Haunted mansion seeking extreme makeover


Haunted mansion seeking extreme makeover
May 23, 2013
Pet Tips, Page 3
Central Valley Motorsports, Page 5
Let’s Talk Clovis, Page 8
Dining Guide, Page 9
Firefighters battle fire over
Mother’s Day weekend
Haunted Mansion, Page 12
Community Calendar, Page 13
Log of Shame, Page 14
Featured Recipe, Page 18
Haunted mansion seeking extreme makeover
a rank sanitarium where many residents checked in but
never checked out.
The original manor was built in 1922, easily the most
lavish mansion in Clovis at the time, complete with
a swimming pool in the basement and a ball room on
the fourth floor. The original owner, Anthony Andriotti,
was bankrupted due to the enormous cost to build it and
subsequently lost the house a few years later. He passed
Wild fire in the Sierra National Forest
Wild fire, continued on page 2
If spending the night in a haunted mansion is on
your bucket list, it might just be a reality in the not so
distant future. Todd Wolfe, who owns Wolfe Manor, the
once stately mansion on Clovis Avenue, is working on a
project to return the formerly opulent property back to its
original glamorous roots.
The 8,000 square foot home, known not only for its
Halloween scare but its tragic and disturbing past, has
seen more than its share of tragedies and mortalities. It
has followed a checkered past from a private mansion to
Wolfe Manor, continued on page 12
Page 2
May 23, 2013
Wildland Firefighters Stand Ready
Rebecca A. Garcia
Public Affairs Officer, Sierra National Forest
Clovis – Newly hired and seasoned
employees of the U.S. Forest Service,
Sierra National Forest (SNF) are getting
ready both physically and mentally to join
thousands of other firefighters who will be
called upon this summer to battle wild land
forest fires across the United States.
SNF assets have already been called
upon to support wildfires off forest. Two
engines (5 personnel on each engine) and
one Type 1 Hot Shot crew (20 personnel)
were dispatched last week to Southern
California to help with firefighting efforts.
“2013 has the potential to be a very
active fire season,” said Joseph A. Reyes,
Chief of Fire, SNF. “We will have a full
complement of fire fighters positioned and
ready on the Sierra National Forest. These
firefighters will also be ready to assist
regionally and throughout the nation on
any large incidents.”
A single Hotshot crew typically
responds to 20-30 wildland fires across
the United States from May through
November. The SNF has three Hotshot
crews along with other ground and air
assets available to respond to wildand fires
Wild fire over Mother’s Day weekend
Clovis, CA – U.S. Forest Service, Sierra
National Forest personnel along with other
federal agencies invested their time this
Mother’s Day weekend fighting wildland
fire on the Sierra National Forest.
Over 180 inter-agency personnel responded to the Chiquito Fire, located north
of Beasore Creek and approximately three
miles off of the Sierra Vista Scenic Byway, Bass Lake Ranger District with both
ground and air assets: multiple engines and
water tenders; four Interagency Hot Shot
Crews (Sierra IHC, Kings River IHC, Fulton IHC and Rio Bravo IHC); two Type-1
Helitankers; one Type-2 Helicopter; and
two Air Attacks.
The fire is now twenty-five percent contained at 40 acres. Full containment is expected by May 14. Cause of ignition is unknown and currently under investigation.
News of a possible fire, smoke sighting
was first called in by a commercial flight
and reported Saturday by the Federal Avia-
tion Administration. The Sierra Interagency Hot Shot Crew was first on scene.
Although it is early in the year, given the
right conditions a wildfire can result. Visitors should exercise caution with campfires and homeowners should be sure to
keep the area surrounding their home clear
of dry fuels. State law mandates property
owners residing within the State Responsibility Area take proactive measures to
protect the property from wildfire, such as
keeping a 100 ft. clearance between buildings and flammable materials (ex. brush,
The SNF is currently ramping up for the
2013 fire season, hiring personnel and getting ground and air assets in place. Limited resources are available on forest for
initial attack on wildland fires.
For more information, please contact
one of our Forest Service offices: Bass
Lake Ranger District (559) 877-2218, or
Clovis (559) 297-0706.
Clovis Roundup
Buying a Home? Choose the Right
Loan for You
At last, home sales and home values
are going up in Central California. That’s
one of the indicators that the economy is
improving, but it also means that right
now may very well be the best time to
buy. Opportunities, home values and
mortgage rates may never be as good as
they are now!
If you’re anticipating getting started
on financing your first home, or you’re
looking to purchase a new home, or
you’re seeking to refinance a current
mortgage, be sure to visit your credit
union first. And if you’re not yet a credit
union member, be sure to join!
At Fresno County Federal Credit
Union, for instance, home loan rates continue to be lower than the big banks can
offer. Get your mortgage from a credit
union like Fresno County Federal Credit
Union and you’ll have a sensible and affordable monthly mortgage payment.
It’s the most important purchase of
your lifetime – that’s why Fresno County
Federal Credit Union has partnered with
CU Members Mortgage to provide more
lending options, enabling thousands
more members to buy or refinance their
homes. Check out all of your choices at
www.FresnoCU.com. Here are some of
the products you’ll find:
Conventional Mortgage A 10, 15 or
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easier to budget your money when you
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FHA 30 Year Fixed Mortgage FHA
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a new home with as little cash as possible.
Federal VA 30 Year Fixed Mortgage
This mortgage loan allows qualified veterans to purchase a new home with no down
payment at a fixed rate.
In addition to competitive mortgage
products, Fresno County Federal Credit
Union’s website offers some useful mortgage tools:
Loan Options Review a list of loan programs that fit your needs, and apply for the
loan program you find most advantageous.
Rate Calculator Determine your monthly payment based upon the scenario you
choose, plus, you can see how the interest
rate affects your payment, and determine
the annual income you’ll need to afford the
home loan.
Rate Alert Program Sign up to receive e-mails with current rates on loan
programs you choose. If you’re trying to
achieve a target rate, you’ll be notified by
e-mail when your target rate is available.
Pre-Approval Get pre-approved before
making an offer – that will put you in the
best bargaining position.
If you’re looking for more assistance,
remember that Fresno County Federal
Credit Union members have access to a
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mobile banking, and home improvement
loans. You’ll receive highly personalized
service, checking and savings without
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needed to manage your finances with ease.
Visit Fresno County Federal Credit Union
at www.FresnoCU.com or call (559) 2525000 to learn more.
May 23, 2013
Clovis Roundup
Pairing kids with pets
Safety tips to protect youngsters and pets
In many families, kids and pets get
along famously. Many youngsters are
natural born animal enthusiasts while pets
tend to respond to kids’ gentle and loving
But the bond between kids and pets is
one that develops over time, and parents
welcoming a new pet into their home
should know that this transition is not
always easy. Teaching kids to treat pets
with love and respect and watching pets to
ensure kids are safe in their company can
help calm parents’ nerves. The following
tips, courtesy of the ASPCA, can ensure
both kids and pets stay safe while building
a strong bond and a healthy relationship.
* Teach kids to protect themselves from
overexcited pets. Pets, especially puppies,
can easily become overexcited. This can
be mistaken for aggressiveness, especially
by kids who might be scared. Teach kids
to protect themselves from overexcited
pets, including dog bite prevention. If kids
fear their dog might bite them, then teach
them to roll into a ball, protect their hands
and face and call for help. Running and
screaming might upset the dog, who then
might go on the defensive.
* Teach kids to recognize signs of
aggression. Sometimes dogs will use body
language to let people know they do not
wish to be approached. Adults and kids
alike should familiarize themselves with
these mannerisms as a safety precaution.
If these signals are ignored, then the
dog might bite to protect itself. Signs of
defensive aggression include:
* ears back, pupils dilated
* tail down and tensed
* posture mildly crouched, weight over
rear legs
* muzzle tense,
snarling, and teeth
When a dog is
exhibiting any of
these signs, adults
and kids should not
approach the dog and
let it cool down.
* Keep kids’ toys
away from pets and
vice versa. Kids’ toys
are not always petsafe and pets’ toys are
not always safe for
kids. Separate the two
and explain to kids
that they should not
use their toys when
playing with pets.
* Teach kids to
respect a pet’s “safe
Kids and pets will develop a stronger bond if they learn to respect
spot.” Pets may need
each other’s space.
a “safe spot” to which
they can retreat and
be sure no one will follow them. These that the pet must be sitting in order to earn
spots are safe havens for pets, especially its reward. This can keep kids from being
those adopted from shelters who might jumped on or accidentally bitten when a
need more time to adjust to a new pet gets overexcited by the sight of a toy or
environment than a puppy or kitten. Teach treat. It also teaches pets that they can’t get
kids to respect these “safe spots,” which what they want simply by being physical.
might be a crate or a sleeping area, leaving If the pet won’t sit, then adults and kids
pets alone when they retreat to such areas. should walk away without giving the pet
Pets react defensively when others try to its treat or toy.
access their safe spots.
Parents who bring a new pet into their
* Teach kids and pets rules for each home often find the pet quickly becomes
game. When playing reward games, such an irreplaceable member of the household.
as those when a pet gets a treat or toy if But parents should still take certain
it behaves correctly, teach pets to sit in precautions to protect kids and pets alike.
order to get their reward, and teach kids
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Page 3
About this
Clovis Roundup is a publication that is published
every other Thursday and
distributed weekly by Clovis Roundup Inc.
throughout Clovis and surrounding areas.
Donna Melchor - Publisher/Editor,
(559) 472-6443,
[email protected]
Ken Melchor - Vice President
(559) 285-6687
[email protected]
Mike Long - Advertising Sales
(559) 917-4472
[email protected]
Billy Xiong - Ad Design and Production
(559) 289-8725
[email protected]
Butler Web & Design - Online Coordinator
Joaquin Hernandez - Photo Journalist
(559) 779-2409
[email protected]
Contributing Writers
Carol Lawson-Sweezey - Featured Articles
Peg Bos - Let’s Talk Clovis
Don Curlee - Ag at Large
April French - Police Log of Shame
Paul Hinkle - Central Valley Motorsports
Dick Nichols - Fishing Report
Sarah A. Peterson - Featured Articles
Dr. Edward Trevino - Featured Articles
Sam Fragoso - Dispatches from a Movie Theater
Accounting Services
Teresa Stevens - Certified Public Accountant
(559) 326-2029
[email protected]
The Clovis Roundup is a custom publication.
2491 Alluvial Avenue Suite # 540
Clovis, CA 93611 | (559) 326-2040
To submit events for the CR Calender,
email [email protected]
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specifically noted otherwise in the advertisement.
Page 4
May 23, 2013
Clovis Roundup
Bermuda Grass – Is it Wonderful or
a Weed?
We are all familiar with Bermuda grass.
It thrives in our Central Valley climate.
Bermuda is a strong lawn candidate for
here as it can take the heat and tolerate
moderately low levels of irrigation. If you
are trying to grow Bermuda as a lawn grass
you probably like the fact that you can treat
it sparingly and it will survive or you can
water, fertilize, and mow on a regular basis
and it will provide you with a good looking
lawn for years to come.
Bermuda grass does have its limitations
though. It tolerates almost no shade and it
goes dormant in the winter months leaving
a tan landscape of dead leaves and stems.
It has no ability to compete with winter
weeds as it lies dormant making it a mottled
mess if no measures are taken to prevent
the weeds. Bermuda is very invasive and
able to mend open spots through rhizomes
and stolons. Surprisingly it does not outcompete crabgrass though.
Bermuda in bounds and out of the nearby
flowerbeds and the neighbor’s tall fescue
lawn is a challenge as well.
A weed is a plant out of place. This
describes Bermuda when it is growing
in what is supposed to be a tall fescue,
bluegrass, or ryegrass lawn (or flower
bed). During the summer months the
Bermuda grass can progressively invade
a lawn unnoticed as both the grasses are
fully green. As temperatures drop and the
Bermuda becomes dormant, the realization
of the damage is fully noted. The key to
managing the Bermuda population is to
identify it early and take steps to suppress
it with Turflon or spot-treat it with
Roundup and reseed or sod. Applications
are made to actively growing plants from
April – September. Once the Bermuda
makes up more than 25% of the grass mix
I think that you either live with it and let
it go or at some point kill off areas and
start over. Bermuda is not easy to kill once
established even with multiple applications
of Roundup.
If you have a Bermuda lawn and it
receives plenty of sunshine I think that is
a great option. It should receive regular
feeding, watering, mowing, and necessary
weed control throughout the year. If you
have it and you love it, but the trees have
grown and the shade is so heavy that you
have more dirt than grass, it is time to
change grasses or shrink the shape of the
lawn to what areas are growing well. If
you have Bermuda and hate it and want
tall fescue instead you will need to apply
Roundup 3-4 times over a period of 2-3
months starting in August. After putting
in the new lawn you will need to watch
carefully for emerging Bermuda stolons
and treat every 2-3 weeks with Turflon to
suppress the Bermuda selectively.
If you have any lawn questions please
call Weed Man at 559-266-1624 or visit
our website at Fresno.WeedManUSA.com.
Shaver Lake Fishing Report
By Dick Nichols
#1 Doug Perkins, his son Colin and friend Joey Mather, all of Clovis, show off their stringer of
fish caught while fishing with guide Dick Nichols, of Dick’s Fishing Charters on Shaver Lake.
We finally returned to the lake mid
week following cold, rainy and windy
conditions, with some electrical storms.
The good fishing continued with all our
charter trips providing limits to our clients.
Among them were John Parra of Shaver
and Hans Williams of Stockton. The duo
picked up four limits, keeping two limits
of mixed kokanee and trout. The kokanee
were fat 12 incher’s, and the trout were to
15 inches. I think most trollers are catching
plenty of fish, the problem is that many of
our hook ups are small trout in the 9 inch
range. Most likely the fingerling that were
planted last year. We continue to use Trout
Busters tipped with corn on the first hook
and crawler on the back hook, behind
Mountain Flashers at 20 to 25 feet deep.
We found the best location to be the island,
the Point and Eagle Point.
A few trophy sized trout came out this
past week with Craig Crump, of Fresno
picking up a 27 inch, 5 pound rainbow.
Crump, was flat lining a Rapala near the
Point when the big guy hit it. The rest of the
larger fish were taken by shore fishermen.
Roads one and two, the Point, Sierra
Marina and Edison Camp areas were the
best. Anchored boat fishermen still fishing
in the Tunnel Creek and Stevenson Creek
areas were reported to catching a big fish
or two. They all are using mostly rainbow
glittered Power Bait or crawlers.
The Shaver Lake trophy Trout program
invites everyone interested in attending
their meetings on the third Wednesday of
each month at 9 am, at the Edison Camp
office. The SLTTP appreciated the many
donations that have come in the past couple
weeks for the 2014 trophy trout plant this
May 23, 2013
Clovis Roundup
Page 5
Central Valley Motorsports
By Paul Hinkle
Did summer sneak in on us early this
year? This heat will definitely make you
re-think taking out your rod in the middle
of the day. You may find yourself leaving a
little earlier on the weekend for that drive
to the Red Caboose for breakfast or later in
the evening to Scoops and Soups for your
favorite ice cream.
The Kingsburg Chamber has again put
on a great car show. On Saturday April 20th
they held their 18th Annual Kingsburg Car
Show. Early in the morning Draper Street
in the little Swedish Village started filling
with cars. By nine o’clock the streets
were filled with street rods of all makes
and styles. They looked great against the
storefronts; their colors glimmered as
the sun rose over the buildings. By midmorning spectators filled the streets. The
excitement from the spectators was seen as
they stopped to take pictures and talk to the
car owners.
Many of the car owners return each
year to this event because of the pleasant
atmosphere that is carried throughout the
show. This is also a social event for many,
you will find members of car clubs and
rod owners from the same towns parked
in groups all having a great time. Then
how can you go to Kingsburg without
eating breakfast or lunch at one of the fine
restaurants? If a big meal wasn’t for you,
you could enjoy a variety of foods and
snacks offered by vendors at Coffee Pot
In the afternoon car owners and
spectators gathered at Draper and Smith
Streets to hear the results of the class
winners. The highlight of the day is the
announcement of the Best of Show winner.
The Best of Show has the destination of
having their rod featured on the following
years T-shirt.
Best of Show – Tim & Kristi Burnett,
Fresno 1933 Ford Coupe, Best Interior –
Jim Todd, Visalia 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air,
Best Engine – Byron Hisey, Newman 1925
Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan,
Best Paint – Steven
1932 Ford 3-Window,
Best Wild Paint – Jim
Edsion, Hanford 1948
2-Door Coupe, Exotic
Car Dennis Melkonian,
Fresno 1919 Ford C-Cab,
Ladies Choice – Fred
Treat, Madera 1962
Chevrolet Corvette.
Don’t forget that we
are going to get together
on July 12, 2013 for
the SEMA National
Collector Car Appreciation Day cruise
(More information in future articles).
Cam Twisters Car Show, 25th Annual
Downtown Visalia Car Show, May 18th
– 19th Eagle Field Drags, May 19th Dan
Rouit Flattrack Motorcycle Museum 22nd
Open House, May 24th – 26th Annual
West Coast Kustoms Car Show Santa
Maria, June 1st Northside
Christian Church, June 1st –
2nd Summer Get-Together
Pleasanton, June 7th Rods
on the Bluff, June 8th
Peoples Church Car Show,
Dinuba Main Street Car
Show, June 14th – 16th L.A.
Roadster Show Pomona
and The Classic Pismo
Beach Car Show, June 15th
Coarsegold Car Show, June
22nd Kettleman City Car
Show, June 29th St. Agnes
Mission Church 3rd Annual
Car Show, July 27th Arroyo
Grande Valley Car Show.
If your club or organization is
putting on a car show or motorsports
event, please send your information to
[email protected]
or call me at (559) 970-2274. I’m also
looking for interesting cars and events to
share with everyone.
May 23, 2013
Page 6
By Carol Lawson-Swezey
Clovis Roundup
Farmers Market to include monthly ArtHop
The Clovis Farmers Market is getting
bigger and better.
In addition to the cornucopia of fruits,
vegetables and other gastronomical delights, the city’s Friday night market will
continue to add entertainment and vendor
booths to its weekly offerings. New this
year is an exciting ArtHop, where an entire
block of Pollasky Avenue, just south of 5th
street, will be dedicated to arts and artists.
The ArtHop will be included on the 2nd
Friday of the month and will feature eclectic art forms from metal and wood sculptures to more traditional acrylic and oil
paintings and jewelry. The once monthly
event coincides with the KSEE Concert
and additional food truck options.
The first ArtHop was introduced at the
May 10th season kickoff of the Farmer’s
Market. An estimated crowd of about
6,000 wove their way through the streets
of Old Town, sampling and shopping.
Elaine Creed, of Elaine’s Creations, did
a brisk business with her handmade and
designed jewelry. The graduate of the old
Clovis High has been selling her wares at
street markets for about six years.
“I love that Clovis has kept its old town
charm and the people have that small town
friendliness,” Elaine said.
Pollasky Avenue was also full with
Model A cars, the pink canine police car
and its sister fire truck and a few food
The artists included Gar Denton’s acrylic and oil paintings of the Gold Country as
well as Clovis artists Sean Dempsey and
Tye Putman. Dempsey’s metal art is all
made from recycled found items and Putman’s burl wood creations included bowls,
vases and baskets.
The ArtHop was a mutual collaboration
between the Business Organization of Old
Town and Meg Oakford, an art event coordinator and personal organizer in her business Disaster to Delight.
About a year ago, Oakford approached
B.O.O.T. about
starting a regular ArtHop in
Clovis, similar
to the once a
month events in
“We wanted
to bring our
Central Valley
artists to Old
and what better way than
to partner with
ArtHop?” said
director of B.O.O.T. “Artists will have
the greatest exposure possible during our
Farmers Market and make good connections! From what I saw on Friday night we
had wonderful representation of a variety
of artwork. Something for everyone! We
want to thank the Fresno Arts Council for
their involvement and a big thank you to
Meg Oakford, coordinator of the artists.”
Oakford, a career nurse for 25 years,
decided to give up nursing and follow her
passion to work with the art world.
“I started working with artists about
three years ago,” Oakford said. “I always
loved art and loved artists. I love going
to their space and hearing what inspires
Oakford initiated her new career with
public relations for several art related
functions, including the Summer Concert
Series at the African American Museum
and the 1821 Calaveras galleria space,
which was a renovated auto shop. She also
coordinated an ArtHop at the shopping
center at Champlain and Perrin
for nine months,
which grew to
businesses and
40 artists.
She is a volunteer with the
Council, which
art events and
“hops” as a way
to advocate for
both the arts and
Oakford fore-
sees the Farmers Market ArtHop growing
larger and more diverse, possibly highlighting demonstrations of the artist’s
work and artists rendering portraits or
caricatures on site..
“I know that Clovis has its own Clovis
Art Guild, the oldest art association in the
Valley, which was started in 1957, and I
hope to get them involved with this too,”
Oakford said. “The area’s art community
is quite active and ongoing and getting
bigger and bigger all the time.”
The ArtHop can accommodate up to 35
artists and Oakford wants to get the word
out that there are still spaces available. She
can be reached at 708-606-4777.
“It’s really important to support local
artists by buying their work that they’ve
invested so much passion, time and effort
into so they can stay local and keep doing
what they do,” Oakford said. “It’s important to put your money where your mouth
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Clovis Roundup
May 23, 2013
Page 7
Ag at Large – naturally gassy: Oil boom promises savings for
By Don Curlee
Farmers in California may be among
the first to realize measurable savings from
the oil boom developing around fracking.
The shale fracturing process releases
natural gas as well as oil. and most
farmers can relate readily to natural gas’s
importance to crop production.
Properly treated, natural gas yields
significant amounts of nitrogen, and even
non-farmers know that nitrogen is the
major ingredient in most fertilizers. A
serious increase in the supply of natural
gas is expected to result in lower costs of
fertilizers across the board.
At least that is the conclusion of
agricultural researchers Colin Carter
and Kevin Novan in the Agricultural
Resource and Economics Department of
the University of California, Davis. Carter
is a professor, and Novan is an assistant
professor. Their report appears in the
January/February issue of the department’s
semi-monthly newsletter Update.
But their analysis doesn’t end with
fertilizer supplies. It extends to the cost
of irrigation water that farmers apply to
their crops. Any saving in that department
is especially significant for California
farmers because California agriculture is
predominantly irrigated agriculture.
The reduction in the price of irrigation
water results from the use of the expected
abundant natural gas to fire generators
operated by utility companies in the
large-scale production of electric power.
Carter and Novan see this as reducing
the enormous power bills paid by farmers
throughout the state.
The assumption is that utility companies
will switch from coal-fired generators if
necessary, or pass on the reduce cost of
natural gas if that is their primary fuel
source already.
So it is a reasonably reliable forecast
that California farmers and ranchers can
expect some indirect savings from the
expected release of millions of cubic feet
of natural gas by this modern magic of
drilling and tapping the earth’s natural
But there’s more, as the infomercials
say, the two University of California
authors indicate that farmers might receive
direct benefits as well if they convert some
of their rolling equipment to burn natural
gas. Some did that years ago. Others have
burned propane in their pickups since it
first became available.
An engine conversion is required to
accommodate natural gas. But, who
Basic manufacturers might
offer farm vehicles and equipment with
engines powered by natural gas if the gap
grows larger between its price and that of
Even without a direct benefit such as a
significant fuel saving, farmers can expect
significant savings in the years ahead if the
fracking technique continues to impact the
oil industry.
The price of ammonia fertilizer
increased from $227 to $521 per ton –
more than doubled – from 2000 to 2006.
We’re talking significant dollars here.
In recent years practically every report
about the expenses faced by farmers
has emphasized how they have steadily
increased. Oh what a relief it is even to
imagine that they might decline.
Increased production usually brings
prices down. In 2000 shale gas production
accounted for only 1.7 percent of U. S.
natural gas production. Twelve years
later shale gas accounted for 35 percent
of total U. S. production. Experts foresee
more than half of the domestic natural gas
supplies coming from shale formations. .
Don Curlee
Carter and Novan’s report indicates that
the reduced cost and increased supply of
natural gas might not be a “game changer”
for farmers, but it predicts that the two
factors have the potential to reduce the
costs of key inputs in the agricultural
Certainly the possibility of cost
reductions is no pipe dream. Or maybe it
is, as that precious oil by-product is piped
to the surface and into the farm economy.
Page 8
May 23, 2013
Clovis Roundup
“Let’s Talk Clovis”, Honoring Clovis Veterans and Gold Star Heroes
By Peg Bos, Clovis Museum
We are sharing the lives of a few of the
59 Clovis Gold Star Heroes and the brave
veterans that returned to Clovis after the
wars. We will remember and honor all
veterans on Memorial Day, May 27, 2013.
U.S. Air Force 2nd Lt. Philmore Bratton
(1923-1943) graduated from Clovis High
in 1941. He died while fighting in North
Africa during WW II. A friend of his
recently left a rose near his picture (at the
Museum) to honor his memory.
Peggy and Jeff Hubbard lost two of
their sons. US Marine Lance Cpl. Jared
Hubbard (age 22 years) was killed in
November of 2004 by a road side bomb in
Iraq. US Army Corporal Nathan Hubbard
(age 21 years) was killed in a helicopter
crash in northern Iraq in August of 2007.
Both men were graduates of Buchannan
High School.
USAF Colonel Jack Weyant was
born and raised on a family ranch in the
Temperance Colony area. He graduated
from Clovis High in 1939. He flew 30
missions (23 as formation leader) in his
B-24 “Liberator” over Nazi forces. He flew
144 combat sorties (attack by one plane)
over Vietnam. He retired in 1972 (30 years
8 month career) and lives in Clovis with
wife Marilyn. He was awarded the Legion
of Merit on three separate occasions.
Sergeant Ray Richey (family arrived in
Clovis 1927) joined the Army in 1943. He
fought at Omaha Beach, Normandy, the
Black Forrest and the battle of the Bulge.
He left the service in 1946 and began
building residential homes in 1948. He
would build 100 homes in Clovis prior to
his 1995 retirement.
Ike Herrera (his family arrived in
Clovis in 1919) joined the US Navy at age
seventeen in 1943. He survived nine major
battles while on the destroyer USS Dewy.
He returned to Clovis and established
a successful plumbing company and
purchased/built rental homes and
US Army Sergeant Melvin Kirk (1964
Clovis High graduate) was killed (May
3, 1968) in action during his second tour
of Vietnam. He was wounded twice prior
to his death and was awarded two Purple
Hearts in addition to the Silver Star.
B/General George Middleton USAF/
ANG (ret) (1923-2008) flew Hump
missions (supplies and personnel) across
the Himalayas. The Burma Road had been
closed in 1942 by the Japanese Army.
The flights were dangerous (weather and
enemy fire). One thousand men and 600
planes were lost until the road was reopened in 1945. George began teaching at
Clovis High in 1949 (returned to Air Force
1951-1957) and retired in 1983.
USMC Cpl. Andrew Ruiz graduated
from Clovis High School in 1967. He was
fourth generation of Clovis. He had been
wounded twice (awarded Purple Heart
with Cluster) and was a month away from
coming home when a sniper bullet ended
his life in South Vietnam.
USMC Major Earl Smittcamp fought in
four major invasions in the South Pacific.
He was wounded during the landing at
the Palau Islands. He returned to Clovis
in 1945 and with his wife Muriel (19172009) purchased historic (originally
homesteaded 1867) 200 acres (Minnewawa
between Nees and Shepherd) they began
their successful agri-business venture. The
couple made generous land donations to
Saint Agnes Hospital and CSU, Fresno
(Smittcamp Alumni House). Earl and his
family remain generous contributors to
US Marine Corps Reserve Cpl. Richard
Caster graduated from Clovis High in
1950. He was the adopted son of George
(Clovis High Instructor) and Grayce
Castor. He was mortally wounded on
June 6, 1951 in Korea and is buried in the
United Nations Cemetery, Korea. Richard
USAF 2nd Lt, Phillmore Bratton, 1923 - 1943
1941 Clovis High Graduate
Killed in action, WWII, North Africa
was a gifted pianist.
Tony Piombino was killed in action
while serving on a sub-chaser during the
1944 battle of Normandy. His family
owned a lumber trucking business near
Blackstone and Gettysburg. His four
brothers also served in the War: 2 Navy, 1
Army and 1 Merchant Marine.
USMC Colonel Emil J. Radic (19231982) was awarded the Silver Star in 1967
while serving in Vietnam. He was president
of the Clovis Chamber of Commerce from
We cannot add to their noble service
and sacrifice but we can recognize the rich
heritage they provided us. We must remain
vigilant and protective oft the freedom
they preserved.
Clovis Roundup
May 23, 2013
Page 9
Page 12
Continued from page 1
away poverty stricken of alcoholism at the
age of 36 in 1929. It was the first of many
deaths connected to the manor. In 1935, it
became the Hazelwood Sanitarium, treating patients with terminal illnesses and was
sold again in 1942 to become the Clovis
Avenue Sanitarium. It was later licensed
to treat mental illness by the State Board
of Mental Hygiene. By the mid 1950’s the
sanitarium began to serve as a convalescent hospital as well and an additional hospital wing was erected in the back of the
property (connected to the mansion).
It’s sad and unsettling history continued
in the early 1980’s when the hospital
began to receive many mentally unstable
homeless transients due to the closure of
numerous State facilities. According to
city records, there were two murders in the
house- both committed by patients while
unattended. Interviews with ex staff and
retired Clovis police officers indicate that
it seemed there were one or more deaths
at the Sanitarium every day. Many exemployees have come forward to confess
quitting soon after they were hired due
to the excessive amount of deaths and
maltreatment at the Manor. Many have
also reported supernatural occurrences
as well, contributing to their decision to
The home once again eventually
became a convalescent home which closed
in 1992.
Entrepreneur Todd Wolfe bought the
manor in 1997 intending to use it for a
Halloween event, Scream if You can.
Originally from Manteca, Wolfe majored
in business management at Fresno State.
He started buying rental home properties,
then apartment complexes and owned
several businesses including the very first
paging and cellular service kiosk at Sierra
Vista Mall. He is the single dad of 7 year
old Landon.
He saw the home as a good investment
May 23, 2013
Clovis Roundup
Wolfe Manor
and knew nothing of its sad and disturbing
“At first I didn’t see it as a haunted
house, it was a Halloween attraction,” said
Wolfe. “I was a non-believer in spirits and
things I couldn’t see. Creating the event
was my artistic passion.-that’s what drove
The Halloween event lasted for eight
years and became the largest Halloween
attraction in California and a serious
fundraising vehicle for the Clovis East
drama department, which supplied students
to act in the production. Approximately
$8000 was donated annually to the
department over the two and half weeks
Due to neighbor’s complaints, Scream
was shut down in 2007. The house has
become victim to vandalism and curiosity
seekers. A live-in security guard secures
the property and keeps on-lookers at bay.
Although the haunted house was dead,
the haunting was not. Over the years, there
were many unexplained occurrences that
Wolfe as well as many of the people who
entered the home experienced. He began
to feel he wasn’t alone in the house and
often felt “creeped out.”
“There were things that I could not
explain. One time I felt a breath of air on
my neck and another I was touched on my
lower back. I didn’t want to say anything.
I didn’t want to tell long
boring ghost stories.”
But word spread of
the paranormal hot spot.
Mediums and ghost hunters
scrambled to Clovis for a
closer peek at the restless
spirits. The first to come,
Ghost Hunters on SyFy,
recorded a distinct voice
in the basement which
admired a filmmaker’s
lockdown during filming
of Travel Channel’s Ghost
Adventures, an ultraviolet
camera captured the image of a full figured
person walking in the doorway and then
laying on the couch.
The home has also been featured on
Mystery Quest on the History Channel and
My Ghost Story on the A& E Channel.
Most recently, the Travel Channel came
for a ten day shoot of Wolfe Manor, with
a psychic and investigator, in their series
“The Dead Files.”
Wolfe recently renamed the manor,
Wolfe Manor, and is working on a reality
show with veteran Hollywood producer,
Peter Brennan, for a haunted home
extreme makeover. The project, two years
in the making, is seeking contractors and
businesses to help renovate the manor into
a glamorous “destination” hotel where
patrons can stay overnight in a haunted
“I get requests every day for tours of
the manor or to stay overnight,” Wolfe
said. “I can’t say when the project will be
a reality. Hollywood is a hurry up and wait
but when its time, they need it yesterday
kind of mentality.”
Wolfe said he is looking forward to
“to starting a new chapter and getting the
house reopened.”
“It’s a historical landmark that people
want to visit,” he said.
Over the years, Wolfe has literally
unearthed hundreds of memorabilia
items, some found buried in the backyard,
including kid’s toys and medical supplies.
The house was also full of boxes of
medical records, chronicling the lives of
its reluctant tenants.
But most of all, Wolfe wants to share
the history of the home and its sometimes
ill-fated residents.
“I want to put everything on display and
memorialize the past in a respectful way,”
he said.
The Dead Files will air on Friday, May
31 on the Travel Channel-check your
listings for times. The public is invited to
a Viewing Party at BC Pizza in Clovis at
May 23, 2013
Clovis Roundup
At the Coffee Shoppe
Clovis Blood Drives
By Dr. Edward Trevino
The other day I was at the local coffee
shop, having my favorite cup of “Joe,”
when I overheard a conversation. It was
a conversation between the neighborhood
molar and the neighborhood bicuspid.
These teeth belonged to the community
“Local 32” organization representing all
their fellow teeth within the community.
They met once a month to have meetings
concerning their dental health.
morning was just a gathering of some of
the “Local 32” elders for a friendly coffee
klatch rendezvous.
The topic of conversation was their
changing dental benefits package that was
replacing their existing package. Not only
was their package being discontinued but
some of their members were not even
going to be eligible for benefits under
the new guidelines. This little dilemma
had their membership concerned and had
been the topic of conversation for the
last three months. They all wondered
how they were going to take care of their
dental health with their benefits being cut
back. They wouldn’t even be able to do
preventative maintenance as to avoid big
dental issues. Better yet, if something big
did happen, how would they get it fixed
if they didn’t have benefits. But as much
as they broached the topic, no one at the
Local 32 could come up with an answer.
Then one of the members came up with
the reason they couldn’t figure it out. It
was very simple. Teeth know nothing
about dental insurance. That’s right, tooth
care and insurance benefits don’t rely on
one another. They finally figured that the
health of teeth, or the lack thereof, will
become apparent whether or not another
insurance policy is ever issued again.
The economy has driven the cost
of healthcare to an all time high. Ask
yourself this question, if you didn’t have
health insurance, and you broke your arm,
would you go to the doctor anyway? You
bet you would. If you could pay for the
flu shot out of your pocket, would you pay
-MAYOld Town Clovis Farmers Market
Friday Nights, May 10th, 17th, 24th, &
Every Friday evening beginning on May
11th, Friday Night Farmers’ Market is
in full swing in the heart of Old Town
Clovis. Sample a cornucopia of fresh,
delicious fruits and vegetables grown here
in the nation’s finest agricultural region,
each in the peak of season! Live entertainment and special activities for kids.
Time: 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Place: Old Town Clovis, Pollasky Avenue,
between Third and Fifth Streets
Free Admission
Contact: Business Organization of Old
Town (BOOT) at (559) 298-5774.
Clovis Leadership Day
Thursday, May 23rd
Blue Grass in the Park
Fridays, May 24th & 31st
Time: 6:30 to Dusk
Location: The park adjacent to the Clovis
Senior Center and the Veterans Memorial
Building (808 4th Street)
Cost: Free to All
Contact the Clovis Senior Center for more
information at 559-324-2750
Clovis Memorial Run
Saturday, May 25th
Time: 8:00 a.m.
Clovis Senior Center, 850 4th Street
Entry Free ranges from $15.00 - $30.00.
Veterans and active military are free if
they register prior to May 19, then $5
Clovis Roundup 5/23-6/6
Warmer weather is upon us, which
means more time to go out and enjoy
the nicer weather. But, before you do,
please don’t forget to visit a Central
California Blood Center or mobile drive
site near you, donate blood and help
patients in Valley hospitals. Your “gift
of life” can help bring someone home
sooner! And don’t forget to ask about
joining the National Marrow Donor
Program Registry.
For additional
information, please call (559) 389-LIFE
(5433) or visit www.donateblood.org
Blood Drives in Clovis 5/23-6/6
Institute of Technology Inc – Tuesday,
May 28, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm AND 5:00
pm – 8:00 pm, 564 W. Herndon Avenue,
Clovis – All donors receive a FREE
Vintage T-shirt AND Fresno Grizzlies
game discounts too!
Sierra Vista Mall – Saturday, June 1,
for it in order to avoid a big costly hospital
bill while you fight off pneumonia? You
bet you would. Whether it is a small
preventative procedure or a big catastrophic
malady, having insurance does not directly
correlate to whether or not you are going to
seek out care.
It is almost a daily occurrence that we
hear, “ I lost my insurance, that’s why I
haven’t been in for the last three years.”
At this point we are seeing a patient who
now needs maybe a root canal, a crown, or
maybe even an extraction. Now it doesn’t
take a rocket scientist to figure out that if
you don’t have insurance, which would
you rather pay for, a cleaning and exam,
or a root canal and a crown? The cleaning
and exam which can help to avoid bigger
procedures will cost you far less, or maybe
you just prefer to close your eyes and
hope that a root canal doesn’t come along.
Well, I can tell you, preventative care is far
easier on the body, and also much kinder to
the pocket book.
In all honesty, that dental checkup visit
can cost you less than your family going
to the movies. Not going to the movies
one time might even prevent that root
canal - depending on what you eat at the
movies! So this really is a conversation
you should have over some coffee. But
remember, your teeth don’t know anything
about insurance, and teeth will do what
teeth do, even without the benefit of having
If you have any questions or wish to
contact this writer you may do so at:
Art of Design Implant, Cosmetic and
Family Dentistry
Edward A. Treviño, D.D.S., F.A.D.I.A.
1040 E. Herndon Avenue #102
Fresno, California 93720
559-230-0833 fax
[email protected]
after May 19.
The event includes a timed 5K, 2 mile
walk, ½ mile Kids run and a ½ mile
senior walk & roll. Awards for top 5k
finishers in 10-year age brackets. Entry
includes a tech shirt, pancake breakfast,
and raffle ticket. A resource fair is held in
conjunction with the event and includes
20+ vendors providing information about
local businesses and organizations.
For more information visit www.ClovisMemorialRun.com
Glorious Junk Day
Sunday, May 26th
Antiques, collectibles, second-hand
goods, as well as interesting, useful and
bizarre items can all be found in old town
during this one-of-a-kind event.
Time: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Place: Old Town Clovis, Pollasky Avenue, between Bullard Avenue and Third
Free Admission, Additional Info BOOT
559-298-5774 www.oldtownclovis.org
Memorial Service to honor all fallen
Page 13
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm, 1050 Shaw Avenue,
Clovis – All donors receive a FREE
Vintage T-shirt AND Fresno Grizzlies
game discounts too!
Kaplan College – Tuesday, June 4,
10:00 am – 1:30 pm, 44 Shaw Avenue,
Clovis – All donors receive a FREE T-shirt
AND Fresno Grizzlies game discounts too!
Monday, May 27th Memorial Day at
Clovis Memorial Cemetery at Herndon &
villa Ave
Clovis Veterans of Foreign Wars Post
3225 and Clovis American legion Cecil
Cox Post 147 are conducting a memorial
service to honor all fallen soldiers
Clovis Community Band in Concert
Monday, May 27th Memorial Day at
Clovis Memorial District Building, 4th &
More information 559-447-1196
California Interscholastic Federation
State Track & Field Championships
Friday May 31st - Saturday, June 1st
Don’t miss the California’s top high
school track and field athletes as they
travel to Clovis to compete in the state
track and field championships.
Friday, gates open at 2:00 p.m.; Saturday,
gates open at 3:30 p.m.
Place: Buchanan High School Football
Stadium, northwest corner of Minnewawa
and Nees Avenues
Admission: Friday $10, $7 for children
and seniors; Saturday $12, $8 for children
and seniors
Contact: www.cifstate.org
-JUNEOld Town Clovis Farmer’s Market
Friday Nights, June 7th, 14th, 21st, &
Every Friday evening in June Farmers’
Market is in full swing in the heart of
Old Town Clovis. Sample a cornucopia
of fresh, delicious fruits and vegetables,
grown here in the nation’s finest agricultural region, each in the peak of season!
This weekly event also offers live entertainment and special activities for kids.
Time: 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Place: Old Town Clovis, Pollasky Avenue,
between Third and Fifth Streets
Free Admission, Additional Info BOOT
559-298-5774 www.oldtownclovis.org
Blue Grass in the Park
Fridays, June 7th, 21st, & 28th
Time: 6:30 to Dusk
Location: The park adjacent to the Clovis
Senior Center and the Veterans Memorial
Building (808 4th Street)
Cost: Free to All
Contact the Clovis Senior Center for more
information at 559-324-2750
Centennial Presentation of the 2012 Clovis Hall of Fame
Saturday, June 23rd
Time: 6:30 pm No Host Reception, 7:15
pm Dinner with entertainment
Individual Seating: $45 / Tables for 8
Reservations with check or credit card:
(559) 325-1118
Page 14
May 23, 2013
Clovis Roundup
Log of Shame
by April French-Naten
May 01, 2013
A very surprised man was pulled over by an officer for not having current
registration tags on his car! He was surprised because he was driving his wife’s
car to go get it washed and didn’t realize that she hadn’t paid them! He was
arrested and released on sight, but I imagine that his other half will not be getting
her car cleaned before she gets a hefty talking to!
May 02, 2013
An outlying police department called to report that they located one of our stolen
vehicles when they pulled over the car that evening! An officer noticed that the
car had been swerving and going extremely slow with no lights on just as the sun
was going down. He pulled the car over to find four very scared 14-year-old boys
who knew their joy ride was indeed over! BUSTED!
May 03, 2013
Officers were called to respond to a disturbance in the 400 block of Clovis
Avenue. When they arrived, they found two trucks hooked up to horse trailers
and heard a commotion in the back. They ran around just in time to see two good
ole boys duking it out Wild West style! The men were pulled apart and booked
into the drunk tank right after their wives were called to come pick up the trucks
and trailers with the patiently waiting horses in back!
May 04, 2013
A woman in the 3000 block of Peach called to report that someone had broke
into her car! Of coarse they stole the contents of the vehicle, but no one ever did
figure out the motive behind smashing a car window just to steal a bucket full of
household cleaners! Wha????
May 05, 2013
A woman here on vacation visiting her family has a bitter taste in her mouth after
her out of state license plate was stolen. She understood enough to realize that
these things happen, but oh is it going to be a long drive back to the Midwest
with no back plate! Keep your registration, proof of insurance, and license handy
ma’am because I imagine you will be pulled over more than usual!
May 06, 2013
A juvenile was arrested and given a free ride to the juvenile detention center
after trespassing late in the evening. Apparently bored, with nothing lawful and
productive to do, he thought it was a good idea to sneak into his neighbor’s yard
and steal some horse tack for his new pony. Looks like his new pony will have
to wait on a new bridal!
May 07, 2013
A woman was pulled over when an officer pulled up behind her car and realized
that both of her taillights were covered. Confused, she jumped out of the car. Sure
enough, both taillights were covered with Mickey Mouse stickers! She glared
into the backseat at her triplet grandsons as the officer wrote out her citation, and
they giggled uncontrollably!
May 08, 2013
A local sheriffs department located a gun that was reported stolen from our
town! A young college man called police when his girlfriend showed up with his
“OTHER” girlfriend and he found himself standing at the wrong end of a barrel.
Luckily, the gun was not loaded. The girls were just trying to scare the lying,
cheating scoundrel out of his boots. The girls were arrested, and the young man
will likely never cheat again!
May 09, 2013
An employee at a local car wash called police to report a man acting suspiciously.
Officers responded to check it out and see why he was so suspicious. Apparently,
he had been hanging out at the car wash for a few hours…with no car! Turns out
he finally got up enough nerve to steal a pack of smokes but wasn’t smart enough
to leave before he was arrested!
May 10, 2013
Neighbors called police to do a subject check over on Alamos Street when they
noticed a man walking up and down their street for over an hour! Back and forth,
back and forth. Officers arrived to find him very confused, very distraught, and
obviously overindulged in his recreational narcotics! He claimed he was lost and
couldn’t find his house. After reading his license, the officers noticed that the
man lived on the next block over…so close!
May 11, 2013
A young married couple woke up to find their car broken into and everything in
it stolen! They had just been married the night before in a small family ceremony
and had all their wedding gifts, his tuxedo, wallet, and both of their cell phones
in the car. Eager to get to their hotel the night before, they left everything and
woke up to nothing! I hope that thief enjoys his new China set from gramma! So
wrong on so many levels!
May 12, 2013
A 57-year-old man with a case of the munchies was arrested while “shopping”
in a local grocery store! Cashiers noticed he was roaming up and down the isles,
eating right off the shelves! Officers arrived, and sure enough the man had plenty
of green in his pocket to have the munchies for a week straight! Enjoy the food
in jail genius! Aren’t you old enough to know better???
*The above Police Logs are loosely based on actual events. The names have been changed to protect
the innocent. The circumstances have been created and embellished for your entertainment.
1. 007 Connery
5. Presides over meetings
9. Trefoil
10. Father of Paris
12. Asian nut for chewing
13. Machine gun from the air
16. The communion table
17. His razor
18. Father
19. Doctor of philosophy
22. Cologne
23. Black tropical Am. cuckoo
24. Diversifies
28. Razor author 14th C
31. Maple sugar fluid
32. A corp.’s first stock offer to
the public
34. The premier bike race
42. References
43. Extremely high frequency
44. Actress Farrow
46. Not good
47. State of annoyance
48. S. China seaport
51. Bengal quince
52. Provide the means
54. A large and imposing
55. Excessively fat
57. Spars
58. Former wives
59. Repeat
27. Oval water scorpion
29. Modern London Gallery
30. On top
33. Identicalness
35. 2002 Olympic state
36. Tease or ridicule
1. Podetiums
37. Arrived extinct
2. Frankenberg river
38. Opposite of begin
3. Feel ill
39. Ol’ Blue Eye’s initials
4. 12th state
40. South Am. nation
5. “Anything Goes” author’s
41. Type of salamander
42. S. China seaport
6. Daily time units (abbr.)
44. Woman (French)
7. Cagiva __: motorcycle
45. 007’s Flemming
8. Drug agent (slang)
47. ___ Domingo
9. Study of poetic meter
49. A French abbot
11. Ceremonial staffs
50. Gorse genus
12. Russian pancake served
51. An uproarious party
with caviar
53. Point midway between E
14. Supervises flying
and SE
15. Large Australian flightless 54. A waterproof raincoat
56. Spanish be
16. As fast as can be done
57. Of I
19. Before
20. Hall of Fame (abbr.)
21. Constitution Hall org.
*See our next issue for Crossword
24. Atomic #35
25. Ducktail hairstyle
26. Independent ruler
May 23, 2013
Clovis Roundup
Seven Clovis School Children
become “Chief for a Day”
Sixth grade students from seven Clovis
elementary schools (Freedom, Gettysburg,
Jefferson, Miramonte, Reagan, Red Bank,
Tarpey) participated in an essay contest last
month to answer this question: “If I were
Police Chief, what would I do to make
the community a safer and better place for
students?” Police department personnel
judged more than 300 essays based upon
inventiveness, written communication
skills, understanding of the community
and the challenges law enforcement faces.
On May 9th the winners were picked
up from their schools and receive a
personalized tour of Headquarters. They
enjoyed a donated lunch at Yosemite Fall
Café with Clovis Police Chief Janet Davis.
Throughout the day, the students watched
special demonstrations and received
some “hands on” training in fingerprint
dusting and evidence processing, SWAT
equipment, and with the EOD robot.
This was the third year for this event,
which encompasses elementary schools
on the south side of Clovis. The goal of
the contest is to help students learn about
their community, current events, public
service, and the challenges facing cities in
providing public safety.
Prize and monetary support for this
event was provided by Limo for You,
Yosemite Falls Café, Freebird World
Burrito, the Clovis Lions Club and the
Clovis Kiwanis Club.
Stolen checks used
The Clovis Police Department is asking
for your help in identifying the suspect in
this photo. The male used stolen checks at
the Fresno Winco on 03-26-13 & 3-28-13.
The checks were stolen in a commercial
burglary at the Willow Lakes Apartments
in Clovis in January 2013. The suspect is
a hispanic male adult, and he had a black/
white baseball cap on backwards during
each purchase. The photo posted is the
best view and quality. If you have any
information regarding this suspect, please
contact PSO Ty Wood at (559) 324-2556,
or Crime Stoppers at (559) 498-STOP.
Child Found
Safe! Police
Search for Father for Host
of Felonies
About 10 minutes before 5pm on
May 6th, Clovis Police detectives located a missing 12-year-old boy who
they feared might be in danger. He was
found safe at an undisclosed location.
Clovis detectives are now searching
for the boy’s father, 37-year-old Henry
Saldivar, Jr., who is wanted for felony
domestic abuse, false imprisonment and
making criminal threats. Saldivar cut his
wife with a variety of knives last Friday
(5/3) while they were inside their apartment in the 3100 block of Peach. She
was able to get away to a nearby bus
stop, call Clovis Police and get help. She
is expected to recover from her injuries.
A short time later, Saldivar picked up
his 12-year-old son from Sierra Vista Elementary School, which he is allowed to
do as a biological father/custodial parent. Saldivar was last seen driving either
a gold or tan 1998 Ford Expedition with
license plate number DP622CM. The
suspect is described as Hispanic, 37-yearold, 5’7”, 300 pounds, with brown eyes
and black hair with a thick mustache connecting to a goatee. He has a number of
tattoos including a “Lucifer” tattoo on his
forehead, skulls on top of his head and
“Sonia” on his neck.
On May 6th Clovis Police arrested
Henry Saldivar, Jr. in the 300 block of
Orangewood Avenue in Fresno (nearest
cross streets are Belmont and Villa). Clovis detectives followed up on information
they developed, and spotted him outside
on a front lawn. He was taken into custody
without incident about 7 p.m.
The Clovis Police Department appreciates all of the calls it received from concerned citizens today regarding this case.
Tip of the Day
Clovis PD Investigate Fatal
Car Vs Pedestrian Accident
Just before 7am on May 9th, Clovis
Police responded to a vehicle versus
pedestrian accident on the south side of
Shaw Avenue at Pollasky. Officers say a
woman was struck when a car travelling
eastbound jumped the curb and hit her near
the bus stop.
Paramedics transported the victim, who
suffered traumatic injuries, to Community
Regional Medical Center where she was
pronounced deceased. Please, contact the
Fresno County Coroner’s Office for the
identity of the victim.
While there were no eyewitnesses,
Clovis Police located the driver and the
vehicle involved in the accident.
The eastbound lanes of Shaw Avenue
were closed at Minnewawa for about 4
to 6 hours as the Clovis Police Collision
Reconstruction Unit works to piece
together exactly what happened.
Page 15
When is the last time you cleaned out your dryer vent BEHIND your
dryer? Cleaning the lint from the rear of the dryer, vent on the side of your
home, and the tube that connects the two, can prevent a fire, and make your
dryer run more efficiently.-When walking to your car or home from work,
vary your route.
May 23, 2013
Page 16
Athlon Sports Ranks ‘Dogs
No. 22 in Preseason Poll
By Jason Clay
[email protected] | GoBulldogs.com
FRESNO, Calif. - Athlon Sports has
ranked the Fresno State football team No.
22 in its preseason top 25 poll and the
publication previewed the Bulldogs on its
Web site Tuesday with the prediction that
the ‘Dogs would win the West Division in
the Mountain West.
Athlon named sophomore wide receiver
Davante Adams to its Preseason AllAmerica third-team and seven Bulldogs to
its All-Mountain West first-team. Joining
Adams on Athlon’s Preseason All-MW
first-team was senior quarterback Derek
Carr, senior tight end Marcel Jensen, senior
left tackle Austin Wentworth, junior nose
guard Tyeler Davison, junior cornerback
Sean Alston and junior free safety Derron
Senior defensive end Andy Jennings
was named to Athlon’s Preseason AllMountain West second-team.
Athlon Sports is counting down its
preseason top 25 poll, revealing and
previewing a new team in its top 25 each
Fresno State is set to return 15 starters
- seven on offense and eight on defense from last year’s team that won the 2012
Mountain West championship.
Carr, Adams and Wentworth lead the
Robbie Rouse Signs with
Cleveland Browns
Browns officially sign Robbie Rouse on
Saturday afternoon
By Jason Clay
[email protected] | GoBulldogs.com
offensive attack that averaged 37.9
points and 477.5 yards of offense a year
Defensively, Fresno State returns
three starters from its secondary that
helped the Bulldogs rank second
nationally in pass defense a year ago.
Fresno State also finished 2012 with 22
interceptions (third in the FBS) and 35
total take-aways (fifth in the FBS).
Fresno State begins defense of its
Mountain West championship on Aug.
29 when the ‘Dogs host Rutgers in
Bulldog Stadium.
Three CUSD Students
Selected for National Elks
Three CUSD Students Selected for
National Elks Scholarships
CUSD seniors Gene Parks (Clovis North
High), Jana Nicole Fernandez (Buchanan
High) and William Tang (Clovis West
High) have been recognized on a national
level by the Elks Organization.
In January, Clovis Elks Lodge #2599
selected the three students as winners
of its local scholarship contest, winning
$100 each. They then advanced to the
state level where they were selected as
finalists and advanced to the national
competition. In being chosen as recipients
of the Most Valuable Student Elks National
Scholarships, the trio will each receive
$1,000 a year for four years.
“Clovis students have historically done
Clovis Roundup
very well in this national competition
and this is the eleventh year in a row
that at least one CUSD student has won
national recognition,” said Clovis Elks
Scholarship Chairperson Steve Weil.
“Clovis students compete very well
with the top academic students in our
Annually, the National Elks
Organization sponsors the nearly $2.3
million competition every year for local
high school seniors. Any high school
senior who is a citizen of the United
States is eligible to apply.
mvs.cfm for more information on the
scholarship competition.
FRESNO, Calif. - Linebacker Ben
Jacobs, a two-time first-team All-WAC
linebacker for the Fresno State football
team in 2009 and 2010, singed a free agent
contract with the Carolina Panthers on
Jacobs, who played for the Bulldogs
from 2007-10, was one of 36 tryout
players that participated in the Panthers’
rookie minicamp over this past weekend.
Of those 36 players that tried out, Jacobs
was one of just eight that the club signed
to its 90-man roster.
In his time at Fresno State, Jacobs
recorded 387 tackles with four sacks and
one interception. He ranks third in school
history in career tackles and in 2009 against
Louisiana Tech tied a NCAA record with
three forced fumbles in a single game.
Jacobs signed an undrafted free agent
contract with the Cleveland Browns and
appeared in five games in his rookie season
of 2011. He was out of the league in 2012.
Buchanan Coach Shaves Her
Head on a Dare
Connor Cain is a diver for Buchanan
High School.
His Coach, Lindsay
Crawford, gave him a challenge to inspire
him to improve his diving performance
this year. Coach Crawford’s challenge: If
he scored above 400 points on an 11 dive
meet, she would cut off her pony tail &
donate it to Locks of Love & shave her
head for St. Baldrick’s. That’s right, shave
HER head.
Over the course of the season, Connor
has come close, but just short of the
400-point mark, until the April 20 Capitol
Divers Invitational in Sacramento, CA.
There, Connor scored 400.55. True to her
word, Coach Lindsay Crawford has now
committed to shaving her head during
Buchanan High School’s May 17 St.
Baldrick’s Event raising awareness and
funds for the fight against cancer. Today,
Connor dove in the TRAC Championships
at Clovis North High School, taking the
championship for his dive category.
Three Clovis Outstanding undergrads named among 2013
Undergraduate Deans Medalists
Nine top graduating seniors have been
named Undergraduate Deans Medalists
for the Class of 2013 at Fresno State.
The medalists are chosen as the
outstanding students in each of the
university’s eight schools and colleges of
academic discipline and the Division of
Student Affairs. The dean of each college/
school selects an undergraduate medalist
and a graduate medalist based on academic
excellence, community involvement and
other achievements.
Diana Lopez, Kremen School of
Education and Human Development
Diana Lopez, of Clovis, completed
a B.A. in Liberal Studies and a minor in
Urban Civic Education with a 4.0 GPA.
Her parents are immigrants from Mexico
who did not have the opportunities
for education that have been afforded
her, but her close-knit family instilled
in her respect for the opportunities an
education could provide. At Fresno State
she was active as a mentor, both at the
university and in local schools. She has
directed service learning projects, tutored
across grade levels and subjects, and has
volunteered for many philanthropy events.
Lopez also volunteers for the Clovis Area
Recreation Center Toddlers’ Program
and for the Highway City Community
Development After-School program. Her
exemplary scholarship was recognized
with admission to the National Society of
Collegiate Scholars, Sigma Alpha Lambda,
Golden Key International Honour Society
and Phi Kappa Phi. Her goal is to become
an elementary school teacher.
Michael Adam, of Clovis, completed
a B.S. in Computer Engineering with a
3.816 GPA. Born into a military family,
he spent his early years traveling between
bases as his father changed roles. He has
been active in robotics since elementary
school. Today, he is the director of Central
Valley Robotics, the organization that
runs one of the largest regional LEGO
robotics competitions in the U.S. He is a
recipient of the Husband-Boeing Honors
Scholarship and a member of the Lyles
College of Engineering’s Honors Program.
As an intern at Schneider Electric, he has
expanded his knowledge in embedded
systems and proven to be a very valuable
resource to the company. Next year, he
plans to return to Fresno State to earn a
master’s degree.
Heather Donat, College of Social
Heather Donat, of Clovis, a President’s
Scholar in the Smittcamp Family Honors
College, completed a B.A. in History
with a 4.0 GPA. Donat volunteered her
time and efforts to the Bulldog Pantry, the
Community Food Bank, and Northside
Christian Church, where she was a Bible
study and youth leader. She served as a
History Day judge and on the Associated
Students Inc. (ASI) Student Court for
three years. Donat is currently serving
in her second year as secretary of Phi
Alpha Theta (PAT), the National History
Honor Society. She is currently enrolled
in the Social Sciences Teaching Credential
Program, and also plans to continue her
studies by entering a master’s program at
Fresno State next year.
Clovis Roundup
May 23, 2013
Page 17
May 23, 2013
Page 18
Clovis Roundup
Potatoes Make Healthy Meals in
Chicken and Potato Fiesta Grill
Family Features
ew things in life are harder to resist than the
delicious aroma of a backyard barbecue. There
is just something about the sizzle and smells of
grilled fare that brings folks together.
The farm families who grow Wisconsin potatoes
know how to please the palates of hungry crowds. The
natural flavors found in the many varieties of Wisconsin
potatoes are easy to enhance with the addition of a few
fresh ingredients and a little bit of smoke.
The Wisconsin russet potato makes for a great
tasting baked potato, but its light and fluffy interior
also holds up well when seared on the grill. Also great
on the grill are Wisconsin yellow flesh potatoes, which
have a just-buttered appearance.
The appearance of the trendy new blue and purple
potatoes will certainly get guests talking. They add
color and a subtle nutty flavor to your favorite dish.
Everyone’s favorite dish at an out­door bar­becue is often
the potato salad. Wisconsin round red or white potatoes
are both well-suited for salads as well as roasting,
boiling, and steaming.
Potatoes are an extremely versatile and hearty
vegetable. But the one thing all potatoes have in
common is nutrition. Just what can Wisconsin potatoes
do for you? Well, potatoes are:
n Nutritional powerhouses. In addition to being fatfree, choles­terol-free, sodium free and gluten-free,
a medium potato has just 110 calories.
n Rich in potassium. According to the USDA, diets
rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy
blood pressure.
The potato is second only to the banana in the
amount of potassium it contains.
n Packed with Vitamin C. A medium potato
contains 45 per­cent of the daily recommended
amount of Vitamin C.
n Great source of fiber. The USDA reports that fiber
helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may
lower your risk of heart disease. Potatoes can also
help make you feel fuller with fewer calories.
Grilled, fried, baked, roasted or boiled, few
ingredients get every guest asking for second helpings
like the versatile potato.
Find more health information, as well as recipes and
purchas­ing tips, at www.EatWisconsinPotatoes.com.
Servings: 4
Ready time: 60 Minutes
1/2 cup prepared Italian dressing
2 tablespoons lime juice
1 tablespoon chili powder
4 whole chicken legs with thighs, skin on
1 1/3 pounds (4 medium) red Wisconsin
potatoes, cut into 1
1/4-inch cubes
2 tablespoons water
1 red bell pepper, cut into 1 1/2-inch
2 medium zucchini, cut into 3/4-inchthick slices
4 to 8 flour or corn tortillas, warmed
Prepared salsa (optional)
In small bowl, combine marinade ingredients;
remove 1/4 cup and combine with chicken in
reseal­able plastic bag. Turn to coat; marinate in
30 minutes or up to 2 hours, turning occasionally.
Meanwhile, in microwave-safe dish, combine
potatoes and water. Cover and microwave on
9 to 10 minutes or until just tender; cool. When
potatoes are cool enough to handle, alternately
thread with bell pepper and zucchini onto eight
to 12-inch skewers; brush with remaining
marinade. Remove chicken from plastic bag;
discard marinade from chicken.
Grill chicken over medium to mediumlow coals 30 to 40 minutes or until juices run
clear, turning occasionally. About 10 minutes
before chicken is done, add vegetables to grid;
reserve marinade. Grill until tender and lightly
browned, turning and basting occasionally with
reserved vegetable marinade. Serve chicken and
vegetables with tortillas and salsa, if desired.
Roasted Red Potatoes
with Pesto
Servings: 8
Ready time: 40 Minutes
3 pounds medium-size red
Wisconsin potatoes
Olive oil cooking spray
1/3 cup white or golden
balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
3 cloves garlic, minced Freshly ground pepper to taste
1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup finely minced fresh basil
1/4 cup toasted pine nuts (optional)
Place potatoes in a large microwavesafe bowl; cover with lid or plastic
wrap. Note: If using plastic wrap, make
sure plastic wrap is not touc­hing any
ingredients and poke one small hole in
cover to vent. Micro­wave on high for 10
to 12 minutes
or until potatoes are tender (cooking time
may vary depending on micro­wave).
Use oven mitts to carefully remove from
When cool enough to handle,
cut potatoes in half or quarters and spray
liberally with olive oil spray. Grill over
high heat for 5 to 7 min­utes, turning
occasionally, until grill lines are apparent.
Remove from grill and let cool.
Cut into bite-size pieces and place in a
large bowl. Whisk together vinegar, oil,
salt and garlic; pour
over potatoes and toss lightly to coat.
Season with pepper, then cover and
refrigerate until ready to serve. Just
before serving, toss with Parme­san
cheese and basil, then sprinkle with pine
Grilled Red Potato Skewers
Servings: 4
Ready time: 20 Minutes
2 medium russet or Yukon
gold Wisconsin potatoes
or 6 red Wisconsin
2 medium zucchini
1/2 smoked sausage rope
4 12-inch skewers
1/2 cup Italian dressing
Preheat grill. Cut potatoes in half. Cut
zucchini and sausage the same width as
potatoes. Place skewer through potato,
zucchini and sausage. Repeat for each
Place skewer in dish and pour Italian
dressing over skewers. Mari­nate in
dressing for 5 minutes.
Place skewers on grill and cook
5 minutes each side, or until potatoes are
done. Remove from grill and serve.
Little Havana Grilled Beef
and Potato Salad
Servings: 6
Ready time: 30 Minutes
2 pounds medium unpeeled Wisconsin potatoes (about 2 1/2-
inch diameter), such as yellow flesh or round reds
2 teaspoons ground cumin Salt and pepper
1 beef top round steak, cut 1 inch thick (about 1 1/2 pounds)
3/4 cup prepared white wine vinaigrette
2 cans (15 ounces each) black beans, rinsed, drained
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
Cut potatoes crosswise in half; place in
microwave-safe dish with 1 cup water. Cover
and microwave on high 10 to 14 minutes
or until almost tender, rearrang­ing once.
Immediately rinse under cold running water;
drain well.
Meanwhile, combine cumin and salt and
pepper; press evenly onto beef steak. Place
steak on grill over medium, ash-covered coals.
Grill, uncovered, 16 to 18 minutes for medium
rare doneness, turning occasion­ally. Remove;
let stand 5 minutes.
About 5 minutes before steak is done, brush
potatoes with some of the vinaigrette. Place on
grid around steak. Grill 5 to 7 minutes or until
golden brown, turn­ing occasionally.
Carve steak into thin slices. Combine
beef, potatoes, beans, cilantro and remaining
vinaigrette in large bowl; toss gently. Serve
Tri Tip Tuesdays
Cooked Tri Tip, Choice
1990 N Fowler, Clovis, CA 93619
SW Corner of Shepard and Fowler
Business Hours: M-F 10-6:30 p.m. • Sat. 9-6 p.m. • Sun. 10-5 p.m.
of Side and a 2 Liter
Pepsi Product.
All for $20 + Tax
Offer Good All Day
May 23, 2013
Clovis Roundup
Page 19
Still loving the smell of books after 20 years
By Carol Lawson-Swezey
It takes a book lover to be a book seller.
Ed and Sandy Krause knew they were
meant for each other when they discovered
they each had a dream to own a bookstore.
Married in 1970, they finally realized that
dream when they bought the “Bookworm”
used bookstore in 1993.
The Krauses met in Southern California
and dreamed of migrating to the north.
They got as far as Fresno before they
settled in to run the store. The original
bookstore was established 25 years ago by
a British couple, booklovers who owned a
used bookstore in England before moving
to America.
The business, originally
located in a small, commercial mall, has
been sold twice. The Krause’s bought the
store in 1993 and moved it to an 1800’s
styled building in Old Town Clovis, on
Fifth Street, west of Pollasky, a year later.
It specializes in half priced paperbacks but
carries a wide variety of books including
fiction & non-fiction paperbacks and
hardbacks, first editions, collectibles,
young adult & children, general interest
and audios. They also buy and give trade
credit for books and audios.
“Our priority is to make our customers
feel at home and help them find the perfect
book,” said Sandy Krause. “Our specialty
is mainstream paperbacks and we carry
everything from mysteries and romances
to westerns and sci-fi. We have a bit of
The store carries a vast selection of
books, between 15,000 to 30,000, and also
has a back room with duplicate copies.
“Most of our customers know to check
up front for recent releases,” Sandy said.
“We know our inventory so well we can
go right to the shelf to look up a book. We
know right away if it’s something we have.
We love this business because of being
hands on with the books.”
Sandy said that most of their customers
are regulars who have been coming since
the store opened.
“We know what our customers are
looking for,” she said. “Sometimes we
remember that they have already read a
book or tell them to call us and we will
check if we have it and set it aside for
them. When we first started, we wanted
a focus on collectables but realized it
wasn’t the market for our customer base.
The focus has always been on half-priced
paperbacks. When we first bought the store
and checked the inventory, we found a first
edition copy of “The Color Purple,” which
we still have and cherish.”
They also buy and give trade in credit
for used books--generally, trade credit
of 25 percent of the publisher’s price
on paperbacks and 25 percent of their
designated price for other books.
In the past two decades, business has
ebbed and flowed and the Krauses have
had to make adjustments to changes for
audio and eBooks. But the small mom
and pop store has had a cohesive working
relationship with the big mega bookstores,
referring clients back and forth for their
“What we do offer that they don’t is
less expensive books and personalized
service,” Sandy said. “We help customers
find the books they are looking for and
recommend other books and authors based
on our knowledge of their tastes.”
The Krauses are both college graduates.
Ed also works in banking and teaches
Geography intermittently at Reedley
College. Sandy has worked as a secretary
but now manages the bookstore. Both
were avid readers as children and worked
in libraries as soon as they were old
enough. When times were tough in the
early years, they would stock up on library
books and read through the night on the
weekends. Their daughter, Emily, was
only seven when her parents realized their
dream to open the store and now covers for
her parents when she can.
“Emily worked in the store from the
very beginning,” Sandy said. “She could
run the store on her own by the time she
was in high school.”
After 20 years, the store is still a place
where the Krauses love to go.
“It’s wonderful going to a job in the
morning and still loving it,” Sandy said.
“We get so much pleasure walking into the
store and taking a deep breath and smelling
those books. We love our customers.
We now have 3rd generation customers
coming in. We know their stories and they
know ours. They’ve watched our daughter
grow up.”
Sandy said the store has become a
gathering place for people to congregate
and share. And as long as they can, they
want to keep their doors open.
“Making a big profit has never been
our goal,” she said. “We have both been
avid readers and lovers of books since we
were children. We both always wanted to
buy a used bookstore and share our love
of books. We wanted to be surrounded
by books and be around people who love
Page 20
May 23, 2013
Clovis Roundup