.-3..Y :DUS_: 07 OCD Mu ALL Mmn# 11,3 1 i iT A H+V::7 0, r"*T Ato 1.- 5,146'101.4 Th// h/ h.* b,HIMA w, 4 ¥Iim, 1*ra for this 80,1/1/,a u,U/14 aad thpirl it, for /vory Unity C-tor •stivity ths·444*out tho fiold. And thr'*m it •1-0 h. hd* si/,4 "* th' vid,n f•r lh.t #11*h "40*t g. on Within .h. 74'll• 01 ...4 .r ..r 1.lnes. It *01,0 fittint indeed thit 680 •44,/1 in this T.,Ple sti 14 bo 1 L -20- 0/t #/Ue, R:61 oall// th, 0!tikeYS VILLUO;Ul Cha/.1. Thi* h,4 been 1//. 1/ has b/01% 4// vith his /0//ent. * setere* /Hy /nthesia/11*ally in .4/porting thi* prole*t. 18/ 1188 *11-04 himself /0 bo baill into it. Aa4 *at ts over al ibm #at, he has btalt hli0 -a 044/1 int. th, h,art ma niu of his "" t ¥100 *r 1**, -4 *hore h, 4,011, with us, An.1 4*y Kitit *ny va f:nl ,e will sontir- to flad 0*Imidon with hlm. :turely he 11 vith u, 101*y, and will be vith ua al-yll 1 knm, it w,111 *:*,1 1,4,rep·•r t• 01#olud, thi, I•rvi*/ withittl #oll diroat w,rk of hie *m reg'*141:*4 th:ht kntter ,41* h• set b•fen U, li *lutin,Illy. MI ,M3 mt exponant, ra y#4 kniv, of Lito 2#129,;t 1,1 24• h)44 In A*plat 1946 Unity INS,lro, h, 8*to b,fa#, us very aliurly lio 140# 04'#ortlipH this, m¥.1 1 flel it 10 trieer t. 4,1 te his words. 16 "11: '*J./us 81,1,1,'lf 51 #i,11 **ep 17 1,0/1, h• /:,211 n,Frar tast• •f 40*th,/ and 1 hwa belley/4 tivt.4 114 Inid, 'I would ntfird ht, Warity until ther b,•an• en:ard,Id in 19 b *, Rn,1 I *biolutely fr1 I **7*11 n*var pas, ovt of thie o.muli=. 30-ti-e vh.n I :Ao thi, eldz: of St,rnsl 11/0 in *,e b<*, 3 RN askel Af I •,pist te 11// *hir/* in tha flesh.* 1,1 us #420 earif,117 his eng,or. M* s•lds 3¥ *n**r 1, 14*t I re<U** t,it th, fl sh i, beln; br•um 40* Inry *Ry, eal it* 04118 tra,iatdmed lati #nor:y Ini 11/4 unl a m/ b** is bil< hnid *f a viry =up:rlor imUty. mit ne, bmly in L. r I. a 1 -21- Christ will b* ry future habitatic,1. 1 011*11 not fly ainy to noma henveR in tho ollie, but hili) to mnko heaven heres I hava fo,m,1 that th, kisigiON of holt·,en lo wit'lls :w, aill wo intita our time ani defeat the work of Spirit if *2 look for it nit,whore 0100.. 11:drouingly, you an.1 1 ni Unity gtalonts, and the whole world follo·,ing arter Truths ara golm: to nok: Whet did Ghtirlae Pillaore tiaoht Let us stu* his writigis carefully. Let us follow after the things that ho ast bofore ue, the Opirit of Truth, to lani ug into all Truth. Ant let 18, not nlwy,3 ilotubt eaol, sayl:16 ar,1 vord in his liuraturl, but underetant t'* gi:lritual oicalficansi and the 5'uth whi,31 tls k.n/v ·waa t'le spirit of 001 to him exprot,ao.1. I kno, everyint, h,re yant, 11 hivo n spettial part In 1411 today. Ss that we wt, Ixpress the foolinge ang th,aghts of oar hoorts Bal :dnal, #4811 1,8 pagie n to-, mon*:its iii Dilimt prnyer, a silent tribute, n low. int tribute of de/9 gratitude for tha Grant heritaze whiah he hag lift with us. And lat us Join hin in Spirit and in Truth in our hoarts, ' afflmilg 1 '01 AM 110?f Ill T:t: Ill:11111:JE 07 PUR DMI:11 AM.) 8*%11171] 111 7113 110LY SPIRIT 07 LIPX, U)92, t.:O 933:*na.* Silintly t>gothor: "I lus nt,M in tho pregatt 03 of pure boing mAtt iN=Irisd in the lioly Spirit of liles 1090 and wisdars.' Ch•11*0 Fillmore, and 1111 *11* are dear te you: T:t5 1073 BLS3U 1.13 AID X137 TES. 7.In LORI) HAXN 1113 FACL TO :11115: U:'01: TIM.1, A:U BZ GlACIOUG UNID T..tiS. Tlt-4 101W LIFT liP 2111, COUifT#NANUS Uil,it TIM AN,) 0,VE '191:05 rjUM.W 1910 Loni blee• thee, stid keep t'tee. The lent 10 ska his fooe to ohins upon thee all be graglous unta title. 91,0 Lord lift up 1110 .1 1 9 4 '1:, F: t -:z **Ints#,aw#* Non th*e #48:19* im* 1**a*. Aagn. - :'-.,--6-,-d-,»,-&-4.4.*4%,I-/IIA/.,i.u;M -19- L. S. Ninut 10 vow/4 00•* 1/*/*per ta •0"41"di # si/,1" for 1*. 71118'.I with.st .."14*Wing th. falt thot ha ."10 minist.r f.r forly yom'. Of Unity 040&011. h,/4 in Ka#*As Qi*/. Hinlitir, 1 "4*Ild 'ry, Ind t 15/ *1** As 04 01***4, An th* Unity Sial•ty nint,try. A. -,4 •• 1890* in Youm 11"*0* 3,80'in/, botoN 1htit, -s rot nmal, y*t a great vork *10 b.ing *atll,4 /•r *r. -4 11,• Vilk-, h• trlt, 4*te *41/ 1**ast- thi /tatamont that iI Ian,014 th*/,0014 50 1, tlt 4 u„k, * to,*1* ln v'dch #h/ tr 0 8 voild bo Iwihippid mid thn.gh *141 mwl, wor,hip that 1* tr ,#14 b# 4,#s.nutrat•4. TIOnt, I,#17 *ge, hi #01*22*4 thil Y•r/ 04*t upin 1#10% thls T.*10 *0. *ta 80. .0 the T..pl. 1.*ati#n. ma Nfuji and 441,1 thi 00*,st,-tioy* *t law *,Igu, he *10 *0 tlds *ta*Im& *lah * ha,0 garrid vith 1,1/ 411 tuo 1* i p..1*4 •f •In.trilti*al fa l#W UNI'rf 4.3'J01& AS 'All VE>iT fDl 5* 0, ON Ang Al.6 2'90"LK Yho 13 11 A HAY 32; 0, RIBT AND 13:- #NNON.' Thus h, h*, br,Itht I* A d,im here /0/ thi, 8410*14, „d¥14 */4 *hroge" it, fer *¥Iry Unity 9/"for -tivit, th,0"1,49/0 *Ae flo/4. Ail thro<h it *1.., h* h#* sivia es thi vision for *i*t *11*31 *hottld i 1 ge en within #* T-*10 of *44 01 *,1, bit*0. it ....0 11*UAN i"04"Mt th*t •00 *hal,1 1, *tas T"010 should be s•t *st/10, ul oalld th, CTURLY* Pll·1/40,1% Ch•/01. Thls 'Ba, h*< 40,0. 1* hal beir, tion* lith hia •ansont. Hs *etorid vory ,*th •lu= 46.511, in .WIP..1104; this prols.t. H. hz. all...1 hill.lf t. b. lillI isto its And Ibat 1/ 1/*r aud *34,9 1:lat, ha has billI hi, lum •h•*>01 into th, heart o:,4 ulnd of his Im till/, or 1;5*, Id ther ho ***110 111-4 us. And day *fter dly 11 finl ¥* will usntlrio ta find 00=mian vith him. Cortily ho is with u, tolay. mal will b, vith u, •,Vay"/ 1 kn. 1% .suld 50*n 1*propir ts 43:taluit, thia rervice trith•ut 1117,9 dtrant /orir *f hi, awn re(4rdlig: that nitter vhloh 40 0*t bater. %81 1" sontinuntly. 14 1 S *:t *illelp.Mt, no yall 1:n,i, 1,f Life Rtinil in th' bia" 14 AR:%101 1946 Unity Mage/im/, 1,8 94*/ b/fir, 18, very 41/irly his tile *lono•ni,% t'*1,0 **1 1 1,41 it 1/ props: t, quit• hill wordi. th *VAT -/0.*1* ,•14,'if n mi k*l 9 nd, 1,0 94,11 ne,or tast, •f 40*th/' 4/1 1 h<v* belle/*,1 that.- M# 81*14, 'I ,#Ad *firm his v,r/* until th/1 b*/=/ orladsod in 4 boly. all I abi:31*141, 1*61 1 093:11 11,¥Ir pams .*it ./ thi, Drl;aniatS. tom.UNS vh- n 1 54* this ollin e f XY#rnell Li fl in the boay. Iii •aked if 1 esp.et to lir. ality. 121 13*4 nesh.4 1/t ua #116 •are fully hia mns•or. Ro *aid, *ly ennor is thmt 1 r=#11,• th*t the flash im b*in: brokin 40,8 *Vory *ty, 04,1 it, •*118 trzmof,n•I4 iltti enirk, #Al lif*, r.nl a n*, 69// 1/ boial farrs/1 of a r/TY ae/ri*r qugLity. r#,1 n// body in .. -21- Chrint will bi wy future habltation. 1 *11*11 not fly *1my t, scul hea,88% in the ,kies, bat h*12 to #ika haa¥cn hire. I have found that the kinglo# of he,ve/1 10 vithle 84, 891 ve r.,to our iii" and difilt thi work of Spirit if I look for it 5.7**re Il•O.0 locre„ingly, you am: 1 4/ Unity r:illoits, Ind t'la whila world follivind aftar Truth, an going t, ask: nat dll Ch,rlis Villior,1 t.0/ht Lot w* st#51 his wit199* 0*rafully. Let 99 foll.*v Kfter thi thinG. t*at ho *,t bifori 91, t'* Spirit of i/uth, tu 10,1 un inte all Truth. Aal 1*t u, not al.ay, lailt 0,04 sayine ant v,ri 1,1 hli litoriturl, but underitan.1 th 4.lrit al 51•:nift•anse an,1 ·ths "nith Ild,h he kniw Iwe it* Spirit *f Cod to 115, *ipres,01. 1 know *¥oryine h./0 vint• ta hiy• a ,peel&1 Part in thls talay. 94 th<t 10 Imy Ier*" th, f..linis rtai ihouelts of *gr hier,6 541 ninU, il.•11 ,• pati,0 a f,1 *imbint, in all•nt ;rny•r, n ellent tribu te, a 10,ing tribute of 1/49 Trititaa tsr t't, irsat haritnze +Lilc h he hi 1•ft with us. An 1 1•t NO Jain '11:5 in Jpirit *81 in Trwth in our 1,*arts, affir,191$ "I AM 1106 131 191 1:t-:1101;11 9, FUlt 33110 AY) 1,arrlt;, 1N T.t: IULY SPIRIT 01* Llul:, toy..', A,0 1113.*ME.4 Silently te,isthor: "I u now in tia pr,8,90, *f Pur, being Ind 11=Ing in thi Ifoly Spirit *f 11 k, 10,0 •,4 vi•48... Cherl•/ Fills,orn, /811 all wl:/ are 8*ir $/ /041: 1"Le 102.D 1,1,3:311 TmZ A:U KrA' Tre.. 7.12 1,OAD MAIr H.19 F#.CE 1'0 11'111'lf t 1'03 'rrt, An, 8% 1116%111/UJ UMTO T'ES(. 14*a 1.OfW Llrf UP il.11 UOU*nDLUR:% UK)!1 ,•es: ANJ 071: '19+06 Y J 3.= 94,4 Z,ord blood t'll/, and k**p tte/. The LIN u aka hie faio t3 .110,1 14,Arl tr&,4 ant b< 4,141•tv# ual, th... 714 1.ril lift up 41, * .- 044- 40-9=-0 *In th ./ 6114 giv. th,** p.ao 0. D.W.NEWCOMERS SONS KANSAS CITY GEN.FRM Genealogy Request Form 11#Rl.u LLm•#t Birthplace :ST. %-22- 135+ Name of Deceased 1 Birth Date Date of 7-5-/948 Death Father's Name Hb: et, Father' s Birthplace county/state (11-** , J;ieRSON, m iN N /)1 ISSOLLE i Fi LL,non-t %,5,=A-ZO -N \1 Mother's Name E,£Ai/9-0* ea.72'WE. / /9,4 Mother' s Birthplace Disposition of Remains Relatives UjiFE &1 ScoT; 4 CetmA--r, od W * SONS 0,#A Fill rn 6.2_F. 6, : Lw *LL fiLL=.A: : W*Lhs 3 AUW R Ctrs,Lr F;LL••DLE C* A.bewiLDLE,4 5 69: 0 9-*2-AN cse N,LDEFAI - Misc. Info AUTHOA. Requester: f•••NBEA. or- li|,11,19 M,b 2*eRS. Al Ass,s,8-NT A Hivk-r SCH.oL oF CHR.4 -r,AW,T, 446-9 6 Req. Date Date Completed -5-- 3 -9 11,"rg ,wel. A GST)*N,11. Initials , ; General Offices: 1331 Brush Creek Boulevard • Kansas City, Missouri 64110 • 816/561.0024 4 4: igrakij JPT#£42823 25*8 +2 Ir' ,p +N '1* 131 :LA 4;1 .:1 :, + 1. ,/ A/ //.4*b n Z- "m 44 61 45* I./l ilis. -I..../ 't 15 '.ell 'fl lillI 214 , I #. 2> ..9. I' 9 ./, St' •'. 4 ..- 38 18 , 59 -· ...,4 Se"I 24 74 &:1 •,4 # ' 'EL C 6/ t/M//6, 4: "' ., ) 46 4t( EL 'M-t */, .04 1;4 le +31 r ,;y 61 L -h„ I„ 0=Ilill„,e=,· C f/1 +21 iN '8 421 431 <W 44 K, t.'A -=. 'Lip B 721 1;: J .br ..... 4& r.,· '.5. n- 4--v-v-,r-----wrp-v-„9---r-•:#j.4 e £9 £12.4> i # 117 '·42112 1# rt> r 17 '47 E l > 10 ·te e (:HARLES FILLAIORE 66 i S FOR NiYSELI: 1 swmIJ like to 1 1 keep this bcdy, but it seems that the lord of my heing his deuded other· 4 Be. and i .im rcidy ti) di) whit his to be dime.' These ,#tre anic¥ng the last ,sords sp,ken bv C:hirles Fillmore. On Jul>. 5. .itter ninety·tour >·e.irs „f toyous living am,ing us. the founder ot Unity returned inti, ehc heart *,f the F. thcr ot .111. Charles Fillmore was gifted beyond En,w men with an Inquiring mind. a cre. kie uniginitti,n. a Ii»·ous spirit. ind a <readiast filith m mins Jiwinity. lic Bas spiritu.il. vet his spirituilitv uas s.ilted bv 1 Ji,·inc simplititi· that mide him re.il .ind dear. W'h„le·mindedly he sought the Truth .ind spoke it fcarlcaly as he saw it, yet his sinccrity was no greater than his tanity to be a practical way of life. It so filled with the toy i,f living and with faith charity. lic was an original and Creativt· thinker and moved boldly in new realnu in eternal life the heart of the middle·aged of thought, yet he never lost the comm„,1 financial failure and brought torth i inity. touch. lic founded a faith that reached around the world, yet his humility was as which has meant joy and faith and life to great 8 his accomplishments; it was Unity, not Chirles Fillmore, whose fame and Twenty years ago he left the active fortune he worked to forward. He soared, man that this heart overcamc illness and countless individulls. management of Ltnity t„ others and dc· voted himself to writing ind te.lihing. He but he lived simply. There wa3 a mixture in him of boy and mystic, jcstcr and genius. was ever ready ,; Ith &,Ic,m„11·,; isc iudg· businessman and saint. llc was a man mide : Whit a mighty spirit moved this min: Ir so fitled with life the crippled body he ment when important dxisions were to he He ts still here when he is tiee led. ilis spirit 8 not pint· tron, us. hir he m.idc wits u part fif us. N ,i; thit the sm.ill, ir.,11. 2 radiant vehicle of lifc. It so fitled with wisdom and knowledge the mind of the youth who had almost no formal <JUL'.i· quick form moves n,) m.,re amon,z us, this hid had since boyhood that this b<,dy tion thut this mind became the interpreter of Truth to millions and showed Chri spirit, this t,nous. couragetius. ii,·t,)rious spirit, is more .1 part ot us than ever. The spirit ot Ch.irles Fitlmi,re speaks in theft w,irds and In all the i,<irds cit .ill 1 the magazines and books that go forth in the mime of Unity. It gocs out on the lifeline of prayer with which Unity h.ts encircled the globc. It lives in the hearts of all who have changed their life by his ideas. You who read this have something of hi3 spirit. ilis mantle falls upon us all; we shut 1 be true to the Truth he saw and taught. He taught us that fulfillment lies in living, not in dying. Few have believed m life, loved life, moic than he. He would have kept his body. tic)#cver unsuited it His wa always the spiritual quest. He was an overcomcr, spirit. even thclugh -the lord of his own being--his greater self-in modern wayshower. lie aimed .tt the highest. and how high he mounted: lie aimed at the Stars. an J his heart and mind were lit as by their light ! He aimed .it eternal life, and how much of life he won. not ,inly for himself but fir hiiw miny others 11.1,1 hut not fireuell. Ch.irles Fill. more. our belin·ed leader' We s.tlute Vi,u. spiritual Warrior, son ot rhe Niost High, light thit shone r,)und the world, great overcomer. m.ty hive been as a vehicle for such a vital a as you go forward on your immortil quest : C,tkispeed: wisdom thought utherwise. Whatever the street of consciousness down whkh he now H walk. ing, this much is cert.lin: he *3 in the heart „f life as he .ilwa>·s was. *Ic is winning immortaltty. -'.....'.. ....: 9. UNITY Clri =4.-4 SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY 917 TRACY AVENUE • KANSAS CITY 6. MO. July 6, 1948 Dear Friend: Our beloved Charles Fillmore passed on to another expresolon of life on Monday, July 6, 1948. He assured us only a short time ago that even if he were to pass on it would not affect his belief or his teaching concerning eternal life, Many years ago Mr. Fillmore vas confronted with a physical condition that was pronounced incurable, and he was told that he would not have long to live. The faith and courage with which he met this condition enabled him to receive his healing and perform a glorlous service for the world. His positive faith in the eternal life of God will stand as a beacon light before all of us, even though he ts not physically present. While Mr. Fillmore has been teaching and devoting his time to writing, he has not been active in the organization or business part of the work for several years. This part of the work will continue, as it has in the past, under a board of directors, vith Lowell Fillmore as the manager. A private family service will be held lednesday, July 7, for Mr. Fillmore. The family requests that no flowers be Bent. A public memorial service will be held at the Unity Temple on Sunday, July 11, at 3 p. m. Will you and all your friends join with us in the spirit of loving remembrance, wherever you areT Let us go forward in the Unity work with tha splendid heritage and high vision given us by Mr. Fillmore, for we know that this would be in accord with his deepest desire. Faithfully, UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY r.<--nt.-.Ii-=-UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY '=·A:=2222Ze--·( 2iSS:-017 TRACY AVENUE • KANSAS CITY 6. MO. July 6, 1948 Dear Friend: Our beloved Charles Fillmore passed on to another expression of life on Monday July 5, 1948. He assured us only a short time ago that even if he were to pass on lt would not affect hls belief or hls teachlng concerning Eternal life. Many years ago Mr. Fillmore was confronted with a physical condition that was pronounced incurable and he was told that he would not have long to live. The faitk and courage with which he met that condition enabled him to receive his healing and perform a glorious service for the world. His positive faith in the Eternal Lifo of Gcd will stand as a beacon light before all of us even though Mr. Fillmore 13 not physically present. thile Mr. Fillmore has been teaching and devoting his time to writing, he has not been active in the organization or business end of the work for several years. This part of the work will continue as it has in the past under a Board of Directors, with Lowell Fillmore as manager. A private family service will be held Zednesday July 7. The family requests no flowers. A public memorial service will be held at Unity. Temple on Sunday July 11, at 3 p. m. Will you and all your friends join with us in the Spirit of loving remembrance rhereever you are. Lot us go forward in the Unity work Iith the splendid heritage and high vision given us by Mr. Fillmore for we know " that this would be in accord with his deepest desire. - Faithrully, UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY 44*E WRITE ¥0 .,R PUK NAI ANC *00.-, NE** 14 10• 0, vi•lr -- 0' E,E'. LETTE* r 1 ' ' 1/li/43 sun.p= 2:30 CFLUALES Trt. ..,SEE SE:i': r: ES A- U:1 ITT '"715'LZ L. E. Meyer "I will not leave you comfortless.• "Blassed ara they that mourn: for they shall be comfortel. * "Bleasol ba tho God anl /#ther of our Lorl )8829 Christ, the rather of morcloa ant (101 of all comfort who comfortoth uu." "Lord, ttiou hie been our d,glling 11400 In all generations." "lor we know that if the earthly house of our tabernacli be die- oolvel, we havo a bullding from God, a house not :zle Tith hands, - eternal in the heavene.N "And I saw tho holy city, new Jerusalem..." *...a new heaven end a ner earth: for the firat heavoti ani the first earth are passed aray...N "Anl I heard a voice out of heavin sa,inz, Baholl, the taberna:le of God 16 with man, and ho shall 1,011 lilth then, sni they. shall bo hio paoples, anl Gol himself shall be vith the=, ani be thoir 001; and Sol shall wipe away all tears from their eyoot there shall be no =ore death, neither sorroir nor crying: neither shall there be any more pain, for the former thinGS a.re passed avay.N "Tho Lord ia iiy Comfortar. ihc Lori 13 thy defence. Tho Lord shall Prs.lorie thy Gain; 012 and t» comins in from this time forth forevermoro.w "38 strons anl of 500.1 cours€a. 36 not afraid, n8ither be thou dismayod, for the Lord thy God is vith thea ihithersoever thou goest." "1 have foulht r. Soot fliht. I hare ke/: tho fr.ith."Peado I lesve vith you; 17 991:1 I Zive unto you: not as tho world giveth, Alve I unto you. let it be afraid. " Let not yoar heart be troubled, neither "Lo, I an vith yo.i alz:sy ani thi gr=e of our Lord Josus girist be with you all. - Amen. - + -2- quartet. George Carpentort Charles Fillmore was a Great believer in affir=ativa prayer. He was a Great believer in th, porer of the =ord. One of his most constant nimanitionD thit he inve to his followers ls: SPEAK SHZ NORD. drEAK LIE MORLI. But our lesler dil not limit his sprer.ling of the Truth tea:hinis to the spokon vord. He used also tl·*, written Tord. And in 1889, a few years after the Unity loyemant hal been startel by Charles and Myrtle Fill:*re, the first Unity 2ublication came to the world. That publication has grown in size anl in circulation, and today vo call it by tho name of wUMITY.- But other publicitione wers added, and today Unity publishos saven pariolicals; six in Enilish and on, in Spanish, inl their combined circulation is vell ovar a million. In adlition to that we havo dozons of books, ant ve publish hooks and pamphlets by the hunir,is of thoustnfs. Of course, Unity literature coos all over tha world. Every state in the Union and ninety-three foroign countries. of These fitures in thensol·ras cra not/vital importande, but they do inlicate the ,prealin; of the Unity taa=hinss by the rrittan word. Of courses tho Tritten ·r,rl brcu:ht lisht and con:ort ani ponce to countleso millions. A fog weaka azo, 1 Tant:.n t,lairaphal :ros do,n in Alabama, ask- ini if she coull come anl see ur. Fill=ore. A reply 903 sent by wire r -3- that he rns not re:eivinn visitors. But in a couple of days, the woman came to his door, and Urs. Fillmors recoicized the name, end sho nal#'ahe hadn' t waitel for any reply, but she hs.1 just gotten in her car and come, becauve she Ju=t MAD m SEZ Mr. Fillmoro. Mrs. Fillmore explain,1 she coulin't sea him, and at that tina ho was sleeping. And tho woman said, *Nell, couldn't I just look at him?" 80 Bho stoo,1 in the doorny of his bedroom anl gr.:01 upon him for a moment while he was sleeping, ani then she scil, "I can go home contint. I have sdan Charles Fill=ore." Several years ago I hal lunch vie: a visitor at Unity, ani this 13 her story: As a youn: bride she ani her youn: brideiroon left - England aul vent to Australia to =aks their home. And after forty- five years, they returnal to Enslant for the Silver Jubilee on the T,renty-fifth Annivergary on the. throna of George V. They vent throush th, Sue: Canal into the Yeliterranoan to England. But on the vay hove, the 19020 cima throuGh 'ths Unitel. .. States. &,She sail,"It is mu=h farther, but Z HAD to come to Unity anl Bee Charlos Fillmore." I said, fraera is your hustani:*' She replted, "05, h, 1 79,t :a=k the short routs. Ha voulin': spen,1 the time or the money. But I HAD to c==s." Sha sall, "I hava saon him. I have talkal Tith him. Ani nor I can zo ba=k to Australia anl be content." These thin:s, a.8 you dz= 11 yoir imigization multiply them by the -4- hundredo of thousands, vill present tho picture to you of the in- fluence of our leader throuihout the vorld, and how people lookol to him. But I havo no doubt thit you do not need that picture; that you can turn within your orn mini ant heard and eoul, and there see what he means to you, ant what ho haa done for you, throuch his Truth teachings. When I think of the picture that must bo yours, and that I know 13 in the hearts of millions, I realize thrt nothing that I can oay will brighten that picture. Ha yss a liGht that ehone round the world, and no euloiy or nino could all to thet lustre, anl nothing that I could say could in:rease the stature of our belovod leader. He Usjl the spoken trord, ind no 0-0 knovs how =any afflrzations of Truth he composed. I kno, it would run into tho thousanls. And I doubt that anyone cen say which ,ras his favorite, if ho hal a favorite. Ono t».t come3 :4 01 mind, that I hive ligari him use many a time, and I am sure that you h:rio too, is this:I AM STRONG IN THE LORD AND THE POJER OF HIS MIGH:. You hava heard hi=& ssy that, Tithout a doubt: "I am atrons in the Lord an·1 the powir of His might.= May I succomt thit whon yo# think of Charlos Fillmoro in his grant onjoing, that you 1:ill say for him: "YOU ARE STROKO II '2'iS LOR:) A:O :IE POWER 07 HIS AIGHT.w Don't Just SL it for yourself. :iny it. BELIEVE it. Make it coms true in your life. Then Toi eill be a livinj =e=orial to him. -5- you vill be doing what ho al,ays taulat uv to do: -TO ME 90298 OY THZ WORD." Wa can pay no finar tribute to our beloved Chirles Fill:lore than to bo a "DOEM 09 THE MOID'•, ani to follas him in the Truth and the.Lifs. 2* -6- (3010- 1.19.rina Korfhnic-"Last :risht I Lay A-31032ins.M,7 Rowland prionio, all of tho alit Philoso„;ters, all tho anplent philo- Dophi03 tausht the i=mortility of the voul, anl tho Zocd ily of life. They tausht the omnipresen:a o: 0001. They told aboot the boautioa of lifa, ind the immortality of tho soul. Jeaus Christ cama, snyin:, They taurht the way. "I an tho •sly. - They talkal of the Tay. But Jesus Chriat came and said, I Au thS WAY, tha TDuth, and tho Life." Anl of all the great, trans:onlent taschora, Uhs.rlos .,11115:0 . has boan the greatest exposent of the Jesus uhrist :51:kings in this £130. Mia writincs are not only full of the teachi.03 of Jesus Christ, but his life is an outpicturin: of the practi: o of tho tar.chinis or Josus unrist. The greatest tribute that can bo paid to any teacher is to follow his te1(hinGS, ind Cha:193 rill=1:0 pail i.'tat tribute to Jesus uhric:. Thera ars many of us 740 bor nt the feet of the 1:notor, but lo nothing about it. uharl<,3 yillmora <0110181 Jesua uhrit,t r.ll the -wty in tryina to prove the thinic thit he tauGht. Evory dg of his life ha .·13 provins so=e of t,60 toachins= that Josus Ghrist tauzht. thnt ware bounl. ne heal,1 tha sick. na uet at liberty those Ani tha Grent 8110:1: Unity :ork cria into bain·, be- cauci of the faith of Chi:las &:11 17:tle rillmoro, be:auso of their desir, to help people who noul,1 holl. -7- lf thoy found that thoy inlivid uslly coulin•t hanlle the questions . thit c,mo to thorn, they requasted silent Unity to work on the cose. There were all manner of cases, and Gharlas Fill:zere invist el every trentm.jnt be 31·,en in the =r=, of les:ls Christ. An.1 t:nt's how Silent Unity came into being, because they zore proving the faith of Jesus Christ, the work of Jeous Chrlat. I asked Mr. Fill=ora not too loni aio, after I had boan tea hins hic book, Christian Healir.3,for sometime, hog it ups he hal uritte n that wonderful book anl hal neyer revisel it. 1011, his face Mts shinittz anl he said, "Thnt book, tho ideas in thr.t book came as a revelation." He aail, "You know, aol 13 Min,1 , and when Minl Zats into operation, it sets to loin; thincs when rAn lets the Minl of God work throush him. Thr.t' 8 th, iny it :18, cn,1 the iloas in the book just unfoldel." Now I rocollact all of the thinis Mr. Fillnore has helpoi us to do, ani I wall remember in the oarly lays, 50=3 problens vere very, vary difficult in conne=tlin vith thinza that gere brou zht to me. I 'Sa ne·,7 in the Department, ani when thly see=81 too difficu lt for me I would ask him somethin: about som, of these lette r#. About the thirl time I went in ha sali, "na (21:ist Mind in you knois the ansiers." That ·wee not a rebuke. 11:. at I k=aw)he =tant,he oaant he ssn't zoing to angwor then. I must 30 thit. I rze :1 encuor thon throush Christ in zo. That's an outstanlin; trait in 1.9. Pillmora. Ha would tell us, "Chriat in you, the hope of story.- -8- He repeated that statement to Lo=·011 anl no a short time ago. Ve were there with him, anl he 'rus ·lery quiet. You novor kneu what ho 1710 going to say--and he sail, "Jo you know. the :reateat thins ever gaid:" 1/11, beasuse of Mr. rillmore's gront sense of humor, wa diln't know whethor he vas goins to tell 4 joke or tall us of eome profound Truth. So versaid, no, Te didn't know. Ho said, "The Christ 10 you, the hope of Slory* is the greatest thins over utterod.N The moro I ha,c thoush: about that, the toro I cnn see the truth that it itt that knowloile that rill reles= the worll• It is the Nev lan. It is ila Christ in Him, thit Jesus aroko of when ho Bald, "I am the Truth, the Way, ant the Life." Th, nore I think of that, the zore I can say of Rymelf, 9:hriat is the way ic 28 , tho hope of Glory.* No'# we take the:0 ideas and uso the=. re knotr they rork for us, and they will work for poo·)10, if they will uss thez. As wav sail a momont ass, the Grettast tributa wo can Pay any teacher is to use the teaching thit he Zives CO. 015: is what we want to do• Again, he spoke o: Life. rhy should :o fail: To don't oay anyone falls who doe:n't make t>.s err„:10. -0 253 it ia just a atop in development of the idea he pro=31*31. 50 knog Mr. Fill=cra hal bolily frsilty to deal vith r.t all times. r:• know that. But wa know Xr:-Fillmor• r,achil above his o·rn bolily -9- frrilty. However, bo thlt as it may, lot us rome=ber that Life is eternal. Ve can take a very Unitel con:02: of things: thuo, all lifs consists of what we Bee and hair, cod stanls meroly for whQt 1,0 call life, and that'B the e:1 of it. Or, :e can accept Life. We can think of Life as eternal--the life cf Christ expres3inG throuch uu. However, we are aware the :oed of Life is a fixed idea in man's minl or Consciousness. Mr. Fillmore tautit Us Ve must Bet the idoa, the soel of life in u3 30es beyond what we zan see in this world of manifeatation. 'No must ntart soiln.s s:ads of life. Who boly res:):nis if ve carl :3ilize Life, if wa sae Life a, unantinz in nature, rather than as I would say, "something ranufactursi anl handed down to zo." It is croated 9001, life on which va cnn depend. Mr. Fillmore spoke of faith. "taith vithout,orks is deal." In spoakins of the Silent Unity :ork of Unity School, he said in tho boginnin: they h-1 a littlo f:ith, but lots of vork--a little faith, but lots of :ork to do, c.zi thousinls ant ·Ciousanio have bonofitted. Soma of you who have Gtteoloi the 7(11:3137 evening healinG sar- viced nt 917 Tra:y, tni those of you who work vith us in Silent Unity, know ono of Ir. Fillmora': favorite sonia is: -rolth 10 :ho Victory thit Overcamo, fia Torld.* In that stronS, triuzphint nota, thr.t vi:tcry nots in then they Ju32 stool up and :ire helpal to victory tri..phtnt. Before avery talk f.ion th:t ocni hal bos: sual, Chirle, Pillsor, Bail people vere -10- littad a little cni entarei into that victorious spirit, that triumphant opirlt, thz: "Faith is the vi=tcry thct overcomes the world. Qunrtet: /AlTII Id :HS TriCTI:xy. (Encamped along the Hymn No.70 1. Encamped along the hills of light, Ye Christian soldiers, rise And let your songs or praise and joy Be lifted to the skies. Know that the roe in vales below Is naught, for God is all; Faith is the victory, we know, That overcomes the worldl Cho.-- Faith is the victoryl.. Faith is the victoryl Ol glorious victory, That overcomes the worldt * 2. His banner over us is love, Our sword the Word of God; We walk in path of righteousness When guided by Hls word. By faith do words of Truth and light Sweep on oter every field; The faith that brings eternal lire Is now our shining shield. (110.-- 3. On every hand Godfs Truth we find Drawn up in bright array; Let thoughts of Good fill every mind And dwell in peace today. Salvation's helmet on each head, With Truth all girt about; The earth shall then be made anew And joy reign in each heart. Cho.-- hills of light. ) .- 4 i '' -11- Erneot Wilson Sone day thoro will probsbly bo quit, a nunbor of books written about Mr. Fillsoro, end about his wonic:ful life, cni the ronlerful influsnce ha hes hal, cul still hoo, nni will hnvo throuch the yaars over the thoughts, cni hcirts, s:d liven of people. And I suppose thrt *hen they are written thera =sy be ono that vill be called "Charles Fillmors, the Gralt Overco::er." Beccuse that is the vny I think Mr. rillmore Soos as a Gret:t Overactor :n his tran:zenlant ray. Also, ho IS a wor.lorful r-"n. H.3 nover lost the ·co=mon tou:h". One t'iir.3 thr.t wast mist :hz,rrin.; r.bout hi:, I rosjstor 2008 such time I hr,1 baon to see him, thz: Ttls Ju=t be/0:0 his talk. It is znny years 010 now. It waa on ry first visit, an,1 I attenlci his :ervice. Cia aer<ice ·r.s coin: alon: in quite a serious vein. Evidently 1 r. Fillmore noticol.it, be=cuns he :2,3 75ry sensitive to his consrezatioas resc tiono, and he intorruptol himaolf by a littlo thou:ht, or story, or with a little phrase or josti 30 lii:ht anl very fan:17· He broke in on a very warm Sunday =ornins, when overione's r.ttention le likely to las, anl only too likuly to becozo sleepy, ho broke it up rith r. Jork mak- in; c liGht metaphor, or uuinT qi:ln: ani it41=11481 stodea. Then a certain point brousht home tho serious igint he hal in rinl. That wfo one ty3ical chara:taristiz, that Ptr. Fill=ore toll happy atories, cs I remember the won,le:fal fuel of humor ho hal, end in tha otross r.ni strain of spe,kinG, it co.:li ta callel up:n. And another thinG, he knew juot :Sce to iu: in th, rish: remrks ths: would trins poople to tho true :8111:,tion by halpir.3 them to Sct hold of thin:o that 603004 Bo profound &01 92:1015. I . -12- I think of him, of 511 th.ings, cs a Grant Ovor. omir. Ho vas all that ant zoro. It 120 nothini :or him :D in ire 0290: people. Ho inopirel othor poopls to be overcozora. And ho al·cayi inolirel me to be. Mnny times, when I hil 2201:hi abost a pr:blen thz: t'.3-OP•red 3oriousl to mo, 1 7,·aull t'ilnk of ho, Char .C 3 7111: :ro roul 1 -Det a aituation lika thit, 8.rld I never frilel finl a stir.uletins enswor, to and a little mentimeat alon; vith it. If Mr, Fill:·lore wore faced ·:ith conflit t r.ith · hit he or.w, inate:td of chilic us, ho voill take the opportunity rish: agr.y to rizht the conflict in tho licArt, 801 lift ·the :bul by e. thouc ht, or ho woul,1 say momethins to make ug ezile, en I cz suro ho tould if he w]ro here tod'-1. It %,0811 69 r.boolutely in chirc:ter far him to do thit. Als, there vcs enothor thinG about 15. Pill=:ore, throush the many yo·lro I rio privilejoi to kn:17 him: H39 :c=srkabla it io to think, thile vith us he naver mentionel_ hio :hallonse or ary:hin; to Clorify hiniclf. Thorg azain, Mr. 3'111=oro look:l 535:21 tho person:1. To ze, as lon; al I ha·70 kn3·r. 11-, he has teen ah ou:st:niinS inopiration. I ha,la Cors: thil:€ht of :Tr. Fill=ore in the Bones of boinG limited or 1:.ze. Asi yot, fcr him it tr.s a coriouj, ph,rel,3,1 challonla he hed hzl :5 maot 211 613 life. From the time ho w=3 r. lit:11 t:y, he :=ot i,hysi:11 challenies -13- thot easily could have dogned a half dozon other pe0210, but never Charles Fillmorel I nover heard him uttor a rcrl of c:zillint bout his orn physi- cal challenges, or the de:Ands midG upon hin. It enGourrzoi his faith an·1 enabled him to st.r.1 on ita :rl:.-1710 an.1 th, c#15:llity of Spirit. In the days shortly befor* ho 715381, I :23 privile";ed to h:iva c hee.rt ti hoart talk vith him. Ho Bill you kno: theio ·Clinzo are all true--rin,1 you hreze roal th-„: otory about 413 orn overc ozin; r.nd vonderful hoalings in life in Fifty Collan Years. I noticel thu newspaper, tho Kanons Gly Stor, reprintal so=o of the= in tribute to him. Yet ho oaid recently to me, thoy may heve beon amon: his grentost 10:sons. 7,5110 at the came time he put especitl a=231319 on the ilea of Etornal Life in the body with c vigor ent n positive ffith thrt poos ibly no teacher, no one teacher since th, t.ine of our Lord Jesus hal voical or to,uiht. Even there you 303 the wozlerful ler of co::2ansa tion, how wonderfully God works throuzh People. Because Er. Fill=ore, after he came into a conception of t:lia powerful philosophy thnt he hi-zolf unmol in the birth of inspiration,W:taity,* hsi so =:any thousands ninintlt him, also c.gainst thit ilen, thr.t often it r:.3 ne:essary, mary a time to 88.y: NI W-ZE& rULL THROUGH. I Wit.1. FRB_L Bil-isa. I WILL BZ DETTER: That wouli ho'78 bae= 50 21::ple: -I ;C:07 I AMGOn:G TO GB: WILL. THROUGH 'ZID 20773 01- 5,03 I 7111 or Ut·Li.0- But Mith courtico inl faith unaurpao:al, ho W.31: further, he troul l rico it nni say: "I AlI :'OG ONLY GODIG ZO GZ'# 34*'ZO:t. I AlI :,1: r.bovo 0.'.LY GOES 9 0 -14- TO GET WELL, RUT I SHALL REVER DIE." And in renchinc tors:1 that high ul:ls,to, thrt I know to him 18 an extrecoly important vision, I kniv ho wants us to shr.re too in rorching for t:*it hizh spiritual 1111:n Thich he hal. Virtually .verybody tho know about kin has the roct profound and wanderful arleiration for that wozlerful spirit thst cannot be over-orphasized. It is nomethi#& that rhoull be grestly trecourol and taken erect pride in, as Unity people, th-t ve have a lerder like that, thst has so such coureco r.ni faith. Al=ost the last conversatic#I hal vith him, shortly baforethle exporience in tranmition, he said, "Er:lost, do you r=cept Eternal Lifor" "Yos, I do. " Do you reall# aceeit itt" nyes, I do•'One hundred po,cent." He emiled and scid, 12011, if 722 do, you cen nanifost it. W That little doubt Tre bur,lening him until sorooze, 80=8 Soul, know- inz zind loving hlm, :hat 30=ecne 07(n ths= vould tcke th:t same vision. Now he wants :;3 to kno= that that ezo 10 23 in for Lifo. And he, himsolf Emphaol:el that the pro:#13 of birth jil Zoath, cs 50 aro coning to know now, are vary in,ilent,1 Zrl :180 Very inclequlte. life io the third. LIFE i= the But iviort:nt thi:€--3';El:LCL LITE. re did not bocin whart wa cime inta this :0:1.1. I c= sure ·co c11 = copt that now. r:a r.ro Ell: A DOOY 72'511 LITZ, 1:a are LIFE Alth a boly. But thio * -15- life did not belin when wo ct=3 here, End shall nvt cease if tho body be laid aside. Indeal, ic have laid aoile many bolies. Evoryboly from :ine to time in renlity does this, bo:cuze every fe: r.enths Te r.re clothel nncv. And if re livo deeply in a mental Lnl E.n emotional sense, ro hnvo died rany times. Ve dio to 011 12040, fosro, superBtitiono, limitations, and ve are born vith all gocl, with hopa, faith, courage, risdom, the trellondoui prwor to 1090, ro prey, enl vith urieratenling. And if wa have lived vory deeply, root of ui :Irratine he··0 fc:201 come emotional.experience in the past :hich it aosmal re cculdn't. 70 may have ssid, "This in the enl. I can't go cn." Yet it is by our belief 10 Zte:ZE 1 Lifo thet ve hove been lifted phoenix-like, from the else of detll holo end despair into newness of 11fo. Life Coes on. Lifo is eternal. Lifo is unlefooted. And otcp by step, thought by tio#ght, heartfelt thou:ht rn1 feeli=g, cue after another wa come into the implorentinG of cur faith, the fulfillmant of our faiths Until ;3 hsve knorn, £3 cur Lord Jesus Christ has knogn, that 'Christ in us"--as I too ht·,5 hea:,1 :Ir. Fill=ore say very recently, "The grenteot thing evor written or utterel-'The Christ in you, the hope of glory'.-inT the Christ ic 80=*one alse." I knot, he rould sny that to ue ff ho voro here vith u3 toi3-y. "Don't Jeter:d on me. Don't de/,51 on anyone else. eher* is a Christ Spirit within aU of vi. -16- Ho simply uoed the words of the Lori Jesua, who oaid nyoolf could "I of do nothing.. The Father in ms, he doeth the works." He said, "I go unto cy Father." Some pooplo thouiht, I believe, #3 mor.nt he 080 soir€ to die, but that 18 far from the real meaning of hio words. This is the stroncth Joous Christ knew. Ho sald continually, ":blo 15 the Father within." It is the strength of everyone of us. It is the 0:rensth of our boloved Charles Fills:re. Anl re know that ho hao continually turned to that Presence within. He was--he IS one cf tho most crigicil thinkers it hae been our privilese to know--unc of the =ost indeper:<tent. Also he, by his Great vision enl effort, and his ability to drag arounl him poople who would work with hin cni 1:rs. 7111:1:re and tho family, has given to thi world a great orsanization, vast Eni far-retchizE in ito in- fluence. Yet he, himself, w,3 one of the :reest peroons of organiz:itiou I have ever known. It didn': bother hi- any to cut throuzh his ct-n =01 tepa. "70 will non Jo ani 30 it this Tay: Sron thoush it is entirely different to the ·thought oottlel beforshast. Harns k free an.1 1:11*pindent opirit. Hs IS a free r.ni irlopendent spirit. I vilue thet spirit Tory grantly. Probably in giving you this by talkins, I have fourd o'it, no =tic: whzt con:*pt re got of cur Ta·Nier in Heaven, he assures us wa are still inlividual. I an Grwteful for thnt. - »-- -17- therover our Charles Filloore may bs, ir-lividually he io t.n independent soul. Ho clciwed for ovoryboly the Enrn thinss ho did for himself. Freedom to follow the Christ Spirit within. And he said, "I am followinz my own lenling, r.ni altering this." That owne quality --I re,;2-11 cce time a very you::E vor.r.n I know, r. Truth teacher, debated whether to do her Tork in the Unity Movement, or remain indepondent, 891 he sail, "Bo an icdopendont teache r." He ·813 quite frank to say it didn't =ake much difference. Ho cdmonished us to make visoroua preparation. But ha suil, "What- ovor you do, don't 1090 :HZ tIA13 07 CHRIST. 'Shr.fever you do in a name, DO IN THE NAME 07 CHR)35 because that is tho N..US CS GREA T POMER.N And as May Rowland so truly ar.id, 93 Fur 0{Af NA13: ABOVE El,-ERY OTHER. He put the I:EALIZATIO,. 07 :W: SPIRIT ABOVE EVERY OTIrm in his lifo, end with ouch loyalty cni stealfnstness ss wo have eellow geon. It is a gran€ privilege for us to havo tolsy a part nc1 in thit journey end onioing of a Great Adventurer, bocaueo I kno: Chrrles Fillr.are'g nime rill never bi forsotten. Ant I think va are Going -- Oh, I don't know, somehow I think :e are goinG to sao rore of hin in a way that 18 deepest £Mi truest. ;70 Can't ilerttify C.11:10 5 3'1112:.re with a.ything but LIFE, and I think of him as c Spiritual Piczeer. 147,3>-, not Bs ;hyric al. I never could identify him :articularly with physical things, but as transcendent, particularly in mind mi Spirit. Mini an,1 Spirit nover dia. 74 o.re never selaratel eithor from - -18- thooo who find onencon rith Yinl cni Spirit, inst:11 of physical proximity. Diero is nitopurr,tlan there, in :11=d ral Spirit. Now people may sozoti=as ode fcr .:ra perhaps in. soma c:tual outer clrou=tancc, they ray see zo=:e token 027 beyond tho physical or hoor sounls throueh great distan:es• But I am sure there is a erect, cclo, strer.Zthening fclth by rhich ve nay, in co=.on .ideals, bdulove to a creM: spirit, tte Boirit of Charles Fillocre. As I am sure he 18 cloce to us End bids us to be of Cood choi:r. Romember the CHRIOT UITHIi, r.nd Zo On rith a faith that IS the victory, to be like him, 5:ent overcomor:. .. ' -19- Le Z. MZYER- It would soom ir.proper to con:luts a service for Mr. Fillocro without r,ontionint; the fa=t that ho =as :inistor for forty yerrs of Unity Society, hero in nuls:ts City. Minister, I ghould say, anl ter:cher aloo ln.so many class©8 in tha Unity Society ministry. As early ae 1890, in Modern :houzht .siazize, beforo Unity wn o yet ne·0:1, yet a great work Tics belzE outlined for 1:r. and Urs. Fillmore, he wrote into this =ccazins tho atatemont that in Kenons City there would be bullt a te=/le, r. te=lle in rhich the true God woull be worshipfed anil thro'.ch which such :orship that is true rould be demonstratod. Twenty years nco, ho oele=tel this very giot upon ihich this Temple nbw stands, as the Temple 10 -#tion. Then before and lurinG ths construction of the 're=210, he g:lvo un this statomant, which wa hava cs=ried rith him all through tho period of construction. "WE BEHOLD UNITY '51YLE AS THZ YZEY FOUSZ OF OCD AND ALL PEDPLE FI :D I:; IT A in'EX 07 RESf 10 DISPIRATION.w Thus he has brought us a visi:= here for this Society'o n: tivity and through it, for overy Unity Center t: tivity throughout the field. And throuzh it also, he hca Given u4 tte vision for that ihich should co on within the 'rcm:,le of osch of 01: beizz#. It seems fittin; in.leel that oze chs.221 in this Temple should be 4 1 . -20- set r.side, and called ·Sla CHARLES FILUSRE Chapel. This has been done. It has boon dono :·ith his car.:ent. Ho entered vory cnthuBiar- tically in supporting thia project. He has allo,red himaelf to be built into it. Ani what in over and abo·,3 that, he hao built his orn chapol into the hocrt end =101 of his own te=ple, or body, End there he dwolle with us. communion with him. And dsy t:ter day re Surely he lo with find ve us today, will coctinuo to find xnd :ill te with us all,hys. I know it would sccm improper to conclute this cervi: o without come direct work of his ern regardins thnt n:tter ¥hich he oct before uo so continually. Ho =23 an exp:nont, 38 you know, of Life Eternal in the body. In August 1946 Unity Liza:ino, he sets before us very clearly his idea concerning this, anl I feel it is propor to quota his rords. He sal.1: "Joaus said,'if r. nAn keep r.> u:rl, he shall nevor taste of death,' and I havo believel that. He said, "I would affir= his 10:11 until they be=cze organi:od in ty boly, and I absolutely feel I shall r:878: proo cut of this organism. Sometimos whon I mako this clai= of Zter:r.1 Life in the bcdy, I cm cskod if I expect to live always in tke flesh." Let us note cirefully hia ensver. = Ho said, "ly inower 1* that I reiliza that the flesh 18 beinG broken do,-n overy dny, end its cells trans:cr=,1 1=to ccer,Zy inl lifo, and a now boly le boins formal of r. vory ozierior quality. That ner body in . -21- Christ rill bo my future habitatice. I shnll not fly away to somo heaven in tho skies, but help to =110 ker.ven here. I have found that the kingdou of heaven is within me, and ·re rr.ate our time ani defeat the work of Spirit if we look for it anywhere eloa. " Incrensingly, you anl I 83 Unity stulents, and tie t'hole world follo,·ing after Truth, are Coing to ask: rhat did Charles Fillr.ore toachT Let us study his writings carefully. Lot us folloo r.fter the things that ho oot before us, the Spirit of 'rruth, to lead uo into all Truth. And let ug r.Ot r.11=79 dcubt each osylog anl worl in his literature, but understar.,1 the spiritual sicnificance nni the Truth rhich he know *as the Spirit of Gol to hiz expressel. I know everyone here rants to have r. spo:ir.l pnrt iii this today. So that wo may express the faelincs rn.i th:ughti of our hearts and minds, chall ve pauae A fe= mon.ats in silent prry/r, a silent trlbuto, a lov- ing tribute of deep Gratitule for the gbo t heritc-e rhich ho has left with us, And let us Join hin in Spirit nn.1 in :ruth in cur hoarts, affirmini: *I AM NOT IN THZ PXESESE 07 SEITI; AID r.:liERSID I:i TIL HOLY SPIRIT OF LI , 14'.7, AZO 1713302.U Silontly tozother: "I cm nolr in the presenco cf pure being and i=:ersed in the Holy Spirit of life, love Eni =1310:1." Charles Fillmore, and all rho are des: to you: THZ LORI) BLESS THEE AN) KEEP IKEE. THZ LORD WASZ HIS FA= TO 541:Z UPOW FOS, A:H BE 0,{ACIOUJ UNTO TH'rE. THS LCRJ LIFT Le t:13 COw:trate.'U S UPON '1HFE At:Il UIVE t:'IE rE·JE.'. T.10 Lord bless thee, cni ke,2 thes. Hhe Lord f nke his frce to shine upon thoe *inl be .Grr.zicu unto th/3. 7.ie Lori lift up his -22- countonanco upon thee and civa theo paa=o. Amen. THE NEW Ttle<·(;11 r lit'1.1.ETIN -r«k.IL /11 r Tile Pa3sing of Cliarles Fillmore C , 11.il< 1.E S F 1 1.I.ZIOR F., co· throi i:h the or,leal of havi,iz his picture U t„,tii,irr ni the UNity movenie,it, takpi, ior *on,e public ity. he suggatr,1 ....r,1 „,i „,ro the ilivi3ible mi July ith, rhat 1 Ki, aloi,g a,id hair mii,r taken. ,&, a,irr „rarly ii,Iift,·-Fir >earr of rix). The photographer seem ed much NP# 1,ving, Ili, :,er,·ice ro inan. pliased with him a.1 a „ibject, ami not w & . ! wA+ .,Immt Ii,paralleled ill moder,1 pleavil'with me: - A little rnore €rprnr•. Ihr„iii: h the iii*pirati,iii thar he , :in,· •pilitual lai:h. Ile had humility. tiwi. lie was not ti. Filim ir€ had cHAMe i,Uagi,ta...:t. Imnet,dous courage, a man·doul ..r „i humor, great <iniptiliry, and a r.* mr org:Illiza ini:. He wa4 a ti ali . •111Tle laste,. (),1 occasioi, he clid nor · „011. plea,e." he begged. -What he E hi. hcl,>*ed wik, Zivrtle Fittti,ore, men„3.- s*iiI ir. Filhnore, '-ij ti, look .., i„ ihe wor|d. milliotit have fo„„d a liNk mitre multigelit , grearly gl,r:, 0 pen(mi complInlelltS. 1 comit (mi one hand ) the ti:nes he ever $ coiliniencied mi· work Jircctly, though oderi have nite,1 pased Amig wne:hing i ki:,d th# he had said about lily part i, 1 4.t.irr zo cut the red tape of rhe very the 1-':iitv work. However. c),ice wheii we ·:.m„.,i,oi, that he extablishe*i. lie was joi,Ily· cond,icted J Th2„kigiking Day , ·rir,Ir,; h, people, in Kie,ice, 111 licir- ser,irr. aiter I had *poken and returned : ,·.,ir; i,wrt, 01 211 le, callii,g forrh the tii my feat biside him ,iii thr platfortn. 1 he Iraited over to me atid said. "ThJr i 41< ,li,illity in zilen. wai i:ond. You speak ironi the hrart. I I Tlw,*e of u, who were privileged to Joi,'t. 1 <peak f rom the n,ind : but l'rn 4,:·.„ hin, itirimarrly were co,iri,iual|y working on ir." Short!, before h,3 pas; :.,ir,1 b,· hi3 3trri,gth of mind aird bo(ly. ing. whet, h< hmi erpre« ed a wish for 4'.ti,plr,1 iii childhoo(1. he aint,}Mt Iiever me 1,1 vi*ir him at ,.:.,9,1 i i, his irifirntities. (lilly through F.irin. wr had , to,ig hi< honle neir l'„,ir s ¥,3,1 Ing,ther. Ialk- ' mibrn of hit * . : familv woul,1 olie ever irig maili about his e,„,cept of rterna l ,..,w that he w . il, Almcist coilst,lit hit. I thii,k i ihill i:Inii. rrei.urr his , : „iddei, ititerr,iption ot his own imper. 4.11. IIi, i,i: wat legrnit:,ry. Iii the the:,ter ;, ur„il,1 have her,1 2 -8,·eue .. 1.i nn· fii:r FAitti) li,itihe.,ilq,iairriv. 1 ··•ill ii\fr :wr,ify *·ears .,421. 1% i. Fill· ··2 i·,krit nir· iii zilk itbotir pi·iripet·it, . 1 *„1,1 ;ihi,zi: i,uil' iiiti· work iii Cir# r- 5 i.1. .intl tiwiiti,inril Ih:te we tiever pasie,1 i h.i.ki·r i,1 4ervices. but hail 1, " Pletitv i'litr" i,ear the .inor, where people migh/ t,ir ·wi offering ii rhey w Rhed. (1'he ·,·,:1 Ii·a, sm,illrr the,1, An,1 the methmi v•,till praukAL lie :aine righ bick •, rw wich. "We pae th€ barketi it everv irting here. a,11 they're alwav, fille,1 !' 1 oiial thoughts, bv eurinng to look ai nie kerilip .in.1 muv. ' Ve have alwai been creiller.; erv C.im.te.·· it 1% ditlicrilt rn .·riti hnui pAra <h.,1 lie wirhout perw„Al rrnii:ii ce,Ke. t'ho,irh hi. hie J,id h,1 8·,irk h ·e he· c.lime .a ble«11.Z rn millions of rerroill who m.,v well rwe 10 <Al him blessed. hiv eafv tlitormJlity. his t,iterr,1 1,1 and :·efpeci i,ir the ideaf oi hij .13.ociates - I .1,1,1 .Iratigen too - made us all fect i that he wai one oi us. a n,irture of "boy ; .1,13 ni tic. i€sier and grnius. bu3iness- 1,1111 ind .aint." 4 atinthir occasion, whei, he had 1,7 Eo -7- -E.C.W. i-- ·i Unity to others and devoted himself to writing 8-·d teaching. He was ever ready with Solomon-wise :.dgment when important decisions were to be :Ude. Ile is still here when he is needed. IIis spirit is Cbaries Filim ore "As for myself I would like to keep this body. but it seems that the lord of my being has decided other· wise, and I am ready to do what has to be done.These were amonc the last words spoken by Charles Fillmore. On July 3. after ninety-four yean of joyous living among us. the founder of Unity returned into the heart of the Father of all. Charles Fillmore was gifted beyond most men with an inquiring mind. a creative imagination. a joyous spirit. and a ste.dfast faith in man's divinity. lie was spiritual, yet his spirituality was salted by a divine simplicity that made him real and dear. Whole-mindedly he sought the Truth and spoke it feariessly as he saw it. yet his sincerity was ni greater than his charity. Ite was an original and creative thinker and moved boldly in new realms c.1 thought, yet he never lost the common touch. Ile founded a faith that reached around the world, yet his humility was as great as his accomplishments: it was Unity, not Charles Fillmore. whose fame and fortune he worked to forward. lie soared. but & lived simply. There was a mixture in him of boy and mystic, jester and geniux businessman and saint. lie was a man ! What a mighty spirit moved this man ' It so filled :31 gone from us, for he made it part of us. Now ·vt the small, frail, quick form moves no more : imong us. this spirit. this joyous. courageous. vic·.:ious spirit, is more a part of us than ever. Thc spirit of Charles Fillmore speaks in these .ords and in all the words of all the magazines and :coks that go forth in the name of Unity. It goes ,vt on the lifeline of prayer with which Unity has ,:.circled the globe. It lives in the hearts of all who 3.:re changed their life by his ideas. You who read ilis have something of his spirit. His mantle falls ·2on us all: we shall be true to the Truth he saw and : i· : ..id<ht. , lie taught us that fulfillment lies in living. not - n dying. Few have believed in life, loved life, more ·lin he. He would have kept his body, however un. 4ited it may have been as a vehicle for such a vital 4rit, even though "the lord of his own being"-his t:f#er self-in wisdom thought otherwise. Whati,fr the street of consciousness down which he now a witkin*r. this much is certain: he is in the heart ,i hie as he always was. He is winning immortality. with life the crippled body he had had since boy- ' Ilis was always the spiritual quest. lIe was an hood that this body became a radiant vehicle of lift Mercomer. a modern wayshower. He aimed at the It so filled with wisdom and knowledge the mind r lithest, and how high he mounted ! lie aimed at the of the youth who h,id almost no formal educatioa wirs. and his heart and mind wcre lit as by their that this mind became the interpreter of Truth to 1 liht: He aimed at eternal life. and how much of life millions and showed Christianity to be a pracrical M won. not only for himself but for how many way of life. It so fitted with the joy of living and l ,ders' with faith in eternal life the heart of the middle- 1 liait but not farewell. Charles Fillmore, our beaged man that this heart overcame illness and ftn3ncial failure and brought forth Unity, which has meant joy and faith and life to countless individulli Twenty years ago he left the active managemen: Ie . *:ved leader ! We salute you. spiritual warrior, son d the Most liigh. light that shone round the world. titat overcomer, as you go forward on your im- cvrt.11 quest' Godspeed' 1 „ 1 , A UNITY FOUNDER DIES CHARLES FILLMORE, 94. HAO I wai . pioneer in the 180 01 radio lr. 1 BEEN ILL SEVERAL WEEKS. A UNITY FOUNDER DIES I'rein Nmall Start Urre In 18*9,1 but,94·rtherstoachoolor Chill• tianlt, Literature Now 1324 aM operated N untli B wv (Cont,hurd tr·;m First pag. nlversary of tl·H ..chiid ·1 1„und ng· -It waa dur·11:41 thi, period that /2 ,„. e.nued m 1934. b Mitch of Uniti s nork 1890 by the Flttmore, u the So- · wasted tip ili,d down r.he : 2 Al 9·6 yea/3 Old. d# 1::y t.me of div cr Mght rrb,.1 /r4Orks tti r/ed of ::elp. Few of the I rn€wages rece.ve a direit ' 'YOU will remtmber havinW had a - you had a work ti) to here N„w 1·Ou 4 doctrtne &fra. Fillmore conceived. are reing remilldecl of tha'. dream it iWrew Into an Idea that hu been· *ccepted by millioni of persons over ' th. world. Thi current subscription i 1 d and 2130 informed that T.:e invlitbre , power that har located r·:,u will coll. tinue to be with mu Ed aict you m at Unity farm. *7 your appointed rlork, T he wi·tety wa, in the mkilit of three ..4 begin June 20. The construction of the 1-mittion-duild knte bepn i I i ·'MI·i. Pyllmore (1ught thi, £ jt two years ago and some Parts of are not yet completed. Mr. nllmore had been tn good 1 gr. il rrk. It 11·,2,; th,• III >t Atirh l·Un- i e he t,Ad int:,ed. fereric ·1 he Fillrr. ,res f.litir Ii) K·Al):ai In a l'exia,t 741& Ce'(4,;du 'cure for tuberculusls Zroin which Mr. Fulmore had r,hat Cloci R·;43 the 3ource e her life and tnat stle did not have to 311ffer t.he ills et i·,pr *11 ·e:ItorS, ' he er- and begaii hentirig her rieighbor< In April. 1889. the Fillmeres betran pu|.)11Cat1011 4 * m34:Utrle 1 Al;Ed hutwlred . wor d. The Unity school hu ror.rinlied lapse of a rral estate boom. OONCIrr REGAN Wrrll DREAM. 1 The tubercular trouble from I. hkh Mrs. Fllt.more RAT 3ufferin< ,became Se"frely aggravated And the f. mily #;41 considering r/turn- Ing to a mozintain clim:ite to reroup Nalth and fortune. It was at ·thls point that Mr. Fltlmore had a dream that chanKed the courN of ' hti AN and hi since affected many other lives. As he retold It on the flftieth an(Centinvid on 6/cond P*ge I 1 farm. two tranddaughters. rion of li., fat:h. It r.op K·,ibhshes nur. and Mrs. J R. Lakin. BtrmIng- 1:1 hAm. Mich . and flve great-grand- 1 t.·1 .ind RI .·itan ., c vell .1.: E.:1,1.·r. :.,*1' 1 Alth<H*':. .1 L i .1 y har 1.1 ;1'e r.:.,C percrnt:iKe *,r :-9 rrte,nbershir thrm h 111.11 1 h.Nn:el. Resides litiri·ure. its other major approach in :r:radln; lt, doc:rtne ir thi rad:F. r,th :rnir·.Inj now beir14 broa cart da:lv c:ver merthan forty rad:; stattor, The 9ehoel A nirmorial Berrice open to the pilbite „ 111 & conducted at 3 0'clock Sunday at :he Unity temple. Tile , , + en artize 11% ,. f. :111. r.,1 .M; Bet Im be private. Tilt -' 4 ,< arid /due.1 no flozerj be - - , .e. - : f b;,t d pr:I,,le,1 | rarnily rrquest that . J ' ' - Afmpli< inient t, - rn.. A , j i. L,'r'l .4:6,1<t ·: ' J. ; i 'r:&,tten /91. . - V... : H., t,·..er n .1, a r.1.:·. g,wt. * Cht/NN.ts lii 1847 1 1 kirt" C,411 I::d:Jn Territory. 111:: 0 f•'X tr -r- .. .'er bee Amp 1 fret Z 11' -Tt t . l e r the M; e.,- c IA· rf . 1. ·'·' A A 1. · 4 -6 :-....: . r : A 1 r *#1 , Tr'"1 :. 4. I T h. - P.210/ 17;:111 - , r... ·· I p ' .11:: Tha, r f- t :7 1 /1 0 61 - 11.u .f,:hda:,d m himb .l:: C/ . Mrs thrcuih ; St.inlry Grace. ;918 Belleriew aVe- heavily' 1 : := ,.TI'..e pr,1:,t',12,;1,4 fo: C;31 ''ch:ldrell. to le.111 vwri #,lrd through upoll thethe wrl:.teri 4.2 prop,lga- 31111 e/ ter.. ie . .h ,·or •.0,·:id .1 ::1 0 ' V : i ; 1 1. - ·' ,# att c·heirrhM m ' the Ameri ·.t, r..1· Ile'. bl 1 Sn·aii :3 4 triir.sactlon 3 wiped out tn the col. the ·-r .e.lr. ...1. rrque.red Rid itual work. the nllmores had bullt In Kansu City real atate le,trr, p:p„ ··<tr.·.it'.Le ©: literature In Spil.:lish. Dilte:1. Ita.t.in, Ger:tiati, I·retic:t, Norwe lan 1 fortune of *130.000 whkh he had be i An. Charles Rkkert Ftllmore, Unity may l at:d; w ...1- ··rd :0 Siie.it I'm'r·. jubscr:ber the conc,ic lorgirrilng from thataround the spread ,·' Surviv:n: abo are two sons. Lo'Kill re. trelsurer of the Unity 1 Fltlnw 81 ' sch,x,l of Christianity and manager uf the school. and W. Rkkert FillC,I mn nu MMr. , FOUNDER Or more. smnary ot the school ano ' t.,L·· w:to r:D YO·rnMY. ge ner, 1 mana ger 01 the farm, both of :t·le.· r the ..le:: aid er rj·,yer ' whom lise ar Un:ty farm; a grand, runner e Me present UniN m*b zine. By the end of the imr he had: A·r:. , 1, a:.v prc'blem several V: Entltnere Rnd his second ,ife. v married · :-- 1 11114 C„ra 0 Dedrick. rere the Unity :'. ..December 31. 1933. at .wi:UX ,; soc:ety chapet at 913 Tracy. Mi33 Ded:wk had been secretary to Mrs. fAN.%,i :16,98'lit=Al W,Wilil:fi ; M> rtle Page nalmore mcre than TH#39" 1.enty 'ears before hu death. She ,, fAll*%*7 ,$ then bkame,lir. Flnrnore) seCrctary. 1 plained on the inniversdry iri 1932 1 ·' lIu. h ot itj work 13 carried on there. .e . : Auffered from tuterculosta of the right hip bone from the ag. of 10, An allment which left him crippled. Shortly before they entered Bplrseen 4,-i Satid b." a.smeu N...., Banni...r I .real estate Ninth Tracy avenue. onbetieen Tenthhold*13 . Modern Thoilghr. It R·A., the rore· suffered. .IA 4 an41·lable. hr,uever. tn attend the 1111·41 unity Mirlirt pr:t' as.ociation rnded, ..,1 1. ferer,cr at trip farm B·hich lie ww whrre hp <pent the winter. both road. the Unity school has extensive .11' .*„ i lIe :watth unm the last few weeks. returned May 1 from Sherman Oaks. Calif , near Los Angeles, in st'drch 01 Be: ides the 1.300-acre f mr. al :dect ·'Hir heal:riz hew. n at once. and In | about a year .ih* wa3 in goed health 1 Cisy in 183,6 n ler having liverl <4 j<I: pointed the w:1y to hlm. he recalled ces tind Jefferson streetj. The servi iti,d Mins Page were married and re- 4 - iti ..,t:"Z':,318' m:,2* Z; 111 spintuat 1.r,£ and z ///I=--1 relattor„ship week., of cor ecratlon servlce., for the new temple at Forty-seventh 9 4AA1KD 9 CLINTON. Ma Iii 1£30 he M el.t to Clinton and he turned to Gunnzon that I hail such 8 drram and ,*orgot Mr. Fulmor, then began J Mearch 1. Mr. Fillmore's death occurred ' .74. -When I *woke I rem'mtned 11.25331 :I:. ".., . .W A GOAL ACIZInt=. 1 :': are published st 018 prtntlng plant 1 Me* of thrill ar,$11.: of advice dream some yeurs ago In which iou were shown this City and told tha: I t minton names. More than 3 million pieces of literature a month ts)d th:Guin the years to recet' ·t telegram,1. telephor.e falls or letrer'1 ' "The Pre,mce itopped and i*id. Mr. Fulmore and his nrs: Ilfe 118. Myrtle rage Fillmore. whol died In 1931, founded the Unity School of Christianlty in 1889 upon lists for Unity litkrature now hive c:pty of Sgnt Itelp. It hu con- tilly :tr,eta of Kiar.lti ) City and mJ attert. tion w# (·alled to locallties 00 I .u fan:Ular 811.1.1 dct'e 1-9 thr<iugh Siler.t Unity. foutided m t An ...Ihad a :1: , uil:e drram unjleen voice 4.:ul. ·Follow me I Christiant:L ad yeiterday at ht!1 rUL,ILL REQI St,3 FOR 'BArn. 1 We found a I:al·ace, for all o.jr ill.3. Charles Flltmore. pre:Iident and i 0-founder 01 tho Unity School of borne on Bannliter road just w/Mt or Unity farm after & short Wnw. le tt purchised the atation 1: Cit · · Number a Jill]lon. rrom the simple beginnir.g here, re'111661 work, begi:inlng 18 *erv. R kev In 1927 on old WOQ of Kan<1: 8 -- ----.------ 4 NOVEMBER 27, 1933. A NAME IN TME NEWS. '4 4,14,1, 1 »/A 5' I .2,12//, 4 ..... 2 e,/ . .1.:1 1 1 1 1 /.11111 1 '. 99 : 1 5«** 2 41 .1 t. ...23&,J,A F,, il ' '4111 'i,trtI ..4..'f .rf\.1,<, S" ...»t , Ik 344 2. 7 M; i. 2/1* *-. I 9% r>14 2 : .3/ ' 41 ./... ''J .» .* 1.1:- / t ft 0 1 - 24%-£ 1 *i-'' # 1; L,;/ 4,4 :Al, A -47 , 7.- ' I -1 1 1 34 1 ./ I , , 47. /1,1\ ls, 1 .i'.44 i i 2»11 , ,-..f' . ' I .. . 4:1' 't,05 \,1,11' 11 jlrill i A Frieitd of ]Iumanit,· 10 THke n 1Vell-Eartlecl Rest. ,· t : After eighty-six years of life, the last half of which has been devoted i·igorously to furthering a metaphystcal theory, Charles Fillmore, who at 42 was almost hopelessly ill, now re- 1 tires from the Unity movement and the Unity School of Christianity, i Lhrough which he has sought to give j to others the health he found for himbelf. Or rather. it was a health both he and his wife, Mrs. Myrtle Fillmore, found for themselves. Both were : near death in the early '80.9, 'hut R J faith found inspii·Rtionally by 11,·s. . Ftllmore, that the Infinite Mind 1 sustained all flesh and that from It · strength and health could be drawn, I lifted them both from the depths of r despondency to health and prosperity. They taught their positive manner s 9 of living to others, answered letters, i 1 i hired assistants and finally made a c school of their thought. It now v stands at 917 Tracy avenue, the heart l of a world-wide organization, with- v out membership, but supported by , millions. Unity Farm on U. S. highway No. 50, nur Lkes Summit, 8 0 another unit of the plant. ' 1 Mi·s. Fillmore died two years ago after a life of active work in the school. Now with Mr. Fillmore's·retire' ment the two foundera both are gone from the school. Ernest C. Wilson. for many Years an assistant, will sueceed Mr. Fillmore as minister at the Unity temple. 1 ss any%perpoe.", / 0 to=r IA UNITY FOUNDER DIES CHARLES FILLMORE, 94, HAO BEEN ILL SEVERAL WEEKS. Zie W·ng I'rr tilent wr SCh)01 14 Chri.11:init,· 14*rd on Dectl·lue c'atic·cited 1,3· Hib Inq Wife. Charles Fillmore, president and co-founder of the Unlty School of Christianity, died yesterday at his home on Bann ter road just west of Unity farm a fter 4 short illness. Hi was 94 years old. 1 1 i ' Mr, Fillmore and his first wife, Mrs. Myrtle Page Fillmore, isho dked in 1931, founded the Unlty :3cll'lot of Christlanitv in 1889 upon a doctrine Mrs. Fillmore conceived. From the simple beginning here, tt grew into an idea that has been accepted by millions of persons over the world. The current subscrlption lists for Unity Rterature now have 1 millton names. More than 3 mil- lion Plecea of literature a month are ptibllshed at the printing planS at Unity farm. Mr. n lin**e had been in good health until the last few weeki. He i 1 ('tuined Oaks. May CatiL 1 nur from Sherman Los Angeles, where he spent the winter. He was linable, howei·er, to attend the an. .1.11] Unity Ministerei' associatton coilkrence at the farm which ended ' last reek. It was the first such conference he had missed. Surviving Mr. Fillmore are his second wife, Mrs. Dora Fillmore of the home; two sons, gwell Fillmore, :4011/IL /: 1 if t .15«* 1 f./). 0 te i. >4, t u'* '' *.#.-3 9 35, ·' 1 1 . t/" ......I..... .A . 1,;:.4.. :1 . _*r B FRF -El/#426 9(..... Q i 1 Fl."=IJ CiIARLES F'ILLMORK. FoUNDKE or UNITY. W io Iirm YES'rnD.,Y. tk.,i.urer or the-Unity SehoGI-61: Cilrlhtin,illy and mai.iger of t,13 .cliool, and W Rickert Fillmore, secretary of the school and general Ii,anager of th. farm. both of whom live nt Unity farm; ti graridson, Charles Rickert Fillmore. Unity fvm: two gr:inddaughter.. Mrs. St.,tiley Grace. ;918 Bellerfew are- ijite. itrifi Mr.. J. R. Lakin. Birming- ham. Mkh, and five great·T·and. ch,ldriti. A mrm,irinl service open to the p.:blic will be <or.ducwd aL 3 e clork 1 B ... Sunday ;it the Unity t€mrr, Fort>·- seventh and Jefferson stre:Ts. The funeral services wilt be rrivate. 3-a-, rsan Cour· 7 J FAR,re vvi C OW, t.k. -ute bas '39 re cord For E,+4+C /Probqhi 7, til-kor (1,4< 1, S €• 8, l'Yly rt I<. Fill,1 , e Do-vid VJ, Tracic son, 3/16 -..