Wa Sung Community Service Club Newsletter


Wa Sung Community Service Club Newsletter
Wa Sung Community Service Club
May, 2005
Providing Community & Educational Services since 1953
President’s Message
Richard Fong
2005SBoard of
Richard Fong
Vice President
Audrey Huie
Roland Hui
Pat Johnson
Social Director
Cynthia Lim
Advisor to the
Karen Dea
Past President
Harry Greer
Directors 20042005
Clarence Preston
Raymond Tang
Carlton Cooper
Arnold Mew
Bill Sakakura
Directors 20052006
Mary Chan
Nancy Lee
Shelly Chen
Lucy Meyer
Theresa Gee
Helena Mew
The Wa Sung Community Directory 2005 made its debut at the 49th Annual Easter Pancake Breakfast. Thank
you to Co Chairs Arnold Mew, Bill Sakakura, and Clayton Yukumoto and committee members for your excellent efforts.
A big thank you goes to Co Chairs Nancy Lee, Raymond Tang, Bill Sakakura, Karen Dea, Officers and Directors 2005,
members and volunteers for a fantastic Easter Pancake program. The news article stated at least 1200 participants. Wow,
what great fun, excitement, prizes and food. The Children had a great time with the Easter egg hunt and enjoyed the trip
on the Station 12 Fire Engine. We had a record number of pancake eating contestants and was that fun. Did you see that
newspaper, where that guy next to Edgar Woo, was stuffing his face with pancakes? Many of our Members, Life
Members, and Honorary Members came out and were hard at work doing the Easter Pancake preparation and cooking.
Let’s see if I can remember everyone: Mary and Freeman Chan, Calvin Chun, Clifton and Marion Fong, Ron and Barbara
Hing, Gordon and Mary Lee, Homer Lee, Stephen Quock, Bill and Yukiko Sakakura, Clayton Soohoo, Wilfred Tom,
James Wong, Clarence Yee, Rick Quon, Lena Fong, Beatrice and George Wong. Thank you all for the community service
you accomplished. We also had some special guests that came to help us City Council Members, Henry Chang Jr., Nancy
Nadel, Alameda County Supervisor Alice Lai-Bitker, Pat Kernighan, City Attorney John Russo joined in the fun and
excitement of the Easter Pancake event. Another Thank you goes to Bill Sakakura for arranging all the entertainment;
Shelly Chen , who was at the American Cancer Table; Beatrice Wong and all the Friends of the Asian Library; Arnold
Mew, Stephan Quock, Ester Fong Maynard, at the Directory Table; Bill Wong for bringing his Chinatown Book; Oliver
Chin for bringing his Book , Tao of Yao; Cheryl Yukumoto for explaining the Junk Boat Crystals; Cimberly Eng-Tamura
doing origami, Cynthia and Lyle Rose, Ron and Barbara Hing, Cal Chun, Rick Quon, James Wong and Clarence Yee,
Samantha Dinh, Tom Wei, Chris Dear, David Won, Jeanne Chiang, Carlton Cooper, Clarence Preston, Sum and Edgar
Woo, Linda Wong, Wilma Wong, Don Kiang, Deborah Pan, Delbert and Doris Gee and daughters, Lucy and Andy
Meyer, Harold Cook, Daniel Wang, Herra Gutierrez, Harry and Valerie Greer, Diane and Stan Huey, Adrienne Fong,
Wayne and Joanne Fong, Cynthia and Tony Lim, Clayton and Cheryl Yukumoto, Loretta Siu, Edward Yu, Val Toh and
Jeffery Kuan, Irene Andriani, Cimberly Eng-Tamura, Ester Fong Maynard, Anthony Pascarello for helping; Patricia and
Al Johnson , Mary and Freeman Chan at the ticket area; Kingman Lowe, for moving all the Table and Chairs; Audrey
Huie and Roland Hui for collecting all the funds; Mike Wong and Hugh Reid for ensuring the Grills were in working
order; Thanks to all the supporting Clubs and Caroline Yee, Lincoln Schools and Gilbert Gong for Lincoln Park. I know I
missed mentioning some members. Come to the next meeting and remind me so I can talk about you in the next article. .
I hope everyone had a great time!!
April brought the recognition of the Past Presidents, Life and Honorary Members. It is always a great event to
share with both our new and long time members which was held at the ‘New Oakland Seafood Restaurant’. “Photos” were
taken as souvenirs. Sixty-two Members and friends attended this great event. Past Presidents: James Wong, Arnold Mew,
Wayne Fong, Stephen Quock, Kathleen Hsu Jeong, Ron Hing, Karen, Dea, and Harry Greer. Life Members: Freeman and
Mary Chan, Clifton and Marion Fong, Gordon Lee, Ron Hing, Stephen Quock, Rick Quon, Bill Sakakura, James, Wong,
and Clarence Yee. Honorary Members: Lena Fong, Lorenzo Hoopes, Laura Yee and Beatrice Wong. During the event
Lena Fong, was recognized for her generous donation of Five Thousand Dollars, to the Junk Boat Restoration project. She
will honor her late husband, Dr Joshua Fong by dedicating a park bench in his memory. Dr Joshua Fong was the original
Committee Chairman of the original Junk Boat project, who wrote the letter in 1961 to the Chinese Consulate to get the
permission to start this project that eventually was dedicated in 1968. The Children of Oakland Chinatown will for many
years enjoy the Junk Boat and its history. Thank you to our elder members for their memories, experiences and devotion
to our Wa Sung Community Service Club.
May brings on the Merit Scholarship Awards Event. Adrienne Fong chairs this event to be held at Silver Dragon
Restaurant on Sunday May 15th, 2005. The Guest Speaker will be Oakland Council Member Jean Quan. Come support
this Wa Sung Annual event. Most of our awards come directly from our perpetual scholarship funds however, we also
depend on the Membership donations to ensure that our youth get the support for higher education. Please contact
Adrienne for contributions or any help that you can give on the day of the event. Thank you to Dr Janet Lee, Loretta Siu
and Friends, Nancy Lee, and Esther Fong Maynard for additional funds for scholarships in the year 2005.
Look for the additional articles on the up coming events. It was a pleasure to see so many of you at Easter
Pancake and the Life Member, Honorary and Past President General Meeting. I look forward to seeing many more at our
coming events. Thank You!!
General Meeting
A Mother’s Day
May 5th, 2005
Saigon Restaurant
Frank Ogawa Plaza
Oakland, CA. 94607
$10.00 with RSVP or $15.00 at the Door
RSVP to C. Yukumoto at 925 417-1072 or [email protected] or
R. Hing at 925 462-5235 or [email protected]
By May 2nd 2005
Membership Committee
Clayton Yukumoto and Linda Wong, Co- Chairs
S.E.R.V.E. Program Leaders
We now have a new Board for all the members to sign up on and also will be bring the old Board so we all
can remember the categories we signed up on for 2004 so please update all of your scores on the new 2005
So, don’t be shy once you come and update your score we will update your score based on your participation
in helping Wa Sung serve our community.
G. R. E. A. T. Program:
Remember the G.R.E.A.T. Program? Its purpose is to encourage our membership to help Wa Sung grow our
membership, retain, encourage participation, attend club activities and cultivate team spirit. Our goal is to
bring 35 new members into Wa Sung for the year.
We now have 12 new members for this year and 15 all of 2004 so we’re well on our way to meeting our goal!
Remember you earn the greatest amount of points when you sign up a new member and the more points you
earn the greater your chances of winning the contest!!!
Oh and one change for 2005, we will Award the Points for bringing a new member when that member is
inducted and not when they turn in their application!
------------------------------------------------------------Please Fill out the attached form and send in with your membership payment!
We are trying to get additional information this year, Spouses and Birthdates.
A reminder to all Members: Dues for 2005 will be collected beginning the 1st of January 2005. We will be
using the following timeline:
November & December – Notices to be sent to Membership
January – Billing notices to be mailed to Membership
June – Final notices to be mailed to all Members Delinquent
Please send all payments to the Club at: Wa Sung Community Service Club, P. O. Box 1561, Oakland,
CA. 94604.
P. O. Box 1561
Oakland, CA. 94604
Please help us update the Membership Roster files:
Member Name: ____________________________________________________
Spouse: ______________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________ Zip: ________________________
Telephone: Home: (
) ________________ Work: (
E-Mail: ______________________________ Cell: (
FAX: (
) _________________
) ___________________
) ________________________ Birthday: Month _______Day:_____
Member: $45.00
Spouse: $22.50
Social Chair Report
By Clayton Yukumoto, Social Chairperson
A night of great
FOOD and lots of
was a night that many of us will
not forget! So many of the members who we (new
members) have only seen in the past directories
were there with us! Many were very instrumental
in the Events of the time like the Easter Pancake
Breakfast or the growth of the Clubs membership
over the years and how the club has evolved in its
membership. A lot of renewing of friendships
which over the years has brought so many of our
life and honorary members back for this event! We
had so many couples for the event, Freeman and
Mary Chan, Stephan and Joan Quock, Dr. Clifton
and Marion Fong, Gordon and Mary Lee and Ron
and Barbara Hing. Other Life members Bill
Sakakura, James Wong, Chris Yahng, Clarence
Yee and Rick Quon were also in attendance. We
were fortunate to have a lot of honorary members
also, Laura Yee, Dr. Janet Lee, Lorenzo Hoopes,
Bea Wong and Lena Fong. Also many of our Past
Presidents were in attendance… Chris Yahng,
Kathy Jeong, Karen Dea, Dr. Wayne Fong, Arnold
Mew, Ron Hing, Harry Greer and our current
President Rich Fong. It was certainly a night filled
with many great stories being told to the audience
by many of the honored guests!
We thank Steven Zhang and his staff for
the great food and service we received that night!
The food was good and the service outstanding!
Again many thanks Steven! President Rich Fong
inducted 6 new members Irene Andriani, Daniel
Wang, Cimberly Eng-Tamura, Todd Forbes, Esther
Fong-Maynard and Anthony Pascarello. Congrats
to our newest members! They all gave us a brief
bio of themselves and how they plan to help us this
year in the many events that the Club has planned!
Guest attendance of our General Meetings
has been increasing, a total of 10 for this months
meeting! We can only hope that this trend
continues for the balance of the year! Just a
reminder about the next General Meeting; it will be
held at the Saigon Restaurant on 5th of May
beginning at 6:30pm. All the information is on the
enclosed flyer. All Mothers in attendance will be
honored at this event. We’re expecting a full house
for this event so please call and reserve your spot
for this tremendous event. Deadline for R.S.V.P.’s
Community Calendar
May 5, 2005 – General Meeting honoring Mothers
May 15, 2005 – Merit Awards Luncheon Silver Dragon
July 4, 2005- Annual Picnic
August 4, 2005 – ‘A Chef’s Delight 8’ kick-off San Leandro Historical Museum
August 12, 2005 – ‘A’s Fireworks Game’
October 30, 2005 – ‘A Chef’s Delight 8’ - Oakland Airport Hilton
“Junk Boat” Restoration Project
(Preliminary renderings of the structures cross section & aerial view for committee and city review)
2005 Merit Award Scholarships
by Adrienne Fong, Committee chair
By the time this article is printed in the May newsletter,
we will have selected our scholarship winners. This
year will be our 49th year of awarding merit
scholarships. All members and friends are invited on
Sunday, May 15, from noon to 3 pm at the Silver
Dragon Restaurant in Oakland Chinatown to celebrate
with the 2005 winners and their families. Lunch will be
$16/person (RSVP by May 9th – see flyer). Please
come to show your support and enjoy an afternoon with
the future leaders of tomorrow.
Our guest speaker will be Oakland Councilmember
Jean Quan. Jean has attended and supported many of
the Wa Sung events. Jean’s family roots in Oakland
began when her great-grandfather and his family took
the ferry after the San Francisco 1906 earthquake
across the Bay to where Oakland Chinatown is today.
Jean’s continues to make a difference in her work as
councilmember and as a member of the Oakland
community. Please come on May 15th to hear Jean
We are still accepting any donations to add to the
Perpetual Scholarship funds or donations to the general
scholarship fund. The number of scholarships available
will be based on the combined annual interest from the
Perpetual Scholarship funds and from one time
donations. The Wa Sung Perpetual Scholarship and
Special Projects Fund Trustees met on March 19 and
approved funding for seven $1,000 scholarships.
Please help us with more donations, from family,
friends and employers. The number and amount of the
scholarships have increased over the years due to the
continued support from our Perpetual Scholarship fund,
from donations we receive from our members, their
families and friends and numerous Wa Sung funding
events. We invite everyone to make any amount of
donation, whether it’s a new endowment gift in honor of
loved ones and friends, memorial gift to an existing
fund, or a one-time donation. All contributions go
directly to the scholarship fund.
Gift information is available from any Wa Sung Board
Member or send your check to: Wa Sung Community
Service Club, P.O. Box 1561, Oakland, CA 94604.
Make your donation checks payable to the ‘Wa Sung
Charity Fund’.
Volunteers are needed on the day of the event. If you
are planning on attending and can help, please contact
Nancy Lee, Cyndee Lim or me.
Wa Sung Community Service Club
P O Box 1561 Oakland CA 94604
49th Annual Merit Award
Scholarship Celebration
SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2005
12:00 – 3:00 pm
Please Join Us to Celebrate our Future Leaders!
Guest Speaker
Oakland Councilmember Jean Quan
Silver Dragon Restaurant
835 Webster Street, Oakland, CA
For information/reservations, please call
Adrienne Fong: 925- 830- 4614 or email [email protected]
or complete and mail the form below
Fold and Tear Here
Please RSVP by May 9, 2005 to 925-830-4614 or [email protected] or send this form to:
2005 Merit Award Celebration
Wa Sung Community Service Club
P.O. Box 1561, Oakland, CA 94604
Please make checks payable to: Wa Sung Community Service Club
Payment can also be made at the celebration luncheon, but you need to make your reservations now.
Please reserve
ticket(s) x $16.00 per person.
Enclosed is a check for $________________
Name of Attendees:
Contact phone number: ____________________________
I regret I will not be able to attend. Enclosed is my donation of $
towards the Scholarship Fund.
Name and address of donor: _____________________________________________________________
A Chef’s Delight
Wa Sung Community Service Club’s
8th Annual
“A Chef’s Delight”
Members on the Move
New column starting this month will be to celebrate those Great Occasions in our members’ lives, birthdays,
weddings & graduations …
To proud new Grand parents Gary and Caroline Yee &Welcome Grandbaby Sierra.
To Proud NEW Grandma WS Member Kathy Jeong and New MOM, daughter Genevieve, welcomed Ronan Jack Bennett,
a future WS member, 3:15 PM, on Easter Sunday, March 27 at California Pacific in SF! He weighed in at 7 lbs. 13 oz and
measured 21 and 3/4 inches long.
Easter Blessings!!!
By Karen Dea
It’s beginning to look like……….sunshine!!!!!
Whew……many of us were holding our breath …I
meant umbrellas, as the rainy season extended to five
continuous days and finally ended on Saturday night !
The beautiful sun shone on Easter Sunday morning
bringing out around 1,200 folks to enjoy the 49th annual
Wa Sung Pancake Breakfast!!!
At 6am the squirreling of activities started with
the setups of chairs, tables (thank you Lincoln
Elementary school) and entertainment stage, par
boiling & cooking sausages, getting the pancake stoves
ready & tempered, adding that secret ingredient to the
pancake batter (!), attempting to get the coffee to
percolate with dysfunctional rented equipment (!),
slicing the juicy oranges, hanging the sponsor banners
2 stories high (thank you HORIZON BEVERAGE,
Albert Brown Mortuary, Asian Health Services,
AROMA Restaurant, Irene Choi Ko, Dr. Stewart Chen,
Sara Lee-Arnold & Helena Mew, Bay Cities Produce) ,
and of course laying out the icing of any pancake…..
Butterrrr and sweet maple syrup!!
After the traditional enjoyment of delicious tasty
‘jook’ ….. Co-chair Nancy Lee led the many volunteers
(thank you Oakland High, Castro Valley High, Boy
Scouts, Circle K-Berkeley, Alameda Leo’s club, El
Cerrito High and Chinese Christian School) to the many
areas of preparation, while co-chair Bill Sakakura
ramped up the stage for the scheduled entertainment
by Heiwa Taiko, Ballet et Cetera and Rising Dragon
Culture Center performers. Co-chair Raymond Tang,
brought in the newness of sponsors, cartoon artist and
crafts for the young at heart, and co-chair Karen Dea
had over 500+ Easter eggs ready to be hidden for the
children’s egg hunt by the Junk Boat area, and
showcased the community awareness participants to
exhibit worthy topics : Friends of the Asian Librarygames, Jimmy Zhang- food carver, authors Oliver Chin
and Bill Wong, Chinatown Fire Station-a chance to
climb on the fire truck and receive a red firemen hat,
artist Herby Lam- Chinese Zodiac horoscope, and
American Cancer Society.
Wa Sung’s 52nd year of community presence
was clearly promoted by the unveiling of the 2005 Wa
Sung Directory along with the ongoing spirited
fundraising for the Junk Boat play structure restoration
It was great to see the mixture of so many new
Wa Sung members working along side of the seasoned
members that volunteer each year! We also had the
accompaniment of non-members/ guests that rolled up
their sleeves and pitched in!
Besides the beautiful sunshine and great
volunteers, success of the event goes to The Lincoln
Recreation Center who collectively got together and
sold an overwhelming $1000 of pancake tickets!!!! New
faces were seen and introduced to this event….wow
…a new beginning in working together with the Lincoln
Recreation Center to engage the community to attend
the Wa Sung breakfast!!! Thanks Gilbert Gong!! Our
very own WS members Loretta Siu, Mary Chan and
Arnold Mew won the membership incentive prizes for
selling the most tickets!!!
The fun really began when 14 participants were
gobbling away pancakes during the Pancake eating
contest and strolling around was the Easter Bunny
giving out candy treats, and the local dignitaries
showing their support:
TV-26 News reporter Yalek Hyunh
Alameda County Supervisor- Alice Lai Bitker
City of Oakland Vice Mayor - Henry Chang Jr.
City of Oakland City Attorney- John Russo
City of Oakland Chief of Staff for District 2- Pat
City of San Leandro Mayor- Sheila Young
Zillion of Easter raffles prizes kept the crowd in
suspense which added to the Easter festiveness and as
the announcement of the winners for the grand prizes
marked the closure of the event it gave us already
reasons to be thankful for Easter Blessings!
Photos from Recent Events
M. Chan, L. Siu & A. Mew
Top Pancake Breakfast ticket sellers
Our Newest Members
Wa Sung Community Service Club
P.O. Box 1561
Oakland, CA 94604