the hospital building of the next generation
the hospital building of the next generation
Convention on June 26 and 27, 2012 at the J A PA N C E NTE R in Frankfurt THE HOSPITAL B UILDING OF THE NEXT G ENERATION Path-finding ideas and practical impulses for a better economy and performance 2012 Increased creation of value by business organisation and sustainability Building automation and IT Modern communications and safety solutions Energy management and contracting Financing and PPP Legislation: contract and procurement law Technological approach to and solutions for the newly desired building performance Hygiene in hospitals Organiser: t t International projects Patrons: THE HOSPITAL B UILDING OF THE NEXT G ENERATION – Path-finding ideas and practical impulses for a better economy and performance Convention on June 26 and 27, 2012 at the JAPAN CENTER in Frankfurt A message from the Hessian Minister for Social Affairs t t Words of Welcome A message from the organiser Dipl.-Ing. Architect Jürgen Zimmermann Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs Stefan Grüttner Hessian Minister for Social Affairs Ladies and Gentlemen, Hospitals are complex enterprises. The planning, construction and operation poses enormous challenges to all involved. Just 15 years ago, hospital operators simply asked architects “to build a hospital”. Today it is widely understood to first develop strategies and business organisational concepts, before the planning itself of the building can begin. The design guideline “Form follows Function” is especially true for hospital construction as the buildings have to be designed in such a way, that there is the possibility for improving the functionality of the daily hospital routine. More than ever it is known today, that hospitals have to be designed with energy efficiency in mind as they have a high energy consumption. Years ago the talk was about how to lower a building’s energy consumption, whereas today concepts are being discussed of how hospitals may one day even produce energy. These and many other topics will be discussed at the convention “The Hospital Building of the Next Generation”. The organisers have succeeded in putting together a highly interesting agenda. In my opinion it is very important, that emphasis is also put on international aspects in order to see how this issue is viewed in other countries. Authorised signatory, Leader Client Sector Health Care, ARCADIS Deutschland GmbH The overwhelming success of the first convention in 2011 did not leave us any choice, but to organise another one in 2012. This is not an easy task as the expectations of the participants have reached a level, which is not easily maintained or even exceeded. The variety of topics has increased for our 2012 convention, and we are looking forward to many high-profile speakers and exciting discussions. The topics of Green Hospitals, germ-free hospitals, international examples and also the integrated approach of Blue Hospitals will be discussed. For the benefit of future patients, all aspects of hospital development will be looked at with regard to more sustainability. These include besides improved energy efficiency, the renewal and modernisation of medical products and devices as well as IT systems and also the optimisation of the operational procedures; the latter also without investments in new buildings and by merely looking at existing buildings. We will continue to consider the approach of Blue Hospitals and look upon this convention as a platform for discussions and the development of possible solutions. We therefore invite all participants (architects, planners, manufacturers, politicians, doctors, patients and, of course, hospital operators and their staff) to actively contribute to our convention. We would already like to thank the speakers and moderators for their commitment as well as the patrons and sponsors for their support. This convention would not be possible without them. Please look at the agenda for all keywords and main topics of our 2012 convention. I look forward to meeting you and wish you a pleasant time. May all your expectations be productively fulfilled. I wish all participants a successful convention and interesting discussions. 2 3 THE HOSPITAL B UILDING OF THE NEXT G ENERATION – Path-finding ideas and practical impulses for a better economy and performance Convention on June 26 and 27, 2012 at the JAPAN CENTER in Frankfurt t Words of Welcome Messages from the patrons Dipl.-Ing. Linus Hofrichter, Architect BDA, AKG Vice chairman of the AKG – Architekten für Krankenhausbau und Gesundheitswesen im Bund Deutscher Architekten e.V. Berlin The enormous success of the first convention “The Hospital Building of the Next Generation” in 2011 shows, that the organisers have developed a suitable new concept. It is a highly commendable approach to bring together so many competent stakeholders from the health care field. “old world” that causes the imbalance of our planet but the fast growing economies of China, India, Russia and Brazil as well as the giant energy consumers USA and China. German and European companies in general have a task going beyond the mere sale of their products. “Health Care without Harm” aims at sustainably changing health care ecologically in order to prevent hazards to human health and the environment. Health care should not be fuelling the climate change but reducing its effects. Conventions such as “Hospital Buildings of the Next Generation” are a suitable platform for exchanging concepts and ideas in order to let sustainability and cost savings become a reality much sooner. We need intelligent and innovative solutions for our “patient earth” and those patients who should leave the hospital cured for the long term and not just for the time being. We are pleased to be the patron of this convention in order to expedite the exchange of information between all participating partners and to thus contribute to the initiation of fast global improvements in health care. We, the AKG, Architects for Hospital Construction and Health Care, once again gladly assume the patronage for this interesting convention. Our association with more than 160 members represents over 80 architectural offices, which mainly focus on aspects of hospital construction and health care projects. One of our main tasks is the promotion of an exchange of experiences and opinions among all people involved in the planning, construction and operation of health care buildings. We are sure, that the convention will provide practical impulses on how we can continue on fewer resources while at the same time solving ever more complex tasks with new, flexible building concepts. Agenda – Tuesday, June 26, 2012 t The complex problems in regard to new hygiene standards, planning methods and a continuously growing responsibility in all professional groups can only be solved with an interdisciplinary dialogue. We architects want to provide support so that a good planning of hospital buildings can contribute to a productive, humane and efficient health care and patient care. Check in beginning at 8:30 am We wish that all convention participants gain new knowledge and have a positive interdisciplinary exchange of ideas. 09 : 30 am B E G I N N I N G / WE LC O M I N G W O R D S Stefan Grüttner Hessian Minister for Social Affairs, Wiesbaden 09 : 45 am W E L C O M I N G W O R D S by the patron Dipl.-Ing. Linus Hofrichter, Architect BDA Vice chairman of the AKG-Architekten für Krankenhausbau und Gesundheitswesen im BDA e.V., Berlin 10 : 00 am Healthcare Facility Operations Benchmarking Ron Kalich Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco, USA 10 : 45 am Darmstädter Model for a Low-germ Hospital Gerhard Becker General Manager, Medical Centre Darmstadt 11 : 15 am R O U N D O F D I S C U S S I O N S Gerhard Becker General Manager, Medical Centre Darmstadt Dr. Sebastian Krolop Partner, Accenture GmbH, Düsseldorf Jochen Metzner Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs, Wiesbaden Dipl. Ing. Architect BDA Petra Wörner woernerundpartner, Frankfurt am Main Anja Leetz Executive Director, Healthcare without Harm, Europe Hospitals are large consumers of not only energy but also of construction materials of all kinds as well as various chemicals such as cleaning agents and medications. All of these leave an ecological footprint on our earth due to their production, use and disposal. This footprint has a long-term influence on the air, soil and water quality and causes incalculable costs which are currently not borne by the parties responsible but by society as a whole. At the same time, many diseases will appear in new locations or change and new ones will evolve. Hospitals should be prepared to face these changes. We know that we are exceeding the limits of our planet and are therefore destabilizing earth’s ecosystem and limiting bio-diversity. The extinction of species will also lead to the extinction of the basis for our food chains which are vital to our survival. The Club of Rome warn in their report “2052” dated 7 May 2012 that humanity has depleted earth’s resources and that we will face a local collapse. We do not only need so-called lighthouse projects but also fast and sustainable changes in all areas of life including health care. Two European hospitals, which will reach passive house standards, are praiseworthy but not system-relevant. Europe with its innovative solutions can and must play a leading role while creating and exporting know-how in sustainable hospital sectors and operations and initiating a global change of mindset. It is no longer the so-called 4 M O D E R AT I O N Dipl.-Ing. Architect Jürgen Zimmermann Authorised signatory, Leader Client Sector Healthcare, ARCADIS Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt am Main 12 : 30 pm L U N C H B R E A K 5 THE HOSPITAL B UILDING OF THE NEXT G ENERATION – Path-finding ideas and practical impulses for a better economy and performance Convention on June 26 and 27, 2012 at the JAPAN CENTER in Frankfurt Agenda – Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Thematic block 2.1. Thematic block 1.1. Legal Aspects within the Scope of Project Realisation 14 : 00 M O D E R AT I O N Dr. Christian Scherer-Leydecker CMS Hasche-Sigle, Cologne Contract Law (HOAI) Matthias Hilka Legal Office Reitz Hilka, Frankfurt am Main 14 : 30 Procurement Law Dr. Olav Wagner Lawyer, Regulatory & Governmental Affairs, Noerr LLP, Berlin 15 : 00 Claim Management – No Money without Service Rüdiger Ditterich Engineers Office Ditterich Ingenieure, Mainhausen 15 : 30 17 : 00 6 Dipl.-Ing. Architect Thomas Burger Department Head for Health and Research, Obermeyer Planen + Beraten GmbH, Munich 14 : 00 From Business Organisation to Stefan Meyer Architecture – Not the Other Way Around Business Organisation Planning, ARCADIS Deutschland GmbH, Cologne 14 : 30 The Hospital Building of the Future: Holger Dettmann, Technical Operational Management General Manager, eptima GmbH, Kleinmachnow/Berlin under the Aspects of Innovation, Quality and Cost Effectiveness 15 : 00 To know in Advance the Effects of a new Dr. Hartwig Jaeger Building: Medical Planning – from Archimedia – Medical Planning and Building, Hamburg specific Needs to Business Organisation and Workforce Requirements 15 : 30 COFFEE BREAK Thematic block 2.2. International Approach and Projects (lectures in English) 16 : 30 M O D E R AT I O N COFFEE BREAK Thematic block 1.2. 16 : 00 Increased Creation of Value by Business Organisation and Sustainable Operations Air, Water and Indoor Hygiene M O D E R AT I O N Dr. Karin Dietz University Hospital Heidelberg Private Finance Initiative Projects in Turkey and UK Paul Mills Partner, EC Harris, Manchester, United Kingdom 16 : 00 North American Healthcare: Insights and Observations Kyle Williams General Manager Nurture, Healthcare Executive, Steelcase, Inc, Grand Rapids, USA Ventilation Systems in Operating Rooms Dr. Frank Wille – Experiences Gained or the planning HYBETA, Münster and from checks 16 : 30 Hygiene 4D Dipl.-Ing. Sylvia Leydecker Interior Designer BDIA – AKG, 100%interior, Cologne Peter Bachmann General Manager,, Sentinel-Haus Institut GmbH, Freiburg 17 : 00 Experience with the Remediation of Micro-biologically Contaminated Drinking Water Systems Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Koch Institute for Hygiene and Public Health, Bonn Healthcare in Turkey – World largest Hospital Projects, PPP made in Turkey M O D E R AT I O N Necdet Kirhan Yazici NKY, Ankara, Turkey Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Lüder F. Clausdorff Architect BDA-AKG, department KMUB, course of studies HospitalTechnical Management, Institute of Technology, Central Hesse, Gießen 17 : 30 E N D O F T H E F I R ST D AY 17 : 30 E N D O F T H E F I R ST D AY 19 : 30 E V E N I N G E N T E R TA I N M E N T f o r a l l s p e a k e r s & p a r t i c i p a n t s a t t h e d e p o t 18 9 9 19 : 30 E V E N I N G E N T E R TA I N M E N T f o r a l l s p e a k e r s & p a r t i c i p a n t s a t t h e d e p o t 18 9 9 7 THE HOSPITAL B UILDING OF THE NEXT G ENERATION – Path-finding ideas and practical impulses for a better economy and performance Convention on June 26 and 27, 2012 at the JAPAN CENTER in Frankfurt t Agenda – Wednesday, June 27, 2012 Check in beginning at 8:30 am Thematic block 2.3. Energy Efficiency; Modern Communications and Safety Solutions; Adequate Patient Care Thematic block 1.3. PPP, Financing, Contracting M O D E R AT I O N 9 : 15 am The U/B West in Cologne – New Methods When Realising Investment Projects in the Health Care Field Britta Timm Head of the Department Public Private Partnership at the Deutsche Kreditbank AG, Berlin 9: 45 am Energy Management and Smart Metering, the Basis for Contracting Dipl.-Ing. Eric Giese Imtech Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe 10 : 15 am Reduction of Costs by Energy Contracting in Hospitals – Practical Examples PLE N U M 10 : 45 am oneplanetarchitecture M O D E R AT I O N Johannes Kresimon ARCADIS Deutschland GmbH, Cologne Martin Zimmermann NGT Contracting GmbH, Frankfurt am Main Ulrike Lörch medfacilities GmbH, Cologne 9: 15 am First Energy Efficiency, then Renewable Energies Dipl.-Ing. Karsten Peleikis Imtech Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg 9: 45 am Trends in Building Communication/ Communication, Orientation and Information in Service Buildings Joachim Gau Head of Product Management, S. Siedle & Söhne, Telefon- und Telegrafenwerke OHG, Furtwangen Jens Junghans S. Siedle & Söhne, Telefon- und Telegrafenwerke OHG, Furtwangen 10 : 15 am Hotel Comfort, Infections and Dementia – Is there an Adequate Solution for These Topics? Dipl.-Ing. Arch. BDA Linus Hofrichter sander. hofrichter Architects, AKG, Architekten für Krankenhausbau und Gesundheitswesen im BDA e.V., Berlin Thomas Rau Founder, Director, Architect, RAU architects, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 11 : 30 am L U N C H B R E A K 11 : 30 am L U N C H B R E A K Thematic block 1.4. Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy Concepts: Solutions for Plant Design and Systems Engineering 8 M O D E R AT I O N Günter Ferenczy Haustechnik Planungsgesellschaft m.b.H., Vienna, Austria 13 : 00 Everything from One Source – Efficient Energy Concepts and Best Practice Examples Norbert Neuhaus Manager of the specialist firm RWE Energiedienstleistungen GmbH, Dortmund 13 : 30 Positioned for the Future – Modern Condensing Boiler Systems and a Combined Heat and Power Plant in an Ideal Combination Henning Seyboth Technical Manager, Hohe Mark Hospital of the Deutsche Gemeinschafts-Diakonieverband GmbH Marburg, Oberursel Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Gail Engeneering Company Assmann, Haiger 14 : 00 How to Use Modern Lighting Technology Correctly and Cost-efficiently Michael Kurzschenkel Manager, Hospital „Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke gGmbH“, Herdecke 14 : 30 COFFEE BREAK Thematic block 2.4. Facility Management and Logistics M O D E R AT I O N Karsten Valentin Senior Building Manager of Hochtaunus-Kliniken gGmbH, Bad Homburg 13 : 00 Having an Eye on the Life Cycle – Success Based on Benchmarks and Suitable Operational Concepts Matthias Boos ARCADIS Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt am Main 13 : 30 Hospital Control Station - Optimal Hospital Control in the Building of the Future Tomas Pfänder Member of the Board, Unity AG, Büren Meik Eusterholz Business Segment Manager Health Care, Unity AG, Büren 14 : 00 FM Costs of Provision for Therapy Rooms for Inpatient Psychiatric Care Franz Podechtl Management Board Division Infrastructure, Technology and Services, kbo hospitals of the Upper Bavarian district, Haar 14 : 30 COFFEE BREAK 9 THE HOSPITAL B UILDING OF THE NEXT G ENERATION – Path-finding ideas and practical impulses for a better economy and performance Convention on June 26 and 27, 2012 at the JAPAN CENTER in Frankfurt Agenda – Wednesday, June 27, 2012 Thematic block 1.5. Thematic block 2.5. Sustainable and Innovative Hospital Projects 10 M O D E R AT I O N Dr. Raimar Goldschmidt Business Development, VAMED Deutschland, Berlin 15 : 00 New Construction of the Heilbronn Hospital Gunnar Dennewill TMK Architects, Ostfildern 15 : 30 Green Hospital Lichtenfels – Dawn of an Era in Bavaria 16 : 00 Municipal Hospital Karlsruhe – Target Planning 2015 – 1st Prize in the Architectural Competition 16 : 30 END OF THE CONFERENCE Life Cycle – Also for Existing Buildings M O D E R AT I O N Insa Lüdtke Freelance journalist, Cocon Concept, Berlin 15 : 00 Sustainable Management of Hospital Buildings in Strategic Partnerships Dr.-Ing. Christian Glock Manager of the Project Development Branch, Bilfinger Berger Hochbau GmbH, Frankfurt am Main Michael Jung General Manager, Helmut-G.-Walter Medical Centre, Lichtenfels 15 : 30 Operating Room Walls in Modular Construction Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Sternitzke HT Labor + Hospitaltechnik AG, Heideck Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Martin Bleckmann Director, gmp Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Aachen 16 : 00 Looking at the Life Cycle of Special Buildings and the Opportunity to Reconcile Investments with the Creation of Value Evmarie Zell Authorised signatory Kubus 360 GmbH, Stuttgart Eckhard Keilbach General Manger, Kubus 360 GmbH, Stuttgart 16 : 30 END OF THE CONFERENCE 11 t Convention on June 26 and 27, 2012 at the JAPAN CENTER in Frankfurt Organiser t – Path-finding ideas and practical impulses for a better economy and performance Patrons t t t THE HOSPITAL B UILDING OF THE NEXT G ENERATION Sponsors Registration online at Participation fee Early booking discount Regular fee One day 250 € 300 € Two days 440 € 490 € Early booking until April 20, 2012. Gross amounts including VAT. The registration deadline is June 20, 2012. Gold t The official language of the conference is German. Lectures given in English will not be translated! All information regarding the agenda is not final. Changes to the agenda are possible. Organiser Silver t ARCADIS Deutschland GmbH Dipl.-Ing. Architect Jürgen Zimmermann Authorised Signatory, Leader Client Sector Health Care Theodor-Heuss-Allee 108 60486 Frankfurt am Main Bronze If you have any questions, please contact t Organisatorische Leitung/Presse Martina Schütz M.A. Congress und Presse, Bonn Tel.: +49 (0)2 28 - 34 74 98 Mail: [email protected] Location For detailed information on how to get to the Japan Tower, please click on the following link: t Hotels For information regarding the booking of hotels, please check our website. 12 t How to get there CONSULTING & INNOVATION Picture credits: fotolia, Kliniken Ludwigsburg-Bietigheim gGmbH t JAPAN TOWER Taunustor 2 60311 Frankfurt am Main Media partnersr worldarchitects .com Profiles of Selected Architects 13