Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church DeLand, Florida


Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church DeLand, Florida
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church
DeLand, Florida
“He lives triumphant from the grave;
He lives eternally to save;
He lives exalted, throned above;
He lives to rule his church in love.
(ELW #619)
Do you feel the joy of that assurance?
The first disciples were transformed from quivering, fearful uncertainty to joyous, full-of-hope
witnesses to the seemingly impossible. They had seen the risen, living Lord! Their lives, and the world,
were changed forever. For them and us, it means there is life after death. What was broken is now
We were blessed here at Faith by several guests in worship on the Resurrection of our Lord. Our
average weekly attendance increased by over 50 per cent! By most accounts, they experienced joy and
excitement. I saw no grumpy, dissatisfied expressions afterward. Our baptismal, vocational calling is to
carry forth that sense of wonder, hope and joy to all people and places. Our worship, our educational
events, and the outreach we do, will be opportunities to include our newer faces. I see such vibrancy in
these new brothers and sisters in our family of Faith! Living out our faith in our community can be as
simple as leaving a church card for the restaurant server; saying “hope your day is blessed” to the grocery check-out person or bank teller; or “sharing”
our church Facebook page with friends.
We can rely on God’s Word to empower us
in our witness. Hearts will be transformed, lives
changed (John 6:63). The church will prevail
(Matthew 16:18). The God who resurrected our
Lord is working through us (Romans 8:11). Jesus seeks and saves the lost (Luke 19:10).
Cause people to ask you to explain the hope that
is in you (I Peter 3:13-16).
May the living Lord be seen on your face
and heard in your voice.
I’ll see you in church during this joyful
Notes from the Pastor
Council Highlights & Birthdays
Dinners & Banquets
Worship Assistant Schedule
May Calendar
New Members
National Day of Prayer
Just For Kids
Money Matters
Prayer Chain
Pastor Art
Sponsors / Comics
From April 10 Meeting
May 1: Ingrid DeSellems
May 4: Marion Barfett
Peggy Sherman
May 5: D.J. Griffiths
May 6: Walter Peterson
May 7: Isaac Tonjes
May 8: John Ruhff
Pamela Swanto
Daniel Wolbert
May 9: Amber Wheeler
1. Sherry Holzman has accepted the position of Administrator of Children's House Montessori School and will
officially start July 1st, as Dora Mallett will start her
well-deserved retirement at the end of this school
May 11:
May 15:
May 21:
May 24:
May 27:
May 28:
Joshua Erickson
Carl Kaiser
Dorothy Pomeroy
Debbie Wuertz
John Boatman
Rebecca Hodges
Alfred Policke
May 30: Donald Lundquist
2. Bobby Hughes, Wayne and Mary Lou Struble's son-inlaw, donated the tile at the entrance of the church.
Donnie Jasch repainted the cross at the entrance of
the church. Thank both of you very much. It looks
3. May 8th is the Mother/Daughter Banquet. Tickets are
available to buy now.
4. May 16th--Spaghetti Dinner is being held as a fund
raiser to help the church pay it's bills. $8 a ticket, $20
for a family, and $6 for children under 6. Food will be
served from 5-7PM, with take outs available.
5. June 1st--Church picnic and service at Deleon Springs
at 9:30AM. Be there early as the park will not admit
anyone once the park is full. Fun and games are being
6. June 12th-- Father/Son Banquet is being planned.
Located in the basement of the
First United Methodist Church
7. June 23-27--Vacation Bible School
of DeLand
8. June 29th--Ice Cream Social.
We serve on the second Tuesday of each month. This is
a great opportunity for a group, club, or family to serve
the community. There is no financial commitment necessary; simply a gift of time and service. The entrees for
these meals are provided, but salads, side dishes, and
desserts are always appreciated.
9. There will be one service during the summer at
10. The choir for the 11 o'clock service has been disbanded for now. There will still be special music.
11. We are looking for people who would be interested in
visiting the sick and shut-ins. If you are interested, get
in touch with Nancy Dascher.
Our next turn is
Tuesday, May 13 at 5:30pm.
May God Bless Each and Everyone of You.
If you would like to serve, please call
Craig Parrillo at 717-4321.
Submitted by Helen Martin, Council Secretary
Sunday, June 1
Worship at 9:30 / Picnic at 10:45
The park closes the gates when it reaches capacity, so get
there early to be sure to get in!
There will also be a 9:30 worship service at the church for
those unable to attend at the park.
$8 Adults
$6 Children 6 & under
509 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
DeLand, FL
Altar guild:
Ruth Erickson, Jennifer Graesart, Allison Groover, Jean Cornwell
Audio / Video Crew:
Don Boyer, Craig Parrillo, Tiernan Sutton, Zenan Sutton, Justin Folsom
9:00 John Toenjes
May 4
11:00 Nancy Dascher
9:00 Wayne Struble
May 11
11:00 Amy Jecks
9:00 Cornelia Policke
May 18
11:00 Bob DeGaetano
9:00 Pam Swanto
May 25
11:00 Doris Candalino
Communion Assistants
9:00 Bob Bebee
Helen Martin
Dorothy Caldwell
11:00 Nancy Dascher
Janice Cornwell
9:00 Debbie Wuertz
9:00 Walter Peterson
Mannie Peterson
11:00 Debbie Wuertz
11:00 Paul Dascher
Brayden Dailey
9:00 Cornelia Policke
Khristine Sholtis
Dorothy Caldwell
11:00 Debbie Wuertz
Amy Jecks
9:00 Wayne Struble
9:00 Danny Stewart
Marianne Stewart
11:00 Debbie Wuertz
11:00 Joyce Parrillo
Don Gooden
9:00 Cornelia Policke
Khristine Sholtis
Dorothy Caldwell
11:00 Brayden Dailey
Bob DeGaetano
9:00 Dorothy Caldwell
9:00 Wayne Struble
Mary Lou Struble
11:00 Brayden Dailey
11:00 Carl Kaiser
Debbie Wuertz
9:00 Pam Swanto
Ray Morris
Dorothy Caldwell
11:00 Dorothy Caldwell
Debby Boyer
9:00 Pam Swanto
9:00 Bob Bebee
Bob Kronk
11:00 Debby Boyer
11:00 John Herman
Richard Hoel
Giving the worship folders by making a
donation of $20 is a great way to celebrate
or commemorate a special occasion such
as a birthday, anniversary, retirement, or
promotion! You can also give the
Sanctuary Candle by making
a donation of $30. You can
find envelopes designed
especially for this purpose in
the Communication Center at the
rear of the Sanctuary, or simply make your
donation and call the office with your
commemoration. You can also make your
donation and commemoration online using
your credit or debit card.
To all our awesome volunteers! You rock!
Rebecca Circle
GS-FL 10:00am
2 Worship Services
9:00 Contemporary
11:00 Traditional
2 FELC Day at
Pastor Art’s
Devotions at
GS-FL 9:00am
Mother &
Banquet 6:00pm
2 Worship Services
9:00 Contemporary
11:00 Traditional
Deadline for
Spaghetti Money
2 Worship Services
9:00 Contemporary
11:00 Traditional
2 Worship Services
9:00 Contemporary
11:00 Traditional
The Second Sunday of every month is
Faith’s Outreach Ministry will be
continuing our partnership with
St Barnabas to help their
Faith at Work
Food Pantry!
On the second Sunday of each
month, everyone is asked to
bring a specific non-perishable
food item the pantry needs.
On May 11
Please Bring:
To the newest members of
our church family!
Brenda Bayer (Brianna, 13; Clorissa, 11),
1187 Heidi Ct., DeLand 32720
They have been attending for one and a half
years since moving here from NY. Brenda is
the coordinator for Deltona’s “Meals on
Wheels” program. They have been enthusiastic participants in all family events.
This quarter we are collecting items for
Baby Care Kits (Layettes)
Two lightweight cotton t-shirts
Two long- or short-sleeved gowns or sleepers (without
Two receiving blankets, medium-weight cotton or flannel, or crocheted or knitted with lightweight yarn, up to
52” square
Four cloth diapers, flat fold preferred
One jacket, sweater or sweatshirt with a hood, or include
a baby cap
Two pairs of socks
One hand towel, dark color recommended
Two bath-size bars (4 to 5 oz.) of gentle soap, in original
Two diaper pins or large safety pins
Richard Harris (Sean, 17; Ian, 12)
Along with wife-mother Judy Swiatosz, they
have been attending our church actively for
over two years. They have been members of
St. Peter Catholic Church, but find our smaller
church to be much more open and friendly.
Richard works for the Water Management District. Sean has been in our 9:00 Praise Ensemble playing guitar, bass and percussion.
He will graduate from DeLand High School
next month. They came to us by invitation of
the Tonjes family. They have been serving at
Interfaith Kitchen, walking in the CROP Walk,
and helping out around the church property.
Thank you! Please bring these items to the church
office or mark them for LWR kits and leave in the church
If you have a business or service you would like to include in
the new Faith Lutheran Business Directory, please pick up a
submission form in the Communication Center, or submit
online at
Discounts and/or freebies to members are not necessary, but
are of course appreciated!
Justin serves on our Church Council.
Sean Harris serves in our 9:00 Praise Ensemble.
Both have attended Music Week at Lutheridge.
We wish them both God’s blessings!
“No one can believe how powerful prayer is and what it can effect, except those who have learned it by
experience. Whenever I have prayed earnestly, I have been heard and have obtained more than I prayed
for. God sometimes delays, but He always comes.”
- Martin Luther
May 2nd is pizza and movie night from
6:30-8:30 p.m. This month the movie is
Any youth or adults wanting to play
miniature golf are invited to join us on
Sunday, May 18th at 2:00pm, at Family
Fun Town, 17-92, Orange City.
The National Day of Prayer is celebrated by Americans of
many religions, including Christians of many denominations,
including Protestants and Catholics, as well as Sikhs, Muslims,
Hindus, and Jews, reflecting the demographics of the United
States. On the National Day of Prayer, many Americans assemble in prayer in front of courthouses, as well as in houses
of worship, such as churches, mosques, synagogues, and temples. Luncheons, picnics, and music performances revolving
around praying for the nation are also popular observances.
Traditionally, the President of the United States issues an official National Day of Prayer proclamation each year as well..
Mother-Daughter dinner is May 8th, 6:00
p.m. If you are a mother or daughter,
come for dinner. If you are a son or father, you may be needed to help serve.
Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11th.
Fellowship breakfast is Saturday, May 10 th at 8:30
If you are selling tickets for the
spaghetti dinner, we need your
money turned in by Wednesday,
May 14th, so we can finish shopping on Thursday. The spaghetti
dinner is Friday, May 16th, 5 – 7
p.m. Takeouts will be available
beginning at 4:30 p.m. This event is not only important to us as a needed fundraiser but also
serves as a way to get visitors into our church.
On April 17, 1952, President Harry S. Truman signed a bill proclaiming a National Day of Prayer must be declared by each
following president at an appropriate date of his choice. In
1982 a conservative evangelical Christian organization called
the "National Prayer Committee" was formed to coordinate
and implement a fixed annual day of prayer for the purpose
of organizing evangelical Christian prayer events with local,
state, and federal government entities. In his 1983 declaration, Ronald Reagan said, "From General Washington's struggle at Valley Forge to the present, this Nation has fervently
sought and received divine guidance as it pursued the course
of history. This occasion provides our Nation with an opportunity to further recognize the source of our blessings, and to
seek His help for the challenges we face today and in the future."
Registration for Vacation Bible
School opens May 1st – June 20th
at the church or on line. Registration fee is $5, and this year Bible
School will from Monday, June 23rd
thru Friday, June 27th, at the Florida
Lutheran Retirement Center.
Mark your calendar for June 1st,
and come to our church picnic at
Deleon Springs. Come early as the
park closes when full. Church service
is 9:30 a.m. with picnic, games and
swimming to follow.
In 1988, the law was amended so that the National Day of
Prayer would be held on the first Thursday of May. Two stated intentions of the National Day of Prayer were that it would
be a day when adherents of all great religions could unite in
prayer and that it may one day bring renewed respect for God
to all the peoples of the world.
More recently, the idea of an annual National Day of Prayer
was introduced by the Rev. Billy Graham, who suggested it in
the midst of a several-weeks crusade in the nation’s capitol.
Members of the House and Senate introduced a joint resolution for an annual National Day of Prayer, "on which the people of the United States may turn to God in prayer and meditation at churches, in groups, and as individuals."
If you belong to or know of any group
that needs a meeting space, why not
suggest our facilities? It’s a WIN/WIN! It can lead to new
relationships forming, as well as helping our church out a
little financially. Please call the office at 386-734-2791 for
more information! Thank you!
Animals of the Bible Word Search
Find the words below in the diagram. They could be forward, backward, up,
down, or diagonal, but always in a straight line.
Attendance & offerings for the month of
April 2014
General &
Ministry Offerings
Memorial & Other
Pass-Thru Offerings
Building Fund
Weekly Totals
Apr 6
Apr 13
Apr 20
Apr 27
Total Monthly Offerings:
By Comparison: On this month in 2013
Weekly Average Attendance: 96
Total Monthly Offerings: $14,019.97
Month of April
All of 2014
General & Ministry Offerings
includes Regular and Loose
Tithe offerings, Stewardship,
and Sunday School offerings.
Capital Fund Offerings are included with Memorial
and other Pass-Thru Offerings
Thank you for all your support! Please
remember that Capital Fund donations
should be in addition to your regular tithe. We still need your
regular tithe in order to maintain day-to-day operations.
Bank Account Deduction:
 Use the convenient Electronic Funds
Transfer option and have your
offering automatically deducted
from your checking account.
 Never forget your check or offering
envelope again!
 You choose how often and how much
you give.
 Add fund splits for Building, Capital,
Lutheridge, etc.
On The Website
With Your Smartphone
 Visit the website at
 Upload the free QR code scanner app
at the Google Play Store.
 Click the Make A Donation link at the
left side of the page.
 Scan the QR code found on donation
cards, bulletins, and newsletters.
 All major credit cards accepted.
 All major credit cards accepted.
 Fund splits for Building, Capital,
Lutheridge, etc.
 Give a one-time gift, or set up
recurring donations.
Thank you to these and all members who allotted their
Thrivent Choice Dollars to Faith Lutheran Church!
Ana Anderson, George Sherman, Peggy Sherman
Intercessory prayer is one of the Christian’s most powerful tools. By lifting up those in need,
we bring them to the Lord for His healing hand, strength and comfort.
We pray for those who are chronically ill, that God
would be their daily companion and strength:
Laura Coe
Andrew Delio
Donna Doroban
Nina Eriksen
Linda Feiler
Gwen Mazur
JD Perkins
Paul Stroud
For those who are fighting cancer, that they will know
they are not alone in the battle:
Kitty Jones
Janet Persell
Peter Vrionides
Gary Cherwin
Curt Doroban
Bob Jordan
Natalia Mogar
Alfred Mueller
Isabelle Lee Pritchett
Gary Stoudt
John Zammit
Lloyd Zeller
Kerry Sholtis
Alice Bebee
Lance Borows
Marion Barfett
Jane Piper
Faith Eriksen
We rejoice with those who are recovering from injury
or illness:
Nina Eriksen
Doris Candalino
Wilma Ross
Gary DiFiore Ridolph
Robert Knight
Emily Snyder
Suzie Farris
For those who are shut in, that they will feel the Lord’s
constant presence:
Millie Glover
Dan Wilcox
Harold Watson
Wayne Struble
Lucille Eaton (FLHC)
Jerry Kimmel
Irma Milward (FLHC)
Doris Paskewitz (Cloisters)
Dick Woodring (FLHC)
Helen Long (FLHC)
For those in mourning, that God will comfort them:
We pray for those whose needs are known only to the
Karin Goranson
Cathy Buchner
Marilyn Snow
Heather and Preston Kinney
Carolyn Stevens
Dick Woodring
Dorothy Caldwell
Scarlet Valdez
The family of Evelyn Bennett
The family of Pastor Gerald Daniels
The family of Richard Peterson
The family of Johnny Withers
The family of Pat Murray
The family of Phyllis Simmons
The families of John and Mavis Bratt
The family of Doris Smith
The family of Dorothy Dedlow
The family of Rev Charles Burkey
We pray for the special concerns of our neighbors, our
community, our nation and our world:
Our men and women in the military
Habitat for Humanity
All people in war-torn nations
Storm victims
Rain for areas that need it
For our local, state and national leaders
For those in the grip of addiction to drugs and
alcohol and for their families
Email your prayer requests to
[email protected]
or contact Faith Eriksen at 736-1799.
Sharing Christ’s love, our mission is to extend hospitality, serve our community,
and spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
President: Rev Arthur Wuertz
Vice President: Wayne Struble
Council Secretary: Helen Martin
Julia Beckwith
Debby Boyer
Janice Cornwell
Nancy Dascher
Justin Folsom
Richard Hoel
Craig Parrillo
Carol Sutton
Pam Swanto
Sue Thurmond
Treasurer: Bob DeGaetano
Financial Secretary: Debby Boyer
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00am—5:00pm
Phone: (386) 734-2791
Fax: (386) 943-8758
[email protected]
Children’s House Montessori School:
Administrator: Dora Mallet
The Rev. Arthur Wuertz
Office Manager:
Julie Saylor
Music Director:
Deborah DeGaetano
Church Sexton:
Bob DeGaetano
Tiffany Robbins
Nursery Attendant:
Ruth Erickson
Sign up to be a worship assistant! Call the church
office for details, or look for the sign-up sheet in the
Fellowship Hall. Be part of the worship service as a
lector, Communion assistant, acolyte, or usher!
Open Fridays 8:00am-1:00pm
Located inside the Orange City Flea Market
Orange City
1015 S Volusia Ave.
If you have moved or changed any of your
contact information, including home phone,
cell phone, or email address within the last few
years, we may not have your current information.
Please call or email the church office, or fill out a yellow
Contact Information form and give it to Pastor Art or an
usher so we can update our records!
Visit us on the web!