Characterisation of fly-ash cenospheres from coal
Characterisation of fly-ash cenospheres from coal
Characterisation of fly-ash cenospheres from coal-fired power plant unit Maciej Jacek Żyrkowski Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Energy Engineering and Management Supervisor: Professor Luís Filipe da Silva dos Santos Co-Supervisor: Doctor Rui Pedro da Costa Neto Co-Supervisor: Professor Teresa Grzybek Industrial Supervisor: Engineer Karol Witkowski Examination Committee Chairperson: Professor José Alberto Caiado Falcão de Campos Supervisor: Professor Luís Filipe da Silva dos Santos Member of the committee: Professor Ana Paula Vieira Soares Pereira Dias September 2014 1 Acknowledgments This thesis is based on work conducted within the KIC InnoEnergy Master School, in the MSc programme Clean Coal Technologies. This programme is supported financially by the KIC InnoEnergy. The author also received financial support from KIC InnoEnergy, which is gratefully acknowledged. KIC InnoEnergy is a company supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), and has the mission of delivering commercial products and services, new businesses, innovators and entrepreneurs in the field of sustainable energy through the integration of higher education, research, entrepreneurs and business companies. Shareholders in KIC InnoEnergy are leading industries, research centres, universities and business schools from across Europe. The MSc programme Clean Coal Technologies is a collaboration of: AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland, SUT Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland IST Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal 2 This work was done in cooperation with EDF (Electricité de France) coal fired power plant located in Krakow (Poland), which provided samples to analyze, as well as information regarding the power plant operation. 3 Summary Cenospheres are one of the most desired byproducts of coal combustion process nowadays. They are small hollow spheres with roughly 10 – 1000 µm in diameter and constitute about 1-2 % of the fly ash obtained from the coal combustion process. Because of their specific properties, namely their low density and very high mechanical strength, cenospheres are an important subject of coal fired power plants. The objective of this work is to characterize, chemically and structurally, different cenospheres in order to establish the conditions that favors their formation. For this purpose, several samples of cenospheres, obtained from fly ash from coal-fired power plant located in Poland, were analyzed in terms of composition of cenospheres and fly ash and its relation with glass formation principles and combustion conditions. Moreover, detailed properties of cenospheres have been obtained and described by techniques such as SEM, EDS, XRD, XRF and Raman spectroscopy. Results indicate that cenospheres from coal combustion are a mixture of aluminosilicate glasses with mullite and quartz crystalline phases. They can present different size and shell structure as well as color. The high alumina content – roughly 25-27 wt. % - is responsible for the high mechanical 3 strength, while density of most cenospheres is lower than 1 g/cm . Regarding the formation process, there are interesting correlations between the amount of cenospheres and the sodium and calcium content, in different fly ash samples. Key words: cenospheres, cenosphere yield, cenosphere formation, coal combustion, fly ashes. 4 Resumo Cenosferas são um dos mais desejados subprodutos da combustão de carvão hoje em dia. São pequenas esferas ocas com ~ 8-1000 µm de diâmetro, que constituem cerca de 1-2% de cinzas volantes num processo de combustão do carvão. Devido às suas propriedades, como por exemplo a baixa densidade e a elevada resistência mecânica, as cenosferas são um tema importante em muitas centrais de energia. O objectivo deste trabalho é caracterizar, química e estruturalmente, diferentes cenosferas por forma a estabelecer as condições que favorecem a sua formação. Assim, diversas amostras de cenosferas, obtidas a partir de cinzas volantes de centrais de energia movidas a carvão, localizadas na Polónia foram analisadas em termos da composição das cenosferas e das cinzas e a sua relacão com os princípios de formação vítrea e as condições de combustão. Além disso, determinaram-se as propriedades características das cenosferas com diferentes métodos de ensaio, como SEM, EDS, XRD, XRF e espectroscopia Raman. Os resultados revelam que as cenosferas resultantes da combustão de carvão são constituídas por uma mistura de vidros de aluminosilicatos com fases cristalinas de mulite e quartzo. Elas podem apresentar diferentes tamanhos, cor e estrutura. O elevado teor de alumina (~ 25-27 % peso) traduz-se numa elevada resistência 3 mecânica, sendo a densidade da maior parte das cenoesferas inferior a 1 g/cm . Relativamente ao processo de formação, determinaram-se correlações interessantes entre a quantidade de cenosferas e a composição de sódio e de cálcio em diferentes amostras de cinzas volantes. Palavras-chave: cenosferas, rendimento de cenosferas, formação de cenosferas, combustão de carvão; cinzas volantes. 5 Thanks I hereby would like to thank everyone who has helped me during writing this thesis. In particular I would like to thank: Prof. Luis Santos, for devoted time as being my coordinator, for his great advices and invaluable commitment to this work, Doc. Rui Costa Neto, for devoted time as being my co-coordinator, for his great advices and commitment to this work, Prof. Teresa Grzybek, for devoted time as being my co-coordinator and for great help in dealing with formal and scientific problems, Prof. Toste Azevedo of blessed memory, for his help and having a great concept about this work, Eng. Karol Witkowski, for his help and commitment during my internship, as well as during process of writing this thesis, For all my great family and my beloved girlfriend, who supports me all the time. 6 Table of Contents I. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………… 12 1. Background and objectives…………………………………………………………………..12 2. Pulverized coal combustion………………………………………………………………… 16 3. Fuel pathway in coal fired power plant……………………………………………………..17 4. By-products from coal combustion and their application………………………………… 18 5. Cenospheres………………………………………………………………………………….. 20 6. Cenosphere formation……………..………………………………………………………... 20 7. Pulverized coal combustion boiler OP-430 review……………………………………..… 24 8. Environmental concerns…………………………………………………………………..… 28 II. Experimental Techniques…………………………………………………………………….29 1. Cenosphere separation…..………………………………………………………………….. 30 2. XRF……………………………………………………………………………………………. 31 3. XRD…………………………………………………………………………………………… 31 4. SEM / EDS……………………………………………………………………………………. 32 5. Raman spectroscopy………………………………………………………………………... 32 III. Results & Discussion……………………………………………………………………….. 34 1. Results from laboratory work……………………………………………………………….. 34 2. XRF……………………………………………………………………………………………. 38 3. XRD…………………………………………………………………………………………..…42 4. SEM / EDS………………………………………………………………………………….....47 5. Raman spectroscopy…………………………………………………………………………57 6. Viscosity………………………………………………………………………………………..62 7. Mineral matter transformation……………………………………………………………..…63 8. The analysis of combustion process………………….………………………………….….65 IV. Conclusions & Future Investigation………………………………………………………... 68 1. Conclusions………………………………………………………………………………….…68 2. Future investigation……………………………………………………………………………68 References………………………………………………………………………………………………..70 7 List of Figures Figure 1. Coal-fired power plant scheme ...............................................................................15 Figure 2. Simplified mechanism of fly ash formation .............................................................17 Figure 3. Broken cenosphere ...............................................................................................19 Figure 4. Temperature vs. Enthalpy plot for glass-forming melts ...........................................22 Figure 5. Influence of Illite, Chlorite and Montmorillonite on the yield of cenospheres . ..........23 Figure 6. Process of cenosphere formation during coal combustion in steps. ........................24 Figure 7. Variation of temperature along boiler OP-430 boiler height . ...................................26 Figure 8. Boiler OP-430 scheme and height [m] ...................................................................27 O Figure 9. Boiler OP-430 burners layout and temperatures [ C] .............................................27 Figure 10. Temperatures distribution after burner’s outlet ......................................................27 Figure 11. Boiler OP-430 with main components and temperatures of exhaust gases ..........28 Figure 12. Stirring and sedimentation of samples. .................................................................30 Figure 13. Draining of skimmed matter..................................................................................31 Figure 14. Dried samples prepared for burnout. ....................................................................31 Figure 15. Cenospheres content In each sample of tested fly ash from ESP zone I. ..............35 Figure 16. Cenospheres content In each sample of tested fly ash from all ESP zones ..........37 Figure 17. SEM image of cenosphere sample D00Pcen........................................................38 Figure 18. SEM image of cenosphere sample D01Pcen........................................................38 Figure 19. SEM image of cenosphere sample D01Rcen........................................................38 Figure 20. SEM image of cenosphere sample D02Pcen........................................................38 Figure 21. SEM image of cenosphere sample D02Rcen........................................................38 Figure 22. SEM image of cenosphere sample D03Rcen........................................................38 Figure 23. SEM image of cenosphere sample D04Pcen........................................................38 Figure 24. SEM image of cenosphere sample D04Rcen........................................................38 Figure 25. SEM image of cenosphere sample D05Rcen........................................................39 Figure 26. SEM image of cenosphere sample D07Pcen........................................................39 Figure 27. Plots from XRF analysis for fly ash sample D00P .................................................40 Figure 28. Plots from XRF analysis for fly ash sample D03R .................................................41 Figure 29. Correlation between Na/Ca ratio in fly ash samples and content of cenospheres obtained from given sample. .................................................................................................42 Figure 30. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D00Pcen .....................................................43 Figure 31. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D01Pcen .....................................................44 Figure 32. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D01Rcen .....................................................44 Figure 33. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D02Pcen .....................................................45 Figure 34. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D02Rcen .....................................................45 Figure 35. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D03Rcen .....................................................46 Figure 36. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D04Pcen .....................................................46 Figure 37. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D04Rcen .....................................................47 Figure 38. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D05Rcen .....................................................47 Figure 39. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D07Pcen .....................................................48 Figure 40. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D00Pcen.........................49 Figure 41. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D01Rcen ........................49 Figure 42. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D01Pcen.........................49 Figure 43. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D02Rcen ........................49 Figure 44. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of fly ash sample D02R ......................................50 Figure 45. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D02Pcen.........................50 Figure 46. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D03Rcen ........................50 Figure 47 SEM picture and EDS spectrum of fly ash sample D03R ......................................50 Figure 48. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D04Rcen ........................51 Figure 49. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D04Pcen.........................51 Figure 50. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D05Rcen ........................51 8 Figure 51 SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D07Pcen..........................51 Figure 52. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of fly ash sample D07P ......................................52 Figure 53. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data ......................................................53 Figure 54. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data ......................................................53 Figure 55. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data ......................................................53 Figure 56. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data ......................................................54 Figure 57. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data ......................................................54 Figure 58. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data ......................................................55 Figure 59. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data ......................................................55 Figure 60. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data ......................................................55 Figure 61. Sample D00Pcen fragment A ...............................................................................59 Figure 62. Raman spectrum for sample D00Pcen fragment A ...............................................59 Figure 63. Sample D00Pcen fragment B ...............................................................................59 Figure 64. Raman spectrum for sample D00Pcen fragment B ...............................................60 Figure 65. Sample D00Pcen fragment C ...............................................................................60 Figure 66. Raman spectrum for sample D00Pcen fragment C ...............................................60 Figure 67. Sample D00Pcen fragment D ...............................................................................61 Figure 68. Raman spectrum for sample D00Pcen fragment D ...............................................61 Figure 69. Sample D03Rcen fragment A ...............................................................................61 Figure 70. Raman spectrum for sample D03Rcen fragment A ...............................................62 Figure 71. Sample D03Rcen fragment B ...............................................................................62 Figure 72. Raman spectrum for sample D03Rcen fragment B ...............................................63 Figure 73. Sample D03Rcen fragment C...............................................................................63 Figure 74. Raman spectrum for sample D03Rcen fragment C ...............................................63 Figure 75. Viscosity in function of temperature for four samples of fly ash with different cenospheres content. ...........................................................................................................64 Figure 76. Binary phase diagram for SiO2-Al 2O3 system with relevant regions ......................65 Figure 77. System SiO2 – Al2O3 – CaO on ternary phase diagram . .......................................66 Figure 78. Exhaust gases temperature after bulkhead superheater - left side vs. Yield of cenospheres [%]. ..................................................................................................................67 Figure 79 Exhaust gases temperature after bulkhead superheater - right side vs. Yield of cenospheres [%]. ..................................................................................................................68 Figure 80. Graph comparing exhaust gases temperatures after bulkhead superheater (left side and right side) and power produced by generator, in function of cenospheres yield. ..............69 9 List of Tables Table 1. Coal composition for different types of coal .............................................................13 Table 2. Results from cenospheres separation for ESP zone I. .............................................35 Table 3. Results from laboratory work for ESP zones I, II and III. ..........................................36 Table 4. Data obtained from XRF – elementary analysis of fly ash samples in ratio of silica. .43 Table 5. SEM Pictures and elements content in single cenospheres particles .......................53 Table 6. EDS quantitative analysis of elements from fly ash samples. ...................................56 Table 7. EDS quantitative analysis of elements from cenosphere samples in [wt.%]. .............56 Table 8. EDS quantitative analysis of elements from cenosphere samples in [at.%]. .............57 Table 9. Oxide composition of cenosphere samples in [%] ....................................................57 Table 10. Oxide composition of fly ash samples in [%] ..........................................................57 Table 11. Comparison of viscosities for four fly ash samples for distinctive temperatures. .....65 10 Nomenclature H – enthalpy [kJ/mol] T – temperature [OC] [K] wt. % - weight percentage at. % - atomic percentage η – viscosity [Pa s] ρ – density [g/cm3] cc – cubic centimeter 2 SSA - Specific Surface Area [cm /g] 2 A - area [mm ] c – content of cenospheres in fly ash sample [%] σ – standard deviation, in units of given measurement. d – diameter [µm] λ – Air excess coefficient P – pressure [MPa] W – steam load [kg/s] m – mass [g[ ζ – tensile strength [GPa] t – time [ms] O Tg – glass transformation temperature [ C] ESP – Electrostatic precipitator XRF – X-Ray Fluorescence XRD – X-Ray Diffraction SEM – Scanning Electron Microscopy EDS - Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy α, A’, B, B0, B1, B2, B3, – Constants 11 I. INTRODUCTION 1. Background and objectives Cenospheres constitute a small but important fraction of by-products from coal combustion process. Because of some distinctive properties, like their low density and high mechanical strength, they are applicable in many branches of industry and nowadays, cenospheres become a desired and precious product (Petrus, 2011). This is why coal fired power plants are strongly interested in this issue and cenosphere recovery process is now under investigation. Cenospheres are hollow ceramic microspheres that are a by-product of coal burning power plants. When pulverized coal is burnt at power plants, fly ash is produced. Cenospheres are the lighter particles present in fly ash and constitute about 1-2% wt.% of the fly ash. The objective of this work is to characterize, chemically and structurally, different cenospheres in order to establish the conditions that favors their formation. Laboratory work performed by the author indicated, that the content of cenospheres can vary from 0.2 wt.% to 1.9 wt.% depending on the fly ash sample, therefore it is imperative to understand the cenosphere formation process in order to maximize the yield of cenospheres obtained. This knowledge would be especially important, regarding industrial cenosphere production process conducted by coal fired power plant. The main factors can be related with the combustion process itself as well as with the mineral composition of melting char inside the boiler. Both issues are important to understand how cenospheres are formed and which specific factors – such as the boiler temperature or the content of some specific elements – promote this process and allow increasing their yield in fly ash. Therefore, despite of this work title, the author focuses not only on the thermodynamic processes occurring in the boiler, but also on the chemical composition of cenospheres and fly ash. 12 2. Pulverized coal combustion Coal is an organic fossil fuel with the dominant content of carbon element that varies from about 30% by weight in lignite coals up to 85% by weight in anthracite coals. In the middle of this rank there are bituminous coals which are going to be a major concern of this work. In Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference. general differences between different coal types are presented. Table 1. Coal composition for different types of coal (Coal Classification, 2014). Lignite Coals Bituminous Coals Anthracite Coals Fixed Carbon 31.4 wt. % 44.9-78.2 wt. % 80.5-85.7 wt. % Ash 4.2 wt. % 3.3-11.7 wt. % 9.7-20.2 wt. % Sulfur 0.4 wt. % 0.7-4.0 wt. % 0.6-0.77 wt. % Moisture 39 wt. % 2.2-15.9 wt. % 2.8-16.3 wt. % Bulk Density 641-865 kg/m 3 673-913 kg/m 3 800-929 kg/m3 Despite of organic content in coal, there is also mineral content which is responsible for ash formation, as well as a surface and inherent moisture. During heating, part of mineral and organic matter in coal are being released as volatile substances – water, steam, volatile tar and gases, such as H2,CH4, CO, CO2, C2H6 and C2H4. Because properties of coal change along with conditions, different states of coal have been determined (Tomeczek J., 1994) : - Analytical state, when moisture in coal is in equilibrium with moisture in ambient air. - Dry state, when surface moisture is removed by drying in temperature about T = 110ºC. - Water and ash free state - Ash free state. There are also three types of analysis to characterize coal (Tomeczek J., 1994): - Proximate analysis, to find out moisture, ash and volatile matter. - Ultimate analysis, to find out content of radicals such as C, H, S, N and O. - Miscellaneous analysis, to find out heating value, forms of sulfur, chlorine, trace metals, CO2, free swelling index, dilatation, ash fusibility and ash composition. When volatiles and all moisture are removed from coal, what remains, is called char. The total heat of combustion depends on the amount of char, from a minimum of 40% (for strongly volatile peat) to a maximum of 95% (for anthracite). Burning char is also the most timeconsuming process. Combustion of pulverized coal can be divided into the following steps: - Heating and removing surface moisture - Removing inherent moisture 13 - Releasing volatiles - Forming char - Igniting - Burning volatiles and char. Combustion is basically a reaction of carbon from coal with oxygen and can be written as a set of the following chemical reaction (Tomeczek J., 1994): C + O2 = CO2 ∆H = -393.7 kJ/mol [1.1] C + 0.5O2 = CO ∆H = -110.1 kJ/mol [1.2] C + CO2 = 2CO ∆H = +172.6 kJ/mol [1.3] C + H2O = CO + H2 ∆H = +131.4 kJ/mol [1.4] CO + 0.5O2 = CO2 ∆H = -283.6 kJ/mol [1.5] H2 + 0.5O2 = H2O ∆H = -242.4 kJ/mol [1.6] CO + H2O = CO2 + H2 ∆H = -41.2 kJ/mol [1.7] When the change of enthalpy ∆H is negative, the reaction is exothermic (heat is being released during reaction). If ∆H is positive, reaction is endothermic (heat is absorbed during reaction). Despite of the large number of reactions, combustion is mainly based on reactions [1.1] and [1.2]. Both products of combustion – CO2 and CO – can be named as primary combustion products. The ratio CO/CO2 increases with temperature and decreases with pressure. The typical residue time for coal particle in pulverized coal boiler is 1-2 second which is usually sufficient for complete combustion (Tomeczek J., 1994) (Smoot, 1993). As long as oxy-combustion technology is not considered, oxygen required to carry on the combustion process is delivered with air. It is also assumed, that air contains 21% of oxygen and 79% of nitrogen. The excess of air coefficient λ is an important parameter for combustion process. It indicates how much air (and oxygen at the same time) is being delivered to the combustion process with respect to the molar content derived from stoichiometric equations. When λ<1 there is rich combustion (there is more fuel than oxygen) while λ>1 is called lean combustion process (there is more oxygen than fuel). When λ=1, the amount of oxygen delivered to combustion is equal to one derived from stoichiometric equations. That should be the ideal situation (when combustion is most efficient), however in reality, oxygen cannot mix with the fuel at a sufficient level. To enhance it, λ>1 is usually applied in pulverized coal combustion processes. On the other hand, a high excess of air will bring about significant heat losses of exhaust gases and decrease of combustion temperature. Typically, an optimal value 14 of λ for pulverized coal combustion is between 1.1 and 1.3 (Nocoń, Poznański, & Słupek, 1994). Temperature of combustion is another relevant parameter and it mainly depends on the type of coal used. For example, the temperature of combustion will be higher for bituminous coals than for lignite coals. Besides that, temperature will rise, if air is preheated before combustion and decrease with increasing air excess and amount of recirculated exhaust gases (Laudyn D., 2000). 3. Fuel pathway in coal fired power plant. Figure 1. Coal-fired power plant scheme After transportation from a mine, coal is stored in the landfill (Fig.1-1), and then it is transported via belt conveyor (Fig.1-A) to the coal bunkers (Fig.1-2). Next, coal is carried on by a feeder screws (Fig.1-B) to the coal mills (Fig.1-3). There are usually a few coal mills to avoid energy production gaps due to mill breakdown. Pulverized coal is afterwards conveyed in the stream of primary air (Fig.1-H’) using a primary air fan (Fig.1-4). A mixture of fuel and air is injected to the combustion chamber of the boiler (Fig.1-5) by several burners. At the same time, secondary air (Fig.1-H’’) is being delivered to the boiler by means of a forced draft fan (Fig.1-6). The main by-products formed during coal combustion process are slug, bottom ash and fly ash. The heavier slug and bottom ash (Fig.1-D) are removed at the bottom of the boiler whereas light fly ash (Fig.1-F) soars up and is transported with exhaust gases to the electrostatic precipitator (Fig.1-7). There the separation occurs - exhaust gases are moved by an induced draft fan (Fig.1-8) to the stack and fly ash is stored and afterwards conveyed to the fly ash utilization unit (Fig.1-F’). Steam produced in the boiler (Fig.1-a) goes to the high pressure part of the turbine (Fig.1-10). From there, part of steam comes back to reheat (Fig.1- 15 b) and the rest enters the low pressure part of the turbine (Fig.1-11). Next, steam with low enthalpy flows down to the condenser (Fig.1-12) and in a liquid state returns to the boiler (Fig.1-c). 4. By-products from coal combustion and their application. By-products from coal combustion are an effect of the presence of inorganic mineral matter in coal composition. As it was mentioned before, the main by-products from coal combustion are slag, bottom ash and fly ash. If power plant involves SOx and NOx treatment, we refer to clean-coal ash from an FGD (Flue-Gas Desulfurization) unit. Fly ash constitutes a major part of all by-products: 70-90%, while bottom ash is usually between 10-30 %. Bottom ash is comprised of coarse heavy particles, whereas fly ash particles are light and mostly fine, with 3 specific density from 1.6 to 2.6 g/cm (Siddique, 2010). Slag is basically a melted bottom ash. The major mass fraction of ash (about 97%) is formed by oxides: SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, K2O, Na2O, SO3, P2O5 and trace elements like: Zn, Pb, V, Ni, Cu, Co and Cr (Tomeczek J., 1994). Fly ash is the major concern of this work, because it contains a small amount of cenospheres. According to The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) there are two classes of fly ash: Class C - from lower ranked coals - containing more than 50% of combined SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 content and class F - from higher ranked coals – containing more than 70% of combined SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 content. This also means a higher CaO content in C class fly ashes (Blissett R.S., 2012). Typically, a class F fly ash contains more than 85% of SiO2 and Al2O3 and less than 2.3% of CaO (Lee S.H., 1999). Because almost all organic matter is burned away during coal combustion, fly ash is mainly formed by incombustible mineral matter. This in turn can form crystalline phases, such as quartz (from silica) or magnetite (from iron), aluminosilicate minerals like mullite or amorphous glass (Ward C.R., 2006), depending on the quenching rate and viscosity of particular melt (Shelby J.E., 1997). The main materials that constitute fly ash are: glass, spinels, hematite, mullite, clay and mica minerals, crystalline silicates and quartz (Hower J., 2012) (Blissett R.S., 2012). Mean fly ash particle size is usually in the range from about 5 µm to about 35 µm. Glass content in fly ash can vary from about 66.7% to 78.5% and it turned out to be higher at full boiler load than at half load (Lee S.H., 1999). According to Ward and French (Ward C.R., 2006), glass in fly ash from lower ranked bituminous coals (sub-bituminous) contains lower percentage of SiO2 and higher percentage of Fe2O3, than glass in fly ash obtained during combustion of higher ranked bituminous coals. Figure 2 depicts the mechanism of fly ash formation. Firstly, vaporization of volatile species like Na, Pb and Hg occurs. Those elements can undergo nucleation to form new crystallites, or they may condense on the surface of already existing particles (Chen L., 2012). Subsequently (or sometimes simultaneously), coal transforms to char, and inorganic elements are released by vaporization. Char has a high temperature of burnout, and because of that, as well as because of reducing atmosphere, even oxides with very high melting and boiling temperature 16 (like SiO2, CaO, MgO) start to volatize. Volatile forms that occur afterward can be SiO, Ca, Mg and NaCl. What is more, the amount of vaporized content rise with increasing temperature of char (Fenelonov V.B., 2010). In the next step, volatiles form ash particles due to condensation and nucleation process. The described mechanism is true for fine ash particles, coarse particles though, are formed from coalescence and fragmentation of non-volatile coal’s mineral content (Chen L., 2012) (Blissett R.S., 2012) (Smoot, 1993). Fly ash formation during coal combustion is also connected with the formation of deposit on the boiler walls, which is a huge problem because of the corrosion effect and decrease of heat transfer. The most dangerous are sodium and potassium that vaporize at low temperature and then condense forming sulphate corrosive compounds. Those are, regarding sodium, for example NaCl, Na2SO4, Na2SiO3 (Tomeczek J. P. H., 2002). Figure 2. Simplified mechanism of fly ash formation, adapted from (Chen L., 2012). Fly ashes from coal combustion have a variety of applications. Most commonly, they are used as a component of cement (constitutes more than 70% of cement mixture). Fly ash can be used to produce high-quality concrete pavements. High-performance concrete attains its best durability and strength proportions with 30-40% of fly ash content (Siddique R., 2010). Cleancoal ash is used as base of road construction, as well as a concrete component. Fly ash can be also used as a stabilizer for soil. The addition of fly ash to the soil, decrease its water absorption capacity and therefore the swelling effect. This is beneficial, as the swelling soil can damage pavements, roads or pipelines (Blissett R.S., 2012) (Siddique R., 2010). Fly ash can be utilized as adsorbent of various pollutants from gases or water solutions, for example for removing heavy metals from industrial water ash (Ahmaruzzaman, 2010). Larger size bottom ash can be used to manufacture of masonry and as coarse aggregate. Slag is usually utilized 17 as a component for architectural concrete to improve its abrasion resistance (Blissett R.S., 2012). 5. Cenospheres Microspheres are hollow glass particles with low density. The term cenospheres is used for microspheres naturally formed during pulverized bituminous coal combustion. They are a fraction of fly ash and the major concern of this work. There are two approaches in literature to cenospheres. The first - and more popular one assumes that they, in majority, have a density lower than the density of water, therefore they float and can be easily collected by wet separation. This approach is justified partly because light cenospheres are the most desirable for industries. However, there is a second approach 3 which states that in fact all particles with density below ρ = 2.2 g/cm should be treated as cenospheres (Ghosal S., 1995). This view is based on the fact that, from all oxides present in 3 fly ash, the crystalline forms of silica have the lowest density equal to ρ = 2.2 g/cm . This means that there cannot be an utterly solid particle with lower density than this. However, if we follow this point of view, it must be realized that particles with density between ρ = 1g/cm3 and 3 ρ = 2.2 g/cm are going to have respectively thicker walls or contain only small voids. At the 3 same time, the wall thickness of a cenosphere with density lower than ρ = 1g/cm (called “light”) is about 5-10% of its diameter (Barbare N., 2003), as can be observed in Figure 3. Usually, the amount of light cenospheres in fly ash is about 1-2 wt.%, although it can go up to 3 4 wt.% (Fleming D., 2012). This is no longer valid if all particles with density ρ < 2.2 g/cm are considered, because in this case cenospheres content can be as high as 95% (Ghosal S., 1995). Kolay (Kolay & Bhusal, Recovery of hollow spherical particles with two different densities from coal fly ash and their characterization, 2014) indicates, that 75% of all particles 3 with density up to 1.282 g/cm are cenospheres. 18 50 µm Figure 3. Broken cenosphere, adapted from (Shao Y., 2009) From the point of view of this work, the composition and structure of cenospheres are quite important. As mentioned before, they seem to present a mixed glass and crystalline structure. According to Shao (Shao Y., 2009), they are aluminosilicate-based particles composed of Al6Si2O13, SiO2 and a glass phase. Vassilev (Vassilev S.T., 2004) indicates, that phasemineral composition of cenospheres is composed mainly of aluminosilicate glass, quartz, mullite, calcite, Fe oxides, Ca silicates and sulphates while the gases inside are mainly CO2 and N2 with traces of CO, O2 and H2O. The outer shell of a cenosphere is formed from aluminosilicate glass and its skeleton from mullite, quartz, cristobalite and feldspar. The phase-mineral composition of cenospheres is 76% of glass, 22% of mineral matter and 2% of char (Vassilev S.T., 2004). Cenospheres have high porosity, resulting in water absorption capacity. According to Barbare (Barbare N., 2003), they can absorb 18-times more moisture than sand particles due to their porous surface. Regarding other parameters, cenospheres have low density and spherical shape, as well as very good mechanical strength and low thermal conductivity (Wang, Liu, Du, & Guo, 2012) (Chavez-Valdez, 2011). They are also characterized by their good resistance in highly oxidative and corrosive environments, as well as high thermal shock resistance. This is caused by the high mullite content in cenospheres (Chavez-Valdez, 2011). According to Hirajima (Hirajima, 2010), 90% of the cenospheres have diameters between 100-420 µm, while the remaining 10% have diameters lower than 100 µm. According to the same author, 3 80% of cenospheres have density lower than ρ = 1 g/cm . Vassilev (Vassilev S. T., 2004) indicates that the diameter of cenospheres can vary from 8 µm up to 1000 µm (sometimes 3 3 cenosphere can reach even 3 mm) and density varies from 0.4 g/cm to 0.8 g/cm . Kolay (Kolay, Recovery of hollow spherical particles with two different densities from coal fly ash and their characterization, 2014) correlates the average diameter with density – for particles with 3 density lower than 0.857 g/cm , 80% of them have diameter between 50 - 150 µm, 15% 19 diameter between 150 – 200 µm and 5% between 200 – 250 µm. For particles with density 3 lower than 1.282 g/cm , 10% of them have diameter between 40 – 50 µm, 50% between 50 – 100 µm, 20% between 100 – 110 µm and 20% have diameter between 110 – 150 µm. O O Cenospheres tend to sinter at temperature from 950 C – 1200 C and melt at temperature from 1250 O C to 1450 O C (Vassilev S. T., 2004). Kolay (Kolay, Physical, chemical, mineralogical, and thermal properties of cenospheres from an ash lagoon., 2001), indicated a specific surface area of cenospheres of 457 cm2/g. Cenospheres possess a bunch of distinctive properties, which makes them interesting for a variety of applications. They can be used as a drinking water purification agent to help removing excess of fluoride (Blissett R.S., 2012). Cenospheres can be covered by various metals and act as a magnetic waves shield, therefore can be use in electronic and radar applications (Blissett R.S., 2012). Cenospheres can be used in refractory materials due to their low thermal conductivity and high temperature resistance. They are also referring as a material for hydrogen storage. Finally, their light weight and high strength make them suitable for the design of modern light-weight composite materials which are demanded in automotive and aerospace industry (Blissett R.S., 2012). Because of their good water absorption capacity, cenospheres added to concrete allow it to be desirably dry (water in concrete leads to corrosion) and also decrease its density (Barbare N., 2003). Cenospheres separation can be carried out by two main ways – by wet method or by dry method. The former one was the first applied and it is still the most popular way to obtain cenospheres. Particles with density lower than density of a given liquid will float in this liquid; therefore, for the major fraction of cenospheres it is enough to use water. This technique however, has several disadvantages. The most important are the environmental restrictions and the fact that the remaining wet fly ash cannot be used for any further applications. Regarding that, the dry separation method is now being considered. Basically, using dry methods, the fly ash can be divided by its size, weight and density. In the first step, fly ash must be separated into two fractions – one comprised of coarse particles and a second one with fine particles. This process can be done using dry screening technology, such as ultrasonic sifting (Ramme B.W., 2011). The initial screening is suggested to be from 38 to 45 micron sieve. Afterwards, the obtained fractions can undergo density separation process in fluidized bed column without presence of water or air classification. When air classification is concerned, fly ash is fed into a rotating turbine wheel and smaller particles are collected due to centripetal forces while larger particles are blown away by centrifugal forces (Ramme B.W., 2011). Apart from standard hollow cenospheres, other similar particles as plerosphers and ferrospheres (ferrispheres) can be found in fly ash. The former one is basically a cenosphere with another particle trapped inside, while the latter particle is an amorphous or crystalline sphere with an increased amount of Fe (Vassilev S.T., 2004). 6. Cenospheres formation 20 The formation mechanism of cenospheres during pulverized coal combustion is complex and strongly depends on fuel properties and combustion parameters. Ghosal (Ghosal, 1995) points out that cenosphere formation is similar to the glass blowing process. Therefore it would be beneficial to take a closer look into the glass formation principles. Figure 4 presents a typical relation between enthalpy of a glass and temperature. For a normal (not very fast) cooling rate, the melted composition, after reaching temperature Tm, would experience a rapid drop in enthalpy and then formation of crystalline phases. However, for fast cooling rates, there is no time for atomic diffusion to occur and structural arrangements to happen and a super cooled liquid is obtained. As the temperature drops, the liquid viscosity increases to a point where structural arrangements are no longer possible and an amorphous solid is obtained. This point occurs between Tslow and Tfast, when its viscosity becomes on average 10 11.3 . Pa s (Shelby J.E., 1997). In this case, crystals do not form and enthalpy presents a gradual decrease. Exact temperature of glass transformation (Tg) between Tslow and Tfast depends on the cooling rate of the melt, as depicted in Figure 4 (Shelby, 1997). Silicacontaining melts (as in the case of cenospheres), have especially high viscosity and therefore are very agile to form glass. The addition of small amounts (up to 20%) of alkali oxides (Na2O, K2O) or earth alkali oxides (CaO, MgO) breaks the bonds between silica and oxygen, bringing about a rapid decrease in viscosity, although alkali oxides have a slightly higher impact here. Those oxides are called glass modifiers. Shelby (Shelby, 1997) indicates, that the glass O transformation temperature is about 200 C higher for calcium (earth alkali) silicate melt than for sodium (alkali) silicate melt, thus amorphous phase is going to be reached faster for the first melt (Shelby, 1997). Referring to cenosphere formation, it was mentioned before, that some of them can have amorphous outer shell and crystalline skeleton. This might be explained by the fact, that the outer shell is subjected to faster temperature change than the inner core (Fenelonov, 2010). According to M. Mollah (Mollah, 1999), the inner skeleton can be either amorphous or crystalline, but usually presents a higher content of earth alkalis than the outer shell. 21 Figure 4. Temperature vs. Enthalpy plot for glass-forming melts (Shelby J.E., 1997). Glass constitutes about 70 % of the fly ash, which means that more than a half of all particles undergo a glass transition process. Therefore, we need to investigate, why some of them end up as cenospheres, as well as what could be done to increase their yield. The gass emitted from a char particle during combustion, or from ash particle during melting, inflate inorganic mineral matter and if quenching occurs at a proper rate, amorphous cenosphere is formed. Gases capable to inflate spherical particle can come from the decomposition of calcium and magnesium sulfates, kaolinite, calcium carbonate, dolomite and pyrite oxidation (Karr, 1979) all these reactions can occur at temperatures below 1000 OC. Time of residence in high temperature zone for cenosphere-forming particle, should not exceed 200 ms (Łączny M., 2011), and time needed to form a 50 µm cenosphere is about 0.3 ms (Karr, 1979). According to Vassilev (Vassilev S. T., 2004), cenospheres have lower SiO2 / Al2O3 ratio than fly ash and the melt composition favoring their formation is a mix of chlorite, illite, kaolinite, muscovite, montmorillonite and plagioclase. They can be found in minerals such as clay, mica and feldspars. From figure 5, chlorites and montmorillonites seem to have some catalytic properties for cenospheres formation, while illite works as a deterring agent. Also more cenospheres can be found in coarser grinded fly ash (Vassilev S. T., 2004). 22 Figure 5. Influence of Illite, Chlorite and Montmorillonite on the yield of cenospheres (CCC) (Vassilev S.T., 2004). O Regarding ash-fusion temperatures, coals with melting temperature between 1400 C – 1500 O C turned out to be richer in cenospheres than coals with lower or higher ash-fusion temperatures (Vassilev S.T., 2004). According to Karr (Karr C., 1979), at temperature higher O than 1500 C, gas evolution will be so rapid that it will escape from melting ash particle. According to Tomeczek (Tomeczek J., 1994), sodium chloride (NaCl) liquid-to-gas phase O change occurs at temperature 1465 C and according to Fenelonov (Fenelonov V.B., 2010) NaCl is one of the compounds that are more prone to volatize from char at high temperature. This, as well as the investigation made by Vassilev (Vassilev S.T., 2004), may lead to a conclusion that sodium chloride content in coal can be helpful for cenosphere formation. Other known factors that can promote cenospheres formation are: bigger size of pulverized coal grains (Vassilev S.T., 2004) (Łączny M., 2011), fast cooling rate of melt and its high viscosity (Shelby J.E., 1997). Raask (Raask E., 1968) points out that mineral particles with diameters below d = 10 µm are not capable of forming cenosphere. The mechanism of cenosphere formation during pulverized coal combustion was comprehensively described by (Fenelonov V.B., 2010). Several stages of this process are presented in Figure 6. First step, from ”a” to “b”, represent the volatilization of species from char particle which was explained also in the previous chapter about fly ash formation. In step “c” char starts to burn simultaneously with further volatilization. The steps described as “e” and “e1” represent condensation and nucleation process that vaporized elements undergo, and fine particles formation afterwards. The transition from point “c” to “d” depicts the beginning of coarse fly ash particles formation – char fragmentation. At this stage, as temperature increases, bonds between carbon atoms start breaking and thus melting gets underway. The melted substance here is comprised of unstable mineral forms and products of coal pyrolysis. Then due to the surface capillary forces acting on melt, the spherical shape drops are being formed in step “f”. The temperature, at which it happens, is called “spherical temperature” and according to Itskos (Itskos G., 2010) is between 1100 OC and 1300 OC. In the next stage, capillary forces attract single drops together, promoting their coalescence and forming one bigger spherical particle, which is described in steps “g” and “h”. After this, the actual cenosphere formation process begins. In step “i" gas released from the inner side of the particle starts forming bubbles. The gas itself comes from pyrolysis of char as well as from the 23 decomposition of minerals. Pressure of this gas blows cenosphere further as depicted in the step “j”. If the pressure is too high, thin walls will break. In such situation, a particle collapses and shrinks, to be afterwards swollen again by gases released from its core. This process is presented as the transition between steps “j” and “k”. These two stages can be repeated several times, while there is gas, or until the outer shell becomes rigid due to the crystallization or glass formation process. Depending when and how fast the cooling of the sphere occurs, it may end up as totally hollow cenosphere “l”, plerosphers “m” or “n”, broken cenosphere “o” (if gas pressure is too high and particle explodes) or just as small fly ash solid particles depicted in point “p”. Figure 6. Process of cenosphere formation during coal combustion in steps (Fenelonov V.B., 2010). As mentioned above, viscosity is an important factor, because it is strictly related to the glassforming ability of a given melt. The higher the viscosity is, the more easily glass will form. However, this information is only relevant when we heat above the melting temperature of a crystal, that could possibly be formed from considering melt composition and if cooling conditions are sufficient for glass formation - for example too slow cooling rate will promote crystal formation (Shelby, 1997). Viscosity of fly ash as a function of temperature can be calculated from empirical equations, such as the ones proposed by G.Urbain and latter modified by Kalmanovitch-Frank. The calculation procedure is the following (Vergas, Frandsen, & Dam-Johansen, 1997): 24 M = MgO + Na2O + K2O + FeO + MnO + NiO + 2TiO2 + 2ZrO2 [2.1] α = M / (M+Al2O3) [2.2] . . 2 B0 = 13.8 + 39.9355 α – 44.049 α . [2.3] . 2 [2.4] . 2 [2.5] B1 = 30.481 - 117.1505 α + 129.9978 α . B2 = -40.9429 + 234.0486 α – 300.04 α . . 2 B3 = 60.7619 - 153.9276 α + 211.1616 α B= . B0+SiO2 B1 2. [2.6] 3. + (SiO2) B2 + (SiO2) B3 [2.7] . -lnA’ = 0.2812 B + 11.8279 . . [2.8] . η = A’ T exp(1000 (B/T) [2.9] M – content of species (in mole fraction) which have viscosity-decreasing properties (all Fe here is assumed to be in the form of FeO). Content of Al2O3 and SiO2 also in molar fraction. . η – viscosity [Pa s] T – temperature [K] α, A’, B, Bi - Constants 7. Pulverized coal combustion boiler OP-430 review. All samples used in this work were obtained from waste products of coal combustion from boiler OP-430 made by (Rafako S.A., 2014). In figure 7, variations of mass-weighted and area-weighted average temperatures along the boiler OP-430 height are presented. The highest temperatures in the boiler occur at heights between 8 and 12 meters – where the temperature reaches up to 2100 OC. Burners in this boiler are installed between 12 and 17 meters height, which corresponds to the maximum of average temperature (mass-weighted and area-weighted). At a height of about 18 meters, there is a drop in average temperature, while maximum value of temperature does not drop at this point. Thus, if mass-weighted O average temperature at 18.5 m height is equal to 1450 C and maximum temperature is equal O O to 1700 C at the same height, the minimum value must be equal to 1200 C. Therefore we O have a difference of 500 C in horizontal direction at the same level of height. This drop in temperatures can be explained by the fact, that between 18.5 – 19.5 meters height, auxiliary nozzles responsible for nitrogen effect reduction are installed. The author of this work assumes, that most probably the highest temperature drop in the horizontal direction occurs just next to the boiler walls which are cooled down by the water of temperature much below O 500 C. The decrease in temperature in the vertical direction is also significant – temperature O O falls from 1700 C to 1300 C between 12 and 26 meter of height. From Figures 8 to 11 we can notice, that at a height level of 35 m, the average temperature in the boiler is 1210 OC O while at about 40 m, temperature is equal to 905 C. This consideration is important from the cenosphere formation point of view, as we would like to know where inside the boiler particles are subjected to the most rapid quenching process. Figures 8 and 9 present the scheme of the OP-430 boiler, with the height of the main stages, as well as temperature and mass distribution for three different groups of burners. The fourth group of burners is excluded until there is emergency situation (Modlinski, 2010). It can be noticed that the burners distribute fuel 25 in such a manner that it results in lower temperature in the middle section of the combustion O chamber. From figure 9 we can see that this difference can be as high as 500 C. Figure 7. Variation of temperature along boiler OP-430 boiler height (Rybak W., 2008). The coal combustion boiler OP-430, relevant for this work, is a pulverized coal-fired boiler with tangential burners layout. The burners’ construction allows delivering two streams (primary air with fuel and secondary air) to the burning chamber simultaneously. Tangential layout of the burners provides a helical shape to the whirling flame which makes a very stable flame (fig.9). The efficiency of combustion can be controlled by the moving tilt of the burner axis. In Figure 10, an example of the temperature distribution of the burners is depicted. It can be noticed, that the maximum value is expected at about 3 – 3.5 meters after the burner’s outlet. (Tomeczek J. , 1994). During the operation, the boiler had the following parameters: output steam pressure of 13.5 MPa, output steam temperature of 540ºC, maximum continuous load of 120 kg/s and feed water temperature of 210ºC. Gross efficiency was equal to 90% (Rafako S.A., 2014). Temperature in the boiler can exceed 2000 ºC (fig.7) which is more than construction material can resist. Therefore, the walls of the boiler must be cooled down by circulating water. As long as it happens without any external work, it is called natural circulation. The heated water ends up in the drum, from which it falls down along the boiler walls and then goes up and is heated. After passing the walls, the water vapor is separated from liquid in a drum. Then wet steam undergoes further heating to get rid of the existing moisture and finally becomes superheated steam. The major components of the boiler are presented in Figure 11. Superheated steam is then taken from the boiler and driven into a turbine. Afterwards, part of it is taken back from the turbine and undergoes secondary superheating in the boiler (Laudyn, Pawlik, & Strzelczyk, 2000). In the boiler OP-430, air staging with utilization of OFA (Over Fire Air) nozzles is applied. In the main burning zone (where traditional burners are installed) the combustion is kept in rich conditions (λ<1), allowing the decrease of oxygen content, increasing the flame 26 temperature, as well as hydrocarbon radicals (CH) and therefore mitigates NOx emission. Over the main burning zone, OFA nozzles deliver an excess of air and combustion conditions become lean (λ>1) helping the burnout of the rest of the coal and char (Dziadula & Kosalka, 2013). Figure 8. Boiler OP-430 scheme and height [m] (Modlinski N., 2010) Figure 9. Boiler OP-430 burners layout and temperatures [OC] (Modlinski N., 2010) Figure 10. Temperatures distribution after burner’s outlet( (Tomeczek J., 1994) 27 Figure 11. Boiler OP-430 with main components and temperatures of exhaust gases (EDF Poland) Figure 11 represents a general scheme of the boiler OP-430 with its major components responsible for producing superheated steam, which is used to produce electricity and hot water for municipal heating system afterwards. The description of all elements and theoretical temperatures for boiler OP-430 marked in figure 11, is presented below: 1 – Burners (4 burners on each level) T1 – 1210 OC 2 – OFA nozzles T2 – 905 C 3 – Wall heater T3 – 815 C 4 – Ceiling superheater T4 – 600 OC 5 – Bulkhead superheater T5 – 375 C 6 – Final superheater T6 – 130 C O O O O 7 – Side horizontal draft superheater 8 – Convection superheater 9 – Water heater 10 – Drum 28 8. Environmental concerns Coal fired power plant produces significant amount of pollutants which is nowadays a global concern. Small fly ash particles with size below 10 µm are especially dangerous for human’s respiratory routes and lungs. They are divided into two categories – below 10 µm (index PM10) and below 2.5 µm (index PM2.5). Fenelonov (Fenelonov, 2010) also points out, that very small cenospheres end up in the PM10 category. To deal with particulate matter, power plants apply utilities, such as ESPs (Electrostatic Precipitators) or fabric filters which, in principal, are very mature technologies. However, despite the fact that ESP can reach efficiency above 99.5%, small amounts of fine particles still goes to the atmosphere (Goodarzi, 2006). Other pollutants released by coal fired power plant are nitrogen and sulfur compounds. Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are dangerous because they contribute to tropospheric ozone destruction and are linked to acid rains, as well as photochemical smog (Zhu, Lu, Niu, Song, & Nia, 2009). To reduce their influence several technologies have been developed, such as staged combustion, low-NOx burners and secondary techniques like i.e. selective catalytic reduction (SCR). Sulfur compounds are also very toxic and contribute to acid rains. This problem is addressed by applying desulfurization units, or sorbents added to the combustion chamber in case of fluidized-bed boilers. European Union refers widely to environmental aspects of coal combustion (Fornea, 2011). The document says that power plant should provide information about human health and environmental impact of their technological processes. Moreover, it indicates the need to further research and development to improve ash management and find new applications for coal combustion by-products. The document also says that European Union should finance innovative projects in this area. Cenospheres are mentioned as one of existing applications for coal combustion by-product. Moreover, the document indicates, that more studies and research is required to understand cenospheres’ composition, morphology and structure, as well as new possibilities of their applications. These instructions confirm that cenospheres are an important part of coal combustion by-products, which is especially important in the point of view of this work. 29 II. EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES 1. Cenosphere separation Laboratory work of cenospheres separation took place in the chemical laboratory of EDF Krakow coal-fired power plant in August 2013. It was carried out in the frame of a student’s internship, and the author was responsible for performing cenospheres separation from power plant’s fly ash using the wet method. Afterwards, all necessary measurements and calculations were carried out to determine the cenospheres content in each sample. Fly ash was collected twice a day – at 5:00 AM (symbol R) and at 4:30 PM (symbol P) – from all three ESP (electrostatic precipitator) zones. Samples are described using symbols like in example D00P for fly ash samples and D00Pcen for cenosphere sample obtained from it. The ESP is located at the end of exhaust gases pathway - just before the stack – so all produced fly ash ends up there. Gas is ionized by means of high voltage and then it sticks to the earthed and alternatively charged plates. Particles are being removed from plates by supplying them with a shaking motion. In total, 60 samples were obtained from two different boilers that are installed in EDF Krakow – 30 samples from boiler OP-380 and 30 samples from boiler OP-430. However, for the purpose of this work, only ten samples of fly ash (all from boiler OP-430 and ESP zone 1) are being considered (except data in Table 3). This is because comparison between samples obtained from the same boiler and the same ESP zone would be the most relevant. Also zone I contains about 70 wt. % of all fly ash produced by power plant (EDF Poland). All samples were collected within a considerably short period of time - in August 2013, which means that power plant’s operation conditions, such as load and the scale of energy production were very similar for all samples. The average mass of each collected ash sample was about 400g. Figure 12. Stirring and sedimentation of samples. Cenosphere separation was carried out by wet separation (fig.12) with demineralized water; 3 therefore, all recovered particles have density lower than 1g/cm . The remaining parts were 30 poured with water, stirred for 10 minutes and left for sedimentation during one hour. Portions of fly ash from each sample were stored for further analysis. Further on, floating particles were skimmed and drained (Fig.13). The samples were then subjected to drying in an oven at O temperature of 105 C for 2 hours. Afterwards, weight of obtained matter was measured and O samples underwent a burnout procedure in a furnace, for 1.5 hour at temperature of 800 C (Fig.14). Then the weight of each sample was measured again. Figure 13. Draining of skimmed matter. Figure 14. Dried samples prepared for burnout. 3 The ratio between mass of sample with density lower than 1 g/cm – which is supposed to be all cenospheres – and mass of the initial fly ash indicates the cenosphere fraction present in 31 each batch. This content of cenospheres in each fly ash sample was used in this work, to figure out if there are any factors influencing this value. Also, the content of unburned char for each sample was determined. 2. XRF X-Ray Fluorescence is a non-destructive technique for chemical analysis that determines the elements present in the samples. It takes advantage of the atomic structure of an atom. Photons delivered to the atoms convey energy capable to unbound electrons from their orbits. When this happens, electrons from higher energy level orbital drop to the formed holes, and this is accompanied by releasing other photons. This fluorescence light has a distinctive X-ray energy for a given element, because the energy of the emitted photon is equal to the energy gap between two transition orbitals and this, in turn, is constant for a specific element. Therefore, by knowing the wavelength of emitted X-ray light, it is possible to determine the element it comes from. XRF is widely used to determine elementary and chemical analysis in different areas, like archeology, geochemistry, material science or engineering. Counting the number of photons per unit of time, also allows quantitative analysis of tested material. X-Ray Fluorescence was performed for 10 fly ash samples. The samples were in the powder state - not grinded. The analysis was carried out with Philips PW1480 spectrometer, with three series of measurement for each sample, with angle ranges of: O O 1) 50 – 140 - corresponding to the analysis of Fe, Ca and K, 2) 21O – 28.2O - corresponding to the analysis of Mg and Na, and O O 3) 59 – 146 - corresponding to the analysis of Si and Al. 3. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) is a technique that yields information regarding the arrangement of atoms and is primarily used for phase identification of a crystalline material. It was the first method to describe the periodic atomic structure in crystals. XRD is an example of wave interference and it is based on the Bragg’s law, which correlates distance between atomic layers in crystals, wavelength of X-ray beams and the angle of incidence of reflected beam. Angle Theta (Θ) indicates difference in beams reflection and therefore it allows finding out different crystalline forms. In detail, XRD is able to measure spacing between atomic planes, orientation of single crystals or grains, determine crystal structure of given material and measure shape, size and internal stress of small crystalline regions. As a result of XRD tests, patterns with specific curve shape and number of sharp peaks are obtained. The lack of distinctive reflections and the smooth, broad band shape of the curve indicate an amorphous structure while reflections points to the presence of crystalline phases. 32 XRD analysis was performed for 10 samples of cenospheres using a PANanalytical diffractometer, with CuKα radiation (1.54060 Å), generated at 40 kV and 35 mA, at room temperature, with a step of 0.05 and a scan step time of 200s. 4. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) Scanning Electron Microscopy is a method which uses a focused beam of electrons to perform a very precise and narrow scanning of the sample. The interaction of electrons with the examined surface results in several different signals. The most widely used are secondary electrons (due to inelastic scattering), which can give information about sample’s surface topography. Other signals used are back-scattered electrons (due to elastic scattering) and characteristic X-rays (resulting from electron ejection from the inner shell of the atom). The former can give information about distribution of the elements in the sample, while the latter can provide the composition and quantitative analysis of elements in a given sample. To analyze information from characteristic X-rays, electron-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analytical technique is used. In SEM, magnification can be 10 to 500.000 times, allowing a very precise analysis of the tested material structure. SEM has got many applications in branches such as forensic science, material science, biology, art, geology and medical science. SEM and EDS were performed for 10 samples of cenospheres and 4 samples of fly ash. The analysis was carried out in a laboratory of Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon, using a Bruker Nano GmBH microscope, equipped with a XFlash 5010 detector. The measurements were performed at 20 kV. Since the samples are ceramic, they were covered with a thin film of a gold alloy, to make them conductive. Therefore, some gold content can be observed in EDS spectra. 5. Raman spectroscopy Raman spectroscopy is based on inelastic scattering of the laser light. Photons are absorbed by targeted molecules and reemitted afterwards. Because scattering is inelastic, reemitted photons may have different frequencies. If the targeted molecule is in excited state, photons will have lower frequencies which is called Stokes shift. If the targeted molecule is in the less energetic state than initial, reemitted photons will have higher frequencies which is called antiStokes shift. Finally, it may happen that frequencies of reemitted photons remain the same and this is called Rayleigh scattering. The shift gives information about rotational and vibrational modes in the system, which is specific for a given chemical bond or molecule. This, in turn, allows to identify given molecules and provide reliable non-destructive chemical composition and structure of given sample. Raman spectroscopy has plenty of applications in variety of fields, from art to biology and chemical engineering. Raman spectroscopy was performed on two different cenosphere samples: one with very low yield of cenospheres and the other with the highest yield. 33 Raman spectra were collected using a LabRAM HR Evolution Confocal Microscope (Horiba Scientific) with 532 nm excitation and a 100x objective lens (NA = 0.9). The laser power on the samples was ~10mW. The collected Raman radiation was dispersed with a 600 lines/mm grating and focused on a Peltier-cooled (-70º) charge-coupled device (CCD) detector allowing -1 -1 a spectral resolution of ca. 4 cm . All spectra were recorded in the 100–4000 cm range with an integration time of 10 s and 3 accumulations per spectrum. 34 III. RESULTS & DISCUSSION 1. Results from cenospheres separation In Table 2 data from laboratory work are presented. According to the particular steps of the cenosphere separation process, Table 2 presents the mass of the tested fly ash sample, mass 3 of the skimmed matter with ρ < 1g/cm after drying and after burnout as well as percentage 3 difference between them. Finally, there is a column with a fraction with ρ <1g/cm content in percentage of initial fly ash mass. The latter parameter is the most interesting in point of view of this work, as it allows differentiating samples and looking for other related parameters. 3 Figure 15 illustrates that difference, where the highest content of fraction ρ < 1g/cm – which is supposed to be comprised only of cenospheres – was obtained in sample 10. Table 2. Results from cenospheres separation for ESP zone I. No. Symbol Hour R- 5:00, P-16:30 Date Mass of ash sample (g) Dry sample (<1g/cm3) mass Burnout sample (<1g/cm3) mass unburned fraction [%] Fraction <1g/cm3 content [%] 6.26 0.2 1.35 3.7 0.3 2.31 7.02 0.4 1.49 1.44 3.22 0.4 361.04 1.63 1.55 5.16 0.4 306.13 1.45 1.4 3.59 0.5 R 526.04 3.21 3.19 0.59 0.6 R 447.23 3.91 3.57 8.67 0.8 1.09 P 454.32 4.92 4.72 4.08 0.1 28.08 R 287.08 5.77 5.52 4.3 1.9 1 D00P 25.08 P 2 D04P 29.08 P 3 D01P 26.08 P 4 D02R 27.08 R 5 D02P 27.08 6 D05R 30.08 7 D01R 8 D04R 9 10 1.47 1.38 396.8 1.4 538.23 2.48 383.15 P R 26.08 29.08 D07P D03R [%] 582.37 Fraction <1g/cm3 content [%] from ESP zone I 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 15. Cenospheres content in each sample of tested fly ash from ESP zone I Significant values are also present in samples 8 and 9. All the others are not satisfactory, regarding hypothetical cenospheres production by the power plant. However, this particular 35 distribution can be useful for research, because it allows studying other factors related with the samples that can promote cenosphere formation. As mentioned before, ten samples from ESP zone I (presented in Table 2) were chosen for further investigation, nevertheless the author briefly presents outcomes for samples collected from all ESP zones (all from boiler OP-430). In Table 3 there are results for 30 samples including those presented in Table 2. Distribution of 3 the fraction ρ < 1g/cm can be observed in Figure 16. It is noticeable, that the percentage content of cenospheres is almost always the highest in the first zone. At the same time, the result for zone III in sample no. 6 (fig.16) seems to be a measurement mistake. Table 3. Results from laboratory work for ESP zones I, II and III. Symbol ESP zone Date Mass of ash sample (g) Dry sample (<1g/cm3 ) mass Burnout sample (<1g/cm3) mass unburned fraction [%] Fraction <1g/cm3 content [%] D00P I 25.08 582.37 1.47 1.378 6.26 0.20% D00P II 25.08 530.21 0.48 0.434 9.58 0.10% D00P III 25.08 647.47 0.38 0.346 8.95 0.10% D01R I 26.08 526.04 3.21 3.191 0.59 0.60% D01R II 26.08 506.89 2.32 2.118 8.71 0.40% D01R III 26.08 471.79 1.32 1.269 3.86 0.30% D01P I 26.08 538.23 2.48 2.306 7.02 0.40% D01P II 26.08 458.59 1.8 1.706 5.22 0.40% D01P III 26.08 430.33 1.5 1.422 5.2 0.30% D02R I 27.08 383.15 1.49 1.442 3.22 0.40% D02R II 27.08 427.85 1.49 1.438 3.49 0.30% D02R III 27.08 489.17 1.04 0.794 23.65 0.20% D02P I 27.08 361.04 1.629 1.545 5.16 0.40% D02P II 27.08 388.38 1.534 1.456 5.08 0.40% D02P III 27.08 341.09 0.069 0.037 46.38 0.00% D03R I 28.08 287.08 5.767 5.519 4.3 1.90% D03R II 28.08 243.61 0.6655 0.629 5.48 0.30% D03R III 28.08 457.32 7.457 7.353 1.39 1.60% D04R I 29.08 447.23 3.9131 3.574 8.67 0.80% D04R II 29.08 441.3 1.5588 1.432 8.13 0.30% D04R III 29.08 426.29 0.8795 0.812 7.67 0.20% D04P I 29.08 396.8 1.3998 1.348 3.7 0.30% D04P II 29.08 352.51 1.7029 1.651 3.05 0.50% D04P III 29.08 413.24 2.148 2.103 2.09 0.50% D05R I 30.08 306.13 1.449 1.397 3.59 0.50% D05R II 30.08 290.3 1.5928 1.535 3.63 0.50% D05R III 30.08 300.63 0.8796 0.837 4.84 0.30% D07P I 1.09 454.32 4.9158 4.715 4.08 1.00% D07P II 1.09 462.49 4.8013 4.688 2.36 1.00% D07P III 1.09 342.02 2.9892 2.923 2.21 0.90% Average content of fraction <1g/cm3 0.17% 0.53% 0.39% 0.36% 0.36% 1.55% 0.64% 0.36% 0.48% 0.99% 36 Fraction <1g/cm3 content [%] from all ESP zones 2.00% 1.50% ESP zone I 1.00% ESP zone II ESP zone III 0.50% 0.00% D00P D01R D01P D02R D02P D03R D04R D04P D05R D07P Sample Figure 16. Cenospheres content In each sample of tested fly ash from ESP zones I, II and III 3 In Table 3 there is also a column labeled average content of fraction ρ < 1g/cm . This is the average percentage content calculated for all three ESP zones, in respect to the typical fly ash distribution of the considered ESP zones – 70% of ash mass land up in the zone I, 20 % in the zone II and 10% in the zone III. Despite the fact, that these three samples are different, they were collected at the same time, thus this parameter can give an idea of the approximate overall cenosphere yield for this particular power plant (and boiler OP430), if it considers their separation. The average cenosphere content turns out to be 0.58% which is not an impressive value, regarding that in different power plants, it can reach 1.5% (Fomenko, 2011). Figures 1726 depict SEM images of each of the ten studied cenosphere samples. As can be easily noticed, they are quite different in terms of particle size, shape, distribution and color. In Figure 18 plenty of black particles having random shape are conditionally present. They look like unburned char particles. If so, it would indicate that the burnout process was not efficient in this case and thus results for this particular sample can be distorted. What can be clearly noticed however is the difference in transparency between spheres. Some of them look like fully transparent glassy balls; some are semi-transparent, while others are opaque. Also the smaller spheres are usually more transparent than the larger ones. Regarding sample color, some cenospheres are yellow, orange and brown while others are in different hue of white, but no relevant correlation is observed with cenosphere yield. Different colors originate from trace elements like Fe, Ti or Cu incorporated in the glass phase (Vassilev S.T., 2004). Considering the size, the smallest particles that can be measured have the diameter of about 30 µm while the largest are about 350 µm. Size distributions are also different in each sample. For example, in samples depicted in fig. 20-22 there are plenty of small particles whereas in fig. 23-24 and fig. 26 they seem to be, on average, much larger. Most spheres are round-shaped; nevertheless some opaque particles are slightly deformed. Transparent particles are clearly hollow inside, but in case of opaque particles it is not possible to state that. Some of those particles have other cenospheres trapped inside and then, they are called plerosphers. 37 1mm Figure 17. SEM image of cenosphere sample D00Pcen 1mm Figure 19. SEM image of cenosphere sample D01Rcen 1mm Figure 21. SEM image of cenosphere sample D02Rcen 1mm Figure 23. SEM image of cenosphere sample D04Pcen 1mm Figure 18. SEM image of cenosphere sample D01Pcen 1mm Figure 20. SEM image of cenosphere sample D02Pcen 1mm Figure 22. SEM image of cenosphere sample D03Rcen 1mm Figure 24. SEM image of cenosphere sample D04Rcen 38 1mm 1mm Figure 25. SEM image of cenosphere sample D05Rcen Figure 26. SEM image of cenosphere sample D07Pcen 2. XRF The purpose of XRF analysis was to determine which elements can be found in fly ash, as well as to find any possible correlations between them and the content of cenospheres in each of ten samples of fly ash. Because precise quantification was not possible, results were treated by comparison between samples and not as absolute values. Figures 27 and 28 present the XRF results for two different fly ash samples. Horizontal axis represents inclination angle and vertical axis represents peak intensity in kcps (kilo counts per second). The results of the analysis are summarized in Table 4, where all the elements are presented in the form of a ratio to silica. This makes the results and comparisons between them more reliable and accurate. Furthermore, the samples presented in this table are organized by growing content 3 of cenospheres (fraction ρ < 1g/cm ) so that any correlations between this parameter and the content of a given element can be clearly observed. For each peak presented in Figures 27 and 28, its height was obtained after background subtraction. Then all values were compared between each other in all feasible configurations to find out any correlations. From the XRF results, there is a clear correlation between the content of cenospheres and the amount of sodium. A correlation with calcium content can also be observed, but it is not so strong. However, the best correlation observed – in terms of level of deviations and curve slope – is the one combining the content of sodium and calcium altogether. It is given as the last column in Table 4, as the ratio between sodium and calcium (Na/Ca). Graphical description of this data is given in Figure 29 along with regression line and respective equation. A general correlation seems to occur, where the amount of cenospheres increases with the Na/Ca ratio. The samples with the most satisfactory results have higher Na/Ca ratio, which means more sodium and less calcium content can be found in that samples. From Figure 29 it can be noticed, that three samples with highest cenosphere content have significantly higher Na/Ca ratio than others, but sample D04R is not well fitted to the regression line. The same is true for sample D02P however, correlation is still quite well visible in Figure 29. 39 Figure 27. Plots from XRF analysis for fly ash sample D00P 40 Figure 28. Plots from XRF analysis for fly ash sample D03R 41 Once the correlation of sodium and calcium content for cenosphere formation was found, author tried to understand the nature of this phenomenon. According to Vassilev (Vassilev S. T., 2004), the presence of chlorides can act as a catalyst for cenosphere formation. The presence of chlorine and fluorine in an aluminosilicate peraluminous melt can increase its viscosity - peraluminous melt occur when the fly ash molar content of Al 2O3 is higher than the sum of Na2O and CaO (Baasner, Schmidt, & Webb, 2013). Chlorine alone can, in turn, increase the viscosity of Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 melts (Zimowa & Webb, 2007) and this can promote glass formation (Shelby, 1997). This chlorine effect can give a clue, why melts containing sodium present higher viscosity. What is more, chlorine can possibly enter the combustion chamber and become part of the melt, as a component of sodium chloride (NaCl). We can thus assume that sodium actually works as a chlorine carrier in fly ash. Another possibility of chlorine effect on cenosphere formation is derived from their formation principles. Fenelonov (Fenelonov, 2010) indicates that sodium chloride is one of possible volatizing components which is responsible for cenosphere swelling during formation process. Tomeczek (Tomeczek O J. , 1994) in turn, points out, that the vaporizing temperature for NaCl is equal to 1465 C, which is consistent with preferable cenosphere formation temperature figured out by Vassilev (Vassilev S. T., 2004) (Karr, 1979). 0.0120 y = 0.0041x + 0.0024 0.0100 Ca / Na ratio 0.0080 0.0060 0.0040 0.0020 0.0000 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 Content of cenospheres in each sample [%] 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 29. Correlation between Na/Ca ratio in fly ash samples and content of cenospheres obtained from given sample. 42 Table 4. Data obtained from XRF – elementary analysis of fly ash samples in ratio of silica (Si). Fraction <1g Sample Si / Al Si / Ca Si / Na Si / Mg Si / K cm3 [%] D00P D04P D01P D02P D02R D05R D01R D04R D07P D03R 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.9 1.463 1.344 1.394 1.376 1.392 1.381 1.423 1.548 1.646 1.471 0.761 0.758 0.850 0.461 0.605 0.754 0.949 0.955 0.679 0.842 186.150 339.156 249.818 87.995 146.416 221.599 233.575 115.619 104.121 85.690 17.586 18.596 19.430 13.204 15.690 18.090 20.400 18.884 16.939 19.052 1.614 1.585 1.593 1.806 1.689 1.626 1.437 1.623 1.504 1.558 Si / Fe 0.105 0.112 0.116 0.110 0.113 0.125 0.140 0.119 0.109 0.135 Na / Ca x 1000 4.088 2.235 3.402 5.239 4.132 3.403 4.063 8.260 6.521 9.826 3. XRD Figures 30-39 present XRD patterns for the ten cenosphere samples The broad ovoid shape of the background indicates the presence of an amorphous phase, while the sharp reflections are connected with the presence of crystalline phases. From the crystalline peaks, quartz and mullite can be identified in all samples. In the diffraction patterns of Figures 30-31 and 36-39 calcite (CaCO3) is also presented. Because carbonates, such as calcite cannot be found at high temperature conditions – calcite is fully decomposed below 1400 O C (Tomeczek & Palugniok, 2002) – its occurrence could be an effect of later crystallization. The results obtained – presence of quartz, mullite and calcite - are consistent with the composition of cenospheres described by Vassilev (Vassilev S. T., 2004). Figure 30. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D00Pcen 43 Figure 31. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D01Pcen Figure 32. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D01Rcen 44 Figure 33. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D02Pcen Figure 34. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D02Rcen 45 Figure 35. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D03Rcen Figure 36. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D04Pcen 46 Figure 37. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D04Rcen Figure 38. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D05Rcen 47 Figure 39. XRD pattern for cenosphere sample D07Pcen 4. SEM / EDS The purpose of performing SEM was to take a detailed look into the morphology, shape and size of the examined material. In contrast to the microscope pictures presented in Chapter 1 (Results from cenospheres separation), SEM images have higher magnification and allow detailed differences between obtained particles. EDS elementary analysis was performed to study any significant difference between the samples, as well as between specific particles. The results of this analysis are presented in Figures 40-60, as well as in Table 5. Moreover, the data from EDS were used to determine the average composition of cenospheres and to find out, if the previously found correlation between the content of sodium and calcium with the content of cenospheres in a given sample is also observed. The data are presented in Tables 6-9. Figures 40-52 depict SEM images and the corresponding EDS spectra for the cenosphere samples studied, and additionally, 3 samples of fly ash. The EDS spectra were taken on the red rectangle area of the presented pictures. The corresponding elementary analysis results are presented in Tables 6-8. The figures illustrate the differences between cenosphere samples and fly ash samples in terms of particle shape, distribution and size. Because all the images have the same magnification, differences in size between different particles can be observed. From the images it may be seen, that there are predominantly small cenospheres with 50-100 µm in the D02Pcen sample (Figure 45) while much larger particles are observed in sample D03Rcen (Figure 46). Figures 51 and 52 disclose the difference in size between cenospheres and average fly ash particles – the latter are generally much smaller. Among other fly ash particles, hardly few cenospheres can be seen due to their generally low content in fly ash. 48 0.3 mm Figure 40. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D00Pcen 0.3 mm Figure 41. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D01Rcen 0.3 mm Figure 42. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D01Pcen 0.3 mm Figure 43. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D02Rcen 49 0.3 mm Figure 44. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of fly ash sample D02R 0.3 mm Figure 45. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D02Pcen 0.3 mm Figure 46. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D03Rcen 0.3 mm Figure 47 SEM picture and EDS spectrum of fly ash sample D03R 50 0.3 mm Figure 48. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D04Rcen 0.3 mm Figure 49. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D04Pcen 0.3 mm Figure 50. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D05Rcen 0.3 mm Figure 51 SEM picture and EDS spectrum of cenosphere sample D07Pcen 51 0.3 mm Figure 52. SEM picture and EDS spectrum of fly ash sample D07P Table 5 and Figures 53-60 present SEM images and EDS spectra focused on specific particles chosen from different samples. This comparison can give information about any important differences in composition between particles with different sizes and shapes. Carbon content, visible in all samples comes from the environment; however, in Figure 57, the particle on the left noticeably contains a higher amount. This particle also has a weird shape that allows classifying it as unburned char. Different shapes and shell structures can also be seen for the particles in Figures 53 and 58. However, the carbon content is on the expected level here. Cenospheres depicted in Figures 54, 56 (upper one), 59 and 60 (bottom one) reveal a significantly content of potassium and iron. In Figure 55 there are two particles which seem to be similar in structure but have very different shape. The bigger one contains no calcium at all whereas it clearly exists in the smaller particle. There is also a significantly higher content of magnesium, sodium and iron in the bigger particle, but the small one contains additional elements like titanium and phosphorous. Figure 60 depicts two similar particles in terms of structure and size. However, the upper one contains some additional material attached to its shell. From elementary analysis it can be seen that calcium has a significantly higher content in the upper particle. Therefore we can assume that this residue might be a crystalline calcite, which would be consistent with the results from XRD and Raman, as well as with the results presented by Vassilev (Vassilev S. T., 2004). The same residue can be also noticed in Figure 59. Furthermore, in Figure 60 a rare broken cenosphere can be seen. This image confirms that the wall is indeed very thin and the particle is hollow inside. What is also worth to notice is that among all the SEM images that were done for this work, this is the only broken cenosphere observed. This also confirms their high mechanical strength. 52 Table 5. SEM pictures and element content in single cenospheres particles (The red rectangle in the inset images shows the selected EDS inspection area) Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Sodium Magnesium Titanium [norm. wt.%] 8.98 44.47 18.91 15.70 5.95 1.60 2.27 0.61 1.19 0.33 [norm. at.%] 14.74 54.84 13.28 11.48 2.10 0.79 1.14 0.52 0.96 0.14 Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Sodium Magnesium [norm. wt.%] 8.47 34.22 23.20 19.24 5.11 0.50 8.10 0.23 0.93 [norm. at.%] 14.87 45.10 17.42 15.03 1.93 0.26 4.37 0.21 0.81 Figure 53. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data Figure 54. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Potassium Sodium Magnesium Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Sodium Magnesium Titanium Phosphorus [norm. wt.%] 6.51 46.89 22.04 14.82 4.11 2.36 1.38 1.90 [norm. wt.%] 9.52 40.44 19.07 21.77 2.28 1.00 2.40 0.63 0.52 0.91 1.47 [norm. at.%] 10.66 57.71 15.45 10.82 1.45 1.19 1.18 1.54 [norm. at.%] 15.70 50.07 13.45 15.98 0.81 0.49 1.22 0.54 0.42 0.37 0.94 Figure 55. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data 53 Element Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Sodium Magnesium Titanium Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Sodium Magnesium Titanium Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Sodium Magnesium Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Sodium Magnesium [norm. wt.%] 53.62 27.33 5.38 0.42 8.48 1.21 1.80 1.75 [norm. wt.%] 8.54 43.26 20.81 17.65 1.57 1.76 2.44 2.42 1.22 0.32 [norm. wt.%] 17.52 40.18 16.18 18.41 1.20 1.62 1.82 2.80 0.28 [norm. wt.%] 6.86 40.96 23.06 19.09 2.66 0.33 3.59 2.81 0.65 [norm. at.%] 56.00 29.71 2.83 0.31 6.36 1.54 2.17 1.08 [norm. at.%] 13.92 52.94 14.51 12.81 0.55 0.86 1.22 2.06 0.99 0.13 [norm. at.%] 26.66 45.91 10.53 12.48 0.39 0.74 0.85 2.23 0.21 [norm. at.%] 11.52 51.66 16.56 14.27 0.96 0.16 1.85 2.46 0.54 Figure 56. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data Figure 57. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data 54 Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Sodium Magnesium Calcium Titanium [norm. wt.%] [norm. at.%] 8.65 13.97 46.09 55.92 21.73 15.02 15.46 11.12 3.21 1.12 0.14 0.07 2.55 1.26 0.54 0.46 1.02 0.81 0.14 0.07 0.61 0.25 Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Sodium Magnesium [norm. wt.%] [norm. at.%] 6.89 12.00 37.29 48.78 22.54 16.79 19.92 15.45 3.99 1.49 0.00 0.00 8.04 4.31 0.61 0.55 0.73 0.63 Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Sodium Magnesium Titanium Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Sodium Magnesium [norm. wt.%] [norm. at.%] 11.22 17.55 48.16 56.55 16.83 11.26 13.79 9.60 1.81 0.61 3.92 1.84 2.10 1.01 0.77 0.63 1.05 0.81 0.33 0.13 [norm. wt.%] [norm. at.%] 8.22 13.68 41.36 51.68 21.49 15.30 18.76 13.90 1.75 0.63 0.54 0.27 6.31 3.23 0.62 0.54 0.94 0.77 Figure 58. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data Figure 59. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data Figure 60. Cenosphere SEM image relative to EDS data 55 Table 6 presents elementary analysis carried out for four fly ash samples. In particular there are two samples which contained the highest amount of cenospheres (D03R and D07P) and two samples with very small amount of cenospheres (D00P and D02R). For each sample, 2 EDS analysis was performed three times in different areas of 1mm size and afterwards, the average values were calculated. Tables 7 and 8, in turn, present elementary analysis, also obtained by EDS, for cenosphere samples, in wt.% and at.%, respectively. The oxide composition of cenospheres presented in Table 9 was calculated from the results presented in Table 8, while oxide composition of fly ash presented in Table 10 was calculated from the results of Table 6 (norm. at.%). The composition regarding all cenosphere samples is between 49.49 – 60.45 % of SiO2, 23.20 – 28.30 % of Al2O3, 0.00 – 14.81 % of CaO, 1.61 – 7.83 % of MgO, 1.77 – 5.43 % of Fe2O3, 2.04 – 3.62 % K2O, 0 – 4.83 % of Na2O and trace content of TiO2. These results are quite interesting, because it is not common for aluminosilicate glasses to have such a high content of alumina. This, in turn, implies very good mechanical strength. A similar composition can be found in S-type glass (65% of SiO2 and 25% of Al 2O3) which has a tensile strength of about 4.48 GPa and an elasticity modulus of about 85.4 GPa, making this glass very resistant and expensive at the same time (Smith, 1995). This fact, along with cenospheres low density, helps to understand, why cenospheres are so interesting. Table 6. EDS quantitative analysis of elements from fly ash samples. D00P Element Carbon Oxygen Silicon Aluminium Iron Calcium Potassium Magnesium Sodium Titanium D02R D03R D07P D00P D02R [norm. wt.%] 39.587 36.220 8.900 6.822 4.754 1.853 0.844 0.769 0.251 0.000 40.268 38.544 7.774 6.435 3.201 1.711 0.618 0.899 0.359 0.192 D07P D03R [norm. at.%] 40.155 38.635 8.169 6.474 3.073 1.016 0.877 0.733 0.770 0.099 21.767 43.922 14.946 10.136 3.853 1.113 1.465 0.990 1.808 0.000 51.929 35.901 5.036 4.020 1.352 0.736 0.343 0.504 0.181 0.000 51.809 37.461 4.319 3.722 0.895 0.662 0.248 0.577 0.247 0.061 51.755 37.410 4.506 3.719 0.851 0.392 0.347 0.467 0.520 0.032 30.866 48.287 9.618 6.728 1.190 0.479 0.691 0.708 1.434 0.000 Table 7. EDS quantitative analysis of elements from cenosphere samples in [wt.%]. Sample Al wt% Ca wt% C wt% Fe wt% Mg wt% O2 wt% K wt% Si wt% Na wt% Ti wt% D00Pcen 5.804 2.752 44.884 2.307 0.287 36.074 1.092 6.708 0.092 0.000 D01Rcen 12.043 0.000 23.365 5.027 0.478 40.883 2.448 14.678 0.434 0.644 D01Pcen 5.880 1.316 43.535 0.764 0.733 41.587 0.613 5.573 0.000 0.000 D02Rcen 9.140 0.287 30.503 2.021 0.746 44.455 1.407 10.607 0.459 0.373 D02Pcen 7.237 1.340 40.310 1.801 0.203 38.882 1.356 7.742 1.131 0.000 D03Rcen 8.364 0.071 34.106 1.218 0.876 43.654 0.978 9.192 1.177 0.363 D04Rcen 6.496 1.124 47.284 2.833 0.397 33.377 0.874 7.194 0.421 0.000 D04Pcen 9.518 1.511 31.634 1.551 0.254 42.772 1.686 10.591 0.483 0.000 D05Rcen 7.989 3.470 30.864 1.310 0.481 45.826 1.026 8.188 0.846 0.000 D07Pcen 8.570 0.864 32.663 1.538 0.711 44.004 0.995 9.043 1.610 0.000 56 Table 8. EDS quantitative analysis of elements from cenosphere samples in [at.%]. Sample Al at% Ca at% C at% Fe at% Mg at% O2 at% K at% Si at% Na at% Ti at% D00Pcen 3.259 1.040 56.626 0.626 0.179 34.166 0.423 3.619 0.061 0.000 D01Rcen 7.866 0.000 34.283 1.586 0.347 45.034 1.103 9.211 0.332 0.237 D01Pcen 3.237 0.488 53.837 0.203 0.448 38.608 0.233 2.947 0.000 0.000 D02Rcen 5.488 0.116 41.145 0.586 0.497 45.016 0.583 6.119 0.323 0.126 D02Pcen 4.134 0.515 51.728 0.497 0.128 37.457 0.535 4.249 0.758 0.000 D03Rcen 4.883 0.028 44.727 0.344 0.568 42.976 0.394 5.155 0.807 0.119 D04Rcen 3.617 0.421 59.150 0.762 0.246 31.344 0.336 3.849 0.275 0.000 D04Pcen 5.711 0.610 42.638 0.449 0.169 43.279 0.698 6.105 0.340 0.000 D05Rcen 4.765 1.393 41.350 0.377 0.318 46.091 0.422 4.692 0.592 0.000 D07Pcen 5.054 0.343 43.280 0.438 0.466 43.772 0.404 5.124 1.115 0.000 Table 9. Oxide composition of cenosphere samples in [%] Sample Fraction <1g/cm3 content [%] Al2O3 CaO Fe2O3 MgO K2O SiO2 Na2O TiO2 D00Pcen D04Pcen D01Pcen D02Rcen D02Pcen D05Rcen D01Rcen D04Rcen D07Pcen D03Rcen 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.9 23.20 27.24 28.30 26.52 26.32 25.13 25.81 25.80 25.13 26.88 14.81 5.82 8.53 1.12 6.56 14.69 0.00 6.00 14.69 0.31 4.46 2.14 1.77 2.83 3.16 1.99 5.20 5.43 1.99 1.89 2.55 1.61 7.83 4.80 1.63 3.35 2.28 3.51 3.35 6.25 3.01 3.33 2.04 2.82 3.41 2.23 3.62 2.40 2.23 2.17 51.53 58.24 51.53 59.13 54.10 49.49 60.45 54.90 49.49 56.75 0.43 1.62 0.00 1.56 4.83 3.12 1.09 1.96 3.12 4.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.22 0.00 0.00 1.56 0.00 0.00 1.31 MgO K2O SiO2 Na2O TiO2 Table 10. Oxide composition of fly ash samples in [%] Fraction Sample Al2O3 CaO Fe2O3 <1g/cm3 [%] D00P D02R D07P D03R 0.2 0.4 1 1.9 21.79 22.76 21.26 22.91 7.98 8.10 3.03 4.83 7.33 5.47 3.76 5.24 5.46 7.06 4.47 5.75 1.86 1.52 2.18 2.14 54.60 52.83 60.77 55.52 0.98 1.51 4.53 3.20 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.39 The EDS results are in good agreement with the XRF data, since the same elements were determined in all tested samples. These elements are Si, Al, Ca, Na, Fe, K, Mg and occasionally Ti. Carbon, as it was mentioned before, is present as well, but it occurs as a natural background coming from the environment and from some unburned particles. Again, EDS data point to a clear correlation of Na and Ca content with the amount of cenospheres obtained. From Table 6 - containing elementary analysis, made by EDS, of four fly ash samples - some interesting conclusions can be derived. Content of sodium is higher in samples with the higher amount of cenospheres while the content of calcium is lower. This confirms previous assumption about sodium and calcium influence for cenospheres 57 abundance in fly ash. Similar results were also obtained by Itskos (Itskos, 2010), who reported that bigger fly ash particles (which are mainly cenospheres) contain more sodium oxide and less calcium oxide than the smaller ones. However, when we take a look at cenosphere composition (Tables 7 and 8), these relations are not so clear observed. There is still clear difference in content of sodium between edge (in terms of content of cenospheres) samples, but there are high peaks for sodium in the middle of the stake as well. This distorts the overall correlation. For calcium it looks similar – two edge values show very clear high difference in the content, but the values for other samples do not maintain expected correlation. Those results could be possibly explained by the fact, that sodium and calcium can be incorporated in cenospheres as the amorphous phase, which is consistent with results from XRD. Another possible explanation could be that both components act more like catalysts or inhibitors – their existence during the combustion process is influential but they do not become a part of the cenosphere structure. 5. Raman spectroscopy Micro-Raman spectroscopy was performed on several particles taken from samples D00Pcen (sample with low yield of cenospheres) and D03Rcen (sample with high yield of cenospheres). As a result, pictures of the analyzed particles and corresponding Raman spectra are presented in Figures 61-74. The studied particles are always spotted in the center of each image. The analyzed area of each particle is of the order of 1 square micron. As can be observed, different spectra were obtained for the same cenosphere samples, revealing a high inhomogeneity of the samples. Samples are mainly amorphous, because there are few sharp -1 peaks but plenty of broad bands instead. Broad bands at about 460 cm indicate silica glass (Rruff Database of Raman spectra, 2014) and if they have a sharp finish, like in Figures 66 and 70, it indicates the presence of the crystalline quartz (Rruff Database of Raman spectra, 2014). The patterns presented in Figures 64 and 68 show bands due to carbon black (bands at ~1330 and ~1590 cm-1). Both patterns are taken from sample D00Pcen, which is the sample with very low yield of cenospheres. Raman spectroscopy confirms the occurrence of quartz and calcite in the investigated samples (Rruff Database of Raman spectra, 2014). On the other hand, the author was not able to confirm the presence of mullite, which was previously indicated by XRD measurement. Instead, particles containing other minerals were observed but could not be identified. 58 Sample D00Pcen A (figure 61) Major peaks (figure 62): 1) Broad peak at ~467 cm -1 – Silicate glass 2) Peak at 1085 cm-1 - Calcite 40 µm Figure 61. Sample D00Pcen fragment A 27000 25000 Intensity 23000 21000 19000 17000 15000 102 284 462 636 808 976 1,140 1,302 1,460 1,615 1,768 -1 Raman shift [cm ] Figure 62. Raman spectrum for sample D00Pcen fragment A Sample D00Pcen B (figure 63) Major peaks (figure 64): -1 1) Peak at 267 cm - crystalline Quartz -1 2) Peak at 457 cm – crystalline Quartz -1 3) Peak at 1083 cm - Calcite -1 4) Peak at 1327 cm - Carbon black -1 5) Peak at 1592 cm - Carbon black 40 µm Figure 63. Sample D00Pcen fragment B 59 20000 18000 Intensity 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 102 284 462 636 808 976 1140 1302 1460 1615 1768 Figure 64. Raman spectrum for sample D00Pcen fragment B Sample D00Pcen C (figure 65) Major peaks (figure 66): 1) Peak at 457 cm-1 – crystalline Quartz -1 2) Peak at 1085 cm - Calcite 40 µm Figure 65. Sample D00Pcen fragment C 8000 7000 Intensity 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 102 284 462 636 808 976 1140 1302 1460 1615 1768 Raman shift [cm-1] Figure 66. Raman spectrum for sample D00Pcen fragment C 60 Sample D00Pcen D (figure 67) Major peaks (figure 68): -1 1) Peak at 267 cm - crystalline Quartz -1 2) Peak at 1083 cm - Calcite 3) Peak at 1342 cm-1 - Carbon black -1 4) Peak at 1592 cm - Carbon black 40 µm Figure 67. Sample D00Pcen fragment D 25000 23000 21000 Intensity 19000 17000 15000 13000 11000 9000 7000 102 284 462 636 808 976 1140 1302 1460 1615 1768 Figure 68. Raman spectrum for sample D00Pcen fragment D Sample D03Rcen A (figure 69) Major peaks (figure 70): 1) Broad band plus peak at ~ 458 cm-1 – mixture of silicate glass with crystalline Quartz. 40 µm Figure 69. Sample D03Rcen fragment A 61 8000 7000 Intensity 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 102 284 462 636 808 976 1,140 1,302 1,460 1,615 1,768 Figure 70. Raman spectrum for sample D03Rcen fragment A Sample D03Rcen B (figure 71) Major peaks (figure 72): 1) Broad band plus small peak at ~ 455 cm -1 – mixture of silicate glass with small amount of crystalline Quartz. 40 µm Figure 71. Sample D03Rcen fragment B 62 12000 11000 10000 9000 Intensity 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 102 284 462 636 808 976 1,140 1,302 1,460 1,615 1,768 Figure 72. Raman spectrum for sample D03Rcen fragment B Sample D03Rcen C (figure 73) Major peaks (figure 74): -1 1) Broad band plus peak at ~ 458 cm – mixture of silicate glass with crystalline Quartz. 40 µm Figure 73. Sample D03Rcen fragment C 25000 Intensity 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 102 284 462 636 808 976 1140 1302 1460 1615 1768 Figure 74. Raman spectrum for sample D03Rcen fragment C 63 6. Viscosity Viscosity of fly ash was calculated using the data from Table 10 and equations [2.1]-[2.9]. The results are presented in Table 11 (for three different temperatures) and in Figure 75. Oxide compositions of four fly ash samples was calculated from EDS results, summarized in Table 6. Viscosity is indeed higher for two of the samples with higher cenosphere content, as was expected. However, the correlation is not linear because sample D07P reveals a viscosity near twice as high as sample D03R, whereas regarding content of cenospheres, it is almost the opposite. From Tables 10 and 11, it looks like Na2O and SiO2 content increases the melt viscosity while CaO content, in opposite, brings about its decrease. This is expected only in the case of CaO and SiO2, because, according to Shelby (Shelby J.E., 1997), sodium itself causes a higher decrease in melt viscosity than calcium. Most probably the influence of calcium is much more visible than the influence of sodium, because the former has significantly higher content in the examined material (Kim & Sohn, 2012). Despite that, the major component that influences viscosity is obviously silica, which is also widely used in glass industry (Shelby, 1997). Also Vassilev (Vassilev S. T., 2004) points out, that a higher content of quartz and cristobalite (both comprised of Si) can be found in samples with higher cenosphere yield. The same is also visible in Table 11, however the correlation disclosed is not linear. When looking at the figure 75, it seems that results for sample D07P are strongly distorted by some unknown factors. It must be kept in mind, that viscosity calculations presented below are just a rough approximation. Moreover, they are based on oxide composition recalculated from EDS elementary analysis, which was performed on the limited area of the sample and thus may be burdened with some inaccuracy. Summing up, there are wide possibilities for deviations to occur in this analysis. Thus it would be beneficial to perform precise laboratory viscosity measurements, since viscosity is an important factor regarding cenosphere formation. 45000.00 40000.00 Viscosity [Pa s] 35000.00 30000.00 D00P 25000.00 D02R 20000.00 D03R 15000.00 D07P 10000.00 5000.00 1100 1140 1180 1220 1260 1300 1340 1380 1420 1460 1500 1540 1580 1620 1660 1700 1740 1780 1820 1860 1900 0.00 O Temp. [ C] Figure 75. Viscosity in function of temperature for four samples of fly ash with different cenospheres content. 64 Table 11. Comparison of viscosities for four fly ash samples for distinctive temperatures. Sample: Fraction <1g/cm3 [%] Temperature [OC] 1000 1200 1500 D00P D02R 0.2 43 132 2048 73 D07P 0.4 1 Viscosity [Pa s] 36 075 258 818 1687 7979 64 193 D03R 1.9 70 644 2866 93 7. Mineral matter transformation To figure out, which crystalline phases can be found in the final product of transformation of aluminosilicate material (here: fly ash), phase diagrams can be employed. The example of binary diagram for system SiO2 – Al 2O3 is presented in Figure 76. Figure 76. Binary phase diagram for SiO2 -Al2O3 system with relevant regions (Ernest M., 1985). From oxide composition for cenospheres presented in Table 9, we know that SiO2 content varies from 49.49% to 60.45% and content of Al2O3 varies from 23.2% to 28.3% depending on the sample. Corresponding regions are depicted in Figure 76. The difference between the two regions is related with the other oxides present in the composition. Nevertheless, as indicated, two main minerals can occur in these compositional ranges: mullite and quartz (SiO2). This is consistent with the results obtained in XRD. It is also interesting to take a look at different phase diagrams, for example SiO2 – Al2O3 – CaO system ternary diagram (Figure 77). Once again, the region corresponding to cenosphere composition of SiO2 and Al 2O3, as given in Table 9, was depicted. According to this graph, we could expect occurrence of Anorthite which would form at about 1600 OC (eutectic point). However XRD analysis did not reveal the existence of this particular crystalline form. The same is true for other possible minerals like Nepheline, Corundum, 65 Magnetite, Sillimanite, Ferrosillite, Brucite and Mayenite, which can be observed in other ternary phase diagrams with the oxides present in the composition. Eutectic point for Anorthite: CaO.Al2O3.SiO2 Figure 77. System SiO2 – Al2O3 – CaO on ternary phase diagram (Ernest M., 1985). Regarding the temperature of crystallization, it varies from about 1000 OC to about 1600 OC for different considered minerals, with exception of Quartz which can undergo crystallization O O between 400 C –1000 C (Vassilev, Baxter, & Vassileva, 2013). XRD and Raman analysis detected additionally occurrence of Calcite in some samples. Its formation, in turn, requires Lime (CaO), which therefore must also exist in cenospheres. Lime crystallization temperature O O can vary between 200 C – 1300 C (Vassilev, Baxter, & Vassileva, 2013). The melt during quenching must slip over the mentioned temperatures very quickly, in order to avoid crystallization process. According to Okada (Okada, 2008), in all glasses containing calcium, O glass transformation temperature Tg is always 100 – 200 C lower than crystallization O temperature, while for pure SiO2-Al2O3 glasses, this is only 50 C. From TGA and DTA curves presented by Vassilev (Vassilev S. T., 2004) it may be seen that glass transformation temperature for cenospheres is between Tg = 600 – 800 O C. At the same time, Shelby 66 (Shelby, 1997) indicates that typical glass transformation temperature for soda-lime-silicate O glasses is close to 600 C. From figure 76 we see that mullite formation occurs at temperature O about 1600 C, but the addition of calcium (fig.77) can decrease this temperature down to O 1400 C, which is in the expected region for cenosphere formation. 8. The analysis of combustion process There are many parameters being measured by a power plant during its operation, such as temperature and pressure distribution in the boiler, the amount of primary and secondary air delivered to the combustion process, parameters of exhaust gases and many others. Figures 78-79 present temperatures of exhaust gases gauged by power plant. Figure 78 depicts temperature measured just after bulkhead superheater on the left side, while figure 79 depicts temperature measured after bulkhead superheater on the right side. Both temperatures are significantly different due to the boiler asymmetry. The measurement time corresponds to the time when cenospheres were being collected from the ESP. As far as results are concerned, we can clearly see that the experimental points are divided into two groups, which lay in two different temperature regions. The higher temperature in most cases is correlated with lower cenosphere yield while the lower temperature is correlated with a higher yield. As it can be seen in Figure 80, the change in temperature is directly derived from the changing output power of the generator. Only the result for the sample containing 0.8% of cenospheres is not consistent with the overall trend. Nevertheless, obtained outcomes indicate that temperature in this region of boiler is relevant for cenosphere formation. Moreover, this temperature region is suitable for the glass solidification process. Thus, based on Figures 78-89 it may be concluded, that temperature after bulkhead superheater should not exceed roughly 700 OC in order to favor cenosphere formation. 800 780 760 740 o [ C] 720 700 680 660 0 0.5 [%] 1 1.5 2 Figure 78. Exhaust gases temperature after bulkhead superheater - left side vs. Yield of cenospheres [%]. 67 850 800 750 [oC] 700 650 600 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 [%] Figure 79 Exhaust gases temperature after bulkhead superheater - right side vs. Yield of cenospheres [%]. Temperatures presented in Figures 78-79 were measured in a significant distance from the burning zone and, because they are correlated with the generated power, depend on the amount of fuel delivered to the boiler. However, this parameter does not provide information about temperature in the burning zone itself, because it depends mainly on the content of oxygen delivered to the combustion process. Regarding that, author was not able to find any reliable correlation between cenosphere yield and conditions in the burning zone. Nevertheless, we can make a hypothesis that, in the burning zone, temperature favorable for cenosphere formation should be high, in contrast with the upper part of the boiler. That is mainly because the major component of glassy cenospheres – Silica – has a very high melting temperature. Despite the fact, that this temperature is reduced by addition of modifiers such as Na2O or CaO (Shelby, 1997), having a higher temperature in the burning zone should result in more melted Silica. Finally, it should be stressed that the 10 samples investigated in this work, is not enough to find more reliable correlations between combustion parameters and yield of cenospheres, thus further research in this area is required. 68 [oC] 900 [MW] 140 800 120 700 100 600 500 80 400 60 300 40 200 20 100 0 Exhaust gases temperature after bulkhead superheater - left side Exhaust gases temperature after bulkhead superheater - right side Power curve [MW] 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 1.9 Cenospheres yield [%] Figure 80. Exhaust gases temperatures after bulkhead superheater (left side and right side) and power produced by the generator [MW], as a function of cenospheres yield [%] As it was confirmed previously, the examined material has a mixed amorphous and crystalline structure. From glass formation principles (Shelby J.E., 1997), it is known that, in order to obtain an amorphous structure and avoid crystallization, the melt must be quenched quickly enough. Glass transformation temperature for cenospheres should be lower than about Tg = 800 O C (Vassilev S.T., 2004) (Shelby J.E., 1997). On the other hand, the range of O O temperatures in the boiler is quite wide – from 130 C to almost 2100 C. Therefore, if we O could find a path where fly ash particles slip from temperature of about 1500 C - maximum temperature for cenosphere formation (Karr C., 1979) - to temperatures below 800 OC, we could expect high cenosphere formation in that region. From Figures 7, 8 and 11 it can be noticed that along the boiler height, particles are subjected to very fast temperature change. Particle residence time in a combustion chamber is lower than 2 s (Tomeczek J., 1994) and during this time, they have to overcome the distance of about 30 m which results in quite fast quenching indeed. From Figures 78 and 79, it may seen, that temperature of exhaust gas after bulkhead superheater (fig.11) can be close to about 700 OC. Furthermore, the lower the temperature in this region is, the more cenospheres are produced, which indicates that particles can indeed be formed in this area. Another possibility is that fast quenching can also occur very close to the boiler walls, which are comprised of pipes with water and temperatures O lower than 500 C. In this case we could say that most rapid change in temperature would occur in the horizontal direction. However, this is also the main area of boiler slagging, and thus many cenospheres can end up trapped in ash deposit that is sticked to the boiler walls. Also, it should be kept in mind that cenospheres are not pure glass – they are also comprised of different crystalline phases. Therefore, we cannot expect the ideal glass-forming conditions inside the pulverized coal boiler. 69 IV. CONCLUSIONS & FUTURE INVESTIGATION 1. Conclusions Results disclosed a strong disproportion in the content of cenospheres among the different fly ash samples. This gives the possibility to study them in order to find any factors, which could promote the yield of cenospheres from coal combustion process. In terms of size and shape, cenospheres present spherical shape with diameters from about 8 to 1000 µm. The smaller particles are mostly transparent, while the larger particles are mostly opaque and have different hues. The structure of cenospheres turned out to be mainly amorphous, with the occurrence of crystalline phases such as Mullite and Quartz. This indicates the occurrence of glass formation process inside the pulverized coal combustion boiler. High viscosity, required in glass formation, comes from cenospheres major component – silica, while good mechanical strength of cenospheres is a result of high alumina content. Cenospheres contained about 2527% of alumina, which is high in comparison to typical glass. From glass formation principles, it is known, that to form an amorphous phase, fast quenching of the melt is a very important factor. From the data obtained in work, it can be derived that cenospheres are, most probably, formed in specific regions of the boiler, where temperature decreases rapidly from about 1500 O O C, to temperature below 800 C. In terms of boiler OP-430, this can presumably occur either in horizontal position – along the furnace height, or in the vertical position – close to the boiler walls. In the temperature zone higher than 1500 OC, gas pressure inside the cenosphereforming melt, can be too high to maintain spherical shape of the forming particle. Also, O temperatures lower than about 700 C in the region above bulkhead superheater, seem to be favorable when cenosphere yield is concerned. Based on EDS and XRF data, a correlation between cenosphere yield and the amount of sodium and calcium was observed. A higher amount of calcium in some samples may lead to a decrease in viscosity, which is not beneficial for the glass formation process. In these samples, the yield of cenospheres turned out to be lower. It is more difficult to explain the positive influence of sodium. One possible explanation is that sodium can act as a chlorine carrier (in sodium chloride NaCl) and chlorine itself can increase melt viscosity under certain conditions. Another possibility is that chlorine increases viscosity especially in the melts containing sodium, which in a consequence give a correlation between sodium and the content of cenospheres in fly ash. Finally, sodium chloride is a compound which can be released during melting process in the favorable temperature range, and therefore it may play role in inflating cenospheres. 2. Future work This investigation was meant to shed some light onto the cenosphere formation process during pulverized coal combustion. However, this task is quite complex and should be an object of further investigation. To do this, the author suggests performing laboratory experiments of controlled coal combustion. Small amounts of fuel should be heated to different O temperatures from between T = 1400 – 1600 C and afterwards cooled down to temperature 70 O below 800 C with different cooling rates. Coal chemical composition should be determined, especially in terms of silicon, aluminum, sodium, calcium and sodium chloride content. Chlorine alone can be added to melts with different content of sodium and calcium, to confirm or exclude its influence. Then, from each experiment, cenospheres should be separated 3 (considering also particles with density between 1 – 2 g/cm ) and quantified. Furthermore, it would be beneficial to perform laboratory high temperature viscosity measurements for all fly ashes. Regarding cenospheres, it would be interesting to study their size distribution, using dynamic light scattering and to study their porosity using BET. For industrial cenosphere production to be considered by a power plant, the most important parameter is cenosphere yield. In order to enhance it, power plant may employ statistical approach like Taguchi methods. By changing one parameter and keep other fixed, this method allows to find out the best production plan at comparatively low cost of the method itself. The parameters that can be most interesting in case of cenospheres production, are : - The amount of air delivered to combustion process, because general temperature of combustion depends on it. Furthermore, air distribution between main burners and auxiliary nozzles (air staging) can be subjected to changes. - Fuel load, as it is the main factor responsible for the power output and, therefore, temperature in the upper parts of the boiler. - Various types of coal with different composition. As this work stated, the content of silicon, calcium or sodium influences cenospheres yield. After each particular change, obviously the effect must be measured, which means cenospheres have to be separated from the corresponding fly ash. Again, it would be 3 beneficial to make separation of all particles with density lower than 2 g/cm to obtain the real content of produced cenospheres. 71 References Ahmaruzzaman, M. (2010). A review on the utilization of fly ash. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 36 , 327-363. Baasner, A., Schmidt, B., & Webb, S. L. (2013). The effect of chlorine, fluorine and water on the viscosity of aluminosilicate melts. Chemical Geology 357 , 134-149. 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