WA State Auditors Office Update - HFMA WA
WA State Auditors Office Update - HFMA WA
Washington State Auditor’s Office Update Healthcare Financial Management Association Washington-Alaska Chapter Lynnwood Convention Center November 16, 2015 Deborah Pennick Hospital District Program Manager Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e SAO update 2014 Snapshot: Local Government Audits 2014 Hospital Audit Overview SAO Perception Survey Local Government Performance Center Emerging Issues Audit Dispute Resolution Local Audit Billing Rate Adjustment Public Records Study State Auditor Stewardship Award Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 2 2014 Snapshot: Local Government Audits Local governments audited annually: 2014 1,391 2013 1,314 Management letters issued: 2014 236 2013 263 Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 3 2014 highlights Lack of internal controls in key financial systems accounts for 42% of all audit exceptions Declining financial condition continues to jeopardize financial stability due to rising costs and constrained revenues 56 misappropriation investigations totaling $682,000 – largest cases - theft of cash receipts and fuel and personal use of credit cards Continued struggles with federal grant compliance – problems in 15% of federal audit reports published New SAO resources and tools on our Local Government Performance Center webpages To view the reports, findings and resources or subscribe to our service go to: www.sao.wa.gov Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 4 2014 Snapshot: Hospital comparison Reports issued by type of audit 2014 Local governments audited annually: All Hospital 1,391 44 Management letters issued: All Hospital 236 19 Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e All Hospital 1,321 43 Financial & Federal 450 3 Financial 407 14 Special 46 0 Investigations 13 0 2,237 60 Accountability Total: Findings issued by type of audit All Hospital Federal 85 1 Financial 70 3 Accountability 93 6 5 Number of exceptions by category Area of Issue Exceptions All Hospital Area of Issue Exceptions All Hospital Accounting/Financial Reporting Grants (Federal) Cash Receipting Disbursements/Expenditures Procurement/Bid/Prevailing Wage Safeguarding of Assets/Property Payroll/Personnel Miscellaneous Open Public Meeting/Record Billings/Receivables Apportionment (Transportation) Contracts/Agreements Financial Condition Restricted Funds ASB (Legal Compliance) Apportionment (Staff Mix) Apportionment (Enrollment) Interfund Transactions/Balances 796 435 360 249 191 184 179 133 104 100 95 91 87 55 53 45 35 34 21 19 17 17 14 14 12 9 9 8 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,377 164 38 8 25 20 13 8 13 2 6 9 0 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 Gift of Public Funds IT Controls Insurance/Risk Management Investments/Deposits Conflict of Interest/Ethics Grants (State/Local) Misappropriation Surplus Property Taxes/Assessments Budget Compliance Donations/Fundraising Misuse/Abuse Debt/Covenants Danger to Public Health/Safety Police/Jail (Legal Compliance) Authority Courts (Legal Compliance) Note: *Exceptions include all findings, management letters and exit items. Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e Grand Total 6 Hospital findings and management letter by category 2014 Finding Management Letter Financial Condition 4 4 Accounting/Financial Reporting 3 4 Procurement/Bid/Prevailing Wage 1 4 Payroll/Personnel 1 2 Grants (Federal) 1 0 Cash Receipting - 1 Contracts/Agreements - 1 Billing/Receivables - 1 Misc. – Policy Compliance - 1 10 19 Area of issue Totals: Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 7 SAO perception survey results & insights Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 8 Local Government Performance Center The Center’s mission is to provide non-audit services and resources to help local governments deliver better results. An online resource center with tools and examples. Training on how to improve government services. Customized technical assistance (on request and within available resources). The Center is funded through the 2005 voter approved Initiative 900. There is no charge to governments. Improved government performance: A shared goal Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 9 Local Government Performance Center Examples of what LGPC does: 1. Use information from local financial audits Assess financial condition of local governments state-wide. Create tools from common audit findings and management letters. 2. Performance measure training and assessments Training on performance measures plus auditor assessments of how local governments use performance data and ways they can improve. 3. Demystifying tools like “Lean management” Training like the “Lean Academy” plus creating a peer-support network to help governments learn and use process improvement methods to develop faster, cheaper delivery systems. Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 10 Example: Use information from local audits Type Acting outside of audit authority Annual reporting Bid law Conflict of interest Contracts Cost allocation Financial condition Gift of public funds Interfund transactions Internal controls – significant accounting systems Loss reporting Restricted funds Safeguarding of assets Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e Number of Findings Number of Management Letters Significant Audit Area 7 1 25 8 5 4 25 1 8 8 6 57 4 13 54 34 3 5 Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 62 177 Yes 1 2 12 5 5 25 Yes Yes No 11 Example: Use information from local audits Progress Report: Local Government Financial Health Summary audit findings and management letters 57 local government showed indicators between November 2012 and May 2014 3.1 percent of audited governments showed indicators during audits of 2012 financial statements Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 12 Example: Use information from local audits The most commonly found indicators of declining financial condition . Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 13 Example: Use information from local audits What Local government financial health indicator library, data, & guidance User defined dashboards with indicators & data that are most important to them Benchmarking financial health against other entities selected by the user Who Responsive Design | Visualization | Easy-to-Use Trusted & Accurate | Data Clearinghouse Communication Between Entities & Agencies Educational | Financial & Non-Financial Data Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e All types of local government entities Accounting basis – GAAP & Cash All types of user roles – elected officials, finance officers, state agencies, etc. Eventual public access Why Enable local governments to assess their own financial health proactively Provide actionable information to local government policymakers Trend analysis and future forecasting 14 Example: Use information from local audits Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 15 Collaboration with MRSC Public Records Act/Open Public Meetings Act resources Local Government Contracting Portal IT Security resources/training Government Performance Consortium Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 16 Collaboration with MRSC Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 17 Audit Dispute Resolution - Website Access Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 18 Audit Dispute Resolution Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 19 Local audit billing rate change Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 20 Public Records Study • Legislative request • State and Local Governments will not be billed (performance audit funded) • Survey of all entities with some follow up for some entities • Publish Fall 2016 Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 21 Stewardship Award Recognizes outstanding accomplishments Acknowledges governments that share our goal of government that works better, costs less, and earns greater public trust Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 22 Auditor’s Office Contacts Jan Jutte, CPA Acting State Auditor (360) 902-0360 [email protected] Kelly Collins, CPA Director of Local Audit (360) 902-0091 [email protected] Sheri Sawyer Deputy Director of Local Gov’t Services (360) 902-0364 [email protected] Deborah Pennick, CPA Hospital District Program Manager (509) 334-5825 [email protected] Wa s h i n g to n S ta te A u d i t o r ’s O f f i c e 23