City of Oak Creek
City of Oak Creek
Common Gouncil Visit our website at www.oakcreekwi.orq for the agenda and accompanying common council reports. Chambers OAKCREEK - wtscoN9tN 8o4o S. 6rH Street Oak Creek, Wl 53154 (414) 766-7000 - COMMON COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2016 AT 7:00 P.M. 1 Call Meeting to Order / Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approval of Minutes: 212116 nition 4. 5. to The Garden District Neighborhood Association, South Suburban Chamber of Commerce 2015 Pride in Premises Award Winner (by Committee of the Whole), Mayoral Proclamation: Mayoral Proclamation, Congratulations Mayoral Proclamation: Mayoral Proclamation, Congratulations to Black Bear Bottling Group, South Suburban Chamber of Commerce 2015 Business of the Year Award Winner (by Committee of the Whole). Business MAYOR & COMMON COUNCIL 6 Motion: Consider a motion to concur with the Board of Health recommendation to approve City of Oak Creek participation in the 2016 Environmental Health Consortium Memorandum of Understanding and the recommended EHC 3 Fee Structure (by Committee of the Whole). 7 Resolution: Consider Resolution No. 11682-021516, opposing Wisconsin Bill 48750, Repealing of Personal Property Tax and Eliminating Exempt Computer Aids (by Committee of the Whole). 8. Resolution: Consider Resolution No. 11681-021516, Amending Resolution No. 11679-020216, rescinding Resolution No, 11515-072114 and Restating Puþlic Depositories for the City of Oak Creek (by Committee of the Whole). I Motion: Consider a motion to authorize the City Administrator to sign a proposal from ZS LLC in the amount of $10,700, and to provide for contractor assistance up to $7,500 to perform a building envelope investigation for the Police Department building located at 301 W. Ryan Road (5'n District). 10, Resolution: Consider Resolution No. 11684-021516, Authorizing the Rescission of 2015 General Property Taxes tor tne eroperty located at 7O7O S. 27th St. fax Key No. 737-9984-001) (2nd District). February 15, 2016 Council Meeting 11 Motion: Consider a motion to approve the 2015 Vendor Summary Report in the amount of $60/9221 and 2016 Vendor Summary Report in the amount of $953,871.24 tor a combined total of $1,014,663.45 (by Committee of the Whole). FIRE 12. Motion: Consider a motion to approve the purchase of a Braun/Ford chassis ambulance and related equipment in the amount of $197,584 after trade-in from North Central Ambulance (by Committee of the Whole). STREETS 13. Motion: Consider a motion to approve the purchase of a2013 Cat M318D Wheeled Excavator from BT Equipment LLC in the amount of $194,150 (by Committee of the Whole). 14. Motion: Consider a motion to authorize the Streets, Parks and Forestry Director to enter into a lease to own agreement with 1't Source Bank for $50,453.20 for a Wacker Model WL37 Wheel Loader to serve the Civic Center and Drexel Town Square (by Committee of the Whole). 15. Resolution: Consider Resolution No. 11683-021516, a Resolution of Governing Body Extract of Minutes in conjunction with the Master Lease Agreement for the purchase of a Wacker Model WL37 Wheel Loader (by Committee of the Whole). LICENSE COMMITTEE The License Committee did not meet prior to the Council meeting. Tentative recommendations are as follows: 16. Motion: Consider a motion to grant an Operator's license to the following (favorable background repoft received): Bennett W. Boinski, 8951 S, 127th St., New Berlin (7-Eleven) Mark Fleischmann, 703 Pheasant Trail, Racine (7-Eleven) Joel S. Zedoff, 6541 S. 13th St., Milwaukee (7-Eleven) Jessica L, Viney, 823 W. Oakwood Rd., Oak Creek (The Cellar) Jamie L. Pelczynski, 1401 Manitoba Ave., South Milwaukee (Fairfield lnn & Suites) Jenna R. VandenHeuvel, 2585 N. Cramer St., Milwaukee (Water Street Brewery) Arielle K. Ball, 1835 Drexel Blvd., South Milwaukee (PDO) . o . o . . . Adjournment. Public Notice Upon reasonable notice, a good faith effort will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals through sign language interpreters or other auxiliary aid at no cost to the individual to participate in public meetings. Due to the difficulty in finding interpreters, requests should be made as far in advance as possible preferably a minimum of 48 hours. For additional information or to request this service, contact the Oak Creek City Clerk at 766-7000, by fax at rcA-ZSZA, or by writing to the ADA Coordinator at the Oak Creek Health Department, 8040 S. 6th Street, Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154. It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above-stated meeting to gather information; no action w¡ll be taken by any governmental body at the above-stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in this notice 2 MAYORAL PROCLAMATION CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GARDEN DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION SOUTH SUBURBAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2OI5 PRIDE IN PREMISES AWARD WINNER WHEREAS, the Pride in Premises award is given annually by the South Suburban Chamber of Commerce to the Chamber member who exemplifies pride in their community through the design, construction and maintenance of their facilities and landscaping; and WHEREAS, the South Suburban Chamber of Commerce will be hosting Wednesday, February 5,2015, to honor the "Pride in Premises" award winner; and a banquet on WHEREAS, The Garden District Neighborhood Association has been chosen by the South Suburban Chamber of Commerce to receive the "Pride in Premises" award; and a WHEREAS, the Garden District Neighborhood Association is nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to serving and improving the quality of life for residents of Milwaukee's 13th Aldermanic District also known as the Garden District; and WHEREAS, the primary activities of the Garden District Neighborhood Association include a community garden project at the site of the old North Shore line along 6th and Howard on Milwaukee's south side; and WHEREAS, working with the Airport Gateway Business lmprovement District and the Green Corridor the Garden District Neighborhood Association deploys resources toward the restoration of the historic Civilian Conservation Corps fence line, and multiple rainwater harvesting initiatives; and WHEREAS, the Garden District Neighborhood Association hosts a farmers' market for 18-20 weeks during the summer/fall months and coordinates educational efforts for residents through garden work days that include composting efforts and gardening workshops. lt also supports efforts of individual neighborhood associations throughout the district with direct support and coordinated events; and WHEREAS, the Garden District Neighborhood Association has beautified the 6th and Howard Avenue area, and has also influenced other neighborhoods and individuals to take Pride in their Premises. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED that l, Stephen Scaffidi, Mayor of the City of Oak Creek hereby congratulate the Garden District Neighborhood Association for being selected the winner of the"2015 Pride in Premises" award. Stephen Scaffidi Mayor, City of Oak Creek ATTEST Catherine A. Roeske City Clerk MAYORAL PROCLAMATION CONGRATULATIONS TO BLACK BEAR BOTTLING GROUP SOUTH SUBURBAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2OI5 BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD WINNER WHEREAS, the South Suburban Chamber of Commerce conducts an annual search for the business most deserving of recognition because of their contributions to the south suburban communities, their organizations, and its youth; and WHEREAS, the South Suburban Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a banquet on Wednesday, February 3,2015, to honor the "2015 Business of the Year" award winner; and WHEREAS, the Black Bear Bottling Group has been chosen by the South Suburban Chamber of Commerce to receive the "2015 Business of the Year" award; and WHEREAS, the Black Bear Bottling Group was founded in 1961 by Phil "Papa Bear" Caruso along with his father, uncle, and two brothers; and WHEREAS, in 2001, the family-owned and -operated company made a new home in Oak Creek, where Black Bear continues to produce high quality sodas in an array of classic and creative flavors; and WHEREAS, in recent years, the Caruso family purchased a second warehouse across the street from its original bottling facility, and now has more than 130,000 sq.ft. of space in Oak Creek; and WHEREAS, since its move to Oak Creek in 2001 the Black Bear Bottling Group has seen its salès increase and has grown from 9 employees to over 35 full time and 25 part time employees; and WHEREAS, the Black Bear Bottling Group has been a valued member of the Oak Creek community and has supported the South Suburban Chamber, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Oak Creek Youth Athletics, Oak Creek Community Center, National Night Out, the Fourth of July parade, Oak Creek Little League and many others; and WHEREAS, the Black Bear Bottling Group has supported the continuing education of Oak Creek's youth through its annual Claire Baie / Black Bear annual scholarship; and WHEREAS, the Black Bear Bottling Group has created a partnership with the Oak Creek High School AP Chemistry and Marketing classes to create and market a unique flavor of soda that is then created and sold by Black Bear. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED that l, Stephen Scaffidi, Mayor of the City of Oak Creek hereby congratulate the Black Bear Bottling Group for being selected the winner of the "2015 Business of the Year" award. ATTEST: Catherine A. Roeske City Clerk Stephen Scaffidi Mayor, City of Oak Creek City of Oak Creek Common Council Report Meeting Date: February 15,2016 ttem No.: (O Recommendation: Concur with Board of Health recommendation to approve City of Oak Creek participation in the 2016 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CONSORTIUM MEMORADUM OF UNDERSTANDING ANd thE TECOMMENdCd EHC 3 FEE STRUCTURE. Background: At its February 2,2016, meeting, the Common Council authorized staff to work on a cooperative, coordinated arrangement with area communities on a two-step basis to review: 1) environmental services and 2) health services. Following this Common Council meeting, at its meeting on February 10,2016, the Board of Health considered environmental services in cooperation with area communities including the cities of Cudahy, South Milwaukee and St. Francis. Since 2002, through an Environmental Health Consortium, these three communities have been participating in a shared services and staff arrangement to provide for community environmental services. The communities have indicated an openness and willingness to accept Oak Creek's membership and inclusion in the agreement through a Memorandum of Understanding. The Board of Health was provided this MOU, a PowerPoint presentation regarding the consortium, and various permit, license, fee, and budget schedule information, all of which are attached to this report. Representatives from the City of South Milwaukee, including their City Administrator, Health Officer, Sanitarian, and Board of Health Chair were present at the Board of Health meeting to provide information and to answer questions. Their Health Officer and Sanitarian will be in attendance at the Council's meeting to answer any questions and to provide information that the Common Council might request. ln reviewing the operations of the City of Oak Creek environmental services and the consortium;s services, some differences in inspections and fee structure for various establishments were identified. This comparison can be seen on Attachment A. Upon further analysis by the departmental staff of the two communities, it is recommended that a blended fee structure taking elements from both the Oak Creek fee structure and the consortium fee structure be adopted by all four participating communities. The impact of this recommendation, as compared to the existing City fee structure, can be found on Attachment B. Participation in this consortium would provide for uniformity in inspection costs and procedures, and allows for additional expertise and back-up staffing through a cooperative arrangement. As part of the City's participation in the consortium, it is recommended the City also transfer ownership of two of its vehicles to the consortium to assist with the inspection process and travel that will be necessary between and amongst the communities. These vehicles have been provided for health and environmental services using retired police department vehicles. The consortium has historically sought and continues to seek 100o/o funding for its operations through the collection of fees, except for ordinance enforcement activities which Environmental Health Services is responsible for, such as human health hazards, health complaints, mold, lead hazard investigation, radon, bed bugs, animal bites/rabies control, public health nuisances and beach testing. For these services, the consortium has proposed a budget of $61,670, of which the City of Oak Creek would be required to make a General Fund contribution of $27,270. The estimated financial effect of participating in the environmental health consortium on the City of Oak Creek budget is estimated to be an annual net decrease of $9,500. Fiscal lmpact: As stated above Reviewed by: Respectfully submitted & prepared by Judith Price Community Public Health Officer Gerald R. Peterson, ICMA-CM City Administrator Fiscal Reviewed by Bridget Finance Director CMTW Comptroller 2016 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CONSORTIUM MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This agreement is entered into by and between the municipal health departments of Cudahy, Oak Creek, South Milwaukee, and St. Francis, Wisconsin to establish a consodium for an environmental health program and staff. The Health Deparlments of Cudahy, Oak Creek, South Milwaukee, and St. Francis hereby agree to the following: 1. The South Milwaukee Health Department will act as the lead fiscal agent throughout the term of this consortium. 2. The South Milwaukee Health Department will employ the Environmental Health Consortium (EHC) staff. Staff will be compensated with a negotiated salary and benefit package in accordance with the salary and benefit package that is comparable to "Non Represented" and/or Civil Service South Milwaukee employees. South Milwaukee will be responsible for any required tax or other withholdings and will provide worker's compensation coverage and unemployment compensation as needed. Mileage will be reimbursed in accordance with the current South Milwaukee policy. a. The City of Oak Creek has agreed to contribute two vehicles to the EHC with the understandíng that maíntenance, fuel, and insurance are the responsibility of the EHC. 3. The annual 320 Fund Budget is attached. (Needs to be updated) a a Total compensation and combined municipal expenses including all taxes and related costs to and on behalf of the EHC shall not exceed the funding amount without the express approval of all Cou ncils of the participatin g m un icipalities. The City of South Milwaukee and the EHC will determine the programs administrative costs annually. Local municipal contributions to address concerns with human health hazards, complaints, compliance with municipal health codes, etc. will be based on a per capita and usage percentage and may fluctuate based on budget requirements and use of the program. 1 Municipality Population Cudahy Oak Creek South Milwaukee St. Francis 19,341 35,053 21,210 9,547 84,151 Total 4. Payments Percent of Use 20o/o 30% 45% 5o/o 100% Municipal Contribution $14,000 $27,000 $17,400 $3,000 $61,400 of the above funding will be made as follows: . Municipal contributions from the participating consortium members will be paid to the South Milwaukee Health Department upon receipt of an invoice for those funds. Revenues generated from licensing will be directly paid to the eity of South Milwaukee. The South Milwaukee Public Health Administrator will provide supervision and evaluation of the EHC employees. . 5. 6. The EHC employees will have a flexible work schedule and will prioritize work in accordance with the needs of the communities, emergency status, and health risks to the public. 7. Job descriptions for the EHC staff positions are ön file at the South Milwaukee Health Deparlment. L The Environmental Health Specialists under this Agreement may serve as the local health officer designee under Wis. Stats. S 251.06 for any of the local municipalities that are a party to this Agreement, and may be asked to provide any appropriate services relating to public health, environmental health, human health hazards and including, but not limited to, any services provided by any local health department or board of health pursuant to Chapter 251 of the Wisconsin Statutes. 9. Policies and Procedures for the Environmental Health Consortium are on file at the City of South Milwaukee. These policies and procedures shall be in effect for all participating communities. 10. No party to this Agreement shall bear any liability or responsibility for actions taken by the Environmental Health Consortium staff solely on behalf of the other parties to this Agreement. 11.This Consortium will meet quarterly or as needed to coordinate each department's activities and to meet the needs of the entire consortium 2 I 12. This Memorandum of Understanding will be reviewed annually and will require a written ninety (90) day notice of any of the represented parties to discontinue in the consortium. :i..'t :,,1; ' '; ' ;:i. i:':: 3 Signature Page OFFICIAL DATE STGNATURË Cudahy Mayor Cudahy Health Officer Oak Creek Mayor .,:Wit" Oak Creek Health Officer 4W?a1,':a/.qt/êt, ,tþiug4ítø .#:ltlYlílt9¿ South Milwaukee Mayor J*+i:.ili '4#í' '<!tt' South Milwaukee Health Officer ':i'iÉ"i. -4:t\*).,. - j-- .. a.i1 :.:.: .'+:.. \\f14iÉh, St. Francis Mayor St. Francis Health Öfflcer .:41w\.. 'ffií?;" -*:ry.À:t. ,,ri,ar, t: "f{b-. ,;ù: , MOU 4 Environmental Health Consortium 2016 wÍth AC OlDgnUï 4 2/Lo/2OL6 Environmental Health Consortium(EHC) Cudahy, St. Francis, and South Milwaukee Proposed addition of Oak Creek February 10,20L6 HISTORY . . . . , . The Environmental Consortium for Cudahy, St. Francis, and South Milwaukee was established in 2O02-2003, to provide environmental services for the three communities. This included beginning a program to become agents for the State Department of Health Services (DHS) licensed establishments and the Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) licensed establishments. This consortium created a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)for services. South Milwaukee became the lead fiscal agent for the program. CURRENT STAFF F OR THE PROGRAM 1 FTE Environmental Health Specialist/ Registered Sanitarian .L2 FTE Contract Registered Sanitarian .5 FTE Clerical L 2/to/20L6 FUNDING OF THE EHC . . . . Grants were obta¡ned in the first three years of the program to establish the agent status for DHS and DATCP. Local Municipal Tax Levy Contributions were made to the consortium to fund the ordinance enforcement such as human health hazards, health complaints, mold, lead hazard investigation, bed bugs, animal bites/ rabies control, public health nuisances, etc. Additional grant funding for lead hazard investigations, beach testing in the past, has gone to support this program, Revenue from licensing the DHS and DATCP facilities, farmer's markets, DPI ínspections for schools, temporary events, etc. contributes to the bulk of the funding of the program. PROPOSED MOU . . . . . Reference Draft MOU Primarily the same MOU as the EHC currently signs. Addition of language regarding Oak Creek Oak Creek has indicated that it would provide two vehicles for use by the consortium Municipal Contributions for services other than licensing and inspections, as indicated are based on a per capita rate and adjusted for current use. South Milwaukee over the years has been a heavy user of services so pays more than a straight per capita rate St. Francis has been a light user of service over the years so pays less per capita Cudahy has been a moderate user of services so pays a slight higher than per capita Oak Creek is unknown the rate shown is a per capita rate. 2 2/Lo/20L6 PROPOSED FEE SCH EDU LE Reference Fee Schedule Comparison, Permit and License By Type of Establishment and Community, and Establishment List Comparison of Revenues based on Different Fees Schedules a the recommended fee schedule to adopt by allfour communities. lt is a combination of current fees. The First column is strictly revenue that would be generated using the current EHC ( 3 Community ) fee schedule. The second column is using the Oak Creek fee schedule. The third column is EHC 2 the h¡ghest fees from the EHC and Oak Creek used for EHC 3 is a a a revenue. The fourth column is a combination and is recommended, labeled EHC 3. PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE PROGRAM . . Reference proposed Budget 20t6 Based on EHC 3 revenues and previously discussed municipal contributions Expenditures . Staffing includes: . l- FTE Environmental Health Specialist Supervisor/ Registered Sanitarian . 1 FTE Environmental Health Specialist . .5 FTE Contract Registered Sanitarians . .5 Clerical 3 PERMIT & LICENSE LIST souTH MILWAUKEE, CUDAHY & ST FRANCTS /2014-201s . JT]NE 2015 DHS: South Milwaukee Cudahy St Francis Oak Creek 6 4 6 3 Moderate food 24 26 2t 66 license Simnle food license 10 7 3 11 Limited food 12 l4 7 4 2 0 0 t2 26 13 Complex food license Iicense I AddÍtional Kitchen Special food license Mobile food license Pool license Motel license 0 0 I 5 0 10 0 1 Campground 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 58 63 52 124 Tattoo/Body 0 1 0 Piercine TOTAL a DATCP: South Milwaukee Cudahy St Francis Oak Creek 55 Category 13 11 4 t6 license 44 Category license 1 1 t 4 33 Category 0 ) 1 5 license 22 Category license 5 4 3 13 Category 2 I 1 10 2t t9 11 48 South Milwaukee Cudahy St Francis Oak Creek 18 20 10 0 ll license TOTAL a NON DATCP OR DHS Non DATCP or DHS *South Milwaukee Schools, N/A retal'l and Animal Fanciers are in the category . CLASSBEST South Milwaukee Cudahv St Francis Oak Creek 2 3 0 0 Class B Establishment Non Food a FARMER'S MARI(ET South Milwaukee Market Permit Market Exempt 33 t2 Cudahy St Francis Oak Creek 0 5 0 a ROOMING IIOUSE South Milwaukee Cudahv St Francis Oak Creek 5 8 0 0 South Milwaukee Cudahy St tr'rancis Oak Creek 7 1 4 3 ffitr'rancis Oak Creek Rooming House License a TEMPORARY E\rENT Temporary Event License . GRAND TOTAL OF ALL ESTABLISIIMENTS South Milwaukee Cudahv GRAND TOTAL 156 tt4 P:\Ilealth\Documents\EHC Permit License Lists ^Á Y82 t75 HEALTH DEPARTMENT FUND 320 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CONSORTIUM PRELIMINARY DRAFT BUDGET CUDAHY, OAK CREEK, ST. FRANCIS, SOUTH M¡LWAUKEE 2016 w/OC 2016 w/OC Using rec. fee schedule Expenditures: Salaries 2 RS .5 Cler 12 Month $156,286 Gontract.S RS $29,762 Benefits $64,085 Mileage /CAR MAIN Certification Office Supplies Conferences/Ed ucation Operational Costs/Supplies Administrative Costs Reimbursements Total $r,500 $450 $5oo $1,000 Revenues: Oak Creek Municipal Contribution South Milwaukee Municipal Contribution Cudahy Municipal Contribution St. Francis Contribution Fund Balance Contribution $27,270 $17,400 $12,000 Total $67,625 $r,s00 All Licensable Revenues $7,500 Oak Creek Facilities- Based on Fees South Milwaukee Facilities -Actual Cudahy Facilities -Actual St. Francis Facilities- Actual Anticipated Unrealized Revenue OC $5,41e $267,O02 Total $3,000 $7,955 $75,563 $42,468 $38,051 $28,068 $11,227 $195,377 Misc Revenue TOTALS $267,002 Note: Fund balance as of 12131114 is $47,368 GRAND Misc. Revenues- Grants RH $4,000 Total $4,000 GRAND TOTAL $267,002 NOTES: This preliminary budget is based on a12 month period. ln kind Oak Greek has offered 2 vehicles, is there other equipment such as computers for inspections that would also be available for the program? This is with clerical at.5 FTE this may need to be adjusted based on the program needs. The Oak Creek Reimbursements to the State in September of 2016, would need to come from Oak Greek, as those revenues were collected by July 2015. (Approximately DHS $3¿189 and DATCP $1122.501 ll oc 1 r-\ ¿<\r EHC .,iT rl EHC 3 Restaurant a. b. c. Limited t Annual License Fee 5246.00 s1S8.00 2 Pre lnspection Fee s12o.oo s161.00 s161.00 3 Re-lnspection Fee se6.00-s36s.00 se6.00-s36s.00 4 Plan Review 7 Annual License Fee s37r..00 S3os.oo s371.oo 2 Pre lnspection Fee s190.00 s202.00 s202.00 3 Re-lnspection Fee s134.00 s96.00-s36s.00 se6.oo-536s.00 4 Plan Review s112.00 Moderate 1 Annual License Fee 2 Pre lnspection Fee 3 Re-lnspection Fee Plan Review d s112.00 S4o9.oo ss31.00 ss31.00 s204.00 5337.00 s337.oo s134.00 se6.00-s36s.00 s96.00-s36s.00 s132.00 s182.00 CX L Annual License Fee ssoo.oo $744.OA 5744.00 2 Pre lnspection Fee s246.oo 5470.00 s470.00 3 Re-lnspection Fee S134.oo se6.00-s36s.00 se6.oo-s36s.oo 4 Plan Review s240.00 Additional Food Pre Area 1. Annual License Fee 2 Pre lnspection Fee 3 Re-lnspection Fee 4 f. 577.00 s77.0O Simple 4 e s134.00 $r.88.00 Plan Review s24o.oo s14s.00 s100.00 s4s.oo s4s.oo Sso.oo $96.00-s36s.00 s96.00-s36s.00 1-0-30 days late:25% annual fee Sso.oo 10-30 days late:25% annual fee 31-45 dar¡s late: 50% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee Sroo;oo s80.oo Late Fee 00 Over45 d : L00% annual fee Over 45 d L00% annual fee Food Establishments 2 a Temporary Restaurant Annual License / lnspection T Fee s170.00 Per Event License 2 b. Retail Food / Per Event License c. lnspection Fee Fee Late Fee $170.oo s7s.0o s7s.0o Annual License 2 5133.00 lnspection Fee Tem 1. / Sso.oo / s70.00 s70.00 lnspection s3s.00 S3s.oo s2s.o0 10-30 days late:25% annual fee 10-30 days late:25% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annualfee 3L-45 days late: 50% annual fee Over45 days: L00% annual fee Over 45 days: 1-00% annual fee oc 3 Bed and Breakfast Establishments a. b. Annual License Fee s218.00 Pre-inspection Fee S12o.oo on c, d. e. 4 EHC 3 EHC s161.00 $120.00 se6.00-s36s.00 se6.00-s36s.00 10-30 days late:25% annual fee 10-30 days late:25% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee Over 45 days: 100% annual fee Over 45 days: 100% annual fee s78.oo Fee Plan Review $77.O0 s77.OO Late Fee Seo.oo 161.00 Hotels, Motels, Tourist Rooming Houses a. b. c. ¡ v. e. f. 05-30 Slee Rooms T Annual License fee s312.00 s134.oo s312.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s204.00 s161.00 s2o4.oo 3 Re-inspection Fee $134.00 s96.oo-s365.00 4 Plan Review s109.00 $e6.00-$36s.00 s1oe.00 Rooms 3L-99 T Annual License fee s404.00 s261.00 404.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s232.oo 52s6.00 $232.00 3 Re-inspection Fee 5s6.oo-$36s.oo se6.00-536s.00 4 Plan Review $rg+.oo $r42.00 100-199 Slee $142.00 Rooms L Annual License fee s43s.o0 s3s1.oo .00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s261.00 s3s2.oo s261.00 3 Re-inspection Fee $i.34.00 se6.00-s36s.00 se6.00-s36s.00 4 Plan Review sLs4.o0 ,)nn el^a r r rvr ç Jlçç Lvv vt ^. .a^.^ s1s4.0o Daamc T Annual License fee ss00.00 s3s1.oo Ssoo.oo 2 Pre-lnspection Fee $28e.oo s3s2.oo s289.oo 3 Re-inspection Fee S134.oo se6.00-$36s.00 4 Plan Review S172.oo se6.00-s36s.00 (17? ôn Tourist Roomin House -4 rooms T Annual License fee s218.00 s218.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee 5204.00 s204.00 3 Re-inspection Fee $134.00 se6.00-$36s.00 4 Plan Review 577.O0 s77.OO Room Houses more than 2 but less than 9 roomers) t Annual License fee s17s.oo s17s.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee $161.00 s161.00 3 Re-inspection Fee ss6.00-536s.00 se6.00-s36s.00 4 Plan Review oc g. h. 5 EHC 3 EHC Rooming Houses ( 9 or more roomers) t Annual License fee $3oo.oo s3oo.oo 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s161.00 s161.00 3 Re-inspection Fee $e6.oo-s36s.oo s96.00-s36s.00 4 Plan Review L0-30 days late:25% annual fee 10-30 days late:25% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee Over45 days: 100% annual fee Over45 days: L00% annual fee $rgo.oo s134.00 s134.00 sse.o0 51s1.00 $196.00 5207.0O Late Fee seo.oo Campgrounds, Recreational and Educational camps a b. c. d. e. f. g. Campground -25 1 Annual License fee 2 Pre-lnspection Fee 3 Re-inspection Fee 4 Plan Review Cam s134.00 s96.00-s36s.00 $se.oo nd (26-50 sites) T Annual License fee s2so.oo 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s134.00 s134.00 3 Re-inspection Fee s134.00 s96.00-s36s.00 4 Plan Review s7s.00 s7s.00 s2s0.0o Campground (5L-100 sites) 7 Annual License fee s30s.oo 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s190.00 sr.eo.00 3 Re-inspection Fee s134.00 se6.oo-536s.00 4 Plan Review $gz.oo Sgz.oo s24S.oo s30s.oo Campground (101-199 t Annual License fee S3ss.oo 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s190.00 s190.00 3 Re-inspection Fee Sr+s.oo se6.00-s36s.00 4 Plan Review s107.00 Sr.o7.oo s261.oo s3ss.00 und (200+ Cam 1, Annual License fee s410.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s218.00 s218.00 3 Re-inspection Fee s162.00 se6.oo-s36s.oo 4 Plan Review s123.00 s123.00 s3r"6.00 s410.00 Recreational/Educational Camps t Annual License fee $s1"1.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s3s9.o0 s3se.00 3 Re-inspection Fee s162.00 ss6.00-$36s.00 4 Plan Review s179.00 s179.00 seo.oo Late Fee s281".00 ss11.00 1-0-30 days late:25% annual fee 10-30 days late:25% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee Over45 days: L00% annual fee Over45 days: 100% annual fee oc 6 EHC 3 EHC Special Event Campgrounds a. b. c. d. e. f. 1-25 sites t Annual License fee s1e6.00 s196.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s134.00 s134.00 3 Re-inspection Fee 5L34.00 596.00-$36s.00 26-50 sites 7 Annual License fee s232.oo $232.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s134.00 s134.oo 3 Re-inspection Fee s134.00 se6.00-s36s.00 5L-L00 sites t Annual License fee SzEz.oo 5237.o0 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s1e0.00 $r.9o.oo 3 Re-inspection Fee s134.00 ss6.00-$36s.00 100-L99 sites t Annual License fee s242.OO 5242.O0 2 Pre-lnspection Fee sL90.o0 s190.00 3 Re-inspection Fee Sr¿a.oo se6.oo-s36s.oo 200 or more sites t Annual License fee s248.00 s248.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s218.00 s218.00 3 Re-inspection Fee s162.00 se6.00-s36s.00 annual fee late:25% 1-0-30 days 3L-45 days late: 50% annual fee Late Fee s2s.00 l'\r¡ar ¡18 ¡lar¡c' vvLr aJ vqyr. 7 Public Swimming Pool a. lndoor/OutdoorSwimmi 1 Annual License fee Pre-lnspection Fee 2 3 Re-inspection Fee 4 Plan Review 5 8 1fìfìOl^ ¡vvlv ¡nnt tal faa Pools or Whirl Late Fee Water Attraction a. Water Attraction with no slides l" Annual License fee 2 Pre-lnspection Fee Szzg.oo 5222.OO sleo.00 s190.00 s134.00 se6.oo-s36s.oo s96.00-s36s.00 10-30 days late:25% annual fee Ss8.oo L0-30 days lale:25% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee Over45 days: 100% annual fee Over 45 days: 1-00% annual fee 5gs.oo Sgo.oo s278.00 s3o9.oo Sgog.oo s190.00 s190.00 3 Re-inspection Fee s134.oo s96.oo-536s.00 4 Plan Review s109.00 s1oe.o0 oc b. c d. Water Attraction with u to 2 slides EHC 3 EHC basin 1. Annual License fee s33o.oo 2 Pre-lnspection s190.00 s190.00 3 Re-inspection Fee sr.34.00 s96.00-s36s.00 4 Plan Review s116.00 s116.00 s194.00 s194.00 5zs.oo s78.00 5134.00 se6.oo-s36s.00 Fee s330.00 Additional Slide, in excess of 2 per basin L Annual License fee 2 Pre-lnspection 3 Re-inspection Fee 4 Plan Review Fee Late Fee S68.oo Sos.oo Sgo.oo 10-30 days late:25% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee Over 45 davs: LO}% annual fee 9 Tattooing and Body Piercing Establishment a. Tattoo or Pie I Annual License fee s30s.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s204.00 3 Re-inspection Fee s134.oo 4 Plan Review s97.00 5 b. Combined Sgo.oo Pierci s30s.oo s116.00 s207,oo 596.00-S36s.00 5e6.oo-$36s.oo 1O-30 days late:25% annualfee s97.00 10-30 days late:25% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee 3L-45 days late: 50% annual fee Over 45 days: 100% annual fee Over45 days: L00% annual fee Establishment L Annual License fee s341.00 s322.oo s341.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s261.00 s116.00 s26L.oo 3 Re-inspection Fee s134.00 $e6.00-s36s.00 s96.00-s36s.00 4 Plan Review s119.00 10-30 days laTe:25% annual fee L0-30 days late:25% annualfee 3L-45 days late: 50% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee Over45 days: 100% annual fee Over45 days: L00% annual fee 5 c. Late Fee s243.00 Late Fee Tattoo or Pierci Annual License/ lnspection Tempora 1 Fee 2 Late Fee d.T Combined Sgo.oo 51_19.00 Establishment sLso.oo S2s.oo S2s.oo Pierci Establishment Annual License/ lnspection 10 t Fee 2 Late Fee s173.00 s173.00 s2s.00 s2s.oo School Food Service Facilities a. Full Kitchen 7 lnspection Fee s31e.oo 2 Pre-lnspection Fee S1s2.oo 3 Re-inspection Fee $134.00 4 Plan Review S128.oo oc b. c. 11 Food Reheat 1. lnspection Fee 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s7s.0o 3 Re-inspection Fee $L34.00 4 Plan Review s207.oo s7s.00 Late Fee Seo.oo School DPI License Fees a b. Sim d. e t lnspection Fee 2 Pre-lnspection 3 Re-inspection Fee 4 Plan Review s294.oo s294.oo 5zs.oo s7s.00 Fee ss6.00-s36s.00 se6.oo-s36s.oo Szs.oo 57s.oo Moderate 7 lnspection 2 Pre-lnspection 3 Re-inspection Fee 4 Plan Review c. ss0s.00 Fee Fee ss0s.00 s1s0.00 s1s2.00 se6.00-s36s.00 $96.00-s36s.00 s1s2.o0 s128.00 EX L lnspection Fee 2 Pre-lnspection 3 Re-inspection Fee 4 Plan Review s707.00 s707.00 s3oo.00 Fee Late Fee 5e6.00-536s.00 s96.oo-s36s.00 10-30 days late:25% annual fee s300.00 10-30 days late:25% annual fee 2l-rtÊ Jr rJ 2l-ulTJE sstJ ¡{ar¡c l¡ta'(fìol^ J¡ Over t2 EHC 3 EHC ¡{ar¡c rurL. lafa. Jvlu EfìO/^ ann¡rrl uuyJ ¿15 faa days: 1"00% annual fee ann¡,¡lfaa Over 45 days: 1-00% annual fee Retail Food Establishments a. b. c. Food sales of at least and cess ntial hazardous food 1 Annual License fee s6e8.00 S1,o13.oo 51,013.00 2 Pre-lnspection S261.oo 5447.OA s44r..00 3 Re-inspection Fee s14S.00 se6.00-s36s.00 se6.00-s36s.00 4 Plan Review Fee Food sales of at least 2 s290.00 but less than s2eo.oo 000 and ntial hazardous food T Annual License fee $374.00 s482.00 5432.00 2 Pre-lnspection s232.00 s321.00 s321.00 3 Re-inspection Fee sL48.oo se6.00-s36s.00 $s6.00-s36s.00 4 Plan Review s112.00 Fee Food sales of at least 525,000 and engage in food processi s112.00 but do no rocess ntial hazardous food t Annual License fee s338.00 5482.00 s33S.o0 2 Pre-lnspection s204.00 s321.00 s204.00 3 Re-inspection Fee s134.00 596.00-S36s.00 $e6.oo-s36s.oo 4 Plan Review 51o2.oo Fee s1o2.oo oc d. e. f. EHC 3 EHC Food sales of less than S 25,000 and are engaged in food 1, Annual License fee s297.00 s107.00 s190.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee 5190.00 s129.00 s134.00 3 Re-inspection Fee s134.oo se6.00-s36s.00 se6.oo-s36s.oo 4 Plan Review Do not e s8e.oo Ssg.oo in food sst L Annual License fee s268.00 s107.00 s107.00 2 Pre-lnspection Fee s176.00 s129.00 s129.00 3 Re-inspection Fee s12o.oo s96.00-s36s.00 se6.oo-s36s.oo 4 Plan Review 10-30 days late:25Yo annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee s81.00 1-0-30 days late:25% annual fee 31-45 days late: 50% annual fee Over45 days: 100% annual fee Over 45 days: 100% annual fee $46.00 S¿o.oo s46.00 $¿o.oo Ssr.oo Late Fee 5so.oo 13 Farmer Market a. Retail t 2 b. Vendor Permit (July L- June 30) Vendor lnspection Fee Restaurant Vendor Permit (July 1- June L4 15 16 30) Soo.oo Soo.oo 2 Vendor lnspection Fee S66.oo 566.00 s3s.oo $gs.oo s107.00 s107.00 s1s.00 s1s.00 MealService Permit n Fee a. Annual I Special Event Groups Restaurant (Serving 4-12 days a year) Fee a. Annual I Duplicate Permit a. t7 1 $ro.oo Fee Operating Without a license a. Fee $749.00 same as license fee same as license fee Operating Without a Certified Food 18 Manager a. Fee 19 PropertyMaintenance a. lst b. 2nd Rei c. Re 51s0.oo s100.00 n Fee $200.00 n Fee 3rd or more Reins s1so.o0 n Fee s400.00 ALLr..t r^o^t g OAK CREEK Facility Street Type Address Facility Name Billling Type Oak Creek Estates Subway 8201 S Howell Restaurant 8860 S Howell Restaurant oc oc $207.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531 .00 Moderate oc $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531 .00 $744.00 $500.00 $744.00 $744.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531 .00 $531.00 $309.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531 .00 $531.00 $s31.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531 .00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531 .00 $531.00 $531,00 $409.00 $5s1.00 $309.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371 .00 s531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531-00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $309.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531-00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531-00 $531.00 $309.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371 -00 $531.00 $409.00 $53r.00 $531.00 s?44.00 $500.00 s744,00 $744.00 $531.00 s409.00 $531.00 $531-00 $531.00 s409.00 $531.00 $531.00 s531.00 $409.00 $531.00 s531.00 s531.00 $409.0c s531.00 $531_00 $409. 00 $53 1 00 $531,00 s531.û0 $409 00 $531.00 $531-00 s531.00 $409.00 s531.00 $531"00 $531.00 $409.00 $53'1.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 s531_00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 <Â"{ nn s40s.00 s531"00 $531.00 $531 $409.00 $531.00 $531 Ave Di Carlo Trattoria and 8469 S Howell Restaurant Complex oc Pizzelia Caterpillar 6744 S Howell Restaurant Moderate oc Mc Donald's Restaurant Ave 3871 E University or Simple School Bluestem Dr Moderate 9471 S 13th St Restaurant Wendy's #8 9503 S 13th Sr Restaurant Moderate oc Buffalo Wild Wings #219 8171 S Howell Restaurant Moderate oc Oak Creek High School Ave 340 E Puetz University or Moderate oc Deerfield Elementary School South Bound Cousins Submarines, lnc Meadowview Elementary SchÕÕl Oak Creek Community Center Mama Angies ltalian Deli Rd 9504 S Ch¡caoo Rd 135 W Rawson Ave 10420 S McGr¿w Dr B5Bû S Howell oc oc School Restaurant Moderate oc Restaurant Moderate oc Un¡versity or Simple School Restaurani Moderate oc 6508 S 27th St Restaurant Moderate oc ï3 Carollton Elementary 8965 S University or Simple School Carollton Dr School Noodles & Company 8609 S. Restaurant Moderate oc Branded Steer(The) Ho,ell Ave 1299 W Restaurant Moderate oc OC Cdleoe Ave 2225W Univers¡ty or Simple Sycamore Ave School School 784,l S Howell Restaurant Ave 9540 S 27th St Restaurant Culvers' of Oak Creek Dish (The) OC Complex oc 8800 S Howell Restaurant Ave Suite 900 Moderate Oak Creek Assembly of God Cozy lnn 7311 S 13th St Restaurant Moderate Restaurant Moderate Chicaöo Rd 9650 S 20ih St Restaurant Moderaie 9509 S Dennys Georgie Porg¡e's Wendy's Restaurant #7 Lotus Restaurant,, St. Stephens Conqreqatìon El FÞgon Taco & Jim Dandy's Beer ': 9555 S Hsir{ell Reslaurant Ave 7940 S Holl,ell Reslaurant Ave 901 1 S Howell Restauränt Ave 1441W Restaurant' Oakwood Rd 8701 S HcÄ¡iell Restaûrant Ave t900 s 27th oc Moderate Panda Gormet oc Moderate oc Moderate OC Moderaîe Õc Moderate oc Moderate oc Moderate oc ;t Oak Creek Diner Jersey Mike's $531.00 oc Ave Cedar H¡¡ls Elementary EHC 3 Moderate Ave Mc Donald's EHC2 EHC uafnpgIoun(] 26-50 Sites Campground 2ô(RC2) 50 Sites (RC2) 2301 W College Ave otc City [,tôdêraté S J 3ìÌl Restaurant Moderate OC 1o114 Facility Name Facility Süeet Type Address Billling Type City La Quinta #1036 7141 S 13rh Sr Restaurant Prepackaged oc KFCYA&W Moderate oc Melrose 2040 W Ryan Restaurant Rd 6840 S 27rh St Restaurant Moderate oc Market Place Cafê 3570 E Puetz Restaurant Moderate OC Rd 812 W Restaurant Moderate oc Cellar (ïhe) Shepard Hills Elementary School Edgewood Elementary School Danes Second Chance Oakwood Rd 9701 S Shepard Hills Dr 8545 S Shepard Ave 9430 S 27rh St Unìversity or Simple School OC Univers¡ty or Simple School Restaurant Prepackaged oc Salon Panera Bread #1563 oc Restaurant Moderâte oc Restaurant Prepackaged oc Restaurant Moderate oc Ave Arby's Roast Beef 1920 W Ryan Woodland Golf Course 3003 E Elm Rd Rd Subway 1 Chicaqo Rd Bootz Saloon & Grill 8950 S 27th St Restaurant Moderate oc Taco Bell #22792 8261 S Howell Restaurant Ave Moderate oc Subway Restaurant 2191 E Restaurant Moderate oc Papa Johns Pizza#24'18 Rawson Ave 8645 S Howell Restaurant Moderate oc Restaurant Moderate oc Restaurant Moderate oc Rd 8750 S Howell Restaurant Moderate oc Moderate oc Moderate oc Moderate oc Ave Perkins Family Restaurant 2010 W Ryan Rd & Bakerv 2327 W Ryan Cousins Subs #1 1 50 Qdoba Mexican Grill Ave Subway 25889 Ervs Mug Sonic Drive-ln 2031 W Ryan Restaurant Rd Restaurant 130 W Ryan Rd 8081 S Howell Restaurant Ave Yen Hwa Chinese Restaurant 2345 W Ryan Rd STE A Restaurant Moderate oc Oak Hills Golf Club 10360 S Howell Ave 140 E Drexel Restaurant Moderate oc Restaurant Moderate oc Milwaukee Area Technical 6665 S Howell University or Moderate oc Chinese Delight Ave Colleoe East Middle School Ave University or Simple 9330 S Sherpard Ave School School oc West Middel School 8401 S 13th St University or Simple oc Comfort Suites 6362 S 13th St Restaurant Fairfield lnn & Suites 6460 S Brians Restaurant School Prepackaged oc Simple oc Moderate oc Mike La Susa's 924 E Rawson Restaurant Ave 8955 S sth St Restaurant Moderate oc Class¡c Lanes 7501 S Howell Restaurant Moderate oc Ave l3th St Restaùrant EHC2 EHC 3 $188.00 $246.00 s246.00 $531 .00 s409.00 $531_00 $531.00 s53'1.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 s30s.00 s371 00 $371.00 $371.00 $309.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 s188.00 $246.00 $246,00 $188.00 $531.00 9409.00 $531.00 s531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 188.00 s246.00 s246.00 $'188.00 $s31.00 $409.00 $531.00 $53'1.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $53'1.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 ss31.00 $531.00 s409.00 $531.00 s531.00 s531.00 $409.00 $531.00 s531.00 $531.00 s409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $53r.00 $409.00 $531.00 s531.00 $531.00 s409.00 ss31.00 ss31.00 s409.00 $531.00 s531.00 $53't.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 s531.00 $531.00 $409.00 ss31.00 $531.00 ss3't.00 s40s.00 ss31.00 s531.00 $309.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 $309.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 $188.00 $246.00 s246.00 s309.00 s371.00 $371.00 s371.00 s531.00 s409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 s53l.00 s409.00 $531.00 s531.00 $ 0670 S o/c s188.00 oc Mode¡ale 8907 S Howell Restaurant EHC 2oî14 ss31.00 $531.00 s188.00 Fac¡lity Name Facility Street Type Address Billling Type City Applebee's 7135 S 13th St Restaurant Moderate oc Pineapple Café 7864 S Howell Restaurant Moderate oc Temporary oc Moderate oc Jimmy Johns Gormwnt Sandwiches Oak Creek Diner Temporary Restaurant Square Way 8041 S Howell Restaurant Ave 8907 S Howell Restaurant Ave 6874 S 13th Sr Restaurânt Moderate oc Golden Chicken 7828 S Howell Restaurant Moderate oc Special Organization Moderate oc Restaurant Moderate oc Restãurant Complex oc Temporary Restaurant Restaurant Temporary oc Moderate oc Restaurant Moderate oc Restaurant Moderate oc Moderate oc Simple oc Moderate oc Moderate oc Simple oc Moderate oc Temporary oc Food Sales No Processing oc Food Sales Over Million PHF oc Food Sales Over Million PHF oc Food Sales 25 Million PHF Food Sales No Processing oc 2031 W Ryan Retail/Small PHF Rd 726r S 13th St Retail/Large PHF Food Sales 25 Million PHF Food Sales Over Million PHF oc 9110s Food Sales No oc Ave Advantage Sales & Marketinq Panda Express 171 W Town Ave American Legion Post 434 9327 S Shepard Ave Marcos Pizza Water Street Brewery 111 E Forest Hill Ave 140 W Town 9327 S Shepard Ave All in the Family Restaurant & Bar Victors 1000 E Rawson Ave 91 17 S 5th Dairy Queen 't8645 AramarldMaster Lock Burger King Dominos Pizza Mainstay Wisconsin Pizza Works 823 W Oakwood Rd 8770 S Howell Restaurant Ave 135 W Forest Restaurant Hill Ave 1250W Restaurant Rawson Ave 2181 E Restaurant Rawson Ave Restaurant 1001 w Colleoe Ave 8201 S Howell Restaurant Ave Kalashian Food Service Aldi lnc #101 9327 S Temporary Shepard Ave Restaurant 6810 S 27th Sr Retail/Not Engaged in Food Processing Woodmans Food Market lnc Target Store No. 1925 8'131 S Howell Retail/Large Ave PHF 8989 S Howell Retail/Large PHF Ave Starbucks Coffe Co #8778 8880 S Howell Retail/Small PHF Ave 9510 S 27th St Retail/Not Oasis Mobil Engaged in EHC2 EHC 3 $409.00 ss31.00 ss3 t .00 s409.00 s531.00 $531.00 133.00 $170.00 $ 1 70.00 s531.00 $ 170.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 ss31.00 $531.00 $409.00 s531.00 $531.û0 $s31.00 s409.00 $53't.00 $531.00 $107.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $744.00 $500.00 $744.00 $744.00 s133.00 $170.00 s170.00 s170.00 s531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 s53l.00 $531.00 $309.OO $371.00 $37't.00 $371.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $309.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 $531.00 s40s.00 $531.00 $531.00 s133.00 s170.00 $170.00 $170.00 Moderate Ave Tracy Rae's otc $531.00 s Square Wav Corn Dog Stand EHC ss31.00 ####nfit $698.00 ffiM#4 $107.00 tffi s698.00 ##### #ffi## Ittttttilfittt $698.00 tffi ffiffi $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 s107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 $482.00 '$374.00 $482.00 $482.00 oc Food Processing Pilot Travel Center #040 South Shore Cinemas oc ffiffi Checker Liquor Chicago Rd Retail/Not Engaged in Food Processing s6S8.OO tffi #tttHttt## Processing $107.00 3ol14 $268.00 $107 Facility Name Facility Street Type Address Ryan Road Shell 2170 W Ryan Rd Love's Travel Stop #432 Rd Pick & Save #6348 Retail/Large Food Sales Over PHF 25 No PHF 9650 S 20th St RetaillSmall Starbucks Coffee #1021 5 2015 W Ryan Billling Type PHF Retail/Small PHF 6462 S 27th St Retail/Large PHF Food Sales 25 Million PHF Food Sales 25 Million PHF Food Sales over M¡IIion PHF City oc Retail/Large Food Sales Over PHF 25 No PHF oc KwtR Trip #422 s535 S 13th St Retail/Large Food Sales Over oc 8770 S Howell RetaillLarge Ave PHF Food Sales Over Million PHF Value C¡nema 6912 S 27th St Reta¡l/Large Food Sales Over OC 25 No PHF Dollar Tree #470'1 RetaillSmall 9444 S PHF Chicaoo Rd 8581 s Hoûell lRetaiuNot Ave oc RetaìlA/ery Small Non PHF Retail/Nqt Engaged in Food Processinq Food Sales Under 25 No PHF Food Sales No Processing oc 2320 W Ryen Rd Retail/Large Food Sales Over Million PHF oc 8880 S Hcx¡¡ell Ave 9340 S. Chicaqo Rd Retail/Small PHF Retail/Small PHF RetailA/ery Small Non PHF Food Sales 25 Million PHF Food Sales 25 Million PHF Food Sales Under 25 No PHF Food Sales No Processing oc 9449 S Ho$'ell Ave Gary's Beer & Liquor 9555 Ave Menards 6800 s 27th st Pick N Save #6387 Butcher Block Meat Market LLC Oak Creek Relief & Wellness Hissho sushi Food Sales 25 Mìilion PHF Food Sales No Processing Food Sales No Processing Walgreens f04887 Papa Murphy's lEngagecl rn I Food I Processing 1900 W Ryan Rd PHF 6462 S 27th St Retail/Not Engaged in oc oc 8750 S Howell Reta¡l/Large PHF Ave PDO #355 6300 Dunkin Donuts 2345 W Ryan Rd STE A Speedway #4462 8667 S Howell Retail/Small PHF Ave 6440 S 13th Sr RetailiNot Engaged in Food Candlewood Suites s 27th st Retail/Small PHF Reta¡liSmall PHF 8131 S Howell Retail/Small PHF Ave $338.00 s482.00 $338-00 $482.00 s374.00 $482.00 $482.00 $482.00 $374.00 s482.00 $482.00 ##ffi# $698.00 #ffi# ####1tfi1t $482.00 $338.00 s482.00 $482.00 ##È#itr# $698.00 tit#Íti#*t# Itttltlt## ###ffi $698.00 Food Sales 25 No PHF ###ffi ffi#w $482.00 $338.00 s338.00 $338.00 s482.00 $338.00 s482.00 $482.00 $?22.00 $268.001 s26g.oo $107.00 $222.O0 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 $107.00 $268.00 s268.00 $107.00 $222.0A $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 ITIFffi $698.00 w#ffi I###$t# $482.00 $374.00 s482.00 $482 00 $482.00 $374.00 s482.00 $482.00 $107.00 $297.00 s297.00 $190.00 s222.OO $268.00 s268.00 $107.00 $482.00 $338.00 $338.00 $338.00 $482.00 $374.00 s482.00 s482 00 s482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 $107.00 $268.00 s268.00 $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 oc over OC Food Sales 25 Million PHF Food Sales 25 Million PHF oc Food Sales 25 Million PHF Food Sales No Processing oc Food Sales 25 Million PHF oc oc oc Processing Sushi with Gusto $482.00 oc Food Processing Dunkin Donuts EHC 3 Million PHF Pick N Save f6862 Ryan Road Mobil EHC 2 oc 150 W Rawson Ave Non PHF o/c oc Rawson Phillips 66 PHF EHC s't07.00 Facility Name Yofresh Yogurt Café Fac¡lity Street Type Address 8701 S Howell Reta¡USmall PHF Ave 7 Eleven #35841H 1225W Watson's Vending and Food Service PHF Rawson Ave 1001 S Howell Reta¡UNot Ave Engaged in Food lnd¡a Food Mart 100 E Drexel Ave Unit 104 Retail/Small Processing Retail/Not Engaged in Billling Type City Food Sales 25 Million PHF Food Sales 25 Million PHF Food Sales No oc EHC o/c EHC 2 EHC 3 $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 $222.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 s107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 oc oc Processing Food Sales No oc Processing Food Processinq Mega Nursery 1901 E Rawson Ave Reta¡l/Not Food Sales No Engaged in Processing oc Food Processing Square Way Food Sales Over Million PHF oc #283 Reta¡l/Large PHF Kwik Trip #290 7880 S 10th St Retail/Large PHF Food Sales Over Million PHF oc Hissho Sushi 2320 W Ryan Food Sales No Process¡ng oc Food Sales No oc MEIJER GAS STATION 171 W Town Rd Retail/Not Engaged in Food Process¡ng Sal's 7872 S Howell Retail/Not Engaged in Ave ffi $698.00 ######tt ##w.## ###ffi s6s8.00 ##### #### s222.00 $268.00 $268.00 s107.00 s107.00 $268.00 s268.00 $222.00 $297.00 $297.00 $190.00 Processing Food Hissho Sushi 171 W Town Square Way Processing RetailA/ery Small Non oc PHF Food Sales Under 25 No PHF Food Sales Over Million PHF Retail/Very Small Non Food Sales Under 25 PHF oc Food Sales Over 25 No PHF oc Food Sales No oc PHF Piggly Wiggly Oak Creek Mobil 2201 E Rawson Ave 1200 w Rawson Ave Meüer Gas Station #283 Retail/Large PHF 8031 S Howell Retail/Large Ave PHF Kohl's Department Stores 9035 S Howell Retail/Not Engaged in #109 Ave $107.00 oc tffi s698.O0 #t#### ffi $107.00 $297.00 $297.00 $190.00 $222.00 $338.00 s338.00 s107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 $351.00 $439.00 $439.00 s439.00 t84.00 $3r2.00 s312.00 $312.00 $267.00 $404.00 $404.00 $404.00 $351.00 $439.00 $439.00 $439.00 s184.00 s312.00 $312.00 $312.00 $351.00 $439.00 $43S.00 $'184.00 $312.00 $312.00 $312.00 s338.00 Processing Food Processing Lodging 100- Lodging 100-199 (LH3) 1ee (LH3) Comfort Sutes 6362 S 13th Street Oakwood Motel 8810 S 27th St Lodging 5-30 Lodging 5-30 Rooms Rooms (LH1) Candlewood Suites 6440 S 13th St Lodging 3199 Rooms Motel 6 1201 W oc oc (LH1) ß Lodging 3'l-99 Rooms (LH2) oc (LH2) oc College Ave Lodging 100- Lodging 100-199 (LH3) 19e (LH3) Tw¡ Lite Motel 10126 S 27th St Lodging 5-30 Lodging 5-30 Rooms Rooms (LHl) oc Fa¡rfield lnn & Suites 6460 S 13th Sr Lodging 100- Lodging 100-199 (LH3) 199 (LH3) oc Woodlawn Motel 8868 S 27th Sr Lodging 5-30 Lodging 5-30 Rooms Rooms (LH1) oc (LH1) (LH1) 5of14 s439.00 Facility Name Facility Street Type Address Red Roof lnn 6360 S l3th Billling Type Sr Lodging 100- Lodging 100-199 199 (LH3) V¡ctoria Motel 10131 S Chicago Rd Lodging 31-99 Rooms (LH2) Lodging St 99 Rooms Value lnn Milwaukee South 9420 S 20th Sr Lodging 100- Lodg¡ng 100-199 (LH3) 19e (LH3) oc Mainstay 1001 w College Ave oc (LH2\ Lodging 31-99 s 27rh st Lodging 5-30 Lodging 5-30 Rooms (LH1) $439.00 $439.00 $439.00 $184.00 $312.00 $312.00 $312.00 $267.00 $404.00 $404.00 $404.00 $351.00 $43S.00 $267.00 s404.00 $404.00 $404.00 $184.00 $312.00 $312.00 $312.00 $222.00 $278.00 s278.00 s278.00 ß222.OO s278.00 s278.00 s278.00 s222.OO $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 s222.OO $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 s222,00 $278.00 s278.00 $278.00 s222.OO s278.00 s278.00 $278.00 s222.O0 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $222.00 $278.00 s278.00 $278.00 ß222.OO s278.00 $278.00 $278.00 s222.OO $278.00 s278.00 $278.00 s222.OO $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $222.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $222.OO $278.00 s278.00 s278.00 $222.O0 s278.00 s278.00 $278.00 s222.OA $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $222.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $222.OO $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 s222.OO $278.00 $278.00 $222,0A $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $439.00 s43S.00 Rooms (LH2) (LH2) 8060 s351.00 oc 7141 S 13th Villa Vista Motel EHC 3 oc La Quinta lnn & Suites #r 036 Lodging 31 99 Rooms EHC 2 oc ) 3l- o/c EHC (LH3) Lodg¡ng 5-30 Lodging 5-30 Rooms (LH1) Rooms (LHI Gity oc Rooms (LH1) Centennial Park Pool 500 E Centennial Dr Pool oc Gables at Oak Creek Pool oc Fairfield lnn & Suites Pool 50 E Field Stone Cir 64't6 S 13th St Pool Pool oc Fairfield lnn & Suites 6417 S r3th Sf Pool Pool oc Springbrook Cercle 8601 W Pool Pool oc Pool Pool oc Pool Pool oc 2325W Btiar Pool Pool oc 6362 S r3th Sr Pool Pool oc Pool Pool oc Pool Pool oc Pool Pool oc Pool Pool oc Pool oc Comfort Suites 839 W Puetz Pool Rd 6362 S l3rh Sr Poôl Pool oc Comfort Suites 6363 S 't3th St Pool Pool oc Comfort Suites 6364 S 13rh St Pool Pool oc Spr¡ngbrook Cercle 8600 Springbrook Blvd Pool Pool oc Springbrook Cercle 8601 Pool Pool oc Pool oc Pool oc Pool OC; Sprinbrook Riverwood Arms Estates LLC Woodcreek Apartments Blvd 535 W Riverwood Dr 8709 S Woodcreek Dr Oak Shores Apartments Lake Way Comfort Suites 340 E Puetz Oak Creek Senior High Rd School Country Oaks Apartments 8747 S Country Dr Country Oaks Apartments 8748 S Country Dr 6460 S 13th Sr Fairfield lnn & Suites Hunters Run Springbrook Blvd Tmber Ridge Apartments 6935 S Timþer Pool Ridge Ln Apartment Homes of Wldwood Preserve LLC Ianglewood Apartments Pool 7926 S Wildwood Dr 9200 S Meyer Pool $222.O0 .dii1È $2ffi1 $278-00 $278 00 s278.00 s278-00 s278.00 $278.00 $278.00 w.*' $278.00 $278.00 $278. Ln 6of14 Facility Name Facility Street Type Address Woodcreek Apartments Billling Type City 8709 S Pool Woodcreek Dr Pool tJÇ Comfort Suites 6362 S 13th St Pooì Pool oc Camelot Trails Condo 7300 s Pool Pool PÔol PÕoI Ddaine Dr 1400 Southfield w EHC oic EHC2 s222.O0 $278.00 s278.00 $278.00 $222,00 $278-C0 s278.00 $278.00 s22200 $278.0û s278.00 $278.00 9222.00 $278.001 s278.00 Ss:-i i.aQ s.i,lÛ OC Southlield I I Blvd W Chil)?-i:.i-r* ¡rï i:.¡'e){el ]-ûw* 1¡û S{Ìi;;t:e Auíc¡one 1 9*7 ilûnìlr:êrii'{' 311 Ë i)riËii lii:i in,tal;e:r ¡ccd $*i{Í+ R{l :0 Fa,:lri i:'t iJ fvi¿¡:x #1 143 $2/8.00 ß*;i.::;r':rirl i.ûrrn ¡.:ìqiiêl€ \¡Jî;'i Ë EHC 3 i ln¡ler itc,:i,litig sã7ì S H*r¡el1 r,tte:j(/: ,l.rJr i: ¡,¡*.:*.'l A!,* :Ji i,Jlil tuf ùt S531 Ûi-) 2ij i'j,: îrxd Sale: 25 iì* F¡-{F $:ì{i$ 0i) 5:ìi:i8.{:(i $1t¡.(){r s?Ès ùû $;.:{)¡ì {i{) â1{17 {ìi) Õve¡ OC PrÕcss-rìflì.; s : $ T.0{) #ffi OAK CRE€K TOTÁ.T5 $85,887.00 ffi ffi SOUTH MILWAUKEÊ Facility Name Facility Street Type Address Ace Hardlvare 1009 Marouetti Exempt Advance Auto Parts RetailiFood 2929 S Chicao Exempt Retail/Food RetaillNot Ard' *Ð9 Aurora Pharmacv #1a14 B.J. Liquor Store chicaoo Avenue Liouor Engaged in Food 3105 S Chicaq Processing Retail/Food 2414'1Oth Ave Exempt RetaìliNot Engaged in Food 2411 sth Ave Processìnq Retail/Food 309 N Chicaqo Exempt ReiaillSi¡alJ Dåirv Qüeên 13û1 þl Çhi(a{r Retail/Not Engaged in Food Dollar General Store #647; 1 131 Mârouett, Processinq Retail/Food Dollar Tree Store #3686 3107 S Chicao Exempt Retail/Small Dunk¡n Donuts 3103 South Ch PHF Elliav / 76th Station G&KLiouorMart JC's Produce King's Row Liquor 1700 Rawson 1 508 Rawson I Retail/Not Engaged in Food Processinq I Retail/Not Engaged in Food Processinq Retall/Not Engaged in Food 1232 Milwauke Processinq Retail/Not Engaged in Food Processing 1202 Billling Type Food Sales No Processinq Food Sales No Processing Food Sales No Processing C¡ty EHC o/c EHC 2 EHC 3 SM $107.00 $268.00 s268.00 $107.00 SM s107 00 $268.00 s268.00 $107.00 SM |tlffi $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 Food Sales No SM $107.00 $268.00 s268.00 $107.00 Processing Food Sales No Processino F¡¡d Sales 25- SM $2220A $268.00 s268.00 $107.00 SM $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 [4illior s$.,1 S.*ñ:l.rlLt $37,{.00 SM s222.OO $268.00 $268.00 SM s222.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 SM $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 Processinq SM $107.00 s268.00 $268.00 $107.00 Food Sales No Processinq SM $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 SM $107.00 $268.00 s268.00 SM $1 07 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 Processinq Food Sales No Pl-ìFr- $482 tû $-{¿12 {-10 Food Sales No Processinq Food Sales No Processinq Food Sales 25Million PHF $ 107.00 Food Sales No Food Sales No Processinq $ 107.00 Food Sales No Processing Facility Name Facility Street Type Address Billling Type City o/c EHC EHC 2 EHC 3 Retail/Not Engaged in Marouette Liquor Food 1123 Marquetl Processinq MKE Citv Sippers RetailA/ery 911 M¡lwaukee Small PHF P¡ck 'n Save #6877 2931 S Ch¡caq PHF Pink Bunnv Games Retail/Food 1204 Minnesot Exempt Retail/Large Food Sales No Processinq Food Sales Under 25 PHF SM $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 s toT_00 SM $107.00 $2S7.00 Food Sales Over Million PHF SM Food Sales No Processinq SM s297.00 s190.00 ####### $698.00 ###### ###### $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 SM $107.00 $268.00 s268.00 SM $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 SM $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 SM $222.00 $268.00 s268.00 SM ##ffi## SM $214.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 SM $482.00 $338.00 $482.00 s482.00 Food Sales No Processinq SM $107.00 s268.00 $268.00 $107.00 Operator SM $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Operator Operator SM SM $0.00 $35.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35.00 s3s.00 RetâiUNot Engaged in Rasleen Food Mart Food 3403 S Chicao Processinq Retail/Small Speedwav #2080 Soeedwav #4'127 2301 10th Ave PHF Retail/Small 3102 S Ch¡cao PHF Retail/Not Engaged in Waloreens #03732 Food 2985 S Chicao Processinq Wal-Mart #5667 222N Chicaoo PHF Wild Flour Bakerv Retail/Food 1205 Milwauke Exempt Retail/Small You PumÞ 1715 1Oth Aver PHF Retail/Large Food Sales No Processinq Food Sales 25Million PHF Food Sales 25Million PHF $107.00 Food Sales No Processinq Food Sales Over Million PHF Food Sales No Processino Food Sales 25Million PHF $698.00 $107.00 ##### ###### Retail/Not Engaged in Food 822 Milwaukee Processinq Taven Presoâ Soort Café. LLC 1213 N Chicaq Exempt Taven 213 N Chicaqo Exemot Soorts Café. LLC Grobschmidt Senior Cente 2424 15lh Ave MSP M & D Eastside $0.00 Mob¡le Real Doqos American Leqion Post 27 Bottoms Up South 800 Milwaukee Service 920 Monroe A\ Restaurant 500 Madison A Restaurant Preoackaqed Prepackaqed Prepackaqed SM SM SM $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $246.00 s246.00 $188.00 s246.00 $246.00 s't88.00 $246.00 $246.00 s't88.00 Jack's of all Trades 2616 Sth Ave 929 Madison A 912 Milwaukee 1815 1oth Ave Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant 1400 Missouri Restaurant 1200 Madison, Restâurant Prepackaqed Prepackaged Prepackaged Preoackaoed PreDackaoed Prepackaged SM SM SM SM SM SM s188.00 s't88.00 $188.00 $188.00 s188.00 s188.00 s246.00 s246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 Preoackaoed SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM $188.00 $309.00 $309.00 $309.00 $309.00 s309.00 $309.00 $309.00 $309.00 $309.00 $309.00 $309.00 $531.00 $531.00 s531.ù0 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $246.00 $371.00 $371.00 s371.00 s371.00 s371.00 s371.00 $246.00 $'t88.00 $37r.00 $371.00 s371.00 s37't.00 s371.00 $371.0Õ s371.00 $371.00 $371.00 s371.00 $371.00 s371.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 $371.00 s371.OO s37't.00 s531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 s531.0û $531"0û $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 Kasoer's Moran's Pub Power's on 10th Snarlev's South Milwaukee Arcarde 1009 Milwauke W¡ld Card 1600 Monroe Bio Chill. The Buck & Chervl's Bar & Grill 1435 Rawson I 1û0 Ë: þlawthôr Ferch's Beachside, L.LC 1709 Rawson I Golden Lion 1401 Rawson I Gracies on 14th 2703 S Chicaor H¡ckory lnn Little Caesars #318 3109 S Chicao, Salvâtores 1919 12th Ave Subwav 222 N Chicaqo 1131 Marquettr Subwav No. 29782 2971 S Chicaq, Toooers Pizza 102'l M¡lwauke Barbiere's ltal¡an lnn 1902 17th Ave Brew Town 24û N ChicäçÖ Burqer Kinq Charfie's Caterinq & Co 1015 Michiqan 2965 S Chicaq, Cousin's Subs 1215 N Ch¡cas Deranoo's Pizzeria ¡ Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Reslaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Reslaurant T.ffi Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simple Simole ìimDle Simple Simple Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate SM SM SM SM SM I $37r.00 s371.00 $371,00 $371.00 $371.00 $409.00 s409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $'t88.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 Facility Street Type Address Facility Name 1645 Rawson I Reslaurant 800 Milwaukee Restaurant 242 Hawthome Reslaurant 211 N Chicaqo Restaurant 101 N Chicaso Reslaurant 2715 S Chicaq, Restaurant McDonald's Restaurant Paisano's ltalian Restaurar 1 13 N Chicaqo Restaurant 1804 15th Ave Rêslaurant Pat's Oak Manor 124 N Chicaqo Restaurant Pizza Hut 2901 S Chicaq, Restaurant San Fonq 2301 12th Ave Reslaurant Slìck Willv's Bar & Grill 922 Milwaukee Restaurant Sp¡rits 2418 1oth Aver Restaurant Sunrise Restaurant, Inc112 N Chicaqo Restaurant Taco Bell #30418 -:.f.p l:lü1 ll1:ì!,r¿i.!íe lìesliiu iiìrÌl Êrì3?1-ì l¡Kh. Azteca Mexican & America 901 Milwaukee 1224 M¡lwauke Restaurant China Chef Gravce Foods 2800 gth Avenr Restaurant Herilaoe Café 1100 Milwauke Restaurant Kniohts of Columbus 732 BadaerAv Reslaurant Blakewood Elementarv 3501 Blakeri/oc DPI School Divine Mercv Colleoe Ave 695 Colle{e Av DPI Sçhool 718 Ha'.rlh{)me DPI Schoo{ E. W. Luther 711 MariÕn Av{ DPI School Lakeview Elementarv Emerald C¡tv Cater¡no Muskie's Gourmet House Grant Park Golf Course Griddlers Cafe Kentucky Fried Chicken So Milwaukee Hiqh School So M¡lwaukee Middle Scho Z¡on Evanõelical Lutheran Grobschmidt Pool So Milwaukee Middlê Scho Souih Towne Villaqe Aots, South Toìrne V¡llaqe Apts. W¡l-O-Wav Grant Park P $222.00 $207.00 $207.00 s278.00 $278.00 s278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $531.00 s531.00 s278.00 s278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 s744.00 $531.00 s531 00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $170.00 EHC s531_00 Sl'"1 $744.00 $744.00 $744.00 Moderate SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM $744.00 $531.00 $531.00 s222.A0 Comptex ComÞlex compléx Complel Moderate Mode¡ate Mocierâte sflt -f íjÐrecheds ReslailIãrl & Ilcxieräls SM s744,OA s744.00 s531.00 9531.00 s531,00 $531.00 3 $531^00 $531.00 $531.00 $53'1,00 $531.00 s53'1.00 $531.00 $531 00 $531.00 $53'f .00 $531.00 $409 00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531,00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $53'1.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531-00 $409.00 $531,00 $531.00 $.iil1.tì0 $5ri1 ì3 s500.00 $744.00 $744.00 $s00.00 s744.00 s744.00 s500.00 $744,00 $744.00 $50û.t0 s744,00 s744.00 44.00 $744.00 $207.00 s531.00 $531.00 $207.00 $531.00 $531.00 $207.00 $531.00 $531.00 $207.00 $531.00 $531.00 Pool Pool SM SM SM SM SM SM Temporary SM $133.00 $'170.00 $'170.00 Temporarv SM $133.00 $170.00 $170.00 $170.00 Temporary SM $133.00 $170.00 $170.00 $170,00 Temporary SM $67.00 Temoorarv SM Temporarv 'I )ool Temporary 8th and Milwtu Restaurant Cous¡ns Subs Temporary Evenino on the Reslaurant Deranqo's Pizzeria Temporary Evenino on the Restaurant Emerald C¡ty Catering Temporary Divine MercV Retail Lake Ënterprises Temporary 16th & Rawson Restaurant Noveltvs & More Food Temporary Rockv Rococo Pizza & Pa: 1sth & Rawson Restaurant $319 00 $744.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 SM SM Moderate Moderate : $531.00 St!4 ComÞlex Pool $531.00 s531.00 $531.00 $s31.00 $531.00 $531,00 $531.00 $531,00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 LPI Schrol DFI School Pool s409 00 s409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM DPI School 555 Soüth TÒw tHc Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate 1001 15th Ave 3600 S Ohicao, 2500 16th Ave 1001 15th Ave 333 South Tow 207 Lake DÍ EHC 2 City 8ûj 1sth Ave Pôol Pool Pool::, olc BilllSng Type $222.AA s222.AA $222.AA $70.00 $70.00 s133.00 $170.00 $170.00 $170.00 SM $133.00 $170.00 $170.00 $170-00 er¡prrâr'T q [,ll 913ã.0û g17Cr Temporarv SM $70.00 åmpr:lråry ßrant. Sheridar Restau.årî ûû 51 70 ûû s17iÌ üt Temporary Susies Sweet ShoD 16th & Rawson Retail $67.00 W SOUTH MILWAUK:ETOTAIS s70.00 s3,t -305_00 $70_00 tffi $70.00 #W CUDAHY Facility Name Auto Zone #1957 Facility Street Type Address Retail/Food 5656 S Packar ExemDt Rêtai,lvery Charlie's [J¡scount l ôbåüc( 614:l S Påckâr Small Pl{F ()!)uu ù r¡1uÁd¡ ¡-dr !rç ^Etdti Retail/Not Engaged in Food Cudahv's Suoermarket CVS Pharmacy #8772 Billling Type otc EHC 2 ECH 3 City EHC CUD $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 CUi) $107.00 $2ô8.0r s268.Õ0 s 1û7.û0 CUD $222.O0 s268.00 s268.00 $107.00 CUD 9222.O0 $268.00 $268.00 s107.00 Food Sales No Processino Food Sales Under 25 PþlF Food Sales No 4766 S Packar Process¡nq Retail/Not Engaged in Processinq Food 5740 S Packar Processinq Z+UU E VUIIEqt Food Sales No Processinq ^9tdI/Ldtgç 9oÍ74 Facility Street Facil¡ty Name Address Billling Type Type o/c EHC 2 EHC 3 City EHC CUD $222,00 $268.00 s268.00 CUD $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 CUD $482.00 $338.00 $482.00 $338.00 CUD $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 CUD $444.00 s268.00 $444.00 s107.00 Processin{¡ Food Sales No CUD $222.ûû s268.00 s2õ8.00 $107.00 Processinq CUD $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 CUD $107.00 s268.00 $268.00 s107.00 CUD $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 Retail/Not Engaged in Family Dollar #3307 Food 5656 S Packar Processinq RetaiUNot Engaged $107.00 Food Sales No 62725 Packal Processino Retail/Small Granoe Food Mart 2916 E Granoe PHF Jo Ann Fabrics #862 Reta¡l/Food 5656 S Packar Exemot nÞtdrvLdr Processinq ¡n Food Gradv's Citoo Food Sales No gE Processino Food Sales 25Million PHF Food Sales No Processinq Retail/Not Engaged ¡n Food 6077 S Packar Processinq Retaii/Not K-Mart #4395 Hngâged ¡n Food 2415 E Layton Processino Låvton ¡Iart Retail/Food 5900 S Lake D Exempt Retail/Not Engaged in Lori's Gifts #321 Merchandise Outlet Food 5656 S Packar Processinq Food Sales No Processinq Food Sales No Food Sales No Processinq Retail/Not Engaged in Food Mobil 6275 S Packar Processino Pick & Save #6873 5851 S Packar PHF RetaiUFood 4800 S Lake D Exempt Retail/Large Sheridan Snack Shoo Soeedwav #201 I Retail/Small 4944 S Packar PHF Retail/Small Soeedwav #4128 6265 S Pennsl PHF Food Sales No Processinq Food Sales Over CI.JD Million PHF Food Sales No CUD Processing Food Sales 25Million PHF CUD Food Sales 25Million PHF CUD W s698.00 t+ttt#ft#fi ##ffi $107.00 s268.00 $268.00 $107.00 $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 CUD s107.00 s268.00 $268.00 $'t07.00 CUD $107.00 s268.00 $268.00 $107.00 PHF Food Sales 25M¡I|ion PHF Food Sales No CUD $107.00 $297.00 $297.00 s190.00 CUD $482.00 $338.00 s482.00 $338.00 Processinq Food Sales Processing Food Sales Processino Food Sales Processinq Food Sales Processinq Food Sales Processinq CUD s222.OO s268.00 s268.00 $107.00 CUD s107.00 $268.00 s268.00 s107.00 CUD $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 CUD $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 CUD $107.00 $268.00 s268.00 s107.00 CtJD $107.00 s268.00 s268.00 $'t07.00 ODerator CUD $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Operator CUÐ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 operator CUD s0_00 so.00 s0.00 $0.00 Retail/Not Engaged in Sunrise Citoo Food 4570 S Kinnick Processinq Suoer Video ll Retail/Food 5049 S Penns! Exempt Sweet Treats RetailA,/ery Small Non 3775 E Cudahr PHF Retail/Small 3201 E Lavton PHF Retail/Food Waloreens #09839 6241 S Packar, Exempt Retail/Food Club Baodad 3776 E Lavton Exempt Retail/Food Cudahv Soortsmen's Club 5350 S Sherid¿ Exempt Retail/Food 3557 E Souire Exemot KCD'S Retail/Food 4883 S Packan Exempt Reoqie & Gerrv's Retail/Food Time Outt 4871 S Packa¡ Exempt Tavern Brothers Soorts Bar 5142 S Packa¡ Exempt Tavern 3450 E Lavton Exempt Gasthaus Tavem 3770 S Penns! Exempt Walqreens #09066 Food Sales No Processing Food Sales No Processino Food Sales Under 25 Non No No No No No 10 of 14 Facility Streot Type Address Facility Name o/c Billling Type City EHC Exempt MSP Operator Operator CUD CUD $0.00 s35 00 R€stâ'Jr'aìrìl lr.eDagli¿Ìcêli Prepackaged Prepacl(aqed Prepackaqed iï_ltl { CUD CUD CUD CUD $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 s0.00 s24i; û{) s246.00 s246.00 s246.00 s246.00 s246.00 s246.00 s246.00 :tå.t(l 52t¿.ù* EHC 2 EHC 3 Tavem 3665 E Granoe 6100 S Lake D 53;r,i $ Pñcl,.arr 3460 E Layton 5928 S Packar 3620 E Carpen 5244 S Packar 4767 S Packar 5260 S Packar 5406 S Packar Hall Kellv Senior Center B ¿, B Carner PiJb Club 300 Countrv Club Cudahv Bowlinq Center Flash Backs Gerry's ln Hammer Down JC's Blue Collar Pub lr,1i;rslì¿lì's 3ä¡ Orson's Saloon Saltv Doo. The South Shore lnn ò,r!1 KIC¡. l':;t 5$j32 î l3ä.lial Restaurant Reslaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Resi¡ri: r'lrl 3558 E Barna¡ Restaurant 3479 E Plankin Restaurant 5483 S Lake D Restaurant C¡ty Lounae Layton Gvros The Metal Grill Rollaero -S,..¡bv¡av ì i I ) t r L¡:r¡,\i! ßrriaï 3455 E Lavton 3534 E Lavton 5036 S Packar 5200 S Penns\ 581i-1 $ Paclinr 5400 S Lake Ð 5921 S Packar 5965 S Pãckar 5132 S Packar b Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Warnimont Pk Golf Rest Andrea's Arbv's Roast Beef Bosses Sports Bar & Grill Castillo's Restaurant. lnc 4*{;ii S fack¿r Cudahy nirr(iër -:Õir{ Cudehy's Pan{ar€ ì"iouse 4?í11ì û Påckã¡r 5018 S Fackar Filis Coffee, LLC Jack Norman Cateríno Klasiana Pizza Lâ-La's Place Lakeside Pub & Grill Liqht Palace Pub & Grill The Lodqe McDonalds Papa Luigi's Pizza i:un si 85.f 0 Simple )UD CUD CIJD simÞle Simnle Simple CUD $309.00 $309.00 $309.00 $309.00 \-L'IJ "i'1í1û nn {êstaurant Restauiant Restaurant Sinìple Modèrâte Moderate cun Restaurant Restaurant Moderaie CUD CUD 5309.00 s531 00 s531,00 ss31.00 s531.00 iesii¡',¡:';ì:lì ìlesiiri;: {ìîl Restaurant Rêsteurant Reståurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant ir'l Restau:'aï1 tvloOeratè(iJ r:r CUD CUD ist rì?ial [iíCer¿iû $'188,00 5 18i;. $246_00 $246_00 (l tr $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 5 ì*å,n3 s246.00 $246.00 $1 88,00 s246.00 $246.00 $188.00 s246.00 $246.00 $188.00 *:4ii.ÛÙ 5246,1rü ¡ t¿iir uJ 5371.00 $371.00 $371.00 s371.00 $371.00 $371 .00 $371.00 s371 00 s37 1.00 $371.00 s371.00 $371,00 s37r ü{i i3¡ 1 .lìC s371.0t 6371.00 s371.00 s409 00 s531.00 $531.00 s409.00 5531.00 $531.00 s409.00 $531.00 $531.00 s409.00 $531.00 $531.00 1.,]i 11.3 f .iJ¡ liù.ri ¡ UU ):ft_,:l uu 1¡3't.'1ü ¡53i ût s409.00 s409.00 s409.00 s409.00 s409.00 s409.00 s409.00 s409.00 s409.00 s409.00 s409.00 s409.00 s409.00 $409.00 $500.00 s500.00 s500.00 $531 -00 Moderale CUD Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Complex Complex Complex CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD Complex CUD $744.00 s500.00 $744.00 $744.00 Modêrate CUD $531.00 s409.00 $531.00 $531.00 Moderate CUD $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 s531 .00 Mode¡ate Univers¡ty or Moderate 5252 S Kirkwor School CUD $531.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531,00 CUD s531.00 s409 00 s531.00 Moderale CUD s531.00 s409 00 $531.00 $531,00 Moderate Pool Pool CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD s531.00 s222.00 $222.00 $222.00 $222.00 $222.00 s409.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 s278.00 s278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 S Lake D S Packa¡ E Layton S,Packar 3475 E Låvion 3900 E Pulast(¡ 3431 E Plank¡n 5133S Lake D 5601 S Penns\ 5900 S Lake D Skvline Caterino. lnc. Garden Room 4840 Joe's "K" Ranch Tsino Tao Ch¡nese Restau 5765 Cudahv Hiqh School 4950 Cudahy Middle School 5530 Gen Mitchell Elementary 5950 J E Jones School 5845 Kosciuszko Elem School $'t88.00 It*¡re¡¡1¿O*3 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 s531 00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $744.00 $744.00 s744.00 4671 5Ê80 3800 6163 Samano's Prepackaged CUD CUD CUD S $0.00 s35.00 CUD E Sherídan's CUD CUD CUD s0.00 $35,00 Moderate ¡loderate Moderate Modérate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate 6201 S Pãckar 29'14 E Gmnû€ Pulask¡ lnn aåiil 'repackaqed Prepackaged Preþackaqed PreÞackaged i'rgiragl"r.ace tl 1UÊ :lar $0.00 RÈstaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant S Wh¡tna Restaurant S Packar Restâurant University or S Lake D School UniversÍty or S Barlant Schoo¡ University or S lllinois. School University or S Swift A School CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD CUD $531.00 $531.00 s531.00 s531.00 $531,00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $744 00 $744.00 $744.00 00 $531 -00 $531 _00 $531,0û $531.00 $531.00 $s31.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $53'1 .00 $531 .00 $531.00 $744.00 $744.00 $744.00 s53'1-00 University or Lincoln School 4416 S Packar School University or Parkview Elementary Buckhorn Station Apartmer Cudahv Commons Apts Cudahv Hiqh Schooì Cudahv Middle School Lake Shore Towers Pulaski Park Sher¡dan Sheridan V¡llaqe Homes at Walnut Villaqe Homes at Walnut R R 5555 S 4560 S 277O E 4950 S 5530 S 6260 S 5400 S 4800 S Nichols School Nichlos Pool Edoerfu Pool Lâke D Pool Barlan( Pool Lake D Pool Swift A Pool Lake D Pool 4800 S Lake D Wade 6255 Welnut L Wh¡rloool 6255 Wâlnut L Pool Pool Pool Pool Pool Pool Pool Pool Pool s222.OO s222.OO s222.00 $222.00 $222.00 77 of !4 $531.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 s278.00 $278.00 s278.00 s278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $531.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 s278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 s278.00 Facility Street Type Address Facility Name o/c EHC2 EHC City EHC Tâttoo CUD CUD s184.00 s322.00 $312.00 s312.00 s341.00 s341.00 TemDorarv tun s133 ùô 9170.t0 $170.00 $170.00 e,nÞorarv b IóJ.UU $170.00 $1r0.00 $1r0.0û $67.00 $70.00 s70.0û {7rì nfi s70 s70.0û s70.û0 Billl¡ng Type 3 Lodging 5-30 Lodging 5-30 Rooms Rooms (LH1) Sheridan's 5133 S Lake D (LH1) Distinkt¡ons Tattoos & Bod 5656 S Packar Tattoo ïemporary lJr.¡rqernleìster Ëood Truck Citv¡its Fes Resläurânt 'I'enìporârv Crtv Limils Fes Iì{rslaurânt 0anielle's Deli 'I ïenrporary [ìenev¡r l..akes Ërorluce C¡tv l."inrìts fres Retãil Temporârv Jacob's fJoli Cafê C¡t./ Lirnils Fes Retail 'i 'Ierïporary $3 t 2.00 s341.00 emporâry OtJD $61.û0 Temporary CUD s't 33.00 s170.00 $170.00 s170.00 sr33.00 s17û.00 s 17û.00 $J ¡û.OO $70.00 $70.00 $70.00 alO ïemporary Sweet AÞÞlewc Restaurant Tenrporary Citv Limìts Fes Restâurant Joe's "K" Ranch Paoa Luici's Pizza l emoorarv ïemporary Pulver's Fine Food Sweet Aoolewc Retail ESR48 Temporary Restaurant Temporary Shortline Amusements 1871 Shortline Amusements 187't E SR 48 Retail Temoorary CUD $67.00 Temoorary CUD $133.00 Temporary CUD $67.00 CUDAHY TOTAIS $170.00 $170.00 $170.00 $70.00 $31.682.00 s70.00 ffi s70.00 ffi ST FRANCIS Facility Street Type Address Facility Name Billling Type City EHC o/c EHC2 Retail/Food Advance Auto Parts # 689, 2730 E Layton Exempt Retail/Not Engaged in Food Sales No Food 4045 S Kinnick Processinq Food Sales No ASK Petroleum LLC Aurora Pharmacv #1 050 Retail/Food 2000 E Lavton Exempt Retail/Not Engaged in Food Buddv Squirrel, LLC The Cake Ladv 18Ol E Bolivar Processino Retail/Small 3561 S Kinnick PHF Retail/Ëood 3048 Ë Lavton Ëxempt Retail/Food 4698 S Whitna Exempt Dollar Tree Store #2863 Retail/Food General Nutrition Center # 4698 S Whitna Exempt Retail/Food 3050 E Layton Exemot Greo's True Value Retail/Small 4698 S Whitna PHF Hissho Sushi Retail/Food lzzv's Tao ll- LLC 3783 S. Kinnicl Exempt Retail/Small Jacobs We{l Café 3558 E Sivyer, PHF RetaillFood Lanoefs Hallmark 4698 S Whitna Exempt Retail/Small IBBB E Layton PHF Lavton Fruit Market RetâilSlery Small Non PHF Mv Fantasv Cakes 4550 S Brust Dollar Ë.xoress I Processino Processinq Food Sales No Processinq EHC 3 ST FI s222.OO $268.00 s268.00 ST FI $222.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 ST FI $107.00 s268.00 s268.00 ST FI s214.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 ST FI $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 ST FI $22.2.00 $268.00 s268.00 $107.0Õ s222.OO s268.00 s268.00 $'t 07.00 $107.00 s107.00 Food Sales No Processino Food Sales 25Million PHF Food Sales No Processinq Food Sales No Processinq Food Sales No Processing Food Sales No Processino Food Sales 25Million PHF Food Sales No Processinq Food Sâles 25Million PHF Food Sales No Processino Food Sales 25Million PHF Food Sales Under 25 Non PHF ST FI ST FI s't07.00 s268.00 $268.00 $107.00 ST FI s107.00 s268.00 $268.00 $107.00 ST FI $482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482.00 ST FI $107.00 $268.00 $268.00 s't07.00 ST FI s482.00 $374.00 $482.00 $482-00 ST FI $107.00 $268.00 s268.00 s107.00 ST FI $482.00 $374.00 s482.00 $482.00 ST FI g1Õ7 00 9297 0ô s268,00 s19ô 0û Process¡nq Food Sales 25- ST FI $236.00 $268.00 $268.00 $107.00 Million PHF ST FI $482.00 RetaiUNot Engaged in Food 4267 S Packar Processinq Packard Liquor Retail/Small Paoa Murohv's Take & Ba¡ 4698 S Whitna PHF Food Sales No 72 of 74 ..-*ffi0 $482-00 s485.00 Facility Name Facility Street Type Address Pekar Liquor 3080 E Lavton Exempt Pick & Save #6857 4698 S Whitna PHF Retailfr'ery 280,l E Moraar S¡nali PHF Retail/Food Reta¡l/Large St. Ann center ;iè:n¡i,\e[.¡ l-ir:ì:,ìlì ìì:ìri i r-i'li.:li:r¡ns i:f;kiÌry lrìi: Redbar St Francis Comrnunitv Cen Mar¡an Center for Nonprof¡ Flv Bv Saloon Gordie's Kaz's Pub Kinq Pin's Nino's ll Rail's lnn Depot Bert's Bar SubwaV Box Car lnn Cousins submarines Dairy Queen Dobie's Lounqe fjvËsv T*rû L'ir-¡¡a¡t¡'s Pi:¿a Hardee's Restauranf Howard Villaoe V- LLC Junioer Courl The Landino Redbar - Food SaraÞhino's SuDerior Eou¡þment and Sl rt-å5{1 fi Èr,.;rt I Tavern Exempt Spec¡ál tlrg Special Orq Restaurant Restaurant Reslaurant Réiìai¡rant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant City EHC o/c EHC2 EHC 3 Food Sales No Processing ST FI s107.00 Food Sales Over Million PHF ST FI Fcod Sales Under 25 PHF ST FI #wffi $107.00 $268.00 $107.00 $698.00 w#ffi #ffi s297.t0 s297.00 $190.00 iv{,.lj 3(ìli}':. iJr¡ri¡u 2ii ii.:n ir! Å 2245 E St Fran 3476 E Howar< 3211 S Lake D 4607 5 Whitna 2000 E. Cora 3701 S. lcwa ¡ 4102 s. Kinn¡cl 3672 S Kansas 22228 Sl. Frat 3907 S Lake D 4698 S Vt'hitnal 2227 E St Fnn 3058 E Layton 3040 E Layton 4136 S. Kinnìcl 455i) S ûtr¡¡tri 4241 ,$ Packarr 2450 E Lavton 2500 E Howard 3209 S Lake D 2234 E Layton 2245 E St Fran 3074 E Layton 4550 S Brust A Billling Type C Operator Special Orq Special Oro Prepackag€d Prepackaged Prepackaged Prepackaqed Prepackaged Simple s:l{}i {ììl s2i}i ìrr li ST ST ST ST FI s0.00 $107.00 FI $10r.00 ÊI $'188.00 FI SI'FI $188.00 ST FI ST FI ST FI ST FI ST FI ST FI $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 s188.00 s309.00 $309.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $0.00, iì{} $0.00 :r i Íìii i)i r $0.00 $246.00 $246.00 $24ô.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $371.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 54ùü.üû $246.00 s107.00 $246.00 $107.00 $246.00 $188.00 Ë4il!,r.i)ü $246-00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $246.00 $371.00 $409.00 $531.00 $531.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $188.00 $371.00 $409.00 $531,00 $531.00 $531 00 $531.00 -.:,i'. I / ,1 Restaurant S¡mple Restaurant Restaurant Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Mrxleraie [,ì0deraie Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Add¡tional Prep ST ST ST ST s531.00 FI s531.00 FI $531.00 sï Fl $531.00 ST FI $531.00 ST FI $531.00 ST FI $531.00 s409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $409.00 $ä3r.ûÛ $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 s531.00 Area ST ST FI ComÞlex $145.00 s531.00 $531.00 ST FI $531.00 ST FI $744.00 sï Fl $744.00 ST FI $744.00 ST FI $744.00 s100 00 s409.00 $409.00 s409.00 s500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $145.00 s531.00 $531.00 s531.00 $744.00 $744.00 $744.00 $744.00 $100-00 $531.00 $531.00 $531.00 $744.00 $744.00 $744.00 s744.00 Moderate ST FI $531.00 $409.00 ss31.00 s531.00 Complex Complex ST ST FI FI $744.00 s744.00 s500.00 s744.O0 $744.00 s500.00 $744.00 $744.00 Moderate ST ST ST ST ST ST ST FI s531.00 s222.OO s222.OO s409.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 s278.00 s278.00 s278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $278.00 $531 .00 FI $70.00 s70.00 Restaurant Restaurant ROSt,:rlr'iìrì1 R€stãu r'iût Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Suoerior Equ¡pment and Sr 4550S BrustA Restâurant Swavz Mexican Restâuran' 4048 S Packarr Restaurant 2300 E Lavton Restaurant WnqstoÞ 1404 E Bolivar Restaurant Wxon 4698 S. WhitnÉ Restaurant Banokok House Fortvtwo Ale House 3807 S Packa¡ Restaurant 4016 Packard r Restaurânt Polonez Restaurant St. Francis Brewerv and Rr 3825 S Kinnick Restaurant University or 3680 S Kinnick School Deer Creek Elementary University or 4225 S Lake D School St Francis Hiqh School Thomas More Hiqh School 2601 E Moroâr Restaurant University or 2600 E Bolivar School Willow Glen Elementary Archb¡shoo Cousins Catho 3501 S Lake D Pool Aurora Rehabilitation Cent, 2000 E Lavton Pool Deer Creek Elementarv R€ 3680 S Kinnick Pool 4235 S Lipton r Pool Greene Milwaukee Bucks (Cold olt 3501 S Lake D Pool Milwaukee Bucks (Hot tub) 3501 S Lake D Pool 4561 S Wh¡tna Pool Ridqeview Aoartments 2801 E Moroar Pool St. Ann Center 2801 E Moroar Whirlpool St. Ann Center The Manor Apartments LLt 4100 S Lake D Pool The Månor Aoartments LLI 4100 S Lake D WhirlÞool The Manor Aoartments LLI 4100 S Lake D Whirlpool Temporary/R St. Francis Da\ etail Babes lce Cream TemporarylR The Landino Food & Spiritt S1. Francis Da\ estaurant Temporary/R St. Francis Brewerv Sl. 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Background: Assembly BillAB750 has been introduced to the Wisconsin Assembly for consideration in the current legislative session. The Bill would eliminate personal property tax effective January 1,2020, phasing the tax out between now and then. Beginning in 2016, exempt computer aids to local municipalities would also be eliminated. As of January 1,2015, The City of Oak Creek has $108,731,900 of taxable personal property, which would generate $2,492,548 in tax revenues and amounts to 3.6% of the City's total assessed property tax base. Removal of this tax base would effectively increase taxes to the remaining tax payers without any change in services provided. 48750 would reduce the amount of personal property subject to tax, eliminating the tax entirely as of January 1, 2020. 48750 also repeals Wl Stat 79.095 effective January 1, 2016, the Exempt Computer Aids provided to local municipalities. The 2016 Oak Creek Budget anticipated $101,535 of Exempt Computer Aids. The 2016 Budget also anticipated $57,747 of Exempt ComputerAids in TID's 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Adoption of 48750 would eliminate $2,550,295 of resources to the General Fund and TID's 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Current Wl Levy Limits restrict the amount that tax levies can increase to new growth in the City. Removal of the Exempt Computer Aid and personal property tax would remove $2,550,295 of resources to the City. 48750 makes no provision to modify levy limits to account for this resource reduction. The City would be forced to reduce services as a result of this resource reduction. By way of reference, new Oak Creek construction growth provided for a levy increase of just $237,365 in 2015. Fiscal lmpact: None by this action, however, the potential loss of revenues to the City based upon potential action of the State Legislature is $2,550,295. Prepared and submitted by: Reviewed by: Gerald R. Peterson, ICMA-CM City Administrator Barbara Guckenberger, City Treasurer Fiscal Reviewed by Bridget Finance Director / ler RESOLUTTON NO. 1 1682-021 516 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING WISCONSIN ASSEMBLY BILL 750 REPEALING OF PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX AND ELIMINATING EXEMPT COMPUTER AIDS BY: WHEREAS, local governments in the State of Wisconsin in recent times have been required by the State of Wisconsin to provide services necessary for their residents under "levy limits" and the like, having to annually budget for services in their communities, attempting to value and cost and pick and choose those necessary services to be provided under the ceiling created by 'levy limits' and other State mandates, while at the same time balancing the public hearing input and what the residents of the community who have made that community their home and who elected those in their home community responsible want their hard earned and then paid tax dollars to provide; and WHEREAS, the Common Council having reviewed the proposed Assembly Bill 750 pending before the State of Wisconsin Legislature, which essentially eliminates property tax on personal property in 2020; and WHEREAS, the City of Oak Creek has a property tax base that includes 3.6 percent Personal Property as ofJanuary 1,2015; and WHEREAS, such reduction in the property tax base results in a tax increase to the property tax payers approximately equal to the reduction in the tax base without any change in services provided; and WHEREAS, elimination of the personal property tax on businesses will result in even more of the property tax burden shifting to residential homeowners, who, on average already pay 70o/o of the statewide property tax levy; and WHEREAS, fully exempting all personal property from the property tax will likely result in a reduction in the incremental levy for tax incremental finance districts; and WHEREAS, the same b¡ll 48750 eliminates the Exempt Computer Aid in 2016, which amounts to $57,747 and provides for no relief from levy limits for such reductions in resources to the City of Oak Creek 2016 Budget; and WHEREAS, such elimination of State Aids further restricts City of Oak Creek resources to provide the services the Citizens so richly deserve etfectively reducing the services available to Citizens of Oak Creek because levy limits would not be adjusted for such State Aid reductions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Oak Creek, Wisconsin, that the Common Council hereby declares its opposition to Assembly Bill 750, as is necessary to protect and promote the health, safety and welfare of the City of Oak Creek, and the freedom of the Citizens of the City of Oak Creek to determine their own public needs and goals. BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cíty Clerk is hereby directed to send a certified copy of this Resolution to Representative David Craig, Representative Jessie Rodriguez, and Representative Ken Skowronski. lntroduced at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Oak Creek on this Passed and adopted on this _day of _day _,2016. Kenneth A. Gehl, Council President Attest: Stephen Scaffidi, Mayor Catherine A. Roeske, City Clerk Vote: Ayes Noes of _,2016. ú ffiixtrinnin fitute 2OL6 2016 LEGISLATURE - LRB-1183/1 JK:\if 2OL6 ASSEMBLY BTLL 760 20,20t6- Introduced,by Representatives Krnq Jancnow, cnarc, Jacqun, January -- SAúrimrO,IVIACCo, GeNNbÑ, KerSUe, KnnUrnn, TÌttt,IÍ,mrmC-n, HORLACHER, Hattto*, Swe¡m¡aex, QurÑx and STOWnoNSKI' cospo-nsor"d Ly.Senators Itootsr;", TIF;ANï, Ñess, Lasnn, Hensoonn and Vurrr¡rn' Referued to Committee on WaYs and Means. 1 z A 4 AN ACT' to repeø120.885 (1) (e), ?9.096, 121-.06 (4) and 1-21.90 (2) (am) Z.;to (4) (a), 174.06 (5), ømend, ?0.11 (89), ?0.1? (1), ?3.06 (3), 121.004 (6), L?L'Lï L74.065 (B), 1?4.08 (1), 1-98.10 (1) and 200.13 (2); and to crea,te 70.135 of the statutes; relatlng to: eliminating the personal proporty tax' Anølysís by the Legùsløtiae Referenee Bureau This bill eliminates the property tax on personal property beginning in2020. based The bill also eliminates, in 20i6, [t rt*tr aid payments to tatringjurísdictions " from the on the value of .o*pntã"s and computer-related equipment that are exempt jurisdictions. personal property lax and ühat arè located in the taxing Under the bill, personal property placed in service on or after JanuarY 1, 2016' January is not ilbject to the properry ú".-Personal n¡onerly placed in seruice before of the value depreciated i âOfO, iä subject tã tËe property tax based oà the actual property" ' " Bógtnning with the assessments as of January L,2020, no personal propert-y is assessed as subject îo the"propetty t*. Under the bill, real proporty that was property and roal på"åo"rf p"op"rty örioíto Jrnu.ty L,2020,wii1!e- assessed as real would have boen assessed ñi"pãtty pf"ä¿ i"i"*i." on or "fl"riutr,ta' L,2020,thatas real property' ãr li."*o*f property prior to that date will be assessed m1V b9 Becauge this bitt relates to an exemption from state or local taxes,-it to be printed referred. to the J"i"t Su*"y Committer otiT* Exemptions for a report as an appendix to the bill. -2- - 2016 Legislature ASSEMBLY BILL 7õO 2AL6 LRB-t_183/1" JK:\if For further information see the støte ønd' lncøl fîscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill. The peopte of the state of Wíeconsín, represented, ín senøte a'nd, øssembly, do enqet øs follows: 1' 20.835 (1) (e) of the statutes is repealed' 1 SncrroN 2 s¡crroN 2. 3 70.11 (Bg) Corr¡purnRs. TO,LL (39) of the statutes is amended to read: If the o\ryner of the property fulfills the requiremonts s. ?0.35, mainframe computers, minicomputers, personal computers, 4 b networked personal computers, servers, terminals, monitors, disk drives, electronic 6 peripheral equipment, tape drives, printers, basic operational programs, systems 7 software, and prewritten software. The exemption under this subsection does not I I apply to custom software, fax machines, copiers, equipment with embedded computerized components or telephone systems, including equipment that is used 10 (3). Se*+h+p$rpeeeÊ to provide telecommunications services, as defined in s. 76.80 11 L2 t'o read: 13 Sncrro¡ S, ?0.13õ of the süatutes is created L4 20.1¡lõ Personal property tax; sunset. (1) Personal property placed in 15 eervice on or after Janu ary 16 this chapter. L'I (2) L,20!6,is not subject to the property tax imposed under Subject to the exemptíons ss. ?0.11 and 70.111, personal property 18 placed in service before January.l ,20h6,is subject to the prgperty tax imposed under 19 this chapter based on the property's depreciated value as reported under s. 70.3õ or 20 as detormined by the department of revenue. (8) Beginning with the assessments .L LRB-1183/1 -3- - 20L6 Legislature ASSPMBLY BILL 750 20L5 JK:kjf Spcrrox 3 as of January 1, 2020, no personal property 2 property is subject to the property tax imposed under this chapter, except that real 3 that was assessed as personal property prior to January t,2020, and real property 4 that is placed in service on or after Januaïv 1, 2020, that would have been assessed 5 property' as personâ1property prior to January L,2020, shall be assessed as real 6 SncrroN 7 70.t7 I I the 4, 70.!7 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: (1) Real property shall be entered in the name assessor, otherwise to the occupant, thereof if of the owner' if known to ascertainable, and otherwise without any name. The person hotding the contract or certificate of sale of any real 10 property contracted to be sold by the state, but not conveyed, shatt be deemed the 11 owner for such purpose. The undivided real estate of any deceased person may be t2 enterod to the heirs of such person without designating them by name' The real 13 estate of an incorporated. company shall be entered in the same manner as that of an T4 individual. Improvements on leased lands maninctu¿ing att per 15 shall be assessed €ith€r as real property 16 not subject to liens for anv unpaid taxes on tbe improvements. 6. ?9.06 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: L7 Snctrorq 18 ?8.06 (B) The departmenü of revenue, through its supervisors of equalization, 19 shall examine and. tesü the work of asgessors duringthe progress of their assesgments 20 or and ascertain whether any of them is assossing property at other than full value 2l is omitting property eubject to taxation from the 22 supervisors shall have the rights and powers of a local assessor for the examination 28 of persons. an¿ property and. for the rliscovery of property subject to tar¡ation. 24 property has been omÍtted or not assessed accordingto law, they shallbringthe same 25 to úhe attention ofthe local assessor ofthe proper district and ifsuch local assessor roll. The department and such If any 201õ - -4- 201-6 Legislature LRB-1183/1 JK:kif SncrroN 6 ASSEMBLY BILL 760 1 z B 4 õ 6 ? I 9 10 11 Lz 18 L4 16 16 L7 1g shall neglect or refuse to correct the assessment they shan report the fact to the board of review. If it discovers errors in identifyins or valuing property that' is exempt under s. ?0.11 (Bg) or (Bgm), the department shall change the specificatíon of the property as taxable or exempt and shall change the value of the property. All disputes between the department, municipalities and property o!\¡ners about the taxabilþ or value of property that is exempt under s. 70.11 (89) Or (8gmì or of the property under s. 70.995 (12r) shall be resolved by using the procedures under s. 70.99õ (8)' Sncrro¡r G. ?9.096 of the statutes is repealed. '$f'rz'C 4'O sncrro¡ 7. - Q**¡u'feÅ 121.004 (6) of the statutes is amended to read: LZL.A04(6) Nm cosr. The "net cosf,'of a fund means the gross cost of that fund minus all nonduplicative revenues and other financing sources of that fund except property taxes¡ and general aid, and subsection, ' In this ei ,,nonduplícative revenues" includes federal {inancial assistance under 20 USC 236 to Z46,to the extent permitted under federal law and regulations. SncrroN 8. 121.06 (4) of the statutes is repealed' Snctrorq g. LZI.L6 (a) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: LZL,L6(a) (a) In this subsection, "state aid" has the meaning given in s' 121.90 le 12¡ srcrroN 10. 121.90 (2) (am) 2. of th¡e statutes is repealed. 2A ' sncrroN t|^. L74.06(õ) of the statutes is amended to read: 2ï L74.06(õ) Rnconos. Thelisùingoffïcialshallenter@ 22 23@inaseparaterecord¡alldogsinthedistrictsubjecttotax, 24 to whom they are assessed, the name, number, sex, spayed or unspayed' neutered or LRB-1L83/1 -b- - 2016 Legislature ASSSMBLY BILL 750 2015 JK:$f SncrroN 11 1 unneutered., breed. and color of each dog. The listing official shall make in triplicate 2 a list of the owners of all dogs assessed. 3 spcrroN 12. 1?4.065 (8) of the statutes is amended to read: 4 1?4.066 (B) Cor,r,ncrroN oF DELTNQUENT Doc LICENSE TAXES. Delinquent dog 5 license taxes may be collected in the same manner as proyided folsmall clAims 6 %,55-+nd ch. 7 SpcrroN 8 124.08 799 t8. (l) in€' ' t74.08 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: Except as provided in sub. (2), every collecting official shall pay all I dog license taxes to the town, village, or ciùy treasurer or other tax collecting officer 10 who shall d.educt any additional tax that may have been levied by the municipal 11 governingbody and pay the remainder to the county treasurer at the time settlement t2 is made with the county treasurer for collections ofpe*enel property taxes, and shall 1g at the same time report in writing to the county clerk the licenses Íssued. The report L4 shall be ín the form prescribed by the department, and the forms shall be furnished 15 by the county clerks. 16 Snctron 14. 198.10 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: L7 1gg.10 (1) T¡x¡sln pRopERTy, ,rÆrcs. All real properby situated in and+ll 18 e*V+axetíon-i€-in 19 the dÍstrict shall be subject to taxation in and by the district for a direct annual tax 20 sufficient to pay the interest on any indebtedness of the district, and to pay and 2L discharge the princþal of the indebtedness 22 contracting the indebtednees. 2,3 24 25 . within 20 years from the time of SrcrroN 15. 200.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read 200,13 (2) Trxmw. The commission may levy a tax upon ühe ta:rable property in the distriet as equalized by the department of revenue for staüe purposes for the 20L5 - 2016 Legislature LRB-1188/1 -6- JK:kjf Snctrotl L5 ASSEMBLY BTLL 750 1 purpose of carrying out and performing duties under this subchapter but the amount 2 of any such tax in excess of that required for maintenance and operation and for 3 principal and interest on bonds or promissory notes shall not exceed, in any 4 one 5 70.57. The tax levy may be spread upon the respective 6 property tax rolls of the city, vítlage and town areas included in the district taxes, and 7 shall not be included within any limitation on county or municipality taxes. Such 8 moneys when collected shall be paid to the treasurer of such district' I mill for each dollar of the district's equalized valuation, one year' as determined under s. @ Sncrrox 16. Initial applicability. 10 (1) This act first applies to the property tax assessments as of JanuaV 1, 2016. 11 Sncrrox L2 (1) This act takes effect on January 1, 2016. 13 I"7. Effective date. (DND) C¡ty of Oak Creek Common Council Report Meeting Date: February 15,2016 Item No.: I Recommendation: That the Common Council adopt Resolution No. 11681021516., a Resolution Amending Resolution No. 11679-020216, a Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 11515-072114 and Restating Public Depositories for the City of Oak Creek. Background: Resolution No. 11679-020216 was adopted by the last Common Council at its last meeting. After that meeting it was noticed that, inadvertently, the resolution numbers within the body of the resolution had not been changed since the prior year. The resolution has been amended and brought before you for review and approval. No other changes have been made. Fiscal lmpact None. Respectfully submitted, Prepared by: Bridget M. Finance Director/Co r Gerald Peterson, ICMA-CM City Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 1 1681-021516 BY: A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 11515-072114 AND RESTATING PUBLIC DEPOSITORIES FOR THE CITY OF OAK CREEK WHEREAS, the Common Council adopted Resolution No. 1 1679-020216 rescinding Resolution No. 1 1 515-072114 and restating public depositories for the City of Oak Creek; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 11679-020216 inadvertently referenced the incorrect Resolution number to be rescinded in the body of the Resolution; and WHEREAS, Chapter 34, Wis. Stats. establishes the conditions and qualifications for public depositories, including financial institutions that act as investment and intermediary agencies for municipalities; and WHEREAS , S.62.12(7), Wis. Stats. provides for the designation by the Common Council of the City of Oak Creek of public depositories in which City funds shall be deposited; and WHEREAS, the City previously adopted Resolution No, 11515-072114, which identified the financial institutions that are designated as public depositories for the City of Oak Creek; and is updated to add a financial institute for investment options, Ehlers lnvestment Partners; and WHEREAS, financial institution, MBIA Wisconsin Class, is no longer being used and is recommended for removal from the list; it has become timely for the City to restate the listing of authorized public depositories for the City of Oak Creek. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Oak Creek that Resolution No. 11515-072114 hereby rescinded; and BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following, qualified as public depositories under Ch. 34, Wis. Stats., shall be considered as public depositories of the City of Oak Creek for time deposits, repurchase agreements and authorized investments: Bank Mutual Dana lnvestment Advisors, lnc. Ehlers lnvestment Partners JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. JPMorgan Chase Bank Trust Company N.A. Marshall & llsley (M & l) Bank (BMO) Marshall & llsley (M & l) Trust Company N,A. (BMO) American Deposit Management Co. Tri-City National Bank - Oak Creek Vining-Sparks lBG, L.P. Hometown Bank BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED, that withdrawal or disbursements shall be only by checks and order, as provided in S. 66.0607(6), Wis. Stats., and a system shall be provided to properly accommodate deposit or investment of such funds by wire; that in accordance therewith, all checks and orders shall be signed by the following persons: the Çity Clerk, the City Treasurer, and countersigned by the Mayor, and shall so be honored. lntroduced at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Oak Creek held this 15th day of February, 2016. 2016. day of Approved this President, Common Council Passed and adopted this 2016 day of Mayor ATTEST: VOTE: Ayes City Clerk Noes City of Oak Creek Common Council Report Meeting Date: February 15,2016 Item No.: Recommendation: Authorize City Administrator to sign a proposal from ZS LLC in the amount of $10,700 and to provide for contractor assistance up to $7,500 to perform a building envelope investigation for the Police Department building located at 301 W. Ryan Road. Background: Since it was constructed in 2001, the Police Department building located at 301 W. Ryan Road has experienced problems with maintaining an appropriate inside air temperature for rooms and otfices on the north side of the building during periods of extremely low outside temperature conditions. Repeated attempts to find the cause of the low temperature problems have proven to be unsuccessful in identifying the cause/source of the problems. This past summer the City retained the services of several consultants who were working on the City's fire station #1 and Civic Center complex to identify the source of the problems. This review and testing found no apparent problems with the HVAC system. Our suspicions are that the exterior north building wall system is somehow allowing cold air to enter into the building during extremely cold weather conditions. Our City's Maintenance Supervisor independently, and with use of consultants this past summer, was unable to identify the source and/or cause of any air infiltration problems. We have sought the services of a building envelope specialist to heÍp assist in identifying a source of what we believe a cold air infiltration problem. Their proposal to perform the work identified in discussions with them is attached. As part of this revíew and analysis, it is believed to be necessary to remove various parts of the exterior building façade. The services of a contractor will be necessary to perform this work and the attached proposal includes an estimate of $5,000. Our recommendation is to allocate $7,500 to be included in the proposal to perform this work in conjunction with and under the direction of the building envelope consultant. Fiscal lmpact: Funding forthis work is available from project 08019 as recommended in an amount not to exceed $18,200. lt is expected a solution to correct the cold air temperatures will result from this work which will then need to be planned and budgeted for. Depending upon the extent and cost to correct any problems identified, it may be possible to perform the work in 2016 from funds remaining and available from project 08019. Fiscal Review by: Prepared and Submitted by Bridget M. utfrant, Fi nance Di rector/Com ptroller Gerald R. Peterson, ICMA-CM City Administrator q lffiffi Buitding Envelope Consulting ZS LLC Pho*e 414.727.5000 BIM ConsuLting 10501 W Reseorch Drive MiLwoukee. Wl 5322ó Fcrx Web Structursl Engineer¡ng 414.727.6666 zs[[ Forêns¡c Engineering February 5,2016 Mr. Dick Kulka City of Oak Creek 8640 S. HowellAvenue Oak Creek, Wl 53154 RE Building Envelope lnvestigation North Building Elevation Cold Weather Space Conditioning Oak Creek Police Department, Oak Creek, Wisconsin ZS Proposal Number: 8439 Dear Mr.Kulka: Thank you for your interest in ZS's engineering services. At your request, we are submitting this proposal to perform an investigation of the building envelope aspects of a low interior temperature issue during extremely cold temperatures at the Oak Creek Police Department in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The subject facility is a single-story structure consisting of a steel skeleton with masonry exterior cladding that was originally constructed in 2001. ln the rooms along the north elevation of the building between Column Line 1 and Column Line 23 there has been a long-term issue of low interior room air temperature during extremely cold weather. The rooms where this low temperature issue is occurring include Rooms 105, 106, 130-134, and 138-142. According to provided HVAC system data from February 20,2015, and February 23,2015, the temperatures in these impacted rooms were as low as 45.8 degrees F while the other parts of the facility were in the mid to upper 60's. The mechanical systems in the building have been recently evaluated by a mechanical engineer and no apparent HVAC system issues associated with the space conditioning were uncovered. As a next step, the building enclosure of the structure will be investigated in an attempt to establish whether a building envelope issue could be the root or contributory cause of this low interior air temperature condition. SCOPE OF WORK To complete the requested services, ZS will specifically perform the following service tasks Task I - Review of Available Original Eþcuments. As an initial step; the available documents related to the original construction will be reviewed, evaluated, and then considered during the field investigation. Specific documents of interest include the original professional design contract documents, project submittals, construction observation reports, field testing Oak Creek Police Department February 5,2016 Page 2 reports, and other available items related to the completed work. These documents will be evaluated for consistency with the conditions in field, the written installation instructions of the man ufacturer, and applicable ind ustry standard Task 2 - Field Observation. A field observation of the reported and observed building envelope issues will be performed. Comprehensive fieldwork is the backbone of the ZS forensic investigation philosophy. The field observation will consist of a thorough visual assessment of the existing conditions at the interior and exterior of the facility, interviews with pertinent and available onsite personnel, and a comparison of the conditions with the design intent established in our review of the original construction documents. Multiple testing methods may be used through the course of the investigation including infrared thermography, moisture detection equipment, and other similar instrumentation. All field conditions will be fully documented including a photographic record. Task 3 - Destructive Inspection Openings. Analysis of the information collected during the document review and field observation will establish locations for necessary destructive inspection openings. The destructive inspection openings will provide a means of collecting pertinent data associated with the investigation by exploring the condition and configuration of the existing construction. The nature of the selective removals will be formatted to minimize the impact on the facility operations while collecting the appropriate data. Necessary selective removals including restoration will be reviewed with the client prior to execution and performed by a contractor acceptable to the client. Task 4 - lnterior Condition Monitoring. As a means of investigating the low interior air temperature issue, an interior monitoring program will be developed and implemented. At specific targeted locations within the building construction, temperature and relative humidity data loggers will be placed as a means of establishing baseline interior conditions during cold outside conditions consistent with the past reported low temperature issues. The layout design, unit installation, and data collection will be reviewed with the client prior to implementation. Task 5 - Thermal Modeling. As a tool for evaluating the performance of the as-built construction configuration at targeted locations, computer thermal modeling developed for that purpose will be utilized during the investigation. The specific program will be established based on the building components being modeled. The results of the modeling will be considered during the investigation as it relates to the nature of the current issue and typical architectural standards for building construction. tag Oak Creek Police Department February 5,2016 Page 3 Task 6 - Data Analysis and Forensic lnvestigation Report. The data collected during the investigation will be analyzed to draw conclusions regarding the reported phenomenon and establish recommendations for remediation. A written report including applicable descriptions, sketches, photographs, tables, graphs, and attachments will be developed with an initial "DRAFT' copy submitted to the client for review. Following the incorporation of client corrections related to the "DRAFT" report, a final report will be submitted to the client for their consideration. COMPENSATION ZS Building Envelope lnvestigation -Tasks 1,2,3,4, 5, and 6 *Estimated Contractor Assistance $10,700.00 $ 5,000.00 COMMENTARY Based on our current understanding of the project we have, to the best of our ability, matched our services with the needs of the project. Should the need arise for us to expand our services to include any necessary additional field testing, laboratory testing, storm drainage investigation/analysis, site surveying, we would under your direction, submit a separate proposal for consideration. ACCEPTANCE To accept this Proposal as written, please execute by signing below and return a copy to ZS within 30 days of the date hereof. This Proposal shall become an Agreement only after execution by both parties By execution with signature below, Client indicates that they have read, understand and agree to the terms of this Proposal in its entirety including ZS Terms and Conditions (attached) and has the authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of Client. Company: ZS LLC Signature: Signature: Name (Print): Darin C. Rickert, AlA, RRC, LEED AP Senior Architect and Building Envelope Consultant Title: Date: ' Date: February 5,2016 /zs TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (Wisconsin Projects) Client has requested that Ziad Salameh LLC ("2S") perform certain professional services at the project site, which services are set forth in greater detail in ZS's proposal (collectively, the "Services"). ZS and Client agree that the Services shall be performed subject to and in accordance with the following Terms and Conditions ("T&Cs"), and that Client's acceptance of ZS's proposal or its direction, whether oral or written, for ZS to commence any of the Services constitutes acceptance of these T&Cs. 1. Independent Contractor. ZS is an independent contractor of Client, and all persons employed by ZS to furnish any portion of the Services are ZS's employees, subcontractors, or subconsultants (and not of Client). Client acknowledges that ZS may retain the services of subcontractors or subconsultant to assist with the performance of the Services. Client shall not have any control over the selection and hiring of ZS's subconsultants or subcontractors, if any. 2. Ownership of Proiect Site. Client represents and warrants to ZS that Client owns the project site. lf Client is not the owner of the project site, Client represents and warrants that it is duly authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the project site, with full authority to bind the owner to these T&Cs. lf requested, Client shall furnish ZS with written authorization from the owner authorizing ZS's performance of the Services on the project site. Client agrees to indemnify ZS and its members, managers, employees, subconsultants, agents, and affiliates from and against any liability, damages, loss, claims, demands or citations arising from or related to Client not being the owner of the project site and lacking adequate authority to bind the owner hereunder. 3. Performance. ZS will perform the Services in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession as ZS currently practicing under similar circumstances and in the same locality. Client acknowledges and agrees that ZS does not have control over and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, procedures, or for construction safety precautions and programs. ZS agrees to perform the Services in as timely a manner as ls consistent with the professional standard of care set forth herein. 4. Glient Duties. ln order for ZS to perform the Services, Client shall, at no expense to ZS: (A) provide all necessary information regarding Client's requirements as necessary for the orderly progress of the Services; (B) designate a person to act as Client's representative for the Services who shall have the authority to transmit instructions, receive instructions and information, and interpret and define Client's policies and requests for ZS; and (C) provide access to and make all provisions for ZS to enter, without cost, limitation, or burden to ZS, the project site as required to perform the Services, including, without limitation, the use of scaffolds or similar mechanical equipment. ZS is entitled to rely upon all information and services provided by or furnished on behalf of Client. 5. Safetv. Field work will be performed only under conditions deemed safe by ZS personnel. ZS may bill Client for any expenses incurred as a result of implementing safety or security measures due to hazardous job conditions at the project site. Client acknowledges and agrees that ZS is only responsible for the safety of its own employees, subcontractors, and subconsultants, and is not responsible for the safety of any property (real or personal) or any other persons located on the project site. 6. Billinq and Pavment. Client agrees to compensate ZS for the performance of the Services in accordance with ZS's standard hourly rate schedule or the parties' negotiated fee. Client will generally be billed in monthly intervals with applicable taxes included. The following expenses will be billed at cost plus 5 percent and invoiced as an expense service fee: travel, subsistence, incurred out-of-pocket, communication, rqproduction, and shipping expenses. f,he following expenses will be billed at cost pl$ 10 percent and invoiced as an expense service fee: expended materials for field and laboratory work, rental equipment, and any fees advanced on Client's behalf. Any portion of the Services subcontracted out by ZS will be billed at cost plus 10 percent, provided the subcontractor or subconsultant has in place adequate insurance coverage, as determined by ZS; otherwise, the cost for any such subcontracted work will be cost plus 20 percent. Any vehicleS used by ZS in the performance of the Services will be billed at $0.60 per mile, or Copyright @ 2015 by Ziad Salameh LLC. the current rate authorized by the lnternal Revenue Service, whichever is greater. ZS's equipment used in field or laboratory work will be billed at ZS's equipment usage rate schedule in effect at the time the Services are performed, subject to adjustment for minimum or extended usage. Client agrees to pay ZS's incurred attorneys' fees and other legal expenses arising from ZS's required attendance at depositions, administrative proceedings, or responding to subpoenas or court orders relating to the project; provided, however, that such fees and legal expenses are not incurred by ZS in defending ZS's own misconduct. Unless otheruvise agreed by ZS and Client, ZS may increase all fees, expenses, billing rates, and hourly rates upon notice to Cl¡ent. Payment for the Services is expected in full in immediately available funds (in U.S. Dollars) upon Client's receipt of ZS's invoice. Time is of the essence as to all terms of payment. ZS shall be entitled to a service charge of 1.5o/o p$ month on all past due amounts olus all costs of collection, including, without limitation, actual attorneys'fees and all legal costs. Following seven calendar days' written notice to Client, ZS may suspend the performance of the Services if Clients fails to timely make any payment required hereunder. ln the event of a suspension of the Services, ZS shall have no liability to Client or any other party for delay or damage caused Client or any other party because of ZS's suspension of the Services. 7. Termination. Both Client and ZS have the right to terminate ZS's commitment to perform the Services for convenience upon seven calendar days' written notice to the other party. ln the event Client terminates without cause, ZS shall be entitled to compensation for all of its Services performed and expenses incurred prior to the time of Client's written notification of termination, including, without limitation, all fees for any transition services, and ZS's anticipated profits. "Cause" shall be defined for purposes of this Section as the substantial nonperformance of the Services. 8. Work Product. ZS shall be deemed to be the author and owner documents, drawings, specifications, test data, techniques, of all photographs, letters, notes, reports, plans, calculations and estimates, and any other materials prepared by (or on behalf of) ZS relating in any way to the Services or the project contemplated by ZS's proposal, including those in electronic form, any copies thereof, and whether tangible or intangible in nature (collectively, the "Work Product"). ZS retains all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including, without limitation, copyright in the Work Product. ZS grants Cl¡ent a non-exclusive, limited, non-transferable, and (except as set forth below) non-revocable license to use the Work Product solely with respect to the project contemplated by ZS's proposal. Client may only assign the Work Product to third parties for purposes of use in connection with the project contemplated by ZS's proposal. Without the prior written consent of ZS, only Client may rely on any Work Product. Upon termination of ZS's commitment to perform the Services by either of the parties, Client's right to use any Work Product shall immediately cease. Client agrees to indemnify ZS and its members, managers, employees, subconsultants, agents, and affiliates from and against any liability, damages, loss, claims, demands or citations arising from Client's unauthorized use of or modification to the Work Product. 9.. Hazardous Materials. Client acknowledges that the Services do not include the detection, investigation, evaluation, or abatement of any substances or materials identifìed now or in the future as hazardous under any local, state, or federal law or regulation, including, without limitation, lead, PCBs, asbestos-containing materials, or any other substances or materials that may be considered hazardous or othen¡ise subject to statutory or regulatory requirements governing handling, disposal, or cleanup (collectively, "Hazardous Materials") that may bó present at the project site. client asrees to I ä S indemnify and hold harmless ZS and its members, managers, employees, subconsultants, agents, and affiliates from and against all liability, damages, loss, claims, demands, citations, or costs, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses, related to the actual or alleged existence or discharge of any Hazardous Materials through no fault of ZS. ZS reserves the right to suspend the performance of the Services if it has reason to believe that any of its employees, subconsultants, or subcontractors may be exposed to any Hazardous Materials, and will notify Client in such event. 10. Dispute Resolution: Venue. Prior to the initiation of any dispute resolut¡on proceedings, ZS and Client agree to submit all claims, disputes, or controversies arising out of or related to the Services to mediation. Such mediation shall be conducted under the auspices of the American Arbitration Association or such other mediation service or mediator mutually agreed-upon by ZS and Client. lf, after conducting mediation, the parties do not reach a resolution, the parties agree to submit all unresolved claims, disputes, or controversies arising out of or related to the Services to arbitration with an arbitrator mutually acceptable to the parties. lf ZS and Client cannot agree on an arbitrator, either party may pet¡tion the Milwaukee County Circuit Court for appointment of an arbitrator. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association currently in effect. Unless prohibited by law, the parties acknowledge and agree that the venue for all mediation and arbitration proceedings shall be Milwaukee, Wisconsin. agreements between them. Any amendment or modification to either ZS's proposal or these T&Cs may be made only by a written document expressly stated to be an "amendment" and signed by a duly authorized representative of ZS. 17. SCvæþljity. lf any provision of these T&Cs, in whole or in part, is determined to be unenforceable, the enforceable portion of such provision and the remainder of these T&Cs shall not be affected thereby and shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law 18. No Setoff. Client is not entitled setoff against or recoup from any amounts due or to become due from Client or its subsidiaries or affiliates any amounts due or to become due to ZS or its subsidiaries or affiliates, whether arising under ZS's proposal, these T&Cs, or othen¡uise. 19. @.aieure. ZS shall not be liable for loss or damage of any kind resulting from delay or inability to perform the Services on account of Client's omission, fire, explosion, labor troubles, accident, acts of civil or military authorities, acts of God, shortage of labor or material, power outages, compliance with governmental requests, laws, regulations, orders or actions, unforeseen circumstances, or any other cause beyond ZS's reasonable control. 20. Limitation of ZS's Liabilitv. The total amount to be paid ZS for the performance of the Services is based on the enforceability of this limitation of liability, and Client acknowledges and agrees that ZS's compensation would be substantially higher without this limitation of 11. Governinq Law. These T&Cs and ZS's proposal shall be governed by and interpreted under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, without liability. ZS SHALL HAVE NO L¡ABILITY TO CLIENT AND TO regard to any conflicts of laws principles. ANYONE CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, OR UNDER CLIENT FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ¡NCIDENTAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER 12. Successors and Assiqns. These T&Cs shall be binding upon ARISING Client and ZS and their respective successors, permitted assigns and legal representatives. Client may not delegate, assign, or otherw¡se transfer any rights under ZS's proposal, these T&Cs, or with respect to the Services without the prior written consent of ZS. IN CONTRACT, TORT, PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POTENTIAL DAMAGES IN ADVANCE. IN NO EVENT SHALL ZS BE LIABLE TO CLIENT AND TO ANYONE CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, OR UNDER CLIENT FOR ANY LIABILITIES, ¡NJURIES, CLAIMS, LOSSES, EXPENSES, OR DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WTHOUT LIMITATION, commercial general liability, ATTORNEYS' FEES, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY RELATED commercial automobile, workers' compensation, employers' liability, and PROPOSAL, OR THESE T&CS, IN EXCESS OF ZS'S TOTAL FEES AND EXPENSES FORTHE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES. NO REPRESENTATIONS, GUARANTIES OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIM¡TATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILIW OR FITNESS 13. !3ry. ZS shall maintain professional liability insurance coverage, evidence of which will be provided to Client upon request. No waiver of subrogation is allowed on ZS's professional liability policy. Upon written request, ZS agrees to include Client as an add¡tional insured to ZS's commercial general liability and commercial automobile insurance policies. All of ZS's insurance policies are subject to annual renewal, and ZS does not guarantee continued insurance coverage beyond the respective term of each insurance policy. 14. lndemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Client shall indemnify and hold harmless ZS and its members, managers, employees, subconsultants, agents, and affiliates from and against all liability, damages, loss, claims, demands, citations, or costs, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses, that may arise out of or is in any way connected with the performance of the Services, but only to the extent caused by the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of Client, its directors, officers, managers, shareholders, members, partners, employees, contractors/consultants (other than ZS), agents, affiliates, or invitees to the project site. 15. No Third-Partv Beneficiaries. Neither the performance of the Services, nor anything contained in these T&Cs, nor ZS's proposal shall create a contractual relationship with, or a cause of action in favor of, any third party against ZS. The Serv¡ces are being performed solely for the benefit of Client, and no other entity shall have any claim against ZS because of the performance of the Services, these T&Cs, or ZS's proposal. 16. Entire Aqreement. These T&Cs together l,vith any wr¡tten proposal provided by ZS shall constitute the entire understanding of the parties concerning the Services and supersede all prior negotiations and written Copyright @ 2015 by Ziad Salameh LLC. TO THE SERVICES, THE PROJECT CONTEMPLATED BY ZS'S A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE MADE BY ZS IN ITS PROPOSAL, UNDER THESE T&CS, ]N CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SERVICES, OR OTHERWISE, CLIENT EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT ZS HAS MADE NO IMPLIED OR EXPRESS REPRESENTATION, GUARANTEE, OR WARRANW WITH RESPECT TO ANY OF THE FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATIONS, FOR ADVICE, OR ANY OF THE SERVICES PROVIDED BY ZS. 21. tþ¡-Nstjæ. AS REQUIRED BY THE W¡SCONSIN CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW, ZS HEREBY NOTIF¡ES CLIENT THAT PERSONS OR COMPANIES PERFORMING, FURNISHING, OR PROCURING LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS, PLANS, OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ON CL¡ENT'S LAND MAY HAVE LIEN RIGHTS ON CLIENT'S LAND AND BUILDINGS IF NOT PAID. THOSE ENTITLED TO LIEN RIGHTS, IN ADDITION TO ZS, ARE THOSE WHO CONTRACT DIRECTLY WTH CLIENT OR THOSE WHO GIVE CLIENT NOTICE WTHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THEY FIRST PERFORM, FURNISH, MATERIALS, PLANS OR PROCURE LABOR, SERVICES, OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, ACCORDINGLY, CLIENT PROBABLY WILL RECEIVE NOTICES FROM THOSE WHO PERFORM, FURNISH, OR PROCURE LABOR, SERVICES, MATERIALS, PLANS, OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, AND SHOULD GIVE A COPY OF EACH NOTICE RECEIVED TO THE MORTGAGE LENDER, IF ANY, 2S ICN¡ES TO COOPERATE WITH bUE¡¡T AND CLIENT'S LENDER. /ä$ City of Oak Creek Common Council Report Meeting Date: 2115116 Recommendation: That the Common Council adopt Resolution No. 11684'021516, a Resolution Authorizing the Rescission of 2015 General Property Taxes for the Property located at7070 South 27th Street (Tax Key Number 737-9984-001). Background: On July g, 2014 Stephanie Higgins (f/k/a Stephanie Benz) conveyed her intereét in the property located at7O7O South 27th Street (Tax Key Number 737-9984-001) ("the Property") to the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation. On or about June 1, 2015, as part of its annual revaluation, the City issued a 2015 Notice of Changed Assessment to Ms. Higgins for the Property. ln December 2015 the City Treasurer's Office sent a real estate property tax bill in the amount of $7,741.68 to Ms. Higgins for the Property. On January 7, 2016 Ms. Higgins's representative contacted City Assessor Martin Kuehn advising tnát Ms. Higgins had not owned the Property since July 2014. On January 21,2016 the City received a request from Ms. Higgins's attorney to rescind property tax under Wis. Stats. Sec. 74.33(1) forthe Property. Wisconsin Statute Sec. 74.33 authorizes the City to rescind any general property tax that is a palpable error: 74.33. Sharing and charging back of taxes due to palpable errors. (1) Grounds. After the tax roll has been delivered to the treasurer of the taxation district under s. 74.03, the governing body of the taxation district may refund or rescind in whole or in part any general property tax shown in the tax roll, including agreed-upon interest, if: (a) A clerical error has been made in the description of the property or in the computation of the tax. (c) The property is exempt by law from taxation, except as provided under sub. (2). There was a clerical error in the description of the property, and the property is exempt by law from tax. Ms. Higgins did not own the property as of January 1,2015, and the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation is exempt from general property taxes. Under state law, property owned by the state is automatically tax exempt. The state is not required to report its tax exempt status to the City when it obtains title to real estate in the City. lf the Common Council rescinds the taxes for the Property, the City Treasurer would proceed under Wis. Stats. Sec. 74.41 to notify the Wisconsin Department of Revenue of the rescission. The Department would then determine whether it is appropriate to charge back or collect from each taxing jurisdiction for which taxes were collected by the City of Oak Creek and determine the amount of the chargeback. However, a charge back is within the discretion of the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Fiscal lmpact: As stated above þy: Reepectfully submitted: Melissa L. Karls City Attorney Gorald Petercon City Administrator Fiscal review by: Approved by: Bridget Finance Director I Com Barþara Guckonbergor City Treasurer Approved by: fl{"råU*t&* Martin Kuehn City Assessor RESOLUTION NO. 11684-021516 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RECISSION OF 2015 GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7O7O SOUTH2TIî STREET (Tax Key Number 737-9984-001) 12nd Aldermanic District) WHEREAS, on July 9, 2014 Stephanie Higgins f/k/a Stephanie Benz ("Higgins") conveyed her interest in the property located at 7070 South 27th Street (Tax Key Number 7379934-001) (the "Property") to the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, prior to July 9,2014, the Property was subject to general property taxes, and WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation is a tax exempt entity, and V/HEREAS, under Wisconsin law, the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation is not required to report its tax exempt status to the City of Oak Creek upon obtaining title to real estate in the City of Oak Creek, and WHEREAS, a 2015 real estate property tax bill was issued to Higgins for the Property, and WHEREAS, the issuance of a 2015 real estate property tax bill for the Property was a palpable error in that the Property was not owned by Higgins and the Property was exempt from taxation as of January 1,2015. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council that it determines that it was a palpable error for the City of Oak Creek to impose 2015 general property taxes on the Property because the Property was not owned by Higgins and the Property was exempt by law from taxation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Oak Creek hereby rescinds the 2015 general property taxes for the Property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Treasurer be and is hereby directed to proceed pursuant to Wis. Stats. Sec. 74.4I and request that the Wisconsin Department of Revenue authorize the City to charge back and collect from each taxing jurisdiction for which general property taxes were collected by the City the amount of the rescinded taxes for the Property. this _ Introduced at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Oak Creek held 2016. day of Passed and adopted this day of 2016. President, Common Council Approved this - day of -,2016. Mayor Stephen Scaffidi ATTEST: Catherine Roeske, City Clerk VOTE: Ayes Noes - - City of Oak Creek Common Council Report Meeting Date: February 15,2016 Item No.: Recommendation: That the Common Council approves payment of the obligations as listed on the February 9, 2016 lnvoice GL Distribution Report. Background: Of note are the following payments 1. $6,980.00 to 911 Security (pg #1) for Fire Department video surveillance. 2. $29,974.37 to A Compass Minerals CompanV þS#2) for salt supply. 3. $90,467.1 1 to Advanced Disposal - Muskego (pg #1) for January recycling. 4. $58,124.50 to Benistar (pg #3) for retiree medical supplement payments. 5. $6,025.00 to Buelow Vetter Buikema Olson & Vliet, LLC. (pgs #3-4) for legal services. 6. $5,654.00 to Building Service lNC. (pg #4)for New City Hall furnishings. 7. $5,950.00 to Center for Public Safety (pg #4) for applicant agency fee for Fire Department accred itation. 8. $44,060.90 to City of Franklin (pg #8) for 27th Street electrical line burial. 9. $8,360.00 to Convey Compliance Systems, LLC (pg #5) for Affordable Care Act Reporting. 10. $297,214.90 to D.F. Tomasini, lNC. (pg #16) for Drexel and 20th Street Project. 11. $7,500.00 to Graef (pg #S) for landscape architectural services relating to Howell/Drexel Avenue 12. $67,000.00 to Gunderson Excavating (pg #9) for demolition of city buildings. 13. $5,352.15 to Haskin & Karls (pg #9) for legal services relating to Project Badger, Lake Vista and DrexelTown Square. 14. $5,107.32 to James Love (pg #1 1) for Tax Refund. 15. $80,840.95 to JP Morgan (pgs #1 9-24) for equipment and vehicle maintenance, travel and training, supplies, building maintenance, dues and publications, license fees, data lines, Verizon phone service, and legal notices. 16. $10,049.50 to Kuehne Company, lnc. (pg #11)for gate installation at Bender Park. 17. $29,375.00 to Locution Systems lNC. ( pg#11) for Fire Department's alarm system. 18. $39,482.63 to Oak Creek Water & Sewer (pg #13) for quarterly water and sewer bills 19. $10,445.92 to R.A. Smith National (pg #16) for inspection services at Drexel Town Square. 20. $6,533.73 to Summit Commercial Fitness (pg #16) for rubber floor replacement at Police Department's fitness room. 21 . $60,633.52 to WE Energies (pg #17) for street lighting, electricity and natural gas. 22. $10,830.00 to Wheaton Franciscan Medical Group (pg #18) for nursing services, supplies, pre-employee physical, and Fire Department wellness exams. 23. $23,000.00 to Wilnet Engineering LLC (pgs #18-19) for lT consulting. 24.920,401 .28 to World Fuel Services, INC (pg #19) for fuel inventory. Fiscal lmpact: Total claims paid of $1,014,663.45. Of this grand total paid, $60,792.21 will impact the 2015 Fiscal year. The remaining amount, $953,871 .24, will impact the 2016 fiscal year. Prepared by/F iscal Review Respectfully submitted, Bridget M Finance Director/Com Gerald R. Peterson, ICMA-CM City Administrator ler l\ City of Oak Creek Common Council Report Meeting Date: February 15,2016 Item No.: lL 'Recommendation: That the Common Council approves the purchase of a Braun/Ford chassis ambulance and related equipment in the amount of $197,584 after trade-ins. Background: After the committee (composed of fire personnel and the Maintenance group at the Street Department) reviewed several ambulances on the market, they are recommending a Braun ambulance with a Ford chassis. Price, service, warranty, ride and work features were all determining factors in selecting the Braun. Below is the price comparison between the Braun ambulance and the other option, Horton. Warranty Stretcher Ambulance Total Trade ln FinalCost s Braun Horton Same Same 16.491 $ s $ 221,584 $ $ 124.0001 s s s 205.093 197.584 $ 16.491 207.370 223,861 t24.000) 199.861 During this process we worked with Alderman Verhalen to research a purchase of an available ambulance and discovered it would not be in our best interest. The vehicle had been in an accident and some of the parts were out of warranty and older than the 2015 unit and it also had a 2013 rear box. The purchase of this new ambulance will replace two 2003 Freightliner ambulances Fiscal lmpact: The funds will come from the 2016 Ambulance ClP. Prepared by: ,ilr("U Respectfully submitted by ?' Michael Havey Battalion Chief Gerald R. Peterson, ICMA-CM City Administrator Approved by: Fiscal Reviewed by: L Tom Rosandich Fire Chief ridget Finance D mptro FOSTER COACH SALES, INC. 903 Prosperity Drive Street P.O. Box 700 Sterling, lllinois 61081 s F0052CI Phone: (815)625-3276 Fax: (800) 369-4215 (815)625-7222 Web site: QUOTATION TO: DATE: OAK CREEK FIRE DEPT TOOO S. 6TH STRÊET OAK CRËEK, WI53154 ATTN: MIKE RUTZ 02109116 REFERENCE: OCFD 2016 HORTON We are pleased lo subm¡t the follow¡ng quotation in accordance with your request and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed below and on the reverse side hereof. 1 NET PRICE EACH DESCRIPTION QTY. 2016 F55O 4X4TYPE I ONACUSTOM HORTON CONVERSTON MODEL 623 (OEM RACEW RED) 74'' HEADROOM AND ,173" BODY $ 208,270.00 $ 208,270.00 LETTERING AND STRIPING TO MATCH LAST UNITS $ $ 5,600.00 5,600.00 -2,500.00 $ $ -2,500.00 $ -4,000,00 $ -4,000.00 $ Total $ 207,370.00 WEMSA DISCOUNT (rebate check given to customer before or after delivery) Horton Pre-Pay Option Full payment (208,27A) Must be recieved with-in 10 days of placed order to recieve full amount. (Any other amount will be adjusted accordingly.) ACCEPTED TITLE B Date: ESTIMATED DELIVERY: ÏBD PROPOSED SHAWN FOSTER, REGIONAL SALES MANAGER stnyken' Comprehensive Quotation Sales Account Managor Remltto: John Fischer john.f¡[email protected] Cell: 847-989-4536 Chicago, lL ô0673-3308 P.O. Box 93308 Fax:815-578-lô79 End User Shlpping Addres3 Shlpplng Addros8 1081194 OAK CREEK FIRE DEPT TOOO S 6TH ST OAK CREEK, W 53154 1081194 OAK CREEK FIRE DEPT TOOO S 6TH ST OAK CREEK, W 53154 Customor Contact Line # Quantity 1.00 1 Billing Addrêss '1081 Rsf Number Dato PO Number 4695888 02t03t2016 QUOTE Item Description Power-PRO XT Part # 1 94 OAK CREEK FIRE DEPT TOOO S 6TH ST OAK CREEK, W 53154 Unit Price Quote Typê Roforêncê Fleld Item Comments Extended Price 6606000000 s1 6,491.00 s16,491.00 650ô000000 $13,581.00 $13,581 .00 Opl¡ons 1 Powêr-PRO XT 1 XPS Option 6506040000 'l Steer Lock Option 6506038000 $616.00 $016.00 1 3 Stago lV Pole PR Oplion 650031 5000 $27ô.00 $276.00 1 Fowler 02 Bottle Holder 6500241 000 $209.00 $209.00 1 Head End Storage Flat 65001 28000 $11 1.00 $111.00 1 Equipment Hook 65001 47000 $42.00 $42.00 1 SMRT Charger Mount¡ng Bracket 6500034000 s28.00 $28.00 1 XPS Knee Gatch Bolstsr Malrss 65000031 30 $20.00 s20.00 1 Dual Vvheel Lock 60866020'10 1 PR Cot Retalning Post 6085033000 1 Power Pro Standard Components 6506026000 1 No Runner/HE 02 0054200994 1 Non Power-Load Compatible 6506029000 1 Trendelenburg 6085031000 1 No HE Section 02 Bottle 6506036000 1 English Manual 0506600000 1 120VAC SMRT Charg¡ng Kit 6500028000 1 Short Hook 6060036017 1 3 YR X-Frame Powertrain Wmly 7777881669 1 2 Yr Bumper to Bumper Warranty 7777881670 1 DOM SHIP (NOT HI, AK, PR. GM) 0054030000 1 X-RESTRAINT PACKAGE 6500001430 1 STANDARD FOWLER 65060'12003 \ote: 3HIPPING IS NO CHARGE. LEAD TIME APPROX 1G12 WEEKS. lË slgnature Title/Pos¡tion: $1 ,608.00 $1 ,608.00 Product Total Freioht T¿x $16,491.00 $0.00 Total lncl Tax & Frelqht $16,49{.00 $0.00 Dale: Doål Consummation: This is a quote and nol a commitment. Th¡s quote is subiecl to f¡nal cred¡t, pr¡cing, and documentation approvâ1. Legal documentation must be sign€d before your èqulpment can be deliverod. Documentatlon wlll be provided upon completion of our rsview process and your selection of a payment schedule. to Reciplent in connêction wilh this quote, wlthout Strykefs prlor wr¡ttôn approval, except as may be requested by law or by lawful order of any applicable government agency. Torms: Net 30 Days. FOB orig¡n. A copy of Stryker Medical's stsndard lôrms and conditions can be obtainêd by call¡ng Stryker Medical's Customer Serv¡ce al 1-800-STRYKER. Page 1 ol 2 GLJ E rrÐ bob tretow ,Ç'r.Z¿t¿¿zrfu'z DATE 4'14.5,3L3E!33 lúú187 S10568 KELSEY DR. MUSKEGO WI 53150 Oak Creek Fine Rescue Ambulance Graphic Package lncludes: Fleflective white stn¡ping with nef. gold inseu stnipe and EMS stan of life - both sides Lange Ref. blue EMS Stan of Life - roof OCFD CnesË with ref. leËËening - both sides oCFD/Ref' white and gold stniping/AMBUI-ANCE - nean door Ref. AMBUI-,ANCE/PARAMEDIC UNIT- both sides Ref. 9'l'l Decals - boch sides Ref. uniE numbens - fnonE, rean, sides EMS Stan of Life printed on OneWay window film - rean doons HiVis Fled and Yellow chevnons - rean o9/o2/ts $ 2500.oo Customer lnformation Oak Creek Fire Department lan Perry 7000 South 6th Street Oak Creek, Wl 53154 4L4-570-5620 /g¡ oakcreekwi.o DESCRIPTION == Chief XL 2016 Type I / 769" Module - 16.300 I2/3L/LS == REQUIRED REMAINING EQUIPM ENT PAYLOAD: IS YOUR STATE COMPLIANT WITH KKK CHANGE NOTICE #8 KKK CHANGE NOTICE #8 COMPLIANCE NOT REQUIRED TYPE I - AMBULANCE - CHIEF XLI -74" INTERIOR HEADROOM CHASSIS PACKAGES CHASS|S - FORD F-550 CHASS|S, 189',WB 4 x 4 FUEL TANK FULL UPON FACTORY RELEASE susPENstoN - LTQUtD SPRTNG BATTERY - TWO SYSTEM - F SERIES CHASSIS - REMOVABLE PLATES - ALUMINUM EXTENDED 7 0.00 L 0.00 7 0.00 T 0.00 L L24,126.OO L 0.00 1 52,319.00 L 0.00 1 3,050.00 1. ENGINE BLOCK HEATER - OEM PLUG FLOOR CONSOLE - ANGLED FRONT QTY t t 0.00 0.00 0.00 HEAT SHIELDS L 0.00 HIGH IDLE SYSTEM, AUTOMATIC t 0.00 1, 0.00 MtRRORS, EXTERTOR OEM MANUAL TELESCOPING WREMOTE & HEAT OEM AUTO-LOCK DISABLED (cab & module doors do not auto lock or unlock) L 0.00 RUNNING BOARDS. STAR PUNCHED DIAMOND PLATE L 0.00 WHEEL SIMULATORS, STAINLESS STEEL WITH VALVE STEM EXTENSIONS t 0.00 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FEATURES 1. 0.00 L 0.00 VISTA IV MCC - PUSH BUTTON L 0.00 VISTA IV ACP - PUSH BUTTON 1. 0.00 7 0.00 L 0.00 1, 0.00 I 0.00 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - WELDON V-MUX, MICRO PROCESSOR BASED WARNING DISPLAY - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DAYTIME RUNNING LAMPS - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MASTER CONTROL CONSOLE (MCC) - MULTTPLEX ELECTRTCAL SYSTEM ATTENDANT CONTROL PANEL (ACP) - MULTTPLEX ELECTRTCAL ETECTRTCAL COMPARTMENT (PDQ) - MULTTPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SPARE CIRCUIT - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM WIRING HARNESS CONNECTORS - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM RADIO TIE-IN POINTS - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM EMERGENCY MASTER SWITCH - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CONTROL PANEL SWITCHES - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MODULE POWER SWITCH - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MODULE DISCONNECT - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM L 0.00 1 0.00 T 0.00 T 0.00 1. 0.00 1. 0.00 1. 0.00 L 0.00 . MULTIPLEX L 0.00 FLASHER - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 7 0.00 FLASHING HEADLIGHTS - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1 VOLTMETER ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1, 0.00 0.00 LOAD MANAGER-SEQUENTIAL SWITCHING SYSTEM - MULTIPLEX ELECTRIC 1, 0.00 WARNING LIGHTS SWITCH - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM L 0.00 PARK OVERRIDE - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FRONT CLEAR DISABLE SWITCH - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 7 0.00 CURBSIDE SCENE LIGHTS ''ON'' WITH CURBSIDE DOOR - MULTIPLEX EL t 0.00 ''ON'' WITH REAR DOORS OPEN - MULTIPLEX ELEC DISABLE SWITCH FOR REAR SCENE LIGHTS - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL DISABLE SWITCH FOR SIDE SCENE LIGHTS - MULTIPLEX ELECTRICAL REVERSE (TRANSMTSS|ON) FUNCTTONS - MULTTpLEX ELECTRTCAL L 0.00 L 0.00 L 0.00 7 0.00 BACKUP ALARM L 0.00 CAMERA REAR VIEW - SINGLE SYSTEM - VISTA SCREEN L 0.00 REAR SCENE LIGHTS ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS L 0.00 GROUND FAULT CTRCUTT TNTERRUPTER (GFCt) L 0.00 INVERTER, VANNER - 1O5O WATT, #2O.1O5OCUL-DC CHARGER L 1,403.00 LIGHT, ATTENDANT CONTROL PANEL AREA - LED - WARM WHITE 7 0.00 LtGHT, ELECTRTCAL COM PARTM ENT (pDQ) 1 0.00 LIGHT OSS COMPARTMENT - LED ROPE L 578.00 2'' LED SURFACE MNT 1 116.00 LIGHT, SPOTLIGHT - HAND-HELD - OPTRONICS - BLUE EYE 1 724.OO LIGHTS, INTERIOR - WHELEN MINI LED BRAKE/TURN REAR HEADPAD LIGHT, STEPWELL - CURBSIDE DOORWAY - 1 166.00 oUTLETS, 125VAC - StX (6) TNTERTOR DUPLEX L 228.00 oUTLETS, 12VDC - TWO (2) TNTERTOR POWERPOTNT L 0.00 - FOUR (4) L 118.00 RECEPTACLE SHORELINE INLET-SUPER 20 AMP, AUTO EJECT 7 0.00 SIREN, CARSON 54441 MAGFORCE t 521.00 SIREN SPEAKERS, CAST PRODUCTS. IN FRONT BUMPER T 276.OO SYSTEM ACTIVE AND CHECK OUT LIGHTS - 5 MINUTES t 0.00 LIGHTS, DOME LED (8)Tecniq 1 RADTO ANTENNA BASES 7 0.00 (147.00) LÍGHTS, TECNTQ LED PANEL (2)CURBSTDE - ANGLED 7 0.00 EXTERIOR LIGHTING T 0.00 / LtGHTS, tCC / LED CLEARANCE - ON MODUTE FRONT - TECNTQ L 0.00 LED CLEARANCE - ON MODULE REAR - TECNIQ t LTGHTS, TECNTQ LED PANEL LtGHTS, tCC (3) STREETSTDE - ANGLED--DELETE LtGHTS, FRONT GRTLLE - (4) WHELEN s00 SUpER LED (2-RED/2-CLEAR) 0.00 L 375.00 349.00 LIGHTS, FRONT MODULE TURN SIG - WHELEN M6 LED ARROWS AMBER 1 353.00 PRE-WI RE/PROG RAM M I NG, TOMAR PRE-EXEM PTION SYSTEM L 233.00 M6 t I LTGHTS, FRONT MODULE - WHELEN LIGHTS, REAR TAIL - WHELEN (7)M9 - (6)RED, (L)CLEAR LED STOP, TURN, L LED & BACK-UP LtGHTS, REAR WTNDOW-LEVEL - WHELEN (2) M9 SUPER LED - RED LTGHTS, REAR MODULE -WHELEN LIGHT, LICENSE PLATE LED (2)M9 - (2)RED, (3) M6 (I)RED LED, (2)LED SCN L L 474.OO 1"05.00 910.00 0.00 LtGHTS, tCC / LED CLEARANCE - ON MODULE StDE - TECNTQ LIGHTS, INTERSECTION FRONT - WHELEN M2 SUPER LED - L RED WCLR 1 47.O0 t 1,320.0O 1 230.00 LENS LtGHTS, StDE MODULE SCENE - WHELEN M9 - CLEAR (4) LTGHTS, SrDE MODULE WARNTNG - WHELEN M9 SUpER LED - RED WCLEAR LENS - RED WCLEAR LENS 0.00 1 110.00 TRAFFIC ADVISOR 7 845.00 60 MINUTE TIMER L 99.00 MODULE BODY CONSTRUCTION AND CONNECTIONS 1. 0.00 MODULE BODY CONSTRUCTION - SEAMLESS I 0.00 AWS ALUMINUM CERTIFIED WELDERS L 0.00 CONNECTIONS, MODULE 1. 0.00 EXTERTOR 1 0.00 PARTS - MODULE EXTERIOR L|GHTS, TNTERSECTTON REAR - WHELEN M7 SUpER LED MODULE FEATURES ALUMINUM / 7 0.00 CORROSION MINIMIZATION - MODULE T 0.00 DOOR SKINS, OUTSIDE STORAGE COMPARTMENTS - DIAMOND PLATE INTERIOR SKINS t 0.00 EXTERIOR COM PARTM ENTS DESIG N 1, 0.00 EXTERIOR COM PARTM ENTS, VENTING 7 0.00 EXTERIOR COMPARTMENTS, VENTING - OXYGEN STORAGE t 0.00 EXTERIOR COMPARTMENTS - SWEEP-OUT 1 0.00 HANDLES, EBERHARD - CHROME FREE FLOATING TYPE 1. 0.00 INSULATION - POLYURETHANE SPRAY FOAM L 0.00 I t 445.00 SOUND DEADENING PACKAGE THRESHOLD, STAINLESS STEEL - EXTERIOR STORAGE COMPARTMENT SLIDING . MODULE 0.00 1, 650.00 LOWERED MODULE SIDES 1 0.00 DOORS - REAR PASSAGE 7 0.00 DOOR CURBSIDE PASSAGE t 0.00 HOLD-OPEN - REAR DOORS - GRABBERS L 0.00 SWITCH DOOR UNLOCK - HIDDEN IN FRONT GRILLE AREA 7 0.00 . FENDEREÏTES POLISHED ALUMINUM 1 303.00 1 0.00 REAR STEP/BUMPER -FLIP-UP CENTER SECTION - STAR PUNCHED AND ANODIZED T 0.00 RUB RAILS, ANODIZED ALUMINUM L 0.00 7 0.00 LOCKS POWER. PASSAGE, COMPARTMENTS, KEY FOBS MUD FLAPS, REAR - BLACK RUBBER FIBERGLASS REINFORCED - THREE COLOR BRAUN STEPWELL, CURBSIDE DOORWAY - MID STEP AREA LO sroNE GUARDS, MODULE FRONT - ANODTZED DTAMOND PLATE (24" H) 1 0.00 KtcKpLATE/THRESHOLD, REAR DOORWAY - ANODTZED DTAMOND PLATE 1 0.00 TOW HOOKS, MODULE REAR wtNDows, pAssAGE DooR - (cuRB sltDtNG, REAR 1 0.00 t 0.00 CURBSIDE COMPARTMENT 1 1,613.00 74'' HEADROOM 7 2,600.00 OUTSIDE STORAGE #1. - STREETSIDE FORWARD. OXYGEN STORAGE OUTSIDE STORAGE #2 - STREETSIDE CENTER 1 199.00 SHELF TRACK - EXPOSED - OSS #2 FTXED) 1. 1. 0.00 0.00 SHELF ONE (1) rN OSS #2 T OUTSIDE STORAGE #3 - STREETSIDE REAR. SHORT DOUBLE DOOR 0.00 1 31s.00 SHELF TRACK - EXPOSED - OSS #3--DELETE L sHELF ONE (1) rN OSS #3--DELETE 1 (1s3.oo) (1s1.oo) ouTSrDE STORAGE #4A BOARD/SCOOP, #48 wtNS|DE/OUTSTDE ACCESS SHELF TRACK - EXPOSED - OSS #4 1 942.OO 7 279.00 SHELVES THREE (3) rN OSS #4 T 645.00 OUTSIDE STORAGE #5 - CURBSIDE FORWARD L 552.00 1 0.00 L 0.00 L 30.00 cABtNET - LEFT WALL, UPPER REAR #1 - RESTOCKTNG HTNGE (UP) T 289.00 - HINGED PANEL CABINET - LEFT WALL, UPPER OVER PANEL #2 RESTOCKING HINGE 1 0.00 L 289.00 CABINET - LEFT WALL, LOWER REAR #3 L 357.00 DRAWERS - LEFT WALL - REAR ACTION AREA SHARPS AND WASTE 1 290.00 SECONDARY ACTION AREA 1, 0.00 DRAWER - SLIDE-OUT/ WRITING TABLE STREETSIDE INTERIOR CABINET. FRONT WALL, UPPER #I--DELETE CABINET - FRONT WALL, LOWER #3 - INSIDE/OUTSIDE ACCESS CABINET - FRONT WALL, LOWER BELOW PDQ (SINGLE VENTED DOOR) L MODULE INTERIOR / PATIENT COMPARTMENT FEATURES ROUNDED INTERIOR CORNERS LATCHES CABTNET - CHROME / STATNLESS STEEL LEFT WALL - ATTENDANT CONTROL PANEL PASS THROUGH - CAB TO MODULE L 1,603.00 (248.00) 1 260.00 1 0.00 L 0.00 (237.00) CABINET - RTGHT WALL, REAR W|TH (1) DOOR, tNStDE/OUTS|DE-DELETE 1 CABINET ABOVE SQUAD BENCH L L,2L2.OO HEAT/A|R CONDTTTONTNG, pROATR 4X4 ACIHEAT CORE L 0.00 ATTN SEAT - EVS H¡BAC, INTEGRAL CHILD, SWIVEL BASE T 0.00 WHTNGED SEAT BOTTOM - STORAGE BELOW SQUAD BENCH BASE STORAGE (COMPARTMENT #2) 1 451.00 L 0.00 SQUAD BENCH LID - WITH SHARPS AND TRASH ACCESS L 420.00 HOLD OPENS. SqUAD BENCH LID - GAS CYLINDERS 1 0.00 CABINET CONSTRUCTION - INTERIOR - ALUMINUM 0.00 CABINET DOORS - BRONZE ACRYLIC t t t CABINETS/ WALLS - POLYCHROMATIC COATING - MARBLE STONE L 0.00 cPR SEAT - W|DE - RECESSED ADJUSTABLE SHELF TRACK - CABINETS - RAVEN BOULDER (BLACK) 0.00 0.00 L 0.00 UPHOLSTERY - SPRADLING ''ARCTIC'' CHARCOAL #9OT7 L 0.00 LONPLATE II, NON-SLIP EMBOSSED SM. GRID - GUNMETAL#424 t 0.00 couNTER TOp - ASPTRATOR SOLTD ACRYLTC CLOCK - SSCOR - WITH ELECTRTC PUMP - RECESSED (3) 'V'STATNLESS STEEL, (3) BLACK URETHANE / SUCTTON ASSTST HANDLES, - DIGITAL- INTELLITEC 12VDC MULTI FUNCTION - RR HDPAD COT FASTENER - STRYKER SINGLE - CENTER POSITION EMBLEMS / SIGNS - REAR PATIENT COMPARTMENT 1 0.00 L 1.02.00 7 362.00 (7se.o0) 1. 1 0.00 EXHAUST VENTILATOR, 3-SPEED - MULTIPLEX ELECTRIC SYSTEM L 8s.00 02 sroRAGE, (2) "D" & JUMBO "D" CYL|NDER- RECESSED SQUAD BENCH Z|CO BRA CKE' FLOOR CONSTRUCTION- PATI ENT COM PARTM ENT, NON-WOOD COM POSITE L 968.00 0.00 1 FLOORING - COVE L DELETE - GLOVE, DTSPENSER - (3) BOX - CURBSIDE ABOVE DOOR cRAB RAtLS, L-tf 4" D|AMETER, (96") OVER COT & (64") SQ BENCH L 0.00 (22s.oo) L 97.00 HEADLINER - REAR PATIENT COMPARTMENT L 0.00 rv HANGERS - CETLTNG RECESSED - CAST PRODUCTS #1V2008-1 (4) L 194.00 rv WARMER - SMTTHWORKS - INSIDE (1) INTERIOR CABINET L 643.00 oxYGEN OUTLETS (2) WALL/(1)CETLTNG - OHIO MEDICAL TYPE L 0.00 FLOW METER, OXYGEN. THORPE STYLE T 0.00 OXYGEN SYSTEM, ELECTRIC - MULTIPLEX ELECTRIC SYSTEM 1 0.00 PADDED EDGING PROTECTION L 0.00 PADS, HEAD AND BACK T 0.00 RADTO SPEAKERS, STREETSTDE (OEM RADIO FADER CONTROL) t 1L5.00 SHARPS AND TRASH CONTAINERS - ACCESS THRU SQUAD BENCH LID 1 0.00 SQUAD BENCH FACE - VINYL FLOORING MATERIAL 7 0.00 0.00 TURTLE TILE - SKID-RESISTANT MAT, CURBSIDE STEPWELL t t t FRONT WALL CONFIGURATION L 1,339.00 GLOVE BOX STORAGE L 4s0.00 ASSIST HANDLE 1 66.00 / L 0.00 DOOR PANELS - MODULE PASSAGE DOORS - FULL LENGTH ALUMINUM . STAINLESS STEEL WALL PROTECTION - INTERIOR STREETSIDE PArNT GRAPHTCS W/ACCESS PAI\ 0.00 0.00 t 0.00 CLEAR COATING - MODULE PAINT BUFFING, PAINT - MODULE L 503.00 L 0.00 CAB - OEM PAINT T 0.00 PAINT MODULE ALL ONE SOLID COLOR, PLUS CLEAR COAT L 650.00 BLACK REFLECTIVE MATERIAL IN RUB RAILS t 0.00 DOOR REFLECTIVITY L 0.00 KKK-A-1822 F COM PLIANCE L 0.00 VEHICLE MANUALS t 0.00 vEHrcLE MANUALS (r") PACKAGE SET L 0.00 WARRANTIES L 0.00 PPG PAINT PROCEDURE CURRENT FORD FIN REBATE FOR 2017 Total Subtract Line 59 Air horns -subtract S1880 Cot (3,200.00) 204,473.OO 202,593.00 L6,49r.OO Trade in of Freightliners (24,000.00) Final Cost 195,084.00 City of Oak Creek Common Council Report Meeting Date: February 15,2016 Item No.: lb Recommendation: To approve the purchase of a 2013 Cat M318D wheeled excavator from BT Equipment LLC in the amount of $194,150. Background: The Streets, Parks & Forestry Department currently has a 1996 1085C Badger Cruz Air which is used for ditching, culvert installation and a variety of other maintenance projects throughout the City, This machine has served the City well over its twenty year lifespan, but has reached the end of its useful life. lnitially we began looking at new wheeled excavators that were equivalent to our existing unit, pricing ranged from $260,000-$280,000, After further researÇh we discovered a number of comparable machines in Wisconsin and the Northern lllinois area that were available for sale from the area dealership rental and lease fleets, Many of the machines varied in hours and condition, but all the used units for sale were significantly lower priced than purchasing a new machine. After demonstrating seven ditferent machines over a five month period, our selection committee chose to pursue the purchase of a 2013 Cat M318D from BT Equipment, This decision was based on the overall condition, hours, price, and warranty on the equipment. The unit selected is in excellent overall condition with no dents or scrapes on the body, only 790 hours on the machine, and a six month 500 hour power train and hydraulics warranty with an option to purchase up to an additional years' worth of warranty, which is recommended for an additional cost of $3925, The table below shows the details of the models that were demonstrated. Make/Model Caterpillar M318D Caterpillar M318D Caterpillar M318D Year 2013 2014 2013 Caterpillar M318D 2013 GradallXL 3300 Liebherr 4900C Caterpillar M320F 2015 2013 2015 Hours 790 880 1700 Condition Excellent Verv Good Very Good 000 Good 0 10 0 New New New 1 Warrantv 6 Month I Months Extended Warranty Available for Purchase Extended Warranty Available for Purchase 12 Month 36 Month 36 Month Price $1 94,1 50 $205,000 $189,000 $181,000 $263.225 $184,400 $260,000 BT Equipment has also offered the City of Oak Creek a $5000 dollar trade in allowance for the 1996 1085C Badger Cruz Air, but we recommend selling the equipment through the municipal auction. Fiscal lmpact: This purchase was budgeted for in the 2016 CEP for $205,000 Subm Ted Johnson Director of Streets Parks and Forestry Fiscal Review by: Prepared and Submitted by Bridget Finance Director/Com ptroller Gerald R. Peterson, ICMA-CM City Administrator BT Equipment, LLC t N9220 Donald La. t) Watertown, Wi. 53094 (414)333-8s11 tl28/16 City of Oak Creek Quotation for (one) 20L3 Cat M318D Wheel Excavator Ser. #D8W00766-approx 790 hrs. Cat diesel engine Hydro station Hi-speed drive system 4 outriggers Hydraulic extend hoe Ca Wayne Roy coupler system 60" ditching & 36" trenching buckets Customer will adapt any addition items to unit See attached b w/heat-defroster-suspe nsion seat-A/C for additional options Warranty: 6mo/500 hrs. power train and hydraulic Base Purchase price Billed rentalcredit (S 11,666 x93%l Balance due 5 2o5,ooo L0,850 S 194,150 Tim Otterstatter Carl Scherbarth Owner Sales Representative ENGINE F with 716 hours on unit 3908955 P12: VA, ADVALL 3833307 ENGTNË TIER 3 I F illA STACE 3640595 23 MPH HIGH AMBIENT F F 3613463 W|PËR, W|NDSH|EL},TOßA 3594775 PRODUCT LINK P1522 F F 35799!2 P9: CTRL.COMB.AUX, WJOYST.Z 3561634 W|NÐ5HtËLD,70/30SPLIT F 3547318 M318D WHEEL EXCAVATOR 3547LgI P6: VA, STICK,9'2u t 3s47L4L P5: UCOUT. FRONT / 3547111 CAB COMFORT PLUS F F ELECTRONIC 3330120 MTRROR, VA/MH BOOM 3002280 WALKWAY, UPPËR F OUT. REAR 3403235 CÛNTROL, QUICK COUPLER 3375818 CONTROLLER, F F Xt F F F 29CI8448 SECURIW SYSTEM, MACHINE F 2815583 VALVE, ANTI DRIFT TOOL CONTROL 2785284 ALARM, BACK-UP I F 265926A ïREs, MTTAS 10.00-20 DUAL F 2549400 STEPs, TOOLBOX, UPPERCARRIAGE 2542666 L|NES, HPF/HAMMER,VA BOOM F F 254CI493 PATTERN CHANGER, HAND CONTROL 2540404 L|NES, QC, STTCK 9'2u F 254CI401 LINES, MPF,9'2" STICK F F 25¿m398 LINES, l'lPF,9'2" srlcK F 2532285 HYDRAU|IC olt" MINERAL F (ANSI) 2532259 DECALS, NORTþI AMERICA 2529836 C0|NTEßWE|GI{T,8818 LBS F F 2517911 LINE5, QUICK COUPLEft, VA BOOM 2517908 LINES, MPT VA BOOM 2O562T0 BELT,SEAT2" F F 1884940 GUARÐ,VANDAIISM 1234801 PIN, BUCKET,ADJ F F LI27T67 BATTERT HFAVY DUTY T 8U6723 SPACER RINGS.F OP28X4 QCCONTROL PROMO ACHMËNT. BKf436 60" Ditching bucket Wrlst a twist.with coupler is on the unlt F Ted Johnson From: Sent: Tim Otterstatter <jtotter63@ Friday, September 18,2015 5:06 PM lo: Ted Johnsorr Subject: Ext Warranty Attachments: GGC Features > & Benefits Eligible Equipment 102014.pdf Ted, Here is the Ext Wamanty Plan that we talked about. in the attached you to offer. Please feel free to call me with any questions o a 6 months/750 hours / $0 Deductible see the mâny benefits that the have / $250 TT&M allowance per claim o Powertrain o Poweftrain + Hydraulics -- MSRP: $1,975 12 months/1500 hours will ONLY -- MSRP: 81,725 / $0 Deductible / $250 TT&M allowance per clairn o Powertrain o Powertrain + Hydraulics -- MSRP: $3,925 ONLY -- MSRP: $3,075 Thanli you, 'llim Otterstatter BT Equipment LLC 414-333-851 I www.btequipmentllc.qgm 1 t 1'* ûct ji&- Glynn General Corporation Key Benelìts of Glynn General Corporntion's Extended Warranty a Deductible's off'erecl -- S 0, $250 or $500 per claim. a Travel time ancl mileage of $250 allowance available per claitn * New and Usecl a Parts and Labor reimbursed at List Prices ancl retail shop hourly rate. a Reimburses warlantable repairs by payrrent with a check. a Remaining extencled wan'anty stays with the lnachine and is transf'erable to next owner the equipment. o On New Equiprnent coverage terms range fi'orn 2 years/2000 hours to 5 years I 7500 hours, 10.000 hours terms availablc upon requests a On Used Equiptnent the available tenns range fì'orn 3 months / 375 hours to 2 years / 2500 hours. Hours on UseclEquipment are in addition to the existing hours cunently registerecl to the unit. Additional hours and 3"1 year tenn available upon request. a Most Used Equipment that is less than 7 years old anclhas less than 7000 machine hours, may be eligible f'or a Usecl Equipment Plan. a GOC offers superior administrative capabilities via the intetnet tluough our user friendly r,vebsite at www. slynngeneral.cp¡ll. a GGC's website allows for': o Immediale turnarouncl of quotes. o Confirmation of the terms and conditions fior all available ssffice contracts. o Efficient enrolling of units tvith autornatic invoicing. o User fi'ienclly claims processing resulting in satisfactory claims reimbulsement. o Account access allowing for constant monitoring of your wan"nty plCIgmm. of Please visit our website at lvww.glynnge" to find a l'epresentâtive in or near your area or contact our home oflice aL (912) 638-4320, Glynn General Corporation l7l Follins Lane Saint Simons Island, Georgia 31522 May 2014 á 1* 8mt .i"&- Glynn Gener¿rl Corporertiorr As of Oct 2014 Eligible Equipment for Glynn General Corporation's Ëxtended Warranty Ag All-Terrain Vehicles & Utility Vehicles Agricultural Equipment (selected) Articu lated Dump Trucks Chipper (non-forestry) Compaction Equipment Components - Engines, Transmissions etc. Concrete Pumpers Dozers Drum rollers Hxcavators Forklifts/Rough Terrain Graders Generators / Light Towers Horizontal Directional Drills Hydraulic Hammers Loader Backhoe Mowers, Commercial Power u nits/Generators Screen and Crushers Skidsteer loaders Telescopic handlers Tractor loaders Tractors Trenchers Truck Mounted Cranes Wheel loaders The above lists common agricultural and construction equipment. lf your equípment is not listed above or you have any questions, please contact us to determine if the machines is eligible for extended warranty coverage. Please vísit our website at www, to find a representative in or near your area or contact our home office at (912) 638-4320. Glynn General Corporation LTL Follins Lane Saint Simons lsland, Georgia 31522 City of Oak Creek Common Council Report Meeting Date: February 15,2016 Item No. rt Recommendation: That the Common Council considers a motion authorizing the Streets, Parks, and Forestry Director to enter into a lease to own agreement with 1st Source Bank for $50,453.20 for a Wacker Model WL37 Wheel Loader to serve the Civic Center and Drexel Town Square. Background: Part of the negotiation that led to the City's agreement to take over the care and maintenance of the Drexel Town Square common areas was how the developer could help the City offset some of the costs they would incur. The City's primary responsibility for maintenance would involve plowing, sweeping, trash collection, and general care for the property. Having the developer fund a permanent position to perform this work was not feasible, but it was felt that funding a more tangible item such as a piece of equipment would be appropriate. Knowing the tasks that needed to be accomplished, we began to look for a machine with enough power to plow lots and parking areas, but small enough to fit on sidewalks and inside the new Civic Center garage. We felt the best piece of equipment for the job would be a compact articulating loader. The basic criterion used to select the equipment was: 1. Equipment needed to be a minimum of 74 horse power 2. Maximum width could not exceed 60". 3. Maximum height could not exceed 96". The proposed unit for lease is a 2014 Wacker Model WL37 Wheel Loader with only 1 99 hours a 74hp motor,61" width, and 91" height. This is the only compact loaderthat Staff found that meet the criteria. We ended up with a pre-owned 2014 Wacker ModelWL3T Wheel Loader because the new 2015 model stands 97" tall and would not fit into the Civic Center garage. The attachments that come with the unit are all new. 1st Source bank will enter into a lease agreement with the City for 36 months with an interest rate of 3.18o/o. At the end of the 36 months the City will own the Wacker Model WL37 Wheel Loader. The City has a cooperative agreement with WisPark where WisPark will reimburse the City for the piece of equipment and the needed attachments. Fiscal lmpact: The monthly lease payments would be taken out of project 08019 and reimbursed in full by WisPark over three years. Prepared Respectfully submitted: Ted Johnson Director Streets, Parks & Forestry Gerald Peterson, ICMA-CM City Administrator Fiscal Review by: CMTW Bridget M. Finance Director / Comptroller BT Equipment, LLC N9220 Donald La. Watertown, Wi.53094 (414) 333-8s11 L/28/L6 City of Oak Creek Quotation for (one) Wacker # WL37 2014 Ser. #3026611 Dieselengine 2-speed drives Auxiliary frt. Hyd ra ulic's Auxiliary Hi-Flow hydraulic's 14 pin frt. Electric's Ca b w/ heat-defroster-wi per-suspension seat-A/C Front hydraulic bucket coupler 84" Snow bucket Power train warranty thru L2/3L/L6 or 1000 hrs. Base Purchase price Billed rentals (4mo. x S 2,t00 $ s6,ooo al 7,8L2 93% credit) S 48,188 Balance due T¡m Otterstatter Owner Carl Scherbarth Sales Representative l¡ilttce. EEunlt Specialty Finance Group LEASE SUPPLEMENT NO.T2 TO MASTER EQUIPMENT LEASE AGREEMENT (FOr BAnk USe Only) between lst SOLJRCE BANK, This tæase Supplement ("supplemenf') entered into on ("LESSOR') and CITY OF OAK CREEK, with ofüces at 8040 S 6û 46601 Bend, Indiana Floor, South Michigan Street, 3'd with offices at 100 North St, Oak Crcek, 1y¡ 53154 C'LÈSSEE') pursuant to the terms of a Master Equipment Lease Agreement ("Agreement') dated February 19,2015, between LESSOR and LESSEE. The terms and conditions of the Agreement are hereby incorporated by reference in this Supplementp. Capitalized terms used in this Supplement f,2 which are not defìned herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Agreement, Pursuant to the Agreement and this Supplement fi!, LESSEE hereby leases from LESSOR the Equipment listed in Exhibit D to the Agreement. 1. Location: Equipment will .<cD \tU - R^ be kept at the following addresses: -,20rc .0^l (Street Address) \5 (Cíty, State, and Zþ Except for periods when used by LESSEE in the normal conduct of its business away from such address. Otherwise, Equipment will not be relocated without the written consent of LESSOR. 2, ?ß16 Term: The lease term for the Equipment commences on (For Bank Use Only) and shall expire on ,2019 (For Bank IJse Only) ("Expiration Date"). LESSOR shall have the option to terminate LESSEE's rights to the Equipment at an earlier time in the event of default by LESSEE, LESSEE shall have no right to terminate the lease of the equipment. At the termination or Expiration Date, LESSEE agrees to return all Equipment to LESSOR' 3 Lease Payment. LESSEE shatl pay LESSOR, without deduction or setoff, at LESSOR's office, or to such other person or at such other plaòe as LESSOR may designaæ in writing, the total lease payments for the Equipment of FIFTY THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFIY TWO DOLLARS AND 201100 ($50,452.20) in: Thirty Six consecutive monthly installments of ONE THoUsANDFoURHUNDREDoNEDoLLARsAND45/1o0($1,401.45)each,beginningon-,20l6(For and continuing on the same day of each consecutive periodic interval thereafter until paid in taxes or assessments made pertaining to Equipment as the same come due. Bqnk IJse Onty) 4. use Option to Purchase: LESSEE ,hull huu" the option to purchase the Equipment at any time according to the terms of the Master Equipment tæase Agreement, The purchase price on the Lease Maturity Date will be One Dollar ($1.00), plus any ofücial fees and taxes related to the purchase or transfer. LESSOR LESSEE lst SOURCE BANK CITY OF OAK CREEK By: Name: full, plus any Name: € Municipal Lease - Lease Supplement & Exhibits 3l5ll4**CITY OF OAK CREEK**REVISED a¡iltr!Ê, EEunk Specialty Finance Group EXHIBIT A RBSOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY EXTRACT OF'MINUTES Lessee: Date CITYOFOAK CREEK of Agreement: February 19,2015 AtadulycalledmeetingofthegoverningbodyofLesseeheldon-thefollowingresolutionwasintroducedand adopted, WHEREAS the governing body of Lessee has determined that a true and very real need exists for the acquisition of the Equipment described in the Master Equipment læase Agreement ("Agreement") and Lease Supplement f,l with lst Source Bank presented to this meeting; and WHEREAS, the goveming body of Lessee has taken the necessæy steps, including any legal bidding requirements, under applicable law to arrange for the acquisition of such Equipment. BE IT RESOLVED, by the governing body of Lessee that the terms of said Agreement are in the best interests of læssee for the acquisition of such Equipment, and the gòverning body of Lessee designates and confirms the following persons to execute and deliver, and to witness (or attest), respectively, the Agreement and any related documents necessary to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Agreement. FURTTIERMORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing body of Lessee hereby represents that the reasonably anticipated amount of qualified taxexempt obligations which have been and will be issued by the Lessee does exceed $10,000,000.00 for the calendar year within which this Agreement is not to be "qualified tax-exempt obligation" pursuant to Section 265 (b) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. By: By: Name: Namel Title: Title: The undersigned further certifies that the above resolution has not been repealed or amended and remains in full force and effect and further certifies that the above and foregoing Agreement is the same as presented at said meeting of the governing body of Lessee' SEAL: By: Name: Title: Secretary / Clerk Date: Municipal Lease - Lease Supplement & Exhibits 3l5ll4 **CITY OF OAK CREEK**REVISED BXHIBIT B OPINION OF LESSEE'S COUNSEL (Pleøse læssee: furnísh ín this form on Attorney's l*tterhead) CITY OF OAK CREEK Date of Agreement: February 19, 2015 Gentlemen: have examined duly executed originals of the Master Equipment læase Agreement ("Agreement") dated February 19, 2015' between l,essee and lst SOURCE BANK ("Lessor"), and based upon the examination and upon such other examination as have deemed necessary or appropriate, I am of the opinion that: As counsel for Lessee, and læase Supplement I I p L læssee is a public body corporate and politic, legally existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin. 2. The Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by læssee, pursuant to constitutional, statutory and/or home rule provision which authorized this transaction and the attached Resolution. 3. The Agreement is a legal, valid and binding obligation of Lessee, enforceable in accordance with its terms. In the event the Lessor obtains pay a judgment against Lessee in money or damages, as a result of an event of default under the Agreement, læssee will be obligated to judgment. such 4. Applicable public bidding requirements have been complied with' 5. To the best of my knowledge, no litigation is pending or threatened in any court or other tibunal, state or federal, in any way questioning or affecting the validity of the resolution or the Agreement, 6, The signatures ofthe officers ofLessee which appear on the Agreement are true and genuine; I know said officers and know them to hold the offices set forth below their names. Municipal Lease - Lease Supplement & Exhibits 3l5ll4 **CITY OF OAK CREEK**REVISED l¡iltttÊ. EEunlr Specialty Finance Group EXHIBIT C CERTIFICATE OF LESSEE TIIE LINDERSIGNED, duly authorized representative of the named Lessee under the certain Master Equipment L¡ase Agreement ("Agreement") dated February 19,2015 and Læase Supplement € with lst SOURCE BANK as Lessor hereby certifies as follows and in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement. Capitalized terms used herein have the same meaning as in the Agreement. A. INCUMBENCY OF OFFICERS AND SIGNATURES: I hold the position noted under my signature, and I have all authority necessary to execute and deliver this Certifìcate. The following officers of the tæsiee are duly elected or appoinæd, and the signatures opposite their names are fue and correct, and where required, have been filed with the appropriate ofûcials of the State: By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: B.ESSENTIAL USE: l. The Equipment will be used by the following governmental agency department for the specific purpose of: 2. The Equipment is essential for the functioning of the Lessee and is immediately needed by the Lessee. Such need is neither temporary nor expected to diminish during the l¿ase Term. The Equipment is expected to be used by the Lessee for a period in excess ofthe Lease Term. 3, Funds are expected to come from the c.sEcTIoN 1 Fund of the Lessee, 26s(B) (3) MATTERS: (c) Lessee (a) maintains a register or list of exempt govemment obligations, (b) files when required Form 8038G or Form 8038GC, and is year, agreement including the current calendar date in the issued to government obligations therefore can certify thaithe total exempt less than $10,000,000.00' This Certificate is based upon facts, circumstances, estimates and expectations of the Iæssee as of the date on which the Agreement was executed, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, as of this date, such facts, circumstances and estimates are true and correct and such expectations are reasonable. IN TWITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed and delivered this certificate as of 2016. CITY OF OAK CREEK WITNESS By: By: Name: Title: -, Name: Title: Municipal Lease - Lease Supplement & Exhibits 3l5ll4**CITY OF OAK CREEK**REVISED Specialty Finance Group EXHIBIT D DESCRIPTION OF' THE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT: One (l) Wacker Model WL37 Wheel Loader s/n 3026611 EQI.IIPMENT LOCATION: CITYOFOAKCREEK By: Name: Title: Date: Municipal Lease - Lease Supplement & Exhibits 3l5l|4 **CITY OF OAK CREEK**REVISED Specialty Finance Group EXHIBIT E TAX COVENANT TAX COVENANT. It is the intention of the Lessee, CITY OF OAK CREEK, and the læssor, lst SOL]RCE BANK, under the certain Master #2 the interest portion of the Rental Payments that Lease Supplement 2015, and ("Agreement") February 19, dated Agreement Equipment Lease reåeived by the Lessõr be and remain exempt ftom federal income taxation. Lessee covenants that it will øke any and all reasonable action necessæy to maintain the exemption ftom federal incõme taxation of the interest portion of the Rental Payments, and that it will not intentionally perform any act or enter into any ãgreement or use or permit the use of the Equipment or any portion thereof in a manner that shall have the effect of terminating the exemption from feãeral income taxation of the interest portion of the Rental Payment, including (without limitation) leasing all or any portion of the Equþ'ment or contracting to a third party for the use or oþeration of all or any portion of the Equipment if entering into such lease or contract would have such effect. CITY OF OAK CREEK Name: Municipal Lease - Lease Supplement & Exhibits 3l5l|4 **CITY OF OAK CREEK**REVISED l¡fltrÊe, EEunlr Specialty Finance Group EXHIBIT F' INSURANCE COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS TO: lst SOURCE BANK ("Lessot'') FROM: CITY OF OAK CREEK SUBJECT: Insurance Coverage Requirements 1. In accordance with the terms of the Master Equipment Lease Agreement ("Agreement"), dated February 19,2015, and Lease Supplement 2016 (For Bønk Use Only) we have instructed the insurance agent named p, between Lessee and Lessor, dated --' below (please provide the below ínsurance contact information); Name) (Agency Phone Number) (Agency Fax Number) (Agency E-mail Address) (Agency Contact Name) to issue: a) All Risk physical Damage Insurance on the Clause naming lst Source Bank leased equipment evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance and Long Form Loss Payable as loss payee' Coverage Required: Full Replacement Value b) public Liability Insurance evidence by a Certificate of Insurance naming lst Source Bank and/or its assigns as an Additional Insured. Minimum Coverage Required: 1,000,000.00 aggregate bodily injury liability $1,000,000.00 property damage liabilitt $ 2. 3. o* pursuant to paragraph 5.0 of the Agreement between læssee and Lessor dated February 19,2015 and Lease Supplement p, we are selfform together with a copy insured for all ris=k, þhysical damagã, and public liability and will provide proof of such self-insurance in letter of the statute authorizing this form of insurance. proofofinsurance coverage will be provided prior to the time that the equipment is delivered to us. CITYOFOAKCREEK By: Name: **CITY OF OAK CREEK**REVISED Municipal Lease - Lease Supplement & Exhibits 3t5ll4 l¡ûurÊe, EEunlt Specialty Finance Group EXHIBIT G DELIVERY RECEIPT TOLESSOR: IstSOURCEBANK RE: CITYOFOAKCREEK tn accordance with the terms of the Master Equipment Lease Agreement ("Agreement") dated February 19, 2Q15, and tæase Supplement p between ("Lessor"), and the undersigned ("Iæssee"), Lessee hereby certifies and represents to, and agrees with, læssor 1. as follows: as suchtermis definedin theLease, hasbeen delivered and/orinstalledattheEquipmentLocation speciñedintheattached Description of the Equipment and accepted on the dated indicated below' TheEquipment, Delivery Date: 2. Lessee has conducted such inspection and/or testing of the Equipment as that it accepts the Equipment for all purposes. 3. No Event of Default, as such term is defined in the læase, and no event which with notice or lapse of time, or both, would become an Event of Default, has occurred and is continuing at the date hereof' it deems necessary and appropriate and hereby acknowledges Lessee: CITY OF OAK CREEK By: N Municipal Lease - Lease Supplement & Exhibits 3l5l|4 **CITY OF OAK CREEK**REVISED l¡ilItcê, EEmlr Specialty Finance Group EXHTBIT H Principle Amount: $48,188.00 Date of Lease Supplement: Due Pavment Date ,2016 (Fot Bønk Use Only) Pavment Principal blescf Balance SEE ATTACHED PAYMENT SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY SCHEDULE WILL YARY DEPENDING ON RECEIPT OF PAYMENT Commencement Date: 2016 (For Bønk Use Only) lnterest Rate: 3.187o CITY OF OAK CREEK Title: Municipal Iæase - tæase Supplement & Exhibits 3l5ll4*xClTY OF OAK CREEK**REVISED Prepared by: lnfoAnaly¡l¡ lst Source gank Payment Amorthatlon 213120L6 R.port tll€ Namó: 9t45 3248377142,1adx customer: City ofOak cr€sk3248377 lnt.r.¡t Rrl.r 3.1800f/ Prlnclpal Balanc6 lnter€st 0 46,786.55 Ac€ru€d 123.98 45,509.08 120.6 44,228,23 123.98 117.2 42,943,98 113.8 41,656.33 tt7,2 110.39 40,365,27 106.97 39,O70,79 110.39 r,294,48 t,401..45 !,297,9t 103.54 37,772.a4 0 L,40t,45 1,301,35 100.1 36,47r.52 103.54 100.1 39,070.79 37,772,88 0 36,47r,52 t,40t,45 1,304.80 96.65 t,401.45 1,308.26 96.55 35,t66,72 93.19 33,858.46 0 0 33,858,45 PêT Date Psyment Prlnclpal 0 212120L6 1,401.45 1,401.45 I L,40t,45 1,277,47 1,401,45 1,280,85 3 3l2l2ot6 4l2l2ot6 sl2120t6 1,401.4s 1,284,25 4 61212ot6 L,407.45 t,247,65 5 7l2l2ot6 1,401.45 1,291.06 6 81212ot6 1,401.45 7 8 91212076 Lol212oL6 tu2l20L6 t2l2l2ot6 z 9 10 20t6 15¡15.95 1+329,54 lntere3t 0 120,6 113.8 106.97 93,19 Ll2l20t7 1,401.45 L,3t1,73 89.72 32,546.74 89,72 1,2 21212ot7 1,401.45 L,375,20 86,25 3t,231,53 86.25 1,318.69 a2.76 t4 41212077 !,40r,,45 1,322,LA 82,76 29,9!2,a5 79,27 28,590,66 15 1,401.45 1,325.69 75,76 27,264,98 75,76 1,40t,45 1,329,20 72,25 25,935.78 72,25 77 sl2l2oL7 6l2l20Ll 7 l2l2oL7 1,401.45 t,332,72 18 81212oL7 1,336,25 68,73 65.2 19 sl212ot7 1,401.45 ,,,407,45 68,73 24603.06 6s.2 23,266,A1 20 LOl2120L7 1,401,45 1,343.34 61.66 2t,927.O1 58.11 20,583.67 61.66 58.11 21 22 Lll212oLt L,40L,45 1,346.90 54.55 19,236,76 54.55 t2l2l2ot7 t,40L,45 t,350,47 50.98 !7,886,29 50.98 16 31212077 2017 1,40r,,45 1,339,79 16,8t7,40 1s,972,17 79,27 47,4 1,l2l20t8 1,401.45 1,354.05 24 21212018 L,AOL.45 3l212or8 1,401.4s 47,4 16,532,24 43.81 15,L74.60 40,2t 13,813.36 43.87 25 t,357,64 t,361,24 26 .41212078 t,40t,45 1364.85 35.6 72,MA,52 36.6 27 1,401.45 1,368.46 32.99 11,080.05 32.99 28 sl2l2OL8 6l212or8 1,401.45 t,372,09 29,36 9,707,97 29,36 29 7l212oL8 7,401,45 1,375,72 25,73 a332,24 25,73 30 1,401.45 7,379,37 22.08 6,952,47 22,08 31 8l2l2oL8 s/2l2oL8 1,401.45 1,383.03 78.42 5,569.8s 18,42 32 Lo/212018 ,,,407,45 1,386.69 74,76 L4,75 33 LLl212oL8 t,40r.45 1,390.36 11.09 4,183.16 2,792,79 34 L2l212oL8 1,401.45 1,394.05 7.4 \39A,14 7,4 35 Ll2l20t9 2019 Totals 40.27 11,09 Bal Net Ealancc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46,786.55 45,509,08 44,22A,23 42,943,98 41,655.33 40,365.27 35,r.56,72 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 o o 32,546,74 31,231.53 29,912.85 28,590.56 27,264,98 25,935.78 24,603,05 23,266,8t 2r,,921,O1 2q583.67 79,236,76 !1,886.29 o 0 0 o 0 o o o 0 0 o 0 L6,532,24 15,174.60 13,813.36 t2,44A,52 11,080.05 9,707,97 aþ32.24 6,952.47 5,569.85 4,183.16 2,792,79 1,398.74 329,85 t6,8t7.40 r5,487.55 329.8s 7,402,45 L39A.74 3,77 1,¡t02.45 1,398,74 3,7t ?,7t 2,265.20 2,265.2O 50,453.20 48,188.00 lnt 845.23 845.23 23 2018 Accrued 1,086,41 1,086.41 11 13 veßlon 8.2 Compoundln¡! MonthlY 0 3.71 0 0 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER (optionâl) Phone: 800-331 -3282 Fax:. 818-662-4141 B. E-MAIL CONTACT AT FILER (optional) C. SENDACKNOWLEDGMENTTO: (Name andAddre..) 10450 - 1ST SOURCE Direct services F"" ' 330 N. Brand Blvd suite $2365719 700 WISC Glendale, CA 91203 IJ -l USE ONLY E ABOVE SPACE IS FOR File with: Dept of Financial lnstitution' part oflhe lnd¡vidual Debtofs part if any Dobtor's name); ofthe any or abbrevlate modlry' (use do not omit, (la exact, tull nams; glg lb) namo or Dôbtor 1. DEBTOR'S NAME: Provide only and provlde the hdlvidual Debtor lnformation in ltem lO ofthe Flnancing Sùatement Addendum (Fom UCCfAd) name r¡vlll not fit in llno 1b, leavo all of item 1 blank, check here ! WL -- 1a, CITY OF OAK CREEK OR 1b. INOIVIDUAL'S SURNAME ADDRESS AODTTTONAL NAME(SylNlTlAL(S) ctw SÎATE POSTAL CODÉ WI Oak Creek 8040 2. FIRST PERSONAL NAME 53154 part of ths Debto/s namo); lf any Part ofthe lndlvldual Debto/s Provide only one Debtor name (2a or 2b) (use exact, full namg; do not omit' modiry, or abbrsv¡ate any Flnanclng statement Addendum (Fom UCCIAd) 1o oflhe ln item lnformauon provlde Debtor ths lndividual and here 2 blank, check name will not fit ln llne 2b, lsave all of ¡lem DEBTOR'S NAME: I NAME OR 3. 2b. INDIVIDUAL'S SURNAME FIRSI PERSONAL NAME ADDTTTONAL NAME(SylNlTlAL(S) CITY STATE Secursd Provide NAME of ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR SECURED SECURED PARTY'S POSTAL CODE name (3a or 3a. 1st Source Bank, Construction Equipment Division OR 3b. INDIVIDUAL'S SURNAME ADDRESS FIRST PERSONAL NAME ADDTTTONAL NAME(SylNlTlAL(S) ctw STATE - POSTAL COOE USA 46624 IN South Bend SUFFIX 4. COLLATERAL: This financing statoment covers the followlng collateral: (9248377') One (1) Wacker Model WL37 Wheel Loader s/n 302661 1 to the E9uiPment' (ii) all present ìun"ü.rèr o'r ñorirìväntory of thãðustomer(collectively, the "Equipment"), plus (i) all logs, records and manuals relating pãrt's, repa¡rs,äo¿itiond,àòcess¡ón's, sub'stitutio-ns, exchangesand replacements identified with or relating to the and future attachments, service or ".."..ãr¡ðà, anã t turá lignti or'custbmer relatíng to the_ phy.sical condition of the Equipment, including under any waranties, eóù¡ôrént; (iii) a¡ present insrran"e poÏcies; (¡v) ál present or future rights of connection with the use and/or måìnîànànó,ì ágreéments, (i) throush "toraõãâóieär"ñtJoi trrÌiã pà*v ,rneiany t""rä, rentai àgieerient or license; anð (v) proceeds or the Equipment and a,nv.of äpilätiä.'j¡ tñã Èõrìpr"åruîãñv tiài"r"iöt ån ¡ntereäiinLny reä.e, rental agréemànt, license ór other form of chattel papei in respect of the Equipment shall violate the rights Ail.'äñv of the secured party. 5. Check 6a. tf CheokÐE and ch€ckSlyone þox: Collåteral¡9 applicable and chsck qly ln a Trust it6m l7 and adm¡nlsterod Ch€ck ono box: qly Ll€n A Debtor ls Publ¡c-Flnance 7. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION (lf appllcabl6): Lessee/Lossor 8. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA| 52365719 3248377 a if appl¡cable and ch6ck Ballss/Bailor Ð!y one box: Non-UCC Lic€n9es/Liconsor PMNI Pßpared by CT Llen Solullons, P.O. Box 29071, FtLtNG OFFICE COPY - UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (Form UCCI) (Rev, 04/20/11) Glondale, CA 9'1209-S071 Tel (800) 331-3282 INVOICE 1st SOURCE BANK 100 N. Michigan Street South Bend, lN 46601 OF OAK CREEK INVOICE DATE: February 3, 2016 ACCOUNT # app# 3248377 s 6th st Creek, Wl 53154 1 ADVANCE PAYMENT TAX ON ADVANCE PAYMENT (exemPt) 1 DOCUMENTATION FEE 1 AMOUNT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY $1,401.45 $o.oo $300.00 $1.701.45 SUBTOTAL $1,701.45 PAYT¡.IIS AMOUNT Questions concerning this invoice? Call: RaquelHoldgrafer (574) 235-2092 MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: 1st Source Bank P.O. Box 783 South Bend, lN 46624 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUS"VESS' g03g-GG Form Informatlon Return for Small Tax-Exempt Governmental Bond lssues, Leases, and Installment Sales (Rev. January 201 2) Þ Department of the Trêasury lntemal Revenuo Sgrvlce Patt OMB No. 1545-0720 Under Intemal Revenue Codo 86ct¡on 149(o) of the lssue is $100,000 or Caution: /f tñe lssue use Form 8038-G. I number (ElN) nare and street (or P.O. box if mail 4 City, town, or post state, 5 codê or other employeE of person or the IRS may Report number (For numbsr of oficor or lsgal moro 8a I lssue price of obligation(s) (see instructions) lssue date (single issue) or calendar date (consolidated). Enter date in mm/dd/yyyy format (for example, 01 /01 /2009) (see instructions) Þ Amount of the reported obligation(s) on line 8a that is: For leases for vehicles For leases for office equipment . For leases for real property For leases for other (see instructions) . For bank loans for vehicles For bank loans for office equipment For bank loans for real propertY. For bank loans for other (see instructions) Used to refund prior issue(s) I Representing a loan from the proceeds of another tax-exempt obligation (for example, bond bank) 9¡ b 9 a b c d e r I h 9a 9b 9c 9d 9e 9f 9q th 9i 9k k Other 10 lf the issuer has designated any issue under section 265(bXgXBXiXlll) (small issuer exception), check this box l1 lf the issuer has elected to pay a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate, check this box (see instructions) Vendor's or bank's name: 12 t3 . and statoments, and to lssusr's roturn lnlormatlon, Eg necesgary to oxamined this rsturn and that I consent to ths IRS'S Signature and Consent Paid Preparer Use Only Use OnM ora one: a Part Il 8a addross) not thls have Ðñtfrype preparer's nanie General lnstructions Section references are to the lnternal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted' What's New The IRS has created a page on for information about the Form 8038 series and ¡ts instructions, at www.lrs,govlform8038. lnformation about any future developments affecting the Form 8038 series (such as legislation enacted after we release it) will be posted on that page. Purpose of Form Form 8038-GC is used by the issuers of taxexempt governmental obligations to provide the IRS with tho information required by section 149(e) and to mon¡tor the requirements of sections 141 through 150. Typo or prlnt name and tltlo Dale Signaturs of lssuer's authorizod representatlvo Preparer's slgnature Who Must File lssuers of tax-exempt governmental obligations with issue prices of less than $100,000 must file Form 8038-GC. lssuers of a tax-exempt governmental obligation with an issue price of $100,000 or more must file Form 8038-G, lnformation Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental Obl¡gations. Flllng a soparate retum for a eingle issue. lssuers have the option to file a separate Form 8038-GC for any tax-exempt governmental obligation wlth an issue price of less than $1 00,000. An issuer of a tax-exempt bond used to finance construction expenditures must file a separate Form 8038-GC for each issue to give notice to the IRS that an election was made to Cat. No.641088 Date check n if self-employed PTIN pay a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate (see the line 11 instructions). Fillng a consolidated retum for multlple lssues. For all tax-exempt govêrnmental obligations with issue prices of less than $100,000 that are not reported on a separate Form 8038-GC, an issuer must file a consolidated information return including all such issues issued within the calendar year. Thus, an issuer may file a separate Form 8038-GC for each of a number of small issues and report the remainder of small issues issued during the calendar year on one consolidated Form 8038-GC. However, if the issue is a construction issue, a separate Form 8038-GC must be filed to give the IRS notice of the election to pay a penalty in lieu of arb¡trage rebate. Form (Rov.1-2012) Form 8038-GC (Rev, 1 When To File To file a separate return for a single issue, file Form 8038-GC on or before the 1 5th day of the second calendar month after the close of the calendar quarter in which the issue is issued. To file a consolidated return for multiple issues, file Form 8038-GC on or before February 1Sth of the calendar year following the year in which the issue is issued. Late filing. An issuer may be granted an extension of time to file Form 8038-GC under section 3 of Rev. Proc. 2002-48,2002-37 l.R.B. 531, if it is determined that the failure to file on time is not due to willful neglect. Type or print at the top of the form, "Request for Relief under section 3 of Rev. Proc, 2002-48." Attach to the Form 8038-GC a letter briefly stating why the form was not submitted to the IRS on time. Also indicate whether the obligation in question is under examination by the lRS. Do not submit copies of any bond documents, leases, or installment sale documents. See Where Io F/e next. Where To File File Form 8038-GC, and any attachments, with the Department of the Treasury, lnternal Revenue Service Center, Ogden, UT84201' Private delivery services. You can use certain private delivery services designated by the IRS to meet the "timely mailing as timely filing/paying" rule for tax rêturns and payments. These private delivery services include only the following: r eage -20121 DHL Express (DHL): DHL Same Day Service. . Federal Express (FedEx): FedEx Priority Overnight, FedEx Standard Overnight, FedEx 2Day, FedEx International Priority, and FedEx lnternat¡onal First. r United Parcel Service (UPS): UPS Next Day Air, UPS Next Day A¡r Saver, UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS 2nd Day Air A.M., UPS Worldwide Express Plus, and UPS Worldwide Express. The private delivery service can tell you how to get wr¡tten proof of the mailing date. Other Forms That MaY Be Required For rebating arbitrage (or paying a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate) to the Federal Government, use Form 8038-T, Arbitrage Rebate, Yield Reduction and Penalty in Lieu of Arbitrage Rebate. For private activity bonds, use Form 8038, lnformation Return for Tax-Exempt Private Activity Bond lssues. For a tax-exempt governmental obligation with an issue price of $100,000 or more, use Form 8038-G. Rounding to Whole Dollars You may show the money items on this return as whole-dollar amounts. To do so, drop any amount less than 50 cents and increase any amount from 50 to 99 cents to the next higher dollar. Definitions Obligations. This refers to a single taxexempt governmental obligation ¡f Form 8038-GC is used for separate repoding or to multiple tax-exempt governmental obligations ¡f the form is used for consolidated reporting, Tax-exempt obligatlon. This is any obligation including a bond, installment purchase agreement, or financial lease, on which the interest is excluded from income under section 103. Tax-exempt governmental obligatlon. A tax-exempt obligation that is not a pr¡vate activity bond (see below) is a tax-exempt governmental obligation. This includes a bond issued by a qualified volunteer fire department under section 150(e). Prlvate actlvity bond. Th¡s includes an obligation issued as part of an issue in which: . More than 1 070 of the proceeds are to be used for any private activity business use, and . More than 10% of the payment of principal or ¡nterest of the issue is either (a) secured by an interest in property to be used for a private business use (or payments for such property) or (b) to be derived from payments for property (or borrowed money) used for a private business use. It also includes a bond, the proceeds of which (a) are to be used to make or finance loans (other than loans described in section 1 41 (cX2) to persons other than governmental units and (b) exceeds the lesser of 5% of the proceeds or $5 million. lesue. Generally, obligations are treated as part of the same issue only if they are issued by the same issuer, on the same date, and as part of a single transaction, or a series of related transactions. However, obligations issued during the same calendar year (a) under a loan agreement under which amounts are to be advanced periodically (a "drawdown loan') or (b) w¡th a term not exceeding 270 days, may bê treated as part of the same issue if the obligations are equally and ratably secured under a single indenture or loan agreement and are issued under a common financing arrangement (for example, under the same official statement periodically updated to reflect changing factual circumstances). Also, for obl¡gations issued under a drawdown loan that meets the requirements of the preceding sentence, obligations issued during different calendar years may be treated as part of the same issue if all of the amounts to be advanced under the draw-down loan are reasonably expected to be advanced within 3 years of the date of issue of the first obl¡gation. Likewise, obligations (other than pr¡vate act¡vity bonds) issued under a single agreement that is in the form of a lease or inètallment sale may be treated as part of the same issue if all of the property covered by that agreement is reasonably expected to be delivered within 3 years of the date of issue of the f¡rst obl¡gation. Arb¡trage r6bate. Generally, interest on a state or local bond is not tax'exempt unless the issuer of the bond rebates to the United States arb¡trage profits earned from investing proceeds of the bond in higher yielding nonpurpose investments. See section 148(f). Conetructlon isgue. This is an issue of taxexempt bonds that meets both of the following conditions: 2 1. At least 75% oi the available construction proceeds of the issue are to be used for construction expenditures w¡th respect to property to be owned by a governmental unit or a 501 (cX3) organization, and 2. All of the bonds that are part of the issue are qualified 501(cX3) bonds, bonds that are not pr¡vate activity bonds, or private activity bonds issued to finance property to be owned by a governmental unit or a 501(c)(3) organizat¡on. ln lieu of rebating any arbitrage that may be owed to the United States, the issuer of a construction issue may make an irrevocable election to pay a penalty, The penalty is equal lo 1-112o/o of the amount of construction proceeds that do not meet certain spending requirements. See section 148(0(4XC) and the lnstructions for Form 8038-T, Specific lnstructions ln general, a Form 8038-GC must be completed on the basis of available informat¡on and reasonable expectations as of the date of issue, However, forms that are f¡led on a consolidated basis may be completed on the basis of information readily available to the issuer at the close of the calendar year to which the form relates, supplemented by estimates made in good faith. Part l-Report¡ng Authority Amended return. An issuer may file an amended return to change or add to the information reported on a previously filed return for the same date of issue. lf you are filing to correct errors or change a previously filed return, check the "Amended Retum" box in the heading of the form. The amended return must provide all the information reported on the original return, in addition to the new corrected information. Attach an explanation of the reason for the amended return and write across the top "Amended Return Explanation." Llne l. The issuer's namê is the name of the entity issuing the obligations, not the name of the entity receiving the benefit of the financing. ln the case of a lease or installment sale, the issuer is the lessee or purchaser. Line 2. An issuer that does not have an employer identification number (ElN) should apply for one on Form SS-4, Application for Employer ldentif¡cation Number. You can get this form on the IRS website at or by calling 1 -8OO-TAX-FORM (1 -800-829-3676). You may receive an EIN by telephone by following the instructions for Form SS-4. Llnes 3 and 4. Enter the issuer's address or the address of the designated contact person listed on line 6. lf the issuer wishes to use its own address and the issuer receives its mail in care of a third party authorized representative (such as an accountant or attorney), enter on the street address line "C/O" followed by the third party's name and street address or P.O. box. lnclude the suite, room, or other unit number after the street address. lf the post office does not deliver mail to the street address and the issuer has a P.O, box, show the box number instead of the Pase Form 8038-GC (Rev. 1-2012) street address. lf a change in address occurs after the return is filed, use Form 8822, Change of Address, to notify the IRS of the new address. Note. The address entered on lines 3 and 4 is the address the IRS will use for all written communlcations regarding the processing of this return, including any notices, By authorizing a person other than an authorized officer or other employee of the issuer to communicate with the IRS and whom the IRS may contact about this return, the issuer authorizes the IRS to communicate directly with the individual listed on line 6, whose address is entered on lines 3 and 4 and consents to disclose the issuer's return information to that individual, as necessary, to process this return. Line 5. This line is for IRS use only. Do not make any entries in this box, Part ll- Descr¡pt¡on of Obligations Check the appropriate box designating this as a return on a single issue basis or a consolidated return basis. Line 8a. The issue price of obligations is generally determined under Regulations section 1.148-1(b). Thus, when issued for cash, the issue price is the price at which a substantial amount of the obligations are sold to the public. To determine the issue price of an obligation issued for property, see sections 1273 and 1274 and the related regulations. Line 8b. For a single issue, enter the date of issue (for example, 03/15/201 0 for a single issue issued on March 15, 2010), generally the date on which the issuer physically exchanges the bonds that are part of the issue for the underwriter's (or other purchaser's) funds; for a lease or installment sale, enter the date interest starts to accrue' For issues reported on a consolidated basis, enter the first day of the calendar year during which the obligations were issued (for example, for calendar year 201 0, enter 01/o112010'). Lines 9a through th. Complete this section if property other than cash is exchanged for the obligation, for example, acquiring a police car, a fire truck, or telephone equipment through a series of monthly payments, (fhis type of obligation is sometimes referred to as a "municipal lease.") Also complete this section if real property is directly acquired in exchange for an obligation to make periodic payments of interest and principal. Do not complete lines 9a through 9d if the proceeds of an obligation are received in the form of cash even if the term "lease" is used in the title of the issue. For lines 9a through 9d, enter the amount on the appropriate line that represents a lease or installment purchase. For line 9d, enter the type of item that is leased. For lines 9e through th, enter the amount on the appropriate line that represents a bank loan. For line th, ent€r the type of bank loan. Lines 9i and 9j. For line 9i, enter the amount of the proceeds that will be used to pay principal, interest, or call premium on any other issue of bonds, including proceeds that will be used to fund an escrow account for this purpose, Several lines may apply to a particular obligation. For example, report on lines 9i and 9i obligations used to refund prior issues which represent loans from the proceeds of another tax-exempt obligation. Line 9k. Enter on line 9k the amount on line 8a that does not represent an obligation described on lines 9a through 9i, Line 10. Check this box if the issuer has designated any issue as a "small issuer exception" under section 265(bXgXBX|(llD. Llne 11. Check this box ¡f the issue is a construction issue and an irrevocable êlection to pay a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate has been made on or before the date the bonds were issued. The penalty is payable w¡th a Form 8038-T for each 6-month period after the date the bonds are issued. Do not make any payment of penalty in lieu of rebate with Form 8038-GC. See Rev, Proc.92'22, 1992-1 C.B. 736, for rules regarding the "election document," Llne 12. Enter the name of the vendor or bank who is a party to the installment purchase agreement, loan, or financial lease. lf there are multiple vendors or banks, the issuer should attach a schedule. Line 13. Enter the employer identification number of the vendor or bank who is a party to the installment purchase agreement, loan, or financial lease. lf there are multiple vendors or banks, the issuer should attach a schedule. Signature and Consent An authorized representative of the issuer must sign Form 8038-GC and any applicable certification. Also print the name and title of the person signing Form 8038-GC. The authorized representative of the issuer signing this form must have the authority to consent to the disclosure of the issuer's return information, as necessary to process this return, to the person(s) that has been designated in this form, Note. lf the issuer authorizes in line 6 the IRS to communicate with a person other than an officer or other employee of the issuer, (such authorization shall include contact both in writing regardless of the address entered in lines 3 and 4, and by telephone) by signing this form, the issuer's authorized representat¡ve consents to the disclosure of the issuer's return ¡nformation, as necessary to process this return, to such person. 3 Paid Preparer lf an authorized representative of the issuer filled in its return, the paid preparer's space should remain blank. Anyone who prepares the return but does not charge the organization should not sign the return. Certain others who prepare the return should not sign. For example, a regular, full-time employee of the issuer, such as a clerk, secretary, etc., should not sign, Generally, anyone who is paid to prepare a return must sign it and fill in the other blanks in lhe PaÍd Preparer Use Only area of the return. A paid preparer cannot use a soc¡al security number in lhe Pald Preparer Use Only box. The paid preparer must use a preparer tax identification number (PTIN). lf the paid preparer is self-employed, the preparer should enter his or her address in the box. The paid preparer must: . Sign the return in the space provided for the preparer's signature, and @g@ Paperwork Reduction Act Notice We ask for the information on this form to carry out the lnternal Revenue laws of the Un¡ted States. You are required to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are complying with these laws. You are not required to provide the ¡nformat¡on requested on a form that is subiect to the Paperwork Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relat¡ng to a form or its instructions must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any lnternal Revenue law. Generally, tax r€turns and return information are confidential, as required by section 6103. The time needed to complete and file this form will vary depending on indlvidual circumstances. The estimated average time is: Leamlng about the taw or the form Preparing the 4 hr" 46 min. form Copying, assembling, and sending the form to the IRS 2 hr.,22 min. . 2 hr., 34 min. lf you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler, we would be happy to hear from you. You can write to the lnternal Revenue Service, Tax Products Coordinating Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:M:S, 1 1 1 1 Constitution Ave. NW, lR-6526, Washington, DC 20224' Do not send the form to this address. lnstead, see Where To File. City of Oak Creek Common Council Report Meeting Date: February 15,2016 Item No.: lfi Recommendation: That the Common Council approve Resolution No. 11683-021516, A resolution of governing body extract of minutes in conjunction with the Master Lease Agreement for the purchase of a Wacker Model WL37 Wheel Loader. Background: As was stated in the prior Council item, the Street Department is needing to lease this piece of equipment to remove snow at the Civic Center and Drexel Town Square. The attached resolution is a required by 1" Source Bank in conjunction with the Master Lease Agreement which was agreed on previously. Fiscal lmpact: As previously stated. Prepa Respectfully submitted: Ted Johnson Director Streets, Parks & Forestry Gerald Peterson, ICMA-CM City Administrator Fiscal Review by: Bridget M Finance Director / Comptroller RESOLUTION NO. 1 1683-021516 BY: _ A RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY EXTRACT OF MINUTES WHEREAS, the City of Oak Creek, the Lessee has determined that a true and very real need exists for the acquisition for the Equipment described in the Master Equipment Lease Agreement ("Agreement") and Lease Supplement #2 with 1st Source Bank presented to this meeting; and WHEREAS, the governing body of Lessee has taken the necessary steps, including any legal bidding requirements, under applicable law to arrange for the acquisition of such Equipment; and BE lT RESOLVED by the City of Oak Creek, the Lessee that the terms of said Agreement are in the best interests of Lessee for the acquisition of such Equipment, and the governing body of Lessee designates and confirms the following persons to execute and deliver, and to witness (or attest), respéctively, the Agreement and any related documents necessary to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Agreement; and FURTHERMORE BE lT RESOLVED, that the City of Oak Creek, the Lessee hereby represents that the reasonably anticipated amount of qualified tax-exempt obligations which have been and will be issued by the Lessee does exceed $10,000,000 for the calendar year within which this Agreement is not to be "qualified tax-exempt obligation" pursuant to Section 265(bX3) of the lnternal Revenue Code. Ted Johnson Director of Streets, Parks, & Forestry Bridget Souffrant Finance Director/Comptroller The undersigned further certifies that the above resolution has not been repealed or amended and remains in full force and effect and further certifies that the above and foregoing Agreement is the same as presented at said meeting of the City of Oak Creek, the Lessee. lntroduced at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Oak Creek held this 1Sth day of February, 2016. day of Approved this ,2016. Passed and adopted President, Common Council this daY of 2016. Mayor ATTEST VOTE: Ayes Noes City Clerk - Specialty Finance Group EXHIBIT A RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY EXTRACT OF MINUTES Lessee: CITY OF OAK CREEK Date of Agreement: February l9r20l5 the following resolution was introduced and At a duly called meeting of the goveming body of Lessee held on adopted. WHEREAS the governing body of Lessee has determined that a true and very real need exists for the acquisition of the Equipment described in the Master Equipmeit tæase Ágreement ("Agreement") and l-ease Supplement #2 with lst Source Bank Presented to this meeting; and --,20including any legal bidding requirements, under applicable law to arrange for WHEREAS, the goveming body of Lessee has taken the necessary steps, the acquisition of such Equipment. BE lT RESOLVED, by the governing body of Lessee that the terms of said Agreement are in the best interests of læssee for the acquisition of such (or attest)' Equipment, and the góu.-iíg body-of Lissee designates and confirms the iollowing persons to execute and deliver, and to witness respectively, the Agreement and any related documents necessary to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Agreement' FURTTIERMORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing body of Læssee hereby represents that the reasonably anticipated amount of qualified taxAgreement exempt obligations which have been and will be issued by the trssee does exceed $10,000,000.00 for the calendar year within which this t'qualified (b) (3) Code. Revenue Internal of the pursuant 265 Section to obligation" tax-exempt not to be is By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: certifies The undersigned further certifies that the above resolution has not been repealed or amended and remains in ñ¡ll force and effect and further of Lessee' governing body of the that the above and foregoing Agreement is the same as presented at said meeting SEAL: By: Name: Title: Secretary / Clerk Date: Municipal Iæase - Lease Supplement & Exhibits 3|S|I4**CITY OF OAK CREEK*'ßREVISED